THE OKA IU J9 18d3. The Omaha Published ercrr tnornlnff , except Sun r < 1'l"u'y ' Moadny tnornltig dally. HYMAIIr- One Year. . . . 010.00 I Three Months. & 3.W Qli Months. , 5.UO | One Month. . . . 1.01 CIIK WKI'.XLY HUE , published evcrj TEHMS POST PAID One Yenr . 82.00 I Three Monthi. K Hit Month . l.COlUneMonth. . . . 2C NEWR CowrANr , flolo Agonti In the United States , CORRKSPONUKNOE- Oomrutinl. t/ouB / rclntlng to News and Editorial matters rhoulJ bo nddrieeed to the Kurron or Tine UKK , BUS1NKH8 LKTTEKS All Uu ! ne Letters and HenilttnnccH should ho rtd 4reened to Tut IJr.K PUBLISHING COMPANY OMAHA. Drnftn , Checks nnd Poslofficc Jrders to bo ma < lo parable to the order ot tlio CoinpRny. the BBS PUBLISHINB 00 , , Props , K. nOBEWAT R Editor MITCHELL la at a discount , bat Ken tucky has ntlll faith that a blno grau male can knock Salllvatt oat In one round. IF Iloasa oould only catch a western cyolono and torn It looao on England , wo should hear fewer enoors at Amurlcan alra. ROOMS to rout are BO sc&rco InOmaho that aoveral of onr brick tnakora think of putting a bay window in their kilns and advertising for boardorn. PISTOLH and ccil'jo nro to bo called for by Ohahnora , cf MlBalaalppI , to nettle a dlfforonoa of opinion between hlinaolf and Mr. Galloway , editor of the Memphis al. WADDINOTJK la reluctant to ropreaont Franca at the rssvr'a corona tion , booiaso , BO ho aayo , the aum of $50,000 appropriated for his oxpenaus la not sulliol'Jnt. Monaiour Wadding- ton evidently placed his funeral ox- ponaoa at a hl-h ( figure. JOG OOIIUUN has been refused a licenseto oull liquor In Now York on the ground of his "gimornl reputa tion. " If Mr. Ooburn will oomo to Omaha ho can bo acoommodatod. No llconao IIBH over been refused hero on any anoh frivolous grounds. THE council has adjourned for two weeks , and no paving can bo ordered done until after their next session. This ought not to delay matters. The contractora know pretty well who will receive the awards and they can go right ahead and niako the necessary preparations. Wo want Sixteenth atroot paved aa Noon as possible. THE civil Borvlcj commission haa evolved a aet of thirty-one rules to govern the admission of competitors for clerkships In poatofllcea and cus tom houaca. The $4,000 postmasters and rovouuj colloo'.ora will notboanb * ject to cqmpalltivo oxnmlnatlona and any politician backed by his oongros- atonal delegation who algna his name an X is eligible without regard to the civil aorvlco reform law * . AFTER four honra mature reflection nn iutulllgout Chicago jury haa reached the decision that Jim Elliott , ex- puglliat , waa not killed by Joro Dunn. It will now bo clear to everybody In Chicago that Elliott willfully and ma. llcloualy dlaohargod the revolver thai was pointed at him by Joro Dunn , The verdict , of course , is In keeping ; with public morals and justlco in Ohl cage The next thing wo hoar ot wll bo Dunn's election to the Chicago oltj council or to congress. AT the meeting of the Army of tin Pdtorn 10 , the reference of Majoi Magluuia , the orator of the occasion to General Fltz John Porter aa "om of the bravest and moat patrlotli ollicera In the Army of the Potomac who was made the acapggoat of Popo'i campaign , " waa greeted with onthusl ftstlo choora. Lot it bo noted that thi cheers came from aoldlora and not fron democratic pollttolaue ; aoldlers whi bad fought with Porter through ( h moat desperate campaign of the wai and under the moat imbecile loader nhlp , men who knew of a comrade' unmerited dlcgraco , and who wor justly indignant at hla ahamofa treatment , The truth of hlatory has more thai vindicated Fits John Porter from th ohaiges uudor which ho was conr martlblcd. It haa revealed the mill tury mallco and the political partlaau ship which were alone rosponolblo fo the ignominy which haa boon hoapoi upon hia head. It haa torn awny the roll that con cenlud the utter Incompotency o General Pope's Manataia campaign and places hla victim tn hia true llgh AS a brave , able and loyal soldier. Congressman Lilrd , who nero grows moro eloquent than when dc tailing the wronga auflurod by hli eli commander , will donbtlosa have some thing to Hay tn congress when the bll i for the relief of Fitz John Porte cornea up at the next aoaalon , n will bo backed In hla defense of th white hatred patriot by the applaue of every veteran who over aerved ut < ior General Porter , and every acidic rogardleaa of political creed , who hi given the subject of File John Poi ter'a wrooga the careful study that deserves. " " = ? THE FAOTB OF THE CASE. The Jlcpnblicun la atlll in puroxyams over the questions of free trade ve. protection aim la Tilling Ita columns with labored dofoneoa of the tariff. Oceans of Ink will not change the situation. Wo are anro to have a moderate tariff for many yoara to oamo. The revenues of the nation cannot bo recruited BO oaally In nny other way. A tariff for revenue , which both parties demand , will bj at ho same time a tariff with a good deal of Incldon'al protection. Wo may cut down our governmental oxpondl * uros to the lowest living limit and the treasury will atlll demand omothlng over $150,000,000 R year rhlch must bo rulied from customs dutlca. List year wo derived $220- OCO 000 from this eourco. It makcD nodlfroroncoBofaraaroiulta are ooncorned , what the theory la upon which the Import la baaod. Whether wo have a tariff for revenue only , or a tariff for protection only , or ono for revenue with Incidental pro- cotton , or ono for protection with In- dental revenue , the effect will bo the same. Wo must collect n certain amount of money from customs to moot the needs of the government , and as long as wo are obliged to do his , the free trade cry is a gigantic lumbug. The only point upon which there is ; ronnd for discussion Is upon a proper adjustment of the tariff. The tariff a a tax , andtaxoa should bo laid upon rtlclca which can boar them the most oadlly , Many of our Industries have icon pampered almost to death , andre ro alck from ahoor gluttony. In theao cases Incidental protection ught to bo substituted for monumon- al protection. Industrial monopalloo , uphold by the tariff , ahonld bo com- > olled to aland on their foot , raw ma- erlala for manufactures ohouid bo laced on the free Hat , and duties honld bo systematically lowered auf- clontly to rodnco the rovonno from uatoma by from (50,000,000 to $70- 00,000 a year. Even then wo would IBVO the highest tariff of any civil- 7od country , but still a tariff none too ilgh for onr neooaaitlea as a govern ment. OTHER LANDS THAN OCRS. Parliament IB taking a short rest f tor the excitement of last week and orolgn dispatches contain few Items f Interest concerning the fltato of the ministry or their Immediate policy , which will bo pursued upon the roaa- ombllng of both houses. It ia ovl- ent to all that the government la erlonaly weakened. The remainder f the session will witness either a .liberal Waterloo or such a further Islntegratlon of parly bonds as will make an appeal to the country a por- lens matter for Mr Gladstone's mln- atry. The premier hopes to strengthen ilmaolf and his party by devoting the ttontlou of parliament to the subject f the neglected agricultural interests f the country and especially to the ellof of the tenant farmers from the amo opprccnlona under which Irish aimers have suffered. The tenant arms bill which will bo Introdccjd loxt week in the commons aa n gov- rnmont meaauro will conclusively test ho strength of Mr. Gladatono's mln- atiy. The premier has annonncad that u caao the bill Is defeated ho will at once dissolve- parliament and appeal to ho country. This declaration ia sig nificant. The boat judgcado not hea- tate to predict the fall of the ministry on thla ianno. The land-holding whlga and the conoorv&tivcs have already formed n coalition to dt-foat the moaanre , and rumors are current of another combination in which the extreme radicals figure , which it pledged to oppoao the bill because II iatla to go far enough towards aocnr Ing needed rofornft. In addition thi Parnoll party will vole against thi government , their solo object being tc secure a now election , which will In oroaso their representation. The ex tended precautions , which wcro takei some weeks ego , orainat the dynamlti fiends have boon redoubled , am twenty-five hundred secret police havi been aworn In lo do duty aa aptoa 01 the movements of Americana travollnj between the United States and Eug laud. Servants , hoatler * , butcher and housemaida are aald to roper regularly to the homo oflico over ; movement of auapootod persona , whlli the very waltera on Hues of ooeai steamships are In the pay of the gov eminent. The system of caplonagi would do credit to Parla In the palm ; day a of 'Yldocq. Too mill at Dublin atiil grlndaou the grlat of aontoncea and three con vlotlona for coniplracy to murder havi been followed by life sentences for thi accused. At Bolllna air nrruata have boon mudo during tlio past week , bu now aururlitu outrages are reported The hanging ot Brady In Dublin ot Monday waa conducted with the great eat privacy , uono of the preos boluf admitted to thoacouo of thooxecnllon Immonao crowds surrounded the jail and uuooved their heads who. the black 11 ag nbovo th castle tower announced th fall of the drop. Th excitement over the pope's letter , con detuning all collectloua which may b employed aa a moans of exciting re belllon against the laws , U lutona throughout Ireland. There la a tonoo defiance towards the Vatican whtol finds vent In expressions of opinloi that Ireland will take tta theology bu not Ita politics from Homo. IJigga and Sexton have openly denounce the document , the latter boldly aaaerl ing that Parnoll and not the pope I tha head c f the political church , Th pope'a letter U tn full accord with th tr.idltlona of the Vatican , Thn churc f Homo has always maintained th importance of submission to authority At the present tlmo , as for savors \ < nrs past , It la anxloui lo atrcngtho : i n friendly relations with England .more Romanism is making a rapl ind healthy progress. Affairs in Franco have bocn undlg turbed during the week though th umorod death of Count du Charnbori created a temporary excitement whlol WAS Bpoedlly dlepollcd by a contradlc lion cf the reports. The chamber o U patios lins voted lo sustain Iho nc inn of Iho government in sondlni roops to Annin , It Is ovldout tha visions of military glory and torrllori at aggrandizement in the colonies ar lancing before the eyes of Franco fho Fnrry ministry now propose ti regain French prestige tn Iho oxlrcm cast , nnd nt the eamo time oxcmpllf ; ho truth of Ulnmarck'n aaying , thane no Ihrco yoara would ever pass b ; without Bomo French govornraon ending out an army somewhere Admiral Moyora will destroy the 20 , 100 Ghlnoao soldiers sent from Poklt o help the Annainltoo. Oommatidan llvloro will chaatlao Iho Ohlnosi ArabI on the banks of the Red tiver and M. Do Kergaradoo will bocomi mentor to the Emperor Ta Dae , jusl , n Lord Dufforln was mentor to thi Chedivo Towfik. The oulcomo of 1 til will bo a lltllo cheap glory , act ilatory will have to record In her an ials still another instance of a colon ; onndod by the Latin race only to b' ivontually nltllzid and developed b ; ho Anglo Sixon. A dispatch from Hamburg undo : [ ate of May 14th nays that the now rom Chrlstlaua denotes Iho proaen > OHltlon of political affairs In Norwnj s very Borloua. The rcaolution of thi Odelathlng to proceed with the 1m loachmcnt agalnat all the cloven mln ators of the crown in the anpromi court formed for thla occasion ia con Idored BS meaning war to the knlfi gainst the ciown , and an aiming a eparatlon from Sweden. The an- iromo court will moot this week , ant f it declares itself competent to glv < adgmont In this grave matter , as t neat probably will , the conflict will ho crown * will have become acutn Strong retaliatory measures on tin mrt of the king are expected , whlul : will perhaps produce u civil win whoso aim will bo an early tepar.itioi rom Sweden. Norway ia practisally a republic yltha king ( of Sivodtr ) Ithasovtrj irlitical privilege which a radical dom crat could dealro. Ileproaontutlon It > opular ; the press la free ; the rlglil f aaaoclation unconditional , and thi onatltnllon of 1814 guarantees to the jooplo the right of nelf-legUlatlon Iho storthing ( the national assembly ] an Institute laws which , when thrlct otcd , have binding force even with' nt the final consent of the king , whc an tntorpcao hla vote only twice. Norway has an army and a navy ol ler own , which cannot bo used with. ut the conaont of the storthing , and tie king of Sweden , on coming into Norway , is only allowed to bring n .m ted number of cflicora with him. till , the radical party in the country onaldora the royal prerogative execs- Ivo and Insists upon separation from Sweden and the establishment of e opubllo. There can bo but two expla nations of this first , the prldo , cen. urloa old , of peasants , counting king ; among their ancestor ? , and , saooud , ho jealousy regarding Norgowlan in- lependenco. The atrnngo part ia thai ; ho country populations are the radl al and the city populations Iho con- orvatlvo element. Great things arc evldonlly propirlng In Scandinavia , and aa matters now look , Europe may oo h third republic near the North capo before the year U out. Laal nonth the conflict between the crown and the storthing culminated in the inHSago by the latter of art idea of im- loichmont of the ministers and mem- > orsof the council ot state , upon the allowing grounde : 1. The rofuenl tc aanotlon the bill Inviting the minlt- era and members of the council ol state to atlend Iho nltttngs of the storthlog. 2. The refusal to eanctloc the grant to the associations for the armament of the people. 3. The ro- uoal to sanction a certain paragraph of the resolutions of the storthing concerning corning the central direction of thi railways. All the councilors of stall who advised the crown to refuse hi unction to the above measures are t < ao Impeached. Gladstone's ministry has added It all the olher email inUorlca whlcl crowd upon an administration in it cloalng days , a aorlous rising In Soutl Africa among the Basntos , faithfn allies of England , who were ahabbll ; treated two years ago , when the Otpi Ojlony legislature passed a law requiring quiring their disarmament. The ; roao then , and were put down after i bloody little war ; now they are U ] again , and their example is likely t > bo followed by Iriboa about them whi have boon approaching revolt for ha' a year past. Mexico can hardly bo oonaidered a in a desirable financial condition whoi Its goveimnont la compelled to borrow money for the purpose of dofrayln Iho current expenses of the admlnla Iratlon. The chamber of depntlcaha passed a bill , which will undoubted ! ; bo adopted by the senate , authorlzlni the prcaldmit to nofiotlato aloau nc oxcoedlun $20,000,000 , the proceed to bo devoted to oirrjinc ; on the ordl nary affairs of the republic. It Is re ported that the negotiations for enttli inont of BO much of the bonded ( U'l aa It hold in England have proved sue cceefu ) , BO Iho Londtmeia ran have ohanoo ut the now (20,000,000 loan. The coronation of the czir will , it 1 thought , bo Iho moot magnificent cere mony of this kind In Iho preeenl con tnry. The Russian government 1 spending millions of dollnrs upon th preparations , and the rich nsblllly patrlclaua and mrrchnuta of Mosco' are doing everything In Iholr powc lo give Hla majeaty a brilliant recoj lion. Besides Iho coronation prc gracumo , Iho festival for Iho peopl excllea great Interest. The larg OhodynBkl plains are being prepare for thla affair , and the liveliest scone are presented In Iho erection of boothi lento and barracki , with elands fc Ihn spectators , and a royal pavlllo from which Iho czar and hla court ca see the featlvltlea It la believed thi ' | 100OGO people will bo present , an ' irlous means are to bo employed fc providing them with food and aholtcr. Ono hundred and twenty decorated railway btynago cara nro to bn drawn up In line , from which provisiorm will bo distributed. There will bo tL o theaters and a olrcas , fieo to the people , beeldoa aovoral bands of ruaalo and Btogorr. Another / te IB to bo given to thononrd regimentsosfctnblod at Moecow. It will have very muoh the aacio character oa the cno at S . Petersburg , though on u nomuwhtu tmallor ecale. Horafiird'i Aoitl 1'hotphnto. INIIIOESTION rilOM OVEHW011K. Dn DANIEL , T. NELSON , dra co , BRJ a : "I find It a pleasant and valuable remedy In indication , pir- llcnlarly ia overworked nion. " ELLIOTT AVEHCED , His Murderer Qivon His Liberty by % Jury of Saiio Men , The " .YTanly Art" of Killing Receives a Newlmpetas in Chicago , The Blaok Flag Again Flutter ing from Dublin Castle , A Wlfo Killer Dropped Seven Foot in a Qoorcta Meadow. Th Wind Up. Special Dispatch to Tat llii. OIIICAOO , May 18 State's Attor ney Mills began the closing speech In the prosecution of Joro Darin for the aiardor of Elliott this morning , and It ! a Ihonght it will bo concluded by 3 p. m , , -RUOU the CSBO will bo given to the jury.OHIOAOO OHIOAOO , May 18. Mr. Mills for Lhu state concluded hln argument at 3 o'clock and Judge Smith proceeded to obargo the jury. All items of In struction submitted by the attorneys For the state and for dufcnco were jlven the jary except some minor 3uoa , which were cuverod In the more Important instructions. The charge ; nvo the definitions of mnrdur md manslaughter and touched upon , ho question of doubt. The jary waa tmttuoted If they found the meeting jotwcon Elliott and D.inn waa planned > y the latter to return a verdict ot guilty. If they believed from the evidence that the meeting was acol dental and the first hostile movement wan nittdo by Elliott , they mint ac quit.Tho The Instructions of the state's at- : orney were road first , and during the reading the prisoner ahowod more nervousness than at nny time during ho trial. As the reading of the In- .tructiona for the defense progressed , lowevor , his wonted composure re turned , and at the conclusion he was as calm as before. The jnry retired at 3:45 , and lh udgo left the court room with In- ilrncliona to send for him as soon as ho jnry agreed. About 8 o'clock an agreement waa innouncod , and the judge was cent or. Ho came at 8:50 : and the jury at once filed In , and a verdict of not ( ullty was announced , Demonatra- Ions by Dnnu's f ( lends were subdued n the court room , but when they 'eached the outside with him they gave reo vent to their feeling * . Dunn went with a few fi lauds to a neighbor- ng saloon , and from there to Olny- cn'u place in which Elliott waited for lira a few days before the shooting. The news flow rapidly In every dlrt-c- Ion , Dunn's friends running along the streets and ohoutlug the result. At Clayton's a largo crowd gathered In a 'ew mlnntca , and Dunn and hta friends slipped quietly out the back way to avoid the throng , end disappeared. A Wife Murderer Hnng. Spoclal Dlspatcb to Tun lisa. LBXINOTJN , Ga , , May 18. J. 0 , Jonot , the wife murderer , was hnug d day in the presence of an Imnienao crowd of people , many coming n dU- nnco of sixty miles. Jonea attempted suicide yesterday by opening the veins of his arm , and was only dis covered when ho had lost about a gallon of blood. This morning , ho Docomlng stronger , the governor tele- ; raphodtho ) ahorlft to proceed with the execution. Jones asserted the only reason why ho killed his wife was that tie loved her. The feeling against him was very bitter. It is thought ho would bo lynched If not executed by law. The gallows waa erected about mile from the court house In a field. OUKLEY'S FATE. DUBLIN , M y 18. D > nol Ourloy , second man convicted of the murder of Cavondlsh and Barko , was hanged at Kilmainharn jail at 8 o'clock this morning. The jail waa guarded by a force of military similar to the occa sion of the hanging of Brady Monday last. last.After After the priests prayed privately with the condemned man In the cell , mass was performed in the prison chapel in the presence of the governor and wardens , where Ourley resolved the sacrament. Moanwhlloa group of women , which had gathered outside of the prison , wcro on their kneea aaylug the latany for the djing. When the black flig , announcing the execu tion had taken place , waa hoisted over the prison , every man In the crowd outside , which numbered barely a thousand , uncovered heada and tunrmnro of tyuipithy for Ourloy were uttered. A rnah waa then mudo by the crowd for the garden near by , where Gurley's relatlvrn had aasem- bled and nliora Us father wiw knool- iog nud pray lug fnr the repose of the soul of Iila son. The pooplu BOOU dis persed quietly. Ourly walked to the Hcalt'old with little assistance , lie aoomod to bo resigned tc his fate , but waa hardly firm. IIo declined to lutko any atatemout touching his connection with the crlmo for which ho was executed. Death wan Instantaneous , In a lottos which Ourloy wrote his wife , ho said ; "I will take my noorct to the grave with me , and leave those who are al freedom tn enjoy it. 1 will die u poaoa forgiving my enemies. " How Children Hid "Fun. " On lumuier il y the/ went to play , Down the road lo Do4co Jonit' future ; Dick cllintcl the tree. Vlctookel 10 gay ; The hours wert rpent In lun n i hujbtcr , Th t night , those youngitcrt jtllcd with l > ln , Yei , the IUDDJ D ck mil Victoria ; The cilpei weie of thi rreen apple kind. Untqulcklj eureU by CattorU. CURES Rr eumiUIsm.Neuralgla.Sciatica , ' .umbagi , Backache , HeadacheToothache , lor * , Ntrrlllnz' . Niirnlni , KruUtt , lluriin , hrulil * . t'riul Illlrm 1.111 ILL 01IIEll MUUIM Pil\S iM > iflira. loll br Druicliu > il t > ! rr : c > rr > ker . Flftr C au i boilli Vlr llooi In It Ltmtnxfi , Till : ril Mtl.K * A. VOHKI.KIt CO. A NOTED HUT ITNTlTl.Kn WOM-U * . [ Krom the Boston t The abore is a good likeness of MM. tjdla E. Pla tm , of Lynn , MAUL , who above all other hum&n b lni 1 b truthfully called the "Dear Friend of Woman I tome of her corre pendent lovotocall her. 81 calously derotod to her work , which li the outcon I n llfetudy , and Li obliged to keep tlz lad wlstanta , to help her anawcrthe large corresjiondeni hlch dally poun In upon her , each bearing Iti ipecl irden of suffering , or Joy at releane from It. Ill tcotablo Compound la a medlcln * for good and ni rll purposes. I bav personally luTMtlgatad It u n satisfied of the truth of this. On account of Ii recommencle > d prescribed by the best phyilclani In the countrj DB aaysi "It works like a charm and larci mud Un. It will euro entirely the wont form of filllri ! the uterus , Leucorrhoea , Irrecular id pulnft cnstruatlon , all OrarUn Troubles , Inflammation ari Iccrallon , Kloodlngs , nil Displacements and the col Mucnt rj/lnal weakness , and Is cspocl&'iy adapted I \u Change of Life. " It pormoatcs every portion of tbo rystem , and ST w life and vlRor. It removes falntncss , fla'ulencj Mtroys all crnIng tor stimulants , and relieves weal : ss of tlio stomach. It cures Bloating , Headachei . rvous Prostration , General Debility , Sleepleunesi fcpresslon and Indigestion. That feeling of beatlnj own , causing pajn , weight and backache , Is ahvayi trmanently cured by Us uao. It will at all times , an nder all circumstances , act In harmony with the lai at governs the female system. It costs only 31. per bottle or Eli for $5. , and li sold to > rugglsK Any ndvlco required oa to special cane * , an ] e names of many who have been restored to perfec faith liytlio use of the Vegct&bla Compound , cu > b italned by adilrcssmff Mr * P. . with itamp for r plj her hoinu In Lynn , Mam. For Kl Jury Complaint of either f ex this compotmJI I'urpniied ns abundant testimonials show. "Mr PUi' . Lam's Liver 1111s , " snys one wrttOT , * > vorlit for the euro of Constlpatlol .1 Torpidity of the liver. Her Blooi und raln Ita special line and hUltai > oiind In Hi popularity. t her 0.1 an Angel of Mercy if ban 10) fjood toothern. x ( ! ) Mr * A. H. D. 8IODX FALLS Jasper Stone [ INCORPORATED ] Th's Company is now prepared to rocolvo orderi ( or SIOUX FALLS JASPER FOR Building Purposes , And 11 ! make Ileurc ? en ton"d lots for piomp do Ivery. The Cc/mj any Is e To both Chicago and Omaha , and ( .ollcits ccrrcs- ] -oiHitncs and orders from contractors on * ga < cd In paring Btrcota In anv ol th Wit torn C tfua. TESTIMONIALS. ! B , Chicago , Wist llvl an lUI" > iy Cilcago , Deceuibir C , 1SS2. C Kl c' , Proflile t Floux Fills WMcr IMwtr Com nny. Dear Sir ! lure received from j out com iir.y InioOitober 1 , 18b2 , liout 100 car loidi f Rianlta pavlrg bio ka knd ha\clald th in be .Moer- the r l ! oJour strent lallwav trftckiln thi icart t ( the city. I ha o been using i aving tra cilal in thin city form nyjears , and I Ukop'ei euro In lajinf ; th t In n y o loloti tin Rr nlte > avlntbl ck < fu nlahcd by your c mpany are ; I.o inoit rfKii ar in tl ape nrd poifo t In form and 10 far I haxo fo'en bbla to JuJpo , are poe cssrd o ) an ( luril'le fiature as any materlil thai las ertt b-fii cdcicl or laid In he city. Yoars. JiS K. LAKE. ( Copy. ) ST. Levis , March 22 , 1833. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN- Th's ' ijto c > rlify that 1 have examined a plec < rf granite taVcn from thn Sioux Pall ) Oranlti uartloi. aid , I my opinion , It la the bret gtom for street piv.u I have tcun In Am rlca. ( Signed ) HEN'RY KLAD , Proa. Board Public Improvemenlg. Stone for Paving Purpaee And any pert 'n ' Interest * d Innuchlirprovcmen'.i wll. Urd It crca Iy to his d\actiKO to cotumtmlukte with us. Wulntite OOIUIESPONDHNOK ON THE SUBJECT. Thoifcncrxl m\nnzun < nt ami eupcrvlalon o the coapt > } ' bu'incTO U no'v la the hi-.da ol Vm. McCAl . Addreu your Icttcrj to A. G. SEWEY , 1'ioildtnt of tUo J eper Stone Co. ml' Nebraska Loan & TPUBU Compan ] llAHTlNQS , KF.C. - $250,000 Capital , - - - , JAS.n. IIRARTWKLL. Frtwldenl. A. L. CLAKKK , Vlce-rreildent. K n. WMJSTKH , Tre nr i 0. 1' . WKDSTKIt.Caitl.r. UIHKCTOKS. Simuel Alexander Oawald'OllTer. A. L. Clarke , K 0. Webeter' 0 o. II Pratt , Ja * . D. Hcoitwtll , D. M.UcElUlnney. Firat Mortgage Loans a Specialty This Company furnlihM a permanent , bom Institution where School Bond land othei legal ! tuued Municipal * eccrltt ! to Nebraska can b be negotiated on the moot favorable tenni Loani made on Improved faim In all well Mttlc eountle * of the lUte throujb rwpctutbU loci corrupondeati. E ] S-A.3LIE ! SAM'L 0. DAVIS & CO. , Washington Avenue ami Fifth Street , 3VEO. C. F. GOODMAN , AND DEALER IN FAINTS9OIL8VABNISHE3 And Window Glass. NEBRASKAi i This Flour la made at Salem , Richardson county , Neb. , In the combined roller and atone system. We give EXOLTTEIVE sale of oar flour to ouo firm In a place. Wo ha o opened a branch at 1618 Capitol avenue , Omaha. Wrlto for Prices. WAI . FNTINF . Ri RFPPY S lem or Omaha , Neb Addicts cither V M L.CIN I 1 1 1 C. OC. n Cl l I f mlo-O HAS TSS &m STOCK IN OMAHA AND MAKES THE LOWEST PRIDES Have now been finished in our store , ma ! ' Ing it the largest and most complete niD&ilTBIDC ! rUKIiSIUIE In the West. An additional story has been built and the five floors all connected with two HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS , One Bxoinsively lor the use of Passengers These immense ware- rooms--three stores , are 66 leet wide are filled with the Grand est display of all kinds of Household and Office Furniture evei shown- shownAll All are invited to call , take the Elevator on the first floor and go through the bui'ding ' and inspeot the stock. CHAS. SHIVERIOK . , v 206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omaha Hellman & Co * WHOLESALE 1301 and 1303 Farnam St. Gor. OMAHA , N B. MANLFACTUHEH OF FINE BUGGIES , 15ARRIACES & SPS5SNG WAGONS My lleposltory Is Constantly filled -th ( a Relent Stock. Best caotoiy. y , "tV , Oor. locn nnttuapitoi Avenue. 01 2 ni&o-ly WILLIAM SNYDER , MANUrAOTUBBB 01T First-Class Painting and Trimming , Repairing Promptly Done , 1321 and 1323 Harney Street , corner Fourteenth St. A Skin of Beauty la Joy orevar. DR. T. FELIX OOURAUD'O Oriental Cream or Magical Ceautlfier The Oriental Cream rurlflei as well as Ilcautl- del ttie SLIn , Remotes Ton , Pimple ; , Itothpttcb rsan'ererj blemish or beauty and defies de lection. II baa stood the teat ol SOyears an' Jsioharm- less wt Uste U Is be sure I ho prep a r alien lion In pro rxrly madi Accept no counterfoil similar name. Tbo dlstlnpnlehfd Ir. L. A Sayre , said to r .ady of the IIACT ox ( a patient ) ; "As you ladles will use them , I recommend 'Oi uraud Cream' as the least harmful of all th < Skin preparations. " One bottle will last BJ months , using It e ery day , Ale foudro Jub tilt rrmovti buperfluoui hiir without Injury tc tns skin. MM * . U. II. T. OOUllAUD.So'e prop. , 43 Bsnr St. , N. Y. I'crsde by all Druntnts and Kancy Ooodt Dealers throughout the United 3Ut9 , Canadi and Kurcp . 3TCewsre cf btaa Imitations. 31,000 repaid for arrot and proof of any one Bclllc * tbs tarcc. 14-w cow -ma 21 owCm PILE OINTMENT . $ CO OB - Fever and A ne Tonic Uordlal. . .1 00 KXXKCGt-'S STANDARD LIVER PILLS . . . 25 25 SURE CORE FOR CORNS . 25 ( Warranted or money refunded. ) FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Manufacturd by W. J. Whltthouse , eot North 6th St. Omah/k Ktb , ap Hm&6m NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE. OF LANDS WITHIN THE Otoe and Missouri IN THE STATES OF KEQRASKA AND KAHQA3. U.VITBD STATES LAND Ornoa , i BEATRICE , Neb. , April 30th , It83. j By the U rectlon of the lion SocreUrt o ( tha ntirlor , the I ) . S. Land Orhco at Beatrice , lethe the bUta o ( Nebraska , will bs opsn oa Thursday , the 31sfc Day of May , 1883 , at 10 o'clock , a , m. For the purpote ol ricolrlrp application to pui > chise thu rticalcdrr ( f the Unds ol the Otoe and Missouri reamaticn , in tbo states of Nebraska and Kiui'ai. The lands will bo sold on'y ' to pir-ons who shall v. thin three mum In from the date of their appllca'lons mike a perman > tit settlement up'.u taiaamc , and each npplKntion muit bcai'c > m- panloJ b > a i allljivit nt tvlluDCd of good flit n this rtcnec1 The'a Us will b > so d to the hkhc-t nsronel. bleUddcr , nt net less than the appraised > me , In to acre tract * , and i o ono person ulll be al- oncd to iinrcliiBo more thin ICO acres , except In cis a of Itecticiiil excots ( oontlzuous thereto \rhrro the Aurtcy ol towi hi [ > aud section linea could not bo nm .0 t coLform to the boundary lines of the neer.atlon , In which > naotheexi. PS not ixcccding 40acrm , oa } bo aJjoJ to the ICO acres. Iho teimsof taloaro as follows : Ono quarter In cath , to become due and paya ble at tna explra 'on ' ol time iLonths'rom the dtloof flllng application ; one quarter In ono j car ; one quitter In tw.i years : ono quarter In hire ycais from the date o ( sale , with intTwt at Ihu ntoof 6 per centum per annum-vbut lit c o cf default In the Drtt or casn pijui * ( , the person thus dttiultinp sba'l fcrfelt absiluU. his to the tract for the purpose ( , ( which be .is spoiled. * < No land * will be sold upon which * impr mcnts aie found belong to Irdlans as report by the appraisers In their schedule cf their ap. pralsment. Too sale will be subject to ipproral by the Sicrctarr of the Interior , and will bo contlnncd 'from t'ay to day at Ilektrlce , un'll the landi ate dlipcsed of. A lUt ot the Unds , with tha appraised value of each tract , will be found on fllo at the dlitrlct land office at Beatrice. II. W. I'ARKER Register , 9to31 W. II SOMKiU , Uecelvsr.