Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 23, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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The N rasKa National Bank ,
Of Uatnhn , N b-
Paid ap Capital , - - $2GOOOO.
R. JOnNSON , ProeUcnt , ot 8tc lt,3John9on
& Co.
A. E. TOU7.AL1N , Vlci ProlJont , of 0. D. k Q.
R. K. , Diton.
W. V. MOH3S , of W. V. Morw & Co.
'OILN 3. COLl IN , ol 0. U. & J. 8. Oolllot.
M. WOOLWOB7U , Ooun eller < i AUornt ;
KKBD , o < Djron Eeed Ji 04.
W. YATES , CMhter , Ul Cuhltr of the ITrrt
K Uon l Cunk o ( Om i , and conn cf J with
lh utlre mantgoment ol that B nk tlcoo lb )
Ornio for budoMi April ! 7th , 1881 , with th
lArgwt ctplulof any Bank In Nebr K .
OoLticriOKi r elT * ip dal t otlon and clui-
fix lowe ! obUlubl * her * or elvcwhete.
IITS&UT allowed on tin * dipottta upon faror.
abla t rrei Mid uponacooanto ot beak * and l ok.
FOKIION Ittoilixoi , Oorernmeat Bondi and
County and City securities bought tnd ailJ.
It li prepared to do k geicrtl bankler buslntni
nail tin dtUlli , and In ih. treatment of cu-laru-
era will pnrniR the most liberal policy conililou
with sale bMiklig.
Brobor <
Stocks , Bondi , Commercial Paper and all other
Good accurltlts ileo't In
lluoin 4 , No. 28 IVarl St , , Council tUuttfl , la.
pedal Ulvpatchto Tils linn.
NEW YOBK. May 22.
Money 2g3 ( per cent ; clutcd t2j(33 (
per cent.
Prime Mercantile Paper0@G per cent.
Sterling Exchange Bankers' bills
strong at 4 85 ; demand , 4 88 } .
Product ) export ! for the week , C.374,000
Governments were weak and J@jj per
cent lower.
The Block market was again unsettled
and feverish during the forenoon , though
the iluatnatlouj were over a narrow range.
In the last half hour the Northwestern
advanced 11 par cent for perferrod to 148 ,
1 per cant In common to 129JJ ; Burlington ,
1 per cent to 121 § ; 1 P cent in Lacks-
wanna to 123 | ; 1 per cent in Michigan
Central to 92 } ; J per cent In Union Pacific
to 92J ; Central Pacific , 1 per coat to 72 } ;
Lake Shore , 1J per cent to 108JJ ; Ortgon
Transcontinental , 1 per cent to 812. The
Active list advanced J@8 per cent. Sever
al stocks touched extraordinarily low prices
to-day compuad with the list two and a
half years. Chicago , Barllogton & Qalncy
sold to-day at 1508 , 'he lowest pi ice at
which it sold in 1831 82. being 120 } In No.
Tomber , 1831. Central Pacific sold to-d y
71J , lowest price in two years , being 80 }
in 1832- Union Pacific sold to-day at Oil ,
lowest price at which it sold in 1881-82 ,
bolng 991 In November , 1831. . New York
Elevated was offered to-day succeiaively
nt 107,105,1C4 end 103 , without any salts.
The Evening Post ays : It is apparent
that for the last two da ) a the market bus
been left entirely without support from
the bull side. The bears have had it ell
their own way and it is thought they have
o far oversold the market that any consid <
erable Luyiug would CAUIO a sharp advance
The L'hlgh Navigation company declared
a semi-annual dividend of 2J per cent , the
last semi-annual being 2 per cent.
Mining stocks ruled fairly active and
generally strong. Slsrra Nevada sold at
575 and 600 , Union Consolidated at 525
to 513 , Mexican at 350 , Consolidated Vir
ginia at 02 tCj'.CG , Sierra Grande at 110 ,
Navajo at 17J.'and 170 , Horn Silver at 650
and 6C5 , Cnrysolite at 110 and 115 am
Stnora Consolidated at 55(5,62 ( , cloiiug a
60s. Sales of the day , 61,682 shares. Pipe
line certificates very dull , at 103 } to 104 }
closing on calKat US } .
. . To-day.
3' 103 } U'3j ' |
5' 103j { lOitf
4J' Coupons 113i 113 *
A llOg U9 |
P lfUS'i of ' 95 127 127
Csntral Pacific firsts 114 } 114 }
Erie aoconda 97 971
Lehigh & Wilkesbarre 104 301
Louisiana consols G5 Go
Miaaonrl G'a 113 112 }
St. Joseph 110 110
Bt , Paul & Sioux City firsts. .113 1124
Tennessee 6' * 34 } 39.1
do new 39J 39
Texas & Pacific land grants. .GO } GL
do R. Or. div. . . . SIR 81 }
Union Pacific let mortgage. . 114 } 114
do land grants . .107J 1079
do linking fund. . 110 llti
Virginia 6's 33 35
do consols G's 38 } .S7
do deferred 9 109
Adams Express 125 120
Allegheny Central llfi } 115 }
Alton & Terre Haute ti'jj G9j
do pfd. . . . 9. ! 92J
American Express 92 92
Burl. , Oodar Kapidu & North. 80 80
Canada Southern G.U . 6' . }
0. , St. L , & P 2J 19j
do pfd 5GJ 5 i
Oentral Paclflo 7 > l 721
Ohooapeake & Ohio 10J VJ
do let pfd. . . i'j 29
do 3d pfd. . . 21i 21 }
Chicago & Alton 1314 131 }
do pfd 140 140
Oh ! . , Burl. & Quiucy 1219 121J
Obi. , St. L. & New Orleans. . 8 > } 80
dm. , & Cleveland 39 37
Clove. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 071 G7i
Delaware & lluddon canal. . . . 109 } 109
Del. , Lack. & Western 12J ? 122Z
Denver & lllo Qraude 4Gj 4G ?
Erie 34i 84 ]
do pfd. . . 7lJ ) 79 ;
East Tennessee 9 8 ,
do preferred 18i 18
fort Wayne & Chicago 133 134
Hannibal ik Ht , Joseph 42 42
do pfd. 91 04
Harlem 195 195
Houston & Texas Central. . . . G3 G3
Illinois Oentral 142J 142 }
Ind. , Bloom , k Western 27 * 27
Kansai&Texas 27 i 28
Lake Erie & Western 24 2G
Lake Shore & Michigan So. . . 107 i ? li 8
Louisville & Nashville 47j 43
Lonlsv. , New Alb. & Chicago 40 51
M.&L.lstpfd li ) 10
do do 2d pfd 5 fi
Uemuhis & Charleston 39 40
Michigan Central 91 } 92S
Memphis ft 8t , Louis 25 } 25
do pfd 63J hS
MUaouri Pacific 10U 101
Mobiles Ohio 14 U
Morris & Essex 125 | 25 ]
Nashville ft Ohattanooga bl fin
Now Jersey Central 7GJ 774
Norfolk & W 39 } 39
Northern Pacific 4S | 48
do pfd 8U 8.V *
Northwesteru 129 | 129 }
ao pfd 148 148
New York'Central 1201 120J
Ohio Central lid } 10
Ohio & MisaUaippi 3.2 32 ]
do pfd..100 ICO
Ontario & Western L'Sl 25 }
Oregon Transcontinental 8l3 819
Pacific Mall 4l | 4' |
Panima. 98 98
Peoria , Dccatur& KraniT. . . 17 16 ?
PltUburgA Cleveland 130 120
Pullman P Iao Oar 120 } IKl
" 03 63 }
Rock Itland 122 }
It. Louis & Snn Finn 31
do t'M f > 2 }
do 1st pM 07
Paul ft Milwaukee 101 ]
do plil. . . . 118
3t Paul , Minn. & Manitoba.121
" , Paul & Oinnha 41J
di < pfd ilOSJ
> IM & Pftdfio 31 ?
7nlon Pacififl Olj
Jnltcd Stete KxpriM t > G
tVnbMb , St. L. & Pacific. . . . 25
do pfd. 41.
rnrpo A. Co , Ezpro8i.l23
Union Telegraph. . . 81 }
lomoetake 1G
InUrio 25
do pfd S8
South P * ific 6
pvdal D ! i tch to Tin Hn
LO.MDO.N , May 23.
Contoh for money , 101 15-10 ; coniols ,
ccount , 103 1.16 ; Illinois , 146 } ,
'enneylvunla Central , lf > 9J ; New York
lontra ) , 123 } .
Docltl Dlep tchea to 'ini D .
OHIOIOH , May 22. Flour Market quiet
SVhrut Market unsettled Imt generally
ilfih-r ; regular , 109J6)1 ? ) 098 'ur ' Mny :
1 j ! tor June ; 1 12j < VtL ) IVg lur.Tulyj 113 }
I iHj ) for Au uat ; 1 1331 13 fur Sep.
embrrj 1 094 for the year ; N'u 2 Chicago
pring , 1 09 ; No. 3 Chicago nfriug , 93c ;
w , 2 ted winter , 1 ll'4.
i rn Market quiet and u fhijo catlor ;
0@5'c ' for cai > h ; 60i3 for MHJ ; 5Gg@
Cio { fur .luitt ; fi8i < ! W8o lur July ; Mlji'aj
9o f.r August ; t9o tor Septiuiber ; ui }
an'J j lor the year.
OIUB Market quiet but steidy ; 41Jc for
Ash ; 42o for May ; 42o for Junr ; 4l < r < 9
2o tor July ; S5j f > r August ; 33g@332o
or September ; 33j for ttiu year ,
Rye-Market nrm at G23s.
Barley Marko. dull and nominal nt
Flax Seed Market steady and firm at
Pork Opened Btrcng nnd higher , nnd
lured nt inside price * ; 19 35@19 40 for
ush and May ; 19 374@1' > 4U lor June ;
957i@19Gj for Juh ; 19 75 ® 19 771 for
\uptnt ; 19 90 19 95 for September ;
7 574(317 ( 60 lor the year.
Lard Market generally unchanged ,
mt come sales weio rather higher ;
1 7511 771 for cash and May ; 11 80
gil 824 for June ; 11 9011 924 for Julj ;
180@11G24 for AUBUSC ; 11724 1176
or SepUmber ; 10 771@10 8U lor the
year.bulk Meats-In fair demtnd ; thoul-
'ers , R 00 ; short ribs , 10 55 ; short clear ,
Buttsr Market quiet and unchanged.
E.'g Market steady and firm at IGlo ,
Whisky Market steady and un-
c lunged.
FrtighU Corn to Buffalo , 2s.
CALL BOAEID. Wheat Market active ,
mt lowei ; declined } o for May , flo for
June , July , August nod September ,
Corn Market fairly active and a shade
ilpher ; advanced } o for May , June , July
and September.
Oats Mark t firm and unchanged.
Pork Market i regular and fairly ac-
ive ; declined 2Jc for June ; advanced 2Jo
'or August ,
Lard In fair demand ; Co lower for
May ; declined 2Jo for August and Sep-
NKW YOBK , May 22. Flour Market
dull ; common to good extra , 4 10@4 GO ;
extra Ohio , 4 10&7 00 ; St. Louis , 4 1 ©
7 00 ; Minnesota patent process , 5 G0o ( )
Wheat Cash lota firm ; options openo ; ]
w < ok , subsrquently advanced l@lc , cloe-
lot ; heavy ; ungraded rod , 1 04@1 24 ; No.
3 rfd , 1 14J ; eteumpr No 2 red , 1144@
114J ; No. 2 red , 1194@1192 in elevator ;
uu rftiled white , 1 08@117 : steamer No 2
do , 860 ; No. 1 white , 32.000 bu , 110 in
fttorp , 111 f. o. h. ; No. 2 red , May tales ,
88 000 bu at 1 18i@l 20 , closing nt 1 191
Jund sales , 848,000 bu at 1 19j l 20g.
closinc at 1192 ; July salre , 1H8,000 bu
at 1 21g@l 22 , o oilng at 1 21 § ; Augu > t
Bale , ) . -AiOOJO bu at 1 22g@l 2Sj , closlog
at 1 22g ; September salr , 1,0,0,000 bu al
1 23fiajl ( 218 , closing at 1 234
Corn Market opened } @ &o higher , af
terward * ruled weaker , reacted j@g | , am
clofed dull ; ungraded , 48@G5s ; No. 3
G34c ; nteuner , G4@G54c ; No 2 , G5@G gc
N ) . 1 white , GG@G71c ; white Wflstern
65c ; No. 2 fur May , G5@G5c , cloilnr a
G1- ; June , G5@G5go , clonlns at Guc ; July ,
COS § C7J : , closing > t 66 ; Anguit , 63 ®
G sjo , cluing at GSo ; aeptembir , G'Jj (
G9j. clo i .ratC9l3
Ots Mcrket i@ | i better , closing weak
mixmt western , 48J@5'Ji : ; white western
52(2GOc. (
EJK Westarn fresh , demand fair am
market firm ,
Pork Market quiet but firm ; new mesr
Lard Market hi-i.- . . , prime utenm
1190 cub ; M y , 11 M ; June , 1185G
H 89 ; July , 11 92@11 93 ; August , 11 8G@
1187 ; S'ptem > ier , 11 80 ; October , 11 70.
Butter Market dull.
Cheese Market unsettled and lower
western , 10@12c.
ST Louis , May 22-Flour Marke !
steady and unchanged.
Wheat-Mnrket higher , but slow ; No. 2
red fall , 112@114 bid for mah ; 1 13@
1 133& for June ; 1 ] 2J 1 133 for July
1 12g l 133 for August ; 1 14 tor Septem
ber ; 1 } @ 12 } for the year ; No. 3 red
fall lOGt
Corn Merlrot a slnde better , hut very
slow ; fil51jjc tirc h ; 5Uo for May
514fai5123 for June ; 534 < ® 53Ji for July
5555&o for Augu t ; 55i@o&3 for Sip
Umber ; 4G @ 47i < for the year. Wtlj
O te Market dull ; 42j for cash ; no
option *
Ilye Miirkei nominal ,
BitleyMarke. . dull ; 5ri@75o.
C'orn Meal Market quiet ; 2 G0@2 G > ,
Butter Mnrket steady and unchanged
Eega Market xteady and unchanged.
Whisky-Market quiet at 1 14
Provisions MaiLet firmer ; only n smal
jop trade done.
low. > r ; 1125 for June ; 113J for July an-
Augxist ; 1 14 for Saptumbar ; 111J@111
for the yoar.
Corn Marlet lower ; Gljj for June
53jj for July ; " 5c hid for AuguU ; 47o foi
the year.
OUaMarket dull ; 421o bid for June
41@llgofor JulyTOLEDO.
TOLIDO , May 'li , Wheat Marke
ctevtv ; No. 2 re 1 winter , 1 ItJ for cash
114 } for Jnii * : 1 1G1 for July ; I 10J fo
August ; 1IG } for Ssptember ; 118 | fo
October ; 1 14 tor the year.
Corn M fleet steady ; No 2. f 7Jo o
and May ; 53o fur June ; 01 Ja bid fo
O Us-Market dull ; No. 2 , 43 j aske.
for July.
BoAiti ) t'LO'ti ) Whet Marke
lower ; n 2 re.t winter , 1 13j bid fo
cash ; 1 14 } usk < d f > r Msv ; 1 184 bid fo
June ; 1 15 fur July : 1 15J for August
117 } for SniitemW ; 1 183 bid for Octo
ber : I 13 Md fur thrt year ; 1 11 naked.
Cornt trknt lower ; No 2 , S8o bid fo
cash ; 684 i.t t.r May ; 5'Jo bid for June
59 0 bid for July ; Glo bid f jr August.
OiU Market quiet ; No. 2 , 43s bid fo
KANB OITT , 'May 22 Wheat-Mar
n,8M bM"No ; > 2 rod ' 8l104ic ( or " 8h
99o bid for Juna ; 95io bid for July.
, Ojrn-MarkMt ciuet : ; 42Jj bid for June
43k for July.
Data-Market slow ; 40@102j for cash
DJ optlona.
LiTKRrooL , May 22.-We ther fine.
Bretditufft Dull
Wheat Nn. 1 Oallfnrnla , 94 3i@9i 7d
do No. 2 , 94@9. 2d ; red winter , 9 Id.
-Bi 81 ,
BptcUt D. ' p lcho to lui IJ i ,
CaiOAOu , May 2. { The Driven1 Jour
nal r op.rtn n followe :
Hngi Mi > ierritcly } active ft nil steady ;
slIpiipr tu emtfrn cities ro nut buying
much : nulot ; mlx'd , 7 10@7 15 $ hpary ,
7 2o@7 o'O ' ; llKht , G 92@7 80 ; iklp % 3 50 ®
G 40.
Cattle Muderatoly active und prlcoa
lo\rlyj qutll-y fair ; slow and rough
ftock , dull and weak ; rxtmrt , G 45 ; good
to choice uhli'Dlng , 6 80@G 15 ; common to
filr , 6 STdl5 75.
Sheep F tr ; m ! nly local traldlng ; ao-
tire and firm ; lommnii to filr , 3DO@t AO ;
good , 5 25 ; choice , & CO.
ST LOCIB , May 22. C ttle Heavy
shipping iteorr , rlow it G 00@t > 40 ; light
to f lr , In good demand and pretty Brro
at f > 25@5 U5 ; coinmoti , 4 75A5 1C ; good
cows and heller * , 4 [ > 0gf ( > 00 ; common ,
376@i 25 ; cirn fed Texauo , firm ; quick
sale * at C 00 © 5 50.
Sheep Bulk of lupply poor In quality
tul very "low ; goud to choice , would
bilng4 fcC@'OJ ,
Hug -M rkot dull an.l uochnngcd ;
light , 7 00@7 15 ; tucking , 7 10@7 25 ;
Lutch < ra tu extra , 7 2J@710.
KANSAS CUT , Mhy 2. The Commer
cial Indicator this afternoon reports as
olio we
Oattle-Stevly : steers of 1 101@1GOO
nun IH. 540@Gli > ; stockers aul feoderr ,
2'4 80 ; cow8,3 60f ( 4 90.
IlogB Firmer t t C. SO ® 7 25 , with the
nil < of f a I OB nt 7 05fa" 15 ,
SncopQuint DUJ uuchaugeil ; catlvca of
2 poumh , 4 15 ,
Nuw YOHK , Mny 22 The Drovers'
ourual Bur u reports :
BOJVCS No trnrllm : In llvo cnttlr ;
.esBtd . beef dull nt 10@lUic ; city , 9 | @
Sheep-Firmer and higher nt 4 50aG ( 25
orcwr. : n deckload uf extra clipped
beep , 1GO lb average , were tulien for ex-
oitatUm nt 7 00 ; epricg lambs dull ht
00@8 50 per cwt.
Hog * L vo hogs dull at 7 40S7 70
or ot.
pocUl Dispatches to Till ll .
PniLADKi.rillA , May 22.Wool dull and
BOBT.N , Mny 22.Wool dull nnd un-
banged ,
NEW YORK- May -Exports of do-
mtstfa cottons the past week were 3,220
ackHger ; since the first of January , 02- ,
84 Market quiet In demand and , out-
Ide of n few uilsojllaneous aesortuiente ,
ualness U unimportant. The auction
ales in view aio commanding the chief at-
_ _
pedal Dlipatches to TIIS Bis.
NKW YORK , May 22 Hay Market
toady , with a fair demaud ,
Collee-Markct dull.
Sugar-Market quiet ; yellow , G3@7c ;
granulated , 8Jc.
Molasses Market dull and unchanged
Rico Market steady , with a fair ile
Petroleum Market dull ; united , 1033.
Tallow-Market easier ; 7 15.1 i@8 1-lU.
Turpentine M rketstronger3838Je. ;
SpocUl Dlspatchea to Tin 1) )
ST. Louis , May -Receipts
ihipuientu cf Hour and grain for the
IS hours hnve been as lollows :
lleceints. Shlp'ts.
Flour barrels 2,000 . . . .
Wheat bushels 35,000 2,000
Com " 119,000 18,000
Oats " 23,000 0,000
Ilye- "
Barley- "
TOLEDO , May 22. Receipts and ship
tneuts of flour and grain for the past 2
houis have been as follows :
lUo'ts. Shlpm'ti
Wheat 25,000 10.1,00
Corn 35,000 7,000
CHICAGO , May 22. Receipts and ship
menta ol Hour and grain for the paa
24 hours have been ax follows :
Receipts. Shlp'ts
Flour bbls 10,000 1000
Whost bushel 12500 117,000
Corn " 93,000 210000
O t " 70,000 C8.000
Itye " 9,000 65,000
Barley " 14,000 0.500
NEW YOBK , May 22. Receipts and
ahiumenta of ( lour and grain for the pas
24 hours have been as follows :
Receipts Shp'ts
Flour-bbls 17,000 70
Wheat bushtlg 12,000 57,000
Corn- " 30.COO 33,000
Oats- " 10.000 1,400
KANBAQ Oirr , May 22. Receipts am
shipments of grain for the past 24
hours have been as follows :
Ileo'ts. Shlo'ta
Wheat , bushels 35.000 0,000
Corn " 27.0CO 9.00
Oats- " . .
St. Louis , May 22. Receipts am
ehipmenta of live stock fet the past 2
hours have been as follows :
Reo'ts. Shlpm'tR
Cattle 4,700 900
Hot * 1 1,400 10
Sheep GO 1,00
NEW YoBit , May 22. Receipts nm
shipments of live stock for the past 2-
bcurs have been as follows :
Rec'ta Ship't '
Baevea 200 25
Quitter * beef 1,15
( Jareaieei of mutton 101
Sheep 1000
Hogs 1,350
CHICAOD , May 22. Receipt and ship ,
menti ot live stock for tbu past 2-
hours ht > ve been as followo :
Reo ti. Shlpin'tn
Hog 1,200 1,40
Untile 0.000 2,100
Sheep 1,000 200
KANBAa OlTT , May 22. Receipts am
shipments of live stock for the past 24
hours have been as follows :
Rec't * . Shlpm'ts
Cattle 1,800
Uoga 3,8UO
Sheep 100
Wholesale Priced *
Oriior or Tnn OMAHA Bar , \
Tuesday Evening , May 22 , f
Toe following are the only changes r
ported to-day :
Wheat Ca h No. 8 advanced 2o.
Barley-Cash No. 2 deellmd 2 : ; No.
declined 3c.
Oranges California declined 75o.
Onions Old declined Co.
Grain ,
WHKAT.Oanh No. 2 , 92o ; cash No
3 , 75c ; rejected , C3c.
BAULKY. Cash No. 2 , C8oj No , 8
"RYE Cash , 48o.
CORN-New mired , E8o.
SKEDS-Blno grfiss seed , 125@150
t'mothy seed , 2 10@2 25 ; red clover seed
9 00 ; white clover seed. 13 00 ; millet seed
100 ; Hungarian seed , 1 10 ; orchard grae
seed , 2 CO.
POTATOES 25@50o par Dnshel ,
ONIONS Old 20o per bushel.
BUTTKRChoice country , 15@20c ,
KQOS reh. 16o.
BONHY-CaJlfor J , perlb , ,
APPLKS Per barrel , ? 2 25 4 00.
ORANOKS-Cnllfoinla , 3 76 ; Motwlnn ,
03asr. ( 00.
IjttMONS-SS 01 5 fO w r box.
BTUAWBKU111KS-20@233 per quart
11KANS Navy per bushel , 2 50O2 75
Uvo Stock.
OATTLK-Fat it < i r , $ > 00@5 CO.
VAT COWS-$3 7r ® 4 00 ,
nons-ea 2r.oo ( ; 75.
SHKKl'- M B 00.
Flour * nd Mlllituff * ,
Bmt winttr wheat-3 00 ( 3 75.
Second quality winter wheat 276@325.
Bext spring wheat-2 Oi ) @ 2 75.
Second quality fpririRwbeat 3 40@2 60.
Bran , perton-lGOO.
Chopped Feed , jwr ton 18 OD.
Poultry. !
OHICKKNS-Llve tr dor. , $100 ®
IX ) . Dreiued , per lb. , 15o.
DUOICS-DfMKOd , per lb , , 15o.
Grocorti Llot
OANNKD OOnDH Oy tow , ( Otand-
rj ) , per eaae , 3 70@31X ) ; strawbcr-
ic , 2 n > , ] Xr ! CMC , 3 40 , rwp.
xjrrlc * , 2 D > , per cane , 3 CO. Daui-
on , 2 lb , per cane , 2 45. Battlotl
> nni per oa o , 2 40 , Whottloborrioi"
xir owe,275. KKK l > lums,2 lb t rd e/i 90 ;
Iroon K Ke',2 It > per CIVHO , 2 90 ; do choice , ,
> per ca o i 50 , Pluo Apples , 2 ! t > , t > or cn e
005 75. Peaches , 2 lb per wwie , 3 CO ;
0 3 It ) , CMC , 4 00 < tM 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , per
cas9,260 ; do pic , 0 lb , i > or doren , 3 ! K ) .
LARU Omaha RetinlnluitCo.t Tierces ,
21o ; 40 and 50-lb cans , ISJU ; 20-lb caus ,
2c ; 10-lb palls , screw top , lSj ; 5-lb do ,
id 3-lb do , 13c.
UIOK Loulslnnft prime to choice , 7JU
01 fair , 7@7ic ; Patina , CJc.
FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls , 7 CO ;
o. 1 innckercl , kite , 1 00 ; family mack-
rol , half brbi , 025 ; family mackerel , klU ,
i5c ; No. 1 whlto sh , half brls , 7 00 ; No. 1
its , 1 05.
SYRUP Standard Com. , SSo , bbls. ;
Standard do , 4 } gallon kefH , $193 ; Stan-
ard do. 4 gallon keg" , $1 75.
SODA In lb pjiperu , $3.30 per cane ; kos
i > da , 2ic.
NKW PIOICLE8 Medium , In batrch
700 ; do in half bbls , 4 00stnalb ; , in bbla
00 do , in half bbls , GOO ; Rhoiklur , in
hli. 11 00 ; do , In half bbls , 0 00.
TKAS .Gunpowder , good , 45055) )
Jbolce , CO@7Co ; Imperial , good , 10n)45o ( ) ;
Oioloe , 60@7f > c ) Young Ilyson , ( jocxl , 36 ®
0c ) choice , Gficl 00 ; Japan Nat Lctf ,
5ei Japan , choice , 6075o ; Oolong , good ,
540 ; Oolong , , 40@55) ) Socchous ,
ood. M&5-10o : choice , 3564150.
ROPK Slsnl , 4 inch and Urper , lie ;
inch , llic ; JIuch , 12c.
WOODKNWARB IVo hoop pallt ,
76) ) three hoop palls , S 00. Tnbn , No.
, 8 50 ; Pioneer washboards , 1 85 Double
Grown 2 90 ; Well buckets , 350 ,
LKAD Bar. 81 66
SOAPS Klrk'a Savon Imperial , 345 ;
Kirk's vatlnnt , 3 60 ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ;
Kirk'i white Russian. 525 : Kirk's
Sutocb , 316 Kirk'a Prairie Queen ,
100 cakes ) , 40 ; Kirk's magnolia doz. ,
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case ,
n case , 3 35) ) Babbitt's Boll 3 doz. In cose ,
90 : Anchor Ball 2 dot In case 1 60 ,
PEANUTS Roasted , oholoe , rod Ten-
noaaoe , lOoper lb ; fancy white , 10o perlb ;
aw white Virginia raw , 10o | roasted
2 o.
CANDLES Boie , 40 lbs,16s , 15jjo ; 6 > ,
Me ; bcxoi 40 Ibs. , 16 ot. , Cs , 15Jc.
MATCHES Per caddie , 96oj round ,
c&M > t. 88 10 : square , cases , v5 40.
COFFKKS-Ordlnary Kradcs , 393 ;
air , 10@10ic ; good , lOJ'ailc ; prime , 11 }
@l2ostiicUy prime , 12@12c ; choice. IS
13c ; fancy green and yellow , 14@15c ;
ld government Javn , 20'20 : ; Lovering's
ousted , 14c ; Arbnokle'a roasted , 14t ;
lIcLtuphlm's XXXX roasted , 14c ; 1m
tatlon Java , ! Gial8o
VINEGAR New York apple , IGc ;
Dhio apple , 13c.
SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 85 ; Ash-
ctu. in sac ks , S 50 ; bbls dnlry 60 , 6s , U 50
SUGARS Powdered , lOlc : Cut loaf ,
lOlc ; Granulated. 9c ; Confectioners' A ,
eo ; Standard Extra 0 , Sgc ; Kxtra O
" | 0 ; medium yellow , 8ic ; dork yellow , 7Jc
STARCH. Pcurl , Ijcj Silver Ulosn
9c ; Corn Starch , 9o ) EicelsictQloss
o : Corn , 8)
MEATS Hams per lb. , 14c ; bacon
per lb , , 14c ; clear side bacon per lb , 11 jc
dry salt tidea porlh. , 10c ; bacon nhouldon
per Ih. 9c ; tierce lard per lb , ; lljh.
SPIOKS.-Peutx-r. 21j Alltpioe , 19
Clove ? , 30 ; Cassia , 24.
G1U5KSH IfnU Oroam , I4s | Part
Bklm , llo.
LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich. 8 40
Western , 2 76) ) North Star , 2 00) Lewie
lye. 4 6fi ; Jewell lye , 276.
FEED Jobbing prices , Chop feed
81.50 per 100 Ibs. ; chop corn , 81-40 ; bran
70oper 100 Ibs.
HOMINY New 83 50 par bbl.
Dry Good * .
BROWN OOTTOHB-Atlanllo A. 8c
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , So ) Boot
FF , 8JHj ; Buckeye LL , 1-4 , 7cj Cabot W
71o ; ChittennnKO A , Gic ; Uroat Falls E
Sic ; Hooeler , 6c ; Honest Width 80 , In
dfan Head A , 80) ) Indian Standard A ,
8Jc ; Indian Orchard d. vCjj ; Ii.iv/ronc
lit ) , 61c ; Mystlo river , 7io ; Poqnot A , 8Jc
} b ; Utioa O. 51o ; Wochuoett B , 7J : ; do A
} cl do K 48 , laie.
M : 7o ; Alligator 3-4 , Sc ; Argyle 4-4 , 75c
Atlantic LU 6c ; Badger State X 4-4 , 6o
Bennington O 4-4,6jc | ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , Ojc
Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 8cj Ijaconia O
39 , 8o ; L&hlgh E 4-4 , 9o ; Pepporoll N
30 , 7c ; do O 33 , 7ic ; do R SO , 7io ; do E 39
8&c , ocasset 0 4-4 , 7 c ; Wamsutta 4-
gin L 4-4,9cBlackstoneAA ; imperial 8fc
do do half blenched 4-4,9c | Cabot 4-4,8) )
FldelIty4-4 , 9JcFruit ; of theLooui.91 ; d
catt.brio4-4,12jcdoWaterTwist,10cGrea ; ;
Fall * Q , 9c ; Indian Head ehrunk 4-4 , 12c
Ixjnsdalo. lOo ; do cambric 37 , 12c ; New
York Mills. 13o ; Poquot A,10o ; Pepperel
N G Twills , 13c ; PocahonU * 4-4 , 9o
Poco.i"et 4-4 , 8)c ) Utlca , lloi Wtmuntto
O X X , 124o.
DUCKS Colored ) Albany B brown
8c ; do 0 , drab , lie ; do XA stripes am
plaids , 12c ; do XXX brown and drab
stripes and plaids , 12c ) Arlington fancy
! Br9c : nnswlck browu , 8c ; Chariot fancy
12c ; do extra heavy , 20oj Fall Rive
brown , extra heavy , Hie ; Indiana /
browa TXni Neoonset A brown. 16o
TlUltiJNUa Amoskcag A U A S
IPc ; do XX blue 32 , 18o ; Arrowanna
9c ; Claremont B B,15c } : CoueatoRalxo
tra , 17Jc ; Hamilton D , llo Lowuton > \
30 , 15o ; Minnehaba 4-4 , 2Uc ; Omega supe
extra 4-4 , 28c ; Pearl River 82,16io ; Put
nam XX blue stripe , 12c ) Shetuokot S
lOJoj do S3 12o : Yeoman'j bine 29 , 9
DENIMS , Amoakeak , bluo&ndbrom
16c ; Andover DD bine , 15c | ArlingX
blue Scotch , 18c ; Ooucord 000 , blue av
brown. 12c ; do AAA , do do 13 } ; do XXt
do do 14a Haymaker's blua and brown
9c ; Mystic River DD stripe , IGJoj Pear
River , blue and brown , IGcj Uncasvllle
blue and brown , 14r ,
OAMBRIOd Barnard , Mo ) Eddyaton
lining , 24 Inch double lace , 8c ) Garner A
glazed , f = } o ; Manhattan glove finish , 6J
Newport do Go ; do glazed , 6jjo | Pequot u
60 ; Lockwood kid finish Co.
CORSET JEANS Amory , 80) ) Andre
coggln sattoen 8 c ; Clarondca , 6JoCono ;
o3aa satteons , 7Jc ; Hallowol8c ; Injdl
Orchard 7o ; Narr gansott , Improved , 8Jo
Pepperill sattoen Ojo ; Rookport , 7x0
PiUNTS-Aliens , t-Js : American , BJo
Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , 4 ! ) Cocheco , 7o
Oonestoga. Co > Dunkirk , j Dunnel
64@7c ; Eddyatone. 7o ; Gloucester , Go
Harmony , 5c ; Knickerbocker , 6oj Me
ri ao D. 7cj Mystlo , 5o ; Spranies , 60
Sonthbrldge , Go ; do , Ginghams , 7c ; Mar
boro. 5Jc : Oriental 6c ,
GINGHAJI8 Am-vikcse , % J Argylf
lOicj Atlantic , Ocj Cumberland , 7o
Hfglilana , 7ic ) Kentlworth , Oio Pluc
kett. 9ki Hnfsex , 8c.
OOTTONADE3 Abberrlllo 18J
Agate , 20c ) American , lloi Artlklan , 20o
Cairo D and T , 13oj } Olarlca D and T
17cj Deccan Co. stripes D and T.lGc ) Key
tone , 13o | Nantucket. 19o ; Nonparel
IGoj Ocean D and T , 13o ; Royal , 16 }
Bnsdox , 12oj Tloga. 12lc ) Waohnsett shh
In ? checks lajo ; tlo , Nankin , 13ci Yoifc
plain Nankin. 12oj } do , chocks , strip a am
fancT. 12kl do. 8 ox 20o.
SHEETINGS Andre cog lnl0.4,374el
do 9.4,23odo ; 8-4 , 22o ; Continental
42 , lie , Fruitlof the 10-4 , 274) New
York mills 08 , S5 ) do 78 , 80c ; do 68 , 22e
'embroko 10- i , 23o ; PeqnotlC-i , 2SJc , do
4 , 19o do 49 , lOc ; Popperoll DO. 29o <
0 67 , aicido 67 , 18o ; Utlca 9G , 30o ; do
8 , 23io | do 4H. 17o.
Arbollc , 60c | Add , TartMlo , 65e | Balwim
Jopabla , per tb , 70o | Bark , SaMafrai , per
b , 17 1) ) Calomel , per lb , 7f > cj Clnchonlrtla ,
10 r os , 01 10) ) Chlorofonn , per lb. OOai
3ovcr's powdetK , per lb , 91 35) ) lii > eotn
sits , per lb , 3o | Glycerine , pure po i bl ,
) c | IJOM ) , Acetate , per lb , 22c
II , Castor , No , 1 , per gal , * 1 35 ;
II , Cantor , No. S , per gal , 8116 , Oil ,
Hie , pv r gal. 81 60 ; Oil , Origanum , 60 ;
pttun , 85 (0 ( ; Quinine P. A W. A R. A S. ,
> cr oz , 81 8. ' ) ) Potaminm , Iodide , per lb
1 75) ) Salactn , ] > er oz , 40c : Snlpbate o
Lornhlne , for OK , 83 85) ) Salpnnr flour
) er lb , 4ct Dtrvchnlne. oe oz , 81 A ! > .
P lnts Oils * nd V rnlih
OII S 110 * oarbon , per gallon ,
2c ) 160' headlight , p r gallon ,
4ot 175 * headlight , per gallon , 19o ;
50' Water White , 18o | liusoed ,
aw , per Ballon , 69 ; HnietKi , boilo'l ,
KT gallon , COo ) Unl , winter itr'it , porqal ,
on , 96 ; No. 1 , 85f ) No. 2 , 75o cantor.
XXX. pr r gallon , 1 30 ; No. a , 1 20 ; sweet'
10 r gallon. 85c ; ipotin , W. It. , per gallon ,
76 ; fiih , W. B. , per pallnn , 75c ; ncaUfoot-
xtra , per gallon , 9Cc | No. 1 , 76c ; lubri
cating , zero , per gallou , SOci numinar , 15r ,
; cldon machine , No. 1 , per pallon , 35cNo ; ,
SO : fipetm , slKnal , per gallon , 30c ; tur
) entln ( > , per gallon , 65c | nnptha , 81' , pc-
allon. 18c : 64" , 17o
PAINTS IN Ollr-Whlto lead , Omaha
' . I' . . Go ; whlto lead , St , Louis , pure , GJ < |
Marseilles grccu , 1 to B Hi cans , 20o
Troncb zinc , picyn re l , 12c | Frouch zinc ,
cd seal , lie ; French zinc , In varnish aast ,
° 0o : Frcucli rlncc , In oil a t 15o | Raw
nil Inur.t uuibvr , 1 tb CMII 10s | raw and
urct Sienna , Wit vandyke blown , -Z
e fined l.iinjjbl.ick. 12c ; eonch bl.tck and ;
"ory blnck , 16c ) drop blni k , llic ; Pntssinn
ue , SOc ; ultrBiimrliiR blve , ISc ) ohrxnne
green , It , M. A I ) . , lGblliid ; and shutter
rcuu , L. M. A 1) . , ] G : ; Paris green , ISc ;
ndlan red , 15c : Venetian rod , 9o ; Tunoar
re , 22oj American Vermilion , I , A P. , 18o )
iromo yellow , L , , M. , 0. A D O , , 18c ;
cllow ochre , 9c | golden ochre , 1 < I ) patent
rvor , 8c ; graining colors : light oak , dark
ak , walnut. hofctnut nnd ash 15c ,
Dry Paints
White lead , 8c ) French sino , lOol Par
hltclng 2c ; whiting plUiorn. ljc |
biting com'l , lie ; lampblack German-
iwn , 14c ) linipblack , ordinary , 10c ) Prus-
an blue , bCo ; ultramarine , IHc ; Vandyke
sown , 8c | umber , burnt , 43) ) umber , raw
cslonna ; , burn t , 4cj sienna , raw , 4c
aris green genuine , 36c | Paris green com'
Xc ; chrome green , N , Y , ' 20c ; chrom
reon K , , 12c ; vermillion , Eng. , 70c | vcr
million , America , IBcj Indlau rod , lOo
ese pink , 14c ) Venetian read , Gokupceo
ic : Venetian red Am , , lc ; rei load , 7c ;
aromo yellow , genuine , 20o hromo yel-
ow , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle 3c ) ochre
Trench. 2c | ochre , American , 2c )
Vintor s mmoral , 2c ) lehigh brown. 2ioi
panisli brown , 24c | Prince's mmeral So ,
VARNISILES Barrels per gallon
"nrnltnre , extra , 81 10 : furniture , No. 1
' 1 ; coach , extra , 81 40 ; oaoh , No , 1 ,
I 20 ; Dauiar , extra , 81 76) ) anan , 70o ; a > -
ihaltum , extra , 85c | sheila 93 60) ) hard
U finish , 81 80.
Hides , Furs , Etc.
HIDES Uroon butcher's hides , 5 } ®
c cured } @ } ) hldoa , green salt.
Iry flint , sound , 12@13o ) dry cell
and kip , 12@14oi dry salt hides , sound ,
10llo ; green call. wt. 8 o 16 DM. . ll12c ;
; rocn call , wt , under 8 Ibs , per skin , 60o )
; reen pelU , 60 ® 81 36 ; green lamb skins ,
II 251 60 : damaged hides , two-third rate ,
mt scored and ono grub , classed two.
Llrds rate , ) branded hides 10 per eont. off
Coon skins , No , 1 , 45o ; No , 2 , SOcj No ,
0 , ! No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No , 1 , SOo ) No. <
15c ; No. 8 , 16o ) No. 4 , 60. Fox , ,
60c ( No. 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , b6c )
> 5o ) short stripe , 40oi narrow strlpoa
broad stripe , lOo. Tftllnw 7o.
Oak solo , 38o to 42o ; hemlock sole , 38o to
35c ) hemlock kip , 80o to 100 ; runner ,
)5c to 80c ; hemlock calf , 85o to 1 20 ; bom
lock upper , 23o to 2io ( ; oak upper , 24c
alligator , 4 00 to 6 50 ; calf kid , 32@3ruv
Grcluon kid , 2 60 to 3 75 ; oak kip , 80o to
1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip ,
1 10 to 1 6C ; French calf , 1 26 to 2 00 ; run-
setts 5 50 to 7 CO ; linings , 0 00 to 10 60
toppings , 9 00 to 10 60 ; 11. L , Morocco , SOc
to 35o ; pebble O , D. Morocco , S6o ; ilmon
2 60 to 3 00.
HARNESS -Not a or oak , 42c ; Node
do , 39c ; Me. 1 Ohio oak , 38o ) No. 2 do
86c ) No. 1 Milwaukee , 37oi No , 2 do S4o
Wo quote lumber , latn and shingles on
cars at Omaha at the following prices ;
under , 822 00 ; 18 ft. , 823 50.
TIMBERS 1G ft. and under , 822 00.
TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft. , 82.1 60 ;
2C f t , 823 50 ; 23 ft. , 826 60) ) 34 ft. 826 50.
FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 6 In. , 824 00 ;
No. 2 , 822 00.
SHEETING -No. 1 (2nd ( common
boards ) . 820 00 ; No. 3 , 318 00.
LIME Per barrel , 81 26) ) bulk per ( ins-
35o ; Cement , bbl , 83 25 low * plaster
bbl , 12 60. Hair per bn. 50o. Tanod
felt 100 Ibs. 83 60. Straw bnnrd , 83 60.
Heavy Hardware Lilt.
Iron , ratoa , 82 80 ; plow steel , special
caat , 7o ; cmciblo , 80 ; special or Gorman,6cj
oa t tool do , 1620 wagon spokes , set ,
2 25@3 00 ; beta , per set , 1 25 ; felloes , sawed
dry. 1 40 ; tongues , eneh , 70 < 28f > e ; axles ,
each , 75o ; square nuts , per d , 7llc ;
washers , per lb. 818o : rlvotx , per lb , lie ;
coil chain , per lb , G@12c | malleable , 80 ;
Iron wedgoa , Go ) crowbars , 60 harrow
teeth , 4c ; spring toci , 7@8c ; Burden's
hornenhmn. 5 21 : Bnrden'n mulesboes , R 25 ,
BARBED WIRE In car lots , 7o ©
7io per 100.
NAILS Rates. 10 to 601 ? , 3 60.
SHOT. Shot , 81.B5) ) Buck shot. 82.10.
Oriental Powder , kegs , 36.40i do. , hai
kegs. $3.48 : do. , quarter krei , 81.88 ; Blast
Ing , kofts , 83.35 : Faae. per 100 fuel COo.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 812) )
Morris Run Bloiwbnrg , 812) ) Whltebreaet
lump , 84 50 | Whitebreast nut , 84 60) ) Iowa
lump. 81 50 ; Iowa nut 84 60 ; Rock Spring ,
8700 ; Anthracite , 811 50@13 00 ; Canon
City , S7 00 per ton.
Her ei end Mutat.
Extra draft honor , 8175. to 225. ; Com
mon draft hones , 8100. to 150. ) Extra
farm horeoa , 8110. to 125. ) Common to
goad farm hoisoe. 890 to 8100. ) Eitrn
piugR , 5 CO , to jB. | Common plugs , $20 ,
to 8-10.
MULES. ( Extra ) , 8125 , to 150. ) good ,
0100. to 140. ; fair , f75 , to 100 , ) common ,
SCO. to 70.
ALCOHOL 188 proof. 3 26 per wine
gallon ) extra California spirits. It8 proof ,
1 25 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits
187 proof , 1 23 per proof gallon ; re-dUtlllod
nhlsklcR , 1 00@1 60 ; fine blended 1 60 ©
3 60 ; Kentucky bourbons , 2 00 ® 7 00) ) Ken-
tuokv and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 007 CO.
BRANDIES-Imported , 58 < X ) 10 00) )
domestic 140 ( ) J 00 ,
GINS Imported , 4 00 00) ) domestic ,
1 4X5 ( i 00.
RUMS-Imrwrted , 4 60fflO 00) ) Now
England. 2 00@4 00) ) domestic. 1 603 60
1 75@4 00.
CHAMPAGNES Imported per oaeo ,
38 00 < 34 00) ) Amulua , per sasa , 12 CO ®
1600 ,
FINE CUT Common , t20@30c ; good ,
4E@GOciRoBo Leaf , 70c ; Premium , G5o ;
Diamond Crown , 5 : ; Sweet Sixteen ,
47o.8MOKING0. . S. , 20c ; Muikovy , 25c ;
Durham , 18 oz , 4Gc ; Durham , 8 07 , 50c )
Durham. 4 oz , 52c ; Durham , 2 oz. 55e ;
Seal of North Carolina , 10 oz , 42c ; Soul of
North OuoHua.Soz llo ; Seal of North
Carolina , 4 oz , 403) ) Seal of North Carolina
lina , 2 oz , 48c ; O. K Durham , 4 07. 28o ;
O. K. Duthain. 2 oz , 30a ; Uncle Ned , y ,
2 Jc ; Tom and Jerry. 23c.
PLUG TOBACCO -Climax. 60 ; Bui.
lion 50 ; Horaeshne , 48 ; Star 48 ; RuJy ,
41 ; Heieey's , 48 ; Black , 38@10.
Merino unwvhed , light , 14@16o | htaiy
13@15o | medium unwashed , light , 18 ( 20 :
wivsho.1 , oholofl , 32o ) fair , 80o ; tub and
wathed , 28c ) burry , bUok &nd octted wool
All Iron preparations blacken the
teeth , constipate the bowels , and giro
headache with ono exception , that li
Brown'n Iron Bitten ,
A combination of 1V >
fiile ofJronf J'cruvtan
Jlarlt niul JL'hosphortu in
n jmlatatila form ,
Jttbllllit , JMH * of jtpnt-
Ulc , 1'rottraUon of Vital
J'owcrt it it ittdiiventa-
Ue ,
11KV.A.I.UOBU3 Wrltea- :
Attnr n thorough trial of the ' , .
IRON TONIC , I tnko plnnsure 'Industry , VIZ ' '
In atntluir that I liavo boon 'I consider II .onoiltcd by Its 1LQOE a moat oxcollcnt remedy /or
HBP. Mlnlatorn nnd Pub1 the dobllitatod vital forooa.
llo Speakers will llncl it
of Uio Rrcateat vixluo
where n Tonio la nooot-
ary. I.recommend It
aa n reliable remixllal
Bttcnt , poaaoBslnir un
doubted nutritive nnd
reatorntirn properties.
- , JCyiW,1,1MU.
MEDICIKE co , , i3K.Kimirr.cT.uuia ,
w L
Qocisag s s 4
i.rgs j" | w | ;
S *
ilill ills Ig
CC36-5 or-.O
! - rt S
HflS3 .3 zl
fft tl k *
( t-0 i irtcri oo.a'Sc Q-g
O ° i d i ga u o-S
13 -
- - ,
Vf WW Wff tStOa Jbdb JtJ ? JOt Vdf
Steam Purnps , Engine Trimmings ,
Cor. Far n am and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb.
k" ' ' "
Window Shades uifl Onrtalnt ,
Pftints , OilB & Bruslitcy ,
107 So nth Ulk 3troAt
My Ropoaitory IB Constantly Tilled lth a Soloot Stock. Buit
caotory. U , W , Oor. iocn nao unpitoi Avenue ,
m 2 nilo.1v
The Oldest Wholesale and
in Omaha. Visitors can here
find all novelties in SIL
Rich and Stylish Jewelry ,
the Latest , Most Artistic ,
and Choicest Selections in
all descriptions of FINE
WATCHES at as Low Pri
ces as is compatible with
honorable dealers. Call
and ceo our Elegant Now
Store , Tower Building ,
comer llth and Farnham
General Agents lor the
Finest and Best Pianos and
Organs manufactured.
Our prices are as Low ao
any EastoxnManufacturer
aud Dialer ,
Pianos and O'gatjssiold
for cash or installment : at
Bottom Prices ,
SteinwAy , Chickering ,
Knabe , Voso & Son's Pi
anos , andot'mr makes ,
Also Clough & War'on
Sterling Imperial , Smith
American Organs , &c. Do
not fail to see ustbefore ]
Largo Stock always on Hand.