Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1883, Image 1

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Ono of the Famous 306 Secures
tlio Revenue Oommis-
slonership ,
"A Quiet , Unassuming1 , ClearHeaded -
Headed , Ohriatian Gentle
man" Sworn In.
The New Zealand Postal Envoy
Completes His Mission
and Starts Home.
The Purification of Darsoy & Co
Supervised by Pope Bolt
Special Dispatch to TUB lint.
WASHINGTON , Miy2l , The presi
dent lat i thU n'teruoan appointed
Walter E/ans , of L > ul3vllto , Ivy. ,
commissioner of internal revenue , in
place of Grooa B Ilium , resigned.
LOUISVILLE , M y 21. Hon. Walter
Evuua , of Ljulavillo , who waa nomi
nated by the prdsiduut to-day na com-
mUaloner of Internal revenue to sue-
oood Groou B Rintn , la a lawyer
about 41 yenra old , served as lleuton-
ant iu the federal army daring the
war , wan elected member of the legis
lature from Ohriatian oonnty la 1871 ,
and senator from the same county In
1873. Four years a o ho waa nomi
nated for governor on the republican
ticket and nude a good canvass of the
atuto , receiving a good vote. Ho is
a quiet , unassuming , clear-headed
Ohriatian gentleman , and it Is be
lieved hero that ho will make a capa
ble and efficient commissioner. Ho
waa at ono time a law plainer of Bon-
jamln H. Brlatow , In Hopklniville ,
Ky. , and rfas a Briatow man at the
convention in 187G. In 188C ho waa
delegate at largo to the Chicago con
vention , and waa ono of the 3UG who
upportod Grant. Ho has not hereto
fore held office , althongh ho han had
oonildorable Influence In the distribu
tion of federal patronage in Ken
tucky. He and Postmaster General
Greaham are warm personal friends ,
and it la understood the latter was In
strumental in securing Evana' ap
polntmont. The new appointee qual
ified and waa sworn in to-day at
Louisville , the occasion for haste be
ing that the ten days for which the
acting commissioner of internal reve
nue could bo appointed expired to
, Special Dispatch to Tni Bir.
WASHINGTON , May 21. Robert J.
Grelshton. special postal commissioner
for New Zealand , had a final inter
view with the postnmter general to
day in relation to the continuance of
the Pacific mill eorvlco between San
Francisco and Now Zaaland and
Australia , which , ho uaya , was qulto aa
satisfactory aa he could have expected.
The poatsflica department now thor
oughly understands the question and
V is fully impressed with the Importance
\ of the aorvica to the commerce of the
country. Althongh no promise waa
made Involving public policy , Orolgh-
ton la satisfied the terms of his riport
will decldo the New Zealand govern
ment to oontinno the service. Tbo
latest advices from the colonies , ho
Bald , Intimate grave donbta whether
Now Sjuth Wales would join in a
subsidy at all , but that would not in
terfere with the oonrao Now Zealand
would take in the matter.
pf cUl Dispatch to Tni UBB.
WASHINGTON , May 21. Ingersoll
resumed argument in the star route
trial to-day and made a bitter assault
on the character of Moore's testimony
and then ravlowed the testimony of
Rordoll. He referred to his affidavit
to James and MsoYoIgh , his pencil
memoranda , hla Ohlso Springs letter ,
hla oil if to pack the jury for the gov
ernment , his spying with the counsel
and furnishing a later affidavit. Ho
denied that culobntod red book ever
Glinted and pointed to R rdell'a ' con
flicting statements npon that Btbjeot
as contained in his affidavits. Ingor-
sell endeavored at some length to
demonstrate that Rardell had produced
a private book of his own and foisted
It off as ono of Doraoy's book. He
then took up the ovldenco of Witness
Glbbs and ha d not concluded his ad *
dress when the court adjourned.
Special Dlgpatchea to Tin Dn.
WASHINGTON , May 21. The presl
dent has appointed Richard L import ,
of Oa iforali , United States consul at
San Bias , Mexico.
The president will probably leave
Washington to-morrow afcormon for
New York , to witness the opmilng c-1
tin Brooklyn bridge. Hn will bu ac
companied by Folger , Oaandler , Ores
ham and Browater.
The regular annual conference ol
division auporlntondonta of the rail
way mall aorvica was organized at the
poa'.ofire department to-day. The
most important work of the conference
will bo the revision of railway mill
Tbo Irish In New York.
Special Dl patch to Tn Bu.
NEW YORK , May 21. The largo
hall of Cooper Institute was filled to
night on the ocoislon of the mooting
to ralfy the action of the convention
of Irish societies , and tor thenurpoae
of organizing the Irish Nationa
League of America in this city. The
interior of the hall w&a decoratoc
with American and Irish fl gs.
Among those present were Parnoll
Alexander Sullivan , president of the
Irish National League of America
Thoa. Brennan , aeoretary of ( ho
league in Ireland ; Ool. Frederick A ,
Oonkling , John Deroy , Patrick J
Sheridan , Dr. Wm. B. Wailaoi
presided. Alexander Salllvan urged
the Irish In America to earnestly
work for the objects In
view. Members of patriotic ,
benevolent and other organizations
wonld find the platform of the League
broad enough for all to aland on.
They need not abandon tholr own
apodal work nor permit it to bo inter
fered with. They need only enlarge
tholr work by embracing that cf the
League. Bronnan aud others also
spoke , Resolutions were adopted rn
doralnp the action of the Phlladelphli
convention , pledging support to the
National Longno and urging the Irish
to use all tholr Influence to diminish
the consumption of articles of English
manufacture In this country.
The Chicago Land Iioagno.
Special Dltpatch to Tim URB.
OHIUAQO , May 21. At n mooting of
the Third Ward Land League In thla
city yesterday atvcral spenkera de
nounced the action of the Roman
Pontiff. Patrick Melody nppearod to
voice the aontlmont of the 400prcsont ,
to judge from the applause : "Woon
the pope become.1 ! n politician , ho
should bo treated an such. "
P-itrlck Egan , ox troanuror of the
Irish Lit'd Leagnr , in touching npon
tha warning to the Iriuh clergy from
the vfltlciu , said : "I can only look
upon it in the light of an Iniult to the
common ciuso of the Irish people ,
aud ao it will bo regarded iu Ireland. "
The speaker declared that n few
years ago , when papacy waacoutidrrod
la danger , thousands of Ireland's ' sons
were ready to shod their blood in ita
dofonae , nnd the speaker waa among
those enrolled for "emigration to
Italy , " as the phrase wont , when the
nowa of defeat at Spolatto brought a
An Indignant Audlenoo.
Special DUpatch to TUB UBB.
CHICAGO , Mty 21. The Nowaaays :
Joro Dunn succeeded In creating B
small sensation nt the Grand opera
house last evening. The play was
"Monte Oristo"and James O'Neill
was in the midst of his priaon scene
frenzy. When the Immense audience
was almost breathless with intouao In
terest there was n Blight stir In the
lobby and whlsperd of "Dunn ,
who killed E.lhf't. The crowd
parted , and Nick R iberts , manager of
the company , marched in followed by
Jore Dunn , carrying hia' head mighty
high. Through packed people marched
this precious pair to the choicest seats
In the theater , in the lower right hand
opera box. The crowd in the lobby
looked with wonderment. Did Joro
Dunn alt with his back to the audlecca ,
screened by crimson plush drapery ?
No. Ho crowded to the very
front of the box ana gtzed
over the audience , and sat
there with the air of n king.
Meanwhile the ugly whlapor passed
round among the crowd , and inquiries
were made for the manager , Hamlln ,
and wonderment expressed aa to
whether or not he knew how Nick
Roberta had dared to Insult the mag
nificent audience by the parade of
Jero Dann. At the close of the second
end act Roberts and Dunn again par
aded through the audience , aud finally
passed ont Into the street. Intense
Indignation was expreased on nil sides.
Hamlln haa doubtless lost many
The Crook Campaign-
SpecUl Dispatch to TUB UBB.
ST. LODIS , Mty 21. An Indian
chief named Whlto Man , of the La
junta tribe , from the vicinity of San
Cirloa agency , who is ono of a party
of Indiana giving an exhibition hero ,
aaya General Crook will be successful
in hla campaign against the Apachea
iu Mexico. Ho says the chief known
as Ju , but whoae real name is Juan ,
Is a very able loader , haa aomo five
hundred warriors , including about
ono hundred renegade Mexicans , bnt
he will not be able to cope with Gan
oral Orook and the Mexican forces
Ho and hia band will aharo the fate
of Victoria and by exterminated. In
hla opinion , it ia only a question of
tlmo when thla whole band of
marauding , mnrdorona Apaches will
bo wiped ont of existence.
The Sufferers' Fund.
Special Dlsiitch to IIIB l ! t.
PHILADELPHIA , Mar 21 A meet
Ing of ciwZjua of the r.Ituf committee
waa hold to day for the purpose ot
mikkig some diapnnitlon of the unex
ud.'U baUuca ol ? 8 000 of thu fund
contributed for the r.'llof of auffjrurs
ay woetorn fl > > ndi , It waa decided to
appropriate (500 for the tnfforora at
Cincinnati nnd $1,000 for thoao in
hiulsvlllo. At apothitr meeting a
motion wna adopted to appropriate
the remainder of the fund to the relief
of suffers by Weatern tornadoes.
Raped bf Indians
Special Dtopatcb lain * Dn.
YANKTON , DikoU , M y 21 - Offi
cers from above b'lu.r the report tha
seven Indiana M B'ulo ago > c/ raped
n whlto , girl 15 ym M old , last week
A. deputy marshal losvoi here ) to
night to make arreati and h-iug the
parties to Yanklon for trl + l T < ti
penalty under the Uaitod S ittuUw
la death.
Crop Proi.pecti.
Bpcc'al DUpatch to Tun KB.
OHICAOO , Ma21. . The F tmor
RJVIOVV In Ita crop returns covering
the entire northweat &i > d auuthwcsi ,
will say injlta Imua to-morr- ; ' 'Win
tur wheat shonfj no linprovi inei.t. In
fact ita general oondiilou la not UH
promising as thirty daya ngx > . R-porto
of poor seed and corn not CJimug up
will continue qnlto general , uncl tht
present SORCOH pn mlaua to bo u re pi
tltlon o ! 1882. Spring wheat ureas arc
all doing well. "
Sale of Fancy Horici.
gpaclal Dlnpatch to Tin llis.
LEXINGTON , Ky. , May 21. The
annual aalo of Mr. Alexander Wood
burn's yearlings took place to-day
The weather waa bad , attendant
largo and bidding spirited. Price
were not satisfactory. Eighteen cell
brought $9.625 , and fittnpn fillies
$0,720 ; average price , | 4C5. The
beat prices paid were for chestnut
Holt by King Alfonso , f 1,380 , J. E
Kelly , Heir York ; bay eolt by King
Alu $1,100 , Goo. LorlHard
ohostnu. call by Glen Athol , f7'J5
Divyor Bros. ; bay colt by Lisbon ,
$1,300. Dwyer Bros. ; ohcatnut oilt
by King Alfonso , $81)0 ) , J. T. Wil
liams , of Kentucky ; chestnut colt by
Kino ; Alfonso , $805 , aame ; bay filley
by Pat Malloy , $800 , D. D. Withers.
VoMoli Wrcokci ) on Laba Mlohlea
Hpaoial DUpatch to Till Dil.
CHICAGO , May 21 , A storm of ox
traordlnary foroo prevailed on Lake
Michigan Init night and a number of
sailing vtBaola bound for this port
were wrecked , bnt the extent of the
disasters Is only yet partially known.
The chief disaster thus f\r reported is
that reported of n two-mantbd schoon
er , Jounlo liynn , lumber ladoii from
Muakogoe , and capsized while near
land about live o'clock thla morning.
The tnato swam for the shore tud was
roscue-d Johu Anderson , Captain J.
LVteraon , A. llolgcson and a man
i amodOhrlstiauB , sallorn , v\oro drown-
I'd. The schooner EKonOook , Cipt
WllllnmBboro down ou thn outer gov-
jrnmout breukr/Ater early this niorn-
ng , and the bro.iku-ater light having
either been extli'gutahod by the etorm
ir through neglect , of the llghthouao
cccpor to light it , baing placed ( n an
ixcoptloually exposed place , the
VLsaol wcs duvou ngulnat the
breakwater and afterward car
ried by the wavoi completely over
the obstruction Into the Inner harbor ,
where she soon water-logged. Pr.rtloa
susceedod in reecning the crow , with
ho exception of a young boy , Frank
Miller , who , Iu the cxoltomont , threw
ilmsolf overboard and WAIJ drowned.
Fho schooner Hnnry Berger , lumber
aden , from Ljdington , was also
Iriven against the bry kw.iter und
wrecked , but thn orow wasaavod.
CHICAGO , May 21. Midnight : Up
o thla hour no further loss ot life haa
> ccurrcd along the lake shore. Anuiu
> er of vessel * have been iojurod , but
nothing of a serious character la re-
lorted. The wind hai fallen very
natorlally and the danger la believed
o bo past , though wnvea couMnno
very hi.jh. Saturday night two men
and a boy were out fishing when
ho storm came op. They were
irlvon toward ahoro and managed
o climb of on the crib at the outlet
f Fullerton avenno conduit , a few
ards from the shore at the north
i.y limits , Sunday morning , and
were not discovered till to-day , when
a portion of the life-saving crew wont
o their assistance , but the surf was
o heavy it was Impossible to l nnoh
a life boat. All .attempts to rescue
hem were given np till the wavea
ubslde , and they will hnvo to paaa
nether night on the crib. They have
ncceeded in building a fire on the
vail , and aitdo from hunger are not
table to EUiTjr mnnh
DETROIT , May 21. Ono of the worst
nd dianuleat storms mingled with
now and rain that over struck eastern
llchlgiu raged all the afternoon and
venlug , accompanied by high wind.
Trnlt trees In blossom present a Berry
appearance. The effect of the storm
ipon fruit cannot yet bo predicted ,
[ 'hus far no disasters ara reported
rom Lakes Elo and Huron and it IB
loped thatfluiliclont warning was giv
CLEVELAND , May 21. Snow in Loan -
; an county tivo inches deep.
TOLEDO , May 21. Snow began
ailing here at noon to-day and at 3
> . m. it was still anowlug. About
hroo Inches on the ground.
A For wt Tire In Vevmant.
Special Dltpitch to TIB UBB.
Moim'ELiKit , Vt. , May 21. At
Grafton Pond , 3 mllea from here , on
the line of the Moutpoller & Wells
River railroadlaat Saturday afternoon
there waa the mitt destructive forest
fire ever known in Vermont. It
originated by burning brush
about noon , aud the wind blowing a
gale , the fLmas awept everything before -
fore thum. A large number of houjou ,
Jive stock and d reused lumber were
destroyed , arid m.inv families rendered
destitute' . Lnaa (20QiOO. (
7 he A pacha 'War.
Sprclal riipaich to 'iaa UBB.
DZNVEU , My 21 The El Paao
Tiuita ncjivcd the following from its
peclol correspondt'iir , dated Ohlhua-
lua , 11 a m , to da } : "Thoro la no
; rnlh iu the report of the killing of
ivo men near Suz Smtlon , on thu
Mexican C.intral railroad , no reported
here on Siturd.iy. No new * of the
military m v-uirnta in the Sierras has
aeon reciivid uthiadqaartora. Gen-
iral Fuero has not arrived ns yet , but
a i-xpected hero iu two or three days.
3real discontent ii expressed by both
Mexicans nnU A norlcans at the clrou *
atlon of unfounded reports as to the
killing by Indians. Travel la perfectly
safe. "
A New Railroad-
Up * lal DUpatch to TUB ii .
CUIOAOO , May 21 , The Inter-
Oacau'a Madison ( Wia ) special says a
ourtifhato of Incorporation Has Issued
to d y ' > hu Chicago , St. Paul Si
Norihcn Ptolfio railway , Tha rouri
m to bo C"iihtriictnd from Geneva ,
Win. , . tHd iiirthi'in b indaty ol
nor-hw rd to Ijjko Superior ,
Superinr Oi.y It will tiive r
britotiir , otio from GIIUVA to Mil-
w/trikuu nnd oiu f .m NJC ' ' 'nh ' KI >
p"lut > n Phr-fi o'Unty. T IH m n
jiiiti will bo 3 > ' 2 nil1'B ' "iif ,
hi. , . ! 180 .nll.H CiplUl
000 OOU
D HI ftori. / > n.wj il.
\ \ l ) > i'ui IHO rim lt
, \'IIW\IK K Muj 21 , Oif > hs ! port
last 1 ,1 < x o no ut v ill tht
ui' UM .K a yrt'Vl h'iar ationipied tt
riuch tt rh rt > tlunklnn ttint thw
Bohocmer w > u d f u idar Th y hrif
gone but itior dlntanco when tht
yawl oipMzd and ttiruo i f the crow
were dro iu'd. Tbu othbr.n clung t (
the bottcm of the boat and were
sivod thla uiornlug
A Stenm-r Wrecked.
Special DU ] atch to TUB BBB.
BC.NTON . Ma > 21 - The steamer City
ot P iut Annapolis for Boston went
whore on a bar off Ipawlck this morn
Ing and U now fnll of water andprob
abljr a total wreck. She had four pal
sengen , who , together with tbo crew
Iwere saved.
Preparations for the Coronation
of the Ozar Completed ,
Tho' Preaa Gang Accept the
Hospitalities of MOPOOW
Without a Murmur. '
The New Governor of Canada
Doings m the Commons ,
The Pupal Circular Renflitmoil
Arohblihop Crukn'iKeoeptloii.
Special Dispatch to Tux Um ,
Moscow , May 21. The special cm
basay , which will represent Franco n <
the coronation of the czir , Ina ttrrlved
boro. Windows from which u vi < w
tnay b3 hnd of the principal ooretuony
of thn day , coronation , are l"h
rented at priced ranging from 100 to
1,000 roubles each. The polfcjrcqalre
Dersona hlrint ; thorn to give rut-
afactoty evldenca ns to their
oharAOtor , and will permit no one to
occupy the windows until proof is fur-
niahtd that they have no suspicious
articlea on their person. They have
) ven forbidden the carrying of orangca
nto bulldlnga from which vlowa nny
) o obtained , a'o they fear nhnm Ht'tlcieg ,
contnitilng dynamite , nnd Inten'dod for
jonibi , may got into the houses and
30 used sgalnat the cz r.
MOBO < w , May 22. The emperor
nnd Muiprcaihuvo glvun n rooepti'jii to
the Bpeuul foreign ombasiloa hero to
ittoud the coronation. The woaMior
a fine. Tne city present ] a brilliant
and picturesque aoeuo. Many dole-
; atos hive arrived from Asia. The
louse of the governor la oavored
with garlands of roses , planti and
amps. Gfiud Duke Nicholas.Alei-
androvttoh hold a congress Monday of
representatives of the foreign press
at the Grand hotel. Wugonoff acts
as a klud of censor. A few proas
representatives availed themselves of
he hospitality of the government for
roe board nnd lodging.
Waganoff conducted the proas repro-
QLlatlvo through the cathedrals and
Kremlin paUoo , passing by a qnad-
r4ngl in the arsenal between Troltsa
and Nicolal gates , where hundreds of
ilroa of artillery taken from foreign
oos are arranged in rowr. The ban-
[ uotlng hall in the palace la nlrondy
ieckod with costly plates , chit fly gif.a
rom foreleg princea and also presents
ont by Qacon Elloboth nnd Charlea
ho II. In former years.
The decorations are nearly complete.
A pirt of the St. Petersburg road la
almost concealed by banting from
every window and housetop. Goats
of a tin 5 for every portrait , and mono-
grauu of the imparlal family nnd de
vices of welcome are displayed every
Special Dlgpatchci to Tui DIB. <
LONDON , May 21 , In the commons ,
this afternoon , Porter , attorney gen
eral for Ireland , in reply to the qnee-
Ion of Htrrington , member for
Moath , denied that Patrick D'Elany ,
ono of the Phoenix Park murderers ,
: iad pleaded guilty because of prevlona
irpnmont that hla life would bo spared
if ho would give evidenca to criminate
Timothy Kelly.
Trevelyan , chief secretary for Ire
land , states that the government in
tends to abolish the office of special
resident magistrate In Ireland.
The Dally News confirms the report
of the appointment of the Marquis of
Lansdowne to the governor general
ship of Canada.
LONDJN , May 21. The P ll Mall
Gazette states thit the governor-gen-
uralship of Cinada , In succession to
the Marquis of Lirno , waa offered to
Marqala Lonsdorne , who accepted.
L-iUBdowno will probably sail for Can
ada next October.
SiccUl Dispatch .0 TUB lin.
DUBLIN , Ma > 21. A memorial mon-
umunc to Burke , assassinated in
PhoPiilx park , waa placoo In position
in Gaanovln cemetery. The police
guard It. The magistrates orcclod the
The body of a ate ward named Qalnn ,
who haa been mlaslng for four months ,
was found In a lake near Caatlebar
with a hoary chain around his nook.
Thomas Sexton , M. P. for Sllgo , in
a epeoch to-day , referring to the
pnpa's circular to the Irish clergy ,
Bald the action of the Irish race in il
lation thereto would tend to perma
nent good of tno cause of reltgi
Sexton urged his heart H to avoid
using words that would postpone
reconciltattor , which ho wa anio
would noon bo established on an hen-
or.iblu b iiln between the Irish people
uinl the Vatlcin.
The fund for Parnoll now amounts
to 9 000. It has boon decided to
keep thrt rnbtcriptlon Us open until
50,000 uro railed. Saveral mooting ! *
ALTO ht-11 iu London yesterday at
vhich iipoala , for oubicrlptlona to the
fund were made ,
Spec al ll-iatch | i to lui HUB.
KKMK , Mt y 21Tho papal propa
i andriedaj.l A duppieinont l circular
vo IrittH biabopi enforcing the provl
HUB ti j inu'ltiua ai.d containing an-
nwors to DIHI y prloita who naked for
lulviui on uiattera of conaolonco ,
Thu propi anda will Rhortly issue a
circular quoting Cardinal Onllen to
ahow that Rome has always oppose :
seditious BHsoclatioua ,
PAIUS , May 21. There Is no fear
of n collision between Henry M , Stan
ley and De firazza , the former having
evacuated the certain position whlcl
ho had occupied under thr Impression
they were outside MakokoH territory
MoKTBKiL , May 21. A public din
ner la proposed on Dominion day , u i
demonstration iu furor of Canadian
BIUJK , May 91. The Tillage o
Nuonklrsohon waa totally destroyed
by fire to-day. The fruit trees and
wooden crosjta In the church yarc
were burned. The entire population
of 1 300 are homeless.
PAUIS , May 21 The Bo.callod
worklngmon'a cougresa , hold horn laal
evening , ended with a general fight.
Ono man waa stabbed and aovoral oth
ers , Including Jcfldrln , n member ol
the municipal council , othorwiao in
Aroubtthop Groko in Rome.
8j > rclal Dtnuttch to TUB lin.
BOSTON , May 21. A. apodal corre
spondent of Tuo Pilot at Homo ,
writing May 8 , says : "Tho report
circulated here , and which possibly
haa eproul to Aniorlo , to the effect
that the bishop of Cashcl , Ireland ,
Imd been summoned to Homo to be
submitted to reproof for bta conduct
In regard to the national movement In
Ireland ) la wholly devoid of foiinda-
ii ) . The foot is , Archbishop 0/oke
ban IICPU moat courU'onaly invited
itro ! - > ono whcflO ponltlon nnd
knowludgo given him apoclnl facllitira
"or Riiovrloi ; the condition of the IHnh
moplo. T > ie nUtouionta that Aich
l"p Orokn hud boon resolved uilh
dla'nii ' > i , nt I I'D propngandtt , nnd that
ssiblo hn mil lit bo dialled an nudi
encj wl Ii the pope , nto wholly nt
varlinro with truth. The direct con
trary is the cuso "
Boniioiui ; n Bud Firm.
SpiK-M uitiwr. u to Xiia DEB
NKW Yuitic , Mw 21. A special
uootlng of tlio stock cxohango was
leld to d-iy. TJO report of the com-
nlttfo appointed to make Investigation
f the chtrgoi made og.iinst ( ho late
inn of K"oiH'dy , Hutchlnou & Co. ,
> y john II Djft , w. a submitted. It
leld the chnrges were proved , nnd
oncluded by s.iyin : "In presenting
ho result of this Investigation , the
ommlttoo have no alternative but to
oport that In the mauacomont of the
co , u it of John R. Duff , Wm. J.
Intohlaon and Goo. II. Kennedy ,
imposing the late firm of Kennedy ,
lutahlnson & Co. , were unfaithful to
ho trust reposed in them , nnd were
ullty of improper practices. " The
eport was concurred in and the action
f the governing commttteo In ox-
iclliug Hutchlnaon WMI fully on-
oised. Under the Injunction ob-
alnod by him , Hutohluton will have
hn right the right to outer the ex-
han o and It IB not expected the In
unction can bo vacated before Goto-
) orcoxt. Meantime every effort will
> o made to test the rights of the
> oard.
Gompniiy in Pieces-
peclal DlsimUh tu TUB U i.
CiiiOAQO , May 21 The Catherine
jowls company wont to pieces here
\tnrday. 5 . The wardrobes and clFdots
were packed preparatory to shipment
o Now York , when BOIIIO members of
ho company who had claims , sued ont
a capias and took pcsicsaton of the
iroporly. To-day Mies Lawla * nd
tfixon , her manager , were arrested on
> ho cnargo of larceny , the cnmplalu-
snts alleging thatiho property packed
'or shipment belonged to them. In
default ff $200 ball they were re
manded to cuutody , and are prisoners
a their rooms at their hotel.
Ths Prnpoied Oil Tax
Special Dbpfttih to TUB tin
TITU.IVILLE , P * . , May 21 Raapec'-
ng the proposed oil tax , whfch is the
subject of so much agitation in the
oil trade at the prosbnt time , it iu estl-
niatrd by competent parlies that ita
ff c. would ba to oinot 20 per cent ,
if the ( > rois oarnlngaof the plpo lines
n addi ion to the regular grosa earn-
ngs tax which they already pay , and
a very burdensome1. Such an unpre
cedented exaction then moans ooufioa-
Ion , for no corporation could survive
t. Itamanstrnnoea and letters are go
ng forward to the Benato , and the op
position will demand a hearing.
Oalclaud'i Myjtory-
Special DIspUcli to f uu 131 .
OAKLAND , Neb , May 21. Mike
Carry , of Bancroft , had a fine pair of
gray horaoa , a bugjF and robea stolen
on Saturday night last. Thla morning
the outfit complete waa found loose In
acornfiold belonging to Win. Erlck-
son nosr here In u completely ex
hausted condition , having evidently
9uen driven very fast. No trace la
ifc of the "wicked man" who ao tin-
coremonloajly left thla part of the
country nor dooH anybody surmlso the
: anfto of tholr sudden departure.
The weather haa finally settled and
; ho farmers are bnay and 'ho town
very quiet , F.
A Grime Against Nature-
Special DlKpatch to Till llll.
OLSVKLAND , Ohio. My 21 Julia
-Huoiiuio , a beautiful young woman ,
aa married on her dying bed on
Wjdnusduy to 0 , W. Seymour. Fri
day the died , Sunday aho waa burled ,
and to-day the body waa exhumed by
order of the coroner. An autopsy
waB hold , evidence of abortlm discov
ered , and Seymour and the midwife ,
named Sylnla L Webster , are nnd r
arrest , charged with complicity in her
"Who-n thn Optom CoruoB From
Special Dt l > ttcb to TUB UM
OIIIOAOO SI j 21. The opium done
continue to rtculvo attention from the
local proas , which haa demonstrated
that opium smoldug exists hero and Is
on .ho lucres A vlalt to acveral
retail drua atoreb revealed thu fact
that , txo pt In rare occasion * , China-
m n dt ) net apply at the countora for
opium. They expU-ln thia tip n the
asanmptlon that their prices are too
high ; that O'llnamon , btlng aa good
jniigea of opium ai tluy , and buylnt ?
as largo quantltleB , can got as good
prices from wholesale housoa aa tha
druffutflta gat. A vldt to three or four
wholesale houses elicited various
abatements. One did not sollatall toany
ex jept they were known to bo drug-
glats. Another had no calls for opium
by Chinamen. A third admitted thai
the firm sold opium to Chlnaci n , bo'
believed , as the quantities bough
were small , that they only supplied a
deficiency , and that the balk of the
opium au4 la Ihe dtna WEBM dliee
from San Frsnolsco importers to Ohl-
nnmon in thia city. * * 'A visit to the ex-
prrsa oflioea revealed the fact that
Chinamen receive largo number of
small boxca by oxproaa from San
Frnnoltco from tlmo to time. A phy
sician pretty well informed aa to Chi
nese movements atated that consider
able onluui came by oxproaa in the
form of an extract , while much of the
aamo goods waa loft hero by traveling
Ohlnoao paddlora from San Francisco
importing homes.
The Sontmtton of the Hour ot Dixltl-
moro-Killed by o Oruzy Man.
JUI.TIMOUK , Md. , May 17 There
la the greatest cicltcinunt In social
o'rclos ' hero to-day over the terrible
tragedy yesterday nt Uehnont , the old
t'stnto of the Ilutmqn family in How
srd county , near Ilchcstpr , Md. For
ever n century the mnpnlfiaont old
mansion has been in the linnaon
family , nnd hits been noted for the
sonorous hospitality there dispensed.
Adjoining this elegant estate la that of
Mr. Ohnrlon llldgely Whlto , the violin
lin of 0. Edward iltnaon'a terrible
crime. It ia also a beautiful spot
or over seventy yoara the manor of
his prominent family.
At the ohibr , In the hotels , iu the
> nnka and on 'Change , the madman's
lorrlblo crime ia the one topic of con-
'orsatlon. To-day your corroapond-
nt had an Interview with the crazy
nan nt the j.ul at Elllcott City ,
'oung Ilanaon appeared calm , though
ila conversation was rumbling nnd
noohcront. When naked why ho
lllud Mr. Whtto , hla old friend , ho
nswerod , aa hla oyoa dished and ho
> oonuiooxolt i ( ' :
" 1 klll-'l it tu because ho killed my
later M , nnd I promised my
mother on hur deathbed that I would
evongo Mary's death ; and then again ,
yon know , I killed him bocanao ho
rna king of the northern Masons , and
prince of the southern Masons , Ho
mltatod the iUsh of my oyoa , nnd
rlert to make the people bollovo ho
waa Nod Hanson. Now that I have
tilled the old man , I intend to kill
ho boys. "
Ho meant the sons of Mr. Whlto ,
who were his warm friends and com-
inuiona. The sister that ho aaya Mr.
Vhlto murdered died fifteen years
go of consumption. Insanity runs
n the Hanson family , and ono of hla
latora waa for a long tlmo Innano
What makes the tragic affair mote
lorrlblo la the faot that the murder
was wltnoasod by Miss Jennie Whlto ,
ho 18-year-old daughter of ho old
; outloman , and also by Nod Hanson's
Istora. Mr. Whlto had waited some
Imo for Mr. Hanaon to return homo
o BOO him on business , but aa ho did
not como the old man bid the ladies
; ood-by nnd told hla daughter ho
rould rotnrn tor her llati > r In the day ,
iho and the two Misses llan-
on stood on the portico in front of
ho main entrance to the mansion to
eo him leave. Aa ho crossed the lawn
jolng to his carriage ho turned around
idowaya , and aa ho waved hla hand
n a parting salnto to his daughter ,
Elanaon stole stealthily ont of a side
door , and , wlth a huge carving'knife
n hla left hand and the pistol In his
right , oropt up in the shade of some
old oak trees till within few foot of
the old man , nnd then sprang ont on
the lawn and fired. "Yea , you killed
my sister ! Now I kill you ! " shouted .
ho madman as ho fired again , and then
ushed npon hla dead victim and cut
lis throat. Mies Whlto fainted away
at the right of the terrible apeotaolo ,
and la now lying seriously ill from ner
vous prostration.
As Hanson haa never boon violently
naano before there are many raystorl-
IDB rumors about the iffilr. Mr.
iVhlto's son's said to day that they
were confident Hanson would never
lave killed tholr father had ho not
> oen crazy. There had never boon
ho slightest disagreement between
.ho . two families , Mr. Whlto waa n
cousin of the present mayor of Balti
more , and of cx-Unltoi States Senator
William Piukney Whyto. Mr. Han-
son's grandfather , Alexander Oonteo
Hanson wan prominent In the revolu
tion of 1812 , nt that tlmo editing the
[ federal Republican of Maryland.
Mr. A. 0. Hanson's grandfather waa
appointed by the Maryland legislature
a member of the revolutionary con-
, 'roes , and afterwards became pros- !
lent of the congress. Ho stood high
u the confidence fit Washington , re
sided a long tlmo In his family , and
waa his private secretary for some
Special Dlpatct i to TUB liii.
Mrs. 1) . Uenlley , daughter of the late
Senator Hill , died from Injuries received
ast Friday In Jumping from ft runaway
jnguy In AthnU
The exesutlve council of Massachusetts
iaH eranted pardon to Ohan. P. Stlckoner.
be frail HIver defaulter , whose tflrin would
lavt ) expired limitation in 30 day a.
.Tumen OoHenm and 0 OTKO Kvann went
into the Salt Spring uilne near Willce * .
lurrt , with naked lamps. An exploclon
followed KvaiiK waa torn to pleceH. The
jodv of O illoram was riot recovered.
Win Mftinn , proprietor of the Macon
machine works at Tutmton , Maes , , the
iargoat n > l most coinp ete In tb country ,
U dead , -Kdl 70
( Juptftlu Huiid nn'l mate , TIIOB. Tender ,
of the fteainer trnplc , were Indicted at
I'hllado'i'lna 'or carrying aienand ammu
nltlom of war iutn lluytl.
A boiler "xploalon oecti'red in the new
Wolverine pupcr inl I , Detroit , demollnh-
ItiK i ho bulMlnt ; . Tlia shock of the oxplo-
ilon was felt ninny litooka woy. Win.
' tba tntltiHOt Instantly
'lli'impton , , was
liilled. The fireman will die. L ma about
$ 0.000 ,
Mrs Uhlor , who fi nred no coniplcunus.
ly In tlio UoiikllnK-lUveratlok tragedy In
New York , haa left llino , Nov. , for Now
Conurotnlntlnij Dnnn.
grwrlal Dllpatch to TUB UB >
CUIOAQO , May 21 Dnnn , the murderer
dorer f Elliott , has on exhibition
toleprama of congratulation from Jas
K. Ojlller , of the Union Square the
ter , Now York ; Qua Wllllama an
MoKeo Kankln.
Kblpplntc New * .
IpMlal Wipatch to Tn BIB.
NcwToBK , M y21-.Arrlved , Art-
on * ( rom Liverpool ,
Tlio PresbjtGrlan Bodies of the
North and South Gradually
Doming Together ,
The Assemblies Now In Session.
Ready to Embrace and
Make Up.
The IintlierAnSyuodn and tbo T. ]
CA. .
Tba PrcBbyterinnABiembly.
Special DKpatch to TUB UBB.
SAHATCOA , May 21. The general
assembly of the Presbyterian church
thla morning appointed a committee of
nlno , headed by RJV. Dr. Humphrey ,
to confer with the aouthorn general as
sembly. When n telegram was read ,
from the soul horn assembly , express
ing hope cf n reunion , the members
roioand joined In flinging the doxology -
gy with great enthusiasm ,
The proposal amendments to chap
ter 1 , book of Dlaclpliuo , were all ap
proved , The distinctive torma "pri
vate nud public olTonooa" were stricken
out nud the chapters consolidated.
On motion cf Ginso the following
committee on higher education were
appointed : Rov. Drs. Howard OrosUy ,
Ucrrlck Johnson , U. D Ganso , W.
0. Young , Elder * S. J. Kirk wood , 0.
0. Morris and T. M. Strong.
Ofliolal telegrams were received from
delegates to the
southern general as-
aombly confirming the tcrma of iho
private ono received from Rsv. Dr.
AmotidmontB to the Book of Discip
line were again considered. On mo
tion of Dr. Horrlck Johnson all pro
posed amondraentn to which now
amendments are offered , were referred
to a special committee to bo appointed
by the moderator , Rov. Dra. E.
Kcmpshalla , H. Johnson. E. U. Cra
ven , 0. Hawley , W. 0. Young , Eidera
H. 0. Van Vort , U. P. Effioger , G.
H. Shields and W. B. Nugloy wero.
appointed as such committee. Read
ing of the report was resumed. The
now chapter 3 was referred to the
committee. Pending discussion of the
proposed amendments to chapter 4 ,
adjourned ,
Union Overture-
Special Dlnpatch to TUB BIB.
LEXINGTON , Ky. , May 21. On re
assembling at 3 p. m. , the following
telegram was rend :
SAUATOOA , May 21 ,
To the General Aiscrably In lenlon at Lexlng-
ton :
Thn following action was taken this
morning :
RESOLVED , That a committee of
seven bo appointed by thla general
assembly to confer with a similar com
mittee , If It shall meet with the
approval of the aeBombly of the
Proibyterlun ohnroh of the United
States now in session in Lexing
ton , in regard to any pinna
or methods of co-operation in any part
of the great work that the Master has
laid npon his servants , and which it
might iippoar could bo moroeffjctually
accompliahod by cordial and friendly
than and independent
co-operation by separate
dependent action ; that these commit-
.teoa report the result of their deliber
ation to their rospcotlvod assemblies
In 1884.
Attest : W. H. ROBERTS ,
Permanent Clerk.
The remainder of the afternoon
session waa apont In discussing the .
proposed change In the constitution
touching the education of minister * .
The Lutheran Synod-
Special Dltpatch to TUB UBB.
Si'iuNoriELD , 0. , May 21. The
Evangelical Lutheran general synod
waa occupied to-day in receiving and
hearing reports. The secretary's re
port showed Increased business. The
rcoelptaaro much in cxceas of former
years. The board of publication has
In progress a history of the Lutheran
church in America and a translation
of Kostlin's "Life of Luther. " L jr-
Ing the corner atone of tlio now
Wittenberg college building was post
poned on acoonut of a BIIOW atorm.
The synod expects to adjourn Tuesday
The Lutheran Mlnlsterlnm.
peclal UUpatch to TUB UBB ,
NOHBIHTOWN , Pa. , May 21. To-
ay's session of the Lutheran minis-
erlum waa devoted to the reception
f committee reports. The report of
ho committee on methods of pro-
eedlng In the Preotlon of new somi-
lary buildings , rooommoudlnp the
ppointinont of an agent to collect
unds , waa freely dlicuaaed. Preatdent
A. Slesj warmly advocated the ro-
iirt , * nd said the movement for the
reollou of a now seminary ought lo
.t ouoo beoomo popular. He waa op-
Mned , however , to the nppointmont
f an agent , on the gronnd that the
icoplo generally do not welcome
hutch baeaara. The report waa re-
erred back to the committee for
rnondment Many ministers and
itlegatM appeared on the floor of the
ynod to day for the first time ; others
uvo ijono homo und will not return.
TheY.M. O. A-
poclal Dltpatch to TUB UBB.
MILWAUKEE. , Miy 21. The dele
gates to the Y M. 0. A. International
jonvontlon held the closing oonfor-
mioo thin evening at the residence of
J. II. VauDyko , to discuss plans for
erecting a building for the association
u this city. Halt of the delegates
lave already gone from the city and
the others leave to-morrow.
Returned to "Work.
Special DUpttch to TUB UBB
PITTSDOIIU , M y 21. Nearly all
the railroad coal miners returned work
to-day at a 3 cents mining rate , pend
ing the settlement cf the wacjea ques
tion by the operators' and miners *
trade * tribunal. About 4,000 minim
returned to work ,