Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1883, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Monday Morning , May 28 ,
The Rcoro at the bow Hog alley in thi
rAlton , In the silver medM contcit , stood
jes erd r : nine pins. t > tic , 23 and 35
tin pine , 699 ; three in a row , (5 ; o ooked
bat , 701.
Sp cl l meeting of 0 pltol Lodge , No
4 , A. F. and A. M. , this Ycnlng for worl
Jn tha third dtgree. Veiling brothers
cordially invited. By order of thi
A big poker game , $5 nnt , enlistee
tbe Interest of several of our prominent
citizens yesterday afternoon. "Itw i i
dandy Rkme. "
Tenth street from the shop track * tc
tbe main track is now thrown open foi
travel , and the new granite p vetnenl
works Cno.
M ; . Chan. Htnlcy'i wife proatntec
him with twins yesterday.
The river is falling.
Board of education to-night.
The river Is 14 feet 2 inches ftboro lo\i
water mark.
The second coat of asphalt waa boinf
put on Douglas street between 14th ant
15th Saturday.
Joieph F. Seger , the ICth street bar
ness-maker , is the happy father of i
bouncing boy , weight 12J pounds ,
Col. E , F. Smylhe , who delivered thi
* ddre on Memorial Day , at Lincoln
las accepted an invitation to go Schuyle ;
this y ar.
Tht lidlei of tbo Presbyterian chore !
will give a itrawtxrry and ice cream festi
val in the church parlors Thursday even
ing of this week.
An electric light has bten suspended
between StrangVi block and Elgtittcr'i
corner , at the intersection of Tenth street
illuminating that party of tbo city in Cm
Senator Mandernon will spekk al
Falrfitld on Decoration day , May 30 , ant
at Edgar Intht evening , and on July 4tl
he will dollyor the oration at Weeplnj
Hugo Dorn , secretary of the Weiten
Horse and Cattle Insurance Co. , was Sat
nrday presinted with ahandsome ] dlamoac
tud by his fellow-employes ai a reoogml
tlon of efficient icrvicoa ,
A gentleman in the city Saturdaywhi
rftsides at Springfield , i reports that thi
rain has done great damage out in thai
vicinity and that a worm Is eating up thi
greatest portion of the crops left ,
A caravan of covered wagona p sec
through the city Friday. On one o
the wagons was inscribed "Nebraska o :
bust. " They bad made the rlfll ? , and tbi
butt will probably come later.
On Wednesday next the new baeebal
ground ! of the U. P. will bo opened will
a match between the U. P. nine and tki
"Grand Avenues" of ( St. Louis , who an
the reserve nine of tbe "Browns , " ant
Lave three of Isst season's regular team o
the "Browns" in their nine.
The Free Art Exhibition commence
k Monday at Hope's Art and Mnsio halls
Bath halls will be opened to the publi
free of charge. iat2t
All persons desirous of donating flower
to the Omaha fire department for Memor
lal Day decorations and will send them t
No. 3 engine house , or by sending the ad
dress of the donor , will bo called for b ;
the committee , will receive the thanks o
the department. Jerome C. Pentzel , secretary
rotary O. F. D.
The walla of tbe Woodman linseed oi
warehouse have bcsn repaired. Th
Xlghtonth street bridge is taken out am
"fill" provides a solid crossing , while th
filling is extended to B point twenty fee
west , and will eventually be completed t
Nineteenth. The county commissioner
will let the Sixteenth street bridge stand
at least for the present , and th creel
will remain open below that point. Seven
te nth itrett bridge is still wreck , am
the washout be'Ida it renderi that stree
Tha following order has been Issnoi
by Mayor Chase , addrtiaed to City Mai
bal Gathrle : You will immediately
upon tha receipt of this order , station
policeman In yonr office , and under no oil
cumstancos , except extreme and Immedl
te aeiesslty , without my permission , pei
tnlt or allow him to be absent from you
offics in tbo city hall from 7 o'clock in th
morning until midnight. If it become
necessary a policeman will bo atatione
there nt all hours of tha day and nlgr
hereafter. Champion 8. Chase , mayor.
fCat-lta ! and Labor" Is tbe subject BI
leeted by Bishop O'Connor for his leotni
to be delivered n xt Wednesday evonln
ftt St. Pkilomana's Cathedral. The stud
* nd attention given this subject by tt
bishop for some time past rindtra bti
particularly competent to produce a let
lecture of deep Interest and value upo
his popular theme. A lecture entitle
"Socialism , " delivered a abort time sine
by this eminent gentleman , will be recal
ed with delight by those so fortunate i
to have been present , and waa In th ; m
tare of an introduction to tbe one of nei
Wedntsday night. Ihe management i
the lecture is in the hands of the Unlc
Catholic Library association , which make
its succtaj assured *
Brine Flowera for Memorial Day.
All school children and others wi
will bring flowers at their rospooth
chool houses , or at Bannister
ctoro on Dodge street , Tuesday noz
or at Ohark'a Hall en the morning <
Memorial Day , will receive man
heartfelt thanks from us old aoldlor
Committee on Flowers.
Castor Peat No. 7.
Tbe Oleo Club.
The Omaha Glee club , who partial
pate in the exercises of Memorial da
( Wedneadoy nexl ) with twonty-elgl
Tolcea , have prepared the followln
programme :
4"I t be the Ground" Leavll
TtoThfe.0 Country" Elchber
" "
James Hogaii's ' Life Gruslioil On
By the Oara ,
A Boy Kicked to Death by i
Prnotioua Horse.
Captain Rodney Dutchor'a Sudden
don Demi BO.
A Shooting A fir ay iu Bouti
Omaha ,
Violent Dokth of n Pupil of th
Deaf KXnta Xnatltnte.
Blnoo Saturday evening there ha
> oaa a regular rash la tbe line of ace !
clonts , nnd as nannl of rnmoro of acci
louts which never occurred. The fire
n point of time wna that which haj
) oned In the Union PaclGo yard , non
ho Seventh otroot bridge , byvhicl
iraa killed. Hogau was a laborot
nho had , according to his own otntc
mont , worked at dlfforont tlmos fo
John I , llodlck and John D Orolgh
on bat was last engaged by Mr. Mar
phy , of the Florence cat off. Bat
utday evening about 7 o'clock h
wont to the U. P. depot am
asked Conductor D , J. McDonaldwh
runs the night freight train butwooi
Draaha and Oounoll Bluffi to cart ]
Ho said ho could got a bettor jnl
across the river and claimed to bo abli
, o show letters that ho had boon i
irotnan on EOmo road , On bolnp re
fused by the conductor ho said "Qooi
night , old boy , I will beat It acres
ho brldgo yet. " Ilogau was appar
outly Intoxicated and was soon after
wards by several parties , when ho wa
ntapKorlng along the track. Abou
.0:30 : the sumo conductor hai
a train made np nnd was about to pnl
out for the BJnlb. A yard ongln
van switching cars near thn tank , am
md backed up to make a couplln ;
vas hoard. At first It was suppose
o bo a brakeman trying to attract at
ontlon to his signals but It was repeated
poated an instant later and then recognized
cognized as a signal of distress. Thi
switch onglno had fifteen oars attached
od and WAS barely moving and the em
> loyoa on MoDonald'a train rai
n the direction of the crle
and stopped the train entirely , The
bund Hogan lying in the middle o
.ho track and trying to lift up hlsloge
> oth of which had been run over an
iruihod. Ho was pulled out an
bund to bo.
lo was taken to St. Joseph's Uoopl
al and Dr. S. D. Moroer was sum
monod. Ho oald at onoo there wa
nohopos for the man's llfo , and tha
amputation of the limbs was nc
necessary. Hogan had three wound
on ono leg and ttro on the other , th
wheels evidently having passed eve
it each place , and all the in janes be
ng between the thighs and anklet
Bo had lucid intervals , during whlo
10 told the doctor that his name wt
Jamoi Hogan ; that hh father , The :
Hogan , lived at flartfordOoun , , thi
In Omaha , etc. Ho was 21 years cage
ago but look * to bo older. All ho ha
on his person was a pipe itnd tobaoc
and several newspapers but nettIng
Ing to provo his Idontltj
Elo Ilngorod until 3 o'clock In th
morning and then expired. At 4 r.
in. yesterday Coroner Jacobs hold a
nquest , the remains having bee
taken to hla ploco. A jury was lu
pannellcd consisting of James I
Brnnor , J. S.Wright , Ohas. Edgortot
F. J. McShano , Goo. Kotohum an
Mlko Maul. Dr. Mercer , D. J. Me
Donald , John Fonton and John Inlon
brakemen on McDonald's train ; Job
Andonon and Beverage , swltohme
ind Henry S. Baiter , nlpht yardmai
tor , testified to the above facts an
it the time of the accident , and thi
It was the results of own negligence
The jury brought in a verdict m ai
cordanoo with the facts , and exono
ting tha company from all blamo.
Klctad to Doutli.
A fatal accident occurred about ]
a. m. yesterday at a house in Saratof
precinct , formerly the road houoo koj
by Mr.John Garbor. The preset
occupant of the promises is Mr.Vn
Tracy , and yesterday msmlng h
father-in-law and mother-in-law , Mi
and Mr , JohnEogloy , who reside not
Ojwsldy's cemetery , went over to vis
them. Mr. Tracy hitched up a youn
her o to his buggy and with h
two children , a little boy and girl , an
Mr. llotjloy , droyo up to Florence an
return. After they got back and
the horsa tried , to got Into the bai
baforo the party got out. Ho ran rj
over apllo of manure and acted stul
born , so that Air. Dogloy jumped oi
with the llttlo girl. Mr. Tracy teethe
the boy , who waa only three years at
seven months old and tried to leap 01
with him , but fell , and the boy fc
back In t o buggy bed. The non
then bqgan kicking , and kicked tl
llttlo fellow in the right temple , fro
turlngyhls skull and probably klllli
him Instantly. Ho UIBD kicked hi
on the left sldo of the head , Infllotlt
Ho then ran once aronnd the stab
with the llttlo follow lying dead in tl
wagon , and was finally caught. . '
was thought the boy breathed aft
ho was lilted out , bus It does notsee
likely , and it is to bo hoped that deal
mercifully ended his sufferings wll
the first blow from tha horse hoc
Mr. Begloy , in jnmplnjf out , caugl
his foot In the wheel and had his auk
broken ,
Coroner Jacobs was sent for , bi
die not deem it necessary to hold e
inquest , and the funeral will tal
plaoo t-ot 1 o'clock to-day , conduotc
by Messrs. McCarthy & Burka. . '
appears from the story that
on R prorloas oooulon and was by t
means a safe animal to drlvo. It wna :
very sad affair in all recpactn.
Koilnfiy llntcUfcr'n Dcutlt.
The public generally wni eurpmoc
yesterday to learn oi the sudden do ? tl
of Mr , Ilodnoy Dntcbor , who ha
been in Omaha for the past r.xtco ' :
years , and has hold uovoral I'uiportan
cfliclal positions. Ho Was a man o
perhaps 45 years of ap , very tall am
powerfully built. F.0 was captain c
; ho pollco under Marshals Hollins am
Howard and has Vjoon a constable for
eng time sine ? , . Ho w i promlnentl
mentlontdfrr _ the office of city mar
shal when 'Mayor Ohaso was elected
About D year ago Mr. Datchor was
py falling into an unprotected oxcavu
ilon on Eighteenth otroot and had novo
fully recovered from the Injuries re
solved at that tlmo. Yuotorrtay morn
Ing , about 2 o'clock , ho awotto with
spoil of coughing. Ho ntrnpgled will
It for Doino little tlmo and hla wif
took Wa head lu her armo to onao him
and while holding him In that ponltloi
lie suddenly expired. Ho had apokpi
Lho evening bpfoio of feeling unusual
ly well , aud his death waa all th
inoro Burprlaing. Ycsterdoy Drs
Novlllo , Btone and Lanyou hold
which revealed the fact that the do
ooasod had enlargement of the hoar
and Brlght'o disease of the kidneys
Their conolunlou was that death wai
iccfuloned by heart dlscaoo. Mr
Outchcr had many vicissitudes of for
tune of lato. In addition to his owi
accident , which laid him up for months
Us wife was sick nil winter and hli
ioy had just risen from n tick bed
lo leaves his wlfo and seven children ,
.ho . eldctit alxtoon and the youugos
hroo years of ago ,
HIu father , Wllllan Datcher , is i
iromlnont attorney at Boscabcll
Wi , and ho hastwo brothers resldlnf
n Kaunas. Ho was a member ot Bt
John's Ledge No. 25 , A. F. nnd A
VI. , and his funeral will bo oonductcc
jy that body , and will take placi
Wednesday afternoon.
The sensation of Saturday nlghtwa
a shooting affair , which occurred 01
; ho Burlington & Missouri track , noa
Boyd's packing house. The party whi
did the shooting was the notorlon
woman , Eva Lloyd , whoso career ii
Chicago and this city Is familiar t
nearly all. Sno ia a slave to liquor
and it has downed her aovoral times
the last report received being that ah
died of
at Dju"MolnoB. It appears that ah
had ( boon to Daadwood and picked u ]
a man named "Dao" Richards. The ;
liadjtra- oiled together ni far as thi'
cltyj , where "Doc" got tlrod of hci
and was about to glvo her the grant
ihako. Ho gave her some money ti
buy provisions to go east with , nn (
BUD improved the opportunity to ge
drunk. Meothic "Doc" her jealous ;
was aroused , and na they walked dowi
the B. & M. track together she drev
a small , tv/onty-lwo callbro revolve
and fired at him , thu ball paseloi
through the lobo of hla lef
oar and lodging utidor the okln at tin
back of his head , Ho was takoa t <
John Ball'a drug store where thi
wound wan drceasd , and Eva wa
taken to the olty jail , from which ah
was yeaterday transferred to th
county jail , the ohargo againat ho
being shooting with Intent to oommi
mnrnor. lliclmrdo wna not badl
hurt and was able to bo about a fo'
mlnntos after hla wound was attondo
to. Eva will probably got a goo
chance to sober np this timo.
Killed by the Can.
Prof. Glllosplo returned yeatorda
from Central City , where ho had bee
to look into the matter of the doat
of a young colored boy who had bee
at the Deaf and Dumb Institute. Th
boy ran away aomo time ago and gc
aa far as Central City , but evident
ly started to return to the Institute
It Is supposed that ho was "beal
Ing" a ride and being on the burnt.
era between two cars of a frolgh
train , ho foil on the truck and we
run over and killed.
From Oool Minnesota to the Golde
On Saturday next a special tral
will arrive In this city from St. Pau
Minn. , with Theodore Thomas' orohei
tra on board , on ronto to San Fran
olsoo. They will go west by the B. i
M. to Denver , D. & II. Q. to Sa
Like Olty , and Central Pacific to Sa
Francisco , making no utop on the ua
The traveling forces will consist c
Mr. Thomas and hla orchestra of sh
ty men , selected from the Philhai
menlo orchestra ; Mra. Hnmphre
Allen , of Boston , and MM. Norto
Uartdogon , of Now York , aopranc
Mrs. Belle Cole , contralto , Mr. Frc
Harvey , tenor ; Mr. Frank Ramraorl
bias ; Madame Rivo-Klng , solo phi
On the return trip they will mok
but three atops , viz : Salt Lake , Dai :
vor and Omaha. The famous slngei
MUa Eoirnn Thnrsby , her sister , Mle
Ina Thuaby and Mrs. J. A. Thnrsbj
of Brooklyn were in the city yostoi
nay on their way west. Emma Thurs
by is to appear with Theodore Thomt
at hla musical festival in San Frat
A. P. & A. u.
The oflhors and mombora of S
John's Lodce , No. 25 , nro rcquesto
to moot in the parlor of Freemason
Hall , this ( Monday ) evening , at 7:3 :
sharp , to make arrangements for tt
funeral obseqnoa of our decease
brother , Rodney Dntchor.
A Qreat Dlecovary.
That Ii dally bringing joy to the horn
of tboaiamb by tavlog many of their do :
onei from on early grave. Truly is D
King' * New Discovery for consuroptlo :
coughs , colde , asthma , brouchlti , hay f
ver , loss of voice , tickling Iu tbe throa
pain In the tide and cheat , or any dlseai
of tbe throst and lung , noiltfve cui
Guaranteed. IrUl bottlei at O.F. ) Goot
'i drug itore , Luge iis $1 ,
An Omaha Mail is MM a
( Jallioun ,
A. Oool Raid oa Thomas J
Staloy'a Residence.
Mr. Bzrt. Hitchcock , the we !
known young attorney of this city
KM up to Oalhoun last week vlsllia
Judge Orounsu , &ud Sunday niornln ,
howaa rjbbaj by bnrgUra of qulto ;
mm of money and all hla jewelry
The burglara Bacnrcd nn ontMtioo ti
hls room at nome hour between 2 am
4 o'clock and took from it an orients
topaz ring , a plain gold ring , a camoi
rlt ) , Q 1'jokot , chain and gold watcl
nd about ? ( JO in money. The chnli
belonged to Mr. John Ballmer , tin
jowollcr , who had taken Mr. llltch
jock's ohetn to ropa'r ' and loaned htn
hla own until thu job wca fiuhhcd ,
The men who ntolo the proportj
were aeon durlns ; the af temuou in i
saloon where they had purchased i
fjliMSof boor nnd ctole the piv jirlotor'i
jack knlfo , which thpy loit in Mr
Hitchcock's room. Oao Is dc crlboc
au a tall man , well dreaiwed , vrcariiij
a alonoh hat and dark unit The othoi
wore a brown anlt end a blue hat.
On Thnrodny n'ght ' the residence o
Thomas J. Staloy wan entered bj
jnrylaro , who Hoarchjd the protauoi
tnd took whatever plpaiod tholi
ancy. 'Mr. Staloy was nlon <
n the hcmo at the tlmo and slop
calmly through the whole business
! Ja won nomowhat surprised at tht
: ondltion of things when ho got u ]
n the morning but missed nothing o
The notorious Emll Peppercorn
who raped little May Frahm of Ft
3ilhoun , nnd then eloped with her t (
3t. Lonla , was on Saturday aontenccc
) y Judge Novlllo to ton years in thi
Donltontlary. Ho was oonvlottd o
rape on Tuesday ladt and his sontenci
cituces genuine rejoicing among thoai
who know the extent of hie bruta
irlmo. Ho can thank hla luoky atari
; hnt ho did not got ten foot of hem ]
natcad of ton yearn In the pen.
County CommlBBlonora.
SATURDAY , May 20 Board mel
pursuant to adjonrnmont. Present
Commisslonora Corliss , Knight ant
The bond of Miajonrl Valley Brldgi
and Iron works in the earn of $4,00 (
'or the conotruotlon of certain brldgoi
wan ordered filod.
The clerk wan ordered to odvortiai
n nil tbo dally paperu that the conntj
commieBionors trill out aa a board o
equalisation commencing Tueoday
June 5
The following wan adopted ;
RESOLVED That the county treasurer
surer bo and IB hereby directed t <
cancel the personal tax of Join
O'Keefo for the your A. D 187-1 , 01
account of error of csaoeaor.
The following accounts were al
lowed :
Missouri Valley Bridge company ,
baUnce on Klkborn bridge . $ 85 0
John Peterson , work on bridges. . . 71 7
II. JluBor , work on road . 17 0
M. J. Mcllit , work on rood . 12 7
M. F. Keneley , work on road . 10 0
J. F. Hoc ! ) , work on road . 1BO 0
J. Doris , witness fee . C 0
G. II. Guy , tales juror . 80
A. Ii. Fitch & Co. , goods for poor. 7 0
M. WIlLur , talea juror . 4 0
Mftboney Bros. , groceries for poor 8 7
O. Bucldey , witness fee . 4 0
0. Fleck , witness foe . 20
Mm. 0. Klolah , care of child . 3 0
Mahouo , Abort & Co. , medicine. . 4 3
V. E. Moores , ticket for poor . 21 8
D. N. Miller , expenses to Lincoln
with Insane . 27 C
G. A. noagland , lumber . 1C5 A
II. Bolln & Co. , grocerle . 2 J
T. Gibson , entertaining the eastern
editor . 100 C
J. McMichad , witness foe . 3 C
M. Hoover , on account of aBteaaor. 50 C
Adjourned ,
_ County ( Jleik
Bucklen'a Arnica Salve.
The greatest medical wonder of th
world , Warranto 1 to speedily cure Burm
Broken , Outs , Ulcers , Salt Ilheum , Fovi
Sores , Cancers , Hies. Chilblains , dorm
Tetter , Chapped Hands , nnd all ikin eru ]
tlons , guaranteed to cure in every Inatonci
or money refunded. 25 oentBxper box ,
For eale by 0. F. Goodman.
A Branch of the Irish National Lsngu
to bo Formed in Omana.
Two hundred of the reproscntatlv
Irishinou of Omaha mot yostorda
uftornoon at Kuony's Hall for
apodal purposo. The gathering wi
the outgrowth of the favorable roporl
rendered by Messrs. Smyth and Mi
Mahon , delegates of the E. M. A. [ an
A. 0. H. to the recent Irish conven
tlon at Philadelphia , of the unity an
harmony which prevailed at that gatl
orlng , and the g < jed work done by th
twelve hundred Irishmen there aaaon
Aid. P. F. Murphy presided , am
D. 0 , Shelley acted as soorotarj
Messrs. Smyth and MoMahon gav
eloquent reports of the actions of th
Philadelphia convention , and nrgo
the immediate formation of a brand
of the Leagno In Omaha , and th
holding of a mooting to ratify th
action of the convention on the ever
ing of Tuesday , Juno 5 , In accordant
with the request of the oxeoutlv
John Rush moved , and it was nnai
iraously carried , that a ratlficatio
mooting bo hold , and that at tht
mooting a branch of the Irlah Natloni
League bo established. Mesars. I
O'Molley , P. Tsrpy , John Olalr , Pi
Ford , P. Doudall , Thomas Tallon , (
J Smyth , M. Loahy and M. MoMi
hon wcro elected as a commlttoo i
make all the necessary arrangement ,
The Initiatory steps were thus takoi
which will , uo doubt , result In the ci
tabllahmont in Omaha of a live , one ;
gello and patriotic branch of the Irii
National League.
The Paruell testimonial fund wi
brought before the gathering by ov-
oral who wcro anxious to contribntt
Homothlng towards that undertaking
It was decided that subgcrlplloan bi
opened and that ward commlttci < a bi
appointed to receive contributions
Peter O'Malley was selected as trtaa-
nrer of the fund nnd a goodly ran
thus pledged , For the First ward
Thoa. Casey and Chan. Hanloy wll
receive Rubtcriptlonr ; Second ward. .
Hon. Richard O'Koofo and E. F ,
Morl.irity ; Third ward , M. McMahoi
and P Ford ; Fourth ward , T. Tailor
and J. I. Nlchol ; Fifth ward , J. H ,
Fooney and Wni. Gentleman ; Sixth
ward , John Groves and P. O'fllalloy ,
This fund ia a testimonial of gratl <
kudo to P-inioll from the Irish people ,
and to rollcvn his estate from financial
embarrassment. It is not connected
with the fund of the National Lqaguo ,
jut la encouraged by that organization
is it should by. To the nnibryo-
branch of the Irlah National League ,
so auspiciously inaugurated yojtcrdny ,
wo bid God Bpcod , and f jol confident
that their rally and fir t mooting , oc
June 5 , will b'j a success.
She Loaves for n Tour of the
eye State. "
Mioa Nfillio Bnrko , tha noted and
dashing equestrienne , who has been
visiting her old home in Omaha for
the pint tire weeks , left yesterday for
Atlantic , Iowa , where she will ride
hla week , r.ud will glvo chariot races ,
lutdlo races , etc. She will then fill
several other engagements in that
a'ato ' , and go next to Montana.
Mica Burke ladohif > well financially ,
ard hi s a fine ) contract with her man
ager , Mr Lyons ,
Which It Is Hald Will be Built at
It la otatod upon rollablo authority
hat Iho Glove Bros. , architects , have
completed the plans and specifications
'or a college building to bo erootod
at Bellovno for the education of stu
dents for the ministry.
The building will cost $20,000 ,
which amount Is given by Hon , H.
T. Olark for the founding of the In
Axtgnnttirn Blttnra do not only dlstln.
leh t 'CinDclvej by their aromatic odor nborc
all others Rcnera'ly used , but thtyaroalsj a HUH
prevcntlro lor all diseases orlgln * lDif from the
dlc | tl\e organs. Beware ot counterfeits. Ask
jour grocer or dtugjftft fir the ifcnulije irtlc c ,
uauuuctured by Ir. J. 0 B iJlotgort &Sutia.u
Mr. John Btumer left for Chicago yes-
erday. Ho has been in Omaha ever since
807 , when he came up the Missouri on t
steamer , and has never been cast of the
3g ! Mutldy from that day until yesterday ,
lo sec * Chicago for the firat time ,
Mr. O. Tl. Maxwell , late contracting
reight agent for the Missouri Pacific ro&d
at this yolnt , has boon placed in cbargo ol
the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. i'aul ticket
office iu the Paxton pending the appoint
ment of a Bucco-Bor to Mr. Footc.
Hon. J. W. Gay , n former resident oi
Dm ha , uow of Bjnainnton , Vermont , ac
companled by Mr. V , B. Hoakwood. ol
jeo. llockwood & Co. , large hosierj
m nuncturcr , of Bonninfton , are in the
W. I. Hawkr , Omaha agent of tbi
Travelers' Insurance company , has goni
on a vlilt of a month to Springtiald
Masa ,
Sheriff Dave Miller , Frank Hanlon anc
Frank Walters , loft for Chicago last nighi
to attend the National railroad exposition
Mrs. T , Joe Fisher aid children , o
Cheyenne , are vUItlng General O'Brien
Mrs. Fisber'a father , for several we ks.
A , G. McShine , a rrcmlnent Deadwooc
miner , was In the city yesterday and lef
for tbo cast in tbe afternoon.
Thoa. Fitzgerald , representing Walsh i
Co. , of St. Joe , at Ogden , passed throngl
tbe city yesterday.
Supt. Holdrldga and Gmeral Frelgh' '
Agent Milller , of tha B. & M. . went eaa
lat night.
0. S. Oarrior , ticket agent at the tran *
fer , has returned from a trip into Idaho.
Frof. Glllesple , of tbo detf and dutnl
institute , has retnrned from the west.
Gen. Mead has returned from a trip ti
his gold mine in Montana.
Manager Boyd , of the opera house , let
for Chicago yesterday.
II. G. Garrett , of The North Bene
"Flail , " in in Inn city.
Gen. and Mrs. Tompkins , U. S. A. , an
guasts of th * Paxton.
dim. H. Whitman , of Kansas City , ii
at tbe Metropolitan ,
Oha . A. 0. Taylor , of Montana , Is al
tLe Metropolitan.
Paul Vandervoort returned from Call
ifornla yesterday. , .
W. S. Streoth , of Falls City , la a gues
of the Mlll&rd.
Hon. John A. McShane left for Chios
go yesterday ,
K. P. Vinlujt left for New York Satur
day eToniug ,
L. D. Hopklnajfof Kansas City , is b
the Millard.
N , Sheltoa returned to Galeiburg , 111 ,
last night.
8. W. Re s , of Illlnoii , is at the M tro
polttan. v
A. 0. Coble.'of Wyomlog , ia at the Mil
0. Mayficld , of Sidney , is at the Mil
Albert Loach went west last night.
P. P. Shelby has gone to Chicago.
LiWN MOWERS , ,1H sita
of all paterns , at LO ES
pricti , at UVANS' SEED STORE
- - .
United Btatea Court.
Jnstlco Miller , of the United State
supreme court , returned home Satui
A judgment wan rendered by con
feaslon against Adams county in th
CMC In which Ohas. M. Paine & Co.
were plaintiffs for $7,798.30.
In the cue of John T , B ldwli
ngalnat Otoo county on rnllrnndbonde
the judgment rendered pinounto t
519,537.05. 9
Wrltn of mandamus vcrc hauod Ii
the following among other cr.cet :
G > ; ergo E. Klugagaluot the count ;
cf Adatna ,
Phillips ngalnRt echool district No
1 , Webatcr county , for 81 , COD 31.
John B. Mulvano.gainst Farna
county ,
Hudeon T. Morton against tchoo
district No , 49 , Adams county.
LAWS MOWERS , 200 , all lzi
and pattcrna , at EVANS' Seed Store
Princeton Oollege ,
Examination for admlaslon to tni
Frochinen olaines In the colleelato one
and scientific departments will bo al
Dta Mollies , la , In the Central Pres
byterian church , commencing or
Thursday , June 21 , at 11 n. in. , nnc
continuing through the forenoon ol
Frlihy. OAtalogncs and Informatlor
will bo forwarded on appllartion tc
llov. 0. S Iljman , DJS Mnlnfla.
JAMES MoOosu , D. D ,
Prca. of Prlucoton College.
LAWN MOWERS For a choice
of any size and from ALL the pattcrtu
made , go to EVANS1 SEED STORE.
GT8P IAL8 will POSITIVELY not boln
lertcdunlesi paid In advance.
TO LOAN The Om. hft Bi\lnsB nanl
MONEY prcpirecl to mike loans 01 Omibi
city or Touplaa county roil oitt o at currcnl
ratso lutcrost. No comm'bslon cha'gcd , 8U
ONEY TO LOAN-011 at Law officTof D .
Thom 8 , B , Orcitrhtnn Rlock.
O > KY TO lAiAN Tha lioutst Kntca ol In-
tcreat. BcmiV Loin Agoocy,15th & DougUi
M .ONEY Loaned on chattel prorerty by J
. T llcatty , Mo 21S South 14th street
M ONEY LOANED-On chattel mortgages
Room.7 Union Block. 685 Imo }
Good active woman to dotnam
WANTSU , Wage ] 81.00 per neck. Ap
ply 912 Douglis St. 618.1
A dining room girl Immediate ! '
WANTED Hotel. 69M1
GENTS WANTED To canrass for a ncv
( Altcrmith ) 118 S.J5th St.058 1
- cook. Inquire at St
WANTKD-Second 5M-tf
WANTED A c-mpctsnt second girl App.i
at 1310 Dirooport St. 003-31
A boy tel rn the Painting bui
luisa. UcrgcllandRosenztreU 1411 Don ?
las St. 001-20
WANTED A Gorman hey , of iood parents
1G to 18 years of age , to po ln > o a countr
town , to learn the natchrnakln ? and Jewelr
trarte. For further particulars apply , In persiri
to J. Ucrnhird , 1213 Howard street , Oraah'.Neb
TJITANTED Good blacksmith on eencr.itworl
YV atlSthandLtaTenworthSt. 087-29J
WANTED Clflco boy. AMES , IcXXJFarnam
ANTED A few rnTO mcu with tcaxs ti
nrcnk iiralrlo at $2.50 per aero.
041-28 DOGGJ&HILL.
Two tlnnorfl to ga to Fremont
WANTED Apply at Lo9 , Fried ana Co. 1103 I
1110 Harney fat. 014-29
First class help at Hur Yorl
WANTED Imtni d'ntely. Good VRgcs paid
Those M lining lurtLer Inlotraatlon can addroei
Mis MaryMctlrjy , Frercont , Neb. 027 291
'ANTED A seed barber at once. Ai'dres Saatmann , Schujler , Neb.
ANTED A dining room tjlrl at the Crelir )
W ton houte. 315-U
A Fhirmaceutlcal clicmht , & praduale froM
tillch.unler lty , dc lroi situation In th
north-wiet , U wtl recommended , Addr *
quickly , U. R zell Omaha t53SO )
Position : s book-hetp"r best o
WANTED fc-hcn. AddreeeS. K W Be
office ( U9-l {
WANTED A situation In a dru- store bf
yoong man ot one years experience , gooi
references. Addre s Dan earn , Cce office.
0:0 so ;
wante to meet "C1
I can furnUh three persons nit
WANTED , as bok-koeper July 1st J I !
SMITH , 1510 DjU < l B. 629-20 *
TJ10R RENT Two large furnished front room
JJ pleasantly situated , saltaMe for four geitle
men , 1415 Howard 8 . Mrs. A. M. Llpnov.
RENT Front room for two gentlemen I
newly fnrni'hod houio with hratd , en a
family , ten minutes from Opera house 19th St.
dooisS ol Leavenwcrthon E. side. 086-2C §
IOOU FOKRENT-Ceitral , partly furnUh
E1 ed. AddrotsP. Q R. Bee office. UG5-2C
rpWO Geed roomi to rent at 0 dollars a month
JL Inquire ot Patrick t ord 212 Sonth 10th SI
RRNT Eight ronm cottage wl'h mrdor
tmprovcmcnta , 244S Davenport St C. I
Drlscoll. CH3-U
TJIANO For rent , 119 S. 16th St.
J 057-1
RF.NT Furnlehcd rojrcs'wlth tabJeboir
FOR Dodge , C43-318
rpOR REST Homo wltlTiTve rooms , good re
JJ pair , nice \arcl. Rent J5 permorth.
617-29 JOHN W. BELL. Druggist.
TJIOR RENT Cottoge of three rooms , Twcntj
J ; third hnd Lcivenwortb , $11 per montt
1 nqnlro at 012 8. Seventeenth St. M21tf
TTIOH RENT Two cottage ! , excellent repali
JD Ltavcnwcrth and Souih avooue , J2S ana (2 ;
ClO-tl opposite P 0.
FOR RENT 4 rooms , new acd pleasant , nca
StrettCars. Tern B $3. per month. Km *
quiet family prrtmed. P. W , ROE , King 81
between Charles audfi ard , 670-iO )
I OR HE ST furnished parlor and bed icon :
F first lloor , 2219 Callfoiulastrctt. SSt-Zof
RENT Nice futnlsoed roam with bean
Mt-dernImprovement * , aiid tiblo board. Nc
1718 Dadgn ttrcot. t 20 }
' TORE FOR RENT Corner of ICthandDav
S' mjort. Inquire 1010 l > avetiport btrcct.
I\UR \ 1UN i 1J 6tor ? houau ti rooms noitho :
i } corner 18th and Clark. KuquiroofWm Kiel
mca I at DE * EY k STONE. 474 2w
fiVJ LET Onuortno riXMui , vtltn Uoard , IMJ
.L Ua.UoinU street. 353-U
FOR KENT One Piano , ono now organ , rev
oaabie tonn . Hope's Mtulc Hall. at9-U
ITlUUNlbllKU rooms anU board. Modern cor
JU vculiinta , 1310 DoJgo itroet.lCOOJunl7t
T URNISHED ROOMS-Very doelrabla locatlo
JD Peck , real estate , opp. P. O. Ml-tl
TJIOR RENT Fine upright piano , flno Kin
JJ ball organ , 1519 Dodge utrect.
8M- A. H03PE , Jr.
> H EW3P\rEK FOR SALE-A country offlti
L. * doing a gocd butlnisi and located In
thriilne town In western Iowa Price J13 < X
two thirds caih. Addrent "L."careOmaha Uei
SALE At a Eocr'Hce a new home of fou
looms and lull lot on 20th btUtcn Paul an
Sherman 81. Inquire ot J. L. Uatblr , 217 N. l t
St. CM 1
infants and GhiSdron
.BTognhlno or Nr.rcotbio.
What Rlrts our Children ro r cheeks ,
lint cures tlitlr rovers , iiiaK-es them sleep ;
'Tin rintorliiu ,
JVJicn Babies frof , nml rrv by turns , '
What cures their colic , tills their uonni.
What qtttckly cures Con tlnitlon ,
Sour Stomach , ColtK InUl rstlon :
farewell then < n Morphine Svrun ? ,
Co.tor Oil ana I'an orlc , anil
_ L i ri i m o n t. _ Aa nn-
eola < o euro fsr Rliouruatinm ,
Si > rauSuw , Gr.ll > > , ; 0. , nnd on
AM tlloie who from Indlicnllon' , citrnti or other c o-n r
wMk , unnettn ) . Inw ij Itlled , rtijilcillr ilnlntd. ted unable lo
ffttotta IIPoi ilutlcn iroKtlj , cm tc cerumlj ud pfrra .
n.otlr carol , wlihonl itonuch medicine. Fndorif.1 b ) fetor. ,
mlnnwri in.l tin fnss nt 1/idltat HWtlj , MTI The olj
pl noftre tln ! Ncrvnu. I > rhllUI'll ) .Icut KPCBT. Ac. .
Ii wholly apcrnnled by THE M Alts ! rtN Hill.- kri
nopolc * * rn m mured oreertaln reitoutlon to full and nrr-
f ct mnnbooil. Sjmtjle , efTccllTe , clonly , rltuict. EenJ
f"r Imllie. Contnllttlon with rht < lelin frit. '
ox itcMnnr co. . tav.uth BU .v w urk. r
1 noirly newt
C53 31 {
niOUSAIjE Ono C year oM Iron Gray mare.
JL ? Inquire at JeBcnon squaio barn. OW-lt
' Corn euro warrcntcd or money
CHAPMAN'S by J. A. Koedtr , N. U. H'owclf ,
ar Kuhn & Co. Uojlm
TIOK BALE Nice B rctm housojl't , shade
JD trees , good walki ic. 2 blocks Iroin bticot
car , excellent location , ocly $ : oOO AME" ,
650-29 UOStornam.
T OT8 For tsle only ten minutes walk , from end
JU of street car track. J. C. Wilcsx at pars ar-
cnue house , Hsnecom plac * . 032-tl
TQ OR SALE Barber ehop with cigar Business.
J ; Good location , & chairs. .Inquire "N " Bee
office. 045-23t
FOR SALK Now house , flre rooms , cellar and
barn , Hard and felt water , modern con-
vlenc.s. Apply at 2218 Twenty-second itroet ,
LOOT Ilarney. ES5-23t
FOB SALE Two lot , or a corner In Bhlnn's
addition , with need feme and eh&do troco
around same , for $7UO each. Icquli o cf McKOON
Mo. 1510 DouglasUt. 018 2C
"TT10R8ALK Ahorse , buggy and harnets Only
JL1 been used six month * . A BO 1 ght wagon and
open buggy and sewing maUilm , cheap CiH at
44t ) 23d street , betn ten Ukiney and tit , Mary's
avuue. _ COI-2CI
] 70U SALE OH EXCHANGE Improved farms
JU In Illinois , Iowa , Wisconsin. Dakota ami
Nebr s > a , also Improved nt.d unlmprot d resi
dence property In this city. Price ) and terms
to suit purchase . E. L. MORSH A CO.
E7T-20 _ 1C22 Capital AY * . , Umata , Kcb.
I OR BALE Voso Piano.
F 528-tf C. J. OANAN.
FOB SALE CHEAP A i ow east rn carriage.
OivHt-r ras got to ra'ea ' money. . Inqulro at
Cook's warehouse , 13th stree' , Lctwucn Dodge
and Capitol avenue. ICC-2w
pOU tJALE A first cloBn second hand fhacton
J ? Call tt 1319 Harncy St. _ S97-U
T710II SALE A house and lot on Davenport
Jj utroct , the most dcklrablo pat cl town. Good
0 room house , pantry , closet' , cistern , neil Eta- \
bio and all Ibo necejtary oulhonees. The lot
abound ! nlth fruit tree- ) and shrubbery. Will
only Boll for ca-h. Address or apply to M.S.
Mirtlnovlch , Uco office or K. L. Morse & Co. ,
1022 Capitol avcnuo. ISTl'lut
TTlORSALir 7 room home and barn , two full
JJ lots nlctly Improved. Fine location , South
Ornar-n. $3000. AMES ,
355-lmo 1500 Farnam.
CTOIl SALK Water power grist mill , Inqulro
JD of Ed. Bragg , Waverly , Neb , 342-SCS
fTIOR SALE Old now ( papers In largo and small
JC quantities at this office. tf
OH SALE flax mill machinery consisting of
brake , 2 dusto's , beater , picker , pices , &c.
Can work either retted or green Block , uUo shall-
Ing , pulllca , and belting for driving theaborc ,
alto one 35" 11. P. engine with boiler , Btnoko-
H ck and UQ fixture ? complete. Addres * WILL.
IAM TAIT Charles Cltv Iowa. 2D3-3m |
T70R SALE A flrtt-cla's second hand top bng-
JD gy. CM at 1319 Ilatney street ; 337-tl
UP. One her o and ono m e colt ,
J vUh lelt hind feet white. Marc ha white
star on forehead. Own rcai recover eamo by
proving cwnershlp on appllcitlon to It. Price ,
Saratoga product. S6-6t ! oew }
JL Kansas Is to bo s Id by tbe government. A
map rf the rcn rvatlon with appraised prlco of
each 80 acres , and data and full tcrmi of sale
tent on receipt of ono dollar. Address
016-SOf W. O. STETSON ,
Care U. 8. Land Olllcs , Beatrice , Neb.
TJIOYCLERS-Subscrlbe for the "ttheelman , "
D a 70 pi'o lllU9traed Urnthly Makzlne , con-
tilnlng serial storing and devote 1 ti blc } cling
and tricycling in all couutrl e. $2.0-1 vir vottr
Send 20o for specimen ccpy. 0. M. Wo-dman ,
A gent box 606 Omaha. 012-23
"VT OTICn I hereby cautloa cvfrjbody agalnsl
Jl gUiug credit or ic'llng anythii g en my ac
count to my wife , Emi id lUKaul , Ihlnv-on the
corner cf loth aid Dodge UU 1 1 this city , as
will net be responsible fjr aav debts slia rray
Omilu May 23rd 1881. 031 CGf
"QELMONTO Restaurant , Humphrey & Co. ,
JD 1115 Dodge etroct , board $3 50 p. r week.
TIONALIST , 498 Tenth etroct , between Farnam
and Harney. Will , with the aid of guardian
spirits , obtain for any'one a glance of the post
and prcoc-nt , tad nn c ° rtoln conditions In the fu
ture. Boots and Shewn made to order , P rfecl
attafactlnn miarantM l
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A man-el of parity
strength and wholc oman M. More economical
than the ordinary klada , and cannot be told In
competition with thi multitude of low teet ihert
weight , alum or phoephate powder Sold only lo
cans. BOTH iUuxo Pow > u Co. ,