THE OMAHA DAILY BSE---WEDNESDAY MAY 16 The Daily Bee. Wednesday Morning , May 10. LOOAb BKJUVJlTIEB. A new ildewalk li being laid In front of th Metropolitan hotsl. The trtei are coming out with their spring suits rery rapidly. There waa tomething new yesterday a decided neniutlon. It w i the fairest cf Hay weather. The Ktlly habeis corpu * wan not set ( or jreiterday , but has been continued loan IndeBnlte date. The telephone exchange is expected to be In working order ngaln by tha middle of next week. Bad wetther has delayed the repairs on the telephone exchange M well ts the patlng work. Contractor Grant had.hin pa\lng force bnay at work yeatordny on Douglai street , and has the concrete laid hall way from Thirteenth to Twelfth Btroot. The D. & II. O. will r < ; ach Ogden bout the 10th of tbli month , on.l botli the Union und C ntral i'nclGc will prob. ably begin runnin ; their through truim into Salt Lake Cl ' by that time. Tlie Miennere' r folks have received a letter from the ( . rroanla society of L1n < coin stating that they would probably Lc np next Sunday. The Mrennerchor wlL arrange [ ilcnio for their entertainment ! D. L. Mitchell , K ( j. , of the 13ec IIIvB , hn pressnted Judge IJoujke with a handname , full length i > h-tograph Sol Om ha'i polloe maglntrntr , which hif bcea framed and hung up in the court room. The two men arrested la t night bj Officeru Stewart nnd Walker with two and a half yards of black cloth In their ponscs slon , fulled to Recount for It yceterdaj and were held for further Investigation oi until a claimant appears for the goodi , In the police court yesterday oni man vras isnt up for Intoxication , Thi easu of John Svaclna a an t two glrli fo maUcioos destruction of treet wan oonttn ( ted to 10 o'cloek Friday , A caie of dl > tnrbance of the peace w i set ( or 4 p. m M. J. Taft and daughter and H. 13 Taylor of Bradford , 1'a. , have been out t Dawion county and bought a largo trac ! oi land , a few miles north of Plum Creek a which they Intend eitabltihlog a colon from Pennivlvania. They are going t take comlderable more land on their retur and will make agriculture tbilr chief ala TJnole John Stanton has retired to hi summer residence. The Hit of the grand and petit jurat for the June term of the dhtrlot court wi be drawn this morning. To-day was tlia first tlmo the eun IIR shown itftelf for over n week , nnd HDIIIO Ir dividual who onght to to banished to th north pole appeared on the street carryln an umbrella to shelter hlmnerf from II rays , If ho hadn't been no stalwart li would be tot down for n dude , A company has been organized i Glenwood , Iowa , to operate a telephor Titem through a tier t f seven countl runulng east of the Missouri river , A the towns In thceo counties are to be coi we ted with the central station at Glc wood , and Olenwood IB to Le connect * with Omaha via Pacific Junction ar FlatUmouth. i A gad cue Is reported from Soul Omaha , Frank Jelllntk , an aged m : with his wife and four children , arrived i ' Oinaba three weeks ago from BohomI ' Jelllnek bad the consumption and dli yesterday leaving hli family without npporter and without rnoner , to mal their wfey in a now worl > \ The remal were taken to Undertaker Jacobs and w be Interred in tbn new cemetery of t ! Bohemian Association. The deceased w 62 years of age. Tbo mother of Ed. Kennedy , t young man who obtained twogold watch from Max Meyer & Bro. en a forged ord from Jthn Daumer , came In from Denv yesterday. She la n very nice lad ; w luBoilog from consumption and w ordered by the physician to take nn oce voyage , being on her way to Cierma when the received lier son's telegram. S 4J9 that LI , received a fall when ho w . --ftjrty which injured his head nnd thin that he was not entirely accountable I * -what he did. The Llnojlu Journal of yeatordr commenting on the report In THK Hi y : "Considerable talk was created our streets yesterday afternoon over t report that Miia Ilattlo Adams , forme of this city , now of Ouuha , has strucl man named Fred Bhnw over ( he heidw a beer mug last Sunday night , inflicting wound th t might prove fatal. Late 1 venln ; tha rumor was In circulation tl the man , had died. Mr. Adams , fathei the girl , told a Journal reporter that kad telegraphed for particulars , but up v a late hour last night had not received tnawer. A new sporting organization kno aa the "Omaha Qun o'ub" his been fora and meets fur practice every two weeks the Lake's addition ground ? . The cl will send a team to the ttato uportsme tournament at Lincoln on thi 12th , 13 14th and 15th cf next me nth. Memb and officers cf the new club are as folio1 President , W. H. S. Hughes ; vice pri dent , Jell. W. Bedford ; tecrctary o treasurer , Geo. Kay ; board of manage O. F.Brusker , F. 8. Porraelee , John ' Petty ; members , Gee T. Mills , W. II. HuRhe * . Jeff. W. lUdford , G. F. BrucU Al. Patrick , Sam. Nasb , John W. Pet V , P. Parmelee , John J. llardln , P , EnstlB , Geo. Kay. Well Rewarded. A liberal reward will be paid to i party who will produce a oaie of Ll > kidney or Stomach complaint that Kl UK bitters will not ipeedlly cure. Br then , alonp , It will coat you nothing for mediate if it falls to cure , and you will v U warded ( or your trouble beald All Bloobdlscaier , Blllouane , Jaund Oonitipatlo. , no general debility quickly cttrea. Satisfaction n > r nte d Qonoy refnndeQ. prio , oar 50 cents bottle. For tale b , Q. F. Goodman. * , Would not U wIthout -Jdllii , Kui Batvt , U U > vsrdlet ot ] _ o FrlttX * . ii LOCAL LEGISLATORS. Hon , W , J , Oonnell the New Oity Attorney , The Market House Proposition Revived A afn , neooptlon of the Dourd of Trade Communication , Eto At iho regular mooting of the city council hat evening , tboto wcro pres ent MOSHIS , Anderson , Bohm , Dun ham , Ilasoal ) , Kanfmann , Laeder , MoGacklu , Murphy , RedCuld , Thrano , Woodworth and President Baker , Tbo minutes of the last regular and special meetings wcro road and ap proved , PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. From the mayor : Nominating Wm. J 0 Connell city attorney , vice John D liowo , term expired , Confirmed. From the mayor : Approving ol certain ordinances. Filed. From the city treasurer : Reporting as to bid ? received for the $100GOC paving bonds. The details of tlioiio bids are pnb < llshod olaGwliTo The Omaha Na tlonal bank , t < highest bidder , asked that nil thu b udn bo delivered on Juno 1 Mr. Ilmo il moved that the bondt bo awarded the Omaha National bank , Carried , Fr-m the secretary of the Donrd oi Trade , stating the appointment of e committed to confer regarding the un < tortainmont of the editorial excursion' Ints ; the amount required In abonl $000 , and the council was asked tc contribute a portion of that sum. Ila forrod to the finance committee. From residents of the Fourth ward oiling attention to the dangerous con dltion of the sidewalks on the aontl aldo of Capital avenue , west of Sixteenth teonth street. Referred. From A. 11. Toozor : P/ceontlnp ! i bill of damages from recent floods Referred. From 0. H , Oulon and others Asking that the north and south eld of Oapitol avenue bo curbed and gul terod from Twentieth to Savontoont streets. Referred. From City Water Works Oo : Th fire hydiDnt on Seventeenth an Leavonworth la now ready for use Referred , A number of bills were referro without reading. From residents on Sevontoont street : Asking that It bo openo from Nicholas to Olark and donatln the necessary ground for right of waj Referred. From property owners on Sanndoi and adjoining streets : Asking tht Saunders street bo brought to grade Referred. From Henry Jack ion : Glalmln damages by reason of north Omah flood of May 8th , amounting t $598.25 Raforrod. From Stephen Roblnton : Offorln to deliver 1,200 cubic yards of earth t 10 ccnta per yard. Referred , wit power to act. From the city engineer : Eitlrnal of grading necessary to bring Nin teonth Rtroot to grade between , Dodj and Harnoy. Filed. From Paul Platz : Requesting pe mltelon to nso dirt from Oass at Turontj-Bfth streets to fill sldowa ground. Referred. The city engineer's estimate of ltd walks constructed and repaired w approved. From the taxpayers on Howar Jackson and Jones streets and all i torseotiog atroots from Ninth to Tht ; teonth streets , calling attention to tl necessity of grading all the abe < named streets. Referred. From residents on Wllllan street , between Twelfth and Fou II teonth , asking that It bo made pass blr. Referred. From the board ot trade oommitto transmitting ordlnanoa. Filed. llESOUmONS. By Lcodor : That the market honi proposition of Webster Bnydor ba r nclnded Adopted. By Kunfmann : To have obstrn lions on the sidewalk on the east sli of Thirteenth , south of Ljavonwort removed. Adopted. By Thranc : Calling for list of aid walko in Fourth ward needing repaii Adopted. By Bahm : Requesting the Unli Pacific railroad company to oulari the culvert on Fourteenth street no Maroy , Adopted. By Buhm : That a hydrant ' placed on the northeast corner Twenty-Second and Loavonwort Referred. By Murphy : Appointing n spool committee of three to negotiate wl Byron Rued regarding the opening Dodge street to the city llml Adopted. By Loedor ; That any work do by the city bo paid on the basis wages adopted by the council in 18f Amended that the wages bo $1 8 per day , and adopted as amondod. By Bohm : Instructing rity o glneer to employ somuoao to rep the North Omaha sewer as soon possible. Referred. By Anderson : To have a blac ib board placed In the council chaml ibhi for illustrating plann by profile , dra hi Ing , etc. Adopted. By Anderson : Forbidding I dumping of stable mauuro or rnbb ot uny kind Into the North Oma crook , Adopted. By Rodfield : Instructing the boi of public works In regard to the rep of the curb and gutter on c aide of Tenth street near the dep Adopted. By McQuokln ; Instructing the c marshal to notify all houses of proi tntlon within two squares of the Th ward school honso to remove wit ) SO davs. Adopted. ay By Kanfmann : Tocauso the Imi dlato removal of the building now the Middle of Eleventh street , be tween Jpnoa and Lpavouwoi bo Adopted , v By Woodworth : Directing the C ire Waterworks Co. ( o , put In | heliYa boxes , on all street * being pAved , ier either brick , itone or oak. Adopt By RedGold ; Directing the olty Rineer to furnish a profile and rep it * the amount of erth necessary to II moT d to bring Eleventh , Twelfth iII i Thirteenth streets togrido fromDouR- h to nhlcago. Adopted , By Woodwortb : To stop deposits of rubbish on the grounds north of the 0 , M & 0. railway. Adopted. REPORTS 01COMMITTEES. . The matter of the taxation of the Djpont Powder Co. , was referred back to the judiciary committee to foeuro the opinion ot tbo city attor ney. ney.Tho petition of L. V , Morse and others for curbing and guttering of Oipltol avenue from Fonrteoontn to 'llxteenth was favorably reported on nd an ordinance ordered drawn up or that end. The petition of D. VdtiEtton aud thers for change ot grade on Harmy treet from Eighteenth to Cjnvont treat was filed without action as thcro was a strong protoHt In the matter. The committee on police reported in aver cf the appointment of Michael rlcEaery as policeman and the ap- ointment was confirmed. The ; " i n cf L , 0. Etiowold fcr lormUaion to place a scale near Twen- , y-sixth and St. Mary's avenue was ranted , The petition of the German assocla- Ion for poososslon of parcel of laud ou Inrkot street was favorably recom- nondod and the execution of a deed rdored. The petition for a change of names f certain streets in north Omalm was cportad back and filed. The ordinance sent In by the board f trade and establishing a dop-ut- uont of public buildings and surveys , na Introduced and referred to thu udlolary committee. An ordinance changing the name o ! 'ark ' avonno to McGrnth avonno was ntroducod and referred. An ordinance amending section 1 nd repealing aectlon ( I ot ordinance 511 , which proscrlbim the dntler , nd hxos the aalarloi of the board of lubliu works TTBE read twice nud ro < erred. Thin fixes the oMnoy of the ihalrmnn nt $2,200 , and of the mem- bora at $250. < \n ordinance requiring meats anc egotablcn to pass under inspector and creating the oflico of inspector ilso to prevent hnckstoring In thi streets of Omaha was read and referred forred to the jndialary. An ordinance to protect the sovron n North Omaha from damage by pro vldlng for the drainaga of the over flow and surplus water of said creel was passed , An ordinance changing the name of certain streets in North Omaha already published , vras road twice am referred. A special ordinance levying n ta : for the ctnstrnotlon and repair o sidewalks and another approprialin moneys for the same purpose , ten twloo and referred. Adjourned for two weeks , STEALING BILK. Three Yountr Boy a Hun Their Head Into the NOOBO. Ou Saturday last the store of L I William * was robbed ot a bolt of all o intaining ninety yards , the whoh a Jo price of which was $1 per yard. The robbery happened between 1 and 1 o'clock , at noon , and was a w < 11 planned that It , was accompllaho CM hout the detection from anyone 1 tl n store. Three boys , Dag Maguire , Mil Q tinlnn and John O'Brien , wet t. Williams' at the noc h nt and Magnlro at 0 Brlon entered , while Qalnlan stoo 0 t watch untsldo. Magniro had l rgo overcoat thrown carelessly ovi bid shoulder. O'Brien engaged ot of the clerks In a dicker for a pair < rhoe strings , and meanwhile Maguli walked coolly back to the silk count ! iid smuggled thn bolt of goods nndi 1 M overcoat. 0 Brlon having got h i > oe strings , both then wont out an j Ined the outside sentinel. The departure of the boys , none ' vhora are over eighteen years of ag us watched by one of Edholm IMcksou'a clerks , who mistrust * i mothlrg wrong from their actions BI t U they had boon up to some ml ief. He wont over to the store at i parted his suspicious and upon ( t 'Igatlon the bolt of silk was foui i < o missing. ' IIlicer Walker was Informed of tl bory nnd from the doecrlptlc * n by the jewelry clerk and M lams' employee readily guors < were the culprits. Bo and Of ' I \rmour wont to work togoth I o well did they make their caic n H that they succeeded in recovp 0 nvonty-fivo of the ninety yan > r k. k.oy found two dross patteri 10 the piece at R drossmakit 'f ' ' tishraent and one at ' d barber shop , A four ! 1 boon sold to a lady fro > ' itlo , Iowa , who had already le h 'tome. She was notified of tl 'f ' idle and will return the goodi t ' / The rest of the pleco la not y ' ivored. I'no boys are of the right age ' ' . / good from evil and It Is probal 1. 11 > - . they will land In the ponituntla 2 , ere they got through with tl > lr. It Is supposed that two color iIr it are implicated with the qac Ir they have skipped the town. tiS It has been hard times this apri 'i around and the gang has been g < kur ii < In its work pretty freely , but tl urw I ib promises to bo a sorry one for t w- i jartlolpants lie ! Bucklen'B Arnica Salvo , ih The greatest medical wonder of t liorld. . Warranted to upeedllv cure Bun i ilrolsef. Cuts , Ulcerf , Suit Kheum , Wai ri 'ores ' , Cancers , Piles , ChllbUttu , Con . | 'otter , Chapped llnndi , nnd all skin erv llr ons , Rinranteod to cure In every luatau lot f money roluuiM. 2S rents per box. it. For le by 0 , F. ( iooilra n. MILLINERY STOCK FOB SAL t 1. A now and styllah stock of mllllnc rd > nd fancy goods , which will bo sc | n i cheap owing to poor health of p oriotor. A splendid opening 10 * fancy stock , as there is none In t In town. For a bargain , address Lock Box 53 , Teonmseh , Neb , If yon are not married , write Marriage Fund MutnalTru t AwoeUtl ve Cedar lUpldi , Iowa , for flrcabkr * expll of log the plan. id.m . The Reno EveningO'azette U I m- cheapest paper and Loest advertlsl ) , tt ( Bi\jdlum In Nevada , , Its Weekly nd the home paper fow'tne whole lUte A STORM SCENE. A Midnight Alarm ana its Denouement - nouoment , A Olup of Thunder tbnt A'woke Onu Bleeptr. Upon a certain night during the week of storms th i has jast paiaed , a little Incldant ooourred at ona of our loading hotels which has not yet found Ita way Into print. It was about two o'clock In the morning , and the night clerk was beginning - ginning to weary of his long watch and wish for day , when the bell rang from one of the rooms np stairs. The bsll boy WAI sent up aud returned breathless with tha information that tbo lodger In that room had hoard groana In the alloy beneath his win , ar d VlU'Ved tha * a man was being inuid-jwd tliufJ. At this tlmo the atorm was at itt leight , the ruiu was falling In torrentc nd the glare of tha lightning and roar f the thunder were incessant , The rhole proceeding was no unusual and -ho night so advontagons for deeds of > lood that the clerk , who is prndent , r > well as bravo , thought It might be i plan to got everybody out and rot ho cafe. Not to bo caught In this wnj ho sent the porter and boll boy to tht oecua of the supposed victim and tck < ng up a double barrelled shotgun ook a stand BO nn to cover both on rancos with his artlllory. In sooio way ho caught the trlggei n a coat button and a movement oi hla arm sent the hammer down one ho gnn , which was loaded with eluci ind buck shot , went off with a nolai that double discounted the thunder the charge being burled In the wood work about thu culling. The force that had gone to reacui the man In the alley , found only i a drunken man who had got into .th mud ao deep that ho was unable t extricate himself , and before they go htm out hoard the shot and snpposei an attack had boon made on the clerk They name in pale and excited wltl hands np and were relieved tojfind th extent of the troubled BO limited Strange to say , not a soul np stair was alarmed by the discharge , and moue ouo appeared on the scene nntll morn Ing. At breakfast tlmo a Chlcag drummer , who had occupied an insld room , appeared to settle hla bill bofor leaving for the train , and the clerk anxious to find out the effect of th accidental shot , asked him If he slop well. "Ob , yes ? " "Well , that wa an awfnl atorm last night ? " "Yei but It didn't bother mo much , excer. that I heard a of a clap of thuti dor about 2 o'clock. " The clerk did not explain thnt the storm was inaido the house , but h1 frlonda learned of it , and ouo of thoi qavo it away to a BEE reporter. FLEA FOR THE POOR. A Chance for trie Charitable to do Good Deed. Mrs. H. M. Ojrlton , member of tt publishing committee of the Omal Auxiliary society , baa laanod the fc lowing notice : > The Omaha Auxiliary society ha1 a soliciting committing who are Rathe Ing provisions and other necosaai articles to send to the home ne : Wednesday. All who dealro to aor omothlog and who may not see tl ommlttoo can send their donatloi o Mrs. Haver's , 1512 Divonpo treot. The Auxiliary society hi rrangod to send a box of provialoi inco a month , and all May oontrlb Ions must bu In before next Wodne lay. The box , or boxea , will 1 > ackod next Tuesday evening. An hlng will bo acceptable. All won hlnk ao If they oonld see the cone Ion cf the homo nnd the inmateo aa j saw them a few days ago. Butter h j not been seen in the homo for month The regular diet ia lard gravy at ; raham mush all the tlmo. Meat only served once a week and thi never got anything in the way of de cacios , not oven for Sunday dlnnc fiany of the babies are lying upi itraw bads with no pillows. Set lomo pillows and anything to mal hem moro comfortable. This Is o irat general donation ; let us too h ( well wo can do. Lot an try to ma hoae friendless onea fool it ia a hoi or them. CONURE8HMAN LAIRD. Tbo Omaha Qloo Club Gives Him RoualnK Beronade. Hon. James Laird ; congreasm rom the Second district has boon t ho Paxton for the put two or thr days , and last night the Omaha O ! Ulub determined to give him a sore adobe About half pait nine o'clock t club-wont to the Paxton and first sa tCtho rotunda after which they we ipTotalra and serenaded Mr , Lilrd its room , tfter which that gontlem made his appearance and acknoi edged the honor in a brief speech tl was very pleaaant to the boys. Tim club was next Invited down the Pdxton clnb rooms , where th were joined by several Omaha gent men aud passed the tlmo ploaaan nntll midnight. Ohampagtto flowed like water , a ono song iollowed another in qnl aucccenlou , the boys appearing at th very bt st. Mr. LIrd made thorn a seoa ( pooch , not ICES .happy than the fit aud the party finally separated runtu ly well pleased. "BOUGH ON CORN Ask for Wolls' "Hough on Corn 15o. Quick , complete , permani unro. Corns , warts , bunions. Sunday Scnool Aeaoolatlon , ETATK SECBETABY'S Omcs , 1 KKAHNKV , Nob. , May 10,1883. J The annual convention of the 1 bo btsika Sunday School association i be held at Oolnmbui , June 12 , 13 i 14 , commencing on Tuesday evonl be and closing Taunday evening. Ook bus sayi "come , " and it is uiak eyery effort to Insure inooess. Ei school and county association Is i U d io two delegttM. Tha rallro make the usual lodust'on ' of one and one-fourth faro for the round trip. The Sioux City & Pac.tio road will ru- turn porsoso who h v * p\td full faro going nt one fourif * n. upon pre- Beutntlim ut thtir illli lu Fremont of a curtlficito of nMeuiiuLcu at the ccn- vomion , The Union Pacific and the Burllnaton & Miisouri River roads will dell excursion tlckuU forthoronnd trip at one and otiti foutth furo upon pseaentatlim nt the u'atlon ot startitg of acertificnto obt intd from the cor responding secretary of tbo aseocla- tlon before leaving Homo , which cer tificate entitles the holder to nuch px- curelon ticket ut the reduced rate. Bj sure to obtain thcso cirtlfisstes prior to starting from homo by applying to the correapnnemg secretary , H. B Gilbert , at Kearney , Neb , stating the route by which > ou runoh Columbus , B. F. Jacobs , of Cblcapo , chairman of the cxocutivo ojinmlttuu of thn International tornational Sunday School association , Is expected to bu with ns , and together - gethor with leading Sanday cchool workers of our own 6010 , will make the convention ere cf deep interest and profit to the Sanday school people present. Bring gospel hvruna com bincd , together with bibles , psncllc and note paper. H. B GILUF.IIT , S.ato Stcrelavy. * A MARKETHOU E A New Proposition foraMuch Needed Duildiner Since the proposition of the eyndL c to represented by Webster Soydoi to erect r $150,000 musket houno or Jcfi'jrson rqnare full through tlu eubjcct has been pretty much loa ! sight of. ' It la learned now that Gen , Eta brock proposed to erect at an earl ] day n market house which will cou 50,000 and which will bo located oi hla own properly on Sixteenth atrco opposite Jtfterfioii Square. In convcueatlon with Mr. Ettabrool it was stated by him that Mio prtjecl was boua fide and if the proper leg Islatlon can be secured from the ell ] council will bo carried out. The plan are already drawn and nro now to b < aeon at Mr , Estabrook'a ofiiso. Thi building will ba such ns to be not oul ; remunerative to its owners but a credl to that part of the city and the enl ; delay is occasioned by waiting to so if the council will take sojie nctloi for the protection of such an enter prise. "IHE WILD WEST. " Arrival of the "Buflalo Bill' Party l Gmana. A Bpecall train of nine cars arrive In this city over the Union Paclfi about 4 o'clock last evening , brlngln the men , anlmala and paraphernall of the "Wild West , " the Cody an Carver combination , which brok camp at Columbia yesterday morning The train waa run right down totb U. P. ahope , where it wnn nnlo&de of bag and baggage nnd the procee elon , a moat unique one , at once tee Its way out Sixteenth etrcet to th driving park , whrro the party agal goes Into camp , Tne party comprises about eight men and moro than that number c animals , There ate over sixty Indlar , Omahas , Ogallala Sioux , Brul Sioux and Pawnees. Then there ai buffalos , elk , dogs , and about fift broncho ponies. Altogether the pe : sonnol ot the party h very novel an the appearance well calculated to a tract attention. Wilberforco Grand Concert Con pany ( formerly known as the Stewai Concert Oompiny ) , endoraad by hot pulpit and press , will give one of the Grand Concert * at Masonic Hall , coiner nor Sixteenth and O.ipltol nvonue , fr the benefit of the now African M. Church to night. DJ not fail to hoi them , General admission , 50 cent children under 12 years , 25 cents. BIRD MITOUEU , Pastor. rtoal Estate Transfers. The following deeds were filed fc ricord in the county clerk's ' offic May 14 , reported for THE BEE I Amos' rettl estate agency : B. nnd L Reed nud wives to J. I Erok , w. d. , lot 55 , Nelaon'a add $350.W. . W. J Cjnnell aad wlf o J. GM q. c. d , lot 8 , block ' D , " Shluii add. , SI 00 A. M G McOormlck and huebii to F. B Keniuird , et. al. w. d. , pa : lot G , block 135 , $ G,000. J. W Shank and wife to J P. Ro w. d. , part lot 30 and n. lot 3 Kouutze's add. , $2COO J. Barker and wife to M Tlbke , \ d. , part lot * 105 aud 100 , Nelson add , $1 550. Z. Stevens and wife to J. H. Ere w. d. . lot 3 , block 212J-53,500. L. R. Tuttle , Jr. , tu G. E. Strs man , w. d. , lot 2 , Tuttle'a snbdlvlsli -SQ25 J. McKoon to n. H. Rees , w. c parcel sec. 2 2 , 15,13-$2,000 H. H. and S. Rues to J McKee w. d. , parcel KOO. 22 , 15 , 13-$2,5C F. P. and E A , Gould to F. J. ai 0. E. Sitter , w. d. , lots 2 mid blocks , subdivision , lot 5 , Chpli add. ? 1,300. A Run on a Drug Store , Never was such ruth made for n Prug Sture aa is now ut C. F. Gnodmp id lor a trial buttle of Dr. Kite's New I 3k ooveiry for Cousumptlon , Oju hs a ColeU. All ferBons atleo.ed with Astbn Uronchith , lloarsenrss , jovere Coughs id any alfectlon of the Throat and Lunge , C get a Trial Uattle of tbln great rerne 11 : free , by cnllinf at tha above Drug Sto He ular biz9 , $100. Don't bo Alarmed Bright'a dlseaau , Dlabetca , or a oRuo of the kidneys , llvor or utit nt ry organs , ao Hop Bitters will ci talnly and lastingly euro yoq , and it the only thing that will. SPECIAL NOTICES. e- ill CV8PEOIAL8 will POSITIVELY rot b atrttd unltti paid In advanct. TO LOAN MONEY U- V/fOKKYTO / LOAN 10 Om'h Mlnn bi J.YL la now prepirtd tomakcloani o Om Utl. city cr P < MjU oouBtf ltd til t at un ntrt o Interett Na comniludon tl. ) - ll M Uw efflc * rD MoSrriOIXAN-O * l < htta Black , for Infants and Children. and overcomes Flatulency , Constipation - tion , Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , nnd Fevcrishncss. It insuios health and natural Bleep , without morphine. " CfMtorln In so welt adapted to Children that 1 recommend ItnsbUperlor to any prescription known to rue. " II. A. AKCIIEU , M. D. , fa Portland Ave. , Brooklyn , N. Y. CENTAUR LINIMENT-aii jibsoluto euro for llheunia- tisin , Sprains , Burns , Gulls , &c. The most Powerful amli'onc- tratliig ruiu-rcllcving nntl Ilealiny Itcincdy k o\vu to innn. TO LOAN Lowe't R tf o' In MONEY , Bcrul ' lo'.n Ajcury , 15th & DonxlM " 24-f ON < - Y LOANt DOn chattel mortgage room M 7 L'n on Block , icrnor 15th and Faniam S s 120 lm ; { ONEY Loaoed on chattel prorcrty by J. M 1 Ucattj.No 21S South 14th street 22Mmot ( \T ONEY TO LOAN-At 8 per cent. Shrlvcr'i JRoilBxitite nd Loan Agency , oppcultc post nlRce 7B7-tf HELP WANTCD A Ocrmmboy to worK In rcstau- WANTEo Apply to Homy Cops , 2'5 I th ft , between Firiiam and Douglas C03-Id ยง ANTKl' 'Jlrl , must be a good conk at BIO Do.lgo St. 497-17 $ \ 1 Five rnroonlcra one cabinet \V - , jml rne boy to loir" trade. , M COI-15t W i\iliirr : , l0fl D-dgo St. fOO ram with hardbfardi and WANTFD ticui to call at Oamb e's 0 K. bat- > r bbop , and ha convl iced thnt wa hate four of thutiritst art ! Ulu the citS , W. corner 12th a d Farnam st ? , Uo07-211 TT7AMED A se"'tid cook at the Vmmett W iloiisi Woimn irntcrrcd. 512-215 ED A gcol lurber at the thlcwo H rtcr hoj > . lieiirj Wouas , propr ttor , Columbui , Neb Stcadj Joh an" too4 wages. NoSunJa. wnk for oanl < uliM t ( ) H < ro ot E. L Motou & Co , 1C22 Capitol avenue , Oinnha , Neb Cll ICs AN'ED SO t'nms at corner Fourteenth w ai d Farnam this wornli g. WAVTRP Stout bay t 1518 Dodge Btrcct 4SU 16- , WANTED Cmpetent g'rlfor ' xemra ! houso- work. 23d and tt M < ri' o HP 4S4-.G MUS ROBf PUUVIS. - Ursnla s crok. Mutt ba a good laumlro's agcs E 00 per week. Apply at M , T. Patrick , ha.nders street , near draco. 4S316f ANIED-Aglrl to eo second woik. M. A , w McKamar. . , C14 S.lTlh st. -13110 ANTED Olrlj at Slatcn home lutn atrcet .liwign. 48915' \\7ANTED Mlctd'o agi'd woman to do light V house-work. W * oj $1 , ptr week , Anpl } at 912 Doi g ass rcct. 464-1U A good competent girl to which WAJHED eswlll bo pa < ' , N. W. corner IR i. Ca\cnpcrt St 448 tf ' 5 men far tra k lajers Irqulro W Ca Held House UhO. ( JANFIELD. 441-151 " > . Ihrcsor/our / Imj-roveU ( arms tor cash cimoiiurs , al o well Improved rest- denes nrcpo t > in c ty. E. t. MOUSE & CO , _ _ m0-lw 1022 Gipitol Ate. WANTE A ( teed baker , tteidy work ami ( jorel wages pld , single man pren'rcd. Add rets C. M. Moltit , beward. N'eb M9 5' I.ADIFS OR YOUNG MEV IN WANTED City or countrj to take nice , lU'ht and pUasint wori < at tbtlr own homes ; ? 2 to J5n da > coj'ly ' and quletlr mtdr ; work ent by mall ; 10 cam as In ; ; nittarnps for renh Pica o ad dress IIEL1ABLE M UFAC1UUINO .O , Driw tr TT Philadelphia , PA. 332-1 if - dining room vlrl at the Cre'gh WANTED-A 315 tf SITUATIONS WANTED , WANTED Slttathn by young man 119 le-n Bccunomed to office work or gro erv huilneia. Oood refer.noeghen. . Addrr * < H , Whirton , Post ORlce , Omaha 5'.5 17t - ' smalt amby | ! a WANlED-Situat'onlna at 1 G N. 13th Si. 121-tf MISCELLAHEOuH WANTb ANTED To rent , two houses by Junelst. W mo 8 IT all coitige nf abn t 6 rooms , and one Urge h use ot about 8 or 9 room * Laae house 10 be within 5 blocks of ] osictnc * . Ad- dre.s "F " Bee office 5CC 1C * \ATANTFD Set cf butcher's books to keep In W exihtnga for meat Address 1 , 2 3 , Bee cfilce. COM8 D-For garit'em ' n nd wife furrlthed WANT and board. Central location. Ad- dresa R. C Ca-bicr. offl o U. P. Rj. Co. 477-16) ) OMF RTALR riom with bosrd In privite C famll ) wllh children ptefrr d baladj tt at will care fir roim If dodrevl. Ktforcn.i ghcnand required. Address "M , " fee olllco * -5 16t acts f > u.cet "C' c 4C It * FOR VENT HOUSES AND LOTS. 10K R'NT Elegant fnmUhert fr nt room , F H10Dodje ( treet , McCorjjick bl ek. J93-21I RENT Vew hime Enqulrs of Mr FOR , 25 h itrcet , btt ein Davcnpor tnd Chicago. 499 ICl T URMSHEO ROOUS TO RENT SnUab'e to ; JJ gn lemin 1019 Farnam S . 470 17 } OR RENT A hou'e ol s v n rocm , est lo C ca ion ii the c ty Ir > < | ulrr at ih' Wei'eri Cornlc- Walks , D ug'as ttrett between lltl and 12th. 6 8-17 (7011 RENT Hou e l'h ' fl\e rooms , good re -11 Mir , like sard Hcnt j.'S par mo ih. 801-21 JOHN W. BELL , Prugg'at. IlKNT A rlca'ant front room w''h b MI Ffill Siunderaatr < cton , street c r Him BU-10' TJ10H RE T Handiomely furnished roon e r brick h-u e , bay window. Rent low , ICl Chlcigo Hlreft. 479-101 OU RENT Hi a ? within two blcckj cf Pos F eitllce 11 ro rns. 7 cli-eets ba h tocm god w ter Mu l bj rented this week weekM.CAGUE . , 457-19 ' ppneltn Pest otlice , RENT Arlcel ) furnlsedrcoin. . A le\ FOR boarders w anted , Ddgu aid 22d street 4P0191 UB KJU RFNT Corner cf ICthandDir JT nioit. Inquire 1010 Daienport ttrret 4C3U RENT Fornlihed riom 902 Farram FOU 4C.5-18J T7OU ( UKST A front pa lor brautlfu ly fui JJ nlthed ti 1 or 2 gentlemen at 1013 Do lee SI 450 181 RENT 1 j ator ? house 0 rooms noitheai EOR corner 18th and Clark. EnnulraolWin Kiel stea I at DK * EY . \ STONE. 474 2w FOR RENT-rieij ant furnlihed room wit board. Modern ImjroTements 1718 Dodge 458 171 In NICELY-Furniihtd room to tent , 117 S. 171 St. 450-171 TTIORRCNT-Ocol ilx loom house and bar nk JJ PacWBlv ) SQ , AMF6 , ka lttt FarnimSI. kaml ml U " IOR RENT Two ucfurnUhfrd roomait 101 "C F llama ; itretl. VT. VIEBRILU. Whnt BTCS ! our Children roar checks , What cures Uiclr fercra , makm thorn wcfn ! 'Tla Castorln. When bnble-1 fret nnd err ' > y turns , What cures their colic , kllU Uielr worms , Hut rantorln. Wlmt cjuickly curc < i Constipation , Sour Htoraach , Colds , Indigestion , UlltCmtnrliu Farewell Uien to llon'hlno Syruiw , Castor Oil and 1'aregoric , and IfallCnatorlnt Fi iOH "EVT Ore Plaio , one new rrjan , rcaa- o nbletntin' . llODpo'a Music Hal 32U-lm TTIOIISALKOII UE T-SKro ro in wth | ttx- r turc Hr * clssa lou'tlon for groom nd cTtigstO'O South 15th Btrctt , lrt i > n Mnrlha and Dorcas. OiilS',400. McCAGUE , 235-U Ojip. 1'oatolHco. T01l RENT Two nice largo dwelling , No 1 J1 Irtitlon. KEYAOuDS & MOTiEH. 176-lm ITIUlt utNl ocmR'uaml lotn at sirlvcrnnd JJ Bell's , , opin ito Poatofllcc. 709 tf TnUHNlSIIEO rroras and board , llodorn con- JLMenlfiii-'S , 13 U DoJgpstreet IJOOlmt TJlURMallBD UOOMS V rj des rablc location I ? P'ck. real catate , npp. l > . i ) . 001-tl RENT Flue upr'ght piano , line Kin. , FOU orKan , 1519 Dodge street. 6M- ' > A. H08PK , Jr. FOR SALf OTELFOR S U ETh7 lo cncc. " FuT nl'hol crinnliti. Th only hotel In Iho place ft Adorers H K. Clirk , Stella , Rldmilsan eb. 61021 * SALK-Hilf interest In M < at .Mirkct , FOR tuuth 10th aired. IW 17 * T-oVsAT "r sh inlleh cow. M. A M Na 1 ? uar , CUS. 17trttM.t . 40510 OH SALE Two fiery frame 12 room homo , F wllh c'o ta &n4 eel ar anl cltv water. Lot 41x66. Alao H n'.on ' ilx room hiU3P , c'C8t8. ' ttllar , cl tern nnd well Lv SVriM. HI 1 ba sold on t me payments. A rare ba'Knln E. L MOUSE A , CO. 475-18 1022 Capital Ate. ' SALE-On account rf removal from town FOU American Home , 920 Douglas street , be tween 9tb &nd loth. For turtlier mitlcuUia ap ply t premises. L. J. BO3S 41G15t SALE hreo tra ue bulHlnir en wo-t side FUK street , adjoining the nor'hwcit cor- tier of Douglas , on lot 8 bbck 1 3 Bid * will De received at the Merchants' National Hank until May nth. SAMULLE. ROGE1U. 370-17 OU SALK 7 room hou o and barn , tw < full lots nicely Improved tine location , South Omaba * 3000. AMES , SoS-lino 1500 Fiinam. SALE Now cjtUtfo and Four lots on 1'arlc POH enueonl > S2S03 , email c sh fayni nt , balance - ance eqml annual payments at elgU ft cent. MiiCAUUU , ipposlte 1' . 0. 350-tf TJIOll SALE Two acres on routh Thirteenth L JP atreet , aoodbou'e seven looma , bain , elstern 3CObcarlcg jrapulncs and Urge amount of fruit of oil kind larijalii $ C500 McCAOUP , opposite PostOtlke 319 f TOH SALE Ilruse and let , G icoms , good cla- I' tern , out-bmidlngs , ptc. laiire lot , near town 82,200. REYNOLDS & MOTTEIl. 177-luio T71011 dALK A Bret ciaci ) nocoml hand phaeton J ? Call t 1819 TJarncy St. 387 H SALE j'lax mill machinery conilstlnc of FOR , 2 dute s , boiler , picker , pros ? , &c. Can work el hcr r ttcd or green , ulio snail- Ing , pulllctf tTid belting for driving tbeaboie , al o one 35ill. I1 , englno with holler , Binpko t'ck tn 1 * iitnx ure < co i p ct. . Addrow WILL- IAM TAlT tholes Cltv Iowa. 2953ml FOR "ALf Water p-wer g U mill , Inquire oIKl Ilr < e , nav rljNou. J426S " 17 UR bALE Old newnpupcrs In large and email .C qu ntlt'ei t thla otllco. tf I OR bALE OR REKT- Vose Piano. F 523-tt C. J. CANAN. J10U &ALE-Phtton. II. . Fh lllpa , 1 07 arr.m. fTiOn SALE One SJ trr-tlot , luurtcwo , il'J 0. JJ 1751m UEYtOi.Dj&ilOTTEH. ol good brick. 8.60perThiufa-l it PLENTY . I'lilmnuy bricks J7.OJ pcrthouaicd. ttrii brick $5.00 , to clcsu busln'a . 10RENZO DABBLE , Ono block south of 15th and BolU\uu roau. 150-lm-j ) SAL Four godlota one hilt m lo irom FOR pretottlc . Cheap , en-j terms. 1781m ltE. > OLl > 84 MOTIER. SAL& A flr't-Ja 8 second IniiJ top hi v- EOR Cill at Ul'i tlainey itrejt 3 7-t CONfRACTOUS Wo ha\o about 1000 TIO of dirt for tale , K. & H , D Es 50021 (141 REWARD Tee abOTO reward will le p i " . paid to an > one giving auch information ai will cad to thaunes' of me thief and recov ery cf the tarpaulin tUlen ironi my wazon llth In.t. F. W. MAHSH 47215 26150iandSt. ' - ' . Humphrey i. Co , HIS Dodge street , board Ki 50 per week. Ma > 4-lm EDWA JKD MAGISTER fF PALMYSTERY ANH COND" TIONALI3T , 408 Tenth street , between Farnam and Ilarney. Will , with the aid of guardian spirits , obtain for any one a glance of the pail and present , tnd nn cirtaln condition ) tn tht fa. ture. Boot * tnd Shoes madu to order. Pirfeol POWDER Absolutely Pure. ThU poWer never varle * . A marrel of pa rllT lirenglh and whoUsomtnea * litre economical than the orplnarjr klmdi , and < cni.ot b * lold U competition with tha multitude of Itw > ihoit w lght.alumor phraphaU pow < r Sold 00)7 ) U can * . ROTH. Bliot P TPM Co. , Val-M.'Ua ) N w Teik. I