Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 26, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee.
Published every morning , except Son *
r Tbo rnly Monday morning dally ,
Uoe Year..810,00 I Thrco Montha.S3.00
Btz Month * . . 6.00 | One Month. . . . 1.00
CHE WEEKLY BKE , pnblUhod every
Ons Year $2.00 I Throe Months. K )
tlx Month LCO | One Month. . . . 30
AUIRICAH News COM PANT , Solo Agents
Newsdealers In the United States ,
i at tons relating to News and Editorial
matters ihould bo addressed to the EDITOU
betters and Remittances should bo ad
1 tossed to THF lisx I'musniNo COHFANT
OMAHA. , Drafts , Chocks and Poatoffioo
Jrders to be made payable to the order of
the Company.
the BEE PUBLISHINQ 00 , .Props . ,
IMMIGRATION la falling off In Novr
York , but the rash to Nebraska still
IK the contest between the police
and the bnrglara in Omaha , the burg *
l rs , at last account ] , were eleven
potnta ahead nnd fooling unusually
OMAIU is growing rapidly , bat THE
BEH Is doing its beat to keep ap with
the procofslon by supplying one paper
toordrytrro rotora. in the olty and
IF Secretary Tellor'u rocout doolalona
are to bo taken as an indication of his
future course , the people will have
reason to congratulate thomaalvcn over
President Arthur's selection.
THE leading plank of the democra
tic platform nt preeont seems to bo
' ' . " Is in Ha
'Policy. Policy good place ,
but actions and earnestness apeak
louder than words.
TIIERB was aomo nound common
aonao In the remark of Ool. MoDjn-
aid , of the editorial excursion party ,
that our ichool facilities after all were
bettor Inducements to a good class of
immigrants to settle in Nebraska thnn
our opera houses and our great hotels
and factories.
THERE Is a strong probability of a
lively rate war on , Chicago and
Council BlufTi business. The Ilcck
Island refuses to admit the Milwau
kee & St. Paul road into the lown
pool , and there are already rumors of
cut rates and correspondingly email
profits to the companies. Lot the
good work go on.
TUCRK la talk of a Know-Nothing
movement among the Now York dem
ocrats , which will Icavo Tammany Hall
out in the oold. That would bo a pro-
grjmoio worthy of the fmo-hairotl
orowd who are under tbo Bomail
thumb of Mr. Tildon. One blow from
John Kelly's tomahawk would anni
hilate the party which tried it on.
The Iowa republican convention
moots next month at DCS Molnos. It
1) intimated in some quarters thtt the
meeting will bo an occasion of more
than ordinary excitement and that the
party will take advantage of the op
portunity to rebuke emphatically the
members of the aupremo court who
dared to deny the constitutionality of
the prohibitory amendment ,
If the IOWA republican convention
desires to disrupt the party organiza
tion they can adopt no surer moans
than the persecution of the judges
on the supreme bench who dared
ta do their sworn duty agaln t their
private inclinations. It Is a well
known fact thtt four of the members
of the court were prohibitionists on
principle. Their decision nas ren
dered in accordance with their oath to
protect the constitution , and not in
consistence with their personal prefer-
onces. The function of the supreme
bancb is to bring all laws to the test
of the constitution , not to the stand
ard of popular clamor. All that
the Iowa judges , following the
plain mandates of that Instrument ,
have done , is to doolaro that the leg
islature did not observe the form laid
down for amending the constitution ,
and to deny that a majority vote may
do away with constitutions altogether.
And yet , agitators who are incensed
at a failure which is duo to no cause
on earth but to their own carelessness ,
radical prohibitionists , who care for
no restraints of law or governments
when they are balked in the immed
iate accomplishment of their own do-
slgnr , and oven a part of the public
press , are loud in their denunciation
of judges who did not choose to violate
late their oaths for the ( satisfaction of
pcpular clamor.
Iowa republicans will make a very
serious mistake If they yield for a
moment to the cry which demands
the deposition of an honest judiciary ,
Such a coucBslon will drive thous
ands of honest and honorable voters
trom the ranks of the party. No or-
ganlzitlon which makes one of its oar *
dlnal principles the doctrlno that the
minority "have no rights which the
majority are bound toreapect can long
remain in ppwe'r <
Complaint la made by the Presby
terian general assembly of the dearth
of ministers. Over 500 societies
have no pastors and there are no
ministers for them. The number
of students entering the ministry la
s'ald to be yearly growing smaller ,
while the demand is greater than the
supply ,
There are several reasons for this
condition cf affilra , In the first
place , as pointed out by President
Eliot , of Harvard , Ulonted and
ambitloua young men ore ahunnlnj
the ministry because they re-
fnio to put their minds In
the irons of an intellectual bondage ,
The laity are in advance of the mini-
try. The pen la becoming bettor ed
ucated and more liberal than the pul
pit. Butwoon the pressure of church
councils on the one hand and the
force of liberal advance on the other ,
the minister , if hia mind la at all renal-
tlvo to the inilaonco of modern criti
cism and culture , IB certain to bo
placed in a most uncomfortable posl
tion , To remain in the church la
often to belle hla own convictions.
To loivo it ia to find himself pursued
by ecclesiastical hatred.
The amallnoss of the salaries paid
to ministers by their congregations is
n < ) t , aa Dr. Herreck Johnson looma to
think , the chief cause cf the falling
off in candidates for ordination.
Ability ia recognized nowhere ao
quickly aa la the modern pulpit , and
mediocrity nowhere no generously
tolerated. The salaries paid to
clergymen generally are fully equal to
what the same calibre of men could
earn in ether callings. In our largo
cltloa clcquonco and piety are liberally
rewarded by handsome otlponds , ad
miring congregations and long and
frequent vacations ,
Wo should bo norry to think , as
Dr. Johnson Booms to Infer , that the
chief motive in entering the profes
sion which ho follows la the eordld
one of pecuniary reward , If It were
gsnerally understood that men fool
"cillod" to the ministry almply with
an eye to the salary which they are
likely to command , the profession
would rapidly loao much of its influ
ence on tha miiBos. Wo do not bo-
Hove that to ba the case. The use
fulness of the ministry Is being con
tracted by the uarrow-mludcdaoa.1 of
church organizations and the cramp-
lug restrictions of church creeds.
Other fields lie open to the talented
and the ambltloui , where there Is
equal space for morel and more room
for Intellectual development. This ia
the ono great reason why the ministry
is calling aloud to our colleges for
more oandHntrii of talent and culture ,
and the reply is only the echo of the
cry ,
terviewed on politico , nnd ia r.till for
"a change of baao.1' ilo believes thit
absolute free trade la impossible , and
thinks the domooratlo party should
oirao out for n tariff f3t revenue only ,
Ilo epoko warmly of Ilaccook , and
thought ho might bo again nominated
by the democracy. Qauornl McClel-
lan kuowa mora about war than
politics , and ho has nnvor boon
brilliantly snccoiafnl at cither.
THERE are rumors that the Mis
souri river la threatening Leaven-
worth , and is cutting the banks very
seriously near the approaches to the
Rock Island bridge. The Ktnsaa
Olty Journal c lls upon the govern
ment engineers to combine with the
railroad company and secure the nee-
Denary protection.
OHIO republicans are preparing for
the conflict and bombarding the ene
my with interview after interview full
of bright hopes for the future. Char
ley Foster of courao prophesies repub
lican success , and the Cincinnati
Commercial is equally sanguine : The
leading candidates for the governor
ship are Judge Forakor , of Cincinnati ,
and Joseph Turnoy , the atato treas
urer , ana Foster thinks one of those
men , or possibly Controller Liwronco ,
will bo agreed upon beforehand and
nominated in the convention by ac
clamation. The democratic candi
dates are Hoadlay , a brilliant lawyer ,
and Durbln Ward , and it is reported
that Thurman will go into the conven
tion to push the latter , The battle
will ba fought , the governor saya ,
mainly on the liquor issue. The
platform will have a high tariff plank
and the usual meaningless timber , but
the real istne ia already made up and
cannot bo changed.
Interest abroad during the last week
has cent-red on tlreo eroDta of import
ance : the Papal circular , the coronation
at Moscow , and the hostile invasion of
Madagascar by a French army. The
first of thtso aa ultimately connected with
a great religions organization whois spiri
tual Influence is only bonnded by the
boundaries of tbo globe , Is cf more than
passing Importance. It Is mora than pro-
bnble that Pope Leo XIII ha * uncon
sciously done more to destroy tha last
lingering vestiges of faith in Koine's tem
poral power than all the continental con *
troverolei of the past twelve years , The
Papal letter has fallen like a firebrand in
Catholic Ireland and Protestant America ,
and the result la o storm ol indignation at
what U called "the unwarrantable In
terference of the Vatican" which has
broken oat In violent denunciation on the
part of rriii ] agitators and sullen refusals
of labmlisloa ham a peasantry who re
gard the result , as A triumph of
JCnRlJsh diplomacy , at. Home , Tha out
burst Is chiefly remarkable us an evldtnco
of the srowth 61 Irish national feollng'-at
* . . " > . .f * % - , .
the expense of religious sentiment. Of all
the children of the Holy Father , Ireland
has been tbo moil loyal , devoted and un-
queittonlng. Spain , since tbo accession to
the throne of Alfonso , has well-nigh loit
the right of -overelfn to ba called "Ills
Most O.thollo Majesty , " and papal Inter
ference in filtlri ot state U thsre tolerated
no more. In France , the hold of the
church , through the piltstn , upon the snf
friges of the people and the plans of the
political leaJorr , U broken. The policy of
Germany to abrogate the power of thepopo
In all matters outside of mere eeclctlaitlcAl
discipline and matter. ) of faith bin been
rigidly cmletl out. And tbo temporal
power of the pope In Italy not only came
to an end long > RO , but It came with so
violent n crath that "the Illustrious pris
oner of Home" lost , even with devout
Italian Cathollcr , a prestige which haa
been heretofore left to him In riRions
rnraoto from tbo Imperial city.
On nonce accounts the revolt will
be welcomed. Home's spiritual
Influence lias never , perhaps , been stronger
than at present , but temporal Infallibility
hni received a death bow in the home of
lUfrlendi. That dogma , o earnestly
combntted by the friends of liberty every
where , and nowheio mnr so than by tha
devoutest of cur Amsrican Catholic bish
ops , must ere Ions ; bo fjnlttly shelved , In
matters of religion Catholics will still
lank to the church. For their polities
they will lefuse to consult foreign author-
Itler , whether they nro located in West
minister or at tuo Vatican ,
ffverftl more arreitn havn taken pheo
in Ireland , but no events of startling mo
ment hive transpired since the last re
view. Tha Dublin comm'nalnn ' has closed
Ita tmslan. UriellUUJ , their work
has be n to "vindicate Justice" by fair
meant or foul , find to avenge tha crowa ,
Two men htvu already been hanged , two
others are to follow to the golluwn In quick
luxenslon , and n Urge number have been
sentenced to a punishment worse than
death In tbo penal convict celln of G' nt
ISrltaln. Not ODD w - acquitted. "Tha
Bloody Assizes" will bo long rememberid.
On * Ititon has bean taught which should
strike deep in the Irish heart. That ic ,
the ftvoidtn o of unworthy means In pnr-
Mila ? a worthy cause ; ths dishonor and
the d ngsr of staining with rccret crlma
the efforts for a snUering country ,
Parliament has resumed its sessions , but
the government delays In fathering Mr.
Dobion' * English land bill , which Mr ,
Gladstone has Intimated he would make
the test of tbo government' * stability. At
the lama time there are no Indications as
yet th t tbo ministry propone to Intro ,
dnce the awespingmeature demanded by
the KigllBh radlculR and the Scotch Far
men' Allianco. H.ivln ; ; tided the storm
of the Uradlauph defeat , the premier
ecins dtepoted to gather ntrenptli by a
short period of inaction. An Interesting
seen1) took place In pirlUment on Thurs
day , when the government was questioned
concerning the allege : ! Intrigues of Mr.
Krrington , the Uagliih amba 8kdor nt the
Vatican , whoso visit to Homo , It Is
charged , resulted in the papal circular.
The amwors of the premier nra considered
ns uvmlvo , and doupenthe impression that
Downing strojt wan advised in advance of
the forthcoming letter of the Vatican.
France la all for war. A French army
of conquest htu landed nt Madagascar ,
seized the custom honno nnd raised th
standard of tha republic. This la a wan
ton not of greed against a peaceful and de-
fenaeltBi power which Ia Intended to neu
tralize the Brit'iti influence in l ynt and
ndd new poaiosalons to the list of French
colonies. The Malagasy omuiwnderi who
are still In Kngbnci enter their protest and
call for foreign Interference , The/ an
nounce that the nntivea will fight to the
death. Ainu and aminuni nn are being
forwarded Irum England There It , how
ever , no probability thnt the helpless na
tive * of seml-Chrlstianlzsd Madagascar
will receive outride assistance. Tha only
Kuropeau uition that my to Eiippnso'i to
have any Interest in the aoizaro of Mada-
go-c'ir by the F/cnch ID I.HK aid , and the
hand * of the ministry nro tid by the
itotdy nolioy of territorial nggrtndizemcnt
which Great Britain IUH pursued for a cen
tury past. The littest UUWH from the feat
of war In eastern Asia allows than the
French ozptditlan n r.lust T.nquln hi
been laU out upon n Urger ecalo that wna
at lir < t eupineoj , nnd tlut the probability
of rois'.aucs by ( Jain ia very certain. It
asiorta tbit nu the 2Jth of March the
cltndal of llnnol was attacked by
1,0 JO Auuimltea or Chiusno , who wsra re
pulsed and the next day were driven six
mllcR und dispnrstid , From that time un
til the 7th of May all was quiet , but nn
that date 12,000 tnoro Chinese Boldtora sail
ed from I'oldu toward * Tonqutn , nnd the
admiral of th French II jet WAS instructed
to prevent them from landing , There are
nt present , it is said , thirty-three compa
nion of French marlnoB in Cochin China
and Tonquiu , but the reinforcements are
not t go forward until the government
should vote the appropriation for the ex
pedition. AB thU IIKS been done It is like
ly we shall bear of warm work from that
quarter before long , for even if the king of
Tonquin should accede to the Kronen de
mands It is not likely that China will con
sent to this summary appropriation of n
vassal Btato without a struggle.
Moscow Is thronged with visitors and all
the details have been perfected for the cor
onation of the czar , according to the elabo
rate programme already noted. Tha sig
nificance of the ceremony ia not generally
appreciated. The czr , while uncrowned ,
haa very little power as monarch , being ,
so to say , a minor holding the reins of state
more by oourtosy than by right. He can
not proclaim war or conclude a trsaty of
peace , nor csn he entorthelmperlalthrone
room , or confer the grand cordon of any
of the decorations. All orders Issued by
him are null and void * -nless they be conn-
tsrslfnod by two of the ministers of state ,
the body of which they form apart actlag
In cvtrylrespect a regents of the empire
during the czar's political minority. Dur
ing this period he bu no right to the fafty-
six title * belonging only to the crowned
czar * , but ia addnaied aimp'y as Alexan
der , and , an a matter of etiquette , c r of
Rutsla , Under these circumstances it Is
not singular that the various czars should
hvre always hastened tbsir coronation In
Moscow ai much as possible , being natu
rally unwilling to be nnder tutelage which
In the mtjority of oases U obnoxious : and
hitherto successors to the thione have ,
with very few exceptions , been crowned
within two months of the deaths of their
Advices from West India port * are that
the steam-r A'rro , waa engaged by the
government ol lUytl to convey arms and
ammunition to Miragono. A great battle
took place April 27th , Uarzalene slaught
ered the government troops until they wers
forced to fly a flag of truce asking the sus
pension of hostilities to bnry the dead ,
Two government vtisols came lu shore to
render assistance , but Barzalcna covered
them with his guns and snnk them. The
schooner immediately after landed the
arms and ammunition for the rebels , From
latest reports from Inagua it appears that
lUrnleno was marching on 1'ort ai Prince ,
and n rising Is repotted near Cape Iliy-
tlen ,
A London dispatch announce ! that the
governor generalship of Onnada , Intuccos-
nlon to tbe Marquis of Lome , has been
ottered to the Alarquh of Lansdowne , who
will probably sail for Canada In October.
The Marquis of Lansdowue Is now In his
SSth year , and has been in public life
about ten year/ . lie was appointed under
secretary for India when Mr. Gladstone
becnme premier In 1880 , but resigned be-
causa be objected to certain provisions of
tbe Irish tenants' compensation bill.wbicli
was afterwards rejected by the house of
lords. Since then be has not l > eon much
In accord with his party , and hU appoint
ment to the governor generalship if Oau-
ad looks as on excuse for gettfcg rid of
him , He Is rather a dull man , yet far
above the average of bis clois. Ho ia
married to one of tbe beautiful daughters
ot tbe Duke of Abercora , tba thau tory
lord lieutenant of Ireland , snd the heir to
hla title , a son , Is now II years of age.
Tbe marquis U perhaps best known as an
Irlih landlord , Ha owns teviral extsn-
slve tracts In the countlss of Cork and
Kerry , and has been charged withunusuil
harihnjM , even for an Irish landlord , to
his tenants. He Inherits a bad reputa
tion , too. 89 many ot the pauperized
tenants wern force i to emigrate fror.i bis
estates in 1817 and 1818 and died in the
work homes in New York and Montreal
that some of ( bo wards In these establish
ments are yet known as the Lansdowne
wards ,
Tbe various governments of Europe are
drilling thslr armies fur active tervlct b ;
sham tight * amd military maneuvers of
great extent , Tbe Kaglteh troops mads n
tine display at Brighton not long auo ; a
part of the German army , about 60UOO
men , Is to execute a series of complicated
maneuvers along the river Main bsfjre
long ; the French army , during tbe
months of August and September , is to
occupy the country between Chalons and
Chartrea for a series of military oocrt-
tlims and maneuvers , and the Itsllan
troops and fleet are btlng concentrated in
tbo south for practice In combined man
euvers. Etch sovereign is to surerlntend
personally tbe maneuvers of bis armv ,
with many invited guests , and everything
Is bain ? done to Insur * the success of each
sham campaign ,
Bengal Is going through one'of the e
sweeping changes In the ownarshlp and
control of land which seem periodically
necoisary wherever population Increates
without an IncroMo in the subdlviiion of
agricultural holding * , Ninety years ago ,
Lord Cornwall ! ) practically creatsd pri
vate ownership U land In Bengal by a
settlement of the rent to be demanded by
tbe state , in allorlental countries the final
proprietor. Under this system , the culti
vator has been ground to tba earth by bis
landlord , who paid tbe governmant tax-
rent promptly and squeezed the last penny
from the ryot. The Anglo-Indian govern
ment now steps In with a law giving the
tenant an absolute right of occupancy
after twelyo yeirs1 cultivation , and pro
hibiting the tcnint contracting himself out
of this right. This is practical confisca
tion of nn admitted property right , just as'
the Irish land net was , but it Ian step along
a path which every government seems
forced to travel or face revolution.
The Influence of Christianity upon mor
al * in Kngland haa been investigated by a
Japanoie commission , which has madt its
report recently to the effect that Christian
ity has lets restraint over crime , and
especially drunkenness , than Buddhism or
the religion of Shinto ; ao the religion of
Japan will remain unchanged.
Progress of tne Royal Cavalcade
Tnrou3h Nebraska.
Spoc'at Dirpitch to THE Esit.
RED CLOUD , Neb. , Miy 25 The
editorial excursion arrived at Lincoln
at 3 a. m. After breakfast they wcro
driven about fho city for about an
hour by the Lincoln citizens. Acorn-
mittoo from the Hustings board of
trade , headed by Mr. A. D. Yocutn ,
mot the excursion at Lincoln and ten
dered the hospitalities cf tholr city
and accompanied the party to Hast
ings , arriving there at 12:30 : p. m.
A heavy thunder storm pre
vented the whole programme from
being carried out , which Included
a drive around the city , but after a
sumptuous repast at the hotels the
party mot in the dining room of the
Commercial hotel and were cordially
welcomed by Mayor Linnlng and
Hon. Jamoa Laird and the repreaon-
tatlvo cltlz-TJoof Hastings. Several
numberj of the party were called
cpon , and responded gracefully , after
which the apoolal atartod , with three
ringing choprs nad a tiger for Iliat-
inga. It will arrlvo nt McOjok for
sapper at 7:30 : p. in. and Danvor Sat
urday morning at C o'clock. All wall
and happy.
Grant Interviewed-
Special Dispatch to Tin IJas.
Cuioiao , May 5. In an interview -
view with General Grant the ques
tion was asked : "Da yon ro ard
Crook's failure to make hio where-
nbonto known aa an indication thnt ho
13 in danger ? "
"No , 1 do not. General Crook la
an nhlo oflicar ru an Indian tighter
nud I have over ) confidence In him.
Ho haa not cntured Into this engage
ment with the Apachoa without con
sidering the obstacles that ate euro
to spring before him. His progress
must necessarily bo alow ; and in
mountainous regions the Mexican In
diana , accustomed to the country ,
may temporarily intrench thorn-
solves , but that waa to bo expected.
That Crook will dislodge and cap
ture them there ia no good rcaaoa to
doubt , "
"Yon have no Idea that ho haa been
drawn into a situation where the
Apaches could maesacre him ? "
"I do not believe ho haa met with
any such fate. My knowledge of
Crook's character , hla support , bear
ing in mind ho haa Indian recruits of
great experience , and aome cavalry at
his hand , forblda mo from entertaining
the thought that he haa mot with dis
aster ; at any rate , it will take official
Information to convince mo that he la
no' , gaining the advantage of the hos
tile Apachoa , and that ho will drlvo
them to the wall. "
"Americana are becoming interested
in Mexican nfl'dlrs "
"Yes ; American capital hatt flowed
Into Mexico to a pretty ooneidorablo
amount , and our people are taking up
tholr realdcnca there and going into
buainoea. "
"You have talked with Gen. Diaz
lately ? "
"I saw a great deal of him when ho
waa in New York. "
"Will ho bo the next president of
Mexico ? "
"Thoro ia no doubt of that. In
fact , there will bo no opposition to
him. Thla ia the way I understand it
from both Gen. Diaz and hia friends. "
Small Fax-
Special DtopMch to Tus ! ) .
NECHE , Dak. , May 25 , Reports
from the half-breed settlements ahow
that the ravagpa of email pox are on a
rapid Increase. Ton persona have
died recently from the plague , and it
la Impojolblo to Btato how many caaea
thot o are. Every c ilort ia being made
to prevent further aproad of the
Virginia Election-
Special Dispatch to Till Bts.
NORFOLK , Va. , May 25. Election
rotnrua from neighboring counties in
dicate several lossca by the Mahono
coalition ticket. Norfolk county
elects Losnnr , autl-Mahone republican ,
by about 350 majority.
A Mob AttBobi n Jail.
Special Dispatch to Tils His.
Mr. STKUUNO , Ky. , May 25. An
attack waa rnadu on the jail laat night
by alxty armed men , The sheriff waa
wounded in the knee and aovoral
others hurt.
Archbishop Croko Expounds Leo's '
Circular ,
And Counsels Reverence and
The Gladstone Ministry Plied
with Questions
Concerning tbe Relations of
England to tbe Vatican ,
Protest * of the PnrnelUUt .
Special Dispatch to Tin Usj. .
TuuitLEH , May 25. Archbishop
Croko , preaching from hla pulpit in
the cathidtnl to-day , said the popa
had expressed his sorrow that Ireland
waa troubled owing to the lawless
vlowa of a certain class , and to accret
societies , Archbishop Oroko exhort
ed the people not to allow a word of
condemnation to eecapo their lips
tgtlnat the pope , who , ho said , waa
ttielr best friend. When the Arch
bishop waa in Homo the pope , In ad
dressing him , said ; "I am as good
an Irishman aa yon are. The arch
bishop expressed hla intention of
obeying the popo'n command.
Archbishop Croke , replying to the
address at VVicklow depot , eald it waa
the pope's great love for the Irish
people that caused him to bo ao aollo-
itoua for their welfaro. He waa con
fident that when the pope understood
thu altnation bettor the efforts of the
priesthood nnd himself for the Irish
would bo crowned with ancsesa. Time
wonld provo the cjrructncss of hla
representations to the pope. Mean
while , he urged the people to aubmlt
to the Vatican.
LONDON , May 25. The Dilly
Nuwa * correspondent at Rome Bays ;
The pope ID calitfitd with the result
of hia circular to the Irleh blahopa
and ho expected It wonld bo received
with more opposition than haa been
DUBLIN , M y 24. John Bohan ,
correspondent of Tco Iiiih World , of
Now York , for the West Clare district ,
waa arrested on a c'largo of intimida
ting thu driver of a mail wagon whom
ho had called n spy nnd an Informer.
PAim , May 24. An extensive fire
occurred at Vara , In the department of
the Upper Alps. Fifty houses were
destroyed , and eoveral persona per
ished in the flimoa.
LONDON , May 25. In the house of
commons , Lord E. Fltz Mourlce , the
under foreign edcrotary , roplylcg tea
a question , Bald M ho had already
etutedon the 19 .h of March , the gov
ernment had never entertained
Bchetnen tc establish a British resident
tit thu Vatlcaii , and Erringtou had not
alnca bon a channel for communica
tion batweon the } foreign ( flhoand
Vatican. Errlngton received no ap
pointment from ttie government , nnd
therefore no pay. The paper circular
to thu Irish cloigy , ho oald , had nat
bean leaned at thn request of the gov
ernment of the British government.
Gladstone , roplyiug to Ohnrleo Now-
gatp , conaervattvo , said Earl Gran-
yill'a Inrtcr of hat year , recommend
ing Errlngton as a gentleman
of honor and intelligence wonld re
main in force BO long aa Errlngton an
swered that description. Sir Henry
Wo'ff , coLsorvatlve , commented on
what ho termed the nnaMUfactory
answer of the govornmont.
Trevlayn refuted in the Interests of
justice to answer a question in regard
to the ficizaro of thn Kory Sentinel
by the government authorltlee. Trov-
lyan replying to Joteph Cowen , radi
cal , declared Davltt , Healy and Qalnn
could obtain their roleaao at any mo
ment b'y complying with tno law. The
judge who aentonced them , however ,
would be consulted aa to the desira
bility of shortening their term of im
A mooting' of the Parnolllte mem-
bora of parliament waa hold hero last
night , Justin McCarthy , member of
parliament for Lordford , chairman.
Ho said it waa the bonnden duty of
Irishmen to contribute to the testimonial
menial for Parnoll. Referring to the
Papal circular to the Irish clergy he
said the Irish people had only to re
pudiate the fraudulent statements
which have boon made to the college
of cardinals. He should regret to BOO
the prleat divorced from Irish politics ,
for in timoa past ho has been the only
friend of the pooplo. Rlzzar , member
for Oavan , apoko in condemnation of
the circular.
LONDON , May 25 , Mnkalolo haa
declared war against Portugal , The
Portugoao have despatched gunboats
and troopa.
PARIE , May 25. The senate adopt
ed the report of the committee on the
Tonquiu credit bill. It polnta out that
all hope of arriving at the nnder-
atandlng with China is not lost.
LONDON , May 25. Ship owners
favoring another canal aorocs the
Isthmua of Suez raised 20,000 for
the preliminary expenaeo and will
notify the Government of the project.
VIENNA , May 25. Lieut. Sohlayor
and the editor of a military journal
fought a duel to-day with pistols.
Lieut. Schlaycr waa killed ,
LONDON , May 2.5. The landing of
the French in Madngr.ccar has sur
prised the Malagassy embassy , who
Btato the natlvcH will fight the French
to the death. Some mombora of the
embassy will hasten homo to asalat in
thn defense of their country. Many
rifles newly purchased are on their
way to Madagascar , and are now
nearly due. The queen of Msdogas-
car will 1 BUO a loan It ia hoped the
Americana and English will caslot
with arms and money.
Moscow , May 25. A proclamation
announcing the coronation waa made
thia morning by heralda-at-arma ,
attended by aevoral dfgnitarica from
the clrcua platform before the Krem
lin , which waa uted in ancient times
for the promulgation of Ukases , and
also for execution ! ) . The foreign am
bassadors , who had been formally
apprised of the time the proclama
tion would ba isauod , were present ,
attended by a largo escort. After the
boglo blasts from the heralds , the aeo-
China and
St. Louis , Mo.
may 22-3m
Washington Avciiuc and Fifth Street ,
ssrr. - XMCO.
2I3 Farnam St- . Neb.
Lath , Shingles , , Pickets ,
Hear Uaion Pacific Depot OMAKA , JS
rotary of the sonata read the procla
mation a ? follows :
"Our moat august , high nnd puls-
ant sovereign , tbo Empjror Alexan
der having ascended the hereditary
throne of the otnplro of all the RUB-
slaa , the Kingdom of Poland , nnd
the Grand Dachy of Finland ,
which are inseparable from
it , has deigned , following the example
of his predcccnsora and their glotioua
ancestors to command that the holy
solemnity of the coronation nnd the
annolntment in which the empress
will participate shall , with thu help cf
Almighty God , bo performed oa the
27h of May. This colemn set is
announced to ull her mejioty'ti faith-
fol subjects ia order that on the joy
ful dny their moat forvout pr.iyors
may bo offered to the king of kings ,
and that they may beseech the Al
mighty to send Hia grace and bless
ing upon hla majesty's reign , for the
muiutecanca of peace and trarrpillty
to the greater glory of hli holy name
nnd the constant prosperity of the em
The emperor nnd emprffs only
break tholr ccclunion until Sunday to
receive visits from foreign princes. It
has boon decided not to hold a great
diplomatic reception , bat aa the
emperor and empress intimated
their willingness to attend one recep
tion , Gen. Schweinabo , German am-
bttoeeddor , and a dozen of the diplo
matic corps , will glvo a grand banquet
and ball lu their honor. Copies of the
proclamation , printed on satin paper ,
were hurled among the crowd which
struggled desperately to obtain them !
Many believed that the possession of
a copy wonld entitle them to land and
fortune. Some policemen narrowly
escaped being crushed , Untorn copies
of the proclamation realized high
Neuralgia ,
Sciitici , Lumbago ,
Screnus , Cats , Sraisu ,
lad 11 other IxjJIlj whM
to ! ptliu.
nni cun i Bonn
SoUbj ill Dmtctlt * i ° 4
Delicti. Dlrectloui U 11
TLi Chirlu A.Vejclor Co.
( BuoMKn U A. TN.UI * O )
BtltlMon , HI , C. B. i.
UC4 and Hit Dodge Stieal ,
ana .moGm OMAHA ,
B ,
318 14TH ST. , BET. FAB S.W. \ AND
Th's Company la now prepared to rocclvo orders
( or
\ !
raiding Purposes ,
And will make fleuroi on round lots ( or piompt
cc ircry. llie Company 13 shipping
To both Chicago and Omaha , and solicits corres
pondence and orders from contractors en
gaged In pnUii ? streets In any ol tb
Wcttorn 0 tics.
_ „ - . . . * „ , Chicago , Wrst Divis
ion Hallwiy Chicago , December 6 , 1S82. E.
ElwelJ , President Sioux Kalis Water Power Com-
piny. Dear Sir I hrue received from your coin-
piny rlnco October 1 , 1882 , about 100 car lotda
of granlta paving blocks and hatolald them be
tween the rulls of our street railway track * In tha
heart cf the city. I have been using rating ma
terial In this city ( or m ny j ears , and I take plea-
euro In filing thtt In my opinion thegnnito
paving blocks furnished by your company are
the snott regular In shape nnd perfo t In ( arm ,
and to far as I have been abla to judge , ara pos
sessed of as durable feature as any mitorhl that
has ever been offered or laid In me city-
Youro , JAS. It. LAKE.
ST. Louis , March 22 , 1883.
This is to certify that I hare examined a piece
of granlto taken from the Sioux Falls Granite
Quarries , and. In my opinion , It Is tha bit stone
for street paving I have teen In America.
( Signed ) HENIIY FLAD ,
Prca. Board Public Improvements.
Stone for Paving Purposes
And any person Interested In such Improvement !
will flrd It Kreaily to his advantage to
communlcito with us. Wo Invite
The general rnanagernint and super > lslon of
the compan's business Is no < v In the hands
of Wrn. Mcllaic.
Addrcaa your letters to
Pro-Went of the Jjspcr Stone Co.
217 and 219 North Main 8t , St. Louis.
BOOK , I DADCDQ rwniTiva
NEWS , r rArtno twnAppiNa
Printers' Stock.
XSTCish paid for Rigs and Paper Etci , Scrap
Iron and MiUIs.
Paper Stock HTarchjuses 12S9 to 1237. North
Sixth ttroct. may 24 3ra
Dr. J. II. bCIIUXCK lia.i juet imblUluxl a Ixtok oc
nrhich U nilcnxl rilKK. poet paid to all applicants
( tcoutalIMi'iru4io ii/irma ( < n fnrall who i upi < ow
tlitniacl .i atlllctetl u ttb , or liable to atiy dlMWM ) ol
betimutorluutm. Miutlou UiU parier. Aildrvni
Dr. J. II. HCIIKNOK A HO.N , I'UIUdtlnhlii , I'u.
C&ul * t/v i vr Gannon
Mention th