THE D IL-lf BtfE-SATUKOAY MAY 2G nu Bo Nebraska National Bank , Of Omaha , Nab. Paid up Capital , - - 9350.000. DIRECTORS : n. JOHNSON , PrwUcnt , of StwIe.H'ohnwn ft Co. A. K. IOUZAL1N , Viet Prwldont , of 0. B. & Q. B.R. , Bogton. W. V. MOnSK , of W.V. MOIM & Co. 'OI1N S. COLLINS , of 0. U. A J. 8. Celtics. M. WOOLWORIU , Oouniollor & Attorney t Uw. Uw.UKED , of Bjron Rtetl A Co. W. TATKS , Cnhlor , l to Cwhler of the Pint National B nk of Omaha , nd connected with the Mtivo management of th t Bank ilnc Ita organization In 1863. . OFBHIO for busLnem April 27th , 1882 , with tfa largetjt capital Of any Uaak In Nobrt/kx CoLMwrioxs receive special atUotlon and ch j > ( o lowtat obtainable here or eliowhere. IVTIRUT altowttl on time deposit * upon faror- able terms aud upon accounts of ban kg and bank ers. ers.Fcrnmox KICUAKOB , Oorernmcnt Bond ) and County anJCity securities bought > nd gold. It Is prepared to do a general bankluc business o all 1Udetails , and In the treatment ol cu-toiu- rs will pureuo the most liberal poluy conslston with wfa banking. J. W. RODEFJER. Broker- Stock ; , Bond" , Commercial Paper and all other Good cecurltlts dca't In Kooru 4 , No. 28 1'iatl St , , Council Blufft , la. FINANCE AMD COMMERCE. FINANCIAL. Special Dispatch to Tun Han. NEW YOBX , Moy 25. Monsy 2J@3 per cent. Prime Mercantile l'nper-G@Gpor cent. Sterling Exchange Bankers' bills steady at 4 84J ; demand , 4 E8. Governments | per cent higher for S'd and 4J's coupons ; other issues unchanged , While the stock mathot was from dull to extremely dull tc-ilay , it was on the whole firm throughout. The net result of the da'a business shows on advanca of J to J per cunt on the genen.l liet. Mining stocks were dull ; Sjnornconsoli. dated said at 03 to 70 ; Sierra Grande at 135 and 130 ; Uodie , 115 ; Horn Silver , GJ5 and 6G3 ; Father Deimet , 425 and 410 ; Little Pittebu-g , 80 , and Little CUef , 47. Sales 39,109 shares. ripe line certificates dull at 104 J to 1021 , closing ou call at 103 } . aoveuNMBNis. YesterJtay. To-day 8'j 103J 1U39 5'a lOi'i 102 * 4l'i Coupons 113 1134 4ra 11'JJ ll'Jft P llfico" of'95 127 127 BONUS. Oattral Paclfio firsts 114 } 114 $ Erie seconds 98 * 881 Lehigh & Witkesbarro 104 * 104 * Louisiana consols. . . . . . . . . . . 64 ? 64. * Missouri 6'a U2J 1124 St. Joseph 110 1C9 Bt , Paul & Sioux Oity firsts. .U2 112 Tennessee 6'a 59 30 $ do new S9J 30 * Texas & Pacific land grants. . Gl G2 do K. G. div. . . . 82 82 Union Pacific 1st mortgage. . 114i 1149 do land grants . .103 1076 do sinking fund..116J 12. $ Virginia 6's 36 33 do consols 6's 18 37 do deferred 110 10 BIOOKU. Adnma Express 128 1S Allegheny Central 1152 H5j Alton & Terre Haute 724 734 do pfd. . . . 94 91 American Express 924 9i Burl. , OoJar liaplda & North. 80 81 Canada Southern 64 } GU 0. , St. L. & P 1'JJ 19 do pfd 5/i 5Gi Central Pacific 7A 7 Chesapeake & Ohio 194 I'-U do 1st pfd. . . 29 * 29 do 3d pfd. . . 2l | 21i Chicago & Alton 132 133 do * pfd 140 140 ChL , Burl. & Ouiney 122J 122 Chi. , St. L. & New Orleans. . 80 81 Gin. . Sand. & Cleveland 36 3G Clove. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 69 69 Delaware & Hudson canal. . . .103 107 $ Del. , Lack. & Western 1231 12 4 Denver & Kio Grande , . . 4GJ -1G5 Erie S5g 35i do pfd. . . 79 79 East Tennessee 91 8j do preferred 184 18& Fort Wayne & Chicago 132 132 Hannibal & Ut. Joseph 42 42 do pfd. 94 91i Harlem 194 195 Houston & Texas Central. . . . 63 7' ' * Illinois Central 142J 142J Ind. , Bloom. & Western 27 274 Karma & Texas 284 29 < Lake Erie & Western 271 2t > i Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . Iu8 108 $ Louisville & Nashville 484 48J Lonisv. , New Alb. & Chlcayo 64 5 M. &L. latpfd 10 I'l ' do do 2d pfd 5 5 Memphis & Charleston 42 42 Michigan Central 93 93 Memphis 4 8t. Louis 26 26 do pfd fo Bo Missouri Pacific 102j 102g Mobile&Ohio 15 15 Morris & Essex 125 1251 Nashville & Chattanooga 5 < 63 New Jersey Central 73 781 Norfolk &W 404 40 Northern Pacific 50 50 do pfd 8G | & 6J Northwestarn 129J 130 ao pfd 149n 149 New York Central 1214 121 , Ohio Central 11 110 ; Ohio & Mississippi 333 324 do pfd..1053 105 Ontario & Western 20 ? S6 ! > Oregon Transcontinental 824 8- Pacific Mail 421 * ! Panama 98 98 Peoria , Deoatur& Evansv. . . IS 191 Plttsburg A Cleveland 133 Pullman Palace Car 127i 127 Reading fs , | 52J Rock Island 12H 122 Bt Louis & San Fran 32 31J do pfd 53 5'J do lat pfd 97 97 fit. Paul & Milwaukee 1021 102i do pfd..119 119J Bt Paul , Minn. & Manitoba.123 119J Bt. Paul & Omaha 454 454 dp pfd. 103 101 Texas & Pacific 30 26 Union Pacific 92J 93j United States Express 60 69 Wabaab , St. L. & Pacific. . . . 281 26 do pfd. 41J 41 Welli , Farpo & Co. Express. 121 121 Western Union Telegraph. . . 834 S2 > Homostake 15 15 Ontario , . 25 25 Quicksilver 7 | g do rjfd 8 38 South Pacific 7 Bntro 21 22 FOREIGN FINANCE. Special Dispatch to Tin Bn. LONDON UO.VET. LONDO.V , M ay 25. Consols For money , 102 1.10 ; account 102 3-16 ; Illinois Central , 14GJ ; Pennsvl vsnia Central , 169J ; New York Central 125 ; Erie , 13G& . PBODUOH & PROVISIONS pedal DUpatchM to Tni BII. OHIOAOO. OmoAQo , May 25. Floor Marke quiet and unchanged. Wheat Market generally unchanfe < bnt Bema sales rather higher ; 1 12J@112 Jor May ; lli for Jam ; 1 157@11C { fo July ; 11G | for Anguit ; 1171 > or 8ptem feerjl 13i for th y ar ; No , llliNo. ; S Chicago tprlng , 05e ; No. 2 od winter , 1 MJ. 'nrn Market un-rttlsd nnd lower ; TOl § t3o for Cft'h : 663@6Cia for Muv5GJj ; or iiunp ; 58ji@5 io for July ; 69o fur August ; 691o tor September ; u2go for the 'o r. Oats Market lower ; hoavyr oelplihafo loprentd the market ; 40401o | for caoh ; Clo for MAT : 409@402o for June ; 40o or July ; 34 (5)3) ( ) ) Jj fur August ; 33lo fur September ; 3/j for the year. Kye Market quiet at 624. Barley Market dull and nominal at 800. 800.Flax Flax Sood-Marltit quiet at 1 42J. Pork Market active but lower ; 19 05 ® 9 10 for catti , May and June ; 19 25W 9 274 fnr July ; 19 45@19 47ifor | August ; 9 60(2)19 ( ) G24 for September ; 17 30 ® 17 324 or the year , Lard In fair rUmsml bnt at lower atei ; 11 A74@ll GO for canh and May ; 1 60@U C2J for June ; 11 72J@11 75 for July ; 11 GIK&11 82J for AUKUHI ; 11 65@ 1 574 for September ; 10 674@10 60 for he year , JUulk Meats In fair demand bnt lower ; boulder ? , 7kSO ; ghott rib ; , 10 S3 ; short lear , 1010. Butter .Nlnrket dull and unchanged. K < ( T9Market weaker at lG4c. Whisky Market steady nnd un * lunged. Freights Com to Buffalo , 2@2Jo. CALL BOAUD. Wheat Market strong nd h.ghfr ; 1 12g for Mays 1 HJc for une ; 1 1GJ for July ; 1 18J for August ; 181 for September. Corn Market active , firm and bighrr ; dvanced fie for Muy , lo fur June , io for uly. ( Jala Mtrket quiet but firm ; advanced c for June , Jo for July , Pork Market quit but firm ; cdvanoad Jo for July Lard In fair demand ; adrancod 2&c & or Junr , July and Auguit. NEW TOBK. YORK , M y 25 , Flour Market tesdy nud nuchanged. Wheat Market irregular ; opened J@lo ilpher , aftorwardi ruled weaker , declined @ 14c , ( losing firm ; tingrnded rod , 1 05@ 214 ; steamer No. 3 red , 101 ; Htcamer No. 2 icd , 1 16 ; No. 2 red , 1 2l@l 211 In lavator ; ungraded while , 00@1 1" ; No. 1 vhito , 60,0(0 hu atl 14 , f. o. b. ; 1 18 in levator ; No. 2 red , May , sales 144 000 u at 1 V14@1 22J. cloalni ; nt 1 221 ; J n" ulo , 1.144,000 IHI at 1 21 1 22j , clonin ? t 122JJuly ; BilfB , 2,683,000 buat 1234 @ 1 24 , o'oBing ' nt 1 V.t ; AuguU ealec , ,508,030 bu at 1 244@1 27 , clocing at 27 ; September Bale ? , 4,656,000 bu nt 2.'g@l 23 , closing it 1 28 ; October sales , 2,000 bu at 1 2SJ1 294 , closing at 294. Cora Market opened S@2a lower , mil- equcntly ruled stronger , reacted 4(3 ( § c , losing strong ; ungraded , 4l'J@GGj ; No. 3 , 'c ; steamer , OSJI lc ; No. 2 , G5@65c ; No. 2 white , 631@Glijj ; steuaer whitt. "IB ; No. 2 , May. GJ4@GjJo , closlnc at 5j : ; June , 65@65g : , cloKinir nt Gogo ; July , CG3gG7ic ( , clonine at 67c ; Augu n 7jCo)6Sgc ) , closing at G3jjc ; September , CSJ feGOJc , cloting at GO c. O : s Market 4@lc ) lower ; fairly active ; mixed westeru , 4D50t ; white weetern , E < gn Western fresh quiet but firm at 81@18Jo. i'ork Market dull and weak ; new mesK , 20 124@20 25. Lard Market itrcnger , primn Eteam , 1 75@11 80 cftsh ; June , 11 71@ll 76 ; July , 1 78@11 82 ; August , 11 75@11 77 ; Sep. ember , 11 G7@U 69. Butter Murket dull and weak. Cheese la good demand and firm ; western fltt , 10 12 : . BT. LOUIS. ST , Louis , May 25. Flour M-rket dull nd unthauucd ; XXX. 4 25@4 50 ; famllv , S0o(4 ( ( 95 ; choice , 5 25@5 5 ; fancy , 5 GO @ 585. Wheat Market unnottled and higher ; ess tvctivn than yoiterday ; No. 2 red full , 16@1 1G3 for caah ; 1 161@1 17 for June ; 18Ji l 17 , cloaincnt 1 lj ! tor July ; 1191 @ 1 IS.lclofliog at 1 18J for August ; 1 20j 1 18J. closing nt 1 19J for September ; lojfeil 1GH for the year ; No. 3 red fall , 0941 09J , Corn-Market dull ; 52Jo tor cash ; 'or ' Moy ; 514@51gc for June ; 534@53 or July ; 55fe55l2 for Auguit ; 55j@55o | Tor September ; 47@47Jo for the year , Oats Market dull and lower ; 42J@42ic or cot > h ; 42Jo for Juno ; 41c for July. Rye Market nominal. Brloy Market dull at 55@75c. Corn Meal Market quiet at 2 GO , Butter Market steady and unchanged , Eirgs Market steady nnd unchanged. Whiftkv-Market steady at 1 14. Provisions Market very dull aud heavy ; inly a small paddling trade. BOAHD. Wheat Market and higher ; 1 19 bid for Juae ; 1 2 g for July ; 1 218 for AuRunt ; 1 22J foi September ; 1 19 bid for the year. Corn Market strong and higher ; 528o or June ; C44 for July ; fJSJo bid for Au gu t ; 474o bid for the year , Oats -Market dull and unchnnged ; 43a or June ; 41Jo for July. KANSAS OUT. KANSAS CITY , May 25. Wheat Mar ket higher ; No. 2 r d fall , 95 0 tor cn'h WJc bid for June ; 97o for July ; 9i4@94J or the year. Corn Market steady ; 43n bid for cash ; ijc for June ; 46o bid for July ; 374 ° fur ho year. Oats Market slow. LIVEIUOOL. LITERPOOL , May 25. Weather fine. Bieadatuffj Quiet. Flour -11s Gd. Whiat No. 1 California , 8s lld@9a 2d ; No 2 do , 9 * 39a 6 J ; winter , 8i 10d < g9j ; Corn 5d 8d. MERCHANDISE. Special DUpatdi9s to TUB Bun. NKW YOUK , May 25. Ccffea Market quiet , uud unchanged , Suqar Market higher aud fairly active ; 'air to goo ! r fipng ! quoted at 7 3-16al ( ' fi 16 : ; refined , fi'inur ; white extrn O , 73 5jSc ; ttnndard A , 8Jr ; uon'octioners' A , 8lc ; cut loaf , 940 ; powdered , 8Z@9 o ; gran ulited , 8J@93. MoUsoBn Demand active , Rico Market steady with a fair demand , IVtroleum Market steady ; united , 103J. Tallow Market dnU but easier at 7i@ 15-16. Turpentine Market dull and lower at S8c. LIVE STOCK. Special IHsp&tchea to Tin Oil. CHICAGO. CHICAGO , May 2rThe Drovers' Jour nal reports ns follow : Hoga Moderate y nctive and n shade firmer ; miiceil , 6 8'i@7 15 ; h" vy , 7 20 ® 7 55 ; light , G 9J7 3u ; akipj , 3 40@G 4U. Cattle Market more active and stron ger , but not quotably h gher ; 30@40 < . lowar than last week ; exports , 5 90@6 15 ; good to choice shipping , 5 60@5 9J ; com * uion to fair. C 00@5 40. Sheep -Fairly active nnd firmer ; com mon to fair , 3 20@110 ; good , 5 CO ; choice , 5 70. NEW YORK. NEW YORK , May 23 , The Drovers Journal Bureau reports : Beeves Opened steady ; closed wo k $1 per head lower ; r.niumon to choice con fed steers sold nt 0 20g7 ( 00 per cwr , live weight ; poor to decent distillery fed steers 5 3j@C 44 ; top3 , J 05@7 10 ; distillery bull * 5 00@5 33 ; exp .rtern u ed 32 car loads. Sheep Market steady but firm at 4 00 < 5 25 per cwt for poor to common nhcop ; 5 C0@6 50 f.r ordinary to good ; 6 75@7 00 for prime ; 8 60@10 00 for aiiriug Umbs. Hogs L ye hogs dull at 7 20&7 50 per ' owt , BT , LODIB , Br. LODIS , May 25.-Cattle-No ship , ping demand , and trade confined to butch , era' and local buyers : prloe weak ) good cowi and heifers , 4 50@5 00 ; common to medium , 3 60@4 25 ; gran Texani , 4 25 ® o 00. 00.Hb Hb p-Flnn ; good demand for gradot ; fair to roort , 8 7'4 60 ; prime to choice , 4 75@5'J.1 > ! Texan > . 3 C0@4 60 ; spring lc.l"l , 'J C0t',3 ( (0 ( per head. Hog * Market null nnd drooping ; light ihlpptn ? , G 807 00 ; rough to good pack * lug , C 50@7 2J ( ; huteheig' , 7 20@7 25. KANSAS OITY , KANSAS CITY. Muy 5 The Commer cial Indicator this Afternoon reports na follows : Cattle Lower nnd weak ; not enough done to give reliable quotation ! , Hogs-Quiet nt G85@725 ; bulk of sales at U 90. ShtepUu hnrigod. TRAFFIC , Special Dllpalchet to Tui nil. FLOOR AND OBA1NB , CIHOAGO , May 25. Receipts and ship , monta of flour and grnin for the past 24 hours hnvo been ns follows : Recoltits. Shlp'tx. Flour barrels 12COO 780 Wheat bushel 23,000 48000 Corn " 100,000 410,000 Oats " 130.000 131,000 Hyo " 11,000 1.500 Barley- " ' 9,1'00 ! ! 3,300 ST , LODIB , May -Receipts nnd shipment ) ) of flour ud gruln for the past 48 hours have been as follows : Rocelntr , Bhtp'ta Flour-bbb 3,000 6000 Wheat bushels 13000 2,000 Corn " 87,1)00 ) 4 f 00 ) aU " 2I.COO 21,000 tyO" * * * * Barley- " NEW YOKK , May 25. Recolpti nnd hipmentfl of flour nud grain for the past 24 hours have been ns follows : Receipts Bhp't . Flour bbls 21,000 2,110 Wheat buahblt 104,000 Corn " 7\650 7000 Oata- " 61,000 12) KANSAS CITY , Mny SG.-Kccelpta and ehipmonta of grain for the past 2-1 lonru have been as follows : Roo'ts. Shio'ts. Wheat , bushels 9.000 4 000 Corn- " 12,010 84,00 J ) ats- " LIVE STOCK , ST. Louis , May 2) . Ilecelpti nnd shipments of live stock fet the past 21 loura have bcon r.n follows : Rec'tn. Bhlpm'ta. Hojs ' 2800 S,20ti Cattle 1,200 G9. > Sheep 12,40 1 COO OHICACJ > , Mny 25 , Heoelut nnd cbip- nonti ot live slock for the pnat 'jl lours have been oa follows : Reo tn. Shipm'U. Hogs 14,000 2,900 Cattle 6,600 4,400 Sheep 800 700 NEW YORK , May 25. Receipts nnd shipments of live stock for the past 24 loura have been as follows : Reo'ts Bhin'tK Bsevos 2,730 723 Quarters beef 5,636 ( Jarcasaes of mutton 6CO Sheep 3GOO Hogo 2,400 KANSAS CITY , May 25. Kecolpta and shipments of live stock for the past 24 hours have been as follow * : Rec'ts. Shlpm'to. Cattle 1,400 Hugs 3,300 . . . . Sheep 200 . . . . OMAHA MAKKU1TB. Wholesale Price * . OITIOB or Tni OMAHA EBB , 1 Friday Evening , May 25. f Tne following are the only chsnsres rn ported to-day : Grain VVhont , cash No 2 , declined ic ; No. 3 advanced 2c ; rejected , advanced 2c. Grain. WHEAT.-Cash No. 2 , 91cj cwh No. 8 , 78Jc ; rejected , 72o. BAULEY. Cash No. 2 , G8oj No. 8 , "RYE-Cash , 48o. COUN New mixed , 880. OATS 38c. SEEDS Blue prisi seed , 125@150 ; t'mothy seed , 2 10j$2 ( 25 ; red clover seed , 9 00 ; white clover seed. 13 00 ; millet seed , 100 ; Hungarian seed , 1 10 ; orchard grass seed , 2 60. Proiucs. POTATOES 23@60c per Dushe ! , ONIONS Old 20c per bushel. BUTTER -Choice country , 15@20e , EGGS r/resb , IGo. HONEY Califoraia , perlb , SI. APPL-ES Per barrel , § 2 25 ( 4 00. ORANGES-Califoinia , 2 75 ; Messina , 4 00@85 00 , LEMONS-81) On5 EO per box. STRAWBEHUIES20@25a per nu&rt BEANS Navy per bushel , 2 60fe2 75 Live Stock. OATTLE-Fat steers , $500@5 25. FAT COWS -S3 75@4 00. HOHS-SG 25(20 ( 75. SHEEP-84 50(5-5 ( 00. Flour and MlllstufTs , Best winter wheat- 00oj3 ( 75. Second quality winter wheat 275@32 5. Bert spring wheat 2 6 > > @ 2 75. Second quality spring wheat 2 40@2 60. Bran , per ton 10 00. Chopped Feed , per ton 18 00. Poultry. CHICKENS Live per doz. , 3400 ® 4 50. Drearier ] , per Ib , , 15o. DUCKS Drained , per Ib. , loo. TURKEY3-17C. Grocers List CANNED GOODH Or te , ( Ctnnd- ard ) , put cuao , 3 70@390 ; utrawbor- rie , 2 E > , per case , 2 40 , rasp- berrioc , 2 H > , per cane , 3 50. Dam- Bona , 2 H > , per cane , 2 45. Bnrtlott pearn per enne , 2 40. Whortleberries par CMC,275. Egg plumbs Ib perc se , ' . ! 90 Green gagos,2 Ib j > er oano , 2 90 ; do choice , , Ri per cieo t 50 , Pine Apploo , 2 U ) , per cns i 00 5 75. Poacbc.i , 2 Ir > per coae , 3 00 do 3 Ib , oass , 4 00@4 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 tt , per CMf.2tSO ; do pie , 6 IT ) , per doren , 2 30. LA.UD Omaha UetminintQo. : Tierces , 12Jc ; 40 and 50-lb cans , 12g3 ; 20-lb cans , me ; 10-lb pails , screw top , IVgs ; 5-lb do , 12Jo ; 3-lb do , 13o. KICK lj ul ianA prime to choice , 72'2 ' 8c : fair , 7 < a4c ; Patma , GJo. FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls , 7 60 No. 1 mackerel , kits , 1 00 ; family mack' erel , half brl , 5 25 ; family mackerel , klta , 85c ; No , 1 white Cub , half brls , 7 00 ; No. 1 kits , 1 05 SYJOJP Standard Com. , SSa , bbl . ; Standard do , 4fc gallon kef a , 91 93 ; Stan * dard do , 4 gallon kegs , $1 75 , SODA In lb papers , 83.30 per case ; keg soda , 2Jc. NEW PIOKLKS-Modlnm , In barrel * 700 ; do in half bbls , 4 Ol3nilb ) ; : , in bbl 900 do , In hall bbls , 500 ; gborklna , In bbln , 11 00 ; do , in half bbls , 6 00. TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 15@55 ; Choice , G0@75o ; Imperial , good , 40aV ( > 5c 0'iolw ' 60a75c ; Young Hyson , good/86@ BOoj choice , 65c81 ( 00 ; Japan Nnt Leaf , B5e ; Japan , cbolos , G0@75o ; Oolong , good , 85@40 ; Oolong , ohn.ce , 40fiW5i Sonohoncr. good. 35f4 0o ; choice. 3515s. ROJ'K-SUI. i Inch and larger , lie ; g Inch , lilt. ; 1 Inch , 12o. V/OODENWAUK fwo hoop pallu , 1 75 ; tbroo hoop pailu , 2 00. Tubs , No 1 , f > 50 ; Pioneer wwhboarda , 1 E5 Donble Grown 2 90 ; V.'ell bucket u , 350 , LEAD Ear , 81 Gfi SOAl'3-KI/k'a Savon Imperial , 845 ; Kirk'i tln/it , 3 6D ; Kirk's standard , 8 761 Kirk'i white Russian , 525 : Klrk'a Eulocb , 315 Kirk'a Prairie Queen , (100 ( cnkoi ) . 10 ; Klrk'a hiagnolln loz. , POTASH Pennsylvania cam , 4 case. In cine , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball 2 doz. In case I 93 : Anchor Ball 2 doz in cnao 1 60 , PEANOTS Roasted , choice , red Ten. ntwee , lOoper Ibi fancy white , lOJo perlh ; raw white Ylrginlk raw , 10o ; toasted IV ic. ic.CANDLES CANDLES Boxei , 40 Ibi.lni , 16jc ? ; St , 16o ; bcxei 40 Ibs. , 16 oz. , 6s , 15fc , MATOHEb-Per caddis , 95o | round , C M. 8 10t iqn re , OMM , fi 40 , COFFEES-Ordlnary gradei fair , 1010io ; good , lOiailc ; p . . @ 13e ; itrlotly prime , 1913o ] choice , @ 13)c ) ; fnncy green nnd yellow. 14aific ( ! id government Javn , 20J@26e ; I.overinij'a ronntod , 14ej Arbnckle'e roasted , I44c ; McLiURhllu'a XXXX roasted , l-IJc ; 1m. tntlon Java , 164 ( 1810 , VINEGAK New York apple , IGc ; Ohio apple , 13c. SALT. Dray loada , per bbl , 1 8.11 Ash- in. In sao ka , 0 60 ; bbla dnirv GO , 6s , 8 60 SUGARS Powdered , lOlo : Cut loaf , Oki Granulated , 91o ; Confectioners' A , Jo ; Standard Extra 0 , 880 ; Extra 0 , * c ; medium yellow , 8Jc ; dark yellow , 7c. STAUOH. Pearl , 440 ; Silver Glws 4o ; Corn Starch , 9jo | lIxcolaloiGlou , jo t Corn , 8a MEATS Hams per lb , , 14o ; bncon p r lb. , Me ; clear side bacon per lb , , HJc ; ry rait tides perlb , , lOlobacon ; shoulders per Ih. DJc ; tierce lard for lb. ) 11 jo , SPICKS. Pepper , 31) ) All.plce , 19 ; Clover , 30 ; Castla , 24. OUKKSB Full Oream , I4io | Part klm , Ho. LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , S 40 ; Western , 2 76) ) North Star , 3 00 ; LewiV ye , 4 6fts Jewell lye , 2 76 > FEKD-Jobblng prlwa , Chop food 1,60 per 100 Iba. ; chop corn , 8MO ; bran , Oc per 100 Iba. HOMINY Now ? 3 50 per bbl. DrvOoods , BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , SJcj ippleton XX , 7c ) Atlanta A , ! lc | Boot , _ . _ , . , Indian Standard A , jc ; Indian Orchard d. w. , Gjc ; Lawrence iLi , 6c ; Myatio river , 74oj Peqnot A , P c ; o ; Utlca 0 , 5Jcs Wochueott B , 7Jj ; do A , Jot Ho K 48. I9ft0. FINE BROWN COTTONS Allendalo .4 : 74o ; Alligator 8-4 , 3c ; Argyle 4-4 , 7 c ; Atfnntio LL. Gic : Bndger State X 4-4 , 6ic ; cnnlngton 0 4-4 , Gjc ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , Gfcco ndinn Orchard AA 9-S. 84oi Lnconia 0 9 , 84c ; Lohlgh K 4-4 , Die ; Pepperoll N 0 7c ; do O 32 , 71c ; do R SO , 72o ; do E 39 , 4o , Vocaoaot 0 4-4 , 7 o ; Wamcutta 4-4 3oBLEACHED BLEACHED COTTONS Androccog in L4-l,94cBlnck ; tonoAA lir.porlnl fc'Je ; o do half "blenched 4.4.90) ) Cnbot l-l.tij ; Fidellty4.4 , nicjVruIt of thoLoom,9l ; do 4n.brIp.l,12r.doWntcrTwlst,104cvrcat ; ; ? 'nlbj Q , 9o ; Indian Head ohrunk 4-4 , 12c ; jonsdale. 10c ; do cambric 37 , WJo ? Now York Miila. ISAc ; Penuot A.lOo ; Pcpperel N G Twills , 124c ; Poonhontnn 4-4 , 94o ; 'ocaaaet 4-4 , 8lo ; Utioa , lie ) Wanuutto O X X , 124c. DUCKS Colored ) Albany K browji , c ; do 0 , drab , Iln ; do XA ctripoa nnd plnlds , 12ic ; do XXX brown and drab , strlpott nnd plaida , ISJo ; Arlington fancy , IBr'Jo : unawiok brown , 84 ° J Ohnriot fnnoy 24o ; do extra heavy , 20c ) Fnll Klvor rown , exlrft honvy , ll c ) Indinnu A routj IHm Nenonaot A brown. 15o TlOKliNUB Amoakeng A U A 8a 9c ; do XX blue 32 , 184c ; Arrownnna , 4c ; Claremont B B.lGio : rn , 174c ; Hamilton D , 1140 Lowistou A 30 , 15c ; Minnehnha 4-4. 20c ; Omegn super xtrn 4-4 , 28o ; Pearl River S2. 161c ; Put nam XX blue otripe , 12o ; Shotuckot S OJc ; do SS 12c : Yooman'r blue 29 , So DENIMS. Amoakeak , blue and bronn 6Jc ; Andover DD blue , 164c ) ArlingX ilue Scotch , 184c ; Concord OOO , blue aw rown. 124c ; do AAA , do do 134 ; doXXto lo do 144o Haymaker's blue and brown. 8 ; Myatio River DD itripe , 164o Pearl iver , blue and brown , 16oj Uneaavllle , ilue and brown , 144r. OAMBRIOa Barnard , 5loj Eddystone Ining , 24 inch double toco , 840) ) Garner A lazed , F4c ; Manhattan glove finish , 6o Newport do Gc ; do glazed , 5Jo ) Pequot do 5o ; Lockwood kid finish Go , CORSET JEANS Amory , 8cAndroa ) coggin aatteen 8 Jo ; Clarendco , Gjc ; Cones oHita anttoens , 71c ; Hallowol . , Oc ; InUdi ) rchard 74o ; Narr gansott , Improved , 84 ? . ? epperlll aattoen 9n ; Rockport , 7jo PRINTS -Allona , 6Ja ; American , 64o Arnold , 7o ; Berwick , 4Vo ) Cocheco , 7c ; Jonestogn. 640 ; Dunkirk , ; Dunncll , Ji@7c ; Eddyotono , 7c ; Glouwwtcr , Go ; Harmony , 54o ; Kniokorbockor , fiic ; Mer rl oc D. 7c ; Myatio , 640 ; Sprarues , Go ; Bouthbrldgo , Gc ; do. Gingbnma , 7o ; Marlboro bore , r > ic ; Oriental 64o. GINGHAMS Amiokeag , 91c ) Argylc , L04 ; Atlantic , 9o ; Oumborlsnd , 7ic ; Highland , 74c ; Konllworth , 9Jc ) Elan kott , 9lci Sussex , Be. COTTONADES Abbervlllo ISJo Agnto , 20a ; American , lie ; ArtiMan , SOc ; 3alro D and T , 13Jc ; Olarlcu D and T' 1.7 Jo ; Deccan Co.otripesDandT , 16c ; Key stone , ISJoj Nantucket , 19oi Nonparml IGc ; Ocean D and T , ISJo ; Royal , 16Ji Sussex , 12c ; Tioga , 12lc ; Waohusett shirt in ? checks , laic ; do , Nankin , 12ic ; York , ilalo ftftnkln. 124o ; do , checks , itripea and ' ncv. 12c ; do. 8 oz 20c. SHEETINGS AndroHCogjrln 10-4,27 ! do 9.4 , 23cdo ; 8-4 , 22c ; Continental O J2 , lie , Fruitjof the Loom 10-4 , 274 _ ; New York milla98 , 35o ; do 78 , SOc ; do 58. 22Jo , Pembroke 10-4 , 25c ; Pequot 10.4 , 284c , do 74 , 19c do 49 , IGc ; Pepperoll 96 , 39o' do 67 , 31od.o ; 67 , 18c ; Utlca 96 , 860 ; do 58 , 22&CI do 48. IVo. Drujt. DRUGS AND CHKM1OA LS - field , Jarbollc , 50c | Acid , Tartarlo , 55o ) Balsam Uopnbia , per lb , 70e ; Bark , Sassafras , per b , 1S3J Calomel , per lb , 75c ) Olnchouidla , icr oc , 8105 ; Chloroform , per lb , 85a ; Dover's powders , per Ib , 81 25) ) Epsom 3alt , per lb , Sic ; Glycerine , pare pe i bl , SOc ; Lead , Acetate , per lb , 22c Oil , Caator , No. 1 , per gal , * 1 25 ; Oil , Caator , No. S , per gal , 8115 , Oil , Dlive , per ijal. SI 50 ; Oil , Origanum. 50 ; Opium , 85 (0 ( ; Quinine P. fc W. A R. & S. , icr oz , 81 75 ; I'otamluni , Iodide , per lb II65 ; Salacm , per or , 40c ; Sulphate o Morphine , par oz , 83,75 ; Snlpnnr flour per lb , 4ci Otrvnlirino. tier oz. Ql 25. Pclnt * Oil ! end Vsirnlihei OILS 110 * cttrbon , per gallon , 12c ; 160' headlight , per gallon , 14c ; 175 * headlight , per gallon. 19c ; 150' Water White , 18c ; linseed , raw , per gallon , 67 ; linseed , boiled , per gallon. GOc ; lard , wlntor str'd , per al , ; on. 95 ; No. 1 , 85c ; No. 2 , 75c ; caator , per gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3,1 20 ; sweet per gallon. 85c ; sperm , W , B , , per gallon , L GO ; Csh , W. B. , per gallon , 65o ; nontafoot- extra , per gallon , 9c ; No. 1 , 75c ; lubrl * eating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; Rummer , 15o , golden machine. No. 1 , per callon , 35c ; No. t SO : sperm , signal , per gallon , FOc ; tur * pentine , per gallon , GSc ; nsptha , 84 , per gallon , IGn : 61 % 15c PAINTS IN OIL-Whlte load , Omaha P , P. . Co ; white lead , St. Louia , pure , OJc ; [ Marseilles green , 1 to 5 It cans , 20o b'reuch zinc , gtocn seal , 12c | French zinc , rod seal , lie ; French zliio , In varnish aMit , 20c ; French zlnoe , In oil ruint 15o ; Raw vnd burnt nmber , 1 Ib cans lOot raw and : urnt Sienna , lOoi Vandyke brown , > -8 refined lampblack , 12c ; ooach black and ) "ory black , IGo ; drop bint k , ICe ; Prussian line , SOc ; ultramarinn bhe : , 18o | chrvtne green , L , M. & D. , IGajbllnd and shutter treen , L. M. & D , , IGc ; Paris green. I8c ; Indian red , 15oi Venetian ted. Go ; Tuscao drt , 22c ) American Vermilion , I , A P. , 18o | chrome yellow , L , , M , , 0 , & D 0 , , 18c ; yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 14 ; patent dryer , He ; Draining colors : light oak , dark one. walnut. < theatnnt nr1 ash IGc. Dry Paints White load , 8c | French sine. lOct Par whltolng'ic ; whiting gilaors , IJc ; * . hi ting com'l , lie ; lampblack German , town , lie ; Irmpblack , ordinary , lOcj Proa. dan blue , SCc ; ultramarine , 18c ; Vandyke b/own , 8c | amber , burnt , 4 : | amber , raw tcjulonna , burn t , Ic ; ! enna , raw , 4o Paris green gonuiue , 25c ; Paris green com1 20c ; chroma green , N , Y.1 20o ; chiom groan K , , 12c ; vormlllion , Eng , , 70c ; ver million , America , ISc ; Indlau red , lOo cote pink , lie ; vontitlan read , Ookwoau ! ijo : Venetian red Am , , lie ; roi load , 7ic ; chrome yellow , gonulou , 20o hromo yul. low , 1C , , 12c ; ochre , rochella 8c ; oatire VARNISHES Barrels per irollon Furniture , extra , 81 10 : furniture , No. 1 81 ; ooach , extra , 81 40) ) each , No. 1 81 20) ) Dnmar , extra , 81 76) ) apan , 70o ; a * . phaltum , extra , 8601 ihelU 83 60i ban oil finish , 81 80. 80.Hldea Hldea , Fun , Etc. HIDES < * roen batcher's bldei , 649 7o cured Gl@74c ) bldos , green iali dry flint , tound , 12A18 | dry oa and kip , 1214ct dryialt , hide * , aound oj men oalL wt. 8 . oil ] , wt , oadw 8 D * pM ikia , BOe green potts , 60@81 35 ; green lamb sklna , 81 25@l60i damaged hide * , two-third rate , cut rcorcd aud ono grub , classed two * tUrds rnt , ) branded hldon 10 per oent , oil Coon skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , 80c | No. 1 20j | No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No , 1 , 30o | No. 2 15o | No. 8,15o | No. 4 , 6c. Fox , , fiOcj No. 2 , 25o. Sknnk , No. 1 , b25o | Wo | short strlpo , 40oj narrow strlpoa broad stripe , lOo. TMlow 7o. Leather , Oak sole , 880 to 42o ; hemlock sole , JSo to SSoj hemlock kip , 80o to 100) ) runner , GTxi to SOc ; hemlock calf , 860 to 130) ) hem lock upper , 23o to 36o ; oak nppor , 3lc ; alligator. 4 00 to 6 60 ; oalf kid , 82@.Vi < v Greiscn kid , 2 f > 0 to 3 76 ; oak kip , 80o to 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 itO ; French kip , 110 to 1 6C ; French cnlf , 1 25 to 3 00 ; run. netts. 6 60 to 7 60 ; linings , B 00 to 10 60 ; toppings , 9 ( > 0 to 10 50 ; B , L , Morocco , SOc to 35c ; pohblo 0 , D. Morocco , 85c ; siuion ; 3 ro to a oo. UAKNESS-No 1 ar oak , 42c | No 3 do , SVlc ; ft. . 1 Ohio oak , 88c | No , 2 do , 35o | No. 1 Milwaukee , 37oi No , 3do 34o. Lumber. WHOLCSALm. We quote lumber , Intn and shingles en cars atOmnhn at the following price' ! JOLST AND BOANTLINO-16 ft. and under , $22 00 ; 18 ft. , 823 60. TIMHKKS Ifl ft. nnd under , 822 00. TIMUKIl AND JOIST 18 ft , , 823 60 ; ! C ft , 823 JO , 32 ft. , 836 60 ; 34 ft. 820 f.O. FENCING No. 1 , 4 nnd 6 In. , 824 00 ; No. 2. 822 00. SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common boards ) . 820 00 ; No. 3 , 818 00. LIME Per barrel , 81 25) ) bulk per fraa- Mo ; Cement , bbl , 82 25 Iowa plnster bbl , 83 to. Hnlr per bn , COo. Tarred felt ICO Ibn. S Ml Slrnw hoard , 83 60. HoRvy Hardware Lilt. liwi , rattf , t'l 8J ; plow steel , special Mset , 7ci crtioibli } , Ha ; special or Uorman,6c ; cik4 tool do , 16Q020 v eon apokee , set , 2 2S31X1 ; hubn , per Bat , 11 15 ; follooa. Bawetl dry , 1 40 ; tcujruo * , e.vk. : 70@B6c ; ailos , Men , 75c ; aquatn nuts , per Ib , 7llc ; WMhora , per lb. 3ll'it ' ; rlvnt" , prr lb , lie ; cell chain , per lb , C < ftl2c' Jm ltoable , 80 ; Iron wallop , Go ; crorrbsra , So harrow teeth , 4e ; ppliutcel , 7j4bc ( ; Burden's her < c line . fi 2M BtmUn'i mulcahoos , 6 25. BAKBKI71RKIn car lots , 7o < s5 7o pe > 100. NAILS Halt * . 10 to not . 3 60. SHOT. Shot , S1.8B ; Buck shot , 8,1P , Oriental Powder , kcRf , 8C.40 | Jo. , bal fcoge , ? 3.48 ; do. mnrterkne * , $1,88 ] Blait Ing , kriri , fllSf'sFme. per HO feet tOr COAL Unmborlnnd W.Aokunll(1 ! | Morris Dun Blo-baru , 815 ; Whltcbr cut lump , 81 0 } ; Whhohron't nut , (1 OJ ; low lump , 31 UJs lawn nut 94 00 ; Kock3nrlnfr | , J700 ; Anthritalte , 811 60fa)12 ) 00 ; Canon City , 37 00 prr toe. mine * nnd Muicn. Kxtra draft horocn , 9176. to 225. ; Com mon drn/l horrou. 8100. to 150. | Extra farm hortou , 3110. to 125 , ; Common to goad farm hotter. 8UO to 8100. ; Extra luge. SCO. to 7ti | Common plugs , 820 , o$40. MULE3.-Et ( in ) . 25. tolBO.j good , 100. to 140 , ; fair , 875 , to 100,1 common , 860. to 75. Liquors. ALCOHOL 188 proof. 3 25 p * wine alien ; extra California spirits , 1(8 proof , 35 per proof gallon ; triple refined tplriU 87 proof , 133 per proof gallon ; re-dUtlllod whlskicfl , 1 00(6)1 ( ) 50 ; fine blended 1 60 ® 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@7 00 : Ken. ucky and Pounsylvauln ryen. 2 00@7 00. BUANDIES-Imrorted , 88 00 < lo 00 ; omestlo 1 404 00. GINS Imported , 4 508 OOi domeitlo , 40C300. RUMS Imported , 4 B00 OOj New England. 2 00(34 ( 00 ; domontlo. 1 50A3 60 PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY CHAMPAGNES Imported per ease , 3 00@34 00) ) Airmlmn , per oaaa , 12 OOC9 600 , Tobaccos. FINE COT Cotnmon20@30s ; good , 5@60ciRoso Leaf , 70c ; Premium , G5c ; Diamond Grown , 5 : ; Sweet Slxtoou , 7c. SMOKING . S. , 2,1o ; Mmkovv , 21c ; ) urhm , Ifi oz. 4Gc ; Durham , 8 oz , 50c ; ) urhnm. 4 oz , 52s ; Durham , 2 ox , 55 ; ; Seal of North Cnrolinn , 16 oz , 42c ; rioal of forth Cirnlin , 8 oz 4lo ; Saul of North Carolina , 4 oz , 4Go ; Seal of North Oaro- iua , 2 oz , 48 ; ; O , K Durham , 4 or. 28o ; 0 K. Durham. 2 cz , 303 ; Uuolo Ned , 1'a , 24c ; Tnm nnd Jerry. V3e. PLUG TOBACCO -Climax. 50 ; Bui inn 50 ; Horfnihoe , 48 ; Stnr 48 ; Rudy , 44 ; Hereoy'e , 48 ; Black , 38@40. Wool. Merino unwathed , light , 14R16o ( ; he 'y 1316c ) medium unwashfd , light , 18g ( 20 : washed , choiuo , S2o | fair , 30c ) tub and washed , 2 c | bnrry , blnck and cotted woo' 2 6o leaf. _ . Diabctc * , Kidxtor Iilvor or Urinary DUcaaa Have no fear of any of those dla- cased if yon neo Hop Blttora , oa they will prevent and euro the wont oaici , ovou when you have boon made worse by aouio great puffodupprorondod cure. _ SLOVEN'S YOSEMITE OOLONGE Mndo'frnra thn wild fl' ' ror < ( of th FAU FAMED YOSEMITE VALLEY t la the moit fraurank of parfamo Mannfaotnrcd by H. B. Slaven , Wan Francldco. if'or ealo in Omaha by W. J. Whlrohnniin nnd Kennnrd Bros A NOTISD HDT nNTlTLKU WOMAN. [ From tb Dee on Clot * . ] ' inrt. Edltart f The aboTO Is a coed llkenesf of Mrs. Lydla E. IU im , of I.ynn , Mass. , who abore all other human belnj , y b truthfully called th "Dttf Frltnd of Won tsom of her correspondenU loTotocall her. Bb alouily deroted to hsr work , which Is the outcom a life-study , and U obUgtd to keep tic lad ulstants , to help her answer the larse comtpondeu klch dally poun In upon nor , each bearing IU spec ! srden of sufferlnir , or joy at relesMfrom It. Hi vtoULle Compound Is a ruedlcln * for good and ru rll purpose * . I hare personally InrutlgaUd U ai n satlsttod ot tbo truth of this. On account of Its proTen rnerlti. It Is recommend * id proscribed by the best physicians In the oountr ne < ayst "It works Ilka ft charm and sares muc iln. It will cure entirely the worst form of fallir f the uterus , Leucorrhcca , Irrocular ind palnfi kinstruatlon.aUOrarUnTroublrs , Inflammation an Icoratlon , Iloodlnes , all Displacements and the cor Kjuent spinal weakness , and 1 especUC'y ' adapted t ke Cbanico of Life. " It permeates every portion of tk rjilsm , and el w life and vigor. H removes falntuess , fla'ulen Wtroys all craving for ntlmuUnts , and relieves weak sis of the stomach. It cures Bloating , Headaches brvous Prostration , General Debility , SlcepUsanesi bpresslon and Indication. That ftellng of bearln Own , causing pain , weight and backache , Is alwayi ennancntly cured by Its u \ It will at all tlmrs , ant ndnr all clrcumstanccn , act In harmony with tbo U at gorrns the fcinalu fy ti m. costs only (1. i r Iwttla or nli for < 5 , and li sold t rUEifM . Any advice riijulrcdas tu Biwclal rona , an 10 nnmei of many who liavo been rcntorod to p rf ralthliytho luo of tt > a Vegetable Compound , can I btalnul l.yuddrtwInzMra I'- with Btampfor rapl ) \ her homo In Iymi , Moan. Kor Kidney Coin plaint of tHIirr MX this compound I Igurpaimd 0.1 abundant if BtlmonlaU show. "Mn Ilnkham'ii Uvcr Illls , " says ono writer , "ar I hi tnirM for tbo euro of Coartlpatlcs , wl Torpidity of tha Ilvcr , Her Bo J wondnn In Its i > rrlal Una aad LeVls M in pound In Its jwpularlty. 11 her as an Anool of Mercy whos tot > Kood toot hen. . CO Mr * . .H.D. James H. Feabody. M. D. PHYSIGIAH AND'SURGEON. ' IlMidenoo No. 1407 Jonca St , Odioa No. 1507 Farnam St. Om bonra , 13 m. lo 1 p. m. and I p. n , lo I elephona for office , Stfi A rotnMrutHon of Fr tojcltla of Iron , JVriiriatt Jlitrle Hint JViow'ioriutta a jMitutabta form , J-'or Jltbllity.XM. . oAnn * - tHctJ.'roitrattonof Vital J'oiccrt it it indlapetua' He. IiKV.A.1.11OI3B3 Writoa- : He.HE V. J. L. TOWNER , Aftnr n , thorough trial of the PURIFIES . IRON TONIC , I tftko ploaauro ! U. ' say , ) : In Btntlnir that I have boon 'l consider M urea * ! , .onolltoj by Its ILDDD a most excellent remedy for usn. Mlnlotora nnd I'ttb * the debilitated vital forces , Uo Speakers will find It cf the frmatest value where n Tonlo la necos * ary. I.recommend It an a reliable remedial RRont , pOBHosiiinff un doubtoa nutritive nnd roatorntlvo Lc + imlli , A > , properties. , ( \i , 2 , 1SS3 , - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ nxriszocr sus DR. BARTER MEDICINE oo. , 213y. WAUI ex. , c ; . wuia. l2 * ! giss gi | df ; SlAllaf | < SllllSa | 1 tB flSBflSl o : SKi - sirflsil - pS'gSi og sic ; 3i" > 3g . | 5C3lrfs .8 HaC3t ° rf-ifSM w5a.qB8lega ! fe3 J. iS8i o-S S a ° se &sa . = § 5 ' 5 c3. 5J < iJ JOBBER OF AND WINDOW SHADES EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. IMS FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA MANUFAOTUIlEn OF 1ALVAN1ZED IRON CORNiGES , Window Caps , Finials , Skylights , &c. THTRTKRNTH STHKKT , . - - OMAHA , NEB SPECIAL NOT JOE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR Ground Oil It IB the boat and cheapest food for Block of any kind. Olio pound Ifl eqn l to three ponnda of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Cake in the fall and winter - tor , instead of running down , will Increase in weight and bo in good market * able condition in the spring. Dairymen aa well aa othoro who nso it can tea * tify to its merits. Try it ruid judge for yourselves. Price $25.00 per ton ; no charge for sacks. Address 04-ood-mo WOOODMAN LINSEED OIL 00. . Omaha , Neb. C. F. GOODMAN , DRUGGIST AND DEALER IN PAINTSOILSVARNISHES And Window Glass. MA.H A NEBRASKA. SALEM FLOUR. This Flonr IB made nt Sntom , Richardson county , Neb. , In the combln roller and stone system. We give EXOLUJIVE aalo of our flour to ono firm la place. Wo have opened a branch at 1018 Oapltol avenue , Omaha. Write tor Prices. WAI . F NT IMP , R , 8 Iem or Om h , Neb Addroiatllher V M L.CIN I I IN C Ot ml9-em M. Hellman & Co. WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS , 1301 and 1303 Farnam St. Cor. OMAHA , NEB. A. M. OLARK Pamter&Paper Hangar SinHWRIIEHSCEOnRAIHL WHOLESALE A RETAIL WALL PAPEB. Wlnflow SMoB aud Curtains , OORNIOES CURTAIN POLES AMD FIXTURES , Paints , Oils & Brushes. OMAHA