THE DAILT BEE--TUESDAY MA.Y 22 1883 ' ] POLITICAL HYPOCRITES , The ProfesEioDS of Republican Politicians Examined by the Light of Praotioo , The OlfBS of Railroad Warts Fut in Office by Valentino tine Grand lalaud'u Greatness. Correspondence ol Tni Du. GRAND ISLAND , Neb. , May 21 The republicans of this coanty prom- laed everything last fall dating the ouuvats that any reaaonablo anti- monopolist could domtiud. They claimed that the republican parly had done and wan willing to do every thing in ito power for the many as Bgalnat the prlvilegoB of thofow. To have hoard the uloqaent appeal * cf W. H. Mlchaol , of The Grand lalaad Times , ono weald h vo thonght that the republican party had always been a strong anti-monopoly organization , and was the only party that could solve tbo nuti-sumopoly question. Mr. Miohaul himself might have boon sincere und have tally bollevod that all he claimed was tru ? , bat the party itself aincit laet foil has not proved his claims in bo trno. Too notion of the roiiubllcann last winter on all railroad legislation was not just-what It shonld have been to suppjrt ihe claim of the party that It ia and always has beau nn anti monopoly party. While same of the ropnb- llcana In the legislature were in favor of good railroad Initiation , u st of them wcra either la faver of 4ndlffdr- nt railroad legtalation or none at all. The evidence to provo this is fall and oomplutr. . Quo of the no t proofs of the insin cerity of the republican party in its profossaou of anti-monopoly Is faiuid In thu'cnaraotor of the appointments to federal oflico made by the pirty. Take tho'Tnlrd ooogrosalonal dfUriel as an example. There is hardly an appointment in tbo diatrlct bat who is , and ha'i boon for years , a ' not of tha railroads. Oongrenaman Valentino tine has invariably appointed this class of tn < m to office Wo were told by the republican speaker bora last fall , that Mr. Valentino waa entirely Independent of the railroads , but whou an appointment is made by him it is a man taken from thu-rallroad ranks , a man who has bopn a cnupor for thu railroads for yoira , 0. L Howell , who has jaat bjon appalntod poatraai- tor here or Valentino , la that kind ot a man. Ho has boon the blind tool of such men aa Ohannoy Wiltso and George H , Thummel for years Ho has been connected with the railroad for years , and is one of the few Idiotic railroad cappern hor.i who rail nt : uiy ma a who clr-lmn that the peopl hav a right tn rcgalnto , by luw , ru'rond ' rntea. Ropablic.uis may hi k ab the righto of the people , but whoa It comes to m&kmg'liwa ' and filling tno offices the railroad attorneys and cap pera ran the machine every time. Grand Island Is booming. The county is rapidly filling np , so thst third-olaB lands which nobody want ed a year ago ara eagerly sought after now. Money has boon subscribed for a two-story brick hospital , and work will begin on it this oaa on. The Slateru of St. Francis will have charge of It , and it will be ran on the same plan as the St. Joseph hospital o Omaha. A great deal of rain his fallen , and the weather haa baon too cold for corn plotttirpf , yet a good deal has b plimtetl ami Is np , doing nicely. Cora and oVB will bo the staple crop here Moro attention will bo paid to stock of all kinds. Thousands of dollar ; have been and are being invested In sheds , barns and corrala for stock raising , and it will not bo long or Hall county will take first premiums in Shorthorns , Aldernoys and finely bred horses , an she has on agricultu ral displays. John Fanner has a herd of fine Alderneya and Shorthorns , and Mr. A. 8. Patrick has ono of the finest and most promising Hambloton- ian stallions in the west. Within five years Hall county will 1 have herds of as fine cattle and stables of as fine horses as are to be found west of the Missouri , Oome and see , Mr. Editor , for yourself , some time. H. S. A THBIVINQ BUBOBM OF OMAHA. To the Editor of the tin. The people in and around Elkhorn Station have reason to congratulate themselves at the enterprise mani fested by their business men and the Improvements that are being made this spring. The place has boon nearly dead for so long that it is refreshing and encouraging to the surrounding farmers to BOO live , active men come hero who have the capital to handle their produce and keep all the neces sities requisite for their comfort and contentment. The first man ono meets on getting off the train ia the smlllucr. genial B&ldwin , paid by the Union Pacific company to attend to its business hero , by the government to act as pestua&ator , who , with hia charming little lady , does so much to render the soalal life of Elkhorn ap preciative and enjoyable. Ncrt wo meet our old friend Sail ing , formerly sheriff ol Sarpy county , who with his partner , Mr. Swaty , have como here from Pap > pillion and gone into the grain and lumber business , with the pralsewor thy object of making an honest living in an honest way , which they are do ing , as the surrounding country ia af fording them ovi < ry eiicaoragomenl and a liberal patrouago. Next neighbor to the above firm wi greet Dr. Cannon , a little old , but stll reckoned as the handsomest man it town. Ho keeps a supply of drags large enough to physio the entire conn ty , and no ono out hero thinks of risk ing a journey to his long homo with out being aided In a scientific mannoi by some of the doctor's compounding Just above the dostor , ou the sami side of Broadway , the Board of Tradi building looms up , presided over bj Hans Jacob Rolfs , who always pays i pent more than Chicago quotations fo : grain , and according to hiruiolf In variably looses money , and yet llan * la fast becoming rich , Just arots Broadway from II a us , Me n , B.'unor & llabeu preside over ono of the larg est stocks of general merchandise be tween Omaha nnd F'omout , They are nooomodatlcg and tqunro uion to deal with , the only rlond that rmujs , over the firm la that 11 ibur is n doaio- CMt with an uncontruKblo proponsl'y f ir trading horses , however ho bal ances this by belup an auti-tnonnpo- lUt nud a strong supporter of TUB BEE Of oobiao Gco. Stewart In stilt hero , ready to go as n deligto to a county convention , no matter how badly packed it may bo-in the moantlnu he is troubled * ih a mania for talk ing about the Yollovratouo ralley , acd to the bsst knowledge of hl friends , haa In the hat two weeks , had In the next two years to 03010 , inoro sleek in that particular valley than over roamed the plains of Wyoming , In fact ho ( s Inclined 'o orr.n'nent after the pattern of Bill Nye , of B lomorang fume. I'horo lo a couple of disciples of Ei- calaphlus oat hero , but as they bury their mistakes arm * ) fire railoa south of town the loan suid : tbo rt them the hot ter , and their oodo of ethics does not allow them to advertise , a very pru dent > > nd wise provision , judging from the population of the comuterlos throughout thu entire country. But spaao will not permit us to mention nil the Industries oi the place. The contract for the erection of a large elevator here h&s boon lot. A. J. Popploton , of Omaha , is at the head of the cnterprlsa. his will add very materially to the bnsluess Interests now established , nd will induce more to como horo. Sumo time in the future Elkhorn will bo filled with snbjrbau residences < -f business men of Omaha , A finer location does not lay out of doors , and Its proximity Omaha , the short tioio it takwito run in and out of the city , will reader It a very desirable place to reside. So with a hint to real estate men nnd speculators to the fffdct that there Is still a little land out hero that can bo obtained with money , and that each an investment would quadruple Itself in as many years , wo will close without charging for the Information. NROUXLE. Correapotxtoncivot Omaha lice. ELKHOKN STATION , May 18. An other week of cold , rainy weather. Farmers are almost discouraged. Some have planted their corn , but will have to replant ; It has boon 10 cold that the com has rotted in the ground. Hon. A. J. Poppleton and wife cimo out to their farm on Saturday. Mr. Poppletou hna ono of the largest and boat iurma In Douglaa county. Mra. ( Frank Srowart haa been very ill for the past two weeks , but ia bet tor at present. . Rev. Diffeubackor , who was at one time pastor ot the Congregational church at Sarpy Oontor , Sarpy county , paaed through hero a few daya ago with hisifamtly and honsehold goods , on. hla way to Arlington , where ho haa a cipted a call to preach , rfwfcyzo & Baling are building fence around their lumber yard , and making drains to protect their corn cribs from water. Mrn. Sampaou teaches the public school here , and la generally liked as a teacher , I bollovo. Shciruan Wilson is proprietor of the barber shop , He will cat your hair In the latest style , and ahavo you In moro waya than ono If you aren't careful. Shop ono door south of SWUYZO. & Saling'a office. ZOE. The Mavorlck National Bank of Boston drawa foreign exchange , bnya aud eella Government arid other in vestment securities , and transacts any basiueaa for its correspondent ! ! In the Imo of banking. m&th-mo Omnlia Victorian * Special Dispatch to TUB BBS. ST. PAUI. , May 21 At Eau Ololre , \Vls , to-day the Ohippewu railroad war waa nettled by a compromise. The Omaha Company are to bring their grade up to that of the Central and both companies are to build and maintain the crossing , each paying half the expense. The coroner'a jury waa in session to-day orer the remalna of the Fin- lander who waa killed , but after view- ing the body adjourned without hear ing evidence or rendering a verdict. One of the substantial institutions Is the Marriage Fund Mutual Fruit Association , of Cedar Rapidr , Iowa , Legally organ ized , officered and managed by reliable men. Kvery unmarried person should have a certificate lu this association. It Is a splendid Investment. Write fur circu lars. Good agents wanted. SLAVEN'S YOSEMITE OOLONGE Made trom the wild flowers of th FAR FAMED YOSEMITE VALLEY It la the most fragrant of parfumo Manufactured by H. B. Slaven , Man Francisco , For aale in Omaha by W , J. Whltehonso and Konnard Bros HIVINQ BEES. What a Lively Day the Boys Had | ln Georgia in a Game They Did Not Understand. AlbaayOa.New . There wan a lively bee hiving out at Judge Odom'aoakey woods place the other day the whole affair bolny fully up to reputations as regards the tragic and ludicrous. Judqo Odom had charged Mr. Roberts , the over seer , to watch the bees and let nc swarms get away. Swarming season approached , and Roberts made for hit apiarian harvest by preparing gums , aud conveniently placing tin pans , bells , horahoos , and other Instrument ! of music likely to comrjoao anci detain a swarm of bos or taking French leave , tlo ait not have long to wait , The othoi morning the hottest kind of a swara darkened the air , and Roberta put hli orchestra in motion with a vigor tha would cause any musically.educatec boo to pause , reflect , and turn back They did pause , and with ono acoorc pitched up on a tree In theysrd.when they formed themselves into a funnel shaped mass. Roberta then playei upon them with a huge syringe fron a bucket of water , and having effect ually , as he supposed , put out the in clpient flame that lurks In their tails prepared to gather them1 into his gar ner. ' The bnrch ' of boos wen some ten or twelve foot from the ground , and the object was to land thorn safely within the bee-gum , A serious dlUiaalty here mot Mr. Roberts to wit , how to bring the gum In proiimlty with the boos and retain It there. She god. ' of geuina wore pro- pitlon * ; necessity , prolific old mother of Invention , brought forth a sou In the person of "Blind Phil , " a colored man of the place , who is nearly or qulto blind. "Hero , Phil , come hute , " said Mr Roberts. "I want you lo hold this beo-pnm up under that bunch of boos , while I olimb thtt tree and sweep them in. " And with out ceremony or unnooetstry delay In- seized Phil , and placing him direct ! ) under the bees , put the bee-gum ou top of his head , and directed him to stand fast. Broom in tund , Mr. Roberts then ran np thu trvo with thu ulmblenoss of a oat iquirrol , and , crawling out , hung himself on a limb , and cautiously begun to sweep thorn oil' , letting thorn fall into the open box on the negro's head hi- low , Mr. Roberta congratulated himself on the saoooss of his cchomo Sometimes a wad of bees vrould tnim the hoa aud strike Phil on thp shoulder dor , which made him restless. "Stand firm , Phil said a voice from above , "and they will not sting yon. If a boo fiads on ) thai you are afraid of him , ho will sting you certain. Just lot him know you are not afraid cf him and there Is no danger. " "Ouch ! golly ! I'm stung for enahl Whew ! Mars Roberts , I'm got to drap dls brx ! " "Stand still , yon chicken fool you I I'll soon Imvu them all In. Who cares fora boo ? ' , ? u > then an old-liner a king boo marched down Phil's back under his shirt , and Phil became still mor < ) uneasy. , but Mr , Raborts spoke soothing words from abovo. Sudden ly , however , the boos soeosod to real ize who it was disturbing them , and about forty 'business ' fellows popped Mr. Roberts simultaneously , and ho dropped his broom , lost his hold , and came down with u crash upon the negro and b"X. With a whoop and a wild screech , Phi * got upon his ioot and II out followed by a crowd of bees. Hi forgot his blindness , and wont ho know not whither , striking the garden palluga broadside and levelling throe panels with the ground , Ho never ntopped , but continued to charge nround the lucloauro until the vegeta bles were nil destroyed. In the meantime time , Mr. iRjbortu was folly employed In fact , ho was very busy. Around the house and through it ; then under it ; oat to Iho gate ; through the bore lot. and "over the hills and far away. ' Neither were the bees idle , bat dil igently "Improved oaohshlnlutr hour , ' flitting from flower to flour , ( Roberts and Phil were the blossoms ) , calling all tho-oweeta and raising merry hail Columbia The swelling has all gone down now , aud if anybody BOOB autraj oworni of bees in the neighborhood they notid not hesitate to hive them , as Mr. Roberta and Pail will lay no claim to them. "Don't DO Alarmed at Brlght'a disease , Diabetes , or , dleeaso of the kldnoya , liver or nrlub- ry organs , as Hop Bitters will cor ti'nly ' and lastingly euro yon , and it is tha only thing that will. The Great Question. New York-Star. Henry Wattoroon is reported r.s saying that the democracy must tie to the tarlff-for-rovdnno-only plank in 1881 , even though it should provo to bo a millstone around the nook of the party to alnk under that load than to sail Into port with another banner. But , fortunately for the democracy , Mr. Henry Watterson Is fast getting to bo regarded ao a crank , and hla do- llvoranuos have lor-g censed to bo re garded as anything but the irresponsi ble outgivings of u oontmtlonal free lance. As all trno democrats believe in revising the tariff as fast and far as practicable , so as to lesson the bur dens of the people , to remove rt- strlctionn on Industry and commerce without disturbing the business of the ojnntry , there Is no sense in making a about it. Tbo people of the United States have other subjects of vastly greater importance to attend to than an issue which haa become of secondary interest. Most of the great controversies and questions which onoo agitated the country and divided parties , have been virtually settled by the changes of half a century and the growth of pub lic opinion. But the fundamental questions of principle have .not been settled and remain as Important and vital aa ever. And It is the new ap plication oi these fundamental princi ples which create the real Issues of out politics. Democracy moans the gov ernment of the whole people , for the whole people and by the whole people. That is precisely what Thomas Jolfor- son understood by the word. And had it been proposed in his day to pul the whole transportation interest oi the country Into the hands of irrespon sible corporations , giving them rlghti and privileges undreamed of bj the farmers of the Constitution , leaving them to fix their own terms for carryingpersonsandproduce enabling them to form combinations In defiance of the laws of compoti tlon in order to control parties anc bribe legislatures , and buy np courti and pack congress with their satellites seizing on ( public lands enough tc found an empire ho would have Issued a protest against such danger ons assumptions of power , in oompar ison with which th declaration of In dependence would ba tame as a Jnm morning in comparison with a cyclone Yet all this has been done gradually stealthily , Insensibly , until over ] state in the Union to-day Is practically at the mercy of combined cor poratlons , backed by vast capital and in some Instances oontrolllm the machinery ot the state governmen and the eourta A eulld , ajjqresilve unscrupulous power has baan organ- lied lusldo of the states to govern thi states for the purpose of absorbing thi earnings of industry and the profits o trade , and omatlng a class of million alro autocrats richer than an } otho In the world. No description of thi real facts of the situation can be madi whioh does not present a picture ful of portents of danger to the republic and of doom to the rights and llbertle of the people , If present forces con tinno to operate unchecked for th next ton years aa they have for th past decade , what our fathers nnder stood by the freedom of the poop ] will be a mere historical reminiscence SPORTING NOTES. ( JonolUBlon of Four Day's RacoB at Lincoln , Lincoln Journal. The jig la np , the ball Is broke , the tarfmou and their horses have gene and the fonr days' aport at the fair grounds has ootno , llko all other Rood things , to an end. Yesterday was by far the best day of the mooting in Qvury respect. The raooa were raoro interesting than ou provlons dayi ; thu 'Utoudauoo was mnoh larger aud the racua gave general satlslaotiou , All things considered , the during meeting was u grand fineness so far aa sport is concerned ; bat as n financial specula- tlon It was an Ignominious failure , which falls rather hoavtly upon the road shoulders of J , W. Jacobs , who ortaluly deserves better treatment at ho hands of this pooplo. The gatu eoetpta for the four days amounted o the paltry enm ol $300 , while the Id veteran turfman hang np parses mounting to nearly $3.000. As u matter of conreo , ho got a largo elloo if the money back again , for the roa- ion that ho had horsoi that could win TUB AFTERNOON SPOUT egan about three o'clock , with the half mlle rnnnlug race , best two In ; hroo , for a panto of 81,000. The ntrlos were Wllllo 0 , Brown Dick , 'at Comedy and Brown Eiglo. Af- or considerable scoring the horses were sent away with n pretty fair tart , Wllllo 0 a lougth behind , but in the back utrotoh all the hnreos might hnvo boon coveted with a blan ket , if the blanket was largo enough. On the home stretch Willie 0 waa in lie van , with Brown Dick pressing ilm oloeoly , and Oomcdy and Eiglo a ongth behind and aldo by aide. Wil- lo passed under the wlro in 53J , win ning the boat , with Brown at his aldo and the othora straggling behind. The second race was a repetition ol first , only Brown Dick atolo the polo and kept It until the back stretch was cached , when Willie 0 lapped and passed him. Willie also won this heat .n 53 $ , with Dick a very close accond , and ( Jomody and Eagln distanced , The race was awarded to Willie 0 , THE TEN MILE UCNNINO HACK. The crowning effort of the day and week waa then called. The purse wa ? $1,000 and It was plain to bo aoon that the owners o' thu thorough- broda were very nneaiy as to how the race would terminate. It was rumorud abont that the stable of horaoa belong ing to . Dr. Reynolds were brought from a long distance especially to win the race. Mr. Jaooba was vary cool , bat the continual biting of his monstaaho Indica'od nt ' .oust nervous ness. Baforu the horses started ono of hla friends naked him If ho thought ho conld win the raco. lie calmly re plied , "Barring accidents , I will win the raoo or run the life out of every horse in the atabln. " , THE MOUNT. Attcr warming two horaoa np , euonging their mouths , scraping the Is-.hor off thorn , the blanketa were ro- r wed , the straps tightened , and thor r < itlvo animals hold until the lady r > .ore could mount. The ladles came on to the track and were greeted with a hearty cheer. After they had mounted and before being called to the judge's Btand , Mr , George F. Tucker , ono of the jndgo& of the race , introduced them to the assemblage and stated that Mine Oliver , the lady who would rldo Mr , Jacobs' horsoa , wai drcaaod In groan ; Miss Tennyson , who weald rldo Dr. Reynold's horses , a red plame in her hat , and Mra , Wall , who would ride Mr. Olancy'o hotBOB , gold fringe about droas and arm elcuvua. THE erAHT. Minn Oliver wna mounted on "Ro- aumptlou"Ml ; uTonnyaononl'Slicer , " and Mrs. Wall on "Oorbln. " "Cor- bin" drew firatpoaltlon , "Resumption" second and "Sllcor" third. The horaon got a pretty fair fair start , with "Sllcor" a little the advantage. It : was a beautiful eight , Miss Oliver alt- ting erect in her aaddlo , Mlaa Tonny- aon slightly bent forward aud Mrs , Wall riding Inclined allghtly aldoways Ouward the gallant horaea went at s tromandona rate of speed , aide bj side , with Sllcor slightly In thi oad , Rjjumptlon at hla throat latch and Oorblu not far behind. It waa t steady ran , iho two first named horsei running together to the quarter pole sack and homo btrotohes nose to uoao ' As they passed under the wire in the first mile It waa hard to decide whc wont under first. The second milt waa run the same way , neither hors ( apparently gaining an Inch on thi other. At the clone of the firat mile thi iorao rode by Mra , Wall for some reason stopped near the dlatanco flaf on the home stretch , and before hi conld bo started again , too much tlmi wan loat and Mrs , Wall retired fron the raoa. In starting on the third mlle , Mia Tennyson foil from her homo on thi back stretch , near where Mr. Jacob ind hla men were with their relay o fresh homes. The animal aho wa , riding supposed It waa the changln ) , place and came to a sadden stop. Miai Tennyson struck him with her whl ] and he jumped from under hor. Bhi fell quite heavily to the ground , am wo understand sustained aomo bruise abont the body and face ; but li an Instant she waa grabbed by Mr Jacobs and mounting a freah here continued the race ; she made a gal lant attempt to make np for loat time and allowed that aho was a lady of re- nurkablo oourugo. Each of the ladle rodu fivii horssa In the race and mad aa many changes. The changes b ; Mies Tonnycon were made qnlcko than by Mlaa Ollvnr. The darky wh' ' attended Mlsa Tennyson's horao lifted her bodily from one horao t the other , whllo Mlsa Oliver dia mounted , walked to the fresh horao and wai oanlstcd into the tad die What MUa Oliver lost in dlemonntln and mounting , wo think waa made u In the apooi and ondarance of th horaes aho rode. The ton miles was run and won b Miss Oliver In 21 mlnutoa and 1G Booonds , The fastest mlle waa mad by Mr , Jaooba1 horse , Joe Bowott , I 148. ; BILLIARDS. NJSW YOBK , May 21. Aftornoo game : Daly 500 , average G C8-7 2 ! boat run 33 ; Oaroor 452. average 20 72 , beat run 30. Time of game , hours 55 minutes. VJgnaaz' and Wallace played th thirteenth game of the tournament to-night. The game waa very close throughout. Wallace won In the ninth Inning amidst deafening ap- plauio. Vlgnnoi was but three points behind , but hla friends were very tnnoh disappointed by his drfeat. Ho was looked upon an nro. Score , Wallace fif 0 , average 5 50 90 , best run 35 ; Niguaur total 497 , average 5 43 90 , boat run 37. IIOYCLK RACE. CHIOAOO , May 2l' . The bicycle race for the casltnptonahip cf America , 12 hoaia a d\y , G days , bnqan at 11 o'clock this morning at Bittory D armory , track 13 laps to the mlle ; OJntcatante , Mllo. Louisa Armalndo , champion lady bicyclist ; W , M Wood- sldo , chtnnplon of Ireland ; nnd W , J. Morgan , champion of Onnnda. Sooro at cloao of the first day Woodsld 14i miles , 1) l pj ; Armalndo , 143 uillce , 12 Up ) ; Mutgau 142 milca , U lapa , THE TUItP. riiiLAUELruiA , May 21. At Bel- nont park , In a clnaoly contested two- mile trotting raceto-rlay , for $1,000 a aldo , Llzzlo M won , Scotland Locoud ; tlmo , 45G ; , 4 53 } LJUISVILLK , May 21 To-morrow's races have boon postponed ou account of ahoavyatorm. TUTI _ PILLS SYMPTOMS OF A TORPBD LIVER Loss of Apnotlto. Dowels coativo , Fain in the Hand , with a dull sou- Ballon la the back part , 1'aln under tlio Shoulder blade , fullness after cntlnir , with a dlslnollnatlon to ox- ertloa of body or mind , Irritability' of tornner , Low spirits , with a fool- Injr of havliijr iicwleotod somoduty. Weariness , DizalnoBS , Fluttering at the lioart , Dots before the yes , Yellow - low Skin , lloodaoho ( ronoraily over tbo riRht eye , RcstloasneBB , with flt- ful dreams , liiKhly colored Urine , fyfUlCONSTIPATION. . TTITT'.N IMI I.H nro entecUlIr tilnptnl to luch rnici , ana laie er- tetstm aucli a clmiiue at fcellug to niiiiil li the tiflorer. Tiu-y lucrrnte ttio Am > MItenn < 1 ciinia IhotxHly loTnkc OH I'luli , thus Ilm nj loin li iiourlnticil , nnd btliclr Tniilo Actlouoiilliu Ill citlveOrcnl ulnrHlonl" nro iiroiluccd. I'llcd it.T niiirrny Si. , IV. V. artiT lUin on Wiii'iKriin chimpo tn a IILACK ! > > a 8liiKln oi | > llcnttin nf tlili HVE. It tmpnrtAniintnriilcnlor. Art Iniitniitiiii > ' > ui- 1 . Kolil l > y Uniffclsta , or kuut by ( iiri' s on rxvci'tcf..Sl. ! < )0. ot-vicu , as niiiuiiAT HT. , re. v. -SIIIM-lLoHiliinHMrforn.illoBi.dV U olll k * B > llt < l > Ukk uiOUkM M. ' Eailway Time Table. ' U. P.'lt. H. MAIN LINE. LHAVK. ARMTI Dally Kxprem.HilB p m I Dally Einrciis 1.26 p m Uer ver Kxp. . . 7:40 : p in I Denver Kxp..7:1)5 : ) n in Emigrant. . . GUO : p m | Kniinrant K.'l am OMAHA AND LINCOLN LINK U. . P. Uh. OT. LXAVK. ARRIVE. Lincoln Ux..lll5a : m I Lincoln Ex.lOSp m Mixed 8:15am : | Mixed .4:4fipm : DUMMY TRAlNB-lJRIDaK DIVISION. Pummy trains leave Omabaai follows ; H.OO a m ; 9:00 : a m ; 10:00 : am ; 11.00am , 1:00 : p m ; 2.00 p ro ; 3:0(1 ( p m : 4:00 p m ; 5.00 p m ; 0:00 : p m Dummy trains leave Council Illuffa an follows : 8:2r : > am ; 0:25 : itm ; 10:25 : am ; 11:25 : a m ; 1:25 p m : 2.25 p m ; 3.25 p in ; 4:25 p m ; 6:26 : p in ; 0:25 : p u. Sundays iho Dummy trains leave Omaha at 0:00,11:00 : m ; 2:00 : , 4.00 , 6:00 : and 0:00pm. : Leaves Council BluD * at 0:26 : and 11:25 : m , 2:25,4:25 : , 5:25 and 6:25 p m. TUROUOH AND LOCALPA89ENQER TRAINS imiDQi : D1TISION. I.KAVK OMAHA. LltAYl COUNCIL HLUrFH PwiaNo ' . ' . . . .MT Pass. No 5. . . 7,25am 11 No 10 6:45pm : " No 15 11:20am " No 4 3:40pm ' No 3. . . 11:30am : Emigrant lift 0.0:15 : a m No 19 7-npin No 7.0-00 pm 11 No 1. . . . 7:00 pm SIOUX CITY & PACiriC DEPOT N. IBlh St Lou-o Omaha for O'Neill via Ht Paul Line for Ulntr . 8:30 ft rr Arrive f/om Ncllgh C. , M. & ST. P. R. H. U. P. DKl'OT. LltAVB. ABRITII. Mall & Ex 7:45 : a m" lUll& | Atlantic Ex..3:40 : put Pac'flc ' Ex..9:49am : Dolly except Buuclay WABASU , BT. LOUIS & PACIflO R. R.-U. P DEfOT. - tlAVR. ' ARRIVK Omaha 7:15am : ( Omaha 11:10an O. , B. & Q. R. R U. P. DKFOT. flt t ARRITI. LXAVB. Mall'- . . . . 7:45 : a m I Kxprcsj . 0:15 : a n - Kiprtgn . HMOpm Vi.ll' . 7.25 p u - N. Y , / * . leivcg Council Dluffs at 8:17 : pmt arrlvta " 820 a mf Sundij > cxccpted. i Omaba time. , 0. , It. I. & P. K. R. U P. DEPOT. ARJUVB. L1AT > . Mall 0:45 : a ml Expreaa 7:45 : an 0 Eipreni 7 0 p in Mall 3:40 : pu duminjaoctpUd. | SutiJaj s excepttu. , 0. & N.V. . R. R.-U. P. DEPOT. ARUIVB. UIAV . Mall * 7-45 am Expren 8:4S : an , Express 3:40 : pra Mall * 7:20 : pc , dunJays exceptou 'Sundayi ' excepted ' B. 0. &P. R. R.-U. P. DEPOT. Uallt ? * ° m I R P. ' . * * * Si5S ? " Expren 00nm | Mallf 0 ( SuDilaya exceptod. BT PAUL i ! OMAHA , NEBHAPKA DIVISI01 -DEPOT N. 16TH BT. No 2 8.00 ami No 1 < :50pc No 4 12:45 : ) > m | No 3 11:46 : a r tiunuays vxcepted. K. 0. , BT. JOE , i 0. B. B. R-B. & M. DEP01 Uall 8:25 : am I Express OKK ) a r Kxprcn 7:20 : pm | Mill C:50pi : B. A M. R. , IN NEBRASKA. DemerExp..8:15ara : 8:35 : pt Lincoln Kip..035pm 0:40at : MI8SOUIIIPA01FIC-'U. | P. DEPOT. ittRIVI. DRFAKT. Express. G:50am | ExnreM 7:25pt Mall 0lpmMall : | ; v"8 ! ° ? 5J Trains leaving at 725 p m anil arriving ' e'- ! > a m will have Pullman tlteptn. Opening and Closing of Molls. ROUTS. orsif a. m. p. m. a.m. p.u Chicago & Northwestern..11X0 9:00 : B30 2:4 : Chicago , Rock bland & P..11:00 : 0:00 tao 2:4 : Chicago , Burlington &Q..11:10 : fcOO fi:30 2:4 : WabaSh. : . . . . . . . . . 12:31 : 6:30 : Sioux City & Pacific 5:00 : 7:20 : ] Union 1'aclBo 4.00 11:40 : Omaba & Republican Val. . 2:00 : 11:10 : Iturllngton & Mo. In Neb. . . 0.00 7:40 : 6:2 : 0 Omaha & N orthwcaUrn. . . . 6,00 100 Mtsiourl PxcUlc C:30 : 6:30 Local malls for State of Iowa leave but once day , viz : 4 30 a. m. A Lincoln mall Is also opened at 10:30 : a. m. . Office open Uuudayu from 12,00 m. to ' ' m. Til03. f. HALL Postmaiter Saturday tvenlng Tralni The fol'onliitr ' tabli chows the date and nami rf toai's lunniuK tralca to Chicago from U Ublon Poclllc trander on Saturday evening ; I u ! io lu t an , G 2 The Chlcsiri , St. Pan ! Mfnneapnlli and Om . tnlna Itave every 8iturd y afteinoon. The Cblcsgo , Milwaukee and St. Paul tral bo caye every taiurJav afternoon * MEDICAL DISPENSARY i Offices and parlors over the new Omaha National Bank , 13th , between Farnam and DouglasStreets. A , S. FISHBLATT , I. D , , - PROPRIETOR. Dr. Fishbktt can bo Consulted Every Day Eiorpt Fridays and Saturdnys , thosi two Days being devoted to His Dispensary at DCS MOIUPS , Jowa. bpeoial attention given to diseases of the THROAT AKD LUNGS , CATARtiH , KIDNEY AND BLADDER And Female Disease , as well as All Chronic and Rorrous Disease IDIR. IlMdlMOTited thvfrroatMt cure In the world ( or wwkkneM at the btck and llrah * , InrolniUrj discharge * . linpotency.Kgniriltttblllty , nervousnriu , languor , conttuton of lde i. rulpltttlan ol Ihi hcutt , timidity , trembling , tllmneas oi > lght or Rlddlnesa , dlaouoa ol the IKV ! . throat , IOM or ikla flections ol tbo liver , lungi , itomach or bowels thoaotenlblo disorders arising Irora so lUry kab Its cl yotiih , and secret prictl en more Utal to the rlctlnn than the lonci ol Syreni to the martp or * ul UlyuM , bllghtlnz their moitrvllant hoiimor ntll | > atloni , rendering mtrrlate IranoMlbli. Thpo til it are ( USerlng Iroin tno evil practice ! which destroy their menuland ptiyilcal lyitamt i using NERVOUS DEBILITY , The syinptoonof which are a dulldlstre * od mind , which unflll them from performing tnelr btut- iieaa and uncial dtitln , makm humiy mml&go Irupou.blo , dlstrowca the action of the henrt , cauilnf fluihenot host , iloi rcsalonol splrl'n.ovil larobjdlngj. ojwnrdloe , ( on , draimi , reatlou nlghta , dtuluoos , loriietlulneu , unnatural dtachugei , pain In the back and ) hlpa , short breathing , melan choly , tire easily of company and hav.i rrettrcnce to be alone , feeling at tired In the morning at when retiring , ismlnal wraknca , loet manhood , white bone deposit In the urlno , I'errouintm. con- luilon ol thquflht , trembling , watery and weak eyes , dyipepslaconstlpUon ; , palenna , pain and weaknoai In th * llmbt , etc. . should consult mo immoJUtcly and bo restored to peitoci health. YOUNG MEN Who hare become Tlctlnn of solitary vice , that dreadful and destructive habit which annually Bwoein loan untimely grave thoiutndi nf young men of exalted Utont and brilliant Intellect who mUht othorwlio entrance listening senators with the thunden of their eloquence or wake toecsta- cy the : living lyre , may cell with full confidence. MARRIAGE. Itarrled penani or young men contemplating marriage bo aware of phytlcal we knenloii > imcroatlve power , Impntoncy , or any other ulnquillllcatlon ipeodlly relieved. lie who places him under the earn nf lr. Flan ila ttnav rolliou ly coufldo In hla honor M a gentleman , and coal- dently rely upon hla anlll aa a phyalclan. OROANAL WEAKNESS Immediately cured and full vigor rojtored. This dlsiromtng affllotlon which render * life a burden mil marriage huponlblo , t tha penalty paid by the victim tor Improper Indulgence. Toung people aroap to comoilt exctssM tiotn not being awar ot the dreadful consequences that may ooiue. i ow who that understands this subject will dimy that procreation Is lost sooner y thoao falling Into Into Improper habits than by prudent ! Doaldua being deprlv d of the plcuuro ol btalthy ofl- spring * , the most scrloiH and dentructlvo symptoms of both body ani mind nrlao. The sjstombo- comes deranged , the phvolcil and mental function ) weaken ; Lonof procreatlve poweM. nervOTH Inability , djspcpsU , palpitation of the heart , Indigestion , ( constitutional doblllty.jwaatlng of th < flame , cough , consumption ana drath. A CURE WARRANTED. Persons ruined In hralth by unlcMned pretenders who keep them trlflln month after .month taking poisonous and Injurious compounds , should apply Immediately. DR. F1SHBLATT Rraduito of ono ot the roost eminent colleges of the bin ted States , haa effected I imo of the moot au'onlshlng euros that were over known ; many troubled with ringing In the oars and head , when lult-op , great nervousnois hotng alarmed at certain Bounds , with frrqucnt blushing , attended Mm * tlmoa with derangement of the mind were cured Immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Hr. F. nddresacs all those wha have Inlnrod themselves by Improper Indulgence 'and sollUt ; habits hlch ruin both body and mind , unfitting them for busluo-a , study , society or marriage. Thcso are some ol the m clinch. ly offtcts produced by the eirly habits ot > outh , vli : Weak- now ot the back and limb * , pain * In tin head and dlranosi ot eight , loss of musgular power , palpi tation ot iho hrart , dyspop ia , nervous IrriUblllty , derangement ol digestive functions , debility , consumption , etc. PRIVATE OFFICES. OVER TQE OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , OMAHA , NEK. . CONSULTATION FRICK. Charges moderate and wlthlu the reach ol all who need s-lrntlfio Mod leal treatment. The o who res do nt a dlttanco and cannot call , will locolvo prompt attention through mall by elinply tending thlcr symptoms with pottage. Andrnxa Lock Itnx 84. Oman * . Nob- _ . Are acknowledge ! to bo the bast by all who put them to a practical test. ADAPTED 70 COKE OR WOOD , MANUFACTURED BY Buck's Stove Co. , BAINT LOUIS. | PIEKCY A ItltAUFOIlD , 80LK AOKNTH FOB OMAHA RUBBER BOOTS , SHOES & ARCTICS. 10,000 , OASES , Including "tandarda and Rrftdes to match , are offered totho jobbing trade at IOBB than rnaunfacturoro' prices by FIELD , THAYER & CO. , 170 Concreu Street DOdTON. MayIB-e d3t LSTOVE Tha only OIL STOVK that will burn nil KradeH nf Kerosene -'AUSOLUTK SAKKTY. " Send for descriptive circu lar , or call anil tximlno It. Addresi MILTOCTKOOEBS& SONS' , 1321 and 1323 Farnam Street. sat-mon-wo1-2m - - - CEItTiriCATH OP 23 AUDITOR OK PUBLIC AC.OUNfSl 01 Htate cf NebMki , Lincoln May 14 , 18S3. ) It In hereby certlfloJ that the HOME L1FK Insurance - suranco Com | > any of Niw YORK , In the s'ataot 23 New York , bts compiled with the lmmran e law of thli state , and Is aut orlzed to transact the 25 toulncij of Life Usuraneo In this Btata for the 15 current year. 27 , . > j Wltnen my band acd the soil ol 17 I HAL. \ the Auditor ot Pub'lo Account i tbi 20 1 , ' < ! y and year above written. JOHN WALLIOHS , _ , . , AuallorP , A. This ola rell b'o company have reo-mtly open .ha ed a General Western Agency In Omaha , nd sp polutecl , M. HJiConuvjct ihtlr 'gsnora' agent Ins Office 17 and 18 Omaha Dink bulldluf. iu21-mc-lw A 8kln or Beauty li Joy orover. DR. T. FIXIX QOURAUD'S Oriental Cream or Vagi ai Ceautlfler. The Oriental Cream rurldei as well as lU-autl- flei the Skin , Removal Tan , Pimple Frcokler , Uothpttcb csan'every blcmtah on bcantyand defies ( it- lection. II boa stood the test ot SOyeanan' lo o harm- le so we tnste It la bosuro the tloola pro i'Z&Ml perlymad. Sl 2SMilalMk 5SSM Blmllar name , The dlHtlmrnlshtd Dr. L. A. S vro , Bald to r .ady of the IIADT ON ( a patient ) ! "As you ladles will use them , I recommend 'O urntid Cream' as the least harmfal of all the Skin preparations. " One bottle will last six months , using It every day. Aho Poudro Jub- tlle removes superfluous hair without Injury to tbo skin. MM a. M. R , T. OOUH AUD , Sole prop. , 43 Band St. . N. T. For Bile by all DrucRUts and Fancy Goods Dealers throughout the United States , Canada and Xuropa. TPeware of base Imitations. 11,000 rewatl ( or arrest aud proof of any ono sellln < the sane. 14-weow'tne at ew-flm NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE. Of LANDS WITHIN THE Otoe and Missouri Reservation IN THE STATES OF KEORABKA AND KAH8A3. UNITED BTATIS LAND Omci , I DIATKICI , Neb. . April 30th , 1883. f By thed'rectlonot ' the Hon. Secretary of the nterlor , the U. S. Land Omce at Beatrice , In the Stats of Nebraska , will bt opn on Thnrsflay , the 31st Day of May , 1883 at 10 o'clock ' , , a , m. For the purpose of receiving application to pur- hisa tha remainder of the linds of the Otoo and Missouri reservation , In the states of Nebraska . The lands will be sold on'y to p < r < ona who hall within three monllii from the date of their appllca'lona m-iko a permin'nt settlement upou ho same , and each application muit bo ace > rn- tanlod by ai affljxv.t aa evlavaco of good fait " n this rtniicct Tho'a da wlil b , BO < l to the hlfheft rcsponal- lie bidder , at net loss than the appr laed voJue. n 80 acre tracts , and no one person 111 be al- owed to purchiso more thin 160 acres , except In cases of fractional excels ( contiguous thereto where the survey of towiishlp and sect'on ' lines could not ba ma e ti conform to the boundary Inea of the risenatlon , In which raja the oxc M not exceeding 40 tens , r < y be adJel to the ICO acres , The toimsof latearo aa follows : Ono quarter In cash , to become due and paya ble at tlis expliaVon ot thrto rcon il s from the dtiu ot filing application ; one qunter lu one k ) earonequirtcr ; In twi yeirs : onu quarter In V hiee years from the date of sale , with Int rest v at Iho rile cf 5 per centum per annum ; but la ciro of dtfault In the first or case piyinent , the lerson thus defaulting sha'l forfeit absituttly his rltht to the tnct for the purpose cf which bo bti i > pnlled. No l Ld will be sold upon which Iraprovc- ncnU aie found belonging to Indian * as reported , by the appraiser * In their tchcdule of their ap- pralsmerit. Tno sale will be aubjuct to npproval by the Sicretiry of the Interior , and will ba continued from day to day at licatrlco , uu'll the landj are dliixiscd of. A list ol tha lands , with the appraised value of each tract , will bo found on fllo at the dUtrl.t laid oll'co ' a' lluatrlci. lluatrlci.H. H. W PARKER Register , 01031 W. H BOMhltd. Recelvsr. JOHN D , PEABODY , M.D , , PHYSICIAN AHDSU8GEO * OKCICK ROOMS. 8 & 6 1607 FARNAJJ. Omaha Neb A All thoitwho from indUcrellom , iciiin or oUicrc4u < iu < wiU. unL.t.tJ. to. ipltllod. ph/ilc llj 4relBo4 , ul un.OI. M rtrform nunllH mivA.I life' , ulih dutlet . . . * . troirlr _ _ . .k _ , . * eta i.i U ottuuli T . til r r t ml. > * * t Haaheod. gkmpli , ifftttlit , oUtilr. pliuut. u lot IrollH. Oonnlmron will ) pbil Ua rtil. MA1UTON ItEMEDT CO- W. I4lk Bt , Itw Trt >