Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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The Secret
of the universal success of
Brown's Iron Bitters is sim
ply this : It is the best Iron
preparation ever made ; is
compounded on thoroughly
scientific , chemical ancj
medicinal principles , and
does justwhat is claimed for
it no more and no less.
By thorough and rapid
assimilation with the blood ,
it reaches every part of the
system , healing , purifying
and strengthening. Com
mencing at the foundation
it builds up and restores lost
health in no other way can
lasting benefit be obtained.
77 Dearborn Are. , Chteaza , NOT , j ,
I have been n creat lulTerer from
tery weak stomach , heartburn , and
dyspepsia In Iti wont form. Nearly
CTerytmng 1 ata cave ma distresi ,
nd I could eat but little. I har
tried eTerythlngrecommenJedh T
taken the prescriptions of a iloien
physicians , but got no relief until t
took Brown' * Iron Bitten. I feet
none of the old troubles , and am a
new man. I am getting much
tronger , and feel finl-rate , I am
x railroad engineer , and now maka
my trips regularly. I can not sar
too much In praise of your wonder *
ful medicine. D , C. HACK.
docs not contain , whiskey
or alcohol , and will not
blacken the teeth , or cause
headache and constipation.
It will cure dyspepsia , indi
gestion , heartburn , sleep
lessness , dizziness , nervous
debility , weakness , &c.
TJsa only Brown'i Iron Wtten made by
Urown Chemical Co. , Dalllmore. Crossed
red lines and trade-mark , on wrapper.
Iron and'Slato Hoofing ,
0. SPKOHT , Proprietor.
1111 Douglas 8t. Oraaba , Neb
Iron Cornices
Tin , Iron and Slate Hoofing ,
Bpeoht'fl P.itont Motalllo Skylight Pntent
Adjusted lUtchet Bar nncl Bracket
Shelving. I nm tha cenoral agent
for the nbore line of Roods.
Creating ! ! , Balustrades. Voiandas , Iroi
Bank Railings , Window Bllnda , Collar -
lar Guards ; alor >
Omaha Rational Bank Building
" OOXO ) MJBDAr , , PAKIS , 1879
llaltr'i rnmian CRocofoM.tho b
preparation of pltln chocoltttfor fiD
Mr ute. Bakn'i Unatfatl Oxaa
from which the eictii of oil bu bed
ttrooTed , tultdlffiUJ and admirably
ad pUilforlnT llds. JSaktr't Tm\Ui
OiocvtoM , a * a drink or tittn u eon
ftcUoitry li a dtUcloui aitUU i hlf hi ]
momm d 4 by tgurUts. ZtoW
rona , Inraluabl * a * a dlcl tot chll
dnn. OtmuM Ami Ckocolote ,
most nctlUnt artklt for ftmlllis.
Sold by droccri eTerynher * .
Bead 1. M , S3 , c
[ 5 for sample rt
tall box by Expres
of the bent caadlen i
America , pat ap I
elepant boxen , an
strictly pure. Bulti
blcfor pri'Bonta. K ;
arena charces llch
Itefera to nil Cblci
go. Try It once.
iJANDI Address ,
Confectioner *
\ .
The Star Route Jurymen ,
Pen Pictures of a Dozen Unfor
tunate Mortals.
Wiihlngion Cor , ClerelmJ folder.
Hero is tbo jury oboaon by Amorl
can juatlco to judge a onao involving
jovornmontal qnoatloci , nnd coating
a foes over a half a million ilollam to
try. Bach a jury I A lot of men
whom yon would hardly set to manag *
ng a Baw-mlll ; certainly not If the
machinery was at all intricate. Ooarao-
'oaturt'd ' , low-browud , uneducated ,
vulgar-faced mon , they look ao though
they had never read a newspaper and
lad never owned an honest opinion.
Five of them are chewing tobacco ,
and their jawa are moving np and
down in ntiijon with those of Jerry
Wilton , who U now addressing them.
Ono of them In the biok row is asleep ,
and a fly ia crawling on the nnder lip
of hid wide-open mouth. Moat of the
rest are leaning back In their chain ,
and elx jurors have their chairs rest-
In ; on two legs.
Fonr of them are negroes , and thoio
arc the most respectable looking part
of the twelve. They are better dress
ed. They look cleaner , and , as a rnlo ,
they pay bettor attention than their
whlto brothers Ono oi these negroes
the third from the left on the back
row looks as though ho might bo a
a full blooded African. His skin la as
blaak as a cake of steve polish , and
It shines with the same sandy metal
lic Instro. Bis hair is short and woolly
his forehead low , his face narrow , and
his eyes black. Ho is not fat , wears
a whlto collar , and looks respectable.
Negro No. 2 alts next to him , He
ia a mulatto. His skin is of a solo-
leather yellow and his face Is rathoi
inclined to the Caucasian , His hah
has hardly a curl , and ho probablj
takes after a whlto father. No. 2 li
not so clean looking as No , 1. Hit
I rayed shirt band around his thick , fal
nock has no collar attached to it anc
is decidedly dirty ,
Negro No , 3 la also a mulatto , bul
ho looks by no moans intelligent. Hit
features follow the thick-lipped , flat
noflod African typo , and his color is i
gingerbread brown. Ho wearsabrowi
shirt and laughs a good deal as holooki
over the coiir * room.
Nugro No. 4 situ on the front row
Ho Is the best looking manon the jury
His features take after those of Bono
tor Brnoo , bnt his color is darker , am
they lack the intellectual east of tin
senator's. No. 4 has a high , broai
forehead , jot black eyes , and round
full cheeks. He is as well dressed a
any man on the jury , and bis blu
flannel shirt and whlto collar bocom
him well.
The two best looking men in thi
star route jury sit at the two ends a
the front row. That on the right fee
lug the judge is a lean , hatohet-facoi
man of fifty-five , with iron gray whls
kors , a Joan nose , blue eyas , and at
expression whiah reminds one of thi
resigned look of a sanctified deaooi
mixed with that of a village grocer
The man on the other end looks a little
tlo llko General Sheldon , now Rovorno
of Now Mexico- rough-looking fel
low with a long black board , mlxo (
with thtoitda of gray , and a rosy faoj
Ho is not a dilettante follow , and h
doesn't care for appearances , H
loaves his vest entirely unbuttoned
and at this moment ho has pulled uj
his shirt in front so that it looks liki
a balloon with the wind half exhausted
The two men on the back row ar
brunette and blonde. Brunette sit
at the loft. Hair jot , face loan , fore
head low and narrow , jaws big am
continually moving , chows tobaoo
. continually , and spends moro tim
j in looking after the water cooler thai
at the speaker. '
The blonde Is of a warm tempera
mont. He sweats continually. H
also ohews , and spits twice to bro
notto's once. Blonde has a straw eel
lored mustache , which makes a hal
orescent ever his month , running t
the bottom of his chin. His hair I
short , his oars large , and h
wears a flashy shirt pin and two bl
The man next to this gentlems
looks like a bruiser. He has shoi
hair , clipped ; In fact , close to it
scalp. His forehead 1s high enougl
but his general aspect U neither Inte
llgont nor winning , He yawns a grei
deal , and his favorite position Is lylc
back In his chair , with his feet on tl
floor , and his head against tt
wall. He Is about thirty years old.
There are only three men left. Thi
sit together In the front row. Tl
first Is an ordinary man of 25 , woarlt
a bunch of lllao la his buttonhole. Tl
next Is older and looks like a mlsar
thropo , nd the lost Is a white man i
yellow that ho might be olassi d wl
the negro by his side. Ho Is an o
man. at least his hair Is growing gra
but It is straight , and his features a
decidedly Caucasian. Such la tl
jury of the Star route trial. Such
the jury to which speeches of sovi
days' length are made. Such Is tl
jury who eighteen hours out of tl
twenty-four go where they please ai
talk with whom they please , when <
their decision depends the fate
millionaires and the purity of the go
How Assassination la Bnoourag
and Made Respectable in
Our Southern btatoa.
Ixmlivllle Commercial.
The domestication of the rovoh
in the best families of Kentucky t
boon signally illustrated by two I
stances within one recent week. Tl
fact will help to explain to outsl
barbarians how we make murder :
spcotablo In Kentucky , and altogotl
a necessity In pdjuotii.R thoto u
questions of personal and social d
agreement that can be Ignomlnon
arranged In 9ther communities In d
graceful peace , These two lustauc
unfortunately for our society , i
from men who enjoy not only the i
card of their own communities , 1
Have national reputations. Hon. Jc
Young Brown of Henderson , whi
fame Is asrldo as the count
and who has boon especially honoi
bo two congressional districts , ha
disagreement with h'ls bntoher as
tbo quality of moat furnished. Prc
ably Mr. .Brown'e mknne'r was 'i
conciliatory and pleasant,1'fo lwl
the' butcher made a protest against
coupled with the remark that ho was
as good as Mr. Brown , that gentleman
slipped the butcher's face with his
own beefsteak. The bntobor retorted
with an iron weight , and then Mr.
Brown drew his revolver and shot
three times without striking his adver
sary. In explaining this , Mr. Brown
says he went into the shop with no idea
of any unpleasant feeling existing on
account of the bad meat. Thus Mr.
Brown confesses that while holntondod
no quarrel and apprehended none , ho
was yet violating the law by carrying
a concealed revolver In his pocket.
Mr. Brown is a gentleman of most
excellent and peaceful character
( although of strong temper ) , and en
joys the personal esteem of ovorbody
in nil town , as he did of all members
of congress. Why did ho find It
necessary to habitually carry murder
In his pocket in the shape of a revolver
ver ) Because It is the Kentucky
badge of personal prowess to be ready
to die at any time llko a bully , at
tempting to kill your adversary first.
The other instance is the Thompson-
Djvis tragedy. Mr. Thompson is al
so a member of congress , of national
reputation , Ho had previously
"killed his man , " and ho and his
family enjoy the lunnry "fends" with
other families. Mr. Thompson , on
hearing from a woman of notorious
character charges against his wlfo
( who denies their truth ) , wont out
quietly with his weapon , assassinator ?
his enemy , who waa running away
from death , and then justifies himself
In court to an incompetent judge ,
who holds him in nominal ball , and
sheds tears of sympathy over the pris
oner.A few years ago young Thomas
Orlttondon , a member of the famous
Orlttonden family , killed a negro for
testify Ing to the truth in a magistrate's
court. Ho heard the negro testify ,
remarked , "I'll see you later , " wont
out , got his gun , came back , and
killed his man. In defense , ho pleads
that when ho approached his victim ,
the negro picked up a stone. The jus
tification deserves Investigation be
cause of the novelty. Wo all know
that the life of every white man in
Kentucky is in constant peril at the
hands of negroes. A cobble-atono In
so dreadful a wcaponcarrlos so farre
peats so terribly , llko a mltrallenns ,
and spread so much destruction when
it explodes , that any man is justified
In shooting his fellow-citizen if thej
live on opposite sides of a street paved
with cobble-stones , So thought sfa
members of a jury that hold out foi
Orlttondon's acquittal. These jnron
deserve disgrace in the community ,
Bat they will not bo visited with soola
ostracismbecause their fellow-cltlzeni
are elevated to the Kentucky Idea tha
life is valueless wnan it belongs tc
somebody else.
Henry Dyler killed a man in a bag
nio , who was running away from thi
murderer's weapon , and who had no
provoked him. The jury disagreed
Dyler , Orlttendon- Thompson an
at liberty. Three men murdered
what for ? The combined provocatloi
Is' the story of a notorious woman , i
negro picking np a cobble-stone anc
a drunken man talking loud to hi ;
mistress. Life is not worth as mud
in Kentucky as early Georgia straw
berries , according to that standard
And it is our best families that an
making murder respectable , at the expense
penso of the State's reputation.
The domoaticatlon of the revolve
and the encouragement of rassassins
tlon as a civilized art are making rapli
progress hero.
Tosrlblo SuffdrlDK of a Child In IE
INDIAJCAI-OLIS , Ind. , May 10. .
torrlblo sensation was caused to-nlgli
by the report , which , of course , sprea
as rapidly as frightened gossips conl
could carry it , that a girl In the aoutt
western part of the city had been a1
tacked with hydrophobia. Fully 50
people gathered around the house 1
which the victim , Miss Emma Wl
Hams , lay , and doctor alter doctor wi
summoned In consultation , bnt m
the least relief could be apparent froi
medicines administered. The girl !
aged only about thirteen years , but !
rtqulred at times a dozen stron
men to restrain her convulsion !
The scene waa one of intense exoiti
ment , and mora that the poor jnothe
of the victim conld bear. In the 001
ner of the room of the little cottaf
Mrs , William * , mother of the llttl
child , lay prostrated on a bed , orei
come with nervous excitement an
groaning In agony of mind. At Inte
vals of resuscitation from long falntlr.
spells anxious neighbors crowded tt
house , ready to be of sorvlca if po
slblo , bnt when the victim's 001
vulslons became more violent thi
usual , there was a wild rush for tl
exits , and a general stampede for tl
crowd on the street and around tl
house. The people were pan
striken , yet their morbid curiosity w
stronger than their fear , and they r
turned again and again peering In
the windows and Inquiring of eai
other the details of the cose. A mo
thorough sensation , with less re
cause , has not been known In Indlai
apolls for a generation. The sym
toms of the girt baffle every physloli
who saw her ,
Dr , H. Wochstor , a young phyi
clan , who was first summoned , pi
nounoed it a decided case of hydi
phobia. Ho said that it was very hate
to decide . .between hydrophobia a :
strychnine poisoning , bnt in this ca
the symptoms all pointed to hydropt
bla. In stryohnlno poison both oyi
ho said , present a dilated appcaram
but In hydrophobia only one is nsna
dilated , while the other Is often co
traded. Ho said that such was t
marked appearance of this p
tlent's eye-balls. And he had c
served a sharp barking nolso on t
occasions , while the girl snapp
with her teeth aud tried
bite the people who were restrain !
her. Falling in this , she seized t
bed clothing nnd began tearing
with her teeth. Medicine was ofl'ei
her In a tin cup. Twloo water v
offered her , bnt , although she looli
at this nervously , the was finally
dnoed. to drink a few drop * . 1
Woohster says that although wa
usually throws the hydrophobia ]
tlent into violent convulsions thla
not an unfailing test.
Dr , John 8. Parions , one of I
, - oldest and most eminent < physlclani
Dtllhocltyj examined the cue and'B
in J the aiBp'loms < veryjimuoh..resemb
it , I these of hydrophobia , but ho co
not determine positively what wasjtho
Half a doson other phoslclans ex
pressed themselves as did Dr. Parsons.
However , there are olues pointing
strongly to an entirely dlfloront cause
for all this. This afternoon the girl
was given a box of tooth powder by 'a
traveling * doctor calling himself by
the very suggestive name "Qaor-
acko. " the great Bonth American
specialist. This powder was used
freely by little Emma , < * nd fifteen
minutes alter using It she was at
tacked with convulsions , as already
described , The powder was also used
by four neighbors , women , none of
whom hi to experienced any bad
affects from its use. None of the
ladles swallowed any of the powder ,
however , and it ] possible that the
llttlo thirteen-year old girl did , as she
was soon to put a largo quantity of it
into her mou'.h. Qaeracko , whose
right name is W. H. Hartley ,
claims that there is nothing In
the Ingredients of his powder
that could possibly do any harm
to any one. Thla self-styled South
American specialist camu hero last
week from Louisville , where he says
ho has boon during the winter. Ho
drives arouud the stroeta In a big
band wagon painted yellow , with a
brass band and four fine honoa.
Whenever he can collect a crowd he
announces that ho has come into the
city to extract tooth free of charge ,
and that in doing the pleasant job
ha uses a long , rusty old 'sword ,
or a whip , or a walking stick ,
and he shows these surgical instru
ments to the crowd ; after which the
band strikes up and the wagon moves
on. This Dr. Qaeraoko claims to have
graduated as an M. D. at Liverpool ,
and also at Domarara , Sooth America.
Your correspondent , accompanied him
to an analytical chemist to-night , who
will analyze the powder to-morrow ,
Dr. Woohster , who made a hasty
analysis to-night , says there is no evi
dences of stryohnlno or other poison !
in the powder. At midnight the vic
tim was still unconscious and in
"Lo" and "John" us Dead-Heads.
A letter from southern California
says : The Indians along the line ol
the Sonthern Pacific railroad are permitted
mittod the same freedom of travel thai
the Central Pacific company grants tc
the Nevada Indians , and at way sta <
tlona the stolid and scantily-dressed
aborigines board the platforms and
gravely ride as far as they wish , wlth <
out pass , check , or "blue trip slip. '
Many of the daring aborigines hav <
stuck to the platform until they roach' '
od the bay and the city of San Fran
clsco , and have returned to be thi
wonder and edification of tholr peopli
ever since. With the quiet dlgnltj
and good sense of these primitive people
plo , they have never presumed to 1m
pose upon the freedom and courtesy o :
the road , bnt a funny thing happenec
this week when a heathen Ohlnoci
thought to play a trick upon the rail
road and get a free rldo across thi
country. Ah Sin painted his face
wrapped a blanket about him , anc
stopped upon the platform , a thor
ough "big Injun" to the casual glan
cor. Ho had not enjoyed his sltuatioi
long when a prying brakeman cam
along , spied the slant eyes nnder th
daubs of paint , and with a "N >
Mojnvo ! " sent the heathen Chinos
whirling from the platform and hand
ed him over to the authorities ,
Vienna Bpnera and Their Wages.
Mew Free P/CM.
Tha bakers who handle any whea
flour at all are expected to fnrnls
fresh rolls for every meal , and th
number of meals in Yionna is five c
six dally. In the bakeries most favoi
able to the workmen the rolls are doK
dally at 3 n. m. , 10 a. m. and 3 p. u
But the average time of work Is froi
fourteen to eighteen hours dally. Th
workmen demanded that their time c
labor bo reduced to sixty-throe hem
a week. The wages of men and boj
employed in Vienna bakeries are froi
fl.50 to 85 a week , besides bean
Bat the men have to carry the Hot
sacks , they have to m&ke their fire
and the boys have to carry the rolls I
the houses of the consumers.
"Well's Health Benewer" reston
health and vigor , cures Dyspepsl
Impotence , Sexual Debility. $1 ,
Young man or woman , if yon w *
big money for a small amount , take
certificate In the Marriage Fund Mu
nal Trust Association , Cedar Rapid
Remaining in Postoffice daring the we <
ending May 12,1883.
Angell , Miss D Brown , Mrs A M
Benedict , MlssL Bemau. Q
Bonsert , Miss N Coats , Mrs J
Connors , Mrs. 0 Capson , Mrs A
Is n Positive Cura
for nil thoae Painful Complnlnta nnd WealntM
la oommon to our bet female population.
\ . Medicine for Woman. Invented by a Woma
Prepared by a Woman.
) * OnttMl Xallcal Dhnverr Since lb D w ( IDi > t <
WltrerlTesthe drooping aplrlts , Invigorate ! K
( unionizes the organto functlonj , gives elasticity a
Irmnesa to the step , restores the natural lustra to t
ye , and plant * on the pk.o check of woman tha fn
pv of life's spring and early summer time.
Q7 PhysIcIani Use It and Prescribe It Freely. *
jitromoreafalntnessflatulencydestroys allcrarl
\ > T stlmulftnt , and relioros wooknosa of the stomai
That feeling of bearing down , causing r > alnwelj
aid backache , la always permanently cured by Its n
For the cure of Kidney Complaint * of either I
thla Compound la unsurpassed.
rill eradicate oyery YCatlpe of Humors from I
Jlood , and Rive tone and strength to tbo system ,
pan woman or child. Insist ou having 1U
iBoth the Compound and DIood PurlQer are pnpu
ft233ond233 Western ATenue , Lynn , Uasa. PrlC
ethc ll , Eli bottles for { S. Bent by mall In the to
ItpUls , or of lozenges , on receipt of price , $ lpcrl
[ or either. Mrs. Plnkham f reci , answers all Ictten
bqulry. Enclose Set. stump. Send for pamphlet.
No fumlly nhonld bo vlthout LTDIA E.PINKnAl
tlVEH. 1'ILLS. They ciu-o constipation , bllloumi
feud torpidity of the llvsr. 25 cents per box.
Jasper Stone
Thi ! Company la now prepared to receive ordei
( or
Building Purposes ,
And wilt make fisrurei on round Iota ( or piom
de'lrcry. The Company la shipping
To both Chicago and Omaha , and solicits com
pondence and orders from contractors en-
fraged In paving itreeta in anr ol th
Weetarn 0 tloa.
ECHIINTIIDINT'S Omen , Chicago , West Dh
Ion Railway , Chicago , December 5 , 1882.
Elwcl ) , Preitdent Sioux Falls Water rower Co
pany. Dear Sir I hare received from your co
pany tlnce October 1,1882 , about 100 car lee <
o ( granllo paring bloeki and have laid them' '
tween the nils ol our itreet railway tracks In I
heart cf the city. I have been titles ; paving n
terlal In this city ( or m > ny years , and I take pi
euro In laving that In my opinion tha grin1
paving blocks furnished by your company i
the moit regular In ibape and perot ( In (01
and is ( ar ai I have been abla to Judge , are p
> eised ol aa durable ( eature ai any material U
hai ever been oSeied or laid In I he clty _
Your * , JAS. K. LAKE
ST. Louis , Uarch 22,1833
This U to certify that 1 have examined a pi
of granite taken from the Sioux Falls Gran
Quarrlei , and. ID my opinion , It Is the belt | U
( or street pivlug I have teen In America.
( Signed ) HENRY FLAD ,
I'rea. Boanl Public Improvements
Stone for Paving Purpos <
And any periin Interested Im-uchlmprovemc
Bill Bed it crea'Iv tohU adtantagoto
coramunlcito with us. We Invite
The general management and supervision
thocompao } ' ! bmlnoas Is no1 * In the hand
ofWm. McDalc.
Address your letters teA
A , G. SENEY ,
freildent ol the Juper Stone Ca
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Bent Brands of
Fire and Burglar Proo
- , O.
1020 Farnham Street ,
' "
la only attained by using
Stoves aud Ranges.
For sale by
Association ,
Orders from any part ot the State or the
Entire West will be promptly shipped :
All Our Goi.1s arc Made to the Standard or our
Sole Agent for Omaha and the West.
Office Corner 13th anfl Barney Streets.
BUEMPING & BOLTE , Proprietors
Tin , Iron and Slate Roofers
Ornamental Galvanized Iron Cornices , Iron Sky Lights , Eto.1
310 South Twelfth Street , OMAHA , HJfitt"
Have now been finished in our store , mak
ing it the largest and most complete
In the West. An additional story has been
built and the five floors all connected
with two
One Exclusively for the une of Passengers , These immense warerooms -
rooms three stores , are 66 ieet wide are filled with the Grand *
est display of all kinds of Household and Office Furniture evei
shown.All are invited to call , take the Elevator on the first floor
and go through the building and inspect the stock.
206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omaha
(213 Farnam St. . Omaha. Neb.
The only Coal mined west of'the Mississippi lliver that is erm
in quality to the ROCK SPRING COAL.
That will Block for a year without Blocking or'shrlnklng.
Pronounced by all the loading brick men In Western Iowa us the very boat
coal fpr bnrnlug brick ever mod in the West.
; Frederic , Monroe Co. , Iowa.