Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1883, Page 5, Image 5

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" ,
TV-fit ] fAnY RRR--MONJAVr M-\Y 21
Iriof Pictures of the Cyclone
Pal/lig / in Illinois aud
Wisconsin ,
Oity , Vilia o nnd Par in Properco"
ty Picked up and Dashed
to Pioc > o.
Three Oouutiea in Kliocouri
Bidly Abused by the Qalo.
Scathing Torrents Tumbling
Through the Gulches of
the Black Hillu.
FonmuctoD , Orcok Oity and
Mount the Bs-
and Vanish.
7 ho L HI of Xifa by Wind
j Flnnd AppulHuK , XVhtlo th. ) In-
jared Number Hundreds.
Special Dlipntch to 'Jin nun.
Sr. Louis , M y 20 , Diapatchoo
from various point * in Illinois give
fuller details of Friday night's cy
clone. At Stauiitou'ty the tornado
passed about three mlloi o.iatof town ,
totally duiuolbhiug Livlugatono'a tine
realdoncs and daueorously Injuring
Mr. L'vlngstono. Other buildings In
the vicinity were destroyed and
orchards injured , A construction
crow , comprising about twonty-fivo
men , on the Springfield & South
western railway , were camping near
I Mrs , Ollvtr'n honao , oomo sleeping In
. thu Urge ouru , and all were seriously
! Injured. Mr. Cantwell , contractor ,
and Alva Berry wore instantly killed.
f A little girl aged 8 cannot recover.
! Telegrams for aid have been sent out
I At Graf ton , a few miles north , great
T damaga was dono. All the derricks
J of the Graf .on Stone Quarry company
wore destroyed , togotner with five on-
r glnea and several houses. The losa it-
very heavy. Three houses in Shinn
hollow , near Orcftou , wore totally
' wrecked , Mrs. Garner ivaa killed and
her husband ia supposed t : > hava been
thrown ! u'o the ravine and killed , and
tbo bed ; w.tnhrd into iho river , Mike
Garner had n hip dislocated , ar.d a
daughter ot Denny Siy a log broken.
The damigo near Springfield was
moro appalling than at tirM supposed.
It attuck the ground on E.ljih Ile'a
farm , souvh of Juriciion , and bid
waste to three dwellings and a * many
barna and outhouses. Mr He's house ,
a largo two story brick , was entirely
demolished. It was occupied by Mr.
Booker , who was considerably injured ,
and hla infant boy nearly killed.
Acroa * the road from Bookei'a place ,
S Wllfork's homo waa oept away ,
but no di'.n.tM to ii'o resulted. A
quarter cf u mtlo fur. her to thy north-
ta t tlu homo of Mr. Efigllsh wss
t'irn to pii'ooz and everything
about the p'aca ou'.lrc-.y do
atroyod. Ms igll'ih waa uiUohod
and mingled by the falling tlinbora
but therd are hopsn of her rocovt-r.v.
After demolishing Mr. English's
homo uhnrr'cuie struck again fiur
miles east of 'ho ' city , wherj the little
eottlement of Iliund Pralrla la sicuat-
od , and played havoc with the lives
and property of farmers in that ? violet- ,
ty. The first farm In the track of the
etormvm tlmt of William Ojntroll ,
occupio-1 by himaclf , wlfo nnd > d
man. Tieytook refufjo In the ir
and weathered the etorm in eafoty ,
while the house was torn down , out-
bnlldln 3 , fonnos and Block destroyed
and killed. The homes of Wllllun
Mr. AlcVcagh , Henry
Siuiuol Aatiton James Trot'
_ , ) t- '
ter , Gjorgo lUy , Henry Turley , lion-
ry F rbrou and Sunuol A Grubb ,
were torn down and great damage
was done to their other property.
On Greasy pralrlo , eleven mllea
south of Snrlnglield , the farm houa-
of Porter S.ory , Alex. Gunn , Wll-
Ham BUckmaii , Tnomai Keunlor ,
Jessie Gjvlngton and A. Worcap ' ,
were destroyed. Oao man , a boy and
two children wuro kllkd and others
Southeast of the city along the line
of the Jackoouvlllo and Suuthoietern :
railroad , much damuga IB reported.
Near Franklin the ctorm was fearfully
At Plfga , the houae , barn nnd
orchard ot Jamca Oxley were awopt
away and his wlfo and children serious
ly injured.
At Woodlawn , where there was a
fatally oevero tornado thrco yoaraago ,
the railroad depot waa destroyed and .
cars blown from the track into atoms
The trackj were partially torn up.
Tha worst of the cyclone , however ,
was Bomo nine miles north of hero , ou
the Poorla branch of the Wabash.
The atorm cloud was in the shape ) fa
column , and struck the south part of
town at the southern edge , going
northeast completely across the bust
nesi and residence portion of the
place , leveling four stores , two
churchei , the depot , repair shop * and
thirteen dwellings , basldos Injuring
. , others and destroying much other
/ property.
It atrnck Hillaboro at 9:55 : p. m. ,
tearing awny the iron bridge of the I
A St. L. railroad , letting the engine ;
and biggano car of paaaongor train
No. 22 , going oiat , 15 inlnutca late ,
domi into the crack , kll'lrg ' E jgln'ier
WolcU and crippling J nu noaldlng
Fireman LfarrliiRion. Tnj Mr VTRI
turned cvor but no one WAS hart. Ono
honao and barn were blown away at
Stsunton. At Alt O.lvo it htruck : the
tontB of mui working near the rail
road , killing two or three s at
each placj.
A toleuram from Jacksonville , 111. ,
sayn ut Mra. Griflkh'a ' house her throe
sons and ono daughter were ii.jnrod
and another daughter , aged 22 , killed.
She herself wai in a danger > m condi
tion from the uhock to her whola sye-
tom. Another ruined dwelling wan
that of her aon , Dr. Grffuh , who with
his wife la at the city hosplte.1 here i and
both are probibly fatally Internally In
jured. Their 7 montha old daughter ;
y was killed. Another of the wounded
il f la Mr. Hltohons , the village bUck-
H j smith , who was at Mrs. Grlflith'i
Mfr house.
W James StovonBon'a ' house waa i do
atroved , hla own leg broken , and I hli
wife killed.
Mr. and Mrs. John Trotton , an aged
oonplf , lost their lives In their crocked
hoine , iimkini- five dead In Iho tonii
nut lully liftyon Injured. Thtoo of
thcco will probrtbly dtp.
The lee of hfo iu Illinois by the
toniado ! of Frility nl ht la uomputtvi
at from 01 to 03 , given by counilofi
Rill towns as follows : Dowitt county ,
4 ; Mason county , i ) ; Ltviuyjiou
county , 2 ; roar Graf ton , Jurney
county , 3 ; M.idl ou county , 1 ; Winno-
hago county , 5 ; Liter , Morgan count ) ,
7 ; Roodhouao , Groeti county , 8 ;
Douglm county , 1 ; Logn county , 1 ; county , li ; lllltubiro , 1 ! ;
Staiinton nnd Mount Ollvit , 4 to 0 ,
O yujja , 1 ; MoUoury oouuly , 4 ; S.tuglloc
anion county , D ; Maroa , Macon
. ! lj Butl l > ) Gallon , 1
In 1 Il.'inoin ' the ati rm riged in about
the h&mo nviiuior It nil la Ml smir' ,
the chiuf dfun.iQG , h"wnvt < r , being 1o
ciuntry proncrty , it atrlklnt ; uo town
of any c.itiftidorblo MZ3 In the vlwa'
cinltyof Ejiv.udsviilo throoresidence *
were utterly wrecked. Mrs. Frank
. Maxey was instantly killed in the
wreck of her fathur'a homo , M. K
Harnolt , All other meinberu of the
family were injimid. A well ou the
place , containing 20 fiiet of water , wan
stu'kad perfectly dry. Wolf's atoro
ntEJ Eliunol , a fo-v miles from
Klw rdsvlllo , won blown to pieces
Four persona were killed. At Wonds- I
bore , brick tchool IUJURO , u cVu.-ch'MTI ' I
and three residences blo/n A in , | I
Jit ! Oatr and wlfo were aoiljua'y '
iujarod. L > es at aud no r Stauutou ,
oatlmated t $ ; ! 0 000 , and In thn
dolnlty of Edwardsvlllo ut 835000
In Dowltt county nlno bou s voru
destroyed near Kenny. Sovor&l otho-o
hinai Toxna township nnd thrco pyrsoni
named Ollftou wore klllol and abiut a
dozau : badly injured. The lioa e of H
man named MoPhoraon conttdnltici aix
porooni was lifted into the air cirrlnd
100 ( foot , and sot down again. Nobo. y
received a ocratch.
Two moro deaths occurred at
Staunton , 111 , resulting from Friday
night's Btorm. Addltioml reports
from places not heretofore heard
from show that the otorm In Illinois
was widespread and yory doatrnctlvo ,
Uoujca and other farm property
were doitroyo.l In nil dirootuma
within an area of a do23n acres , and
many peraons were either klllni or
scrlouMy wouud. > d. Thirteen houses
ou Greoloy Pralrln , a fjw tnilflo
south of Murrayaville , wore blown
down , and A.V. . Williams and two
children were killed , Julia Stiry fa
tally injured and two ortiroo others
badly linrt. At Peaotum , on the
Illinois Central railway , savera ! ban
houses asd realdoucoj
ware di-
stroyod or badly wrecked , but uo
clottha reported.
Special 1'hpatch to Tui DEC.
MILTAUKEE , My 19 A lUclne
Bpcclal puts the list of known dond by
last night's cyclone at nlno nd fatally
Injured at twelve to fifteen. The
number of people who received flash
wou.ida and moro severe hurts now
roaches nearly ono hundred. Six people -
plo remain unaccounted for. At mid
night a reliable report comes that two
awn were killed at Western Union
Jnt.c-lou. Bon Fox'a celebrated
orchard , three miles from Iljiclne , has
not ouo tree standing.
Among tha peculiar incidents told
of the cyclone 1) ono to tbo cffdct atm
the house of Mitt Ltlrn and wife , an
aged coupio residing on the lake shore ,
wan picked np and hurled into the
lake , leaving then.
onthefljorof the room , uninjured.
Three mtloa from there and out of the
track of the storm , a barn was taken
up and three cowa left standing unin
jured on the floor. A barn at Riclne
now otando on the gable , being upaldo
down , but not broken. At Nor.h
Point n man and whole rig were lifted
np in the cyclone and dropped BOUIO
fifteen foot. No damage wna done by
lha wind , but the wagon waa lujnrod
when it atrtiok the ground.
When the atortn struck the lake the
water was thrown in the air to the
height of aovmity-fivo feet all along 1 !
the shore. The cyclone explodes the
popular belief heretofore that such
storms never vlsltod the lake regions. ;
A house on illgh street before the
ctonu Is nilsslnfr , and cannot bo found.
RACINE , May 20. Investigation
only servoa to swell the Halof casual
ties and make moro uweeplng the lomo
sirnctlon occasioned by the oyolono
Friday night , It ia now estimated :
that fully twonty-fivo were klllad and .
a hundred Injared. One hundred
and Ifty honuca wera demolished , and
had the cyclone struck the baalnohs
centre the damage would not easily
have boon calculated , At Western
Union Junction , seven miles wo t of
R cine , many honeos were wrecked
and ono young man named Webber
killed. The financial loss by the
Btorm will not exceed 60,000 The
buildings demolished were principally
framu structures , nnd Individual losses
range from 300 to $1,000.
Sp ! * 1 Dl patch to TnH UBB.
ST. LOOJS , Mav 19. Friday night's
tornado plowed through tbroo coun
ties In Mlaaourl , Montgomery , \Vor-
ren aud St. Charles. Bealdos do-
atroylng a largo amount of property ,
it killed and aerlonsly wouudoil over
twenty people. The greatest destruc
tion was wrought In St. Charles lun
ty , where a largo number of ar m
hot' tu and bullalngn were levelled.
) infills Lackett , wife and tw-j daugh
ors were all fatally iijared. John
Kt'klni was kllkd , ana hla two BOIIB trjnrod. Jn the nelglibf-r-
loud of Klbtisto ) , St. Otiarlea coun-
y , unJ thruco for flftean mllps
. < ito Wcrrou county , the trock of
atorui la traced by uurneroun wrecks
and about twenty people more or IBBB
Irjurod. On D.-g Prulrlo novcral
! anje , costly housoa and bajnn loaded
with Bruins were demnllahja. O'i
Allen IValrlo dwelllnge add ou.lnnsea
. mot the anne fate. On Ljutro Island .
in the Missouri river , a number of
- tnllea aonthiroat of any of the above
points , the Btorm totally destroyed five
dwellings and all outhouses. The
leased in the throe counties will rue
np lu the hundreds of thousands.
- SpecUl Dispatch to Tui tin.
CHICAGO , May 20. A Doadwooi
( Dak. ) special aays a atorm began hen
yesterday morning with tha ghost
water ever known , Whltowood ; roam
rnna through tbo heart rf the city
The channel was cnt 100 yards wld
and everything wont before thn ( hod.
All the town o' the n til oil woo badly
damaged , Poiiutiixton \ entirely
tfnne The valley In 11 i.ded and half
r f Spcarlleh washed away. Orcoku
City I * nearly nil e > no The < rater Is
now falling though there Is much snow
In the muuptati M yef , ( ) i > orgu Cnn-
dler Hiul wlfo and two unknown nun
nro known to ba drnwnod. L'us
roughly oMtltnntod at ? tCO ! 000. Hope
ind batikot coiumuntcation ia eatab-
lUhud butwevn the two parts of the
May 20. The Tribune
special gives additional fnota an to the
flood at Desdflood. The hoii\y snow
and fljod reported KOUIO dnt ngo In
n dhpatch front Slovuneon , was at
Doadwood. Addltl ma. rnlu had
f tllen almcst ovoty chy for a uiontlt ,
makiug the roads impisa.iblo and m'-
ura'.lng the ( jrouud thorou 'y ' rrith
water. ' This WAS followed by n hoa\y
fill of mow , whicu > lUttppe : red
rapidly tinder to ! heavy narm
ruin of Fri lay nlg'it and
Saturday. 1 The nulchcB or valleys
In the bl.Ia are from a few hundred
foe to pnbablya quarter of a mile
wide , gui.erMly Dtmdwi'od ' Is at the
junction of Whltonood and Dominoed
gulches. Numerous gnlcbiis In thin
o\ao ouiptied their accnmuUMon of
A Uer from the mountains into thoeo
MTO uisiu gulches nd gave voltimo to
tin water that ra ! iid ) down White-
.ond In rosiftUeta forcn , Cjntrsl
Ci y , Anchor Oity and Golden Onto
arc on the Dead wood above Deadwood
City. The grm'or portion of Central
City would bn ah vo the flood but for
Anchor and Gjldoii Gato. There was
no oscupo luire , however , The gulch
ia not over nix. hundred foot wldo.
Djndwood la a town of 5,000 pee
ple. The nuln residence portion of
th i city la from 100 to 300 fcot
a Jove the gulch , and the main bus !
liCBS portion was also above the danger
Hue. The portion deatroyod wes
occupied ' by cheap tenement houiea ,
secoiid-clasa hotoli , lanndrlna , small
traders , aportiug houaes , livery sU-
bloa , etc. Some buildings were
built over the stream , which , at Its
ordinary ( stage , was only a few feet
wide. Its locality was avoided , hov-
ever , by the shrewder Interest , for
tha danger was recognized. In this
case timely warning was given by
moana of the telephone system exist
ing in thn Hills , and the moat valuable
artlclea were removed.
So far but three bodies have been
recovered , but it is now bolleved that
the loss of life has boon great. The
wild excitement waa only equalled by
that at the time of the firo. Horsemen
. rnahed in every direction and hastily
j loaded veUcles jostled each other.
When 'ho fljod came It carried every
thing excapUng the moat aubsUutlal
building before It. The lo a In Daad-
wood will ro ch $700,000. Golden
Gate , Auchor Oily , Central City ,
South Bund aud Crook Oity are heavy
loser ; . Several of the mills In Dead wood
Gulch were destroyed and the damage
to mines by floods cannot bs replaced
for several weeks. All roadamelin-
paait.ible aud trains were foroad to BUS-
pond on the Htlla railroad because a11
impossible to get wood to the
gUtloua. Tha Mothodlst church and
public Bohool bulldlcg were among
the building ) destroyed at Deadwood ,
also Mlllur'ii tire proof warehouse ; alao
Isman'd & Ayroa and ouo other and
browfiiy. Oae hundred houses are
known to have boon washed away.
Five lives were lost and three bodies
have boon recovered.
Among the drowned were Georga
Ohandler and wlfo , and a man named
Brindley. Speartiah and R-\pld are
broader valleys , the former from two
tc twelve miles wldo. The ihod was
not ao destructive there , but the
damage was serious , nevertheless.
Joro Dnnu' Flocoptloni
Special Dispatch to Tim Ilm.
CHICAOO , May 19. The verdict [
reached In the trial of Jero Dunn
provokes savage comment In all the
city papers thla morning , and the
alleged sgoncies which aided in his
acquittal are particularly condemned
by two or three of the morning jour-
nala. They all glvo long accounts urof
the reception tendered Dunn by , ho
oportlng fraternity after ho ; ed
the court room , champagne being
given him at n resort known
aa "Tho Drum , " which Ustod
very nearly through the entire night. ;
Among thoeo who grasped the hand
of Dunn WAS a character known i as
"Stock Yards Johnnie , " and Dunn
resenting hla overtures , struck the
man lu the faco. The Incident is re
lated to have put the crowd in high
spirits. The loading counsel who
had defended Dunn BO successfully
was noted among thoeo present at the
fine supper.
Dovrn on Dunn *
Special Dlepttcb to Tui Uni.
NEW YORK , May 20. The acquittal
of Joro Danu in the trial for murder
ing Elliott has aroused the utmost In
dignation among the friends of Elliott
in this city , aud many of them predict
that it would bo "unhealthy for Dunn
to come to Now York. " John Stlloa
who waa for years an intimate frlond of
Elliott , and who when thoprlzo fighter
waa killed brought his body to this
city and paid all funeral expenses
frowned omlnonaly when aakod his
opinion and nald , "Yes , ho was letgo
and his jury , composed of twelve
honest men , ought to bo strung and
made to tell what they got for their
verdict. They are all afraid of Dunn.
Tnoy want to have him kill h&lf
dozan moro men before they hang
him. "
Orvln Kelly , another frlond of El
liott , said ; ' 'Tho whole jury was
bought by Dnun'a wlfo. She In worth
about S 100,000 , .indapcut $1)0,000 )
clear him A dead man la no good ;
and Elliott's friends did not have
un/rioy to avenge him. If Dunn tver
comes horn wo will make it so hot for
him ho will never get out of it. Duni
nan g it rid if f iur men and ho iron't
wind up until ho haa laid his drzji
low. When ho killed Logan on lloui
ton atroet lu 18G9 ho abut him down
while walking along the sidewalk
Logan had no chanco. D.tnn followed
° od the same plan with Elliott. "
Foreit Fire. ,
SpecUl Dispatch to Till Uu.
MoNirEiiBH , May 20. The meal
disastrous forest fire that over occurro
In Vermont started yesterday in th
vicinity of Groton. An immoni
tract was burned over and a large
, amount af property destroyed , Loss
estimated at f 150,000.
Tlio Czar Roaches Moscow With
out a Single Explosion ,
Tbe l"ftth to the Palnco Strewn
With Flowera by Hta
"LiovmK" Bubjecta.
The Ohief of the Dublin Murderers -
derers Receives Hio Ulood
Money uud Liberty.
Goiiernl N w From Uthur I'olnlv
SpecUl D ! i ttch to Tui Dm.
Mccsow , May 20 The c\r : aud
czarina arrived this evening nud pro
ceeded to the palace. I' Is estimated
200,000 persons lined the street from
the station to the palace. Ordur w s
maintained by unarmed cltlzou
The city in decorated In hun. . r of the
Approaching coronation ol thu cztr.
The atroota are crowded with pooplu.
A great nuinbor are arriving dully.
Perfect order prevails.
The cs was received .it the depot
by a great number of graud dukr. ,
prlncca nnd generals. The imtloiini
aathem was played an ho drove In an
open carriage to the palace. Great
crowds cheered him along the route.
It IB reported that thn czar will
meet Einporor Francln Joseph of
Austria and King Humbert of Italy
at Uurllu next autumn.
Special Dispatch to TUB liii.
LONDON , May 20. A box with a
fuse attached was discovered on the
steps of Peterborough dihedral to
day. When examined at the police
Btatlon It was found to ontuhi four
boxes filled with various colored
liquids , together with ninny wires
and springs. On the lid of the box
was a representation of the akull and
bones with the woria , "Biwaro of
the Invincible army. " The bm waa
marked "Dspot branch < flico , 57
Broadway atreot , Now York. " On
a clip of paper inaldo the box were
the words , "Conscience makes cowarda
of all men. " Although thudl'ilr Is
conaldorod a hoax the worthlppors at
Iho calhedral were much alarmed.
William Chambers , L. L D. , a
well known publisher , aged 83 , Is
D.wltt , Healy and Qulnn have
been forbidden to receive visitors In
cnnscquenoo of the recent loiters
forwarding subscriptions to the Par-
neil fund aud condemning the pope's
Oetowayo has been defeated , this
time with great slaughler.
The vlllsgo of Longofor , in Savoy ,
has been almost entirely destroyed by
fire , only four building * rotuulnlng ;
standing. Four hundred peraons
wore made homeless by the firo.
America will send elxly paintings
to the forthcoming art exhibition at
Sp clal Dllpatchcl to Tui Bli.
PAHIS , M y 20. The second ballot
for member of the chamber of deputies
for the aixteenth arrondisaemout to
day resulted In M. Calls , conservative
recolvlng 3.030 votes ; M. Bontoallor
irreconcllablo , 2,999 , and M. Ronaud
opportunist , 1,134.
At the election for member for th
sixth division , M. Montellhelt , social 1
is't , received 4,000 voted ; M Thoonot
republican unionist , 3COO. ,
Jacques Abbatnocl and M. Saulty
fought a duel with swords in the Bols
de Boulogne , Paris , to-day. Bath
wore wofcnded.
The Fronoh Derby race , inllo and
four furlongs , w o won by Gastric' *
chestnut colt Frontin , LaGrango's
bay colt Fjrfadol second , Lufouro'a
Regain third. Eighteen ran.
LONDON , May 19. James Carey 'l
informer , waa to-day released from
custody. Carey declares ho intends
to remain in Dublin and further that
ho will vigorously prosecute the ten
ants occupying his promises who refuse
to pay rent since ho became an In-
former. Ever alnco Carey turned In
former hla house has bson guarded byte
policemen , and on hlu liberation to-
, d&y the guard was doubled.
The crown proposes to dlstrlbn c
the reward c ( Tared for the detection I of
the Phoenix park murderers among
the Informers. Il IB believed it will
also oond abroad forthwith all Informers -
formers who desire to leave the coun
The excitement in Ireland over the
pope's circular 10 the clergy la urm-
bated and finds expression in all quar
ters. Juatln McCarthy , member cf
parliament for Longford , has bunt a
circular to prominent Irishmen con
nected with the Irish National League
In London euggoiting the formation of
an organization to assist further the
movement to raise the testimonial for
, Parnell. The town cominlsalonera > of
Dnnraven , Ireland , last night adopted
a resolution of disapproval to the
papal circular on the ground that It
, counselled disunion between the pope
and priests of Ireland.
, The dynamite conspirators ,
nedy , O'Horllhy , O'Omnor alias Dai-
ton , Daasy aud Flanigau , were arraigned
. raigned in court thin morning and
formally charged with conspiracy to
murder aa well aa reaBon-feloiiy.
Special Dliputchcu to Till Jim.
The king and queen of Portugal will .
tc leave LUbon for Madrid to-day. The
, prlnco of Portugal will act us
ogont during tholr absence.
h ? hnrrl"no nt Aljtn yesterday
van the worst in twenty yosrs.
oua damage on land and water.
' A violent atorm raged In liorliu
yesterday and did much damage ti
- , ho hygeiiio cxhibidan building. Rilt
lenctrutud the rocf and the partlttot
, wallu of the Anntrlun dopartuu-n
- were cverthown aud several peraon
Emperor William vhltcd Blamarcl
ycstord y , The emperor will lvo
dinner to Baron DeOanreol , Frencl
atubaiBudor , to-day ,
Dolsnoy , ono of the Phoenix park
murderers , has been reprieved ,
the Official bullotlna respecting the
health of Bismarck should be rooolvo
with caution , It is assorted that the
nrlnoo sulfors great pain , bat ho objects
jocts to the Uaaanco of alarming bul-
lotlno , Io N muli air.clefl by thu
political dlfhppointnu'nt ho hnstx-
and It Ii tmd ! the IntCBt re
ports in regard to nrgoMaMina beISO
1'riiPfK and the Y.iticJii have
boon I ! B'I a eonrvu of trouble
l > l | ntcr i to Till
Tlin Uhiunqo | mior8 | nevorely crlliclso the
renllct in the Dunn c.i < o ,
1'ctur McOotich , it IK rumored , (9 ( run
nliiK it lard corner nt Mllwiuikee.
Hiiuposol ci o of h\ltniliobln | Ii at-
much nttentl > n in Inilun ipulls.
k ' > . , w ll known New
York coup mtimtactururrt , Invd ninlKiioil
In llliuoin Ilio cyctiino klllol ut loaet
litT-our ( ( puoplu .ml Injure , I nb < tit l00. !
The ( i.tlly pruductlon ot tl > o Miiin
inillt ln ! pwit Hook WHH 1.1,0:0 : hurroU.
Th * pension list will till
forty-oljit ; ! vol-
LG U 0. Dolinonlco , citinln of tlio fn-
ioiH rentrtiirntonr < > ( Now York , in do.vl ,
I5eu A. V. Uiee I * willing to accept the
dumooratia iijiiiiiiulioiij for governor of
Ohio ,
10 crowds are II > ckln , < to Moscow
to bu present nt tlin coronation of the
Tha Illinois homo IUH p-t-Mod a bill fix-
beer lionuoj at $ 2. > 0 an 1 tfhisky
liceuco.-i at Jf'O'J.
The Ciiiciiiuikti intuloil toitU l ft'socln-
tlon ( iroducod Ctouaoil' * Hi Icmptloii , 8 t-
uriiny ni til , Tlunui' urclioitr.i taking
W. S. Mclntyrc , of Colnr ili ) , lostjn
Nuw Yurk it pocki'tbook cunt tilling S 1 ' - ' " > , -
( UK ) m luuuiH itud $375 iu civsh , which uau-
nul bo found ,
The 1'ouiiKylvanU hoii'o voted to tx
ami ri'gulitte tlio Imslnem of oil-cur'lug
curponttioui1 , utter etroug opposition of tbo
Minn Lulu ( ire n , n bonutiful young
, .irl of trtcutj-twoyonri' , bun iloiertecl her
liiiitliur itt Albuquerque for tha purpose of
entering n coiiYuut at St luiiln ,
The Alphit Delta 1'hi convention at
_ IcTtUud arljournoil Haturiiay , to meet
no yc'tr M Midiiloton , Conn. Hov.
1'nillp : Hroukrt , ut lionen , wits olooteil
The hark Anbln , from Ntw Orloftuii ,
nrrivoil ut Itevel , Twenty o ! her
ciotv died of Hiiinllpox.
i\t 1) , Swljfont'H halo of thoroughbred
lirouyht 518,000 , nn I
51,100 a head.
Iilnrk Hpiclicr , a trnvoliug snle nmn , hns
been nwftrded nt rliil il itii | S"tOOd ' infer -
for being ejoctoii from it trniu in the
pen country.
Witfhington 1" . llnyeH , a well-known
iiiituufacturcr ml ox-number of tlu Now
HiinlMbiro loyinlatim1 , lunged Idiwelf
Saturday. C.tu < o , heitvy louses by tire
nud death of a tMorllo naughter.
O. K. Towle , treasurer of IjMinoxville ,
Qiiebco , la missing. Ho is a delimiter fur
Bjverul '
Dilworth , I'orter & Co. , largo railroad
iiiituuf cturerii ut 1 iltslmtf , employ
ing 500 men , having notitio.l the men thnt
the works will bo im peiulo I ut once until
th * lodiftion of w ori proponed by tlio
iron nmnufftcturord of the woat ia nccoptod
by them
At lircwuhelm , Ohio , a cii.iik from the
tovo let lire to the clothing of n bitliy
in ita crib , nud it was burned to
At Wilmington , lil. , tlio Woatorn
Jiiion Telegr.ipb cjinpnnj's nttoruey
to i > * y , umier protest , the inn-
tax of $1 per pule.
Win. A. lUumer , of U'lilunond , 1ml , ,
i Hhmuilit ; euit HKitilHt John U. VatiKlm ,
ch rRlng him with itllonuting hlu vifo'n
Society h HIO !
The Evnniivillo anil T rrit Haute IISM
been nu pend J by the truuk Hum from
the boiiotitH of through conntctions , for a
period of ten d yu for outtlng raton.
Among the curiomtles juat placed in the
rtilio room uf the Ohio utitte houto in ( hood
original coiuuiUsion on pitrclnnoilt IAHUOI |
to Anron IJurr , nulhurizlug him lo practice
litw ,
Ex-Unite I SUtes Troaeurer Oilfillan
IUH renUuad bia connection with the
Mutuitl Trust cuinpauy of Now York
and has beuomo presiileat of a firm o
brouza founder * in New Vorlc City.
Elizabeth , N. J. , with 512 fiOO.OOO tax
able prnparty. ban a bonded ilubt of $7 000-
000 , end croiiitors hrtve Necurad n nianila-
uiui to compel tbo city to mine funds for
payment of ltd debt by n tnx lovy.
Mrs M'trcells Uoyee , who roiitle * in
LOOK Hotioin , jrwt across the river from
Wheeling , W. V * . , K vo birth to four
bubw , two boyn and two IrK One of the
boys died , but the reni/iining thiee are
large nil henltliy. Two years j'o tiio
luily pro cnted her hiuhun 1 with twinu ,
luui lttt : uenson with tripletu.
Wade Martin , a youth of Krln , Pn. ,
called in hln friomlH to nee him commit
euicliie , then clapped ft revolver to bin
brcftitt nrid fired a bullet , which nly
ripped the skin on h ! Hiil ( > , but eevcroly
wounded ono of tbo wituesne ? .
H. 0. St. John , detailed by Sacretar
Teller to ezimlno and report on oertaln
allc'go i fruuiluleiit pre-emption citnh entries
of lonil in tbe Denver district , raportH hat
all bid er.triea are fraudulent anil Illegal ,
anil mails for ipectilitiva purpones.
Tl > e rtrliltrtttoni Bplfctuil ti ) nettle tbeco l
miners' Brlk itt 1'itUburnh nbtaincil a
licen o from the court , itnd lioth Jen
plolkeiltlieinnelttM to Iho umpired duel-
niou. The miner * m'recd to go to work today -
day itt the operator' * terms of tbree cents
per bushel , pending tha umpiro'it dt'cisiiin.
The gcneritl belief IH tbl ) amia tha ttrlke.
The nrliiterfl on The Dtibuquo Herald
anil Tiinrn ( jnlt work itnil went on a
Btnko about uildnlcbt Friday , leaving
thdir work in an uaiiuinhed condition. The
liublieherM luvo burred them out and hired
uew men.
Judge ( Jrcor , of the MempliN criminal
ooutt , before wln.m n wee teeting th cou-
Ktitutioimlity of the not making gam
bling a felony IIM been argued amby
counicl for the punt few dayu , h a ren
dered an opinion tmtaining the validity uf
tbo act.
At Saturday' * meeting of the Lutheran
inluliten at Norrintowu , I'a. , il WBI an
nounced that tha family nt the Ute Dr.
Kr ulh had declared their Intention
to present the late doctor's large i li
brary to tbo theological Hemmary. Thin
library l etimMe-l to contain abuut
15.000 , anil Ii regarded by m ny s the
- hnent unil bebt Beicctod one In the Unite
Iteporti from Montgomery county , N.
Y. , mty tliBacrca < oof iho hop crop will be
u cJ.i'ht increjuo over lu t vear. The out
look IH i' ' il , The lulu raiiiH cut iiown
vinei aad hill * that , r"mi..eti well. lu-
rtlouluin point to u good price for next
A Borloin dabbing affilr ocsurrod at
Auburn , Nob. , S turibv nil hf. AIIICK
Whitlow Bteppo I up to Kreil Kueila , who
wt htauding til tll uiiuivMk on Cilitritl
ftveniii' , Hint HUbb.-d him iu tbo ciioelr : , the
bUdo of tae knifa bie.iking olf. The
d .ctor inn just removM it. Dtfiutj
Sheiilf It-Ken uttemptnl to urro"t
) ; ulfo
i : n Cnpturml Fine.
Special Wi-t'tttcli ' to TIIH HII.
a i NALTIMUKK , My 20. About eight
survtvora of the Fifth Virginia infantry
fantry ( Stone all brigade ) acconi
punUd by a number of realdonts i
AnguUiv and Uoc'.cbrldse countlei
Virginia , arrived lost night on the
way to Niagara Falls to partlclpat
In the twenty-second annual union
of fNow
- of the Twenty-eighth regiment
- York volunteers. They h vo with
them the fl. R they cap'urod ' from thu
Now York Tivptity-olKlith at the bal-
tlo cf Cedar Mountain , August 2 ,
ISO ( , which thiy will return to them.
A I'.ttil Hitllroitil Row.
Spt elitt D.jptt.hl
FAUN , Win. , May 20.
Two labori'M lu the employ tf the
" "
Pi.ul , Minneapolis and
Onifthit II. H. , were crushed under
the whcu'la of an oiiglnu of tha Chip-
F.illa and WeBtoru company
drlvbii [ < hcrois thn grndd of the Oiniha
road to obstruct lliolr works. Tne
Onulm people weru alti'inptitii ; a
creasing , had placed a crew of their
men with nil ! * no placed as to ditch
Iho Incoming Wealornc.mip.iny'ii ' train
before it reached their i/rado , The
Western euporintondunt waa on thi <
nnglno ! , bade the men got out of the
way ; or bo crushed. The Omaha ofli-
clal ordered the men to hold their
ground and have no fear of the ro
suit. ! The engine came back with ter
rific ' force and fatal ruaulls. No arrests
IIPVO been made.
No Grout
SpooUl DlM'ntch to Tin Um.
Citu'tuo , May 20. Anthony Connolly
nelly , a saloonkuupor , and U < bert
Hriico , allan Harry Curtis , of no reo
o ii1 ? id occupation , mot ia the
former's saloon this evening After
drluklng together Curtis ahol Connolly
nelly , the bill , of largo calibre , pass-
iii { ; enllroly through tlio b dy. Connolly
nelly then cho' , Onrtla through both
-highs , close to the body. It la
thought both will die. Curtis siiys
that Cjiinolly and another man held
hit up someday * ate and robbed him
of $1.
Mnrrlnuo of Ann ElUa Young.
BvrclAl lliii lch to Till ll i
Loot , 0 , May 20. Mra. Ann KHz *
Young , of Mormon fame , nineteenth
wife of Brlghaui Young , wns married
at 1 o'clock thin afternoon iu thla city
to Mr. Mooes II. Djunlng , a prornl-
nont banker of Manlatoo , Mich. The
ceremony waa performed at the real-
.dunce of De. A. K Klllolt. llov. IS.
A. Stone , of Gallon , O. , i fl'ulatod.
Mrs. Young's son witnessed the core-
mony. There was a largo number of
guests prcsont , among whom wore
some of the most prominent citizens
of this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Don
ning will make their homo In Mania
Toledo.Thry left on the 3o0 : train for
Tha Brlilo | Opouliiir ,
fipcdtl I > l > | UttCll tO 11U llll.
NKW YORK , My 20. Djlogatos of
the Control labor union to-day decided
to Issue a proclamation asking all
workmen to absent themselves from
the ceremonies of opening Eiut river
bridge hocMiso the trustees rofnsod to
ohango the day to some other data
than the queen's birthday.
The Sons of Liberty denounced the
bridge authorities for holding Iho
corumoutou on the queen's birthday.
It was thu attention i.f the meeting to
hum the quuon'a iHigy but the pros-
unco of police prevented Iho demon
Spuonlntlnii nutl Itt Rotult
Special ll i > tch to Till llll.
OHIOAUO , May 20.--A statement la
published here to the eflnct that I3 n
Jones , son of J. Ilumnl Jones , ox-
colloolor of ciiBloma In thla city , xIB
boon rpeculatlng exleiiBlyely on the
strength of prominent names. The
atory ia tlutt ho occupied ft confidential
position with the grain coujmisalon
firm of Smith & McOjrmick ; that In
thai capacity ho was lu the habit of
bringing in orders for the purchase or
sale of grain from people of alanding
who did not ciro to have U known
tbut they were dealing In uiarglna.
Among the orders thus brought [
was ono , it la fluid , lu
the name of Potter P.tlmor
together with a deposit of $1,000
The deal wont the wroug way aud the
firm filially piou-ntod a bill for f 6,000
againat Mr. Palmer ns the amount
advanced in carrying the deal
Pdliner repudiated it nnd cold ho nev
er gave suoh order. The other deals
were Investigated ami It i.i aald the
not result was about $150,000 to profit
and loss on the part of thla linn alone.
It la reported other linns auiLred 1 IIB
well. Jones wont Into business on
hla own account somu ycuro ago and
failed. It Is claimed Ms speculations
have coit his father $20,000. Young
Jones saya mutters are all nuficoptlblo
ot explanation.
Exoitomont in the Oil Regloui.
BpJClll lli ! tCll tO Till llll.
TITUHVILLK , Pa. , May 20.-If the
tar I It' bill pauses In UN prcnont shape
at llarrlsbnrg , the United Pipe line
will be forced to surrender its charter
and do business as partnership i or
limited partnership aasoclatiou. This
ohango will not noceBaarlly reduce the
value or Injure Iho security of oil
corlilicalos , but the trade undoubtedly
would look on it in a different light
and would probably cause the destruc
tion of the value of oil certificates
until confidonoo was restored. Panics
are uatlly created whore valnoa are i to
some extent epoculativo or where
securities are used lu speculation , and
It la believed that nothing could avoid
a panic If the change of this kind
forced upon the United Pipe line
Ilonoa the Intense feeling and un
animity In the oil region agalnit t the
Hovl r M , Wat t , H III'.IH I um Ibu Koi
ami ryoi II IUHU N" " in t- > u i , Ninci
Hmilau a " 1 Fitir li i'vil > r. II ti"l.
ill kliiu'in'i''ii ' ill I Itci'l. ' i liili'H' < c-inscil
aid l calx ) l > r..ti -Mfi't.ind rmi-ll. laituat
irail' i ! r'H'onil ' , ami ra\n.'i n ' < "l uil.
i ; u'h , II i militia , l > .u'I"i.Kb | Int > U o fhro.t
almln i | t'.imtii"i | J ' . ' 'ili'j ' ol .tru gl
a ,1 t'ckh. ' lo'ScCSL.p. Me. , cur il.
Hue lioltluil I aili .tl ( "re1 , o u not Cttairn
Soltentan one l > r. Sttiforln li Im'er ' , In 01
ra-kni ! ' ' , of all ilrnca s' , for 31. Auk lor fx
ruiuiH llAUirAi. IIUK , a luroillitilUtl'ii ol I Wl
lint 1 , Ant I'mo , l a. F'r. Uarlgcl , ! > , vcr 11
B mtie. . . I'unKll JJIUU AMI L'llUIICAb
For Uio rcl'ut ami prcvc
; 'l ' tl n , thu liiitiut it U applies
- JLTAlollhuuiiutlun , urilfla
- l 7Sclitle * . Cough * , Coldt.We
of ' 'is// ' H cK , btonuch anil L'owe '
: ' .
Shooting 1'alr.s ,
, , Konn'o PMo ' , I
pltfttlon , Lj8H'piln | , Lli
t , lllllio Ktver
and ! g ? '
B'wtrlo ' Tatteiy miblneJ
1oroui ; ct ) *
25c KvoiMhru. k&TI
The Bloody Work of the Apaches
Tlio Lntost from Crook.
PIfp tch to Tui Itm.
Cuiuino. M y 20. A Ohihuahua ,
Mexico , tpecial rttje : Sixty Indians ,
coinlni ; from the Unltrd Stales , passed
ne&r CnriiiRn on thoi5b. AtMijuo'd
1'uco thry killed and bohendcd ono
man and throw the head away after
carrying It some miles. They killed a
Moxlcnn at Sin Lorenzo , nt Huena-
vonlurtandtwo AlSjin Itlneza. Cipt.
Jor.ea was scut from here with a body
moti to meet thla bind , whloh la com *
matided by Chtuf Otiata , Another do-
tachinont wno iotit from Oasa Orando.
The Indiana are making rapidly for
the Sierra Madras.
A special gives Iho following' In
formation direct from the hotdqnar-
turs of the army regarding tha opera
tions ag\lmit the Indians. It IM dated
"Apoewia , Sonora , Miy 13. Tueaday
ovonlng ( last it courier arrived from
H.iviipo with a communication from
Lieutenant Parraa , utatlnt ; that
Urook reached there on the OJi with
201 ApnchoHoldlerBand ICO Aiuoricin
and Moxlctn troops Crook obtained
guldea from the military commandant
of the town to conduct hla force to
where Garcia had hla late fight. The
next duy they departed for the Sierra
MftdroB via Gaapora. The comniind
was accompanied by forty pick mnlos ,
laden with provisions to last a long
The main body of Crook's ' force ,
numbering 500 , Is camped at Alamo-
pueblo , twenty le zuosfrom Jin'oe. It
Is stated that hid Lieut. P-irrus con-
suited with Heady baforo giving
Crook a guide , none would have boon
furnished , on the ground that Crook's
entry waa a violation of the treaty.
Crook made all his preparations de
liberately aud hai the sympathy of the
Mexican population , lly a return
courier Col. liindala , now command-
Inq , wrole Crook romonatratlng in
courteous and decided hngutgo that
his action was nu Infraction of the
treaty. Neither HindaU nor G.troia ,
lately In command , Inn received In-
atruolloiis as to what Crook by the
consent of the government will bo
permitted to do. liandata anys ho
will oblige the military forced to ad
here to thu ortlclea of the treaty.
When Handata rocnlvod the HOWS of
Crook's arrival at Bwlapti , ho took
Immudlato steps to guard -against the
Iiidlitna mnklng another raid , If } l
drl van ont of the mountains by i |
Crook. Many who are familiar with \J \
the Apachi'a state tbat Crook wtll not
bo able to find Iho Indiana. If they
luarn of his approach they will scatter
Into amall bands aud hide in impene
trable fastucanea. Othera confidently
any that Crook will not bo able to
bring them to a fight , because the In
diana oxtmistod novrly all their am
munition In ( latcla's fight.
A Blagginc Match.
Speclil Dlnpittch to Tils lln.
CHICAGO , May 2C. Early thU
morning about 200 inombora of the
sporting frotprnlly from this city
assembled at Ilamtiiond , a littlotown
jmt acrotB tin ) IllinolB state line , lu
ludluun , for the purpose of witness
ing a mill between two local brnlBera
Thoman Lynch , a brakeman , and
James Welsh , a boilermaker , who
had mot once or twice before , bat
without settllrg the question of su
premacy. Thlrty-nlno rounds wuro
fought in ono hour. Hith men were
badly pnnlehrd Lynch VYRS declared
tha Tio'or. When tha party returned
to tbo city principals , eeconds and
, ouvoriil of the spectators were arrested
and hold in bonds ,
The Pnrnoll Tribute.
Biio Ial Dispatch to Tin Um.
, May 20Tho moot
ing of the Purnell branch of the
Irish National Lo.iguo thla afternoon
ondorted thn appeal for a national
tribute to P rnoll , and authorized
, the Bonding of JfiOO to Archblahop
FoohRii , o ( Chicago , to bo added to
the P runll funda Blurted in that
ST. Louis , May 20. At a mooting
. of the Irish National Leagues today
a speeches were made denunciatory of
the popo's circular as an unwarrant
ed IntLrforouco In purely political
matters , and recommending prompt
Bubtcrlpiloua to the Parnoll redemp-
° lion fund.
The Sttr Kouto Trial-
Spoclul Dlvpnlch to Till UK.
WASHINGTON , May 20. Ingeraoll
cxpectn to occupy two cr tbroo d ya
ot the present week before concluding
hla argument. Ho .said to the asso
ciated prfaa reporter to night that hla
argument would bo the laat made by
the defense. Merrlck would follow
for the proBCCutlon and would speak
four or five day , alter which too
judt'ii'B charge to the jury , to be followed -
, lowed , i.dhaps , by argument on the
l'iw M Intd down In the charges. Ho
thought the co so will be given to the
jury dnr'ng the firnt week in Juno
is In Uio blslory of propricUry medicines has
. any article mcl succcsi at borne equal to that
which lias been poured upon HOOD'S SAHSA-
rAitiLU. Why , such has been the success
of tills article , that nearly every family In.
whole neighborhoods have been taking it at
the same time. Kvcry week brings new cvl-
dencc of tlio wonderful curative properties ot
| this medicine.
Combines tlio
Hr.sT llcmedles
of Iho vegetable *
such proportion
s to derive their nrcatest medicinal effects
\ltli tlio least disturbance to tlio uuolo srs-
cm. lu f.ict this preparation Is socll bal
anced In its action upon tlio alimentary
anal , tbo liver , tlio Kidneys , the stomach ,
bo bowels and the cltculatlou of tbo blood ,
hat It bilngs about .1 healthy action of the
entire human organism , that can hardly bo
. , credited by those who ha\o not seen the rc-
gtn narkablo results that have followed Its use.
If the Sarsnparllla does not provo sufficient
ly laxative , take a few doses of Hoon'a Vno-
ono i.r.\iii.i : l'u.i.9. U U wtll In all cases ot
hlllousncss to take these pills In connection
ch i uitli the SarsaparllUv for the llrst ten days.
H That dull , bU'i-py , sick fcelini ! can bo wliolly
ovuieonie by the use of tlioo remedies. \ \ lil
jou gl\o tlifiw a trial aud bo yourieltagalii ?
Vn cx-aUlcriiian ofthTs city says ot Hood's
" Barsaparllla , " It U the strouecst Sarsapa-
rllU I ever saw. "
, - . Lach dollar bottle contains ono hundred
Lifei ( averages ) doses. Sold by all druggists.
, 1'rlco ono dollar , or six for five dollars.
V" Hood's Sarsaparllla , prepared only by 0.
I. HOOD & CO. , Apothecaries , Lowell , Mass.