THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. I \ TWfcLFTR OMAHA" NEB ThPRSDAY MORNING MAY 31 , 1883 295 S , P , lorse and Co , THIED WEEK , ONE SPECIAL FACT We wish to call the attention of the public to is : Independent of our large wholesale business , we are the Inrgest retail house west of Chicago ; we are thus en abled to purchase and handle ntn single transaction immense quan tities of merchandibe direct from the manufacturers , both in this country and Europe , oftentimes at n fearless loss to them. We have a resident buyer in Now York who visits European mar kets twice n year , with lull power from us td close out any desira ble lots of goods suited to our trade. The advantage we thus li ! hold to constantly place before the public the most unaccounta ble bargains in all classes of Dry Goods is very clear. We closed out last week one lot of 125 Silk Umbrellas , and we purchased the entire lot of a manufacturers stock of AHD IMCH Silk Umbrellas , double faced nnd extra heavy twilled Silk , suitable for ladies or gentlemen , which we will sell at $3.50 each , worth every cent of # 5.00 COTTON DEPARTMENT. Our stock in this department was bought at the present low price the lowest known for years. 3B-InohBLEACKD [ COTTONS 50 cases Maple Leaf , Fearless , Hercules , Cabot , bleached , G | cts ne.\er sold under 8 cts. 25 cases fam ly , half blenched Langdon , &c , at 9 cts , never sold under 12.V cts. 10 cases Pride nf West , Wam- suttaVauregan , New York mills , &c at 11 cts worth 12 cts nt wholesale. 3B-Incli cBROWH COTTONS , 10 bales Fearless fine close Brown Cotton at 5 cts a yerd. 25 bales Lake George and Windsor Brown Muslin at 5 cts. 20 bales Bennington , Sea Is land , Prescott , R. , &c. , yard wide at G 'i cts , worth 9 cts. 20 bales very best Standard brown , heavy and fine Cotton at 7 never sold under 9 cts a yard. WIDE BRW COTTON , 5 cases Pembroke 9-1 Brown 20 cts. never sold under 27 * cts. 5 cases Mohawk Valley 10-4 and Lockwood 9-1 both at 23 cts best value ever ottered in Brown Cotton. WIDE BLEACHED COTTONS 5 cases Mohawk valley 9-4 bleached , 25 cts. worth 30 cts. 5 cases New York nnd Wnm- sutta linen finish , duck woven 10-1 sheeting at 30 cts , the besl innde and worth 50 cts. On an nvernge our cotton goods are cheaper than cottons have been for the past twenty-five years. We open to-day from on wholesale reserve 250 piece ? ex trn fine , fast color printed Cottoi Lawns at 44ai . Per Yd 1 50 pieces best quality Cottoi Lawns 32 inches wide clegan designs at 8 1-3 cents , wholesnl price 15 cts. Our entire importation o IRISH LINEN LA > VNS , pur chased by our buyer in Uelfns this season and duties paid nt th Omaha Custom house , will b sold during this sale at 17 cts usual retail price everywhere 25 ElViBilOSDEi J 200 pieces Cambric Embroider , at 12.V cts , would bo cheap at 2 cts. 300 pieces wide and nnrro\ fine muslin Embroideries at 30 cts a yard , worth 50 to GO cts. S , P , Morse & Co S. P. & Co THIRD BLACK SELK DEPT. AS A Crowning Triumph , To the great sue cess which has let our efforts to place before lie ladies of Omaha ARGAINS AND VALUES n SILK GOODS which have urprised even our competitors , ve shall open in our Black Silk epartment to-day and Monday 200 Pieces -OF Alexander , Girauti & Oo.'s ' mm BLACK SILK , 24 INCHES WIDE , At prices which barely cover ho cost of manufacture and uties. 20 pieces Lyons Black Silk , a irst rate quality , at 75 cts. per ard. ard.We We will guarantee it n better lilk than cnn be purchased in Omaha for the money. Examine his Black Silk at 75 cts. before mying elsewhere. 15 pieces Lyons Black Silk , n 5plendid quality , at 87 cts. per ? nrd. Yon cannot match it in he west for less than 1.25. 11 pieces 22 inch Giraud :31ack : Silks at § 1.25 per yard. This Black Silk will be found UNACCOUNTABLY CHEAP. A small lot , 5 pieces , 21 inch } irnud Black Silks at $1.15 per yard , would be a bargain at 1.75. 15 pieces Alexander Girautls Cashmere sublime Black Silks , 22 inches wide , superb quality , it § 2 00 a yard , never seen be 'ore less than 2 75. 12 pieces An/oino Guinets and Alexander Ginuuls Cashmere sub lime Black Silks 22 and 25 incl wide , their very best quality , will be sold now for $2.10 u yard , tht finish , lustre and texture of these fabrics is simply perfect , they are regular 3.50 goods. VELVETS. Our entire stock of Black Vel vets will be sold at 75cts. $1 61 md $2.25 worth double the price Our entire stoi'k of regular $2 50 colored Silk Vel vet i al good colors , Myrtle , Mfirine Bronze , OHvc , Navy , Wine , Plum Seal , &c , , to be closed out during this sale at $1.95 par yard. Our wholesale stock of Blncl and Colored Velveteens about 1 ( pieces worth 75 cts. to $1.25 i yard , to bo closed out during tliii sale at 37 cts. 50 ctj. and 65 ct a yard. OUR RESERVE STOCK 1000 more lots and 500 packages in order in addition to the innumerable bargains already mentioned will be brought for ward as fast as the lots already advertised are sold out. LINENS , TOWELS , * " 18-inch fast colors importec Turkey red table linen at 37.Jc i yard , usual price 50c. 5G-inch very choice patterns best quality , fast color Turkey red Tabling nt 50c , usually sole at 7nc. GO-inch best German Turke _ red Tabling , best made , nt 75c usually sold nt DOc and $1.00 ; Turkey red Napkins , 5Uc , 7 c $1.00 , $1.25 , extra large , $1.50 n dozen. 250 dozen unbleaccd twillei nnd plain bleached buck Towels usual price $1 50 a dozen , wil be offered during this sale at 71 cts a dozen. 375 dozen various styles o buck and dnmnsk Towels not on of them worth less than $2 50 dozen , will be sold nt 1 50 ; dozen. 175 dozen fine bleached dam nsk nnd knotted fringe hue ! towels , will bo sold at 20 cts end worth 37i cts. U We will offer our en tin * lot o superb quality all Silks br and Striped Satin Grenadines a half the cost of importation. S , P , Morse & Co , The Great Retail Sale of Our Entire nn BmrtjEiM C-3MCERH1NGTHIS STOCK SHOULD BE BORNE IN MIND. It is not a single lot of goods. It is not a single department to whieh you are invited. The retail tock combined with our wholesale , gives an aggregate of $250,000.00 with of dry goods cnleula- ed to meet the wants of everybody. Bear in mind that these are ntnv and fresh goods , of the latest tyles and qualities selected expressly for our spring' trade nd are richer in variety and extent than vo have ever offered to the people in our history. When it is considered that thisentire slock isb'nng ' tiered at a reduction of 25 per cent in all , and 50 per cent in many cases , from the prices at which , hese goods are selling to-day , and that it covers all standard lines of goods , people can begin to com prehend what nn important e\cut in the annals of : the dry goods trade this is. One thing before mmerating some of the bargains , which we trus every reader of this paper will closely study , down ) the last woul in these two pages. Wo ask our friends to try and visit our store in the forenoon , as ; hey cnn then be assured of the proper attention that we wish to extend to every one , as in the after- loou rush our entire force are taxtd to their utmost , and many unavoidable delays will occur , for which we nsk indulgence befotehand. Dress , Goods Bepar'nt ' We shall continue he ale of bout 7,500 yards Chews , Bro- ades , Armures and English Silk ilixed Dress Goods at 10cworth 25 to 50c. The import duty alone on these goods was more ; lmn our selling prices. 1DOO , yards Silk Brocades , all vool mixtures , Illuminated Ser ges , costing 27i to lOc , will be dosed out at a uniform price of 25c. 25100 yards , all Wool Foule Timsli Nuns' Veilings in all de- irable shades of pink , cream , ecrue , navy , bronzes , etc. , cost 28c to import , will be closed out it ISic. 2GOO yards IG-inch all wool oft finish neat checks , pin checks , ill wool fancy shepherd checks , every yard worth $1.25 a yard , o be closed out now at the ridic- ilous price of G2Ac. 2,100 yards fine all wool 10- nch French Summer DeBeges in Beautiful illuminated mixtures of ironze grey , blue grey , russet grey , etc. , usually sold at GOc , will be closed at 37ic , l,300ynrds double width Lupin's Black and Colored French Nun's Veiling , 12 e a yard , would be very cheap at GOc. 1,700 yards 4.1-inch black and white , blue and white , bronze , myrtle , and other desirable sha ded check" , to be sold at 50c n yard ; were bought to sell for 90c. 2,800 yards very fine , nil wool French Cheviot Beiges at GOc ; cost 05e to import. 1,900 yards very fine , all wool , Illuminated Checks , Cashmere , Deliiine , Beiges and French Twil led Foulles , G2 c ; previous re tail price , 1.25. L1HEN DEPARTMET The caution which we gave to those who purchase for hotels , restaurants and all prudent house wives , at the beginning of this sale , to ant'cipite their future wants oven for two years to come has not been unheeded , and our sales have been enormous. Those who have not yet purchased , need have no fear that they can not obtain as good values now as earlier , because we have our IMMENSE RESEREVE to dra-v from , and you will find that the fortunate possessor of any of our linen coed , at present prices , owns GOLD DOLLARS , or their equivalent for 50c. _ 10 pieces Loom Dice Damask 5G inches wide at 15d a yard ; regiilar price 3Cc. 25 p eces Loom Dice Damask , 5G inches wide at 25c u yard ; regular price 37.Jc. 20 pieces-ftariisloy cream Dam ask 58 inches wide , in plain or Turkey-red border 15c cts per yard , regular price 75c 20 pieces Scotch blenched dam ask at 37Ac u yard , would be cheap at GOc. 18 pieces Gl-inch Irish Cream Damask , made by Richardson's Sons & Owden , Belfast , at GOc i yard ; regular retail price DOc. 32 pieces white Scotch Damask Gl inches wide at 02 } cts per yd 3G pieces white Scotch Damns Gl and GG inches wide at 75 cts per yard. 8 pieces white Scotch Damask GO inches wide at DOc per yard. 20 pieces hand-woven Gemini double-damask , full two yards wide , the finest goods imported at # 1 25 a yard ; worth every cen of 2.50. S. P , lorse & Co. 'J On Fiile to-day nnd Monday morning , 100 pieces Elegant quality pencil stripe silks , in Blues , Garnets , Browns , Bronzes , Grays , Modes and Purples , at 35c a yaid , worth GOc 50 pieces elegant designs in fancy pencil stripes , checks , gri- salle. etc. , all at oOc worth 75c. 50 pieces very choice high col ored checks , fancy , grey stripes and bionze , navy , myrtle , wine colored silks at G5c , worth at reg ular pric s 85c. 15 pieces 21-inch Summer Foullnrd silks , uauy , bronze , ca- i dtt , seal brown and black , with vith white figures , at 50c a yard vorth 75c. BLACK SATINS. 25 piecp.s W. Shroeder & Son's Solden Wheel Black Satin goods ; hat cost $1.G5 to import and inve never been sold under 2.00 will be closed out byais at 51.25 i yard. G pieces of 28-inch extra black satins , elegant for skirtings , will DO closed for $1.20 n yajri , , . These goods would bo cli'oap at 2.50 , and we call the attention IViERCHAT TAILORS to them they being full 28-inch goods. BROCADID SILKS 10 pieces neat figure , elegant Black Brocades , will bo sold nt GOc. No one cnn sell these good : less than 1.00. 20 pieces rich black Brocade Silks at 75ca yard , cost nt whole sale 1.05. 18 pieces hand woven rich black Brocade Silks nt $1.25 a yard , during this sale only ; regu lar 2.00 quality. 12 piece0 Bonct nnd Guinct black Brocade silks nt 2.00 nnd 2.25 n yard , that haue positively never been shown less than 3.00 and 3.50. All our finest black Frencl Brocndc silks , in superb patterns nil beautiful texture , the finest goods imported , nt 2.50 nnd 2.75 a yard , worth 3.50 nnd 1.00. OOIOPD SILKS V V * * I ft * .W < fcJ i J-rf'i.W'j Our 75c French gros grain Col ored Silk has been the most successful feature of this COLOSSAL SALE and has never before been sold in the country for loss than 1,00 n yard , and always in the west at 1.25. At 1.17ic wo ofier the very finest quality of American gros grain silk , full 21 inches wide and usually sold nt 1.75 to 2.00 , a very close price on this silk would be 1.50 , but nt our price , 1.17ic , it is an absolute CorsetsANDSkirts sacrifice. 28 dozen French woven Corsets at 1.00 , usual 1.25 quality. 30 dozen genuine "C. Pnln Sir- eno" French Contil Corsets nt 1.85 , usual 2.00 quality. BALL'S HEALTH CORS'T-SI ' usually sold at 1.25. 200 dozen Ladies tucked and embroidered Summer wash Poplin Skirts at 75 els , worth from 1.25 to 1.50 each. S. P , lorse and Co. LADIES' JERSEYS. Wo have just received n ship ment , our direct importation of Paris cut and made Ladies1 Jerseys ; they are beatifully shaped in the back and over the hips , but have come late ; have turn over collar and sleeves trimmed with cuffs and buttons ; they cost 3.00 apiece to import , but we have placed them to the manufacturers or der and ho telegraphs us to sell them At $2.50 Each 'hey are a very great bargain. CHILDREN'S HOSE. ot 1 , Ten styles children's fancy seamless Cotton Hose all sizes at 25 cts , have never sold under 50 cts. jot 2. Fifteen styles of child- fen's fancy Cotton Hose at 35 cts , not a pair Ju this lot ever sold less than 50 cts , and from that up to 75 els. "iot 3. A large assortment of infants 3-1 lisle and cotton Hose that caiot 50 cts to import - , port , will be sold at 25 cts. _ Our stock of Misses' lisle -hrcnd llose , comprising all tin desiYable styles mid the largesi issortmcnt shown in Omaha , is joing offered at corresponding reductions. MEN'S"H2 HOSE. Monday at D a. in. , wo wil' ' offer a line af about 125 dozei Men's Balbriggnn Half Iloso , at ? 1.15 for six pairs. 75 dozen finest Cotton Hnl Hose , with fancy silk stripes , wil be sold at 37 c per pair. Nevei retailed before under 75c. The balance of' our fancy Sill Half Hose , in all the good shades will be closed out at $1.00 po pair. Never sold under $2.50. 20 dozen purest and bestheavj Embroidered Silk Half Hose worth $5.00 a pair , will bo soh at § 2.05. These are the best sill hose imported and all nice new colors , including black and fauc > stripes. LACE CURTAINS. We have accumulated about 10 pairs of fine Nottingham Swiss , Antique and Medica Lace Curtains , in lots of 1 , 11 2 , and 3 pairs that we wil close out at just half origina marked price. 515.00 Curtains for 7.5 ( 20.00 " lo.m 30.00 " 15.01 15.00 " 17.5 < a pair ; they are very cheap an < all fine goads. BED SPREADS. 10 cases full size Honey Com bed spreads , suitable for hoteb &c. , at D5c each , usually sold a S1.25. 15 cases best quality 12- Honey Comb spreads , during thi sale at $1.20 , usually sold a $1.50. 5 cases of the heaviest knolte fringe "Bridal Quilt" spread weight and quality of the highest standard , will be sold at # 1.00 each worth all of $ i.UO. G cases 12-1 imported Mar seilles spreads , a purchase from a failed manufacturer , at $1.00 each. They cost $2.00 to make. 3 cases 12-1 extra qualityMar- , seilles spreads , are offered at $4.00 each. Same quality was considered cheap last season at $3.50. S , P , Ifee anil Co , S P lorse & , , Co. THIRD WEEK. BLACK GOODS. Wo have roplondishcd our stock from our wholesale reserve , ami added many now bargains. 10 nieces 12 inch "ISou jour" French black Cashmere during Ibis sale at 50 cts. a yanl worth 75 cts. 20 nieces of 32 inch all wool line "Albatross" cloth , will be sold at 374 cts , previous retail price GO cts. 18 pieces 1(5 ( inch finest quality black Nuns Neiling , during this sale 55 cts a yard , would bo cheap nl DO cts. 22 pieces very finest quality 1(5 ( ini'h all wool biack Krench Gren adines or Luce Bunting , all new goods , . DO cts a yard , usual retail price $1.25. 12 pieces extra Hue summer weigh/ / , silk finish , 12 inch Black Tamiso will be sold at 181 cts ; worth usually § 125. 28 pieces line all wool Black Nuns' Neiling will be sold al 18i cts ; usual price double as much. MOURNING GOODS. 5 pieces English Silk warp Henrietta , during this sale at $1.20 , usual price 1.50. (5 ( pieces Silk Henrietta at $1.55 , worth and usual price S 00 a yard. 1 pieces finest Silk warp Hen rietta imported , will be sold now at $1.821 cts. , imported to sell at IW. ) 7/ t . G pieces French Black Etam- ine Cloth , 52 inches wide at $2.90 very rich for Spring and Summer wraps and worth 1.00 a yard. 5 pieces real Camels Hair at 1.50 a yard , suitable for Dresses or Wraps and being made from finest Darnels Hair , is worth 2.50 to 8.0 On yanl. HOSIERY DEPT. As mi evidence of the extreme ly good values in this department we would stale that in one day of. this sale we sold over G50 dozen fine Hose all at about 50 cts. on the dollar * LADIES HOSF , Lot 1. Ladies plain and fancy cotton hose in varie/y / all re duced to 25 cts a pair. Lot 2. Twenty styles splendid quality Ladies solid color and fancy striped hose at 35 cts , some of these cost as high as 9.50 a dozen to import. Lot ! { . Comprises a line of Ladies' Krench lisle hose fancy ribbed in black , wine , seal , olive , &c. ( They were intended to be re tailed at $1 00 , but by special arrangement with the manufact urer who did not deliver them until too late for us , we can sell them at G5 cts a pair. Lot 1. An elegant line of French lisle in pink , blue car dinal wine , &c , , usual retail price $1 25 , during this sale 75 cts. ( Tw lots comprising our entire - tire spring importation of striped and openwork lisle hose , all goods that sold for $1 60 to 2 00 will be marked down to 85 and D5 cts. SILK HOSE Lot 1. Ladies spun silk hose all good colors , will bo sold during this sale at $1 25 , regular 2 50 quality. Lot 2 , Our spring importation of fine quality pure silk Hose all desirable colors , regular § 1 60 quality , will be sold at 2 70. Lot 3. Our entire importation of very finestembroidered pure silk hose , regular 5 00 quality , to bo sold at 3 00. _ Lot 1. Our entire importation of fancy openwork , Derby ribbed and drop sketch em broidered silk hose , usuel price 5 00 to 7 00 , will bo sold at 885. CRASHES. Wo have one lot of IG-inch Scotch Crashes , very fine goods , that cost Sic to import , mid wo will close them out during this sa'o ' at Gjc. 10 bales of the very finest quality - ity unbleached crash toweling , full 20 inches wide , will bo gold at J5oyard ; these cost 12 c at wholesale. 8 , P. lorse and Co. , P. Morse & Co. THIRD WEEK. GAUZE I UNDERWEAR 50 cases LADIES' HIGH NECK LONG AND SHORT SLEEVE GAUHK UNDER- VESTS , at 25 ets each. They cost a great deal more to man ufacture. MEN'S UNERWEftR 2 cases Men's . White Merino Gauze Vests , all sizes , 3G to 11 inches at 25c. 3 cases extra fine Silk front Men's Summer Gauze Undershirts with finished seams 15c , worth 75c. lease Men's English Silk front Summer Gauze Undershirts at G5c , usually sold at 1.00. GO ( dozens Men's unbleached pure Lisle Undershirts , long or short sleeves , will be sold at 85c ; they cost 1.00 to import , and would be cheap at 1.25. HaiictelM Dept , MOST EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS IN LADIES' AND GENTS' HANDKER CHIEFS. 1 case Ladies' pnro hemstitched Hdkfs , lOc each , usual 15c quality. 500 dozen Ladies' hemstitched Linen Lawn Hdkfs , and 2-inch hems very fine , nt 15c each , worth 25c. 10 dozen Ladies' very sheer Linen hemstitched Hdkfs , and hemstitched , with blocks sot in each corner , during this sale at 25c , cannot bo purchased less than 50c. ' ' ' ' CENTS' H'D'K'FS. As an nnequalcd bargain we offer 1 case , 275 dozen Men's pnro Linen hemstitched Hdkfs , very fine quality at 25e ; these cost 5.00 a dozen to import , and wo have never olVered their equal less than G.OO a dozen. As wo wish all our customers to participate in this bargain , audit will bo impossible to duplicate them at the price , not more than one dozen will be sold tw each purchaser. CHILDREN'S STRAW HATS , ' Wo will open Monday morning over 2,900 misses' children's nnd boys' Sailor nnd Derby Straw Hats atn uniform price of 25 cts each. These Hats are worth from 50 cts to $1.00. MAIL OiiDERS. We take pleasure in affording those residing nt n distance the superior fncilities of our MAIL ORDER DEPT. Assuring them of faithful and prompt service. Its organization is such that every advantage to bo derived from a'personal visit Is secured to the customers whoso wants and wishes are clearly expressed. Intended to bo of practical service to non-residents of Oma ha it invites correspondence concerning - corning all wants , large and small. Please bo particular to STATE frXPLlOTl'LY whether goods are to bo sent by mail or express as we forward all goods by ex press unless otherwise directed. When desired by mail remitsufli- cient to cover postage. No C. 0. D , cnn be sent by innil , and pre payment in full is required on nil mail matter. Parcels weighing 41b or less can be sent by mail at once cent per oz. ; articles such as Table Linen , Sheeting , Ginghams , &c. , often weigh over 1 Ib , In mnking selections from samples please make No. 1 and No. 2 in case first choice h sold when order arrives. As the rush during this sale is without precedent , wo caution patrons that ninny lines of g oods advert ( ld will bo sold quickly and wei Ivise that they either have so\ friend make fcelections or entrust us to do so ; we war rant everything as represented , and will use the same euro in De lecting that yon would yourself. If in want of any goods not ad vertised here , yon can depend on getting them at the lowest price atwhich they can bo sold. HOTELS AHD REST'R'NTS are especially invited to our housekeeping department , as the