Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 19, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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    VR ic n A r
The Secret
of the universal success of
Brown's Iron Bitters is sim
ply this : It is the best Iron
preparation ever made ; is
compounded on thoroughly
scientific , chemical anc/ /
medicinal principles , and
docs just what is claimed for
it no more and no less.
By thorough and rapid
assimilation with the blood ,
it reaches every part of the
system , healing , purifying
and strengthening. Com
mencing at the foundation
it builds up and restores lost
health in no other way can
lasting benefit be obtained.
79 Dearborn Ave. , Chicago , Nor. j.
I have been a Rre t uTcrer ( from
B very weak stomach , heartburn , nil
dyspepsia in lt > wont form. Nearly
everylhlng I ate pave me distress ,
nnd I could eat but little , I hav
tried every thin p ; recommended , h T
taVen the prescription ! of a doltn
physicians , but cot no relief until I
took Ilrown's Iron Hitters , I feel
rene of the uld troubles , and am a.
new man , I am getting much
atronger , and feel lint-rate , I am
a railroad engineer , and now males
my trips regularly. I can not > ay
too much In prattc of your wonder *
ful medicine , D. C. MACK.
docs not contain whiskey
or alcohol , and will not
blacken the teeth , or cause
headache and constipation.
It will cure dyspepsia , indi
gestion , heartburn , sleep
lessness , dizziness , nervous
debility , weakness , c.
Use only Ilrown's Iron Hitters made by
Brown Chemical Co. , Italtlmore , Crossed
ted lines and trade-iuailt on wrapper.
Kvory Corset la warranted satis-
fcotory to Us wearer la every war ,
cr the money will bo refunded by
the person from whom it was bought.
.fc < enlr Comet pronounced by out triullnir ptijiloluil
to tlmwcuvr , unilenilori-wlliT ladlt * M
Kttnjurlnui and perfect llttluK Corxt ITU
Ku2tli Cn-Mi-Tln * . 1.5(1. Hclr.AdJuillni , tl.BO
lnul ( catrn liciivj ) U. < ) ( ) . Nurtlngtl.BO
1'rrM-rvliiu ( One routll ) VB.UU ! > (
Hklrt-Huiipurllii * . # 1.50.
Vtriule. by Icoillnir Jlctult llrnleri iv rjwh r r
U11IUAUO COKSliX CO , , ClilCUifO. Hi *
OOU ) MKIIAT , , 1'AUIH , 1879.
TJdlrr'i Prfmitnn CJiocolatt , Iho bcit
prtpotillnn of | > ltln clincol > t > for fim >
lly u . tltiltr'i Zlrrnl/iul OK-OH ,
from which the excru of oil htt bf en
rtmoTc < ltiillririltiliii ) ! ! | < Uiliiilrubly
n.lnplp.l for InTiHji , IlMrr'l > * inil/il /
C'ltiifuliilt , < a drink or titcn con
fectionery li a iltllcloulivrtlcle i liljhly
reconllncliilcd by tourlltIdXer'j
Jtnniui , Inriluible M a illtt for chil
dren * German Swtet Chocofalt , a
uoit czcelleut trtlclt for fimlllei.
tiold lij Uroccrs otcrjnhcrc.
IV. B A.1C13R Ss CO.
Uorchetter. Jlcu .
Send 81 , 8t , 3 , or
(5 fov n nuiuplu re
tail box liy KxprcMH ,
JJANDY of tlio licHt rnnillcH In
America , put up lit
decant IIOXCH , nut
ntrictly pure. Sultn-
tile Tor pri'HontH. Kx-
lire MM clinret'H Unlit
llcfera < < - nil Chlca
co. Try U oucc.
Confectioner ,
rinrmitiii Mtuuroni
The Model American Qlrl ,
A practical , t > Uln young girl !
Not-atrMil-of- rain girl
- - - - youii ;
A poetical t > otey ,
A ruddy nnd rony ,
A htlper-of-iclt youtg ulrl.
At'bomo-ln.licr.plBce young
A novcr-wlll-laco ) oungglrl ;
A teller i crune ,
A life imre ami clear ,
A prlncess-of-pence young Klrl.
wenr-her-own-halr glrlj
A - - - ycung
A ( lee-froin.ft.Btare young Klrl ;
Improves every hour ,
No tlckly BULtlowtr ,
A weivltL-of-rarc-BtDne youcg girl ,
rtenty.roAm.ln-her.thoei young girl ;
No inilulKcr-in-bluos young girl ;
Nut a bang on nor brow ,
To fraud not n bow ,
Bbo'fin ' jUBt-what'the.eeema younc girl.
Not a rendor'0f'tr * > h young girl :
Not & cheap jewel-flinn young girl ;
Not R nipper of i tun ,
Not n chcwcr of gum ,
A matveUof-fcnee youni ? girl.
An early'ittlrtng young girl ;
An active , aspiring young girl ;
A morning arlicr ,
A dandy detainer ,
A progrosalve , American girl.
A lover-of.proee young girl ;
Not n turn-up-your-noie young girl ;
Not given to cpluttcr ,
Not "utterly utter , "
Dot n mattor.of.fact young girl ,
A rlghtly-nmbltlo'-a young girl ;
Hocl-llpi-most-dellclous young girl ;
A tparkllne clear eye ,
Tbat aay "I will try , "
A surc-to-tuccecd young ; girl ,
An'honcitly courting young girl ;
A nover-BSOQ'fllrtlng young girl ;
A qulot acd pure ,
A modest , demure ,
A Ct-for.a'Wife young girl ,
A gought-every whera young rirl ;
A future-modt-f ulr young girl ;
An ever dlBcrtet
Wo too eeldom meet
This qucen-mnong.qupens ycung Rlrl.
-IJy Vfrgll A. I'lnkloy.
Three Drummore.
( A Metn'ry ol the Hard Tlwei. )
1'hroe ilrumintrj went drummlnj out Into
the wait ,
Ont into the weit with their prices
vach blew of the tample that paid him
the beet ,
And they blow from one end to the oth
er of town ,
For j IWH mnat wag when prices arc
weak ,
And jaw mnst be supplemented by
cheek ,
Yet they at the bar stood ( { roan-
Phreo drummers stood cursing from hour to
hour ,
They'd nuda not a sale In the whole
wde | town ,
And they rrvod at the dual and stormed
at thoahower.
Their names were .Robinson , Jones and
For jawa mutt wag when prices are
weak ,
And bad luck some In a yard wide
streak ,
As they at the bar stood moan-
Three drummers hung limp from their
ample-ha * strapd ,
Their sample-bag straps with their
prices down.
'hrea bogies are swearing and wringing
their hands
For the lots of Robinson , Jones nnd
Their jaws won't wig , tho' pricei
are wonk ,
And UBoiots forever their Iron-cast
cheek ,
And their ghouls at the bar stood
Kettledrum ,
Dlemorctt and the Porkor.
n pralrlo corn , the pr.'do ot Illinois ,
Cho hog grew fat , and gtuntcd forth his
1 ° y.
) reamlcg ot days when he and such as ho
hould travel far acroaa the salty sea.
n foreign Innda bo meant awhile to roam ,
electing Deutchlnnd aa hi * luturo borne ;
'here , cooked with fragrant herbs , and
served with wlno.t
lo would displace the scrawny native
lo meant In time to grace a > sumptuous
board ,
'crhaps the table of the empire's lord ,
Vtul hoped , although the notion made him
wince ,
lo might rep lr the tlaiuoa of n prince ,
Ihmarok , the mighty , noting from afar
.ho hog's increase , proclaimed a porcine
war ,
Declaring , with deep draughts of Rhenish
winr ,
Ktcrual enmity to Yankee swlno.
The hog , whose ticket for the trip was
bought ,
Then ceared to grunt , absorbed In serious
thought ,
"I fear , " ho Id , "this notion may delay
My journey Europeward , perhaps a day.T
Bismarck , suiruicded by the best of cheer ,
Drank down great flarona of Bavarian beer
Of one dish only did bla highness eat ,
And loudly praised the rich and tender
IIo called the cook , who quickly reached
his ilc'o.
"Whence comes this splendid pork ? " the
chincellor cried ,
"From your estate , my master dear anc
dread ;
On oaken chips and shavings duly fed , "
"I had not thought , " the powerful prlnci
declared ,
'That hogs of mine co daintily had fared
For mo let such a porker daily iqueal ,
And give me meat like this at evtry meal,1
The Yankee pork btfoi * him swelled wltb
pride ;
For very joy it could have sobbed nm
cried ,
Ai with n woatern twang It whispered
clear ,
"All right , croud chancellor , you see I'a
here ! "
New York Sun.
Mule riding la the latest KcglUh craze
Wo thall now tea the American dudi
nitride of a donkey.
Most women tremble at the discharge o
h gnu , nnd yet they are perfectly fanillia
with powder putfd ,
There' * n difference between tha alfabili
ty of n young gltl * ud the talTyblllty o
the experienced flirt.
Dressmakers ought to make good rail
road conductors , they are accustomed tt
making up long trains ,
When an elderly maiden lady adorn
herself with fnlte hair , falio tcotb. paint
powder , its. , uho is "making up" for loa
A Ijoulsvlllo court has decided that if n
wcmttn strikes a man he mint tun away.
If the woman strikes him fcr $5 or up
wards there will be no need of a court de
clelon ,
< < " 0 deai ; I'm so tired. I Gnlthed clean
Ing houio yesUrday , What ! you baven'
herun yet ! " This the says to nil be
neighbors , just to make them fetl inlura
Many cashmeres and other woolen itufl
from Paris are covered all over wit
velvet elides appliqued on and embroid
New ribbons are very wide and brocade
In rotes and tropical leaves and Uoweis c
extraordinary * lze. One covers a capoti
binnet ,
A feminine In Idaho make * $301
day. This is bitter than being marile-
And removing her husLitnd'a hair fortieth
The bandar meat bonnet * nre trimmet
nub parti-colored lace nnd plumes tlpiioi
m tones to contrail with the material o
the Lonnets ,
t Combinations of gray with slrawberrj
led and shrimp pink are much admired
but tie latUr requires a lighter shade o :
Kray than the former ,
Changeable silks arc to bo worn In com
blnatlon with rich brecadec , trimmlngi
cither of lace or var'fgated rlbbonr , caih
mere embroideries , etc ,
"A little too mnch repose about thi
mouth for It to be natural , " was the remark -
mark of a husband to a n eat end pholog
rapher who h d taken hit wife's photo
On Thursday evening In New York
three yonnt ; ladle wmitod to go to UK
theater , tut had no tbapernne , Onedresccc
up SB the grandmother ted escorted thi
other two ,
They now have what they call "hand
parties" In the Interior ( f Michigan , Thi
ycung man wb > can hold a girl's ham
the longest Is rewarded with a swoe
The Watteau back is very much used
and very much idn.lrcd for Indoor dreinei
of crape , nun'n veiling , soft silk , acd fo :
rleher dlucer drcitcs In Ottoman silk nm
A Hockford , Ala , , girl gets up in he
sleep and goes out in her back yard nnc
ch pfl wood , According to a local pape :
her fnther regrets her Boinnabulism , Luthi
always leaves the axe handy.
Texas Is about lo hang a woman , Shi
oauKcd h r little glr > to go on the streets a
R Lcggar , mbffdtted her to cruel prlvatloi
In order to make her look miserable enougl
to arouse pity , and finally murdered be :
booanse she did not bring nome n satisfao
tory amount of money.
"Is anybody waiting on you ? " said Fr c
Humphreys to a young lady from the coun
try wbo entered Arthur's store the otbei
day. "Yes , sir , " replied the blushing
damsel ; "that's my fellow standing out
side ; be wouldn't can5 in the store. "
A lady never feels mere like going home
and raising a row in the family than whet
she ndjcflts her garments as nbela about tc
piss n clothing store where the seis fifteen
or twenty men standing around the win.
dow , nnd finds out after the has passed
them that they were "dummioi. "
The Uteit novelty among society dam-
lels In New York is "complexion doga , "
tf o girl will now appear on the street with
0 dog that does not match hsr comolexlon
and the color ot her costutne. In cases
where costumes are costly and the colors
rare among dogr , belle * hnve been known
, o Imvo their pots painted ,
Excellent effect * are produced by new
spring costumed which cor slat in material
and ornamentation of d IF-rcut thades of
one color. A brotz3 green Balln turah , for
example , IB ornamented with A bended
embroidery In six different shades cf the
color : the bonnet has n crown beaded to
match ,
A young lady of Tuicarora , Nov. , re
cently called ( n ihoo maker to make
icr n pair of high buttoned shoes , and
nld ; ' 'Ycu must take a new uieahurc , ai
'vo fallen way terribly. " Placing his
ole-ttlck on her remarked : "Well ,
nlu , you nre looking n little pale in the
ace , and jour foot will stand a little
hrimpfntf , but by the power , yonr leg
lioldaits owe ! "
Soft puffs are greatly used for the skirts
f thin wool costumesof dressy design and
nish , the tmbroldarel rullles surmount *
ntr them. The panlered styles are as
ashlonably employed as ever , nnd are "fed
n conjunction with many narrow rcfllea
pen tha front of the skirt. Sleeves are
tually made full or petted with these
ufled skirts , and ft novel ntyle is gathered
t the top , high on the shoulder , " , and tight
bove the wrist , which h partly covered
y a fall of lace.
Prominent amcnpr the spring materials
re the silk and wool stuffs In blended fig-
res and colors ussd for walking polliscs
nd dolmans. The cashmere patterns ,
aim leaves and the like , hare Kivcn plaoo
> arabeeque nnd arcbltectnral denlgus.nnd
] e reds and the gelds to the cooler olives
nd softer shades in torrn cotta and straw-
crry , the gray blue and bronze , or n leaf
attorn In a different tone of the same
olor. These fabrics are lined with twilled
Ilkr , and make very handsome lung jy.r-
nentH , but we do not admire them to much
or thort ones , tuch as unites ntd mantles.
Wash embroideries , which include the
rlsh appllquef , r re used on the washable
nd nou-vvuehnble materials , Notwith-
landing the oVj ctlnns BO frequently
irgod against dead white , it is certain that
Mi tone iu tmtroldery obtains better th u
he creamy tint ? , a positive procf of which
s that the latter hme all been reduced in
irlco not an tiitititlo but n practical ream -
m fur their gradual disappearance in the
ery near future. On surahs , pongees ,
Onrahs and all the noft silks cf whatever
olor dedio ted to summer wear , erabroid-
ry Is not only allowed but approved.
There la a revival of the "Jertey" as well
a of Jersey Bhapes In bnrq'icp ' , und Jersey
ctockliiKetta for jackets , and hundreds ,
hnd probably thousands , have been sold in
be dark bronze greens , and old and gen-
larmo bluen , the strawberry and garnet
hades , that seem to predominate over oth.
01 n They are not cheap ; from five to sev
en dollars is the prlca at which ladles pur-
chose them in apparent quantities , but
, hey nre more complete than when they
it at nppearcd , and nre not drawn quite so
closely over the skin , or inale to look so
exactly like the coatuuio of nn athlete or n
pugilist. There is a vest collar turned
.lown at the neck , and a plait Is luid in the
back of the tklrt which It marked by a
bow of satin ribbon , n concesilon to the
"vanities of women , ' whio'li certainly
neettH to make them more attractive ,
The liking for simulated or real vests ie
obtaining , and , as they may be made be
coming to almost any figure , their popu >
larlty can easily be understood , Short ,
stout lacies may have flat vests of a coloi
that will not add width to their anpear-
ance , while slender ones may have them of
full frills of embroidery or luce ( delight
fully luggestive of tUe handiotne Duke of
Duoklnkbam ) , or else of some contrasting
material that , Uld In plaits at the throat ,
Is allowed to fall in full pull farhlon. The
last mcthcit is especially becoming to im
mature figures , which are usually bard tc
fit , and which show an Inclination lo
angularity that , ns a French modlnte siys ,
"cuts one cruelly , " Bodices somewhat
worn In front may undergo rejuvenation irj
this way , and when the pretty ilbbon tlee
arc added-and these must never be drawn
tipht a quaint and becoming result U
liy the war , another of the l ! Ul ; vn
"Mx hundred" b } uit dlo ' . This reduces
the rank to nloiU IKX ) ,
A Mllygoat down In Kentucky ate S3 ?
worth of stamps i If a whisky barrel , lie
was probably a W , U. U. of the eecret s r
A Chicago oxchnnro liftH * lone article or
"Stocking 1'onds. " Are wa to understand
that Chicago glrli lend their cant off host
for metvoirt ?
The last of ( General Washington's bodj
servant * having bceu ImrltJ , "oriRiuul
Unolo Toma" uro beginning to crowd the
mortuary market.
It used to be a flkn of a deep thinker ( c
see n man bit * hia finger nails. That WM
before anyone bid observed a horse chew
Ing at bis feed box.
The skin tight pants worn by youtlu
have one advantage. The nverrgo dudi
when traveling can carry an extra pali
along In his teat rocket ,
Not satisfied with tending us unseasona
ble cucumbers nnd unilpo watermelons
Tollahatse.KU , has a ten acre field of cas
tor beans ready to ship north ,
A telephone Is a mighty handy thing ti
have In the family when yon want toorde
something find have not the cheek to MH
the muu , to his fco , to give you mort
"My gr clou , S rab ! " exclaimed Fit
mcr.Iobu ; "what nre you setting tboie
old hens f i ? Setd them to nurknt atonco
Spring chickens nre telling at CO cents J
pound ,
If you uk n ynung man who wears twc
watch chftlti w.i t time It la by both hi
watches he I quite coitnln to grow Int ig
nnnt , nd yet what is hl < objait in wearIng -
Ing both if not tolmo nil the time there U'
< V Cincinnati piper eaya the audicccc
grewenthuslistlo i-vor n pistenoard Hoc
thti did duty In one of the ivoman | ) Ujf
Int week. This llou probably looked
u m tblng like a goat , ana wai mtstaker
for a bock-beer sign ,
A New South Wo'e * journal contalm
this ttdvertltement : "W.utcd , a cultured
gentleman capable of milUnzgoaU ; a tint
veralty man preferred. Apulicf lltns , will
testimonlnls as to proficiency , to bo nd
drcised , " etc ,
A Vermont editor wants to know whal
gives color to pure water , \Vo don't knon
what they generally use up In Vermont
but down this w y it is generally some
thing that ia not legnllr sold except undei
a llcenee. Lowell Commercial ,
Things that most people would like ti
see Our society glrla before breakfast ; i
church choir that never quarrelled ; i
church out of debt , with money ti
lend ; an editor who can pleano every
bcdy ; and a high school girl who wnno
whistle ,
Ills leered that the great Brooklyi
Irldgo will boa fallura because the foot
path is In the middle , atd the Americai
citizen it thus deprived of the pleasure o
leaning over the outer railing and splttlni
on the forryuoata ,
Six medics ! experts' recently examined i
ms.n In Yorkshire ns to hia mental capo
billty of managing bis own nffalia , nm
were evenly divided as to nls sanity , Thi
wrangle waa at its height when a messen
ger hurriedly entered to say they bud
amtned the wrong man ,
Gotthold baa a new play called "Dad1
Dollars. "
Salvinl baa pocketed about $75 000 o
American money ,
Emma Abbott is going to Europe to ee
new operas and foreign artlsti.
Henry Irving has engaged passage foi
Now York on ths Britannic for October 11
Mr. McKee Itaniin has sold to Mr
George Ulmer all hie rights to the plays ol
" Danitcs" " "
and 4lt ,
The receipts of the Cincinnati festival
exceeded the expenses , and the manege
meut have on hand scenery and dr BBCI
worth $10,000. refused enormous terms from c
New York manager who wished to run him
against Henry living. The uctorj BIO intimate -
timate personal friends ,
Kate Forsytho , for several years leading
lady of the John McCullough company ,
will be a star next seueon , opening in Sep.
tembcr at the Standard theatre in New
i'he operatta which' Strauss is under con
tract to compose will be first given at
Vienna , It is to be called ' I'reiomptiff "
1'ho libretto is by Messrs , Hennequin and
Valabreque ,
MliH Wyndham , daughter of Mr. Chas.
\Vynchaai , made her first appearance in
thin cuuntry in the "Great Divorce Caae , "
t the Union Square theater , lier pro-
feeeional name is Miss Curzon.
Frau Materna baa aroused grett cnthu.
Jlaam in Frankfort , where she has lately
appeared in "Die Walkure , " "Alda , " and
' Lea Huguenots"-thus displaying her
versatility m a German , Italian , and
I < retich opera.
Carl Formes , the once great basso , is
now almi at forgotten , yet he still lives. A
few nights since he appeared at a concert
In Buffalo , N. Y. , with great BUCC S , and
exhltlted inuth of his old time fire and
wondrous quality and quantity of voice.
ttWilhelmj hts apparently given up tray
eling. It is announced that he intends to
rebuild hU villa at Biobrich into a conserv
atory of mu Ic , more especially a , high
school for violin ploying , with n largo con
cert hall attached , in which grind musical
I-erformnnctb m y be given.
Mas ! Fannie Davei port will confine her
self to "Fsdora"next teaeon. Her ssaaon
will bo thirty weeks , opening six weeks in
Now York and cltstng four weeks there ,
She has secure d William Mautell , Forrest
Kobinson , aud Misa Eugenia Blair for the
company ,
Koae Ejtlnge will succeed Willie Edouln
at HooleyV , playing ' 'Felicia , " and on
June 4 , Lihly'h company will commence n
month's engagement , with Mr. Daly's
dap otlon ot S.'honthan'a "dchwaben-
strlcb , " under the title of " 7 20 8 ; or CastIng -
Ing the Hntmeratig. ' This piece has made
in New York quite a phenomenal hie.
The theatrical and operratio aucceaso ? ol
the last winter abroad are Sardou'e
"Ftdoro. " in which Sarnh Barnhardt has
won freih laurolx , Salct-Saena grand opera
of "Henry VIII. " nd the ll bt operas ol
the "Bettelaturlent" by Millocker. n German -
man , and of "Likmo , ' in which Miia Van
Zandt is now charming the Parisians.
St. Mack'd Episcopal churchnt Chicago ,
III , has returned to the system of routine
Archbishop Purcell , of Cincinnati , hai
bad nuntber touch of paralysis aud car
talk only iu whhp rs.
The two hundredth anniversary of the
establishment of I'reubyterianlam in Mary <
land will be o mmemorated at Kehobott
in June.
Nearly ? 1,000 has been subscribed Ic
Brooklyn towards the proposed monuinenl
to Martin Luther ; and it haa been decldec
to organize a permanent Lutheran eociet ]
in that city.
The Kov. Joseph Klnp , of Allegheny ,
Pa. , has been elected president of Hirarx
college , Ohio , by unanimous vote of tb <
board of trustees. He will bo inaugur
nted In the afternoon of commencemenl
day , June 14.
The Preabpterian Church of Canada li
making vlgoroua efforts to promote its worl
in Manitoba * nd the northwest. It is pro
posed that some missionaries be left free ,
without charge , and go over the country ,
supplying iU need ,
In Miles City , Montana , the Methodlati
believe in receiving contributions fron
anybody , whether good or bad , who ii
disposed to give. They place contribu
tion boxes in the drinking taloons , and
some ef the patrons of thoie CBtahllib
menta drop in a coin or two whenever the ]
take n drink.
There are in Philadelphia 552 Sumlij
nthools , with n total member.hip of 10t. ;
GS1 , aud an average attendance of 113,312
Them i > choo' hnve given during the put
year 2.770 ech hra to tha coum.unlcaul
meuiberthtpof tbecbur.hoi , and havoc.'ii '
trihuted § 03,474 i.2 to purely beuevoleul
Itev. Dr , Isano Nicholson , of 1'hlUdc-
phla , baa received so many letters aakln ;
him to reconuder his declination if tlr
bishopric of Indiana , that he believed ittc
be bin eluty to do BO , Ho Inn , therefore ,
r'queated the btandiug committee to defei
for n tiinn all action on hi * letter , nnd hi
will coon piy a visit to IndUncpolli ic
order that lie may ECO his duty in too mat
tcr wore clearly.
A Cnso nut Beyond Help-
Dr. M. H. Hlndadale , Keuawoe , 111.
advises us of n remarkable cure ofconsump ;
tion , He says : "A neighbor's wife w i
attacked with violent lung disease , anc
pronounced beyondhelp ; from Quick Con
sumption , As a last reaort the family wai
per uaded to try DU. WM. HALL' *
astonishment of all , by the time the hac
used one half dozen bottles she w&s abou
the bouse doln ? her own work , I. saw he
at her worst and had no idea she could re
Mien Catherine ) Wolfe , the reputed $10 , .
00 ( > , OCO helren , cf i. cw York , ! nys she haa ,
ou an average , one Ifr of marriage every
day from unknown lUltorj.
A nmrritgu frait in Lawrence , Mast. ,
wan delayed nn h'ti ? bccnus'e tha brlde'i '
father had carelessly carried off with him
to his place of butlncsi thj key of the
The first weddlrg ceremony ever per.
forxird in Amerlc * by n Inry took place
at Columbua , O. , recently , where Mrs ,
Ltiia ) G , UumlcV. Iho cvangellat , married
Cturles Pliu , of Dama cu , to Ml.i Emma
A l > eotur justice lately performed n
marriage ceremony for which he received
25 cents , oil tbo money the groom possess
ed. 1 he bride , however , nitreed to make
rap the deficiency r soon ni her first baby
is born , h < r father having promised to give
her $ oO ia honor of that event.
Marriageable women are scarce and high
In Utth "Elder Jim Wood and Suaan
Stoddard of Ibuntiful celtstlallzid In tbo
early springtime , the elder Riving for
Susan n cotr and n load of hay. " Celes-
tlalintlon mo-inn polygamous marriage.
There ii a savor ol old-faahloned ro
mance about the engagement of Adjutant
General Drum's daughter to Mr. Hunt , of
the navy , son of Gen. Hant. | > They were
playmates a * bablen , and have continually
kept up tl c'r frl ndihlp until It has
ripeced Into s. mtlhlng stronger. While
with the cipcditi n to the Arctic region !
laet year he tent her n map of certili :
points on tli3 northwestern coast whlcl
their vessel had pvcoJ , one of which
he had named for ner , "Blossom Point , '
nnd another "Drum Head , " for hei
father ,
Ljst Saturday George F. Moorbosue , ol
New Haven , took out n marriage liccnai
fur himself and Mis * Mpg ie A. Clifford
Mondiy afternoon M ea Clifford and <
lady friend appeared at the office of thi
registrar aud tteked that the record of tin
license be en sed. Upon being told thai
it had net been recorded , ono of the ladie
craw the original paper from her pookel
nnd asked the registrar to destroy it. Hi
did so , nnd the wonun departed. She ex
plained that she hid known Mocrhoua
for fcuryear ? , and a day being named foi
the mariiage , M orhouse procured thi
iicense. "Duting Saturday n little mis
underbtindlng arofo between ue , und cer
tain of the friends of Moor ou'o who wen
not particularly delighted with the matct
urged on the fight. 1 was told of msnj
little defect * in the character ef Mr.Moor
house , but the climax was reached when 1
was told that he had been dlvorci d from t
former wife , I immediately made up inj
mind to forego the happineaa of becoming
hia wife , and then and there brnke our en >
gBRemenr. I came to the office cf the
registrar myself , bcc-ino I feared to en-
truit the marriage license to Mr. Afoor-
honaa. " That gentleman haa not been
heard from. - New Haven Palladium.
The Hindoo ) be'ieve it was Adam who
sinned nnd 1 d Eve astray. There h
no doubt about the Hindoos being
heathen ,
Glcai images of Hindoo dletiea are man
ufactured in Birmingham and shipped to
India for wcr'hlp by the dovcut idolaters
of that country.
In n recent letter to a New York paper
the Kev. J. Hyatt Smith says : "I bold
the key of the position of the future. "
Pera ni having fana and refrigerators
that they do not teed should remember
Mr. Smith.
An old faimer in Texas having said at a
church meeting : ' 'I have belonged to the
church thirty years nnd , bless the Lord , It
baa never cost me n dollar , " thecotd
preacher arose nnd responded : ' 'The Lord
Bless your stingy old eoul. "
Profe aor of chemistry : "Suppose you
were called to a patient who had swal-
.owed a heavy dose of oxUio acid , what
would yim administer ? K , ( who is pre
paring f Jr the ministry , and who only
takes chemistry because it ia obligatory ) :
"I would administer the sacrament. "
A newly married country couple were on
a MemphU ferry boat , when the groom
fell into the Mistitsippl. While he was
battling for his life , his wife said : "Njw ,
Samuel , didn't I tell you so ? Now , then ,
work your legs , fbp your arms , hold youi
breath , and repeat ( he Lord's prayer , for
it's mighty unct'rUiu , Samuel , whethei
you land ia New Orleans or iu eternity. "
In heaven , we are told , there ia more
joy over , one sinner ( hit repetiteth than
over uinety-onri-rdne who have never gone
natray. Ic u ju > t tha other w. y here he-
low. There U more jjy over ono right
eous mau who goes astray than over
ninety-and-nina thousand tinuera who have
kept it nil thiir lives
An old but good etory of Ingoldaby
( Durham ) is that ho once entered a Quar
ters' mi etiug house , and looking around at
the grave assembly , held up a peny tart ,
und nald eolemly : "Wh < ever speaks first
shall have thh tart. " "Gothy way , " aald
a drab-colored gentleman , rising , "go thy
way"The pie's yours , " id Turn ,
squeezing the raspbsrry treasure into the
hand of the uloun rebuker , nnd walking
out of the assembly.
Two old soldiers who bid juat been
granted pen Iona met in Portland , Maine ,
tbo other day. Skid one : "After a year
had pns ed without my bearing from the
Department , I made tbasul ject of getting
my pension r special matter of prayer ,
and in lees th n cix months the portion
was K"nted , " The ther replied : "I
held on two years , nnl then wrote tu Col ,
Bob I-i'er ( < ill about it , and in leaa than
thirty dayj I had my pupera all right ,
"My dear man , " auid a doctor , na he
Bnt by the bedalde of a Wall street specu
later , "your ca e ii n very nerlou * one , "
' IT cither word * , I have sold short , " ie-
plied the patient.
' That'll it , exactly. It is my duty to
inform you thitt you m y not live three
day . "
"Iu other words , If the m.trket falls
anther pvg my broker will sell ine
out ? "
"Tfta 'd it. "
"Well , ii'j bc t to look the situation
tquare ia the face , doctor. I'm going tc
put up more mardn and bope for a reao-
tlon Bet jou $100 thit my undertaker ii
Bcooped if hd has me booked for May de
liver ) ! "
It Is ne'dleta to lay that ho will aeon be
cu the atre't pnln
Uou't be Alarmed
at Brlght'e disown , Dtabeter , or Kay
disease of the kidneys , liver or urina
ry organs , as Hop Bitters will cer
tainly and lovingly onro yon , and It 1 (
the only thli n * Ht will.
There has nevii
B'ICCII nn insianci
n liKlitlils8 cr
< Inxlcornnl
'A fchrllo mod
n uu > h s fj led
to wnrd on t'f
. tijjilali t , hci ;
ak 11 dulas d
° '
V i.i la. I
: lrCU9 Ol Jlll'Hk' '
.ins I n\t > alinn
one 1 nil the i 111 fpciifics ,
uiul nov , j > ro-
a riliu this In nil
leas \ ge ab.c
on c 'or chill'
id ( over , as il !
i an
id LO > ou at-
_ _ fevticns. II
tctk'rb li , JT < ii | n'cll3 ( jou need
Kor silo 1) } n'l 1) ) Vfg j-s a > d Dealers iener
all ) my 10 m\o ecd-&w
K UBE. "
Tlie Natural Mineral ,
From Birr eiborn onthoHlilne
FRKD'K HOLLENDEft & CO.fSo'.e a ? rt or th
U. a. and Canal * , 115,117 , 1U Elm St. , Kei
or i. A2J 3m
Offices and parlors over the new Omahal
National Bank , 13th , between Farnam
and DouglasStreets.
\ _
Dr. Fishblatt can bs Consulted Every Day Exopl ; Fridays andl
Saturdaysi theas two Days boinc devoted to His Dispensary at"
Des Momes , Iowa , bpeoml attention given to diseases of the
AndFemale Diseases , as well as ill Clironio and Kervons Diseases
Hai dUcor- red tha greatest cure In the world for weaknesi of the back and limbs , Imoluntirr
discharges. Impotcncr , K'ncnl debl.lty , norvousneai , languor , confusion ol Ideas , palpitation ot Ins
heart , timidity , trembling , dimness ul al ht or giddiness , dlaeiaia ol the head , throat , ROM or itln
ffectioni ot tbo liver , lungs , stomach or bowola those terrible disorders nrl-lng Irora ao Itary hib-
Its el youih , end secret prictl es more Utal to the vlcttma than the aonzs ol Syrens to the mail * .
ers ol Uljscs , blighting their mostrtdlant hope ) or ntlilpatlons , rendering rairrlao Imposilbli.
Those th.t are suffering from tha evil practices which Jejtrojr their mcntaland physical iiteml
The eympto naol which arc a dulldistressed mind , which unllta them from performing melr boil'
choly , tire easily of company and hive preference to bo alone , feeling ai ttrod In the miming u
when retiring , sjmlml weakness , lost manhood , white bone deposit In the urine , tervomness , con.
fusion of thought , trembling , watery and weak eyes , dyipopsla conatlpitlon , palonesa , ptlnJ
woaknow In the limbs , etc. . should consult mo imrrtedlitely and be rostarod to perfect health.
Whohavo become victims of solitary vice , th t dreadful and destructive hab't ' which annually
sweeps to an untimely grave thoimnds < f young men of exalted talent and brilliant Intellect who
might othcrwtio entrance listening senators with the thunders ot their eloquence or wake toecata *
cy the living lyre , may call with full confidence.
Married persons or young men contemplating marriage be aware of physical we kness , losai
procreatlve power , Impotency , or any other disqualification spcellly relieved IIo who places him
self uodorthe care of Dr. Pianola ttnav religiously conflde In his houor aa a gentlttman , and conl-
dently rely upon bis skill as a phylclau.
Immediately cured and full vigor restored. This dlstrjsstnff atlltc lo" which renders life a bnrden
and marriage Impoes'ble , U the pontlty paid by the victim tor Improper InJ licence. Young peopls
are ap to commit exctsaH fro n not being aware of the dreiutu' ' consequence ] that iniy er.u .
NOW who that understand * this subject will deny that procreation Is loet a oncr by thosa ( ailing
Into Into Improper habits lhan byprudentj Besides being deprir d of the pUaiuro of hialthy ol <
springs , theiiont serious and destructive aympcoma of bath body and mind arlao. The system be *
cornea deranged , the physical and mental functions woikenj Lou of procreatlvo powers , norvoui
Inability , djspcpsla , palpitation of the heart , Indigestion , ( constitutional debility.waiting ot ths
frame , cough , consumption an ! death.
Persona ruined In health by untrained pretenders who keep them trlflln month after kmonl b
tiklngpolioncusand Injurious compounda , should apply Immediately.
graduate of one of the mst eminent colleges ot the Lin ted States , hie effected Iime of the rnott
astonishing cures that ere ovei known ; many troubled with ringing In the earn and head , when
asleep , great nervousness belrg alarmed at certain sounds , with frequent blushing , attended gemi
times with derangement of the mind were cured Immediately.
Dr. F. addresses all those who have tnlnred themselves by Improper Indulgence 'and solitary
hablta which ruin both body and mind , unfitting them for bu ne < s , study , ao"lety or marriage.
These are some of the melanch ly cfftctd produced by the early hablta of youth , viz : Weak ,
ncae of the back and llmba , pains In tna head and dimness ot sight , low of muscular power , palpi
tation ot the heart , dyspepsia , nervous Irritability , derangement of digestive functions , debility ,
consumption , etc.
CONSULTATION FKEE. Charirea moderate and within the reach of all who need Blontlfli
iledical treatment. Thote who res de at a dietanco and cannot call , will receive prompt attentloi
through mail by simply Bend IDC thlor symptoms with pottage.
Address Cock Box 34. Omaha. Neb-
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocero' Supplies ,
A Full Line ol the Bsat Brands of
Fire and Burglar
1020 Farnham Street ,
' "
la only attained by using * f
Stoves and Ranges.
For Bale by
mum ROGERS &
Farnam St.
The only Conl miuetl west of the Misaissinn i River that is equ
iu quality to the ROCK SPRING COAL.
That will stock for a year without Blacking or'ehrlnklng. \
Pronounced by all the leading brick men In Western Iowa us the very beat\
ooal for burning brick over used In the West.
Frederic , Monroe Co. , Iowa.