Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1883, Image 8

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    The Daily Bee.
' Saturday Morninfj , May 20 ,
A Tory amusing Incident took plaoa
yesterday morning at one of our promi
nent hotels. A gentleman registered on
Thursday evening under an assumed
name , and In the mnrnlng v ry unceremo *
niouily took the train west , forfeiting en
tirely to settle his Recount with th * hotel.
However , It was learned some time later
that the gentleman h d negligently left his
pocket book , containing abont $30 , beneath -
. -neath hla pillow , and was obliged to tin.
dergo the humiliation of telegraphing for
it to the proprietor from I'aptlllon ,
thereby exposing the entfre proceeding.
Mayor Ohus has Issued an order , dl'
reeled to the city marshal , lntutlng him
to keep an officer at bla headquarters from
7 a. m. to 12 m , every day , and not allow
such officer to be absent from duty , except
upon the mcst argent necessity. There la
already a man on duty by day at the
mayor' * office , onn at tbo Jallor'siHico , and
Another nt the police court room , nnd this
iwlll require four of the nix policemen on
day duty to bo about the city Imll. The
other two are kept busy on alley work or
killing dogs , and the notlvo force ia tlma
reduced pretty near to zero ,
A email excitement was croitcd in the
neighborhood of Fourtoenth'nnd Farnham
streets by the arrest of a drnnken man ,
who was subsequently taken from the
policeman by icrno prominent gentlemen
and aent homo In a hack ,
The June rlto of the Big Muddy is
abont to begin.
A epecIiU meeting of the Board of
Education will bo held next Monday even-
' -Ing.
Fred Heizko baa gold the Elkhorn
Valley house to VVuetrlch Brothers , pro
prietors if the United States hotel. They
-will run both houses , and they will do it
The drinking fountain presented to
the city by the Humane society , and to
ibfl set up on Thirteenth street , between
Douglss and Farnam , will be in shape in
a day or two ,
Memorial services in connection with
* lbe approaching Memorial Day will be
tlheld en Saturday evening at the First
. Gen iexaUonftl church , In which the Sec-
' ' 6nd rreibyterlan church wilt unit * .
A complaint was filed Thursday in
court against Charles Beldrof , of Tenth
street , for abusing his family and chasing
bin wife with a revolver when she went to
neighbor's for shelter ,
A storm of rain set in at an early hour
ryortorilay and ( bowers have fell at In-
< tervalsall day. The streets were full ot
water , and some washing out waa done at
10th and Farnam ,
Gloves Brothers , the architects who
were charged with assault and battery by
Choi. Specht , a member of the board of
education , pleaded guilty In Judge Ben.
ako's court and were fined the usual
. amount.
Robert Glenn hm complained In the
police court of Jostph Fuhrman , one of
the Ilussisn peddlers , whom bo charges
with annoying bis family and using pro
fane and obscene language ,
The renowned Swedish Lady Singers
have , afUr examining the fint-olass In
struments represented In Omaha , selected
- fine Bmerson piano at the well-known
Art and MuiioHalls of A. Hoipe. The < e
; nstrnments are pronounced tbo piano ol
A decision Is expected In a day crtwo
4n the Sherman county bond cate , which
waa argued Thursday before Judge !
Miller and Dandy In tha United Btatei
court. The case la a very important
one , and the result Is anxiously looked
There were three cases of intoxicatiot
in police court yesterday , two fines beint
.paid and the third party being committed
A man who hai been banging around i
Douglas street poker room for serera
days was arrested on the charge of being i
suspicious character , and was sentence !
to thirty day * Imprlionment , but the sen
. tcaco was suspended on condition of hi
leaving the city by aun down.
The old rookeriei on the west sldo o
Twelfth street , between Douglas am
Dodge , are being torn dovtn and will glv
plaoo in the early future to -me gooi
business houiis. Even their room is bet
than tholr company. They bavo proba
bly soon about as much iniquity withl ;
their walls any houses that were eve
erected in the western country.
The following Jtem from the Biou
City Journal will interest many of o :
readers : A presentation was made
Tankton last evening by Mackey cbapU
of tha Hose Crolx Knights Templar I
Robert Carroll Jordan , Inspector-genet
of the thirty-third degree , and an actii
.member cf tbo supreme grand council i
the southern Jurisdiction of tba Unite
Statoi. The presentation waa made I
< Sen. John B. Dennis. The Jewel pr
ented Is a grand decoration for an act ! '
membsr. It is of gold , appropriately 1
cribed , and cost 8110 in Chicago. I
specter-General Jordan waa In the cl
. ' yesterday on bis way to Yankton ,
Decoration Day.
A general and cordial invitation
hereby extended to all eocrot aocli
tlea to participate in the prcccanlc
and exorcises on Decoration day , no :
Wednesday , lay 30th , also all o
eoldlcra and sailora ,
It IB also earnestly requested th
all who can will bring flowers and d
Ilvor them before 0 o'clock a. m , i
Kuouy's hall , southeast corner i
Dodge and Fourteenth streets , c
Wednesday next.
By order ef the pout commander.
Official : GEN. O'BaiKN.
0. H. FITCH , Ad utant.
Buoklon's Arnica Salve.
The greatest medical wonder of tl
world. Warranted to speedily cure Buri
Bruise * , Cuts , Ulcers , Salt Rbenm , Fev
HoretVOancers , Piles. Chilblains , Con
TttUr , Chapped Hand * , and all skin era
-MoM , gttaraatoed to ear * in every instw
tBOMf reload * ! . caU p r box.
Vac * * U br 0. F , Qoodtaiaa.
Sad Rumors as to the Health
of a Well Known Western -
orn Soprano ,
Fanny KellogR Said to bo Lee-
Ing Her Mind ,
News of a somewhat startling charac
ter has been received from Boston to
the effect that Mlaa Fannie Ktllogg ,
the sweet soprano singer , who trav
ersed portion of the country lut
winter In company with Slgnor Brig-
neil , hao lost her mind.
Miss Kellogg la from Council
Binds , and Is a favorite with the beat
people both of that city and Omaha ,
BO that her many friends in thin vl
clnity will hoar the sad rumor with
great regret. The report says that
her conduct of late hm been the
subject of considerable comment in
mualc&l circles , and her alleged op
pearanoo in the slreots of Boston
recently , attired in abalmoral skirt
and variegated head gear has caused
a good many sago cdmlrern of the
warbler to cxprcsi grave doubta con
cerning her mental rqullibriam.
Three vrnoko ego Mies Kullogg and
Max Balhort , the manaitor of the
company in which Mha Kellogg ap
peared last auason , worn married
at thu Brunswick in Now York city.
The marriage ouromouy waa par-
formed by the Rev. Dr. Collyer. The
bcido and groom remained at the
Brunswick a couple of days , and then
shifted their quarters to the Victoria
hotel , where they remained until two
weeks ago , when Mks Kellogg nud-
denly loft the city , leaving Mr , Max
Biohert bahlnd Ifbr. Miss" Kellogg
took up her quarters InPallham hotel , ,
near Boston common , and since then
it Is reported hi < s baon noting strange
ly. Mr. Bichort was lost sight of for
a day or two after hlo wife's dnpnrt-
nro , but finally turned up at thoEvur-
ett house , where ho took quarters and
wboro ho remained until last Saturday
night , when ho disappeared. On the
wedding cards issued by Miss
Kellogg the day preceding her
marriage there was written
the following : At homo Mon
days and Wednesdays In November. ' *
Baohort Is a man of 45 or so , of me
dium stature , and nnlll lately very un
reserved In manner. He waa onoo a
partner with Major Pond , and has the
record of straightforwardness In his
business transactions , though Inclined
to avarice. During the concert tour
Mlas Kellogg seemed suddenly at
tracted toward him , and when ho and
Mr. Guttsohalk once had a dispute she
took a violent share In the contro
versy , defending Biohert with savage
energy. She seemed proud of her in
fatuation , and frequently boasted of
It. Baohort seemed to return her
love with ardor. The pair seemed In
separable , and the wonder ia all the
moro profound that lovers so fond
should so suddenly separate.
Ho Moots With Another Waterloo
lee at Last.
A ReBiatance to Law Which
Nearly Costs Him
Hia Life.
Mike Gllllgan , who , when sober ,
ia one of that best natured of men ,
but when ho throws a few drinks It
him goti aa furious as r.FJjil Islander ,
had a racket laat night which nearlj
coat hire his life ,
Mike was always on his muscle
and onoo , when under the Inflaenct
of liquor and resisting Officer Ed
Gorman , now the deputy marshal
waa nearly pounded to death before hi
could bo subdued. Ho says ho hai
never fully recovered from that trou
ble , and that a conplo of drinks no ?
will set him up and make him rock
L st evening Offiaor Raano , whc
had just come Irom roll call , wont tc
No. 2'a houao to leave hlarubber coat ,
and whtlo there saw a crowd runnin ;
toward Curry's pkco on Tenth street
now run by Frank Adama ,
It appears that Gllllgan weni to thi
place with a mm named Shields , i
well known party , and got into tronbl
wl'h Mr. Adams , who was obliged ti
throw him out of the saloon.
On arriving at the scene of tronbl
Officer Raano attempted to arros
Gllllgan , who nfuaod to go until h
had washed himself. Rnaue got hit
out Into the alloy , when Gilllganstruol
at him aud was promptly knookoc
down by the ofliaer. He got on hi
foot again andgrabbai Rjaue by tin
lapels of tbo coat , splitting it in twi
in the back , Ruino tried to put thi
nippers on him but Mike ruststod am
struck the either , who seeing that 1
was a desperate case downed hie
again , aud hit him a couple of blow
that left him Insensible.
Shields interfered at this juncture
but some of the by-nUndors come t
Ruano's assistance and knockc
Shields right and left. 'A bagga (
wagon was called and Mlko was hisnU
to jail in so bad a shape that it was i
first feared that ho was going <
"cnnk. " Dr. P. S. Labouring wi
Is summoned and attended to h
wound * , which ho pronounced not da :
gerona , though very severe , and
midnight Mlko was resting protl
Shields was also arrested , aud bol
parties will likely got a chance to r
cuperato at the expense of the count
It wao a close call with Gllllgan forb
life , and at ono tlmo it was thongl
that he was dead , but he seems
bear a charmed life , aud will nodou
pull through all right.
An Indignant Irishman.
To Ih * Editor ot the DII.
I am much surprised that the a
tack on the Catholic church in Ti
Republican of Sunday by the e
itor of that paper should have boi
noticed by Mr , Rush. Like produ
lions are of too frequent oocurreu
In the taae shs t , and the fael of b
Ing noUotd by any rack { wuoa OB
tends to render noedleis the following
of THK BEE'S advice , namely : to
"tnko kidney wort to Improve Its cir-
cnhition. " Such notice is a moro ef
fective mode of doing so , and they
are glad to glvo it space , which they
are unable to fill by their ordinary ed
The Republican in dealing with
Irish or Catholic molten , which by
the way it always cDDfoonds , shows
entire Ignorance of every detail. Con-
trovoriy with it ia like trying to pump
thooloey Into an intelligent i-hlnoco *
roa. I call on not only our Irlih and
Catholic population but on every
manly man and womanly woman in
our city who despises ignorance , big
otry and unreasoning prejudice to
"boycott" The Rspubllcau.
Respectfully ,
IRISII AuimoAir.
Senator FJmoIa , of Sun Pranclsco , Is at
the Metropolitan.
J. II. Crosby , of Fittsfielc ] , Illi. , is a
guest of the Metropolitan ,
J , F. Hoover , of Ponna lvAala , la at
the Metropolitan.
J. , Mcrrisa , of Blair , rcghtorod at
the Metropolitan ycstordo ) .
B. Landraann , of YanUton , is in the
R. Morris , of Hchuyler , is'st the Metro
J , M. Seymour , of WaVtQtld , and
Marlon Klco and wic , cf Prairtevllte , nre
registered at the Meiropolitjn ,
Gee , Crlsmnn , of thlt Like , fa in the
J. W , Small , of Farflolilj I ) . S. BBBISI-
Krduor , of Chicane ; H' . hi. Waring , of
Sewnrdi W. T. Saot > r of YnrV ; David
FilzjoralH , of Lincoln , nnrl R. G. King , oJ
Nebraska City , are Kncota at the. Puxton ,
HQV. Goo.V. . WaiuwrJght , of lUntr , i.
In town.
F. O. I'OBB , of Crete ; 3. I ) , Ilayoi , . of
Hewarcl ; C. W. Wadaworthj of HI air , and
Gee , Cheliman , of Colambui , were
the Russia at the Mlllard yenterday.
C. J. Ntbbltt , of Heleun , Montanci is
at the Millnrd.
D. O. "Dodge , gennral manager of the
Denver & Klo Grande railway aud J. A.
MoMartln , oi Denver , are at the P&xton.
3W. | Klmbkll and daughter , of'Deo.
T rr were at the Paxton yesterday.
P , 3 , Burni and wife , off W tplag
WaUr , are at the MllUrd.
Jamai Inman ndO. 0. Purcellof Den
ver , were amodg the guesta at the Mlllard
John Iteermaker and wife , , oft Wkhoo ,
were In the olty. yesterday.
M. M. Orrnsby , of David City , U at tbo
Miss Georgia Mack , of Colorado
Springs , is among the arrivals at the Met
C. F. Iddlngn , cf j North Platte , i ia
the city.
J. A. Wllcox , Nebranka City ; W. R ,
Kelly and W. L. Val Alatyno , Lincoln ,
are at the Puxtnn ,
C. D. Thurmsn and A. Ki Sweat , ol
Denver , and A. B. Peralnsor and wife , ol
Sterling , Col. , registered at the Paxton
II. P. Foster , of Lincoln , was Intern
Mrs. J. P. Barnett and Mrs. Marshall
of Lincoln were guests at the i'axton jea
Mrs. Major Camp , of Minneapolis , , wai
in the city yesterday.
A Great Discovery.
That la dally bringing joy to tbx > home
of thousands by saving many ol their den
ones from an early grave. Truly J Dr
King's New Discovery for consumption
cougha , colds , asthma , bronchitis , bay fe
ver , loss of voice , tickling In the throat
pain In the side and cheat , or any dlseaei
of the throat and lungs , a positive cute
Guaranteed. Irlal bottles at O. K. Good
min's drug etoro. Large l a $1.
A Now Policeman.
Mr. H. Jaoobsou , who has been i
member of the Omaha police force fo
BOVOU years , and has been roappolntoi
by Mayor Chase , recently asked th
olty oouuoll for a leave of absence fo
thirty doya , whloh was nnhositatingl ;
granted , as It was the first ho hoi
over aokod.
Yesterday noon the Jacobson house
hold waa rejoiced by the arrival of
BOD , a bouncing baby boy ; weight
ten pounds solid.
This established a very Importan
precedent and tbo coanoll will here
after bo apt to grant a man leave o
absnnou whenever ho wants It aa it i
to the city's interest to do so. Mi
Jaoobaon ia receiving the nongratnla
tiona of hla many friends , and all ar
glad to know that both wlfo and oo :
are doing well. Mr. Jacobson la on
of the boat oiliotra on the force an
en joy a the confidence of all who knoi
him.Wo wish him many happy return !
LAWN MOWERS For a cholo
of any alzo and from ALL the patten
wade , go to EVANS1 SEED STORE
m2 * 3t-m&o
3eal Betato Transfers.
The following deeds were filed fc
noord in the county clerk's ' offlo
May 24 , reported for THE BEE b
Amofl1 real estate agency ;
David H. Bawman to the tchool dl
trlot of thn Olty ot Omaha , w. d. , lc
3 , block 15 , Parkor'sjadd. , 8,000.
Samuel J , Jones and wife to Qari
D. Reed , w. d. , lot 1 , block 13 , WI !
cox add , , $145 ,
Dexter L. Thomw and wlfo to Wn
Raudnlo , w , d. , lota 30 , 37 and 31
blookS , Hanacotu PJace , $1,225.
W. N. MoOandllsh aud wlfo I
George Gardiner , w. d. , lot 20 , M
Oindllah Place , 8,300.
Jtunos G. Mageath and wife I
Martha M. Ish , w. d. , lots 0,10 , ]
aud 13 , Burr Oak. 1,400.
Never Give Up.
If yon tie suffering with jew and d
prefsed spirits , Ufa of appetite , gener
debility , disordered blood , weak conitlt
tlon , headache , or any dl e e of a bllioi
nature , by all means procure a bottle
Ilectrlo Bitten. You will be surprln
to see the rapid Improvement that w
tollowt you will ba inspired with naw Hi
strength and activity will return ; pain ai
mUery will cease , and henoeforth vnu w
wjolc * In the pralM ot EUctrlo Bltt i
Bold at fifty Mate m boUU by 0. V. Qoo
Thu Passions of the Woman's
Proabyterial 'Missionary '
Stirring Addresses and Im
portant Work.
The "Woman's PrcabytorlaJ Mleifon-
ary Society of Omaha held Its scssioni
in the First Presbyterian chnrch of
this city daring Thtnvdny alternooo
and laat evening.
The fair , bright weather brought
out a goodly number of tadloa to the
opening exoroiioB of the iay. Davo.
Uonal oxetcliei at 9:30 : in the morn ,
rngOn their conclcaion Mba. J. 11
Meredith welcomed the foreign dele *
gfttss In a neat and folicltloa * spooah ,
which was very happily responded to
by the Mra. Rev. Little , of Ootambaa ,
on behalf of the delegates.
Rjportn f/om auxiliary nocioties
came next in ordor. ' As the aeoroiary
called the roll the following socintlen
responded in tbo person of delegates :
MM. Rv. J. A. Hood and Mrs.
Curry , from ScVmyler ; Mra. Rav. J.
W. LUtlo , , Mrn. Taylor and 7/TisB-
Stongor , irom Colrambns ; Mra. Butts
irom Belhivno.
Mrs. 'i' A. Gtuigh road a ropoBi.
from the Jiadu'B1 Missionary noclotv of
the Fltst chuioh oi 0maha , whlch'.w.-w
followed by n report from Mra. Join
15. Evann iu bolmlf of thn nociotv of
"Workers for Heathen Women" in
the cnino church , I the latter being ;
the banner nooluty 5 the Presbytery
fur Foreign Jlistioati this year , hav
ing oautrioutod the gwate t umouui-
oi cash.
Tim next baslncno on hand was thr *
election of Pi-esbytorltli ofiiocre , which ,
ruaultod asfo own :
Mrs. Kov. J. P.1 RialvPapUllon , Prea-
bjtoriftl president.
Mra. O. N. lUuwoy , Omaha , pecretary.
Mrs , Dr. J. 0. Donioci. Omaha , treas
Airs. llev. J. " .VV Little.Gblombua , firat
lee.MM , L. A. GraigJiOmaha , second vice.
Mrs. Truman iJucIc , Omahe > third vice.
Mrs. llev. J. A. lIord.Sthujlcr , fomrth
Mrs. I. N. TaJarOaklaad. sixth vice.
The mooting then adjpnrned to
meet at 2 o'clock ,
Daring the afternoon ooaslonMra.
Day , of the ohoir < of th * First Pres
byterian church Omabn , aang some
very fine soleotiuns wlth'ijroat fooling
and pathos , Mra. Day's voice ia ape-
dally adapted to sacred maalo , aud
her rendition ot nemo ot the standard
pieces waa very actistlo.
Mlsa Llda Wileon read a very well
written original poem , on mission
work , which wa regret * . ) have not
before na to prcoout in iull to our
readers ,
Mrs. Helm , , oi Chicago ,
spoke in behalf of , the foreign beard
of that city. Sha wao followed by
Mra. A. P. Nicholas in a. stirring ad-
dresa on home lalssions , Mn. Nich
olas and the MriL , liav. & . T. Orlss-
mou , of Konrnuy , have been addud to
the force of the woman's oaocnUvocom-
mitteoof homcm'.mlonB in Now York to
represent the state of Nebraska offi
cially in connection with the Mra. G.
L. Little , of Omaha.
Mrs. Nicholas said there were
women in Utah aa degraded as any a
foreign miaslonaay could find In
Shanghla or Canton China. Daring
the tlmo the women of the church had
boon working to plant school honaoa
and churches la. tbo jangles of Asia
and Africa , , a. whole continent of
Pagans had baaa annexed to America
in Alaska ,
She charaoiesitsd America aa a
country in which events tranaplred
and the whole face of things wao
changed like the dissolving views of
the camera.
"Tho clock otrikea when there ia a
change from hour to hour , but nc
hammer In the Horologne of Time
peals forth when there ia a chaugo
from orn to era , " ad ; to the womea
of the chnrch had been given some ol
thono new and dlflioalt homo mlaalao
problems toaolve , and they must aol
prove false to duty.
She said opticians had found a dig. .
ease of the eye that occasioned lonf
aud fore Blghtednets , and warned the
women in their zaal for forolga mis
eions not to contract it , but while
they did tholr foreign work not tofor-
yet home mlaalona demanded tkecami
recognition lit every way , It was pool
po.lioy to stand with ontatrotchec
hands helping Booriboolagha when wi
forpota polaonona rlptllo waa gnaw
ing , * at our own coun
try's vitals and wrapping iti
folds around our grcal
western country , as Mormonism 1
doing. The men and women on tb
frontier cf our own state bravely llv
Ing lives of self-denial for the Masters
tors s&ko nro the beat arguments pos
elblo for effort in behalf of homo mil
slon nmong those moro favorably situ
ated.Mrs. . Helm led a children's mootin
at 4 o'clock and alse addressed a :
audlenoo gathered In the church in th
The mooting adjourned sine die , bu
the next aeeslona will most likely b
hold at regular tlmo of meeting of th
Omaha Presbytery.
Memorial Day.
On the 30th day of this month wi
ba Memorial or Decoration Daywhe
wo hall pty our respects to the hoi
orod dead by strewing flowers upo
tholr graves and otherwise momoraUi
Ing those who laid tholr lives upon th
altar of their country. I desire In b <
half of the Grand Army ot thoRepnl
Ho , which Is taking the load in th
matter , to invite every true , loyal an
1 patriotic citizen to aid us on this oc
cation by donations of flowers and b
their presence on the grounds whei
the ceremonies are to take place. A
members of the Grand Army and a
soldiers whether they are members t
this organization er not , are earnest !
requested to form in line with us an
march with Grand Army comrades <
the cemetery , Should ny wish I
join the prooeiilon , who do not tx
long to any organizations , provide
la extended to olty and county oQlcors
and to all crpanized societies to join
and march with us to Proapeot hill.
The sons of aoldlcra nro requested
to report to rno and aa organisation
will bo profootecl.
I request that societies intending to
join us will report to mo at as early a
date aa possible so that our order of
march may bo perfected. Any wprd
loft at Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul
ticket office In Paxton hotel In care of
A , Alice , will reach me. Hoping that
the day will bo universally recognised ,
I am respectfully ,
Marshall of the day ,
Buttermilk Merchant Makes
a Bad Break ,
And Leaves Sundry Creditors
to Mourn His Absence.
The latoat eonsatlou in business cir
cles it iho mysterious disappearance
of Jules Lund , a man who ha done a
good bufrlacna in the banomsnt of
Lytlo blcdr , , where bo vended butter
milk , eggs , oho&sr , 'etc.
Lund wncvoarrylnt' ou an apparently
successful Inalneer , and had an f3col-
bnt deliver ; WOROH and team , which
wore kept bwyi iu papplylng his trade.
Sis ploco bw btvii closed oitioa
Thursday , and ho . aJ aiyotorfoQaiy
disappeared , rogn h r with a young
who aotftdl hlrt. clerk.
lc id fontul ou iiivfc.aMi'.Atlou that he
with > n I'ldrtiHeiiniiua of irttK
31,000 lo 82 000 h > i : xtns ovar hJ
toad , utr.oni ; tiiu cr chiors biiln the
Frt-mont Oreamcrj-j , CA. A. Lnt3qoo ? 4j
, h tutlot ; Cildw.ili , Jtlvwjiihon ( VCo ,
LO whom bo Is Indebted about $149 ; .
A. J. Simpson , the o-iHiago rnakuy ,
ny whom his wagon was manufaoturvd ; :
Dhway & Srone , Obh 3K F Smythp ,
Kdltolm it Erlckion aud Hubarman A
13j. , thn jowelloia/.n couple of inlill-
nura tvud uundry others.
Il-e obtained opold wa4ch worth
580i from Edholna. c5 > Hrlritson , which
be waa to show hb lady dork aud see
if It Baited her and 'was to > bo respon
sible for.
H also secured a pair < nt bracelets
Jrom Hnbormann < & the same
term . He took away a gold watch
an ? which Colonel' Smjihe had u
ilatm , and the colonel also holds a
mortgage on his horse for $225
JDeaars. Dewey 2f Stone have at-
iaohod his harness for their claim ,
amdithe other crcdrboru are left out in
the cold , as nothing was found in the
establishment but a few < cigars , some
etilo buttermilk , aneV-ia little furniture
of'no particular value. .
If Lund is arrested , be will be
pKToeeonted for obtaining goods under
falao pretenses.
T Dentists and Hdmeopatns Meet
at Lincoln
I > r. Paul , Dr. Conner , Dr. Johns
ton oud Dr. Billing , prominent
Omaha dentlata , returned from Lin
coln Thursday , whera > they went to
attend the Nebraska State Dental
They report about thirty persons in
attendance , and It van determined to
nnlte nox year with the Kansas
State Danta Society in a mooting at
Hiawatha. A very pleasant and
profitable meeting , was enjoyed at
The Hotroaopathista bold their first
meeting Wednesday afternoon In tha
rllugton hotel parlors. A large
umber of physicians were present
rum all over tha atatu , in fact tha
argest attendance ever hold by the
oolety , thirty-eight visiting physi >
ians being there , The firat meeting
aa called to order at 2:20 : by Presl-
ent Dlnsmore , , of Omaha. Altai
rollmlnary business the society pro
eeded to the regular order. Papeis
f Intereet were read by Drs. Still-
mar , Simmons , and Parsoll , aud iwjro
"Iscutsed by tha other members.
A committee waa appointed to aon-
er with a llko committee of the J o-
raska State Medical society in rafer-
nce to legislation. This committee
onslata of I > ra. Simmons , Oarscadden
nd Hart.
In the evening the physicians and a
moderately large number of the gen-
ral public met at the Y. M. 0. A.
lall to listen to tbo address of wel-
omo and the addresses of President
) lnsmoro and Dr. Dancan. of Chi
LAWS MOWERS , 200 , all slzei
and patterns , at EYANS' Seed Storr ,
Army Orders.
The leave of absence for seven dayi
granted to First Lieutenant T. H
Dapron , Ninth infantry , in orderi
No. 00 , dated Fort Bridget , Wyo.
Hay 18 , 1883 , is extended five days
The quartermaster's dopartmen
will furnish transportation from For *
Omaha , Neb. , to Fort D. A. RuBsoll
Wyo. , to Private Maeon Wallace
company F , Ninth Infantry , on fur
lough without moans to return to hi
station. His company commando
will bo notified by the qoartonnaste
.furnishing the transportation , tha
the cost ot the same may bo proper ! ;
barged against the soldier.
The following named men enllstei
at Fort Omaha , Neb. , are assigned a
follows :
Frank Voodry to company.F , Nlntl
Frank Balthasar to the Fourth In
Recruit Voodry will be sent to th
station of his company on the firt
favorable opportunity.
Is throe timei the man he was bi
fore he began using "Wells' Healt
Renewer. " 91 Druggists.
If yn an not marritJ , write tl
MarrUcaFund Mmtral Trust Aatoclatlei
dM lUpU * . Iowa , for oirtmlars sxylali
for Infants &nd Children.
Castorlfipromotes Digestion'
and overcomes .Flatulency , CJonstipa-
tion , Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , and
Fovcrishncss. It insures health and
natural Bleep , without morphine.
" Cfistorla Is so well ndnpto l to ChWrrn th/it
I recoiniiiend It M superior to any prescription
kuovru to me. " JI. A. ARCHER , M. D. ,
83 Portland ATC. , UrooUlyn , N. Y.
What glres our Children rcwr chock * .
What cures their fercra , makes them steep l
'Tl * CantorTa ,
When ImblcR fret nnd cry by turns ,
\Vhat cures thvlr colic , kills their worms ,
Hut Cmtorla.
Wl % t quickly cure" ! Constipation ,
Bour Stomach , Cold ? , JuiUgvetlon ,
Hut Cruitorliu
Farnvrpll then to Jlorplilna Syrups ,
Castor O.'l aud 1'aregurltV arid
CENTAUR LINIMENT an absolute euro for Bhouina-
tisin , SpraiiiH , Bnrns , Gnlls , &e. The most Powcrfttl and Ponc-
Pain-relieving uiul Healingllemcdy known toman.
P IALS wl'l ' POSITIVELY not bel'n
tertedunleit paid In adrznca.
T WN The On ha imtiuH nank
MONEV Dnp-ired tomikcloivis ot Omtht
ctty or TcucInH county ic l Ktt\e nt c-irrrnt
ntttiio lijterei' . S cf mm tififin ihv fd. fctf
oHhY TO MA ) > C l1 lit Ijiolllce cf J ) . L.
* B , roam g.rrcli < litoi > Blcek. _
KYTO LO/jW-Tlio linut.v H tf9 of In-
onTi ASPT e < f Ktti It J > > u h
ONBY Loaned on chattel pnrerty by J.
M 1' Ikitt > , No 25F. biuih 14lb rftiuct
'JLW.Y LOANKD-rr thallcl mortensts.
Mt' 7 Union BlSjk. SfcU Irnc §
\ srA TKD A Oerrnan liov , cf'irorf'parcn ' p ,
iVV Wt'i \tarnof .Mre , iogt In-o coitntry
town-rto Uarn t' natctiinavini ? arrt Jewelry
trsde Tor luriher pmtleu'ais apply , Jh rcrmn ,
tb Jl Ifcrnh.rd. 12IS Ilovf.fd ttrott , Ouii'.l' , .Ki-b
I B47-Sr
Tf T ANTED Office boy. . AHK3 ,
* ffw m-ie'raei
WA3P7ED . at JJ.C 'por acr
I ANTED Apnfd boy.- German pwf'rreit.
W : i ktreot.
WA TI-D A tober toknrIrqnlrn at F.
Sctutplng , O.nuanlkiTiiue , near tht ie- *
jetz. CW-S5H
A ROCd g\t\ \ \ for rencral heute-
JOT S. llth Itreifc
AS7XD Two tinners to gn to Fiomnnt ,
W Neb. Apply at Lee , iV.'ecl and Co. lUS'b '
First class telp at N w 7 > ork
WANTED iinreid'a'cly. ' CMod wages raid.
These whnln ? further Inlcrmatlon can ndilross
Kts Mary McC Iroy , Fremont , Neb. 027 31
STtr \ teed bother at once. A 'dres -
y V Hera-an Sastuann , Sctiujlcr , Neb.
A fining roc InimedlatelTak the
WANTED Hotel. i'JI tf
f > wants to meet "C'M
< M S05
ANTED-GIrl to waitoo t ble. Inquire at
W St. ( harlcs Hotel. n/t-tf
> ANTED A dining roam girl at the Crelch
ton houtc. E J-'tf
TT7 ANTED Employmcitt by a srood t n In
VV private f.milj. H. MANN > EIDER ,
63S--265 Utbelmtt , Near Farnam.
* -TED By avounziran from the > it ,
with good habltfl and r comnni'atlor , a
in In a wholesale or retail gr.cO'.v store.
iWdreto I. N. W. , Bis ottfle.
PITTANTED-A lad ) dcs'ros ' a M'tntlon ' as
[ VV housekeeper or fcailly * camstreM. Dest
iBr fcroneesgiren. Nn obj.ctlons to leaving
illy. Address Mrs. P. P.-Harris , Council blufis ,
[ towa. MtfC3-3t
I can fumlah three p-.r ons lth
WANTED , Mb.ok-koepr Juij IKt J B ,
"MITII , 1510 Douiln. (29-20'
ANTED A furnU ed hall to r ni , ntat'ng
W terms , per quarter or 0 montlrt. for one
Adorrss Box BIB. OOT-25f
011 RFN.T- :
1 1810 Dodge
RENT Ho'ito with flvo rooms , good re
F pair , nlcejard Rent 85 iwrnao'lh.
tl7-29 J HN W. BELL. Druggist
TTMIU RENT Cottoze of thten rooms , Twon'y.
J ; third Td Lnvonworth , $13 pr rronth.
nqnlre " > t 012 S. Jeventtonlh bt. M2ltt
T70R RENT Two callages excellent repair.
JD LeaYtiiwirth and Souih a\ciuo , $2i anuSi
_ _ 10-tf oppotlto P. 0.
OK RENT 4 roans , new 'd plea-ant , near
F atrmCaw. 'Jem s fJ. ptr imnlh. ? aiill
quiet f rnl y pro'erred. P. W , UOE , King St.
between ChtuksandSonard. 679-vUf
T710R RU'iT ' Furnished parlcr nd bed loom ,
JD nra , floor , 2219 Callfornlastroet. 554-201
RENT Nice fu-nlsned room with beard.
FOR > lmpioiemeur > , ud ttbla board. No.
1718 Daditu tlreot. 6S9-26t
FOU KENT Corner of ! BthandDa > -
STultK . Inqu're ' 1610 uaTonport 6tr ct.
UORIUN 1J torj house 6 rooms noithMsl
JD corner 16th and CUrk. KnqulraofWm ICIer
at DK EY & STONE. 474 2w
f1O LET One or two r.oms , with beard , 1805
L California stroel.
. ° R KENT One Piano , one now organ , reasonable
enable teirat. Hope1 * Music Hall. 329-ln
TTIURNISHEU rooms and boaid. Modvru con
JJ venlencci , 1810 Dodge streetlCOOJunUt
ROOMS Very desirable Ifcatlot
FUKNI3IIED estate. DPPV. . O. 001-tl
RENT Fins upright piano , fine Kim
FOR , orgu , , 1519 Dodge .treet.
: \ Bather shop with clgir Business
1 Oood location , 5 chairs , jlnqmre "N. Be-
SALE Now house , five rooms , cillar am
FOR , Hud and toft water , modern con
vlincs. Apply at 2218 Twentj-second itreet
coir llarncy. B85-2Jt
SALE-s'ldo bar bug.-y , neirly new , 122
FOR St. BM-31J t
SALE Two lot * , ono a come' InShlnn'
FOR , with gcod feme and ehade tre
around same , tor $700 cash. Icqulie of McKOO !
Nc. 1510 DauglasUt. 018 2C
T710R BALE A horsr. buggy and hirnefs Onl ;
JL' be n used six months. A < so 1'ght wigon aoi
open buggy an ) sewing mschlnr , cLeap Call a
448 21 street , bet on Ilainey and Bt. 11.rj'
a vin Je. COI-2C5
Jt ; In Illinois , Iowa , Wisconsin. Dakota am
ftebrii'a , also Improved and unlmprorsd resl
dsnct property In this city. Prtcei and term
to suit purchasers. E. L. J10E3K A CO.
ST7-M 1622 Capital ATC. , Omaha. Keb.
I OR BALE -Yes * Piano ,
F 628-tf 0. J. OAKAN.
T7IOP BALK CIIVAF-A rew eaii-i > oanlaf *
XJ Owmer ) ai got to rals * moo y Inquire a
Cook's narchouet , lith str * * ! , b tw n Dodj
and CapllolaTtOM. 160- ] *
SALE A IIOHSO and lot on Putcnport
street tno detljvblc patt of town. Good
! room houw , pantry , c'ttit * , cistern , well ttn-
bleaud nil ibonccejary ouihoi SPB. Itt let
aboil till with fruit Irruj and shrubbery. Will
only sell for ca > h. Addren" or arm'v ' t3 V.8.
Hartl o lcli , fee olHco or' K. L. JlorscftOo. ,
M SC pltoli.vtnne. yM = i
17\Oi \ ; . < < ALK Troomhou'p assl born , twn fun
L1 lots nl'wly Improved. Flea location , SonSSs
Oaaf a. 83000. AMES ,
} 606 Fainam.
pCltibALKVatcrpower fftrrf mill , Inqulte-
JD of K1. ramr , Wftvcrjy , Nou , 312-if
"jV OK'SALE Old newspapers In lh je and email
JL rpi'.utlclti ut thla office. tf
F1UK UALJ--fjax rnlli machinery fontlstlrj ; of
br&'to , a dTittois , bcattr , j.lckcr , } > ir > f , 4c.
Can wor ol'htr rotted or tticon ftoulr , alio shaft-
Itijf , ptiMI'jH , r.n'4 belting for driving thealo/e ,
nteo ono "S' It. H. engine with briar , smoke-
i tick at > l wtmuren coi'p'cti.Add.'W ' VVILL-
IAM TAK Clntli3 Cltv } owa. ! -3mI
A -Irjt-cla'B second hand J .
I ? - Jp bug.
JCi Call nt 13M llnint ? street 317-tt
UESttSVATlO.f In Kcbrai 'd
I K n a5 l3-to ho Id by tha government A
map of the reltrvition with pit laeJ ptXis of
eaoliSOacrei md d Snd foil leinn of nlo
lent on receipt ot onoiolUr. . Addrrrs
018-305 w. O. BIEISO ,
C re y ; a tm4 Olic * , B-atrlcp , Krh.
for the "Wheelman , "
D a 70 page lllu tra'etf Uonlhlj llairlne , con-
Ulnlng icr. l siofletnJ derutd ti blcjcllnir
nd trlc/clln ? tn li countrl i , 12.00 per jn
< jDd 20o for er : ic > en ccpvC. . M. Wocdonan ,
r 5 8 Ote&H . . Clt-M-
A mm of mom ; fotmd on Farnh
itrret M T 2idwu IbitatSaii'ndruito
The o ner can haTocnmoby , ror.ntf
nad paying for ajvcrihcment. . C < 0-15J !
VT OTICE I her by caution errrjbody Against
_ LN Blvlog credit or1 fo'llnu anyt&li g en my nc-
crant to my wife , Eml'le nUdaufrllrlnv on the <
corner rf loth ar.d Doit .bU I' ' this city , ai
Trill not be responiftle- anv oVbta she may > *
contnct CEA3. UJLDAUF
Omaha May 23rd 383. 031-SOt
"E > ELMONTO R(8tauiant , Humphrey & Co. , ,
JL ) HIS Dodge street , board'93'5'J ' > p > week.
1TONALIST , 408 Tenth Btroot , kntweca Farnam
aid Ilatncy. Will , with the aid of guardian
Bchita , obtain for anv one a.glnnce of the past
aad prooont. and nn certain conditions In tbt fa *
toe. Boots and Shoes mailo to order. Pcrtttt
AbsoIuteSy Pure.
Tills powder never varies. A marvel of pu rltjr
strength and wholcsomcncss. More economical
thin Ihe ordinary kinds , and cannot be sold In
competition with the multitude of low test Jhori
weight , alumor phosphate po Jor Sold only In
cans. ROTAS , BAKUTO POWDKH Co. , Wall-St.'tilt
New York.
I Admiration
Mrs. S. A. Allen's
Public Benefactress. Mrs. S.
A , AU.KN lias justly earned this title ,
and thousands arc this day rejoicing
over a fine head or hair produced by
her unequalcd preparation for restor
ing , invigorating , and beautifying the
Hair. Her World's Hair Restorer
quickly cleanses the scalp , removing
Dandruff , and arrests the Tall ; the
hair , iTgray , ! * changed lo its natural
color , giving it the tame vitality and
luxurious quantity as In youth.
hair is now restored to its
youthful color ; I have not
a gray hair left. I am sat
isfied that the preparation
is not a dye , but acts on
the secretions. My hair
ceases to fall , which is cer
tainly an advantage to me ,
who was in danger of be
coming bald. " This is
the testimony of all who
use Mrs. S. A. ALLEN'S
"Ono Bottle diil It. "
expression of many who have had
their gray hair icstorcd to iu natural
color , and their bald ( pot cohered
with hair , after mine one tattle of
MRS , S. A. ALWH'S Wo u > ' HAIR
JUiTORx * . It is rot a dye.
c =
S ,
of t
of o
at u
D :
G :
T (
* < ;
e :
fcC1 fcw
l !