Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1883, Image 1

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The Illinois Militia Dover Them
selves with Glory and Kill3
Their Man ,
Their Hasty Action Condemned
and the Governor Orders
Them Home.
Preparations Going on for the
Grtnt Lockout In the Irou
Mill * .
Special Dispatch to Tni ilia.
BELLEVILLE , III. , May 29. Everything -
thing la qalct this morning. Au Iu-
quest on the dead otrikor begins at 11
o'clock. Itolnocko mine , where last
evening's unfortnnnto affair occurred ,
la working thta morning audor the
protection of the militia. Thla in a
machine mluo and does not employ
regular miners and was working yes-
terd&y under an agreement with the
miners made soiuo days ago , If any
farther tronblo ocsnra it will
bo at the mines soma dlstanco.from
here , which nt thia writing have not
boon heard from. The sheriff reports
all qalot at the pits in this Immediate
vicinity. The streets of this city uro
crowded with minors and citizens dis
cussing the events of yesterday's fir
ing by the militia , and It is not gen
erally viewed in n favorable light.
Sr. Louis , May 29. The man
killed at the llalonoko mlno last
evening has boon Identified as Fred
Hoffmolstor , a glass blownr from
Pittsbnrg. Ho has boon in Balluvlllo
two weeks. The ghan blowers at
Belleville are on a strike , and some ot
them wcro with the striking minors
yesterday , which accounts for HofF-
molster'a presence at the mlno.
The Edwardsvillo militia remain at
the Roluecko mine , but the Ylrdon
and Taylorvlllo companies have re
turned homo. There seems to bo no
doubt that Djputy Sheriff Anthony
ordered the troops to fire on the mob ,
but not until several pistol shots had
been fired by the strlkera. Two of
them nltnod directly at Anthony and
Gen. House , who were standing by
the side of the train consultang as to
what should bo done
mines , NOB. 3 and 4 , are working
with a fall complement of men , No
tronblo Is anticipated. A special
grand jury hiw convened at Edwards-
villo for the purpose of indicting
those who cumposad the mob whr
took pjsaau&iou of mini ) No. 4 , and
maltreated the men employed there.
The Prisoners Discharged *
Epoclal Dispatch to Tni Itai.
ST. Louis , 29. Later dispatcher
from Bollovllle , eay the tone of tin
preas tbero thia morning was favorable
to iho strikers and many citizens or
their olJo bnliove the m\W" \ '
very hastily and did wrong in firing
on the crowd. The prisoners , tlirly.
two in number , were brought intc
town about noon. As.a . great crowd
met them at the depot , the entire
police force of th city , and a numboi
of deputy ohorlfli were proeont to
maintain order. Tie rnun were taken
to Squlro Mldart'd cflijo , where. ,
after consultation butwoec the
otnte'a uttonioy and counsel fet
prisoners , the latter were
reluasad on their own rccognfaince ,
after which a great crowd of strikers
present took tuom In charge and paraded -
aded through the court housa square.
The coroner empanelled a jury and
the inquest on thu body of the dead
minor was began. After the strikers
had paraded through the streets , Hal-
bert and Thomas , their counsel , made
speeches advising them to rofraln
from congregating in crowds , and
Oharlea Ncsblt , president of the Dis
trict union , urged them to keep quiet
and await -Investigation. . The In
quest began about noon. All law offi
cers testified that the minors fired
the first sho's lost evening ,
and fifteen witnesses , five of them wo
men , awore the troops fired first.
The Inquest will bo continued to mor
row. The name of the dead man is
now ascertained be Henderson , not
Anderson. He will bo burled to-mor
row. All miners in the district are
ordered out and a great demonstra
tion will bo made. The miners are
now ready to arbitrate. A eommlttec
of three was appointed to meet with
the mlno owners and effect , if possible ,
eomo compromise under which the
men can return to work. The governor
ornor has ordered the militia away
from JRenecko mlno and twenty deputy
uty sheriffs are now our guard there ,
Arbitration In Chicago.
Special Dispatch to Tni Eli.
CHICAGO , May 29. At a oonferonci
to-night between the brick layers ant
master builders , the terms of a com
promise by which the dtriko will end
wore agreed upon. The master build
ers ugreo to pay fonr dollars per pai
and bricklayers undertake to maki
modifications in the rules govornln )
the union agreement ; alao stipulate
that all diaDgrooments in the fnturi
ba settled by arbitration , and In cisi
of disagreement by the board of arbl
tratlon the whole mattnr oh&ll bo re
fnrrcd to ono of the judges of th
United States supreme court , whoa
decision shall bo final.
The Coming Strike
Dpeclal Dispatch to TUB Hsu.
PiTTSBUiia , May 29 The proteo
tlvo association of Iron manufacturer
of the west were in session > five hour
to-day. The meeting was held wltl
closed doors. After adjournment i
was learned that a resolution had beei
adopted leaving all matters portalnln
to settlement ot the strike In the hand
of the executive committee. No de
cldcd totion was taken on anythln
eleo. Nothing was done in regard t
shutting down , as manufacturers hav
been preparing for it the p&st thre
works. A prominent Iron master sad
no offer of compromise will come froc
them. They are firm , and hare pre
M. .
Bontod tholr ultlmatuu. . * jal-
gamatod Asnoolntlon want . oiu-
promise they will have to como to the
manufacturers. In some of the west
ern mills offers have been made to run
the mills conditionally , but no such
proppsitlou has been made hero. As
the first of Juno approaches the In
terest in the coming strngglo in-
cr6ntos. Both aides appear as firm as
at the first conference , and each Is
waiting fcr the other to glvo signs of
To-morrow being Decoration day ,
qnlta n number of mills will shut
down to-nlpht , not eating to light up
tor ono day's run. 'Iho greater num
ber will continue to run up to the last
moment , and will work the night turn
up to Thursday midnight.
Senators linynrd and McDonald on
the Great Idsuo.
pedal Dispatch to Tni U
NEW You * , May 20. The World
inbllahts letters written to Pulitzer
> y Senators Bayard and McDonald
oapectlng thn tariff question. The
ormorsays : "Anything llko finesse ,
r the appearunco of finesse , or trick
n dealing with the iasuc , as tariff for
evonne , or tariff for the protection of
srtaln classes , will surely weaken the
arty resorting to it. 1 know of no
ositlon moro Improgn able , and upon
rhlch it is moro important for the
omooratlc party to form its line than
int public property cannot be
aken for private use nndor any
retoxt. The rate of taxation
will bo easily measured by public ox-
denotes and such a spectacle cs was
witnessed at the last session of con-
ross , of a handful of men ropresent-
ng piivato interests and controlling
nd moulding the public laws of tax-
klon to suit thoao interests , will never
gain bo tolerated by honest public
ontlment. "
Senator MoDoncld sayi < : "Tho tariff
ssup , as connected with the general
inbjoot of rovonno reform , will noces-
arlly bo an Important question In all
nturo political contests until it is sot-
led upon the doctrines of the const- !
ntion and principles of sound political
economy. Wo may bo acme time in
caching a solution of the question ,
> ut as the public mind becomes en-
ightoned , it will not be satisfied with
my tariff that has for its baala protoo-
: lon , nor with the details of any tar-
ff law in which the duties laid upon
foreign merchandise shall bo above a
revenue point. "
lodtana Cyolcmo.
Special Dispatches to TUB Uitr.
INBIANAVOLH , May 29 Yesterday
jvenlug a cyolono struck the town of
Edinburg , iud. , following & heavy
rainfall. The wind storm lasted for
ton mlnutos with great violence , tak
ing the aplre from the Methodist
church , and throwing it upon the
parsonage , crushing through the roof
to the ground. South of town a grove
of'tlmber was demrliahed , and fonr
mlloti south thois.rnxcf.J5. -Dcttaifg
caught the fury of the ucorm. Dnrn-
Iny V 001. wan killed and a farm hand
also fatally Injured.
TEKKE BAOTE , May 29. A tornado
swept by Clay City at 5 o'clock yes
terday afternoon. The extremities
were a rnllo apart. Olay City , which
was in the center , escaped with slit-lit
damage ; but at Neats Mill , on one
side , houses were swept out of exist
ence , six persons killed , , bridges de
stroyed , mid havoc played generally.
On the other nldo uf the little settle
ment five persons were killed , houses
jlown to pieces , twolva persons In
ured and trcea blown over a wide
"Wot nnd WlndytWeather.
Spcc'al Dltpitch to TUB BIK.
CINCINNATI , May 29. Ex-Alder
man John Golgor and wife were
drowned during a rain storm last
night. The fact of the drowning was
iot known until late to-day and the
jodies have not yet bosn discovered.
They were returning from a visit and
drove Into a culvert under the rail
road , through which a swollen stream
was running. The current caught
them and bore them away. The
wagon was found a mile away in Mill
Reports are received of a terrific
tornado 'two miles northeast of Lob-
mon , O. , last night. Houses and
aarnos were levelled to the oarth.
Nobody was killed but several wore
Injured. The track was narrow but
the force Irreslstablo.
Senator temtm'i Land * .
Special Cli patch to Tni Bn
CHICAGO , May 29. Senator Logan ,
In a two column lot ) or published. In
The Tribune this morning , reiterates
In detail his denial that ho located any
lands on the Zani Indian reservation ,
and asserts that the lands located by
his son-in-law , Major Nicker , llkoiriso
are not within the reservation of those
Shipping News-
Special Dispatch to TIIR BBB.
GLASGOW , May 29 Arrived , State
of Pennsylvania , from Now York.
GLASGOW , May 29 Arrived The
Ttiaftcrla from Now York ,
BiumiiEAD , May 29. The steam
ship Britannic , which left Liverpool
on the 23th and Queenstown the 25th ,
for New York , has just passed bore
bound east. She did not glvo her
reason for returning.
QCJEEN&TOWN , May 29. The steam
ship Brlttanlo returned to port with
her crank shaft out of order , llet
mails have been landed and will be
taken by the steamer Republic , sail
ing to-morrow for New York , whloh
steamer will also * ako Homo of the
Brltt&nlc's passengers. Several oj
the passengers piocoedod to Liver
pool. The flaw waa discovered In the
shaft of the Britannia Sunday , wher
COO miles west of
Injarod By n Okve-ln.
Special Dltpatch to TUB BIB.
NOIUUBTOWN , Pa. , May 29. A ganf
of railroad laborers were burled by t
cave-In on the Philadelphia , Norris
town & Pktuaixvlllo rallro&d , at Uon
shockon , this morning. Andrew Gnr
llcb , A. Johnson and George Scoop
gen were fatally injured.
Hostilities Suspended at Feoria
and the Old Eatos Restored ,
The Cattle Business of the
Northwest Satisfactorily
Sidney Dillon Interviewed on
Matters Relating to thu
Union Pacific.
The Trnnlc Line * Corner the Knll-
rend King" of the Pacific-
Important MeotlnRs of Ropreaenta-
tlves of Missouri lUvor BoaOo.
Special Dltpatch to Tni UIB
OiiiCAOo , May 29. Rprooentntlvoa
of various railway lines running west
and northwest mot to day to consider
the question of rates on llvo stock
from Nebraska , Wyoming. Montana ,
Dikota , Idaho nnd Colorado , via
Omaha and St. Paul. Last year's
hauls waa roaflirmod with unimportant
The roads Interested in business to
California mot to day and appointed a
committee to confer with the eastern
seaboard trunk lines , with reference
to the proportion of through rate to
bo allowed the roads between Ohipago
aud Missouri river points. The mootIng -
Ing will bo held in Now Yotk at a date
yet to be fisod.
A meeting of the gen ° ral managers
of tbo roads running out of Peoria ,
111. , Interested In the fierce little pas
senger rate war , whloh has been going
on there for some dnye , was held here
to-day with the result of on agreement
to restore rates , and agents were di
rected by telegraph at ' once to stop
the sale of cut rate tlck'ota ,
Sldnny Dillon Interviewed-
Ipcctal Dispatch to Tni UIB.
CUIOAGO , May 29. Sidney Dillon ,
president of the Union Pacific road ,
passed through this city en ronto to
New York this evening , after a tonr
of Inspection over the road. In nn
'ntorvlew ho said tbo company had no
ntentlou of extending its line west
rom Ogden to Sin Francisco ; that
such extension would not pay , as the
road's earnings on California business
wore only 10 per cent of its entire
earnings. Aa to the extension of the
Burlington road to Silt Like , nnd the
building of other lines into Union Pa
cific territory , he said they had un
doubtedly taken some business , but
owing to the growth of the country
the earnings of the Uulon Pa
cific company had nevertheless in-
creaced. The diversion of traffic
via the Southern PftdQo to 'Now
Orleans , thoccj by water , ho Bald , had
not materially t ff oted his llnoi. Ho
fj-tfl only abcu S * pat o nt , ol
through trtfiio was" carried bji tlii !
ronto xnd stoaetfehlp linear Li this
connection he said the eastern trunk
lines could not cffjrd to carry out the
throat not to prorate with the Pacific
roads , ss such refusal would ralso the
rate to euch an extent that traffic from
seaboard to seaboard would bo diverted -
od to the southern ronto to a largo
extent. Ho enld the completion oi
the Northern Pacific would increase
rather than decrease the business ol
the Union Pacific , owing to the traffic
"t would bring from the far northwest
over the Oregon Short lino.
Prorating on Pacific Business. Dispatch to TUB Bin.
CHICAGO , May 29 Official on-
nouucemont was made by Commis
sioner Fink yesterday , that the order
to discontinue the present method c :
treating California business separately
from other traffic should not go into
effect Juno 1st. Action has been
postponed until July 1st , and up to
that date the present arraugomonl
should continue as horotoforo. It is
stated the presidents of the Union
and Central Pacific have requested
Commissioner Fink not to carry enl
the new order until representatives ol
their roads have had an opportunity
to meet representatives of the
trunk lines aud see if a moro
satisfactory arrangement cannot be
mado. It Is stated that the trunk lines
are determined to make no compromise
with the Oontral Pacific people
regarding this matter , unless they
withdrew their line of steamers be
tween Now York and Now Orleans.
When the trunk linns acceded to the
demand of the Central Pacific t * prorate -
rate on California business at low con
tract rates , it was done upon the un
derstanding that nono.of the business
should bo diverted by water linen , the
Central Pacific alleging that it was
compelled to discriminate in favor o
such shippers aa pledge thomselveo to
ship exclusively by rail to keen the
bujlnos" ) from going via the Pacific
Mall steamship company's lines. Since
the ostabllohment of the ocean line
the trunk Hues have found tha
the Central Pacific was divert
Ing nil business it conic
via its now ocean and rail ronto , and
therefore they came to the conclusion
that it was no nso to prorate any
longer with the Paritio roads at con
tract rates , as non-contract business
was all bolnp diverted over the now
Southern Pacifia route.
The Central Pacific now findu it
self Inn dilemma. It can hardly o fibre
to have itsprorating arrangement wltl
the trunk lines stopped , and it mucl
Iocs likes to abandon its nowocoan line
between New York and New Orleans
which , in connection with its Southorr
Pacific line , gives it an Indeponden
through line from New York to San
Note * ,
Special DUpatch to TUB UIB.
CHICAGO , May 29. Perry H. Smith
ono of the wealthiest residents of thi
city , the Impairment whoso reaioi
caused his being placed in Madlaon
Wls. , insane asylum , has been declared
clared convaloucont nd Is at prcson
laying at his summer homo In Wls
consin ,
Tha buks , board of trade am
ustom houao will bo closed to-mor-
ow in observance ol Decoration day.
The semi-annual mooting of thu
American railway upcrintondonts
was hold In this city thla afternoon ;
orty members bolog n attendance.
The association rcsokod that the iisno
f free passes to persons In the sor-
ice of railway companies was not
nfllolently restricted. The convon-
lon approved the railroad tlmo
tondardo propoiod "t the general
onvontlon hold In St. Louis April
.1 , nnd ftdjournnd to meet in Wfoh-
ngton Ootobor 22 ,
Orook Datorminod to Extermi
nate the Hoatilea nt Any
The Latest NoWB From the Mexican
Ai my Honilqunrtors.
pedal Dispatch to Tim ! ) .
TUCSON , May 29. A dispatch this
voulng from lloriuoslllo contradicts
, ho report thnt Gin. Orook had a
tattle mth the Apaches on the 18th ,
ayiug tha.t if nn engagement had cc
urrod tlw nnthorltlra at that place
would 1m vo hoard of It. The fact is
h'at Gen. Orook has been so maligned
aud such abuelvo reports have bean
ant over the country from some of
ho Arizona and Texas papers that ho
s keeping hlo movements quiet and it
will bo Impossible to got any uonrs
rein him nntll ho bus driven the
Apaches from tholr stronghold and
ho Indian question of Arliona Is
A special from Tombstone , A. T , ,
his afternoon , annonMces the .arrival
of two men from Mexican headquar
ters. They report n'owa is hourly ex
pected from Crook , but up to the time
of tholr departure none had boon re
ceived. They state no report had
reached the headquarters of the army
of northern Mexico f an engagement
lotween Orook and the Apaches.
When informed such news had been
reicolvod tboy considered it doubtful ,
as If an engngnmout had occurred the
news should have reached some of the
many points with whloh communlca-
lon is regularly established. They
said Crook had undtrtakm n difficult
job and would probnbly bo obliged to
return to his base * of tupplios without
laving encountered the Apaohes.
WASHINGTON , Mny 29. No nowa
'rosn General Orook nt she war do-
partmint. Thu cflklah are disposed
: o accept "no nowa KB good no we. "
Special Dispatches to Iim'Bis.
THE lULI.IAItl ) 1'lUr.ES.
NEW YOKK , May- 1 9 The prizes
were awarded this f.otnoon to the
Bucces\fn competitors in the ncont
cushion carom billiard tournament.
The first prize , aon dul < .f & billiard
table tp ellveVun Cl CO , woot to
Miuirina Dly. ' 5ihfV.BOT i3 , third ,
fourth'ae a 'filthric ; < * , $ SUr. $0111) ,
$300 , and $200 , * p > t respectively tc
Wallace , Sjhaefcr , VJgnaux and Dion ,
It wna announced that n game of bll
Hards had been arranged for the 12th
of Juno betwoun Ylgnanx nnd Sahae-
for , at Chicago , under the rules of the
balk line tournament , excepting thai
the championship modal will not be
plnyod for.
Maurice Daily receiver ! I we
challenges from Sexton and Yjgnnnx. .
to play for the championship. Dillj
said hla ongegotucuta would make i
Impossible to play cither gamei
within the time limited by thi
chsllengcn , and ho thorofoio rualgntie
the champlonohlp in fvor of Sexton
whoso challenge had priority. It wni
then proposed that Vfgnnnx shonle
play Sexton for the emblem and thct
mnko peed his challenge to tbo vrlnnoi
of the tournament. Yfgnauxrccelvoc
the proposition favorably , but conic
not at present give a fm&l decision
May 29. In cense
qnenoo of the rain last night , thi
track WAS heavy. Club purse , J mlli
heats , Lute Foglo won , MoBowlit
second , Murmur third ; time 1:202 :
22 | .
Clark stakes , throo-year-olds , mill
and n qqnrtor , Ascender won , Oardina
McOloakey second , Marklaud third
time 2:18. :
Welter purse , ono mlle , Olivott <
won , Buchmaster second , OontorvllU
third ; time , 1:02 |
Tennessee stake , for two-year-olds ,
three-fifths of n mlle , Eva S , won
Golden llolo second , Bok Cook third
tlmo , l:20j. :
Ciub handicap , ono mlle nnd a half
Wnllenslo won , B ssott second , Dallas
third ; time , 2:45 : | .
BOSTOX , May 29. The boat raoc
between Hanlan nnd Kr.nnody wil
take plaoa about D o'clock to-morrov
afternoon The r.xtlroida have pro
vided for carrying 50,000 people ,
Batting la five to two in favor ol
Hanlan ,
Insnltad liy a Giimblor.
Special Dispatch to Tim UKB.
CIIIOAOO , May 29. Sonttor Oan-
dee , of this city , last week In thontnti
senate , whllo certain nominations foi
Chicago justices of the penoo wen
pending , made the assertion that Jus-
lioo Piindlvilb , seeking rcnomlnit
tlon , was under the control of tin
Chicago carablcra and was the tool o
Mike McDonald. Yesterday Oandci
was accuuod by McDonald whll
walking along the streets of this city
and after soniu words the latter spa
in the eonatoi'a f < ico.
Tbo Klolieraou Divorce ,
Special Dlgpatch to TUB ll .
PuiLADEU'iiiA , May 29. Depoal
tiona in support of the rule to no
aside the dcoroo of divorce obtainci
by Major A. H. Nlckcrson were takai
this afternoon at the cflico of counae
for the first Mrs Nlckorson. Severs
persons , prominent in army circles am
frlonda of the divorced wife , wer
present and told what they know o
the liven of the separated partial
The proceedings were conducted wit
closed doori.
The Land Oraiifc Roads Continue
Gobbling the Public Domain ,
Another Lapsed Lnnd Grant
Taken lu by the Oontral
Paolflo ,
Another Chnptpr From the Stnr
Rout * i , Detailed by Morrloh
Special Dupatch to Till Mix
WASIIINOTON , May 29. The secre
tary of the Interior decided the qncs-
tion which ca io up on the npplloatlon
of the Central Pacific railroad com
pany for patents to certain land lyln #
opposite the constructed nnd accepted
pirt of the road. As the Central
Pacific company has not ODinplotod UH
entire lluo within the tlmo prescribed
thu granting not , the question thus
resented the secretary Is similar to
hat decided by thn United States su-
remo court in the cnso of
ohulonburg vs. Harrlman , In
hlch the court hold that
tie provisions for the completion of
lie road within a certain tlmo WAS n
onditlon subsequent ; that although
tie tlmo for building the road had
xplrcd , the grnn't remained uulm
mired nud the land did not nud conld
ot revert wlthoultutorvonlion of
cglolatlvo or judicial notion , nnd
Ithont such action no effect whatever
ould bo given to the forfeiture olnnse.
'ho secretary says : "In view of this
eclslon , whloh waa made moro than
Icht years ago and has of ton been ro-
ffirmod , and the further fact that , nl-
hough the attention of oongroHj has
icon repeatedly called to the
fToot of the decision , nnd
no action taken by that body ,
b must bo presumed congress Intends
ho laud grant companies shall have
ho benefit of the decision ; that nt all
vents his action ai oxeoutlvo officer
must bo controlled by the dccltion of
ho supreme court , whloh has declared
hat under such circumstances thu
; rant must not bo treatedns forfeited ;
hat ho Is without discretion or
power iu the matter , aud thnre
sno course loft the Innd department
oici'p1 to inane patents for lands lying
; pponito the completed portion of the
rood. " This * decision sustains the
recent appeal of the Central Pacific
railroad company from the rufuanl ol
ho commloalonor of the general land
ifliso to proceed with patenting landi
o the Central Pacific company as sue
censor of the California nud Oregon
railroad company of California ,
Special Dispatch to TUB USB.
AsniNOTON , May 29. Merrlok
coutlcuod his addroia in the star route
case to-day. Ilo commented oovcrelj
pen Brady's tcotlmony , nud dualatuc
Brady had admitted the increases wen
m ut > . ibr tbo bontlt of , coutiHolorK ,
Ohnndler hero hitorruptod to Bnylha
the proBocntlon had clbimod a Icolnj
contract conld not bo mad * by oxpedl
tlon , And Merrlok replied : "Oert itilj
it can bo mndo to pay. " But how
Glvo mo a sot of vlllkluous contractor ;
and I can convert a losing con
tract Into a mountain of profit bj
purjury , vile ptujury. It la cas >
enough. Ho wished the jury to uu-
dcraUud thnttiioBub-oorcractora wen
rcqalrfd to pay ( very line aud pea
ally. When ho came to the Ojo
Oftllopto roulo ho would show how
poorJonoph h d boon rnlnod bythoau
fines and deductions ; how Djrscy hn
pocketed remitnlono aiiountlug li
81,400 , nnd only paid It to Jtujpl
when ho came hero as a witness In tht
laat triitl.
Meriick asked if any ono living it
Wushln > ; to Olty where rlngofl-jansh
cd nnd fattened conld believe in thi
houoaty of purpose of the defendants
Brady hud said nothing of his olldhij
aculo when btforo the congroaslona
luroutlgatlng commltteo. Ho hac
trumped up that excuse , and ho ( Mcr
rick ) wondered at his lack of wisdom
Minor and Doraoy had memories uev
"didn't remember' '
or equalled. They
that their compeers had not tppoaroc
In a court of justice cxoopt they wen
the lying Italians who swore agalns
Qaoeu Caroline. Dorsoy had picket
up Rardell , had made him wha
ho was , His work had been Bklllfull ;
doun for Djrsey's benefit. Ho ( Mar
rick ) had not offurud him aa an angel
as a man without stain. Hohac
offered him usDarsoy's co-conspirator
pleading guilty and waiting lor son
tonooi.Whilst explaining the character o
ono of the bflidavits the foruman inter
ruptcd Mcrrlck to a k , "Do you meat
to say they chb.tted themselves to bo
giu with ia order to got moro in thi
endt" "Thoy did not cheat them
selves , " said Mnrrlckj "thovllcd. Tin
affidavit waa a fill llu and Brady ongh
to have known It If ho gnvo It the ex
mniuatlrtn that under thn law ho wn
required to do. Ho salJ , "just petition
tition , proportion and crack awa ;
boys. Give mo aonio petitions ti
keep the record straight , no I will b
ready if any of theao inveetigatin
oominlttoes como noting around
Crack ixwr.y nnd I'll pry open th
door of the treasury. "
Court adjourned till Thursday li
accordance with the request of Moi
rick , who was onflorlng from ncrvou
prostration , ccmpDlling constant a !
tcndanco In court of his physician.
Special Dlipitdi to TUB UaB.
WAHIIINOTON , May 29. Ei-Oor
greeaman Murch Is making good pro
groan in preparation of the caeo to b
presented before the invostlgntln
commlttoo appointed to oxaraluo th
charges against the offiso of the at
pcrvUlng architect of the tror.surj
and Architect 11111 now thinks it boi
to secure counsel to roprtomt hln
John L Thoincs , ox collector of Bait
inoro , will probably bo selected.
The Dojcl Skow.
Bpeclal DUpatch to TUB UIB ,
Cnici o , May 29 , A coramlttc
of the passenger agents decided I
carry dogs Intended for exhibition nt
the Chicago dog show , Juno 12th to
15th , if orated and accompanied by
owner , dogs on whloh freight Is paid
to the show to bo returned free , The
tlmo for receiving entries have boon
extended to Juno 4th. Entries
already received iadlcUo a good
show ,
Special Dlepitch to Tim ' ,
LONIDN , M y 29 The Evening
Noirs published n statement which is
probably without foundn tun , that the
Duke of Asbtiry olTorcd his services
for the governor generalship of OAU-
da before the Marquis of Lausdowno
is appointed.
It is reported the nihilists are pro-
wing n manifesto iu reply to that of
10 cztr.
Count Xicknrcfi' , pgcnt of the Alien
cnmthip lluo nt GUlwuy , received n
itter threatening htm with death un-
os ho quits the city. Ho has been
ngnglng factory glrla to go to Massv
At n nicotlug of the liberal party ,
ladatono nnnouncod It would bo neo-
saary to drop for the present session
10 government's bill for remodelling
to corporation of the city of London ,
to said ho could not oxpcct this
oald bo n brilliant session , but
lought it would not bo a dlecrodlta-
o one ,
Harrington , M. P. , proprietor of
ho Kerry Sontlnol , which was suu-
rcssod laot week , has started for Ire-
aud , In order to give the Irish oxoou-
vo an opportunity for justifying In
Is person the government's action In
cgnrd to his newspaper.
LOLDON , May 21) ) . It b reported
tat the French government assured
ireni , Britain that they do not intend
o annex Torquln , but they will up-
old tholr treaty rights nnd exact full
atltfaction from the Emperor of
Vnnamnt the.cupltal of that country ,
At a mooting of the Mexican corn-
any to-day , the chairman complained
liat the Mexican government had
ranted a subsidy to the Inter Oconnlo
allwny company , In violation of the
loxloan rah way company's exclusive
Ight. Ho eald the 30.000 duo from
bo Mexican government WAS practl-
ally a bad debt. There was no roa-
on to fear n subsidence of the Ute
envy traffic in railway materials. If ,
lowovor , It did subside , ho said they
would have for compensation the gon-
ral development of the trade which
uat use their lluo.
pe lal Dlgpatch to Tim B .
PAIIII , May 29 The Ttirnps call-
mates the number of troops to bo sunt
o Tonquin at onoo from Cochin China
t 12,000. This force , It Bay * , will
uablo Gouornl Bouot , the French
oinuiander , to maintain his position
\t Hanoi until the arrival of thoforccc
, o ba eorit out from Frnnco. The
nttor are expected to roach Tonquin
inontJuly 10. Tire thousand troops
lave ocibnrkod nt Toulon. _
Pir-MpUjfy SPr jChajfiacJ ! Cno1
company nnd the British government
IBVO arrived nt nn understanding It
regard to the construction of n second
canal acrona the Isthmus. Arrange
ments must rooolvo the approval ol
ho sharoholdera of the company bo
'oro it can ba carried out.
I'AIIIM , lllnjr 29 Trloour , the now
French minister to Japan , Is expected
< i arrive nt Pekln shortly iu replace
[ Jiurop , the present representative
horo. Thu Ohlneeo embassy In Paris ,
t > ncaordnnoo with the request nl
Ohallom I. Lucour , mlnhtor of for
eign Rirlrs , ban toll Rniphed the Ohl
ueso govcrnmont ncklng that Trlooui
10 received without awaiting th <
arrival of his credentials.
SpacUl IHipatch to Tin Dn.
MOHC-OW , May 29. The omperoi
nnd omproes received congratulatloni
to-day of the civil nnd military ofli
olnlo , mayor , nnd nobility. Lore
\Volsoly , toprosentntlvo of the Britlsl
wmy , nnd Gen. VouWerder , Gor
man military envoy , attended thi
was prosontrd to tholr majesties to
day. Gon. VfinSohwolnltr , Gormai
ambassador , gave a banquet to thi
German prinoca thin evening.
Special Dispatcher to Tint HER.
BKULIK , Mny 29 , The workmen'
nick fund bill psssed a third roaditij
id the roiohetog to-day.
MAnniA , Mny 29. Four member
of the Black Hand society at X res
charged with the murder of n publi
can were Bontnnccdto death.
Not Affootod by ARO-
Some old specimens of Royal Bik
ing Powder that had been kept on th
shelf of a grocery ctoro for ten year
were recently tented by Prof. Sched
lor , of Now York , for the purpo o o
measuring the loss of strength the ;
tiad undergone. It was found that
Although the powder had been ex
posed to atmntpherlo changes during al
this tlmo for it waa not In alr-tlgh
cms Us loea of raising power o
strength vrr.t leaj than ono per
powder being practically as good u
the ( hy It wna put up.
This Is a moat valuable quality in
baking powder , ono whloh few pos
COBS. Most poKdors If not used who
first made are found to bo ineffective
If kept ovt n n few weeks they log
their leavonh'g power , become lump
or caked nnd valueless ,
This superior keeping quality In th
"Royal" arises from the oxtraordim
ry euro in its manufacture , and til
tcloutilic principles employed in II
combination , The articles used in II
composition are thoroughly dried b
heat before being compounded , an
are BO prepared nud ccatod as to pri
vent the action of the acid upon tl
nlkull prennturoly , or cxcapt undi
the influence of heat or viator nocoi
sadly uHud in cooking or baking ,
Thu Koyul is now used oxtonslye
In Australia , Africa and other low la
Itudes , whore it has been found to 1
the only baking powder that w
withstand the hot , moist ntmoapho
without deterioration.
A Revolt Against Cheap Labor in
the Ooiostial Section of
Paterson ,
Lung Poy Laid Out iu a Dark
Boom and Oirved by Hio
Thn Body of Ml n Aniin Bnuorloln
of ICanini City , Fouiid In the
A. GhlnnHa Klot ,
Special Dltpitch to Tim UKB.
NKW YOUR , Moy 29. A riotous
demonstration against Ohlucao cheap
labor has taken place nt Prttouon , N.
J. , the romarknblo fealnro of the
case being that the attacking party.
themselves were Chlnntnun. About
n month ago a Chlnnmnu known ns
Lung Poy alias Kong Hlng , wont to
Patorsou from this city and opened a
laundry on Mitln street. It WHS coon
noised about from that portion of the
community of Patonum that tfl cta
coloitinlly lanudrlcd linen , that Lung
Poy was cutting rates. Llis country
men sent committees to Lung Poy
suggesting that ho raise his charges
to the uniform standard , Bo refused
to comply with the domtnds , oven
when ho reoolvod threatening letters.
Yesterday a Ohluauian wont to Lung
Poy's p'.nco ' and told him a frlond
wonted to BOO him at a hou o on
Goodwin street. Lung went to the
place indicated and was shown to an
upper room , where ho found a grim
crowd of hla countrymen armed with
hutchota nod long clasp knlven. Ho
nskod where his frlond was. llln an
swer ws road in the brandiahod weapons
pens of his compatriots , who fiorooly
demanded whether ho was pre
pared to ratso his prices to
the regulation standard. Ilo stoutly
refused. In a moment ho waa thrown
to the floor nud beaten , kicked , stabbed -
bed and hacked without mercy by the
brutal crowd , His loud scronmi
brought the neighbors to the reiaao
and the Chinamen doslstad. After hla
woundn had been dreeatd Lung Poy
wont before Recorder Gravca and
made complaints for atrocious nssanlt
and conspiracy agatnut eight of his
countrymen whom ho had recognized
in Iho attack upon him Several of
them were arrested to-dity and com
mitted to jail.
Thn Knilfim Olty Mystery.
Special DInpatch to TUB lisi.
KANSAS CITY , May 29 On the
afternoon of the 17th of April Miss
Anna Bancrloln , ugod 15 , dinuhtur of
John Bauorltiu , a wealthy Gsrrauu of
this city , mv torlonaly dUappenrod
from homo. Diligent search by dctoc-
tlves vua nnsuoceasrul. No clue was
obtained until to-day , when a dis
patch from Boonvllle , ICO miles fallow
hero , ou the Missouri rlvor , an-
ntmiicoG Vbn * . Uoily had been fcund
la iho rlvor by a fiahorman and idon
tlfiad ai that of Miss Buuorlein. Tha
body had evidently boon In the water
for nome tlmo. Au examination re
vealed a bullet hole in the back. No
other marks of violence were appar
ent , aud the jewelry upon her person
was undisturbed. The fact of the
murder is established almost beyond
doubt , but the circumstances sur
rounding it remain a complete myo-
A ChnngB of QnvAmori
Special Dispatch toTnu l ! u.
NEW YORK , Moy 29 In the general -
oral assembly this afternoon the
counting committee reported A. O.
Bowen elected governor by 241
majority , and nil associates on the
stiuo ticket by similar majorities.
Thu committee escorted the i Ulcers
elect to the chamber nnd the oath
of nffioo was administered The ra-
tlring governor , Little field , then
warmly welcomed Gov. Bowen to hla
place * . The now governor Appro
priately responded. Upon adjourn
ment of both bouses the governor
waa oncortod to his quarters by the
Newport artillery.
The flagstaff and cornice o ! a building
on Wnihlngtou street , Boston , duriu ? the
high wind yesterday , fell on an omultms ,
fatally Injuring the driver , cnub 1 OR the
the skull of an unknown man , and injur
ing two or three other person * .
K-Amemblyman James Irvlcp , onp of
the jirjprlet rs of the notorious Empire
nalonn , New York , lina been Bcnteuced to
the penitentiary for two sears nnd to pay
a fine of $2 ! > 0.
Has "dccliled" claims upon tlio public. This
Is positively proven by tlio Immense good It
has elono to those uho luivo been cured ot
diseases from \\lilch they have stiflcied In-
teiisulyfor years , nsvuildcil by thu imbllsh-
cil tustliiionuli ) , c\cry 0110 ol which Is .1 i > os-
ItUofact. v
Cnr.LsnA , VT. , Vcb.21,1870.
Jlnssns. C. 1. llooi > & Co. , Lowell , Mass.i
Tlio ctli day of last Juno I was taken sick
v Ith a Buclllni ; ou my right foot.niullth nit
nufulpaln. The sucllliiK cnt all o\ernte.
] \Iy face \vas swelled so that I could u Ith dlf-
lleulty sco out ol my cjes.aiid I liiokc out
over tlio vliolo siiifiico of my body ; my light
foot up to my knee was one raw , fiehliig
mass , and my nnklo and foot so Inino mid
ere I could not step on It , and Itmild inn
bens to \ > etn bandage through In an hour.
In this condition Mr. W. ! ' . Hood ( of the Hun
of & Son , druggists , of thlsUwn ) ,
handed mo n bottle of HOOI > 'H BAitsAi'AiiiL-
I.A , nnd told mo to take It. I did so , nnd by
thu time I had taken ono bottle I found that
It was doing mo good. 1 ha\o since taken
Ihe bottles inorc. After I had taUcn three
bottles my soreness beuaii to leave mo , and
Ihavo been growliiR better cu'iy day , so
that to-day I can \\.illc without going l.uuc.
1 hav ono soreness In my ankle and It has
healed all up , nnd does not tun nt nil. I ewe
my iccovcry to your SarRariarllla. \ulto
this to let you know that I tlilnk It deserves
the confidence of the imbllc , especially these
who are troubled with humors.
Youra most truly.
P. 8. Kvcry person that saw mo said that
I never \\onld uct over my lameness w Ithout
having n nmniiiB soiu on my ankle ; but
lhaukGoaiha\o. J.I' .
No other Sarsaparlllahas such a sharpening
effect upon tlio appetite. No other prepa
ration tones and strengthens the digestive
I'rlco ono dollar , or six bottles for five del
lars. 1'rcpired only by C , 1. 1100D & COM \ ,