Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 17, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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IJnvo the Liugcst Stock and OaoioeBt Patterns of
Ever Brought to the Oity , and at
than ever offered in this vicinity ,
401 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
The following are the time ] of arrlral and de
parture of train ) from the loca depots. Tht
h * trains start from the Union Piflb depot
about ten minutes eirller than below stated ,
And arrlre at tha cepot about ton minutes later.
Tralna on p ol lines and H. 0 , mi on CMcaflo
time , a hall hour falter than local. Wabasb.
trails run on St. Loud lime , twenty ml'iutes
faster thai loca . U , r. and Lincoln trains run
on Council Bluffs time.
Depart. Arrive.
Atlantic Ext..5:20 : pm Pacific Ex.9:15 ) : am
Ex and Mall".9:25 : a in Ex and Mull" . . 6:55 : pm
D. Molntfl ac".7:16 : a m Doa Molnc9ftc.4:40 : p m
Depart. Arrhe.
Atlantic Ext..6:35 : p m I PaciBc Ext..0:20 : a m
Mail and Ex' . . 9:10 : am Mull and Kx'.7:00pm :
N. Y. Ex 6:20 : pin | Neb & KM Ex..8:10 : a m
Dcpait. Arrl > o.
Atlantic Ext..S:15ptn : PaclOc Ext..9:15 : am
UalUn < 4 Ex.9:20 : am Mall and ix.6:15pm :
Acaooi ( Sat..6:50 : p ra Accom. ( Mon..ll5 : p m
Depart. Arrive.
Mall and Ex. . . .955 am I Express B:35pru
Xxpntt. . < 8:25 : p a | Mall aid Ks..BtiSpn
union rAcmo ,
Dirait ArrlTe.
arlkid 2U.1130 a. m. CTCrl ndKx * 4:00 : p.Jm ,
Lincoln Ex. . 1130 a. . ItimrEx . . .a:00a.ra : ,
Denver Ex. . .7:00 : p. a. Local Ex. . . . ,0:30 : a. n.
Local Ex 7:25 : a.m. " Ex 9:05 : a. m ,
Kmlrrant..B20p. m. " Ex roO ; a. m.
Depart. Arrlre.
Uall and Ex. . 9:45 : a m I Mall and Ex. . 4:30 : p m
Cannon Ball. . 4M : p m | Cannon Ball..11:05 : a m
Depart. Arrive.
or Sioux Clty.7:65am : Fnn Sioux C'y.OM p m
or FortNlobrara. Frm Kort Niobrari ,
Nsb * 7:55am : Neb 'CSOprn
For St. Paul..7:10pm : From St. I'aul.-Hao a m
Leave Council BluUs. ArrUea Council BluHa.
tbll and Kx.-9viJ : a m I Mill ami Ex.'CM : pm
Atlantic Ex. .15:13 : p m | Atlantic Ex. . .19:10 : a m
Leavoa Omaha. Arrives at Omaha.
Hall and Ex.7l5 : a m I Paclflc Ex . 19:45 : a m
Atlantic Ex.3:40pm | : | Mall and Ex. . ' 7-25 pm
Except Sundays , j Except Saturdays. ( Except
Mondays. I Dally.
Council BluUs & Omaba Btroet B. B.
Leave Council Uluffa. Leave Omaha.
8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , 8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m ,
11 a m , 1 m , 2 p tn , 3 p 11 am , tpm , 2pm , 3p
m , 4 p m , B p m , 6 p m , ra , ! p m , 5 p m , 0 p m.
Street can run half hourly to the Union Paclflc
Depot. On Sunday the cars begin their trips at
B o clock a. tn. , and run regularly during the day
at 9,11. 2 4. f > and 6 o'clock , and run to city time !
Arrargrments hive been made for the
Loading in Chicago Daily
Of one or more cats nlth
Theie can w 11 come throuch to destination
wHhiut s'oppUi ; . Quick tlmelts theraby lisued
rieaaecrder ytu goods vl C. IJ. & li U. U.
A. B. WEST ,
Western Agents , Layfayetto , Indiana , Wf
Of all kinds.
The ceaterrItc-s arc Interchangeable and r-
rerslble. II prerents the counter from ru. nlng
orcr , requlrlcg no heel s Ifleners
Theaienry tat the c goods In Ihli town h
be'n placed at Philip Lang's
O htr * cannot procure incm.
Call andeiamlse a lull Imerf Trath'rand
1 Ctrdoe" Huboer Itjotl and Snrci with the lli-
Ten.bla Peel. 1'llIUe LANG ,
in2-3m Omaha , Neb.
A. J. sfkPSON.
UNandllllDoigeStreol ,
Otoe and Missouri Reservation
DRATMCR , Neb , April 30th , Ifc83. )
By the d rectlon o ! the Hon. KecrcUr of tb *
nUrlor , the U , S. Land Ottico at lleattlce , In
lha Stat ] of NebrMka , will ba opju on
Thursday , the 31st Day of May ,
1883 , at 10 o'clock ' , a , m.
For the purpose ot rccelrtrtr application to pur-
chiao the remainder i f the 1 .nils of the Otoo and
Missouri rescn atlon , In the states of Nebraska
and Kansas.
The lands will bo sold on' ) to perions who
shall w.thln throe month ) from the date of their
appllca'lons make a permanent settlement upen
tb same , and pach Application mu > t be ace 'rn-
panled by ai affldkVit IM txlleacj of good fait
n this rtspcct
The la'Us nlil b so d to the lilshc-t responsl
le bidder , at net loiB than the oppr.lsod Mluo ,
n SO acre tracts and DO one ) * tson will be nl-
oncd to purchuo mote than 160 acres , except In
asis of fractional cxco-s ( oantl.-uous thereto
here thecuney of towtship and section lines
oald not be ma o ti conform tn the boundary
ines of the resertatlon , lu * h ch 'V1J the cxc ss
iOt exceeding 40 acres , n ay be lulioJ to the ICO
The to ms of sale nro ai follows :
One quarter tn cash , t j become due and paya-
ilo at the explra * > on of three months from the
lite of filing application ; one quitter In one
ear ; one quarter In tw i jears ; ono quarter In
hire years fro u the date of sale , with Int'rest
t the nto of 5 per centum per annum ; but In ( f default In the first or casn pi ) ment , the
ur60n thus deftultlng sba'l forfeit absiluttly his
t ht to the trict for the purpose of which he his
No | ULI ! will be sold upon which Improve
mentu ale found belonging to Ind'ans ' as reported
iy the appraisers In their tchodiLe of tlitir ap
Tae sale will be subject to > pprOTal by the
Sicretary of the Interior , and will be continued
rom day to day at Beatrice , un'll the lands ar
llaposcd of.
A list o ! the lands , with the appraised value o :
_ ach tract , will be found on die at the district
and office at Beatrice.
II. W. PARKER Register ,
M9to31 W. II SOMKRH. Receiver.
Are acknowledged to be the
best by all who have put them
to a practical test.
Buck's Stove Go. ,
_ _
Milwaukee & St , Paul J
- -WITH-
3 Pullman'B Magnificent Sleeper
Fineat Dining Cars in the World
Or to any polntjbeyondi or
Take the BEST ROUTE , the
Ohlcago , Milwaukee&Sfc.PaulR' .
! rf Ticket office located In I'aitoi Hotel , at corn'
Faraam and Fourteenth streets and at U. P. D
pot and at MlllarJ Hotel , Omiha.
ty ee Time Table In another column.
F. A. NASH , General Arent.
0. H. FOOTK , Ticket Agent , Omaha.
OenfralUanager. OeniralPaas.AgM
OtnuUSurl. | AM'tOM > < tut. Ag <
Tlio Gathering of the State
Medical Soclet/ ,
The Flrat D iy Largely Spent
in Organizing imd Prepar
ing For Work.
In tccoidauco ith tbo nanonnca-
mont nlicudy lundo the IOWA S nta
Medical Sccloty opened its ossljn In
tlih city yoeturdny mornltg at the
Uoy&l Arcanum hall , Tbo vacant
store tielonr , and thu nuto-ronma of
the hall wcro ocouplod by rtgontj nlth
samploi of nil eorts of surgical nppll-
ancca and Icstrtimenta , now rouiodlos ,
etc. , making qulto a display , ovoti tea
a novlco not knowing the utility or
the delicate workings of nil the con
trivances. The great variety of
goods presented Is ovldeuced by the
fact that even a pntont gig , sup-
poeod to bo of especial use
to a doctor , win exhibited.
The following are the otlicors of
the society : Prratrlont , D. Ssofiold ,
Washington ; Firat Vion.Prosldont , S.
E. Robinson , Wo at. Union ; Seoond
Vico-I'rosldont , II. L Golz , Marshal ;
Secretary , J. F. Kennedy , Dos
Molnep ; Assistant Soorotary , D , Mo-
Oren , Council Bluffs ; Treasurer , G.
11. Skinner , Oodar Riplde : Trustees
to serve three years , Second District ,
A. J llobart , O.lnton ; Sixth District ,
J 0 Hlnsey , Ottunwa ; Eighth Dis-
trlot , J. D. Holmes , Audubon.
The standing committees of the
society arc :
Arrangements J. Williamson ,
chairman , Ottumvra ; D. McOron , J.
Worloy , U. G. Illstino , 0. W. Arohi-
Publication J. F. Kennedy , Dos
Molnea , chairman ; G. R. Skiuuur , E
H. Hazan , J. Williamson , J. M.
Necrology A. W. McOluro , Alt.
Pleasant , chairman ; W. D. Mlddlotou ,
0. 0. Bradley , J. W. Smith , Harriet
Oonnlff , S B. Thrall , J. T Bronuo-
man , J. M , Emmtrr , J. M. Knott.
Ethics T. J. Calawoll , Artel , chair-
mm ; A. M. Garpontor , W. 0. Sohultzo ,
J. W. Gnstlne , E. W. Clark.
Microscopy J. J. M. Angoar , Ft
Madison , chairman ; 0. M , Ilobby ,
Iowa Olty , secretary.
The president appointed the follow
ing professional committees :
On Medicine A. M. OArpontorv
Ke..kul , ; S. B. Thrall , Ottumwa ; S.
B Oaaso , Oaago.
On Surgery W. F. Peck , Davenport
port ; II. 0 Aunismiii , Oskaloosa
and D S. Fatrohilds , Ames.
Oa Obstetrics J. 0 Shrader , Iowa
City ; J. VVnilamson , Ottumwa ; T. S
Parr , Indiauola.
Oi Otology , Opthalmology , &e.
E. H. HIZJU , Davenport ; 0. M. Hob
by , Iowa Olty ; H. B. Young , Bur
On Malaria Medics J. J. M. An-
gear , Ft. Madison ; P. J. Farnnworth ,
Olinton , and A , A , lUnson , Corning.
On S mitary Science nnd Hygiene
W , S. Robertson , Mnscatine ; A. G.
Hold , DM Molnoe ; O W. Archibald
On Revision of CbnstUntlon and
ByLaweS.E Robinson , West Union
J. Williamson , Ottumwa ; J. T. Ken
nedy , Dea Molnos.
The forenoon eenslon yesterday was
opened with prayer by Rev. Cyrus
Hamlln. Dr. Green , of this city , who
was to have delivered an address of
welcome , was called away , but had ho
been there ho would have assured the
visitors that they wore most heartily
welcomed by ono and nil of the resi
dents of this city , and that as the
reprosontatlvo and voice of the people
ho hoped their stay would bo a happy
ono , and their deliberation harmo-
nloDB. IIo would have paid a tribute
to the women who have en
tered the profession , and the BUCCOBB
which they had won. Ho would have
placed at tholr disposal all the re
sources of comfort and enjoyment
which Cbnncll IMnffi posaoaios , and
would have bidden thorn make them
selves at homo In all respects. Many
more , and even bettor things would
Dr. Grcon have spoken , had he been
there , and all would have boon heart
ily endorsed by the people of Oounoll
As It was the committees being bnsj
on their work of organization and
, preparation , thcro was little for the
convention to do bat discuss a ques
tion of adjournment , and it wai
finally decided to take a recces until aso
o'clock ,
In the afternoon the names of the
following were reported as added tc
the roll of membership :
Wm. Fitzgerald , J. W , Uokenower ,
F. J. Kleigh , Jtobt. McNutt ,
L. II. Surber , F. II. Smith ,
J. Garst , 0. F. Nell ,
G. W. Coyt , D. V. Doherty ,
J. M. Sebee , S. S. Lytle.
I. C. Wood , Jeonle McCowen ,
Wm. Darls , A. S. Uurt ,
J. H. Hull , K. I. Hall ,
s li.Cushman , K. D. Freer.
D. W. Snouse , II. W. Hart ,
J. W. Ad we , K. J. McGo.riah ,
O. 0. Kmode , J. A. Serous ,
! J. A. Donivan , G. U. BoMiytliol ) ,
T. 15. Licey , 1'eter Jove ,
F. T. SeyLert , J. II. Clearer ,
J. N. Borntow , J. H. Kersey ,
S. N. Huvey , W. F. lUidolpb.
. The proaidont , Dr. D. Scotiuld , de
livered a very nb'.o annual address. Ii
it he urged that roino care should b
exercised in the admlesiauof member
to the society. Ho also advocated 1
system of prlza-glvlng to stlmnlat
original research , and to add to th
Interest nnd prcfls of the meetings
Tn regard to medical education com
practical thoughts were presented
He urged that a demand should b
made on the legislature for aomo safe
' guards to the profession , It waa sug
gcsted that a committee bo appolnto ;
to examine all candidates for gradna
'y ; tlon from the medical tchools In th
Hlate , and to have an authorltatlv
voice In their graduation. Ho cup
' [ jested that without a certificate froi
De- euch a committee no person shall b
permitted to register or practice as
physician or surgeon , lie deplore
the fact that the matter of prelimlm
ry education In the student about ei
Mt- terlng upon a study nf medicine i
almost wholly Ignored , and that
money ntulific.'illon only la required of
tliutn , llo rouinrkod : "I'/oscrlptlone
are ma do nnd modlcluca ordered , the
moat common tiamoa o ( which nro so
misspelled aa to tojm inoit tucUoinly
undo to The wisdom of our leplsla.
turn aecmcd to hnvo btcn cxliauited in
the otiRctmont of n pharmacy lnw
which , though itoco ry and x" d
enough lu itiotf , required that compe
tent handn shall compound the pri.i- [
rations ot nil without the ellghtott regard -
gard to tholr fitness , education or
ability to preacrlbo. Such a Ur with
out nuothor dttiulng who nnd uudrr
what circumatnncoa they may pre
scribe , will aUndout in bold relief ru
n moiiumont of loglslfttlvo iidlirerenco
aud folly. "
The spanker nlao cr cd the neces
sity of nddltlounl fncilltloa for caring
for the iutanu. llo hlao icorod the
frctjaoncy with which the doctors were
callud Into court na wltnetaca , nrd to
contradict each other , llo believed
that the law ehould not permit ituy
ono to bo culled aa an export unless hu
could justly lay claim to some pnrttc-
ular qualification to such n title , aud
when thua summoned It should bo by
the espjclal order of the curt and
jury , and neither for platutltf nor do-
In oloting his address ho epoku
brldly of the "Now Yorko oodo , " the
oponkor BU portliiR the national ntso-
ciatlon ns against the Now York so >
On motion of Dr. Otildwoll the ad-
drea * wna referred to n committee of
three , consisting of Dra. Wateon , lllll
and Adolr.
Dr. lllll moved that a section be
established on Idiocy and norvons dis
eases , but after some discussion the
motion was withdrawn.
Dr. Thrall , of Ottumwn , gav'o a
paper on "Tho Mineral Waters of
Iowa. "
Dr. D vla , of Haplotoc , gave one
on "Diphtheria. "
Thoao papers were discussed by DM.
MoOluro , of Mt. Ploaaant ; lloss , of
Pdgo county ; Olapp , of Iowa City ;
Rabertion , of Muscatlnoj Jenkins , of
Kookok ; Watson , of Dubuqno ; J. 0.
Robinson , of Washington county , nnd
Slmontou , of D.'s Molnee , aud then
referred to the committee on publisa
Dr. Robertson , of Musoitlno , pro
aontod a pixoor In favor of the con
struction of a tire proof building for
the Army and Medical museum and
library at Washington , and presented
resolutions asking the influence of
senators nnd congressmen in aid of
tho-enterprise ; also that a committee
bo appointed to draft a memorial to
Dr. Robertson , cf Muicatine , Dr.
Orouso , of Waterloo , and Dr. Rin-
Bom , cf Burlington , were appointed
aa such committee
Dr. Pock , of Divonport , of th <
seotlon'of surgery , reported concern
ing recout Improvements In oporatlvi
surgery , Instruments , etc. , and nar
rated several cases of surgical opor
atlons on tbo abdominal cavity.
Dr. Macriu narrated a case of mal
formation of the handn and foot In a
At the modlcal convention last evou
ing the following commlttoo was ohosou
on nominations : Dm. Watson , Dti-
bnqne ; J. D. Miles , Independence ; S
E Robinson , West Union ; 0. T. Oil
lett , Iowa City ; Lewis , Ottnmwa ; W
H. Ward , DOS Molnee ; Kn.ilqn , DC
Molnei ; Rtwaon , Onrnlng ; E aimer t
Atlantic ; Alleman , Boone ; Wright
OT Can oil.
Dr. Eoimcrt dosoiibod a caio of In-
. tornal obstruction. Dr. Q. H. Hill ,
, superintendent of the insane asylum
at Independence , road a paper on
"What wo ought to do with the Incur
able insane In Iowa. " After discus-
alon the paper was referred.
Dr. McOluro , of Mount Pleasant ,
moved that a committee bo appointed
to mcmomlizo the legislature on the
euro of insane. Adjourned until 9
o'clock this morning.
Vnlnnble and Convenient.
BitowN's BRONCHIAL TIIOCHES are widely
known as nn Admirable remedy from Bron
chitis , Hoarse/lees , Coughs nnd other
troubles of the ' ( hroat and Lunge. They
contain no hurtful ingredient ? , but may at
all titnoa be used with safety. .VoW only
in boxes Price 23 cents ,
A large number of depositions have re
cently been taken at Davenport in a pat
ent infringement casa between Adams &
WeetUlce , the oil ttovo manufacturers and
J. I. Kathbone , of Albrny. It is shown
by the evidence that Davenpott was the
first city in which an oil stove was con
Superior Corn Culture.
Chicago Times.
Daring the past few years the pjlco
of corn has rapidly advanced. The
increase in price has boon owing partly
to the growing demand for the grain
y This increased demand has not boon
for supplying food for man. The
amount of corn consumed per individ
ual in the country was probably never
o so small as at present. The prloo of
; corn meal approaches nearer to that
of FIDO wheaten flour than over before.
Tbo economical argument la favor e.of
eating it , therefore , Is not as strong >
as it was. Our foreign-born popula
tion has Increased very rapidly , and
most foreigner ! are entirely unac
quainted with the use of corn as food.
They do not toke kindly to it when
they come to this country. Corn meal
was used for bread almost on'
tlrely by the negroes of the
south during slavery times , but
at present wheat II > nr has generally
taken its placo. The Indians , as the ;
become olvlllzad , lonrn to substitute
wheat far corn as an article of food.
The skill of millers has apparently
been confined to the grinding nf wheat
Wo have much bolter ihur than we
- had a fuw yoarH ag ' , but by HI
In consent the corn muni Is not r.a d
bo Too demand for corn for other pur
poses , ho trover , hits largely Increased
a Tbo manufacture of plucoso has callet
for a vast amount. This is a new In
ho dustry , but llko that of the mauufuc
' turo of alcohol , it hai required a > cst
amount of corn. The demand foi corn for export Increases avery year
bo Largo quantities of corn are now irod
fu. for feeding dairy corrs and fattonltif
- stock kept In parts of the oonntrj
od whore it is difficult to ralso grain
iaho The quality of beef now required bj
ho the market makes It necessary to foe
steers more corn than was fed a foi
years ago.
om The yield of corn has decreased ii
bo many parts of the country where ho
a soil and climate are the best suited i
rod its growth. This Is partly owing t
na- the fact that the best ground wa
on- selected for producing corn when th
isa farms were first improved , and partite
a to the circumstance that the aoll las
been Impoverished bysncccoslvo crop-
pings Many western farmers were at
lirst reluctant to holluvu that succeo-
Ivo crops of corn wonlil cMenllnlly
mpovcrish the tn 11 , They were final ,
ly convinced , however , that such was
the cwo. Tjicy retorted to the nso of
manure on land intoudod for the pro
duction of corn with considerable ro
luctancc. Miny preferred to raise
innlK-r crops than to bo at the trouble
< f hauling out and applying manuro.
The growth of clever for a fcrtlllnor
has iot , bean general in the west.
Nhnn It has boon rained for that pur
pose it has in most cues boon turned
undur preparatory to the production
of wheat. For several years wheat
his boon the fashionable crop in
tnuet parts of the country. It has
boon the favorable crop with farmers ,
largely for the reason that It could bo
sown , cut , bound and thrashed en
tirely by machinery. Machines have
been largely employed for planting
and cultivating corn , but as nonohavo
boon introduced for harvesting and
preparing It for market most farniors
preferred a crop that could bo raised
and put Into n condition to soli with
out resorting to the nso of hand labor.
Possibly the employment of machines
for planting and cultivating corn has
tended to dccroaso tha yield of corn
per acre , though It has largely In
creased the area planted. The more
machines were Improved the more the
UBO of hand tools was dlsoardod. The
tlmo Is not far in the past whou no
ono expected to raise a crop of corn
without uslnp the hoc to plant and
oultlvatu it. Now the hand-hoo Is
never SPOU In most oorn-fulds in the
western states.
Hop Bitters are the Purest end Deft Dlttert
Ever Made.
They are compounded from Hops ,
Malt , lUichti , Mandrake nnd Daudo-
lion , the oldest , best , nnd most valu
able medicines in the world and con
tain all the best and most ouratlvo
properties of all other remedies , being
the greatest Blood Purifier , LUor
Regulator and Lifu and Health lies
orfug Agent on earth. No disease or
11-hoalth can possibly lone ; oxlit where
these iiltturs are used , so varied and
perfect are their operations ,
They glvo now lifo and vigor to th
aged and Infirm. To all whoso em
ploy mo tits cause irregularities of the
towels or urinary organs , or who require
quire un Vpotlzor , Tonic and mild
Stimulant , Hop Bitters nro Invaluable
being highly curative , tonlo and otlin
ulatlng , without intoxicating.
No matter what your feelings o :
symptoms are , what the disease or all
mont in , nso Hop Bitters. Don' , wa !
until yon are sick , but if you enl ;
fool bad or miserable , UBO Hop Bitten
at once. It n > ny save your lifo. Hun
drodo have been saved by so doing
$60 will bo paid for a caao they wll
not euro or help.
Do not sutler or lot your friends anf
for , but use and urge them to use Ho
Ilomomber , Hop Bitters Is no vllo
drugged , drunken nostrum , but th
Purest and Best Modlclno over made
the "Invalid's ' Friend "
and Hope"an
no person or family nhonld bo wlthou
hem Try the Bitters to-day.
Young man or woman , If yon want
big money for a small amount , take a
certificate in the Marriage Fund .Mut
ual Truit Ais. elation , Cedar Kapldi ,
EolBlBR Small Frulta.
At the last weekly mooting of the
Massachusetts Horticultural society
Bonj. Q. Smith , chairman of the com-
mlttco on publication , opened the con-
slderatlon of the "Culture of Cur
rants , Iliepberrlos , Gooseberries , and
- Blackberries. " Ho stated that ho had
labored nndor the disadvantage of
having a stifF , clayey soil , but had im
proved It by supplementing it with
requisite elements a d making provi
sion for nnderdralning. Ho has boon
successful with the English goonobor-
ry for eight yeais , and has manured
freely and pruned severely. A
stroug growth of foliage la requi
site. The currant worm Is the most
serious obstacle that our currants
have to contend with , and for this the
UBO of powdered hellebore Is requisite.
Ho would prune currants and goose
berries aa carefully aa grapevines , In
regard to mulching ho had practiced
it up to three or four yosra ago , but
slnco then has dispensed with It und
found iqually good results. Thu Eng
lish gooseberry wants the morning
and afternoon sun , but will not stand
the EcorohlL'u heat of the noonday
Ho selected a location some fifteen
feet north of a high board fence , and
found It to suit admirably. He hat
oultivatod the same ourrant bushoi
for twenty years , and found them
bearing a good supply of fruit.
, Mr. J. 15. Moore said that ho re
carded the blackberry as ono of thi
best of the small fruits. The difficult
has been in winter killing , What ie
wanted is a now blackberry of gooc
quality which is hardy , The Massa
ohnsetts Is somewhat hardy , bat no
. of the best quality. The blackborr
should bo grown on highland , wlthon
g a great deal of monuro , 10 that it ma
ripen the wood , which Is the best t
secure hardiness. Currants certain !
- grow bait where partially shaded , Hi
. waa not aware of any raspberry tha
will not got winter killed in two o
three years. In field cultnro ho wonli
- have a soil that is rich , and put then
in rows six foot apart and three foe
apart in the rows , Ho did not llki
to grow them tied np to posts , bu .
would prefer to have thorn grow up t
a horizontal wlro. Either the rasp .
. berry or blackberry will grow will
much Ices fertilizing than curranti
, The latter lava uslo the advantage o
growing in the thudo. Non
of the varieties of the rasr.
bjrrica that are desirable for murke
- purposes are perfectly hardy. If th
. , blackberry could bo mint god so RS t
cocape wlntor killing many wouli
grow It with jood ; profit. What wo
- need for blackburrlun la some cross be
tween the Djrchcstor and 891110 othe
to make It moro hardy.
Mr. Qeorgo F. Wheeler said lha
without the i i ht aoll there la no us
the grow ( strawberries. The light aoll I c
Concord hardly moots the require
. ment. It needs a Htronger soil tha
is commonly recommended In th
( books , Col. Wilson said that ho ha
railed the ranpborry and blackborr
successfully , though not to a largo ti
in tent. Ho found that the best wo
waa to grow thorn on the north lido J
to a fence. The blackberry will m
to grow to perfection without a fair so
ply of moisture , but not a largo wasl '
ho In the fruiting time , IIo had sec
largo crops cf currants grown almo
under the oomploto shade of t
orchard. All salts of a minoril chur-
actor mutt bo nppllod to tlio aoll lu a
neutral form , Air. 11111 s.ild ho was
Kre.Uly Interested in the now vatlo.
tics of thu fruttf , ltd V/M ncsintomod
to i.xporlment with mall , Ho clipped
the raupborrlf s nnd thokborrlcs when
they were about three feet high. It
was Important to clip tu tlmo to secure
the Incroaiu In thn Literals , Thu
Tumor raupborry and the Sohnoldtr
blackberry had provid porfoo'ly hardy
nlth him. Thora la a ditlloulty In
New Hampshire in Inducing the people
ple to Appreciate the cultivation of
the f mull fruits on Account nf the par
tiality for wild fruits , Ho had found
the odor of sulphur a sure cure for
mlldow In gripes , and ho thought that
sulphur might bo utlllzid to aomo ex
tent on the gooaoborry.
Kx-President Marshall P. Wilder
said that the pinching of the raspberry
and the blaokborry lo ripen thorough
ly the wood of the spurs which they
throw out was important In resisting
the cltjcts of wlntur. He , personally ,
thought It was bast to lay down the
raspberries during the cold weather.
Too Dnchostur blackberry h s never
boon tender with him , and ho has
found It of the best quality. The old
Frtvnooula is about as good as anything
wo have for a rod raupbtrry. Ho had
grown the Versailles ourrant all
through his pear orchards without
manuring , and found It qnlto pro
fitable. Ho belluvod that when wo
got ono thing out of a hundred as good
ai the Franconla and the Vur-
ualllos wo shall find ourselves well re
paid for our expense and our trouble ,
as they will live long after us. Dr.
Holmes , of Lexington , said that ho
had found the Versailles a prolific
bearer , but nothing exceeded the old
red Dutch in dollilousnosa of taato ,
Ho had not found any valuolutho use
of coal ashes for exterminating the
ourrant worm. Instead of shaking
the hellebore for the extermination of
the worm it Is host to apply it In the
form of a solution by thu use of a
syringe , as by this means thu under
aides of thn loavoa OAU bo roaoho t
In iroosoca'tios ho had not baou
troubled materially with mlldow ,
Ex-President W. 0. Strong eald
that ho allowed the suckers of rasp
berries to grow abundantly , aa ho is
growing for the production of plants
rather than of fruit. In rcgnrd to
mlldow , prevention Is batter than
aura. If wa oin keep our plants
healthy and vigorous growth wo eh&ll
escape mlldow
Her ford' A old Phocpliato.
oo , Baya : "I find It n pleasant and
valuable remedy In indigestion , par
ticularly ia ovorworknd moti. "
A Sooloty Innovation.
Wall Street News.
"My daughter la to bo married next
week , " ho said , aa ho sat down and
removed his hat ,
"And yon will present her Tilth a
check for $50,000 , of coarse ? " replied
the broker.
"Woll , no , that's what I called to
BOO you about. I bjllovo In Innova
tion. "
"You'll glvo her $25,000 in cash ,
oh ? '
"No , air. I was thinking that you
might take nbunt $500 and bny about
870,000 worth of ooino nort of bonds "
"AH nn Investment for an Inoomul"
, ' No for a ehow. Get $1,000
- bonds , If poB'lblo. Got aomo that are
- printed In red and blno Ink , If yon
can. If they Imvo bl rod or blue
soils on BO tnuoh the bettor. If they
begin 'In the name of God , omen , '
they will look thu more Important.
See that the paper la good , the print
ing clear , the signatures In a bold ,
hurolo hand , and send your bill to mo.
The tlmo linn gene by when the public
- OAU bo fooled by a chock "
Cur Reporter' ! Vacation r-ot i.
During his rambles Uili season , our Mr ,
M. hfti tnkon upon himself tlio task of sat
isfying our titimoruua renders that what
ever gooiUnre manufactured in our goodly
city of lloger Williams , nro of as high a
. grade , nnd M fine lu quality na can be pro
duced In any spot on tha globe. Knpeclol-
ly U this eo when the skilled 1'har-
nmcutlst of manyears' experience rosolvaa
to extract from the finest botanical sped-
mena of the vegetable world the moat po
tent cure for some special disease. In proof
of bis nsiertiou that 1'rovldence. H. I , , nf.
fonts the best , he relates nn interview with
an acquaintance , given him while sojourning -
, ing temporarily at her residence. She Hays ,
"About a year I suffered severely from
Hheumatism In my limbs , and Neuralgia
In the head , which I endured two or three
months with no much patience ni possible ,
OB being unclrr the treatment of nn excellent
OBm doctor , and trying many kinds of medi
cine , without any marked effect. At last
ft medical friend advised me to try Hunt's
fine Itemed ? , because be nttrlbuted my severe
ne suffering to the bad condition ot my kid
I' ] neys , which were not performing their
functions , and I commenced taking
tiroper in a few days the neuralgia had de-
uu parted , my headache had entirely dlsnp-
uenred , the swelling In my limbs and Joints
bad gone , and I have not had a touch of it
iory ; since. More recently I was troubled nlth
at Impurity of the blood , which allowed itself
In severe eruptions on my face. I again
ny ] resorted to Hunt's Remedy , and after tak
to < ing It a ihoit tlma was completely cured
] of that complaint. Hunt's llemedy hat
leer proved very beneficial to me In attacks of
slok headache , which It always alleviates
and I notice the Improvement s soon as
or I take ttn Remedy. 'Ibis Remedy has
ild strengthening element * , for It has made me
feel much stronger , nnd has been very ben
jet eficial to my general health. I most heart
ily recommend it to nil sufferers like my
kout self. Mrs. " L. G. TANNEH , No. 130 1'earl
Great Pralie.
IB. Albert (3. Maun , of Goitre Homo , 111.
Hay : "I have been proxrated for three 01
of four years with Kl Iney dseaso ; at timea il
mo WAS not nblo to put on my boots ; my wife
Bp- ban often pulled them on for mo.
cot not so had an that all thu time , bul I uevoi
ho knew what It wax to be without pain in
my back until I commence 1 n Ing Hunt'i
to Jieiroty , Since I began to takeliunl'i
Ktmedy 1 bavo been frco from all pain
nnd take pleasure In laying that it U he
, mcdiumo that I over knew for Kidney
and Liver dlsen ee. "
- < a * \ 3rcaB a > 3Usc3 :
romn OINTMENT . 25
Lho Fever and Agoo Tonio ( Jordlal. . .1 00
o'f i DIA.RHU.OE ( JURE 2
h , ( Warranted or money refunded. )
Manufacture by W. \Vhltohouse , 605 Norl
1 -
Omaha Neb , ap H-mSifl-6
> t/il | tlidixrtlii if
I IIillltlPt I 00 |
o : tftf tit Her O-
r tv.n r i.uni' n f s *
i < 110' n ili-'i | ift
mi ; 'Jt IJKl . old t
I nor I t. t
i r t , r.on : Hop Ultttsri , .
yonarr -
> , mull ; tti n ur ( jittm form .iJ K ) tin -
ji ctrnnslr.K , tot. . nlieu lliat lo'.j
t ntlinulttlnc. f r , ! * fnpr
\a \ a tlmelf
0,1. d
U fa ttotr *
ini lrrtiut > <
. bin t n r f e <
it tlOOct.
ilnutfnn .
t r.niu I
i. til be
Iron nnd Slate Roofing ,
0. SPKOilT , Proprlotoi.
1111 Douglas St. Omaha , Noli
Iron Cornices I
Tin , Iron ana Slate Roofing , ,
Specht'g 1'Atont MeUllto Skylight Patent ,
Adjusted Hatchet Uar and lirackot
Bholvlnc. I am the central nfrent
for the above Hue of goods ,
Cresting * . Hnlustriuics , Vornndaa , Iron
Bank Itallingi , Window llllnilo , Col-
Inr Uunrdu ; also
The Natural Minor * ! ,
From Blrronrinrn on tha Khine
FRKD'K llOLMCNDKIt & CO. , Sola airirt or tha
U. 8. Mid Canin , US , 117 , 1U Elm St. , New
ore AM 3m
KAMUH Cnr , Mo. , Sept. no , 1882.
I think It a duty 1 owe to humanity to eay
\\batJtnirreiiKHly MM done f r mo. Ono year
ago I contructod a bail casu of Ulood 1)1 oaac. an J
not knotting the result of suoh troubles , I allow-
o 1 It to run fat KOIIU t mo , hut finally applied to
the best phjaiclan In t'ds cltj , who treated ma
for six months. Ix THAT TIMK i TOOK OVRR 000
ritLN op rituToiouiDH or MKKCUKT J Rraln each ,
and had run down In welsh t from 210 to 1BT
pouuN. and was connnml to my hod nlth Mer
curial Hhcnmtlsm , scarcely able to turn myself
ouir. lloliiKa truvellnif nmn. noino of the fra
ternity fouul mo In this dopioiablo condition ,
speoillaaiiaH * " - " * cuaca that
had been cured by Its use. I romincmlcil the tua
It wltn very llltlu faith anp In lent that thrca
w eoka its able to take my place on the road Tha
norisanil copper-collorcd spots prailually dlsap-
poaroil , ami to-d.\v I havonotasoioor sjiot on my
jiorson , nnd my welgljt Is 217pound * , belli ; more
than ItcuTUM. 1 do not lth you to publish
my name , but ) ou may nhow thh letter to any
who doubt the merit of S. S. 3. for I know It la
euro cure.
Yours Truly , J. H. D.
Soir.0 thirty } can ago there 111 oil In Monteo
mcry , Ala. , a jotitu ; man uho wrui terribly allllc-
ted. AftorbeliiK trolled tor a lonjf time by the
med'cnl profession ottblstoun with no benefit ,
lie commenced taklni ; 8 S S. After persistently
Ukliifltt o months ho waa euro ) , llelnz aa
cunlntwl | nlth him for tbo dU u < o ne\cr made It
return. J. W. Iliauor , J. I1. , Hot Spring Ark.
It you doubt , come to sco tut , and o will CURB
YOU , or cburjo nothlnifl Write for particular !
and a copy of the little- book , " Message to the
Unfortunate Buttering ' Auk any Druggist u t
our standing.
rft.8l.OOO .n ward will ho paid to any
Chemist who will find , on analysis of 100 bottle *
ofS. 8. S. , one particle of Mercury , Iodide of
PotMilum , or other Mineral substance. 8WIF1
SPECIFIC CO. , Proprietors , AtlonU. Qa.
Price of Small Size | 1,00
Large 8U l.TS
817 St OhArloaat. ST. LOUIS Bf
A KKGDLAU OKADUATK of two rr.ejlc *
o lkcMbaa been longer engaged In the lital *
DLOOI ) DlMaoci than nnj- other physician In 81.
Lools M city papers show and all old realdcnlt
know. Consultation frse and Imltod. When It
la Inconvenient ( o Tlslt the city for treatment ,
medlcinM can be sent by mall or eiproei vreij *
where. Curable cuea Kturasieod ; where done *
exlitf It Is frankly ntaled. Call 01 write.
Nervous prostration , Debility , MenUl
nnd 1'hygloal , Mercurial and
otbor ollootlous of Throat , bkln and BOOM
Ulood linpuritlen nnd Blood I'oUonlny ,
Bain Atfeotlpna , Old Horea and Ulotra ,
Impedimenta to Marriage. UheiunatismT
I'llea. Hpeclui attention to oaaea from
reoolvo Bi > ectaCattcDtlon. Dlsomee arlilni
from Impni'lonoe , Eioojnoa , Indnlgenet
pages the whol
r well told. Many
p t ; who maymai-
not , whj ,
causei , cdnseqaenosc
and curs. Sealed for 2fio postage or itam
The Orcat Popular Remedy for Pile *
Bare euro for Blind , Bleeding & Itching E
, And all forms of Hemorrholdal Tumors.
These BurresrroRiita act directly upon the
coats of the Ulood Vessels , and by their astringent
eflccta gently force the tilood from the swollen
tumors , andhy making the coats of the volai
strong , pretent tholr rcfllllnir , and hence a radi
cal cure Is sure to follow their uso. Price , IB
cents a box. For eale by al
, DR , HENDERSON A roguUr graduate
, m medlclno. Over Id
COO d COS Wjandoito at , joara' practice 12
] KANSAS CITY , MO . In Chicago. ' ' -
I 'Authorized by thuatite to treat
ChronlcNervoui and Private dla-
taxed , AMliiim. Kpllc'psy , Rhou-
jinatlim , Ptim , Tai * Worm , Urln-
'arv ' aail Skin DlsuasM , tisKi.-uii
WKAKNIWH ( nlsht loniee ) Saxtuu
. ( lisa of bcxuM power ) Ktc. Cures mm-
' , Mitocd or rohiiidud. Cbari lo
uicncy ; n r. Thou
< sands of casca cured. No Injurious tuoillcliiea
uEtd No detei.tlon from bujlnusa. All cdl-
clncs lurnluhol even to patlenta at a dUtai.ce . ,
Coi sullatlon frco alid coi.tldcntlal call or write.
Ago und eiiierlcncoare ImporUtjt. A 1)00 tor
both eexes Illustrated and circulars ot other
things sent sealed for two So Etirnpj. KKKK
It Is a rure , prompt and effectual romodt or
25 digestion. Ujepcpgla , Intermittent Fevers , Want
of Appetite , Nmous Debility In All ItaSUget
25 WeiV Memory , Losa of Uraln Power , Prostration.
Wetjknrad and general Lous of Power , It repairs
nerto'ji waste , rejuvcnatee the faded Intellect ,
strengthens the enfeebled brain and roatoru
25 surprls ng tone and \lgor to the exhausted or *
gans. The experience ot thousands prove * It to
be an Invaluable remedy. Price , $1.00 a bottle
. or six orW. For tale by all drugglsU , or tent
focure ( rom observation oil receipt of price by
irtb Cm T > r.St < rlnhw p. O. Box 24BO St.