Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1883, Image 1

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    yr \
4 J& 40
cm ay 21st.
© CO.
I t p
From all the Leading Markets of the World to be offered by us over our retail Counters at the
The most important ev.ent in the annals of tlie Dry Goods trade of the Western Country ,
The ainiouiiceiuunfc iniule by us
one week ago , created , as we sup
posed it would , and intended it
should , a profound sensation in
business and social circles.
lleali/ing the unusual eilbrt that
we had put forth to bring within
the reach of the people ot Nebras
ka the best values that they
had ever known , we anticipated
a corresponding return , for never
before in their establishment has
there been so much labor as was
put into the two weeks previous
to and in preparation for this -sale.
We never hiul any doubt the re
sult. We knew it would be a
and would be the largeat and most
important sale of dry goods that
we had ever attempted and car
ried through. But we are free
to confess that our most sanguine
expectations have been literally
dwarfed into insignificance by the
stupenduous results and almost
inciedible figuie which our busi
ness for the past week has real-
i/.ed. We venture to assert that
no house west or the great cities
has ever , under the most favora
ble circumstances , sold the
amount of goods at retail that
' \ vm > purchased at our establishment -
ment last week.
For the second week , begin
ning Monday , wo propose to con
tinue the excitement , and we of
fer for your perusal a list of bar-
\ gams in all departments , which
no house in this country can
match or approach. A great
many lots which we oil'ered la * > t
week have been sold , but we have
drawn from
other lots , equally cheap and de
sirable , to fill their places. We
shall pre entin every department
an unbroken line of great in
ducements and attractions. We
shall open on Monday several lots
of goods that are really remarka-
able bargains , and these goods
will be oil'ered very cheap.
We will offer our entire lot of
superb quality all Silks brocaded
and Striped Satin Qienadines at
half the coat of importation.
Our entire wholesale and re
tail stock of regular § 1 25 col
ored Dress Silks about 75 pieces ,
r nil desirable shades , will he sold
f > < C r" * without reserve for 75 cis.
25 pieces beautiful colored
Satin Ilhadames to be sold at 55
cts , costs to manufacturer 85 cts.
always letailcd at $1 a yard.
As n most desirable and un-
equalltd bargain we shall offer
our entire stock , about 25 pieces
of. American colored Silks in a
magnificent line of shades , our
own assortment retailed hitherto
ntl 50a yard , to be closed dur
ing this sale at § 1 17 . It will
be impossible to duplicate those
gooda at aiiyihing like thu price.
25 pieces summer Silks worth
from 75 ct& to $1 a
pnsig IJOIRI ! stripes , colored
diet kd , Loirbenne checks , Glace
stripes , colored ground stripe.s
nil udered at 05 ct * . a yard.
Remember these are not the
thin tissue paper Silks usually
Sold us leaders , but are all line
gro grain Silks and cannot be
dupl't ' ated at any price.
P. Morse & Go ,
As the greatest bargains ever
offeied in any line of Silks wit1 -
in the past twcntj-five ( - ! > )
years and as one of the great
leaders of our sale we shall open
and sell one dross pattern to a
customer as long as they last.
We wish to distinctly state
that the usual rtta 1 value of
these goods as stated below are
not in the least exaggera'ed or
enlarged for the purpose of mis
leading the publ'c.
15 pieces line quality TAOHS
Bl-H k diHcs , 1' ) inches wide at
55 cts. , never hefoic ictailed at
less than 1.00.
( J pieces very line 21 inch
Lyons Black Silks at $1 , never
before ictailedatless than $1.25.
18 pieces Guinet's extra fine
quality Lyons Black Silks 2i
inch wide to he sold at $1.25 ,
never befoic hold less than $1.75
14 pieces Alexander Girauds
Lyons Black Silks 21 inch wide
at $1.50 icgular $2 25 quaility.
8 pieces Alexander Girauds
Cashmeic Princess Black Silks
24 inch wide $1,75 , magnificent
goods and would be cheap at
10 pieces Bellon's 22 inch
Cashmere Black Silk , Armurc
Mourning Silks , double faced
mourning Ilhadames , all at
$1.90 , would be considered a
bargain at $2.75.
5 pieces Tappissier Freres 25
inch grease proof Silks , warrant
ed not to spot , break or grow
shiuey. and Guinet's Cashmere
liicho Silks , extra fine qualit.s at
2.25 would be very cheap at
25 pieces 24 inch Siiii
Ilhadames and Morvilleux at
$1.25 worth and suld at $2 a
20 pieces rich 2-1 inch B'ack
Silks Damasse Brocades GO cts. i
yard worth $1.2 i.
10 pieces extra line 21 incl
13lack ? .i cl.s. a ytinl
m\ei bef ic oii'eied al 1. s , than
f 1.50 ,1 y.rd.
% pieces lustrous Black Safins
20 inehes widu at 5)5 ) cts , worth
$1 60.
t pieces 28 inch heavy B'aek '
Satins at $1.20 woitli $ l. ± >
yard ; these being an extra width
are -"fry great bargain.
25 pieces 2 t in h rich Black
Brocade Damiwseal $1 25' , worth
full > $2 to2 oOaj.ird.
We have auiut 2200 yaids < ]
Bonet's , Pouson.Giraml . s and
Guinet's rich Black Silk Bio-
cade.s , in lengths of from G to 20
yards that we will sell at $1 75
and $2 per yard worth from $3
to $4 a yaid
Our enf rtock of Black Yel
vets will he sold at 7Sets. 1 6 <
niitt"-i.2' > \ \ < > rt i dmilj'e ' the price
Our ciitni fetoi k of regular
$2 50 eoloud Silk Velvet ) al
e3od colois , Myrtle. Mfirine
ron/e , 01 no , Navy , Wine , Pli n
Seal , dito 1)0 closed out during
this s-ile at $1.05 pi r yard.
Our whole-ale stock of Bl.icl
and Colored \Vlveteons about | (
pieces woith 75 ( ts. tel 2"i i
yard , I > be cled out during tin
sale at Ji ? i ct.s. 50 ct . and ( i i ct
a yard.
1 ( ) ( ) ) moro lots and 500
package- order in addition to
the innumerable-bargains ahead }
mentioiii il \\ill bo brought for
\\ardasfast us the lots already
ad\crti-ed are sold out.
S. P. lorse & Co
Colored Dress Goods ,
1 720 yards Brocaded and Ar-
tuire 1) oas Goods , all new spiiug
h.idea in 11 , 18,15 yard lengths
at 7 | ' 'ts a yaid , worth 20.
2100 yards silk and wool mix-
uies , spring colorings , an ex-
el lent cloth , to be closed during
, his.le at 10 cts a yard. Hie
mpoit duty al ° ne on this lot \VM
uore than the pritue iisk for
liese goods.
1 SOOFrench undEnglish fancy
3icss Goods in all th-j new spiiug
shades offeied at 22 } ct- > . \\orth
roiu tto to 4:5 : cts.
1 75 yards doub'e ' width , new
color English Crtishmere at 19 cts
egulsir pnoy lib its.
1000 yards till wool Black and
Colored French Nun's Veiling
during this sale \\ill be sold at
18V cts. cost 25 ct . to impoit.
1J500 yards double width Lu
pin's Black and Colored French
Nun's Veiling 42 } cts. a yard
would-be very cheap at ( > 0 cts.
! )50 ) strictly all wool illumin-
itcd Fiench Beige , 4 0 inches
wide to be sold at 537i- its , never
sold undtn50 cK
J 700y.trds 44 in-ch black and
white , blue and white , bronze ,
myrtle and other deairable shop-
aid checks , to be sold at 50 cts. a
yard , were bought to sell at i)0 )
2300 yards very fine , all wool ,
I ) rench Cheviot Beiges at 60 cts.
coat 05 cts. to import.
J900 yards , very fine , all wool
illuminated shepud checks , cash
mere delaine Beiges , and French
twilled Foulles , 02i cts. pievious
letail price $1.25.
50 pieces 44- inch Gilbert's
pring shies fhiiine' ' suitings
(574 ( ds usual retail piice$100
to $ t.2"j.
20 pi * cos very finest new
finest iiU wool new spring pin
checks , with pin head illuminated
-tiipc 5' ' ct- . a ytnl erst $1 50
fo impoit , usual lelail price
$ ; 75.
1 5 piecea superb qualify cash-
ini'ie foule pin luail cliecka. in
i.ll iif\v \ sjtiing col .rings at 77V
cts , usiia' ' price. $1 10.
15 petta catqiiility ; ] 2 inch
all wool Jersey cloth in stiuw-
bo ry , n ivy. win'c. . , 75 cts a
jaid , usual prue $1.2o.
j/ot 1. Ladies spun silk hose all
good colons , will be sold during
this sale at $1 25 , regular
2 50 quality.
Lot 2 , Our spring importation
of fine quality pure silk Hose
all desir.ible colors , regular
$ i 5U quality , will be sold at
2 70.
Lot 5 { . Our entire importation
of very finentembroidered pure
ailk hose , regular 5 00 quality ,
to be sold at 3 00.
Lot -1. Our entire importation
of fancy openwork , Derby
ribbed and drop sketch e i-
broidered silk hose , usuel price
5JUO to 7 00 , will be sold at
0 80.
20U pieces Cambiic Embroidery
ill 12 } cts , would be iheap at 25
300 pieces wide and narrow-
line muslm Embroideries at 30
cts a yard , worth 50 to 00 cts.
As an unequal bargain , wo will
.sell 200 Paragon frame , 20-inch ,
double-faced twilled silk um
brellas at # 2.95 each , worth
55.00. In ordering include 25u
for express. All have natural
S , P , lorse & Co ,
\5 } i icecs 40 inch black draped
Alum t i be sold at 4:5 : cts a yard ,
cost i)2Vls ( usual price 75 cts.
50 pieces IG inch English
black cashmere at 37 } cts. that
GO cts to impoit.
40 pieces 42 inch "Bon jour"
Freiu h black Cashmere during
this stlc at 50 cts. a yard worth
75 els.
20 pieces ol ! 32 inch all wool
line "Alba'ross'1 cloth , will be
sold at 374 cts , previous retail
puce GO cts.
18 pieces 4-6 inch finest quality
black Nuns Nciling , during this
sale 55 els a yard , would be cheap
at 90 els.
2'2 pieces very finest quality 415
inch all wool biackFrench Gren
adines or Lace Bunting , all new
goods JO cts a yard , usual retail
price $1.25.
Our stock in this depaitiuent
was bought at the parent low
price the lowest known forycais.
50 cases Maple Leaf , Fearlees ,
Hercules , Cabot , bleached , G cts
never sold under 8 cfcs.
25 cases family , half bleached
Langdon , &c , at 9 cts , never sold
under 12 i cts.
10 cases-Pride af West , Wtuu-
sutta , Wauregan , New York
mills&c at 11J cts worth 12V cts
at wholesale
40 bales Fearless fine close
Brown Cotton al 5 cts a yerd.
25 bales Lake George and
Windsor Brown Muslin at 5 cts.
20 bales Bcimington , Sea Is
land , Prescott , ! { . , &c. , yard wide
at G f cts , worth 9 cts.
20 bales very best Standard
brown , heavy and fine Cotton at
74- never sold under 9 cts a yard.
5 cases Pembroke 9-1 Brown
20cts. _ never sold under 27 cts.
5 cases Mohawk Valley 10-4
and Lockwood 9-1- both at 23 els
best value ever oll'eied in Brown
5 cases Mohawk valley 9-4
bleached , 25 cfs. worth 30 cts.
5 case.s New Yoi k and Warn
sntlii linen finish , cluck woven
10-4 ? sheeting at 30 cts , the best
made and worth 50 cts.
On an average our cotton
goods are cheaper than
cottons have been for
the past twenty-live
Lot 1. Ladies plain and fancy
cotton hose in vane/y / all ic-
duced to 25 ct.s a pair.
Lot 2. Twenty styles splendid
quality Ladies solid color and
iancy striped huso at 35 cts ,
some of these cost as high as
9.50 a do/en to import.
Lot 3. Comprises a line of
Ladies' French lisle- hose fancy
ribbed in black , wine , seal ,
olive , &c.
( They were intended to be re
tailed at $1 00 , but by special
arrangement with the manufact
urer who did not deliver them
until too late for us , we can sell
them at (55 ( cts a pair.
Lot 4. An elegant line of
French lisle in pink , blue car
dinal wine , &c , , usual retail
price $1 25 , during this sale
75 cts.
_ ( Two lots comprising our en
tire spring importation of striped [
and openwork lisle hose , all [
goods that sold for $1 50 to
2 00 will be marked down to 85
and 95 cts.
S , P , IOPSO & Co ,
500 pieces checked and striped
Nainsook 8 cts per yard ; tegular
retail price 12 J cts.
400 pieces line checked Nain
seek 12 J cts , regular 17 cts
750 pieces extra fine checked
Nainsook , handsome styles , all
this season's goods , at 15 cts.
same as always retailed for 20 ct ,
250 pieces extra fine quality
checked Nainsook at 1 ? cts.
never retailed less than 25 cts ,
200 pieces Very fine checked
Nainsook in two numbers 25 cts ,
regular retail prices 33V , and 37 $
100 pieces striped Nainsook
12 i cts , regular retail price 17
125 pieces striped Nainsook ,
fine grade , 17 ets , former retail
price 25 cts.
; 201) pieces Avhite Victoria
Lawns very line weave , nt 12V
cts > , a bargain at 17 cts.
I 150 pieces fine white Victoria
Lawns 17 els-a bargain at 25
125 pieces India Linens 17 ctrf
close wholesale price 20 cts.
175 pieces line India Linens ,
superior quality , 20 cts , regular
retail price 30 cts.
200 pieces India Linens , super-
fir-e grade , 25 cts , regular retail
pi ice J17Jcts. . < '
200 pieces spotted and figured
muslins , 12i cts , regular retail
price 25 cts.
150 piece.s spotted and figured
muslins , 25 cts , regular retail
pfice 40 cts.
175 pieces spotted and figured
muslin 35 cts , a bargain at 50
450 pieces corded Pique at 5
ct.s , lowest price ever retailed
hitherto 8 els.
1000 pieces lace check and
stripe white Piques 10 cts , low
est retail price e\er quoted 121
Lot 1 , Ten styles children's
fancy seamless Cotton Hose all at 25 cts , have never sold
under 50 cts.
Lot 2. Fifteen styles of cliiM-
ren'ri fancy Cotton HOM ; at 35
cts , not a pair in this lot ever
sold less than 50 cts , and from
that up to 75 cts.
Lot 3. A large assortment of
infants 3-4 lisle and cotton
Hose that cost 50 els to im-
poit , will be sold at 25 cts.
Our stock of Misses' lisle
thread I lose , comprising all the
desirable styles and the largest
assortment shown in Omaha , is
being ollered at corresponding
200 pairs Scotch Lace Cur
tains will be sold at $2.40 a pair
never before sold less than $3 50.
125 pairs hlcru Nothiiigham
Lace Curtains will be sold at
$5 50 , usual price 8 00.
85 pairs best quality cream em
bossed Nottingham Curtains al
$7 50 cost 9 50 , sold befoio at
100 pairs real Swiss Curtain *
a very gieat bargain at $ G 00 f
pair , worth $12.
Our entire stuck of fine Swiss
Curtains and Nottingham Cur-
tainnets 'at about one half pres
ent marked pri es.
Nottingham Nets at 20c , 25c ,
35c , 50i , worth double the price.
We will open Monday morning
over 2,900 misses'children's and
boys' Sailor and Derby Straw
Hats at a uniform price of 25 cts
each. Tlu"-e Hats are woith
from 50 cts to $ 1.00.
S. P , Morse & Ooi
Foster's Heal Kid , 3 hookS .85
' " " 5 " 1.20
n u 7 j f ) ( )
(55 ( do/.en Courvoisier first qual
ity eight button Kid Gloves , with
embroidered backs , will be sold at
1.75 n pair. All now shades ,
and usual pi ice 2'75.
Bear in mind that Courvoisier
is the highest cost glove produced
alid will not again be sold at this
price , which is less than cost of
, , . ,
\Ve caution hotel and restau-
i-ant keepers , and all prudent
lousewives fo purchase in this
lepartment in much larger quan-
itics than usual as we do not an-
iciiiate these prices will be again
nado for years.
250 do/.en unblenced twilled
and plain bleached buck Towels ,
isual price $1 50 a do/.en , will
> e oH'eied during this sale at 75
ts a do/en.
375 do/.on various styles of
buck and damask Towels not one
of them worth less than $2 60 a
ilozen , will bo sold at 2J1 50 a
175 do/.on fine bleached dam
ask and knotted fringe buck
owels , will be sold at 20 cts each
worth 37i cts.
40 pieces loom dice Damask 50
ind 58 inches , 20 cts per yard ,
regular price 37i els.
55 pieces /Airnslcy cream Dam-
isk 58 inches wide , in plain or
Tmkey-red border 37A cts per
yard , regular retail price 50 and
56 cfs per yard.
100 pjoces Barnsley cream
Damask 58 inches plain or Tur
ey-red border 4j 2 cts per yard ;
'former retail price 02V cts.
11 pieces Barnsby loom Dam
isk , led net bonier 50 cts per
yard , retailed during March sale
it 02J cts ; always befoie that at
75 cts per yard.
32 pieces white Scotch Damask
01 and 00 inches wide al 02Vets
icr yaid.
32 pieces while Scotch Damask
01 UK lies wide at 02 i cts per yd.
30 pieces while Scotch Damask
01 and 0(5 ( inches wide at 75 cts
tor jmd.
29 pieces 58 and 00 inch Tur
key-rod Damask at 37i , tegular
retail price 50 cts.
10 pieces German Turkey-red
Damask 58 inches wide at 75 cts
per yard ; regular lotail price $1.
50 pieces very best quality
bleached German Satin Damask ,
full 72 inches wide will be offer
ed dining this sale for $1 25 ,
would cost 1 75 to import , would
be a great bargain at 2 00.
As pno of the many noticeable
bargains of this sale we will oiler
(50 ( pieces best American Salines
at 15 cts a yard , worth 25.
125 do/en Mall's Corsets at
$1.00 , worth $1.25.
50 do/.en genuine C. P , Frcncl
Corsets at $1.35 , worth $2.00.
S , P , lorse and Co.
Monday at 9 a. in. , we will
offer a line af about 125 dozen
Men's Malbnggan Half Hose , at
$1.15 for siv pairs.
75 dozen finest Cotton Half
Hose , with fancy silk stripes , will
be sold at 37 c per pair. Never
retailed before under 75c.
The balance of our fancy Silk
Half Hose , in all fhe good shades ,
will be closed out at $1.00 per
pair. Never sold under $2.50.
20 do/.en nines ! and best henry
Embroidered Silk Half Hose ,
woith $5 00 a pair , will be sold
at $2.95. These are the best silk
hose imported and all niie new
coloisincluding black and fancy
Monday imriiingwo will make
13 prices in tins department :
Drawers , 25c , 40c , 7 < > e , $1.00.
Chemise , 45c , 50c. 75c , $1,25.
Nitrht Gowns , $1.00 , $1.25.
$1.50 , $1.75 , $2 00.
These price.s will be about one-
half actual retail value.
20 down Ladies' Lis'e ' Thread
Vests at 75c , previous price
80 Ladies' Fine English *
Lisle Vests at.5'1.50 , wore bought
to sell for 3.00.
10 dox.t > n Ladies' Silk Vests
will be sold at $ 1.15 each. Cheap
Timely Suggestions
As the rush for these goods
will bo entirely without prece
dent , we would consider it a persona
sona/ / favor if all who can make
it convenient to do so , will como
between 8 and 10 o'clock a. in. ,
solo divideas far as possible , tho.
business through the day. This
suggestion is of the utmost im
portance. Please heed it , all w ho
can.We have engaged a largo extra
force of salesmen and have made
very provision human fore-
hought can suggest , but ask , iu .
dvance , public indulgence ferny
ny annoyances that may arise.
Wo have instituted and carried
lirough success ! ully a great many
urge and important sales , but
lave never attempted anything
f gigantic proportions , or one
vhich is fraught with so many
leuefits loathe public.
The following are a few rules
vhich we found necessary to
dppt during the sale , and we
hink it best to mention thorn as
hev are directly contrary to our
isual custom.
Jtcmcmbor , however , that they
vill only hold during the sale ,
ml are only adopted in the. in-
erests ot the public to facilitate
First Be careful in making
our purchases as no exchanges
vill be allowed.
Second No allowance will bo
nado on any kind of goods. No
Samples will bo cut over the
jonnter , we should , of course , bo
nest happy to send them by mail
when lequested , but to secure
goods our patrons at n distance
ought to have some resident in
Omaha to make a selection orivly
on us to do so.
As our shipping department
will bo tried to its utmost capa
city , and although we shall make
every eilbrt to deliver on time , we
would respectfully request that
customers will take small parcels
S. P. Mofso
. . & Co ,