Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1883, Image 8

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I he Daily Bee.
Saturday Morning , May 10 ,
The river It IvrelTO.feet uboTO low
water mark ,
The inn nnd wind yesterday dried the
nnd np rapidly.
The storm Thnndny took up ft big
volume of water ( rom Mnd creek , Dear
Holme * ' piece , and carried U off ,
The "Wild West" postponed Its opening -
ing day to Saturday , and the street par
ade will be made at 0 o'clock on thla
The sociable of Ve Chapter will be
held at the residence oi W. > T. Mount ,
52439 Capitol avinue , to-morrow this
evening ,
A well established wholesale Tea and
Cigar business for silo , Small stock ; Rood
reasons for telling , Address METOAI.F ft
Bno , 1005 1'arnnm St. , Omaha , Neb.
alS Iw ,
Mr. I , Brown , the wall known fnrui-
turo dealer , waa Thursday proEcntntl with
A bouncing boy. Mother and child are
doing well. As this It the first boy , Brown
will set 'em up.
A complaint was filed In the police
court ngatnst four persons lor breaking
into & house on South Tenth stroat and
making on aasnult ,
The case of the two young ladles
charged by John Svaclna with mnllclouily
destroy Ing trees la liU orchard , wat
continued until Thursday ovenln ? , Mfcy
24th , at 7 o'clock.
lUv. Shank , of ( he Eighteenth Street
M. K , church , will addrcea the Saratoga
Uulon Sunday school at their monthly
concert ] Sunday evening. Miss Litlo
Sincere , of Oaulu , will rjclto and Mrs.
Meaney will slog ,
There will bo mother social Sunday
echool singing at tbe Christian church ,
corner of Twentieth and Farnam itieeta ,
ou nxt Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock ,
These einxiuf are free for all , and a gen *
oral Invitation is extended .to everybody ,
especially to the other Sunday schools.
The grand stands on the U. P bare
ball grounds will be located on the south-
weit corner of the grounds , near St.
Mary's avenue and Nineteenth street , and
in the rear ef the catcher's position ,
which will afford an elegant place for spec
Although the main or itrcet floor ol
b. | F. Morse & Co.'a. palatUl store , occu <
pies two full city lots extending from
street to alloy , yet thla morning the pro.
prlotora tb'outtht seriously of locking the
doors In order that tlic swarms of custom
ers within would not be augmented b }
fresh additions. It teems that tbe attrac
tion at the wash drem goods counter wae
Best Standard I'llntu on which MornoV
prices since Monday last ban been 3 centi
A yard and best dress glnghami nt G cents.
Tbe reductions extend thoughoat tha en
tire store and our Omaha ludlen nro pur
chasing for their supplies far in oxccsi ol
present wants. It pays better than a sav
ings' bank Investment.
Dug Mugulrc' , Mike Qulnlan and Joht
O'Brien , who wera charged with stealing
the bolt of silk from L. B.WilllaroV store
bava been bold In $500 each to appear be
( ore the coming grand jury , and were com
mltted in default of ball.
There were two Blocumb * bcfori
Judge Beneko yesterday. One wan i
wealthy Canadian who came to Nebraski
to Invest money in the cattle bnainesn ant
got full on champaign. lie paid hln fin
And departed in good ithapo. The othe
victim waa lesa fortunate and was sent t
JanjnUh throe daya In the county jail ,
Mr. B , Murphy , of Plattsmonth , I
rusticating in our city. Mr. Mur
phy was nt ono time engaged in tbe Uultei
States mail service , rgnnlng from Omah
to Ogden over the U. P. railway , but is a
present engaged In the commission bud
nees at Plattcmoutb.
One of the leading Sixteenth ctre
grocer * received Thursday n monkey
which he placed on exhibition in hij crock
cry itoro for tbe ksnefit of hlr. patrone
Boon a crowd eel eoted around to see th
pet , and in half an hour It grew BO im
xoenip that the proprietor WM not Able t
abut bli buslnesi place. Passers-by Imag
ined that the whole of North Omaha wa
The continued crowded state of ou
hotels U a matter of wonder to everybodj
] Less than A year ago Omaha' * hotolacootr
modations were decidedly llmltid , but tb
patronage wa * still more BO. Now- ; wit
two of tbe finest hotel * in the .west , and
number of excellent second-clam hoteli
there la not room to accommodate Ih
travel , and the crowd * that throng the r <
each evening are wonderful. Col
, ' o be put up almost every night , an
' * OD "le k ° om-
anted. ' * * J. F. Cole , the landscape garc
the recipient of a very hanc
present yesterday. Under h !
.Xewrr- fifteenth , Dongla * and Farnam , wi
CLeaned up in good shape , and bo well wi
the work done that on it * completion L
was presented with a handsome gold chal
and charm by tbe employe * of the firm c
iloNamara & Duuan. Mr. Oola I
very prcud of his present , and well t
may be , and we wish him the aame goo
will in all his future efforts.
TUB BBS recently contained an a
count of the mysterious disappearance <
Mra. Geilurt , who had been living with
18th street * hoa man named Doubracli ;
It waa feared abe bad committed aulcli
a aha seemed decidedly demented whc
aha appeared at the police court to uiul
ber complaint charging Doubracxy wll
robbing ber. Thursday she reappoarei
accompanied by ber lawful husband , ' .
Beemt that Mra. Gerhatt packed her vali
ablea In a trnnk and put it in charge of
friend named Seiners , lot/ending tnpr
ceed to Wyoming. l''or ome reason tl
changed ber mind and went to Chlca
where tin found and claimed her busbar
aad they came out to Iht * city Thursday i
related. Tttby will > ery likely remol
All iron preparations blacken tli
Math , constipate the bowoU , and glv
headache with on exception , that 1
Brown' Iron Bittern
lie Lincoln Mamnerclior Doming
To-Morrow ,
ho "Wild West" to Show on
tha Same Day ,
Arrangements have been perfoctcd
or the vlilt of the Oermanla Manner-
ior , of Lincoln , to-morrow. They
will oomo up on a special train four
inndrod atrong , arriving at 11 o'clock
. m. , and will remain nntll probably
1 p. m. They will bo accompanied
> y the Capital band.
The Omaha Mosanorchor has
ngagod Victor Park for the
ay and will moot the
jlncoln visitors and entertain
lorn during the day. Tlipy hare on-
aged the services of the U. P. band ,
xteon piccea , for the occasion , and
10 day will bo made a lively ono if
10 clerk of the weather can only bo
The nnfortnnato clrcnmstancoa
hloh prevented the Cody A Carver
ombluutlon from giving an exhibition
n Thursday and Friday have deter
mined the managers to open ? p
t the driving park Sunday after-
eon , The show to-day will
mdoubtodly draw a largo crowd , but
inndredd will bo unable to bo present
who will attend to-morrow. It will
Iso rffird the Lincoln excursionists a
no opportunity tosoo thla product of
ho "Wild West. "
The historic old Deadwood atago
oacli waa drlvon down town last
Ight and stood for a wlillo In front of
io Paxtoti , where It attracted great
ttoution. The sidewalk was crowded
with people gazing at the old vehicle
nd Its six-mule team.
Very llttlo was done on the fair
rounds yesterday , owing to the con-
itlon of the ground. Quito a nnm-
> or of visitors , however , attended ;
mong them Mr. M. A , McNamara ,
with his trick mare , and all who aaw
tie performance wore highly pleased ,
'ho riding of onu of our premlnent
oglslators waa witnessed with pleasure
> y his many friends , and altogether as
practice day , there voro many feat
ures that were highly Interesting.
L Frenchman named Montnygo ,
Made pencils out of plumbago ;
Io got an attack
) f pain in the back ,
it. Jacobs Oil cured his lumbago.
An iBOlated Oaao of Smallpox Ap
pears In Omnha ,
A year ago last winter the smallpoa
appeared in thla city and made nucl
longerons inroads that a peat house
md to bo provided and the city end
onnty were both put to considerable
It waa feared that the dreadful
courgo would reappear last winter
iut fortunately it did not , although
overal of our neighboring towns nuf-
ored from it.
It will bo a anrprlao to many tc
mow that a ease waa developed yea-
orday , the first for ovoi
wolvo months , and that thi
rod flag waa hung ou
n the Fifth ward. The locality la 01
Chicago street , a few doora eaat ol
duller Smlth'a old place , on Chloagc
aud Twelfth , Tno victim la roportoc
.o bo a man who recently arrived it
.ho city from Dakota. The partlon
ars are not known , nor the name ol
the Individual , as Officer Armour onlj
mt up the flag at 4 p. m. yesterday
ant it Is to bo hoped that the dlnoasi
nay not bo spread any further , and It
fact the lateness of the aoason wonlc
; ivo reasonable encouragement that I
would go no fnrthor.
. Dikbote * , Kidnei
lilvor or Urinary Dlaeoio
Have no fear of any of these dls
eaaca if you uao Hop Blttcra , aa thu ;
will prevent and euro the worst catea
oven when yon have been made wora
by some great puflod-up protoudoi
We notice the Marriage Fund Mutui
Trust Association , of CciUr Kajildf
Iowa , highly ipoken of by the leadin
papers , You should eccuro n cortlficat
at once. Wiito for circulars aud uppll
cations , _ _
Ono of the subatantial Institution * Inth
Marriage Fund Mutual Tnut At oclatMi
of ( Jedar lUpidr , Iow . Legally orm t
Uoil , olllcored and managed by rcllabl
men , livery unmarried i.oreon ihoul
have a certificate in thti nstociation. It I
a apltndU Invostinent. Write for clrcv
lar . Good agentiiwanto _ < l. _
The Maverick National Bank o
Boston drawa foreign exchange , buy
and sells Government and other In
vestment securities , and transacts an
business for Its correspondents In th
line of banking. uutth-rno
The NorwoHlanSlDk'lue Society Mnlct
Itu Dbbut In t-Kmtral Hall.
There is nothing that indicates i
clearly aud positively the progress an
growth of a city as the formation i
social societies , and admitting thla <
bo true , Omaha may well be proud <
the rapid atrldoa it la making hi th
direction , and a glance ot the oil
directory will demonstrate thla to 1
a fact beyond possibility of dispute.
Ono of the latest additions to oj
many flourishing organizations is tl
Norwegian Sloglng society , which gai
it firat entertainment Thursday i
the Central hall. Thursday wan tl
anniversary of a great event in No
wcglen hiitoryvhlch la always eon
momorated in a Fourth of July sly
In Norway. On the 17th ot Ma ;
1814 , Norway succeeded in catablUJ
lug ila independence fro
the domination of DJI
mark , and from that time t
bad assisted aa a aoporato and ind
pendent kingdom. It h no wendi
then that while the American Np
wfglans are loyal to the country i
tholr adoption they cannot wholl
forget the land of tholr birth , and a
over thin continent the anniversary <
their independence was oqmniemo :
ated In befitting style , The erw <
glan Singing BooJ ty la but , in Ita ii
fancy , but promises Io bo a very sue-
ccs3lnl organization , and already num-
bcra among Ita mcmbora some of our
beat Njrwcglnncltlzona , The gather
ing last evening waa a purely family
ono , nnd all present onjoyvd them
selves In whatever way they cheap ;
s-mo dancing and singing , while oth
ers passed the time In chatting and
criticising the dancers. Irvlnc'd
well known orchestra ( supplied aomo
excellent music and thotlcglngroclcty
Itself rot dt'od excellent service by
their Rgroofcblo choral porformarices ,
and tholr loader , F , Androsen , may
well bo prouil of his choir. O .ring to
the arduous 6Torts ( of the tfiiolont com
mittee , comprising Moans. John M ,
Jacobson ( otialrman ) , 0 , Olson , A.
Jensen , John Hofatad and P , Wllg ,
this pk-asant llttlo social a ( Fair proved
a grand tucccaa , and everyone present
went to their various homea fooling
much bettor for Thursday's very en-
j jyablo celebration of the sixty-ninth
anniversary of the Norwegian independence -
pondonco ,
it Upturns a Few Houses and
Earns in South Omalii ,
But Doea Little Damage of
Yeatorday'a I'T.K contained mention
of the severe storm reported aa having
tken place at Valparaiso , and it ap
pears that a tonsh of the tame waa
o't ' by the citizana of South Omaha.
Thu residents of the southern portion
tion of the city felt aornu effdcta of
the atmospheric disturbance , totng
yialtod by n very heavy wind about G
o clock in the evening.
The gale came np from the direction
of Paptlliou , crossing the edge of thu
Drexul farm on Ita way and tearing up
a few fences and posts.
It waa traveling a llttlo east of
north aud was preceded by curious
shaped , dark clouds , which Boomed to
bound like a ball In ito progreaa.
It paired very close to the resi
dence of Mr. Sebastian Blumlo , but
mlaaed it by about fifty foot and
truck an out-honao 10x10 foot in alzo
nd carried It Into the brnah about
no hundred and fifty feet away ,
andlng right aide up with care.
After leaving this place it jumped
a quarter or a half tnllo down
ud atrnck Batten's place , on Twcn-
loth and Darcta streets , where II
if ted the houao and sot it in a reverse
posl'ion on Ita foundation.
It then hugged the ground andpaaa >
ad down the alloywhoro it took a uon
barn In Ita path and demolished it ,
while an old and rickety stable a little
'urther on was loft untouched.
Mr. N. N. Edwards' place waa in
ho path of the wind atorm , and he
was blown up against n tree and aomo
what brulerd.
At Dan O'Koofo'd place the foucoi
were totally wracked ; a tree in hlc
door-yard as largo as a man's body ,
wna wrenched oil ; the houao waa com'
ilotoly bereft of water plplnt ; a bar
'el ' of water w a taken np and carrlec
hroo hundreds yards , aud sot dowr
n safety ; the well box , weighing G0 (
tounda , torn Irom ita poMtion , anc
arrled bodily away ; nnd other dam-
go done to outhousoa and other ap
pondagca. The next plaoo in thi
wako waa a frame cottage , altuitec
midway between naecall's park am
tbo ahot tower. Iloro alurgo eummo
houao waa spread out in the road , thi
onthouao wrecked and other damagi
This seems to have been the end o
ho raid so far as serious d.uuagi wa
concerned , and the gale had opp&r
ntly Hpont Ila fury.
It la not the firat Hovero wind atom
Omaha has felt by nny meiiiip , and mi
nearly so hard aa others which h vi
preceded it within the pitnt tire yoara
Ueretofore , however , Nirth Otui\hi
has boon the sufferer , the brick con
vent having been twice blown dowi
and brick yards , dwelling houses , oto
having boon demolished and a num
her of persons bidly hurt.
It falls considerably short of th
cyclone which roama about olaewhorc
and agalnat which an expert In th
science of such etormsdeclares Omah
to be absolutely proof , her hllla affjrd
ing sure protection.
ARun on u Drug Store.
Never was such a rush made for an
Drug Store as is now at C. F. Goodman
for a trial bottle of Dr. Kind's New Di
covery for Consumption , Coughs ou
Colds. All perBons aHected with AnUmi :
BroncliltU , Hoaratjnfsp , Severe Concha c
any affection of the Throat nnd Lungs , ca
Bet a Trial Bottle of this great remed
free , by calling at the above Ding Ston
IleRular size $100.
An IntoroetlDK Event to Close ; th
Mouth of May.
A reception and eoolal , under tl :
auspices of the Slat era of Rath H
booca Degree ledge No. 1,1. 0. 0. F
will bo given at Mi onlo hall , Thnr
day evening , May aiit. The mua
will bo by the Union Paclfia ban !
The following are the committees :
Reception Committee Mrs. A
Armatrong , Mra. M , E , Stuht , Mr
Silas Wright , Mrs. Edwin Dwls , Mi
F. W.Woolley , Misi Alloy Baan , ,
W. Nlchoh , M. Goldsmith , A. 1
Bllllnga , Adolph Meyer , T. J. Oil
W. F. Loroczuu ,
Ticket Committee Erncat Slut
Sllaa Wright , Robert Llvaey.
Committee on Rifroahmenta Mi
J. B , Weal , Mra. M. Sampson , Mi
Fred Foster , Mra. Goo. A Bean , Mi
Quatavo Sweorman , Mra. P. Nelao
Mra. Collins Jordan , Mr ? . Henry LI
aey , Mr * . D A. Plorcy , Mia. E. <
Ryloy , John Evana.
Floor Committee E L Armatron
F. W. Wcollor , Robert Llvsoy , .
Thorapookon , E G. Ryley.
Master of Ceremouioa E , 0 , Coo
A true iron medicine , beneficial
tbo youog aa well aa the old who at
for from dyspepsia , etc. , la Browi
Irou Bttiora.
Aak for Wells' "R-jugh on Corns
153 , Qalckoompletoi6rm ? nentcur ,
Corns , wantu , injilonja.
Tlie Kelly Case Decided at kat
by Judge Ohadwick ,
The OmaVa Claimant WIna on
the First Bound.
Tao Koltoy caap , which has oxcltod
so much Interoat and comment in
this city , especially In the Sixth ward ,
where the patties reside , was decided
by Judge Ohadwlok , of the conuty
conrt , at 2 o'clock yesterday.
The facts briefly recapitulated are
those : A woman claiming to be the
legal wlfo of John Kelly deceased ,
formerly a member of Englno com
pany No , 1 , appeared In Ooiaha a few
weeks ago and laid claim to two chil
dren whom oho asaortod she waa the
mother of. These children were two
girls , aged respectively H and 1C and
were living with n woman whc
had always boon known In thla city ae
Mra. John Kelly , The Philadelphia
woman produced undoubted proof of
her mirrlagf , her pension certificate
and the certificates ot christening of
the two girls , Jane and Alico.
They , however , had bapn ao long
weaned from their true mother that
they declined to go with her , nnd both
balm ? over 14 yeara of aee , had the
right to ohoeo thulr own guardian.
They wore brought Into the county
court ou a writ of habeait corpus , and
the trial , which lasted several d ya
and wai contiuned from time to time
for week * , attracted n largo attend
ance , the sympathy generally bolnc
with the Philadelphia woman.
The decision ot the court wan ren
dered yesterday and lu consider
ation of the general Interest mani
fested , Is given herewith In fnll :
' 'Tno writ of habeas corpus is design *
ed to Bocuro to individuals tholr per
sonal freedom from unlawful Itnprla-
nument , whether nnder the forma of
law or nndor private restraint. The
petition heroin alleges that Alice and
Jane Kelly BIO nulawfnlly restrained
of tholr liberty by Kate Kelly and are
by her prevented from going with thn
relater , Mrs. Jane Kelly , their allged
The children are 15 and 17 years ol
ago respectively , ages within which the
law glvea thorn a certain freedom of
lioico. "
"Tho only question to determine in
lie case is whtithir or not Alice and
ano are prevented by Kato Kally
rom accompat ylng tholr alleged
mother , Jane Kelly. And if so pro
entud by Kato whether eho Is tholi
mother and natural guardian and thne
as a right to restrain tholr personal
roedona Only In the event of the
utablltthmont of the fact that said
ate Kylly hao pruvon'.od the two
Irlafrom accompanying their alleged
mother is U necessary tomako a finding
a to their maternity In order to ontei
proper decree lu this cup. Alice
nd Jane both testify that they have
ot been prevented from going wltl
\lra. Jivno Kelly by the respondent ,
Irs. K to Kelly , wr by anybody else ,
'hat they wuro at fnll liberty to qo II
hey wished , and that Kato Kellj
old them they could 'go if thej
wanted to and need not go if thoj
idn't.1 They further testified thai
hey hrwo known no other mothoi
han Kato Kelly and that they wist
o remain with hor. "
"Under the above state of facto
ho children , Alice and Jane , being o
hat sgo and discretion when theli
vishcsln the matter ohould bo takei
nto account , nnd the fao1. being clearlj
stivblUh d that they have not beet
'stralmd or prevented by Kati
Colly trom ace mpanylnR the relater
heir al'ngr.d ' mother U In nnneces
ary ni d not wllLin the provinoo o
ho court to dtcirio who la thei
neither , and the 011 ? finding that en
jo raudo nndrr ilo facts proved !
h t thu writ should bo denied and thi
children released from the custody o
ho sheriff , in whoso charge they hav
nominally boon slnco the commencement
mont of this suit"
SKILL IN TUB "VVoiiKBUor To deed
; oed work the mechanic must hav
> oed health. If long hours of con
incmentln close rooms have eufec
> led his baud or dimmed his sight
'ot him at once , and before some 01
jinio trouble appears , take plenty c
Llop Bitters. Ills system will bore
jarenatod , his norvoa strengthened
ila eight become clear , and the who !
conntltutlnn be built up to a hlghc
working condition.
Angnttnrn Blttors do not only dlttli
gulth t 'flinches by their aromatic odor ixboi
all cthots kcncra'ly 11-01but tb ynro ls3 aeu
pretcntholor allditcvcs originating from tl
dgeatlveo g ns Den are of counterfeit * . Ai
jour grocer or iltURgM for tlie gtnuli orttcl
manufactund b > lit. J U. 11 Sleigcrt &Sons.
The Latest Orders from the Heai
quarters of the Plattu.
On the recommendation of his coo
pany and post commanders , BO mac
of the unoxplred portion ot the act
tonco in the cue of Private Frat
JMcGair , company D , Ninth iiifantr
published in general court martial o
dora No. 24 , current series from thei
headquarters , as relates to coutin
ment , is remitted.
The general court martial oanvem
at Fort D. A. Unwell , Wyo. , by pai
graph 4 , special orders No. 31 , cu
rent series from thosohoadquartora ,
dissolved ,
Lsavo of absence for one (1) ( ) mont
with permission to apply to heai
quarters military dlvlilon of the Ml
soarl , for an extension of ona (
month , Is granted 2d Lieutenant L-j
torV. . Oornlah , 5th c&valry.
So much of paragraph 3 , spool
order * No. 48 , currant sorlos frc
these headquarters , directing th
Ojiptaln Charles U. Baruott , asolsta
quartorniHator , proceed to Fort M
Klnnoy , Wyo. , aud report to thocoi
ruandlug oflhcr thereof for duty ,
hereby so amended aa to direct th
ho ft ill proceed to the post named <
the lth Instant.
XJTho following named mon enlloti
at Forts Danglar , Utah , and Dinah
l > b , are aislj-ned as follow * ;
Oharloa Rice , to company U , G
lot m try.
Qoorgo F. Hayes , to the 4th I
fantry ,
X general oonrt-martiU IsiJpnoln
ed to mrot ot Fort Nlobrara , Nab. ,
on the 'J3J day of May , 1883 , or a *
loon thereafter an practicable , for the
trlnl of Private Oharlos Bell , compjnj
HI 4 'h Infantry , and inch other prla <
onm ns may bo brought before it.
Datall of the court : Captains Wil <
Him II , Blsbeo , 4 h infantry , and
Llonry Llpplncott , asslatant surgeon ;
lit nontenants Eirl D. Thomas , 5'.li
civalry , Llonry E. llobluson , 4th ln <
fantry , and Ribort n. Youog , 4th
Infantry ; 21 Lieutenants Auqustue
0. Moomb , C'.h cavalry , and Edward
Q. Browne , 4th Infantry ; 2d Don.
tenant James V. S , Paddock , 5-h
civalry , judge advocate.
A New Hosteliy Thrown Open tc
the Public ,
Georrje Fr nci3 Train'a Hotel
RftBurreoted to a New Life ,
The op&clona building erected years
ago ou Ninth street , and known tc
everybody aa the "Gtzzins Honso , "
ha * at last been roopouod and entered
the field for pnbllo patronage under
the of the "Grand "
name Pacific. ; ;
This houao is historic , having bzcn
built by George Francis Train In tbe
short epaco of six weeks' time , when
all the lumber of which it waa con
structed had to be freighted across tbe
etato of Iowa. The cause which led
to Its building was a trifling one ,
Train being o fiend cd while a guoat ol
the Hurndon houeo , now the
Uulon Pacific headquarters , bj
an luiagiued slight irom ono ol
the waiters. It lay Idle for t
long time , but wan at last tukoti hold
of by Mmrc. HIT and Chapman , whr
put It in first-does shop ? at a larg.
exponno nnd mads it bettor than 11
wan when new. It was then Ipascd
by Mr. T. J. Salesman , of New York ,
and ro-chrlstened the "Grand Pacific , '
opening np for public patronage yes
Mr. A. n. Alysworth , for savor a1
months chief clerk at the P xton
takes the same position hero and ti
aided by an efficient force ef asrlst
ants. The first name registered or
books was that of Mr. Tom Cotter
thu job printer , and It waa followet
by a gratifying number of autogrephi
for the ttart.
The hotel will bo rnn both on thi
European aud American plan * . It )
elegantly furnlehed throughout wltl
walnut , oak aud cherry sots , tapc tr ;
csipeta and the best ef everything
It has over nicety rooms , every ono o
which Is an outside room. The oflisi
la H model of neatness , convenience am
olagince , and the baron the basemen
llaor , Is equally attractive. Thi
itchon is equipped In first-class style
nd an admirably arranged laundry 1 :
: t chodtotho houae.
Siaco the pnvlng of Tenth stroe
an betjun the street cars rnn boll
ays by the hocse , ar d this will glvi
t quite a boom Tlia surrounding
re attractive , nn wUh a corpn of hoi ]
nch M it hue , the naw aspirant fo
ubllc favor tnuy reasonably expect i
rftttf j Ing tucoen- } from the very start
Well Rewarded.
A liberal reward will bo paid to an
arty who will produce a case of Llvei
Udney or Stomach complaint that Elei
rlc bitters will uot speedily cure , Brin
iem alonp , It will coat you nothing for th
medicine if it fulls to cure , aud ycu will b
well rewarded for your trouble besides
ill Blood diseare. ' , Biliousness , Jauudlci
Constipation und general debility nr
ulckly cured. Satisfaction pmranteed c
: ioD y refunded. Price only 50 cents pe
lOttle. For sale by 0. F. Goodman.
Heal Estate Transfers.
The following dcods were filed fo
' cord in the county clerk's offic
lay 17 , reported for TUB BEE b
Amos' real estate agency :
S. E ( Rognrs aud wife to helra of E
'oterson ' , w. d. , lot 38 , Okahom :
E P. Evana and huaband to 0. C
Houael , w d , lot 1 and part lot'
block 158 , ? 3,9GO.
A. Knutitza and wife to John De <
w. d. , part lota 14 and 15 , block (
Konnlza aud lluth'a add. , $750.
Buckleu'd Arnica Salve.
The greatest medical wonder of tt
world. Warranted to speedily cure Burn
Uruiees , CH'B ' , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , I'evi
Sorer , Cancers , Fllen , Chilblains , Corn
Tetter , Chayped Hands , and all skin eru ]
tions , guaranteed to cure in every iusUno
or money refunded. 25 cent * per box.
For tale by 0. F. Goodman ,
Army Note.
Border of the secretary of wa
Second Llentouant Jamoa A , Iiydoi
Fourth Infantry , h a been detailed i
profeesor of military , science at
tactic ? , at Ponnnylvanla State colleg
Centre county , Pennaylvanla , to tal
effect July 1st , and will report
duty accordingly.
Loss of Appetite , Bowels costive.
Fain in the Head , wltlt a dull sen-
cation In the back part , Pain undoi
the Shoulder blade , fullness altei
entlntr , with a disinclination to ex
ertion of body or mind , Irritability
of temper , Low spirits , with a feru-
ins ; of navlnir ncRlectod some duty ,
WenrinesB , Dlzzitiosa ,
the heart , Dots before the yca , Yel
low Skin , Headache generally ovei
the risht eye , Restlessness , with fit
ful dreataj , ulghly ooloreJ Urine ,
TUTT'S I'lI I S are especlMf ]
lu sni'li tuie > . one < use tf
f ct niu-li n vlmiiuo or feellutf tl
nittoiiUU the sulterrr.
lluliicirnie tlie.\iil > ( cam
tholKHly toTnlm ou Fleali , thin tlio ji
( cm U iiiiiirUhrd , anil bv their Touli
A cj Ion on theIXKcstlveOruniii. . lt u
ulitr HlnoU nro proiluci'd. I'rltoiact-uu
a.T B urruy > > . , IV. V.
OruT IlAin on WmsKrrs clinn ? o t
RLXCK dy n limlo i'ilkatlon | < f tli
tmiinrtbanatiirnlrolnr. Acnln tant
ly. oolu
OFFIC K , ,1 MHItltAT ST. , JV
f nr.llirsiiiMiL rt lu i.M > r. > n..ii
Infants and Children
WHlinnt MoTtilijno or Ntircotiuo.
Wint Riven our Children rosy clicoks ,
\ lia c-urps tlitlr fevers , makci lliom
'n torli > .
Wicn nahlM fret , nnd err by turni ,
What cures tlicir colic , kftls their onui.
llut ( , ' .i lorl
Wiat quickly euro- ! Con < tlpntlnn ,
Sour Stomach , CoUs , lujlgi-sitoii
Itut ( 'n < tnrl ; .
Korcwell then f o Jloqililno Rrunr ,
Cajtur Ull and Paregoric , ami
Qo ntg u r. jL ? n i m o n.t. A & ! > -
to euro for Klioumnti tin ,
"vttauluiioous ,
f k unnerve ! torn iptrllfi , phyiic llr JralneJ ami nuible t <
rfnrtn HfeV * lntte iroi rlr can o certainty nnd prrma
nll ) cur -'l , wti ( | ut i torn * c b luoiltrinti f odor if 4 by doctor *
lunuri ant die prfn The Mfditnl H > el/ir i vi ( The o !
an rtftrrtin * Ni ron * TlrMtllv. IMir tt ul 1 > rcnv * A c.
wlinUT uT.MMr7 , I UK Mlt * | O.N ItOM * . FTPI
( ilK-Ic nrH- * * iurrJ of certain restormlon to full and per
> t niiinhooil. Smiplf etTeettre c'fftnly , 1 faant beov
r T itiM ( tun i'i t Inn witli t > iv < lf&Q ( Trre
AKSTON IIIMII ; > V co. , 40 . mu su i w York
f rted unlcnt paid In advance.
MONEY T ) LOAN llio Urn h gultijtc Innl
Is towpnpjrcd ( omiko loans 01 Omibi
cltyorlcuzlw ccunly roil otto at C'irmi '
ratfso IriUreat. Na tomm M lnn cha-yil. 8tf
TO LOAV-C ll at Law office of D. L
Thnm B , roam 8 , CulKhton Dlock.
it/i ONKYTO LOAN Loweit Il tc of In
1VI terest. Bcml. ' Loin Aueiuy , IBth & Ioutai (
234MUNhY LOANJ D-On chattel mortgage roon
7 Un on Block , orner 15th and Farnam S s
MONKY Loaued on chattel property by J
T Bcatty.No 21S Scuth Hth street
rU to n.cot "C"
4GI 305
WANTED-Imme lateljr , a c ! n , c ! e wo
nun to nn'st ' In housowrrk tw h ursi
t'ay. Alioago d tcanstro I. 1221 Kirnvn St.
( up I'alrt. . HS3-19 $
WAV EDSUadj girl or mWdb . wr.m i
at HH HowaM M. Mill \\ILK1B.
660 191
i KD Olrl to wait on tab.'e. ' Inqu'ro a
WAN . Charles Hotel 654-tf
Girl for conoral housework a
WANTED , troer. 435-19
WANTED- cook nJ on- kitchen girl
mU'hitreet.bsiwcen . CailtolAve nm
Dodge sine' . BJ. 1U3
WANTED A boy , ODO who ha * been la ;
ilriitf tt rcpr f'iret
J.5J3 18 iCHROTEIl & 11ECI1T.
A y ° unS niai aped 14 to IS
boirdln athoie , to load p ol tables on
bar nnd clean up , 311 S. Hth street. 63I-1B'
WAN I ED Three RO d piii suakers J < on
but the ccst lucd apply.
A flnt-'las ! baVcr. Irnu'io a
WANIED . Itaapke , Djanlaa street t3M8t
WANTED \joun ? rlrl to tend to a on
yeroldbiby..S. E corner 13th mid Cai
atrcoti 5U 18 (
tTr'NTCD Qcod r-tronar girl , o o that u
IT derrlands cooking , watnlnif aid Ironing
tnd willing to work. i > 12 1'th tlrect 512 19j
Fmr fr five liundry KOtccn t
WANTED : Hot 1. Inquire for Head hin
diejt. 515-191
TT7 ANTED June 1st , lady aia stant boot
V Ketpcrand ccpjist. Youru mm to tit
chirgarf let f bcoka. J. D SV11TH ,
515-19 ; 1510 Doughs street.
WANTED A cornpttcn * nurse to t.V > e crarg
of a baby eight month ) eld and to sov
References icqilrcd. Call at 1022 UBicigai > t.
6 < l ) 18 }
AVTiD : Two eo d ( Mnlng rcorn gnli *
W lletr pa Itan hotel. Waxes (15 per montl
520 ' . > 2
TOO ratn wlh : lurdbtarrts ai
WANTRD litos to call at Uamb o s 0 K. t < a
hir bl op , and bj conrliccd tba' w : ha > e four <
the hntst artliUIn the cltr. S. V ' . corner 121
ad Farnam bta. { 607-211
" send coo' at the Kmme
Ucusi. Woman'erred. 512 21 !
A good competent girl to * hlc
WANTED a < cs K.ll be pati1 , V. W. corner 18
L'n\o pcrt St. 4-ig-tf
AMKD-A dining room girl at t „
W ton houe. 315 tf
WANTED A situation by joung man roi
the ast , with best reference Compete !
f ) fill any petition. Has had cxp riccc ) on tl
roaj. Address "it. K O. " Bee tfflc * . S5J-19 ;
WAliTFr Bya jou-g rranot good hi ) l
and rec mu.enila'.tonpcs'tion ' In teil c
late ofllce M cl rk or book k > o. or. Well acquali
tofl with the iusnern. ! Addicei "O. II , W , " Hi
office. 640-2 ? !
DANISH Boy , 17 yeirs of aie , would like
l\ to eel a situation lu a jr'Tjto family ,
uted to any kind of work. InqjIietOlH 'ten
struet , c'gar itorf.r 515-1PJ
. . Few bardcrs can find first cbs.s accomic
tdatlin In prl ati family at 706 18 h i
cmiirol Web t r. f6l-l t
) - eichJnge , a No. 1 firm in >
WANTH-7O gjod rra d n'o we 1 located
the c'ty. ItEYNOLLS b 1IOTTKU ,
3)8 Ct
Set cl butcher's books to keap
WANTED fjr meat. Addnss 1 , 2 3 , E
office. 502-18
REST New brick sir ro and 3 frci.t roe
POll W , oirnerol 10th and Webster St. A
I ly 3 doors Mcrth of .Store. 51 ? 21j
RENT OK SAIE-A ell ettabl'th '
rhotognphOtiler ; In a healthy and j io pi
oua cttj la Nsbueki. For rr tlculir , addti
atnnce J U MOKLLtlt ,
557-211 Qrand ItbnJ % cb ,
FOll KtNT One p'cataLt front loom at 1
noith IBtli street. 537 * 3 |
TTlOll HENT Peven elegant rooms , on Tell
L1 b twojn r'ircam und Dougl s : Ap ly
Mitiopo Itan hotel. 627 18
0 517-21 MAX MEYER & BFO.
(7011 UENT Houte xl'h ' fl\e rooms , good r
_ L } pair , nice ) ard Kent $ . ' 5 per month.
WI-'JI JOHN W. BELL , Drug's" .
lUNr-ElfK nt furnlihed fr nt root
110It 1 strttt , lk < Xr.LlcV blrclc.
493 211
| T\OH \ KENT Ho ea within IWD blccki tf Fo
L ' ( tlice It ro mt , 7 clcbc'i ba h ro m car.
wittr. Mu t bo renUd thla week
weekMuCAOUlt ,
4S7-1H < pPQ lt I'Btortca ,
Eon UEST-A rkfl > fu'nlsvtiirom. A
table b-arjlera wintt4,1)dgo ad 23J ' tt
ita 191
TOItE FOR RFNT Corner of ICthnndDav-
S tniott. Inqu re 1C10 taunrort llrcet.
I OK RENT Fuitjllhed room 1902 F rn m.
JL' -iG-i-isj
17011 ItEST A ( rent parlor betutlfu ly fur-
JJ hlsted tl 1 or 2 gentlemen at 1013 Do'c St.
4iO-18 |
ITtOIl ReN 1 i stor ? houno 0 rooms notthcist
1J t rner 18th ami riaik. Enquire of Win Klcr-
lea.latDE EY&STONa 4742 *
f I Hi" LET Ono or two r.oms , with beard 1P03
J. Cailfo nU strea. 353 0
T70H REST One Piano , one new organ , row
JJ enable term" . Hope's Music Mall. 329-lm
ITIOIISALKOII HK T-store ro m with fix
1 ? tures * Irit clirffl loc tlon for grocery nd
cru stoie South IBth sticct , bet o n Martha
and Oorca * . Onlj f 1,400. McCAGUE ,
J35-tf Opp. 1'tstolGcj.
RKNT Two nlco large dwtlllniri , No. 1
178-1 m
TTlUUNISIIEl ) rconn and board Modern con'
L1 venlenocs , 1810 Dodge street. 1COO junl't
l UKMSHKU UOOMS \ r ) desirtblo Iccatlon
JJ Pock , real ejtato , cpp. I1. O. 901-tf
KENT Finn ttpr ght piano , tine Kim.
FOR organ. 1519 Del o ctrcct.
ftMf A. 1I08PP. Jf.
. Oil aAbll A 4 room liotntnj peed lot un-
I. dcr f ncc , 4 b'ocka Ircin Trans cr 1'tpot In
Council lhiJ ! ( . A ra'K'lii for cith. Aiidri' J
foradajs. I. F. W 1810 Cutnlng ! 62 lUt
FOR8ALK Side Bar tcatly rev , 1221
Fan am ! Jt. S53-2-U
I , OH 8ALM cllr AI' A in carriage.
I Owner 1 ai got to rasa ra-rry. . Inquire at
Celt's wnrdiouto , 13th strco' , lutwccn Dodge
and Capitol avtnao. tOC-2.v
HAI K Fancy cllcloth f r rhlna close s at
FJH 51B-18 MAX * CU
T7IldXLE I Ptfer the ftialture nnd liass of
ij thu Grd Central Ho'el ' , at cbra8 a tlty ,
ortao. Brick bulidlrg , aodcrn liu'W. Fnrty-
Ight r cms and r car ) new lurulture. AI1 In
rU-cltss order with a gcod ( ride utabll hcd.
or pirtlcuhrstpply tn
E. SEYMOUR , Proprietor.
63S-23 > ebiatka City , Neb.
FOK S LE "The Flo once. " Fur-
HOTEL ccmvKti ) . Thr only hotel In the
lace AdJrces II. E. CUrk , Stclli , Ilkhard on
connty , i cb 61021 *
INE Bronze fixtures > rd 1000 shuts of water-
dcset paper on a to'l for fO cents at
[ 7011 SALE Two story frame 12 rocm h'ttse ,
J with c'eids and eel araul cltr water. Lot
JxCG. Alao li etory tlx room house , .
cllar , cl tein and will Lot 55x00. Will be eold
a t'rno payments. A rare barealn
476-18 1G22 Capitol Arc.
SALE 7 room homo and tarn , twi full
FOll nlwly Improved. Fine location , South
33000. AMES ,
355-1 m ) 1500 Fainaoj.
SALE Noctt eand Four lots on Park
FOll only S2EOO , email caih i aym nt , bal-
ncocqml annuil | myrao ta at eight per cent.
IcCAQUE , . pposlte P. O. 350-tf
TOR SALE-Phao'on , leather top , Slmpain's
tna'-c , will leat three , for 82 <
625-18 MAX MhYbll. < c CO.
SALE Two acr.-B on > tuth Thirteenths
s rea' , good rou'o seven coins , hatn , ( la em
0 liraiiri ; , rijio \ Ine tnd Htte airount of fiult
! til kind , largaln I/SCO McUAGUB , opposite
'oat Office. aiD If
I710K SALE Hrusean.l lit 8 icum , good c'a- '
I' torn , cui-bulldiugn , etc. large Ini , mar town
i.200. . HEYNOLUS&ilOTTER.
SALE Kin.ball upright plaro , $135 , ceey
FOK ; . (520 ( 16) ) MAX MEYKlti. HtlO.
r/Ott riALE A first cltee ecconj h nJ phaotoa
CatlatlSlOHarnoySt. 887-lf
FOR SAL1 > Flax mill micLlnory comUtlnp of
brake , 2 ilu.te'8 , beater , jilcker , press , tc.
. ' .in u ork cl her r > ttrd or jrrcen tt ck , al > o shaft-
ng' pulllcs , nnd hcltln , ' for drivlcp the > rio e ,
alto one 35 II. I' , engine with baMer , amoko-
t > ck i nl Klflx uro < co rp ct.1. Addrei * WILL-
AM TAIT Clnilei Cltv Iowa. 2P6 3ml
F OH 5ALF Water jnwor e lit mill , Inquire
of Ed. UrwK , Vavirl/Neo , 342-B §
? < JK SALE Old nowepipcrs In large and email
JU ciuintltlestt this oltleo. tf
roil SALE A R d oritan , llttlo u d , for J40 ,
! at (622 21) ) MX MEYEH & IJIIO.
rtOR HALE OR RENT Vose Piano.
! 523-tf C. J. CAN AN.
OR bALE-I'h cton. II. . Ph llljis , 1207 ' arnam.
1 1931m
FOll SALE One SJ aori lot , near town , 81,200.
175-lra HEY4sOi.DS4MOI1Ett.
of Rood brick , J3.M ) perThousa-id at
KILN , ( hlmney bricks * 7.0J per thous > nd.
U9turn brick $5.U > , to clem busln s > .
Ono Mock fouth ot 15th and UolU > ue road.
A STOPoiK-n , cnlv S-0 , m pijment * , r.t
\ \ ] 622-1S MAX MEYER & BUG.
fO < S LI Fourgo-dlots , ono hilt mlle from
p stotllc , Criotp , ra > y termn.
178 tin hEi.NOLI.S &
FOR SALE A Hret-cla" s second hind top bug.
Ky. CM at 1319 Hainoy street. 3'7-tr '
.t ( \ WILL Luy a Windsor ui right piano at
$150 621-21 MAX MBYKK & BUG.
10 CON'HAinORS-We ha > o a'lout 1000
vaidicf dirt for tale , E , A. It. D Eu
EL i" < 1O It. Uuaurant , Humph-ey i ; Co. ,
B HIS Dodge etrujt , board $3 60 pi r \ > c-.k.
.Ma ) Mm
TIOItALIST , 198 Tenth street , Wtwcon Farcam
aid Ilarney. Will , with the aid of guardian
sUrito , obtain far any one a glance of the ra l
and present , and nn certain conditions la tbr ( a.
ture. PootB and Show made to order. Per ( eel
Absolutely Pure-
ThU powder nc\er vartea. A marrel of purity
itrencth and nholesomenoM. More economical
than the orpinar ) kinds , and cannot be lolJ In
competition nlth the multitude of low tr l h rl
wcUht , alumor ph"vph t ponder 3old only ID
cans. ROTAL Diiixo t'owDik Co. , Wall-St.'jtl !
v York
Pay Taiea , Rent , Houses , Kt3.
8 . - . . _ _ _ . jCREQHTON BLOCK