Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1883, Page 2, Image 2
2 JL'HE DAILY BEE-FRiDAY MAY 25 The Secret of the universal success of Brown's Iron Bitters is sim ply this : It is the best Iron preparation ever made ; is compounded on thoroughly scientific , chemical ant/ / medicinal principles , and docs just what is claimed for it no more and no less. By thorough and rapid assimilation with the blood , it reaches every part of the system , healing , purifying and strengthening. Com mencing at the foundation it builds up and restores lost health in no other way can lasting benefit be obtained. -j Dearborn Are. , Chicago , NOT. 7. I hare bet n a preat sufferer from rtry weak ttomach , heartburn , ant ! " ' Nearly ererytmns 1 ate pare me tl tr , and I coukl cat but little. I hart tried everything recommended , h T taken the prescription * of a doten phyiicians.butRot no relief until I took Urown' Iron Bitten. I feel rene of the old trouble * , and am a new man. I am gettlne much stronger , and feel firtt-rate. I am railroad engineer , and now make my trip * regularly. 1 can not ay too much In praise of your wonder ful medicine. D. C. MACK. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS docs not contain whiskey or alcohol , and will not blacken the teeth , or cause headache and constipation. It will cure dyspepsia , indi gestion , heartburn , sleep lessness , dizziness , nervous debility , weakness , c. Uie only Trown'i Iron Rlttera made ly Brown Chemical C . , IlaUlmore. Cro ed red linti and trade-mark oa wrapper. Genius Rewarded , OB , J t , The Story of taa Sowlnc Machine A hamlnmi littleptrnphlet , blue and gold corer with name-rout cnjrivlnti , will be GIVEN AWAY to IDT adult paraon calling for It , at any branch or tub-office of the Singer Manufacturing Com pany , or Mil bo lent by mall , pon-pald , to any pcrion Ihlcg at a U itance from our office. The Singer Manufacturing Do. , Principal Office , .84 Union Square NEW YOTIK. Every Ccnet ti warranted satis- Jwstorj- Its wearer in ovorr war , cr tbo money will l > o refunded by the person from vr bom it was bought. , .k entyCor * tpronoancd by our l dln ph | * t Ir0nrl u to th * wearer , antUndorwilWUdle * u * mo < tcomtortable ana perfBCt OtUng Oor TM 3111 , PotUce Fald I _ Pr rTlDC.ei.aO. B lf.AdJa tlD lUicminal ( extra burr ) 9.00 , Nunlac , 1.6 Mlti. Ir urTli > B ( rontll ) 9.0O , 1'aracta by leading lit tail Dealer * CHICAGO couam : co. . Chicago , m. I Send 81 , 82 , 83 , or 55 for a narnple re tail box l > y Kxprettd , HANDY of the bout cnudlcM In America , put up In decant boxen , anil strictly pure. Suita ble for prcHciitn. Kx- prpfis chnrgeH light. Itefera tc nil Chica DANDY go. Try It once. C. P. GUNTHEB , Confectioner , Chicago. frafcs * * Mii $ Irfi i * " * F i : REMEDY UU73UI3 ( URIST P3KZ330T n'CKLV Mn.u : iu ruc SLUGGER SULLIVAN , Bo Says Mitchell Oonldn't ' Have Knocked Him Over If He Had Had His Foot Braced. Ho Snys HM Shall Never Enter the Intrrost la the slagging match at New York the other night keeps up with uunsnal liveliness Sullivan Bnld , when naked 1 ( Mitchell waa as hard a htttor aa ha nns said to bo : "Ho , I do not thluk ho la. I know ho did not hart mo at any tlmo laat night. I could have nsud him rougher than 1 did , bat I did not want to do anything that might aroneo hoatllo critlclim , and kept myself as well In bonnda as poeeiblo. In the first round ho attempted to throw mo ever the ropea , I snpposo ho thought it would bo a big thing to lot the crowd BOO that ho could dispose of me In that mhunor. At the tlmo ho made that attempt I ooald have knocked his head ngalnat the floor and loft him in aucb adozad condition that ho would not have boon able to got np for on hour. People talk about the great dlffurocco In our alzo and weight. Ilalf of them do not know what they are talking about. I don't think I can bo such a giant aa I am represented , when I only stand five foot ton and one-eighth inches In mj stocking fcot. I only aland about two Inches tailor than Mlicholl. Laat nlcht , when I wa * a tripped , I weighed 203 pounds , or about thlrty-threo pounds moro than I should weigh to bo in good fighting , trim. Mitchell sayn ho weighed 104 pounds. I am natla God to bet that ho weighed ICO ] don't think , after all , there la such i great odds on my aide. Mitchell has been in training for aonio tlmo paat for the fight laat night , and was probably in training for It before become como to thla country at all. I waa only nlno days altogether preparing to moot Mitchell" "How wna It that Mitchell knocked you down ? " "Ho knocked mo down bocnuso a the tlmo I waa standing with my fee cloao together. If I had boon atand ing with ono foot behind the other , ho could not have knocked mo dowi : If ho trlod forever. I am willing tc atand up before Mitchell and not ua my hands , and I'll ' bet $5,000 ti 11,000 that ho can't knock mo down with a blow. " "Who do you think la the boat man you have over mo with or wlthou the gloves ? " "That la hard to aay , bat I think Jimmy Elliott waa about the beat. Hi certainly waa aa name a man aa I ore encountered. " Sullivan added that ho never In tended to enter the ring again. Ho will bo willing at all times , ho said , to accommodate aspiring puglllata with the gloves , but will never tight again with the naked fists. He la of thi opinion that his reputation would nebo bo ono bit hotter If ho were to whip fifty men in the ring Inatead of ono , Ho could only have the title of cham plon in any event , and he ooualden that he haa earned that title by thli tlmo , and doea not BOO why ho ahonlc bo expected to fight la the ring with everybody who mlqht challenge him. Sullivan's declaration la thla regard decisively settles the question whether ho and Slado , the Maori , shall overcome como together in actual prize fight. The receipta of laat nlght'a glove fight were $10,000 , of which S alii van received $3,000 , Patay Shephard , hla manager , a Ilka amount , and Billy Maddun and Mitchell the balance. The expenses were $2,100. Tebnmnh Notei- Special Correspondence to Tai Un. TEKAMAII , May 2J , Burt and Washington counties are to receive aa important transformation thla aeasoa by the opening of a canal nome twelve miles la length , which will drain all the bottom lands laying between the St. Paul railway track and the Mis souri river , comprising aomo fort r cquaro miles of very valuable lands , which have heretofore been too wet to be utlllzjd for agricultural purposes. The expense of doing all thli will bo paid by a apeclal tax levied on landa conaidered by a board of commla- alonora to have b on benefitted thereby. moaners. Loaa than one-fourth of the corn ground waa planted baforo the late rains , and the moat of that that waa planted will como np good , re quiring but little replanting in thla section. Farmora are very busy and trade in town la quiet. Tokamah wants a transcontinental telephone connection. She wanta It bad , She will patroniza 'and aupporl it handaomely and ahe must have It. Hopewoll , Harrington & Co. have plana completed for an elegant now bank building to be erected * thla year. If Yon Are Ruined la health from any cause , especially from the oao of any of the thousand nostrums that promise ao largely , with long fictitious testimonials , have no fear. Resort to Hop Bitten at once , and in a abort tlmo you will have the moat robust and blooming health Getting Hla Money'd Worth. New Totk World. A man a little tophoavy rushed into a Sixth avenue telegraph office , aetzod a telegraph blank and a slob pea with a ball of dried Ink on the end , and , by propping himself agalnat the coun ter , managed to write the following message : "Rate : I won't be home till mora ine. "HAEBT. " "What'll that coat ? " aald the man , handing tha message through the port' hole to the manipulator of electricity "Ltit me aee. Seven worda fifteor cenU. " "Fifteen , eh ? How much for ter word 1" "The nme price ; anything not ex ceeding tea will coat you fifteen cent to any addreta in thn city , " anawere si I the operator , making a ipring to max zlo an Instrument that was oputtoring at lf it had the delirium tromona. "I'm bound to have the worth of my nion y out of your corporation , then , " aald the man , bracing himself agalnat the counter aa ho traced on a blank thla clear mctfago : " manufacturers "Incomprehensibility , ers , tranacendoutal'am ' , Oonstantino- plo , concavo-convex , Massachusetts , aseaaalnation , Pennsylvania , Imper turbability , phlloprogonitivonoaa. " "There , airing that on your wlro and Bend her at a 2:40 : gait , " said the man , with a look of vengeance In his oyo. oyo.Tho operator counted the words , but volunteered the Information that there was no soneo In the metaago , and that the dictionary must have boon ransacked for the longest wordo. "I know there's no soneo in it , but Kato'll understand It , all the same. She'll know I'm ' on a drunk anyway when I send a message at thla hoar , whether it's sense or not. I make 'em long on purpose to break the back of your darned machine. In and atart the crank. I'm In for a good tlmo. Never mind the expense ; hero's your fifteen cents. " And the man ran out and hailed a pasting cib. SKILL IN TUB WOHKSIIOP To do good work the mechanic mnat have good health. If long hours of con finement In clone roojno have enfee bled hla hand or dimmed hia flight , lot him at once , and before some or panic trouble appears , take plenty of ilop Bitters. Ills system will bo re iuvonatod , hla nervea strengthened , hla alght become clear , and the whole constitution bo built up to a higher working condition. A Gigantic Single Span Bridge. The Buffalo Cjurlor published a on representing a double track railroad bridge now being built for the Canada Southern railway across the chaam below low the Niagara Falls and 300 fee nlmo the old suspension bridge , I la to bo built on a novel plan called the Cantilever. The total length wll bo 805 feet ; length of ainglo span across the gulf , 5CO feet ; height o stone abntmsnta on the edge of th river , below the bunks , on which stoo towora will reat , 50 foot ; height of th stool towora above the abutments , 130 foot ; height of span above the rlvor , 245 foot ; weight of bridge resting oa the towora , 1,600 tons. The quoa tion now Is how will they manage to throw that Immense span of 600 foot across the chasm ? It la Impoaal bio to build scaffoldings across tha almost fathomless torrent. We wll endeavor to describe how that apan 1 to bo thrown across. The center o : the top of the ateol towora will be re Bpeotivoly 1871 and 197 $ foot from the top of the banka , the towora rising from close to the edge of the water on the thoroa. On the top of each towe : will bo built a cantilever , the , oonte : of which will reat oa the tower , some what like the awing bridge of on viaduct , the center of which roala on a atone tower , only the cantilever 1 stationary. The length of the cantl lever on the Oaaao'a aldo will be 37 feet , and that on the American aid will be 205 foot. One-half of a cantl lover will bo built from the top of th bank to the top of the tower on eaol aldo of the river. In order to d thla Immense ace ffjld Ings will bo erected , requiring 600,000 fee of lumber. When these halve are built they will simply be bridge trom the top of the banka to the to. of the towers. They are made of the boat of stool , lattice style , ao thor oughly stiffened that there will be no aprlng or dopreaalou. The shore end of each will be anchored in the rock ao aa to require power equivalent to 400 toua to pull it oat. Now the work will commend of building acrosn the chasm , 500 foot , and 245 feet nbavo the water , without scaffolding to sup port It. A movable derrick la slid on top of the half cantilever , orbrldge , to the edge of the tower on the river aide. A lattice section of the bridge to apan the chaam la awnngby the derrick ever the end of the bridge and secure ly fattened by a oyatem of dovetailing and bolting. Then the derrick la slid forward on to thla projecting part and another section ia holated ever and fastened in llko manner , thua making the bridge project fifty feet beyond the top of the tower. The derrick ia slid forward again , and BO on till the rlvor end of the cantilever la fin ished , projecting aa it will on the American aide 197 J feet from the cen ter of ita tower and hanging that dla- tanco over the gulf. It will bo no ticed that thla cantilever rlsus on iti center oa the tower and the ahoro end being anchored , the river end la capable of auatainlng four hundred tons weight without any direct sup. port underneath. After both these cantilevers are finlahed , there atlll re mains a space of 125 feet to bo bridged. These two ends of the cantilevers are united by a bridge of that lougth atrnng across by meana of the dorrlcka on the onda of the two cantilevers. Only two brldgoa of thla atyle have ever been made , ono In Scotland and one on a railroad ia Pennsylvania. When thla steel ) bridge at Niagara Falls la finished , it will become ono of the wonders of the world , and It will rank with the highest of engineering worka. THE BAD AND WORTHLESS Are never imitaUd or counterfeited. Thla la especially true of a family medicine , and It la poiltlvo proof that , the remedy imitated ia of the highest value. Aa aoon aa it had been tested and proved by the whole world that Hop Bitters waa the purcat , boat and moat valuable /amlly medicine on tearth many Imitations sprung up and bagon to steal the notfcea In which the press and people of the country had expressed the merits of H. B. , and in every way trying to Induce suf fering invalids to nsa their atnfl In stead , exfectlng to make money on the credit and good name of H. B. Many othera atarted nostrums pat up in similar style to 11. B. , with vari i- ously devised name * la which the word "Hoj > " oa "Hops" were used In away to induce people to believe they were the aamo a Hop Bitten. All auch pretended remedies or carea , nc matter what their atylo or name la &nd especially those with the word "Hop"orHopa In their name or it any way connected with them or tholi nam o , are Imitation * or counterfeit Bowarn of them. Touch none ( them. Uilng nothing but genuine Hoj > Bitten with a bunch or cluster of > green Hopa on the white label. Traa * nothing ehe. Druggist * and deal en are warred againat dealing In 1ml U- tool counterfeit ' * or * SEEING TDS JPOPB , HOME. It wan Thursday morning , the 15th of March , and the annual ceremony of the exchange of cardi nals' hata had boon announced to take place at 11 o'clock in the eala rogla of the Vatican , From 8 until 10 the crowd , moro or loaa patient , had knocked their hoolo together In their efforts to keep warm at the beginning of the aoMa regie , the gentlemen In fall evening dress with opera hata , and the lad Ion at tired iti sombro , with a black lace affair for the head. Everybody looked cold and hungry , and for my part I had about concluded to make for my hotel and dlecnss the warm breakfast I had unceremoniously left. Some two wcoka bolero the aorvlco had been performed in the presence of his holiness , the pope , in the Slatlno chapel , It being the fifth anniversary of hla succession to the papaucy , and for the first tlmo since 1871 the pub lic were admitted without the formali ty of tickets. Unlike Pine IX , the preaont pope is rather averse to moot ing strangers , and many a recent trav eler to the Eternal 01 ty ia aware of the Impossibility of obtaining cards for an aadlonco , either public or prl vato. Therefore , since the annual Housing from the balcony of St. Petor'a haa been discontinued , not ono visitor In a thousand haa had an op portunlty of seeing the reigning Pen tiff. But one audience haa boon glvon during the paat year , and that a prlv ate ono on Fob , 22 , For all aervlcea InthoSlatlnochapel , or Sala Kegla , it has been the cnatom to Isaac a limited number of tickets ; but thla , of late , haa boon discontin ued , aa It ia said many dignitaries were offended at the partla' manner in which those were distrib uted. Returning ] rom Naploa the early part of the week , a friend informed mo of the ceremony which waa to take place , and I Immediately icmolvod to bo present. Thla custom , of tbo exchange change of cardinals' hata , so far I waa able to loam , Is merely ono of cour tesy and signifies a renewal of gooc leollng and brotherly lore among the participants , Every one at all fa mlllar with Rome knowa that from the colonnade at the right of St Petor'a ajceuda the rcala regla , or royal staircase to the sola regla , next to the Slatino chapel , with which 1 communicates. It ia in this hall tha ambassadors and other dlatingnhhoc paraonagea were received when the temporal power remained with the Vatican , and It ia atlll used for all Im portant ceremonials. Aa aoon aa the guards were removed a grand rash was made , and an Eng lish friend was among the first to reach the entrance of the ball , where two men were stationed to BOO thut each visitor waa dressed according to regulation , and that no coata or shawls were taken in. Once inside the ladloa were ordered to ono aide and the gentlemen to the other. Two lines of Swiss were drawn op extend ing from the doora by which the pope waa to enter , to the opening in the rail which divides the room in the center. center.A A KEPRESENTATIVE AMERICAN. I passed to the opposite aide and placed myself in the line directly between - tween two of the guards , and there I stayed. ' I should Bay you Americana never did got left , " my English friend re marked when I aftfS/jqrda met him at a cafe in the Corao. "I was shoved back into a corner and couldn't aeo a thing. I don't think a person in the room had as good a place aa yonraolf . Pardon the question , but are all Van- keca aa cheeky aa you ? " At the end of the hall , which ia , I should judge , 100 fcot in length by 35 wide , ou a raised platform and shaded by a superb canopy , waa the Papal throne , a heavy glided , finely carved arm chair , and In front waa spread a very handaome rug. On cither aldo , back of the rail , a small gallery , re- aerved for distinguished guosta , was hung with maroon.colorod velvet , and one at the backf to which the public were admitted , was also decorated. The crowd kept pouring Ir until tbo apace reserved for the pebllo waa completely plotoly filled. Thd aide galleries wore aoon occupied by Ambassadors and other dignitaries , each in fall court dross and decorated with ordera and modala ; gaily dressed officers , with clanking awords and jingling spurs atrr.tted back and forth between the line * of guards ; prleata aoborly clad in black , or in the moro ahowy rod or purple , according to tholr ordera , qnl- otly aonght placea from which to aee the coming ceremony , and everything waa in readiness for the aged Pontiff a entrance. "If hla holiness waa aa cold aa ] am , I think ho would not keep as waiting very long , " somebody at my elbow remarked , and those in hla vicinity echoed the sentiment. Eleven o'clock tolled from the bel- fry of a neighboring church and for a moment the buzz ot conversation waa hashed an the huge doora leading to the private apartments of the Vatican swung b&ck and five elegantly equipped officera with drawn aworda marched in and took tholr placea at the entrance to the rallod-off apace. Fifteen minutes later , attended by three pagoa , appeared the Magglor- dorao Monslgnor Rlccl Paraccianl in full evening dress , having around hia neck a maaalve gold chain to which the pops belongs , ana the keys of St. Peter. Ascertaining that everything wai In readiness , he returned , and ui exactly at 11:30 : the proceulon , headed by members of the choir belonging to St. Peter' * , made Ita appearance , Fol- lowing thcae were several bishops attired In aupcrb purple silk gowns , each with a capo of ermlno upon hla shoulders. Next appeared two young men In handsome black court suits with elen der canes in tholr hands. A rrlcbt bearing upon a velvet pillow a auparb- ly bound copy of the Bible followed and then , attended by numerou. priests , cimo the cardlnali , porhapi alx or eight In all , with trailing robet of purple , each having npon the thin gngor o ( hla left hand , tbo eccloalas tlcal ring- denoting hia rank. Follow Ing these , two priesta , ono carrying t superb jewel studded crosier of brags and hla companion a plain , nnadoruec mitre , evidently of cloth of gold. p TIM KHTRAXCK OF THE POPE. Presently the awe-struck whlape waa heard "Tho Pope , " and I fount mytelf bending low and making th algn of the crosa with the otheri , Ilk any devoted Romanlat , u , seated In ichly gilded chair , berne npon the hunldero of sixteen men who were at * Ircd in rich oontumon of maroon eilk , and surrounded by hla pnraoiml attend ants , Pope Lee XIII. , the head of the Ionian Catholic church throughout ho world , thn 258th Pope alnco the Imo of St. Peter , made hia appear ance. Ho waa droniod in magnificent robes of mnroon velvet worked with gold and decorated with precious tones , and upon hla head wore n miter o thickly ataddcd with jewels that the 'round work waa almost IndlatlngoUh- ible. Oa either side of the chair walked a young priest bearing aloft npon a glided rod an immcnoo fan of white ostrich plumns. The Pope made .ho sign of the cross first on ouo slco ? and then on the other , ever the heads of the poopln , and was slowly carried ; o hla throne , to which ho was assisted hla attendants. The heavy miter waa replaced by the lighter ono which ; ho priest had carried before him , and the ceremony commenced Lee XIII.Gloaohlno Poocl , la on Italian by birth , having boon born at Oarpluoto , a small vlllagw near Anan- ni , Marcb 2,1810 , and is , therefore , 73 years of age , Hla election to the pap&cy took place February 20 , 1878 , and hla coronation March 3 of the same year , It la said , and very generally bo- llovcd , that daring the poutificatlon of Plo None that prelate was In the habit of assuming the droos of a monk and , unrecognized , visiting every part of IlDmo. Such a proceeding wonld bo Impossible with the present pope , oven though his feebleness per mitted , for hla features are of auch a peculiar cast that nothing short of a mask could ever servo to dlsgnlao them. III3 I'EKSONAI , APFEAKANCT. Picture , If you can , a slight , atten- native figure of leas than medium height , a rather small head partly cov ered with snow-whlto hair , smalldark brown eyes , piercing In their brillian cy , a very largo nose of the Roman pattern , and enormous month , and yon have an excellent Idea of the ap pearance of Lee XIII. Ho aoemod very feeble , and at onetime time during the benediction many thought ho was about to be taken ill , as hla mouth twlohod nervously and ho trembled from head to foot. His face was very palo and ho appeared so worn and tired that I am euro the heart of everyone present iront oat to him in pure aympathy The ceremony lasted thrae-quarlera of an hoar , and principally consisted , after the exchange of hats , of the eesor priests and bishops embracing 10 cardinals and kissing them on Ither cheek , and each cardinal re- olving & blessing , Individually , from Is holiness , after which they in turn rostrated themselves before him and Used hla feet. A hymn waa sung by the choir , and ftor the pope had been assisted to ia movoblo chair , which had remained n the center of the open apace , the recession reformed into the same rder in which It entered , slowly wound its way through the crowd , and 10 ceremony waa ovor. a. Splendid Remedy far linng Dis ease Dr. Robt. Newton , late President of the Eclectic College of the City ot New York , .nd formerly of Cincinnati , Ohio , used ) n. WM. HALL'S BALSAM very eiteneirely n hla practice , aa many of hia patients , now living , and restored to health by the UBO of this Invaluable medicine , can amply eatlfy He always said that BO good a remedy ought not to be considered merely IB a patent medlcide , but that it ought to > e prescribed freely by every physician as a eovereign remedy in all cases of Lung diseases It ia a eure cure for Consump tion , and 1ms no equil for all pectoral com- ilaints. Tbo Retired List. Globe-Democrat. The "rotlred list" of the army Is hooretlcally a sort of pension roll , on which are Inscribed the namoa of offi cers who have served their country "ong and wall. There IB nothing like t In the civil orvico , though perhaps lomothlng of the sort will have to bo established ultimately for the benefit of superannuated clerks and conenla , f the "reformers" have their way. Officers on the retired list receive decent , but not extravagant , annual joncions called "pay" In order note o hurt their feelings and It s common sense , as well as law , that these pensioned officers ihall not hold government positions , : o which salaries attach. G an oral Badoau , however , who la now consul general at Havana , insists that he ought to receive his military pension - and his consular pay , and the treas ury department has been forced to make an issue upon his claim. The iepartment clearly has thu right of It. If General Badcan or any other officer desires to retain his pension , bo may do so honorably. If ho pre fer the salaried office , well and good. But he la not entitled to both. - Ladies Do you want a pure , bloom ing Complexion I If so , a few applications of Hasan's MAGNOLIA K ALM willgrat- ify to heart's you your con tent. It does away with Sal- lowncss , Holiness , Pimples. IHotchcs , and all diseases and imperfections of the skin. It overcomes the Hushed appear- aiico of heat , fatigue and ex citement. It makes a lady of THIRTY appear but TWJ3N- TY ; and so natural , gradual , and perfect are its ollects. that it is impossible to detect ita application. James H. Peabody , M. D ( PHYSICIAN AND'SURGEON ' , 'Residence No. 1407 Jones St. Office No. 1507 Farnam St. Office tours , 12 m. to 1 p. m. and 3 p. m. to I P-ra. Telephone foroflloe , 97Roald ; nce,125 , AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , ana All Grocers' Supplies , Full Line of the Best Brands of IP IAIUFACTUBED TOBACCO , AgontB for BBNWOOD HAILS AND LAM ft BAND POWDBB 00 DEALERS IN ALL * , SB uric Fire and Burglar Proa O Far n ham Street , ANHEUSER-BUSCH * 4 * > Brewing Association , CELEBRATED & BOTTLED BEER , ' THIS EXCELLENT BEER SPEAKS I FOE ITSELF , Orders from any part ot the State or the Entire West will be promptly shipped : All Our Goods arc Made to the Standard of our Guarantee. GEORGE HENNING , Sole Agent for Omaha and the West. Office Goruor 13th and Barney Streets. OMAHACORNIOEWO RKS BTTEMPING & BOLTE , Proprietors Tin , Iron and Slate Roofers MANUFACTURERS OF ; Ornamental Galvanized Iron Cornices , Iron Sky Lights , Etc. ' 310 South Twelfth Street , OMAHA , 7-mrn-wed-frl-ra MANUFACTURER OF FINE My Ilopoultory IE Constantly filled vlth a Select Stock , Beet factory. 3. W , Oor. iocn ana uapitoi Avenue , WILLIAM SNYDER , MANCFACTUBEB 01 * . First-Class Painting anfl Trimming , Repairing Promptly Done , 1321 and 1323 Eforney Street , corner Fourteenth Street , Omaha , Neb. PERFECTION HEATING "AND BAKING is only attained by using Stoves and Ranges/ WITH WIRE ( iAUZE OVER DOORS , For sale by MBLTON ROGERS & 30 3 Jnll-mSo A 8kln or Beauty It Joy orever. DR. T. FELIX GOURAUD'S Oriental Cream or Magical Beautlfl r The Oriental Cream purlflei 01 well aa Reautl- flei the Skin , Rimotei Tan , Hmples , Freckle t , Jdothpatch eflan'erery blemlih'OD beauty and doflea de tection. It haa stood the teat ol EOycarjan' U BO harm' leBe we taste It la be sure the prep a ra tion la pro perl ; madt Accent no counterfeit similar name. The distinguished Dr. L. A , 3 yre , Bald to r Zady ol the DAUT on ( a patient ) ! "Aa you Udlea will use them , I recommend 'Uc uraud Cream' aa the least harmlal ol all thi Skin preparations. " One bottle will last six months , using It every day. AUo Poodro Jab. llli remOTee luperduouj hair without injury to theikla. MMS. M. B. T. QOORADD , So ! prop , , 43 Bond Bt. lit V. For silo by all Dnurirtst * and Fancy Goodt Dealers throughout th United BUteo , Canada and Knropo. CTBtware ol bM imitations. 11,000 reward lor arrest and proolol anyone selling th * same. 14-weowme 2t ew-6m PERSONAIr-"I'arts ol the human bodj enlarged , developed and strengthened , " etc.ll an Interesting advertisement long run In oat paper. In reply to inquiries we will say that there no eridence ( ! humbug about thla Oa the contrary , the adrertU rs air very highly In dorsed Interested persona may get sealed cir culars giring all particulars , giving all partial tars , br aJUresrtnir Erie Uedlcal Co. . F. O.I , 518. Buflala' H. Y T l do Kv * . " ' * nU-ly GUATEFTnL-COlCFORTIHa. EPPS'S GOGOA. BREAKFAST. "By a thorouah knowledge ol the natural lawi which govern the operations ot digestion and nutrition , and by a careful application of the One properties of well-erlected Cocoa , Ur. Eppa baa provided rar breakfast tabloa with a dcllcatsly flavored beverage which may nave at many heavy doc tor a' bills. It ia by the Judlelonf tuo of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease , uundroda oi subtle maladies are floating arcund ua raady io attack wheravor there la a weak point. W may escape many a f&UJ shaft by keeping oni. aelvHvrell fortified with pure blocd and a prop. : rly uonrlahod frame. " Civil Service Oaiette , Uade clmply with boiling water or milk. Bold n Una only ( j-lb and Ib ) , by Grocers , labeled JAMES HPP3 Si OU. , Bomceopatblo Chemists , tui.wiLondon. Bmmand. JOHN STABLES , JEROME ECIUMR President. Vice iWt. W. S. DEISIIEN , Sec. aul Treas. THE NEBRASKA MAMACTURINGGOx Lincoln , Neb. > MANUFAOURERS OF Corn Planter * . Harrows , Farm Roller * . Bulky Rakes Bucket tlevallrg Windmills' We are prepared to do job work and mwul o- turlng lor other tmrtlcs , Ada i eea all orden to ih NEBKASKA MANOPACTURIKQ CO. Lincoln , K b. 1 >