Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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Have the Lnrgost Stock and Choicest Piittorus of
Ever Brought to the City , and at
O " 'W'3E8 : E& 3E 3E8,3C C5 3EB
than ever offered in this vicinity ,
t i 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
_ *
The lollomln arc the t'nici Of arn\al anil de
Fartureoltr tn < Ircm the lom dcp tj. Tftt
the ttalnitirt frjm tha U ) ! o i 1'a lib ilopot
about tcu ra ui'tcs o.r Icr linn ho uw utited ,
jndorrUoftt the .cpot almiit to i minutes later.
TrMcson piol llnco and It. c , ru i on 0 I n O
time , a linlf hour fixitir than local \Vabaah
tnlcs run on 9t LouH "no , twenty ml itt o
Iwtor thAT Iocs . t' ' , 1' . and Mucoln tralui run
aii Council HluiUtimc.
Ucinrt. Arrive.
Atlantic fcxt..5 0nin I Pnrino nxt..9lt : ! im
Kxttnd Mall" . . 825 a in 1 > and Mall * . . OA.1) P ra
D. Molncs ao'.7:15 n m | OPS iiolntsac.l10 ; p in
Depart , Arrive.
Athntlo l'.xt..5-3flpin Pacific Kxt..D:20ni :
Mail and Kx.9'Unm : ' Mail and ha'.7:00 : p m
N. V. Kx 6-IOpm Neb & Kaj E.0lO : a m
Dcpait. Arrive.
Albntlc Ext. . S 11 p m
IU1I an i K.9 Maru Mr.l and Cx.n:15pru :
Accom ( Sat ) . S TO p ra Acioiu. ( Won. ) l:4&pm :
'OS AND COUhClb BLUrTf ) .
Drpvt Arrive.
Mall and Ex. . . i Wi I Kxnreii S.tlS
A tu ra
. _ . p
_ _ . .
> i. * . _ _ 'm . -l. I * . . -
oflaad 2x.ll O ) m. CrirlinJ Kx , . < :00 : p.Jm.
Clnuoln Kx..llUMa. m. lenvcri ; ' : . . .K-.OOa.n ,
Denver Kx..7Wp. : m Local Ex O'JO a. ra.
Local Ex . . . .7v : a m. " Kx 9iV a. m
EmlKrant..520p. : m. " Ex . . . .C'OO r. . tn.
Dep-vrt. Arrive.
Mall and Kx. . 0:15 : a m I Mall and Kx. . f0 p ra
Cannon Ball. . 4PO : p in | Cannon Uall..11:05 : a m
Depart. I'triPIC.Arrive. .
or Sioux Clty.7Mam : Frm Sioux t ! y.0:50 : p ra
or Fort Nlobrara. Frin Fort Nlobrara ,
Nch * 7:55 : am Neh 'C.M p in
For St. Paul. . .7:10 : pin From St. Pval B.M .v ra
Loiv o Oounc'l ' lllulTs Arrives Council liluHj.
Ualland Ex.lJUaii : > I Mail and Kx--'iilVOpm
Atlantic Kx..B5tTiii : | | Atlantic Lx.9:10 : a ra
LeaveaOmahi. Arrives at Omaha.
Mall and Kx.7:15 : a m I Paclllc Ex laMSaru
Atlantic Ex..13:10 : p m | Mall and Ex.7-25 p m
Except Sumlaj 8. fEzccpt Saturdaya. JExccpt
Mondaja. ( Dally.
Council Blutts Si Omaba Street B. B.
Leave Council Bluffs. Leave Omaha.
8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a to , B a m , 9 a ra , 10 a m ,
11 a m , 1 m , 2 p m , 3 p 11 am , 'pra , 2pm , 3 p
m , 4 p m , S p m , U p ra. ra , 4 p m , 5 p ra , 6 p m
Street cars run half hourly to the Union Pacific
Depot. On Sundaj the cars hc ln their trips at
0 o clock a. m. , and run regularly during the day
at 9,11 , 2 , S and fi o'clock , ana run to city time s ;
OMAIK AMI COL.NCIL Ua'Kfs , May 12 , 'eJ. f
Arravg nunts luvo been made for the
Loading in Chicago Daily
Of one or more cars with
Tho-o cirj w 11 com through to doltlnatlon
wlttuu ! s oppui , ' . Qiiluk timu'lj thorihy loued.
PleaaocrJer ysu goods vli 0. 11. & CJ , U. 11.
A. B. WEST ,
Wo3te'ii Agents , Lay'ayotto , Indlani. EB
Of all kind ? .
Tre coQterf 1 C'R are liitfrchaniri"iblo and r
verslblo. It patents thu counter from ru inn
oter , icqulrl a no hod s lUeners
Ihe agency fir these KO.'di inthli lOA'alu
bs'ii placed a I'hllip ' Lanu1 ! !
C ! h r-icanno ; procure them.
. . _
C ll and'tam'i ' e a lull Imcf I.rathranl
Ciidej" Huhber lijot ) an t Sn oj with ttio IU-
% en.boHcol. ! l-IIU. ! . ' I.ASO ,
inlS-Siu Omaha , .N'eb.
A. -SIMPSON. - .
ItOO and till Dodge Htrwt ,
ngV.mo6m OMIIU , NIB ,
filaukee & St , Paul
l no * running Hi PAS ? EXPRESS T1LUK3
Pnlimn's Hagulfljsont SJospars
AND Ttltt-
Fiuest Dinrng Oars in Ihd World-
Or to any palntjoeyond , or
Take the BEST KOUTK , tha
i'liioap ' , MilwwkBB&8i ; . PaulR'y r
C * I * *
I'lckct office located In Paxtoi Hotel , at cornet
Farn&ra ana Fourteenth etrei'tB and at U. P. Do
jiot and l M'.llard Hotel ,
fiTSoo Time Table In another column ,
K.A. . NASH , ( Jciion ! A.-ent.
0. H. FODTE , Ticket AKcnt , Omaha.
Oetif ralMaaaKer , General Pass. Agent.
OencilSur * . Am'tflm * M. Acs
ti RAT'HFUt *
"I y t trioroni'h snowede ! cf the D tnrul hwi
. . .ilch govern the opcrr.tlcnn of dl ortloo act !
.lUtritlOD , and by a careful application of tb >
'Ire properties of well ockciod Cocoa , llr.
Kppo nas pjovlded our brtakfust hl ( l ) with r
lolicately flavored beverage which ici y eave u
x ny heavv doctcru' bills It lo by the Jndlclow
ic of such artlclts of diet that a conetltnttoi
iay be gradually built up until stroiie cnonut
i icslet very ton lencj to dlao3e Hundtcdi
, - . lubtle maladioa are floating around ns rjnc1 }
vj attack wherever thsre Is a weak polnl. Wi
aiay es\va many a faUl Rhatt by hooping out
tlveswell fortifled with pure Hood nd a prof
crly nourished fr me. " C'lvll Service Gai , "
JUa o almply with bolllns ; water nr rollK
n Hne only U-lh " (1 ( lb ) . bJ' Oroceru , labeled
noma opatt lo
J.i. l' ondnn
Cor , Water and Congress Streeti.
CAPITAL , - - 8400,000
SURPLUS , - - 6 1 00,000 ( (
Transacts H general C. nl < i B ) U6ine 8. Ke-
ceivei the accouuta of Banks , liankora and
others. Draws Foreign Exchange and
makes Cable Transfers la Europe and Tel
egraphic Transfers of Money throughout
the United States. Buy * and cells Gov
ernment aud other Investment Securities ,
and executes any bmlnoffl for Ha Oorro1
spondcnts In the line of R-u > lluK ,
ASA P. POTTEF President.
J. J. EDDY , Cashier.
J. W. WORK , Ass't.Cashler.
Benius Rewarded ,
OR ,
Tlio itwy of tlio Sawlos Machlno
A handome llttlo p-vinphl t , Muo ani told
cover wltb numerous en r vliua , will be
to any adult porso'i cillln for Ik at any branch
or auu-otKce of thu Hinder Ma infvctur uf Cjm-
panyor'vlll basalt b mnli , poit-p-vld. to any
prrjon living at a d stance from our oillco.
Th8 Singer Manufaoturing Co. t
* ' > I'riocip-il Oflico , ' 81 Union Sijuaro
N1SW Y011K.
- 1're Idont Vl < o I'rcb't.
W. S. HKiallKN , Sfc. aulTreis.
Lincoln , Neb ,
Corn Flant rs Hnrrows , Farm Rollers
Sulky Rakes OucVet rlevatlr g Wlndmll s
We are prupaiol to do Job work and manufic
turliiLfnr other panics ,
A < Jdie s all ordeis to th"
L'ncoln , Neb
The Natural Mineral ,
From nirrcsborn on tlie Khlnn
FKF.D K IIOU.K.S'l > EU It CO. , Bole art irthe
U. H. and Canals , 119,117 , lit ) hlui St. , i Hew
Id. A23Sm
There seen.a to bo ti Isck of oiitcr-
prl o and llft' try on thppart f f the
alujtle jroung HHM of tl > * city In rcjnrd ;
to cscorllcg tidies Tiii ; - to rtmdy
out ni h to } * ! ( { bi ut the clinroh
atopa rtiui sm th/ f > < rl.i hoir.e , hut lire
i iifb tn dett tr > ut fv'l ii thu imitlci
n'lt ! t > iili ] { ; thi'Ir Judy friends to public
fvlu'riiigs In RU opou , ninuly way.
T.'i.y Bui'iii aibo to plum tuoh gnllier-
l"ga as rcq iirn cash nt thu door. Such
li > brief eoeiim HI ho thu belLf i f einno
of the ytiri , ' l&d'oa ' , uvo i how d their
IndejieiiduicH niid ( I'Urtnin.ICMI not
to B'sy nt hniui l > j fofinir g n > my uf
nbnnl twenty ( ho i ihtr c'-pjii.g ! ml
e"li g to tl'o t'.ioiY by thfiii ilri *
Pile jnnug f Iow : < ! nintt hav , f.l > n
llttlo HsliBuiec < in uco 80 uii'y
looking Rira wlUi no uiaic.iih.iu CD
Jaunt Wn'l.wv ' , who llvi i ' , ? nr t o
H-ck 1 I'M ' d ti ui ' ' . Uonsp , wno nrron'd
Sv.j.rday nf'ortoon , charged wih ,
n-aanlt lu oomT.'i ' mardnr. TUP com-
plnlmnti u-.n-n Hiitio Oalhotin nrd her
otster , Ulizi M , C lhoiir > . two
wh. ilv l-i thHtlclt. . ! . y , and
whn ny lm. V ' iliort ) ha * ftnruycd
h -in ennor " ii'ous ' , bnt that on
Kr lv r > gilt i > M c > injr hroicnbjtst
0 nVock 1m c'.iM ' < d thoni with n
Imtolinf. and that ti > y wi r ? afrnid he
wouid kill thciv. It gfcms that Wnl-
UCP , vh-n he ' a ltttlt whisky on
hoard , trijta rnht ; r crt ; : > d and Out
thm the nii.'ijhb > rs oonsldor hint dan-
crora Th > HHHO wna pf 'or n hoar-
hit MI n'lcy " ' ( ' -i'lng ' at 10 o'clock bo-
foil *
A trup Iron ined'olcy ' , bjnrflolal t
t..o yourg SB Tre'l ' S3 the o' < i who rot
or from nygpoj ula , oto , Is Urovfn'a
f run 1J ttors
Goo. A. Artnutrout ; , < 'f Doa Moiticj. Ta. ,
spoclnl nnont for the New York Under
wiilers In urn30 cotnpai y , > | .ont Sunday
ntthoOgdou , The cmiipniy is ropteient-
cd hero liy the uoll IMJOWII Insurance
ogoney nf K A. Becker , which is . - , guar
antee. I hut the company will Ret its full
share of Cjuneii 15 ulfi iuMir.uicr , for IM
in a runner ,
Dr. VirA lfculloc , a pradualo cf
the v ouncil Bluffs high Bchool ,
Inn fmi'hed with honor hla med
ical rourto in New Yotk city , nnd has
been [ uipniutrd rcpidtnt surgeon of St.
Joseph11 hospital tit Patterdun , N. J.
Mr. < } . U. Wood , fonnerly of tli3 firm
of Bixv.y & Wood , of this city , uow iloiug
buslno t in Oinahn , crowd the river jea-
teirtay to iutcrvievv hi ) host ot friends in
this city ,
Bob Hqriii , tlm impioisiblo and Irre-
> Bta'jlc , of Missouri Vullcy , wns in to Bto
the circus Batuidny , nuit proniitoa to rc-
tutu f ir the ti\cen next week.
Mim Nellie McOrarj- , daughter of
Judke McOraty , ia visitinB her cousins ,
Mr * H G , Strlpo aud Ml-m Miller , of
this cily ,
W. J. llmcock , of the American os-
prcai company , returned from his Denver
trip Saturday , rvccoinpnnied by hii wife.
C. Ii. Kennedy , nn Attorney nt Canton ,
Neb , was ia the city Sunday.
W , F. Sapp , jr , ha ° ) returned frotn Chi
Frank 13. Stone , of Chicago , took Pit-
clfic bouse rations over Sunday.
S , T. ShrotF , of Cedar Rapids , spent his
Sunday in this metropolis ,
P. P. Kelly aud family , of Glenwood i ,
&re at thu Pacific ,
K. G. liutcher , the well known Co-
nmnclie turfman , arrived at the Pacific yes
lion. Ja , G , D. > y , of the eupremo
court , arrived In the city Saturday.
Hon. D. Dunt , of Avoca , spent Satur
day in the city ,
D. A. Williams , proprietor of the City
hotel , llnrlan , waa In the city ever Sue-
F. G. Wallace , of Pittsburu , and J. L.
Henry , of Cleveland , are at the Ogden ,
Chief Toiupleton , of the fire department
ment , wan a little bettor yesterday , but
still quite ill
C , H , Ainsworth , of Avoca , took his
Sunday dinner at the Ogden.
W. D. Phillip * , of St. Louis , spent Sun-
day r.t the Ocden.
K. U. Ksty , of Cleveland , Ohio , was
among yeaterday'd ntrlvnli at the Ogden.
J. F. Kratze , of Btichnell , 111. , is at the
L , Daubaum , of Fremont , Neb , , was at
the Ogden yesterday.
Henry VOBH , of Omaha , took a brief
Sunday trip ( ho Bluff * .
Thomas PretCott , of Milwaukee Is at the
Pacific ,
George HIchardson , of Missouri Val
ley , spent Saturday in this city ,
Hob llnrrin , of Missouri Valley , was lu
town Saturday.
WHKATNo. . 2 spring 85cj No. 3 , 70
rejected fj.'ic ; oed demund.
( JOHN - Tfioro is not i-tioiu'li corn coming
in to make n market ; dtnlern pnyiug 3Sc
upc.t ] ct cum Ohir. jo ; , fil c ; now mixed.
55.- ; white corn , 03 : . The receipts of corn :
are Hi tit.
OATS Si'arco and In good demand ; 85.
HAY ( i ( X7 ) 50 per ton , 31 per halo.
JlYK lJi4-ic ( ) ( ; lijht supply ,
COIIN NU-\i < I 25 per 100 poiuida.
WoulJood supply , pricuj ot yardrf
COAL Delivered , hard , 1100 per ton
loft , fi 50 per ton ,
J5UTTKH ( ! oid Imttcr Bcirce und In fall
demand at 2o'C'3"cj croAiiiery , ii5o ,
Kooa-Uoady uule ami plenty nl
10'ollc per dozen.
hAHD Fairhank1 ? . wholesallns f\t lSii
I'OULTKV Firm ; doilern ijaylu < 13o per
, pound fdr ttuko/8 and lOo for chickens.
, , VEUBTADI.IES I'utat ec , 50o ; onlonn , fie
- call iKCh , BOftr ; lOo per dozen ; apples , 26U
@ 3 50 pur barrel.
City Hour from 1 CO to 3 40.
linooua 'J 00i$3 ( 00 per duzeu.
CATTLE 3 00 3 50 ; calvea 0 00@G 60.
HOCIH Murkjt for hogd cjulet , BJ 50.the
packing houae * are cloning ; Bhlppora i are
paying C OOJu 0 75. _
Vnlunblo nnd Conv ulf nt ,
known IH an admirable remedy from Iron
- chills , llnarnenosfl , Cough * aud uthe
troublea uf the Throit and Lungs , They
contain no hurtful IngrodleatH , hut may n
all times be tiled with iifety , .VoW only
in loxti i'rlce 25 oenti ,
Tlio Great Knookor Otib Sizes
Down tlio Bngl sliiuau.
In Reply Thereto the British
Liul Averts Ho Cnn Wipe
the Floor with tao
Uoutou Boy.
Huw tlio Uiiilutrii Iioolc
Ken York Joututl.
The desperate encounter between
Mr .lohn L Sullivan , of Union , rud
Mr. Ohurlia MUchtll , if K ig.and , to
the Mrtdium Square Oarooii un M.i -
day uvciilng iraa jtattiduy .l > i > topic
lu poli'u aprrtinx noololy nad , pu il-
Ittlo nlrc'.uj. The I'lolteniOiJt ovur iLu
event will bo prolonged for nnuy
diyp. : The American cliaui li > n i.rje
from hid rouo'j ' at nil early ) i 'iir , and ,
nfter a light brcikfAat , rocultia vln
tora in hia drawing rooiu ilj
that thu chfcinpiiijiii ) of tlio p.ovuut
hiid doi.o hltu ninru Inrin
tne blorta which iho E i iUU lnii
dealt him , Ho crnclycB'y ' inpiid a.
Iftljj' ouUti'iui of (1 ( nftM i-'euntod ti
him by tno HJFJ. linn i rd A > r a.ft
When the latter oatd , "Dd the
racket tur.i h'out na yon h'expictodi' ,
tlio champion In his usually courtly
style resptmdutS , "Well , Uiriny , T
dldr't exp et to go' lift , , nnd don't
you forput It "
Mr Sullivan thou lay back lu o
Lui'a ' XlV , chnir unit ep ko i\3 fol
low 6 , according tn the i Ilieiai s'ono-
grnpher : ' ' 1 duu't think AluohnK is as
jjod us Tug Wilaon , lla te oortuiuly
uot bettCT. I road in uo p ura that
ho i > rovuu hlnnoif bettur than Tug ,
lull 1 don't btllovo overj'ihtug 1 coe lu
thu p.ipore. An I did n U Witness the
aff-ur mycclf 1 tun tllor no opinion iu
regard to 1U uitrits" At thia his
hoarutslMightd , aud Mr. I'dtor McOoj
Hccidontally oid'jrod chainpaouu for
the p rty.
After a "Loro'a good lusk , " Mr.
Snl'ivau resumed , "Miiohcll tn not BO
nard liittor ai lia la roprodoiUud t
u. 1 could hnro used htm l
bat I didn't want to hurt h 1,1
uhccriug ojI'.itsy 8hcp.trJ ( ] I au
willing to nt.ind up 1 < tchjll
nnd not uao my huude , und lii b - toO
? oO lo 5100 thrtt ho cui'i linojk mo
down with u blow of his Cut.1' Mr.
SiiUlvun then brought his tint dotrn
upon , u plio of bric-n brae and colooni-
ly doolarod that under no circumstan
ces vriiuld ho over n aln outer thu
priao rlrg. Ilo had secun-d thu In cat
in thu world in B aton , and
proposal to ' 'knock out" utuken In
tlmt rog.trd. Mr. iSullivan wao for
merly a bastbill player lie hau on-
into HII Qgruemout to pitch for
thu Metropolitan club in & imno noun >
to bo called un the Polo groundu.
The Hon. William Muddou itnd Mr.
Ohnrlos M itcholl raumluud In thulr ro
apaotlvo bondolra during joatorday
Thu Ilou , Mr. Maadoii ia a uian of
buainosaand "tivlka bualnesa "
ho , Uu
aald thitt the rccolpta at the Garden
were 811,000 , of which Mr. Su.hvau .
rccuivud ? 3 100 , Mr. Patey Shuppard ,
his uiiumger , n like amount , nud thu
rent wna dlvidod butweun Mr. Mltcholl
nud hhnolf. The oxpunoea wure 82-
500. The Hon. Mr. Muddon and Mr.
Mltcholl last oveiaug visited Mr. Joe
Oobnrn'a cafe , ivt Broadway and
Thirty-sixth atrpot. There waa a Blight ;
brulmi over the Eagllih lad'n loft eyo.
Ilo walked nimbly nud upbko ploae-
iHitly. Ilo eild that ho felt no pain
in his boues or ( laih , and that ha was
as "fresh as Rduiey. " The lion. Mr.
Madden amllud and patted him on hlu
back. Mr. Mltcholl denied that ho
wua either knocked out or that Mr.
Sullivan could knock him out. Hut
for the interference of Cap
tain Williams , ho continued , ho
would have knocked cut the Amor lean :
champion , nnd Mr. Sullivan should
bo exceedingly grateful to thi atul-
wart captain of the Twenty-ninth
precinct for hia kindly interference > at
a perilous moment. Mr , lull
warruud up to the subject , and ing
a Inrgo roil of greenbacks from a hip
pocket ho said : "I'll go that pile that
I can knock Mr. Sullivan out within
twenty nilnuteo. " The Uon Mr.
Madden again patted the Bogllah led
on the back , and Raid unthusiustlcnlly
"Good for you , Charley , good for
you. " Teen everybody drank
Mr. Mitchell's uzptnsa until Mr.
Richard K. Fox arrived. Mr. Oobnrn
then regretted that lie had only twen
. ty-four cases of rrluo on leu. Mr
Fox then proposed a grand boxing
tournament In this city , in which all
the champions should appear. At
late hour Mr. Fox had not finished
hia addroea.
How Children H d "Fun. "
On euminer iUy they went lo play ,
Down the roai to Houcon Joins' roslure ;
lllck cllmliel the tree , Vlclookei BO gay }
The hours vverti ipent lu fuu an I lauxrit'T *
Tbftt night , tnoau .vount'ttc'ra yilloii with pain ,
V 3 , thulurm. Lick ami Victoria ;
Tlio Krlpca uero ol tin Krron applfl.klud ,
Untukkij- ( | cured by Castorla.
Tno L vtoat uroza Among YOUDK Doc
; tora-UHIIztnuf Tnolr aubjeoty.
Chicago No 8
; "Do young doctors court hard
. heartudniiCA ? You , tir ; of ton forc
thoinat'lvoa Into actual depravity
. display their iuanuaibillty , c > apodullj
If they luvo taken a special cQuan
surgery. L ? t wln r , " contlniud Itho
, speaker , who wad De. II. , of Madiam
street , "i had. UM Atudenta who i attended
; tended locturea heu , and during holr
atndy hourn bath were slippers
of human skin ; one lud u watch uard
of the name material , and thu other
cover for an autograph album madu
, the dorrnlo of a girl's llmba. Phoy
toke the skin from the bodies of their
subjects , and for a small Hum can have
; it tuniu d and worked Into what they
dotir *
"ILow much of the anbjoot do they
generally ekin ?
"Tho calvoe of the legs are to b
the favorite parts. Thc-y never akin
the entire aubjuot , because thuro i ai
genornlly nix working on a body , at
the ekliinintj would rnlu It for pur-
posoa of dltaootlon. Uaoldea , th
proverbial dUagroomont of dooto
, beiluB BO curly In llfo that yon rould
uot get ulr of them In one humor
nt the name time aa to the propriety
fl tying their subject. Bat many
the students like to have auoh trophic
BO that iu nn ninitour way the tan-I
, . f human tkln { 3 n pretty big
nttvrprlao. "
Yesterday morning n young niin
sjsitiod admittance to a turnery In the
inrlhwestern pnrt if the city to see
.ho foreman ,
1 I'm a young doctor , " ho eald In a
itiliit way , that indicated a desire for
"Hog ekln , oH'1 sald'tho foreman
jtntllng. "Wo cun fix'or for you. ( Jot
er with youl"
"No , I haven't ' , and it nln't hog
ikin. but- "
"Oh , understand , " interrupted thu
ielt nun , "but Tfo cull It hog akin.
) j a good deal of btitlnrpn in
1110 nn the sly ; homo don't , but
, ho bcy4 do ut til' hotira. Uiidur-
"Oo , I aoo , You cM it hrj okln to
nnoonl ito Identity , nud the bo ) a tent
t tit 111 hours to thnf the firm can be
rolenaud from rofliifnelb'lity ' "
'That's it.Vliat do you want 'or
made InU ? How snonyon'll bring 'or
trouno ? Odlvta of n girl's h-g , oh ?
" "
n fnvurlto pitco with thu boys--
aplandtd b iok backs , watch guards
and tJIppors "
The old man atoppot ! to regain hie
broatb , while there crystallized iu the
stranger's mlud auidoti th'it "the b > ys
who wrrkod ut oil' h nri were not
uuatotiif , and thu. the old mail was
ft xl ma to close the o ntraot.
"Hrli > f 'or up thl * ( .Vi-nlng. Can
\i1 Tan Vr m two d ys. Ooarao
alnta ? certainly Aretn 'er pretty In a
wetk Glovot ? wall , ii'ij too coarse
hor.vy grat. mnro like lug akin than
anything elao Child ikln likj goat.
Never nmcs ! ROVOJ. ! Ain't pretty ;
toui'li , though. "
'But I wiuit yon to per ; the skin for
mo , and imku it into n It bio oovor. "
"Blblo oovpt ? Oil , VOH. Make
miny i f 'om. lU ! r'iz ? 'i'on dollars
IIlh | ; price ? Wol ! , j'cn ; only thing
prtvouts 113 kccpli g u In regular
noon cm yon got U for
mo 1'm
"HowSaor. ? Lat'nsoo. " The tan-
ncr laid his hnud on bin forearm tint
roatod < on u window elll , r.ud after u
inomciit'a moditnti ) ii , that cromcd itn
hour to the youti mart's mind , \rMch
Ind boon hustled nlojg ro lively , I'D
continued : "Ah , yo3 , llaor's mr
mau , Clurloy llar ; prupiiet ir's rol-
a'iv < ; bright bc > ; fr'.imd of mine
done rroik for lorn ; allium c > for
liijglr ) ; ctomaoli-cLln ; ft rot place from
Lbcro 1 ever liver ! Ye ,
bo's my msi ; out of the city noTT ; b
l-ak in r. rroik ; KCO him nt
oncogot ; it for mo immediately. Como
around iu two wookt ; better come on
Snndty ; oiayday : ( ink atnoorjbot
tor not dry glovco ; uplj ; gut
'em any place chc ? nu , indeed ; ain't
made regularly ; ispo-Ully dry at this
time o'year ; rplondl 1 sllpperc ; make
good leather for 'em ; got 'em mido
'down town. "
Thu young man , who had for a try
ing porlod maintained the baarlng of
doctor , gained rullof by nquesting
tlio tanner to eeud him the stulf to the
i ilica of a dully nowepnpor , nnd then
ho wont aw y.
Are never wu'tutcil or counterfeited.
This la especially true of a tainily
medicine , and it la positive proof that
ihu remedy imitated is of tlm highest
value. As soon us it had boon tested
- and proved by the whole world that
. Hop Bitters was the purest , best and
moat valuabla family medicine on
toarth many imitations sprung up and
bagon to steal thu notfoos in which
. the press and people of the country
- h&d oppressed the merits of II. ?
and in every way trying to induce suf
fering invalids to IBJ their atufi in
. stead , exfoctlng to make money on
the credit nnd good name of II. B.
Many others started nostrums put B.up
. In similar atylo to 11. B. , with vari
ously dovlsud linings iu which the
word "Ho ; ) " oa "Ilopa" were used in
away to induce poopln to bnllovo they
were the Eiiino ou Hop Blttera. All
such pretended remedies or cures , no
matter what their atylo or name > is
- and especially these with the word
"Hop" or Hope In their name or in
liny way connected with thorn or their
nam c , i > ro Imitations or counterfeit
Beware of them. Touch none
thorn. Using nothing but uonnlno Hop
Bitters with a bnnch or cluster of
. green Hops ou the whlto label. Trust
nothing else , Drugaiots and dealers
are warred agtiinst dealing in imlta-
, toiiB or cornferfclte1
at Tnolr Lute brothor-ln-Law.
; TexM
A fasliloiiftblo Austin lady , immediately
diately after the death of her husband
married his brother. A visitor at the
house , noticing thu picture of her late
a husband , asked who it waa.
"It Is 1 , " she replied hesitatingly
"my deccasud brother In-law. "
' Mlnu , too , " laconically remarked
the uow husband ,
goud woik thu iii'-chanlo must have
good health. If long hours of con- ;
tinunent in close rooms have enfee
bled his liiuid or dimmed his sight
let him at once , and before some or
giiiic trouble appears , take plenty
Hop Bitters. Ills ayatoui will bo i ro
- javoiutod , hia nerves strengthened
his sight Dccomo , and the whole
c-mstttutlon bu built up to u hlghci
woiklag condition ,
< Tnev Woron't Sandwlohoa.
U Amcng the ecoro of us who rushcc
Into u railroad eating house In Mirtala
It stppl nt the call ( f "twenty mlnutu
for dinner , " wis a chap who had Ihlo
mind up t > tup iiomethliig uripleaaun
at whim ho camu tn pay fur his mu'tl. H
! n8 growling when ho wont lu cud h
j wed nil thu while ho was eating
and wh ° n ho sluuchi.'d up to thu deal
n i to piy his uovfiity five cents ho brok
c out with ;
' 'I'tii'Mi ' naudtrichcs are enough
What .
"Why , thorn on the table.
"But vvo have no nandiflohui Ii !
the titble , uir , " protected the lane
be "Yon havon'tl Well , I shmil
like to know what you call thai
are roasted brick-bats on that blno plat-
and : tori"
- "You didn't try to oat one
tha those ? "
"Yes , I did ! "
"Then , my friund , you had jotter
at go for a doctor at ouce ! Those a
of table ornaments , nude of torra-oott
of and were placed there to help fill i
, apace ! laud o' cat el bat yon mast
hiwo lived in n canu-brako nil ronr
llfr ! "
'I'hp traveler runhi'il Into llm car
nnd bi'Rati to suck at it brandy Ihnlr ,
nnd'ID ' didn't ( ; > 't ever I > u klrg pile
lor thrw honrn ,
And t'liy wi fp n\ndwlcha ftftur nil
-real good h.uu aind'.vlohin mudo
thrttdny. The Inr.dii-rd hud adopted
thatpurdcuUrn'ylo , ibsa'ad ( fusing
it club.
IfYatt Uulu ( l
In hititllh fccin nu > nna o , inp ° olally
from the tint ) of nny of tlm thumund
m drum * promuo BI largely ,
with long llctitionn tcstliii'inlalr , have
nu fear. Kr.urt to llnp liittura nt
onc'i , nud tn a nhort imoynti will hnvo
'he m..flt robunt nnd bhcaili g limi h
If you nro tint married , wrlto the
MurrliiKO I'uiul Miiti'Hl ' 1' Auocl.itlnu ,
t cd lUjiMi. Iowa , f > r clrctllnra cxlniu- }
i g the j > lnn.
DlUu't QottUo t'h\CO.
, ! * Major.
( ) d r3l w s naked by one of ouriner-
bi , dii yon knovra dnrkey by the
viofD.M / '
"Suoro DiviB. wld thn rod eye ,
d t ( jot burned lu the pomlor oxploa-
Ion ? "
"Yes , he's the man. "
"Will , 1 knows him. "
"Ia l.u roltatl , ? "
"Ulu'li , but it 'panels tnonghty on
do liznosn d t ho'a engaged nt do
ttmo "
"What bn lnotfl vonld ho suit bsal
iu m a porter f'
"Well , to toll yor de tUt-footed ,
unaophliitlcVed trnfrt , dnro'a on u place
irhnr da ni o.n\'d \ wnck nn1 bo as
home' ez do day nn'dat'a c ? porter
in or real entato eto' ! In dat o.iso do
o'nor 'd ho liabletor llao do property
allus whi r he Iff lilt I"
Having lc ii troubled ( or many years
with kidney iliftcaio , with eovcro pUns in
my bjolc an I ll.uba inj itnklej at time *
were badly swollen I vv.n cvdvlu'd to go to
thn , hoBplcal for Irentmant , which I ( tld mi
. .
the tdvleo of a frlen 1 , but found no icliof ,
nl IptHt only < f : \ tcinpor.try imture , and I
hid Riven up all liopo nf a euro until my
huhlmnd win ndvlsoii t > tno Hunt' * Item-
cdy l > y a friend who had utod It nml lieou
inrud of i > Bovnro cmu : ( if drop y im 1 kid
ney trouble. I procured ft IK Ulo , niul had
not unoit iii h. lf nf thn buttlo liofuro I be-
( ; r.n to 11 Ktti r , im IKIII ! in the liatlt , i n.i
tlie B7.-clliin ; ( if my liinln cmniiuncc'l ' togn
rlovvn , MI 1 my iii'prtito ' wiis lunch bettor !
for I limt bcc inio no bid that nil I nto dla-
tioiaod luuory much. It wa'j really ilyfc *
pci-i.v | , rutnlun > d witb the other troilblne ,
iu d 1 linvo UMM ! four I ot'.Uv , nu 1 ( tin ablf
to do my work tvu 1 nttcuil to household
dutK'D which liofiirn bud licrn a liunlcn to
n.o , nud f only thnnk lliu.lV K'niu-ilv
for thu health und h'tppiiicnt ' whiuh L new
cnj > y , inn ! citcriii it n Kf'at prlvlloKO unit
duly to five you tlitn luttur iu licluvlf > f my
iiuiiy Hutforini ; liuly fiiPtidt m Huston un I
thu country , nud can i nly pivy in conclu
Biou tluit if jou cnco try ft you will lo
convinced UH 1 wa" , UVPII ntnm ; < t my o < n
will , thivt Huiil'd K'jincdy Is Indeed n wo'fl friend.
Yon nro nt liberty tou 10 this for their
benefit if you snuhoona.
Itcspcctfully ymirn ,
Mus Wsi. Gltvv ,
Hotel ( Jolilsinith. 1 IKi Tremout Street ,
BuBton , Apiil i ! . " ) , 18ia.
Mr. II HAUNT , bipKai1-waiter on E et-
orn Itallro td , H iyn :
" 1 have tifod lluut'H Itemedy. the Rro1 *
k'dnoy and liver medicine , in my family
fur immtlifl. It wan rccotriiiem'ocl by friend
In 1' irtMnnuth who h-ivo boon cured o
kidney trouble * , nnd I Hud it iuht a * rei
renentcd and worth its weight in cold. M
wife U mluK it for rlyspepM i , i > n < \ has Inr
jirovod HO rapidly that I cheerfully indorse
it as u family inudiclno nf real merit , and
, I would not be without it. "
April 27. 1883.
Otoo and Missouri Reservation
, Neli. , April 30th , U83.
By the ilirittloii ol the Ilou Sucretir. o ( they
ntirlor , the II. H. Liml Oitico t Il.atilcn , lu
thu bUto ol Nulirtoka , will lu 0un on
Thursday , tlio 31st Day of May ,
o 1883 , at 10 o'clock ' , a , m.
For thn purpoiin nf rccelrlrc application to iur-
clnsu the rfinalndcr cf the liiids of the Otoe and
Mlnsourl rtsmatlon , In the Htatia of Nebraska
and KaiKM.
- The lands will bo sold only to prr'ons who
ebill within thren month ) from the date of tlitlr
appllca'lone mtko a pornpin nt Hcttlemtnt upon
the same , and nich apdlcatlon | mint boaeoir.-
panlod by ai alllduvlt u tvlaviica ol ( jocnl fait
n tills iicl'oci Itns
Iho'a ilsuld I'HO d to Iho liliht-t rcsponsU |
bio bidder , at net lo-s than the appraised \aluo
li > to acru tractH , and i.o nno person will be a )
, oweil to purch ( > more thin ICO ncrt'S , uxcept In
cm s of fr cllriul cxcois ( contiguous thereto
whfre tlioiunvy of townehlp and section lines
could not ha mi iu f > conform tu the boundary
limb ol thu rer > atlan , In uhlth cui the exc
, riot rxcndlni ; 4U acns , n ay be ad led to the 160
The to.msof late are tut follows :
One quarter In ca h , to become due ami pal
b o lit tin oxplia 'on ' of thrio months Iroui the
d to uf Illliirf ipplliatloit ; one quaiter In one
jear ; onoiuirler | In two yeiup ; one quarter In
huuyiniBfrnui the date of silo , with Int rest
at Iho rtto cf n per centum per cnnum ; bui t '
cato cf dtfault In the flri-t or casn pijuiint , the
- peri-oil thusdtUulUnirsSa'l ' forfeit ai > iluti > ly till
rl. lit to the tr ct for ilia purpeo uf which be i bn
, No landi wl'l ' bo soM upon which Improve
- inents aie found hil/nttnj | ! to Indiana as reported
b > the appraisers In tlulr uheduie of their ap
ol pralsihent.
- Tire salon 111 ha subject to pproTal by the
Hfcretiry ol the Intunor. andwil bo contlniud
, , fr m < 'ay to day at lloatrlcu , unMI the jute
lsp 'Hid Of
A list of the lands , with the appraised value
each traui , will * < o found on fllo at the dUtrkt ;
laud otllce at lleatrlce.
lleatrlce.U. . W PAUKEIl Ho lHter ,
Oto3I W. I
Nebraska Loan & ilust Uompauy
- . . .
Ilo JAS. II. HKAHTWIIU , , I'rvsldout.
A. L. ULAKKK , Vlui-l'riHildcbt.
< v ii.WKIISTKK. . Trerourn
, C. 1' . WUBBTEU.Cuill r
& .IQUO ! AltiiaiitJtir mn iu-"ii i ,
A. L. Clarke , K. 0. Wuhater'
to 0.o II l' tt , Jux. U. lloartwell ,
I ) . M.lIcK.l Illnncu
u Firat Mortgng Loans n Mpooinltj
Triit CoiDpany lurnlnhu ) t permanent , llOllil
InBtltutlon whiru Sdiool Ilouil eiAiid other k-fc-ill
luiuuil Muiilcliial Hvcurltlo to N'aliruka can
be iiiKOtl&tixl on thu ino t fnoralilc Uirim
Loaim m Jo on Ii3irov | xl farm In tllwull ettlcd
- countlMol tliuuUlo throu.i' ruyvonalblo loal
oorrivcoiidooti , _
cf i PEHSOPf AL " 1'arta ol thu human i body
enfarxtxl , dovelopoJ anil utrenL'tlienwJ , " eto. ,
an lutoruitltiK j'ert' ' unioiit long run In 01
liar | r. In ruply to iniulrios | we will uy r thai
era iio ml.loneo t ! Immlmirabjut tnU U
ihu contrary , the Klvortlicra arv very hUlilj-1
dorwd IntoruH'.txl person j may et soaloJ cl
, culars k'lvln < all ( ntrUculan , Klvlui ; all pirtlc
up lar . by a-ldnunlni ; Brio Multcal ( to. , I' . 0.
613 , DuQalo N. Y Toledo K"i u '
olll-l ?
' , 'X f r , - . IK \7 J/ / rf'jMnt. y
' 't iliit iTnlii Wrinhi Ft r * r
.1 MI i > ftiil < Jr f iffl'r lnr.f vV
_ . _
' * f J ut * a tUt M * t" 19 *
\i r. Ft t T C i * ' * rr'l * " " * " "
' KffSsHifK ;
i'JT . .I mniitiit mi * iiMFM hfc" l/Mfil > * i * * frV/
" *
* . . _ ' Utv ni. . .
* ! * * la * * i t
\ HIto nmtur. .
, ' : ; ; .k. < | i-A ! \ - * s
' " ' " ' lj | Jf' '
. ! ; ; T'U
' i r iV * v a J tjCiX5 fi : i > rtu vr.V
} '
\ w ie * #
Ar > aolciiowio .ecd to be Iho
bnt b ? all who h .vo \ nt them
to a practical test.
Buck's Stove Co. ,
5OI.K ACIKN I POIl fill All A.
DR HENDERSON A r-iiiihr tr ; duato
, , tn inrdlclu ' Over 10
yi ft cosv \ i d ( to st , \ cars' practice 12
KANHA-iUlTV , In Clilc\o. "
Authrrltcil by the ettto to treat
tSSjiL.jtiMui' " H HNUSH ( lllBllt lOJICa ) SEXUAL
JKBILITV ( Fdiiu olfcxmi power ) Kto. Curta 8U r-
nto.d or nionov rolu idol Onaritalow. Thiu-
ul9 ol civeu curoil. No Injiulom rue > Uclnoi
i cd o ilotoittloi Ir m tnnlncii. All modi-
lno lurnlohol even to pitlunbi at n 'Hntuncc ' ,
Co nullntlon Irou nhd eo itldi ntlal oall or writs.
\KO ftiiilo ( | rl > iicunrc Importuit AB)0 for
-Uliii > tiatM anJ clrc'Uraol ether
hliiK * cnt eoilod for I wo : tc BUinpi. FUEK
Ml SK.t M .
KANSAS I'nv , Mo , Sept. r.O. 182.
I think It a dntI ewe tn hiiuiinlt ) to nay
lut jour remedy hai done f r mo. Ore year
a o I contracted a had co o of Illood 1)1 VMS. a d
not Knowing the romilt of such iroiihloi , 1 allow-
ol It to run IO' HOIIIU t me , but flnally appllod to
the beat phju'clan In trls city , who treated mo
for , nix monthn. Is THAT TIVK I TOOK OVKR 600
nun i ( IK moroioDiki op MRRCUKV I tsraln each ,
andhad i run down In weight from 'J10 to 157
poutnlx , and ai confined to my tied nlth.Mer-
curlal Hhct inatlmii , ouarccl ) ahlo to tiun nij elf
oxer. Helnitft travclinir man , nonio of the fra
ternity fount me 111 this deplorable condition ,
and recom-ri. r > vyi mrnfM they
mended me K-fl oJK < . O < 1 k n o w o I
to try } ourli NrW ] B .3 ) Jse voral
ipecillamn ' 11 * " ' " cosos thai
had been curuil by Its uso. I coiniiiindeii the usa
Itwltlivery llttlo faith anp tn lois thiit threa
eek < w as able to take my place 1,11 the rood Tlie
port's and copper-collorod ] > ots nulually illnap-
puniiil , and to-day I ba\unota soioor | > ot on my
iHiraon , and my weight U 'JUpoundj beln < inora
than It ever was. I ( ! o not wl h 5011 to publish
my name , but jou may show this letter to an jr
who doubt tlio merit of S. H. S. for I Know It hi
sure euro.
Yours Truly , J. II. B.
Some thirty years aijo there lived In Montgo
niery. Ala. , a JOUIIB man w ho was terribly atlllo-
ted After beliiK troitcd for a loiiff time hy the
ined'cal ' profoxHlon of this town with no benefit ,
he commenced taMii * H 8 S. After persistently
taklnc It two months ho was enrol. Belnic ao
qualntud with him for the disease never madtfll
return. J.V. . llisuop , J. P. , Hot Springs Ark.
If j ou doubt , oomo to Bee us , and wo will CUIUC
TOor ! cliarue nothing ! NVrlto for ) > &rtlculai
and a copy of ( he llttlo book , " JIiMHii o to tha
Unfortunate SuHcrlng ' Auk any UrusnUt ai I
r -8l.OOO Rnward inhej ld to nj
- Chcmlnt who will flnd , on analyst * ol 100 bottlet
ol S. S. S. , one particle ol Mercury , Iodide of
I'otawlum , or oUicr lllncraJ BulmUnco. SWIFT
BPKC1PIC CO. , 1'roprlctore , Atlanta. Qa.
I'rlcu ol Snia.ll Sire , . .t 1,00
- " \i \ 1.10
017 St Ob rloafitST. . LOUIH Ma.
A UGOUliAR GliAUUATK Of two medic *
coll. cihM bix-'ii loii cr etiKageU In the tretl *
s mom ol t HKONH ) , NKKVOUB. SKIN AND
CLOO1) DlMuwe ttiui any other phMclan In SI.
Lotila city i urwrt show aud all old ruldeiili
kr.o * . Consultation free and InvltoJ. When II
a- Ii Inconvenient to vlilt the city lor treatment ,
rr < ! 'llcln : can be tent by mall or expieu every-
where. Cnrablt riaeauim > tcod ; whora done !
xlttr It Ii frankly ttitod. Call or wrltt.
'n Nervuus prcmtrutiou , Dehlllty , Mental
and l'liTlc. > l WcabrifAi , Mercurial and
other allnctioni of Throat. Bklu and BoiieT
lilocxt IinpuritU'rt anil Hlojil 1'olgonliig ,
aitlu AJfMtTunj , 'Oll'ftirm nnd Uloeri ,
to Alnrr'wo , UhcunialUm ,
1'iJea. tJpecHl atttiution to CJ JOH from
ovor.workwUMJn. .SUlUHOALOASKcJ
reciitve m ecitk.Httuntloii. : JJieornes arlalng
ol from Impnrletreu. Kxo'Hei ) , Imluluenotu
lTl I l ! i-a-the wh r
story well told , limy
ry , who may not. why ,
couflwj , consoquenc |
nd cuu healed lor 25o postage or atamrx.
It IH a sure , prompt and effectual rernodg or
Ik'uatluii , U)4poptla , Interiidttont Fevers , Want
f Appetite , Nur\ou3 Dubllitv lu all .
VutK SIcinorrod of Ilralu ( 'oner , rrwtra ion ,
WoakueuM ana general Ifna of Power. It repairs
ncrrom waste , reJuicnaUn the fade < l Intellect ,
trenuhthenn the enfeebled bralri and nwtoret
urirlaiiiir. | toiiu and Nlk'or to thu exhausted ot-
aim. The experience of thouHandi proves It to
iu au imaluable remedy Prlei , il.UOa bottle.
or eli oiiS. For saloby all dnUBljU , or oonl
) uecuru from observation on receipt ot pilca b *
Dr. Stoluliur P. O. Box 24QO St.
Loniu Mo _
The Great Popular Hemcdy for 11k
Sure cure forlilind , IJloedlngS Itching E
And all forms ot HcmorrholJal Turaon.
! These SurroBiTOUiKit act direct * ; ujion
out coaU ol the Wood Vvnucbj. and by their utrlnnnl
effvctu gently torce the blood from the swollen
OO tumora , and py uiaklnj the coata ot the Tetni
Btrons , prevent their refilling , and henca a radi
clr cal cure U lure to follow their ua . Price , IB
cento a box. For sale by al dmreUto , or aenl by
nwJlonroceli'tolprlctfbyEn LUbMndioi l
Initltnto 118 Olive St. Bt LouU1