Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1883, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Tueodfty Morning , May ? 9.
' Bishop O'Connor will npoakon "C r
t l and L.Nbor , " nt Be. I'hUoicciu'i.cnthn
. r l next Widnitday evening ,
Two dcpsrtincnti of the U. P. ho |
W re ( hut down ytntenUy to nllowtl
-friendi of Mr. Tr ay to attend th& funrr
of his little roe , which took t > Uce ut
o'clock yeiterdty , Thuprrcevlcn wasot
of the Isrgfht ever not n In the city nud tl
more nd nn accotmt bf the tcnlLIe mainer
nor 'n ' which death carao.
Tlio inncriplii n nntheJrflirnnnrqiiti
fence re * ' ! ; "No doijn ullnvted lierp , nu
nobxly allowed to cllrub trees , " 0 iwi
hog * , nt6. ivrn port iltnil fn rn m nrutin
from niornlrp till ni' ht , nnd tn keep Udli
- nd children out of tin cqiuro. The clt
might&s well rent the louuo toflotnii stoc
man or uttlk tancher , znd BO doiivo
Mr. U Fredericks' , of th firm i
Frokerlcliiiiu ic. Oo. , wa < Hunihy uultc
in uiArrligo to Mmn Anii"ICjhky ,
young lr.dy from I'/ia-ant IMi , Mo. , wl
is well known in thn city , nul HSH m r
friends wtio will be hit py to lo rn nf tl
anUn. Tim ceremony w * < poi formed I
Rev. Frcoso , of th Oprmuu Luhcrr
clmic'l , nt tin ) brlrfe'a unclb'rf Mr , Albc
'N.iB , corntr of S ventcenth end Wlllio
trtiit * , nnd w n nttend'-d by nuly n f
very intimate fricndn. TL'f happy coup
will have thnguoj wKhotuf thcif mar
A sDodal ear orrlvod on the Denv
'tr ln over tlio U. P. yoitcnUy , I
ipanteiigam cnn ! Htnf ! ( of ( Icn. T. ]
Stcko'.n , MM. Oh s. A. Wh ting , Mr . 1
II , LQC , Mlii Orar-a Atkici , Mli.i Ileli
, AtkltK , Mi Kvelyn Amc ? , Mini Am
Leo AUICH , MiBi Knatllo Slckcln sit
Mcc ri. E Iwnrdfl Jtuhorts nnd 0 , A
Biker. Uan , UlckolH wan formerly clii
engineer of thu Unl-ju I'aellic , and h
been on a trip to Colorado r3ptlng nt
other points in the centennial nUto. Tin
topped over at tha MllUrd until tl
ntttmjun truin enet.
Brilliant SIICOOHB of the F.imnu * Hoi
brette , MlHH Anna W iKt > t > r ,
In "Our.Olto.1'
.Sunday evening , despite I he inclor
ency cf the woothnr , qriite u Itri
and unthnalasllo crowd gu'.horud i
* the German theater to wi nets tr.
pro entation of "Our O o. "
The principal attraction WAI , n
doubt , the first appearance in Oiiint
of thrt oolohrUHd soubret'e ' , Ml/ /
Anna Wagner. It was ntao the opji
IDJ ; night of the aummi-r eeuion , an
It must ho very gratifying to th
Dramatic club that they met wi' '
each a grand oucccbs , Mr. Jiu
Baurols bostHln d the luudini ; part i
( ho pUy Scbwitiobrok , nnd ho wo
well deserved npplaun on all aide
for his masterly porcoiiution of tli
chanoU'r. Ml IB Anna Waguur i
Otto attracted much attention and he
aotii/g was freely oritlolz d by a
preauut who pronouno d her HU aotre
of 'the first order whose fitjuro uii
> fuo < 9 are eminently soltablo for omit
< xing a good impresalon on an Rudlouc
, ev/rt'n an ctltlosl M that Uinitlly a coii
> 7bled in Turner H ll. Thn romainln
' - . > 7' all well auitntued
, parts weru bntspai
docs licit permit a mora elaburat
f W. Shlerltey , of Ktataa Olty , U at tl
"Paxton. "
' t John Busier , of Dj 4oiJ , U Agueitc
i the P.ixton. ,
H. M. Viirlofr , ol Scw.ud , w s t tl
t 'Putin ' Sunday.
L. F. Hilton nd Frank IIrrlman ,
' Dlalr , are at the Pttxtun.
Gea. Mile * , r ( tha army , went weitHi
, v nrd y to the co nt ,
( (
Gea , So itio'.il ' wai vunng tha Sn Fr
. ot co pawen era on Iba auon train Su
Mn. O. A. Baldwin rttutnel Sunil
from viblt to bor KID ami daughter
J. I ) . Draior and Mr. FCwUh , of the (
' M. & St. F. ruilroitd , were t the V.'Xt
"v Sanday.
V * Mr.V IU r , of the firm nf Walk
, . Broi , 8 lt Like , wu a wtat bound pa
Mr , .T Ft'vrrlx hai retnrted from C !
„ wto , ' whara be < stmt to Iny in a Htook
gooda fur the ; nlnx tnd fuuimer tr dv.
Mr. Fred > feitzheiuer,1 ! a prnnilut
y" "Union I'rclfio i.fll hi iu Denver , canto
.o on ( hi ni'irnlui ' ; truin , and I *
Mr * . A. .T. Grover , wife of tha s l U
rt clty enK'nsor , went eant dkturdar. 8
\ -will uu gou9 l > out munth vlsltlug frier
irt Gblca < o tntl Milwaukro.
'Max Hoffmann , formerly nn old ronldi
ojp u h , whjl * nnw traveling f > i Sti
bendiiri & , 0. , the v h'i1eiale Itqii ir di < nl
ofthU city , U la Onulu , fiijnyln t
ipilvilejeianrlojmfortai | > f a short renldvi
In the gifttt melri polli.
Mrs. A. 8. JUjnibcd ind Mr § . H.
"Darnhsui cau.e In from L'nooln ' nn Bat
J y nnl Btxiit Sihbuth Mid Monday v
Kt . Wm. H. Alexander , corner Sean
and livonport. They will roturu t
Col , John B. M on. col ml < f I
"Ninth lnfautryimverl here jccten.luy.f
roi\t out to Fait Om h > to py n vl < ll
Ills ion , Lieut. 0 'M. W. Mvtin , Foil
'Infantry. Ha will lo tva f r Fort D.
iRnatcll In il y r two , to uttnnie oc
> m nrl of III * regiment ,
Hermin Bue er. a pi orer ret'dtnt
3 hrnk City , U up ou u > I"H tu Uiua
Us hu been resliier.t < f Nehr ka
> twantjMlxerr , ad hi * clil'.drfn w
all born Mid rIied here. Ue In n h
n < i hi-rty io n , whom w hjpa ni
live to doubla tU length of hU rwldec
W.t r , a oir load jnit i
tired , atO , F. Qjodmaa'c.2
OrfleraforitsObrO'V CBinThi
'roprammo , Order of Proco ;
oiorj und Linn of March.
The oonitni'icn luring chirgo c
preparations for Ihn ob..tivanco (
Memorial day itutiounou to the pul
Mrnt That Onarado G ergo I
Rithtiun ii dotel'cd ' frdin George /
Gutter pout , No 7 , U A. 11 , ( , a ohli
S icond AH rucn , TrorniAi uod chil
druii in Omaha vid TiclcU.y ere InviU
to j iln in the okiurvtirito of that me-
fittlnu cotpiiibtiy , ho rlrovif | oi llu :
ern upon Iho ferovca of our notion :
Third It ii r.qirattd that pub'
ud private . fllwi nud uliopt. be OOBI
rom 10 o'clutk n , in. to S o'oloe
) , in.
Fourth Llcnt. 0 I. K. 0. Mesr
a imouncnd orc.tnv of the day.
Fifth- Attention in called to tl :
, rdcr < if the chief marshal , glrln
oimaUon uud route oi the procu
si en.
en.S xth Ot'izfctis ' &ro rcqosstcd I
nifripriakly ) dou > futo thulr honm
and plaoia of mtdnrft : .
By oidiir of the oxiontivo commit
lu atsuuiltif ; Ihn uutlci of chli
narthal for M uniiitl D.ty , I nn
lotinco the iolIoHno M my ash
sritB , rrho will bu rrnpocted an
ibtycd accordingly ; ii 'at OBr'l'.tuii
J p'iiin A. Alloii , of Ouotg < i A Ouiti
tout No. 7 , O A R ; tMimi ueiii
nit , W. K , Jl ohn' , nl 0 Jinhti poi
No. 110 , U A , U j thlr.l Heeivmi
Mtij ir J M. M Mihiiu , < f the Ii. ft' '
ounru of i-nocrsaioif
Firdt dtvielon to Kirm oti Blxtennt
Htreut , il ht rcsilup ; on Dndgn n'reo '
under the uomuiitiid of
M.rahal Allot' , in th > < loUoHi
1'latoon cf Police.
Fourth U S lufnntry I5and.
Msjir Oeti O 1) . Ho r.rl nnd
OomniKuder < f ll.mrtuiMit | nf Plutlv.
ti und Hold iri of Fort ( ) ini > h .
JtidKa n ( U. fl OouitH.
C i.i atato ml U uutj Conrtn ,
? iitorhuujf f HUtrvfpio mttdljy Thirt
K-H.1t Youkv MU > es.
jvll" * ' Floi l Oommlttce iu Ocrrltgr
H mind dlvtilon , Bacond Anlat < i
W F Bt-ohdl In command , to foe
m Fif ti ontli Ntrcut , ripht rt tlriK c
) , il rt B'rct-.t , In th f Mowing rrdi
Hca Dtptr'.niHnt , h nili d hy Chief 15ut !
ncd hiii AxBU'niilii ,
Irc.n . M , ul nf' Uninn ,
W B > u nnrt FluwerK ,
lin.rd c | Kiiii3 > tiiiii ,
liiperlntotiiipiit od Ttiuihcrn of I'ubl
tnl Pdv.itn Huhi > . 'Ui n I Hshiihrd
in 'J ' rii" > 'eH ,
teprw lii'lve < f thi1 P > HI nti luvlti
( > u < > in C .rrUftoa
TJilrd duulon , . 'hl.ri isiaanl M
yfitluui lu co'iunuod , > f .nn on For.
et'th ' * trm < t , r ( ht rtui.i uu D dgi
o form in HIM 'o'lmvl ' > t ord < r :
A. O. H. Bra
DM Ion ' o. 1. A. O. tl , i > tr1 Dlvlnlr
N" . 2 , A. O H. both diyi.l.iM con
iinucedliy 0 | < t t' . H. Tfliry ,
Iin'ntt Mo mmenl Amnol tlnu , Undi
rf 0 \ < " - . J' > hu
. I. O. O F.
IlrlcUlive * ' Union.
Onmhk iu upt.
llo > ifiiil"n I" mrm' Snt ty.
O.hnr 3'r t u i B ui i ltn t S i
ooinitnri'1 nf 'heir ' rmpw'.lvo oliijors.
Ion. P , u V ni1t < rvi nrl nn I S'-itf ' , Uoc
im > tdir In Gnlt < f l G A U.
On > . A. Cn.t. r , P t No. 7.
PhM. K tipy P. { No a , G A.K.
Oimli P..tN. . 119 G A K.
) 1 8 i d er * , H ulnr * and M trim-i * , dons
V i ran Bolnlma ot thu lute wur. A
if enid Pusti Sadi-r * . .S.lliir" ai
Mariuen. aud 8-init of Veterans , t- > 1
under the InnnrdlMe oninn and nf Of
Af. O'Brliin , Ciinmiin 'er of Castor Pu
No. 7 , G. A , R.
liiut on D dnu utiudt , to Ton1
street , south on Tenth street to Fti
nm street , west on Farnsm f ireot
Sixteenth strent , north on SUtocu
Htriuit to Oamltig ; street , wrat ou Out
\M J street to Sumdurs , uud thencu
a nt , eworthy direction to Prosut ,
Hill con tery.
the fv > llowliiK urdi-r of ex. rclaoa v
lie observed :
Munlobv KomlhU.K Inf ntry IHnd.
Pm > * r by tun OuuiUIn ,
Mimlo liy thA. . O. If. B.\n x
SjiiK'hy the Onuhk tjlet 0n\ }
Oratlou by Ool , K. 0. MJHOU. U S.
Special Memnilnl ( irvicp-iliy tli G , \
Hymn by the OniMu Gru ) Uiiib "I
Ouuntry , 'TIs iilThto. "
Miulo hy the Uaiid < .
Strewing o ! FluWDrn on tbo Grikvo .
Thu piooLS'.lfiii rtlll etirt ut 10SO ;
m. All tT Hiuiz tluin nnd parti
iii < alrini' to pirticipato are urgently i
quontid to report not Utir than U :
4 m. All soldiers , sailor * mid tnarini
arid sotiH nf vottraua , will report
G i > . M , O'lidun , o mniAudernf O
A , Ouster post , Q. A. U , t Knoiv
ball , to bo foruiid In hitullou wl
their oomndns of the GAR. i
other org iz'itloni Hiid sootntles w
report to 0. II Ft oh , adjutant
Goo. A. Ouster p" t , No , 7 , U , A. 1
ut Kuoty's lull , tor a'tiguinnat
thi'lr proper and roapeotive posltioi
Offnera of tosma mid carriages i
rtquentrd not to enter the cemntc
eoolofuro uutll the proooaiim has pi
sed the Kto ,
The chl.f murshal will have 1
ho * < ? qn.trlt > rp t Ktiony'i * hall , on t
corner of Fourteenth mid D d
atnotn. Or.o H RATIIIIU.N ,
Oduf M iahal ,
The following deeds were filed
noord In the county clerk's ofl
May C , roportoi for THIS BKK
Amps' ro l estate RUOIIOV :
Djnoon FlnUjROii * n J niinL Wi
ley , w d IO < B 18 ; vid 10 , blk 14 ,
com Pj4oc , $1 170.
ndllndiOartos to U. P nil *
u itupauy , q. o. , part of lots 5 aud
bhrkl02 , < l.
Obfts J. Mandoraon Mid wlfo
Miul * J MuDjnauh , w. d. , lot 3. nlc
17. f 1 800. Sillivan arid wife to Bai
Oifoid w. d. , w. 22 foot of lot
block CO , | 1 , 000 ,
AduUld I ) . Slaughter to Hnlet
Hawver , q-i o. , n , J of block 1 , W <
Omaha , $ X ) .
Augustus Konnica aud wlta to U
nia Youncr , rr. d , n. } of lot It
bcc0 ! , KoanlE-V nad. , $17o.
U. L. & S. Uowver to A. I
H'au.hwir ' , q. o , d. , lots 3 and 4 , bloc
1 , Wuat Oin lm.
An nstui Konnlia and wlfo i
Kd arn Lotorton , w. d. , lolc . ' } bl'c
4 , Koin'zVH ' First ddlti'm5401 < 61
John 1. Iljdlck aad wife to L J
Ltiob , q o. d. , lots 21 nttd 2'2 , i
Hi dick Btcnnd addition91 CO
Thoi. aiuirt ud vtfo to 'Daiic
Fln'.ayson ' , w. d , lot 10 , block 14
IlAM'Cvfin place 561'0.
Andrew Ilnuicum Mid wif * to Dare
o n Finlsynon , w. d , lot 15) ) , block 1-1
IRii'cora placn(800. .
U P Ralhray oouipsny to Bjlind
Ourtls , q , c , d , , pt C and 0 , block 111
-SI O' ' .
Allro-1 H Da'rouo ' and T/ifo to Gat
Wi\m > n S tilth , w r ! . . c 4t by OG let
of lot 1 block 1(7 ( , C5 100
Win. lluidnll H'id vvlto to Dwid I
Tr lll , * tl. , > ot 30 in J of 87 , bloc
8 , Ua'itwiu PI ice , ? 1 uflO.
.To'm M. Williams und wife t
Ifl.10 IvInKlM ( U'd Hlf * " , Pt H HT pt t.
su ft ao r.w 21 , 1C 10 , ? 5.K ) .
J. II. Silvia i > ud wife to VVrttcrlo
Owamury A > v elation , w. d , pt IM
0 , 10 , 10 , $ . ' 500.
Jufl o Doano and His Wit
Oallod to
Death of Uobarb Shorrock &
Hon. Goo , W. Doano r.ndnif
Scnilfty rtictvivud a tnlegraru fror
liailey , Id ho , unnounciii ( ; the dnu
eroutillnefnt. ! Mtc. Doano'sbvothei
Mr. VVillOrccnhow , who iuwolikriow ;
In this city , whcro ho roeidocl for norc
llmo. A couple of yoari .TWO h
wont out to Qitiley , end ha
beta tvmuii | { the forr who mad
money lu Unit country. The nr.tur
of hiu lllr.c s wus not ntattui , but th
WAI B imperative thn
and Mrs Dxvio luft for hi
j s > idiy , the overlan
trl i IjiiiiK hold A few tnitiuten t
ouablo them to ptitnj without du
In ? , Iis to bo liopud tbo ruoult o
Mr. Gi'ocuhor/'n illiu' n misy prov
Usa Sdrtoua thin niitla'palod.
A leleijriin wa * rccfived jostorJa
murom hy Mr J. K. Webb , ftr mau ,
yo.trs cuiincatcd wilh the BKK jo
depnrtmQiit , atiticui cltig that bid ao
in-lmr , . M II bert Shnrrock , vra
K voty ill ui bit hum' ) In Kalu
Mich. , nnd rfqucetiii ( { hi
once. Flfluuu mtnuto
litter a si.'coud ditpatch CHUIO : lu\t h
w dii d : Mr. uud Mra.V bb lol
on ypBtorday'n trai'a fur Kih
mt > 7uo to uttcnd the funeral.
T'IO doctascd ; ? * 3 for ynat
I'inployod hi the variant ) job ofiiooa (
this city where ho wan well know
M ono of the moat iflialou
prlutei'c in this city. Kor the las
V" r he bus been foreman of th
K.vlsnuzoo Ttilogrnplt , whtro ho w
uiujh tluiUk'ht of by hU cioployoi
nnd many friends. The nymoiUhle
of nilwill bo ortonded to Mr. nn
Mrs. Webb and to Mr * . Shorrock 1
their sad boruaveniRnt ,
A Tt > z-Payor tsntore a Proto&t.
To the Kdlt-r of Tee Pee ;
OUAUA , Miy. 28,1883 , Yoaterda
being Snuday , nu I paiood Mr. I
Shatinou'a ruloon on Tenth atrout ,
oavr a uoiioa put up on the front i
the oaloun which wan folio we : "Tf
aide door la open. By order of tl
mirnhnl. Bna , atop in aud pay. "
Now , wo r. < ad In aootion 0 chapti
21 , on psj < o 70 of ttio oily ohnrtu
I hit uo poraou or co f-artucrahlp i
persons ao Doomed ahull keep open her
or tholr baloou on the Stbbath da }
uoruuionly o tiled Sunday , nor on wet
daya between the houru ( if 12 o'oloc
at night and 4 o'clock n m , , nor dui
ing Buoh tium aell , barter or In an
rmuuer diaposo ot tny malt , aplrll
uona or vinout the dleturl
auco of the peaoa nnd trttiquility i
the city ; and any person violating tr
provisions cf thin auction ahull , upo
coHvlctioti , bo fined not to i-iC3e
tweuty-fi o dollarn.
In ecotlon 14 of chapter Gl of tl
lornl UWH oi Nttbronka , wo find o
. ? 70 , "E/ery poraon who soli t
piva nwuy aay m lr , aplrituona an
Vilnius iw era on 'ho day cf any gel
oral or apt-ov , ! clootlou , ornt any tin
during tbo DM * day of the woxk , con
ructnly called Satnijy , hall iorfolt an
pay fur ovtry iuoh otfmta the aura i
We eco on p K6 78 of the city chn
ter , otuptcr 24 , n-c'.ionn 4 and
nlioro dmylt ; is to ti-u that the \e.\ \
are properly enforced.
I wish to aay no'murn at proannt.
leave tha mvtttr with the public t
thorn to draw their own coi cln lot
BtanforUM Stud On Tholr Way to ti
July Raofca.
The overland train from the vn
Ust evening brought with Itu load t
iitttblo csr of Ei-Goverr.or Inliv
Stanford , of Oillforn'a ' coatainlnRl
fine trotting hoteoa , lu chirgo of Oh ;
S. Martin , the famous driver of Sun
Arnonp the animals were ; Wi
Flower , ionr-year-old , with a rcco
of 2:21 : , uitde nhmi two jiir ol
whloh won the Mull stake * t F.ei
wood park lant vcar lu 2:27 : ; Qiu
Hone , rccjrd 2:3G : , aa a y MHIr
B idt , four year t < lrt , record , 2:24 : J , a
tvro > } rar < olr ? ; Ohiqulta , two jiur ol
no noirdj Uvptinm , two year * ol
uo roonrrl ; liulen , three yravs old ,
rt'cort * ; Fiovror Girl , three ycats ol
full nutur to Wild Florer ; Alba
tw Kr-old stalliou. Uluda P.oi
Wild Flower and Bonll& tro ontur
lu thn Ohlosno riots , which bof
July 14'h. The tire year-olds n
trot iu the different rueotlcgi nf
fall for colt s' kfs. The car Jeft L
evening for Lincoln. III. , where themes
homes are to ltd until the opening
the. Chicago
A Contest Hotwooii Ohag , Spool
and 010Y83 Brcs ,
Board Refusf B to do BUB
neeu Longer With iho
SJfionllnnorni Buiintxm rf Iicas In
pox taut Nutnre.
A epeolal mooting of the bo rd i
olnua'lon ' wan held lwt ornninp , t
which thora wcro present Metari
0. > polfiud , Sptcht , Polntr , Glbboi
Llvesoy , Hall , Secretary Oonnoyi
Rtid President IiUtf.
Prealdont Liu ; ; etn.tcd that iho ol
oot of tin ) moiling ITM to couslJi
ho plnnu for the novrtchool buildlnt
ud hear the rf rJnrl of Iho commtUt
11 buildlupn and property on g&ma.
A cummnnlcitton vrna read froi
Ir. Spccht , oi the board , in regard I
n proposed alteration la the ulu
mown tB "plftca No. 1 , " and cJctnl
IR thn fp.ct that h < h\ii heun foroib )
jiotiid from theiHijoof Clovca Ufou
uo urchltecto ; thut hu btilluvul the
Wfru tryirg to fotco a fr&adnloi ;
Uim on the hourd , and calling for
omtmtteo ( .f investigation.
Mr. Oonuojer propoct'd that a con
littwo of thrcu b ; appointed to Invn
Igitto tlui matter.
Mr , Sptcht ototed that the matt ;
jnli hu inuintijjftted in thin inwtit ;
ud that hn had appointed Mr. Cbps
and to aos I.B hia uuuniiel.
Mr. Ojium&d co ) carted , and nsfcti
Ir , Livesoy to mnko a luatcratjnt c
no I acts.
Mr. L'veiify made n aUioiaant , an
bought , the whole matter was a pr
Ate mul paniunBl ono , atid nut oil
or thii luiurd to mttlu.
Mr , Ilall moved to o into oomtnit
oe of the wholu to iuvcatigato tL
ubjeot , willed w.u c.urlod.
Mr. Oapnlaud askud thai foraetati
mrut frjtu Mr. L vc y , who laid thi
pint thiilr vieit to 0 - - viIlron. . the
otrud tlmt 0'itun otmrgos had bor
uttdo. Mr. Suocht otjjcted to ri
olvlug ny pUnu but each ta h *
atu ucciptd by the bond , npn
which ho w j violently ejooted by th
) ) ovi a Broe.
DC. Parker diked that thoarchltccl
laro a ohuuco to defend thvtusolvos.
Mr. Sptcht roado s > otatoifiout i
efcMrd to the changes mudo In tl
> lans and Mr. Uauuoyer ulro mndu
ttttowont ui ) to the potion of the con
icittoo on buildl'-gi wid pioparty et
oraftig cold changes.
Mr. Speolit Wont into a detail i
ho changes nude nnd the dtffrtronc
t would aiako In the cyst of the bullc
Dg.Mr. . Hall BDjj eutod thai the objtc
f thia Invoatlg4iion wa : to mot-mi
f H'mombor of tha board hud rccjli
d tre 'raant fct the hands of tli
31uvea Bros , which wan an Indi ult
o the bohrd , and that tholr atatt
merit ohonld bu hoard.
Mr. Oiovoa told hla eldo of tt
tory , which was UTthe tffijofc thi
nit. Spccht had vramca ojrtai
oh ogcs tj allow him to ni&ko bit
hb brothyr-la-law. Ha
hroagh - - BU
SpwjiH blow clg r ashen on thepl'.i
and BWoro n ilttlo , and he wan ther
upon fiffld onb.
Spccht pronounced'tho staternQnt <
Jr. Ctevou n brnu'.l face llnnd di
"lured that ho hurt mrtdo'no tutrra
i any thno to obtain work from tl
board , IIn denied ull that Mr C'ev '
. Id and eaia it WJ an iiirult to t ]
whole bord , upou whloh the lickli
i'j uot n fljotod.
Mr. Spwoht called for phai No.
Ahioh ha claimed wonld'ihow he
imny wiudowa wura cut nff and th
he board would lo o ? 10CCO If tl
ohavgos wrrj adopted.
Mr , Long aw no changes nindo , e
ocpi thiiko endoraod by the board.
Mr. Oop land thought the point w
bat n number of the board , acting
nis offi ilal capacity , had ben IUBU
ed , ana he was In favor of droppli
heir pann ! and dealing with route 01
rho would respect the board. 1
ilgh dlaapproral should bu otamp
on their action. Both eldoa of tl
c 8o had been preeonttd , and 1
bought it plainly proven that the a
suit was unprovoked , and it was t
) Uin du'y ' of the biard to take uoti
of it.
Mr. n H moved thnt the oommitt
rlsn and report that the conduct
ho Uioi. waa tuoh ttm1t
board doom it * luoxpediunt to do ni
morn btialnura ulth them.
Mr. Cinnoytir rnvloivod the 03
end cald Oil1 via lirna , had boon I
atiuoiod if or the funs to make o
heir cntftila and that ho thought
/tip ; ai the board wan n-ipnnaib'lo f
ifii ) pilaus uujwey they should u
.Elr. Sicahl ; excUndly began an e
? V" AU-jii of thn plar.s acd wrs call
ra. . . ly r LOUR , s the qu3 ti
Uuo - < iX ijot dcpand ou th <
ms , t : ' < ! '
Mr OlbboofpAo VricHy.and.
pr B od his opinion thuVoro w
acmt ) personal mattrr U ftn tj
trouble , thnujh he did not know h
H , wi . The boatd should not
ira n into a personil qu rrel
Mr. Livoty , who h > the fiaht t
tweeu Olbvca Droa. and Mr. Spool
tatd that it was an Ituult to < he boar
Mr. Speoht rolteratcd hln orti
thtt the original planu had bdt c
all to plucoa , that they rould not
carried out for Ian than ? -3C , (
> h\lo as reduced they would ci
110 ( .00 .
Tnu motion to B vor baslneaa rol
tloua with Oluven Broa. WAS then o
rlod , and nn motion thn commit )
arosa rnportod p.ooordlagly ,
Mr. Points cilkd attention to t
oWtii made tbnt one of its mamb
(3 ( ii chl ) had , contrary to law , tffj :
to b. < co.uo ! a party to furnlihing c
torlul for the uoir buildliitr , and
thought a committfo should bo i
polatad to inviMiH ate the oondnat
Hr. Hpecht. Bo vraa ot the oplni
that there was Bcnidthlng personal
th holtrm J thlt whole matter.
Mr. Parkur rc.d a onpy of an
davit made biiorn Judge Btrnd
Dot-ember 18th , 1882 , In whloh 1
Wokffisld , the luuiber m n , eU
th t in the ipilbK Mr. Oljrts oil
and asked what oouEUMlon tl
would p y for any bnalncts nsn\ \ bin
Mr. Oonuoycr itntcd thtt he anc
nether oommltleo ni'mb r had beet
* uthoritrt : : by Mr. Hp oh % to rruki
iho nt > cc * * ry ltf rMioL * Hi th pl ui
of Olevra BTOJ. He BNfd tha threcii
lid.d been ui cln on the etroo/ ! before
-ho row that OJ.voa Bro . thould noi
luve the plans for the school ballditiR ,
Un denoDUctd Mie Introduction of thi
a&idavlt MI an cutragn.
Mr , 1'iiliita impugtied the molly * r :
the p rlct > whoso nsnii-s aopt' red it
the alliJitvlt , r.ud * aid Mr , Bpecht b c
bdou worLlug over linco the plani
wt > ro presunted to naro them to
llr. Oipnland ntkod , n a matter ol
nfornifitioo , If the pltus ot Olovci
l.'othcn had ovur rctlly been ao
The Bcaretary rnsd from tha reoorc
o show that the pittas bad beet
dopti'd , and Mr. Oopuluiid ralu'd tlu
joint that uo purfictbd p ns hid * vui
> sen b fore the botrd , upon whlot
ilt. 1111 pru3nnld the leiM p iin <
hat thtlr accipturca hid dtiaundeii
jpon the holton ot ttio ct rntuK'.co vf.
) uidir.yf ) , arid thtt IDQ board VTPJ noi
lound b ( anything , unleta n con'.ncl
u < f houa tnrtuu ,
T u q ie.iti- bslnp upon thn mo'
ion of Jlr II 11 which WAS to ad i
lie top ro of tlio committed it i.'rc-
The Bccrolary reported tlmt th (
inor'i of tidoc'Mou hi.d bn nupd tij
1 nMtlgin , 15 q , for $ 200 > ' 'd Av\
iita i ud the tsi ciliary wua on m > tlfir
a' horizjd to employ uu uttornby to
itwa * raovrd tlmt tlu > t'cr.itary ' bo an'
titer z d lo nciv ! rtls < ( t ( > r ' 'iicuovitto
ion ot thy huiulli f i on D.'laru n d
vint ; r.r6i'tB f r which tn. > U ns * ui <
umiAliod bv Ddirutio & M nddeoH :
Ud Mr Pjrker rtmnUUD. ! Klftt tlu
ame bulletin ? lin dupUc itd on Sjv >
atuiuth and L 'iivunwort.i ntrrnts
The tint. pr , if tlio nu > i in w.4
dopiod , und Diifn-no and Mt-nflulj.
hu nutlnir a ito rxiof'-i-'y thtir 'pUr <
o cult 'h.iei'O on Iji.wtmivorih ax/c
> ivent ( ! inh , rtud report by Mundoj
UtXt.A resn'utlon was ndop'cd
) afrano niul Mahdnlo.oiu ! fear
enl for the pku tiU
/ the buUdtug.
Tlio storctury wns anthor-z/'d to buj
lawn iiower , ami hnvo the jjru j eau <
u the high tcioul J MU ,
It wa r. * ulvtMl to employ MB ,
Wdoh "i jnlti'r ' for the room
> la < l by tbo b Mrd.
The purciujo of fifty mnnlo
or nia in pitipint ; for the
lo'cbon oF tha choon ! wai attthor'.zt d ,
The oommUteu wai iiutracted tc
iaia the > idlk ou Duugo street ro
) alrod.
Mr. P ik r ropirled as to th ooni
f throe loM in B gj * A Hill's ad
. .lltiMi$1 6 . .I ) * the loMt the }
onld bo Anonrod for The thrao lota
' .too Id be 120 b } 110 feet itt a z ; am
r loaitad ou D.U2ia
it hth Btrajt. Tno
authorized to pay (1 COO for thn loll
f they ciuld pet thorn at ( hit rato.
Iho CJdual Moudhy Morning Docket
Judga Bjneko'a court -was fairlj
busy ycatfrdn } , though none of thn of
enders were charged with unylhin )
very corloaa
Two boys arrested aa vagrants wen
sent out of town.
Two auspicious ch&r.icters ircr
ield for further cx mtiitlon , one fiui
was paid fcr drankennesi nnd thri'i
nen answered to the charge of dir-
lorblng the peace , one being ds !
oh.\tg J , ono oommittod and ono th < r <
out of town.
The authorltlea are at a Ions ti
: rovwhat to do with the notorl < n
E < ? ft L'oyil ' , - ho is iu the oouu'y j l
ua a cli tn't * t f shootlnt ; with Intuii
to commit murder. "Djo" Rch ! rds
the mau whom she shot at , did no
ihow up to proeocute her , am
3 euppoted to hr/n left town. A
'bore were no other witnesses , thi
will probably kiuo't ' the bottom on
tf the Ciuu. To n < flijjr who cou
veraed with her S nnd ay she asii
she shot to kill "Dec. " and then in
ended to kill herself She promisee t >
, BiVo town if she is rol ens el.
The onto of the hack drivers chaigai
with obstructing the U P , depot plat
form is aut for 2 p. m , Thursday.
In quarrel batwon two boys a
Tbo Republican offiae Jimi'ti Km
s'ruck F/e.l . Z rclltl and it flloted >
wound above ouo of his eyte
Kane waa arroated but on account n
the fact that Ku.o rnpporr td hi
mother by his work , Mrs. 2-foiff
tlidrow the oharqo against , him
Z rt'i''will bo luld up for sevom
d yi as if la. - S * * * * TL
SDIDO boys have been smashing win
dowa and doing damage in vxrlon
ways ou Suuth Thirteenth street b
b\ll throwing Olio indl naut cttiuji
captured the ball and loft it at polio
urt for the owner to call for.
Anwar Won tea.
Gun any ona bring us A ciss r
ECfdi.ev or Ltvur Uomplnliit th it Eltctrl
liit'.crs will iot tpeeillly curt ? V/u H
tht'y cau not , M thmiMtiida of case * nlraad
jtrm-vnent'.y ' nurud , ril who tre dully t ? <
mm nd < tiK K ctrio Bitten" , will provi
Blight's D.BKave , DmvMeVeilc Uaok , t
my urinity conipluint qnicltly curot
Tttey purify tlie blotxl , re uUte the to *
. m.lot directly on the reiued ) | ptrti
ryi ttlft-irti rinteed. For sale at 60
Roaolutlons of OocuoiHfcpn. .
At a mooting of Omaha foo'ge
141 , I. 0. Q. T. , the following rcaol ?
tlons wt-ra nnanliioutly adopted.
WuKHRiH , It bus pli'aacd provl
deicjto o ll from rut midst ou
* * * q aned and bjloved sinter , Ld !
OraVj rj ( thereby deptiving on
l'Idif : wxfiithfnl member and he
fhroiiy olipTjUR daughter and slstti
be It .
llesoi.Tin , Thu. . fho mernbors e
this lodoo hrreby tout , . 4hor | aDcpr
djmpnthy and condolence
reavtid parontr mid relatives In irj
tu lr licinr of rfll otlon.
RISCLYKD , Tiattho ohart r of or
lodge be draped Inmrurnlng for thlrt
days , aud that a copy of theoo reaolt
tlons be forwarded to the family c
decpated ulster , atno that a copy i
the sfmo io fumlshei to the di.i !
papers of this city for publication.
0. T. Bono ,
W. .T. WAKD ,
W , F. Piis ,
nnd Children
tA.t Klvri or.ClilMr n TOTT rhwki ,
i-l < r. tlit-in slrpp
When Rablrs fpnt , nnd ctr l v turns ,
\ \ hat ourtfi tjwir colic , klllj tlclr onni.
lr wires CmiY
Sour Swiuacli , Colds , In
Hut Cn torfa.
l ' . ' n < > Jlontlilr.o Krunr ,
( 'ft.itor Oil uud I'liit-K
, ' [ - \ \ - . , ! ' v-ai. C'.iiii. u'o. ,
v i..iL.kUuruK\i Pii.v.L'i Uo--a ?
r3 .Ti - v ' * ' * " - '
ertrdunlei * paid In advance.
IX UIJM t * Jl E i
LOA.V The Om hianln/sin
MOAKVTI \ rip red totiuko 1 a i o Oni
city or rru.'lu c untj ic.l etio ot C'lrrf
rittgo I'ti rent. N ii mm i nn cha g d. M
KY IO 1.0 A > . ( J.tll r.t Uw oft'cn of U.
JLll Thn a , rmm < , r'nl.'hr n II no.
"T70 KY TO I , AN Thi u. H M/u o I
1V tircnt. liumli 101,1 Arfui c > , lBth It Dial- ]
214I I
- rtY Loaned on liattnl irn.u. tj bj
MO1rtY njNo SIB frtuth 14th ittoet
a 'U jjnot _
' NY L' > ANVD - n chattel morti-ii , '
M' liuoui 7 Union Hlofl > _ Sj5 1m
FANIXD Nurrfi ) jjlrl , gOOCh c\jokt.
\\T AN KD A w on an to v.otli sii'l Irrn ,
V V Ilia Um ft 11 IB. .
A crmDu'eitfilrl t" ci k , wi
WANThD Appy to Jlrj Kln.nn'i , B
Ploisi t i rut , t o blr t's cbt ol Mi C nt
ruiit.ln. : iKf Ii lioui bi. llarj's iwumct II n
\'vo m > M ul ( 'Ood adtirr K to K *
t1 KM ) tell uoli. jtod } ' tmplojni i
CalMil Foufi Ii hst 18 SO !
WANTfll ) OW'l ictiv - " * oilu ' UK
her work. Wi.e , Jl.OJ p r > steic /
ply 912 DOUK ! 8 St CIS.
\ ' . > < < r noi Kill luitmdl t.
WA\Tti'V.A1lnl ) . Wt
_ OF..VTS WANTED- cvva for a r
Jbook. . ( AltCdil tlH8 j. JHhSt 068
- c-mpitosit ec'nd gill PI
WANTKD-A ve.ipJit Jt 69) 31
ANTE > 0 > ' ( tbl > cV rlth on eurralwc
-it - 1 tha.iu Ltav. t.wor.hSr. Ct"-.f :
\ \ ANI'KI-TfOtlnre'i to f lo Frerani
\ Nrli. . Apply at i-oj FroJaiuCo 11CS
1110 Il'irr.ty t 0 4-1"
\\7ANTE I T ! rcl hflp at Yr
> V Il tui , nn d"k t"y Go .1 3fo-i is
tlxgt tin n lur t er Information on nHti
II H Mary il u Ifv } , t'ini nnt , . ' .cb. BC7 SOl
\fOOl birlorat enc . Ac'di
WASTED Sait i.ann , Euhujhr , Ndi.f
f 02 2 !
ANTKD A dining room iirl at th llrf'
ton I.OU e. 315 t
. Tlv ynncj g'.ta \ bM 'n'A
WANTF.O iclni { or topy h'j dliy. Unil
ltttnd nir i.iislnitt AddrumM il. ltu o I
_ _ _ _
-Situ tIon by y u ( r SwBle
WANT cirj cf bonKt or d' coterwvk
tore Vft. < H nctsi nun h an o ) J tt n a Ml
tlin > v | h a t'irtca ' for 1 n'll-ii ! K Kll b.
C7.I-2 { E. NKLBI.N , So itiurn Ho e'
" Kf > Kj Ihea n f -c t-h h > p f
WAf" er , wlih go d co.iuni icUl nura'l
fitn-tu"- trust nn K mo faun or r'ia ilu
U dihari.o o' ? T d faun I miti t > tili
ft. d can ulv noU ret rnr.c I at lo or nr nhr i
Ad n i'h.i-p urr er I ce uttce.
humaucntlcal cneiul't , L'"Mvj e fr
Mi \nilvor-ltv , do lre < ( -itii tinn n I
nortti * it , 'i w , ( teuoniuunlid Adi.
quckl , V II ZillOmah * ' 633
\ \ ANrED-l' mlloiiii t'ook-v * . p r br t
V > rcf rmei given. Addreim S. K W I
office IH9 1
A s'.t ' i t < n in "Iruir ti it b
} ni i | f in n of onn y urs cxp r enc , gt
reftrtnc B. AiUio s UJH cue , Bou
a1 ta meet 'C'
C 40-14
NI K newthr > e lo/m co'ta > ? fnrtro
> 4 iron I * rick c liar , ell anil ern rn
and Oilliornlait Eiqulr Nn t)32t-tiM.l )
1 1 hUfiirp.litur sh * > l > On 0/)8 ) < tt , Into fn 11
l d 17 h. 182f I' . J. CIUEDON.
" 17011 KENT 4 ro ms , i w f nd p'eiR-nt.n
'ftr ' e * fas. T run , * 0 p r m nt1 * . fn
quut lam'ly p e'e red J P. W. HO' ' , Kin.
is endaew rd. 670'J
TTOIl UK'H T o "Inly f cI , d In
P rroun , 2117 Wtbler blreit , inu bli cV ir
T t three rr cm c-ltvff
f 59 K lr l w >
i Iture fdr tVe. ppl ) >
tor it lUr ) ' < avenue , ( Tit !
I OU'ltKNTHoiscwlt1 ! 'our IODIB d kit
I * e1 , well and d tc n w * r Bj ! Bouth I'
ttn t. Apply on fr. m e , t77 to
KKN'T ' ( wo aiK lurrUhcil froit tor
plwanM itu ' l , I'a ' le fir'onne i
moii , H 5 How rd S . Ui > . A. M. Lip n-
" 170 - HWT-Fl.htrn m rottt' wl h mdi
I < I'r-iror raentt. 2443 UiTeuiort tt U.
' , 110 S. 16th 8t.
RVNT-Futnlihed ro n , th t ' ' 'eb i
FOH > dgo 13-31
rrOK KENT Hou e l h five riwm , good
1 } i lr nl'e < aril lloit IS p ' month.
S V } JOHN W. I'.ELL , Orupglit.
'TTIf1' ' * HUNT etta ti of lhl t inom > , T * n
JJ th nl -d ! e ti" wort1 * , $11 p.r i on
tnqimo'it 812 8 bt JIS4I
. T-a c Itu es etceilcnt repi
liif-ti | trth ftuu buu.b a e Uo $2 a-u <
r Jt > AUUK ,
610 tt rppuiltc t * 0
UK. K H IIKNT Corntr i f ICthnudD
ST m0.t. | liniulro lull ) ' 'uvt-niort ttr > tt.
. - 1) ) itnyh usot ; roou.n i oiltiu
? o ruir 18th kn4 Ink. Eiu-lru i.lWin Kl
HIM at US ! kV&STO.NH. ,74i. .
fiVJ LKT Oiiiifir two Koran , lth ti > ard 11
JL 'a IIP nl > trf" t. _ SBM
T70H it K NT jni Pia'io , ona new cr to , re
Jj o.r.b u toani. Il0j.u' llatlc Hill li.'j-
riUHSlSIIKI ) ic-oun - nd hoivd UoJ r a
L ± ! ii.l U B , IS10 IKxljff itreitlJOOunl'
J Ptok. r/ii'tetaftV':7 * * J < l lr M 1 cti
_ „ _ „ _ o 9UI l
TnOR RKST Fln upright pUno , nni" -
J. b llurK n , 1519 IkMije nUuet.
KM. C A. HOHPr. Ji
booti unJ H tmit Itt * t
vut | 1. 0) ) , Will ent m fur r 1 > t
ir'ptriil c tr , l rn li' .
Ul-J K.L.
On SAL * Houis I wven roitm. Al'o thred
F roe ut for rial. Inq ilro 6j3 iuit j 13 h St
U -'A
Autch w. bu f yan lurnoi O.ily
FOH nix iron In A HI 1 ghtLM' ij l'K
w gen nil open lii'ifgy n I w tig niscUu ,
criwp Call HI 441 2iu iitreit , batftt.n * n y
and ht. U r > 'i avinjo. CC9i {
TSIIIl HALK T olautlful lo' * , eotn > r , 'n
i Cni'r-v > t , ftmei and Ire's p'ant > il ,
tfo'lth a < d r t tro t 8 WO.
1--1I I o atltw Isrxeh L s Iht'a'e biln I'g
n 10 r r i etii on M W I f ir cw h 1 1,000.
tvof ill lirtand l ( Ii umw lht rett to $115
ptrnuilh. Good ) oi t ion. fll'.MO
1 ; i.2 8HUV-U.t
' ' KOH 8A1 K A coinlry o i'e ,
NKWSl'AI'ER > d bu In' m cn < l loc * a In *
thil lnic tovn In untcru lo > 1'ilc tltOO.
two f.lrd ) CAih Addrt i"L."c rtOaah. tc.
\l ncftcr flea reio'i ! i nf fuur
POUSALK ( ! trnZcth b t ru I'jul Mut
lucpu ruot J. L. lU'bl , - 7N ICIh
BS. li 1'
l Oll \LR-M fo bar tp buj , no.rlv miv
L' I J4 Ftinun ht. 6533) ) }
. ' ! OnoB jcAr od Itcn Gr yin re.
ill treat Jo-'or.omiuaio f&rn. 8JC-U
' ' - ' trtent dcr nn ry
rtfiiiited bt J. A. Eotdir , tt. . rowill ,
r Kulm & Co. < jl "
ITIOIt SALE 'li > o B rrcui hru iJ 1 t , fh ' 'o '
J ; tn'o < , ir < od a I Ac a lilouhs rom t io *
car , rxrolltn IccatLn , otl ) $ .0 0 All' ' ,
OV.9-2s 1'OC
Ti Kor ( ule only t' n mtnntts wilk , f 'Cm cud
LO ' ' tt iaMr ik .1 C Wi c x at h-K..v
c. UD ho'.iio. i mire ; lu p ao . 0.2 t
, : HALX BMbor boo wltliilg r nn Ire- " ) ,
1,0 oed lo at ou , Oc'jlrs. IMJU.IU " " li.o
othro 045 2 it
JjlOU SA11"- New linusr , li\o luou K , iw'lar a d I
t b in , II ul ii dinlt water , in > < Urn iui-
vhnc s A-plvctKl8 ! Twctj-Bocoi d tte t ,
rs .2 it 8 !
HALK Voso I'iino.
SALKCHVAI' A icwoMt inc rrl RO.
For n y t to ritna miiy- Iniii > ro ut
t flt.k'c warcho > o , 13ttt tico , Ictweuli ' o go
anil Capitol uvi n iu : Cti-2 *
r,10R dALK A Hi& cl tn ecconl bund pbwten
L1 C lut 1819n _ auyfli.I'OT-t'
poll 3AIi" 7 room hoti'c anil tarn , tw full
} ' loin nl vi ) Improved. I'lnol cation , Eohth
.Ornal a. tfiOO'J. MRS
33i-lnn 1500 F na T.
TjlUK SALE Old ncwpiord lu lai c a id tnmll
JC quiuio.4 | ! .t thlxotl.ce tf
ITti'K SAI.h M x nun niKUiliier ) ennlstiTtTol
1 titnko , 2 duto s , beutrr , j--Ul-ir , pi > 't > , &c.
fanw rk ei her r tied or ptci > n t tk al'onr.-ft-
Inn , | iUUIo rnd btlMnc torilruht tic to o ,
a' ' o oiu 35 II , ' . i-iiLinc Altb b Hr. HIHI'-'O.
Ucii rnUlllx HIP 10 pet. . Aililro-- Alt , * .
IAMTAIT < Otf ) o v : n5 f-ail
HALK A flrt-cltt'8 trcoirfl htnd tort titii ; .
FOU C ll nt 13U > la > ney Urat-t 3'J7-t
rA8fUK < ; V-iif lonen n 'y. T
GOOD ' - < i' f r postotrica , ieo nd hnuno w
Ir m Mr I'jra'i'n ' 8 S-1t
rPAKI'.N \ V Ore Ii > 'c and on m > e tolt ,
J nibl'tlind lift tlte U ro l.a \ < h'te
ttrniifonh a . O n r > rnotir > am < l'J
.wi e Ipcn rpHii.tLn to H 1'rl n ,
prc-.l ci C Grit ce t
rniUO O' UKSKitWriON In lr r . .kti1 1
J KMi jsls to n Id by tto < vo > iucnt A
map't liu rert Vrn with K lal-j il ptku cf
tn ntO creaiddH Hi f < l le mi if a Id
en' on tiT-nli U cine d lr. l < . Ad H
01 ' : < > { . O.
I'nr U landItir , 11
Y"l KKS-Suliij'Um for c o " liotlma- , "
BI aTlip1I I 'i ' 'd * 1 n b \ M z o n-
ilnli'KMr IH ri-t u d ilev.tu r licvcll c
an i trnollnj > n I u 11 il r. HQ1 , , ar
il UO < ! ( or " ttlm n ip > . 0.11 W" ii n ,
> gent l > ox 5 6 Umuli. . ' I28
Ij .li I1 > JTO It lurnnt Hrmrh y & 0-5 ,
J.J H15LixKO i ' > W.
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