Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1883, Page 5, Image 5

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TN How the Railroads Eleofl tlio
Producers of the State
of Iowa ,
Millions Wrunfj from the Pec-
plo by Overohargea and
Diecrimiuntion ,
An Appeal to the People to
Orguniza and Regulate
Monopolies ,
JTaot.4 .Collected by a Joint Cnm-
mittooof the Zlavouport Board
of Trade , Prodaou Kxoliango
nxid Citizens.
To the JoUt Committee on Freight TirllT
Your tub-cotnmlttee appointed to pre
pare n circular and plnn of buslncta , eub-
tnlt the fallowing draft of an appeal for
your approval , ud suggest that white
they fully realize the n.ngnltnde of our
undertaking , they aoo no reason to doubt
its 8UCOB8S if energetic atppa are tnkou ,
The work to be done will preecut itself at
each stop of progress , The folio wing teeme
the general plan topurane : The luomorinl
and huch appeal as you snail adopt to bo
printed us soon as possible , and froolv cir
culated ; the entire press , public olHc r * ,
recognized friends of the people , and all
leaning citlzena should bo supplied and re
quested to correspond with ua. Thla
sQould leid to a state convention , in Juno ,
at Das Moines or some central point. At
this convention , machinery should be put
in motion for county organizations. Per
sonal otfort , nhould be used where organ
izations were not perfected. To meet the
preliminary expenses funds will have to be
raised at once.
once.Retpcctfullv ,
Appeal to the Peop'e rf Iowa to I'/otcci Them-
telvi3 Against natlraid Cxtoitlin and Dis-
cilailnat.on Amounting to Mll.louu ol Over
The power to ounct laws to regnlato
railroad chargsa for moving freight
from ouo polut within the atiuo to an
other haa baon fully decided to txlat
lu the legislature , The power to reg-
nlnto churgea from ouo atato Into or
through another state , reals In con
greas , aud ia claimed to reel solely
there , though thla point has baeu
qaostionod by high authority. The
Bupremo court of the atato of Illinois
haa recently decided that the otate haa
the right to punlah discrimination ,
even ou hanla contracted to go into
another state. The quoatlou ot rogu
latiug intor-atato commerce ia , however -
over , of much loaa lutereat to na than
that of local rates , aa the waterway
competition on our borders and to the
eastern market aorvo as regulations ,
of all through freight.
is tha third state In the Union In rail
road mileage , and first foragrioultnra
producta for transportation , Hoi
vast agricultural reaonrcoa that required
quired an outlet , coupled with the
level nature of the country , have
made it a fascinating field for railroad
cDnstraotion. The people autlclpat
ing large returns from the sale of pro
duce If cheaply nmketed have con
trlbuted liberally to the oonstrnotioi
of theae roada , in order to secure thi
cheap transportation , often ontalllni
burdensome taxitlan aa well ua pr'
vato indebtedness. largo tracts of
tiavj also been given to those com
panies on which they have real'zsd
milliona of dollars. Thoao roadn are
now mostly owned by non-roaidonte ,
and the contributions of the people
are in but very few inatancoa repre
sented in ntock , and the hoped for
cheap tranoportation haa not been
to tha railroad companies. The rail
road commissioners say in their report
that "this vast business ought to ap
peal with efleclive force nlika to thu
oonsj of jnatlca , but the railroad man-
apora and the wisdom of the state in
the matter of pablb control , " and
add , "tho only security of both lies In
th ) prompt and mutual recognition of
the rights of each. " We add that aa
there ia no pcrjoptiblo recognition of
the rights of the people by the rail
roads It ia time the people were secur
ing the enactment of
to soonro the reasonable charges to
which the volume of freight , aa well
aa the cheap construction , easy gradi
ents and curvatures of the railroads
in the state entitles them. That wo
are entitled to the low rates of the
leading states , is fully shown by the
on leading roada. Theae dividends
would become enormous on some of
the roada , If they wore estimated on
tholr actual coat within this state.
The six loading railroads , operating
3,410 mlloa of road , report a net
profit of $10,000,000 , or $3,000 eta
mlle , which would bo a large per cent ,
even on the nominal coat. The oom-
mission's report of 1881 Bays "that
every effort to show the actual cost ofa
the railroads ( In Iowa ) has boon a
failure. " Hence we can only approx
imate their actual cost.
The commlaalon's reports glvo na
the average coat of freight on roade
operated only In part wltuin this state
but do not give any averages on strict
ly local , or freight moved from sino
point within the state to another
They give the rates charged between
points on the loading rotda , nnd leave .
CB to approximate from those to gel ;
general figures. These estimates woulc
make na safe in saying that wo pay
cants a ton a talle on an uverage , or
leaa than car lota , and 2J conta 01
wheat , coal and lumber in large lots
Wo invlto the fullest examination ta.of
these facts by each individual roado
at hla own locality , and that ho report >
to this office hla faots and inferences :
Wo have no wish to exaggerate
While the ratea are simply enormvu
on strictly local rates for short hanle
It will bs aeon by the following table
that thora ara no cheap rates in whio
citizens of Iowa are specially inter
eated. The freight that crosses the
state from other states may be lov
but If wo have any Interest In thia Lit
la to have It high , that we may ' t
charged less. We compare Iowa atoa
with the avoraao rate of eight Je ling
roada In the United Statea , 1 cent
ton for each mile. On all the roods
in the United Status the avoragn is
1.29 conta a ton for each mile , ( o *
gim > ) ou all c.vjsca of freight ,
ooMrAinsoN or KATES.
In lown with the averse rate on
IcAdlcp ; toads , 1 out per ton poraillo ,
wo will take na nnmjilcs , third elasn
freight , T.-horU and cittlo , on the Chicago
cage , Keck Island & i'aclfio nud
Nortlmcoturn railroads , as follows :
r = 1 > | I pi7Ousr oi > MQ
| $ i i n iiarcoooiS
* 3 I * " * * " " * is rc i . - *
S OOOO3 OO < > O 3 nwiistcs
Sg Per ton
g ; ; n in to t
a Per car is tt he o ci cr ft ss
! ' "i ws-rot jg
i ° n
a t-iel-r
_ . < M
i > Car. ? i m ii o co x o ta om
fr-lO II p O OI5 OOP
oTon. ! - > . . . i.o i. ] is < see no
ri ci f i n *
OCnr , t i. ci u o o uj o o j
To in o ic t > - o -i ci ;
_ JSoRiio voomi ! ;
" "
Per ton
s *
ocooo ooooo
O CJOOllIO < _ > r1i-iCIO
< j a Per mlle , oar ci in n t inr co 1-5 < = 17
„ rl rl Cl rl Jl M
. | 88--
S Per ton
I o 0 n c
G i w"1"1"
Parcar | ' § S2S §
| S Car. OOUfflQQ
v w. o 25
" " "
UJ CW tH "
OUar , See O urf
oo-i- ,
Per ton.
_ _ < HSicQ j ia
o I ooopp
" '
g Per car. ! o-r-rno
ci cm r 9
The oommlshlonera' n-port for 1882
lays 10,595,174 toua of freight uro
moved lu lowu ; of this amonnc over
wo million ions is strictly local
moved from one point ia the atatu to
mother. ) Lat ua eoo the
of excess for handling this 20 percent
of the freight moved. Calling the
average distance hauled within the
state 100 mllus , and wo have the sum
of 200,000,000 tons moved one mile ,
which would cost ut ouo csnt a ton a
mlle § 2,000,000. Wo must approxi
mate the rate now charged from fig
ures given in the reports , a ? wo have
no other data. These would show
that throe cents a ton per mlle would
bo a low estimate. At this rate the
cost of moving 200,000,000 toco one
mile would be $0,000,000 , or
$4,000,000 IK EXCESS
of cost at one cent a ton per mile , thi
rate of leading roads. If we glvo ou
carriers 50 per cent mora than th' '
leading roada , cr $1,50 per ton pe :
mile , wo will still have $3,000,09
forced from the people annually , whlcl
is four tlmua the annual tax for oup
porting the state government.
The excQGa of charges it must bo ro "
membornd is only on the strictly local
freight. Onc-hulf , of the balance only
crosses the otato , and does not tfl'jot
na materially except &s increasing itr >
diminishing the .income of the roade.
The other half la freight originating |
in , or coming to Iowa to atop. Much :
of this half uould become strictly local
to the immeuce bone/it / of all the in
terests of the ntato. If the , railroads
wore not allowed to compel it to take :
the loug haul to Ohfcigo for their
benefit , lowu would then derive eomo '
real bdiiofii from the rivers that bound
it on two nidea. Theao unjust charges
< m > moat especially to prevent freight
from taking the cheaper river ionic to
the seaboard , or to other competing '
( not pooling ) liaca which leave the
river for the eastern seaboard at ta
below. Cheap rates to the ra
would open up all the competing
markets of the country to lowu pro
duce , free from the manipulating pro-
Thu present syetom of charging an
much for a few mlloa haul to the state
line , as ia paid for a thousand mlloa be
yond Chicago , or cs would bo paid for
a thousand mlloa from the Mississippi
to Now York by rail , in competition
wlch the lakes aud otherroutea , ia cut
ting Iowa oil from all the benefits itof
really long haul routes. Qlvo reason
able ratca to the rivers , and MO would
aoon bo able to aeouro rates that would
astonish us. There is no reason tote
doubt that the volume of freight to
bo morod between the Mississippi and
the eastern seaboard ( to Bay nothing
of the competition of the river route
to New Orleans ) , would inaura ratea
aa low per ton pur mlle aa the ratea by
rail from Chicago to Now York , or in
the state of Now York in competing
with water transportation , if wo could
avail ourselves of it by proper ratea to
the river. The rates of the Now
York roada in competition with ho
canal , of a cent per ton per le
would bo tor the one thonaaud mlloi
from Iowa to Now York , 25 cents pei >
hundred , $5 per ton , or $50 per carol
ten tone , which Is no more than li
charged on merchandise transportoc :
, sixty miles In Iowa , and less than i ii
- charged on wheat one-fifth tbo dis
tance ,
Tht t Iowa la prosperous notwlth
standing thla taxation of million
above juat rates by the railroads , h no
argument in favor of allowing It ti
5 continue. Our natural advantages i o
aoll and climate do not belong to the
railroad corporations. Oar state i i
. now and has been a succutss , Our vii
gin soil has yielded abundance of ton
when crops in other stated and forolg
couutrlea have failed , and wealth haa
, ilowed In upon us , Wo must not foi [
. get that the reverse haa , in some ir
stances , boon true ; that wo are at a
, times liable to these reverses , Eho
, tendency la to closer competition and
lower prices for farm products. If tl
- old and now sources of supply that
Europe has nearer home , should sue
, caod in excluding our products fro
the vaat market of which we have hi
bo the benefit for
the past few yoai
hard times would Indeed bo upon i
aud larger crops would bo of lit )
a benefit , at the present enormous oc
of marketing , The lorsoua of the
pot may well leach old Bottler ; ! to bo
wise in time and soonro ronantinble
rates to thu mnrketa of the world now.
The nvaluncho of vludlotlvoncss
and vituperation hurled by the mil-
road Inllaouco upon the law of 187' ! ,
known at the Granger low , was more
because It stood an nil inilox of the
power of the people to control these
common carriers tlmn because of any
burden it imposed , Ita provisions
wore mostly moderate. Ita weakness
Iny In the opportunity POIUO of its ad-
juitiQcntn gave exports for picking
Ihwa , aud in a want of clearness that
would enable those not exports to un
derstand Its provisions , and a lover
Tat thn.i Riven by which thu railroad
irfluonco hoisted it out of existence.
What is needed IB
that will secure the rights cf all , And
that all bneluesa men , at least , can
readily understand. It is not desira
ble that wo go to extremes. Lat uo
leave the railroads no just cause for
complaint , but adopt aomo system
which can bo adjusted with ease to
the wanta of the people , while allow
ing the carriers iair pay for the labor
they perform , Decided energetic ac
tion by the people of all parts of the
state will secure this ,
It li none too soon to act If wo
wish for success next fall , The people
plo should bold meetings , compare
vlotts and organize ready to secure a
rousing convention thla summer , at
aomo central point. Wo need to
thoroughly understand the men who
makn ip the
to know that they have faith In the
movement ; that they have honoaty
aud backbone to resist money or
blandishments , aa well as intelligence ,
to lake advantage of parliamentary
machinery in time , buforo thu rail
road engineers pet control of the
throttle valves. 'J ho organizing cf
each house to suit tholr interests aud
the prompt use of parliamentary tao-
tlca are the loading moans of the rail
road interests to defeat the will of the
pooplo. Thla , with their passes and
other bribes and a brilliant lobby ,
supplied Tilth attractive rooms , where
ull the ontlacmonto are freely pro
vided , must bo expected and defeated
by real men , Thora can be no doubt
of our aiiRccaa if the proper organlzi-
tlpn ia i fiacted throughout the state ,
The strongest evidence of this is fully
apparent. Thu facts are too start
ling to hnvo bocn overlooked by the
people Wo should waste no ener
gies on
Enact n simple , definite , mileage
tariff of rates , above which charges
cannot go , and the objectionable fea
tnres of railroad management will
disappear. Pooling will be naolcaa ,
If the rate la reasonable for short
hauls and for trancfor from one road
to another , they may carry long as
cheap aa they pieaae , only that they
must servo all alike under like condl
tioua , and naca no favoritism , In
charges or in furnishing cars. Al
sorts of substitutes for this definite
tariff of rates will bo suggested in thi
railroad Interest , to catch the nnwary
and thna fritter away time , The
ia perhaps the moat seductive aubtor
fuge over Invented by thoao export in
ventorsofhow to do It. " If thes
commissioners wore really in a post
tlon to exercise power in the manno
of regulating freights , In the absence
of definite laws , their position would
bo moro like that of the czar of HUB-
ala than any oflioer known to our re-
public. They would oxorclao despotic
power over Interests involving millions.
Tncy can only ba useful aa a primary
court uudur definite laws. Then if
they were too olaatla the people could
appeal to a higher court.
These receiving this appeal , if ap
proving , are requoatcd lo perfect an
organization to carry out the object
had in view. Wo aak na a epoclal
fp.vor that you will communicate with
thia ofilco , Bending na the names of
any prominent friends of cheap trans
portation In pour vicinity , alao aond
- ua any facts that will help the move
ment ; send the proceedings of lo
meetings , and all newspaper S ,
favorable or otherwise , nud inform us
what journals with Wo i j
are na. should
be pleased to receive any suggestions
you may have to make. To carry out
.the object next fall it will bo neces
sary to have prompt , energetic organ
ization in order to elect reliable men.
It ia expected to hold a convention
during the summer to assist the organ
ization. Please inform ua if jour sec [
tion would bo represented.
Moat respectfully yours , oto ,
0. A. FICKE ,
, Wu K. WIIITB ,
Joint Committee.
Honford'a Acid Phoopliato.
co , says : "I find It a pleasant and
valuable remedy in indigestion , par-
tlcularly in overworked men. "
, ,
Missionary Mooting.
The meetings of the Women's Mia
la elonary society of Omaha Presbytery
bytory are now In soaalor
is at the Second
Proabyteriai [
- church , having bacun ; Wednesday
A largo audience wna present , nd
- during the evening Rov. G. II. Wil
Hams , of Nlobrara , delivered an id-
drone , in which ho told of the oxporl
to encoa of miasionary life
of on the frontier
The meetings wore hold yoatorda'
ia afternoon nud evening , at the
church , 17th uud Dodge etroota.
Devotional exorcise * led by Mrs. Pei
Address of welcome by MH. Meredith
. Jlesponne by Mrs. Little of Columbus.
< BInglng.
all Reports from societies.
Election of oflio&ra.
Afternoon eesulon , 2 p. m ,
Poem by MIB3 IU | ( Wilson.
the Prenbyter.'al report and address by Ira.
Nishols ,
Address by Mri. Helen , Chicago.
had Thoio Complaining
'of Sore Toroat , Hoireenegi "
, , or "UVlt
cold , " hould use UBOWN'H UnoNoni/
TROCHES , The effect IB extraordinar
particularly when used
by lingers fti
coat speakers for clearing the voice ,
The Weddings of Prominent Omnha
The matrimonial market la begina
nlng to loom up a little , aud the fein
lowing weddings are reported ali.oa
our last Isaac :
The nnptiala of Mr. John llarto
and MisB Mnggio 15. Drexel woru
solemnized Tuesday evening , May
22 , ut 7 o'clock , at the residence of
lion. Fred Drexel , three mlleo south-
weal of thla city. There were present
only thu r.ilutlvoa of both partce. The
event wns celebrated Iti tbo hnpplcat
manner possible , and the happy
couple received many valuable proa-
ll\v. Dr. Stolllng performed the
ceremony , Henry llurtobahiggrootna-
man und Miss Luoy Droxul brides
maid. After the wcddlui ! , \ dollcioas
supper was served.
At n late hour the groom nnd bride
loft 1 for their now reoldmicj , 810 tiuuth
Seventeenth street , this city , where
toy will commence housekeeping r.t
The marriage of Mr. John W.
Lanor , the secretary , treasurer nud
mauagnr of the Omaha nail works , and
lisa Silllo Gjotschiua , daughter cf
Ira. Julia Gootechlua , was celebrated
iVodneaday at the residence , of the
ride's mother , No. 004 South Seven-
ooth street. were present be-
Idea the rolatlvea of both parties n
lumber of personal friends. DOAU
rlllltipaugh performed the ccrnmouy ,
nd Mr P. E Her , uncle of the bride ,
; ave her away.
After tbo wedding a delicious eup-
per wna served , end at half-past 7 the
lowly-wedded pair started on the
venlug train for a tour of Colorado
, nd Wyoming.
Mr. Laucr , a young business man
of rcccgnlzod ability , and his brldo n
young lady whcao merit has won for
lor the high regard of n largo circle
f frionde , are deservedly popular ,
nd the wedding gifts wore valuable
nd elegant.
Danteh Aueoulotlou.
WHERICAS , In view of the lese wo
have sustaluod by the of our
rlcud and aaaociate , Mr. John Olsen ,
ind of the still heavier lofs sustnlnod
by thoae who wuro noaroatnnd dourest
to him , therefore , bo it
"RESOLVED , That it la but a jest
rlbnto to the memory of the departed
o say that , in regretting his removal
rom our mldat , wo mourn for ono who
waa in every way worthy of our ro-
apect and regard ;
"RESOLVED , Tnat wo sincerely condole -
dele with the slater of the deceased on
the dlspnusatloii with which it has
pleased Divine Provldenco to ( .fillet
her , and commend her for consolation
to Him who orders all things for the
best and whano chastisements are
meant In mercy ;
"RESOLVED , That the heartfelt tes
timonial of our sympathy and sorrow
bo forwarded to the sister of our departed -
parted friend by the secretary of the
socloy. COMMITTEE. "
O'CONNOR-In this city , May 2 b , at
10 o'clock a. in , , Anna Maria O'Connor ,
aged 10 years.
Msu ! O'Connor ia a niece of Mrs. P. II.
Carey , of the Doran House. The funeral
will take place to-day , May 25th , at
0 a. m. , from the Dornu House to the
Cathedral , 1'rieuds are invited to'ftttend.
A. n , Bishop , of Danver , ia at tbo Pax-
O. B. Miller , of Topeka , ia at the Pax-
on ,
Wilfred 0. Potter , of Chicago , ia In the
Rev. F. S. Blaynoy dined at the Mlllard
lion , 0. A. Chnrlston , of Phelps , ia in
the city.
Aug. Swonson , of Kearney , It at the
J. N. Spocr , of Hiawatha , Kan , , is at
the Paxton.
Mr. W. 0. B. Allen loft forSchuyler today
day on bnainens.
I Clarence Uuall nndV. . II. Harding , of
I St. Louis , were guests at the Paxton yes-
terday ,
J. J. Cox , H , F. Downs nnd wile nnd
\V. II , B. Stout , of the state capital , are
gueitaof the Mlllard.
J. F , Morgan , Mrs , Morgan and Mist
) Phllpott , of New South Wale ? , Auatrnlia
are guests at the Paxton ,
Hon. John D , Seaman and 11 , It , Groor
of Kearney , wore In town yesterday and ftt
tended the Council Bluffs races.
Mr. William G. Falat , a New Yorl
merchant , arrived in Omaha Wednesday
and will visit hla brother , Louis Falat , foi
several days.
Hey Chamberlain , Thos. H , Bedwell , A.
Gran Standt. W. S. Lundy nnd II , K.
Paralow , of Clnrlnda , Ia , , were at the
Millard yesterday.
- Miis loga Kkstrom , Mlaa Ingobori ; Lot
gren , Mian Bertha Kricaon nnd Mia (
Ktnma Liraou , compoalng the Swedlal
ladiea quartette , accompanied by lisa
- Ida Kliel.the elocutionary recdor , register
ed at the Paxton yesterday.
General Manager Hall , of the Sion
City & Pacific railway , and his party
I compriBlng Meuaru. J , I , Blair , Jaiuc
Blair Oliver Amen , D. P. Klmball , Her
nee Williams , J. Vantcrvater end 0. K.
- Vail , pisse.1 cnut last evening in tlieir eai
' Dilof Mention ol Important Ooromc
LilOB LaBt
A reception waa given Justice Miller
lor la&t evening at the residence o
Hon. John L , Webster.
The reception in honor of Morll
Meyer and nlfo and Adolph Moyo
and wife last evening was atondod b
a number of our most ; prominent ilti-
/.ens , and a delightful time was uu-
. joyed by all.
Indian Horse Tlilovei.
WINNIPEG , May 24 A dlspatc
from Maple Creek , the present tlQCrl
minus of the Canadian Pacific rallroa
statoa that Monday morning a band
and Plogans , from acroaa the bordo
swooped down on that place and itolo
ono : hundred horaoa. Maple Greek is
two hundred and fifty miles west of
Hoglun 1 ! , and forty-live miles north of
the boundary hcadquartora. A num
ber of contractors and mounted pollco
aroBtatlonud : with troops. A mouth
agothoCro | H crusted the boundary
aud .siolurt huiJri'd horaca from the
1'iujjam , j the Intlor have since been
waiting for an opportunity to regain
the stolen nnimila , The Oroos brought
thi'tu to Moplo Orock and fraz ° d thum
thoro. On Monday n pvty I'legana
canit ) over , and , Itappnare , took no-
ectiun of their own iMiimnh , but bo-
eid'jH tliuno th y took n nuutbor of
huraca belonging to the \thlto nottlors
PANAMA , May 112 The Kjundor-
hu muddle ban not yet tnrmlnntod ,
The ln t not of Dictator Yelntluillla
haa been to plunder the bank of Koua
dor , a private concern , of $ I20OCO ! ,
Protests wrro r.indo by the consuls
and captuluH of foreign men-of-war
with no effect. It is bollovcd ho In-
tunda to leave the country but out of
revenge whiles to make a show of defending -
fending Guayaquil In order toi
have an excueo for destroying
the property cf his onouilus ,
if not ' .he whole town. It U reported
thpthohaa ollored his won n chance
to aack the place , and occurroucca in
Quito in the curly part of the year
prove that ho lua long plotted thu
commission of thla crime directed
against the property of hla follow-
conntrymon , aud many millions of
foreign capital Invested In Guayaquil.
Au English aud Italian vessel are con
stantly stationed In the river for the
protection of foreign intorcats ,
The denouement threatens to bo of
a sorlour. nature , and blood and street
rioting and destruction might bo pre
vented by a ahon of foroo. Reliable
reporti atwto that many soldiers wore
dcson ing Volutiuillla , that the com
mander of the fort below the city lied
after aplklug the gunn and removing
the ammunition , and that another of
ficer on duty up the river turned over
hla entire command to the rebola ,
Some Bolivian frontier custom cfli-
clals have coutiacntml suno boxes of
blbloB eont to the Mtsalotmry aooloty ,
which did not bear the proper ponti
fical warrant. The pupura want to
want to know who inado those men
censors of religion and what their
qualifications for utlioo are. The law
does not prohibit the transportation
of backs.
GUAYiQUiLMay 24 , L8tnl httho
enemy came within the radlua of the
f.irtliicutlonn. Over 100 shots were
tired on both nldoa. The firing waa
kept up until 3 o'clock this morning.
There waa great excitement. An at
tack la hourly expected. Volntlmllla
waa present at the filing during the
MEXICO , May 2-1 , The proaldont
asks congroaH to prorogue thu session
until Juno 10th to act on the settle
ment of the English department.
The president declares thu forfeit
ure of thu contract held by the United
States and Mexican construction com
pany , of Washington , for the drain
age of the Olty and Valley of Mexico ,
for failure to deposit $200,000 gnor-
antoo as airroed ,
PANAMA , May 12. The United
Statcn otcamor Essex left Oalloa May
5th for Honolulu with Kerr , the nb-
econdor , recently arreetnd in Lima
on board , at Honolulu Kerr will bo
transferred to the PtclfioMnil steamer
- or , which will carry him to San Fran-
clio , and thus the lack of an ex
- tradition treaty with Colombia , which
prevented hla cros&lnp tliti lathmua
will bo gotten over. The EJSOX was
detached from the P.iclfio equodron
and attached to that In the Chinese
The German steamer Elnaonfelds
with 800 German emigrants on board
for Honolulu , recently touched at
Valparnlno ,
| < 1 NOTEU HUT nNTITl.ii > WOMAM.
[ From the Bontou Ulobe. ]
i < c5rv -
, ,
, bin ? . EJltort .
- The itboTB If a ( rood likened of Mr * . LydU E. Pit
un , of Lynn , llaii. , who abore all oilier human belni
y be truthfully called tlio "Pear Friend of Woman
nome of her correipohdentJ lore to call her. 81
otalotulderoted to her work , which U the outoon
- i f a Ufe-itudf , and It obU ed to keep li lu
or | ViliUnU , to help her aniwerthe large corraponden
hlch dallj pouri In upon her , each bearing Iti ipecl
ftieu ot tufferlnr , or Joj at relraMfrom It. II
. rcotable Compound li a medicine for good and n
. rll purpoiM. I Imre pcnonallr InrixtlcaVed It ai
n Battifled ot the truth of thll.
On account of Iti proTcn merlte , It li reeommendi
idpro crUi db7thebc tpli7 > lclani In the countr
- na eayii "It worki like a charm and HTCI mui
Un. It will euro entirely the wont form of fallli
f the utcru' , Ix-ucorrlxca , Irregular v > d patnf
tenstmatlon , ] Orarlan Troublei , Inflammation ai
Iccratlon , Floodlngs , all DlipIacomenU and the co
Kiuentfl'lnnl ' weakncM , anil It eipoclC/adapted ! I
- _ ie Cluxn e of Ufo. "
It p rmcatc eTcrjr portion of tie rjttem , i
w life and vigor. H removes faintnoH , ( U'ulenc
: litrojs all cravlne for ttlrauUnti , and rulloriM wca
fs of the stomacli. It run-5 lUoatlnc , Hcadachi
trvous I'roetratlon , General Debility , Hleeplounei
rprcBfclun anil Indigestion. Tlmt fe llnf of bcarli
Dwnc < uiilnii > aln , weight end liackacljo , | j alwa
. trnutncnlly curcxl by Its us\ It will at all time * , a
nd'ir all circumstance * , act In hannon/ with Uia L
Ut KUUTIIS tlio femftlu vjctrm.
H costs only Jl , [ per tottlo or U for $ S. , and It eold
ruggli.t'i. Any nijvloo rc < ) Ulrc < laa tu BJH'I lal ciure , a
ie inmci of many who liavo bi'on restore J to r if
nUllil.y the usoof Uio VczttftUo Com | unrl , eon
- btalni'il l.yiiiMrowtesKra.1' . . with rtmapfar reji
Mirr homo In Tjyim ,
For Kldiu y Complaint of tlthrr this c
is'irpa v il an abuirlant tifetltnonlali thaw.
- " 1 . I > [ iil.liam'sIJ > crl'lll 1"iinyiion wrlto7 , "i
of I'f wrlil fnrtbu euro uf ComrtlpUJ
. .I . Tonality of the liter. IlarUlc
( .nilora In It * tqxrial line tad tilJ f
/ ipnund In Iti jiopularlty.
i-t her a * an Angil of Mercy whcse i I
> Koudtoothcn.
by fix. CD Mrm.A.Sl.1
! -
J. E , HOUSE ,
and Civil Eoginoi
Spcchl attention to Survcj Inir Town AdJItlc
' . ana I , its. Kurnlinlnic Kitlmatea ol Eicavatlo
Ol Maklnir M | n , iUn , 4c.
Era 10-ly OMAHA , NED.
Offices and parlors over the new Omaha
National Bank , 13th , between Farnam
and DouglasStreets.
Dr. Fishblatt can bo Consulted Ever ? Day Except Fridays and
Saturdays , those two Days being dovqtod to flia Dianensary at
Des Homes , Jowatipeoial attention given to diseases of the
AiidFomalo Diseases , as well as All Chronic and Nervous Diseases
Ilii Jlicov red the greatest cure In the world lor weakness ol tlio back and limbs , Involuntary
llichargpa , luipotency , gMicrM ileblilty , ncrvotunos" , languor , confusion ot Ideas , palpitation of thi
hi , art , tliutillly , trembling , dilutions ot slh'ht or giddiness , dlseisca ot the head , throat , * ese or skin
11 ! fleetioni cl tbo liver , lungs , stomach cr bowels those tcrrlhto disorders arising [ rom solitary nab *
Iti 11 you'll , mil Merit prtctl os moro tttnl t.i the victims than the tones ot Syrens to the m rlr -
irool ll ) cs , blighting tlieir inmtrullant hopiHor ntlslintloni , rendering nurrLvo Impossible.
ThMo tlut aru entering ( rom the uvll practices which destroy tholr mental and pnyilcal sygttml
The of which are a Jull.illntromml mlml , which imnta them ( rom performing inelr btul-
noes andmciM duties , iuakon happy uurrlago impossible , distresses the action ottho heart , causing
fUnhesot heat , dot riuulou o ( splri's , avil fnobjdlng-i. cawardlco , fc rt , clreitni , roatleai nlghtt ,
dltiluotu , InrgetlulnoM , unnatural illachtrKCS , pain In the back &ml | hlpi , abort breathing , melan
choly , tire uully of comp-tuy itnd havj uret. rcnco to bo alone , feeling ai tlrod In the morning M
whun retiring , ssmliul wuakntB' , lent uianhnod , white bone deposit In the urine , netvoumoea , con-
( uilon o ( thoinht , trembling , watery and weak oym , dvtiwpsla..conatlrMtlon , paloncaa , pun ami
woaknoef In the Ilmbg , etc. . nhouM consult me Immediately and bo roitarod to peilool health.
Who hare become victim ! o ( aollUry vice , that drcailful and dostructlvo habit which annually
wcopetoan untimely Kravo thousand ) o ( young men o ( exalted talent and brilliant Intellect who
uUht othoiwlio entrance ( Utunlng senators with the thunderi ol tholr eloquence or wake toeota-
cy the living lyre , m y call with lull conddtnco.
Ilarrled pornont or Toung men contemplating marriage be aware of physical we kneMIOM >
prccroatlt e power , Impotency , or any other dlsqualltlcaMon ipoedlly rtllovod. lie who placet him
wit under the coru ot lr. Flsnsla tmav relljiou ly conDdo In hit honor aa a gentleman , and conl-
denUy rely uixin his Bklll as a phyilclan.
Immediately enrol and lull vigor restored. Ttils dlairwalng allllctloi which renders lite a harden
and mairlago Imporslblo , Is tlio penalty luhl by the victim lor Improper Indulgence. Young people
aroap to commit BXCCBSOI Iron not bring awarx ot the dreadful conscquencei that m y ensue ,
now who that understands this subject will deny that procreation Is lost oooncr ey those falllnj
Into Into Impropi r hablta than by prudent ! Ueildes bolng doprlv d of the plcaiuro o ( hi althy oS-
pringi > , thoiiiMt scrlouiand dixtructlvo ayinpcomn o ( both body animlnd arlto. The system be-
conn * deranged , the physical and mental functloni wonkonj Lonot procroattvo powers , norvoas
Inability , djspcpila , palpitation ot the heart , ludlgcitlon , ( constitutional dobllUy.iwaatlng ol UM
( tame , couxh. consumption anl death.
I'crMni ruined In health by unlraincd pro'onders who keen them trlflln month altar [ month
UklngpolionQusand Injurious compounds , should apply Immediately.
grodtnte ol ono ol the meet eminent colleges ol the tin'tod ' States , has effected same of thi ) most
atttonlshlng euro that were ovoi known ; nuny troubled with ringing In the oars and head , when
nuloop , great norvoumois balng klarmed at curtain sounds , with frequent blushing , attended same '
ttuiotj with derangemout ol the mind wore cured Immediately.
Dr. F. addrossoa all these who have InlnroJ themselves by Improper Indulgence tandsolitary
hablUnhlch rulu both bady and mind , uullttlng thora ( or huslnois , study , sddoty or marriage.
These are some of the molaiichi ly effects produced by the eirly hablu ot youth , viz ; Weak
ness ot the back and llmbd , palm In the bwvl niH dimness ol sight , (049 ( ot muscular power , palpi-
tatlon ol iho heart , dyspepsia , norvouj IrrlUblllty , dorangeinoat al dlgostlva ( unctions , .debility ,
consumption , etc.
CONSULTATION FHEK. Charges moderate and within tha reach ot all who need sclentlfla
Medical treatment. Thoee who res ilo at a distance and cannot call , will receive prompt attention
through mall by simply Bending thlor symptoms with pottage.
Andriw * fxck Hoi 34 , Omaha , Neti- , ,
Jasper Stone
Th'a Company Is now prepared to receive order )
Building Purposes ,
, And will make figures on round lots for piompt
tlelUury. The Company Is shipping
To both Chicago and Omaha , and solicits ccrrcs-
pondcncu and orders from contractors engaged -
gaged lu paving Btrccts In auv of th
Wet torn O.lloj.
urKiimxKnT- Chicago , Wrst Divis
ion Itallwty. Cblcago , December C , 1882. D.
Klweli , Pioaldoottlloux Fulls Watcrl'ower Com-
piny. Dear Sir I have received from your comp -
p uy lncu October 1 , 1882 , about 100 car lotds
of granite paving blockn and have laid them bo-
toei > the rillsof our street > all av track ] In the
heart cf the city. I have been using raving ma-
tcilal In this city form ny years , and I takeplcv
sure In i a ) Ing that In my olulon the gmilto
paving UUcks fuinlshod by your company are
the moit rrgti'ar In thapo and pcrfo t In form ,
and to far ss I have In en aljlfi to Judge , are pos-
teased ol on durable ftaturo as any material that
bos ever bcn cffcied or laid In the dty.
Youra , JAS. 1C. LAKE.
im ST. Louis , March 22 , 1833.
D4 Tills ID to certify that I have examined a piece
CIV rf granite taken from the Sioux Falls Granite
IM Quarries , and , la my opinion , It Is the beet etono
nd for sticot paviug I have icen In America.
an' ( Signed ) HENHY FLAD ,
I'rca. Board Public Improvements.
. I
uol Stone for Paving Purposes
And any person Intcroittd In such Improvements
1 "II llrd It grcailr to his adtanUgoto
ifad communicate with us. Wo Invite
IVK The ccncril ininaeemtnt and supervision of
ncj thii con pity's buMiiosH Is no < v In the haida
aJt of Win. McUalo.
, Addrcs.1 your Icttora ta
toll . . ,
; I'loilJcnt ol the J.epcr Stone Co.
anl ml m&c-tf
fed i
ndf 217 md 219 North Main 8t , St. Loula.
\\ : uiALtna IN
HOOK , >
Uool NEWU , f
sol D. Printers' Stock
iTCish paid ( or Kiga and Paper 8t cV , Sera
Iron and MeUls ,
1'aper Stock tVarehiusea 12D to 1237. Nort
Sixth Itrcet. may 24 3m
ions lena , Undertakers 8
.NK , 318 14TH ST.BET. PAES.U4 AN !
1409 and 1(11 Dodge Sticol ,
anf > 9-mo6m OMAKA , NKE.
Oor , Water and Congrets Streets.
CAPITA ! . , - - S400.OOO
UUUPLUO , . - m 00,000
Transacts a general Banking business. llo >
ccivea the accounta of Banks , Bankers and
others. Draws Foreign Exchange and
makes Cable Transfers in Europe nnd Tel
egraphic Transfers of Money throughout
the United Statea. Buys nnd Bolls GOT *
eminent and other Investment Securities ,
and executes any business for its Corre
spondents In the line of Banking.
ASA P. POTTEF President.
J. J. EDDY , Cashier.
J. W. WORK , Ast't Cashier.
Six yoire old , sired by Almont , ho by Alexan
der Abdtllah. Dim , On Time , by War Dance.
Also the Standard-bred Stallion
Three rears old , sired by Almont Lljhtnlng , by
Almont dam.
Four years old , 2:31 : , by Delzorlal , Delzorlal wM
by Alexander's Abdallah.
Will make the season at my place on 20th St. .
two blocks west of Or en Street c\t , at 135 00
each. Uares not proving In foal can be return
ed next season free of charge , The money must
bo p ld Invariably In advance. For further par
ticulars see or address
m 3-eod m&e 1m Omaha , Neb.
Omalia National Bank Building ,
Fine Millinery 1
Stock Entirely Fresh and New ,
109 15th Street , Opp. Postoffice.
Mated tto. No , S08 North