Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1883, Image 3

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Tlio Nflbrasfca National Bank ,
Of Omnhn , Neb.
Paid up Capital , - - $250,000.
R. JOHNSON , 1'rcalJcnt , ol Stoole.JJJohnion
* Co.
A. E. TOUZAL1N , Vlci PrcilJcnt , of 0. B. ft Q.
It. R. , Bciton.
W. V. MOUSE , ol W.JVUorw & Co.
> OHN S. COLLINS , ol a. U.&J.S. Colllni.
M. WOOLWOIVIII , Councilor & Attorney at
HEED , of Byron Ro < l 4 Co.
W. YATK8. Cashier , Ute Ouhter ol the First
National Dank of Omaha , and connected with
the actlva management ol that Bank since Its
organization In 1S63. .
OmsiD fer buslneM April 27th , 1882 , with the
largcet capital ol any Bank In Nebra-ka.
COLLBCTIOSS receive tpodal attention and char'
got lowest obtainable her * or olicwhero.
IKTIBIUT allowed on time deposit ! upon favor
able terms and ujionacoounta ol binki and bank
FORRIOH RxcnAxoR , OOTernmcnt Bonds and
County and Cltv securities bought nd )1J.
It Is prepared to do a eoier l bankluc buslnefa
n all Ita dttalli , and In iha treatment of cu-toiu-
ert will punuo the most liberal poluy conslaton
with tale bankloK ,
Ptockp , Bondi , Commercial Taper and all other
Good securities dealt In.
Iloom 4 , No. 28 Pearl St , , Council Bluffs , la.
pecUt Dtcpatchto TUB lias.
4 NEW YORK , M&y 24.
| Money 2J per cent ,
Prime Mercantile Paper-5@G per cent.
Sterling Exchange Bankers' bills
steady at 4 8-1 J ; demand , 4 67 | .
Government ! J per cent lower for 4 }
coupons ; otherwise unchanged ,
There was an advancing market for
stocks up to 11:39 : , at which time prices
were generally i@ § per cent higher than
last nlgbt , the latter for Burlington &
Quincy. Central 1'aclQc , however , was
exceptionally strong and advanced 1 per
cent over last night's closing , to 75 | . Con
trary to a somewhat general expectation ,
the governing committee decided not to
close tha exchange dniing any part of the
usual hours of business , notwithstanding
the general holiday. After 12:30 : the mar
ket wag extremely dull , and about 1 o'clock
prices began to sag from neglect of the
market. After 2 o'clock the market was
very dull. In the first half hour there was
an advance of J@8 per cent , and in the
last half nearly an equal decline. The
general list closed J@l per cent lower than
last night.
Mining itocks wera dull with the excep
tion of Sinora consolidated , of which
47,700 shares were sold at C4@G7 , closing
at 64 ; Navajo sold at 1SO@170 , closing at
175 ; Bodle consolidated sold at 120 { 115 ;
Sierra Urando at 115@110 ; Kobinson at 83
aud Consolidated Virginia at 58@G1.
Sales for the day , 60,755.
Yesterday. Te-day
s1 103 | 103 $
6'a 102 * lO.'i
4V * Coupons 113J 113
' * " ' " " "
P ' . ! . ! ! ! 127
/Car tral Pacific firsts 114 i 114 J
/ Zirio seconds 97 $ 08 $
f Lehigh & Wilkesbarro 104ft lOlj
/ Louiitiana cousolj 0) Glj
Mluaouri 6's 1124 1124
rr Bt. Joseph 110 110
Bt , Paul & Sioux City firsts. . 112 U 2
Tennessee 6'e 39J S'J\ \
m do new 394 S9J
Taias & Pacific Innd fronts. . GU Cl
do U. O.'div. . . . 52 82
Union Pacific 1st mortgage. . 115i 114J
do land grants . .107i 108
N do sinking fund. . 11(5 ( 116J
, VVirginia 6's 33 30
j do couHolsG's 37 .V8
, do deferred 9 110
Adams Express 134 128
Allegheny "Central 115i 115J
Alton & Terra Haute 70 724
do pfd. . . . 93 94
American Express 92 92J
i Burl. , Cedar llapids & North. 80 8U
Canada Southern C4g G4J
0. , St. L , & P 20 19J
I/ do pfd 57i 57i
I Oontral Pacific 74 § 7 < >
1 Chesapeake & Ohio 19 * 19J
do 1st pfd. . . ioX 294
do 2d pfd. . . 213 21J
Chicago & Alton 1324 132
do pfd 110 140
Ohl. , Burl. & Ouincy 123 122 ?
Ohi. , St. L. & Now Orleans. . 81 80
f Cin. , Sand. & Cleveland 37 30
V Cleve. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 67 69
/ Delaware & tludaon canal. . . .1101 108
Del. , Lack. & Western 121 | 123J
, Denver & Kio Grande 461 46
" Erie 35g 85g
do pfd. . . 781 79
Eaat Tennessee 9 $ 91
do preferred 18j 184
Fort Wayne & Chicago 132 132
| Hannibal & Ht. Joseph 42 42
U do pfd. 94 94
Hatlem 194 194
Houston & Texas Central. . . . 70 63
Illinois Central 143 U2J
Ind. , Bloom. & Western 28 27
Kansaa&Tcxas 28J 23
' Lake Erie & Western 27 27 *
I Lake Shore & Michigan So. . .1032 luSj
Louisville k Nashville 4SJ 48 |
J Louisv. , New Alb. & Chicago 65 f.4
M. &L , 1st pfi in 10
do do 2d pfd 5 5
Memphis & Charleston 41 42
Michigan Central 931 93
Memphis & St. Louis 264 2G
do pfd 654 Mi
Missouri Pacific 102g 102J
Mobile & Ohio m 15
Morris & Essex 125 125
Naahville & Chattanooga 62 5:1 :
New Jersey Central. . , 78J 7SJ
Norfolk &W 40 40J
Northern Pacific 49J 50
do pfd 80 $ 86g
Northwestern 130 129 ?
do pfd 1.184 149ji
i\l \ New York "Central 1218 121i
W Ohio Central 110J 11
fl Ohio & Mississippi 32 33 ;
I do pfd..100 105 ;
Ontario & Western 203 26 ;
Oregon Transcontinental 82J 82i
Pftcifio Moll 42J 42 ,
Panama. 98 98
Peoria , Decatur & Evaniv. . . 17j 18
Plttsburg & Cleveland 130 . . . .
Pullman Palaca Car 127 * 127
Reading 53)i ) c3)j )
Bock Inland 122 $ 1'21 {
Ht. Louis & San Fren 31 { 32
do pfd 53 63
do lot pfd 97 97
St. Paul & Milwaukee 102 ? 102J
do pfd..119 119
Bt Paul , Minn. & Manitoba. 124 123
Bt. Paul & Omaha IB 45 !
d ? pfd 10IJ 103 ;
Texas & P.\clfio SCj 30
Union Pacific 93 91j !
United Statoa Express CO GO
Wabash , St. L. & Pacific. . . . 27 23 :
\ M do pfd. 42J 41 ;
V / Wells , Fargo & Co. Exprew.124 121
ft / Weitorn Union Telegraph. . . 82j | 83
* . f Homestako 15 15
* f-t 'i. Ontario 25 2S
Ji QuicksUver 7i 7
do pfd 38 ? 8
South Tncific
dntro 21 21
If you are not married , write tb
Marriage Fund Mutual Trust Aisoclatloi
, , Cedar ltapld , Iowa , for circulars explalt
, ' ing the plan.
Special Dispatch to Tun U .
Lo.SDO.t , May 21.
Contois For money , 102 3-1G ; account ,
102 5-1(1 ( ; Illinois Central , 147 ; Pennsyl
vanla Central , 160 ; Now York Centra ) ,
123 ; Erie , 1301.
IpecUt Dlip tches to Tni Dn.
CniOAOo , May 24. Flour Market
steady aud unchanged.
Wheat Denianu nctivo and prices havn
advanced ; regular. 1 12 for May ; 1 12 |
forJnn ; 1 14J@114J for July ; 1 1G for
Augnit ; 116 for September ; 1 11J1 12
for the year ; No 2Chicago sprinir , 1 llj ;
No. 3 Chicago spring , 9lc ; No. 2 red
winter , 113J.
urn Demand fair und prices higher ;
fGJiio ( for cai-h ; fiCis for Mnv ; 57o
for June ; r)83@5'io for July ; 693u for
August ; f'Jio for September ; 52jo lor the
year.Oata Morket dnll and lower : 4lOS41c
for o nh ; 41Jo for May ; 41jg41fia ! for
June ; 41j@nc ; ) for July ; 34jj@3ijo : fnr
August ; 33Jo for September ; 3'Jg@3 for
the year.
Rye Market firm at G2J@63o for cash.
Barley Market dull bud nominal nt
80 ! .
Pork Moderately active and higher :
19 20@10JI5 for cash and May ; 19 20 ®
111 224 fnr June ; 19 40rgl9 42J for July ;
l'JG8i@1060 for August ; 19 70@19 724
for September ; 1710@17 424 'or the Market opened weak and lower ,
nnrt closed firm at outtido tuicee ; 11 G'ioi (
11 G4 for cafh and M y ; 11 70@11 72J
fnr June ; 11 77J@11 80 for July : 11 7u
@ 11 72J for Auuust ; 11 CO for Septuii-
her ; 10 r > . " ) @ 10 C7i for tLe year.
Jiulk Meats -In fair demiind ; bboul-
( 'o'rfi , K 00 ; short rib ? , 10 45 ; short clear ,
10 85.
Butt'r Market quiet and nnchangod ;
or-nmoriei' , 15@20c ; d iry , 12@18s.
KggMarket quiet and unchanged ;
Whinky Market steady and un-
Freights Corn to Buffalo , 2s.
CALL BoAnn. Wheat Market strong ;
advanced Jc for July , jc | for August.
Corn Market irregular ; declined Jo for
Pork Demand fair and market firm ;
advanced 2Jo for July and August and
5c for September.
Lard In fair demand ; 2Ja lower for
May , Juno and July ,
NuwYoBK , May 24. Wheat-Market
strong and l@2ic higher ; ungraded red ,
1 06@1 224 ; steamer No. 2 rod , 115J ; No.
2 red. 1 20@1 2Q ; ungraded white. 1 00
@ 1 23 ; No. 2 red , Mny , sales Gt.OOO bu
at 1 1 ! l203 , closing at 1 20 | ; June
aales , 8tS,000 bu at 1 20431 22 , closing
at 1 22 ; July ealrs , 2,064,000 bu at 1 22 $
@ 1 24J , closing at 1 V-l ; August sales ,
1,644,000 bu at 1 231 254 , closing at
1 251 ; September sales , 1.901,000 bu at
1 2 I@1 204 , closing at 1 2G | .
Corn Market strong and S@S ° higher ;
ungraded , 51@5G : ; titeitnifr. UliojG5c ( ; No.
2 , 65(2GJc ( ; No. 2. May. G5J(2G33c ( , closing
at 65ga ; June , G5J@Gagi , cloBing at G3c ;
July , GGJ@67c , cloniutf at 67c ; August ,
G81'cG3jJo , clcBinpat G3gc ; September , G9 |
@G9J , cioeine at G'Jic.
Oata Market stronger ; mixed western ,
48o.Ezga Western fresh quiet but firm.
Pork Market dull und nominal ; new
meap , 20 Ol'20 ' 25.
Lard Market firm , prime "toim , 11 SO
© 11 Socisb ; June , 1178 < ail 79 ; July , 1184
OllSS : Aujust , 1180@11 81 ; Sjptember ,
11 73@U 75.
Choe e Market quiet but firm ; wettern
Hat , 9@12c.
Butter Market dull and weak.
ST. Louis , Mnv 21. Flrmr Market firm
and higher ; XXX , 4 23@4 SO ; familv.
4 cO4 95 ; choice , 5 25@5 35 ; fancy , 5 09
@ 585.
Wheat Market unsettled and obou1 ;
Sa higher ; No. 2 red fall , 1 16i@l 1CJ
for co h ; 1 15J@117 for June ; 1 ISJ'a }
118 closing at 117J for July ; 1 lf > i@
1 Irg , closing nt 117i for August ; 11GJK < 4
1194. closing at 1 18J for Saptember ; 114 J
@ 1 ICi , closin1at 116 | for the year ; No.
3 red fall 1 09@112.
Corn Market higher , but very Blow ;
51j@51o tor ca h ; 51Sg(51So ( ( for Mnv ;
5ljo for June ; 53jg54Jo , cloning at 53jc
for July ; 54J@55ge , clc ing at G5s for Au-
gu t ; 47@474a for the year.
Oats Market higher , but dull ; 42 @
42c for cath ; 43s for June ; 41J ; for July ,
Rye Martet nominal ,
Barley-Market quiet at 55@7nc.
Corn Meal Market firm at 2 60.
Butter Market steady and unchanged.
Eggs Market steady and unchanged.
WhiBkv-Market steady at 114.
Provisions Market very slow ; only a
small job trade ,
hiehor ; 1 16t | for Junt ; 117i for July ;
1181 f ° r August ; 119J for September ;
1 lt > for the year.
Corn Market higher ; 52@52Js for June ;
-lj@54lc for July ; 554c for August ; 57c
for the year.
Oats Market eteady ; 43a for June ; 41Jo
for July.
TOLEDO , May 24. Wheat Market
dnll ; No. 2 red winter , 116 for cash ; 110i
asked for M y ; 115i for June ; 118 } fur
July : 1 19i bid for Auguat ; I 2J1 for Sep
tember ; 1 211 hid for October ; rejected ,
95c@l 00.
Corn Market dull ; No. 2. 59 j for
cish and May ; 59.c for June ; GO c for
July ; GOJo bid for August ; rejected , 51@
Oata Market quiet ; 4243 bid July.
KANSAS our. ,
KANSAS CITY , May 24. Wheat Mar
ket higher and firm ; No. 2 red fall , 94&a
hid > or cash ; 95Jc bid for June ; 96jc bid
for July.
Corn Market a shade better ; 43o bid
for caih ; 41Jc bid for June ; 46c for July.
Oats Market Blow ; 403 bid ,
LIVERPOOL , May 24. Wheat Dull ;
winter , 81 10d@9i 2d ; spring , 81 GJ@9s ;
No. 2 California , 9 24.
Corn Dull ; 6a 8d.
Bpecltl DIjjalches to Tni DEI.
OHIOAOO , May 24. The. Drovers'Jour
nal roprta as follows :
Hogs Market fairly active ; aupply
cleared t 5o decline ; inlxfd , 6 75@7 10 ;
heavy , 7 20@7 50 ; light , G 90@7 25 ; skip- ,
3 40@G 40 ; closed weak.
Cattle Active shipping declined 10@
15c ; exports. 5 90@G 20 ; good to choice
shipping , 5 70G 00 ; common to fair , 5 03
@ 575.
Sheep -Moderately active and firm ; com
mon to fair , 375@1 50 ; good , 5 50 ; choice ,
5 GO.
8r. Locis , May 21 , Cattle Supply
liberal , prices wo .k and heavy at ears4c
lower within the range ; exnortr , 6 00rf (
G25 ; good to choice , 480(3G25 ( ; light U
fair , 5 255 75 ; common , 4 75@5 CO ; good
cows , 4 50@5 00 ; common , 3 " 5@J 25
grasa Texans , 4 fcO5 00 ; corn fed , 5 03(6 (
Bheep Steady ; fair to good muttons
3 75@4 60 ; prima to choice , 4 76@5 25
Texans , 3 00@4 50 ; spring Jambs , 'J OOg
3 00 per cwt.
Hogs-Market active and better ; llgh
shipping , G 85@7 00 ; rough to good p ck
ID ? . G 80@7 20 ; heavy shipping , 7 20(2 (
NEW YOIIK , May 24. Tha Drovere
Journal Bureau reports :
Ueevn No trading in live cattl * ; drei
led be f dnll at SJtflOls , Including w * l
ern , UI < glOc.
i. Sbtep Market active and firm : hlgbe
for spring Iambi ; extrtmti , 6 J @ 7 CD pa
owt. fnr clipped eheep ; 8 00@10 00 for
pprlng lambn , .
Hum li yo hogs dull n.i nominal at
7 20@7 60 per owt.
KANSAS CITI. May " -I , The Cotnmer-
clal Indicator this afternoon report * as
follows :
Cattle Lower and weak ; ( hipping
steeni , U.'iO to 1,400 pounds. 6 00@5 70 ;
cows , 330@J70.
Hogs Lower and w ak , very light to
heavy , G 30@7 15 ; bulk of sties , U 80 ®
G 95 ,
Sheep Native * , 65 to 95 pounds , 3 CO ®
Special Dispatches to Tin Bun.
NKW YOIIK , May 23. Hay-Market
quiet but steady.
OolTeo- Market dull nml nnchangedi
Sucfcr Market qutot nud unchanged.
MolMiei Market quiet and unchanged ,
lUco Market quiet , but utoady ,
Petroleum Mnrkot nominal ; united ,
Tallow Market quiet , but itoady.
Turi > ontluo Market ntronxer at 39c.
Special Dispatches to Tim Bm.
LONDON' , May 21. 10,300 bslu of wool
were milil to-day , including Sydney and
and Part I'hlillp. A good spirit was
manifested , I'rlces very firm.
Opecltl Dlipatchct to Tin Bn.
ST. LODIB , May -Receipts and
shipments of flour and gruin for the past
48 hours have been as tollowa :
Kecoiotr. Bhiu'tn.
Flour bbl 3.COO 5,000
Wheat bushels 31,000 3,000
Corn " 87,000 14.000
Oate " 23.COO 4,000
Hyo " 1,000
Barley- "
Tor.Ki o , May 24. Receipts and ship-
tnents of flour and grain for the past 21
lion IB have been as follows :
Kec'ti. Shipm'ts.
Wheat 11,000 bO.fCO
Corn 23,000 71,000
Oats 2,000
NEW YORK , May 24. Receipts and
shipment * of fiour and grain for the past
24 hours have been as follows :
Receipts Shp'tn.
Flour bbls 10,000 1,6 0
Wheat bushel ) 507,000 85,000
Corn " 2G2.COO fi2,640
OaU- " 211,000
OBIOAOO , May 24. Receipts 'and ship ,
ineuta of flour and grain for the pant
24 honra have been as follows :
Roceiots. Shlo'ts.
Flour barrels 8.400 5,000
Wheat bushels 11,000 35,000
Corn " 81,000 170,000
Oats " 53,000 41,000
Rye " 11,000 1,200
Barley " 7,1)00 ) 2,000
KASBAB Oirr , May 24. Receipts and
shipments of grain for the past 24
honra have been as follows :
Ileo'U. Ship'ta.
Wheat , bushels 3,000 18.000
Corn " 110CO 23,000
Oats "
ST. Louis , May 24. Receipts acd
shipments of live ntock for the pant 24
hours hbve been M follows :
ROC'IH. Shipro'tn.
HOBH C.COO 2,90i (
Cattle 3,000 1,100
Sheep 2,50 200
CniCAOD , May JM. Uscelot and ship-
mcnts ot live stock for the past ! M
hours have been 03 follows :
Ron ts. Shipm'ro.
Hogs 10,000 2,900
Cattle 7,500 3,300
Sheep 800 1,500
NE 7 YOIIK , May 24. Receipts and
shipments of live stock for the past 24
hours have been as follows :
Roo'ts BhiD
Bsevea 830 517
Quitters beef
Carcassed of mutton
Sheep 0100 300
Hogs 1,010
KANSAS CITY , May 24. Receipts and
shipments of live stock for the past 24
honra have been as follows :
Rec'ts. Bhipm'ta.
Cattle 1,500
Hogs 3,900
Sheep 400
Wholoiala Prlooa.
OyjrtoE or Tna OMAHA BP , 1
Thursday Evening , May 24. J
Tne following are the only chances rr
orted to-day :
Grain VVhet , cash No 2 , advanced
Jo ; No. 3 , Ic ; rejectee ) , 2c.
Drags Cincbonidia declined 5c. Chloro.
orm declined 5c. Quinine , 1 * . & W. & R.
S. , declined lOo. Potassium , iodide de-
ined lOc. Sulphate of morphine declined
Oc. Strychnine declined lOc ,
Oils Lineee/ , raw , declined 2c. Sperm ,
V. B. , declined 15c. Flub , W. B. , de-
lined lOc.
WHEAT.-Cash No. 2 , 94Jcj cwh No
, 7GJo ; rejected , 70o.
BARLEY.-Cash No. 2 , C8oj No. S.
"jRYE-Cash , 48o.
CORN New mixed , S8a.
SEEDS Blue grata seed , 123@150 ,
inothy seed , 2 10@2 25 ; red clover aeed ,
00 ; white clover eeed. 13 00 ; millet seed ,
00 ; Hungarian seed , 1 10 ; orchard grass
ieed , 2 CO.
POTATOES 25@0o per Bushel ,
ONIONS Old 20c par bushel.
BUTTER -Choice country , 15@:0c ,
EGGS fresh , ICo.
HONEY Collforaia , porlb , 31.
APPLES Per barrel , 2 25 ( 4 00.
ORANGES-Oalifornia , 2 75 ; Mcsaina ,
00@3 00.
IiEMONS-85 OQ5 BO per box.
STRAWBERRIES -20@25s per quart.
BEANS Navy per bushel , 2 50 < & 2 75
Live Stock.
OATTLE-Fatttflers ,
FAT COWS-3 75 ® 100.
HOGS-SO 250 75.
SHEEP-SI 505 00.
Flour and MlllitulTs ,
Best winter . 00@3 75.
Second quality winter wheat 25@32 5.
Bet spring wheat 2 UU @ 2 75.
Second quality spring wheat 2 40@2 60.
Bran , per ton 1C 00.
Chopped Feed , per ton 18 00.
CHICKENS Live per doz. , 3100 ®
4 50. Dressed , per lb. , 15c.
DUCICS-Dreg ed , per lb. , 15c.
Qrocera Lint
CANNED GOODS ' ) v en , ( Bland-
ard ) , per caae , 3 70@390 ; atrawbor-
ties , 2 lb , per caae , 2 40 , rasp
berries , 2 lb , per case , 3 50. D.-xta.
eons , 2 0 > , per case , 2 45 , Bartlett
pears per case , 210. . Whortleberries
per c.iae,275 , Egg plnms,2 R > p rcwie,2 00 ;
Green gages,2 lb per case , 2 90 ; do choice , ,
lb per cess 1 50 , Pine Applet , 2 H > , per cnsa
4 005 75. Poaches , 2 It per CMC , 3 00 ]
do S lb , caee , 4 00@4 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 D ) , p3i
cwe,2 60 ; do pie , 6 lb , per dozeo , 2 M.
LARD Omaha RefinininitCo. : Tierces.
12c ; 40 and 60-lb cans , 12c ; 20-lb cam ,
12c ; 10-lb pails , screw toil , 123c ; 5-lb do ,
122c ; 3-lb cio , 13c.
UlOE IjoaUlana prime to choice , 7JS
801 fair. 7J74c ( ; Patma , 6e.
FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls , 7 60
No. 1 mackerel , kits , 1 00 ; family mack
crel , half brln , C 25 ; family mackerel , kits
65c ; No. 1 white fiib , half brli , 7 00 : No. 1
kits , 1 05.
8YRUP Standard Oom. , 3So ,
Standard do , 44 gallon kofi , $1 95) ) Htan-
dard do , 4 p.illou kogn , (1 75 ,
SODA In lb paper * , 83.30 per cane ; keg
coda , 2c.
NKW PICKLES Medium , In barrels
8700 ; do in half bbls , 4 00 ; small ? , In bbln
900 do , In halfbbli , 500 ; gherkins , In
bbli. 11 00 ; do , in half bbls , 0 00.
TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45@55 >
Choice , G0@75cj Itnporlnl , good , 40@15o ;
Choloe , 60@75o ; Young Hyson , good , 86 ®
r30o | choice , C5c@91 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf ,
BSct Japan , oholoo , 60@"So" ! Oolong , good ,
R540 { Oolong , cho.oo , 40@55 | Bonohong ,
good , 35itOc ( ) : choice , 85l6c.
ROPE SlMl. 4 Inch and t larger , lie ;
9 inch , Ilk : i Inch. 12o.
WOODENWARK Two hoop p IU ,
1 75 ; three hoop palls , 3 00. Tubs , No.
1 , 8 50 ; Pioneer washboards , 1 86 Double
Crown 2 90 ; WcllbnckeU , 3 50.
LEAD Bar , 81 65
SOAl'S Kirk's Savon Imperial , 845 ;
Kirk's ittlnot , 3 COKirk's standard. 3 75 ;
Klrk'i vhlto RuiaUn , 525 : Kirk's
Kutock , SIC Kirk's Pralrlo Queen ,
(100 ( cake * ) , 49 > Klrk'i magnolia doz , ,
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case ,
In case , 3 86 ; P.abbltt's Ball 2 doz. In caae ,
1 00 ! Archer Ball 'i doz In case 1 60.
PEANOTS Roasted , choice , red Tennessee -
nossee , lOcpor lb ; fancy white , lOJo porlb ;
raw white VlrRinln raw , lOoj roosted
CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs.IRs , 15Jo ! ; Of ,
lf > o ; be IPS 40 Ibs. , 16 or. . , Cs , 15 c.
MATCUEb Per oaddle , 95o | round ,
oaioa. 8R 10 : iqnnre , oasns , o5 40 ,
COFFEES Ordinary grades , 3i@9a ;
fair , 10@lUjc ; good , lOirailc ; orlmo , Hi
@ ! 2s ; strictly prime , 12@121c ; choice , la
@ 13Jc ; fancy green and yellow. 14(2il5c ( ;
old government Javn , 202Gc ! ; Leverinn'n
rnoMted , 14Jc ; Arbtickle'i roasted , 14 c ;
McLMiphlin'H XXXX roasted , 1 % ; Im
itation Java , IGK&ISJc.
VINEGAR Now York apple , ' ICc ;
Ohio apple , 13c ,
SALT. Dr y loads , per bbl , 1 85 ; Ash-
on. in sao ks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy 60 , 6s , n 50
SUGARS Powdered , lOic : Cut loaf ,
lO cj Granulated , Ojc ; Confectioners' A ,
Oio ; Standard Extra C , 8Jc ; Extra 0 ,
Sic ; medium yellow , 8Jo ; dark yellow , 7Jc ,
STARCH. Pearl , 4 0 ] Silver Ulo i
Die : Corn Starch , OJoi EicelriorGloaH ,
7jo ; Corn , 80.
MEATS Hams per lb. , 14c ; bacon
per lb. , Me ; clear sldo bacon per lb. , lljc ;
dry salt oides perlb , , 10e ; bacon shoulders
per lb. ! Hc ; tierce lard per lb. ; llj : .
SPICKS. Pepper , 21) ) AllsptM , 19 ;
Clover , CO ; Cassia. 24.
OHKKSB Full Oream , 14 3) ) Part
Skim , llo.
LYK American , S 40 ; Greenwich. 3 40 :
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00) ) Lewis'
lye , 4 61 ; Jewell lye , 276.
FEED Jobbing prices , Chop feed
91.50 per 100 Ibs. ; chop corn , 81.40 ; bran ,
"Oo per 100 Ibs.
HOMINY Now 83 50 per bbl.
Dry Qocoi.
BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 8Jc ;
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , Be ; Boot ,
FF , Bio ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7o ; Cabot W.
71c ; Chlttenango A. G o ) Great Falls E ,
8jc ; Hocsler , 6Jo ; Honoat Width 80 , In
dian Head A , 80 ; Indian Standard A ,
SJc ; Indian Orchard d. w. , CJo ; Lawrence
LL. GJc ; Mystic river , 7io ) Peqnot A , 8Jo ;
ic ; Utlca O , S o : Wachtieott B , 7e ; do A ,
Bioi Ho E 48. mo.
.4 : 7Jc ; Alligator fW , 3c ; Argyla 4-4 , 7c ;
Atlontlo LL , GJc ; Badger State X 4-4 , 6io ;
Bennington 0 4-4,6Jc ; Buckeye S , 4-4 , Gfcco
Indian Orchard AA 9-8 , Sic ; Laconla O
89 , Sic ; Lehigh E 4-4 , gjcj Popperell N
SO , 7c ; do O 32 , 7c ; do R 36 , 7Sc ; do E 39 ,
8ec , Vocasset C 4-4 , 7 c ; Wamsutta 4 4
gin L 4-4,9lcBlackstonoAA ; imperial 8Sc ;
do do half Weachod 4-4,9c ; Cabot 4-4,88 ;
Fidelity4-4 , 9ie7ruit ; of thoLoom,9i ; do
oaa.bric4-4,12JcdoWat3rTwist,10ioGroat ;
Q , 9cIndinn ; Head shrunk 4-4 , 12c ;
Lonsdalo , lOc ; do cambric 37 , ISJc ; New
York Millo. 12ic ; Pequot A,10o ; I'opperel
N G Twilla , 12ic ; Pocahontas 4-4 , 9Jc ;
Pocaosot 4-4 , S c ) Utioa , lie ) Wamsuttn
O X X , 12ic.
DUCKS Colored ) Albany E brown ,
Sc ; do C , drab , lie ; do X.a. stripes and
ilaids , 12 0 ; do XXX brown and drr.b ,
tripoa and plaids , 121cj Arlington fancy ,
.Bi-9o : ncnwick brown , 8c ; Chariot fancy
.2c ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall River
rown , extra heavy , lljcj Indiana A
brown. 16o
TlCiilJNUB Amosfcoag A U A S3
3c ; do XX blno 82 , 18Jc ; Arrow anna ,
ic ; Clarcmont B B.lSioi Cone3togaxa |
a , 174c ; Hamilton D , llio Lewtston A
} , 15c ; MInnehaba 4-4 , 20o ; Omega super
xtra 4-4 , 28c ; Pearl River 82 , 16o ; Put-
am XX blno dtripo , 12c ; Shotucket S
OJc : do S3 12o ; Yeoman'r Muo 29 , 9o
DENIMS. Amoakeak , bluoand bronn
3Jc ; Andover DD blue , 15 c ; ArllngX
luo Scotch , ISicj Concord OOO , blno aw
rown , 12ic ; do AAA , do do 13J ; do SXto
o do 14 0 Haymakers blue and brown ,
ic ; Mystic River DD stripe , IBJc ; Pearl
.Iver , blue and bro\vD , 16cj UncasvlUe ,
lue and brown , Kir.
CAMBRIOrf Barnard , 5Je ; Sddystone
ulng , 24 Inch double taco , SJc ; Garner A
lazed , Pic ; Manhattan glove finish , fiBc
few xirt do Go ; do glazed , 5jo | Peqnot dee
o ; Lockwood kid finiih Gc.
CORSET JEANS Amory , 8eAndron |
Biggin sattecn Sic ; Clarcndcn , 6Jo ; Conea
.tea sottoeas , 7Jc ; Hallow el , , 8c ; Inldl
Irchard 7io ; Narriganaott , improved , 8 ; .
"eptierill s&tteon 9c : Bookpcrt , 7f a
PKINT3-Aliens , t i : Ainorican , OJo ;
irnold , 7c ; Eorwlck , 4o ; Cocheco , 7c ;
Joncatogs. 6c ; Dunkirk , ; Dunuell ,
4@7c ; Eddystone. 7c ; Obnccstor , Go ;
larmony , 5Jc ; Knickerbocker , 6Jc ; Mor
ri ao D. 7c ; Mystic , 5io ; Spramea. 60 ;
Southbridge , 6c ; do. Ginghams , 7o ; Marl-
"joro , 53c ; Oriental 6ic.
GINGHAMS-Amoskeag , 9Joj Argylr ,
Oio ; Atlantic , 9c ; Oumborland , 74c ;
Highland , 7ic ; Kenilworth , 9Jc | Plan-
kett , 9k | Snceti , Sc.
Agate , 20c ; American , lie ; Artielan , 20c ;
Cairo D and T , 13Jc ; Olorlcu D and T'
" .7ic ; Deccan Co , stripes D. and T , 16o | Key-
itono , 13ic ; Nantucket , 19o : Nonpareil
Go ; Ocean D and T , ISJo ; Royal , IGJi
Suscex , 12c ; Tioga , 124c ; Wachusett shirt
In ? checks , 12Jc ; do , Nankin , 12io ; York ,
ilaln Nnnkln. 124o ; do , ohcoUs , etripsa and
'oncv. 12fc ; do. 8 oz 20c.
SHEETINGS Androucofrcla 10-l,374cJ
do 9.4 , 23c ; do 8-4 , 22e ; Continental 0
i2 , lie , Fruitjof the Loom 10-4 , 27i ; Now
York mllls98 , 35o ; do 78 , 30c ; do 58. 22&0 ,
Pembroke 10-4 25o 1C-4 2S4c do
- , ; Pequot - , ,
74 , 19o do 49 , ICc ; Popperell 9S , 20o
ilo 67 , 21cdo ; 67 , 18c ; Utica 96 , 36c ; do
do 43. 17o.
Carbolic , 60c ) Add , Tartnrlo. 55c ) Bolearo
Oopabia , per lb , 70o ; Bark , Bauafraa , i > cr
lb , Us ) Calomel , per lb , 75sj Cinshonlaie ,
per oz , 81 05 ; Chloroform , psr lb , 85o ;
Dover's powders , per lb , 31 25) ) Epsom
Salts , per lb , 8 c ; Glycerine , pure po i bl ,
30c ; Lead , Acetate , per lb , 22o
Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal , 1 25 ;
Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , 81 15 , OU ,
Olive , per gal. 81 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 50 ;
Opium , & > CO ; Quinine P. tt W. A R. & 8. ,
per o : , 81 75 ; Potaaalum , Iodide , per lb
81 05 ; Salacin , per oz , 40cj Sulphate o
Morphine , > > er oz , 83 75) ) Bnlpnur floor
per lb , 4oi Strvchnlne. oer oz. 91 25 ,
PelnU Oil * and Vorrlshm
OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon ,
12o ; 150' headlight , per gUlonJ
14ci 175' headlight , per gtllon. 19oj
150' Water Wiilte , ISc ; Im.oed !
ravr , per pallon , 67 ; llnioed , boilo-i ,
per gallon. COc ; Urd , winter dr'd , per ual ,
IS-Hv ? 5' No < l' 85c' ' No2 - 75c ! v0 * ,
XXX , j r gallon , 1 30) No. 8 , 1 20 ; sweet
per gallon , 85o ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon ,
1 CO ; fish , W. B. , per gallon , G5o ; nonUfoot
extra , per gallon , 90o ) No. 1 , 75c ; lubri
catlnjj , zero , per callon , SOo ; summer , 15c
golden machine. No. 1 , per sallon , 35c ; No
l SO ; sperm , signal , per gallon , EOc ; tur
pentlne , per gallon , 65cj ntptha , 84' , ps ;
K lon. ! IGc : 6 < * . 15o
PAINTS IN OIL-White lead , Omah. .
P. P. . 605 white lead , St. Lenis , pure , 6Jt
green , 1 to 5 tt cans , 20
rench zinc , gioon eeal , 12e | French zinc
red seal , lloj French zlno , In vamlsh ami
Wo ? .Drench zince , In oil Mat 15c ) Rai
and burnt ninber , 1 tt cans lOo ; raw an
burnt Sienna , lOo : Tandyke brown , „
refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black nod
l"ory black , 16o | drop blw k , ICe ; Promlan
blue , BOc ; ultramarine bloc , IBoi ehtvroe
green , L. M. A I ) . , lGablind ; and shutter
Kroen , L. M. A I ) . , irc ; Paris green , I8c |
Indian rod , 16ci Venetian red , 9o ; TnicnD
dre , 22c | American Vermilion , I , A P. , 18oi
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D 0. , 18c ;
yellow ochre , 8c ; golden ochre , 18 ; patent
dryer , Bcj graining colors : light oak , dark
oak. walnut , he tnnt and ash 16o.
. . „ . . Dr > P lnt
White load , 8 | French ilno , lOoi Par
wh telng 24c ; whiting gilders. 15c
* hitlng corn'l , Uc ; lampblack German ,
town. 14c ; limpblack , ordinary , 10c | Pros.
slan blue , 56c ; ultramarine , I8c | vandyke
brown , 8c ( nmbor , burnt , 43 | nmbor , raw
4oj Ienna , burn t , 4ci sienna , raw , 4c
Paris green genuine , 25cj Paris green com1
20o | chrome green , N. Y. ' 20o ; chrom
green K. , 12c ; vermllllon , Eng. , 70o | ver
million , America , 18c | Indian red , lOo
rene pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Ookiuooo
2) < j | Venetian rod Am. , IJo ; red lead , 7fro !
chrome yellow , genuine , 20o hrome yel.
low , 1C. , 12c ; ochre , roohelle 8c ; ochre
French , 2Jc ; ochre , American , 2c |
Winter's mineral. 2Jc ; lehlgn brown. 2Joi
Spanish brown. 24c | Prince's mineral So ,
VARNISHES Barrels per rallon
Furniture , extra , 81 10 ; fnmltnre , No. 1
91 ; coach , extra , 01 40 ; oacb , No. 1 ,
31 20 ; Uamar , extra , 81 75) ) apnn , 70ca ; *
pbaltnm , extra , 8Bc | ihella 93 60) ) hard
oil hnirb , tl ? 0.
Hldei , Fur * , Etc.
HIDES < ireon butcher1 ! hides , 5 } ®
7c cured GJc)71o ( ) | hides , green salt ,
dry flint , sound , 12ai3c ; dry cnlf
and kip , 12@llc ; dry salt hides , sound ,
10@llo ; green cnlf. wt. 8 o 16 fts. . ll12c ;
green oil ) , wt. under 8 Ibs , per ( kin , 50o |
trroon pelts , 60@81 25 ; green lamb skins ,
81 25@160i damaged hides , two-third rate ,
cut ecored and one grub , olarsod two-
tUrds rate , ) branded hide * 10 per eont. off
Coon iklns , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , 80e ; No. 1
20n No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , 30o | No. 2
16c ; No. 3 , 15o ; No. 4 , 5c. For , ,
60c ; No. 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , b6c ;
Gfio ; short stripe , 40oj narrow strlpeo
broad stripe , lOo. Tallow 7o.
Oak sole , S8o to 42c ; hemlock sole , 38c to
Sue ; hemlock kip , SOo to 100 ; runner ,
65o to SOo ; hemlock calf , 85c to 120 ; hem
lock npper , 23o to 26o ; oak upper , 24c ;
alligator. 4 00 to C 60 ; oalf kid , 32@3.r n <
Groisen kid , 2 60 to 2 76 ; oak kip , SOo to
1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip ,
110 to 1 6C ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rue-
setts. 6 60 to 7 60 ; linings , 6 00 to 10 60 ;
toppings , 9 00 to 1060 ; B. L. Morocco , SOo
to 3T.c ; pebble O. D. Morocoo , S5o ; slinon ;
2 60 to 3 00.
HARNESS-No 1 ar oak , 42c ; No 2
do , 39c ; N. . 1 Ohio oak , S8o ; No. 2 do ,
35oi No. 1 Milwaukee. 37o ; No. 2 do 34o.
We quote lumber , lain and shingles en
cars at Omaha at the following price' :
under , $22 00 ; 18 ft. , 823 50.
TIMBERS 16 ft. and under , 822 00.
TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft. , 823 60 ;
2C ft , 823 50 , 23 ft. , 826 50 ; 24 ft. 826 60.
FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 6 In. , 824 00 ;
No. 2,82200.
SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common
boards ) . $20 00 ; No. 2 , 818 00.
LIME Per barrel , 81 25 ; bulk per bns-
35o ; Cement , bbl , 82 25 Iowa plaster
bbl , 82 60. Hair per bu , SOo. Tarred
felt 100 Ibs. 83 50. Straw board , 53 60.
Heavy Hardware Lilt-
Iron , rates , (2 80 ; plow steel , special
east , 7c ; crucible , 80 ; special or German,6c ;
cant tool do. 15@20 wagon spokes , set ,
2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per set , 125 ; felloes , sawed
dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@86c ; axles ,
often , 75c ; square nuts , per ft , 7011c ;
washers , per lb. SffllSo : rivets , per lb , lie ;
coil chain , per lb , 6@12c ; malleable , Go ;
Iron wedges , 6c ; cruwb&rs , 60 harrow
teeth , 4c ; spring teel , 7@8c ; Burden's
horrexhrws. fi 21) ; Burden's mulcshooe , 6 25.
BARBED WIRE In car lots , 7o @
7jo pnr 100.
NATLS Rates. 10 to 60l , 3 60.
SHOT. Shot , C1.85 ; Buck shot. C2.10.
Oriental Powder , kegs , 86.40 | do. , hal
kegs , $3.48 ; do. , quarter kegs , $1.88 ; Blast
Ing , keu's , 83.35 : Fuse , per 100 feet SOo.
COAL Cumberland bleofemith , 812 ;
Morris Run Bloraburg , 812 ; Whltebreari
lump , $4 60 : Whltobroaet nut , 84 CO ; lowe
lump , f 1 50 ; Iowa nut $4 50 ; Rock Spring ,
3700 ; Anthracite. 811 60@12 00 ; Canon
ity , $7 00 per ton.
Horses and Mulct ,
Extra draft hones , 8176. to 225.J Com
,011 draft hoitei , 8100. to 160. ; Extra
, rm horses , 8110 , to 126 , ; Common io
oad fnrm horsec. 890 to 8100. ) Extra
lugn. 9f > 0. to 7& . | Common plugs , 820.
i $40.
MULES. ( Extra ) , 9126. to 150. ; good ,
100. tn 140. ; fair , 876 , to 100. ) common ,
60. to 75.
ALCOHOL 188 proof. I 25 per wine
allen ; extra California spirits , 168 proof ,
25 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits
67 proof , 123 per proof gallon ; re-distilled
tiskieo , 1 00sl ( ) 60 ; fine blended 1 60 ®
50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 2 007 00 ; Ken-
ucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 G0@7 00.
BRANDIES-Iinported , J8 0016 00 ;
raoJtic 1 40 < 24 ! 00.
GINS Imported , 4 606 00) ) domestic.
40@3 00 ,
RUMS Imported , 4 COfJft 00 ; New
nrland. 2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 M3 60
75(94 ( 00.
CHAMPAGNES Imported per case ,
8 00034 00) ) Amirlm , per ease , 12 003
FINE OUT Comraonf20@30c ; good ,
5@GOoi Rose Leaf , 70c ; Premium , 05c ;
'iamond ' Crown , 5c ; Sweet Sixteen ,
rc.SMOKING0. . S. , 20c ; Muikovy , 2 c ;
) urhara , 16 oz , 4Gc ; Durham , 8 oz , SOo ;
Durham , 4 oz , 52o ; Durham , 2 oz. 5o : ;
eal of North Carolina. 10 oz , 42c ; Seal of
'orth Carolina , 8 oz , 44c ; Saul of North
arollna , 4 oz , 4Gc ; Seal of North Corona
na , 2 oz , 483 ; O. K. Durham , 4 or , 23 : ;
) . K. Durham. 2 cz , SOs ; Uuole Ned , i's ,
4c ; Tom and Jerry. 23c.
PLUG TOBACCO-Climax. 50 ; Bui
on. 50 ; Hortseahoe , 48 ; Star 48 ; Rudy ,
4 ; Hereey's , 48 ; Black , 33@40.
Merino nuwaihed , light , UQlGoj hea y
315o ; medium unwashed , lisht , 18(1'20 ( ;
washed , choice , 82c ; fair , SOc ; tub and
trashed , 28c ) burry , black and cotted wool
@ 6c lesf.
* Lydla E. Plnkham's great labora-
ory , Lynn , MBSB. , Is turning out
millions of paakagoa of her celebrated
3omponnd , which are .being sent to
ho four winds , and actually find their
way to nil lands under the nan and to
ho remotest confines of modern civili
Made from the wild flower of th
t Is the rnoit fraarant of parfaiae
Manufactured by H. B. Slaven , Ban
Francisco , .for sale In Omaha by W.
J. Whltohouse and Kennard Bros
Tne Sums Paid In Douglas County's
The Union Pacific Railway company
paid Ita taxes to County Treasurer
Rash yesterday , the amount footing uf
to § 25,304 52 , a neat llttlo fortune in
itself. This covers their rond-bod ,
stock , shop * and lands lylug In Doug
las county.
The sum paid by the B. & M. v o :
81,841.SI , being 81,381.84 on road
bed and $460 on the headquarter
The 0. , St. P , , M. & Omaha roai
paid gl,933 70 on road-bed , etc.
All Iron preparations blacken th
teeth , constipate the bowels , and glv
headache with ono exception , that I
Brown's Iron Bitten.
x-a safari
SkSsSl * ? *
in ;
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gfeiatp | | o :
* Strfl aS
osll ' , l ' " g
Z'SS'3- * I j
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TQrt * i1'3O 3r-n * *
I Ils 2
iiilififel ud
Window Caps , Finiala , Skylights , &c.
Single Breech Loading Shot Ouns , from S5 to
Donbio Brooch Loading Shot Duns , from 818 to 375 ,
Muzzle Loading Shot Guns , From SB to S25,1
Fishing Tackel , Base Balls and all kinds of Fancy Qoods ,
Full Stock of Show Oases Always on hand ,
Imported and Key West Cigars a large line of
Meerschaum and Wood Pipes and everything re
quired in a first-class Cigar , Tobacco and Notion
Store Cigars from $15 per 1,000 npwards. Sender
or Price List and Samples
Wave now been finished in our store. maP
Ing it the largest and most complete
! n the West. An additional story has been
built and the five floors all connected
with two
One Exclusively for the use of Paasengers. These immense warerooms -
rooms three stores , are 66 feet wide are filled with the Grand
est display of all kinds of Household and OfEoe Furniture evei
shown'All are invited to call , take the Elevator on the first floor
and go through the building and inspeot the stook.
206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omaha
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb ,
's Materials
Stair Railings , Balusters , Window
and Door Frames , Etc.
Flnt-elbu Iiollltlea ( or the Mk&nl&ctnn ot all klndi of Moulding ! , Planing aaa
niatchlne Specialty. Order * from the country .will be promptly eieonted.
l communication * to A , MOYBK , fropiletor