Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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Nebraska national Bank.
Of Omnlin , Neb
Paid up Capital , - - $26OOOO.
v R. JOUX80.V , PrcsUtnt , ol Steele.JJohmon
& Co.
A. E. TOUZA.L1N , Vlca TrwIJent , of 0. n. ft Q.
R. R , , Boston.
W , V. MORSK , ol W. V. Uoiw * Co.
> OIIN 3. COLLINS , of O. II. A J. 8. Collins.
M. WOOLWORIU , Counsellor & Attorney at
Law.RKED , of Byron ReM ft 03.
W. YATK8 , Owhlcr , Utfl C hler of the FU t
N tlontl B nk of Om h , nJ connected with
tbo cUra management of that Dank since Its
ortf nli tlon In 1883. .
OrnaiD for buslnou April 27th , 1882 , with the
tergtst t&pltMof any Rink In Ntbra ka ,
CotLKOTtOKB recelt ( > ocW atttotloii and ch -
get lowest obtainable here or elsewhere.
IKTIRKST allownl en tlrre dcpoilu upon ( aror-
able terms anil upon cco ants of b&nk > and bank *
FORIION KXOIUKOK , Government Domls and
County and City securities biucht > nd sold
It li prepared to do a | tcnor l btulnitpa
n all ItidnUlls , and In ino trtntmentof cu'toni *
en will pimue the most liberal poll 7 coiulaten
with safe banking.
Stock ; , l'onj ' , Commercial Paper and all other
Oood aocurltli s doa t In
Room 4 , No. 28 IVarl St , , Council Bluffs , la.
Bp cUl Dispatch to TuillKS.
NEW YOEK , May 28.
Money 21(53 ( per ctntj doting offcjred
at 3 per rant , '
Prime Mercantile Paper - 5S&J percent.
Starling Exchange Bonkers' bills strong
at 4 85 ; demand , 4 88J ,
Government * irregular.
Stocks were dull , declining till 2 p. in ,
The maiket was generally stronger during
the fint hull ot the list hour , and ad
vanced A to 5 per cent , the latter in Cen
tral Pucitic , Union Pacific alee wont 1
per cent h ghcr , owing to the reported re
ceipt of a di pttch from i'reulilent Dillon ,
who is uow in Chicago , tint ull diilhultioi
between the Union I'acifio and the Denver
&llij Grinds , which li-d threatened to
culminata in a w r of rates , had been
Amicably oottled. Tbo gain in prices was ,
however , not maintained in the laot hall
hour , and tha irnr'iet cloud generally
a fraction lower on the general list tbi.u
Saturday night , Uniou Pacitic i , Northern
Pacific i , Texas & Pacing j , Northern
Pacific preferred i , Central Pacific I ,
Lake Shore 1 per cent , and the rest of the
market a smaller friction lower. The
market closed weak.
Mining stocks to-day were dull and Ir
regular. Navajo declined from 170 to
135 ; Sutro Tunnel sold at 23 to 2 j ; Sonora
Consolidated at 68 to 65 , closing at GG ;
California at 40c ; Consolidated Virginia
70 to 80 ; Union Couiolidated &t C63 to
C75 ; Sierra Nevada at 7CO ; Iron Silver at
305 and 310 ; Horn Silver at G50. Sales of
the day , 31COO ohares ,
Saturday. To-dnj
8's 1033 1031
6'u lOVi lOll
U'ii Cannons 113& 118.1
4s ( ll'Ji 119A
P dflc5' of "J5 127 128
O Jttrol 1'nciHc firsts 114 4 114 i
Brio eecoudf , 08J tSJ
Jiehigh & Wilkesbarro 101 r 101 i
iouisUnii couuols C1J Clijj
Missouri 6's Illj 112
Bt. Josoijh 10'J 310
Bt , Paul & Sioux City firsts. .112 115
Tennessee 6's 39J 3'Ji
do now fc'Ji 191
Texas & Pacific laud giants. . 0 < j G-lj
do U. G. div. . . . 82i 82g
/Union Pacific 1st mortgage. . 114 114A
do laud grants . .I0i 107j
do Mnking fund. . 116 11G
Virginia G's S8 38
do consols G's ! GJ UU
do deferred IG'Jj 110
BT Bli
Adoma Exprecs 11:8 : 120
Allegheny 'Central llfij llflj
Alton & Terre Haute 73 7J
do pfd. . . . 'J4 9J
American Express U''i 01
Burl. , Cedar flaplda & North. 824 81
Canada Southern * Mi 04J
tO. , St. L , & P 18J 18j
do pfd 60 6ti
Central Pacific 7 9 74
Chesapeake & Ohio I9g 1'Jj
do 1st pfd. . . 2o * i'JJ
do 2d pfd. . . 21i 21
Chicago & Alton 133 } 13
do pfd 140 140
Obi. , Burl. & Quincy 123 | 12JJ
Ohl. , St. L. & New Orleans. , 81 81
01nB.ind. & Cleveland 37 37
Clove. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . C9i O'J
'Delaware & Hudson c.inal. . . 107i 1U7 |
Del , , Lack. & Western 12 lj 12
Deuver & Uio Grande 47i -104
Krlo SOi 34J
do pfd. . . 7U 71 >
Eaat Tonnoaaeo 9 h
do preferred ! < & 18.
ffort Wayne & Chicago lolfc 13 4
Hannibal & bt , Joseph 42 42
do pfd. 95 l'3 '
Harlem H'3 ' 195
Houston & TexaH Central. . . . 70 G9i
Illinois Central H3 1424
Ind , , Bloom. & Western 271 28
Kansas & Texas 2'J-J ' 2si
Lake Erie & Western 274 7
Lake Shore & Michigan So , . . li 9 10
Louisville & Nashville 491 48 (
Louisv. , Mew Alb. & Chicago 55 64
M.&L 1st ufj 10 M
do do 2d pfd 5 5
Memphis & Charleston 42 42
Michigan Central U31 9
Memphis & St. Louil 2ti 2G
do pfd f3 624
Missouri Pacific 102 ? 102
Mobile & Ohio Inj U
Morris 4 ESHOX 125 1VO
Nashville & Chattanooga M 62
New Jersey Central 794 78 |
-Norfolk & W 41 40
Northern Pacific UO 49 :
do pfd 87
Northwestern 1 , 0 | 129 ]
uo pfd I48i 1
New York Central 12'l 121
Ohio Central 1104 H"i
Ohio & Mieaisaippi 32 ! ) . '
do pfd..105 104
Ontario S Western 2iijj 25
Oregon TtaiiBContinentol 824 8- : ;
Pacific-Mail 42J 42
Panamt 98 118
Peoria , Uccr.tur & Evnnsv. . . 18J If ;
Pittsburc A OlBveland 1B3 133
Pullman Pelace Cur 127 127
Readme ' 2J 52 ,
lloek Islsnd 122 121
Bt. Louia & San Fran 31 j 32
do pfd T.3 . * 61
ilo 1st pld 97 87
Bt. Paul * Milwaukee lO.'i 101
do pfd. . . 11 ! ) j 11U
Bt Paul , Minn. & Manitoba. 121 ? 119
Bt. Paul & Omaha 45J 41
do pfd 103
Texas & Pacific 3C2 35
Union Pacific 93j 9
United States Expreis GO C8
h , St. L. & Pacific. . . . 261 2G
do pfd. 41 ] 41
Farro & Co. Express.121 124
Western Union Telegraph. . . 821 82
Homeitake 16
Ontario V >
Qtlckiilrer 7
do Did M
3ntro 28
P-tmcx , M y 28 ,
Thq total gross cxchauges from the 25
calling clearing homes in the United
itate * for ( he weekending May 23 , with
i percentage comparison of the total groia
ixchaogci of the ( ami clearing houses for
be corresponding week in 1SS2 , were
$382,925,920 , Increase , 7 per cent.
pedal Utapatch to Tin Ilii.
LONDON , May 28 ,
Consols , 102 1-1G ; Illinois Central , 14GJ ;
Pennsylvania C ntral , 169J ; New York
! ntral , 1251.
Pfldkl DlipitcbM lo Tni Uis.
CHICAGO , May 28 Flour Market
ulet and unchanged.
Wheat Kegular , nmket un'ottled ;
rreeularopened outer and closed higher ;
1IJ for M y ; 1 15 for Juno ; 1 17 ? lor
uly ; 1 181(41 ( 18J tor AuRust ; 1 IU for
eptcinber ; 1 1'JJ lor October ; 1 14 for the
ear ; No 2 miring 1 13@1 14J ; No. 3 Chi-
ago spring , iic ) ; No , 2 rod wluter , 1 15.
Corn Market upciud Wi < k find lower
nd closed firm at outtiiln price * ; Sfi a cn h
ud Ma ) ; 5t34 < i Jimp ; 57jo July ; 674@57ft
' ugust ; i,8jo ! rf pt moer ; 52stno jear.
Oats Market active , firm and higher ;
91@89go for o eh ; 3l go for May and
uue ; 'Mia fur July ; 34 < j for August ; 33Jo
or Srptember ; 12io for the year ,
Rye Market steady at OTJ ,
Barley Marko dull and nominal at SOi.
Flux Seed Market quiet but stiady at
Purk Marketirrecular and fairly active ;
penpd weak and lower ami cloioil firm at
utkido prices ; 10 15 9 20 for rand ind
laj ; 19 171 ( 19 20 for Juiic ; 19 374 ( < § 19 40
or July ; 11 55feill 5rj lor AIIRUHI ; 1970
< z)19 ) 72i for Seutuuber ; 17 30@17 33 for
is yenr.
Li rd Opened weak and lower an I
oaoil firm tit outsidn prlcps ; 11 CO ® 11 GJJ
or each and May ; 11 G5@ll G74o fur June ;
082i@198J for Julj ; 11 G0 ( < 411624 for
Uii-ust ; 11 r2j(5jll ( 55 for Septemtcr ;
042J@10 15 for the joar.
hulk Meats In fair demand ; bhonMorx ,
HO ; short rib ; , 10 35 ; short clear , 10 75.
Butter Market quiet rind unchnm pd.
EgljH Quiet nnd unchanged at 10 > i@lGlo.
Whisky Market steady and unchanged.
GALL HOABD. Wheat Demand active ;
eclined jc for June aud September.
Corn Uurket easier ; declined io for
uly , Js for August.
Oats Market irregular and fairly active ;
dvaneed io for My ; dto'inod ' Ju for July
ad Jo for August.
Port Murket firm ; advanced 2&o & for
'uly and September.
Lwd In fair demand ; declined ] 2c.
N w YOKE , May 28. Flour Market
rm ; common to pond extra , 4 1G@4 CO ;
xtra Ohio. 4 15gO ( 76 ; St. Louis , 4 15 ©
Wheat Market J@lo lower , afterwards
uled stronger and excited , prices advanc-
ng 2i@3ic , closing , however , weak ; uu-
raded red , 1 08@1 22i ; steamer No. 2 red ,
161 ; No. 2 red , 1 23)115 ; ungraded
white , 112@l 25 ; No. 2 do , 1 01@1 COJ ;
\o. 1 white , sales 23,000 bu at 115@1 IGj ;
Vo. 2 red , May , sales 144,000 bu at 1 : U4
@ 1 24 , cloain ? nt 1 2.SJ ; Jun sale ? , 1,072 , .
00 bu at 1 213(31J4i ( , closing at 1 2.4 $ ;
luly salfB , 2,830,000 bu at 1 23 @ 1 27 ,
losing at 1 2' ; Augu-t mien , 2,0d4,0j0 bu
it 1 25j@l 28j. closing at 1 2i | ; riepte .
ser , palun H,280.tX)3 ) bu : tt 1 20i@l 30 , clos
ing nt 1 292Uotobor ; , 8ak ! > 21S.OOO bu at
29@1 313. closing at 1 31.
Corn Market for < .a h .J'ZSJc lower ; op.
ion ? opeoed i@J- lower , afterwards rule 1
tronger , reacutl l@ljc , co ! iue weak ; un.
envied , 48aG5ic ( ; No 3 GJJI2G7 ; Htcamur ,
31t2Glic ; No 2 , ( io tG c ; No. 2 white , 17
al > 71 ; low mixed , GIJc ; white western ,
OfeUBi ; No. 2 , May. GligGog- ; , closing t
3Jc ; June , ( i'g biir , cloning nt
uly , G5i ( < 567c , cloning nt CGc ; A
Gji GSc , ulouin ? ut 67i ; September , C7Jg
i'J.t. ' cloairg at G'Jo.
O ttg Market strong ; mix d western ,
5KG 4 C ; white weiteru. I9@59a.
E K' Western freah higher and firm at
I'ork Mnrket quiet Lut firm ; new mesa ,
JO 00020 V5 ; options nrglected.
Lard Market strong : orime itetm ,
cash , 1175 ; June , 11 ( > 2 ( H 77 ; July , 11 71
@ll 87 : Aucust , 11 8 11 77 ; Ssptember ,
1 70 ; October , 11 40.
Butter Market dull and weak.
ST. Locia , May 28. Flour Market
Wheat Market opened lower and weak ,
Advanced , with very active trading , and
losed sharply hiuhcr and firm ; No , 2
red fall , 1184@1 19 for cash ; 1 ] Bfel 2D
or June ; 1 18irfl ( 181 , oloiing tl " 0\ bid
July ; 11 9i'il ' 19J , cloiing at 1 2 bid
August : 12fi@120 closlni'at 1 24 ] for
3dpt4iiiber ; 1174@L O for the year ; No.
3 red fall , 1 IU bid.
Corn Market onened lower , ndvunred
? ery slowly ; fidi@51c for cash ; 5Pi@50.Ja
'or June ; 52fojn3i for July ; 64J 5.c for
AugustJj.ig55l ; ( ; for S pteuiber ; 4t > ia4u ( < fc
"or i ha year.
O.iU Market dull and lower ;
lOo for caoh ; 3'Jl@40j lor June ;
"or July ; 31Jo tor the year.
Kyo Martiet nuniinivl.
H.rley DiilUt oaWSs.
( 'orn Meal Market easier at 2 fi5 ,
Butter Market steady and unchanged ,
Kitga Market steady and unchanged ,
Wnit > kv Market ntead > at 1 14 ,
-,1'ork Marlietdul19 ) ; CO.
Bulk Meats Nothing doing.
Hacnnl rkot du'l ; I n clear , 10 90
11 W ; than rib , 11 IL'l ; short clear ,
11 37J
L .r f Market nominal.
AITEUNOON BoAlil ) . Whflut Market
otr ; 12)4 fjr . .lumli ; ! ! § for July
L 22j } for Annul ; 1 2i ? toi rieptimoer :
L 194 for the > e r ,
C rn Market easier ; 51 | > for June ; 53 o
or July ; 5ijo for August.
O -Market hUbcr ; 10j for July
314 f ° r the year.
KANSAS CITY , May 28. Wheat Mor
kei higher but slow ; N.2 red fall , ! )7Ja )
hid or each nd June ; 03Jo bid for .Iu y ,
Corn Market lower and weak ; 4Jc
bill for cash ; 4 'lc for June ; 46o asked for
Oats Market dull ; 38c bid.
TOLEDO , May 28 Wheat Marke
modern'e y active ami higher ; No. 2 rec
fall , 12) ) for cash and M y ; 1 20 } foi
June ; 1 22 for July : 1 ? 3 f r August
1214 for Saptenner ; 120 for October ;
1 20 for the year.
Corn M fkot firmer ; No 2 , 60s for
ci h , Junn and July ; Hl3i for AUtguit ;
rejected , 454c ; no grades ! 9Ja. "i" < CCi
Oils-Market quiet ; No. 2 , 4lj3 bid fo
July ; 4Jo aakel.
LIVERPOOL , May 28 , Weather fine.
Urnvlaiuifi Whjct qalet aud steady ;
corn dull.
Wh-it Winter , SilUtgUi 2d ;
81 GlriiDi 21 ; ( Uliforniu , 8.1 lld@'Jjd
No. 1 do. 9. SSdt'Jt Gd.
Corn 5s 8J.
Epecl&l DUlpitcbei to Till DII.
OHIOAOO , May 28. The Drovers' Jcnr
nal rspjrU M follows ;
HORS Mrder t ly active hut lOi lnv r
mlied. 6 70@7 10s h-avy , 7 10@7 40 ; light
C 80a)7 ( ) 20 ; Hkips , 3 374 0 30.
Cattle Fair , moderately active hu
not quotably higher ; export" , 6 9 < @G 15
good ta shoice uhlpplng , 6 G0@5 95 ; com
mon to fair. 5 00@5 60.
. 8h -Many of poor quality fairly ao
tire ; nrlcei weaker cm low ; oonrnon t
fair. 820 ® ! 50 : food , 5 CO ; choice , 6 75
Tbi DroTtn' Journal , Llmpool , r -
i > ort no clian ; o In foreign live stock tradn.
Both oittle nnd * hc p are slow ; prloea
steauy ; choice AincrUin t er , 15) er
pound , estimated d n i weight ; sbeep , 19i ,
NEW YonK , May 28 The Drovew'
Journal Bureau reports :
Beeves -Mirket fair : oitrimn to stilolly
prime stcors noli * nt -10'6/7 00 per cwt ,
live wiiRht ; tip < , 7 C687 iO ; 130 our loads
diitlllory fed fitecri xild at 5 40@G SO per
cwt ; nporters uioil 50 car 1oa4 * .
Sheep Frm ; clipped , 5 00(47 00 per
cwt ; common to good spring laiubt , 7 60 $
10 i0 per cat.
llogs-Slow at 7 3027 60 per owt.
BT. LOD18 ,
8r. Louis , May 28. Cattle Heavy
shipping steers Mow und weak ; light and
medium weights suitable for butcher * ,
scare * and strong at 52r@575 ; common ,
4 75@ " > 00 ; heavy sleers quotable nt 5 85@
G 2i but vmv few suki ; good cons and
heifers , 425@500 ; c mmou , 310 © I 00 ;
some i > oor xrass Texutis fold ut 4 25 ,
Sheen-Steady ; fair to cholo muttons.
4 25@5 25 } spriurf lar-b , 1 50@3 tO per
dead ,
Hogs Market dull and firm ; liqht ship.
| ) lng , U 8"i@7 00 ; rough to K ° od mixed
ntvcklnf , G 50(0,7 ( 00 ; l ir to buit ho.ivy ,
10 ® 7 35 ,
KANSAS Cut. May 8 The Commcr-
olal Indicator this itftoruoou reports as
follows :
Cattle StpaJj ; o'tori , 1200 to ItCOlhs ,
90Co)5l5 ) ; cnw , 8 2H 45U ,
Hoge Lower auct o k , rtnilug ; G 75 ®
10 ; bulk "f sitlest d 8'ig7 ( 00 ,
Sheep Njihlog dolutr.
pccUl Dleruttch'g to Tun Dun.
NKW YonK , May 23 Hiy- Market
nlot but steady ,
C lf-o Murkct dull and lower ; Kio , 7
3,7o. \ .
Sus < ar Market ptpndy ; refined strong ;
white oitr.t C , 8@8 ; Htaudard A , 83 ;
onlectionerH' A 8/c ; crusliocf , 94&9jc ;
ranulatod , 8 MG@93 ,
Molnaneti Murktt quiet but firm.
llico Market qi'iet hut steady.
Petroleum Market firm ; unittd , 1 OSJ ;
elined , 7i@7ic.
Tallow Demand fair and market firm
U isin Market dull and lower.
Turpcutiuo Murkut dull and woak.
poolal Dlapntrhci to Tnn Him.
LONDON , May 28 The Mark Lno ex-
iresa iu review i f the grain trudo to the
iast week aiyn : The crop < have lionofitted
really by Saturday's rain and harvest
iroipoit is much imprived. Trade is un
'Otter ' , the supply toioK restricted an
iriceu weaker Foreign wlieut wa in tui-
.nste and prices declined li , Cargoes off
o st were in imall Icquiry. Kcd winter
wheat 44 < , and a .large cargo of ISo. 1 Cal-
fornU 45i ; 18 cargoes arrived and there
were 7 sales Thn forward trade was m-
Ignihcant. In flour bueiners was linncs-
ible except at a reduction. Foreign fl mr
was also clow. Barley was dearer ; foreign
unchanged. Oats were slightly better ;
oreign cheaper. Maize wai steady and
mohanged , aud the supply hurdly equal
o the demand. The sales of uglish
wheat wits GG 220 quarter * at 43 ] 7d ,
againet 28,3 5 quarters at 48s Id the cor-
osponding week last > ear ,
peclal Dllpatchos to Tni Un.
NEW YOBK , May 23. Keoelpts and
hlpmuuta of flour and grain for the past
24 hours have been as follow B :
Receipts Shn't * .
Flour bbls . IG.HM ) 1,300
Wheat bushels . 18(1,500 ( 1G.IGO
Corn " . 214.010 li0 ! OtO
OaU- " . . . .1L3.000 21,000
OltloAQO , May 28. Receipts and ship *
nents of flour and gram for the past
24 hours have been ae follows :
Keceluts. Shiti'te
Flour barrels . 8.000 G.BOO
Wheat bushels . 18,000 0000
Corn " . 187.000 587.000
Oats " . 212000 79,000
Ilye " . 11,000 24.000
Barley " . 10,000 3,000
ST. LOOIB , May 23. Kecelpta and
hipments of flour and grain for the past
8 hours have been as follows :
KecBiuts. Shlp'tx.
Flour bbls . , (00 ( 4000
Wheat bushel . 22000 3001) )
Corn " . 112dOO G2 100
Gate " . 39.COO
iye- " .
Barley- " .
TOLEDO , May 28 , Receipts and ship
nents of flour aud giam for tha past 21
louis have been as follows :
lUc'ti Shipm'tR.
Wheat . 12000 4,000
Corn . 13.00J 4000
Oats . 1,000
KANSAS OITT , May S8Keoelpts ami
hipmonts of grain for the past 24
lours hate been us follows :
noc'ts. Ship'te.
Wheat , bushels . 37 000 13 , ( 00
Corn " . 9 CK.O 10,010
Oats- " .
ST. LooiBf May 28. Receipts and
ihipments of live t'tock foi the past 21
jours have been as followa :
Hog * 3800 90 (
Cattle 1,4(10 ( 4(0
Sheep 150 GOO
K.ANSAH OITT , May 28. KoccipU niu
ihipmeuts of live stock tor the past 2-
aourij have been aii follow ? :
Hec'ta. Bblpm'ts
Cattle 701
> gH 3,0,0
NEW YORK , May 28. Koceipta am
shipments of live stock for tbo past 2
hours have been as follows :
Itac'ta Shiu'h
eve * 5.0PO 13
Sheep 10,700 251
Hogs 8,300
OHICACM , May 28. Ucoelpc and ship
menU ui live stock for tbo past i
liours have been as follows ;
Ken tH. Bhlpm't
Hog 1GOOO ] ,80f
Cattle 4500 1,300
Sheep.- . 3,000 IOC
Wholesaln Prices.
"JTIOK or Tns OMAHA Bui , I
Monday Ereuln ? , May 28 , |
There are no changes reported in th
market to-diy.
WHEAT.-Oa-h No. 2 , 9lo ; c ih No
8 , 78io ; rejected. 72j.
HAttLKY. 0Hh No. 2 , GSo ; No. 8
UYK-Omh , 48 j.
COIIN- ) w mixed , S8o.
REKDS-lilun gr SR seed , 125 ( 150
t'mothy ceod , 2 10 2 25 ; rel clover nceil
900 ; white clover te 1 1100 ; millet seed ,
100 ; 1 nee 1 , 1 10 ; orchard grans
seed , 2 50.
POTATOES2vutM > o per rmahel ,
ONIONS OM 20c per bushel.
BUTTEUClioice country , 15@20c ,
EGGS Krech , IGo.
HONKY CalilurJl * . pcrlb , 21.
APPLES Per barrel. ? 2 25 ! 4 00.
OUANOES-Oalifoinla , 2 75 ; Messina
4 0(2l85 ( ' ( 00
LEMONH V > ( X5 ) 50 r r box.
BTRAWBEU1UBS-20@2J3 per quart
BEANE Navy per bushel , 2 50 ( 2 76
Live Stock.
CATTLE -Fat st" rs , $500@5 25.
FAT COWS -$3 75@4 00 ,
BHEBP-fl W 5 UO ,
Flour and MlllitufTs ,
Beit wlnUr wheat-3 003 75
Second quality winter wheat 275@32 5.
Bc t spring whoat-2 O'J ' @ 2 75.
Second quality tpringwheat 2 40@2 W ) .
Bran , per tnn-10 00.
Chopped Feed , per ton 18 00 ,
CHICKENS Live per doz. , $1 00 ®
1 50. lln-MOilt per lb. , 15c.
DUOKS-Dres ed. per lb. , 15c.
Orocora List
CANNED GOnTi _ Oy tor. , ( QUnd-
ard ) , per case , 3 70@390 ; utrawbor-
lee , 2 lb , per case , 2 40 , rasp ,
jerries , 2 lb , per oao , 3 50. Dam
ons , 2 R ) , per CASO , 2 45. Uartlctt
> an per ease , 2 40. Whortloberrlo *
> orc ge,275. Kgg plutn ,2 ID ixjrcwie.a 90 ;
} rcen g ge ,2 lb per ease , 2 90 ; do choice , ,
b per CMO t 50. Pine Apple * , 2 lb , per ease
00@6 75. Poaches , 2 R > per case , 3 00 ;
lo S lb , cneo , 4 00@4 60 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , per
a.2 Ml : do pie , 6 lb , per dozen , 2 SO.
LAUD Omaha UefinlnlngCo.i Tierces ,
2jo ; 40 and 50.1b cans , ISgc ; 20-lb can * ,
2 o ; 10-lb palls , screw top , 12J ; ; 6-lb do ,
Via : 3-lb do , 13c.
rtlOE TiouhUna prime to choice , 7JQ
ct fair. 7 ( . 7ic ; Patina , Cgo.
FISH No. J mackerel , half brh , 7 tO ;
STo. 1 mackerel , kits , 1 00 ; family mack-
nil , half brls , 5 25 ; family mackerel , kits ,
5c ; No. 1 whlto fish , half brls , 7 00 ; No. 1
its , 1 0.- ) .
SYR.UP Standnrd Com. , 38s. bbk ;
itandnrd do , 44 gallon kegs , $1 95 ; Stan *
ard do , 4 gallon kegs , 81 75.
SODA In lb paper * , C3.SOpercaaokeT ; (
oda , 2ic.
NEW PIOKLES-Medlnai , In barrel *
7 00 ; do In half bhls , 4 00 ; amnlla , In bblt
00 do , In half bbls , 5 00 ; gherkins , In
bl , 11 00 ; do , In half bbls , 0 00.
TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45055 ;
Jbolcc , GOI375c ( ; Imperial , good , 40 , ' < sl5o ;
holce 60g75c ( ; Youug Hyson , goodi 3tiQ
Do ; ohoico , 65c(2&l ( 00 ; Japan Nat Lent ,
! " , c : Japan , choice , 6076o ; Oolong , good ,
510 ; Oolong' , ohn.oe , 40@55 ; BoncJioiift.
oad. 85ftJ103 ! choice. 35lfic.
ROPE-HlH-J. 4 Inch and8 larger , lie ;
Inch , lltj 1 inch , 12c.
WOODENWAKK Two hoop path ,
75 ; three hoop palls , 2 00. Tuba , No ,
, 8 60 ; Pioneer \whbo rds , 1 06 Uonble
Crown 2 \Vellbuokctn ; , 350
LEAD Bar. 51 6fi
SOAPS KUk's Savon Imperial , 845 ;
Klrk'n natlnnt , S f.O ; Kirk's utaudar.l. 8 75 ;
Cirk's white Hnsslan. 6 25 : Kirk's
Jntoci. , 315 Kirk'a Prairie Queen ,
100 cokoi ) , 40 ; Kirk's magnolia doz , ,
POTASH Pennsylvania cane , 4 oive ,
n case , 8 85 ; Babbitt's Ball 2 doz. In case ,
90 : Anchor Ball 2 doz In case 1 CO.
PEANUTS Roasted , choice , rod Tent -
t- Bee , lOo per lb ; fnnoy white , 10 o porlb ;
nw white Virginia raw , 10o | roiwtod
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , 16s , 15J0 ; ft ,
6o ; hues 40 Ibs. , 16 oz. , Cs , ISjr.
alATCUEb Per caddie , 95o ) round ,
n n . ItR Wiqniro , oaftfls , 90 40 ,
COFFEES-Ordinary grades , 3i@9i ;
air , 10@l04o ; good , 10j(3 ( llc ; prlmo. 114
@ ! 2j ; Bt'lctly prime , 12@124t ; choice. Id
D13&c & ; fancy green and vellow , lAOlBc ;
Id government Jav . , 202j ! ( ; Lovering's
oasted , 14Jo ; Arbuckle's roasted , Hit ;
ilcLiufrhliu's XXXX routed , 1-IJc ; Iin-
tatiou Java , 164cal81o
VINKGAK New York apple , IGc ;
) bio apple , 13c.
SALT. Dr y loads , per bbl , 1 85 ; Ash
? u. In sao ks , 8 60 ; bbls dairy 60. fin , I ) M )
SUGARS Powdered , lOJc : Cut loaf ,
O c ; Granulated , 94o : Confectioners' A ,
jc , ; Standard tixtr * 0 , 8gc ; Extra C ,
84c ; mudlum yellow , 8Jo ; dark yellow , 7Jc ,
STARCH. Pearl. Vjo ; Sliver GICH , .
I4c ; Corn Starch , 943 | KxcelslcrGlosa ,
o s Com. 81
MEATS Hams per lb. , 14c ; bacon
> er lb. , 14c ; clear side bacon per lb. , lljc ;
try salt fides per lh. , lOjc ; bacon ohoulders
icr lh. 9)ic ) ; tierce lard per lb. ; 119 ; ,
SPICKS. IVpper. 21 | All i"Cf , 19 ;
Clovnc , 30 ; Camla , 24.
CUKKbB Full tlrenm , 1443) ) Pnrt
Hklui , llo.
LYE American , S 40 ; Greenwich , 840 ;
Western , 2 75 ; North Ster , 2 00 ; Lewie1
ye , 4 Gh ; Jewell lye , 2 76.
FEED Jobbing prices , Chop feed
91.50 per 100 Ibs. ; chop corn , 81.40 ; bran ,
"Oc per 100 Ibs.
HOMINY Now 3 50 per bbl.
Dry Gooat.
BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A. 8ici
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Ho ; Boot ,
FF , § 4e ; Buckeye LL , 4.4 , 7o ; Cabot W.
71c ; Cblttenango A. R c ; Ureat Falls E ,
Sic ; Hoosier , 640 ; liouest Width 80 , In-
lian Head A , 8c ; Indian Rtnndurd A ,
: ; Indian Orchard d. w. , Gj : ; Lawrence
Gic ; Mystic river , 74c ; Puquot A , SJo
Jtica O , 5ic : Wachusett B , 7Ja ; do A ,
jet dn V. 4S. iint.
1.4 : 74o ; Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Argyle 4 , 7 c
Atlantic LL. f > ic ; Badger State X 4-4 , GJc
Qennlngton 0 44,6Jc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , G ci
Indian Orchard AA 9-8. S o ; Laconla C
S9 , 84o ; Lehlgh E 4-4 , 94c ; Popporell N
80 , 7a ; do O 82 , 7Jo ; do R 36 , 78o ; do E 89
Bio , ? ooasset 0 44 , 7Jc ; Wamsutta 4- <
dn L 4.4,94cBlackstoneAA ; Imperial 8c
do do half bleached 4.4,9c | Cabot 4-4,8 J
Fidelity 4-4 , 94cVrult ; of the Loom. 9 ; do
can.brlc4.4,12JcdoWnterTwlst1104oGreat ; ;
Falls Q. 9c ; Indian Head shrank 4-4 , 12c
Lonsdale , lOo ; do cambric 37 , 124o ; New
York Mills. 124c ; Pequot A.lOo ; Pepperel
N G Twills , 124c ; Pocahontaa 4-4 , 94c
Pocasset 4.4 , 8Jo | Utloa , lie ; Wamsntta
O X X. 124c.
DUCKS Colored ) Albany K brown ,
80 ; do O , drab , lie ; do X.A. stripes anr
plaids , 12Jc ; do XXX brown and Hrtib
stripoa and plaids , X24c ; Arlington fancy
iBrVc : nnswlck brown , Sic ; Chariot fancy
124c ; do extra heavy , 20c | Fall Rive
brown , extra heavy , Hie ; Indiana /
brown 1r ! ! ! Neoonoct A brown. 16o
K A O A 83
19c ; do XX blue 32 , 18c ; Arrowacna
9Jc ; Claietiiont B Ult34o : Oone toga ra
tra , 17io : Hamilton D , llio Lewiatop A
30,15o ; Minnohaha 4-4 , 20c ; Omega supe
extra 4-4 , 28o ; Pearl River 32 , lOlc ; Put
nam XX blue stripe , 12o ; Shetucket f
lOJc ; do SS 12o ; YeoinanV blue 29 , 9i
DENIMS. Amoskeak , blue and broni
lG4c ; Andover DD blue , 154c ; ArlingX
blue Scotcb , 184c ; Concord OOO , blue aw
brown. 124c ; do AAA , do do 134 ; doXXtc
do do 144o Haymaker's blue and brown
94e ; Mystic River DD stripe , 164o ; Pear
River , blue and browc , 16o | Unoasvlllc
blue and brown , 144r.
CAMBRICS Barnard , 54o ) Eddyston
'lining , 24 Inch double laoe , 840 ; Garner A
glazed , P4c ; Manhattan glove finish , 6Sc
Newport do 6c ; do glazed , EJo ; Pequot it
5o ; Lockwood kid hulsh Go.
CORSET JEANS Amory , 8oAndro ;
coggin satteeu 8Jo ; Clarendca , 6JcOona ! ; ,
o-lea satteens , 7io ; Hallowol , 80 ; Inldl
Orchard 7io ; Narr-kgansettimproved , 84"
Pepperlll sattnen 94c : Rockport , 7Jo
iINT3Aliens , 6Js : American , 6
Arnold , 7o ; Berwick , 4 o > Cocbcco .B
OoueHtoga. Gtoj Dunkirk , ; Dunnell ,
OJ@7c ; Kddyntone. 7c ; Qbuceeter , fie
Harmony , 5 o ; Knickerbocker , fie ; Moi
rl ac D , 7o ; Mystic , fi'jo ' ; HpraTuoi , 60
Southlirdh'o ! , Go ; do , tilcfibama , 7o | M.arl
bore , 5c ; Oriental C4c.
OINGHAMS Am-viVoap , 9Jo | Argylr
10'o ' ; Atlantic , Uo ; Oninburland , 74o
HIik' , 7ic ; Kenilworth , 9Ja | Pine
kett , OVn Buegei , 8c
OO'lTONAUlsa Abborylllo
Autc | ; , ' . ! 0a ; Aniaricun , lie ; Artblnn , l0o !
Cairo D and T , 13ic ; Clark-a D anti T
IVJc ; Deccnn Oo. trlpc.i DaudT , 16c { Key-
Hone , 13 o ; Nantticket , 19c ; Ni > amrail ;
lOo ; Ocnan D and T , 13c ; Uoyal , 1CJ i
SIIBHOX , 1'Jc ; TioKb , 12o ; Wuchtuett hlrt
In ? chocks. ISJc : do , Naiikln , Uicj York.
plftlu Nankin , l c ; do.cheokt , vtrlpci and
laucv. I' ' c ; do. 8 oz 3Co.
- .
do 9.'l , 22c ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental 0
i2 , llo , Krultof | the Loom 10-4 , 274 ; New
York mllle98 , 35c ; do 78 , 30c ; do 6H. 22 0 ,
Pembroke 10.4 , 25oj Poquot 1C-4 , 284o , do
74 , 19o do 49 , IGo ; Pepporell 90 , 29o
do 07. 31cdo ; 67 , I8c ; Utlca 96 , 80o ; do
SB , 23lo | do 48. 17o.
Carbolic , 50o | Acid , Tartarlo , C6o | Balaam
Oopabla , per lb , 70o ) Bark , BaMaf rn , per
lb , 13 1 | Calomel , per Ibl76cj Olnchonldta ,
per 01 , U 05) ) Cblorofonu , per lb , 85o |
DoTtr1 ! powder * , per lb , 91 25) ) p Jj
Salt * , pr lb , Uo ) Oljotrbae , pnN pe itl ,
80c | LMdfT AoeUU , pi lb , S
Oil , Cantor , No. 1 , per gal , H 25 ;
Oil , Cantor , No , S , per gal , 0116 , Oil ,
Olltr , pnr ( ' , ! 81 60 ; OIL Orlirannui , 60 ;
Ophtm , 85 10 } Quinine P. S W. & R. A B. ,
per ot , 01 73 ; PotMiiutn , Iodide , per lb
II G } ; BalACin , per or. 40oi Bnlphate o
Morphine , > ior or , $3 75 ; Bnlpnnr floar
per lb , 4ot Strrchnlno. net ot. SI 25.
Paints Oltt nd VcrntihM
OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon ,
12c ; 160 * headlight , per glllon )
14ci 176' hoadllffht , per gallon , 19o ;
1601 Water WTilto , 18o { llnioal ,
ratr , imr gallon , 67 ; llruoed , bolle-1 ,
Per gallon , OOc ; Urd , winter ntr'd , per iral ,
Ion , t5 ; No. 1 , 85o ; No. 2 , 76o ; castor ,
XXX. per gallon , I 30 ; No. S , 1 20 ; iwoet
per gallon. 86ot ipenn , W. U. , per gallon ,
1 GO ; fi h , w , li. , per gallon , 05o ; neaUfoot >
extra , per gallon , 90o ; No. 1 , 76c ; lubri
cating , roro , per gallon , 80o | nummrr , 16c ,
golden uiaolitno , No. 1 , per ration , .15c ; No ,
SO ; eperm , signal , per gallon , 80c ; tur
pentine , per gallon , 05c ; naptha , 84 , per
gallon , lfis < \ < \ ir > o
PAINTS IN Olb-Wblte load , Omaha
P. P. . Go ; whlto load , St. Loula , pure , njoj
T arselllei preen , 1 to 6 lb cam , 20c
French zinc , gioou aoal , 12o ; French zlno ,
red teal , lie ; French tlno , In rarnlnh aiut ,
20c : French zlnce , In oil at 16o ; Raw
and burnt umber , 1 D > cam lOo ; raw aud
burnt Sienna , lOa : Vandyke brown , R
relined lampblack. 12o | ooach black and ;
l ory black , IGo ; drop bla < k , IGo ) Prnmlan
blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 16o | clmnno
green , Li. M , & I ) . , IGojbllnd and shutter
Krcou , L. M. & P. , IGc ; Paris green , X8c ;
Indian rod , 16o ; Venetian rod. 9o | Tiuonp
drt , 22c ; American Vermilion , I , & P , , lfio |
chrome yellow , L. , M. , 0. ft D 0 , , IHc ;
yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , Id ; patent
Irrpr , 8c ; ( . 'ralnlnf ; oolorsi light oak , dark
one. walnut , vhectntit anil ash 16c.
Onr Paints
White load , 8c ; Kreucn sine. lOct Par
whltt > lnf ; 24C ! whiting gliders , IJc ;
nhltlng coui'l , HO ; lampblack Oormsn.
town , lie ; lirnplimck , onilnary , lOcj 1'ruf.
niati blue , 5Cc ; ultrnmarluo , IKo ; Vandyke
brown , Be ; timber , burnt , 42) ) uinbor , rnvr
> cnlonna ; , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c
Pnrln green genuine , iSc ! ; Paris green com' '
20o ; chrome groun , N , Y.1 20o ; ohrom
green K. , 12c ; vorniillion , Kng , , 70c ; ver
million , America , Ific ; Indlati rod , 10a
roue pink , lie ; Venetian road , Ooknpoiui
2jjc : Venetian red Am , , lc ; roi load , 7io ;
chromo yellow , Kcnuluu , 20o hroine yel
low , K , , 12c ; < x'hro , rochelle 3c ; ochre
French , 2Jc | ; ochre , American , 2c ;
Wiuti'r's muieral. 2Jo ; lehlgn brown. 2io !
oiiuniih brown , 2it 1'rlnco'a mineral So ,
VAltNISllES Uarreln per ( jnllon
Fni-nlture , extra , 01 10 ; furniture , No. 1
; conch , extra , 81 40 ; each , No. 1 ,
20 ; Damar , oxtta , $1 76 | npan , 70c ; a -
phaltmn , extra , 8Co ) shfllln S3 E0 | bard
oil iinleb , 81 SO.Hides
Hides , Furs , Etc.
1IIDKS < jroen butcher's bides , GJ
7c cared 7Ja8j ( | hides , green salt ,
dry Hint , nouuj , ILVirtlSo : dry calf
and kip , 1214c : dry salt hides , sound ,
10@llo ; green calf , wt. 8 o 16 Ihs. , ll@12r ;
green calf , wt , under 8 Dw , per skin , 60o |
green j > olt i , CO81 26 ; green lamb skim ,
81 250)160i ) damaged hides , two-third rate ,
cut scored and one grub , classed two-
tLlrds rate , ) branded hldea 10 per cent , ofl
Coon skins , No. 1 , 46c ; No , 1t SOo ; No , 1
20 ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No , 1 , 30c | No. 2
16c ; No. 3,16o ; No. 4 , 60. Fox , No.Ik ,
COoj No. 2 , 2Go. Skunk , No. 1 , b26o |
66c ; short stripe , 40m narrow stripoa
tread stripe. lOo Tntlnw 7o.
Oak sole , 880 to 4Uo : hemlock sole , ISo to
Sfic ; hemlock kip , SOo to 100 ; runner ,
65e to 80o ; hemlock calf , 86c to 120 ; hem
lock upper , 23o to 26o ; oak upper , 24c ;
nlligator. 4 00 to 6 60 ; calf kid , 3235n-
Greisen kid , 2 60 to 2 76 ; oak kip , 80o to
1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip ,
110 to 1 6C ; French calf , 1 26 to 2 00 ; run-
eotts. 6 50 to 7 60 ; linings , 6 00 to 10 60 ;
toppings , 9 00 to 10 60 ; 13. L , Morocco , SOo
to 35c ; pebble 0 , I ) . Woroooo , S5c ; slmon ;
2 60 to S 00.
HARNESS-No 1 n or oak , 42c | No 3
do , St'c ; N.I Ohio oak , 38o | No. 2 do ,
35ci No. 1 Mllwaukoo , U7o ; No. 2do Sic.
We qnoto lumber , lain and shingles on
earn at Omaha at the following prices :
under , 822 00 ; 18 ft. , 823 60.
TiaiBKKS 16 ft. and under , 822 00.
TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft. , 823 60 ;
2C ft .523 50 , 22 ft. , 82d 50 ; 24 ft. 820 50.
FENCING No. 1 , 4 and fi In. , 824 00 ;
No. 2 , 822 00.
SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common
hoards ) . 820 00 ; No. 2. 818 00.
LIME Per barrel , 31 25) ) bnlk per nn *
35c ; Cement , bbl , 82 25 Iowa piaster
bbl , 82 60. Hair per bn , 60o. Tarred
felt 100 Ibs. * . 60 Straw nnard , f3 60 ,
Heavy Hardware Lilt.
Iron , rattw , * 2 8u ; piuw steel , special
cast , 7o ) crucible * , 80 ; special or Uerman,6c ;
cast tool do , 1520 wiuron spokes , set ,
2 2.3 00 ; beds , per set , 1126 ; felloes , sawetl
dry. 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@86o ; axloo ,
each , 76o ; snunro nuts , per D > , 7llo ;
wachnrr. per lb. 8@18c ; rivets , per lb , lie ;
cell chain , per lb , 6@12ot Cm\lloable , 80.
Iron wedges , Go ; crowbars , Go barrow
teeth , 4c ; spring tool , 7C3bc ; Burden's
horoohnnn , 1 2 : liurdon's mulcsboes , 6 25 ,
BA11BED WIRE In car lots , 7" @
7io per 100.
NAILS Rates , 10 to fHW. 3 60.
SHOT. Shot , 81.85) ) Bnck snot , $2.10.
Oriental Powder , kegs , 8H.40 ; do. , bal
kegs , 83.48 ; do.inarterkngs , 81.88 ; Blast
hut , ko s , tR.S6Fuoc. : ptr 100 fret C,0o.
COAL Cumberland blaoktmltb , $17
Morris Rnn lUoxnburg , 812) ) 'Wbitobreatt
lump , 84 0) ) ; Whitebreatt nut , 84 0) ) ; lowe
lump , 81 0) ; lows nut 84 00 ; RookJSprlng ,
9700 ; Authranite , 81150@1200 ; Canon
City , $7 00 per ton.
Hortei nd Mutes.
Kxtra draft hureef , 8176. to 226. ) Conv
Ton dralt boretis. C100. to 150. ) Extra
farm hortcc , 8110. to 125. ) Common to
good farm borcr. 5'JO to 8100. ) Extra
plugn. $60 , to 76 , | Common plugs , 820 ,
to ? 40.
MULES. lH r ) , 11126. to 160 , | good ,
R100 , lo H0.ialr ; , $75 , to 100. ) common ,
SOC , to 75
ALCOHOL 188 proof. S 25 per wlm
gallon ) extra California spirits , It 8 proof ,
1 25 per proof gallon ; triple refinoa dpirlU
187 proof , 123 per proof gallon ; re-dUtilled
whiakies , 1 00 ( 1 60 ; fine blended 1 60
2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@7 00 ; Ken.
tncky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 007 00.
BRANDIES-Imported , SO 00(816 ( OOi
domestic 1 404 00.
GINS Imported , 4 6006 00 ; domestic ,
1 40@3 00 ,
RUMS Imported , 4 606 00) ) New
England. 2 00@4 00 ; domeitio , 1 oO3 60
1 76(94 ( 00.
CHAMPAGNES Imported per easet
28 00 34 00 ; Amirli i per east , 12 00(9 (
FINK GOT Common , 20@30o ; good
4"@GOoi Rose Leaf , 70o ; Premium , tWo ;
Oiitmond Crown , 55c ; Sweet Sixteen ,
47o SMOKING O. S. , 20c ; Minkovv , 2'c.
Durham , IS oz. IGc ; Durham , 8 oz , 50o
Durham. 4 oz , 5'Jj ; Durham , 2 oz 65
Sflnl of North Carolina. 1G o12o ; tflno !
North Ciri Ilun , 8nz 4lo ; Siiil of Norlli
Carolina , 4 oz , 40' ; Seal of North Carolina
lina , 2 oz , 18a ; O 1C Durham or , 28j
0 K Durham. 2 z , 30 ; Undo Ned , i' ,
2la ; Tom anJIcrrv. . V3o.
PLUG TOUAt'COClimax. . 50 ; ul
lion 60 ; Her n hnp , 48 ; Stir 18 ; Rudy ,
41 ; Hereey'a , 48 ; UlacL38@IO.
Morlno nnwaihod , light , 14lf > c | her
medium nnwanhed , light , 18r20 (
wanhed , choice , 82c ; fair , HOe ; tub
winded , Z8o ; burry , bl ct and eottnl woo
I'ro Went Vtco I'fiu'6
W 8 UBialltN , 8 c ulTr u.
Lincoln , Neb.
Corn Pl nt rs Hsrrows rm Roller *
Sulky Rakes Bucket i levntl K Mndmll
W are pr r i i to do Job work and miaufM
turlni for other lr ln ,
A ° '
LlBMlo , Ntb.
X romMnadon of .Tn
tojelila of Iron , J'rruoiat *
Jlark antU'hos ] > liortuiit
a jMitatablo forntt for
DcbUHy.XM of Anp *
Me , Vroitrntlon of ( ital
llo J'ou-crt , it i * indltpentn-
UKV.A.I.HOBJU3 Writon- :
Aftnr n thorough trial of the _
HON TONIC , I take ploanuro TfffT u6t t ?
In otntln < r that I hnvo been < I consider H
tci J. lonoUtod by Its ILOOD a. most excellent remedy for
uno. ministers and Pub- the debilitated vital forces.
llo Speakers will flnd It
of the BToatest value
whore n. Tonlo la nooos *
ary. I recommend it
us n reliable remedial
RKont , poaaoirslnfr un *
doubted nutritive and
restoratlvo leuunllt , Ay. properties. , ttf. J , 1S8J ,
rximu or ins DR. HARTER , MEDICINE co , , 213 u. HAIIT cr.r cr. LOUIO ,
si ; jfH |
5.8 . ° al
t t. * * * d 13
Window Caps , Finials , Skylights , &c.
* * * * Brewing
Association ,
Orders from any part ot the State or the
Entire West will be promptly shipped.
All Our Goods arc Mad < ; to the Standard or onr
Sole Agent for Omaha and the West.
Office Corner 13th and Harnoy Streeta.
la only attained by using
Stoves and Ranges.
For sale by
Window Slides and Ourtains ,
Paints , Oilej & Brushes.
Bonth 1 4th Str nt
1213 Farnam St. . Omaha. Neb.