Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee.
Published ever/ morning , except flan.
ay , The nly Monday morning dally ,
Ono Year..810.00 I Threa Monthi.W.OO
Six Months. , B.OO | Ono Month. . . . 1,00
VHK WEEKLY BEE , published every
Ono Year 2.00 I Three Month. . BO
fix Month LOO I One Month. . . . JO
HewsJealora In the United States. Oommnnl.
tfons relating to News .nd Editorial
matters should be addressed to the KDITOB
or Tut BKK.
Kellers Mid Remittances should bo ad
dressed to THK BIB PtmuBHiNO COMPANY
OMAHA. Drafts , Checks nnd Posloffico
Jrdcra to bo made payable to the order of
the Company ,
The BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Props ,
BONANZA MACKKY has gone to Moscow -
cow to blow up with the oonatry.
MB DILLON hew probibly discovered
by this tlmo that ho has not only a
dado but a donkey publishing hla
paper hero.
IT was only In an outburst of gen
erous cnthn lasm for the JOTTS that
Gasper E , Yost wrote bis famous
"Ohrlflt-klllor" oheok.
YOBK Is to got the oornmU-
ilonorshlp of internal rovouuo. John
Logan and hio Illinois patronage will
bo hoard from later.
DBSJMOINKS has added fifty per
cent to her assessment roll this year.
The valna of property in Omaha has
Increaaod raoro thantwlco this amount
dnrlng the past twelve months.
TUB Republican Is the farmer's friend
and opposed to corporate aggression ,
bat its odltor still finds tlmo occasion
ally to purcjmo n rural organ for
.Mr. Klmball and the Union Pacific.
MR , DILLON will romhln a few days
longer in Omaha to receive Tom Kim-
ball's explanations of how ho has
Buccaodod in antagonizing every pat
ron of the Union Pacific and running
down its atoak in twelve months from
118 to 03.
OMAIIA is again lufoited with burg
lars nnd Marshal Onthrlo is rcipaot-
fully invited to bostlr himself and
clear the olty of theao midnight
i marauders. Just at present a good
i solf-oocklng revolver is worth half a
policemen ,
DILLON is on the ground now ,
and ho sees that Omaha la growing ,
How soon will ho condescend to dis
charge hla obligation by building i
$100COD depot in place of the brlol
anew ahed that obstructs the thor
onghfaro on Ninth street ,
THREE years will elapse before an
other senatorial campaign , but Ndbras
ka editors who are willing to aupporl
railroad candidates may hoar aomo
thing to their advantage by nddrcminf
the editor of the Omaha Republican
care of Thamaa L. Klmball.
HAVING beslobbered and boimoarod
Sidney Dillon and Fred Ames , Dr ,
Miller now slops over with his muhuoei
barrel on Gaorgo M , Pallmnn , Mr ,
Pullman Is too much of a gentlomat
to deserve such treatment. It looki
as if ho has given Dr. Miller a life ln <
tcrcst in ono of his dining cars ,
THE Amos' and the Dillons come
to Omaha once a year and BOO that II
has become a city in aplto of thoit
machinations to make it a way sta
tion. Having taken a million 01
moro in bonds and millions on
millions in bridge tolls and faros ,
they look to Omaha to fall down
upon her knees In devout thanks foi
their great benefactions. And then
tire some lickspittles hereabouts whc
actually do this kind of thing ovorj
tlmo the Dillons and the Amoies comi
to Omaha ,
THE principal outlet from Omahi
Into the suburbs is Sixteenth street
Not only this but Sixteenth is bourn
to bo the second best if not the mos
important retail street in Omaha. Ni
batter nso can be made of the bond
already voted than In paving. Th
council have done well in ordering i
paved and the only question now i
the material. Whatever that may be
whether stone or asphalt , both o
which are good pavements , no tlm
ought to bo wasted by the proport ;
owners in wrangling ever material.
WHAT does Omaha propose to d
; nbont the editorial excursionist !
Two hundred and fifteen eastern Ft
ber pushers are tc visit us Thursda
and upend the afternoon in Omahi
The council have adjourned wlthot
taking any action upon the request c
the board of trade for an approprli
tlon , and , as nsual , the hospitalities (
our city must bo extended through
committee of our merchants. It
important that every visiting edltc
of a delegation who will talk to ever
-million readers should leave our ell
with a proper Impression of Its impo
tanoe , Its prosperity , and its fntui
The Jltpublican Is prepared to match
ts subscription Hat apnltiet that , of any
mper In Nebraska , Colorado , Kansas
ir Missouri , excepting the pipers of
St. Louis. Thin is a matter of bnsi-
noss. Omaha Republican ,
This la n tnattur of ignorance or
alschood. In thn first place , each of
ho thrco dallies of Kinnni Olty circa-
sto inoro paporo than any of thn
) miha papers Kansas Oily lies 30-
00 moro population than O.nuho , nnd
her railroad ficlliUod for ouleldo circa-
atlon glvo her n field as eminently
aporlor to Omaha as her grand nnion
opot la to the 03W shod that Sidney
) lllon built for us on Tenth street ,
hndor compels the admlsilon of this
act , although TUB BEE circulates
moro papers in Omaha in proportion
o the population than tiny p pcr docs
n Kansas Olty or hi any other city of
qaal population with Omaha hi the
Lanvlng oat Kansas Olty as a com-
ictltor west of Chicago and north of
t. Louis , TUB BKK stands without a
ompotllor In thla section of the
ountry and the boasting of the lit-
mWican In trying to plaoo itself ahead
f THE BEE is as silly as its attempt
o raunt Itself as the superior of such
uporn as the Kinsas Olty Journal or
' 'imts , either of which has a olrcula-
Ion elx times as ( ; reat as that of the
rgan of the Union Pacific.
The Jicpublican talks about match-
ug circulations , simply to delude
nob. advertising patrons as know
othlng about Its rank. On the point
f circulation the best proof Is the
onaumptlon of paper and the pontage
ocolpts , THK BEE purchases moro
tian three car loads of iios print
where the Republican buys one , and.
to postage bills are pro rata. To put
; down In moro compact ohapo , the
Republican prints 85 quires dally
where THK BKK prints 270 quire * ,
'ho Biino ratio holds good on wook-
The absurdity of the Ilepublican't
) ! owln ( ? will appear bettor to practical
irlnters when wo say that they grind
ut their papers on a drum cylinder at
tie rate of a thousand an hour , while
'HE BKK has found n double cylinder
lee , that prints 3.COO copies In an
lonr , Inauflblant to moot Us demand ,
nd will shortly double Ito press ca-
> aolty.
But the standing of the Republican
s oven worse at homo than it is
broad. Wo employ now eighteen
arrlera to their seven in Omaha , and
n Council Bluffs wo have seven and
hey have none. Moro than all , TUE
) EE is the only paper la Omaha whoso
abscrlptlon books are always open for
, ho Inspection of advertisers from day
o day. At any tlmo that the Omaha
Republican yearns to match circulation
t will find THE BEE at its old stand ,
01G Faruam street.
"Tho galled jade winces- " The
chapter from the history of corpora
tion politics in Nebraska , published In
onr last edition , fell like a bombshell
u the camp of Sidney Dillon's lloa.
; enants , and Ins forced a return fire
a the shape of a counter cflidavlt from
the monopoly capper who edits the
/iti&h'caii , Thla reply is decidedly
thin. It will not hold water. It loavce
ho main charge untouched , and fallo
o overturn a single statement of the
slightest importance. That charge in
effect was that W. 0. Holdon , of the
ivearnoy Frtu , sold the Influence oi
its paper to Thomas L. Klmball , and
that the editor of the Jlepublican dc-
ivored the money and olosod the b&r-
Tom Klmball's tin can admits that he
played the cattpaw In this dirty trans
action , and defends himself by swear ,
ng that the mortgage security wai
gocd , He docs not and ho dare no !
deny that ho carried out the job at Mr ,
Ctmball'a request and as Mr. Kim
mil's agent. He does not and ho dart
lot deny that the bargain was made
n the first instance by Thomas L ,
mball and was closed by him tc
cover the Union Paolfia's part In a oaic
of barefaced bribery. Ho content !
ilmiolf with swearing that Mr , Klm-
aall's name was not mentioned at th <
anal interview wltr the odltor of the
llearnoy Prttt , and that ho , the editoi
of the B.jMil > 2ica > i , never sought to In
Qaonco the political conduot of the par
chased editor. This will deceive nc
The political conduct of the JTtatnei
Pros was already determined whei
the bargain was made In the Untoi
Pacific headquarters. The best proo
that the oiltor carried out his part o
the bargain Is found in the suddot
change of his editorial pngo and it
consistent support of the Union Pacifi
candidates during the camptlgn
There was no necessity In this cast ) fo
the agent to exceed the Instructions o
his principal.
The odltor of the K ji < Wt'cau ha
not answered Holdon's allidavlt. Ill
reply Is an admission of Us trnth. I
stamps him as n corrupt tool of th
U , P. , and tears away the muk bohln
which ho has been trying to hldo a
an Independent journalist nnd afrlou
of Nebraska producers.
IT 19 with emotions of deep rogr
that wo feel called upon to ohronlol
the death nf our old friend and patrol
Lydla Plnkbam. She passed peace
folly away In Lynn , Mass. , on lai
Friday night , the Immediate oanto b <
Ing stroke of paralysis. Her lai
words are understood to have had rof-
ronco to the Insertion of an advertise'
nent of her famous remedy in nn Ore-
'nn paper : "Top of column , first p go ,
ad surrounded by reading matter. "
jj-dln la dead , but her sweet mile
vlll still beam upon us from the col
umns of a thousand American news ,
npors. Whatever may have boon hoi
4nlt0 , and oho was human , she know
ho value of advertising , Her memory
will bo cherished by every buslncr.i
manager who , In days gene bywrestled
with her "Instructions to publishers , "
nd by every foreman who straggled
o glvo the engraving of the Great Us-
lover the only prominent place In the
ulnmns ever which ho presided ,
'eice to her ashes.
THE tone of eastern commercial
curnals regarding the trade sltua-
Ion continues depressing. Unfa
vorable weather has retarded busi
ness in all oootlonn of the country ,
nd the effect Is soon In a marked do-
roaso in the volume of exchanges ,
Thorn is loon complaint from the
west of difficulty in making colleo-
Ions and the farmers generally
eom hotter provided with money
.ban at the corresponding period of
ait year. In Nebraska especially ,
ntsldo of the largo towns , the feelings
s ono of hopefulness , as planting has
rogressnd finely and the prospects fcr
; oed orops make interior mer-
bants cheerful. There Is , how-
vor , a strongly conservative
empar on the part of pur-
basors which makes itself felt
n the oases of wholesalers and job-
) ors. Among this class of dislrlbu-
crj trade is generally * reported , aa
nil , and the demand for now lines
f goods exceedingly restricted. There
s no ohango to note in the Industrial
lluation which continues unsatla
aotory. The iron market has been
lightly stiffened by anticipations of
tie Impending strike which will cur-
all production , and enhance the value
f Blocks in hand. Manufacturers of
extllo fabrics compliln of the worst
oason for years and mills are running
n short tlmo. The decline in the
took market which began early last
week continued until the close when
> rlces became firmer , Mr. Gould's
onthwostorn roads are suffering most
orlonsly in the decline. A reaction
corns to have set in in the English
market for American securities and
dds now weakness 10 the bond list ,
n consequence , prices are dropping
von for the fancy bonds.
TUHEE weeks have passed since
Jonoral Orook crossed the border tntc
lexloo , yet nothing definite has boon
loard of the general's movements ,
iho most reliable information placed
ilm on the 13th Inst. within fortj
miles of the Apaoho stronghold am
ator news report a general advance o
the Mexican troops from the east t <
oo-oporato with iho American com
mander in the engagement which wa
dally expected. Couriers from al
icltits say that the sympathies of thi
Msxlcans are thoroughly with Orool
and nothing will bo allowed to inter
'oro with hio plans. NOWB of a do
clslvo bittlo may bo expected at an ;
Elmnnd W , Gosse Is to contrlbuti
the opening paper to the Juno Cen
tury. Thoeubjoot , "Living Engllsl
Sculptors , " is ono ho is well quallQei
0 treat , for ho is scarcely botte
cnown as a poet than as a epecla
student In the diverse fields of Scan
dlnavlan literature and the graphl
and plastic arts. Ho will claim fo
ivlng sculptors , It is said
1 place well up with 'th
leadership of the French ii
what ts called the second revival o
culture. The argument of the tex
will have the support of fonrtoen o
fifteen Illustrations , aomo of them fol
page , showing the best works of Wool
ner , Welker , Armstoad , Marshall
Liwaon , Maclean , and Thornycrolt *
"Artomls" and "Tooor , " which are ad
mlrablo for their classic boanty am
ideality. Woolnor'a bust of "Tonny
son" will bo the frontispiece of th
The Juno number of The Modori
Ago is dated from New York Olty
nul notwithstanding its change o
biluf seems to bo fully up to th
standard of previous issues. The nnm
ber opens with an exoallent story b'
Halevy , entitled "A Love Marriage ,
This U followed by the second install
rntmt of Llndan's novel , "Tho Call
fornlans , " which is proving to bo i
powerful nnd Interesting production
"Canada and Annexation" and "Irlsl
Murder Societies" are well handled li
two articles under those head * , th
Utter by Richard Plgntt. Paul lleysi
ts famous on the continent of Europ
M n writer of romances , and hla nam
U rapidly becoming well known on thl
sldo cf the water , Hh story , out !
tied , "Nino and Msso , " now for th
first tlmo given to the American pub
lie , is a good example of hli vivli
style of narration , "Mr. Alraayne' '
Eicape" Is entertaining , and the edl
torlnl dopnrtmonta show the nsnt
brightness and good judgment. ( Th
Modern ARO Publishing companj
Now York City , $1 GO per annum ) .
The Juno number of The Nort
American Review opens with an art !
cle by Joseph Nirumo , Jr. , chief o
the treasury bureau of statistics , o
1 'American Manufacturing Interests ,
in which Is given a singularly full am
Instructive hlitorlcil sketch of thorls
and progress of manufacturers In th
'United ' States , together with a vor
effective presentation of their prcsor
condition , and of the tgoncy of tail
legislation In promoting dlverslfie
ndustrlos and encouraging the Invent *
vo genius of the people. Should
hla author's ndvocacj of protect-
vo legislation prove distasteful , the
reader finds the needed correction In
an article by the lion. Win. M Spring *
er , on "Incidental Taxation , " which
s an argument for free truckD 0.
Oilman , prutldent of John llnpklns
university , writes nf the "Preiout
Aspccto of College Training , " on r.f-
eoiod by the ( ncroito cf wealth and
uxury , the development of natural
science , and the ii fl lonco of a larger
religious liberty. Edward Self pre
sents oomo weighty c moderations on
, ho "A'an ' of Ottlzonihlp , " as cxhlb-
ted li > mo machinations of the dna-
mltlsta against a friendly power , In dis
regard of the obUgUbus nl American
neutrality. Prof , hano L RIoc ctltl-
clios oomo of "Herbert Spencer's
B'aots and Inferences" in nodal and
political science , and GhrUUno Nilsson -
son contributes "A Few Words
About Public Singing. " Finally ,
; here is nsympoiinm on "Tho Moral
Inilaonoo of the Drama , " the partici
pants being , on the ono sldo ,
; ho Uov. Dr. H. Buckley , well
tuown as an opponent of the stage ,
and on the other , John Gilbert , the
actor , A. M. Palmer , theatrical man
ager ; and William Winter , dramatic
critic. Fifty cents a number ; $5 a
year. Published at 30 Lifayotte Place ,
Now York.
Railway Travelers' HtRhta.
Jew York Tin i.
The courts have recently given the
> onohts cf juitlco , in two notable
cases , to railway passengers. Those
> orsons were traveling npon tickets
which had been bought in the usual
ray , and they were violently ejected
roni railway trains by the conductors
of ouo cf the most powerful of onr
allway companies. The verdicts in
dicate once moro that the traveler
whoto rights have boon ignored upon
allways can look with confidence to
ho courts for fair treatment , and may
reasonably expect to recover n round
um of money from the offandlng
The case of W. J. Connell , of
) msha , against the Pennsylvania
allroad company has been tried
wico , and at the end of each trial
ho plaintiff has recovered $16 000 ,
which was all that he demanded. Mr.
hnnoll caino to Washington hi 1880
laving made an argument before the
upretno court ho undertook to oomo
o this olty. Ho had como from the
west upon an unlimited , or stop-over ,
Ickot , which gave him transportation
ovnr the Baltimore & Ohio road to
Washington and over the Pennsylvania
road from Washington to this city.
Soon after leaving Palladolphla aeon
duotor refused to honor hla ticket , on
ho ground that H conflict between the
3tltimoro & Ohio company and the
Pennsylvania company had led the
ast named company to discontinue
.ho sale of tickets allowing a passenger
o travel part of hla way on ono road
and the remainder of his way on tha
other. Mr. 0junell refused to pay any
additional money , and was thrown
from the train by several employes
) f the road. It appeared during
the trials that the pooling arrange
ment had not been broken until after
Mr. Oonnoll had bought his ticket ,
and that the Pennsylvania company
bad reonlved its pro rata for the Iden
Llcal ticket which the conductor re
fused The defence was so weak that
the only question for the jury to con
sider was whether the passenger's
rights had been aQectod because he
stopped ever at Wahslngton , although
his ticket allowed him to do to The
The jury gave the plaintiff $15,000 ,
as hita already been stated.
The other case was that of Frank
Splcker , a nalesmau , who was travel
ing In 1881 , between Wlllumaporl
and Philadelphia , npon an dxaurslor
ticket , which one conductor accepted
and another refused. Splokor wai
pushed from the train and left In the
open country while U wan ralniup
heavily. The fact that the ticket had
boon paid for was not denied , but 11
was shown that the company had b )
advertising tried to call in tickets ol
that class. The jury gave the plaintf )
It appears from the published re.
ports that the company's defense ic
isach of these canes hardly deserved
consideration. The plalntlffi had both
the law and the facts on their side ,
Yet they have been compelled to wall
two or three years for justice. Mini
persons who are wronged by r&ilwaj
companies are cither unwilling or un
able to bepla a long and oostly contoal
in the courts. The courts , however ,
have almost uniformly protected uuc
vindicated thoao who have choton tc
appeal to them , and if every wronged
and abused railway traveler could be
induced to place his caio before a jurj
the companies would beoomo less ty
rannical , and travelers on every rail
way in tbo country wonld have cause
for thanktglvlnf.
A Man Without a Country.
Deirer Titbjni.
A gentleman who came in from
Omaha yesterday , tolls a story aboul
Dr. George L , Miller , editor of The
Omaha Herald , which illustrates the
sad condition into which dyspepsia hat
brought that bright , proud man. Hav
ing carelessly oaten a broiled snipe
just before going to bed the othoi
night , Dr. Miller dreamed thtt ho wai
dead and waa going to his eternal re
ward. He halted at the gate ol
heaven and asked admission of St.
Peter. ' 'Who are yon ? " Inquired
Potor. "I am Dr. George L. Miller ,
odi or of The Herald , Omaha , Nebrw
ka , " replied the eminent journalist ,
"Miller , the Omaha odltor , " sneered
St. Poter. "Well , 1'vo Rot utrlo !
orders not to let yon in hero. Sc
move away from the g to as fast at
over you can. " Dr , Mlltor sadly bent
hli footsteps towards purgatory , bul
hcra , too , npon divulging his identity ,
ho was denied admission. As a lasi
resort , ho tapped upon the asbesto :
door of hell and the archfiend rc >
tpoudod. "Who are yon ? " aikec
Satan with a bitter leer. "lam Dr
George L , Miller , editor o
The Herald , Omaha , Nebraska , '
answered the homeless soul
Hearing those words , Satan popped
back into hio fiery abode , slammed thi
door , and from the Inside ho Informed
the journalist that there was no roon
for him In hell. Dr. Miller pleadec
to ba lot In , but his pleadings were al
in vain. Satan stirred up the phos
phorns fires tantallslngly , and bawlec
out to him that he'd have to spent
eternity somewhere else , Dr. Mllle
ilghed regretfully M he turned away
"It's mighty tough on a follow , "
said he ruefully , "to have to go back
, o Oaiaha. "
The porch for ttfttlmony In the Wallace-
MoKinley cnntoited-tc-U CRIO In the
Klt-htoeuth Ohio cuDKtoislonal district
mnkii It evident thut thsre will bo a long
ami hitter l.ght In lliin xt cjnsrcfB before
t decision U re-xchoil. Bjth tldea claim to
mva Rained u ttdvautage in the present
nvestlgatlnn , but neither ono can ( how
nero than n very small majority In favor
ol ltd candidate.
Wilson , republican , w i given a certifi
cate cf election n representative In congress -
gross for the Fifth district of Iowa upon
uu ntttcalblo majority uf V4 votes at the
N'ovombur election , .Frederick , his demo-
ciRtlo i ppnucnt , clnlma to have discovered
errors la the count of voten that will re-
vt rte iht > mult * nntl give him a margin of
100 or more.
Henry li. Payne , cf Ohio , Ii nJ ! to be
quietly laving nlnnn to cnpture the demo.
crntlo nomination ( or president. Hoh rich
nu cunning , aud hat , it Id said , n thnronfjh
inderstandlGi ! with Tiklro , whoee choice
10 was at Cincinnati In 1880.
The cinui In M-vntdnueUs thli fall ,
nndthotilorta to get Governor Butler out
oa ringmaster , promise plenty cf aniuio-
nent for all of Sow England this year.
Tnore are to Lo no other elections c ! Im-
The IOWB republicans , at their ilato
convention en June 27. ate to nominate n
cm.didftte for judpp of the supreme court ,
aud ei-Sinator Alt Dill U regarded aa the
most nvullftblo muri for the place ,
ft Tin colored m > n la coming to the front
In Tenne so. Ttie now collector nt the
port of AUmpbis , Thomas Ii1. Cipcullf , is
u black man , atid hla bond for $39OOJ It
( iignoci by men of hU own r.ce.
Governor Foster , of Ohio , say the
highest ambition of his life is to RO to the
United States stnate , and he Is already at
wctk to secure a niitj jrity In the next Itg-
idaturo with that eud in view.
Governor Hamilton , of Maryland , Is reported -
ported anxious for a renomln lion , fed , In
order to get It , U taid to Imvo formed nn
Hlliaoco with ox Senator Why to to head off
the other tgpira IB ,
The New Hompthlro legislature will
meet on May 30 , when a sucoa ser to Sen-
utor Rollins nilt be elected. It la believed
that th * struggle will bo bitter and pro
McDonald , cf Indiana , and Stockton ,
of Ivew Jersey , IB the latest demooratiu
combination for 18E4 , It 1 a fmurant
mixture of raw whisky and applejack ,
Hendrlcks and IIcDonald are so hostile
n their views on the tariff question that
their best friends ay they c u never har
monize and work together.
The nomination of Proctor Knott for
[ overnor of Kentucky la regarded by his
rUnds aa an insurmountable obstacle to
lie re-ahciion of Senator Willlatnt.
New Jersey republicans have some hope
of electing tseir candidate for governor
bui tall , and will probably make a vigor
ous campaign ,
V n Vcorhlf , cf New York , fays he is
greatly amoved by being mistaken for
Jan Voorhets. Wo do not blame him for
lelng uunsyed.
Tbo democratic ring of Maryland do
not want to renomu.ato Gen. Hsmilton ,
but , it is auld , they ate afraid to throw him
overboard ,
Governor Wilier , cf Connecticut , is
ibtcuing to the butzing t { the presidential
< ee , and imagine * ] it may tettlo on his own
The grnncera nro organizing in Mlesis-
icpi , ami threaten to make trouble for the
demo , racy ef that state.
Uendrlcks haa moro strength in Ohio ,
according to hU ftiendp , than McDonald
For the First Congressional District
of Ntbrauka.
WHEREA , A call bw been made for a
National conference of nil Anti-mrnjco-
lists , to meet t Chicago un the 4th of
July , 1883 , and as Nebraska waa the first
to raie h r vo'ce f gainst the relenllets
giip if corporate power , it Is but just and
uropcr that the Plate should act vigorously
In furtherance of tlii.1 matter. Therefore ,
the chairman of the cmimlttte for the
I'irai coniiiefisional dl-tiict issues Ibis call
for a convention to meet at the Academy
of Mu ic , in the city of Lincoln , on
Wednesday , the 'JOlh of Jum , 1883 , at U
o'clock p in. , for the turpoeo of electing
four deltgiten to repreient this diitrict in
siid National conference and the trnnsnc-
tion of such otherbus'nessas may propsrly
come before it The sevoml counties in
said district will bo entitled to the followIng -
Ing delegates :
.14 .Tubnaon. . . . 9
Dougliu 18 Ltucaiter . . . . . . .16
Gaxe 11 Nemnha 0
Olos 13 Sarpy 5
Pawnro 8 Sauuders 13
HIchardson 13
Total 129
In localitieR where there is no ether f nti-
monopoly orsraciz tlon that will act. i'
will Lo proper for the Alllanco to elect
Jologatea to paid district convBtitloc. It is
tlmo tint the people Individually should
inquire into the alleged vested rights of
corporations ind n-e if some lights now
claimed nro ut in thoitn.-lvea inalien tble ;
that no leRiUalivo tuuctuitut can alienate ,
noccuit decisijq tranhfer , nl tee further
If corporations have seeurrd by purchase ,
coiruption orfr u I , rluhtslh > tbeli nglotho
people In thtir eovercign rap city. They
ih'iiH bo compelled to disgorge and sur-
rtnJer them to the peoplw. white th y be.
lone. This can n 1 hou tl be done through
the cheap in I fnuful Initiumentftlily of
the Imllut , iLbtuad ol thn cnitlv cor diet uf
the bulK't , AILKN HOOT ,
Chairman rf Com. DUtrict No. 1.
c u n E r.
Rheumatism , NeuralgiaSciatica ,
Lumbago , CacVache. lleadachgToothache ,
lr Tlimut. i4uvl1).t ) ( . Hprnlno. Urulte * ,
llMrn * . hi'I. ! , i'ro.l Illlri ,
ia I.L otiihu ko..iu riiis isu irnra.
rotfttli aa1 Utr it cirr htr . Flrtj CcuU
b < > UU MlrM-ilu-ii til II l. nuif .
THI : niAiu.t : * A. VOOKI.I'.H co.
. . . .Mfr.
There hiunovoi
, 'ircn an Inilancc
( i uhUhlhUstcr ,
ing [ m\itonn \ (
> ntlfttirllo mttl
Iclnc IIIB la'1 ' oil
to ward o3 tic
fniplair.t , when
ikktn duly u c
' 'aMx lliiol
xls ol phtslc <
ians r ave aban <
1 one. ] all the c til
rcinal epcclfln ,
and now pre <
e rlbo tbb hirm
les B V gclab't
'on'c for chilli
nd feteru el !
Mdjaptjul * art !
aid 10 > oun al-
fectloni. Ike
_ _ _
Utters liriuitTi i > utptcllo jou rred.
For fcalo b ; a'l IJiuirE'iU aod poaleri genet
U.T , mj 19 m\c tcd-iw
r us B iif r
Un rciX W r
La LH 9 V % JP 1 1
China and Glass ,
St. Louis , Mb ,
may 2-3m
Washington Avenue ami Fifth Street ,
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
Ground Oil
It is the beat and cheapest food for stock of any kind. Ono pound Is equal
to three pounds of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Oako in the fall and winter -
tor , inatead of running down , will Increase in weight and bo in good market
able condition in the spring. Dairymen as well M others who nso it can tes
tify to its merlta. Try it and judge for yourselves. Prlco $25,00 porton ; no
charge for Backs. Addrona WOOODMAN LINSEED OTL 00. , Omaha , Nob.
And Window Glass.
Tbla Flour Is made at Salem , Richardson county , Nob. , In thn combined
roller and atone system. Wo give EIOLTTMVE ealo of onr flour to o9o firm in a
place. We have opened a branch at 1618 Capitol avenue , Omaha.
. He ! I man < fc Co -
1301 and 1303 Farnam St. Cor.
Window Caps , Fimals , Skylights , &c.
"II > arena I
w llrl w"
' . A. aj" JL tskiauauSMat Ra 11 , i
rw zrwrtyrizgj iwEmwijf
uJB73c 3 nxMS lofga
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Union Pacific Denot , OMAHA , JSEtf
Carpenter's Materials
Stair Railings , Balusters , Window
and Door Frames , Etc.
facilities for the Manufacture of all kinds of Mouldings , Planing BU
matching a Specialty. Ordord from the country will be promptly oxeonted.
addrejuall oommnuicnUons to A. MOTEIt , Proprietor
FlTBt-Olass Painting and Trimming. Repairing Promptly Done
1321 and 1323 Harnoy Street , corner Fourteenth Street , Oaaha , Neb ,