Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1883, Page 5, Image 5

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letting the Great Conspirators
in the Glossy Barb of
Martyrdom' ,
A Tearful Appeal to the Fool-
inge of th- ? Immacu
late Twelve.
Pops Bab'a Peroration a Sue-
cession of Eloquent
Word Pictured.
A Variety of IntorfitlnR Ganerul
Now from the Kutleual
Bpoclal Dlipatch tuToi Bn.
WASUINQTON , May 25 Ingoriol ) ,
for the defense , closed his argument
to-day. Bo made a rapid sumtnnry of
the evidence ni It appeared to him , and
eonclnded as fjllowt :
"Now. gentlemen , the responsibility
is with you. The fate of these mon
Is in your hands. In ycur keeping la
every thing they lovo. Everything they
hold dear Is In your power. With this
fearful responsibility yon have no
right to lloton to the whlapars of rua <
* .lclon ; you have no right to hearken
to the promptings of fear. Beware of'
prejudice. Look to the testimony alone.
Banot co-'vlncod by argument. Listen
not to 0.i | shots iuateadof faotc. 11'-
call every argument made In
this cao , put the ovldonca on
the scale , and then have the
honor and manhood to siy which
scale goes. Wo a&k from you the
mercy of an honest vordlct. Tnat ii
all wo auk Tao verdict U your hon
esty. I : is for you to Bay whether all
thosa defendants ohall live with honor
among tht-ir fellow cltlzanr ; whether
they shall live in free clr or bo taken
from tholr wivei , from their children ,
from tholr ( iroald a , from all they
hold most dosr , It is for you to ny
whether they shall bj oluthad with
honor or with shame ; whether their
day shall net without n single otar in
oil the sky of eternal night ; whether
they shall bo branded as criminals
after all they have aoifdrad ; after they
have boon puraned by the covemmont
as no defendants baforo have boon pur-
anod. It is for yon to aiy whether
tholr homes eh ill bo blasted b ?
the lightning of u falao vor
dlcb. Yon mnat cay vrliethar
their future shall be ouo of agony ,
grief and toarj. Nothing bouuiin the
stars of hoavou id uo profoundly aad ua
the wreck ot a human being ; nothing
ao profoundly monrnfnl lu & home
covorud with ahima. Tao thlug la as
infinitely aad as the thing that ahcll
case a titain npon children yet unborn.
It is for you to say whether there
shall be ouch a vordloi , or one in ac-
ordnncowlUi the law and f iota. The
projection is heated with the ohaao ;
they are arcitod by the hunt. Bat I
iVlll say that In the end they
/will bo n thousand tluada bettor
pleased wltb a verdict of hoc
guilty than Trilh what they nit.
They would opjjy thslc victory ; they
would like anccoaa , and they would
hava you give to these aspirations
greater weight than to the homoa ,
and wives aud children. I want a
vordlct thr.t will relieve my cllonto
from ( he agonies of two long years ;
I thit will Ilft from them the cloud ; u
Nyordlot that will fill the cominj ; daya
aVd nlghta v/lth joy ; a verdict that
will fill tholr minds with a aonno of
joy and qr tltuda forever to yon , ono
and all"
Many ladio wora weeping qnlotly
when logoraoll oat down , and nil the
spectators were vhibly effected. The
dofonoa hero rested the uaao and the
court adjourned until Monnay.
Special Dispatches to Tns RIB
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , May 25
Total value of imports ot merchandise
for thn twelve mouths ended April
30th , 1883 , 8733,177,431 ; for the ynar
ended April 30th , 1882 , § 708,024,427 ;
increase , $25,153,004. Value of ex
ports of merchandise for the yo r
ended April 30th , 1883 , 8811,691,351
for the preceding year , $777,875 781
increase , 33,7(35,573. (
The department of state has
rceived information that a treaty of
peace , substantially in the form here
tofore reported , has boon signed by
Chill and General Iglealaa for Peru.
The national board of health hae
been informed of 22 doathu from yel
low fever at Havana for the week
ended May 18 , and the dlaeaao hae
iu > lo its appearance among the iihlp-
ing of that port.
baa telegraphed the adjutant general
withdrawing his resignation , and ogy
ing he prefers boin tried by oonrl
martial. The odouaa Oolonal Ilgot
ia charged with la duplicating pay tc
The secretary of the interior direct ,
od the recognition of the mlnlnf
claims of aettlora upon public lands lr
Montana ceded by the Orowladiins
under tbo agreement undo Jnno 12 |
1880 , and ratified by congrera Apri ilo
12 , 1882 Th secretary holds thesr.
lands bolng ceded by dcfialto boandu
rloa , became public lands npon the
dito of apprsval of the act of ratified
don , and from that data the luga )1k
rliThta o ! claimants and mttlora tool
tffso : .
With r. view ot keeping the Icdlani
on their respective rcnorvatlons anc
alao reducing the expenses on the In
dian service , the oommlaaloucr of In
dian affitra has issued n circular t <
ogonta cf non-treaty Indlat. agencies
directing them to discontinue supply
ing Indiana with coll'oo , tea , eugar r.tu
toyacco , except as compocaatiou foi
V < bor performed.
> The treasury ( .department has boei
informed that attempts may be madi
to violate the act "to prevent the Ira
portatlon of adulterated and spurlon
teas" by moans of importations fron
Oinuda. The attention of custom1
oifioar * upon the frontier was there
fore especially Invited to the matter
and in c&ao oi doubt they arc In.
atrnotcd not to deliver teas Imported
Into tholr districts until proper aam
nlcs have been sent to the nearest
United States ofllcor appointed under
the provisions of tbls act and his re
port thereon received.
the rev cominiaelonor of Internal
revenue , Is expected to assume the
duties ot his tinea Thursday nest.
A Victory for Crook-
Sr c A ! D' | > tcb to Tui UES.
TUMBSTOM : , A. T , May 25 , Dr.
B il 1'titorton , a reliable man , jrut
r ahed hero from the ranch of Dn
Juui Ellas , In Sonera , reportn the
arrival of a Mexican ccurior at thi
ranch yoaturdity from the district of
llio headquarter * of the Mexican
waiy , Opoawla , with information that
Crook had an engagement with a
largo bony of Indians near Quocauopo
Sierra MudrcB , last week. Crook had
cent forward a portion of the San Car
los scouts , who ware surprised by the
hoatlles aud driven brck to the main
body. A general advauca was then
made by the entire fora ? , driving the
hoitlloa from tholr entrenched posi
tion , klllln ? 30. The remainder
broke and 11 id. O.'ook immediately
took thu trail and started In pursuit.
Special Dltpatehei to THE Bus.
NEW YORK , May 25 The final de
posit of $500 each In the Hanlau-
Kannedy race , to bo rowed at Point
of Pines , Boston , Daooratlon day , was
madn at the oflice of The Turf , Field
and Firm. Tao full stake of $4,000
la now up ,
DETUOIT , Miy 25. Dotroita 8 ,
CLEVELAND May 25 OlovoUnda
4 , Nsw YorK 3.
BUFFALO , May 25 Bufhloa 4 ,
Pmladolphiaa 0 ,
CHICAGO , May 25. Saoro in the
blcyclu racj at the c oan of the fifth
day : Mllo. Armaindo 701 miloa ,
Mortjau 005 , Woodeldo 039.
NEW YOUR , May 25. Afternoon
billiard game : Wnllsco 500 , nvorogo
5 5989 , boat rnn 38. Garter 359 ,
rtvora o 4 3 89 , best run 27. Time ,
3 houra 15 ratnutcm.
Billiards , evening qamo : S oh 03 for ,
500 ; average , 8 20-00 ; hlgheat rnn ,
40 Dily , 454 ; avcrugo , 7 34 00 ;
htuhoat run , 47. Daly will take tno
lirit pjizo Wallace and Schto'er will
play to-morrow afternocn for the BOO
end nnd third places , and In the even
l > ijS Dion and Vignanx will play for
fourth and fifth places.
PHILADELPHIA , May 24 Balmont
Park : 2:45 : clues , Gettysburg won
OIVECO wrcond , DJU Ojrloa third ; bcai
time , 2:32 :
2:23 : olaaa , Frank won , Cyclone non
end , Stonoiral third ; biat time , 2:25. :
CINCINNATI , May 25 2:20 : pacing
r.icB , Beaalo M , won , IKohballaocand ,
Wcnworth third , others distanced
beat time , 2:23 : }
Trotting , 2:23 : olaeo , Oatchfly won ,
Ira G. aicand , Alta distanced ; time ,
LOUISVILLE , May 25. Fine weather
and it good attendance characterize
the meeting of the Jockey club to-
dny. In the oolling race. 2 year olda
three-quarters of a mlle , Yotman won
Butler oecond. Time , 1:21 : J
The clnb purao , milo dash , was won
by Pearl Jonulngo , Pope Lee nocoud
IliRhflyor third. Time , 1:44. :
Selling ruco , ono and a quartei
mlloa , club pnrao , Joe Starka won ,
Luke Fiiqlo eucond , Mattlo Ripluru
third. Time , 210.
Kentucky O ks , 3-year old fililea
one and a h ! f mlloa , Nora won
Change Bloisom second , Billotta third
Time , 2:39 : .
BALTIMORE , Miy 25 Pimlloc
races : First race , Chcaapoaka otakoa
fililea , mlle and a quarter , Boaal
and Falrvlew came to the post , but a
tin y belonged to tlie same man , the
racm waa a walkover.
Ono mile , 3-year-olds , King Fan
vrou , Antrim second , Golden Flower
third ; time 1:45. :
Half mile , Olabange memorial
stakes , Tola won , Unknown second ,
Ohlc on Colt third ; time C0 | .
Mile , aliases , Clonmelwou , Flower
of Moath second , Puche third ; tlmo
; 1:45J. :
Mile and a qoarler , free handicap
atakoa , Oolonol Sprague won , Inranta
second , Camillas third ; time , 2:14 : | .
Mile and an eighth neat race , Jim
Nelson wen In ntraight heats , Hart
ford oecond ; t'mo , 2CO,1:5G : : .
HARTFORD , May 25. In a trot for
exercise at Oaartor Oak park , Maud S.
waa driven a heat iu 2:21 : $ and Maud
S. and Aldluo hitched together trotted
a mlle In 2:25. :
LONDON , May 25 Toe race for the
Epaoin gold-cup , 500 sovereigns iu
, plate or cpocio , for 3 year olda and
< npnarda , waa wen by Tristan , Oity
Arab ancond , Wallonatoln third ; Shot-
over also ran. Juat before thu atart
hotting was C to 4 on Triatan , 6 to 1
ogalnat Oity Arab , C to 1 against Wai-
leuatoin , aud B to 1 ugiitiiut Shotovor.
Wallanutuin took thu loud at the atart
with tiholovor lying lust. Tristan
finally went to the front , and won by
throe lengths ; Wnlluuatoln waa a bad
" third.
Tim Plntta KIV.T Flood.
o SpccUl Dispatch to Til * Unit.
- N , Nob. , M v 25. A Bpoclal
to tno J > crnal from Kuucnoy saya the
- * Platte rlv r Is higher thrro than ever
! known. Tuo approaches to the bridge
were washed away and cjinmnnioation
with the Sjuth Platte country ia en
tirely' cut olf. Houoes near the river
arc filling with water. A heavy rain
Is atlll falling.
Shipping New * .
SpccUl Dlepjtch to la * Ilia.
NEW YOKC , May 25. Arrived , the
Etln , from London ; the Odor and
Werra , from Bremen ,
LONDON , May 25 The Soythla ,
from New York ; Ollntonla , from Now
Orleans , end Greece arrived out.
The Olty of Berlin , having repaired
her crank shaft , sailed to-day for Now
York , She carries 1,430 passengers.
Boilnon Failures.
SpecfAl Dltpitch to Tni UIK.
NEW YORK , May 25. Bualneaa
failures for the past seven daye , 158 ,
BI oomparod with 187 for last week.
A Steamboat Boiler Blows Up
and Lands Eight Persons
in Eternity ,
A Pittaburg Tow-bcmt Oollidoa
with u Pier and Qooa
to Pieces.
A Lynchiug Party Warmly
Received by ths Guards
of a Kentucky Jail.
The Cjunty Sher.'ff Lends the Mob
nnd Falli TntnllyVoandnl
Steamer Biowa Up.
SpocUl Dinpatch to Till Ills
SAN FiuCisco , May 25 A steamer
was blown up this morning at Lake-
vlllo. It Is estimated that fifteen
persons were killed. Particulars
wanting ,
SAN FKAI < CISCO , May 25 The
tldo wheel steamer Pilot , which
blow up this oiorniiig , has been run-
Ing for aome years east In opposition
to thu steamers of San FraucUco and
North Paclfij railway company. The
explosion occurred near Like Villa , a
mlle nbovo Donahue landing , on an
arm of the bay known as Pot alum a
crook. All the forward part of the
boat was blown away , the after part
floated throe hundred yards and then
grounded on the woat sida ot the
rock. Two poraona were killed ,
oven wounded , eleven nro mltt > *
ng , Buppoodd to be drownod.
rlra. McNcnr la alee missing ,
iUt her bjiby waa w.vcd. The
ruck is almost inaccoeolblo. Oflhero
f the Kteatuor Donahuu reported that
heu patelni ; Djnahno lauding they
otlced the Pilot coming down the
reek in the channel. A few minutes
ftorwiird they saw no tigu of the
anting otoimur. When the relief
rain arrived with the surgeon on
> ottrd they found liltlo to do , as all of
hone known and bellovud to bo on
card had loft. None bnt the captain
nd two others on the Pilot could bo
ound. They were discovered In a
eld seriously Injured , Search was
ruada in O'ory direction. Near
he bank , ono after another ,
our mors were found , all
tnoro or logs seriously injured. Some
' ad an arm or leg broken In the fall.
) no was but slightly Injured , having
'alien in the long grass. Out of thoan
intnagod to scramble to higher and
rycr ground. Had ho bo' n more
oriously Injured ho would have boon
rowncd In the high tido. The last
oports received show that eight are
illed , oevon wounded and ton mlsa-
, ng. Moat of the latter are probably
ead , but the bodies nro not yet re-
ovorod. The oxplcalou ia attributed
o defective boilers.
Bailer Explosion.
Ipcclal Dispatch to Tni BEK.
BisxiAiicu , D\k , , May 25. A
oiler iu the brlck-yatd of Bly &
Cranberry exploded yeaterday In-
tantly killing the foreman , Oarpen-
, or , and fatally Injuring two othera
Rlddlins a Mob
.poclal . Dispatch to TllH BKB.
MT. STEULINQ , May 25 Thera han
boon confined in the connty jail in
Montgomery county tor ton daysp&at
John JJiniutt and ton compantoua
known as the Barnett garg , cbargec
with the murder of Vaughn Hilton on
, ho night of Saturday , May 12th , on
the edge of this county , nearest the
Menlfco line , llumora had reached
Judge Jns. H. Hagolrlgg , of this city
aomo daya ago , that a mob from Mon-
fee county , composed of friends of
the murdered man , were coming tc
take the prisoners at night and hang
aomo of them at loaat. Ha had or
dered an extra guard to bo on dnty at , .
the jail every night. Last night Ja'lorJ.
0 Stevens , who la qulto old , had gotten
city marshal Pat. Punch , to take his
place. Marshal Punch and Deputy
Sheriff Goo , Molormlok wore keeping
guard in the hallway of the jail
Richard Fargor , James , Thomas and
Josao Hamlln , armed with shot guns
Spouoar rifloa and pistols , wore
stationed in the front room up stairs.
At ono o'clock a. m. a mob of one
hundred or moro on horseback en
tered Mount Sterling from the direc
tion of Monifeo and rode rapidly tc
the jill , where they were reinforced
by a small party on foot. When thej
advanced to the gate of the jail yard i
Richard Forger from his win
dow above , with hia ohotgur
well loaded with buckshot , it
hand , commanded a halt and aakoc
who they were and what thej
wanted. "We want blood , and wo an
going to have It , " was promptly responded
spondod , and to the further commaui
of the former to halt there rung out
on the night air , "Closo np this , the ]
won't shoot , , " and at the same moment
mont one of the mob entered the gate j3
way. When just within the gate an
other message came from Fargor , bu
this tlmo It waa a leaden ono of buck
shot which felled the loader. Wltl
dcmon-llko yells the mob commenced
firing. Thrco guaids from the nppoi
windows meanwhile returned the iin
as rapidly aa possible for three or fan
mtrntos , when the mob ro
treated. The bolls of the conr
houaoand onplno houao were promptly
rung , The Oorro Gordo guards anc
many citizens soon oamo to the ros
cno. Upon oponlug the jail door thi
wounded man , who had fallen forwan :
upon the stops , was carried into th
jail , and there reoognlzad as A. T.
Illngo , high sheriff of Monifoo county
Near the jail , wounded in the log
was found Thomas Olark , a wealth > ;
farmer of this county. Near him la ;
bia horse dwl , killed by n bullet fron
a Spencer rlflo , which had wonndoi
his rider. Shortly afterwards two o
three stray caddled horses , with m
alders , were found. Olark clalrae *
that 1m waa only pasalug , and was ao
cldontally hit ; ho waa not a morn beef
of the mob , bnt the statement In gen
erally dlabollovcd. Sheriff Iliugo
when aaked by Marshal Panel
what ho meant by hoadinj
the mob , aald , "John Barnet
and his gang have been bushwhack
ing people for three years past , am
the good psoplo of my county arc
getting tired of this gang , who han
previously boon charged with the
murder of Jim Mosser , the nhpotloR
of Gil Muaacr and the stabbing of
Vaughn lllltcn , two yearn ntro , and
were acquitted by the oourlo. Taero-
fore , after nth-king with the beat mou
In my country , I catno hero to hancj
Uaruett nod othcrj. "
A bnnoh of r .pi , 7/lth t\ro hang-
niau's kno'a carefully made , were
found near Rtugo's body. Riujo ( I *
dangerously wonndod , live billa pane-
tratlng hii rlnht leg ton inoheo above
the knee , ncocethntlng ampntntlou ,
nnd will probably result ffitnlly. Al
though the calling of the room nbovo
la riddled w'.th bullet holo.i , none of
tlu guards were wounded ,
The general sentiment of the public
hero Is that it was very unfortunate
that the mob did not succeed in hang
ing the Birnott gang , aa they are con
sidered desperate and most dangerous.
This affair ocoma to be the result of
a family feud oxlaltng for a long term
of years paat , and which haa , from
firnt to hot , coat many llvea , nud will
only close with the death of all the
parties concerned.
Ilingo , the wounded leader of the
mob , haa thrco cousins and ono broth
er-in-law in the outlaw gang whom ho attempting to hnug , and which
will donbtlons cost him his life. Ho
haa , oluco 180(5 ( , boon an tfliocr in this
county , and haa always HJjoyed an
excellent reputation in thla communi
ty as a fiua tflio r and law-abiding
Oha Struck a Pier-
Special Dl p tch to Tni II11.
Pirrsiuna , May 25. The tow-boat
Amos , while corning down the
Mouongahola rlvor to-night at ton
o'clock struck a plor of the Pan
ilaudlo railway bridge and wont to
pieces in a few minute * . Ono of the
deck hands was drowned , the balance
of the crow , conoiiting of 10 mon and
ouo woman were thrown iu the rlvor ,
bnt all were picked np by men in
Taylor's Imt Dltoh.
Special Dispatch to Tin UBS.
CLAUKNDON , Ark. , M y 25. At 1
o'clock this afternoon , in the
prosonso of 3,000 people , Jaok Tay
lor , a whlto man , was hung for mur
dering an old man named Hugh
Ingram , who three yoaro 030 ordered
htm from thu houao.
His Neck Won Broken.
apodal Dlsjutcli to Tun liiti.
SHniT : i'OHTMay25 LandorCjlo-
man ( coloroo ) was hanged nt Bjlluvuc ,
Bossier parlsn , this afternoon for the
murder of hla brother In-low , John
Giylo , on the night of August 29ih ,
1882 Ooloman confessed hla guilt
and alco eald ho killed John Braltou ,
his step father , some yonrs ngo , for
which a young man ( white ) named
Bonny Shaw waa tried. Oolomau'a
neck was broken.
Knot f Jt1 Joe.
firx lal Dispatch to Tin Bs .
TriARKANA , May 25. Joa Young
( negro ) who Taped Mrs. Chlamvaa
taken from the Miller county jail at
daylight , under a strong guard and
convL-yud ever the dirt road thirty-five
miloa tu Richmond , Little River oonn-
ty , where ut 1 o'clock the fatal uaoeo
VIM adjusted about Young's nook and
ho waa uKUug ( if.
Fatal Accident at Plum Oroolc.
Special Dispatch to Till ) ) s
PLUM CREEK , Nob. , May 2-1 A
, young man , son of Mr , R. D. Allen
living near Overtoil , in this county ,
waa found dead on tha prairie by the
family. Dr. Miller , of ihh place
waa called , and found that death had
probably resulted from dislocation of
, the nock ,
, ! Tbo body WM found lylrg on the
breast , with the head thrown back.
Ho had been herding otock and hla
liorsa was found luoas with the ssd
off , and his hat aud coat were found
some distance from the body. Thu
, affair haa caused considerable exclto
mont nnd a great many otorloa nro ad-
vanced to account for Ills death.
ThoGooa Templars.
Special Dispatch to Till Us .
t CHIOAQO , Miy 25. In the foronocu
. mombora of the Right Worthy Grand
ledge of Good Tomplara attended
recaption at the Palmar honao given
by General and Mrs. Grant. The
afternoon waa opont in discussing tha
, report of the oommtttoo recommend
ing the organization cf n Scandinavian
, Grand Ledge in Notr York. A rtso.
lution was passed that it wa * inadvis
. able to institute a Grand Lidge on
ac3ount of tbo diifarencu in language.
Kimio War at Nathvllle.
o RpccUl Dispatch to Till l ) i.
NABHVILLK , May 25 The attend
y ance at the fair grounds this after
noon was the largest ever known in
in this city , cntlmatod in the neighborhood
hood of 20,000 pooplo. After dinuoi
tid : the artillery drill waa resumed by
tiy companies B and 0 , o ! Loulelaua field
y artillery. ThiB was followed by a
9- o dress parade , uf.'or which all troope
9d present participated in a nham battle
Thofniogwas hoird in thii ci
it y , re
ity calling vividly rflcolloctions of tin.
y hlstorio battle cf Nashvilln , and had c
familiar and not overly pleasant sound
to the rolnnteora of both sections.
Wheat Flgurei.
C11 Special Dispatch to THE IK ! .
MILWAUKEE , May 25 , The Mllloris
id National association ivos publicity tc
3r the wheat crop oatlmato , which prom'
ro ISCB for the whole
wheat bolt of the
ir : United Stntca a ylold of 373 500,00 (
art bnahola for the year 1883. T'IO estl-
rt rairo by state is
* oa follows : Oallfor.
ly id nla , 45.000.COO ; Nobrnnka , 15,000-
000 ; Texas , 21,000.000 ; Kftnsaa , 24 ,
a10 000,000 ; Missouri , 21,40JOOOj Iowa ,
10d 15.300,000 ; Dakota ( approximately )
10.000,000 ; Mlnnoaota , 37,000 ' OO'J ;
10 Wisconsin , 18,500,000 ; Illinois , 24 ,
. 000,000 ; Kotitccky , 12,400,000 ; Ton
. nnssoo , 0,800,000 ; Georgia , 3,5CO,000
, Virginia , 8,300,000 : Maryland , Ui
y 000.000 ; Dolawnro , 1,000,000 ; Nan
iym York , 10,800,000 ; Ponnsvlvaila , 22 , .
m 300,000 ; Ohio , 2U 000 000 ; Indiana ,
id 25,900 000 ; Michigan , 23,300 000.
Another Tclotjrnpli Company.
Bpoclal Dlipatch to Tur. Jinn.
NEW Yoitu , May 25 The certifi
cate of Incorporation of the South' '
western telegraph and tdlophono com
pany woa filed to duy. Tue liuua o
the company are to rq hatireon Bar
ntoga r.nd Albany , N Y , ecrots tlu
gauntry aouthwesteily to Galveitoi
and Austin , TOTIB , nnd nho tc pas
through Little R'jcf ! , Ark The cap
ital stock is iliotl ut f 2,000 000 , dlvi
dcd into 20,000
The Coronation of the Ozar Oom-
mented on by His Own
Organ ,
The Reranrkable Unity of the
pr and People Foroi-
b'y Displayed.
Bmporor William Proolaimo
the 400th Anniversary
of Mnrtiu Luthor.
In France , Enclund and
Spec al Dispatch to Tin Bin.
ST. PjtTEiiSBono , May 25. The
Journal Do St. Potorsbuorg , review-
eg the comments of the foreign
ireca snyj ; The spoutanoona dla-
Uy cf uovotloa cf the people on the
lay of the's entry Into Moaoow
was a revelation to foreign journalists
who hsd long believed that a dlfTor-
nco exlitcd between the cztr and the
icoplo , It cxprefiBOS the hope that
orolgu jocrnals nill keep in rucollco
( on the iaot which is now manifest to
ill the world that complete unity ox
sts between the Rutalan pooplo. The
ixUtouco of such fooling will aid in
iving the opproaohiug coronation the
character of a gonulno festival of
peace ,
Moscow , May 25. The minister of
orolgu atfittra gave a reception to the
orclgu ambataadora and atato dlgnl *
arks for the purpoao of oatablUhlug
; ho acqnalutauoo of foreign and Has-
ilan uotabllltloB , Tha telegraph ad
mlnlatratlon han anramouod anumbor
of provincial operators to Moscow ,
owing to Increased business.
Ilustoff , a Russian , was killed bore
Tuesday by a Jewish ropubimn.
Subsequently a mob attacked several
iioniics and shops occupied by Jon B
which thuy robbed , demolished or
3ptcUl rispitcU to Till
1 ! F.KLIN , May 25 , The ompnrorhao
issnod a decrcn ordering that the 10th
and llth of Novcmbor next bo ob-
nerved p. a the 400th anniversary of
the birth of Martin Lutbcr. In the
decree the emperor oaya , "I pray God
may Hiten to thu supplication In
which I aud all ovanqollats nnlto , that
the celebration may bo productive cf
tlEg boucfit to our ovaugolical
church. "
Special Dispatches to TUB BKI.
DDDLIN , May 25. Archblahop
Oroko , iu hla remarks at Thurlcs , yes
terday , eald the pope opoko to him
concerning the menacing ntato of
Earopo , and said ho feared that even
In Ireland , which had been n great
conaolatlou to him , the spirit of law-
lasancsB had ac'zjd ' upon a largo ecu-
tlon of the pooplo. The archb'.ahop '
slip thro ires no lawlessness In bio
dloceJt ) , und no nutablo crlmo had
becn ommiltad there1. Ha nald all
ho blamed the Irish people for wai the
crimes which both ho ( * ho urohblshop
and hla 11 'ck had always done tholi
utmost to denounce. On pnrthip the
pope gave Archbishop Oroke hta bless
tug and nraurcd htm jf hla good
, nlshcs.
Only ono agrarian ontrago agiinal
the poraon occurred in Ireland dnrhif
Juror Field waa awarded 3,00
and the Huddya 5CO as compiiiBa
tion for ontraijon they were anbjcctcc
to on political account.
The mayor presided at a meeting it
Cork in aupnort of the Parnoll testi
monial. Two hundred and fifty pound
- were subscribed nud n resolution wai
adopted approving ParnollV eotlor
and thanking ho Philadelphia con
vention for supporting Parnell.
Special Dlipatcb to Tui U .
PARIS , May 25 , Rovolntlonarypla
cards are posted , calling upon anarch
ists to aaaomblo at the tombs of th
slain Oommunlata in Pero la Chaise 01
The minister of marine Informed
committee on Touqutn credit that thi
French comm ndor had been orderoc
resist the Chinese if they attempt
to enter Tonqnin.
Edouard Rano Lefobro Liboulayo
the well known French jurist , IB dead
Bpedal DUpatcb to Tui Dn.
LONDON , May 25. It is bollovoi
the minister of foreign aifiin hai
sent a communication to the Fronol
government exproslnp enrprlso am
regret at the nation of Franco toward
Madagascar. A special mooting o
the Madagascar committee will bi
, hold shortly to consider the situation
Errlngton ia In active onmmnnlca
. tlon with the foreign office of tbi
Jjome'n Farewell.
Dlipatoh to T Bu.
OTTAWA , May 25. The govorno
general , In his prorogation speech to
day , congratulated the members 01
the buoyant state of the ro veil no
' which enabled thorn to grant aid t
railways and for the construction o
works of Internal improvement.
. The Epliaopal Ocunoll *
- Special Dlipatch to Tin ! !
. BALTIMOUB , May 25 , At the Epic
copal council , afternoon session , th
, question of appointing a mUsionarj
bishop was discussed , aud afterward !
. referred to the committee on doctrln
and worship. They recommended ex
elusion from the prayer bock of th
service for dedication of Infanta
which , according to the rnlca , goc
ever for approval by the next council
By advice ot the aatno committee , th
order of family prayer waa outhorlzai
to bn Incorporated in the prayer book
J9.3G8 wore raltod towards the ? 20 ,
000 required for the establlahmont o
the Martin eohool of tueolopy noa
Chicago At nk'ht n reception wn
held for delegates from other churchei
A largo number attended , and man
address were ui&do by prominoii
lalnlatera ,
The report from the general com
mltteo recommending suspension c
publication of the amended prayc
book waa approved and revision of th
prayer book referred to a commlttc
on doctrine and worship. The com-
inu" Ic it Ion from the nynod of Great
Britain asking for nu Independent or
ganization for a church in that coun
try us referred to the general com
mittee ,
Special IM p tcnei to Till Dm.
The Wait Tblrfj-thlrd itrect ( N. Y. )
itptht Suu t > y-school voted not to Uko
unit In the public gAthcrlni ; of Biptlnt
Sundnycchoola In M dii < on Squire Unr-
den , cUlmlng ttut tbo cRiileti , with Hi
l > rli.o fights and other ftiioclatlonc , wninot
the proper placa for children ,
Procldont Arthur kept hli room in Now
York ycitcrday , being very much fatigued
ftfter Thursday's liustlt Mill coofcslon ,
JnmcnV. . Slioalmn , who hnn bon cloic-
ly Identified wltb journalism In Chicago
for the pant twonty-fivo yearn , nnd hni
been n leading editorial writer of The
Trlbuno ilnco WG , , In lying at the point ol
dtntb , Hli dUenna { 9 nervous prostration
complicated with heart trouble * .
Daring the fierce wind and rnln itorm
nt ISalott , V/is. / . rotonlay , A number o (
live ( lib , ono ot them weighing pound
dropped In the business ntrottf , and hftl )
stones , tbo Inrgmt four Inchpn In clrcum.
ftreccr , fell , iSlsny wluclown were broken ,
At a mixed trilu on tha Xorlhweitcrn
rotd wna nppronchln ) ; Mnnknto , Mlna , ,
ncnr tha lung treitlc , It rnuovtr n cow.
Ono coach and t < tn freight earn loided
with who t were ditched , nnd Conductor
Jerome Bander sorcrcd by whent nud
tmothtrod tu donth ,
Twenty-five CBPCS of otnull pox MO ro *
pjrtod nt St Mlchneli > , Minn. , and several
deaths liavo nlreiuly occurred ,
Ex-Chief , Tu tlc9 Uoo. S. Harwood , of
the Biiprcmo court of 1'emifylvivuii , is
dying , nud it wnn not believed that hi
wuiilil lite until tcorulng.
Mnjor Wnunn , the army defaulting
pfiTinnstor will prohnbly refund the
ttnouut of htfl defitlcntlon , $5GOJ with
\lew of CFCipk'B the penitentiary.
Tb Indian ngont At Fort Yatoi , Dak. ,
tclegrAphea that the reported baptism of
Bitting B"ll In the Catholio church Is r-
ronoou ) . There Is no immediate prospect
of any euoh ceremony aa fnr as ho is
arvnto of ,
Unusually heavy rA'ns washed nway
four brtiigeaon the Mexican Ctntral rail
way. A train ran Into tha wnihout nnd
the engineer was killed.
There li great exrltomtnt In ( luayiiutl ,
S A. , about tlio robbery of $ : t-0,000 from
the bank by Volntlmilta Most of the
UK nay belonged to foreigners , who are n-
dcivorlng to Induce their Rovornmenta to
order tha Itallnn ntul English mtn-of-war
tn cnpturoth * dlctntor.
JiulcoMoran , In the circuit court of Chicago
cage , ycxtcrday delivered nn opinion in
ono of the buckot-nhop caies , holding ,
with Judg * Tuloy , that the Itoard of
Ttado cannot dlHcrimlnato In deolarlug to
whom ite quotations may ho scut ,
Soutlioru Proilj-tnrinm.
EpocUl Dispatch to Tux 13s
LKXINOTJN , Ky. , May 25. The BS-
oombly decided this evening that or-
renpoudenco-nlth thouortlur.i assem
bly nhonld bo by delegates In 1884 ,
aud afterwards by letter. The mod
erator received n telegram from Sara
toga general assembly , saying the
auembly had eot apart Saturday morn
ing , from 9 to 10 o'clock , as tbo hour
of prayer for the outpouring of God'n
spirit on both churches. The assem
bly telegraphed that It wonld aot apart
the onuio hour for that purpose. Col.
Pftt.lcyoo , jnat returned from Sara
toga , where he wont ns fraternal dele
- gate , aiudn a apaoch In the sdsainby
- telling of the cordial rccopli m and
* brotherly fooltnc in that aaaombly.
lr Wonderful Cure of a Lad 12 yean
0 Old , who for Eight Yenra ,
. From the Top of Hm
Head to Ilia Anklc.i
waa One
of Scabs.
lly ion , a Utl 12 yen's of ace , n a ain cteil will
thu worst rum cf Kczctna , Lr a ptrloii ( f ilih
( i are t)3 ) rlruloiit IM It tbat Irom the top o
.il head to within a tow Inchia r ( lilj ankles li
w&i onu mala ot ncah < , which rcluie.1 tn y chl n
any tnn'jnont tlut w 4 attempted. Evtry rcm
oJy tint wns sugiro tid liy filondnor plnslclan
wan tiled In rain. Allofatliy , liamiiatby |
, root , Vt-natcr liatlu , Utnocil pojltlccr
olntnionf , ac.4 In Iwrt overjllilnu tha
; cjuU be clone to ciaillcatc tlia illsorcler BOO a e
only lo aggravate It , and the chlkl'n Ufa becmo
bunlen to lUm , a U tlia i xpenie of tin Twlou
oxpo'lmonts vuu aconttint drtln upon our ro
Hy wife , if.vllng thu adrcitliamcnt of the Cut
Icur * Hcincdlcs In ono of the daily pap ri , rrtol
ted toruakoino 11 oroa'tuiupt at a euro. ( Th
illuaiM w now enctoschliiff upon hli faoa , am
ecomul Incurable. ) I pivo a reluctant cootent i
the proposal , and an luterrlowwaa uuclik with
famous lady pliyelclin ol New Toik , wfioniado
m it thoioUKht examination of the cue , an
promliod a cure without the lout hoaltatlou U
< th tno of your Oaticurj Uomo Jin. In one wee
there VIM a marred change : the raw and nnjjr
torei licf ( n ( crow pale anil ale 'K ' th * ouio
edgoa icaldod oil , aud ( W time wore on they be
i Kin todlnppar entirely , ui til at the proton
wrlttiz the only T tttgo la one amall ajiot upo
too torearm , scarcely Tislblo and fait u.sappcai >
In if.
if.Thui after clffit i eirs of exp and aniletj
wo h r the Intinse utlafactlon cf seeing th
child's skin B.I fair and smooth ai It wai befor
thli ilreadlul euUneoui disorder ntUcked him.
1 Bluceroly joun ,
JlRHIT ClTT HimilTH , N , J.
Chl dhood and youth are tte periods whf
sudt ilUa * BUS jlcld molt readily to these unfal
\r \ > f Skin nnd ll oed HpoclO s , Cutlcura Ileeolren
tliu new Dlood 1'ur Her , ami Uu.lctirtand Cut
Icura Hoip the great Mkln Uirot. 1'rl of Cut
Icuraima'l boieil , SO cU , Urjjn boxes , f 1 W
Cutlcura llowlrent , 81. UO pr bottl . Cuticur
Scap , 25 eta , ; Cuikura. bbavlnff Soup , 15 cti
Sold by aU dnik ls's.
For Infant le and Birth III
mon , Kouih , Chipped , o
Ore'y SUni , Nettle Uur
l-lmploi and Kklu Blemiihci
uas Cutlcura Soap , ai exiulilto ) Skin Hiaut'llci '
and Toilet , > -ath and Nurairy Sanative , t'ti
crank lih delicious Cower cdors and Catlcur
Liliinn. Absolutely pure ; highly mcdlelnil. In
rioracd by phjilclan : p efirrrd by the e'lt <
Sileila mi and 18iJ 1,000.000 okei , Al *
ipec'ulr 'irettareU for Briaring
m byfiia'
of Iron and Slate Eoofing ,
0. SPEOUT , . . Proprietor.
1111 Douglas St , Omaha , Hoi )
Iron Cornices
Tin Iron and Slate
i10 , Roofing ,
10 Bpeoht'H Patent Motalllo
Skylight Pateal
< CiAUjusted Hatohot Bar nud llrnckat
ca abelvln ? . I am the renoral u ont
I. for the above line of goods ,
id CrcstlncH , HaliwtrrideB , Vernndas , Ire
k. Uanlt llalUntfti , Window lllinda , Ool-
lor ( iiiaids ; also
nt Consulting and Civil Enginee
QOf SpechI attrntlonto Sun eying Town AdJItlo
or and Lit * . Furnliblnt ; katluuUg ot Kicav tloc
bo Making M | > , t'lani , &c.
ce am 10-17 OMAHA , NKO.
A Bloomy Prospect for the Iron
and Mining Industries.
The Oloaintr of the Iron Mlllo
Next-Friday Considered
Inevitable ,
The Striking Miners of Illinoio
Forcibly Glean Out
the Pits.
The VOBOO of the Campi Ocrlonil-v
"DUturbca. "
Sptclal Dlip.ttch to Tni Du.
OHIOAOJ , May 25 From Inter
views with lending Iron mon In thla
city It appears to bo a nettled fact
that the Iron mills of Oalcago will
shutdown Jane 1st unless aomo nn-
oxpeotod concession Is made by the
Amalgamated association before that
tlmo , which d deemed highly 1m-
probablu by the niaanfactururs. The
Union Iron and Steel corapiuy ,
which waa expected to resume work
Jnno lit , has apparently abandoned
all Intention of dnlng 10.
CHICAGO , May 25 All donbt of a
general stnka among the Iron workers
on Jnno 1st , has boon removed by
liat which haa gone forth from the
headquarters of the Amalgamated As-
noclfttion of the Iron and Steel Work
ers , demanding that the present acalo
of prices bo maintained. The mom-
bora of the association In this city and
vicinity received orders to atop work
May 31st at midnight if the compan
ies do not accede , and notices to that
offoot were generally served npon the
mannfacturcra yesterday. In every
ease compliance with the demands wan ,
rcfaucd , nnd preparations are being f
undo for a general shot down.
The workmen , as u rale , do not look
forward to an Indifialto period of
Idleness with any degree of aatlsfaa-
tion , bat they are under the control
of the association , and there Is no
alternative. The manufacturers nro
equally reluctant to Ho idle , bnt ,
while they express nympathy for the
mon , they say that acceding to the
demand would result In actual loss.
The strike will hffoot only what are
termed western establishments , which
Include all mills west of the Alle
gheny mountains , those coat of the
mountains having no amalga
mated association to deal with.
The Allegheny range la ua
morically the dividing line , abont
the same number of mills bolng on
eltlior aide. In the western division
there are about 3CO blast furnaces ,
with an annual capacity In pig iron of
about 400,000 not tons. With the
exception of stool rail mills , aud a very
small percentage of Iron works which
employ non-union men exclusively ,
. those establishments will all bo closed ,
and nt loaat 1UU.OCO oporatlveo will bo
thrown out of employment , Of thle
number Pennsylvania will have about .
, one-half , Ohio tha second largest num
ber , and Illinois third , with Indiana a
little lets than Illlnoia.
Oof.iN8Yii.LB , III. , Mny 25 The
situation to-day la moro utrnlnul than
Toetordaj. Not a mine on the Van-
dalla road butwrccn Ent St. Louie nnd
° Troy ia lit operation , and all are close
ly watched by the nlrikarj. The
mayor , lust ulght , urderod the saloons
cloaod at 8 o'clock and swore In a
force of illty deputies , us drankormoaer.
Increased among the mlnons. Elgh
tnen or twenty ohoto were fired abaut-
mldulght In a spirit of deviltry. At. '
2 o'clock this morning 300 striking
minors uiccniblod at ( ho Abby mines ,
They bccorUlned that the men driven
off yesterday had not returned. Then
they detailed fifty men to eeo
that no attempt woo made to start up.
< Then 200 started east on the railroad
i track. A picket waa lift at No 3i
When the Colllnsvlllo mine VRsreich-
ed , they were told that no attempt at
work would bo made to day. They
then Blurted for the Confidence nud
Troy mines. No work wai going on
at the Confidence mine , bnt upwarda
of 100 atoppod there.
; The Belleville and Casey ville minern
were joined by a strong delegation of
miners on the Ohio & Mississippi
road. Those who did not remain at
3n Confidence pushed on to'Troy , eovea
r- miles from here , and surrounded tha
Brooksldo mine , which was the last
on the VandalU track. It was ia
ro operation yesterday , bnt upon the ap
pearance of the mob tbli morning
the men ttopped work , The situation
is critical , and the crisis will bo
reached to-night.
! ST. LOCH , May 25 , Dispatcher
from Oolllntvlllo a&y tha military'
company under tbo command of Lieu
tenant Frolt arrived thla evening
from Edwardsvlllo and are quartered
near pit No. 4 Another company Is
on route from Toylorvlllo. Prpeldont
uor Crandall will resume operations in
or , the Albany mines to-morrow. The
, other mines will also resume. It la
not known at this writing what ac
tion the strlkersjwlll take to-morrow ,
bnt it is believed they will conio in
conflict with the military ,
of Appetite , Bowels coatlveJ
Pain In tlio Head , with a dull sen
cation In the back part , Fain under
the Shoulder blade , fullness after
eating , with a disinclination to ex
ertion of body or mind. Irritability
of temper , Low spirits , with a fool-
Inir of huvlncr ne-lootort ( soma duty ,
, Wenrlnoss , Dizziness , Fluttering at
the hourt , Dots before the oyea , Yel-
Sow akin , Headache generally over
the rluht eye , Kestlocsnoss , with fit
ful droamu , Ijijfhly colored Urine ,
TtTTT'S 1MI.T.8 nro esperl llr
nUnutcil to Kuril cntes , one iloae tf-
fccts Nucli a ciiniiue Of fccllutf to
uatoiil U the cullerer.
llicy liicrcnio the Ai > l > tlte , unit canss
the body tu Tnko ou I'leult , thus the ey -
to I' nourished , nnd by ttiolr Tmilo
Act luu DU tlio IMuotlve Ortrnni. ltc -
ulur StooU nro iirotlurod. I'rlcoUicuuu.
_ ! "l lliirrnv St. . IV. Y.
IlLAcic by n tlniilo application or this DTE. H
jns Impart * a natural color. Aculnatuntimrou * .
ns , ly. Boltl by DruB8l uorBi.utl > yuxi * on
recel | > tof.,81.uO.
Ol-'t-lW , IIH JUCHHAY KT..N. T.
VViifvl UtctUiU UI bt Mill tii UKil'ra'i