THE OMAHA PATLT BBS TUESDAY MAY 29 LORD'S ' DAY LESSONS. Gen , 0 , 0 , Howard Delivers i Memorial Day Addreis , "I'ho Golden Rule" Dlsouaaec at the Southwest Prtaby- torian Church , At the 0 mgrcgationnl church Sun1 day evening , Qeu. 0. 0. Uovfirdcom raatidorofthodopartmijntof thol'lalto delivered an appropriate addrou in vijw ot the approach of Memorie H y , o-i the subject , "Objocttonn t WarAnsnetod aud Slemorittlo com in on dud " Can Howard ia hla IntrodacUo : maintained that the proper recnrda o the war of the rebellion ohould b preserved , Nolthcr aldo van wlllio to forgot its part in tba eventful hia tory. O a the contrary thoto wore t l th . \ memory , ttaoilCcof , valor an Icnsona to bo trantmlttad. OIl.Ul'.KS KUMKKlt. The ooi ion of the Miiafiaohntett Jegidature iu censuring thulr favorit a m.Uur for hia rwulutiouB in the eon lo to aboll< winorlaln and iualgnl ; of tbo VM ; showed that lha loya people of the land were not willing ti mar onr inliurltaice by Ijjaoring o lorgctllog the brilliant raoord of he DOCB. DOCB.Qoo. . Hjrard then afsicd the ob jectijin uf ininy oonacioutlotit , puopi to w r Itself , qnntlnj ; from Jonnthai Dyij.o d , J ) hn Ktittx nnd Ghr.n Sum utr. The Intter bftka , " 0 u thuro b lu our ug nny p'.irsso which ia nu honor blo , any wnr that ia not dls hoii r b' 7" Sumucr'n rgumeu cltites by th * K'nlLCifnt that if it I rrroiiu to ? i'ldlvul i-vlj to eottlo thel d > opu. : by coinbit , it must ba vrron for uul > iri3 to dc > no. ( IBN Il.tWiHI ) AfcSWKKa , that the silfitor inny not blash t w ar ' . nultoro , i of h'do his bittlt 11 ; , i. > i forgot lha IMIUZH of hh or ruuui i nbUvttcMy thn WAitU xighl 3 \ , i ! Movtlufia ri ht at.rt m > t-jj ! tij right iinl pirily v/rong- otuciilo rifjlu i > d the other //rons c ' j , The luuylvcr , wl\o cot OJI.IDS niariior and im.ilol'ec tno mu Jon , jvtt ordotM the t LUiji if lifi " * 1'au epitome of law it , toG \ G > d a < 1 love m n Tie < lU'o la ii f. ij'-Cj i u'joj'pis ' d 1 1 11 : law ( Many iu&tAic s / r ( < yivtin I niiiipori , thta fttaroin'jn ) Sjlf ' ! fiuci telt pii u .motion , nuoiui ui'd i. tion iMiicj u'3 ; ii..l ! opjn thij rl-jh Sjiunor , ou the floor cf the uourt r > vi > tai > d hinvauoU sud nvguc Qitoi . ; ! > f'-r ' the pdnclpla aad the o : r fur o. oiiiii ) a coni i leration o ! t1 pan witch Oiirlstuv.iUj In Itn purll ft A ! Di'iiovoloi.OB i.ow | ilijti In a iva Iicouiluuav to iavvti.'ato and llui i'O tijiita. is nr vaats w.kby 1 ic'iTo Bhit | Is vioi it3 Ohti ME o .dtiuiESln > ft. It CMiB.a jiH'li > rB ' pnu ' 0 , .wa o nsicL'Tud Ihofofojtal ! auw ouAtr' ACTION Jn brin U't ; pv-aso b ; ttio hljh jou oo.ituittit'Oi ' Tit1 * mentioned ' 'Gitii puc pttWD hi lier thr.u wtt- . " Si-rnunto the citiziuu of Atlan rii'sUr s : "O oo ndtnit the Onlo * * * nua th'u i my baoonio 701 proloolors " Ho eii'iiosily pruforn . -ftco t \ w. . r , GJU. U nvdtd piln s tlio trao ec , fi very very dllleranc eort of p ? from the cxtiuiplca cited fro jaliona by the oxtrama pea Hy ywcj for illttir. tiona P nl voro .ud Obtain Diviu of VO , tHy \ c'.vFHfiuiuG 1 G.'jblu , tha ficat lit i ili.ej1 kiiio , Uiu eiirtii1 ; a j-uwt 10th Cinuoo'loit , buiutif j\ftinplba of the rosular anl lbo vt UVUt'V tSJidicra nro Ihblo to domortltz lion , bu1 ; not more to tluu hitnbe w.-n , Kilupr' ! , otc. , niiMi tf ( . ' .vitiior aw l'rm vho n 11 uuioo f goo.l WuniKj. SJ iy M'ju b c..tar > boltor fnr t : w-r. M T ) , ! + J.\ \ i , of the -i.h 11. J \-.s roa 'i. JLlu LLCAOIU a 0 iriiiua IQ U. Hh rlcatli WIH ohor oitiao ohnvrcd the toi dn..oit4io reformattou hi m'vny pai 01 our i.i'W'Hi63 ' r'QV. THE 1'tM JUS afcR.aKA : T ni Missionary Htd , who dlod or irg "alaioit ny , " win given ? .H n ty ; of n'rlotic doyotlon. Tiio ifhuernl concluded by a BUI mory cl umtug rellfjlon Rtid morali ittcnrannCrluit > 3 uxlnu-d but t , urmy VIM not conaploaom for thei Th > ' laiid has beivi rodrumod frt tliraklom by the ehudding of proelc blood niii t&e popii'i tru"stlo } ; iu Gi have ac3jptt.d ihn eaerifico Thi' horn" , the echini and t c'mrch nins" ; tccuro to us ra a natl % ? hat wo have nddinpf iritol gonco and viriuo to freedom alr X uud a firaod gfivcni'minb preserved 8ouhwo t Pres bytinrian OnurcU Tlu * ivicei j' .h'i Sir. hw PfaBbyt tu chuio'i ' Sunday mo ir wi"i CJ'idaovud by thu pMt llov. lf\ ' If HJJM , mautsd by K ) \ \ m McO aa'ih. The clr.glug ? coiiduot d by Mr. Ohw , Tcd-J. The nnrrnou wan one which any p eon of nny religion ! boltof 001 pfifcvbly pub into prcctice ; and aught very pr G'-jh'y ' be mad by p ooni of ' .o roli ioua h lifif. "Tftti fc ro ttll tutiiga wlutiiooirec yo wo that man hon < l o to yon , do yew to ; > thorn " M" * . 7:12 : Thtavc cvi \iripe'ly \ o mipi.rod to n bev ( ul B-OUO in a t ; > l footing. 'I lit'inliful fo-i' < vl tha gold t\ktufromth.i : I > i'1n of the un ictlvo oart- , and msn is an ca fu'risllou nu r 'a'ieiUriijllvu b ; Ir'g'i puffer It t' ore ia aoythl : g t elri'd for the KIT u l binelit of man th - Is any ru'o ' w hloh any ono rn < in , tint w uM RlTu'C tbo so > ' ' to of mik'n1 , and ttlll i.i'1 ' thndntyiato < j i ntio i , this li ' ? ) of thn b bio th it obonld otti 0 i wttentlon. Atifl whllo it ia o l ' i' not a'.ao ' t p iHna ru'd , m < y o .Hod the ij'iluea key , on uooounl ! ' > uulookluo ! inniy inansl'jrm in wl dvnll i pecfiict love. T is ! verse VTH n it interidod to i tlva o Belii h nn'lf" The ht r u\o'i muit ] > i in ou h a ft lo Uvtt c'-irsi will ba fi.loJ . with effactl ' it t'io 'm ' of the m'.id mast noi ijward eujocB1 ! and this rnlo obe on amount of polioy. Miny b beoh the men liaro not bScn dice ; by icirpttut ; the doctrine , that thi < end siLotllios the moans. And tin B ldon rule , if thus nsod , it la the galdo-board for the despicable hjpo < orlto. If the motives were solHsh , tt would bo far bottur to acoopt of the thoorj of tha ISplcaroviB , nnd not tha rollg- lon of I'Atil , which argues from CAUBI to effect , nnd not from otTtct to cause from love to good deeds , nud not from ovll deeds to a nelQih huart. Thia rnlo must not bo BO construed as to contradict or olavh with any ol the other laws of tbo Blblo. All the statements of the Sociptaros have place , and if there la any apparent discrepancy wo niuit reuiomber it li hut an apparent discrepancy. A 5 every B tar haa ita power to held it In ita position or pnwoi to guide It lu Ita revolutionary cour t < , ao thia golden rule or central star , hai Ita pluce , and tbo maker of the one or the author of the other , produce the proper relations between it and the rest of the great syatom of bodi i or trutha. There are times where justice is demanded , aud at auohtlinoa it would bo improper not to take into consld oration all law , aa a whole , aud thu welfare of humanity. When a prla oner ia brought before a judge , the jndgo must not recall "Do untc othtra aa you wou'd ' that they should do to you , " and allow the criminal gc free to continue hla dopredatlona For the good of humanity aud that the majority may bo bunoutted the judge must judge , the parent govern and the bishop rule properly. Some uiijr ask , Why ia thia love ? or , Who i * uiy nolgtibor ? But it la no ) always the inquiring mind that atki questions. Tula text should cause tuo autocrat of Russia to bo more con siderate , and the little butter-fly may hum ihosd worda in the ear of the boj who ia trying to catch it and kill it. Thoau who have enough should uoi neglect thoio who are compelled tc oaduro the frown of poverty , yol the poor tr.uit not forgot It , for each out has hia power in hla own sphere. Suuil # o aay that these worda forbid the accumulation of wealth ? By nc uienna , and it doea not admit com muniim. IS U dooda are not all of llfo. W < MO oireful of our deeds for they npoal louder than vroidi , bnt wo should bi more otroful of oar worda , for the ] i f .oa have moro power than onr peeda D.otv frtjo Dome are to whisper worda shich liavti A toudoncy to ruin ono'i ohivraoler. Tne cold onrrenta of all blow the small dropa of rain out ! thiiy nro frozen , and until other drop have enlarged thorn , und then alloni them to drop upon the herbaand tin ; fbwura of acme beautiful garden nntl H ia pant reo iftaltlon. So the ohllllni words of BOine have frozen the dew drops' which would have made aom hio moro happy and blessed , am crushed every fond aspiration and Im pedud the progress of an otharwla more natful llfo. If ono haa ao many burdens t bear , how that heart craven worda c sympathy , let thum cotuo from whal uvor coaroe , and then Is the tlmo fo charity to don her roloa of , pnrlty an verify the worda of the text. The natural heart la not inclined tc vard pare uaotlveu , but seliinhneaa I the natural ruler. And thla boin cho highest natural ideal , God dt umuda a love for others aa great a that for BOH. Thua whllo God an man id rxiltod self la debased. Sir Walter Scott , when burdane by an obligation of $700,000 , vefuaa the ouggcB loua of othora of ralslu the money , but cald ho would roinov it by hia own powor. His pen final ! fell from his weary hand , whoa on fouitli nsa paid , and ho passed awn ; While man must over bear ) .ln mk the golden rule , ho must also hai QBSJclfttea who llkevriaa coualdor obligatory , That Ufa may h vo its funnhiae , If suuubino bo uut all ot life. In Memory of tbo Dead. The following la au outline of tl memorial sermon preached at ti South Omaha church , on Saudi morning by the pastor , Rov. J. V S to wart : "We cherish the memory of t ) dead nnlon aoldlera. 1. Bacanoe they were onr oonntr ; men. They wore of aa ; not a forelf army. 2. They were oar friends ; the fought for us. Oar intorcsts were ii volved ia the otruglo and they atot up and dlod for oar intereiU. Thi diud that we might live in and onj < a free land. 3. We who were aoldlera remomb there aa onr comrades , oar brothe lu nrms. Iltrdshlpa , prlratloua , lei marches and bloody battles wo shared with them. ThU forma a bai of brotherhood which even do tn ct the lapse of years c nnot acver. Thny wore a clt'.xen toldlery. _ Tl art of war wna not their buiinot The emergency aroio , the daog threatened and the field * , shof conntlng homes , churches nud aoboc pouted oat the men ot every rankai utfitlon in life , who , rallying round t ! H B shouting the battle cry of frc dom , swelled the mighty ranVa of oonqaetinc ; and victorious army frooinen , who , when theoonfllct ondc rdtnrucd to the'r ' former iilaaco a : ' " * it nothing lud huppouc i Ano'lh'V feet la to bo added whl , t amkwt tt moro appropriate that i ohorlau ti'f memory of the fallen I roa . Their oan o waa vlctorioi T10 oiuin for which they died we N i "lost can n" to lamont. Th AM for Ihn right , nnd wo raraotnt gratefully tnot who won in to good cuaso by the * scrlfi < ! o of tholr jivi The importance audvaluoof theint' ' - oflta cnvi-d by vie1 jri la the list Bin h ? lo la beyond our power to ooinpu h Only n united people can peaoofu - Inhabit thlc froal land. It BOO If ( hit the Creator , In mappl it ont thla part of the earth , doln ( ; si It for ono government. To malnt ; > t this oneness wo fcuz'it and oar co , t > rndet died. Onr flag proclaimed ; t froa oountry , and when the qnoatl d of tha natlon'a llfo was put in I 11 ccMo with that of slavery , loyal r jf true men noon decided which aho ih live , For that llfo oar brothers d and we doourate their gctvoa at Inymbol or token of our regard. N jf let e\oh bo true , A good onnu 10 should have good and true men to i , habit It. A good government aho > o have good mon to mnnaqo It. d The lutorosta of the country , of jo eoldibra , and of G V\'K causa denim to uprightness , Integrity nnd vlrt \ ' a Christian people wo cherish the mutiory of onr fallen heroes. "Ia olden times , when Home her vlct'rioi won , And from the battle field her braves csmo homtj With eoiig and ihout , ttlutuphil arches , She Uvhlied all her hnnors tin tbo llvim ; ! Her Uln woio dnnd indeed , nod dead for * * ever ; Onr Chrlnllnn slain shall bo forgotten navttl "Movo on , loved emblem of our country's glory ! Sleep on , soldlorR , in your graves so Rorjl The sward will keep forever croon aboro you ; Aud ODUO ench year , in spring tluiiw tunny houri , We'll ttrow your pattlot graves with love- Host II ) were ; We'll join our grateful love with Heaven'i 'Till wo thill greet you in Iho resurrec tion. " . A built hacker named Tom Moiling , Got cold in a wound at Fort Snolllng , It disabled hia arm , But thou , like a charm , St. Jaooba Oil oared up the etwolllng. Iloinalnlng in 1'oatoQico during the week ending May 26 , 1883. GKNTLKUIN , Audcrnou A Allen K Barker B Boy oo B-2 lioldon B BaUiln * A N Boall U M BaliUlu 0 A BokerO A } ! roclereen D Drown 0 M UnntnnO V liarber M Bennett T Ueqapit & Q 8 n BilllDRB A L Uareeforcl K ti Bennett U Billings U O Blither , T liein J U Cole B C O.ry0 Colins .1 B CowJn H B M Coun II U Cross W J Cuttu W J Caeno W Crick J Daan J K Davis K Dltticaerncr (1 Dodge N B DlllOODB M Dunlap W S Douglas W 0 Klsnor H A Farrell M-a Fischer O Flnnnxan P Kiynn > t , T ( tutus J tilllon Q 0 Unrtaiu II Hlldebrand K Hotcbhlu 0 M Heyeloger L Hawn W HlgKliiH M L Hetiklo II Hubs J W H rtou J N Hilnen J J llanaor J T UUorJ Juwell J lacks m K KoltyTP KAvnlin O J Kane J E Kuepor F O Low OH Lafevro C Mackey T J Morrow M S Mann C Martin M M Mortis W A McOarty W Marti R Mirtia J Miller L Malta -nnJ McMillan D McK Nayrn H Newman S F Nygren A Nle' on D U Ola.nHO Ogiien U I'arker R J Powell B Qulnlsn J M Rutherford T U , wland W lludger W F Red A Rasmugaen L I * Ryan M Strong J C ripashes J Shepard F N Spinmdoken J F Soreneon P Sklnnor J Stonwood V T Saundera J K Smith M Stulir M amith L W K'.sr 1 , Hhamel F Sovenn D Seymour G II tainua W H Smith C G tiholt K Slupa B F tone K B Tcacay II h n T Thamiiaon J 'eleiny ' J Thompson W W ' ylor W L Tflllcllff D "Un J B William H Varner 1' B Weiaor M Vyllo U WilllainB J Vabb J Wililhy F Vatkinn 0 V/HHomaD Vbito K G Yuteo L E LAniK ' LIST. Vahhiun Mrs A B ihlrainn Mrs A [ Jihtrom Mtva Brown MIn N Bohan Miaa B Ciuus en Me ( M latr Mra A Dennev Mra TJ Davis Mils 0 Dudley F 3ray Mra J ti iruiuii Mm N HnrrN Mr > J lughes Mra L A Hilmin Misa , T latuy E Jnckoou Mm K A ohan-ion Minn A Jurdou Mm M M KnlghlM'siO King MID E Klmbftll Mri M R JLnxmey Muu M inn Miaa N lj wnon Mha M j wrenre Mm M S Meli on Mra M Moro Miss M Mulligan Mm G lorrieen M Moore Mre T F loH i Mfca O May Miea M J Nlch Ison Miu M Ni Jsou Miss K 'etenon ' J Parker Mm S P Inherit Mrs E Rjjon MlHs A Uflle Miss U Stuart Mra M E ' . Smith H L Sbormim Mrs sntton M V Thompson Mra . 'norp Mrs R Ii Thompson Mist 8 'aylor Mm AE Wiloor Mra A M Wataon MIsa M E Warner Mui M Wade Mrs M Wilson Mra J F Wteks Miss N H Wilton MIte ] i Wells Mrs M Wioburg Miss U White Miss J THOB F. HALL , Postmaator. The Orthodox Friendi. Iptclal Dlipatrh ( o Tm ! ) . NBW YORK , May 28. The eocicl of Orthodox Friends oimllnn d i iwsion to-dsy. The subject of c < \ latlon of Indian yonthu waa diicucst ind It waa reiolvod to puiftuo ti woik of Indian advaueement wll ranewad vigor. A oommuuicatlc wu rtoeived from the aeorotary i ht interior Infnrmlog the Soaiety i Frlcuda the gnvornmont vonld 1 plaaaed to put 75 ludUn youths i Wblto'a mana l labor school , which under the iutuadlatd uupsrvlsluii th Soolwly of KfUiid * . The goreri ment will pay $107 per yaa for cat Indlan' echoollng. In thla the aooie withdraw from tiflkijsl ruUtlous wil the usoolnted excoatlvj cDnimtttco t Indian affilrj , but do ldcd to luulru the committee on Indian nff .io send dalfgateu to the nixt KifOlliig the auouUUd oxocutlvu uuminlHoo i ladlati at Ioath's Doc ix | > d ! Dltiwkh to Tin Bit Cuioiao , Mty 28 Jamon Sheahan , of The Trlnnno , ia ntlll nil and muy lait soinu dij.i. It Father Debllock , onn of tbo tit known members of the society of JBJ iu thla ooanlry , ia lyi'iii nt tbo p"l of doith lu thU tlly nnd probsi'i'y .v not Hvt ) throtujh lh < i J ! ft lit i filclioujB csnwr of the tur a * . , > i -pr3voii Jilm frsitn rfp lvlnj { Jpirtli't.'t'lffl is n rii&n cf g < . i nnd nan occupied the p is-tio i i of the Joenit cf'lVg.3 ( , f Oi nnd Birdiftowo , K/ , and S T A i „ . city. Toinai ImyiMt hood liur'i and oi ! < o./b r h-s-'eb' yr' thn habit of aubm't'iii ' kooj pro lums iu niattcrd of uoue t.y lor d cinlon. * * Spoclil UNiMcli to'inx 1) t. N Yor.K , lha.Qrnen and ponl.II'ATHKH II'ATHKH POINT , Miy 27. Arrlv Kcaturiau' Irora (1 n 4'/j / , Sirnuti from Liverpool. ItALTiMiitB , M y 28 Arrlvi Am ri fdinri H' n n , 11 A v KB , aj 27 Arrived , roju Notf York t ruli * of Ijw ; CUr / THE OLD WORLD , The Felzuro of The Koiry Sou- tinel Debated in Parlia ment. The Dublin Inforinera Paid O and Invitfid to Loava the Country , The Tonquln Rebellion Tht FostlvitloB nt Moscow Continue , A Iinrtco Variety uf SpecKl Dlipotch to Till Hit. LONDON , May 28 Harrington , member for Wostmpath , and proprlc tor ot The Kerry San'iiol ' , which win tuppruescd last weolc for pnblloatloi ot n notloo requesting persons doiir- oai of j > ! L iag the luvlnclbloa to attorn a mooting of that body , asked luavt lu the house to inoro adjournment on the question of selaaro of hta paper , The reqnUito f rty member did noi rla auci the house divided aa tc whether Hsrrlngton bo hoard or not the vote resulting 137 for aud 13 ! againat. Harrington dented all kuowledgo of thn poater invltiur tin people to jcii the luvlnotblea. Hi oharaotPiicttd the action of thi government aa unusually har4 and without precedent. Hi said the poator waa infamoni , atic ho wna ocmvlncsd nobody in hla oflici would vontaro to tssao ench a uotlci in hla abjenoo. Ho believed It was. t decoy laiuod for the purpose of iujur Ing him. Trovelyan , chief accrotary for Ire land , accused Harrington of trying tt prejudice n cue in tbo house wbici would shortly com * Into court. Parnell aald the gnrcmuiont hat grotsly abased Ita powcra aa defiooc by the criinca not. Thu motion wai withdrawn. At a mooting of tha Rid a aaiocii tlon Lard Brownlow remarked tha1 the undcratandlng with the Auierlnt nasoclation could not ba moro aatls factory. Ho hoped Iho vlait of thi American team would bo plcaaant aud that it would aorvo to draw th bouda of tha two nations closer to gothor. A camp , ho said , wonld bi nullt for the use of tha visiting team L jwo orgcd the Amerloana to bo pjr mitted to Ufo the aorew back eight li all contoata. Lord Brownlow repllei that the Americana were parfeotl ; aatisGed with the conoeailon alread ; m do. England had taught thot something , and uo doubl they wool como prepiritd with oomo Invention of their own. A strong feellug we ezpresaed lu favor of making the can oeasloua aa vrido aa poasiblo an a ranr ! of courtesy to the vliitora. A dlapatch to'.The D lly Nowa froi Hang Ki > g , May 27 , aayo : Chin Ukoa a conciliatory attitude ou th Tor.quid quoatlon , but maintains il r'qhm ' of auzirainty oror Tonqnh Cjlueo troops were not engaged I the fighting ut Hanoi , but a numbs of Oalnaio joined the Annamitc China will not Interfere in the preset conflict , but does not admit the rig1 uf Franco to conquer. LONDON , May 28 The Times oo respondent ut P ris , aaya : Thu com try In thoroughly aroused oouoernit the Tonqalii troublo. It is felt th tlmo for ufljottonla past and the on courao of IVanco la to act vigorons aud above all things , awiftly. TJ latest uowa from Otilnn in that 0,01 troops , urini > d in the nmnnor of Eur poan troopo , have already arrived the Torqnlu frontier nud the fuolli throughout China in Intecaoly hoati to the French , IRELAND. Spocltl DItptch to Tm lu. Dunuj , May 28. Frrcll , ono he lulormere in the trial ot the Phr ilx park murderers , rcoel" d 1 0 ' ( oni thn government and Miutu tLAvananah , the o.\r man , another i 'ormer , 250 ; nnd both will quit tl country. James 0 > rciy , the informc and his brother Polar will rceel srn-.ll enmit for tholr corvicos. John Dillon will go to Oolorai shortly to complete the restoration hif bflslth. DDIUJN , Alay 28. Mtchavl Fi ; a oonvlot.d of tie murdvr of Barl : a liHDgcd at Klhuklnham jail th morning. Before moautlng the no ( Tjld F gi ; oi(1 thnplie.itho attended him th to hopeu Irishmen would avoid seoi uooietlei. Moaoow , My 23. Moniigne VauNutllli , tpJsUl uunilo of t PVAcourt \ to the coronation , arriv i'.it evoiliR. ) rilsftrilvnl was spech limed Rojjrdliy to prncudont , tj ho mlUt , r.vo.d bcl g present nt t rnlL'lona osromytiy df the coronnUc At 10 o'olook this inorntiiv , thn c f < it > t ud empaer. h ' .d on th throucu li St. Andre ' * hall , lipy to ron iv' conjr ; tnjtl i.a. 'i'ho o-pilon of the C'TJ , : ka > ed ur i.ouu , sfier whiuli Iho dip'ooia ol it.iri , | { oacr\h tnprovlnc \ O'T'OJ , ( .he lv lumid briiif ; ! gtt ii of iiu'uo ' jtiwJrrorocfclTi ) Ti o o iat b il ir * * m I'iulfi J jut I vim I cHii.iirJu'ju ' 1 1 osir n l in . ! ii or MT/IS . > c iitli1 ! } a i 'i. ' < i u\f * r'u pros . i ) , jro r ' * ' ( > ! ) . M. to > w , M-iy 28 T > o w f "i p. it. , vV. * I' ' . u o < u of I o if 1 1 n 1 1 . oa v i ' i I" n lubft' ! c' r E , : j' mi. I iindi < I nai ' w.i il > w mf * h K . . lln , ohe e irMiy f-ir the fa .r , An tmur-rUl roooiipt 1 MH ( ! to t .k. M i f h'i u ovi ti. . , > > ni mnt of fit 'v-1 Unic AI'-K < I is HP u4u * i 1.1 L < t of tiii Iljro , Pi. ca , lr i c f ( i J ili o < n % i < t ? t M0ii p-finfita on dtn ! X i'htd < 'ti "r ct'i'o oniplte , li Vyf.-'ii.f ' rm I . , n 'iwt ' &tfht h < inn' ( < tf the cr < KEWI to ta tnepn Delplt , a writer on The P tl and Alphonsp D udot , a mill knowi Frocch novo i t. The former wai sl'ghlly wounded. A fire in the wara houia of Djckoi Mot , mtiinfaolurcre of Agricultural luipli.metil * , I'rtrlr , who nlto have an nttAbilihmont In America , c.vuocd u dmngo t f 3 000 000 fiar.cs. M.vcrftl persons wcro Injaied. The cointnltko of ( ho ro'chatiff , tu < rhlch KIIJ rtforrod the soolnllot mo 'Ion asking for the prosccu'lon of the Ivlol pulieu who arrojted I'Viihmo anJ Vollm r , mcuibpreof the relohstst ; , nu loturnlujf from the toclsllit ccinvr.u 'ion nt Coponlmcon , dicldad thu po llco acted in gocd faith and cannot be prosecuted , though It was contrary tc iho cciuitltutlon. UKULIN , May S8. It la roportpc that lileuiarck contemplates r. rivdloa romodullbg of the outlro oonslltulloi of ihn cmulro. Ouito , M y 28 , A comtnlttpo hai boon formed to consider the project o conatruothig a railway in S mdan There la an English and an America ! engineer on the committee. TELKQRAPH NODES. Sptcul Dlii t < h * to In tin. * A ctble dliiutok to Tin FhlUdolfhli Gorman Dimokrnt from Flartno * , H ly Biyi : Oon. Adnlph Bushbeek , who com nundeil the T < T ntT-s v < inth Tuluntoer auci flrit bti ! ; do * of tha iroqnd dlvliluu o the Klerenth oerp * Is dead. ' In the Wnnon court unrtlnl thp rout orfauizxl nil dj lurueil to Juno 6th 01 npl licatlnn of defendant for tuctbor time About 1 o'clock tbls ranrnlng * fir started in four pUcei In Minneapolis nni this hour ( It n. m. ) a dliMtroui cntlligrn tlon is rnglnp. W , H. Carpenter's ware house , belonging to the paper mill , i burning. Tnli it clots to the I'illibur mill. The lorn ol JlnvuoUUVhe.Ue IsSlOD.OOOj Averlll , lUsi-oll & Oarpento waretimiBe , C7.0CO ; other lomea small 1m natnerouK , V nny Kdloril' * J0l ol Salt. HpccljJ DlipMch to Tin Un. NEW YOUK , M y 28. Miss * K illoriR-Baohart , wlo ( of Max ISaoh erl , li.ts brought unit agalnat Albcr Pulltzir aud Ihn Morning Journal at etiolation for $50,000 tUnin M , fo allognd Hbolloua acaortlona In Tin Morning Journal of May 24 and 25 Bucklon'a Arnica Satae. Tbo proateat medical wonder of th world , Warrnnto 1 to apoodlly cure Burn' Brnlneo , Otiui , Uloero , Salt Ulieuni , Kuvo Sores , Citncera , 1'llps , Glillblnlni , Corns Te'.ter , Chapped Llauds , and nil dkiu ortii tlona , gimrnntccd to cure inorory imfraci or money refuudprl , 25 cenu per box , Vet ualo by 0. V , Goortnmn. A Bald.fur 1-1.0OO.OOO Acrea. New York Star The nunouncomont tclegraphe from Washington that the Sdiithot Pacific railroad company hm mad application to the interior dupur ment for the land grant of the Toz : Pacific ODtnpviy , on the etrorg'h < the drod of assignment from ihu lal tor to the former , nrlli eouiul to mui readers llkv the atntomont. of n di legal formality. The offlcera of tl interior department are not anxloi to Invite public attention to iho tu fjicta lu the o&uo. ludoad thy b : declartitl to bo rutlcjut r.iul mill o in muulcativo , nlthough it la Ituriu tlmt Sjorotcry Tailor has lud fe * > upuw the p pjr hla opinion thu i ) subjijuL la ono which rcqulroo the .t tlou of cbngi't'fli. OouNls-sly luturpraliid , the nppllo tlou of tbo Southern P.\ciGo rullroi company ia ft barofacoil dow id to ' pat In yoinoaelon of 14 309 700 ass of the public domain , to vruion it h no moro rlglit or vnlld clnlLi ih.Mi t innu in Iho moon. Ouloncl Nowull , ono of iholo'jbjii omployud by t. o inoorpor m'o ' , r t Tcxfta Pi\clUo 11 iiroad cympaiy , 1' ' tfafttifiod that the laud grant , vu'id that oorporutluu waa brll i il thru oongror.1" , tbo price boiug $110,000 cash ana 5200 000 iu bonds for t lionatf , aud $ i 030,000 in bonds I tlio house , Ool.-uol Torn Scutt i cucod control of the frouclilct'a u labored utrenuouely at WunMogton gel a governmeuliil onilorsein < Mit biu bondn to the tano of $40,000 order to build the road , Ho wane poeed by C P , Huntlngrtui , of l So i them IMciio , who hli e'f lo baild u road over iho ramu tt rltoiy without nuy Md from nongrc In tbo aliipo of land , mousy or ! on" credit. The panic of lb7 'I and the nubi queut olcotloD of a JomocraHc m j ivy to the h'lUBti < f rapnmmlttiu rfpuilsd ScottVuchenio , nud ho toluc to J y Gould , who immediately aouu lo routr.Mu Haultugum'a notlvlty. T kttor virtually dcfud thu cou and puahed lilt opnratlona until Getup up the fight. It U imporUut to baar iu mind II uelthttr the otl lual Incorporatorii thoTuxaa Pacific , nurrjoott , r.orQui uvor laid n aolliK'y l uitb ; ' .f rail oaru a rood of tbo 14,3(9,700 nc : voted by cougreei. If once uuder I rjprwia tortus of ovou tttelr oiru c r rupt iraut ; they poiuimod no had 1 of title to a ftioglo foot of I territory oondltloually awurdi i Nevorthole s Mr. Jay Gauld , unw k ing to oompoto with aoviv.orotm r\rt ) Mr. Hun BLt'.n , oold to him i whole Tuxao I'AC fi 3 land p.rAM ! T ; * the banaaotiuzi Tilch ! Ji < Bait wor'b , of OM j , vvilh a pjvrvrful lo aid lilm , -Icnvorud to IJAVO rat I Hy the lu t c fire , mid lu w.ilch in'iht ' have i uco ucJ but fur 'i S w'j GxptvKurta lijvliij ; fkilid tfn > lojlnlatnro ( , Iho ti mtlmru l\ic nuhnbfl now bppual to the interior p.trtment , building their hpes i urgumaatn on ll.o prosuliiua o/ Ml Ojirl Ssliuia n ido'hprnonrotarl ' At fie low > > n ( c-'inptilfttloa thti T i Pic'da ' luod pt. "t Id won1' ? I ) 0 0 OOi ) . 0. c ur. Mf . Em.t LK i , . / uw UfcL ( J uit'-i U-lo w Mniio.'lJ" wor " , : d a icrqji it I no ? ( jay n U.i , i s j.n f , ' I : ( J thir y-fivo mill ) . MI d > H > rt n an : ana or tft-j wlUo 11 iniy well for , i-d 200,000,01) ) ) n cosot the UuU o > i r tlv > > u o < rnirfttlnns. I'ma that thU wholtxmlb U'jald o . .so , B-id the s'1rply druAf. : f .1 'hj Texas I'w , lom < > ' . " f rfui'mf , inu i l > y tii'i S iiHbwri P-3 fi ) ' . \v II fafolu'i f "mi of 100 a < o ne * ! y 150 0)0 ) Bafcpp : ing Aoivirl'-n f , & > u and pny o big Mhcu of our u , ' .inrinl dubt. Celar Hapliii in ixKin war on 1 't.'A had C05 naw papar and m linn1 , Tbs Bjoni cif9rm k ra MO en K ti JIM BELFORD , What Ho Has to Say of the Tabor-Bush Fight , Ho Will atatd fiy Tabor , and Given Hio lie .eona Thorefjr. De tor Newf , U \ 1) . A reporter for The Mown met Judge HoKord ytiaiorduy und mKuil til in what ho thought of the Tdbor Buili suit. Ho remarked : "Woll. 1 lost tint eult , The taut IA I didn't or- pcot lo grtln it , becMiso tin news- pnprra liaui gt'iiuriilly aldod with Hiuh , nnd cunotitmcd thomoelvcu into a jary that U really moro nbioluto In liu power than tin j iry uoleoU'd uudei iho foruiB t'f law. 1 vus only e u- ( iloyod iu the oa u on Saturday after , noon , and really noocptod thn cm ploymout f tt the purpono cf vludloat ing Governor T , bor ugalnat , the pros * and outrcgcous aawullf that day aftci d ty hnvo UPUU lumln rjgnlnn1 him. 1 knuw Tabor thirteen yoata ago when ho waa poor man and whun DJIIVCI wrna n uniall t'uvu , haul > y roach' iui > oictwatd boyi'iid Sovc > utaontt street. 1 In oiv hlui whim ho wa < connuctod with the osrly hintory ol tlio famou * Luxdvtllo tnlnca I knon th\tnhun ho > 'd wealth hi brought It 11 Djnvor. 11 oreotocl f magnificent bloc ) : cm the corner o S.xtobiith nnd Ltrlmer that In ni honor to thu town ; that ho orcclol tin grandest opnr.t house 1911 thin conti nent that la nu honor glory to thli city , and the b 'itulios of which an recognieod nud cjuiiiundud by ovorj poraou who haa vialttid it. I knov that ho had glvon employment to bun dreds of ntiomployou hundu hero nnc oleowhore three tiaut tlio aUto , thai ho had apout liii monwy in Ojloradc i-.iBtor.ddf oUowliero " "What do you think of Hush'i tbrnat > o b.ioi ; euii i\y.a'nst Tabor fii ? 100,000 ? " "NVell , IHIU nu attorney for Gov oruor Tobur Mid r. fiUnid rf Mr. Ihinh Of coiui-3 It t > h U.w ; ibld couriBol ti advloo him wl'i' ; , to do , but If ho con dulled mo iu ifrlund aa to irhn cnuruo ho ahun'J pur ue , I would cur tnlnly toM bitii ( t drop the matte , where .It In. Atijjor In u bud r.uuu- aolur in j icllohl , i\id ro vengc.i mo ucldoni u.vnrdcd-rith trl niiiphs in the C"Ui' ror in. I'mh wil ' If lie brtiipa thia tnjnet MT Tabo nllod iu tlut > 'it ' r. 1 luil , hovrovo- t-iiul by IMnr In thli 0 111 until th md , btcauio I billi'vo tint ho hi icon moor Tri > ntii i'y ' , uniircaieatll and on'rw ontifly AVut dandVi ! > ciuao the giTfa' " 91'v'cf 11 ho ha rut Wad to thfi adrMio'in ut ot thd mr rl'illu'erii > r t1 ! c'ty ' and elite ' Judge B df iJ declined to talk o any other iiubjj t thun the pnat aul and the cwo tnr.ii : < u.iod to ba brnogl liy Hush ophiiiBt T bor. The rtportor i > ro b"il him to eipro : an opinion rugf rdlr > g llio political c tout thla qu irrul w < u'il hav upon the futut-jb ittlcc of the npubl o i > rrtj' . "Y m m < " ix-nio mo on thin tin' ' jont , " IIB E 5d "I uiu sick und vroailt of polltirn. All tlio ir.vJera of tl paity sfcm to b < i inrrellDy , undoit ono nbunlLg the otln-r , nnd > uinn wl ha/i Bonnti enough to pound oiind do ? arat hole out ti.ll wbort ) thla thli will end. I propocn in tbc'futurn praotioo law ui d lot thi en Liitlnir. ? .o ou with tlu'ir Hjht. Thti north ai outh hnvo fratunizrd , tlio pco | tl'o ( not tiji > i wo nro o i , nud T think wo cait aa [ ( ou ( .nv pllltwi w'lotlHT o r r the uthur ho'In Iho roiun power. " OF A TORPID LIVER or Apnolito , Jlov ela costive in tlio Irofil , with a dull onn in tlio uncle purt , Polu unilo the Shoulder bludu , fulltiosa afio < JaMnr , v/itli a clismollnatlon to ox crtion of bocty or mind , Irrltnbillt : of temper , LoVir Bplritu , with a , foal Inir of haviuir nrRloctod r.oinnduti' Wnnrlnrss. IJlzzlnoun , Fluttorlnj' a the ) i urt , uotu bcforo tlio y > s , xol Jew Skin , Ilonclncho fjonnraily eve tbo rlsht eye , JtoitleBBiiCBS , with fit ful dreams , hlchly oolortjj Urine and CGMSTIPATIOPJ. i- . . TUT'f'H 1'ir l.O nro eeprrlnll JliptDl to Hlirll ( a einiif > iluto el londt Miuli u Omiiuii lit fcelluu r. ( t ( he Niillei rr. 'lln > y liiortiit.ii llicAuiictHr.aiulotn/ liolKxly 10 "I uUo ( ill I''tdhli , Ihui tMnK\ l in U IIDIII lolinil , nml liv tholrTonl A Cllllll < I ) I llU lIlKIIKtlVV' ulnr falonlw rrr proiliiTil , ' u < ai a u "w u u i a u u tj t * ti aui OUAT IJ m onVmB triin vhungn to ft Gains Di.iCKlo a tin' In up ] ilcailon of ilili DTK. lmimrtiiaii .iiiinlc' < lor ActJiIn.ttHntaiii'OU If , H M tiy i rnvi'HtBormat Uy iir/rik.i < . rsceli.tcf. Ml.Oil. oj-'noi ! , its viii'iUAi : ST. , N. i r r >'ti"iii r > i.t ir > i. : i > t < .rn > ii > i i THE OLDEST Edl&BLI8H6D HAUILTOH & C BANKERS. u tr.vui-ci .d UAUU & ] .3 luoosp itAl ' 1 I'tt.J I. Aocounta eil'vl ' d ! ' ! koptcj'j o clgM ohwlt w ! ' sot DoMo. ) . * Bi ! oi fli'M'r ' U n 1 -uj ' : u 'nf ' iut. ns' , i.v on i Adviinaw mv fi to cn tnim.f < proved ( ooaritto * at 'ntoruet. ' The Intora.-ti of c'latowi-nj wj ci y tfuardw' and vri-y fuoi'l'y ' ' ' > la with prmolplui of nlu.'l banti tvAj estondtvl , fi Sight Dr ftt on England , ! , Scotland , and all parUof li'irc Soil Uoropoun I'istwgo Tiokola Oollaotioca Promptly Ma. James H. Fonb.idy M. I ) II "i loitoH No , 1-107 Jonwa St OlicH-N ! > . IfiOT Riniaui St OIUi iourj , 12 m. lo 1 1 > . m. au J 3 p. m f. m. 1'cli'phqno for oflho , O A MOTJtU HUT UNTITIJCDVOOtUt , P/rom th Boiton ulot * . ] itn. KJttort Tli * kboTa ! i a eood llk n n of Itn. I rtJ * T. rial m , of I.jnn , MMI , itho aboreaU othtr human b lsj * j b * truthfully cUl J th "IXuir Prttnd of Woman } lorn * ot hrr correiponilrnU lore to call h r. BM Miloutlr d ToUd to tirr work , which In thconloord a UfMtudf , and U obliged to kwp dx liU ( wl Uuit i , to br Ip her aniwf r the \nrt \ * eomtpondraj hloh tUlljr | < oun In upon btr , ooh l trlag IU tpodl nlf n of iurr tlnff , or Jor at ! < * from It. nt ompound Is a tuwlleln * for food and nt I ! ' ' pononilt ; InrwUifiUJ It u tha truth of thli. On account of lt < provrn li rt ororo < > nd4 J prrtcrlb d bj thgbcit phjrilcliLni In tha oouutrj MJRI MH worka Ilka a ch&rmund aarft mud iln. Itwlllcuru entlnlr the wont form of falllii the utcru > , I/UoorrhT * , Irraculu v > d r lnff nttruMlon.AllOTiirlitnTronblM , Inflammation ad cc ration , FloodliiKu , ll Dliplivwrnrnti and tha cot > im nt tilnM | wcnkr.csj , and 1 > f < r > dl'y adapted V , i Cliangc of Llfii. " t pcrmmtfn ercry portion of tV rj ( m , and ( rlr * w life and irlcor. U rrmoTti ftlntiioM , n 'ultnrj Htroya all rrftTlng for itlmuliuiti , and rcllerei wrOl fr J of the stoni&ch. U curcn nioatlnff , lleAtlMhrn rroui lro > trntlont fltncral Debility , Sl < x < plM ii af pniulon nnd Indication. That fMllnff of tatm | wn , cannlnR pMn , wolRht and alwayf rmAnentlj runxl by Ita uw. H will at all tlmra , anl adir all clmiurtnuro , net In barmonjr with tba Ut Wit jorcrm the fctimlo njftcm. tt o-vn only 1 1. per txittlo or li f or 15. , and U cotd ta iiD7l't * > Any ftilrtcoiCiutro < lM totpfxU&lCA ndpaul < * n tnir of many w ho hnvc bcn restored to pwfta hklthby the moot the \VffetalJo Compound , matt .tiUnnl by mMrrnanR Un. I1. , with ttamp for r py her homo In I.jnn , ilaM. Tor Kidney Oomplnhit of Ht\rrfi thli rompomdl s < ntrpa rd ai & tt ntlmonliUfl Bhovr. - Vn nnklmin'i Liter IMlln , " wyo onowr r , "a l < -e inirM for thn euro uf Cotutipatfc * ] nil Turpldlly of the liter. Hnr lllool womlon In IU pjH-dal Una and bid * fat > n pound In Its popularity. 1 1 liprojivn Aneelof ilrroy wbonaok iRoodtoothon , _ -a. g ) _ Mr * A.M.D , Railway Time Table. U. V. K. H. MAIN LINK. LIIVB. ARKIVI Dally EivrisK :25 : P m- > er . 7inp in Ponvcr Kxp..7:3Jara < Jtmlcrant. . C : 0 p ni Kmlerant b.'i nm OMAHA AND LINCOLN LINK-U. . P. Dh-OT. LIATR. ARRIM. Jncoln Ki. . lllliam : Lincoln Kr..lo3 : p ra 8:15 : a in Jllxel _ 445pin IUUOE DIVISION. Ilumtnr tnlniiIravo Ornt ani foll'ws 8.00 a. in ; WO n m ; 10:00 : a ra ; a m , 1:00 : p m ; 2 CO n m ; von \i m:0i ; p in ; 5 oo p in : moo p m Duiuuy trnlni lrn\o 0 un 11 UluRii M follown : 8:2 : mn ; D5i : > m ; 10:23 : am ; lias am ; 1:25 p m : 2 " 3 p in ; 3 56 p m ; 4"25 p in ; B.I6 p m ; 0V5 p Hiimlnyf he Dummy tra'ns ' Irvre Omaha at WO , llPO : in ; 2-M , 4 00 , t.:00 : and 0 CO p in. LeavisOainiitl Uiutl at vtS ) ami 11:20 : m , JS1:26 : , 6:13 : uil 6:28 : p in. llltlOUflll AND LOIJAl.VA3 KNQKUTRAINS IIUIIKIK IHTISIOn. MATH OMAHA. tm vii council. BLtirra I'waNo a. . . . .7:45 : am l'n-8 No 6. . . 7,2S m " No 10 . bjIBpm No 15 11:10 : a m "No t . . . a:40pin : ' No 3..11:30 : an K-nlvnnt No 0.0:15 : a m ' No W. . . . . 7-2u p m NoT.lHOpm "No 1. . . . 7.00pm 010UX CITY & PACIFio-DEl'OT N. 16th St Lo.\o Omahi ( or O'Neill via Ht I'mil Unoror lllftlr , B:30ara : 6SO p in c. , ii. * ail. r. u. K.-U. r. DKPOT. I.1UVK. ARUIVIt. Kx. 7r ; > inn * . . „ itlo tx..8lup : - - Ex..0.lO a 'tlally oiccpt Sunday WAISA8I1.BT. LOUIS & I'AUIMOK H.-U. P. 111 ! UT. tI\VH. AKIIIVB Omalu 7:1,1 : am I Omaha ll0ai 0. , U. & y. H. H U. I1. DKFOT. AIIP.IV * . tVU. . M ll 7:4 : n < n I Kxntcii ] 0:45 : m r.xiiuiu ,1:10)11111 : ) ult' 725pm ' N. V. Ir x. lotves Oountll Illults at BM7 J > mt : " " nrilvun " ' * w R:20am : | 3unda > s uxciptuJ. fOunha tlmo. 0. , II. I & P. H. U. U P. DKl'OT. I AUIUVH. Hnni Kxproiu 7 : < R a m- 7:20 : p m MM1. . . . . . . . . 3:40pm : O"ft N. W. U. JI.-U. P. DhPOT. AKMVH. MtVB. Mttll 7-15 nm i R45am ; Kxprunn 3:40 : pm JUl * 7:20pn : > occeptid Sinulayi vxccpiod S. 0. & P. U. tt.-U. P. DKPOT. Mill ) ( l.DOn m I Exnrefi OSOam. Ksjirm O.OOpm | Mint 7 . * 0pu > iSji uuyij eiceptoil. ST PAUI. & OMAHA , NK-JHA-'KA D1VI8IOM -Uhl'OT N. 15TU 8f. No 2 800 ; nm I Noi 4:60 : pm No 4 12:15 : li m | N3 ll:45 : m 3uiuliii oxcnpt d , K. 0. , BT. JOB , k 0. IJ. H. K-D. * U.DBrOT. tlMI K25 A m I lliprtt ( Mum Kxpr'iu 7iOpm : | Uall 80pm B. A. il. R. , IN NKI1IUSKA. Dmircr Kip :15ara : BMp : Lincoln F.xp..OJ5pm i. . , , :40a : M1H30UUIPAOIKIO | U. P. DKPOT. _ AKIUTI. DirAat. Krprew CUSO a m I 7xpre l 7 : P V ll. 8l : p m Mall 1:06am : Trilnn Itar.ri at 7:25 : p r.i and arilvlng at < JO a u < nlll have Pullman Bl rn. Opening and Oloilng of Malta. ROOTI. orui o ai. a. m. p. ra. a , t. Chlctjo , Ilock Wand A P'.llioO :00 Uhlcago , llurllujton&Q..lli 8.00 XTttb kh 12:3T : 6.99 Blotu City A Pacific 6:00 7S4f Union Faolflc 4:0011:40 : Omaha ti Hrptibllwn Vftl. . 2KX ) lllt Hurlli.gtoii&Mo. InN.b. . . O.UO T : * > SM OniahaAnorthwoiUrQ. . . . 6,00 7W UlH ourl PtclQc 6:30630 Local mails ( or State ot Iowa leave but CUIM a , d jr , viz : 4 30 a. m A Lincoln mull li klio optntd at 100 a. m- OfUcc open Uuudaji frooi 1S.OO iu. to 10 p. " ' THOS. P. H4.LL Caturxlny Ivonlnf Tralni The toltoninz taliK rbowt , the datt and n m * rl IOK'B runnlLg trail I to Chltajro from tbk Uhlou Pacific tiantlcr ou SaturdaY T nlDO- MONTI18. JMitury . 20 II 103SI . 3-SI IT ion- Arull 14 14MO U.y MO Jung 10 9-W 2-21 July 7-2921 14 ID 11 4-33. H-2011-22 16 October 13 6-37 IT' ThoL'McarJ , Rt rnlUrimranlU | and OioiUi . Tin Cr.lo I.TO , Mllwitukco and 8t. 1'aul tr&lot fyo uvtrr : A'.urJar nlturnoon1 McOA BTHY & BUEK 0. 210 14TH ST. , BKT. FAF H.LH AND H. PHIU.IPS THELKADINfl NKW YORK ! r Call auill uk over my now ttoro and o my naw goo in 1201 I'orta\m Htroot. 1207 under the nienagomout of Mr ,