Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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e Nebraska ational Bank
Of Omulia , Neb.
Paid up Capita ) , - - 8250,000.
DinKCTons :
R. JOIINSOX , PrwUint , ol St eteJJohneon
4. Co.
A. H. TOVJZAMJf , Vle 1'mldcnt , ol C. D. & Q.
R H , lijtton.
W. V. MORSK , olV. . V. Motw k Co.
' 01IN S. COLLINS , ol 0. IT , ts J , 8. Collins.
\\OOLWOIUII , Counsellor & Attorney at
REED , ol Byron Iletd & Oj.
W. YATE3 , Cashier , late Cashier ol the First
Natlon l D nk of Omaha , and connected with
the active management ol that Bank flncc Its
ortfanliatlon In ltC3. .
OHMID lor business April 27th , 1832 , with the
largest capital ot any Batik In Nubra ka.
COURCIIOSS rstclvo special attention and chir-
gel lowtat obutnible here or elsewhere ,
INTKRRSI atlowid en time deposits upon favor
able toiuw and upon accounts cf banks aud bank ,
FomiON KxciiAHflB , OOTcmmcnt Bonds and
County and City securities bought i > nd B.'ld
Its \ prciurod to do a Kcnertl batikluc bualncf I
n illltrtdciUils , and In ih treatment ol cu-tom-
er w'll ' pursue the moat polry consljtcn
wllh sale banking.
Stocks , Bond" , Comiuurilal Paper and all other
Good Securities dealt in
llaoin 4 , No. 28 1'iarl St. , Council Blufls , la.
pedal Dispatch to Tun linn.
NKW YonK , May 18.
Mono ? 3@3J per cant , clujod , offered -
fered 3 per cent.
Prlmo Mcrcantilo Puper-jJ'gG per
Sterling Exchange Bankers' bills
atroog nt 4 83j ; demand , 4 fc" .
Gmrnmentslirregular but , in ( he main ,
strong. '
Toe stock market opened feverish and
unsettled duilug the forenoon ; after 12:30 : ,
until near 2 u'clocV , prices advancing i to
1 per cent , latter for Michigan Central
In the laat hour mirket ruled stronger and
tbo net result oftho hour's business WAS an
advance of i@ll per cent. , the latter for
Pacific Mail , Now York and Now En
gland , which sold aa high as SOgj yester
day , BO ! ! nt 3 'Jo in last hour to-day.
Western Union , Lake Shore , Kinsas &
Texa , Central Pacific , Canada Southern ,
liurllngtcu k Quincy , MUsouri Pacific ,
New York Central , Pacific Mall , St. Paul ,
and Texas & Pacific , all sold at highest
prices of the day in last hour. These prices
being li@12 per cent , higher than closing
prises Thursday night.
Mining stocks fairly active ; Union con
solidated sold nt 4 50@5 00 ; Eureka con
solidated , 2 00@2 65 , closing at 2 70 ; Navajo -
ajo , 2 00 ; Iron Silver , 3 Oo@3 CO ; P.obin-
sou consolidated , G@87c ; Pittsburg , 87
@ 8S : ; Bodle , 100 , and Sonirn consoli
dated , 45@47c. Sales of day , 48,063
YeitcrJiv. To-day.
' 103i 1024
1'a . , . , 103 102i >
Coupons 1131 113J
ii'Js ' ii !
M ' " ' ' ' ' ' * i
I TLlfij B'g'of . . ! ! ! ! . . ! . . . 17
ff tral Pacific first * . . . ' 1U4 H'H
e seconds 074 97 ; ?
ligb 4 Wllkesbarre 10lj 104 $
iiiiana consols 0' ' Uo
* . seouriG's 1124 112J
w Bt. Joseph 104 1104
$ f 3t , 1'aul & Sioux City fircts. .Ul 11VJ
t Temieaaeo 6's S9i 31) )
\ do new * > 9 S'J
Vlsw a Pacific land grants. . GO 013
K\do K. G. div. . . . 811 8ll
UmtAPoclfic 1st mortgage..114J 114 }
do\ land grants . .1074 1071
do sinking fund..1104 lltij
ginla 6's 40 40
do consols 6'a fly 38
do deferred 11. 0
Adama Express J2 ? , } ? L
Allegheny Central llfli llBi
Alton & Terra Haute t'J tJ'JJ
do pfd. . . . 32 9 3
American Express 914 914
Burl. , Cedar flapida & North. 80 fcO
Canada Southern GljJ G5J
0. , St. L. & P 120 2-j
do pfd 55J OOj
Central Pacific 72i 78 ! !
Chesapeake 4 Ohio 20 10 ,
1 do 1st pfd. . . 30 30
do 3J pfd. . . 22 V
i Ohlcsgo & Alton 131 ISli
| do pfd 140 140
Ohl. , Burl. & Quincy 12iJ 123J
Obi. , St. L. & New Orleans. . 80 8
Cin , , Sand. & Cleveland 40 40
Clove. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . CGi 611
Delaware 4k Hudson canal. . . ,10'JJ ' lOUi
Del. , Lack. A Western 123 12U
| Denver & Rio Grande 46f 478
: Erie S4 31
I do pfd. . . 70 7- >
[ bi b Tennessee $ i ' !
f Jo preferred IS 1J
Fort Wayne & Chicago 13.1 133
i Hannibal ft dt. Joseph 43 43
1 do pfd. Wi 11 *
.Harlem 1U W
) Houston & Texas Central. . . . 73 70
B Illinois Central U2 H3
find. , Bloom. & Western 2.1 27t
I'Knnaaa & Texaa 274 jj
| Tak ( Erie & Western 20 27
I \Sbore & Michigan So. . . U 8J 1W 1
li .Srt.-wX'fe Nashville 483 -1" !
Rculsv. , New Alb. & Chicago f > 2 52
Ikl.&L IstnfJ 10 lr' '
do do 2d pfd 5 5
Vdoniphis & Charleston 38 41
ilichUn Control 92i Wi
viempbia & St. Louia i5 21 i
do pfd f3 BJ
Missouri Pacific lOli 102J
sioblle & Ohio 134 1 4
KlorrU & Essex 125 12fJ
fcwhville & Chattanooga W ) bi
Now Jersey Central 100 77S
Norfolk &W 40J 40
Northern Pftdfic 49j 501
do pfd 8G | b7i
< f thwestern 13'i ' 1314
H'J 14'J
do pfd ]
York Central 1203 121
Central 11U ? lliJ )
&Mis3laslppi . { " 4 314
do pfd. . . . bO 80
'i. . rlo & Western 201 2S }
Hircgou Transcontinental 8 i WJ
ftcificMail 4'4 ' 41J
aimma. 83 U8
Veorla , Decntur & Evansv. . . 184 lhi
'Utsburg & Cleveland 130 133
Bullrann Palace Oar 120 127i
Btock'Tsland ! ! . ' ! ! ' . ! . ! ' ! ! ! ! ! ! " 123
t. Lonla & San Kran 32 32
do pfd - K53
do 1st pfd 07 Wi
t. Paal & Milwaukee 1023 103
do pfd. . . .1194 H'Jt
K Paul , Minn. A Manitoba. 12(54 ( liO )
K.PanlftOmaba , . ! } 47i
dj pfd 103 1014
Kins & Padfia 3 , * .Si ; ?
Fnion Pvfifio 02i 93J
\ateiExprcss 65 674
.St , L. a Pacific. . . . 2G274
„ do Pfd. 4lJ 42J
/Farijo & Co. Express.12.1 123
ptern Union Telegraph. . . Ri 3 81
umostake lr'i lf
23 23
BJ 8
.Id 38 38
lUthl'Mific 6
IV-ung man or woman , if yon want
I money for a small amount , tike a
I Scale In the Mrrlape Fund Mut-
| I Truit Am elation , Csdar'J -
Specltl Ulipatdi to Tin tin.
Consols for money , 101 13 1C ; account ,
10115-10 ; four-an iM-hallX lUfo fours ,
22 ; Illinois Central , 110 ] ; Pennsylvania
Central , 169 ; New York Central , 1231 ;
: rie , 135J.
puclal DUpttches lo Tin lin.
CHICAGO , May K18. Flour Market
ulet and unchanged ,
Wheat Market active but lower ; KRU-
r , 1 OSj for Mnv ; 1 10 for June ; 1 12 ®
12iJ for July ; 1 13 1 13J for Atigu-t and
Soiivtinbor ; 1 Ofcj ? lor the your ; No. 2 Chi-
igo oprin ; , 108j ; No. 3 Chic go spring ,
2.S91C , No. 2 red winter. 1 124@1 13.
Corn M rVot unsettled but generally
il her ; M'3 © GJo for cast ; rGJ@5Gji ) ; for
tlfty ; f"57ij $ ( ! fir June ; fit > Jo ( or July ;
)93'"fff9j. ) ' for August ; GOo for September ;
2&52jo f ir the year.
0ts-- Market active and a fthado higher ;
lg@llic fur Dish ; 41 5 for May ; 42Jo for
'unc ; 42@12ja for Julj ; 35 for August ;
3c for the year ,
Kye Market dull ; U3j.
B irlpy Market dull and nominal at 80 1.
Flax Sce4 Market ( luietiinduuchftuged
t 1 4-2.
Pork In fair demand but utlo erte ;
! ) 2D@ 9 iu for cash and Mnj ; 19 22i' @
92 > f T .lunc ; 19 42i'tai9 4i for Julj ;
9 O''V H ) 0) for An ui' : l'j 80 for Hep-
emu. r ; 17 40@17 45 lor the year ,
1 rd In fair demand but ut lower rate ;
17" ) for o h nnd AUj ; 11 774 ® 1 80
or.IuueU87i@HOO ; for Julj ; 11 77i@
180 for August ; 1170 111 75 for Sep-
amber ; 10 774SllO ( 80 fo : the year.
Hulk MeitsIn fttir ( irnuud ; blioul 'ers ,
00 ; short rib . 10 ( iO ; short cle'ir , 11 OD.
liuttprMarket qui-t. rtud weak ; cre in-
r . IStk ) ! : ; alry , ll(52lo. (
E K M rket quiet utM uos'a t.g . d
WhUk.Market steady nniluuttiaDgcd ,
Freights Corn t ) Buffalo , 2o per
) Ur-hel.
CALL BoAnn. Wheat -Market active
but lower ; 1 08jj for May ; 1 094T"ue < ;
. 11 J for July ; 1 12i for Augus' ; 1 12g for
Cornla fair demand ; declined } s for
Vucust and September.
Oats Market easier ; declined & 3 fcr
klay , Ju'y ' and August.
Pork Active but lower ; 19 20 bid for
'urn ; 19374 fur July ; 19 SO.for August ;
9 70 for Septt mber.
LirdMarket active and firm ; advanced
4c for September.
NEW YORK , M y 18 Flour Market
all ; Minneiota patent process , 5 G0@7 GO.
Uhet Cash lota 4@lo lower ; options
, @ljc IPWO ; ungraded red , 1 0"1 25 ;
t earner No. 3 red , 1 00 ; nteamer No. 2 roil ,
IG ; No 2 red , 1 20fel 204 in "tow 1 23
@ 1 34 In elevatnr ; mixeit wintf , 1 (7 ; tin-
radad white , 1 10@l 24 ; No. 1 rte , 5fO
iu , aold at 1 15 ; No. 2 rut , Muy sales EG
100 bu. nold at 1 19l@l 20J , closing nt
194 ; < Iuna sile ? , 6CO.OOO bu. at 1 19j < n
.21 , chain * at 1 20 ; July sales , 2,232,000
iu. sold at 1 2ifel 23 , closiug at 1 .19 ;
\ugust sa'ep ' , Ib4 ) , OlO bu , at 1 22 1 iUJ ,
lotin at 1 22 ; September sale1 ! , 2 072.000
bu. at 1 22jjfl 241 , clo.jng at 1 23J.
Corn C h lots 5 tiiflj belter ; opt'ons
ipcned $ f'is lower , ufterwdrds reacted
@ 4a < closinsr week ; ungraded , 49 Gjo ;
No 3 , G3iG3Je ; eteamer , OUSG54c ( ; No.
2 , G54@GGJc : No. 2 for May , G J@.G54o ,
losintj at Gjjc ; June , G'Jfe.fwS : , clooing
at G5jc ; July , G7@G74cclosiup at G7c ;
Auguit , G8i fi91e , cloning at < :8Jc : ; Sep-
ember , G9gg70io , closing at 69gj
Oits M rku > weak ; mixed weatcrn , 484
Cg52c ; white wertern , 52@58c ,
E UH Western freab , higher end firm
PorK Market dull and unsettled ; new
mees , 2)15@2025. )
Lard MurUot we-jk ; primfl steam , 11 90
orc sb ; May , 11 8S@11 91 ; Jima. 1188
@ll 92 ; July , 11 92 Jill 97 ; A gust , 11 90
@ 1191 ; September , 1182.
Butter Market dull and lower at 10 ®
Chaese Market dull and easier. '
ST. Louis , May 18. Flour Market
steady ami unchanged ,
Wh-iixt Market lower but active ; No.
2 red fall , 1 12 ? , 1 12 | for cish ; 1 13'ail 13g
or MEJ1 ; iltJCffl lf : for June ; 1 13j3
1 14 for July ; 1 1311 133 for Augunt ;
1 13 (0,1 ( 14 for StM'fember ; 1 11J@1 12 for
thn year ; No. 2 red fall , 1 074.
Corn Market dull and lower ; 52Js for
th ; 61 @ 52Jc : for May ; 52 § 52j for
June ; Oll@544c for July ; 5'.5@5.Jj . ; for
August ; 48@48Jo for thfl yenr.
Oita Mnrkut uull ; 42i@43j for cash ;
411j fur July ; 3ljo bid for tha year.
Kye Mnrket nominO.
B > trlevMurket steady and unchanged
at r > r75c.
Corn Meal Mtrlcet sUftdy at 2 G5.
Battoi Market steady i.nd uichanged ;
croftmery , 22a20c ( ; dMry , 18 23 : .
pj < gs Market ste tdy and uuc'jauged at
Whisky -Market steady at 1 14
Pr ovisionH Market dull and unchanged ;
only a prrmll j > \i \ trade.
inwer ; 1 13J for M y , 1 138 M tT > Jane ,
Julv nnd August ; 1 134 for Saptembtr ;
L llg for the year.
Corn Market lower ; 52c for My ; f 2 3
for June ; fi4s for July ; f > 54c for August ;
17Jc for the year
Oati Market dull ; nothing done ; 43j
bid for June ; ilc bid for July ,
TOLEDO , May 18 Noon Board Wheat
Market dull ; No. 2 ral winter , 1 13j
lor canh an-1 May ; 1 11 $ for Jtmr ; 1 I'o
for July ; 1 l i ? f > r Au uat ; IIG ; } dep
tembwr ; 1 17 lor October ; 1 134 f ° r tlie
yer ; 1 20J lor Junu rv.
Corn M "ket dull ; N" . 2 , f 8. } j for
and May ; 58Jj for June ; 59 j for July ; Glc
bid Augutt
ktK- Market quiet ; No 2 , 44c asked
for cfb ; 43jj aeked toi July.
BOARD C'LOHD : Wheat Market
lower ; No 1 ! re. I winrer. 1 119 for cash
1 12 bid for Uj ; 113 } for , Junt ; 115
KrJuly ml August ; ] rj f. r Snptem-
bor ; 1 IG ] bid f Jt- October ; 1 12J for tbo
year.Corn -Market dull mid nomiiul ; No 2
57o bid for ca h ; . ' 74s bit far Muy ; "i7ija
bid for June ; GO > held July ; GOgi bid fjr
August , G1.J8 a knrl.
Oty .isrket n > ilet an ' uich mged ; No
4Go held ; Ju'y 1 { c ; 44Jj bid.
KANSAS CITY , May 18. Wheat Market
lower rmct w nk ; No. 2 red fall , 9IJ3
liid for ctnb ; UCu bid for June an I July
92io for thoye r.
Cam Mark , t cailer 42243 : fnr cnh
435c 1)1 \ for J'K.O ; 4G@ IGJj tor July ; 4Gio
uid for Augtin ; lOj asked for the year.
Oata Maruot alow ; 394c bid for cash
LIVERPOOL , M y 18 Wenther fine
Hieadttuff * Quiet and uiKbanged.
Flour -11-CJ 11. Gd.
Wheat Winter wheat , 81 10d@9i 2i
Horin.- ftifityv No. 2 C lifnrnii , 9i
9i3ldjtio. ; 1 , ( I , IdfeO. 8J.
Corn-5j t i I.
Special I ) p < kliM to Tna DJI.
OfliOAQc' , MiylSTho Drovere' Jour
nal rep'rtn fs follow * :
Higs-l' ' ir. modi-rotely active aiv
firmei : rr-ixrd , G00715 ( ; heavy , 720 ®
7 5pj Hi-lit , 0 807 iO ; klp , S 40@G 40
maricet cIoJO titetdy ; 5,030 h J left..CK
Cattle P.i.v..l'iy active and unchbnged
heavy cattU mu' \ iicglflcted ; expnrto , GO
@G 30 ; Kood to chnioe sbipt-lng , 6 70gG 10
common to fair , 5 30@5 SO.
Sheep Vair ; lucil demand briik ; com
m-in to fair , 3 754 60 ; good , 5 25 ; cholcs
G 25 ,
KAITBAB Cir . May 18. The Commer
cia1 Indicator thU afternoon reports an
fo'lowa :
Cattle Firm and a ibaie bett r ; ateeri
of 1.150 to l.fWlhn nold Rt r > G0@5 95 ;
cow , uuchinqett nt 3 dO@4 b )
H.IK'H Flriiur , rsiiK-lm ; nt 080 715 ;
bulit nf saltn at 0 S"cj" ! Of > .
Sheep-Natives ftvcragiui ; ! Mi lb. , 1 2 .
ST. LOC19.
ST. LOCIH , May 18. Ho Buoyant anil
active ; llsht shipping , 7 00@7'r packing ,
7 10@7 2 , * . ; good he vy , < 2'7 ( 10.
Cattle Scarce : held liUlier ; not much
done owlni ; to etlllaoti of hoKlor * ; ttportr ,
6 20@C 40 ; irood to choicssteer | , 4 80 ®
0 15 ; lU'lit , 5 40@0 7 < i ; common to me
dium , 4 75@5 2J ; good cow * and hclferf ,
t 50@5 K' common , 3 60&425 ; grass Tex-
am , 4 f > 0o552i. (
Sheep liood r < uiea | u demand ; fair
to good , 3 604 ( 50 ; choice , 4 76@ ' < 01 ;
Tpxtnr , 3 00@4 25 ; oprinK lambs , 2 25 ®
360 per head.
NEW YonK , May 18. The Drovort'
Journal Uurenu reports :
Bee\ej FIrly active and § 1 per herd
higher on medium and Mr grades ; ex
treme' , G 30@7 274 1 > cwl ; gtneral salef ,
G 72@7 00 ; exporters used fiO carloads.
Sheep Market dull and weaker ; spring
Utubi nearly SI per owt lower ; clipped
beep Bol-i ot SOOfiJO 23 ; spring lambr ,
8 00@9 374.
Ileus Live hogs fcteady at 7COi"SJ
per cwt.
pcclal Dl path's to Tim Bus.
NKW YORK , May 18 MolaeBea Mar-
eft quiet biitcte-kdy and miidorately active.
C , IFee Market qulot auii unchuiiited ,
Sas'.ii Market nnn aud demsml f ir ;
onfrctionern' A , 84c ; pondered , 'J@i c ;
; r.tnulatoJ , 8 : ,
Petroleum Market ( tcpdy.
Kosln Market quiet bu' eteady.
1'urpentiuo M.uket dull and lower at
Special DUalchc8 ) to Tin lR ) .
BOST N , May 18. Wool dull ; Ohio ,
Vntitvh'rtuU extrau and Mich'g u tleecee ,
74fei8j ; combiiiic delaine , I24fe48c ; uu-
waslukl ll.'ect'f , 'J1S3 ( c ; CaMforuu wool ,
! Gg21c ; pulled wooln , V5@174 >
01 4 1IA1IKKT ,
PiTTSDi'Uo , May 18 Afternoon reeeion
athur dull ; u. rket o , coed at 1 03 , ad- ,
Anced to 1 031 , declined and cluotd at
Bpsclal Dlipatcbet to Tin U .
NEW YOBK , May 18. Receipt * ( and
shipments of llonr and grain for tbo past
24 hours have been as follows :
Receipts Shp'ts
Flour bbls 11,000 4.200
Vheat bushel HC.,000 . 3.000
Jorn " Wi.75 60,000
Oats - " 21,000 530
CHICAGO , May 18 Receipt * and ship-
iienU of Hour and gram for the past
1 hours have been as follows :
Receipts. Bhlp'ts.
i"lonr bbls 11COO . . . .
Vheat bushels 0,000
Corn " 83,000 . . . .
Oatf , " G5.COO
{ ye- " 11,000
Barley " 14,000
TOLEDO , May 18. Kecelpts and ship-
neuts of fljur and grniu for the past 21
louia have been as follows :
IWK Shipm'ts
Vhest 3,000 19(00
! orn 8,000 32,000
ST. Louis , May -Kecelpts and
hipments of flour and grain for the past
8 houra hfive been an lollows :
Ht-ceiuts , Bhip'ti- .
Flour barrels . 5000 5,000
NVbeat bushola . 20,000 9,000
Jorn " . 58,000 5,000
Data " . 23.000 2,000
Rye " .
arley " . 10.000
KANSAS CITY , May 18 - Keceiple ami
shipments of grain for the past 21
lours bat o been aa follows :
Ileo'ts. Ship'lH.
Wheat , bushels . 11,000 12,000
Corn " . 17,010 30,000
Oils- " .
NEW YORK , May 18. Receipts and
shipment of live stock for the past 2t
laura have been as follows :
Hoc'ts Blun'tB
2.G80 3.15G
\o settle .
Qiurtewbeaf . G.8CO
/'arcane ) ( if mutton . G57
Sheep . 5,300 700
Ho s . 3,200
CIUOAUU , May 18. Receipts and ship
ncuts of live stock for the past 21
noiut ! have been as follows :
Keo ts. Shipm'tB.
Hogs . ' 15,000 2.2CO
Cattle . . . 5.50J 4.GOO
Sheep . 1,503 1,300
KANSAS CITY , May 18. Receipts anr
thipuientn of live stock for the past 2-
loure have been H follows :
Reo'ts. Bhipm'ta. '
Cattle . 700
Hogs . 3,000
Sheep . 100
ST. Ixmis , Mny 18. Receipt ? BBC
bbipmeutt of live utoct : fet the past 21
hours have been as follows :
Rcc'tR. Bhipm'tH
/ 2.COO ,1GOO
Oftttla . 550 1,100
3beop . 1,50 200
Wboloiulr 'friooi.
OrviOK Of TflK OaAHA B'lit , \
FrUay Kvenins ; , May 18. J
Tno following are the cnly chuizcB r
parted to-day :
Wheat , carh No. 2 , declioed 2o ; No. 3
lorrj ; cted , 3c.
Rye , 2j.
Fat cows , choice , declined 2. > c ,
WIIEAT.-Caflh NP. 2 , 92o ; cash No
i , 774c ; rejected , 70c.
BARLEY. Ca h No. 2 , 70cj No , S
RYE-Cash , 49s.
CORN- New mixed , 883.
OATS 880.
SEKDS-Bluo crtw seed , 125@150
t'mothy feed , 2 10@2 25 ; rnd clover seed
9 ( X ) ; white clover eel. 13 00 ; millet need ,
100 ; Hungarian acerl , 1 10 ; orchard grass
sco-1 , 2 50.
POTATOES 2 = i@oOo per ouahel.
ONIONS Old 2 io pe ? bushel.
BUTTEKChoice country , 15@20c ,
EOGS Kresh , IGc.
IION8Y Caliloram , per Ib , 31.
APPLES Per barrel , ? 2 25@4 00.
ORANCIES Callfuinla , 350 ; Messina
LEMONS-81 OlffiS 60 r bor.
STRAWBEURIKS 20@25j per quart
BBAN Nnvy per bu hel , 2 50g2 ( 75
L.1VO Stock.
CATTLE -Fat uteero , § 1 00@5 CO.
FAT COWS - § 3 7" @ 1 00.
HOGS-3G 25feG 75.
Flour and MlllstufTs ,
Best winter whe'it- 00 ( 3 75.
Hecond riuality winter wheat 275(5(32 ( ( 5
Boot spring wheat 2 01 @ 2 75.
Second quality fpring wheat 2 10@260
Bran , per ton-1000.
Chopped Fead , per ton 18 00.
CHICKENS Live i > er doz. , § 1 OC@
4 50. Dressed , per lb , , 15c.
DUOKS-IJreiwcd , per lb. , 15c.
Qrocora List
OAJNNKD GOOnS-Oy.tew , ( Gland
ard ) , per case , 3 70@390 ; itrawber
riei , 2 lb , per case , 3 40 , rup
borrlen , 2 Q > , per CAHO , 3 IX ) . Dam
3 B > , per caie , 2 45 , Bart let
per C'XM , 2 10. Whottleborrioo
> r rfti-e.275. Kgg plume , ? lb t rci.ei' 90 ;
iruuu gage-9,2 Di per ease , 2 90 ; do choice , ,
fo i > cr cvo 1 50. Pine Applet , 2 D > , case
COCrtS 76. I'cftdiM , 2 Hi per coce. 3 00 ;
lo 3 lb. ca e , 4 00f < f 4 60 ; do , ( plo ) , 8 R > , per
nso.200 ; do pic , 6 D < , per dozen , 3 30 ,
LARD Omaha RetinlnlngCo , : Tierces ,
JJc ; 40 and 50-lb cans , 12Sc : 20-lb cau ,
2 c ; 10-lb palls , screw top , 12 ! B-lb do ,
2a ; 3 lb do , 13c ,
KICK Louisiana prime to choice , 7i@
c : fair. 7@74c ; Pntma , Gfc.
FISH No 1 mackerel , half brls , 7 50 ;
t'o. 1 mackerel , klU , 1 00 ; family mock-
rol , half brls , D 25 ; family mackerel , kits.
5e ; No. 1 whlto fish , half brls , 7 00 ; No. 1
Its. 1 05.
SYRUP-Standard Corn. , JVSe , bbls.s
tandard do , 44 gallon keg" , 81 95 ; Stan-
ant do , 4 gallon kegs , 51 75 ,
SODA In lb papers , $3. 30 per case ; keg
ilo. 21c ,
NEW PIOKLES-Mellnm , In barrels
700 ; do In half bbln , 4 0)smnlbi ; , In bbU
00 do , in half bbls , 5 00 ; gherkins , In
ble. U 00 ; do , in half bbU , 6 00 ,
TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45@55 ;
Choice , 60@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@45o ;
Jiiloe 607f'c ; Young Hyson , good , SO ®
Oo ; choice , G5c@31 00 ; Japan Nat Loaf ,
Sc : Japan , choice , G0@75c ; Oolong , gornl ,
5 ® 10 ; Oolong , ohn.ce , 40@65 ; Souobong ,
oed , S5ciOc ( ) ; choice , 85Ca)15o.
UOPE-Slsal , 4 Inch and larger , lie ;
inch , Hit ; i inch , 12o.
WOODENWARK-Two hoop pall > ,
75 ; three hoop palls , 3 00 , Tubs , No ,
1 , 8 50 ; Pioneer wr.ihboardi , 1 5 Double
Crown 2 90 ; Well buckets , 350.
LEAD Bar. 81 65
S'JAP3--Klrk's3avou Impcii * ! , 315 ;
Kirk'i tntln.H , H 60Klrk'i ; otandard. S 75 ;
Cirk'e white Uutnian , 5 25 : Kirk's
jutoch , 2 15 Kirk's Prairie Quoeu ,
100 cakut > ) , 4'J ; Kirk's ' magnolia doz , ,
POTASH Pennsylvania , eani , 4 CMC ,
a cniu > , S 35 ; Habbitt'a Ball 2 doz. In case ,
'M ; Anchor Ball doz In cane 1 50 ,
PEANUTH Roasted , choice , red Ten-
ODsee , lOoiK'r lb ; fancy white , lOlo pcrlb ;
aw whlto Virginia raw , 10o | roasted
OANDLKS-Uoxee , 40 Ibo.lfls , IBJc ; 8 ? ,
52c ; bcxrp 40 Ibs. , 16 or. , Cs , 15Sc.
MATCUEb Per caddie , 95o | round ,
asnn. SR 10 : square , caoes , e6 40.
COFFEES-Ordlnory grades , SJ@93 ;
air , 10@104c ; good , 10 * < ailc ; prime , 11J
0I2 : strictly prime , 12@124c ; choice , la
iKic ? ! ; fancy green and yellow , 14@15c ;
Id government Javn , 20i26 ( ; Levering' *
nailed , 14Jc ; Arbnckltt's roasted , 14j ;
ttcLuitrhltn'tf XXXX roasted , 144c ; 1m-
tation J.Ava , 16iC < 181c ,
VINEGAR -New York npple , IGc ;
) hio apple , 13c ,
SALT , Dry loads , per bbl , 1 85 ; Ash-
; n. In sac ks , S 50 ; blilo dairy 60. 6 , a 50
8UOAK3 Powdered , lOJc : Cut loaf ,
Granulated. 94c ; Confectioners' A ,
Standard Extra C , Sgc ; Extra 0 ,
4c ; medium yellow , 8ic ; dark yellow , 7Jc.
STARCH. Pearl , 440 ; Silver GloBi
)4c ) ; Com Starch , 94) ) ExcelsiorHloas ,
41 : Corn. 8 ;
MEATS Haras per lb. , 14c ; bacon
> er Ib.'l4c ; clear nido bacon per lb. , 11 jc ;
Iry Biift eldes peril ) . , lO o ; bacon shoulders
per Ih. 9\c ; tierce lard per lb. ; lljj.
SPICKS. Pepper , 21 ; Allspice , 19 ;
Clover , 30 ; Casein , 24.
GUKKfcH Knli Orcam , 1 < 49 | Part
Bkim , llr
LYE American , 8 50 ; Greenwich , S 50 :
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 OGj Lewie1
ye , 4 G'I ; Jewoll lye , 2 75.
FEED Jobbing prices , Chop feed
1.50 per 100 Ibs. ; chop corn , 81,40 ; bran ,
Oc per 100 Ibs.
HOMINY New f 3 50 per bbl.
Dry Qoodi.
BUOWN COTTONS Atlantic A. 84c ;
Appleton XX , 7ct Atlanta A , 8c ; Boot ,
FF , 8c ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W.
o ; Chlttonango A. 6 c ; Ureat Fnlln E ,
o ; Hoceier , 6Jc ; Honest Width 80 , In-
[ Inn Head A , 80 ; InHinn Standard A ,
! Jc ; Indian Orchard d. * . , 8c ; Lawrence
jL , GJc ; Mystic river , 74c ; Poquot A , 8Jc ;
ic ; Utica 0 , 5ic ; Wnchnoett B , 74c ; no A ,
Hie ; do K < 8. lajo ; WslSItt BB. 72o.
M : 74c ; Alligator 3-4 , Sc ; Argyle 4-1 , 7J3-
Atlantic ) LL. Rio ; Bndger State X 4-4 , 043 ;
Bennington C 4-4 , 6Jo ; Buckeye S. 1-4 , G cc
Indisn Orchard AA 9-3 , 84c ; Lacouia O
39 , 4c ; Lehigh E 1-4 , 94c ; Pepperoll N
30 , 7c ; do O 32 , 7ic ; do R SO , 7jo ; do E 39 ,
84o , ooajset 0 4-4 , 7i'c ; Wamsutta 4-4
gin L 4-4,94cBlackatonoAA ; Imperial 8c ;
do do half bleached 4.4 , 9e ; Cabot 4-1,85 ;
Lionadaio , lOc ; do cambric 37 , 12 0 ; New
York Mills , 124c ; Pcqnot A.lOc ; Pepporel
N G Twills , 124c : Powhontaa 4-J , 94c ;
Pocaapct 4-4 , 8ic ; tTtioalc ) Wamnntta
O X X , 124c.
DUCKS Colored ) AJbuuj- brown ,
3c ; do O , drab. 11 M do X.v stripe ! nnd
plaids , 124c ; do XXX brown and drab ,
stripes aud plaids , 124c ; Arlington fancy ,
IB rile : unswick brown , 84c ; Chariot fancy
124c ; do extra heavy , 2Vc ; Fall Kiver
arowo , extra heavy , Hie ; Indiana A
browu iHrj Neoonoet A brown. 15o
TlCKli\Ua AmoskeoK A O A S3
19c ; do XX blue 32 , 184d Arrowanna ,
94c ; Claremont B B , 15c : Canentoga xa
tra , 174c : Hamilton D , llie Lewiston A
30 , 15c ; Miimcliftha 4-4 , 20o ; Omega super
extra 4-4. 28o ; Pearl River 82 , Ifijo ; Put
nam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shotuckot S
lOJc ; do S3 12c : YeomanV blue 29 , 9c
DENIMS , Amoskeak , blueaodbronn
IGJc ; Andover DD blue , 154o ; ArllngX
blue Scotch , 184o ; Concord OOO , blue aw
brown. 124c : do AAA , do do 134 ; do XXto
do do 14 0 Haymaker's blua ted brown ,
94e ; Myntio River DD stripe , 16io ; Pear !
River , blue and brown , Ific ) Uncasvlllo ,
blue and brown , Mir.
OAilBRIOb B rcard , Mo ; Eddystone
lining , 21 inch double taut * , H\c \ ; Garacr A
glared , Pic ; Manhattan glove finish , 5 c
Newport do 6c ; do glazed , CJc ; Pequot ito
5c ; Ix > ckwood kid tminh Go ,
CORSET JEANS Amory , 8cAndroB ;
coggin Batteen 8Jo ; Clarendcn , 6JoCones ;
o lira satteens , 7ic ; Hallowel , 8c ; Inidl
Orchard 7Jo ; Narrjgansett , Improved , 840.
Pojmerlll sattrcn 840 ; Rockport , 72o
PRINTS-AlIens , G4c ; American , B4a
Arnold , 7o ; Berwick , Jfo ; Cocheco , 7c
Conestoga. GJcj Dunkirk , ; Dunnell
6j@7c ; Eddystone. 7c ; Gloucester , Go
Harmony , 54c ; Knickerbocker , 64c ; Mer
rl &c D. 7c ; Mystic , CJc ; Spraeuci , 60
Southbridge , Go ; do. Ginghomn , 7cj Marlboro
bore , 5jo | ; Oriental Glo.
GINGHAMS-Arn keag , 94e ; Argyle
10 .c ; Atlantic , Oo ; Cumberland , 74c
Highland , 74c ; Kenilworth , 91c | Pluo
kelt. 9V : flupsex. 8c
COTl'ONADES Abberflllo ISlc
Agate , 20c ; American , Ho ; Artlslan. 20c
Cairo D and T , 134c ; OmrlD and T
I74o | Deccan Co.etripeaD.-.adT , 16c | Key
stone , 13jcj Nantncket , 19c ; Nonpareil
IGc ; Ocean D and T , 134c ; Royal , 104 1
Sussex , 12c ; Tioga. 12ic ; Waohusott shirt
in ? chockn. 12Jc ; do , Ntnkln , 124c ; York
plain Nankin. 12ic ; do , ohecki , stripe * am
/aucv. 124c ; do , 8 oz VOc.
BHEETINGS-AndroBoocuIn 10-4,5740
do 9. 1 , 23c ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental (
i2 , lie , Fruitjof the Loom 10-4 , 274 ; Now
York mills98 , 85o ; do 78 , 30c ; do ft8. 22Jc
Pembroke 10.1 , 25c ; Pequot 1C.4 , 284c , < 1
74 , 19o do 49 , IGo ; Pepperoll HO , 29o
do 67 , 21cdo ; 57 , 18c ; Utica 90 , 860 ; d
58 , 3J4c ; do4S. 17r.
( Jnrhollc , riOc ; Acid , Tartarlo , 55c ; Balaau :
Oopabh , per lb , 70c ; Bark , Bae nfrat , pe
lb , 123 ] Calomel , per lb , 75c | Clnchouldia
nor oz , 61 10 ; Chloroform , per lb , 90o
Dover's powders , per lb , (51 ( 25 ; Epcorr
Salto , pur lb , UJo : Glycerine , pnre pa ' bl
SOcj Lead , Acetute , per lb , 22
Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per grt , H 25
Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , ? llf > , Oil
Olive , per pul. 81 50 ; Oil. Origanum , 50
Opium , 8S f 0 ; Quinine P. i W. A R. A S.
per oz , 81 8'j PoUftdluui , Iodide , per 11
41 76 ; 8ahcsn , per or , 40c ; Sulphate o
5Ionhlnc , var or , 83 85j Bulptiur flon
per lb , 4ct Htrvchnlno , uer 01 , 81 J5.
Paints Clli end VarnlihM
OILS 110' wrbon , per Rallon
12c ; 150 * hradllght , per gallon
14c ; 175" hoadllpht , per gallon. 1'Jc
IW Water Whlto , 18c ; ifrweed
raw , per crallon , M ) ; llrueed , bolleH
i > r gallon , COo ; Urd , winter stHd , per Kul
Ion , 5) ) No , 1 , 85c ; No , 2 , 76cj castor
XXX. per gallon , 1 CO ) No. 3 , 1 20 ; sweet ,
icr gallon , 85c ; sj-prui , W. It. , per gallon.
I 7f > J full , W , H. , per gnUon , 75j ; nnaUfoot ,
oitra , per gallon , 'J0c ' | No. 1 , 7fio ; lubrl.
catliu ; , zero , per gallon , SOo ! trimmer , 16o
golden machine. No. 1 , per rallon , 3 , * > c ; No.
i SO : sperm , signal , per gallon , 30c ; tur
pentlco , per gallop , fioc ) naptha , 8 ' , pc-
gallon , IBc : 61' , 17o
PAINTS IN 011-Whlto lead , Omaha
P. P. . Go ; white lead , St. Loulu , pnro , 6n ;
VAtftelllts green , 1 to 5 lb cans , 20o
Crcuch tine , gtoen deal , 12o | French tine ,
od seal , lie ) French tine , In vttrnUh MSI ,
' Ofli French tlnw , In oil nrit 15c ; Raw
oil bunit umber , 1 lb cans lOjj raw and
urnt Sienna , 10o : vamlyke brown , K
refined lampblack. 12ct coach black and )
' "ory black , IGo ] drop blak , 16c | PrusnUn
luo , SOc ; ultr&marlno blue , ISoi ohtvnio
green , L. M. fi D. , IGojbllnd and shutter
roen , L. M , V IlOc ; I'arls green , I8c ;
ndlan red , Ifici Venetian rod. Bo | Tnsoac
re , 22c | American Vermilion , I. ft P. , 18c |
hromo yellow , L. , M. , O , A , D O. , 18c |
yellow ochre , Dot golden ochre , 18) ) patent
Iryer , Be ; ( Training colors : light oak , daik
at. walnut , ahestnut nnd Mb 15c ,
Dry P.ilnli
Whlto lc .l , Sc | French ilno. lOci Par
whltelng 24c ; whiting glMow. IJo )
whiting com'l , lie ; lampblack German-
own , 14c ; li mpblack , ordinary , 10c | Prus-
Ian blue , 55c ; ultramarine , lhcivudyke ;
: < wwu , 8c | umber , burnt , 4j | umber , row
lojsionna , burn t , 4c ; elanniv , raw , 4o
. ' rls green genuine , 2c ; Paris grocu com1
We ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20cj chrom
< rcen K , , 12c ; vortulllion , Eng. , 70c ; ver
nlllion , America , Ific ; Indian red , lOc
cwo pink , 14c ; vcnotlnu read , Coktisoso
2Jc : Venetian ted Am. , IJoj rel lead , 71c ;
hroriio yellow , genuine , 2Co brome yol-
nw , K. , U'cj ochre , rochrlle llo | ochre
Trench , 2J < , | ochre , American , 2cj
Winter's mineral. 2Jo ; lebtRh brown. 2Jc :
panUb brown , 2tt | Prince' * mineral So ,
VAHNISUES-linrrels per nillon
. " "nrnlturo , titra , 91 10 ; furniture , No. 1
SI ; coach , extra , 81 10 ; ouch , No. 1 ,
II 20 ; Dnmar , extra , 81 75 ; nimn , 7Ccn ; -
jholtum , eitrn , S5c | sheila J3 bO | bard
-ill finlfb. 81 SO.
Hides , Fun , Etc.
HIDES ( jraen butcher's bldis , 5459
'o ' cured ( Jjo)74c ( ) | hides , green s.tlt ,
dry flint , sound , 12rtl3c | dry calf
, nd kip , 12@14c : dry salt hides , sound ,
i0@llc ; green calf. wt. 8 o 15 tt.s . , . ll 12c ;
green c.ill , wt , under 8 n > i , per skin , 5Cc |
; roen twits , & 0@1 25 ; grern lauib skins ,
II 25@150 ] damaged hides , two-third rate ,
: ut scored and ono grub , classed two-
Llrds rate , ) branded hides 10 per cent , off
Coon oklnii , No. 1 , 46o ; No. 1 , SOc ; No. 1
20j ) No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No , 1 , 80o | No. 2
16o ; No. 8 , IBo ; No. 4 , Bo. Kox , ,
60c | No. 2 , 25e. Skunk , No. 1 , bWc )
ICe | short stripe , 40oj narrow itrlpea
broad stripe , lOo. Tallow 7o ,
Oak sole , S8o to 42o ; hemlock ioe , 38o to
I5c | hemlock kip , SOo to 100) ) runner ,
> 5o to SOc ; hemlock calf , 85c to 120 ; hem-
ock upper , 23o to 2Gc ; oak upper , 21c ;
alligator. 4 00 to B 50 ; calf kid , 3a@3r.o-
Greiscn kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; onk kip , SOo to
1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 SO ; French kip ,
110 to 1 5C ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; run-
setts. 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , 6 00 to 10 50 ;
loppings , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , SOc
to 35c ; pebble 0. D , Morocco , S6oj simon ;
HARNESS-No 1 H ar oak , 42o ) No 2
do , 8'Jc ; N. . 1 Ohio oak , S8o | No. 2 do ,
35cj No. 1 Milwaukee , 37o ; No. 2 do 34c ,
Wo quote lumber , lain and shlngloi on
cars at Omaha at the following price ) :
nnder , 822 00 ; 18 ft. , 28 50.
TIMBERS IB ft. and under. 22 00.
TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft. , 823 60 ;
2C ft . 823 50j 23 ft. , 520 50 ; 24 ft. 82G 50.
FENCING No. 1 , 4 and G in. , 2l 00 |
No. 2. 822 00.
SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common
boards ) . 820 00 ; No. 2 , 818 00.
LIME Per barrel , 81 25 ; bulk per flus-
3,1c ; Cement , bbl , 82 25 Iowa plaster
bbl , 82 60. Hair per bn , EOo. Tarred
felt 100 Ibf. 83 50 , Straw board , 83 50.
Heavy Hardware Lilt.
Irou , rates , $2 8U ; plow steel , special
east , 7c ( crucibleHe ; special urUc < rmau,6c ;
caiit tool do. 15(5)20 ( ) wagon spokee , sst ,
2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per sot , 1 25 ; felloe ) , sawet
dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85o ; axles ,
each , 76c ; snuaro nnta , per lb , 7@llo
wnsbors. per lb. B@lPc ; rlvotn , per lb , lie
coil chain , per lb , 6@12o ; malleable , So ;
Iron wedges , fioj crowbars , 60 harrow
teeth , 4c ; spring teel , 7@Kcj Burden's
horscfihofn. 6 25 ; Burden's muleshoes , H 21 ! .
BARBED WIRE In car lots , 7o @
7io pc' 100.
NAILS Rates. 10 to GOtf , 3 60.
SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck shot. 02.10.
Oriental Powder , kegs , 8G.40) ) do. , hal
kegs. 83.48 ! do. , quarter kegs , 81.83 ; Blast
big , kefs , $3.36 : Fuse , per 100 feet 60c.
COAI Cumberland blacksmith , 12 ;
Morris Run Blooaburg , 812) ) Whitobrcaet
lump , 84 0) ) Whitebrtnet nut , 81 50 ; lown
lump , 81 60 ; Iowa nut 84 50 ; Rook Snrlup ,
S700 ; Anthracite , 811 60@12 00 ; Canon
City , 37 00 per ton.
Horiei and Mulci.
Extra draft horses , U17B. to 225. ) Com
mou draft horses , 8100. to 150. ) Extra
farm horaec , 8110 , to 125. ; Common to
goad farm horscc. 890 to 3100. ) Extra
plugp. SCO , to 76 , | Common plugs , 820 ,
to 840.
MULES. ( Ertra ) , 125. to 160. ; good ,
81GO. to 140. ; fair , 875. to 100. | common
$60. to 75.
Liquors ,
ALCOHOL IBS proof. 325 per wine
gallon ; extra California spirits. 187 proof ,
1 23 per proof gallon ; triple reunoil dplrltH
1S7 proof , 1 23 per proof gallon ; ro-dlntillcd
whlakie , 1 00@1 50 ; line blended 1 60g ( ,
2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 20C&7 00 ; Kentucky -
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 tO7 00.
BRANDIES-Imported , 8 00(31000 ( ;
domcotia 1 404 00 ,
GINS Imported , 4 6CQQ 00 ] domcntlc ,
RUMS Imtwrtod , 4 506 00 ; New
England. 2 OOfcVl 00 ; domeitio , 1 60 ( 3 50
1 76(5)4 ( ) 00.
OHAMPAONEH Imported per eac ,
WQO ® < il OtAcmlm , cost , 12
tG 00 ,
KINE OUT Commonl20@30j ; good ,
4@GOs' Rose Leaf , 70c ; Premium , G5c ;
Diamond Crown , lt > : j Sweet Sixtoan ,
SMOKING-O , H. , 21c ; Mnskovy , 2'c ;
Durham , 11 oz , 4Gc ; Durhain , K oz , 50c ;
Durham , t oz , 52i : ; Durham , 2 oz. 553 ;
Seal of North Carolina , It ! oz , 42c ; Heal of
North Cuiilna , 8ozlie ; Sal of North
Carolina , 4 oz , 40 : ; Seal of North Carolina
lina , 2 oz , 18o ; O. K Durham , 4 OT , 28i ;
0 K. Durham. 2 t > z , 30- ; Uncle Ned , 1's ,
2le ; Tom and Jerry. 23c.
PLUG TOUACCOClimax. . 50 ; Bill-
lion 50 ; Horsoihoe , 48 ; Slur 48 ; RuJy ,
41 ; Hereey'H , 48 ; Black , 38@40.
Merino nuwiihod , light , 14ClCc | hc * y
l ! > @lGa ; m&dlum nnwauhed , light , 18 ( 20 ;
wivihod , choice , 32o | fair , BOo ; tub i\c , < i
waehcd , 28c ; burry , blnrk and cntted wool
20o leir.
Infnlllblo , UstoloEs , liannlcaa ,
outhertlc ; for fovoritlinoso , roatlcas-
ucaj , worrna , coiiBtlp.Uton. 25 }
Made from the wild Hi von of th
It Iu the moit fraifrant of p-jifnnio
Munufactnrod by H. H. Slaven , Si
FrnnoUco. i < 'or ealo In Omnh * by W
J. Whltohousu nnd Koiniard IJro
10,000 , OASES ,
Including utundarda and f dca t
match , nro offered iothu jobbing trad
at Ions than inannfaoturum1 prices by
FIELD , THAYER & 00 , ,
170 Oongreti Street
A fomlitnallon nf J'r
toxtilei nf Jron , 1'i-ritvian
Jttirlt unit J'/iuti/ionM < rt
( i jmtnldliln fonitt lor
JttilHtiJMII of < 4tm -
titrJ'roitralionof fttal
J'owcrs il is
KKV.A.1.11011113 Writes- : . blc.REV.J.L.TOWNEB ,
A ft or n thorough trial of the ' . .
IRON , Industry , IU. Hayj :
TONIC I tnko ploaeuro THC "
In ntntlnif tlmt I Imvo bean "I consider It
me , . , . . ' . .cnoutoa by Its LDEJE n rnont excellent remedy for
use. Ministers nntl Pub tbo debilitated vital forces.
lic Spoakurs will llnd It
or the prpatest vuluo
where n Tonlo U necofl-
ary. I rocommctut It
oa n reliable remedial
doubtoa nutritive nnii
restorattvo ' ' " ' .If. properties. , Url. I , 1KB.
. HARTER MEDICINE CO , , S13 M. KAt CT. , CT. L0310.
3 313 *
1 |
& § [ § ? 1 IIo
3 tnm
i ! 3ip- § a * i
. i-ESrS 0
- B c
! . 3 U * M v
u. 1 * fl (
I !
" Hi
_ Ji
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb.
Window Caps , Finials , Skylights , &c.
Carpenter's Materials
Stair Railings , Balusters , Window
and Door Frames , Etc.
First-clash faollltlon for the Manufacture of all trlnil * nf Moulding , Plnnln ( ( BU
mHtchlne a S ( > eolalty. Oniorn from the country will bo promptly oxocuU 1.
MllroH8 ( ll commnnlivitlonR to A MflYl'R. P f \ 'ctor '
Vf ,
Single Broocli Loading Shot QUDS , from S5 to SIB , '
Double Brooch Loading Shot- Buns , from S18 to S75 ,
Muzzle Loading Shot Guns , From SB to 825,1
Fishing Taokel , Base Balls and all kinds of Fanoy Goods ,
Full Stock of Show Cases Always on hand ,
Imported and Key West Cigars a large line of
Meerscnaum aud Wood Pipes and everything re
quired in a first class Cigar , Tobacco and Notion
Store Cigars from $15 per 3flOO upwards. Sender
or Price List and Samples
T A "
% P3 .O.9
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
SASH , , , , ,
Near Union Pacific DepotOMAHA , KEB