Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 17, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee.
every morning , except Son-
a * . The only Monday morning lUlly ,
ttae Year. . . . 810. 00 I Three Month . 83.00
BU Months. . 5.00 | Une Month. . . . 1.00
X'HK WKKXLY BKE , publlihod every
Ono Vc r . $2.00 I Three Months. TO
ilz Month . 1.00 I One Month. . . . ! K )
Newsdealers in the United States.
COlOlKSrONDKNOE- Oomnronl.
( Ufons relating to News and Editorial
matters iihould be addressed to the EDITOU
ox THE UKK ,
Eiettcra and lUmlttnncw should bo iw ]
OMAHA , Drnfts , Chocks and 1'ostofiico
Urders to bo made payable to the order of
the Company.
no BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Props ,
EVEHV cloud has Its sliver lining.
The weather of the last six weeks has
killed oil the crop of aprlng poetry.
MB ANTHONY UEIS will have to re
tain all the Omaha attorneys it ho
wants a vindication through that $10-
000 llbol salt.
ELEVE.V bills are the result of n four
months' atcalon of the Illinois Icgli
latnro. It is evident that very llttlo
damage lias bonn done so far &t
Springfield ,
JOHN KELLY Is aqaln whetting the
Tammany tomahawk In Now York.
It looks as If a largo amount of har
monious discord is In store for the
democracy of the Empire atato in the
coming campaign.
SCHUVLKH COLFAX has written "a
thoughtful religions paper on Land
marks of Life. " There is onu land
mark of his Ufa that Sohnylor is not
likely noon to forgot any moro than
the public is likely to forgot it.
JOE COOK has boon putting the
question to Kansas City whether
death ends all. Whatever else It falls
to end , it certainly ends all lecturing.
There Is much room for grateful an
ticipations in the thought.
TIIERE Is nothing like "Infloounco"
, uf tor all , Cbl. Pennybaokor , who was
ordered before a retiring board , has
ancurod the friendly services of Sena
tors Logan and Cameron to have the
order revoked , and will accordingly
oontlnuo to dr w full pay until further
TUB Massachusetts legislature has
passed n resolution commending "tho
ability , integrity and public services
of the late Oakes Ainca. " There Is
now an opportunity for aomo ono to
commend the ability , integrity and
public services of the Massachusetts
Ilo KH COUNTY , Kansas , counts up
thirty-throo pairs of twins born during
the last twelve months. On top of
this item wo are informed that immi
gration to Kansas Is falling oil. If till
the rest of the counties do as well as
Books the otato needs no ontsldo
stimulus to Isioroaeo its population.
THE sooner Sixteenth street is
paved the bettor. After a heavy rain ,
as matters now are , it is nlmosi 1m-
passable. Our merchants along this
busy thoroughfare know what they
are talking about when they say that
a good pavement would bo several
thousand dollars a month In the pock
ets of Sixteenth street tradesmen ,
KASSON thinks that
Edmunds and Lincoln would bo a
winning ticket. Possibly it would.
But after all , the ticket will make
Very llttlo difforoaco In the next presidential
idontial campaign. Whatever the
ticket and the platform with Its pro
fuse pledges , the solo lasuo will be the
confidence of the people In the ropub-
lloiu party. Hayes and Wheeler In
1870 was about as weak a ticket as
could have boon nominated. Four years
later the republican party had stronger
men to nominate than Qen. Oarfield.
Bat campaigns are frequently
won In nplto of the candidates for
whom they are nominally prosecuted ,
The ical IBIUO is generally merely one
of party supremacy It 1s too early
now to talk about tickets and the
time cm bo much more profitably em
ployed. A full year must elapse before -
fore the nominating conventions and
there ia a session of congress which
will bo largely devoted on both sides
to manufacturing campaign ammuni
tion. If the loaders of the ropublloin
and dcmocratlcparlles only appreciated
It , the question of which political
organization Is to control the
country after March 4tb , 1885 , Is
bolng decided day by day ! n
advance of the oloctlon. Public eon-
timont is cryatallelng itself along cer
tain lines which will not bo materially
affected by the wlro pulling and wind
of the campaign. Tickets are neces
sary , of course , and bad nominees are
always more or loss of a handicap ,
but nnder our political system , In a
presidential election the question of
who shall bo the party standard boar-
era Is of more Importance to candi
dates for the honor than It Is to the
Mr. Dillon , on bohnlf cf the Union
Pacific , is play lap a bold gatno of
blafl with the government. Ills
Impudent letter to Sccrotay Teller ,
presenting a cot-off claim for over
two millions of dollars for extra mail
compensation , is on a par with the
policy which the corporation has
puriuod from its completion up to thn
present tirao In dealing with the gov
ernment. The Union Pacific has
had a very lenient creditor in the
United States and It has worked the
mine for all it was worth. It remains
to bo seen whether there is not a
point at whish patience ceases to bo a
Mr. Teller his taken the proper
aoarso in directing the prompt Insti
tution of proceeding ! against the road
for the recovery of a portion of the
amount now due the govornmont.
The suit should hp pushed to a speedy
decision. The Thnrman act has boon
persistently evaded by the corporation
which was built by the people of the
United States and paid for tirlco over
through the generosity of the government
mont ,
If the Union Pacific is now unable
to meet the Interest on Its bonda it be
comes an Interesting question how It
oxpoots to pay the principal when it
falls duo , Litely the road has boon
compelled to burden itself with an
additional mortgage of $5,000,000 ,
secured by a lion on Its branch linos.
Interest must bo paid on those bonds
and will bo , oven though the prior
claims of the government are as inso
lently disregarded no they have boon
in the past.
From 1891 to 1898 the whole burden
don of indobtednces resting on the
Union and Ojntrnl Pacific companies
fallu duo , The government has issued
to help build the Union Pacific $35-
139.512 , and unpaid Interest has ac
crued tuOiclontly to Increase the total
sum to ? 61778,754. Who believes
that twelve years houco the company
cm liquidate this enormous Indebted
ness ? Not Mr. Dillon , certainly , who
proposes to evade oven the Interest as
It falls duo and trust to luck or the
generosity of congress to postpone as
long as possible the day of final reck
Signs of Impending labor troubles
In several of our largest industries
3 11 renewed attention to the necessi
ty for arbitration as a means of set
tling disputed between worklngmen
nd their employers. In England the
disastrous strikes and lockouts which
twenty yeata ago were so common
are now almost unknown owing
ti > the beneficial operation of
the boards of conciliation.
Iho universal testimony from
all the great industrial centers of
Great Britain commends the methods
as practical In theory , satisfactory in
operation and In every way fit to bo
transplanted to this country. It is
surprising , however , to note that only
ono state , Pennsylvania , has passed a
law providing for the creation of
boards of arbitration to settle labor
"Tho Pennsylvania bill provides
hat in response to proper applications
rom employers and workmen the
ourts shall issno licenses for the
establishment of tribunals or boards ,
n which each aide shall have an equal
number of elected members. There
H also to bo an umpire , mutually
chosen. After questions have boon
ubmltted , they are first to bo consid
ered by a conciliation committoo. If
a settlement cannot bo made by the
unanimous vote of this committee ,
ho question comes bjforo the full
joard , with the understanding that
the umpire's decision skall bo final.
This decision may bo mcdo a matter
of record In the courts , and judgment
may bo entered upon It and enforced. "
This is a stop In the right direction
which it Is hoped will bo followed
elsewhere. The chief advantage of
such a law lies in Its recognition by
the state of arbitration as a moans to
wards an end. That end is the pre
vention of great pecuniary loss to
members of society and the abolition
of brute force as an element in set
tling labor dlipatos. Suab disputes
are certain to arlao. In many In
stances they have their origin In Ig
norance of the sltuatlor , either on the
part of the employer or the employed
Often a clear understanding of the
facts as they exist would prevent either
oppression or unreasoning revolt
That Is the point where a board o
arbitration steps In between contend
hit ; parties and toes that justice 1
dono. No ouo denies that a ntrlkc
entails great lots upon some one , am
generally the greatest loss falls upon
those who are the least able to bear it
Any method which will tend to creator
or to maintain greater confidence between
twoon worklngmen and employer
ought to bo cultivated. This Is whj
the Pennsylvania law is a stop In th
right direction , as aubstltntlng Intel
llgonco for brute force and a poacoabl
settlement of disputes In the place o
riot , revolt and misery.
OMAHA has reason to congratnlat
Itself over the sale of Its pavln
bonds at such a favorable rate. Wher
wo can dispose of a five per cent bom
at a premium of nearly two per cent
the transaction shows that capital 1
willing to pin its faith on oar dovol
opin nt as n city. The Investment
was 11 good ono Our Indebtedness
s timller per capita than cny city if
ho , mo s'zi ' In the country , acd our ,
axk'i n in proportion to our actual'
> ref > tr'y valuation Is ridiculously
rani' ' . Those facts wora doubtless
akt'ii into consideration by the
) mai R National when It made ltn
> ld cf 8101S and captured the
jondi from all the other local bid-
lot * .
THE appointment of Mr. W , J.
] onnull ns city attorney refl'cta credit
on Mayor Ohaso. Mr Conncll Is an
able lawyer , thoroughly familiar with
ho Intricate provliious of cur charter ,
As district attorney ho wr,3 diligent ,
energetic and fearless In the discharge
of his duty , and wo have uo doubt
10 will discharge the rctponslblo
duties of his now position with equal
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Gn.NEHAL GUAM has an Income of
$0,000 a year. The bill to place him
on the pension rolls will be Introduced
again in congress at the next session ,
The "GruDKer Case. "
StnFnnds o Chronicle.
Tno higher courts of the nation are
gradually coming Into accord on the
juestlon of state control of railroads ,
i'ho most recent decisions by the supreme
premo court ot the United States
iroro on two cases carried up
'rom the supreme court of Illinois.
[ ) oth have boon pending for many
pears. Ono of those respects freights
tnd fires. In the heicht of the
; ranger excitement in 1873 , a pas-
longer named Lewis , traveling bo-
> woon two stations not far
opart on the Chicago , Bur-
lugton & Qalnoy railroad ,
rotnsod to pay the 20 cents faro
charged by the company , but tender
ed 18 cents , the minimum fixed by
ho state legislature. Ho was ejected ,
and sued the oondnctor for assault ,
who wna fined $10 and costs. The
onipany refused to pay the amount ,
and carried the case up , in the face of
a scries of advoreo decisions , till it has
ust boon decided against them by the
onrt of final appeal. The ground of
lefenso was that the state , In regu-
atlng freights and f ms , had violated
ts agreement by oontravcnit g some
occasions made to some of the
oada which had boeu absorbed
> y the Chicago , Birlijgton and
Juiuoy. At the name time a dccla-
on wns rendered in what Is known as
ho Elevator case , which Involved the
ame principles In both cases the
Ight of a state to regulate freights
nd fares was affirmed by the supreme
onrt of the United States , the state's
arlsdlotion in the matter being
illowod to extend BO far as to permit
ho cancellation , or at least the liberal
ntorprotntlon , of some portion of an
grcemont into which the state had at
omo previous time , perhaps , Incau-
louaiy entered ,
Thu tallroads have fought tholr
ght energetically on the various
loints raised , but nave boon In nearly
ivory caHo defeated. They have at-
empted to show that a state had no
Ight to forbid discrimination , to
ogulato freights and faros , or to ex-
rclso any jurisdiction over them
when they were organized under ono
tate , but operated in another. There
itwo boon numerous decisions on tha
irst point , their tenor scarcely differ-
ng in a single particular. Ono
cf thcso was delivered by Judge
Baxter , of the United States district
court of Northern Ohio , in the case of
a coal dealer , who brought suit against
a railroad because It carried coal for a
Ival dealer the name diatanco for
rom 30 to 70 cents par car load lusi.
L'ho plea of the defendant , that the
> atrou alluded to chipped a larger
imount of coal , did not influence the
court , which decided that the teati-
noriy showed unlawful discrimination.
The decision in regard to state con
rol when the matter has come
lirootly before the courts have
> eon uniformly against the railroads ,
[ 'ho third of the three principal points
ahed by the railroads that a state
n which they were not owned , but
merely operated , could not control
hem has been passed npon in throe
different cases , involving severally the
Jhlcagu and Northwestern , the
iVabubh , Western and Pacific and the
Chicago , Burlington and Qulncy. Ono
of thcso occurred in Wisconsin , ouo in
Iowa and ono In Illinois , The first
.wo went to the supreme court of the
United States , and In ono of
, hem the chief justice himself gave
; ho decision , affirming the right of the
state to forbid discrimination In
freights and faros , using almost the
language employed In the
"Granger" case quotod. The rights of
a state are therein clearly explained.
A atato has all the legislative rights
not forbidden by the constitution of
the United States , and la presumed to
bo right till its enactments have boon
proved wrong. That Is a kind ol
state sovereignty to which no
ono can object. Chief Justice
Waite says In this laat decision that a
state may make all regulations regard
ing railroads that they have not speci
fically permitted the road to make ,
but that such privileges , if granted ,
must not bo contrary to the constitu
tion and by-laws of slid state , That
Is , a goncral charter permission to a
railroad to fix freights and fares
according to their convenience does
not prevent legislation to prevent ex
tortion on the part of the company.
In roapcct to California wo are
doubly fortified , for onr constitution
gives the legislature all the power
that U necessary to suitably control
the oppressive corporations that an
unjust Provldonco has eaddlcd upot
us. Judging the supreme court ol
the United States as at present con
stituted , by this decision , wo feel jus
tified in expecting that when caeca in
which wo are locally Interested come
boforu it vro shall bo able to obtali :
such just decisions as thoao ronderov
in the cases that have gone up to 1
from Illinois , Wisconsin and Iowa.
According to those decisions ,
wo have the right to fix frolghti
and farea , to forbid rallroai
discrimination , and to do all this
whether a railroad Is organised within
the state or whether It la organized in
an adjoining state and operates a per
tlon of its line within oar limlto. The
only ono besides Judge Field who le
distrusted on account of his provlou
connection with corporations la Stan
icy Matthonn , and oven ho cnn hardly
aif jrd to stultify hlmsolf or insnl. the
court of which ho la n t/imnbor by
decisions advoreo to these occumulat
ed procodonlB
How tuo Flret of the Kind fc'ver Used
In Naval Wnrofaro was
New York World.
The history of the rnm Manaceaa
and of her projector aud commander
honld bo placed npon recrd before it
s too late to get the ttirh , John A.
3tovcnaon , a wealthy retired BOS cap-
aln , was living In New Orleans at the
jronklnj , ' out of the civil war , and the
Hanasaao was wholly hiu conception
and invention , and it was pat Rfbat
mliroly at hla ccat nnd exDcnio , Bo-
ere the battle of Ball Kan ho pur
chased the Enoch Train , which had
jscn constructed in Boston and used
as tow-bent on the Mississippi river.
She was a doub'.o propeller , with two
engines and powerful machinery , 180
oct lonp , 22 feet beam , 8 feet hold
and about 90 tons burden. Ilo took
off her houses , cut her to her plank-
aheare aud then firat put on an arched
deck ot heavy timber , completely
covering her from ntcm to stern in the
ihopo of a turtle's ' back , finally plat
ing the whoh with two thicknesses cf
railroad Iron , bent and fitted so as to
: orm a smooth anrf&co over the whole
outside of the water's edge. Two
chort emoke-atacks alone protruded
above the oven surface of the whole
outside , The prow was constructed
with heavy Iron projecting in front
ibout 5 foot , 3i feat under water.
She was BtooreoT by a wheel entirely
covered under the dock. In case she
should bo boarded by the enemy , it
ivas so arranged that hot water could
yo thrown In streams npon the board-
ng party. The construction of such
a novelty nt Now Orleans attracted
public attention. It was visited by
nany hundreds of people , was called
; ho "Nondescript , " and was very genitally -
itally ridiculed by the public. But
Jtovonaon was Btrsng-mlnded , had
alth , had money , and was encouraged
) y his frloud , Captain Charles Wll-
ium Austin , now a resident of Sa-
'unnuh , Ga. , who superintended In
mr construction. It la from him
hat all the facts hnrcln mentioned
were obtained. When completed ,
which wan soon after the battle of Bull
tan , the next thing was to obtain a
crow. Federal gunboats , heavily
trmed , were lying nt the mouth of the
Vllaalsalppl , nnd it was thcpa which It
was intended she should attack. Commodore -
modoro Holllna , the confederate
lavfll compandor nt Now Orleans , re
used to detail men forservico in her ,
) ut gave consent to Captain Austin to
obtain volunteers , if ho could , { torn
out the navy. Nineteen were ob-
alnod. With these the Manaesaa
> roceoded to Fort Jackson , twenty-
.wo . miles above the blockading equad-
'on. ' Commander Holllns allowed
Stovonaen and Austin the use of hla
dispatch boat Iva with which to ro-
connoltre the nuemy in the afternoon ,
> reparatory for a night attack. They
approached to a point jast out of
ange. There lay the steam sloop
Richmond next to the cast bank of
ho river , with twenty-two guc j then
he sloop of-war Preble , with four-
eon guns , and next the steam sloop-
of-war Water Witch , with tix guns.
They all lay abreast , across the Mis
sissippi river at the head of the passes ,
and headed up stream , with their
springs out , guns shotted and all
rosdy for action nt a moment's notice.
Those four federal boats , migh.y
power for the single Nondefcrlpt , with
nineteen heroin and no guua , to at
tack. Some of the confederate naval
oflijers had said that the Nondescript
would bo blown out of water.
Leaving Fort Jackson at about 8
o'clock on the morning of October 12 ,
1801 , with Cuptain Auatln , her com-
mandur , BO the only mnn on deck and
inch of his men ut hla proper place
) olow , the ram proceeded to and ar
rived at the scene of action nbont 3
o'clock In the morning , The Richmond
mend had been selected by Captain
Austin in the nttcrnoon ua the fed
eral boot firat to bo attacked. Near-
.ng the Richmond the Nondescript
was got under the utmost headway ,
nnd not until oho was too near the
Richmond , and until it was too late
; o withdraw without discomfiture ,
perhaps disaster , was It discovered
that a schooner waa lying alongside
the Rlchmocd on the tide cf the at
tack , The ram proceeded all steam
on , nnd striking the schooner first out
rlntffo and ran the iron prow of
the Nondescript clear into the Rich
mond. The ram tnon h nlod off.
The schooner sank. The Richmond
discharged her broadside of puns at
the ram , but without effect. The
Richmond found herself disabled and
leaking , and withdrew , giving signals
of danger to the other boats , and the
blockading eqnadron all dlsap
poarod down the passes. The blow
which the ram struck the schooner
and the Richmond produced such a
concussion npon the ram as to disable
ono of her engines and render her un
fit to attempt further aggressions , but
it did not destroy Captain Austin's
footing on the dock. Thn ram waa
not aided or followed by any firo-
rafts , or any steamers or propeller
astern of her , nor were any shells
thrown or guns fired at the Federal
fhot , as some Federal accounts have
described. The ram was taken back
to Now Orleans and repaired , WEB
adopted by the Confederate authori
ties , nnd Mr , Stevenson was fully com
pensated for her. The Nondeecrlpt
wai named the Manasaaa by Stovcu-
eon Boon after the battle of Bull Run ,
Afcor her victory , the Confederacy
hsvlijg been thus taught by Mr
Storenaon how to build effective war
vetecla , tbeu , and not until then , bo-
pan changing the Morrlnno into nn
Iron-clad'raiu at Norfolk , Va.
Mr. SovoiiBon : , in building the
Mauaseas , bnilded greater than ho
know , for in a way ho gave
to the public now ideas ns to carrying
on naval warfare , which h-wo been
eiuco adopted and developed In differ
ent forms In all the navloa of the
_ _ _ _ _ _
Well Rewarded. -
A liberal reward will be paid to nny
party who will produce a case of Liver ,
Kidney or Stomach complaint that Elec
tric bitten will not ineedlly cure. Urlag
thorn alonjr , It will coat yon nothing for the
medicine if it faila to cure , and you will be
well rewarded for your trouble besides.
All Blood dlsoater , Blllomnesj , Jaundice ,
Constipation and general debility are
quickly cured. SatUfactlon pmranteed or
tnontty refunded. Price only 50 cents per
bottle , For sale by 0. V. Goodman.
The Remains Quietly Interred
in Urring Brovo Ceme
tery , Cincinnati ,
Grunt , nnd Mrs. Ora-
rnar und Htr Son the
Chief Mourners.
Abundant nnd Appropriate Floral
Tribute * .
Clnticnatl CommeicIalU z tie , JUj 15.
The remains of Mrs. Jjjsoll. Grant ,
mother of the general , and widow ot
the old postmaster of Oovlngton , Ky , ,
arrived yesterday morning nt 8 o'clock
ovir the Pau-hnndlo railroad , accom
panied by General Grant , Gauoral Ca
sey , a brothor-ln-lewcfO.jnornl Grant ,
Mrs Ornaur , ( ilster of Gjrioral Grant
and wlfo of Kv. Cramer , minister to
Switzerland ) , nnd her con , Grant Cra
mer , a youth of 15 years. The party
of mourners ccsnpied a special Pull
man car. The general eppoarod about
as stout BO ever , but hai ngcd consid
erable alnco bia last vlaltto Cincinnati.
Ills beard was cloao rroped , is
usually shown his In plctcroibut it wae
quite cray , aud his hr ! Is almoat
The box containing the c.ukot &nd
remains wnn taken in ohaitpby Un
dertaker Wiltseo , who removed them
to his establishment on Sixth street.
The casket was taken out of the box
and the box sent out to Spring Grove
cemetery , The casket waa of n square
pattern , made in Oaelda , N. Y. , hav
ing six handles cf black satin bar , full
eliding feci plate , and oovoro 1 with a
combination of cloth and satin. On
the top of the ciukot was a solid silver
plate engraved :
Dlod May 11 , 1883 ,
Aged 15 years ,
On the casket waa a rich and beau-
Uul floral wreath of tea aud
> anBles , to which was attached the
: ard of Mrs. General Grant. There
rcro also several bocqaeta of white
rosea lualdo the casket , and a ho ivy
wreath cf white , purple and varlega-
od daisies.
At the foot of the casket waa &
argo crois cf tea roses. The casket
wfta opened at the undertaker's cstab-
Islimunt , and the features were found
to be cilm nnd almost perfectly nat-
iral. The body had boon embalmed.
) n the head was a white lace cap , acd
hero was a white lace bow around the
nook. The dress was a white grcs
; rln fillk , and in the hands were
> laced n bunch of tea roaoa that had
lot lost their fragrance.
After the remains had boon dla-
> oaed by the undertaker ia their
jroper position , they having been
slightly moved by jolting on the
cars , they were removed in a hearse
o the residence of Mr. Gaorgo B.
Johnaon , No. 80 Clark street , whoae
wlfo ia a cousin of General Grant ,
where the caakot was again opened
aud the remains viewed by the rela
tives nnd a very few intimate friends
cf the family. After remaining at
the house about an hour , the funeral
cortege proceeded to Spring Grove
cemetery. It was composed of the
learao and aix carriages. No ser
vices were held at the house , as
t had been arranged that
everything should bo kept ns
quiet nnd private ns possible ,
; n accordance with the wishes of General -
oral Grant. The fuutral services had
already been held at the roaldenco cf
Mrs. Corbin , n daughter of the do-
ceaaod , at Jersey City Heighta , on
Sunday morning , nnd the only service
thnt remained to bo performed was
the eimplo ceremony of iutormont
after the rltunl of the Mothodla Epis
copal church , of which the deceased
was a devout member , and which she
attended regularly until last winter.
Tno cortngo started from the resi
dence of Mr. Johnson nt 10:45 : a. m.
for the cemetery , nnd the carriages
contained the following relatives and
immediate frlor.dt :
Firat carriage- General Grant , MT.
Cramer , Mrs. Jndgo Aahbnrn , of Batn-
vla , and Mrs. Griffith. Second car-
rlsgo General Cheoy , Mr. end Mrs.
George B Johnson and Grant Oramar.
Third carriage Mfa. Simpson and
sou , and \Villlnm Johnson and wife ,
of this city. Fourth carriage Mra.
Andrown uud Mr. and Mrs. Tweed , of
Cincinnati. Fifth carriage Mrs
Judge Swing and son , of Batavb , and
Mrs , Lindsay , of Oovlngton , Ky.
Sixth carriage Rav. Dr. Joyce , of
St. Paul's M church ; ox Postman
tor Gustav R Wahlo , and the under
taker , Mr. Wlltaec.
The cortege roaohod Spring Grove
exactly nt noon , and the remains were
carried to the grave by gentlemen
friends attending the funeral , there
being no pall-boarors selected. The
party was joined at the grave by Mrs.
Amos Shlukle and family andJ. Craw
ford and wlfo , of Oovlugton , and Dr.
Freeman and wlfo , of this city. The
casket waa followed to the grave by
General Grant , Mrs. Cramer , her son ,
and the other relatives , after whom
came the friends in attendance.
The grave was enclosed in brick
and had been dag rlougslde the grave
of Jesse R Grant , the husband of the
deceased , who died in 1874 , and who
was interred in n beautiful burial lot ,
east of the main avenue , in the same
section where S. S. L'Hommodlen ,
once president of the Cincinnati , Ham
ilton & D.iytcn railroad , HUB buried ,
nnd caatof the Lougworth monument
The casket was lowered into the
Crave , t > i > d Iho Mmplo committal
builal pprvioo cf the M E. church WAS
read by Hsv. Dr. Joyco. Ilo alen road
the hymn , "How Blessed the Chris
tian When ho Diaa. "
Gon. Grant , who stood with his tic-
tor , Mra. Cruner , Isaulng upon his
arm , appeared to bo deeply affected
by the hymn , and hli slater waa
agitated throughout the whole service.
The grava of the general's father Is
marked with n plain monument , on
which was Inscribed "J. R. Grant. "
The general scrutinized the inscrip
tion , and then looked Into the grave
while all that remained of his aged
mother was being covered with the
earth ,
After the benediction was pro
nounced , the ccflii waa hid from sight
by a large freestone ; the grave was
filled up and the relatives conversed
together quietly about family RfTnlra.
Washington Avenue and Fifth Si\et ( ,
Then they returned to the city , Mrs.
Cramer aud her HOU to the roaldenco
of Mr. Johnson , on Olark street , nnd
3ouernl Grant and General Caaoy to
the Glbaon Houao.
Tills morning General Grant and
Mrs. Cramer aud son will go to
mont county to vhlt hla old homo nnd
see his uncle , Samuel Simpson , aged
nighty-six , who resides nt Batavla.
They will return to the city at 7 p. m. ,
and the general will lenvo for the caat
at 8 p. in Mra , Cramer will remain
In this city for a few days , the guest
of Mr/i. Johnson , and then goea to
Sffllz'rlnnd to jln her husband , the
American minister to that country ,
Mra. Hannah Simpson Grant was
born In Montgomery county , Pa. ,
November 21 , 1793 , and her parents
were of Scotch origin. Early In her
life , her father moved to Point Pioaa-
intV , V , where she married Jesse
II. Grant in 1821. General Grant was
her first child , and he waa born April
27 , 1822.
Favorable Eeports From All
Rounding Regions.
Stock Generally Improved in
Grade and Price The
Shipping Season ,
Special Dispatch to Tun USB.
SCuiCAOo , May 16. The Drovers'
Journal has recolvtd reports i i detail
'rom ' the surrounding melons of Colorado
rado , Kansas , Texas , Nebraska , Ida-
io , Wyoming , Indian Termory , Mon
tana and Nevada. The reports show
range cattle business to be in a very
: hrlfty condition. The percentage cf
CBB in nil etntcs and territories ranges
from 20 to 30 per pent or a general
avqrago of three and one-third per
: out , The greatest loss waa reported
ay Idaho , Indian Territory and Kan-
Baa Kansia is the only state that
ropotts an increase In shipments of
beeves this season , bat the general
average ia reported the sain )
aa in 1882. The average condition
> f cattle on the range la reported
} y Kansnu , Texas , and Indian IVrrl-
ory to bo worse when compared with
iho corresponding peihd last year ,
int all other sections report an aver-
na or better condition of stock than
ast spring. Shipments of beevea
will commence about the same time
m en average ns In ordinary year ? .
The shipping season In the aonthwcat ,
ion-over , will bo about a month later
.hnn last year. There Is an average
increase of nbont 25 per cent. In the
cilf crop aa compared with last year.
Prices for cattlu on the range show ,
in average ndvanca of $5 80 a hold
tilgher than last year.
The most gratifying feature of the
report is the avorngo Increase in the
amount of improved bull * in on
the rangco. There are 10 per cent
more improved bulls In ttao thnn lust
spring. Shorthorns predominate , but
there haa been n much larger demand
for Ileroforda than last ymr , aud
many apeak in favor of P lltd Angus.
From reports received there Is a grow
ing tendency to put up hay for win tor
use. Fenclrg ia being done very ox-
toneiveiy in the aouthwost , but it la
not regarded with much farcr in the
northwest , whore thorangra ere main
ly public. Tiie loesca during the winter -
tor hnva fallen chiefly upon old cows
and hoifora calving and upon young
stock Stock for range U reported
entirely free from disease , eave in a
f * w cases of black log , which is inci
dent to over-fattening calves.
Ron. E. D. Webster arrived In thit city
yesterday to assume the possition of super-
viror of internal revenue. Mr. Webster ia
widely and favorably known to the early
settlers of oSebraaka &a one of the wheel-
horse a of the republican party during the
early territorial dsyi and the founder of the
Omaha Republic } , Mr. Webiter will re-
mnln here and will supervise the district of
which Nebra ka is a part , making hla
headquarters In Omaha.
0. L. Mllllneux , F. Eberhart , Bern-
hart Shroder , B. Albro.Geo. W Van.
Sickle , Geo. A. Bunk , P. Harrum , Ileory
Schrod r , M. W. Stone , Ilenry Johniou
nnd J. F. Roll , are among a few of the
Wahooaiers who regUtered at the Mlllard
last night.
Do you -\vnut a pure , bloom
ing Complexion I It' so , a
Knv applications of Hasan's
ify you to your heart's con
tent. It docs away with Sal-
lowness , liedness , Pimples ,
Blotches , ami all diseases ami
imperfections of the skin. It
OYorcomcstho flushed appear *
nnco of heat , fatigue anu ox-
citomout. It makes a lady of
THIRTY appear but TWJ3N-
TY j and so natural , gradual ,
and perfect are its oifecLs ,
that it is impossible to detect
its application.
The Latest Ordortj from the Depart
ment of the Plutto.
Paragraph 3 , special ordora No 41 ,
current aorlcs from theeo hcac'qnar-
tero , ia hereby amended so net to allow
the leave of absence granted Aaalst-
ant Surgeon Norton Strong to take
offoot May 11 , 1883
Recruit Edward Grant , ccliated at
Fort Douglas , Utah , ia nvaigned to
company A , Sixth infantry.
Under the provisions cf paragraph
840 , Army Regulations , and in ob
servance of central ordora No. 85 ,
series of 1881 , adjutant ganoral'a
oflice , the commanding cfliser nt Fort
McKtnnoy , Wyo , , will uend , under
oacort of ono nun comtulaalincd offi
cer , private Nils Larson , company K ,
Ninth infantry , MI luaano soldier , te
Washington , D. 0.
The non-commisalonod oflicer in
charge will report the patient to the
adjutant general of the army for fur
ther orders.
A battalion to consist companies )
B and 0 , Ninth , and B and G , Sev-
onth'infautry , will bo concentrated at
Garter otatlon , Wyoming territory , on
or before Juno 1st , 1883 , for the pur
pose of repairing and placing in prac
ticable condition for wagon travel tbo
road leading from tint po'nt ' to Fort
Thornbargh , Utah toirltory. Major
I , D. DaRwey , Fourth infantry , IB
assigned to the command of the bat
tallon which will bo equipped and
provided for field service for two
Acting Assistant Surgeon J. J.
Marston will report at Carter station
to Major DjRutaey for duty with hla
The attention of company command
ers serving in thla department ia called
to tha instructions for the use ot the
"Frankford arioual hand tools for re
loading ciml'tyes , " published In ord
nance totes N 231 :
"At target praotico the reloading
cartridges must ba slightly lubricated
along tholr entire loLgth before firing ;
and alan before firing In each case
after being reloaded. This Is found
necessary to avoid rupture nnd to pro
long the lifo of the ahull. In the ab
sence of lubricnnt the cartridges may
Helmet and curei
Neuralgia ,
Scistica , Lumbsgo ,
nilBlCHE , TOOTUCn ,
Scrtntis , Cuts , Brnists ,
And til ottivr bodily tcbu
ted ptloi.
nni mis i Bonn
Sold by til DrDRgtiti tad
Detliri Direction ! la 11
? jo Chir'.si A.Vcseler Co.
uOMMori to A Vc4Ur A C * . )
lUlllmori. B4. , U. 8. A.
[ From the Boston <
m. KJlton ;
The beT li a good Uk nera of Mn. Ljdla E. nl
Im , of Lynn , MJUS. , who above all other human belnj
ay bo truthfully called the "Dear Friend of Woman {
lorn * ot her correipondentf lore to call her. 8k
I ealou ly deroUd to her work , which It the outcooi
t a lUtudy , and U obliged to keep air 14
uirtanta , to help her aniwerthe large correspondent
hlch dally ponr In npon her , each bearing IU iped !
rden of mfferlnr , or Joy at release from It St
teotable Compound i a medicine for rood and nJ
til purpose * . I hara personally InrostlcaUd It aj
n utlsSed of the truth of thit
On account of Its proven merits. It Is r eomuend4
Jd prescribed by the best physicians In the oountrj
tie says i "It works like a chrm and tares inno )
iln. It will cure entirely the worst form ot falllt
t the uterus , Leucorrhcca , Irregular and paint t
tenstruatlon , all O Titian Troubles , Inflammation ad
Iceratlon , Flooding * , all Displacements and the Co *
Piuent spinal vealcncssand Is especlt"y adapted tf
\e Change of Ufo. "
It permeates every portion of the system , and BTB
w life and vigor. It removes falntnoM , flatulencj
fstroys all craving for stimulants , and relieves weals
rss of the stomach. It cures Bloating , Headache *
Irrous Prostration , General Debility , Sleeplessness
tprenslon and Indigestion. That feeling of beatlnf
bwn , causing pMn , weight and backache , Is alwayi
ermoncntly cured by its use. It will at all times , an/
nd r all circumstance' * , net In harmony with the lat
Vat governs the fcnmlu pj htcm.
It cons only $1. per bottle or tli for $5 , and Is sold bj
rugfflkK Anro < lTlrorcqulrcilaatosx | > clalcaoofaiJ
ke name * of many who lmo been restored to ported
f\lthbj I ho use of the Vcgttibb Compound , can bj
btalnul by mJrcflnir Mra P with stamp for nfli
J her homu In I.j nn , MOJU.
1 or Kl Jn. y Complaint of Hthtr tex this compOQTjdl
l iir > as il ai ( ibun lant testimonial ) show.
Mi . 1 uikuam a n > crl'llls6ays ono writer , * a
* irortJ for the euro ot Constip tlo
I Torpidity of the lircr. Her Blool
onderaln Ita eprdal line and Udital
uuutiil In It ] popularity.
t her as an Angil of Mercy when * o >
good to othete.
m Mn. A. If. D.
All Itioitwto from mdlKKtloni , iicnoi or lli < r ttnui sr *
wrik uanerTfd low > plctll , pbjiic Hf Jr l l. tnl umblt M
ptrforoi lire's duties | trop flr ) etu tt * cmtiftl ; ttd perns *
mollr cuieJ , without iloiuicb rotJIflnfi t ata4 bi dKlort.
Blmiuri tnl tin | t n Tin J4lcal M > l'r itfi ' Its 14
tlio ortrttUnc > cri ou IMillltr , I'h ) ! < ! ' < * * ! ( *
Ii .noil/mrrVjed by I UK MAItrtlrtt HOLl'M. * Bvs
hoptleii rate * unirtd ef tirulu rttlornUn lo > > > 1 < > per *
r t niunhood. S.mflf , rrml . clonly , ( Utttal Bed
fir trttllM CftoiQlttuon with phyiKlao frt
MAJWTON IIUIUIIY CO. , 10 W.JIlk 81 , w T--V