THE OLLAB \ DAILY jJHE-MONDAY MAY 21 1883. The Omaha Bee. numc. . every morning , ntcent Sun * 4j , The * nly ftlunday moiiilng lUUy. VKKM3 BY.MAII - Uno Yoar..810.00 I Three Month.83.00 Six Mouth * . . f > .fH ) | One Month. . . . 1.00 i.'HK WKKXLY IJKK , puhllshwi every TKUMS I'OST PAI1)- One yeRr 82.00 I Three Months. BO Qlx Month 1.00 | One Month. . . . 20 AUXUICAN Nrttfl COMPANY , Hole A fonts i In the United States. COKUKHPONL'RNCK Commnnl- ftifons routing to News nd Kditorial lEiitturn nhould be nddrtssod to the KurTOH Or THK I'.KE , 1UIB1NKPB LKTTKH8 All Hualnej Li utter K and lUmlttancw should Iw nd Ireoned to Tut Bar I'cBLiHiiwa COMPANY OMAHA. Draf.'s , Checks and Pontolhco Jrderi to bo raada payable to the order of the Company , f he BBS PUBLISHING 00 , , Prop , K. UO3EWATER Editor Two JIOIIK wuoku before BUiiiinor. is atill tluio for spring to put In an nppearancs. ACCOIIDINO to Senator Mahono , his relations with the ndmlnlatrntlon are otitlroly haroionloui , reports to the contrary uotwltliBtandlng , PREHIDENT AUTIIUK will open the lirooklyu bridge on Thursday noon. A banquet la to follow , at which ho will open Bovoral bottles. KANSAS ia wrestling with wild oat life Insuranoo , and Nebraska is liable to bo vlothulzad worse than Kaunas by antdo policy poddlora. TitKiu : were seventy-two American oarthqmko * laat year. The oyolono la now trying to boat the record of the earthquake. JOHN LOAN aaya he la not in the race , but spirit rapplngs lu the vicin ity of the 1'oortft dlatlllorlua Indicate that ho is materializing for the presi dency. THK BEE la not iu the nowapapor buying bnalnosu , but it cuntluuua to print and soil more nowapnpora than all the other journals in Nebraska combined. THK atar routu cyulonu of wind hni done Its vrork. The court adjourned on Friday owing to the aerloua lllriocs of one of the jury. The remainder of the panel have had their llyca In- eared und aootn Indilloront about their fata. THE ranka of the "Wild West" have boon roornltod by Sitting Bull , the colubratod hatr ralsor. This breaks the charm of the chow aa a ntrlotly Nebraska Institution. Mr. Bull's old ntaraplng ground la iu Da kota and Montana. TUOUIILI : la brewing in the Pacific pool and a Tight in rates to the coast may bo expected. The opening of the Rio Qratido to O jdon la the canao of complaint. There la an old Baying about roguea falling out , which has a .pertinent . application to the place. THK Imllolujah atnglng democracy nro a llttlo too previous. They are not yet out of the woods. Harping on the errors of the republicans la not iho surest road to success. If the democracy havu nothing positive to ofTar the country but aohungo of oflloc holders , campaign enthusiasm will not roach a favor heat in 1834 OMAHA la expected to contribute al lonat ton thoorand dollars to over } circus , nd the only return she goti ia $100 llconie. Iu olden times these travellitii ; caravans leftn few huudrot dollnta in ovoiy town for food nnt board , Nowadays they carry tho'i own provlalona for every man ant boaat , and after raking In all thi looia change In the city they do no upend a dime. And thi worst of it la that the modornolrous I a enldo show which Imposes on th credulous by gorgeous play bllla tha have no relation whatever to thol performance. It la simply monstrous for our pec pie to withdraw $10.000 from ou trtdearnon and squander it o traveling roonnto-banka that do uo apcnd a dollar in our city. THERE ia QUO kind of an npwar tendency la Omaha real oatato tha wo would all llko to BOO. That la tendency towards more four and fiv story buildings , Property in th bntluosa portion of our city ia gel ting too valuable for the erection t nhautlea or of two or three ator atruoturea. T/iero 1 * n good doimn for ollicoJ oven in the highest stork aa long aa building * contain olovatori The magulQcont Omaha Nations Biuk bulldlug has every oQic rented , and Mr. MUlard la r < ported ta a yiog that snothi floor weald have been a pro&tablo li veatment. Now that wo have wate works thcro ought to be no healtatlc about erecting bnuluess-ll\ce \ bulldlnj on bnsluwa atroota. St. Panl boar of being a five story town. Omaha largo enough and prosperous enoug and ought to bo cheerful enough ov her proepeits to take time by the for look and build for the future. Thn years from DOW every owner of a thre atory bolldlng will wish it were fire. BUYING EDITOHS. It Is thought Mr. Dillon will shortly purcluso the Lincoln Demo crat for Mr. Rifowalcr , and give hiai a show for his monumantal gunlaa to explain Itaolf. Jltflnllicnn There la no doubt that Mr. Dillon would gladly buy the Democrat , or any other Nebraska newspaper , If ho could make Rosewater turn the crank of a Union P cfi3 ! organ. There WRB a time , not many years ngo , when Gontd and Dillon were willing to buy the National Vtjiublican ( o tranafor a man that talked too lend In Nebraska to another aphoro of usefulness. That bait waa not awnllowcd any nioro than the ? 500 Mr. Kimball tendered to the aaino parly about the time Dr. Miller made his memorable flop on Iho nar- rowgitngorallroadpropoaltlon , Bribing edltora and buying newapapern la an old game which those people have played for many a year. Of all the men in this section of the country who should fight ehy of talking about bribed editors and bought newspapers , the last should bo the sneak who penned the paragraph o quote. Instead of making an honest living ho has not only nold hlnuolf soul and body and proatltutod what llttlo talent ho has , but ho has hired himself out aa capper to rope in othora Into the drag not cf the Union Pacific. Now that ho ban Insolently asked Sidney Dillon to buy another news paper , a llttlo chapter from Nebraska political history in which ho played a very disreputable part la iu order. It exhibits him and his crowd in a beautiful light aa moulders of public opinion and ought to convince No- braeka republicans that they cinnot trust to the assumed Icadorohtp of such scoundrels. Just previous to the time when the present editor of the Jt'epubiiean was brgi > ing the editor at THE BEE for a position on this paper and promising to give airay the true Inwardness of Iho railroad ring and his associates In rascality ho had acted as a go-botwoon for Tom Kimball and the Union Puclflo in an attempt to control public sentiment through a bribed newspa per. The affidavits which wo publish elsewhere have boon in our archives for some tlmo , and wo might never have nsod them except for the Inso lence of Mr. Tom Klmball's tin can. The story which they toll would cover with shame any man who had the least self-roapuct. It is a and commentary on the condition of the republic in party In Nebraska , and within itself la the strongest kind of an appeal for a revolt that will forever make powerless this gang of corporate corruptlonlsts. It will afford InterestIng - Ing reading for Senator Paddock and his true friends , and reveals the base treachery and knavish hypocrisy of the Union Pacific politicians. If this exposure of their own orlmee against the people shocks the tondei onslbllltlea of the dude who edits the Htpullican , ho must thank his own folly for the cudgeling. Some people never know when they are well treated and such people never learn anything by experience. For months and months Tim BEE has Ignored this pack of cum who are kept and fed to bark at Its heels , But patlonoa aometlmet ooasca to bo a virtue , nud it taken a lively Blinking up occasionally to send thcrno whelps yelping back to tholi kennels. J W BAIIIKG. Abraham Einstein and Jacob Lavl , dealers lu slothing , are very offensive in the eyes of the Christian fu'in that own the H < \ > ull\can. Ever slnco Gasper E , Yost paid hlu line In the Omaha police court with a chock on the Omaha Na < tlonal bank , which stated on its fact that it waa a fine "for an assault on i Christ-killer1 he has had r. dee ] aversion to the children of Israel Ilia aisoclato who bought Into thi ] \ < lMican \ with tha money whlali his father wrung out of pee Dodge county fanners with "shout po ahont" usury , has also an Inherited dls llko of Jowa and Shylocks , Althong' bo waa willing to accept omploymou from what ho calls a "Bohemia Jew , " which according to his ideas I beneath a Jew who halls from Ohat ham street , ho never leta a ohauc slip for Hinging Insults at the hate raco. If he nnd his partner wet printing a paper In Germany , the would bo coaloua Jew baiters. Ore there , however , Jowa have some prld nud self-respect , and the Abruhai Einstolua nud Jacob Lavls would pt it very llttlo money Into the puraea < a their tradncora. BcalUoa all that , tl Kuuteliis and Livls | in Gorman have enough commercial aenao not I pitronlz ) a roiderless concern tin can do them no cood. It Boonu to bu n llttlo dlfl'jront I Om ha , where Abraham , Is.iacand J , oob , , f torbolng Insulted -\cd amlttou c . ' . one cheek , hive the Ohrlatl.Mi fort I * tudo to present the other nud aubiu 10 thorasolvod to injury aa well as lusul So wo urcanmo the LVjmbfiVaii wl continue to paddle oat Ita worthlo wares to the Jews of Onuht , amoi who are racked some of oar most 11 in eral-uilnded bnsluoas men , and uio L roapcted and pnbllo ipirltod cltlian Keep it baforo the'people. . OCR Catholic people will bo intc eated to learn on the authority of tl Omaha RtpuWean that the Oathol 96 church "has been for generations tl abiding place of ignorance and snp ; tition. Great aa hare been t charitable nnd rnllgloua labora cf H- man ( JithollcUin , a great incnsuro of I's success has been based upon the ( noranco and credulity of its member- rhlp. The infalltblllty of tha pope , which carried with It n largo degree uf the oimo power as applied to the hlahop and the priest , had Its birth In the auporstltlon of aoml-b.irbarlem , and depended for perpetuation npou a continuation of the mental darkucca which called It Into being , " This la gratuitous 1 us alt. Daring centuries of Intellectual darkness , the church kept , ullvo the flickering epaik of learning , and transmitted to suc ceeding generations tholitnrnry treas ures of antiquity and the traditions of an earlier civilization , There arc other nays of protesting agalnnt the political position oi Lo XUI towards Ireland , without attacking the great religious organization of which ho Is the head. It Is tnt claimed that the Infallibility of the pope haa never been extended to temporal matters in a dis tant land , of whoso coirJllion ho ia forced to learn through the counsel and advlco of others. Unfortunately In this oaar , an when Adrian Issued his ball turning Ireland over to Eng lleh rule , Homo has made a mistake through n deficiant knowledge of the faota , Bat this does not condemn the church as "the abiding place of Ignor ance and superstition , whoso BUCCCES has boon baaed upon the credulity of its membership. " A Sickly Fraud. Chicago Tlmci. Iho brand of fraud could not have boon stamped on the alleged civil serv ice reform achcmo moro legibly than it la by the rule , Insisted upon by the president nnd hia ministers , which ex empts nil bonds of bureaua and chlote of divisions from its operation. The ifThoa at Washington who dcclaree that this exemption is "practically iu open declaration that thcso important oilioor are still to bo combated for under the the Rpoll eyatem" does not state the truth too strongly. It In practically n confession by thu govern ment that the alleged civil service re form Is nothing whatever but n premeditated - meditated and dolllmnto cheat , U : humbug the country withal. The beet possible guaranty of fideli ty and ilfialency in the civil service would bu the incentive which the do- nlro and hope of promotion would give to ambition. The exclusion of the heads of bureaus and divisions from the places to be filled by promo tion restricts promotions within n narrow list of Inferior places. Thu man who stands highest In the exam inations designed to nature fitness oan outer the service only at the bottom of the scale , and after entering it , no matter how great his capacity or su perior his faculties , cannot hope to rloo by prjuiotlon to the head of a bureau , or a chief clerkship , those places having boon reserved for the henchmen of party bocsoi and under-bosses who can bring to them superior qualifications for ma nipulating caucuses , packing nominat ing conventions , and debauching elections. The great prizes whloli clerks iu the lower grades would nat urally ntrlvo to qalu are the heads ol divisions and of bureaus , but these by express demand of the prosldoni and his inlnintorp , nro put out of tholi roach for the ncaommodatlon of the useful managers of the presiden tial nud cougrusifoual election ma chine. The plain truth of the matter Is that the alleged civil oorvlco reform busl ness ID a bold , baru-fncod , unmitigated scheme of fraud It can lay no clnlrc toniiy moro reapnctnblo appellation , nnd dcaervoa no criticism from ntij standpoint which admits or prosumet any element cf honeaty In its oonv pounding. Electricity Hilucldntod. There nro two kinds of eleotrlo lighti the nro and iucadoictmt , the formoi being formed by the passing of e powerful current between two corboc points , one above the other , nut phicsd within n short distance of oaol other. The inoadeaoont light ii formed by the continuous passage ol n current over some resisting sub struoo , thereby boating It to n white heat. Carbon , which oifjra consider able opposition to the paeago of at : olcotrlo current , U ohlf fly used in tht incadoacent light , it being Incloied li a vacuum to prevent its combustion There ara four kinds of lucidosoon1 lights the Swan , which employs t ploco of carbonized cotton thread ; the Maxim , a plnca of carbonized card board ; the Boruntoln , carbonized straw , and the Edison , carbonlzoc bamboo. In the latter lamp tha Gin mont is llttlo larger than a horao hair yit ) KB light la vary Intense , aa well n : dlfTaalvo. All of tha above lamps an operated by a steam dynamo , slmllai In construction to the onoi mod li generating au are light , yet producing a oarrent of lots dmislty. For interior Illumination the Incan descent light gives out a steady glow without tllckorlnj ; , h of unlforn brilliancy , and of such soft color a not to be at ull Injurious to the vision The method of introdnolai ; the llgh lute dwelllug ) haa bjen perfected t > such n deigrco that prbiuo housoa ma ; thus ba lilum'na'oJ ' with less iucon venlenco than by the introduction e gas. In Now York City , where in toiior Illumination by vho electric Hg U most ex enalvely prictlced , th wlrea are carried unJtrgroand , mctei raput iu each building , which ccct ra.oly tu Utur the auiuuut of otiv trlclty caoh c.mjuaicr uics , nud Imtu soniB brackoH , lu a variety of design are pliced iu the rooms. A switch furnished with each burner , and tt lightning of a lamp ia dune by aluipl turnluguutho ciureut Knto Kann Liberated. SpfdU Duivitch to Tin II11. bat MILWJLUKBE , May 20. Kita K m at the female lawyer , who threw water I Judge Mallory's face iu the crimlu court , was to-day relented from tl county jail , where she had been co fined for thirty daya for contempt court. She shook hands with tl be sheriff1 * employe ! , except Moyei lie who waa the one who nolzad her ar in the conrt at the time aho threw tl bo water , Lady friends took her awi in a carriage and presented her wl he a purse of money. MINIONS OF MOHiiPILY. ? Tom Kimball and Ills Tin Can , A Kioy Ohnptf-r in tha Ilietory of Nebrnukn , la the Dhitlel Court , Fl'th Judicial District f Nebra < k' foi Bullili Couuty , Fre < l Nye , Plaintiff , ) . S Ans. Win. 0. Ilolden , Delenclnnt. ) mwr iiEKENHE. Now cornea the aaid ilc'ucdint , William U. Hohleii , ami for nnmcf to the ( jetltl n cf gild iihlnllll lux B tpicl.U ownership In' the K'Ji \ nnd chat'.eln nioutloncd In hid petition , IXfemlaut r.dmlti that t ! c pre tended nno8 Mii murtrfft99 doicribtd in plftintill'd iiotillon , was ohtnlneil by tie- fouilatit from one Thomas L. Klmbnll , < f OmnhnXeb. | , nt the lime , mid jot , one of the i llioeis uf the Union IVcltio ralln.Ml comniuy , and with tin unwritten agree ment hotttconthe .itd JCiiulmll und this dofcndaut to the effect that s\d ; ! meney wag BO furnished this defendant ns coin- pona&tion fjr services to bo rcn Icrod by defendant in Ills capacity aa newspaper editor , nnd otlierwiao in c rrvin ? eloctioiiB for the benefit of the id Ucinn 1'aclfic ruilroiid ctinpRuy. Tint nt tha tiu.o It waa expressly nun el between the nid Knnball and the enld defendant thot the B ld defendant , who wai then pub- Ihhlni ; tha Central Nebraikn J'rcsp , nt Kearney , Neb. , nhould advocate the elec tion to the United Staled BFUI'O , of such n min ai might thereafter ba d aif- nated by the said ICItnball or other pertcn acting under the direction of the nld Union 1'dclQc railroad minascment. That at tha time the ovAilnbility of A , S. Pad dock nnd Alblntn Nance , as CMidMatcs for United S tit en penatur w.v diecueted , by Hi.ii ! Kimball end the defendant. ' ] hat at that time the defendant enquired of the taid Kimball whether i'addcck or Natico would bo most patinfactory to the rand , meaning the Union Paclfio railroad mann - n euKtit , to which Mr , Kftnbnll replied that Mr. 1'nddork hid been very friendly to tha , but ho mi lit not be available na n candidate , and that Mr. Nance won successful youui < man , and the road might Uk him ca itn canilidat . That h wan then understood and Agreed between the Hnid Kimball and hUdntcndsuit that either Mr. I'Atlduak or Mr. Nance would ho the cholco of the Union Pacific railroad man- ngement for United States aenator , and that dtfcudant ngrecd to support cither Paddock or Niiice , but expreueml n profereuco for Nancp , who teemed to b ) tbo pr Jrr e 1 candidate of the road , na then rxpiejted by Mr , Kimball. Thut at thin interview- , the said Kimbnll norl cVendmt only wore nroeeut , and tl.o pUintifl No waa uot present nnd did not ptrcici tale theriin ; that this iaterviow between the said Kiu- liall and thii defendant tuuk p'aca nt the Union Pnclfic heac'qmrtcrs building , iu the city of Omaha , Neb. , n nhort tune priiir to the ditto of the inorlgn o tiret mint oned in plaintiff's petition , Thut nt thnt time tt wm acreed between the said Kimball und this defendant , tLut this de focdaut Hhould extcuto and deliver hU uotcn nud mortgage ou defendant's print ing uiHtorial , to whoiiH-ove KimLall might eond with the mnney , aid fcr sach n sum us the f-ftl't ' Kimball inijht Eeud , which It wnn tlieu i-tjreed should Le twelve huudred-dullare. That thereuftoc , on the date of thi mortgage first doacrihcd In plhiiitill'a pet ! ion , the said pi lint IT , Kred Nye , appeared nt Kearney , with the sum aforesaid , of twelve hundred dollars , nnd la purounuce with eaid agreement with Kiiubnll , delivered thu sum to this de fendant , ncd took the noten nnd mortgage tint described in plumtiir'a petition. That i riar to th date of the flnld Nre's appearance with the money , thU defen dant had no comniuuication with him con cerning the matter , had cover borrowoJ any money of said Nye cr talked of bor rowing uny. That when taid Nye no ftp- pound nt Kearney w > th the money , nuil took raid notes and mortgage , be ttated that tLo said Kiml-all hud uent him U [ with the money atd that ho came up nl the request of said Kimball to carry oul the nirangoments made before that time between haid Kimball und the dcftnJuut And that defendant further say thnt the object and purpose of tuking said nota and mortgage wn < to make the traux&ctioii nppenr as t loan when Mich w&s not tht c.iae , nnd for the purpose of cai coaling the illagnl natura of the bargain , Thnt it wai never the Intention of the paid Kim'oal ! nud said defendant thtt > uid nottH ehuuK : be paid. That before thU transaction , de- fendaut had rcmdered political service ! for the Union Pacific railroad cotupuuy , in opposing the nomiuntion of Auiat-s Cobb , of Lincoln , Nebraska , for MI- prenio judge. That for them ) service defendant received the emu < f $300 frtn the bunds of Johu M , Thur-ttun , of Oiiulm , Nobrnjka , one of the Unii.n Pu- cifio railroad politic. * ! mansger-i , and that said Tnuratou r.t that timti took dtfend utV note for tha turn of 8300 , but that SAI ! note , though long since rtue , h&8 uevei been urefontcd to thu defendant for pay < ment , nnd it w s not the iutentioii nt the time of giving the not ? , either upon the part of mid Thuraton or said defendant , that the same thonld bo paid , That uaii : Thuiston nt tint time sid , "We do bus ! noes iu this w.iy for infcly , you know ; it ia n sort cf guaranty. " That nt the tun ; defendant gave tbo note mentioned Ii plnintifl'd petition , tl < e note for $300 wt due , nud tliat plaiiitit ! h-ul good re on to bellevu and did belio\o that said Km ! > > nll never meant to press the payment of the said uoto and moitgai ; * . And tha said de fendant charges tha fact to ba thst Bait plalutitf , 1'red Xje , U not tha real part > in interest in the pros cution of thii no lion , cud that the aaid Thtmaj It Kim ball la tha real party in interest. Slid defendant fondant further chargea that the said sun of 81,1-00 wa Intended na payment for po lltictl sorvicea in the election of a Unltot States tenator , nnd that aaid rervicea bavi been rendered in accoriliuco with th : agreement hforesald. Said defendant further nays that the pum of four hundred nnd f jrty-two dot lara , mentioned iu plain ill's petition , wai agreed to be advanced by Btld Kimball for torvIcM of n political oharaoter , to h < rendered by this dvfaudtnt iu the election of a United States senater , nt tha Ut sen atorlal election. That It was agiced thu taid moaey should be applied iu tmymen of ct < rt ' , n notes c.rlgln. lly friveu by da fmiUnt to Charlcfl W. Dtke , unw h Id bj Nathan Cunnbcll nnd K Islu O Cnlkinr hU -Unice < , for tha benefit of creditor * That among satd notes wai end flcned li ; this defendant and Alexander It O.'iiner aud VranclB ( J 1 Inner , as hit ( mn > tlM Ths f Ace of H ii 1 note wa tw ) hnndre dollars , nud the ii.tero..t nu.l p ircipjl t this date ttmiiunt t > two humlm ! i-n forty-tbre nnd 33-UO do'Ur . Tlut o the 10h d v of Ootol or 1S-0. the ti i t'r.kiici'i ( . > . ll.'iner ha 1 lunulunto I b tha reput > ll n party of HulIUo county , for the otli u f roroient\tlv in tlia B'.n'x ) le l Uuirj of the Htr.t of Nt lira 'i , that body of men uuthoriz i t elect United States eouatora. Thi s lii Hinier was uuderUo d t bo un'thodly ti the ele-tl. of A. H. Pidoct or g H ANnciH Nanc to eaid oliica of Unite ) dUtoi eeuato Tint it wai uaderitmd that me Simou C Ayer , of the town o'Uibbou [ , tniaii ! cnunl of liutl'klov * frien tly to the t election < either said Piddock urld Name. Th ; bee ue nald llnuier wmil i cot vote fi al ald Pad Jock or s id Nanre if elected I tbclexlalature , the caidThomat L , Kit n > ball , In the intereat of tin Union Pacll of railroad , and U political management , i 10 nueated the defendant to oppose tha ele tlou of aaid Hamer. and to favor the ele tlon of ( aid Ayer , through the columns in tblt newspaper aud otberwlu. Th both aid defendint then itid that he d boy not want to oppoie ttld Hiuier , wb ! th aid Hamer rem ine < l tecnrlty on o of bit notca. That U w i then gre tint mid iiDto on which sail Oonnor an' t. M llaiiicr wtr-5 Miretlts fhiuld l > v' pldu' o ! sili fiuin "f four hundred and t nty-lwo dilinip. Mil : thnt tlih delecdaut woud : pi > osa Hilil Hauler's electlup , and vc rk f > r iho ilcctluii rf intd Ajer , And ntfcndr.nt stjH that ho Immediately began 'o'ippopo tliu n f ct n of < ld tlftmer , nd to work f .r . PuM Ayor. an i thnt fald Ayer was elected by n largo majority , nnd nn n tnpinbcr of the lefiilatnre voted for A S. Patlilnok f r United States nenrtor. Th t e 'd ' K-mbnM , nor nny one nn his be- ha f , titr r pal 1 t * < o al 1 note secured , M i rntr i n I "vld Huner and thit nt least turn hundred nnd fnrty-threo and ? 3 100 d'i I.VK of tie ail i cum but mentioned in i laint II'i petition ban tertr been received ! > thin defendant according to said ngrcc- meut or otherwise. HICOXI ) DEKENNE And for n xrcond clef 1110 to the petition of tha Hid plaintiff the Hni 1 de'endaut tayt th t ho perfo'mad politlenl cervices for the Hold plfciiritl at bis instscco nnd rciie3t | M rin editor nnd imb'ishvr of n newspaper and othernlie. Th t bo had bdvnotted at gruat expfnaa to hiivself of compoeito/f" , pro.'scs , ink nud typennd editorial IMior , tha election to ollice of . -tich men ns the plnlutiff requested him to work for , that nidi men were elected , nnd tint the HirUccH wcrn reasonably worth the Raid Po\eral HUIIU of money nlle ed to 1m due defcadaiit to pbiintitl from the oild defendant , TIIIHI ) DKl'ENHK. Art ! tor a third di fen"e to the petition of the mid plauitill the nai ; ! drfondint atyp : Thnt HI tha fnld plaintiff , Fred Nye , ca th ? agent of Tin mas L Kim1 nil , of Umabn , Nehrn k ; > , took the Ktid n > tcB nnd inurtgngOd p eu'i a'ol ' in plain'U"H ' ! pe- titi n in Ills own nnino , nud thnt raid Kinr.ball ii tha ovner mid holder i f t-aid notes Hid mortg&g H , and n 4 enid Nye , said Kimball fuini lied the de fendant the tcvtral cuuia of m < ny mmtinned in plaint ( IS petition ex cept the en in of t < vci hundred nnd for.threo nud 33,100 doll rs , that should have been paid cm the note secured by A. II. Connor nnd F. G. Hauor , mentiono 1 iu defeuditnl'rf firnt ( 'efctiie , und that tai.i Njo it not the rent paity in iulcrest , nnd thnt the paid Kimball i * the r nl nnrty In intercut , nnd that fluid Kim ball is indohted t < > the defecdant for edi- tori'vl ' eerviccs and printing , r.nd political lib r in nn nm&unt ( q-ial to tbo * ! ' Feveral CUIIIH of money mentiono'l ' in plain- titl's petition , and which ho niks may be ect oil agninet said plaint tl'a cltitu Whtrefore defendant prajs judgment for a return of the property taken , or ito ralua in cftflo it cannot bo retu-mrl , tm-l for his damages because cf the plaintiff's wrougful taking and detention of the goods and chattel * mentioned iu said peti tion iu the turn of ono thousand dollar ; . WILLIAM 0 HOLIIIN , Uefcurtcnt , Stnte of Nebraska , UniWo County. William C. Hclden , Leing first duly sworn , deposes cud mys thnt In is the de- fandint in the above entitled notion , that ho linn ma"o the foregoing nutwer and knows the facts therein stated to bu trim. WILLIAM C. HOLDES. Sitscrlhod in my pretence end sworn to before mo this Oth day tf June , 1831 , EMOBY PKCK , Clerk D. C. [ Seal. ] lly K. W. HALLOWEI.L , Deputy. JOTriNQ3. The pchool authorities of Juniata , Adams couuty , have introduce I leading the daily newspapers iu the sch < eli , instead of the rendtrH to locp iuogue. . The plc.ii Is said to work well. IJeporte from twenty-one counties in the state give n decroat-o in the acreage of spring wheat nnd nix itu increase , and they i.ll give the outlook for a gocd crop na very hue. hue.The The finances of Thayer county arc in excellent condition. Thera yet S3- 400 rnsh on hand In the general fund , aud tbo Ury of 1882 haa uot been drawn on. Preparations nro being made at tba Na tional cemetery nt Fort McPherson to re ceive the reunms of n largo number of soldiers who wtro killed in tbo rebellion. H A daily stage Hue IB to be imt en be tween the tcrmiptH of the biouz City & Pacitic and llipid City , commencing July 1st , carrying the utnils aud passengers. < \ puity of ouo hundred itcd ten fami- liea nro ou their way from Ponr iylvaniu tc Nebrt'gVn , where t hey expect to purchase loins cf the Otoo reservation. It is nai.i that work will o n commence ou what is known na the Arapahue cut-citf , to fttnrt from near Kenesnw ( A lams county. Nearly ton thousand heid of cat'la were last weak driven thrbiigh the streets ol Tecumseh on llieir wny to tbo nestcrc ranges , A company has been organized at Deca < tur for tba purpose of build tig n railroad fiom Onawit to Dec.itur.and from there to Oakland. The reunion committee hive decided tc offer a premium of n pavillion costinp 3 0 to the beat drilled poet of the Gram : At my. The reuni'ti of 1SS3 , to bo held It IlAittlnt ; * , iu Hopti'iTibor , will probably be the iMgent gathering ever held in Ne braskn , i Pit tits are said to bo looking over tbi different counties of the nt to with n view to establishing n factory to utilize IUx. The annual association of tha Nobraakt Sundiy reboot association will be held al Columr-n * , Juce 12 , IU an.l 14. Ic is expected that trr.lua on tbo now rartd ( rum lieatrica to Tecumteh will L < running by Juce 15th , The go\ eminent h > s discontinued th 1 portiuu < f the mail route which luui (1011 Sedlor to The Foris. The Grand Island hospital fun 1 Urteyl- ily increaMug , nud the pro pojt are lini far its being built. A joint stock company is tailed ol tc carry ou nt llvitlugs u i o.'k nud bauf pack Tweuty-fcur car loads of cholco cattli for breeding from points in Iowa have beet tukeu to Wa > ue. Plattsmouth baa now telephonic com mnuluatlon with Louisville , Groenwoot aud SpriugBeld , A paity of forty-one. Immigrants nrr'vei in Norfolk la t weak. They will fettle ii the neighborhood. A herd if 820 head of NuckolU oaunti cattle , nventuiiit ; 1.500 pounds , recently for SSO.OOO. Cherry county , cf which Vnlenllno I the county boat , recently held ita lira election. Tt e articles of Incorporation of th Platttiuouth & Sjtithwealeru have beei tiled. tiled.Ulna Ulna Springo aai Wyinnre , balf mil npntt , wul auuu h vo thito newspaper each , Uight tawener i.U'l ' four frtighi train now trrivu au 1 depart daily froai Uc Cloud. It h P'tim .tad that 100,000 norca cf or will ba pUuteit ii onundsri ciunty thi yeir. inn'.fnlfa lcdlc tf that will .mke n prohtktlo gr ss cr p in Ni n " The fill cou'crenco of the M. II. chute r < will mcul ia Lincoln , SfpUmbst " " Kutru-B ft public Ucdi have been ea pended t Ninth Pl tt * nml Nlobrsr * . TweUo new ' ulldiugi have Leeu eroatt in Ainswottb during the iiat month. Steps ni-o being liken to organlzj t agricultural society In Sari y county. Specimens nf n coed quality of oo have been found in Holt comity. The Mneoni cf Norrls are talking of o „ { ganlzing a lodge In that town , at There h vf > been nearly COOFarmett' id lUncea org nird iu Nebraska. U Niobr r li said to be the center of trai for emigrant ! golns north. I Commercial men ar quoted M layli that KouLcy It the liveliest town of Ita tlzs in tbo etato. Part of the Iroa work of the new S. 0. & P. bridge nt Ulnlr lu arriml. Work hni been cainiuctictd on n $20COO bmlnei * block in IIiHlnKi , It is NtlmatGd tint thcra nro 'JO.OOO ttandu of heed lu the slate , Saline county claims to hi\o the heavi est cattle iu the btite. David City pnttioi are talking ol bul'd- ' Ing MI opera house , OnAr'iordiyn Tha > ercoanty fanner planted 32.000 trees , Sutton Lining men hnvo formed n bullJIog anfocatlou , Ma y Nebraska farmers are sowing blue grass for pasture. KJThn eessloii lawt of 1833 nre nbout redy for distribution. Unvld City claims n population of 1,22. ; FullertoD , 750. A uanal company haa been organl/od In Loup City. Valparalto wah visited by n tornado on tha lOib. A § 2,000 city o'ock la talked of nt Lin coln , 8p cUI Dlajutcb to lua llic. NK\V YoliK , May 19. Arrived- Enropoan utoaircrs Falda , Nockar , Rotterdam nnd City of Richmond. LONDON , May 19. Vndorluud , Phil- odolphla nnd llepnbllo , from Now York , ntrlvod out. QOKENSTOWN , May 19 City of Dor- lln , from Liverpool for Now York , do tulnod ; nmohliitry dumaged. Young man or woman , If you wnnt big money for n smnll amount , take certificate In the Marrisgo Fund Mut ual Truet Association , Ccdnr Hapidf , Iowa. Rr-eumatism.Neuralgia.Sciatica . , Lumbagi , BacVache. Headache , Toothache , lor. Throat. Hwrllltif. "P"1" * ' mUe . llurn * . r)0ulct . Kro l Illle * . 1SD Alt OTIIEIl IIDIIIM I' * MS AND Kill * . in4 Dtilrri etffT tier . Finr CtoU a loU br Droiiliti " ' " " ' " ' I' Un i fi THI : WORTH SENDING FOR ! Dr. J. II. bClir.NCK IIM Just published n twok OE DISEASES QF THE LUNGS m HOW TO CURE THE { Rhlcu iinlTerpd Fltnn. prwtralcl to nil applicant * . ltcniitnliHtii/ < > < Hrnrinfiiin forall v , ho nii | ' ] iwt 'Iiemnel , IM nlllli ti (1witli ( , or llalilo to am' ill IH > ill or lutn-'H. Mention thin pax | > r Adiln-i IIr. .1. II. M'HKNTlC A > - < > N , 1'Mlu.lcli.Ma. 1'u. (6Juf < ( / .wu uiJt i/v.W. ur Ocrmuii Jlwlt , ) Mention tin IIKB. SAM'L O. DAVIS & CO. Washington Avenue sw < J Fifth Street , srr. XWCQ. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others , WE CALL YOUtt ATTENTION TO OUR It la the best and cheapest food for aiock of any kind. Ono pound la oqnal to three pounds of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Cake in the fall and winter - tor , Instead of running down , will Increase in weight and bo In good market able condition In the spring. Dnirymcn as well aa othora who nao it can tes tify to its merits. Try it and judge for yonraolvca. Price $25.00 per ton ; no charge for Backs. Addrcaa WOOODMAN LINSEED OIL CO. , Omaha , Nob. C. F. GOODMAN. AND DEALER IN SOILS VARNISHES And Window Glass. MAD A NEBRASKA. This Flonr ii made nt Sulom , Richardson conuty , Nob. , in the combined roller aud ntona system. Wo glvo EXCLUSIVE aalo of oar flonr to ono firm In a place. Wo have opened n branch nt 1018 Capitol avenue , Omaha. Wrlto for Price * . WAI S lem or Om h , Neb F NT I IMF Ri RFPPY . . . . AWre < .s cither V M L.C.IN I IIM C. Ot HCrrl , inl3m WHOLESALE 1301 and 1303 Farnam St. Cor. 13th OMAHA , NEB. UANLFACTUREK OK FINE BUGGIES , CARRIAGES & SPRING WAGONS My Repository la Constantly filled lth a Sol oat Stock. Beat rrtetory. 3. W , Cor. locn nnauapitoi Avenue. WILLIAM SNYDER , UANU ACTUUKU Of First-Class Painting and Trimming , Repairing Promptly 1321 and 1323 Ilarnoy Stri-et , comer Fourteenth St. A. Wl. OLA R WHOLESALE , t RETAIL WALL Window Shades and Onrtal * , CORNICES CURTAIN POLES A FIXTURES. Paints , Oils & 101 South' ' 14th Btrcot OMAHA NEBRASKA