Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1883, Page 5, Image 5

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Dissected Details of the Festivi
ties How in Progress
in Moscow.
Disturbance ? , Arraata and
Obher Stirring Evanta
in Ireland ,
Tha Uerman and Prussian M < ni
t ri Divided on the Folct-
Bpedal Dispatch to THI Bu.
ST. PwKUSBUKOj May 23. The
Official Hoaaenger denies that an ex
plosion occurred In the dressing room
of the czar before his departure for
Moscow. It says , however , that an
explosion which was duo to the escape
of gas did occnr opposite the palace.
The persons to be granted amnesty
by the czir on the occasion of his cor
onation will Include the clvlliius ex-
Hod to Archangel and soldiers drafted
to diiclpliuary command.
Moscow , May 23 The ompros
waa the only lady present at the cere
mony of blessing the imperial iltg.
Only Bavou of the sixty-seven news
paper correspondents wore able to at
tend the ceremony , owing to the re
stricted space , bat the director of the
jSTV press ordered the assistant editor of
= = ? ho Moscow Gazette to supply other
journalists with a description of the
ceremony. The Russian government
baa given press representatives 20
each to pay carriage hlro during the
A portion of the parapet behind the
church of St. Basil fdll to-day on the
heads of the people , and wounded
aoveral. It is reported that aomo of
the wonuded have died.
Fifty auspicious persona were ar
rested In the last few clays.
The emperor and omprosa will re
main In Boint-aeclusion till the day or
coronation , The Illuminations are leas
brilliant than expected. Many per
sona are waiting for Sunday. The
British embassy is brilliantly illumi
nated with uleutrlc lights. The BUG-
cess of the czir'fl entry into Moscow
has had a good effect. Greater aecorlty
la felt nnd the value of money bus risen.
Weather showery.
Special DUpitches to Tui DIE.
DUBLIN , Miy 23 Two nioro arrests -
rests wore made at CUstlobar lu con
nection with the recently discovered
murder and conspiracy in the county
Mayo. Great oxclteiueut exists over
the arrests and .200 extra members of
the royal Irish constabulary were
drafted to the town.
John Dillon , lu a letter to the Froo-
man'a Journal , advises the people to
make the Parnoll fund such a ancoess
that the pope will reallzi how grlev-
onsly ho haa boon deceived by the
English government and the miserable
pauper landlordn who infest Homo ,
Archbishop Oroke arrived at Kings-
/ on from Home. Ho waa given an
f enthusiastic welcome. Ho gays bo
has no reasbn to be dlaautltlhd with
hln visit to Rome.
TBALEK , May 23. The police aolz3d
the plant ot The Kerry Sentinel -
tinol and prevented the publica
tion of that paper which is
the property of Harrington , mem
ber of parliament for West Meath ,
The cauao.i the seizure , It ia sup
posed , was the publication of a notlco
-w lu The Sentinel asking persons desirous
itof joining the inviuclblos to attend a
Spcotlng which was to bo held last
The notice appeared in last Satur
day's isano and was a seditions placard
beginning , "To hell with the queen. "
Bporlal Dispatch to TUB BBI.
BERLIN , May 23. The czir has sent
a telegram to Emperor William noti
fying him of his safe entry Into Mos
cow. The latter In return telegraphed
There appears to bo a division be
tween the German and Prnsaian min
isters as to the manner in which the
Inhabitants of Sohleswlg should be
treated. When Soholz refused to an-
wor the question of Johannson In the
relchstag yesterday , aa to whether
Germans living In north Schleawlg ,
who. became JJanei after the Danish
war , would be readmitted aa German
subjects If they BO desired , Pnttkamer , ,
vice-president of the council and min
ister of the interior , approached Schols
In an apparently excited manner and
held a short conference. Subsequently
when Soholz began to spaak on anoth
er question , Pnttkamer left the house.
Bpoclil Dispatch to Tni bii.
LONDOX , May 23. The Daily News
eays there is an impression among the
" " t &lsh members of parliament that the |
'government are looking for an oppor
tunity to remit the remainder of the
term to which Messrs. Healey , Davltt
and Qalnn were sentenced td prison.
The entire European press speaks
In praise of the ceremonies at Moscow.
LONDON , May 23 , It Is announced )
that the marines who have been as- >
alstlng the police In Ireland will sbe
Konnard , at the desire of the tory
party , has decided to abandon for the
present session his motion offered In
the honso of commons In relation to
the disposition of the surplus of the
Alabama award. It Is thought the
question can bo raised more conven
iently at the expiration of the fishing
treaty in 1681.
Special DUpatch to Tni Bis.
MADRID , May 23 , A secret society ,
with three hundred members , has ,
been discovered at Acres. Twenty-
four members wora arrested.
fourteen thousand troopa paraded
to-day In honor of the visit of the
King of Portugal. They were re
viewed by King Alfonso ,
PAKI.I , May 23 , Harvest prospects
In France are favorable ,
GoneralSibatlor , govornorof Paris ,
* la dead.
SEDAHTOFOL , May 23 , A disastrous
S fire broke out in the Russian Naviga
te tlon company's building yards on the
20th , and destroyed the machinery ,
models and workshops for iron
clads ,
PABIS , May 23. The Suez canal
company have announced that they
jropoeo to commence the cutting of f a
parallel canal across the isthmus forth *
with and have applied to the English
government for tholr support lu ob
taining the nocotsnry concession of
land from the khodlvn.
CuonsTADT , May 23. The trial of
a great case of fraud In connection
wih : the failure of a savings bank,1
which has boon proceeding here , has
resulted In two of the directors of
the bank being sentenced to trans
Special Dlipateht ) to Ins Dm.
LONDON , May 23. The Derby WAS
won by St. Blalso , Highland Ohiof
second , Galllard third.
The following wore the starter ; :
St. IVaUe , Highland Ohtof , Glllard ,
the Prince , Qjldflcld,13an Brumtnol ,
Lidislar , Splendor , Laocoou , BOD jour
and Slgmophono. Bonjour raado a
running at the start , attended by Slg-
rnophouo They had a clonr lead of
Ladfslas , the Prince , Goldfield and
Splendor , who wcro bunched to To-
kcnham corner , when St. Blalfio took
up running , closely followed by Gal-
Hard and Ouldfiold to distance , when
Highland Chief took second plaoa and
pressed St. Blafse very hard , but did
not quite suocnod tn catching up
wl'h him. St. Blaleo won by a neck ;
Golllard finished a half length behind
Highland Chief. Time , 2:482-5. :
Batting at the start waa 7 to 2 aqalnst
Golllard , 5 to 1 against the Prince ,
5 to 1 against Goldfield , 5 to 1 against
St. Blalso , 1L to 2 ogalLst Ladtslas ,
10 to 1 against Baan Brummo ) , 16 to
1 against Highland Chief , 25 to 1
against Splendor , 40 to 1 against Lio-
econ , 100 to 1 against Bonjonr , and
100 to 1 against Slgmophono.
The Prince nnd Princess of Wales ,
Dako and Dacheis of Albany and
Dcke and Dachues of Oonnnght were
among the spectators. Numerous
Americans were present , including
Larillard , Ton Broeok and Walton.
After the race Wood St. Blalses *
jockey was cheered loudly as he re
turned to bo weighed. Gold Geld fin
ished fourth , Beau Brnmmol fifth ,
Laoooou sixth , Splendor seventh ,
Lidtslaa eighth , Prince ninth , Bon.
jour tenth and Sigmopnono lost.
The Wnynosboro Muddle.
Special Dispatch to Tui B .
AUQUSTA , Ga.May23 A Waynes-
boro- special says Judge Roonoy is
experiencing difficulty In procuring a
j ary In the caao of the state against
eighteen olttz na Indicted for expelling
two Chinese shop keepers from
Waynesboro. The first jury w < ui purged
ot tix teen members bucanso of rela
tionship to Bomo of the defendants ,
and twenty more having boon sum
moned it was found only seven were
qualified to serve. Judge Roonoy rules
that parties related in the fourth de
gree , second cpuslns to defendants ,
are not qualified as jurors , Another
jury will bo drawn from which five
more jurors are to bo selected. There
la a great deal of fooling in Waynes
bore , but Solicitor General Wright ,
who represouto the state , will do hid
duty. The purtioa whom the attempt
Is made to indict are prominent citi
zens of Wayneaboro.
Day at Richmond-
Special Dispatch to Tun Bin.
RICHMOND , Va. , May 23. Memo
rial day waa observed by a general sus
pension of bnslnooB during the after
noon. Twelve thousand graves of con
federate dead in Holly Wood cemetery
were decorated , and tbo military
paraded. The feature of the day was
the performance of burial services
i over the remains of a number of oon-
fedora to soldiers killed in the battle
of Seven Pines , which were brought
to thin city a few dayn ago. Another
Interesting Incident was the presenta
tion by Phil Kearney Post No. 10 , G.
A. R , , of a magnificent floral monument
ment , to bo placed upon the grave of
Gen. Geo. E , Pickett.
Uoiperato Briohlayorc.
Special DUpatch to TUB USB.
CHICAGO , May 23. An Incipient
riot , growing out of a strike of the
bricklayers , occurred on Hnbbard
street , this city , yesterday afternoon ,
which is cited aa chewing the despera
tion felt by acertalnclaasof theae work
men. About fifty strikers collected
about a building in process
of erection and attempted to In-
tlmldate the men at work. Bricks
were freely used and five or six re
volver shots fired. It is contended )
that the man using the revolver was
John Sullivan , president of the LSas
layers' union , who , It la claimed , was
under the Influence of liquor. asA
young man to whom Sullivan
handed the weapon after It had been
discharged was arrested. The facts
were kept quiet for some reason until
late last night , BO as , it IB supposed ,
to cause other arrests. No ono -was
seriously Injured.
The Effect of the Frost.
Special Dlupitch to Tni BII.
OHICAOO , May 23. Reports re-
colved from a number of points
throughout Iowa , Illinois , lea
and Kansas , on the effect of the nt
cold snap , Indicate that wheat has not
been Injured. Corn planting baa been
retarded by cold rains , seed now In
the ground rotting and the growth of
the plant already up has been atnntod
and in some cases nipped by the frost.
Tbo damage to fruit is not sorloui ,
taking on the whole , but In many
- cases the effect of the frost will decrease -
crease the yield.
Never Bay No , Glrli-
Special Dispatch to TUB BII.
LAUNED , Kan. , May 23 , Near Liv
ingston , Seaford county , to-day , Goo ,
Oramor made a proposition of mar
riage to Miss Llllle Wenzell , who re
fused him. He then drew a revolver ,
shot her twice , knocked her down
with the deadly weapon , then cut his
own throat , Both are expected to die.
JLnko Craft Overdue.
Special Dlipatch to Tui Bu.
MILWAUKEE , May 23 , The schoon
er Young America , from Erie , for
Milwaukee , is overdue. The Alice
B. Morris left there ton days latei >
than Young America , and arrived
Monday , but saw nothing of her
The BCOW Dreadnought is overdue
Inquiries were made hero to-day for
the schooner Newsboy , also much
Shipping News.
Special Dltpatcb to Tui Bu.
MOVILLE , May 23. Arrived Cir )
cassian from Now York.
NEW YOUK , May 23 , Arrlred-
Franco from Havre ,
The Republican State Convention
Plank Down the Dust ,
And Bond Cheerful footings |
to the Party in the North
and West.
Tha Btroaalo for Irish Independ
ence Commended-
Spedal Di ; atch to Tui Bu ,
LEXINGTON , May 23 The state
republican convention , now in session
hero , was called to order at 10 o'clock ,
After opening the convention the col
ored choir Bang "Nearer My God to
Thee. " At the afternoon session' '
Walter Evaus was elected permanent
chairman. The platform adopted re
affirms the declaration of the rcpnbli-
pin principles sot forth by tha nation
al republican convention hold in Chicago
cage In 1830 ; affirms that the only
sure foundation of republican govern
ment is Intelligent citizenship , and
that It is the duty of the state
aud of the people to provide free
schools for all children of the
state , and that when suah schools |
are provided , all constitutional moans
should be used to compel partnts to
glvo their children the benefit of edu
cation ; favors the adjustment of the
tariff that will not only provide rev
enue sufficient to defray the expenses
of the government , but afford junt and
reasonable protection to the indus
trial classes of our country without
being oppressive to agricultural and
other interests of our people ; Insists
upon prompt aud suitable stopo
towards the call of a convention to
amend the constitution of tbo atnte ;
believes In the enactment of just
laws and their speedy and partial en
forcement , and , by the encouragement
of an enlightened public sentiment ,
welcome Immigration to peaceful and
quiet homns among us.
Sixth Racogulzlng the fact that
the ancestors of some of Kentucky's
noblest and moat patriotic cltizonahad
heir birthplace In the green lalo of
Erin , wo extend to the Buffering people
plo of Ireland our warmest sympa
Seventh Wo favor frro tobacco ,
and recommend to the congress of the
United States an Immediate repeal of
all laws affecting its production , man-
nfaotnre and sale , and denounce the
present democratic governor for en
couraging the criminal classes.
Eight We congratulate the admin-
latratlon and the country upon the ap-
| polntmont of Walter Evans as com
missioner of Internal revenno , and ao-
cept It as a compliment to the ropnb-
lloans of Kentucky and of the south.
At the night session of the repnbll-
can state convention , candidates put
in nomination for governor received
i the following votea upon the first bal-
I lot : T. F. Morrow , 184 ; Jobn Lowle ,
158 ; E. W. Bigley , 53 ; Dr. Klraberly ,
22 ; George Denny , Jr. , 23 : William
Oasslun Goodloo , 23 ; Col. A. M.
Swopo , of Lexington , 23 ; Jno. Ben
nett , Madison county , C7.
On the sixth ballot Thomas T.
Morrow received the nomination for
governor by the following vote : Mor
row , 530 ; Goodloo , 350. The nom
ination waa made unanimous. The
convention then adjourned until to
mow ow morning.
Will Not Eutmlt to n Reduction
Special Dispatch to TUB Bxi.
PiiTSBDiia , May 23. The workmen
In a number of Iron and stool mills
presented a scale of wages to the pro
prietors to-day for acceptance or re
jection , and by Saturday every firm
In the west will have been officially
notified of a refusal to accept the pro
posal of the reduction offered by man
nfacturers. Only ono firm , Hussoy
Ho wo & Co. , stool manufac
turers , have so far signed 1.
the scale and other manufacturers eay
that the action of this firm will havi
no effect on the situation , as the ;
deal exclusively In steel and special
The Western association met in
regular monthly session this morning
but after talking over the condition
of trade , which Is highly satisfactory ,
the meeting adjourned without taking
action on the proposed strike or touch
ing the present rates.
Special Dispatch to THI Bui.
WASHINGTON , May 23. The speak
committee appointed to Investigate
the affairs of the office of the super
vising architect of the treasury me
this morning and organised by elootin
Acting Secretary New chairman ,
Aa Eztonilve Dog Shotr <
Bpoclal Dlipatch to Tin Bu.
CHICAGO , May 23 , A dog show , ,
under the regulations of the National
American Kennel club , will bo hoi' '
in this city Juno 12th to 15th inoln "
alvo , under the snperlntendenco of th
managers of the Oentonnlal and reoen
New York shew. The entries thu
for exceed those of any exhibit ye
given In the west and embrace a nnm
bor of famous animals from Canada
Ireland and Great Britain.
Fovorinc tha Buoketihopg.
Special Dlipatch to Tui BBI.
CHICAGO , May 23. Judge Tnley In
the circuit court this morning decided
cided in favor of bncketshops In
their contest with the board inof
trade and the telegraph companies ,
thus taking contrary view to that
hold by two of the federal
judiciary and also two of the state
judges having concurrent jurisdiction
with him.
Special Dispatch to Tin Bu.
NEW YORK , May 23 , At a fire on
Green street this morning In a house
In which a number of people wore
employed , there was a stampede , and
It is rumored that many were
burned to death. Ono woman was
taken ont Insonatblo and has since
' died. The of child
, corpse a was rol
, . covered.
. i Tha Chorm JIuihed.
' Special Dlipatch to Tui lilt.
CHICAGO , May 23 , Members of the
disbanded chorus of Catherine Lewis'
opera company appeared In the justice
- court this morning to attend the trial
of the suit against Miss Liwls for al
leged larceny , in attempting to ship
1 stage costumes along with other op-1
crty of the company to Now York.
Miss Lawla took the stand to account
for the actions of Lor manager , and
denied that any attempt had boon
made to defraud the chorus of tholr
earnings , She gave special orders
to the ladles of the troupe not to put
any privn'o npparol lu the property
trucks , The trouble had all grown
out of poor houses the troupe had
boon playing to , aud Miss Lawls de
clared , amid her sobs , she was so con
fused with all thoio attachments aud
things and horrid law business she
did not know whether her life WAB her
own or belonged to some ono olio.
The larceny allegation was dismissed ,
ID the meantime members of the com *
P ny appear to ho utrnndod.
Its Progress from Infancy to the
Present Time Illustrated
at Chicago.
A Comprehensive Exhibition of
All Articles Needed to Build
and Exuip a Road.
Borne of the CatioiltlB Displayed-
Spoc'al Dlipatch to TUB BBI.
CHICAGO , May 23. The national
railway exposition opens in this city
to-morrow night , and In character and
number of exhibit * certainly promises
to bo the most stupendous affair of the
kind over undertaken. In addition to
the exposition building proper , which
covers three entire blocks , a temporary
structure , extending four blocks to the
south , has boon erootod on the lake
front park , giving a total exhibit space
of 1,800x400 feet. In the main expo
sition buildlug uro the lighter cihlb-
Its , comprising all composite parts
which outer into the construction of a |
railroad or its equipment , which are
portable. In the yard are locomotive' ,
freight and passenger coaches , water
tanks as complete In detail as those
which can bo jound on the road , and
other things which belong to the
heavier part of the exhibition. In the
gallery of the main building running
entirely around it Is a track fur the
electric jrallway. During the exhibi
tion two cars capable of floating forty
people will bo run upon it. Other
toaturea are miniature sleeping and
dining oars , complete In all tholr details -
tails ; the largest , smallest , and oldest
locomotives in the world , and the
mammoth enow plo wa used In the Rocky
The exhibits In the main building
are mostly In booths , which generally
have been brightly decorated and
Ingenuity has boon displayed in ar
rangement uf tholr contents. The
building IB to ba Illuminated with
electric lights throughout , and when
peopled with eight-Jeers the BCOUO
promises to bo brilliant.
Among the yard exhibits which
have already arrived io a bower of the
"Stroirbrldgo Lion , " the first loco-
motlvo ever run in America ; the
"Arabian No 1 , " which went into
service on the Baltimore & Ohio ral1-
road in 1834 , is also on dioplay.
Bealdo It Is the old coach of Tioga ,
and neither of these boar any resem
blance to thoao used at the present
day. Ono of the Stephenson locomo
tives , representing , in its way , the
infancy of railroading , built in 1828 ,
will have a placa in the main bulldiug.
As illustrating the mngnltudo of the
Bffjtlr the mauagora assert that the
single exhibitors of locomotives will
display a larger assortment of work
than over before displayed In all pre
vious expositions combined , which
have bean hnld In London , Now
York , Paris , Vienna or Philadelphia.
They also anticipate great throngs ,
at , aside from the general public ,
the number of railroad employes
alone promises to bo very groat. An
Instance of this Is cited In the caao of
the Plttsbnrg & Fort Wayne com
pany , which has arranged to send its
5,000 employes at the expense of the
corporation. The citizen's committee
has taken np quarters In the exposi
tion building to arrange for the ac
commodation of these attending and
to guard against any adverse criti
cism as affecting the hospitality of
the olty. _ _
Freity 'Weather-
Special Blipatch to TUB Bu
ST. Louis , May 23. A heavy frost
occurred Monday and Tuesday nights
throughout the southern and part of
central Missouri , and particularly In
that section of Illinois swept by the
tornado lost Friday night. Early
vegetables are almost entirely de
stroyed , and the fruit and grain badly
damaged. Ice from an eighth to a
quarter of an Inch thick formed In
most localities.
The Irish In Canada-
Special Dispatch to Tui Bsi.
MONTKEAL , May 23. The belief ia
current in Irish national circles that
despite the action taken by the clergy ,
I local Irish societies will form them-
solves into league branches. Leading
. members of the Montreal branch of
the Irish land league s y they will
probably abandon any scheme for affil
iation with the American league and
hold a convention and form a similar
organization for the Dominion of Can -
ada. Local branches of the league
have now delegates Interviewing the'
different Irish national societies here ,
and these will report on Sunday next ,
when the whole subject will bo dis
cussed. Meantime the position taken
by the Irish Catholic clergy hero Is
uphold by all except a few who care
A Mysterious Letter.
Special Dlipatcb lo Tui Itii.
OiiioAao , May 23. A bottle waa
found on the beach at the foot of
Twenty-fifth Btreot here this morn
ing , which contained a postal card rnon
which was written ;
"May 20 , 1883 ; The schooner Sea
Gull has gone down off Chicago this ' '
morning. I am on a Bpar. Send help.
( Signed ) JAMES DONAHUE , Mate. "
1'bo Sea Goll waa a throe-maated
| schooner of 201 tona burthen , and
was owned in Oswego.
The Creak Indian Troubles.
Special Dlipatch to Tui Bu.
ST. Louis , May 23. A dispatch
- '
from Muakogoo , Indian Territory
says the department of the intorloi :
has decided not to interfere farthoi
- with the Orook Indian troublea , and
the entire matter , has been turned
- over to the war department ,
Great Hejoioing at Saratoga
Among the Baptist
Brethren ,
The Tranefor of Bible Work
Accomplished with Mnoh
Enthusiasm ,
The Yeai' . Work of thePrethytc-
rlan Publication Hoolety.
The Baptlit Bible Convention.
Bprdal D'lpalch ' to Tun U .
SAKATOIU , May 23. The Baptist I
Bible convention had a four hours'
session In the afternoon , with packed
audience. The Interest was at white
heat. The debate ou the way In
which bible work ahall bo done , was
continued. Raiolntlons , recommend
ing that all Biptlst bible work in
foreign lands bo done through the
Missionary Union of Boston , and all
bible work in this country bo done
through the Publication Society of
Philadelphia ; also , providing that the
American aud Foreign Bible Society
nominate three members to the Board
of Publication Society , to hand over
Its dFjots and go ont of existence ,
wore road by President Strong.
Dr. J , W. Sarlos , a warm advocate
ol the foreign Bible society , brought
out storms of applause by voting for
the resolutions. To the amszamont
eli the whole convention only 30 voted
against i the resolutions , while 387
voted for them.
VIS Dr. Boardman called upon Dr.
Sarlos to offer prayer , thanking God
for the conclusion.
ftr The evening session was crowded.
Dr. Phillip Sohnff , Presbyterian com
mentator , offered prayer. Captain
Morgan , president of the Bible
society , handed a paper to
the : secretary. It stated that the
managers and board of the society
recognized the hand of God In tbo
unanimity of the overwhelming vote
at the afternoon mooting. Thu paper
pledgea the Bible sooluty to abide by
, the result , and asked to withdraw the
30 negative votes. This was allowed ,
tollowod by applause , repeated again
aud again , singing and handshaking.
The result was wholly unexpected aud
universally gratifying.
The missionary union anniversary
begins to-morrow. Fully 500 dole-
are present.
The Presbyterian *
SpecA ) ! DUpatch to Tui II11.
SARATOGA , May 23 , A prayormoot-
ing was hold by the general Presby
terian assembly ono hour for the suc
cess of the homo and foreign missions ,
The forty-sixth annual report of the
board of foreign missions pays trlbuto
to the memories of Hon. Wm. E.
Djdgo and Mrs , Julia M. GrAhain.
The receipts from all sources , Includ
ing last year's balance , were $036.237 ;
expenditures , $ Gti'JG20. The board
has In charge 150 American and 02
native ordained missionaries , besides
133 native llclontlatps. Lay mission-
arlea , 21 male and 205 foraalo Ameri
cana , and 285 natlvus of both soxoa.
In mission schools , 253 pupils , lie-
ports from mission stations are en
couraging. They report calls for the
raising of $709,000 dnrlng the coming
year , and nominates llav. Dr. Marlon
It. Ymcont as successor in the board
to lion. W. E , Dodge , deceased , The
report was accepted.
Moderator U it fold annonnced the
following committee to wait on Pres
ident Arthur relative to establishing
civil government In Alaska : Ilov.
Drs. Howard Crosby , Jnddlson
lionry and Byron Snudorland ; ox-
Judge William Strong ; Congressman
Jno , Hill , of Now Jeraer ; Secretaries
Henry Klmbull and W. 0. Roberts.
On motion Midcrator Hatfold was
made chairman of thla committee.
The forty-fifth annual report of the
Presbyterian board of publication
showed 12,31)1,000 copies of books ,
tracts and periodicals published
dnrlng the year. Receipts from all
sources for the year , Including $38-
G8C balance , $281,124 ; expenditures , ,
$252,422 ; aggregate receipts from"
sales , $195,420 ; 49 colporters are
employed in 04 presbyteries , holding
1,840 prayer meetings and visiting
56,651 families ; distributed gratuit
ously 33,324 volumes and 3,822,000
pages of traoti ; organized 72 Sunday
schools In destitute places and vliltod
1,172 other schools , The claims of
the board were presented , urging
liberal allowances. Rav. Idelbort
Vanderllpp , of St. Louis , seconded
the suggestion of the report for pub
lications In German. Adopted.
The Lutheran *
Special Dlipatch to Tils On.
NOBUIBTOWN , Pa. , May 23. The
Lutheran mlnlatorluin resolved to In
struct all conferences , pastoral associations
ations and congregations In the minis -
try to make preparations for appro -
prlatoly observing the four th
anniversary of the birth of In
Tha Good Templari.
Special Dlipatch to Tui BII.
GiiiOAdo , May 23. Thngrandlodgo
of Good Templars continued in session
to-day. The session was chkily oc
' cupied with routine matters nnd the
appointment of committees. Resolu
tions o ( sympathy with Neal Dow utn
his lllnots were pisaod. George ff.od
KatzeuBtolnof California , was elected
R. W. G. T , , and Dr. Oren Hyatoka ,
of Ontario , Canada , R. W. G. 0.
At the evening session the remain
ing officers were oloood , and they ad
journed to meet In Washington Olty
on the fourth Tuesday In May , 1884 } ,
a I
| Some of His Foul i Methods Aired in
, Oourt.
I Special Dlipatch to Tin lln.
DESVEU , May 23. The Tuber-Bush
Imbroglio thickens. Some tlmosince
it will bo remembered , Ex-Senatoi
Tabor secured the Indictment of Wm
H , Bush , co-partner In the Wlndsoi
hotel , and a former friend and confi
dential advisor , for alleged embezzle
ment of $2,000 while manager of the
> , Tabor grand opera hous ? , and at the
same time Instituted suit to reoovo
an alleged Indebtedness of $20,000 ) on
criminal charges , Bush was tried vnd
promptly acquitted , On his answer ti
the second complaint Bush denlo
specifically all Important Itcmn and
sots up counter claims of which the
following are the most Important :
$75.000 dAinngcs for mslloloui prose-
outtcn ; $13,000 , commissions unpaid
for managing the oporn houses of
Denver and Loadvllle ; $19,009 , special
services as per agreement in aiding
Tabor's election to the United States
senate , and In procuring a divorce
from his wlfo and brinclng about his
marriage with Miss McOonrt. Bush's
answer Is voluminous ,
Bp clal Dlipatctei to Tin nit.
Ingemoll continued hli Argument In the
star rouco trial yeeterdny.
Bnow foil Ttionlav night a foot In depth
on the line of the lUchmond A Allegheny
President Arthur upcnt the greater part
of yeatordny nt the Filth Avenue hotel re * .
celvlng callers. I
Nothing luwregArdlng the whereM/outi
Jmigo Chester A. Ktutn developed In
t , Loula ytntordty ,
Vlgnaux and SchioOfor played In Now
ork litit night to n crowded house.
core , Vignaux 6CO , Scb idler 317.
The steamer I'rmsUn atrired In liostnn
eiterdav with 1,1 GO utoeago pAMcUKerft ,
om IrtUtul , mostly "anlrftod emigrants. "
Small pox , of virulent type , ban broken
at in the I iMicastor county , ( IV ) prison ,
ml the Institution hoi been placed under
Matthew Artincklc , the well known cor-
let player and orcho tr player , died nt
la reflldonco in New York last evening ,
; nd 51 yoara.
It was derided to hnld the next meet-
iK of tbo Reformed 1'ronhyterlan general
ynod nt 1'lttsburg the third Wednesday
n May , 18'4.
A ipan of the toll brldgo ncroia Colondn
vor in Texas fell yeiterday , tevcnty
cad of stock cattle falling fifty feet and
iwam lately out ,
Gen. Sbotldan , Sosretiry Lincoln , Gen ,
taper , nnd A number of other gentlemen
ro at Point Aupelee , Lilcu Erie , whom
'toy will cultivate' blnclt bna * for R week ,
A horrible murder wnn committed at
itoFarlnnda , Luncnburg county , Virginia.
f. the victim Doing a child of
\lico liolllng , who was brained by its
The fifty-fourth nnnlvxruary of the
Brooklyn Sunday Qcliool Union was cele
rated yeatoiilay by an annual parade
) t children. There were 62,000 pupil <
in lino.
The secretary of the treasury decided
.bat the 8100,030 appropriation for pro-
coutlon of the spread of epidemic diseases
hall bo dluburned by tho. surgeon general
if the marine hospital service.
Over two millions In Unftod State !
notes and gold nnd tillvor certificates woio
reduced to pulp in the treasury depart
ment yesterdiiy. Thla Is roatly iu exceas
of tho" average amounts destroyed.
The trustee ! of Williams college , at
North AdnuiB , Mn > 8. , received n check for
§ : > 0,000 from A. D. German , of Albany ,
to lound A professorship of natural theo
logy no a memorial to his deceased son ,
wuo was a student at Williams.
An Enrthqnaho In Kentnoliy.
Special Dispatch to Tin U i. *
CINCINNATI , May 23. The Times'-
Star , Ootlottsburg , Ky. , special say a :
Two distinct ahocks of earthquake
were felt t\t half past nloven last
night which shook the buildings In
town ,
J. H. Harley , Lincoln ; A. 8. Kllno ,
Cavlngton ; John S. Kuott , York ; .Tunica
Gadaden , Bchuyler ; Allen Crowell , Mrs.
U. M. Davis and Daughter , and 0. K.
Hall , Dooatnr ; D , E , Stephenson , Falls
Cltyj D , D , Johnson , Weeping Water ,
and G. K. Oorey , Oakland , nro among the
Nebraska people who wcro at the Millnrd
Mr. W. II , Murphy has coma to Omaha
from Washington city , with his family , to
practice law , and him associated himself
with Judge Doano , Ho is an old western
man , and will no doubt meat many du
hero and make many moro , Tim KE
wishes him nuccesu.
W. II. Hoar , of Chicago , representing
Caraon , Plric , Scott & , Co. , the great dry
Koodt hou'o , registered at the Puiton last
Mra. 0 , II. Cpson and child , of Sioux
City , wcro registered ut the Metropolitan
yestjrday ,
Peter Union , John Pierce and Sam
Ernest , of Valentine , are guests of the
Paxton ,
Jobn M , Keagan and wife and Master
Paul Fowler , of Hauling * , are at the Pax-
ton.U. iXJ.
U. K. Wescott , of Plattimoutb , and J.
F. Stiong , of Stiver City , ara at the Pax-
Church Howe and Herbert K. Howe
| and wife , ol Auburn , are In the city.
Mra. J , L. Caplinger and Mrs. E. Dor-
icy , of Lincoln , are at the Mlllard.
Perk Godwin returned from attending
criminal court at Blair yesterday ,
0. M. Ilolloiin and Chat. Berlin , of
Genoa , are at the Metropolitan.
George II. Palmer , wlfo and child , ot
Kvanstcn , are at the Paxton ,
D. S , Comar , of Lyons , Neb. , was at the
Metropolitan lat night.
Mri. J. S. Mardh , of Nebraska , IB at
the Metropolitan.
Sam'l Farquhar , of Hayes , is at the
Ilev. T. Underbill , of New York , Is i at
the Mlllard ,
J. F. Falrman , of Watseka , Ills. , IB at
| the MilUfd.
G , M. MoCoreanghy , of Oiceola , Is i at
the Paxtou ,
F. M. Phillip * , of Cheyenne , is at the
H. O..Garrabrant , of Chicago , is at the
Dr. P. Sohwonck , of Norfolk , Id
0. C. Quinn , of Salt Lake City , is i it
I town.
Gen. G. M. Dodge was In the city las
Col. A C. Dawes Is at the Paxton ,
Congressman Laird U U the Paxtou ,
Judge MaCrary baa gone back to Keo
James D , Gayer , of Franklin , is at tha
, Paxton.
. , Capt. Sam , U , Jones , of tha U. P , , has
returned from the oas
| James KeeJ , 3. J. FarU , and J. A
Wiicor , of Nebraska City ; O. K. Hansoi
of Kearney ; J. L. Hooker , Dan Gould land
Jobn Platt , of Cambridge ; E. E. Day
and wife , of South Bend ; O , F , demon
0.1) , Coon and K. M. Correll , Hebro
J. n. Tlddall , of Crete , registered at ; ' 'tl
Representatives of the Dry Goods
Trade Appeal in Vain to
the Railroad Fool.
Discrimination Must Exist
Against the Coarser Grades
of Domestic Goods.
Tbo Steal Clad Xioglo of Flak.
Sp clal Dlipatch to Tni IIn.
NEW YOUK , M y 23. Raproionta-
ttvos of the dry goods trade In this
and other cities In the east and west
appeared to > day before the railroad
commlislon sitting hero , to support
the claims made In tholr petition to
the commission , In which it is stated
that the existing classification ot do
mestic dry goods In the woitorn bound
trallio of the trunk lines is unjust , in
jurious to bntluosB , and should bo
changed ,
In support of these charges It was
urged that the clastof dry goodsagalnat
which the present classification boars
most heavily are mainly cotton goods ,
of coarser and cheaper grade , and It Is
especially for that class of merchandise
that rcclassltioatlon was asked. The
rate charged for transportation , It was.
urged , was ont of proportion to the
cost of transportation , and ont of
proportion to the value of the goodi
aimed. , It was also stated these mat
ters were iirst brought to the attention
of the ozcontlvo committee of the trunk
lines at the rnggestlon of Vice-Presi
dent Bknohard , of the Erlo railroad ,
and a petition was presented to Fink
signed by nearly all representatives of
Inrgo cotton mills of Maine , Now
Hampshire , Massachusetts , Con
necticut , Rhode Island , Now
York and Pennsylvania , and
nearly all representatives of dry
goods merchants of Now York ,
Boston , Philadelphia , Baltimore ,
Chicago , St. Louis nnd other promi
nent cities. In this petition it was
represented that the classification of
thla kind of merchandise was raised
during the war because the goods became -
came so valuable as to warrant It ;
that sheetings worth from $400 to
$500 i dnrlng the war now Bell for
from f $45 to ( CO par bale ; that these
goods f , as first class , are now subject
I to higher relative charge on tholr
| value than any other textile fabric ,
and are out of all proportion to the
staples fi of the grocery trade. The
executive committee of the trunk
lines , it waa contended , mot this pe
tition with absolute refusal. Upon
what principles the companies have
established tholr classification sohcd-
nlo the dry guoda representatives
were nnablo to understand.
Poor Commissioner Albert Fink re
plied that 1' . is necessary to charge
higher rates ou certain articles in or
der that grain and other food products
can bo carried at a rate enabling the
firmora to ship to the east and to
Knropo. This discrimination Is for
t u benefit of trade In general and the
dry goods trad ? shares in the benefits.
Individual oonauraora of domestic dry
goeds would benefit so little by a re
duction of froleht rates on that clans
of goods that the difference In cost
would bo Inappreciable , while the re
duction would not benefit the trade
by causing nn increased demand for
tholr goods. Silks and the higher
class of dry goods bear such relative
small proportion in the bulk and
weight to the amount of dry goods o !
the lower classes shipped , that it would
bo necessary to charge very high rates
on them to make up f jr the redaction
on the latter. The discrimination
inuet exist , ho argued , between eov-
nrul classes of articles , and the rates
on the classes cannot ba established on
the basis of cost of service , After
further discussion of the subject tha
commission adjourned to Juno 13th.
Other IronoJnO Fools ,
Special Dispatch to Till 13 i.
CUIOAQO , May 23. Colorado tr&ffio
association representatives mot here
to-day and established the following
penalties for cutting rates : First
offense , twice the amount of the tariff
rate on cut shipment ; second offense ,
four times , subsequent offenses six
times , the arbitrator to bo the judga
of the violation. This applies to the
Iowa trunk line and the Southwestern
railway association alao. The differ *
ontlal tariff on lire stock for can of
different sizes were fixed as follows :
Cars 29 } to JOJ feet ID length to
charge regular tariff rates , those 31
feet and more , 10 per cent extra.
At a meeting of the representatives
of the Iowa trunk line aisociatton , U
was decided to call a mooting for next
Tuesday with the Union Pacific , Bur
lington & Missouri River , Slonx Olty
& Pacific and Northern Pacific , with
a view of fixing rates and forming a
pool on llvo stock from Wyoming ,
Idaho & Nebraska.
The suit of Israel Welnsteln , of New
York , againtt the Pennsylvania railroad
for $30,000 for the loss of a leg at Altoono ,
resulted in favor of the company , plaintiff
having traveled nn a tren pn .
Loss of Apnotlto , Dowola costive , '
It Fain In the Head , with a dull sun-
cation In the back part , Fain under
the Shoulder blade , fullness after
in eating' , with a disinclination to ex
ertion of body or mind , Irritability
of temper , Low spirits , with a fecl-
ir\c of havlnor neglected some duty.
Weariness , Dizziness , Fluttering at
the heart , Dots before the ayes , Yel
low Bkln , Headache generally over
the right eye , Kostlesuness , with fit
ful droarau , highly colored Urine.
TtJTT'N 1MI.I.H nro e
Kilnpteit < u micli cimei. 0111 loie ef-
fccu micli a clmiiuo of feeUuii KB to
aituiiluli the ( tttlcrer *
They lucrrnio the Appetite , and cania
the body to Tnke ou fleili , thus the lys-
I torn U iiourlalicil , and by tliclr Toulo
1 Act Ion ont liu IHgeitlve Orunni.lteit-
I ulor Htiioln nro produced. 1'rlcu la cuuu.
A. : t.t lUurrny St. , IV. V.
a HAT lliip \Vinraens chnsgo to a GLOSST
Iliaac by a tinclo application of this DTE. U
, Imports anaturul color. AcUInitantnneoiu-
Iy. Bold by DmmUU , Or cutly ; > rc * oa
rtcolptsf. . .OI.OO. i
the OFFJOK , an MUUUAY ST. , w. T.
e Ur.TrTT-HMiiriLoM.tcuUfloron.imm u4\
Vt. tul IIt IllU lll U Bull.d t KUC uvUciUw. t