Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 17, 1883, Image 8

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The Daily
Thursday Morning , May 17 ,
Thi laylnff of the concrete on
street WAI completed latt night ns far as
the middle of the block In front of the
Mlllard , thU end being joined with the
block west of it at tha itreet car eroding.
The toiill five ton roller brought from the
eut iteamed its way up town In the after
noon and anchored alongside the big roller
la front of the Metropolitan. By the w < y
Contractor Grant Is putting In asphalt
gutters at the Mlllard and Hubermann
corners to let folk * see bow much they sur-
pain stone. lie does It at his own ex-
JuJgo McCrary ye torday afternoon
granted a temporary Injunction la the
case sjnt here from Denver , S , Q.
Charles , Ksq. , and Mr. Browu , of tn t
city , were hero to attend to the case ,
which Is brought to restrain the city au
thorities from collecting the sewer and
sidewalk taxes In the manner sought.
Judge McCrary will hear the case In Denver -
ver on the O'.h of Juno. In the district
court n jury was irapannolled in the K.
A. Allen bond cave j ait before court ad
Arrangements have been perfected for
the IctHS by the Union Pacific athletic iu-
Delation of the Kountzj grounds , on St.
Mary's avenue and Seventeenth strceto.
The grounds will be grided , and on Me
morial day , the 30th , will he formally
opened by a game with the St. Louis Black
There seems to bo no let up to the r ln.
After a beautiful day yesterday it elouclod
tip again In the evening and before mid
night a heavy rain storm set In which con
tinued until after midnight. It Is roughen
on the paving work and other enterprises
bout town.
The three deaf an 1 dumb boys who
recently ran awny from the Institute near
this city , hava been found and are once
more safely domiciled within Its wall ) .
They had RODO as far as Sarpy mills and
gone to work for a farmer Dear that place.
A couple of complaints were filed in
the pollcs court last evening by two colored
women. One charred her huiband with
threatening her Ufa and the other charged
a Council Bluff * coon with serving her In
an equally cruel manner ,
A team belonging to Henry Homan
ran away on Douglas street Is it evening ,
but went straight to the bar i and did no
Sheriff Miller , last evening , appointed
five deputies to attend and preserve order
t the driving park to-day.
Good Templarh' sociable Friday eve
ning' .
The remains of the late Jos. L.
Saars were forwarded to the east this af
Tbo remains of tbo late Wm , Hen-
nlngs , who died at the Insane hospital ,
came up from Lincoln yesterday , and are
at Undeitaker Jacob * ' rooms ,
t i *
Dr. Peabody has returned to his resi
dence , southwest corner Jonon and Four-
ternth streets , from the Mlllard hotel.
In the police court yesterday two men
were committed for Intoxication and ono
was discharged , A man arrested aa a sus
picious character was also discharged ,
The funeral of Wm. Hcnnlngs will
take place to-day at 2 p. m , from the
residence of his brother , Ilonry ilenuloga ,
on Seward itreet , betweeon King ami
Pier. Friends invited.
The weekly meeting of the Woman's
Christian T&nperanco Union will be held
in the Y. M:0. A. rooms at 3 p. m. to
day. It < Ii desired that all members
b present ,
The p tlt jury In the United States
court yesterday brought in a verdict of di -
agreement'In ' the MoVey couuterfeltlng
case , and be was again remandtd to jail ,
This probably will keep him In confiue
ment for another term at least ,
The two men arrested with a pleoo ol
cloth In their posieiilon supposed to have
been at3lencame before Judge Benekeyes
tcrday and one waa dlicharged , while the
cthir was tent up for ten daya on bread
and water as a vagrant.
Good Templari's sociable Friday eve
The Wynbam Optra Company , eight
teen memb npaised through yesterday en
route to San Francises , whefp they open
on Monday next , They come from the
London Theatre , London , England , am
are travelling In a special car. They came
from Chicago over the Milwaukee line ,
Magulre and Qalnlan , two of the boys
arrested by Officers Church nnd Armour
for Ueallog a bolt of silk from Williams
story , were brought before Judge Bonole
yesterday and held in default of $500
ball on the charge of grand larceny
O'Brien , whom it was attempted to re-
leaie ou a writ of habeas corpu * , will bi
heard this afternoon.
The McOaull Opera company , In
"The Queen' Lace Handkerchief , " a
Boyd's ' to-nlghtwill be the operatl
event of the season. Get your seats with
out delay , or yon will probably be unabl
to gain admission. The reierved seats fo
"Ktmeralda , " go oiiale to-day.
Tuesda/ Mrs , O'Brien , mother o
John O'Brien , onn of the alleged sill
thieves applied to Judge Cbadwick for i
'writ of habeas corpus , on the ground thn
no complaint had been filed and no exam !
nation bad. The court commented lovere
ly upon the Informal arrest and detention
of'prisoners , and continued the care .to 1
o'clock n. m. yesterday. In the abience o
District Attorney Godwin , Messri. Chan
and Will Iledlck appeared on behalf of th
state and the result was that O'Brien wa
held over , The writ of habeas corpus i
abuted as about as much as It Is made use
ful nowaday * ,
ARun on a Draff ( Store ,
Never was such a nub made 'for an
Drug Store as la now at C , F. Goodmnn
for a trial bottle of Dr. King's New DU
oovery for Consumption , Coughs ant
Coldi. All persona atlocled with Aithirm
Bronchitis , Hnaisenpsr , devere Congbs o
any affection of the Throat and Lungs , can
get a Trial Battle of this great rrroedy
( ret , by calllnu at the above Drug Store
Jlexular lire , $1.00.
Annual Meefc'ng ' of the Episco
pal OUrgy of tha
of Febraska ,
A Synopsis of tbo Addroes of
Bishop OJarkson.
The annual session of the Episcopal
Council of the dlocoBO of Nebraska
> cgan yesterday morning In the chapel
of Trinity cathedral , II1 . Hiv. Bishop
31arkson presiding.
At 8:30 : morning prayer was hold ,
ollowcd at 10:30 : by a sermon from
Hav. David Birr , of Nebraska Oily.
At noon the council organized , llav.
lames Patterson being ro-olectod secretary
rotary and W , V. Whltton assistant ,
lullan Motualf wan rolectod truou-
urer.Tho following clergymen composed
ho council.
Tbo Right I'.JV. Itobort Clarksoo , Utah-
ipj Alex. Allen , North 1'latto ; David
Jurr , Nebra-lca City ; II , 11. Burges * ,
I'lattstnonth ; M. Y. C/'arev , l-.illn City ;
lobert Dnherty , Omaha ; ! ' . 0. Jl'dred ' ,
Norfolk ! 0. L. J < 'ulfortb , Central Cltyj
iitrmtl ( toocisle , Columbus ; W. A.Greon ,
) maha ; Charlog Clark Harris , Lincoln ;
Wm. O. Hawkins , Lincoln ; Wm. K Ja-
cobi > , Mlalr ; Frank R. Mtlhpaugb , Oma-
ia ; ic. McNamnru , Lincoln ; Jnme Pat-
mor. Omaha ; Robert W. Oliver. J ) . I ) . ,
Jebuska City ; K. R Richardson , Crotf ;
j M.Schwnb , Grand Inland ; Henry U
Shiiv , Hantlnjs : A. T. Wbltten , Ktgar ;
Wm V. Wnitton , 1'lum Creek ; John
Yllllamt , Omiha.
The lay dolcgatoa present were as
olluws :
St. StephcnH parish , Ashland Richard
Christ church , Beatrlco-S. 0 Smith.
Grace church , Columbus Jamen R.
mlth , J , Uoucer Smith ,
Trinity Memorial , Crete George K ,
St , Jamei , Fremont J. 0. Bowen , A.
' , Hopkins.
St. Mark' * . Hhstlngt IT. M. Oliver ,
Holy Trinity , Lincoln-Gen. M. Mont-
ornery. M. H. Session * . Guy A. brown.
St. Mary' * , Nebraska City Julian Met
al f.
Oar Savior , North Platto-L. Walker.
Trinity , Omaha-J. M. Woolwortb , C.
, Montgomery.
St. Mark's , Omaha Hugh F. Clark , Dr.
. J. Bavlllo. KdwardClaric.
St , Luke' * , riattstnoatb R. Gallagher ,
f. 8. White.
St. Mary'f , Washington county J. J ,
Twenty-one delegates not represented by
ay delegates.
There are thirty-four parishes In the dio-
etc , twenty-three being entitled to repre-
entUlon , and thirteen of these were rep-
osented by lay delega eg.
The following standing committees
wi re announced by the bishop :
Committee on Incorporat onof Churchen
Rev. C. C. Harris , O. S. Montgomery , J
) . GOHR.
Fln nco-Rev. W. O. Hawkins , A. P.
lopkltiH , S. 0 Smith.
1'rivllcges Rav. John Williams , Rsv.
f. 0. Eldred , H. G. Cluft , M. Mont-
[ omery.
Legislation Rev. Y. R. Millftpaugh ,
tev. R. W. Oliver , D. D. , Rev. John Mo-
Samara , lUv. Samuel Hootlalo , and Messrs.
' . M , Woulwortb , M. H , SessloLB and J.
ChrUtlan KJucatlon llov. H , C , Shaw ,
lev. H. U. UurgoBB , Rov. M , F. Cody ,
G. A. Hrown , Robert Kittle , Janus R.
Church JMuoallon Rev. Robert Doherty -
erty , lUv , David B&rr. Phi In Potter ,
"norgo Y , Lob eh , J. It. Calfrath.
Inpeotor of Votes Clerical Rev. W. K ,
Jacobs , Dr. R , Gray.
Inspectors of Vote * Lay Rev. K , R
Richardson , D. J. J. Seville.
The bhnop delivered his annual ad
dress In the afternoon , which la un
avoidably crowded out of this Issue.
Buoklen's Arnica Salve.
The greatest medical wonder of the
world. Warranted to speedily cure lurn ,
Uralses , Cuts , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Kovor
Sores , Cancers , Pilea , Chilblains , Corns ,
Tetter , Chained Hands , and all skin erup
tions , guaranteed to cure In every instance ,
or money refunded , 25 ctnta per box.
For sale by 0 , Y. Goodman.
Too Uollander-DocKo Nuptials A
Pullman Auonfa Prize.
The church of St. Mary Magdalene ,
on Djoglas street , was tilled Tuesday
morning with a concourse of friends
who assembled to witness the nuptials
of Mr Joseph B. Mollander and Mies
Theresa Bocko , the ceremony being
In charge of Rav. Fr. Glauber , who
celebrated the high nuptial man.
Mr. Mollander Is the head clerk In
the wall known aud popular establish
rnont of Wllg & W eat berg and is i
young man of great promise and In
high favor with hU employes. Mlse
Bjoko Is an amlablo and accomplished
young lady , the daughter of Mrs.
Mary Booko , who resides on Pacific
After the ceremony at the church
the party repaired to the residence ol
the brido'a mother , nhero the day was
spent in festivities and In enjoying
the congratulations ot ft lends. In the
evening the happy pair were serenade t
by the young men's singing society ol
the church. Many elegant and valu
able presents were given them , ol
which the following is a partial list ;
Mrs. Bocke , bed room sat ; Mrs.
Manrotha , clock , silver jovrolry sot
Firm of NVIrg it Wnstborg , silver
water pitcher ; MUi Itoilcki , China
tea sot ; Mra. Anthes , clock ; Mr. nm
Mrs. Ilughos , a lovely China tea sot
Miss Kings , silver card receiver ; Mr
and Mrs , Williams , largo pair of vase
and a lovely cake basket ; Frank
Rosters , silver bcqnot holder ; Mrs
Svobodna , largo hanging lamp ; Mrs
Wagner , uloa Oh'na ' flour stand ; Mro
Baumolstor , set of silver knives nnd
forks and n pair of silver napkli
rings ; Mrs. Wcckback , silver butter
dish ; Mrs , Wrckback of Plattsmouth
bed spread ; Mils J. Thrllo , pair of
China brackets ; Miss Nellie Garvoy ,
pickle dish ; Mr , and Mrs. Girvor ,
silver sot of knivc ; Mlis Elz !
Ilyan , sot of silver knives ;
Wm. Nave , silver sot of knives ; Anna
Koator , silver toothpick holder ; Miss
Carolina Dostor , largo glass vase , pair
of gold fisher ; Mrs. B , Koator , table
cloth and half dozen napkins ; Mloaes
Mary and Liezle Koatcrs , largo baikat
of flowers ; Mlis Molly Kcstors , Inrpo
beautiful wedding card ; Mra , E
Kranser , set of towels and a broom ;
Miss Mary Gjlcok , tablecloth aud
butter dish ; Lawrence Christians , eet
silver teaspoons ; Mr , and Mrs , Kem-
meror , larpo footstool ; Mr , Fred Sobaf ,
big lamp , Mrs , Dr. Armstrong ; fancy
c ko stand ; Mra. Kollner , largo cake
( and ; Mrs. Mallandor , largo vnto ;
number of Inr 'o presents given by
mrtleB wishing their names not men-
Mr. 0. K. Ouloman , the Pullman
ickot agontat the Union Pacific trans-
or , and Misa Florence Whlttimoro ,
of thla city , were married Tuesday
nornlng , at the residence of Mr , A ,
Monh , the Rev Mr. Mlllspangh , cfli
latlng. They left on the Union Pclfio
noon train for Utah , and on tholr ro *
urn will visit In Colorado. They will
) o absoat two weeks.
The Western Union About to Swallow
tip tbo I ) . & M , Linos.
For some time past there have baen
rnmoro that the Western Union Tele
graph company wan about to make
urrangnmcntn by which the telegraph
Incn of the entire B. & M system
would p&ao under their control , and It
s now expected that the arrangement
rill bo parfoctcd about the firat cf
June ,
It eoorcn that this la In accordance
with the teruio of the contract entered
nto by which the Hannibal &St. Joe ,
iBiiH City & Council Bluftj aud 0. ,
i. > t Q are to paea under ono inuti-
The Western Union already con-
rolled the lines of the A , & N. aud
Nebraska Midland , but those of the
oat of the B. & M , were controlled
y that corporation , tholr tflhc'B in
hie city belDg at the corner cf Far-
am and Thirteenth and thn Woatorn
Jnton ( ill30. This required the koep-
ng of two tots of books and a largo
mount of labor In repeating mess
ages , etc ,
The now deal will do away with all
tile and thus bo of great benefit to the
wo It will also be a ben-
fit to their patrons , both In Increas *
ng the faci.liiia for business and In
eesenirg the rules , both hues now
barging local rntoa. Whllo the
hanco would give a much lower
hrough rate to all.
It weald also add at least 1,000
mlleo If not moro to the linca now
antrollod by the Western Union.
A Bold Attack and an Ignominious
A conplo of wonld-bo "mashers"
were learned a wholesomelcaaon Mon-
ay night by the husband of the lady
> y whom thulrheads had boon tamed ,
nd they will , It Is safe to say , not ro-
loat tholr foolish broak.
The gentleman and his wife reside
on lower Barney street , and have
> eon In the city but a abort timo. O.i
ho evening In question , after the
msband had gene to attend to hia
juilnosj , two men were noticed
lkluR up and down In front of the
louse and evidently trying to strike
up an acquaintance. They kept up
tholr monkey chinos nntll they be
came seriously annoying , and the lady
inally watched her opportunity and
wont up town , Informing her hnaband
of what was going on. IIo returned
with her , and telling her If tho. men
came back to Invite them In , he took a
station In auothor room and quietly
awaited developments.
The dudea soon returned and
rosnmod tholr play , and the
ady opening the door , they
walked In , took aoata and bogaa con
versing with hor.
In a few momenta the husband
dropped In on thorn like a thunderbolt
and demanded in an Imperative voice
what in and they were
doing thorp. Tholr kneoa shook and
; hc > lr tooth chattered aa ttiby re
sponded that they merely came to
"Did yon Invite them here ? " ho
said to his wlfo
"No , " waa the response.
At thla the husbind tnado a grand
nngo for the bed room aa if to got his
revolver and the visitors not waiting
, o see the result made a general
scramble to got out of the house , fall-
ng over the chalra and making aa
much of a racket aa a bull In a china
They disappeared around the corner
at a 2:9 : gait and have not uluoo boon
Files , roaches , ants , bed bugs , rats ,
mice , gophers , chipmunks , cleared oat
by "llouch on llsto. " 15j.
If you are not mirrled , write the
Marriage Fund Mutnal Tnmt Avaoolatlon ,
L'edar Kaplds. Iowa , for circulars explain
ing the plan.
Brownell Ball.
A largo number of ladles and gen
tlemen of the city gathered In the
school room at Brownoll II all Tues
day to wltnosa the charming on
tort&lnmont given by the advanced
class of young Indies , which waa com
posed of vccal and piano selections ,
essays , &o. , and closed with the laugh
able play : "Place aux Djmict ; or the
Ladles Speak at List. "
The following la the programme aa
elvon :
Piano solo . MM * Summer
I'll no solo . Mian Hoover
Vocalsolo ( KcHtacy ) . MM | Kme
Kssay Invalid ! y . Ml s Thomas
F.nay-Di ting . Mist Kelley
Katay Llle'i Lemons . Mlt s Coupcr
Ksiay A Literary Bioalc.
ta t . MissMetealfo
1 Plare aux Dames ; or , Tbo Lidiea Speak
at Laat. " Dramatis Perorio
Juliet . M ! < Creraer
Portia. , . Mi 8 Thomas
Ophelia . Miss Vin Antwerp
Lady Macbeth . Mlsa Abbott
Etch aud every performance la
worthy of special mention , which , wo
regret , our limited ftpaoo does not
admit of ,
The performance waa given under
the supervision of Mlsa Franklin , who
deserves the thanka and congratula
tlons of all ,
Would not be without HeddluK's
Salve , U the verdict of all who uie it
Price 25c.
Made from thn wild ihwori of th
It la the inojt fravraut of perfume
Manufactured by II. B. Slaren , ban
Francisco , .for sale In Omaha by W ,
J , Whltohouso and Keuunrd Bros
A Woman MM and Aban
doned by Her Paramour ,
3ho Loeoa Her Reason and
MyetoriouHly Dloappeara.
tunt Bho Has Com
mitted Suicide.
Quito a sonsallonal case baa do *
voloped Itaolf within the past few
dsyn , and It In passible that a rnrro
startling finale imy vifid the whole
matter op.
The details as given the reporter
show that Mary Dodon , n midwife
who formerly practiced In Chicago
and St. Louis , bucimo acquainted nt
the former place with one Ignaeo Do-
bracky , allai Frank Krai. Ho had
lft one wlfo In Ujhernla and has
another In Chicago , but hia fidelity
waa not above proof , end bo teen
formed an Intimacy with Mary
Dodon and cvno with her to Ojiaha ,
where they lived together as man
nnd wlfo , opening a flhoo atoro on
Tbtrtoenth ( street.
Oil the O.h of May Dobraeky do-
aortod the woman and took with him
J56G of her money , six gold rings ,
idur watch chains , two mlver watches
and two tiik nhawla , of the value of
? iCO , After his departure the woman
found a note wrltteu by him before
inq which ho threatened dlro pun-
lishment if she made him nny trouble
or repotted him to the authorities.
Notwithstanding this oho went
to the jnllco court to file
a complaint , but is she
stuck to tt she was hia wife , no charge
of larceny could be admitted. Thus
a day and a half was lost , at the end of
which time she came back and ac
knowledged that they wore not mar
ried and filed her complaint. Upon
; hls telegrams were sent oat both to
; ho east and west describing the man
and aiklng that he bo nrrostod If seen
bat ap to thit time no clno has been
discovered as to his whereabouts .
Tasac'ay she wont to a neighbor
and handed him the keys of the store ,
at the same time begging his forgive
ness In an incoherent mancer and for
something entirely Imaginary. She
acted BO strangely as to leave no doubt
that she had lost her mental balance
by reason of her trouble , and she left
the neighbor considerably mystified.
Slnca tnat she has not been seen by
anyone in the city , and her mysteri
ous disappearance has caused much
conjecture. It Is possible she
uiay have wandered off In
search of the man who
so cruelly robbed and loft her , or , on
the other hand , she may have sought
rest In the muddy watois of the Mia-
Honrl. In fact her conduct at police
court and elsewhere lead to the Inevit
able conclusion that she waa clean
daft and sniolde la the most probable
theory for her disappearance.
The neighbor to whom oho handed
over the keys has meantime taken
charge of the personal property ,
furniture , etc. , and will look after
them for the present.
The Panel Drawn by Sheriff Miller
? eateraay.
The grand and petit jurors for the
Juno term of the district court were
drawn yesterday.
Instead cf eighteen names being selected
lectod far the petit jury , aa was f jrm
orly tha caie , thorj were thirty-six
drawn , as there will bj ttio district
conrtr , ono presided over by Judge
Novlllu and the other by Judge
The docket is not yet printed , bat
promises to be aa large aa usual.
Tnojurora drawn were aa follows :
Ilonry Lehman , Henry F. Burke ,
Joseph ( iranaoher , A , 13. Hubermann ,
Martin Cab.n , J. O. Slatter.
Mosea Groer , John Mtrott ,
Horuuun Kuuntio , .1. M. Williams ,
0. ( J. Tbraue , K , Uallow ,
Ed , 11. Walker , Joiepii II aline r ,
Otto L Dge , David Cole ,
rrriT JUBT ,
W. L. MeOasjue , 0. K. Burke ,
Oontad Struebel , Richard Kitcbin ,
A , iv , Kear , Martin Grace ,
Gust. Andreen , William 1'rcston ,
Milton likrlow , Max Uieebt ,
A. Uaumeiiter. John Tremble ,
Robert DInidale , Jamea 0. Bates ,
U. N. Doty , ThomaifKogers ,
3. A. Urch rd , Charles HaoUy ,
Henry Krutc , W. H , Lawton ,
John Qulnn , llobert Twaddell ,
Mark llansen , James Connelly ,
George L. Kedman , U. P. Angell ,
John O. Myers , M. A , MoNamara ,
Charles A Kvans , Samuel H Johnson ,
Alexander L'oUck Augustus Pratt ,
John Drexel. Fred Btabrei ,
D. W. Sbull , F. D. Kent.
Good health la the greatest of for
tunes ; no remedy haa ao often restored
this prize to the sciTjrlng , aa Hood'a
Saraaparllla. Try it.
A couple who lived at Dundee ,
Fell overboard Into the sea ,
They were stiff as a post
When they reached the coast ,
Bat St. Jacoba OH cured ho and she.
Estate Tranefora.
The following deeds were filed for
record In the county clerk's oflico
May 1C , ' reported for THE BKC by
Ames' real estate agency :
W. W. Lowe and wlto to Chas ,
Tumor , w. d. , lot 3 , block 153
W. Fleming and wlfj to E. J.
Br'ga ' , w. d. , lot 5 , Oak Knoll add.
J. T. Baldwin and wlfo to F.
Streltz , w. d. , lot , block 469 ,
Grandvlew $25.
J. Q. Mogoath and wlfo to G. W.
Holdrldpo , w. d. , 2 ] iu a. w. ] of
28 , 15-55,000.
U. Springer and husband to city ol
Omnha , w. d. , part lots 10 and 11 ,
l rk place00. .
U. Springer and husband to J ,
Kekpr , w. d. , part lot 11 , Park Place ,
V , Springer and huibnnd to J ,
Gofcler , w. d. , part lot 10 , Park Place ,
U , Springer and husband to G ,
WachUor , w. d , part lot 11 , Park
1'lsco , $125.
U. Springer ftndhu Hr udto F. Ban-
mer , w. d. , part lot 11 , Park Place ,
F. Murphy to W. Borwlok , q. c. d. ,
ot 8 , Nelson' * addition , $1.
T Held to W. Borirlck , w. d , lot
80 , Nelson's addition , $525.
\V. Snyder and wife to M. Rogers ,
w. d. . part lot 7 , block 124. $1,100.
E. V. Smith and wlfo to F. Hob-
bin * , lot 7 , block 3 , Smith's add. ,
11. H thold to W. W. LDWO , w. d. ,
part lot 4 block 153 , $1,500.
J O M-j rath and wife o M. J.
Mlchiol , w. d.lots 48 , 40 , 51) ) and
"D , Burr Oik , $1,000.
A Heavy New York Firm ComlnR to
A gentleman who IB well pasted iu
the bntlncss movements cf our giorc-
ng city last cvtnlng Informed THE
UKB reporter tlmt O.nnhrv wno about
to make the ocqu'eltlon of a now dry
joods firm who would come well
uked and put In an establishment iu
keeping with the importance cf the
For oovoral daya past Mr. Mayors ,
Of the firm of H. O. Smith & Co. ,
Olcan , Now York , haa been In the
city , looking over the ground with u
view to locating here. Ho had pre
viously visited St. Paul , Kansas City
end other western towns bat saw
lathing that exactly suited him antil
10 arrived at Omaha ,
Iu this growing and prosperous city
10 resolved to pitch hia tent and will
return homo and report accordingly.
lo made arrangements to rent the
now block on Douglas , batwoen Fif-
couth and Sixteenth streets , now be-
og erected by Mr. Frank Smith ,
which will furnish a store room 44 by
130 feet in size.
The firm la rated in Bradstroot's
gency at $200,000 and la probably
forth double that sum They carry a
stock In Olean worth $70GOO and will
remove It all to thla plaoo aa soon as
the now building la completed.
Mr. Moyora will return in a few
daya to perfect arrangements ,
Phyalclana prescribe Brown'a Iron
Bitters for Indigestion , weakneaa , low
spirits , etc.
We notice the Marriage Fund Mutual
Trust Association , of Cedar Rapid * ,
[ owa , highly ipoken of by the leading
capers. You ibould secure a certificate
at once. Wtite for circulars anil appli
Funeral of Joseph L. Heart ) .
The funeral services of the late
Joseph L. Scara took place yesterday
afternoon , at the residence of Hon.
A. J. Popploton , being conducted by
[ lav. A , F. Shcrrill , of the Cjngrega-
.lonal church.
The attendance was quitp large and
evinced tha esteem In whioh the do
omed was hold by all who know him.
Immediately after the ncrvlcca the
remains were convt yad to the depot ,
followed by a number of friends , and
were taken eastbj cx rass for Inter
The following werotlo pall bearorn :
L. M. Rheom. E L Armstrong , W.
H. Hayes , R. 0. Hiyes , Onarles
Moore and S. D. Birknlow.
The best modlclno of the ago for
ulckly ourlnir Indigestion , nervous-
ess , etc. , is Brown'n Iron Bitters.
A. F. & A. M.
Ihero will bo a special communica
tion of St. John's Lodge No. 25 ,
thla ( Thursday ) evening for work
In the M M. degree. Visiting breth
ren are fraternally invited
JAMES B. BUUNF.R , Master.
Everybody la nalng and everybody
Is recommending to everybody'a
friends , Brown'a Iron Bitters aa a reliable
liable Iron medicine , a trno tonic.
A Card ot Thanka.
To the superintendent and employ
oea of the 0. , St. P. & M. R. R. , the
brotherhood cf locomotive firemen and
frlenda who rendered their kind assls
tanoe during our recent bareavoment ,
in the sudden and unexpected death
of our brother , Jerome I. Getty , wo
extend many thanks. My you bo
spared the same experience.
STANTON Gerry , ' ,
Loss of Appetite , Bowels costive.
Pniij In the Koad , with a dull son-
f.ition In the baolt part , Pain under
the Shoulder blade , fullness after
eating , with a disinclination to ex
ertion of body or mind , Irritability
of temper , Low splritsVwith a feef-
insr of havintr neglected somaduty ,
Weariness , Dizziness , Fluttering at
the heart , Dots before the eyes , Yel
low Skin , Headache generally over
the right eye. Restlessness , with flt-
rul dreams , liighly colored Urine ,
TUTT'S IMJjI S are csi > eclally
ilniKnl to MI rh rases , one iluse cf-
fccU such n clmime o/fecliiin as to
uitnnUli the cullerrr.
.llii-yliicrrnsetlieAiinetUe nrtcanss
liob-Mly to Take ou I'Uesli , thus thosj
( ( in Is itourUlirtl , and bv their Tonlo
Actloii on the l > lKc tlve OrKnim , llrit-
ulnr Stool ; nro produe-oo. l-rli o SScuuu.
. _ : t.l Mun-uv St. . IV. Y.
OIUT HAIR on Winsicrtis chantrn to a OLOSSY
ItUiCK liy n slnulo uppllcatlon or tbU Di K. It
Imparlsanntiirnlctilur Actslnntantniii-mj
m.-eliit of ysi ! i.iW > ° r * UUt Ly " 'ri' ' " ' ° n
OFFICK , : iri SI'TJUHAV ST. , jv. v.
' 1
( MT8PEOIAL8 wll , POSITIVELY not beln
serted unless paid In advance.
MONEY TJ LOAN The Om h Mlmrs bank
l now prtpued tom\ke loins 03 Omaha
city or Touitlas county rcil e-t e at c'lrrrnt
rattso Interest. Nn ( .cmin'mton ft 'B d. Ctf
MUVEY TO LOAN'-C11 at Ltwofflco of D. L.
ThomM , roam B , Crclghtr-n Block.
r\ONhYToLOAN Ixinwt llatci of In
1 I tf ret' , Bcuil,1 Loan Agency ,
ONIY LOANt I-On chattelmarte uroom
7 Un'.on Block , icmor 15thind Farnain Sly.
l 0-Imci
Infants and Children
Without Movphtno or Nnrcotino.
Vrtmt Klvct our Children rosy checks ,
H hat cures their fevers , malfcR tliem lOr
"TU rintorl
When Ilublefl fret , nnd en" by tnrni ,
What cures their colic , kills their wonns.
Hut Cmtoriii.
What quickly cures fotntlpatlon ,
Sour Stomach , Colds , Indication :
Hut CiMlorlu.
run-well then to Jlorphlno Svnip' ,
Ciiitor OU und Paregoric , null
Centaur Linimop < , . - Anufc-
solute euro for R , h o u iu n. t i it m ,
Sprnina , Bnrjii , Gnlli , Ao. : , tujil nn
An excellent Tonic nml Appe
tizer of cxiin | ltpflavor n eil the
whole orld m i r. Cnre't Dyrpep-
fln , N'tT iiu nfM" , llcudncho Do
Milt } , FrMrmul Ague , IHnrrli'i'u
nml all Ul inlcrttof tin ) li ) e tl\tt
Organs. It iniixirts n cklii'ldii- *
flANur to a pin * * of clininim nt * .
K'inonadc , twin , nnd all ililnkx.
Try It. The uenulno Angostura
Ditters li ni'i'lu ' ) > y Dr. VI. ( I. II.
hlKOKHT A. So\i , Sold by nil Unlit
Kl'tp , ( Irocein nnd Ltijuur iJi'nk i s
J. W. WUPPERMAN , Solo Agent
51 Broadwax , N , Y
M ONKY Loaned on chattel prorcrty by J.
T Beatty , No 21S Ecuth 14tb street
VI ONKY TO LOAN-At 8 per cent. Shrlver'i
J > RotlEaUto and Loan Agency , oppotlte
post office 787-tl
Two men to worli In garden.
U. J SSIIi'tr ,
5200) ) North Sheiman Ave.
WASTED Fir < t clwi ferrale cook , best ol
waffci tootewho ihcrftiphly unflc-ntandj
her 1 mines * . Apply Idl7 Capitol ave. 528-16 !
RANTED Five carpen'era one caHnct
W ' ir Ve' , cue p Inte'tii't a boy to learn tradr.
520-ltt W. EvrniTT , 1V06 D.-dgeSt.
ANTED Dining roam girl at 1618 Dodge
W ANTKD THO go.d'tnlng re cm guh at
> letr poitan hotel. Wages j5 per month.
S2C 22
WANTED Got d housekeeper. Arii'y from
8tollto-diy 11 MANNWEILKH ,
5U-1GI llth st. near
A Gerin. nboy to work In rtsta'j
WANTED App'y to Henry Coops , 2 6 1 th
et. , bcUecn Farnam and Uouglaa. 503-16
WANTED Old , must be a good cook ai
1810 Uoage St. 497-17 $
. ' 00 rain wllh liardbtards asd
WANTKO tian to ca'l at Gamb esO K. liar-
htr bbop , atil b ) con\l ceil ttai wt lnvp ( our ol
the tarns' urtl-tsln ths city. S , H. irirner lith
aid Fatnam H. fT > 07-21i |
'ANTED' 'A se-ind coo't at the Fmmett
HOUSJ. Woman pra erred. 51'2-21 §
"ITI/'AN ED A g'od b rber at the C'h'c o
VV H-rber Fhop. Henry Woods , p ppr etor ,
Columbuti , eb. Steady job * nt looJ wages ,
No SundM walk. For tmitleulars t qulio ot K.
L. Morte & Co. , 1G22 Capltcl avenue , Oir.lia ,
Neb. 511 1C }
WANTED Competent girl for COD' rat horse-
VV work . 23d and kt. Htiv'o nvennp
- Urstdass ceok. Must baa
WAMTED-A - Wages B 00 per vecd
Apply at II. T. Patilck , fcajnderu strict , near
Grace. 483-ltt
W ANIED-Aglrl to do saconl wjik. M A
Mcnatcar > , C14 S.17h st. 411116
WANTED Mldd'e aged wcmaji t'do light
hiuio-worlt. Wa Of $1 , p.r neek , Aip
at 912 Daug taa rcct. 4G4 10
WANTED A good competent girl to which
good wa < es will be pa'i' , N. W. corner 18 k
St. (
Davenport -143-t
lhre or inur Inn rovou larn Tr
WANTED - , l o Wdil Improved test
dene i uroiHj ty in c ty. K L. HOUSE & CO ,
mlO-lw 16-22 Cipltol Aye ,
City or country ti take nice , light ant
plcasint uor * at their c wo homes ; $2 to $5adaj
eaj'Iy ' and quiet v mide ; work teut by mall ; ro
can > a3 ln < ; m ttamps for rorlv Plea e ad
er IT Philadelphia , Pa. 392-171
w ANTED-A dining room girl at the Crelgh
ton hou e. 315 tf
DANISH Boy , 17 years ot are , would like a
A to ret a situation In a private family , is
mod to any kind of work. Inqulie (01 8 Ttn'h
sirc t , cigar store , ' 6I5-1SI
W ANTKD-Klti athn by ycung man Hts
le n > ccu-lomid to orHce wo/k or grocery
lm > lne.s Good rifcnnro * lihcn. Addrem II.
\Vhuton , PostOtllcc , Omaha. 5.5 l"t
WANIED-Sl'ua'.lon In a small 'aml'y by a
German girl Inquire at UG N. 13th Si.
To rent , two hoiisoJ by JunalBt ,
WANTED coitige of bi t 5 rooms , and
ono Urge h use of about 8 or 9 rrom * Lar e
housj 10 be l trn 5 block ) cf fO otllce. Al-
dress'T "Ciooaice.
ANTKD Set if butcher's books to kep In
W for meat Addreui 1 , 2 U , lloo
vOlce. W.M8
-F r g-nfemin nd wlo ( urilshed
room and board. Ont l lo : tlou. Ad
dress R. 0 Ci'hier * otB B t' . P. R ) . Co. 477-161
aots to meet "C1
C 4GI-1S }
KENT < > c\en elcf ant rooms , on T ilt h
FOH K < rn m ud Dougl s : Apply at
ilitropolitan totel. 6-7 18
0 .il MAX I1EYER & 0.
' furnished . 1621
IOR IlENT-A n'csly rnom. _
F Capitol ave. 531-17t
furnlthed fr nt room
1710R IlfNT-J-Elegant ,
J ; U10 Dod e street , JlcCorilck blrck.
T7011 REST Xew houte. Enijulre ot Mr
1 } ' Hoidl-i , UJlh rtreet , bttwetn Ditenpjrt
slid Chlcajo. - > M 18
IIOOMS TO KENT Sultab'o for
gen leinin 1019 Farnam St. 470 171
Ti > 01l KENT A hoiuo o ( aivtn rocm > , brat loP -
P ci Ion Iu the dty Iciiulre at tht Weitcrn
Cornice WoiKi , D ug'as ' itr tt , between llth
and 12th. 5 8-17
f0ll KENT Home with five rooms , good re >
L ( pair , nice jard. Ilent * J5 per moilh.
MI-21 JOHN W. DELL , Druggist.
T0a UE'JT Huidiomely furoUhed roorrs
P bilck hau e , bay window. Ilent low , 1C15
Ch'eigo ttiett. 79-lCt
I7\OllIIENr \ II ) ss within two blccks cf Post
J } ilticu,7 doit's bah lom good
45,7.19 , rppoiilto Post off ei.
Hi. > T Aplt fanilrontroom b aid
Fit S.utdiri itrie'.on street or line.
KENT Arlctl ) liirnls tdraom.
table hntJcrs , 'lVcd/euaTi | ffld str.eL
CJTORtt KOIl KFNT Corner of ICthsnilDir.
J ( nroit. Inqu're ' 1010 Dnenrort ttr ct
neil HUNT FumUhcd room 1002
4CS-1& }
FOHllEST A ( rent pailor beaullfii ly fur
nished to 1 or 2 gentlemen at 1G13 Do < tc St.
Hi N 1) ) story1 house 0 rooms roithctst
Foil ISth and Cmik. Enquire of Wm Kkr-
stcalatDKAEVXSTONE. 474 2w
HKNT-l'leuant ( uinUhcd room with
FOK . Modern lmj rovementu 1718 Ikxlgt ,
f ICELY Furnished room to rent , H7 9.17th
I St. 150 175
Oool six room haute mJ bare
1'oclDo St. } JO. AMS ,
419-tt K.rn m St.
Fen KKNT Twout.furnlaht < l ron-rs t 1013
Harncv street. W. MERUILU
lt\J ( LKT One or two nonis , with b'.nnl 1803
JL ( .a Koiiili etrett. 851-0
FOH ItKNT Oco 1'lano , one new crgin , rtns *
oi.nli'e tntmi. IlopoV iluelc Han. 3JO-lm
UUNT-Rinre ro in wth | fix-
1 turts Mr t clifH loc tlon ( or grocery > nd
druiritoro Soirh 10th st cct , bet o n Mnrtba
and Porca . OnlyJ,4CO. McOAOUE ,
235-tf Orp. Potiollice.
neil HUNT Two nlro larRO rl rlllns , No. 1
I1 Ircatlon. hLTMUDS A MOTfEll.
I7WK KKMT Hou'oii and lota at tihrUcraml
L1 Boll's. Kent Iluroau , opposite- Post otllco ,
TIUKKISIIUI ) rooms oni boat J. Modern con *
> ctileue , 1810 Ooilcos'roit. loco'rat
. . - Very dcs rablo bcatlon
i1 l'--ck. real estatn. npp. P. O. 001-tf
FOK 11ENT Flno upr'ght ' plino , line Klin-
ball , 1519 LoJge ) rtrcot.
8M-I A. HOSPK , Jr.
F IOIl S AtK Fancy cf cloth ( r chin. , closets at
018-18 IIAX MF.YEU & CO
, FOR SVLE-1hs Flo cncc. " Kur-
HOTEL c'mnlitj. Th- only hotel in the
Dlaco. .AU.Ires9 11. K.Clark , Stclb , Rldiarrison
co.ii.ty , eb. 51021 *
F IOIl SALE-Halt interest in M.-at M.rtct ,
918 eoutb lOtb street. 6W 17 *
SAI E Fr sh milch caw II. A.
FOR , 614 S 17th street. 40516
IloK Bronze flxiurcfl scillOoO sheets ot water-
closet paper ( or 10 cents at
519-18 M i.l HBYB1 & CO.
P OK SALE Twoitory frame 12 room Iriue ,
wilh c'aiilsand cclar am cltv water. Uil
4lx6G. Also 1) ) e'ory ilx room IICUSP , c'esoto.
cellar , cl tein and will. Lv 55x03. H Id ba sold
on t me paj uunts. A ore bargain
OH SLK hrto fra nc bolHine rn"c7t Mile
of 12. h street , a-fjoln'nr Ihe nor'hvtcst cor-
ttrcf Douglas , on lot 8 blickl 3 Bid i v , ill no
rrcelvrd at the Merchants' * n'lonil I'ank ' until' '
Mav 17th. SAMUEL E. 1100EH 1.
7 room hou o and barn , twi lull
lots ni'ely Improveil Fine location , Scutb
Omaha. ( fiOOO. MES ,
353-lmi 1500 Fainatn.
jttafreand Four lots on Park
F averu * only J2SOO , ( inftll c h vaym nt , b lance l-
ance iquil annutl paymeuts at elgst per ceot.
JIcCAOUK , f pposlte P. O. 330-tf
FOH SALE-l'hae'on , leather top , Simpson' *
mavc , will icat thren. Mr 412'
625-18 MA\ML\tH CO.
1.1011 SALE T o acr.'S on u'h Thirteenth
I1 siree * , EOOI ! hou o seven looms , ba > n , tin ern
2'0hcaii''g , rape xincs ml larKC amount ofliult
Ol all kind , iatgaln J.5CO MtCAOUE , opposite
PoatOinco. 3l9iJ
{ TtOU SALE-IIrusottn < let , C rrcnn , goods -
1 tern , cui-bulldingH , etc. . latgo lot , near town
in K r ALE Kin ball uorlirht plao , SI35 , o sjr
U jajments (520-18) ( ) Jl AX MEYKU& K.tO.
FOR cJALB A Bl 5 clmu iecond baud phaeton
Cult at 1.113 llarncy St. _ 3 > 7 > t
FOK SALE Flax mill machinery conjlstlnfot
biakc , 't duite-8 , beater , picker , pro ? ? , Ac.
Can worit eljjor r tted ot green st ck , aho shaft-
Inp , pulllei/and bcllliK ( or drlvlc tboabo'c ,
alooieMJI. I' , engine wlti bjtler , smoke-
t Cf i n 1 r/Kx urot co up cti. Addrev WILL
IAM Tir Chulos Cltv Iowa. 295-Stnl
F IOIl SALE Water power g-lst mill , Inquire
vl El. llr ; e , WavtrlyNeo , 312C5
17OH SALE Old ncwpipcra in lar e and small
- - - -kt this office. tl
FOR SALBi A Rjod or n , llttlo used , for IO ,
at (622 ( 11) ) 51IX JIEYEH & DUO.
OR 8ALS OU P.KNT Vcso Piano.
52S-K C. J. CANAN.
F OI' bALE-Phnton. II. . Fh lllps , 12C7 arrora.
11,3 la >
FOH SALE One 2J am lot , near town , * IOX > .
TjLF.Nrv of gojd brick , SS.BOperThousaic ; it
JL K'1.N. ' ( hlmncybrlcks87.0lperthou ( ajid ,
tlitcrn brick $5.00 , to clone buslnts' .
Cno Mark couth of 151.1 and BalLvue roaJ.
ST' P erg n , cnlt 9 0 , n payments , at
pO ISWi' Fourgo-dlots , one hilf mile ( ron.
2 p stollic . Cheup , ea'y terms.
178 lia
1710tt SALE A flnt-cla s second hind top bug-
JJ gy. Call at 1319 Uainey itreet , 337-tl
fl > 1 " ( \ WILL I uy a Windsor nrright piano at
3) ) 1 i)0 621'21 MAX MEYER & 11O.
mo CONrHACTOUS We ha\e a'mut 11)00 )
J. y tds of dlit for tale , K. ti II. D Eii
tKL > i"vro Ktslaurant , iliimphrey & Co
) 1115 Dodjre street , toard ? 35o p < r week. 1
TIONALIST , 498 Tenth street , between Farruxu
and llarncy. Will , with the aid of guardian
spirit ] , obtain ( or t.y one glance ol the put
and present , uid nn cut3ln conditions In thf fn-
ture. Roota and Shoes uoJe to ordci. Psifect
Absolutely Pure
This powder net er varies. A mar *
itrcniftbaml hole omcne g. Mo' e < , n
thin the orplnary kinds , and c ' - > ot b ' l01 ? ' j
competition with the muWot ' < " ! * ? ! nnlr ta
New York.