Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1883, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Friday Morning , May 18 ,
Boye , look out for the prizes next week
In the bowling alley at the Paxton house ,
It Is perfectly wonderful , the manner
in which the hotels are crowded nowadays.
The Paxton Is doing a running business
and Its office at night looks like a huge re
frigerator ,
The storm continued last night with
unabated fury ,
A large party of 0. A N ; W. and
Omaha end St. Paul officials are expected
here on Sunday and have telegraphed for
rooms at the Paxton , Their buslnesi i
said to bo connected with the building of
a union depot at an early day.
The firomen's May party cornea off at
Manonla hall , May 24th. The hoys hope
to i also the necessary funds in thin way to
fix up their apparatus fcr participation ID
the S plember tournament fit Lincoln.
The Nebrtsxa and Iowa Insurance
Co. , has filed amended articles of Incor *
porntiou In the county clerk's office. The
changes relate to I'o holding of business
meetings by the boI I of directors and to
tha time and mannei f electing directors.
The storm of Ti 'day and yesterday
stopped the < nterti. umcnt promised by
the Cody \nd Cnrvor combination , The
street pnrade woo abandoned nnd postern
put out announcing the postponement of
the show. It Is hardly possible thut the
baj weather will hold out all week but In
case it ihuuld there Is some talk cf cancell
ing the DM Molncs engagement , though
this Is nut yet agreed upi.n. In fact It Is
hoped Friday and Saturday may prove
fair da ) H
In the pollco court yesterday three
victims of budge were tent up for throe
days each nnd another paid his fine. Mike
Gllllgan was arrested for creating a dis
turbance at Crounte's ball last night. He
wanted to get In to the uall In progress
there , and In the attempt to eject him a
orw ensued.
The river Is rising and is nearly bank
Plenty of fresh Fish at Moti &Ro .
stein's at 1205 Farnam ,
The rain continued all day yesterday ,
with considerable wind.
' Good Templars' sociable Friday evenIng -
Ing at 1316 Douglas St. It
General Ticket Agent Stebblns , of the
U. P. K II. , baa returned from Chicago.
Jamea Waddell paid $3 and co U In
Judge Benoko'a court yesterday for dis
turbing the peace.
Mr. John A. .Ilorbach has just re
turned from old Mexico , where at Clilhua-
hna he met Mr. II. L. Latoy.
Invitations are out for n reception
tendered to Mr. and Mm. Aldolph Meyer ,
and Mr. nnd Mrs. Morltz Moyur , bv Max
Meyer and wife , on Thursday , Mny 2lth.
Mr , nnd Mrs. Frank Wheeler , of
Utics , New York , arrived In Omaha Wed
nesday on their way to the PacICo coast.
They will remain n week or two , and are
the gucntfi of Hon. L. M. Bennett ,
Bockman'H cigar store , on Thirteenth
street , between Farnam and Djuglne , was
burglarized Wednesday. The front door
was broken open and three boxes of the
brand "Llllles of the WesV" were taken.
Officer M. Whalen , of the police force ,
one if Mayor Chase's new appointee ; ,
purchased just previous to hit appoint
ment two beautiful lots on Dodge atreot ,
between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth ,
for $1,300 , He now ban advantageous
offers for the same , and expects to roll
them to some good purchaior.
Purtuant to instructions frcm the gen
eral land office , the ofllcera if the now
land district , with headquarters at Valen
tine , have announced the opening of the
ofliM for buslnem on the 2nd day of July ,
1883 , In the meantime orders have been
sent to the other land cubes to suspend
receiving entries of the lands included in
the Loundailes of the new district.
A meeting cf the stockholders ot Tni
BEE was held last evening , at which thi
following officers were elected for the ou
suing year : X. Itosewater , president ; Kd
win Davis , treasurer ; Goo. B , Tlshuok
secretary. The board of directors author
ized the purchase of the lot adjoining Tin
BKK olEue on the east , formerly owced h <
Milton Rogers , at a purchase pnoo of 35 ,
P. R. Wise left Oskaloosi , Kauias
April 3d to go to Topeka , He was lae
heard from In Kansas City April Ctb , an
is tnpposed to be mentally deranged fror
ill health. Any Information of his preset )
whereabouts will be thankfully receive
and suitably rewarded by his brother , C
T. Wise , Pittvllle , Shasta county , Ca
Nebraska and Iowa papers please copy.
At a quarterly meeting ot the newl
elected officers of the Union Cathol !
Library association it wis resolved that
Tote of thanks be tendered to the retlrin
ofllcers for the able manner theyconducte
the society last year and flourishing coi
dltlon in which they lift It. Amen
other business transacted arrangemen' '
were made for a lecture to b delivered b
Rev. BUbop O'Connor the latter part <
this month.
The cow thief Is still abroad In tl
land and Is playln ? havoc about the clt ;
Oj Monday night a fine white milch co
was stolen frum the y rdof Mr. Longpre ;
the carriage maker , who realties In Soul
Omaha , and it Is reliably stated that i
least thirty cows have shared the Ban
fate this spring , It Ii time that the vlfi
lantes were reorganized or that cows we
taken In at night , the same as hot houi
flowers ,
Well Rewarded ,
A liberal reward will be paid to an
party who will produce a caie of Live
Kidney or Stomach complaint that Kle
trio bitters will not speedily cure , Brln
them along , it will coit you nothing for tl
medicine if It falls to cure , and you will t
well rewarded for your trouble beside
All Bload dlseater , Biliousness , Jaundlc
Constipation and general debility a
quickly cared , Satisfaction pnaranteei
money refunded. Prloa only 50 cents p
bottle. For sale by 0. F , Goodmau.
Phyalolan * pruorlto Brown'i In
Bitten for Indigestion , wMknew , lo )
A Visit From the Iowa State
Medical Society ,
The Oominfj Convocation at
Lincoln ,
As will bo aeon elsewhere in to-day'
BEE the Iowa State Medical Society
began its sessions at Council Bluffs
Wednesday , to-day a delegation came
over to vlalt the Oato City.
AmonR the visitors wnro Dra , Satnl.
Olapp , of Iowa Olty ; 0. E. Banm , of
Burlington ; H , A , Qilmoro , of Mt.
Pleaauit ; F. II. Smith , of Iowa City ;
J , W. Gokonowor , of Des Molnor ; F ,
A X nten , of Avoca ; J. D. McOloary ,
of Indlanola ; A. 0. Simonton , of Den
Moines ; A. W. McOlure , of Mt.
Pleasant ; P. H. Crosawatt , of Logan ,
and P , J , Farm worth , of Clinton.
The delegation pat np at the Millard -
lard and opont the day in looking
about the city. It waa hlntod that
the Buffalo Bill show had notno weight
in bringing them over , but tbla la in
dignantly denied.
There will bo n joint mooting of the
Nebraska Stain homeopathic Medical
aocloty and thuN ir'thwcatorn academy
of modlclno , at Lincoln , Nob. , on May
23d , 24 .hand i'lVi The two soclo-
tics uniting toKuthcr in thla mooting
will naturally bring together a much
Urgor number of phyeiclana than haa
ever attended either aocloty before.
The programme ia varied and an
interesting meeting Is aosured. The
following ia a partial Hat of the paper *
that will bo road :
Df Starr , Beatrice , "Tho Eye and
Ita Usoa ; " Dr. Plnkerton , Tabir ,
Iowa , "Cholera Infuntum ; " Dr.
Walker , Seward , ( 'Bronchltl8 ; " Dr.
Illghtor , Lincoln , "Albnmlnurla ; "
Dr. Hart , Omaha , "The Relation of
ilomunpathy to the Sclenoo of Surg
ery ; " DC. Mead , Plattamoutb , "Sab-
involution and Laceration of the
Cervix ; " Dr. Palno , Lincoln , "Clin
ical Experience ; " Dr. Maoombor , Nor
folk , "On the Condition of BorneD-
pathy in Northern Nobraaki ; " Dr. A.
E Iloskoy , Iowa City , Iowa , -'The
Diagnosis and Treatment of Catarrhal
affection of the Middle lEar ; " Dr.
Simmons , Lincoln , "Medical Educa
tion ; " Dr. Brown , Hyaterla ; " Dr.
Neal , Falls City , "Circumscribed Sup-
puratlvo PorltonltlB"Dr.Cooloy ; , Lin
coln , "Soarlot Fever ; " Dr. Sanborn ,
Tabor , Iowa , "How Wo See and
Hoar ; " Dr. Winter , Wymoro , "Dip-
theria ; " Dr. Sabln , Lincoln , "Oases
from l'iaotco"Dr. ! ; OaracaddenYorK ,
"Tact in Clinical Practice ; " Dr. Pitt-
man , Villloaa , Iowa , "Chorea ; " Dr ,
Tulleyo , Rod Cloud , "Hygiene ; " Dr.
Stillman , Council Bluffs , "Bogni Gvn-
ecology. "
On the evening of the 23d there will
bo n public mooting , at which there
will bo an address of welcome by Hon.
A. J , Sawyer , and ropllnH by Presi
dents Dlnamoor and Monroe , after
which will bo the address of the oven-
inr ; , by Prof. T. 0. Duncan , of Chi
cago. Subject : "Tho Philanthropic
Influence and Scientific Position of
Homewopathy. " On the evening of
the 24th there will bo a banquet and
toftBts and a social reunion.
The hotela have offered reduced
ratoa , and all the railroads will soil
round trip tickets at ono and one-
fourth rates. To produce thia reduc
tion a cortlGoate muat bo had so aa to
biy tickets at reduced rates on start
Ink' . These certificates can bo ob-
loi'd b ; these living in Nebraska oi
Dr. Stnun ins , Lincoln , and these liv
ing in Iowa ot Dr. llanchott , Council
A Rumored Oyoiouo at Valparaiso ,
The storm which prevailed all daj
yesterday culminated in the evening
In that peculiar appoaranoo of the ekj
which betokens a storm.
Heavy clouds arose ou all sides ci
the horizon , and la the south rolled
np so black and threatening ai to In
dloato that the atmospheric dis
turbance was doing something mon
than brooding ,
Omaha , however , felt but little o
the force of the storm , but early it
the evening rumors were rffo of i
heavy wind storm In the vicinity o
Valparaiso , on the line of the Unioi
Pacific , in the southern part of Sauu
den county.
The conductor of the north boun
MUnourl PacIGs train , Mr. Moore , re
ported seeing the trees down in tha
region swaying back and fort
as If some terrible force was at th
back of them. His train waa rnnnln
quite fast at the tlmo and ho did nc
not stop to Investigate the matter.
The wires wore down during th
oToning and no definite news could b
learned , but It was generally raporte
that a opolono had struck Valparali
and had levelled a portion of it to th
ground. Also that two or three pot
sons had boon killed , a woman an
two children being the victims.
Wanted Three good dining rooi
girls at Metropolitan hotel , Wages 11
teen dollars per month. ev&m
„ A Oorrootlon.
I wish to make a correction lu tl
arllolo that appeared In The Herald
last Sunday's Issue , alao In Mondi
ovoutng'a BEE , asking the people
Omaha to donate something to tl
"Homo for the Friendless , " and
which my name was attached.
The original article , headed * 'A
Appeal , " together with my report th
waa read before the Auxiliary Scclot
waa published In The Republican
last Sunday's Issue. It waa not Ii
tie tended that the appeal should bo pu
be Ilshed In the original form unless tl
, report appeared with It. I request )
la , that The Herald and Tux BEX pa
re and the the
llsh the report appeal aa
er appeared in The Republican ; or ,
they conld not publish the full repor
to publish inch portions of it as won !
an throw full light upon tha appeal.
anW The article headed "Friendless at
Alon , " in the Hmld , and "PU * f <
the Poor" In THE BEE , convoys the
Idea that all the Inmates have to cat is
grnham mush and lard gravy with
meat once B week ,
Under the hold of "Oanoral Man
agement" of the Home , the report
roadt : "Their weekly diet , Beans a
good deal , baked , boiled , and soup ;
potatoes and potato soup , graham and
corn mush every day ; broad , no but
ter ; broad and potatoes are eaten
with lard gravy , Once a week they
havn a beef boll and hash once.
* * They have which
syrup , they
nso on graham and corn mush , and
have had no cake or pie slnco the
Homo opened , "
The Herald and BEI agree with the
original article , aa published In The
Republican , till it comes to the place
where the dlotof the inmates ia men
tioned. There the wording Is changed
somewhat , The original road in con
nection with the account of their
'weekly diet * in the report , ii all
For fpnr there may bo a misunder
standing tn regard to the manage
ment at the homo , and In justice to
the ladies of Lincoln , who have done
all they conld to make the Inmates
comfortable , I make this correction ,
Mn , R , M , UAIILETON ,
Fatal Snootlntr in tun Outskirts of
the City.
At a late hour last evening Coroner
Jacobs was notified of a tragedy which
occurred early Wodncsdoy morning in
the outskirts of the city.
Jacob Shlpporolt , a farmer who
lives on the Cornelius farm , juat below
town , came into the city and informed
him of the facia , which were substan
tially aa follows ;
For aomo time past Mr , Shlpporolt
hca boon annoyed conridorably by
tramps , and procured a * revolver ,
which ho kept under his pillow.
Wednesday morning ho got up qnlto
early and started to town , leaving the
weapon behind him.
Ho had two boya , one aged nix and
ono thirteen years. The oldest arose
first , and finding the pistol nndor his
father's pillow , began examining It
and whllo ho was doing so his brother
came np. In some way the revolver
waa accidentally discharged and the
younger boy was atruck by the ball ,
which penetrated his abdomen.
Dr. Grossman was summoned and
did all that was possible for the un
fortunate boy , but ho expired at 1 p.
m. yesterday.
Ooronor Jacobn did not , last night ,
deem It necessary to hold an Inquest
as the facts in the case were plain.
Mr. 8. fools terribly over the mat
ter , and takea all the blame for the
fatal accident upon himself.
Mooting of the Board of Managers ol
the State Fair.
The officers and board of manager !
of 'ho Nebraska state board of ( igrl
cul uro mot Wednesday at the oflico ol
the Nebraska Ice company.
P'eaont : E. Molntyro , president
D. II. Wheeler , secretary ; 0. Hart
mau treasurer ; M , Dunham , chair
mai managers ; R , W. Fnrnas , S , M
Bar ? r arjfd E , Gronoll , managers. W ,
II. P : own , general superintendent ,
1 te following additional premium !
WOT i offered for the manufacture ol
croi < ory ware and display on thi
grounds : First premium , $30 ; sec
con I premium , $10.
A a application for premium for bast
bait was referred to Mr. Gronoll tc
rep > rt at next meeting.
Sjorotary Wheeler waa Instructed tc
dru v a warrant for the amount due
Om .ha driving park last year's amphl
th tro receipts.
0 i motion the president was In
atii itod to communicate- thi
OL iha board of trade In reference tc
on o ion of a dining hall on the fall
gr < unds.
1 o contrail for furnishing scon
05' i for races dnrlng fair week , wai
lot , W. M. Flynn , of The Turf
Fi 11 and Farm , of Now York city.
j * application for check buotl
pr 'go was referred to Pretidon
K yro.
t proposition from the Electrl
I company of Omaha to light thi
p i a during the fair until 12 u'clocl
n' > it , was laid over for considers
Dunham was instructed to nc
f a proposition for furnlshin
t. Blower to run Power hall.
> tary Wheeler was lustrncte
t i struck fifty silver inodala fc
t .ling fair.
County Oommlsslonoru.
DAY , May 14. Board mi
nt to adjournment. Proseu
. I'eolonors ' Knight and O'Koefi
> following resolution waa adopl
f < LVEIJ , That the county clerk t
iuiv .j hereby Instructed to perm
J 'i i If. Coots , contractor , to tal
I t the county clerk's cilico tt
o nal plans of the now court houi
Ii -oen the hours of 8 o'clock a. i
t. j 5 p. m.
tfter solootlrg part of wnraoa
p -ons from which shall bo drawn tl
m f \ud and petit jurors for the Jm
If. t . in , A. D. 18S3 , of the district cout
t . i buatd adjourned.
Adjourned to 10th inst.
County Clerk.
ofy May 15. The board in
y -euant to adjournment. Prrson
of - timissloners Oodles , Knight at :
he Ceofe. The board selected a Hat
sons to bo certified to the clerk
to ' dlitrtct court from which was <
drawn by lot the grand and pot
torn for the Juno term , A. D. 188
At 3 o'clock p , in. , in accordant
v th the advertisement , the bids f
1 .illdlng bridges were opened , and
i pearlng that the bid of the Mlssoo
V tlley Bridge and Iron Works con
p aiy for the six bridges ( see page 52
for the sum of $2,300 was the lowee .
the said company wa * awarded tl
The following account waa allowi
i from the general fund : Mart
Id Svaclna , grooerlea for poor , 97.25.
Adjourned to the 19th ln t.
or County Oluk.
The MoOaull Opera Company on Ha
Way East.
The MC ull Opera co-npany ap
peared at Beyd's Oporn house last
evening , on roulo homo from S n
Thla company stopped in Omaha on
Ita way out making the jump from
Philadelphia to this point. On the
return trip they jimpod from Sin
Francisco to Omaha , over 2 000
miles ,
They were greeted Inst night by a
crowded hocse , and at the clotso of the
potformance , which wan a highly
pleasing ono , took a special train over
the Mivousl Pacific for Kansas Olty ,
at whicn place they are billed for tc-
The Baby tbdtWeu Found in the U ,
P Depot.
Headers of Tiifi BEE will remember'
the baby which waa abandoned by UN
mother at the U. P. depot last winter ,
and was taken in charge by Oflhor
Hlnchey of the polfco forco. ThU
oflicor took the llltlo waif homo and
kept It lugocdahopc , hla * > fo nursing
It with her own baby , about the name
ago. Although covers ! parties wcvo
anxlocr. to adopt the child , the folkt
wcro afraid to let it go while un-
weaned , and were too much attached
to it to give it up unless to a firat-claas
According to the note sent THE BEE
from the mother of the child it ia a
year old thla month. It row crawla
ubout and la healthy and hearty. Itu
features are dollcateand itglvea prom
ise of being n very pretty Httlo girl.
It ia the intention cf Mr. Hlnchoy
aa soon aa It can bo weaned or safely
taken c. ro of by others , to allow some
responsible pmiea who can assure it a
good , permanent homo , to adopt it
but ho will bo very careful to whose
care it Is commlttod.
The Nuptials of Chaa. H. Qotzach
man and Catherine Blaaseer.
A merry party of friends and relatives
tivos assembled at the residence o
Mr. A. Oetzschmen , 51G South Ninth
street , Wednesday to witness the mar
riage of Charles H. Gotzschman and
Miss Katherlne Elsasaer. The cere
monies took place at 0 o'clock and was
performed by the Rev. Fries , ot
the German church. After the
young couple were trmdo one
a largo number of elegant
and suitable presents were brought
forth , and , amid speech making and n
general good time , were presented to
the newly married pooplo. In due
time all woto Invited to a bountiful
nodding feast'where everything that
vrna tempting and dollclaus in the way
cf viands and llqafch was found and
duly honored and appreciated by those
Mr. and Mrs. G. will move or once
to a charming cottage in Sonth
Omaha , and will slart out In life with
brilliant prospeclo and the good
of a host of friends.
Mr. Ward , manager of the Paper Cai
Wheel association , is in the city on bust
nest. He was formerly on the stall of the
Omaha Republican and was a room-mate
of Stanley and was the railroad editor ol
the Chicago Times until quite recently.
A. T. White , Tekamah ; J. L , Talt (
Beatrice ; W. A. Mears and wife , Albion
Geo. E. Godfrey and C. Cook , Tremont
T. S. Clarkson , Schuyler ; W. T. R ns
dell , Columbus ; B K Tenner and wifj :
Fort Calhoun ; R. A. Heaton , Weston ; R
M. McCallom , David City ; Dan liar
rlngton , Tekamah and Geo. K. Brown
Catnden , are amen ? the Nebraska guest ,
at the Paxton.
M. Pattee. Nebraska City ; J. M
Wood ; , Osceola ; Mrs , Truar and Mits W
B , Ojden , Lincoln ; Mrs , Foga , Schuyler
Mrs. W. F. Haifold and Alex VoorheeF
St , Edward ; Mrs. S. C. Smith and child
Beatrice ; Clara WUdoin , Phelpc ; J. F
Roll , Wahoo ; J. A liawen , Lincoln am
K. V. Clark , Genoa , are among the Ne
braskans at the Mlllard.
G , A. Jojselyn , proprietor of the Met
, ropolltan ; W. E. Andrews , of DeaMolnee
G. M. Moor ? , of Portland , Me. , nnd \ \
F. IUchard ou , of New York , left to-da
for Denver , Salt Lake , and a general ton
of the nest.
M , J. Thompson , of St. Edward ; A , I
Be tur , Waynej S. A. Odborne , B , 1
Hoa lay , and T , L. Jones , Brownvlllo ; 1
D. Carpenter , Blair , and Dr. A , L. Rae
South Bend , are pueets of the Metropol
tan ,
DO MUs Kjnnlo C. Newman , Miss Ic
lit Haloes , Henry Newman , and Edwa
Mitchell , of Lincoln , are guests at tl
son. Mica Ida Haines , Miss Fanny Newmi
aud Llenry B Newman , of Lincoln , a
of guests of the Millard.
hone H. W. Matthews , of The Graphic , A
no klnson , Nebraska , is registered at tl
ft , Mlllard.
Gcornfl W. VanSickle and F. Kbe
hart , of Wnhoo , t'e stopping at the Ml
Hon. Cnas. P. Mnthewnon nnd D
ot Alex. Blair , of Norfolk , are at the Pa.
ton ,
c { Gener 1 Goo. II. Roberts and son ,
of , are registered at the Millard ,
to 0 , P. Ballman , of the Brown Counl
tit News is a guest of the Metropolitan ,
3 , llenry Johnson and 0 , L , Millenau
of Wahoo , are nt the Mlllard.
or F. H. Harding and Clarence Buell , <
It St. Louis , are at the Paxton.
irl The McCaull opera company register !
n- at the Mlllard yesterday ,
S ) Hon. 0. 0. Charlston , of Phelpii cou
.t , ty , is at the Millard.
bo Geo. A. Hunter , of Indlanola , Neb. ,
at the .
ed Metropolitan.
in Wm. Saunders , of Papilllcn , WM
town yesterday ,
J. H. Davis , of Glbbonj Wm. Manhi
of Fremont ; \V , H. Baxter/ol Wilton ; ]
Taylor , of Loup City ,
mann , of Schnyler , wore gutaU at the Pai >
on yeiUrdny.
Kef. M , Fulforth , ot Central City , Is at
be Mlllard.
T. K Hiram , of P.urcv , D. T , , Is at
he Miltard ,
Hon. T. M , Marquette , of Lincoln , Is at
be Mlllard.
J. Woaley Taclccr , nf Hlalr , In at the
Ed , II. Allui , of Llucoln , Is at the Met
ropolitan ,
Ex-Mayor Limb , cf Stanton , is at the
'axton ,
MitH CUrk , of Blair , is a guest at the
A , Pringle , of Albion , is at the Metro
polltan ,
F , Lie , of Colorado , Is at the Paxtcn.
J , T , Clurkson , of Schuyler , is in town.
J. B , Hendiie , cf Denver , Id in the
K , L , Eno , the Fremont hotel man , Is in
town ,
J. B. Kuhland. of Xgtr's'iaCity , is ia
I. P. Smltb , of ScUtyler , it at the Mil-
Hon.V , H , Muoger , of Fremont , la in
the city.
E , O , Hosteller and wife , of Slieltoc , are
at the Paxton ,
Geo. N. Clayton , of the Wabash , is at
the Millard.
J , II. McL'onnoll , of North Plulte , was
n the city yesterday.
i ; . Hurlbut and llobt , Dorgarj , of Lin
coln , nre in the city.
Misa Sarah J , Bell , of Falls City , ia nl
the Metropolitan ,
Manager E1 , Camc'i , of the Lincoln
opera house , ii la town.
N. C1. Treat , traveling agent cf I he U.
P. railway , la itt thb Millard.
Ariel N. Buney , herali of the "VVid !
Went , " returned from the east yesterday.
Mro. Morehouio and child , of Missouri
Valley , are gnasta at the Millard.
Con. Grover , ehetiff of North Platte , is
in the city with his wife- and child.
Dan Y , Wheeler , of Itichardson & Co , ,
the St. Lou's drug house , ia in town ,
E P. Savage and son und A. Z Perrln ,
of Sargeant , Neb. , are visitors at the Mill -
l rd.
Tom Mulvehlll , the Atchlson bill poster ,
is in the city , having come to see the
Wild West.
H. P , Whitrcore , of Lincoln , a cousin rt
Treasurer Whitmoro of the Boyd opera
house , is in the city on a visit ,
S , T , Smith , general superintendent of
the "K" division of the U. P. , and J. K.
Johnson , attorney for the same * , are at the
Buckleu's Arnica Salve.
The greMcut medical wonder of the
world. W i r into 1 to oeedily cure Burn" ,
Brulaoj , Cuts , Ulcer ? , Salt Uheum , Fever
Sores , Cancers , Piles , Chilblains , Corns ,
Tetter , Chapped Hands , and all skin erup
tions , guaranteed to cure In every instance ,
or money refunded , -5 cents per box.
For tale by 0. F. Goorimnn.
Eutato Trimnfera ,
The following riaoda wcra filed for
ricord In the county clerk'n office
May 16 , reported for THE BEE by
Auiuo' real estate auency :
T. MtckelUnd wife to'M. Tibko ,
w. T . lot 1C , Nelson's add. , 82.4CO.
E 0 Perkins to Patrick Murphy ,
w. d , , lot 1 , block 3 , aubdiv. of lot 6 ,
Croft add. , $300.
Olty of Omaha to Simon Hoffman ,
q , c d. . strip of land adjoining lots 0
mid G block 7 , Kouutze and Ruth'a
aid. , $1.
E. D. Potter and husbnnd , w. d. ,
lot 5 , block 10 , Park avenue add , ,
Wm Eschtls and wife to J. Mahr ,
w. d. , part cf lot 8 , block 13 in Improvement
provomont Aeaoclation add. , $200.
Wm. Eichbo and wlfo to Martin
Dober , vr d part of lot 8 , blk 13 , Im <
provement aaaociation add. , $200
John Buah , conuty truaeurer , to 0.
S. Sambero , vrd lot 7 , blk 227 ,
Samuel E. Rogers and wife to Mtv
llnda P Oook , w d lot 43 S. E. Reg
em' plot of Oakahoma , $800
Michael Ohhnati and wifn to E. H ,
GrifliQ.w A lot 2 , blk 11 , E.V. Srnlth'j
odd. , $2fiOO.
Do you ivaiit n pure , bloom
ing Complexion J If so , a
few mn.licalions of Hasan's
MAGNOLIA U.VLX will grat-
il'y you to your heart's con
tent. It does away -with Sal-
lowuess , lledness , Pimples ,
Blotches , and all diseases and
imperfections of the skin. It
overcomes the flushed apnear-
nnco of heat , fatigue ana ex
citement. It makes a lady of
THIRTY appear . hut TW1
tiv * * *
TY ; und so natural , gradtial ,
anil perfect are its ett'ccts.
that it is impossible to detect
its application.
tertedunlen paid In advance.
MONEY T ) LOAN 1 he Om ha acinus ban
U now yrqured to nuke loins on Omit
of ell ) or ToueUs county retl e tt e at currci
rttteo luterest. No comm'tsloo ' chargtd. 8t
TO LOAN-Call at Law office ol D. 1
ed MONEY , room 8 , Crelchton Block.
TO LOANLowett Rates ol I
MONEY . Btmli1 Loan Agency , 15th & Dougli
23i-i t
MUNKY LOANKO-OnchattelmortKg rooi
7 Union Block , corner 15th and Faniam SI
Im MONEY Loaned on chattel propeily by
T Beatty.No 21S South HUi stn t
GIrt lor gwural housework i
1531 Howard i mt.
for Infants and Children.
Cnatorinpromotes Digestion
and overcomes t'liitulency , ConBtipa-
tion , Sour Stomach , Dmrrliccn , and
FcTcriBlmcss. It insures licalth and
uutural sleep , without morphine.
" Cnstoria N so well adnptod to Children that
I recommend It as superior to nnyprt"tcripUon
known to me. " IL A. ARCIIXR , M. D. ,
82 Portland ATO. , Brooklyn , N. Y.
What Rives our Children rotnr checks ,
Vhat cures Uielr fercrs , makca thom slftep ;
'Tl CmtorU.
" "
When tmblcs fret and err br turns ,
What cures their colic , kills their nornu ,
Hut Cantoris.
c r Constipation ,
Sour Sto , Colds , Indigestion ,
Farrwell then to Morphine Synipo
CAStor Oil and Paregoric , und
CENTAUR LINIMENT-an absolute euro for Ilhcuma-
tlsm , Sprains , Burns , Galls &c. The most Powerftil nnd Pene
trating Paiu-rclloving1 and Healing Remedy kuo vn to man.
TTANTEI ) - nn cook nJ ni- -irlrl.
11714hitreit bnwecn Ci\- \ > nnd
edge IKC' . - * in ?
A boj , 010 vho hm been In a
drug tt re pr.fjiro'i
,5J3 18 bCIIROT'll & IIKCHT.
\ y.ung mai aged 14 to 1' ,
WANTKD at ho uc , to tend p ol tables nnd
ir and cUan up , 311 b. 10th street. 531-19 *
r r ANTED-Three go d panisiuukerij. None
YY but the best rued apply.
630 U FrtANK J.
AN"ED A flr-UrUsi bilU'r. Inqil te at
W .Mtya .VU-Kpkc , IJU ) laj strict | 3M8'
W'ANTEB Vjounz iltito touil to n ono
\earolJbtby .S , K. corner 13th and Caw
trcott GIHSt
WNTKDOroil ition ? girl , o o tha' ur-
cler-Umls cocking , uamln IK d Ironing ,
mlullln < to work t2 ! 17th btreel 5K 1U §
ANTKJ ' o titucjo S. Iroa-
vv te1100 Karnim street. 643-lf
Wi NTED r\mr < I fiva Uumlry xoracn at
ILU I' it n Hot I. ( nquiro Icr Head laua-
WASTKO Juno Itt , lady auttant book-
korpo' ftil irpylst. Youn. imn to tike
h rf--.f iet f ui.oks. J. Ii HHITII ,
5 o- , ; 1510 iMugliB street.
WASTED Acirnpcten nuroet ) ta < .e charge
of ft b&by umlu mouth , old ana to sew.
Kuicrenceaicqalred. Call at lOW Otucjgobt.
640 185
W T o go d iMnlng rcoin Rnh at
Mctr po.lian hoiei. Wajis 115 per month.
.12' ) ' 'J
Gtrl , must be a good conk at
j8C ! Dodge at. 497-17)
fOO nvn wl h hurdbrarrts aid
WASTED Uudti to call at Uamb e'a 0. K. liar-
ir thop , aud bj com I ced tLai vrt line lour ol
he nmat artUUlu the cur. S , W. i-orner 12tb
ad Farnim ttn. f507-211
'ANTED--A 80'md cook nt the fmmelt
110U9J. Woman j.ralcrred. 512-21 §
! ED A peed competett clrl to which
WAN a < ca ill bepa'.i1 , N. W. corner 18 &
a > enpcrt St 418-tf
City or country ti take nice , llirht and
ileasintork at their own hoince ; S2 to $5 a day
aslly ati'l quiet ) mide ; vtorkientby mall ; no
can\03'In. ' ; ni timps for ronlv Plea > o ad-
r TT I'hlUdelphln , Pa. 392-171
ANTED A dining roomlrl ( at the Cre'gh
W ton houio. 315-tf
. Iy a ytucg man ol good habits
WANTP.r mulondu Ionpjflltion m icil cs-
ate otllce 'is cl rKorboox-k > c cr Well nrqualn-
ed with tre . . .us'.ne.s.ddicsj " 0. II , W. " Dee
Ece 540-235
DAVISH Boy , 17 yctta cf ace , would like a
ta tet a tltustlon ta a prlt.te family , ia
used to any kind of work. Imjulie tel H Tenth
trott , cigar store , ' 615-18S
AXTANTEIJ-SUratbn by young man. His
> V ben sccu.ionud to ottlcf uork or grocry
milnpis. Good r-foren o' shou. Address H.
Vhirton , Pos : Otllce , Omaha 5C5-171
TO exchnnge , a No. 1 farm In Ne
braska for a good res J me no 1 located In
he c'tj. ' REYNOLLS & HOTTER.
518 bt
"VXTANTKD Set cf butcher's booka to keep In
VY cxihinge fir meat. Addresi 1 , 2 3 , Bee
office. 602-18
ants to meet "C'
C 401-18 !
| 7\OK REN1 New hou.-e. Enquire of Ur
h Koddla , 25th itroet , between Davenport
and Chicago. 493-17b
riOU K"C\T One p'ca-act front room at 105
1 north ISth alreel. MJ--131
810 21 MAX.MFA'ER&PRO.
771011 RENT Seven elegant rooms , on Tclf h
J ; h'twecn Farnam and Dougl.s : Apply at
Uttropo'itin hotel. 627 IS
0 517-21 MAX MEYER & II' O.
I OK HtNT A n c ly furnlthed room. 1621
F Capitol avi 531-175
U NT Elegant furnlfherl fr nt room ,
FOll Uod e street , McCorxIck bl tk.
JD gen l.iiun IOIU Farnam S . 47C 175
IjiOR RENT A home of 8 < > in rocm' , t'est loX -
X ; ca Ion la th e y Inquire nt ih Wet'ern
Cornice \Voikf , D ug'fw itrjit , bctwein llth
and 12th. B"8-17
Oll KBST Houtc 1 h fl\e roorua , good re
pair , nlco j anl Kent * .5 perruo Ih.
&OI-2I JOHN W. BELL , Druggia .
KENT Hi senlthln two blcck * cf Post
FOR 11 rooms , 7 cloettn bah loom good
w.ter. Mu ( bu reatod tals weekMrCAGUE
437.19 fppoelte Post otrce ,
TTiOirREVT A tlcel ) furnisied room. A
X' table boarders wanted , Dodge a id 22d trie
4BC-19 *
FOR RENT Corner ol ICthandDir-
STJRK . Inquire 1010 Liaxenport btr et
1710R KENT Kurnlthcd rcom 1002 Farnam.
-1C5.1S §
A front patlor biautlfu'ly fur.
FORREST 1 or 2 gentlemen at 1013 Do-lpe St ,
17\OR \ HrN 11 ttor house f rooms noitheasl
Jj torner 18th and Cluik. KnqulraofWm Klcr' '
atcad at DE * KV A : STONE. 4712w
] KENT Pleisant furnUhcd room will
IQK 1 . Modern Ira j roemcnts 1718 Dodge ,
158 17S
VT ICKLV Furnished room to rent , 117 S. 17tr
N St. 1M-1TJ
- six room house aid barr
FUKnVNT-dcol AMrS ,
411MI FirnimSt.
rTl LET Oneortuo rooms , with beard , ISO !
I latltomU street. 853 C
KENT One llano , one new organ ,
Kll tcrmi. Hope's Music Ilall.
SALE OR RENT Store rojm wjth ux
FOll ( 'Int-chra locitlon ( or grocerv and
druc store. Sooth 16th street , between llnrlhj
aDilDoro * * . Only 11,400. McCAOUE ,
-t OR RENT Two nlc large rtwelllnn. No , 1
H Inntloo. BEYNOLD3 Jb KOTrEB.
rooms and board .Modtrn con
t'BNISIir.O UnoilS Very acs'rablo Iccatlon
r P ck. - , opp. V. < 901-tf
ItENT Fine upr Kht piano , flno Kimball -
FOU urgan , 1519 Dodge street.
BM.H _ A. 110SPE. Jr.
FOR SALt _ _
S\t K Fancy oil cloth ( or china closets at
618-18 _ MAX MKYElt * CO
SALE I Oder thofurnl'ura nnd Itasc ot
Foil Ori' d Ocn'ral ' lloicl , nt I-'ebiaska < Ity ,
( r o. Brick building , irodero bui'd ' Forty-
eight r ems and i car > ntm ( ur I'ure. Al > In
flnl-c'tsso ' der with a rod triJe t'tib.l hod.
Forpirtlculirs i > pl > t"
K. SEYMOUH , 1'roprletor.
638 2J cbiatKa Cltj , XeB.
FOH SALE-1ho Flo cnce. " Fur-
HOTEL C' mnlit j. Th onlv hotel In the
olaco..j AdireM 11. L. Cl.rk , Stvlb , Klclnnlson
conttv , > cb. 51021 *
SALK-IIaU Interest In Mirkct ,
FOH south lOtn street. 609 17 *
Bronze Cxiurcsnd 100T sheets o ( water-
EINE pacer on a TO 1 for ro centa at
51D-18 MAX MKYUR & CO.
J70H S"iLE Twottory Irtmo 12 room h-use ,
f wLhc'9 ttsanicul at am cltv water Lot
4UM. Also 1 { n'orv ,1\ room house , c'cseta ' ,
ullar , cl torn un'l will 1,1-55x01. Ml Unsold
on t me payments. A rjro larifain
K. L MOUSE ti. CO.
475-18 IGiiCipltol A > e.
SALE 'hrte ( ra-ne bulMlnit rn west side
EOU 12th street , aHJoln'nj the nor'hwcst cor
ner o ( Douglas , on lot 8 , blick 1 3 Bid * will oe
received at the Merchants' Nallonil Hank until
Mar 17th. SAMUEL E. KOGEU .
SALE 7 room home and barn , two lull
FOR nlry ! lmi > ro\eil Flno location , South
Omaha. 3000. AMES ,
335-lmj 1500 Fainam.
17011 SALE New cottige and Four lots on Park
? avenue only $2600 , small cah eaym nt , bal
nce equal annual payments ftt eight per cent.
McCAOUE , opposite P. 0. 350-tl
OH SALE-I'haoton , leather top , Simpson's
F iuao , wlllteat tnreo , * 12
624-18 MAX MEYEK & CO.
TTlOIl SALE Two acres on louth Thirteenth
JP streo' , Bood bou'o HCVCII icouis , bain , clstcri
300 btailrg , ripo\inc8 i > nd lar c amount of fruit
ot all kind , t argalu J25CO McCAGUE , opposite
Post Olllco 31'J II
EUr use und lot , G rooms , good CIS
tern , ru.-bulldingH , ptc. . largo lot , near town
$2,200. . REYNOLDS Ji 4101TEU.
SALE Kin ball uurlcht pi are , SI35 , e sy
EOR . (520-U ( ) MAX MEY KKA. HftO.
ITiOR 6'ALE A Crit cUca decond h nd phieton
1 * Call at 131'JUarueySt. 807-M \
lOH SALD Flax mill machinery confuting ot
_ bfoke , 2 du t0'8 , beater , picker , press , ic.
Can work elhcr r tied or preen , alfoshalt-
Inp , imllleijuiid biltliii ? lor clrivltir thetbo e ,
al o ono Sijjl , . engine with ba'ler ' , smoko-
ttirk ml.Vidx urei corp'ctj. AiWre WILIi-
IAM TAIT CliMlca Cltv Iowa. 205-SmI
rOU-AliF Water power Sil mill , Inquire
ot EJ Brajir , vavirlj.Noo , 34369
, OH SALE Old ncuspipcrs In Urge and small
qu > nllce4 ! kt thia othce. t (
OR SALE A good onjtn , little useil , for * 40 ,
F at (52221) ( ) JUX MEYER t BUO.
08 BALK OU KENT Vose Piano.
I 528-1 f C. J. CAN AN.
ElOKSALE-Phieton. II. Philips , 1207 arrntn.
Jj 193 Im
SALE On 24 nfr lot , mar town , J1.200.
of good brick , $3.M perThnura-ci it
PLENTV , i hlraneybrlcks .O-Jpertnousind.
Cistern brick $5.1/0 , lo clone busln < > 8- .
Olio tilo"k south of 15th and UilUvue road.
STOP ctgin , onh i > 0 , n mymenK nt
10 622-1S MAX MEYEK t BRO.
FoiugoodloU , ono hill mile from
FOHSALl . Cht p , ' } tcriuM.
178.1m H
flOR SALE A firft-i-la'BSecond hand tot > buif-
! gy. Call at 1310 liaincj street 3.17-t
'ILL lniy a Wlnc'sor ' urrlghr pluno at
CONHIACTOKS Wo liaie about 1000
TIO jaidsof ( Hit ( or tale , K A.II. D EsuBROut.
& 002I
ti < ! ' KiBiaurntit , Humphrey & Co. ,
BEL street , board ? 3 SO ptrverk.
TIONALIST , 498 Tenth street , between Farnam
and Ilaraey. Will , with the aid of guardian
spirits , obtain far any one a glance of th past
and present. nd nn certain conditions In the fu
ture. Doota and Shoes mada to order Pcifeol
Absolutely Pure.
TkU powder never yarle * . A mart * ! ol partly
irholeomeneM. Mor *
than the orplnarr klmds , and cannot b * told U
competition with the multltud * ol tow tut short
wtbrnt , alumor phonhat * powJ f Sold wUr U
can * . BOTH. DAUI * rwia Ca. , WftU-M.fei %