! V * * . . * TfiE OMAHA DAILY B fiI-ERIDA\ . ! 25 The Daily Bee. J9MAI1A. Friday Morning , May 26. LOOALi WKWVITIBS. Several plain drunki were pulled I Wednesday night and dlipotcdof In t tunal ityle yestordny. At G a. m. Indlrldual WM registered aa 'paralvze that being hla literal condition , the rc i of hard drink , An Individual from the country , w ! haa been btfore the court for three t ocstlve tlayn on the charge ot lutozlcatlo waa yeiterday sent up for three days get cober. A twelve foot brldgo wai burned Sn day night In Jefferaon precinct. It toi fire from the field j ui farmer Genlur , w' was trying to burn oil the weeds , All peraona who can contribute flowc for Memorial Day may tend thorn Knony ball ot or before i ) o'clock ( Wednesday next , Any person wishing to adopt a your babe , a boy reven weeks old , mother doa Inquire of Mrs. J. B. J. , 112 North Tenl atreet. In United State ] court Wtdneed : Justice Miller delivered an opinion for tl plaint I IT in the co o of Phlnney again Gregory. The work of paving the Tenth atrc car track with gtanlte was begun at Fa nam street yesterday morning. Three Hebrew poJdlera were arrosti Wednesday for doing buslnoia without * llceoso. The river ia on the rho. THE SCHKOTK CASE. The Preliminary Examination 1 Judge Beneke'd Court. The preliminary examination < ' Ghas. Sohroto and wlfo , Horma ' " 111 Sohreibor and Ohrla. Ttutlcinv , tr four Impllcatoa In the murder of Joh Martin , was begun In the pjlloo cou yiaterday. The state was represented by D ! trlct Attorney Godwin , and the di feuao by Qjn , GJwin and Walter Boi nett. nett.Thoro There was a large list of wltnosso and the case was just fairly in progre when the adjournment waa taken < Afternoon. The result of the preliminary hoa ing was that Sshrnto and hia wi were hold in $5,000 ball each at the other two were dloohargod. B , was furnished last night , A Qreat Discovery. That Is dally brlnifing joy to the hem of thousands by caving many of their do ones from an early | ; ruvo. Truly h E Klnc's New Discovery for consumptio coughs , colds , uithtim , bronchitis , hay I ver , loan of voice , tickling lu the thro : pain in the side end cheat , or any disci of the throat and lungs , a positive GUI Guaranteed. Iriul bottlen at O.iF. Gooi man's drug store. Lirgo tlr.o $1. I THREE QCRAPH. btreet Beneatlons of Last Nlgnt's O ourronco. Last night aaveral atroot aonaatlo ; took plaoe. One waa between Lowla Braah ai 8. Bernstein and daughter , Bra : being driven from the field. Ho charged with insulting Mias Bar ntoln , who bounced him la go < ahapo , and says aho will uho : > t h head off it ho ropnata hla Inaulta , A Douglas street poker player w badly nsed up , and had his chei rack and chocks atolon by parti who had claimed that they wore dan aged by him. Never Give Up. If you ate suffering with low and t pressed spirits , lets of appetite , gouer debility , disordered blood , weak constlt tion , headache , or any dlseno of a bllio nature , by nil means procure a bottle Klectrlo BIttora. You will be surprle to tee the rapid improvement that w follow ; you will be Inspired with now 111 strength and activity will return ; pain ai tnUcry will cease , and henceforth vou w rtjolce in the pralae ot Klectrlo Bittei Bold at fifty centa a bottle by 0. F. Goo UNITED BTATEB COURT. The Allen dose Decided at Last The caao of the United States v E. A. Allen , which has been in pr grofla for the past eleven days , in tl United States court , waa cnncludi I . yesterday , when the jury'brouRht Ir verdict for the plaintiff in the sum ? GO,000. 'I This waa a suit on the bond of LI i I Allen for alleged shortage In 1 : nooonnta ns rccslver of the land oflic at the tlrao of ita removal to We Point. The Bcuonnta were all atralg up to that time , and from then to tl date of hia leaving the ofliso accoun were not kept by Mr. Allen but by clerk , The amount claimed by the govor ment waa $9.853 , aud the bondami of Allen , who were made co-defeni anta , were Hon. J. E. Boyd , Jol Hegeath , 0. W. Hamilton. Byr < Heed , Loran Miller , H. H. Viaoho J. K. lah and llenbon Wood. The : waa another man on the bond , Le pold May , but no service w obtained on him. Mr. Lot Brown , the Nebratka City J'rtw , was foromi of thojury , and , after ten days of ta inc ; teatimony and twenty-four hou il r in the jury room , the verdict of $0,0' ' was agreed npon aa n compromise. Tl Too dcfonKH waa nblo roprosonti by Webster , Dcano Sr Kennedy , ai the povornmcnt by Lambertaon Rodlck. B rfclt'iEiirmt ! . nUbctet , Kldn Liver or Urinary Dlieaia Have no four of nuy of these d ! caeca if yon ute Unp Bitters , aa th will prevent and cure the wont case even when you have been made wor by tome great pulled-op protondi euro. A driver whoso ntino is Joe Olano , When badly frost bitten In Maine , Couldn't wear his shoe , . So what did ho do ? fit. Jacobs' Oil cared hli chilblain , GATE CITY'S ' GUESTS. The Editorial Exoursionis' "Royally Eeceivetl" Tbo Drive About the Oity an Evening Entertainment. Off far Colorado and the Rochli l > y Moonlight , QTho Chicago Times of Wcdncsda The editorial cicarilon via th "Burlington rontol"from thdlikos I the Rocky moutitainn , will limvo t ( day , In a special train composed < biggago car , day coachcn , amoltln car , dining car , rocllnlng-chalr cai and Pallman Bloopers , In charge c Mr. A , 0. Sheldon , of the ndvortiein department of the road. Tno oxen : alon la composed of oditnra ot caster paporu , from Now York , Connecticut Now .Tonoy , Maryland , Maoinchui nttn , Vermont , Ponnnylvanla , Gn.idi Nova Saotla , Indians , Ohio , an Michigan , of which there are 200 , nc companled by thlrty-olpht ladlcn. Th trio will ocnp7 tvrdvo dayu , and covi 2,777 miles of road. THE ARRIVAL IN OMAHA. The editorial excursionists of whlc ! DOT people have heard ao much for few days back , arrived ycstordn at 1:10 : o'clock , from Council JJInff ; The cxcnrsloulnta had spent a oouald orablo part of the morning at P/atte / tuonth , which place they leftnbont ni hour and a half behind Bchodulo time They had boon received at Pad 3o Junction by the Mayor , Board o Trade and a band of muala. Tin mayor made an addrons of wolcom and the people at PJattomonth turnoi out on maaao to greet the brain vrlold era of the east. Laavlng again b ; way of the 0. B. & Q thov spu ! across the Missouri to the BlofTj , am then took a bee line for Omaha. At Council Bluffs , the party wa mot by our reception committee fror Omaha , consisting of Mayor Chaoo Mr. Biker , and Mr. RodGeld and Mi Edward Risowator. They wer warmly welcomed and congratulate upon their safe arrival and mido th recipients of hoartloat wishes for the pleasant outcome of tholi * excursion The train containing * ho writer ooniisted of a baggage car , a da ; coach , a reclining chair oar and th sleepers "Almorla" and "Albania. " A number of people were n han as the train rolled Into the dopol The first man to alight w Mayo Chase , his face wreathed In nmtlo and his whlto hat pleasantly contrast ing with the ruddy , good-nature glow of his cheerful countenance. H was followed by the other mumbora c the reception committee , and then b the mambora of the oxcuralon. They filled the depot from the hoa to the roar of the train , aud ai If b ; ' a common impnlao followed the leu' of the mayor , who Immediately oc off for the city. The party made nnoxcollont , appeal anon as In twps and threes and f ours I filed up Tenth otreot , DttrnutlnR goti oral attention and provoking most ti vorablo and friendly commouti f roi observers. There were itt the file mou hoary with years and conflict ; r ( bunt and nllgUt , heroes of many vie torloa and victims of many defoato I the political as well na the oditorii arena , There were there too tt young nnd frcoh , with the air roporti rial , the down of odltorlal manhoo slightly gracing their oapirlne foi tuns , young follows just from oollcgi and , although on pleasure bent , gli ing ovldonco of the mottle that for. told they were of thoEo who were nov ( to bo first at a feast or Inst at a fraj And , then , the Indlctl They lee tholr oharma of person and nppoaranc to the number , and , as they nlwaj do , both onhanoed and enlivened tli body. The party turned off Tenth stroi at IHarnoy and proceed to Niutl where they entered the Grand Paclfii Hero they bad boon anticipated by hearty and inviting dlnnor , which th enterprising manager of that hostoh had spread for them. Appended the menu ; Ox Joint. Like Trout , Wine Sauce. Boiled Ham , Cornel lieef , Tongue. Iloaet Beef , llaait Veal , Koast 1'orl Apple Sauce. Flrcaiaeo of Mutton , with Vegetable Itibi of ttecf , Drown Potatoes , Baked Macaroni and Cheese , Boiled and Maihect PoUtooi , Suoootaob , Uuoninbers , Spinach. Victor ! * Oream I'tuidluK , Apple Pie , llhubard Pie , Lemnn Ii Oream , Custard Pie , Madeira Wino Jelly , ColTeo Ice Crean , Nut . lUUltiP , Piutt. Te , Colfee. A complete wlno Hat was added I thn bill of faro. With the now hotel , the oxoolloi servlco and the snbstantials of tl faro the guests were profuse ia con mcndatlon. Immediately after dinner aboi forty carriages were driven up to tl entrance of the Grand Pacific , au being loaded , proceeded in line r Farnam street to Boyd'a opera hens < whore an address of welcome an other oxorcuoa took place. Ti length of the procession attractc racoh attention on the street , aud t It passed TUG BKB ofliso the Knlgh of the Faber rooogulzad the employi who were on duty by many frlond Balntatlona. The following la a list of tl o fibers and the committees of tl tourists. President , A. B. Powell , Boston. Vies President , R. J. Vance , Nc Britain , Cannoctlcut. Secretary , Piof , D. E. Hasklns , Co cord , Michigan. COMUITTEi : ON fal'KAKKUS , E. T. Bennett , B y Citjr , Mohlg ( n. . . . H. JIallock , Winston , Connectict Geo. Evanri. Fort Wayne. Col. J. G. Dnren , Dnyton , Ohio. - Woodruff. , COMMITTEE ON UESOLUTIONB. Col I. B. MoB-mnlJ , Columbus Olt Indiana. H , K Case , Michigan. H. J. Vance , New Britain , Connccthi - Partollo. Ontario. W , E. Learuiuff , Glovesvllle , New Yor Thooo who actually reached Omal wore but 110 In number , the r malnder having boon loft behind i Chicago. The following ii a complete Hit i members of the excursion : John M. Mycra and wife , Suea Adve tl.er , Tiffin , Ohio. B Uubbard. wife and daughter , Dall llirald , TifflD , Ohio. W K Lunlnz , Jr. , J K Lsirilntr , Intel kitnccr , Glovcrivlllo , N. Y , { Rtput con.Johnstowu , N. Y s Joutn N. Y ; J. urn l , WelU , N. Y. Slog & liopklnn , Jcutufcl , North Ms chuHer , Indian ? . J B Steel. Herald , MllUrubnrir , Pa. J ( > Battclle , Toleoram , Toledo , Ohio. J K VorUr and wife , Globe.PittBburff , 1 George K Uwarlnetf anj wife , Cnryd Democrat. I nil. 8 G Brown , Wlnnmao Republican , Ind K B ThotnoB , Wlnomao Democrat , Ind J > tjQ G Garrison , Stondiird , Alliance , Howard Wetmoro , Newa , Concord Mil Jetaa Moore , ( Jochvranton , Crawfi ) county , Pa. WlUard 0 AloVoam , Gazjttc , lit. Mar P . Prof D K H iklni , 11 iterprlee , Ooncoi Mian. Ilugh Lind'ay ant' wife , SomUWcol N w § , Hun ln don , I' . A B Kline , A KKIInt , Democrat , Groei btirsf , Pa , John G llolmei , Rpcord , BnnhtnanMlc John B Powell , Boston Gbbu , Brwtc Maes , J If Vail nnd wife , Wlnstcud Heral Wisi Win tead , Conn. .1 V Hoenccr , Ohio Patriot , New Llsbo Ohio , E JJ Andrews , Enterprise , Williamito Mich , P C Cronn lute and wife , Dally Commc clnl , ] ) .uivllle , 111. W O Knapp , Delta /Vvalancho , Delta , ( J J Auitln , Gormtntowu , Ohio , L'resj. CM IcftlMj 15 McDonald imd wife , Co ut bla City , Whltly county , Ind. Mien U-jthca Ucul , ainu place , reprcsen lot : the Se < iul r , lad , Bsimer. M D Fulton , Buoynjp , Ohio , Foiuin , Luuln Goon < l l nnd wiL , Lutnbcrtnun , Ba City , Mlcb. W W Kltner nnd y/lfo , Evoriln ; : Prea Bay City , Mich. Orno Strong , News , NHrhvIllc. III. Jjy Allen , O cmnw C'ouuty Herald , We. . Branch , Mich. M AlexAuder , D illy , Weekly nndSunda Cull , Altoona , Pa. J M Van Fjdaoo , Ucrald , Paw Pai Mich. I G IJP , Newt-Jouronl , Grand Hayei Mich , B U Bhlr , News-Journal , Grand Have : Mlcb. Dharlcs II A Ilendrlck , Democrat , An Arbor , Mich. I C Stone , Newf , Lalnggburp , Mich. Manning Rogire , Tribune , couth Bcni Ind. 3 E Hawklnn , Record , Deerfield , Mich. W W Blakcley. Journal nnd Ifirali Sorlnijvllle , N Y. 3r , Nelson J Cuckitrd nnd wlfr , sped pcorrenondtnt Journal , S'.urgts. MIcl John T Owens , Courier , Wabash. Ind , Jo eph 8 Wood , Olovorevllle. N Y. J K Leaning , 0. > np4intown , N Y. it O Gray nnd wife , M ldon , M s3. VM Surah Cutler. Wntmown , Misi. M II loRrim , Journal , Wlnamac , Ind. L F Hull nnd wife , Advortl er , Constai tlno , Mich. HE Case , No wa Reporter , Throe River Mlcb. > 1ai M Laird and wife , Grecnibnrp , P . K M Hardy acd wife , Courier , KJInbur Ind. D A Bell , Tlraia , Cochonton , PA. b' J ahead , Times , Dofitnce , O. T F Korahaw. Howull , Mich. ft J Vnnce , Obn-rver , New Britiln , Con James U Hall , Huron Oouaty New ? , Po Aiutln , Mich. Joiejih V Sweeney , Journal , Lawreac Mans. W H Moycc , Herald , Lawrence. Maas. AW Coolc , Ssutinel , Ouiton , 1'a. ICd J Smith , Forum , Whitehall , Midi. N F O.trnpbsll , Conservator , Brampto Ont. Willis EUo I , Herald-Chronicle.L Port led. F J Wntdo , Rscordor , Rlalnrj Sun , Ind. A F Moi'Of , Wntcrford J sador and GV brldRO News , OftaibrDt-eboro , Pu. Tohn 0 McLnu , TInia , Union C ty , P J W Duienbnry , Independent , New Lc Initton. O. J W Martin , Herald , Galventon , lad. J O Flyun , Hontmol , Utica , Mioh. J Palmlt-r , Hart , Mich. Goo. P. Evans , Fuit Wayne. G W Lunt , G ztlx , Fort Wayns. ] j D Woodruff , Jolm > town , Pa. John G Daren , Democrat. Daytoc. L H Uallook , West Winsted , Con Bridgeport Standard. E T Bsnnett ami wife , Tclbunc , Bay Cit Mich. Andrew Pattello , Woodstock , C&nada. W G Doty nud wife , Ariw , Aun Arb ( Mich. Ward Ingeraall , Cor Journal , Cornnr Mhb , Homer J Carr , White P.'geov , Mlob , Joi ual. G A AVntcrbury , Obsarvfr , Romeo , MIc L A Kirkwoou , Democrat , Muncie , IB GoP Bailey , wito nnd mother , Press , O Hnrbor , Ohio , Mrs IIII Jennings , Independent , Tronic Mlcb. W F Sawyer. Northfrn Indiana Schc Journal , Valparaiso , Ind. R B Barnes , GuUariis , Ohio ; Gotland G zette , J H Steerf , Wayne County Revle Waynp , Mloh. Mr. A. 0. Sheldon , In charge the newspaper and advertising d partmout of the road , is in charg and la making the rough ways easy i around. Driving up Farnam utreot , the c : curilonlata nllphted from the earring and entered the opera house. Tbi of course aaw in it everything to a mlro , and they did not healtato to gl expression to tholr admiration , bo by tongue and oyo. When the inspection wo a finishe Mayor Chose called the commlttoo < entertainment rrom thu board trodo , to the atugo , and thun invlti the officers of the oxcurthn the also. also.Ho Ho then addressed thn gathorln elating that the board of trade dcatri him to welcome them to the rnouu AND ruosFxnouH llttlo olty of Omaha. It waa a plea lira to him to extend to thorn h most hearty welcome. Ilia was not inero formal welcome , such aa migl bo extended to people who wore , i the preatost eousa , otrint era , bs cause thooo who were listening to hi were not strangers In any meaning i that torm. Miny of their peopl friends , acquaintances beyond the Ml souii , hid proceeded them and ha been hero for years. Ho wolconu thorn nlao , booauoo Omaha wolcoin everybody who comes hero. Ha ah welcomed thorn beoiuuo ho know the were goiog to WUITE OMAUA DP. They were now in what waa om marked on the maps SB the groi American desert , They were now ! a city which , at ono tlruo , before tl acquirement of Alaska , was the go graphical center of the country. Nebraska , ho stated , was a growh state , aud OMAHA WAS HER I'lUDE , Hero was a city whoso every ntro was 100 foot wide , nnd one of the 120. A city with a larger bank d poalt In It * several banks than any ell of its olzo In the country ; a olty wll a double power water works , pumpli and aupplylug the limpid watora of tl Missouri to thousands of hnpf hornca , homes that grow healthy I draughta of the rlvor which had n eodlment. Omaha , also , waa a ell with two of the best hotels la tl country , both of which they won see before they had left. She had all ono establishment in which 3,000 MEN earned their dally broad. She hi several miles of atreet railway and 1 ! \ miles of sir coin. She was r. olty , t ! Inhabltautn cf whlth were < \lw united among thonrnlvos , and nev divided except in mattora partaiuli to other parts which did not conco her. She had a'pork packing cote llshmont in which an almost Inoilc lablo nnrabor of thousands of he were packed the plot seuson , and frc her alee , n not lees magnificent nni ber of cittlo took the train during t aatno tlmu for the east , She had nmoltiuir works in which 50.000,000 POUNDS OP LEAD were smelted last year , to say nothi of the thoneandiicf dollars of gold a silver which ulno passed through the : Omaha waa a cltv of 30 chnrchna , achoola , between 5,000 and 0,000 oh dren and with 00 teachers. She w projecting a eyaten of asphalt urn ai granite pavement upon which e would expend the present BOaeo abont $300,000 , and the next ; oi about the uunuj amount. In the oaat , ia the city of Naw Yor thura wna u certain thorou hfa known aa Wall etrcot , the deulzona which claimed they rulud the wor , with thulr tnonoy b.ajjs But the we had a Wall r.troot five hundred mil lonjj In the llocliy Mountains , In phl < untold Wdnltb Iny , b ldj which th : of Wall street cant piled into incl , nificanco. Nob.-nska waa n , state which * eni lo thn oaat yearly tf/enty millions i wheat and ONE HUNDRED AND TEN MILLION Dnsholn of corn. Ooiaha had handle 100,000,000 of thueo In nor war lousco , and they had all heou carrrle by her great roads , the Union Paci ! and thu Burlington it Missouri. SI : md about 1GO lawyura. Shu hud a di tiller/ which payed annually to tl government $1OODCOD. 0ttlo wei ilaughtered htiru and shipped to EUJ and , The mnyor closed his ntatistloi addreaa with the prophecy that Onnh would bo a olty of 200,000 Inhabitant Mr. Powell , president of the oxou alon organization , roao and eald tin it waa not for him to reply In el quent terma to the speech to whish L hed just listened with interest un nmazemont. Bat , while thu excui waa for himself , It waa not for other jocanso the committee had provided person for that purpose Ho callc upon Mr. E T. Bonnutr , of B y Olt ; who nicely passed it off by reqauatlc Mr. L G Haikck , of Weat Wlnstoi Oouu , , to rcnpond. Mr. Winsted roje , and referring the well rounded figurea which hs sharaotorlzjd the mayor's addroan , aa It would bo much moro o&ay for hi to reply If the latter bad not , In h modesty and humility , made the Bear qullo so high. Ho then aald he wou fiavo to commence by tolling a ator which ho preceded to do with wl ! exceeding catlafoctlon to tha audienc It w a that of the prayer mooting ! which , in the abacnco of the organ ! and the choir loader , a phthisicil o deacon , In nowlso calcbrated for Ii vocal gift , commenced by intoning a high treble , " 0 Inrd , wcpraliotui morn and night , ton thousand " ai then , uaablo to go farther , retired hla aoat somowhatchagrln cl. Abrot or , in the roar , oamo to the renano 1 BUggostlni ; : "Start her at five the sand ! ' H thouaht If the mayor hi started ut u lower figure , the apuakoi impotoaey of raply would bo loen n tlcoablo Mr. HallMk enid ho bad como fro C-jnni client , a spot in the east which thn mayor had referred , and waigratified to hcatr that othera fvc thcflu parta HAD COMB TO OUAIIA and the woat and st yod. They L como from Now England to see whc their gralu waa grown , and their oa tie were rdlsod , and they had ae thnt the mnu of the treat had excell them In their opara hcuso , in their e terprlsoa , nud in thulr uncrgy. H tory repeated Itaalf. It wa not t first tlmo that who men had coi from the east , to pay homBgo to w doai , and FIND WISKU MEN IN THE WEST. And In accepting tholr hospitality , c like the wiao iron of old , whlln th paid homogo at the ahrlno of the Wlae , they brought not gold and fra klnceoco , but myrrh In abundant and in returning they would carry wl the kindliest foelingo of friendshl Ronorosity and respect. Mr. HaUaok'a speech was a vo happy eco , and WM moat aaccotalul and entertainingly delivered. Mayor Ohuao'a was also happily i colved. Though abounding In fac and fl nrca , It waa made inctrnctl aud entertaining , by the lack of fc niulity and the ready sympathy whl lib opening remarks created amo ; the auditors. The reception over , the carriage fifty In number were again take The cortege proceeded to the hlj school , from the hill of which th gazed over the city and around whi they drove In earnest and expretal appreciation. The primary clasc were enjoying roceta , and aomo tholr inatrnctroesoa , aa also M Jamca , were on the atepa and In tl yard. Othera of the former , those charge of higher gradca , the echola of which were in their olasa-rocr looked from the window * , aa did nl aorao of the moro sly of the youu stora who seemed entitled to tl vlow. It la not remarkable that son of the yonuger members of the par should have field glaases with the : But it would have boon moat romar able If they had not used them to bo upon aomo of the rare and rudUi maldona who beamed npon them fro the heights of knowledge. If Ti BEE observer la not imatckon , and 1 foara ho ia not , the younger mcmbo aforesaid , with the field glasses afor mentioned , are abundantly aupplii with material from which to work i an extonslvo and exhaustive crltiqi of the facial and structural propooat slona of the Omiha Inntrccirese. The carriages rolled around t ! hills , along St. Mary'a avenue , dev to the corral , back through the whol sale district , and thence to the amol ing works , Hero the omlagca we deserted , and thovleltoro were trcati to a cursory vlow of the mysteries THAT WONDEKrUL INSTITUTION , oversouo being most anxious to get the Innermoat of oocrets in the eho tlmo , which unfortunately wasallowi them. Superintendent Bilbach ai the Omaha commlttoo did all In the porrnr to make the visit Intorostln tud they were eminently snocostfal. The cerrhgca were again taken , tl U. P , gronnda driven through , at then Sixteenth street was roaoho along which they rolled attraotli gouerM nttor\ion , The bualne < natnro of tlio atrcst In town , th handeomo Rtoaiids and the rich an pretty residences bcyoud , were ALL NOTED AND ADMIIIFI ) by tho.party. At lencjlh Fort Onah waa reached , and , just aa the excui alonlata hnd driven round the tquar < tho'six companies of the post forme in line for the evening parade. Tni was a spectacle which delighted thei exceedingly , It WAS conducted wit an Infinite amount of military dlsplaj There wefo the soldier * in tholr apot less uniforms , burnished bottom white glovoa and glistening mmketi there , too , waa the braaa band wit ita polished Instruments , its show drees , its ooploua plumes , and Ita all Important drum major ; there , toe were the cflbora , stately , dignified an importantwalking with w ithetic grac and poiiug with statuesque preoUio for the ladles. And then the ban played , and the aoldlera marched an the apuctatora ndmlrod and the ladle clapped their llttlo handa in nrlvat whllo their llttlo heartn wout fljttor ing still moio privately an aomo ac looted gallant bant furtlvo glance upon them to BOO if ho had attracte notice. The pwndo was over , and the car rlages , to the merry tune of rattlio ] boxoa and ohcort'nl converse , turnoi toward the city. The tourlita with stimulated appe tltos reached the Puxton and Mlllan moat captivated with the trfp , whlcl they gratefully oruditod to the LIBERALITY AND KINDNESS of Omaha. It wonld bo tirojomo to roaord thi features , the buildings , the Industrie which were pointed ont , on ronto And to enumerate these which re calved hearty commendation fror the cxeuraloniEta , would but rednpli oito the Hat. Saflicsj to say tha every thing of note along the route to the gncata , not less than to th prond cltizjn of Omaha , waa almoa \ thing of beauty and a joy forevei Omaha haa "done itielf proud. Am it will como back to her a thouaan fold. NOTES. Contractor Grant had completed th pavement on Djuglaa atroot bet woe Thirteen and Fourteenth etreota , wi.i the hope of enabling the gneata ti liupect it in their drivoto the Milliard But aa many of them walked thithoi the ploaturo of a drive over one d the finest streets In the country wa denied thorn. Those of them , hot ? over , who aaw , apoko of It highly. A RECEPTION. After supper an informal roceptio : was held at the Paxton. Mr. Parrel ] the prceidsnt of thojjjaiaocution , re qneated that the exctaroloulute , in em bera of the board of trade , ruprrcent atlvea of the proia should aasemble 1 thoparlora for thopurpoao of exohang ing a mutual oxpreaalon of good will fcMr. Powell , acting au chulrman briefly voiced the general sentiment c the excursionists , in tendering thol most einccro thanka to the board o trade and citlzjna generally , for th > royal treatment they had received and then called upon the president c the city council , Hoc. W. I. Baker who responded In a neat llttlo opetch whloh waa well received. Mr. 0. F. Gooduiuu , president o the board of trade , wjs then calle upon and Bald ho had no sot upeoch t make but heartily julnod with Mi Baker In extending the cordial greet Ing of the city to the visltorn. Ao thl was a mooting qf uditora ho wante the Omaha preso to deliver hia epoec for him through Mr. Rosowater. Mr. Ilosowater'a speech WBB in vein of humor and sarcasm , atfcrtln ont with an incident In the high schoc grounds , when a darkey boy ahonto "Tnla ain't no funeral ! ' Oontinnin in his romarka he referred to th mayor's glowing do > cription of th fnture of Omaha , which the odltc from Connectinut had considered c overdrawn. Whllo ho admitted thn the prediction of 200,000 people te years hence waa extravagant , ye ho had aecn in hla own time , th city of Cleveland grow from leaa prc portions than Omaha now has to eve 200.COO population. Mr. N. B , Falconer waa cille upon as the reproicntative merchant and ho called attention to the fac that the soil of Nebraaka had th aimo component parts as the valle of the Nile , the most fertile in th world , He cited a great many fact concerning Ita chemical propertle and wanted the editors to romc mbc this In their descriptive letters. Taeso were followed by speaker from the vlaiting edltora , who all 02 prosaod themeelvea aa highly delight ed with what they had aeon c Omaha , and charmed with tholr cor dial reception. Mr. M. Alexander , of Altoonn , T a John G. Djron , of Djyton , Ohlc Andrew Patullo , of Woodstock , Ont Dr. Packard , of Stnrgla , Michigan and Col I. B. McDonald , Colnrnbl City , Ind. , made speeches , the lutte Buying that with all the splendor am magnificence of our opera houae , on hotels and our good meals , the nigh of the high school-waa the moat ire proaiive cf all , and moro creditable t O.uaba than anything clao they ha aeon , Dr. Labouring was called upon am mada ono of tha beat apooohea of th evening , paying a tribute to Omah and Incidentally referring to the ell mate of Nebraska aa the hoalthieat ii the Union , with the exception of Ool orado and Now Mexico. The following resolution was road and adopted bv a rlalug vote ; RESOLVED , That the heartfelt thank and gratltndo of the members of th editorial excursion bo extended to th cltlzjna of Omuha for their great kind neaa to us , ono and all. The meeting then adjourned am the ladles were driven to the depot the gentlemen following soon after. Thu special train waa already mad up and BOOH mauy of the excursionists wearied by the day's tonr abont town retired for the nicht. The engine wa trimmed with the stirs and atripes which floated from pilot , head Huh nnd running board and at 11 o'olool the train awnug out for Lincoln , whor i stop of aix hours will bo raado an then ou to Denver , Leadvlllo am the far west. Buoklon'a Arnica Salve. The greatest medical wonder of th world , Warranted to speedily cure Burnt BruUes , Cuts , Ulcer , Salt Rheum , Fere Sores , Cancers , Piles , Chilblain * , Corn ! Tetter , Chaiped Hand * , and all ikin enip tloni , guaranteed to cure In every instance or money refunded. 25 ctnta per box , ITor tale bv 0 , F , Goodman. infants and GhHdreri - _ Moroliino or NnrooHnc JVhnl rlvca < mr Chll Jrcn rosv cheeks , ! t cures thtlr fovci-s , tnnkrs them sloop 'Tl < 'n t rln. \Vhcn Bnblca fret , nnd crv'liyliirni. What cures thi-lr collu , kills their wonnn. lint Cnntorla. \\Hnt quickly cures Conilltmtlon , Soup Stomach , Colds , Inill i-stinn . Jjnt Cnitorln. rarunell then to Horplilno RVTUIJ * . Civstor Oil nml rarcjjoriu , anil a ; i r _ < n ofij : . An t\i colnio orro f.r ins. Uur-aa. Q.'jJls , &o. , nud r. Ml ttoe who from lolhcrrtlon * . etc * ei or olbrrrtafi nnervtil. InT ijilrtlcJ , plijriicAllv ilr&lned , and uo " . . nopclvn rukc * ii urfd orcfrtalit reitorttlon to full nd n rort mnnhonil. Simi.If , rffrctltt. i-'ranly , pldlant. B < 'nrtr itl p. Onnlfftton ! with ph ftlclao Tree. HAKSTON Iti : iiV : CO. , 40 IV. 1111 , Sl Xe * \ eSPECIAL SPECIAL NOTICES. JtarSP IAL8 will POSITIVELY not be tortedunless paid In advance. TO LOAN HOME r TO LOAN- The Om < ha savings na MONEY la now pripircd lomako loans 01 Oini city or Touslaa county ie l oit to at curr < " ' Interest. No comm'bslon charged. H ONEY TO LOAN Call at Law office of D. Thomi-a , roam a , CfeU.'hton Block. ONEY TO LOAN Tha Lnwtst Rutca ol I JV1 tcrcst. Ueinli * Loin Agoncy,15th & Doug JV1M M ONEY Loaned on chattel property by _ T Beatty , No 21Z South Hth street 226-lmot ONKY LOANED-On chattel mortKac M Boom 7 Unton Block. 535 Imc HELP WANTED. ANTED Good girl lor gmeral houac-wo W at Southw 3t torntr 22,1 and Cun. WANTED lAdyeopyUt , tondaj work t torney , Bee office. C80 211 WANTED A seed B rl for general hem otk Ocodwagoi. Sl'SvUth 18th S lib house icuth cf La.v.nnorih. & 35-21 ANT2D A good hoy. German pref rn W 1322 Farn.m street. C30-2J -A sober b kfr. Irqnlro at t Schotplng , Ottmanla House , ntar the t pt. 032-28 ! _ WANTED A ROCd g'tl for coicral hou work. u. MANNWEILE ' , C3123I 307 S. Ilth atrott AKTED-Man to wrk In gmlrn 017-24) ) D. J. SMITH , Sh rn an Ave , "VTCTANTED A } curp nan not oror twct W yuarfl oH , cJuuitid and wllllne to Uarn business that will , In time , pay one hurdred t month nnd rxpcn eg. ol ttos 111 wcred ( , ' at rooms 0 and 7 , Everett's Block , Council * ul Inwa 03821 \KJ ANTED A Rood kitchen girl , S. W corr VV IS'.h and Mason. G.t3-24g WANTED First cl'BS cabinet maker. A drcsj "C. B. S " Bee OSlce. 013-241 Twenty mm. H. MANNWi WANTED tinploiujcnt , Agent Hth St. n Farnam. 6J3-24 ! W ANTED Two llnnoi > to gi to Fromoi Nob. . Apply at ten , Fried and Co 110S 014-2 ! WANTED First class hflp ai N w Ye Hfitel , Immidla'oly. Oed nagea n Thcso uljhlngfurttcr Inlorrcatlon can atMri Mis Mary Mctlroy , Fremont , Neb. C27-29J 1 ANTED Good soi van * plrl to do gene W houeework 25lOSt. Marj'd Avo. 61U-24 \T7AXTF.D-A Hrstc'ass ' crok at omp'c VV llcstiurant , IfllSDodgoSt. 6o6--41 ! TTtTANTED-Good waiter , Msrchan'g dlnl YV ha'land restaurant 1103 Fan am St. C032J § A good barter at once. Ai'dr WANTED SaUtLann , Echuyler , Neb , ' 6022 : ANTED A dining rsom Immediately at I Occidental Hotel. B97 t Aflratc'asslaundic sat IlioC WAN1ED 609-24 ! wants ta meet "C" G ANTED Girl to wait on Uble. luqu're St. Charles Uotcl. 651-t I ANTED A dining room girl at the Orel ; W ton houio. 315-tl SITUATIONS WANTED , "IT7 ANTED Employment by a ( rood man VV private firnllj. II. 1IANN - EILER , 633-25 § llth street , Near Farnai Ily a xounif man from the OT WAITED habits and r comendatlon , poilthntn a wholesale or rela'l gr co v stoi Address I. N. W , BKK olllce. ( UG 55' A lad ) dcs'roi ' a situation WANTED or family 'cainstresj. Bi of r ferrrico given. Nn ohj-ctlons f > Icavi city. AdJrcaj Mra. t > . P. Harris , Council iilul Iowa. _ M y23-3l MIBCELLAHEOtJe WANTS " \TTANTED-I can furnish thrco persons 1 VV M uatlons , aa btok-kotner Jaij let J SMITH , 1810 Dautl.i. f29-20' NTED AfurnU cd hall tor-n' , etat' ' terms , per quarter or 8 months , for a night In a wick. Address Box 610. 007-25) FOR DENT HOUSES AND LOTS. 1011 KENT Homo with five rpoms , good i F pair nice yard Kent 35 per month. tlT-20 JOHN \V. BELL. Drugglei. TTTOU RENT Cottage- three room ? , Twent _ C thlnl nd \enwortb , Sll psr mont > nqntio tt 012 S. Seventeenth St. M21U Tj OU RENT Two cottage ) , excellent rcpi1 JJ Lcavtnwcrth and South a > o ue. ? 2 ana > ' . Mo AQUK , _ 010tf _ _ . _ opposite- 0. Y..OR UFNT Two fun 1st ) . d cr unfiirrhhi J } roomi. MAIOH Kt , Between 2-d ! and 23d Si 01121 } _ "OOIl nVlNT- Two rocmi fuinlahcd or uufai JL l-hed lth bond Sultihlu for man and nl or to tingle gentlemen. N. E. crncr 17th i Ulark. 6:2-2 If KENT 4 roam , nev vd plcvant , ne Strut Cars. Tern s $0. per month , fin- quiet fimliy pro'erred. PV , UOU , Klngfi bc'.wcin Charles and Seward. (79-10) ) 171011 HEST 1'urnUhed parlor nd bed ; eor J ; firs. Moor , 2213 CallfornUslrect. 55128 KENT Nice lu'tilsned roo-n with boar Mcdernlmptoicmontt , at > d title board , N 1718 Dadgo i tree * . _ t9.2C 17\OU KENT New brick sUre and 3 frcnt roon J ; tJ. W , corner ot 10th and Webiter St. A ply 8 door North of Store. _ M1-2IJ fiT.iUK Full KBNT Corner of loin .uu Lh. O < nport. Inqulri laio Davenport strict. 463-tf TjlOH 1UN ' 1J etor house 6 roomi noithea JD corner 18th and Clark. Enquire of Win. Kir lead at DESEYi STONE. 4742 * 1 11 tET-Ono or two rcomf , with beard , 1803 1 UaWotnla Hrc < t. _ 8fi9-0 HEST One Piano , ono now organ , row * FOIt tcttn * . llope'i Mutla Mall. 3 0-lm T UKNISIIKIl tronn na bon-d Wouor. , con- I1 cnlenc-s , 1810 1 Dodgoilrcet.U'00jnalTt 'mUHNlSHED IIOOMS Vtry ddlrublo l-cation J < Peck , real cstatc.j'pp l' . O. UOl-il TT Oll KENT Fine upr ght piano , flnc Kim * ball organ. 1519 Dodge areet , FOB SALt. ITtOll SALH-Now house , fl e roonm , cellar aid JJ bun , H rd and fofl water , modern con- vltnc . Apply at 2218 Twtntj-ltcond itiett , teir Harncy. _ E8B-29t SALE SUobarbug/y , nearly now , 1224 FOR 8t. " 653-31. B SALE Two lot * , one * forno' InShlnn'a- FOR , with god fence anil etmde trc-s " around rame , for $700 cash. Inqulieof McKOON" Nc. 1610 DoughsSt. _ 01820 "TT10H SALE A horsf. buggy an 1 hirnois Only JL been used six rconthi. A so 1 ght wigon and opeu buggy and sewing machln' , cheap Call at 4 18 2.1d street , between Harn-y and at. .M rj's artnac. C01-2E5 CTOIl SALE OHEXOHANOE-Impiovtd farms JJ In Illlnclg , Iowa , \V tcons n. Dakota and Ncbr s' a , also Improved aid tmlmproted rcsl- der-co property In this city. Prlcn- aid ' tm to tuitpurcluicrs. E. L. MUItS1. A CO. B77-20 1022 Capital Av . , UiraU , cb. rion SALE Voso Piano. ! 528-tl C. J. OANAN. FOR SALK A houw an Iat. on Davenport street , tlio meet ilcilrablo pait o ( ton. Good it room housif , piotry , c osct , c'ltsrn ' , ncll H . b o and nil the nccej nry outhouses The I't abounds with fruit Irroi anJ shrubbery. Will only cll for ca > h , Acldrcm or apnly to M.S. M-rtlroUch , Heo offlco or E. L. Mors & Co. , 122 ( ! Capitol avcnuo , JBTl-lm TJ10K SALE SUe Ear bugry nearly rev , 1221 JD FariamSt. 653-54 } SALE CIIKAl1 A row east rn carriage. FOP * a > got to ra'po mitry. . Inquire at Ccck's wrmhoute , 13th street , Letwccn Podgo and Carltol ae n ao. (6G-2 ( w "PICK SALF 7 room houto and barn , two full C lots nli-cly lmpro\ed. Fine location , South Omaha. 3000. * MKS , 1500 Fainam. "ITlOr. dALE A fltst data eococtl band tihaetoa JU Call t 1313 U rney St. B97-U SALE Flax mill machinery consisting of brake , 2 dustots , bcatrr , picker , preen , to. Can work cither Mttedor preen stock , alto shaft * ing , pullles , and bcltlne for ilrlvlne thonbo/e , alee one 35JI. P. engine with bailer , smoke * tack nd Mlllxturcn coirp'cte. AddroM WILL IAM TAIT Chailea CltT Iowa. 205-3m | C10U 8ALK Water power gtlat mill , Inquire JD of Ed. Brag ? , Wavcrly , NOD , 3-12-1C } TJOR SALE Old newppapersila largo and email _ C quintUioD at thla office. tf rjWRSALE-Phaeton. U. . Phillips , 1207 'arnam. J ? 193 Im TJ10R SALE A flrt-clais second hand top bug * JD By. Call at 1319 Harney street. 39T-U A lum of m n-j found on Farohim FOUND ( tret May Ziil , WM leitatSaxe'adrnjr. store. The owner can have i me by i ronng prf petty and paying-for adveril.cmeLt. ( ' 40 25 $ "VI OTICE I hereby caution oycrjbody ngalnil Jtl el > luK credit or f Unit anythlrp en my ac * tount to my wife , Eml le lUUauf , lirlnit on the corLcr i f JOthaid Dodge Sts 1 < this city , aa \\lll net be responsible fir anv debtn she rear contrict CI1AS. BALHAUF Omaha May 23rd 1833. 631-COt C > frA BINDS to nyono procarlnn me a Bit * tptw. Isfictory iltuitlon. Address , stoadv work , bee otllco. 021-24 ? 10 < I.UO to Invest with f r > 1-cs income paying busiicsd. Address "Eurtka' Bee ollko. ( J2021 Qfn AHRWAUD-A cray mare 10 years old Vt.wtraed ) bat night fioai the stib'o of Until JIiiz&Co. , 111B DouilMtf The nbovo lewinl.lll DO pa d for the retur i of Biino- Biino00121 A largo cow , rirab clor , branded. STIUYEU rlRh' hip 0 or 10 jearsoU. ileaso fend word to li.h.ni Center St. AN'DHEW S.VANSON. 5C3-25' Kistaurant , Humphrey & Co , , B UlSDodgo ttrcet , hoard $3 la per wuek. _ May4-lm EDWAEDKUEHL MAOISTEIl OF PALMYSTEHY AND CONDI TIONALIST , 498 Tenth etrcct , between F&rnam and Harnoy. Will , with the aid of guardian oplrlta , obtain fnr any ono a glance o ! the pool and present , aud nn ciitaln conditions In tht In- tare. Boota and Shoes made (3 ( oider. < * . ( lai\rtlnn mi-.rn.nlf ] AbsoSutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of pn rlty ttrcnjfth and wholesoraonesa. Uere economical than the orplnary kinds , and cannot b sold In competition with the multitude of low test ibort M eight , alumor phosphate powder Sold only in cans. IlOYM. BAKIKO POWDER Co. , Wall-St.ifjif New Yort. Yort.d. d. E. BERGEN , AND Cor Blx'eenlh and Streets. PASK. B. HAAS , FT O 1 ? T Q T tan ( Ui iJbQj tSa fftf Jlf m DEALER IN Flowers , P.ants and Boupets , Flower beds prepared for any oce lathe city renonable price i. _ DeiiierL.Tnoias&Bro. WILL BUY AND SELL. 3E .E2..e > uK.i E eiajXHfBf iXJ ) AIL TBANBACTlOHa OCKX..IITKD TUZRKwrrn. Fay Tazca , Rant , HCQBCC , Et2 , E , L. MORSE & UO , , RealEstate AND LOAN BROKERS , 1G22 Ospltol Avenue , . Omaha , Neb , HOUSE ? HENTED. IIENT3 COLLECTEDi