Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1883, Image 1

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S , P , Morse and CO-
We wish to call Ihe attention
of the public to is : Independent
of. onr large wholesale business ,
TTO are the largest retail house
west of Chicago ; we arc thus en
abled to purchase and handle at a
single transaction immense quan
tities of merchandise direct from
the manufacturers , both in this
country and Europe , oftentimes
nt a fearless loss to them. Wo
have a resident buyer in New
York who visits European mar
kets twice a year , with full power
from us to close out any dcsira-
Jblo lots of goods suited to our
irade. The advantage we thus
hold to constantly place before
the public the. most unaccounta
ble bargains in nil classes of Dry
Goods is very clear.
As will be evident to everyone
the immensi ty of our trade for
the last two weeks has left on our
hands thousands of llemnants ,
hundreds of odd pairs of Gloves ,
Hosiery , odd Towels , Napkins in
broken dozens , etc. , and on Mon
day morning we will open a
With nil such nccuniulation ;
thereupon nil
SILKS from 1 to 11 yards.
DRESS GOODS froml lo 12 yds
CALICO from 1 lo 9 yards.
GINGHAMS from 1 to 11 yds.
LINENS from 1 to 2 1-4 yds.
NAPKINS from 1 to 11 pieces
TOWELS from 1 to 3 pieces.
LACES from 1 to 4V yards , will
bo trealed ns being
\ We closed out last week one
Ity of 125 Silk Umbrellas , nnd
we purchased the entire lot of
manufacturers stock o
Silk Umbrellas , double faced am :
extra heavy twilled Silk , suitable
for ladies or gentlemen , which
we will sell nt # 3.50 each , worth
every cent of 5.00
Our stock in this deparlment
was bought nt the present low
price the lowest known for years
60 cases Mnple Leaf , Fenrless ,
Hercules , Cabot , blenched , OJ cts
jever sold under 8 cts.
25 cases family , half blcnchec
Jjnngdon , &c , nt 9 cts , never sold
under 12 cts.
10 cases Pride nf West , Wnm-
suttn , Wnuregan , New York
mills , &c.nt Hi els worth 12 } cts
at wholesale.
40 bnles Fearless fine closi
Brown Cotlon at 5 cts a yerd.
25 bales Lake George nnd
Windsor Brown Muslin al 5 cts
20 bales Bennington , Sen Is
land , Prescoll , 11. , &c. , yard wide
at G 'i cts , worth 9 cts.
20 bales very best Stnndarc
brown , heavy nnd fine Cotton n
7 } never sold under 9 cts n ynrd
5 cases Pembroke 9-4 Browr
20 cts. never sold under 27 cts
5 cases Mohawk Valley 10-1
and Lockwood 9-4 both at 23 cts
best value ever offered in Brown
5 cases Mohawk valley 9-4
bleached , 25 cts. worth 30 cts.
5 cases New York nnd Wnm-
sutta linen finish , duck woven
10-4 sheeting at 30 cts , llio besl
made and worth 50 cts.
On an nverngo our cotton
goods are cheaper than
cottons have been for
the past twenty-five
S. P , lorse & Co.
S , P. Morse & Co ,
Drowning Triimpli ,
To the great sue cess which has
met our efforts to place before
the ladies of Omaha
in SILK GOODS which hnrc
surprised even our competitors ,
we shall open in our Black Silk
department to-day and Monday
200 Pieces
Alexander , Giraud & Co.'s
At prices which barely cover
he cost of manufacture and
20 pieces Lyons Black Silk , a
irsl rate quality , at 75 cts. per
We will guaranlce il n better
3ilk than can bo purchased in
) mnhn for the money. Examine
his Black Silk at 75 cts. before
juying elsewhere.
15 pieces Lyons Black Silk , a
plendid quality , at 87i cts. per
ynrd. You cannot match it in
; he west for less than 1.25.
11 pieces 22 inch Giraud
31ackSilks at $1.25 per yard.
This Black Silk will be found
A small lot , 5 pieces , 24 inch
liiraud Black Silks at $1.45 pei
yard , would be n bnrgainnt 1.75.
15 pieces Alexander Giraud ?
Cashmere sublime Blnck Silks
22 inches wide , superb quality
nt$2,00 n yard , never- seen be-
Edre less.than 75 * '
. .
Alexander Girauds Cashmere sub
lime Black Silks 22 and 25 incl
wide , their very best quality , wil
be sold now for $2.40 a yard , the
finish , lustre and texture of these
fabrics is simply perfect , Ihey are
regular 3.50 goods.
Wo open to-day from our
wholesale reserve 250 pieces ex-
Irn fine , fast color printed Cotter
Lnwns at
4 Cts. Per Yd ,
1 50 pieces best quality Cotloi
Lawns 32 inches wide elegani
designs at 8 1-3 cents , wholesale
price 15 cts.
Our entire importation o
IRISH LINEN LAWNS , purchased -
chased by our buyer in Belfas
this season and duties paid at tin
Omaha Custom house , will b
sold during this sale at 17i cts. ,
usual retail price everywhere , .25.
Our entire stock of Black Velvets
vets will be sold at 75cts. $1 50
and $2.25 worth double the price.
Our entire stock of regular
$2.50 colored Silk Velvet 4 all
Sjod colors , Myrtle , Mfirino ,
rou/e , Olive , Navy , Wine , Plum
Seal , &c , , to be closed out during
this sale nl $1.95 per ynrd.
Our wholesale slock of Blnck
nnd Colored Velveteens nbout 40
pieces worth 75 cts. to $1.25 n
ynrd , to be closed out during this
sale nt 37i cts. 50 ctj. nnd 05 cts
n yard. -
1000 more lots nnd 500
packages in order in addition to
the innumerable bargains already
mentioned will be brought for
ward as fast as the lots nl ready
advertised are sold out.
200 pieces Cambric Embroidery
at 12V clb , would be cheap nl 25
SOO pieces wide and narrow
fine muslin Embroideries al 30
els a yard , worth 50 to GO cts.
S. P. lorse & Co.-
The Great Retail Sale of Our Entire
It is not a single lot of goods , ll is not n single department to which you are invited. The retail
stock combined with our whole-sail1 , gives an aggregate of 250,000.00 worth of dry goods caloula-
ted to meet the wants of everybody. 13enr in mind r that Ihcso are new . . and fresh . goods , , of the latesl
styles and qualities selected expressly for our spring trade and nro richer _ in variety ami extent limn
we have over offered lo the people in our history. When it is considered that thisontiro stock is being
offered at a reduction of 25 per cent in all , and 50 per cent in many eases , from the prices nl which
these goods are selling to-day , and thai it covers all standard lines of goods people can begin to com
prehend what animporlanloNonl in the annals of the dry goods trade this is. Ono thing before
( numerating some of the bargains , which wo trust every reader of this paper will closely study , down
to the last word in these two pages. Wo ask our friends lo try and visit our store in the forenoon , as
Ihey can then be assured of Ihe proper attention thai we wish lo extend to every one , as m the aiter-
noqn rush our entire force are taxed to their utmost , nnd many unavoidable delays will occur , for
which we ask indulgence beforehand.
Dress Goods Depar'nt '
We shall continue the sale of
about 7,500 yards Checks , Bro
cades , Armures and English Silk
Mixed Dress Goods at lOcworth
25 to 50c. The import duty
alone on these goods was more
than our selling prices.
1,900 yards Silk Brocades , nil
wool mixtures , Illuminated Ser
ges , costing 27fr to 40c , will be
closed out nt a uniform price of
2,400 yards , all Wool Foiile
Finish Nuns' Veilings in all de
sirable shades of pink , cream ,
? crue , navy , bronzes , etc. , cost
28c to import , will be closed out
it 18ic.
2,600 yards 46-inch all wool
soft finish neat cheeks , pin checks ,
all wool fancy shepherd checks ,
every yard worth $1.25 a yard ,
to be closed out now at the ridic
ulous price of 024 c.
2,100 yards fine all wool 40-
nch French Summer DeBcges in
beautiful illuminated mixtures of
bronze grey , blue grey , russet
grey , .etc. , uisually- sold nt GOc ,
l,300yards double width Lupin's
Black and Colored French Nun's
Veiling , 42Ac n yard , would be
very cheap nt OOc.
1 , 700 yards 44 : inch blnck and
white , blue nnd white , bronze ,
myrtle , nnd other desirable shn-
ded checks , to be sold nt 50c n
ynrd ; were bought to sell for 90c.
2,800 yards very fine , all wool
French Cheviot Beiges at GOc ;
cost 5)5c ) to import.
1,900 , yards very fine , all wool ,
Illuminated Checks , Cashmere ,
Delaine , Beiges and French Twil
led Fonlles , 024c ; previous re
tail price , # 1.25.
The caution which we gave to
those who purchase for hotels ,
restaurants and all prudent house
wives , nt Ihe beginning of Ihis
sale , to anl'cipate their future
wants even for two years to come
has not been unheeded , nnd our
sales have been enormous. Those
who have not yet purchased
need have no fear that they can
not obtain as good values now as
curlier , bucause we have our
to draw from , and you will fine
thai the fortunate possessor oi
any of our linen goods , nt preseni
prices , owns GOLD DOLLARS ,
or their equivalent for 50c.
40 pieces Loom Dice Damask
50 inches wide nt 15d n yard ;
regular price 3Jc. (
25 p eces Loom Dice Damask ,
50 inches wide nt 25c n yard
regular price 37 tc.
20 pieces Iftirnsley cream Dam-
nsk 58 inches wide , in plain or
Turkey-red border 45c cts per
yard , regular price 75c
20 pieces Scotch bleached dam-
nsk at 37 lo n yard , would be
cheap at OOc.
18 pieces G 1-inch Irish Crenn
Damask , made by Richardson' !
Sons & Owden , Belfast , at GOc i
yard ; regular retail price 90c.
32 pieces white Scotch Damns ]
G4 inches wide at 02 } cts per yd
36 pieces white Scotch Damns H
G4 and GG inches wide at 75 ct
per yard.
8 piece. * while Scolch Dainasl
GO inches wide at 90c per yard.
20 pieces hand-woven Germai
double-damask , full two ynrd
wide , the finest goods imported
nt $1 25 n yard ; worth every cen
of # 8.50.
S. P. lorn & Co
On sale lo-dny nnd Monday
norning , 100 pieces Elegant
quality pencil stripe silks , in
ilues , Garnets , Browns , Bronzes ,
Grays , Modes and Purples , at 35c
i yard , worth GOc
50 pieces elegant designs in
fancy pencil stripps , checks , gri-
allc. etc. , all at 50c worth 75c.
60 pieces very choice high col
ored checks , fancy , grey stripes
md bronze , navy , myrllc , wine
colored silks nlG5c , worth nt reg-
ilar pric 's 85c.
15 pieces 24-inch Summer
? oullnrd silks , unuy , bronze , ca
det , senl brown nnd blnck , with
vilh while figures , nt 50ouyurd
vorth 75c. j
25 pieces W. ShroedoFfi Son's
Golden Wheel Black Satingoods ;
lint cost $1.05 to import nnd
invo never been sold luiapro'2.00
will be closed out by uijjit$1.25
n yard. x * ft V
G pieces of 2S-itfclrcxtrft1 black
sntijif" " , le nntfor.- ' / ] ' ' ! ! !
be'closeu for $ l.z ( ) n yard.
These goods would be cheap at
$2 50 , and we call the attention
to them they being full 28-inch
10 pieces iient figure , clegnnt
Blnck Brocades , will be sold nt
GOc. No one cnn sell these goods
less than # 1.00.
20 pieces rich blnck Brocndo
Silks nt 75cn ynrd , cost nt whole
sale 1.05.
18 pieces hnnd woven rich
black Brocndc Silks at # 1.25 a
yard , during this sale only ; regu
lar 2.00 quality.
12 piece ? Bonet and Guinet
black Brocade silks at 2.00 and
2.25 a yard , thai haue positively
never been shown less lhan 3.0t
and 3.50.
All our finest black French
Brocade silks , in superb patterns
all beautiful texture , the lines !
goods imported , at 2.50 and 2.75
a yard , worth 3.50 and 4.00.
Our 75c French gros grain Col
ored Silk has been the mosi
successful feature of this
and has never before been soh'
in the country for levi than
1,00 a yard , and always in the
west at 1.25.
At 1.17ic wo offer the ver }
finest quality of American gros
grain silk , full 21 inches wide
and usually sold at 1.75 to
2.00 , a very close price on this
silk would bo 1.50 , but at our
price , 1.17Ac , it is an absolute
CorsetsANDSkirts French woven Corsets
at 1.00 , usual 1.25 qualily.
30 do/.en genuine "G. Pain Sir-
eno" French Conlil Cornets a
1.35 , iihual 2.00 quality.
usually sold nl 1.25.
200 do/.en Ladies tucked am
embroidered Summer wnsl
Poplin Skirts at 75 cts , wortl
from 1.25 loj.50 each.
S. P , lorse and Co
Wo have just received a ship
ment , our direct importation
of Paris cut and made Ladies'
ilerseys ; they are beatifully
shaped in the back and over
Ihe hips , bul have come late ;
have turn over collar and
sleeves trimmed with cuffs and
buttons ; they cost 3.00 apiece
to import , but we hare placed
them to the manufacturers or
der and he telegraphs us to sell
At $2.50 Each
Hioy are a very great bargain.
jot 1 , Ten styles children's
fancy seamless Cotton I lose all
si/.es at 25 cts , have never sold
under 50 cts.
[ jot 2. Fifteen styles of child
ren's fancy Cotton Hose at 35
cts , not n pair in this lot ever
sold less than 50 cts , nnd from
Hint up to 75 cts.
Lot 3. A Inrgo assortment of
iufmitn 3.-4 lisle and cottoji
Hose thnl cosl 50 cts to im-
BDrl , will bo sold at 25 cts.
ur stock of Misses' lisle
thread Hose , comprising all the
desirable styles and llio largest
assortment shown in Omaha , is
being offered at corresponding
Monday nt 9 n. in. , wo will
offer n line nf about 125 dozen
Men's Balbriggan Half Hose , nt
$1.15 for six pairs.
75 dozen finest Cotlon Half
Hose , with fancy silk stripes , will
be sold at 374c per pair. Never
retailed before under 75c.
The bal.inco of our fancy Silk
Half Hose-in , all the good shades ,
will bo closed out at $1.00 per
pair. Never sold under $2.50.
20 do/.cn purest and best heavy
Embroidered Silk Half Hose ,
worth $5.00 a pair , will be sold
at $2.95. These are the besl silk
hose imported and all nice new
colors , including black and fancy
We have accumulated about 100
pairs of fine Nottingham ,
Swiss , Antique and Medicas
Lace Curtains , in lots of 1 , 1J- ,
2 , and 3 pairs that wo will
close out at just half original
marked price.
915.00 Curtains for $ 7.50
20.00 " 10.00
30.00 " 15.00
45.00 " 17.50
a pair ; they are very cheap and
all fine I ! goads.
& 3.
250 do/en unbleaced twilled
and plain blenched buck Towels ,
usual price $1 50 a do/.en , Avill
bo offered during this sale at 75
cts a do/.en.
375 do/.en various slyles of
buck and damask Towels nol one
of them worth less than $2 50 a
do/.en , will bo sold at SI 50 a
do/o n. fine bleached dam
ask and knotted fringe buck
towels , will bo sold at 20 cts each
worth 374 cts.
Wo will offer our entire lot ot
superb quality all Silks brocaded
and Stripnd Salin Grenadines nf
half the cosl of importation.
S. P. IOKB and Co ,
S. P. lorseCo ,
We have renlendished onr
slock from our wnolesalo reserve1 ,
and added many now bargains.
40 4il inch " '
pieces "Hon jour1'1
Kronen blade Cashmere during
this snlo ill 50 ets. a yard worth
75 cUv
20 pieces of J12 inch all wool
lint' "Albatross" cloth , will be
sold al 37 $ ets , previous retail
price (50 ( els.
18 pieces tG inch finest quality
black Nuns Nciling , during this
sale 55 ets a yard , would bo cheap
at 00 ets.
22 pieces very finest quality 4G
inch all wool biack French Grenadines -
adines or Lace Bunting , all new
goodst 00 ets a yard , usunl retail
price $1.25.
12 pieces extra tine summer
weigh/ / , silk finish , 42 inch Black
Tannse will bo sold at 18 J .ets ;
worth usually $125.
28 nieces line all wool Black
Nuns' Nciling will bo sold at
18 cts ; usual price double as
5 nieces English Silk warp
Henrietta , during this sale at
$1.20 , usual price 1.50.
6 jiiccos Silk Henrietta at
JBl.Su , worth and usual price
2 00 a yard.
1 pieces finest Silk warp Hen
rietta imported , will be sold now
at 551.S2J els. , imported to sell at
( J pieces French Black Etam-
ine Cloth , 52 inches wide at
$2.90 Tory rich for Spring and
bummer wraps and worth 1.00
a yard.
5 pieces real Camels Hair at
1.50u yard , suitable for Dvesses
or Wraps and being made from
finest Camels JIair , is worth 2.50
lo 8.0 On yard.
As an evidence of the extreme
ly good values in this department
wo would state Unit in one day of
this sale we sold over G50 dozen
tine Hose all at about 50 cts. or
the dollar.
Lot 1. Ladies plain and fancj
cotton hose in vario/y / all re
duced to 25 cts u pair.
Lot 2. Twenty styles splendid
quality Ladies solid color am
fancy striped hose at 35 cts
some of these cosl as high as
9.50 a do/.en lo import.
Lot 3. Comprises a line o
Ladies' French lisle hose fancj
ribbed in black , wine , seal
olive , &c.
( They were intended to bo re
tailed nl $1 00 ] but by special
arrangement with the manufact
urer who did not deliver thorn
until too Into for us , wo can sell
them al 05 els a pair.
Lol 4. An elegant line of
French lisle in pink , blue car
dinal wine , &c , , usual retail
price $1 25 , during this sale
75 cts.
( Two lots comprising our en-
lire spring importation of striped
nnd openwork lisle hose , all
goods that sold for § 1 50 to
2 00 will be marked down to 85
and 95 cts.
Lol 1. Ladies spun silk hose all
good colors , will bo sold during
this sale at § 1 25 , regular
2 50 quality.
Lot 2 , Our spring importation
of fine finality pure silk Hose
all desirable colors , regular
$4 50 quality , will bo sold at
2 70.
Lot 3. Our entire importation
of very finest embroidered pure
siilc hose , regular 5 00 quality ,
to bo sold at 3 00.
Lot 4. Our entire importation
of fancy openwork , Derby
ribbed and drop sketch em
broidered silk hose , usuel price
5 00 to 7 00 , will bo sold at
Wo have ono lot of 16-inch
Scotch Crashes , very fine goods ,
thai cost Sic to import , and wo
will close them out during this
sale al (5jo. (
LO bnles of the very finest qual
ity unbleached crnili toweling ,
full 20 inches wide , will bo sold
ntl5cyard ; Iheso cost 12 c at
S , P. lorse and Co. ( .
S. P. Morse & Co.
VESTS , at 25 ets each. They
cost a great deal more lo man
2 cases Men's . White Merino
Gnu/.o Vests , all si/.es , 3G to-14
inches al 25e.
3 cases extra line Silk front Men's
Summer Gatr/.o Undershirts
with finished seams 45e , worth
7 Be.
lease Men's English Silk front
Summer Gau/.o Undershirts at
05e , usually sold at 1.00.
00 dozens Men's unbleached pure
Lisle Undershirts , long or
short sleeves , will bo sold at
85c ; they cost 1.00 to import ,
and would be cheap at 1.25.
HanflkerfiMef Dept ,
1 case Ladies' pure hemstitched
Hdkfs , lOe each , usual 15c
500 dozen Ladies' hemstitched
Linen Lawn Hdkfs , and 2-inch
hems very fine , nt 15c each ,
worth 25e.
10 do/en Ladies' very sheer
Linen hemstitched lldkfs , and
hemstitched , with blocks set
iu each corner , during this sale
al 25c , cannot be purchased
less than 50c.
' ' ' ' '
As an nnequaled bargain we offer
1 case , 275 do/en Men's pure
Linen hemstitched Hdkfs , very
iino qualily at 25e ; these cost
5.00 n dozen lo import , and
wo have never offered Iheir
equal less lhan G.OO n dozen.
As we wish all our cuslomers
lo participate in this bargain ,
and it will be impossible lo
duplicate tlicm nt the price ,
not more than one do/.en will
bo sold to each purchnser.
Wo will open Monday morning
over 2,900 misses' children's and
boys' Sailor and Derby Straw
lints ntn uniform price of 25 els
each. These Hats are worth
from 50 cts to $1.00.
Timely Suggestions
As the rush for these goods
will bo entirely without prece
dent , we would consider it a persona
sona/ / favor if nil who can make
it convenient to do so , will como
between 8 nnd 10 o'clock a. in. ,
so to divide , as far as possible , the
business through the day. This
suggestion is of the utmost im
portance. Please heed it , all Avhc
can.We have engaged a largo extra
force of salesmen and have made
every provision human foro-
Ihoughl can suggest , but ask , in
advance , public indulgence for
any annoyances thai may arise.
Wo have instituted and carried
through successfully a great many
largo and important sales , but
hnvo never attempted anything
of gigantic proportions , or ono
which is fraught with so many
benefits to the public.
The following are a few rules
which wo found necessary lo
adopt during the sale , and we
think it besl lo mention them as
thov are direclly conlrary to our
usual custom.
Remember , however , thai Ihey
will only hold during the sale ,
and are only adopted in llio in-
teresfs of the public to i'acilitato
First Bo careful in making
your purchases as no exchanges
will bo allowed.
Second No allowance will bo
made on any kind of goods. No
Samples will bo cut over the
counter , wo should , of course , bo
most happy to send them by mail
when requested , but to secure
goods our patrons nt a distance
ought to have some resident in
Omaha to make a selection or rely
on us to do so.
As our shipping department
will bo tried to its utmost capa
city , and although wo shall mnko
every eflbrt lo deliver on lime , wo
would respectfully request lhat
customers will take smnll parcels
.IS , P , lorse and Do ,