TEK DAJLl BEE-OODJStiij Jtf LUFFS IOWA ER DA ? MAY IT The Daily Bee. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Friday Morning , May 11. .1UB80RIPTION BATES ! 8r Carrier , SO centa per w k. Cr Mall . . . . . . 110.00 per Year. Offloa : No. 7 Fowl Street , Near "roadway. MINOR MENTION. See Joseph Belter1 ! iprinf ? itylcg. Additional local on leventh pte. Barber wanted at 220 Broadway , L. B. Olark & Co. , druggists , 100 Broadway. A now cement floor IB being laid In the front portion of the county jail. Alderman Keating is making sotno marked Improvements In his Broad way store. The sheriff * of the state are to meet in thli city May 23 and 24 , at the OK- don house parlors. Permit to wed was yesterday grant , od to Edward G. Wood and May J. Rickey , both of this city. Ida Story was yesterday fined $39 10 , the highest fine yet paid in by any of the keepers of prostitution. There are a few oases of scarlet fever In the city. The board of health should bo on no alert to take all needed measntuj to prevent any spread of the disease. Oity Clerk Trontman yesterday torn- od over to the city treasurer $5,342 , the receipts from licenses and fines during the past five days. If the city could have snob receipt * the year around from those sourccsthoro would bj little for the tax payers to raise. Oao of the teachers in the Bloomer school while experimenting with gas before a class In chemistry mot with an accident , ono ot the jars exploding , scattering glass in all directions and giving some slight scratches and cnta to several pupils. The committee appointed to secure speakers for decoration nay , Colonel Dalley , Judge Rood and Oolonel Sapp , have invited as oratora of the day Mayor 0. 0. Oolo , of Nebraska Oity , formerly of the 2d Wisconsin , also a signal oflbor of Gen. Sherman's staff , and Oharloa M. Harlo , of this city. Joseph McLean was the only drunk In the police court yesterday. Bis fine was only $7. CO , $2 less than what fines have ranged al during the oold weath er. Perhaps the drop is caused by the fact that it costs the city nothing.now for-coal to heat the oalabooso during the summer season. Perhaps thu saloon llcenuo being raised , it is doom ed no more than just that those wno got drunk should bo allowed the benefit - fit of Increased city rovonno , by hav ing a little taken of the penalty for getting drunk. There Is now lying very ill at the Valley houeo an old man , who acorns to bo struck with great romorno about some uionoy which ho snyn ho stele from Spetmau Bros. The pour inuu is en sick us to bo unable to talk very much or very intullleently , but this euma the burden of his mind Thn firm whom h seems to foe ) th\t ho has wronged4cnow nothing tb mt any such transaction , but recognize th man as having traded la the store somo. Ho ha * boon at the hotel only a day or two. Mace Wise Is showing much enter prise and public spirit by the energy with which he is circulating a sub scription for the improvement of Fulrmount park. About $400 has already been raised. Tnrru is no city in the country which poisemea nuoh a beautiful natural park and yet our citizens seem to lack in appreciation of it. S.raugo as it may seem there are many here who have never even looked at tha park , aud yet every visitor from elsewhere expresses de light at what nature hai dune them , and astonishment that Council Blufla dooH not expend a little more money In adding to the beauty and oommerou of the plaotj. Now that Alderman J.nnon ha * e.o gracefully retntotrd the i iriuuitions which ho MI fLppautly HUUK uualuut these who htd charge of the building of the Midlson treut culvert , I he dem ocrat lu orguu which ochoua his wlile- perlupn should follow his cxamplu or elto the inntter should bo promptly and thoroughly investigated by dloln tore&tod aud competent persons. It would also bo w H to Inquire Into the building of the Bryant ntroet culvert while they are about it , for there is much more doubt about that than about the now ono. A full rupott of the cost of the Madison street culvert has been given in detail , and spread upon the records. Oiu any report of the other ono bo found ? Some euy not. 800.0 more fast ones have arrived at the driving pnrk , among them be ing Loafer and Big Suap horn Mt. Pleasant , each with a record of 2:25. : and both very fleet trotters Din Anderson , an old tlmnr , is also herewith with Maggie F from Maryvlllo , Mo. , who hoc a record of 2:80. : Two uow runulug horses have also armed rvnd there uro twelve more which nro ex pected between uow next Sunday. There is every teuton to expict that this coming meeting will bo ono of the moat lively of any over hold hrrc. An attempt will be made to eocnro a late dummy train , so that these from the other uido of the river who deslru to attend can return homo the evening of the samo'day , and yet see all thi > events. If this can bo done scores of Omaha folks will utioud thu mooting dally. The cace against Wilson and Koltor , the gamblers charged with robbing young Van Bnren of $435 is not con cluded yet. There was nothing more done in the matter yesterday. Ool. p. ? , Bappi ono of the attorneys for the defense fonse , having to be absent from the city on other business. It Is expected that more evidence will be taken to day. The attempt of the defense has thus far been to show that Van Buron lost the money in a game of poker Instead of its being grabbed or borow- ed under false pretenses. There seems to be no dispute , however , about the acts , that young Van Buren lost the money while drunk and that he re- aired no consideration for It what ever , and that Wilson and Kelter got the money and gave no equivalent. That seems to come about as near to a case of robbery as ono cares to got , even if it Is granted under the gentil ity of 'Square gambling. " The unfortunate trouble lately arising out of a cane of corporal pun ishment , in the Street ivlllo school , leads to the angcestion that there should bo here , as in most cities , some regulations In regard to such matters. As it Is , It Is left wholly at the discretion of the teacher as to the particular modes ( f punishment , the Instructions being simply not to be hasty , but to bo more deliberate than lu any other matter of school govern ment. In some cltleo the teachers are restricted to the nso of a strap , provided for the purpose. They are not allowed to strike a.pupil save on the hand , and are restricted to ton blows. In other cases they are not to Infliot punishment until the day after the offense Is committed , thus preventing punishment while the teacher Is in anger or hasto. It seems that some such regulations should bo in force hero. Brown' * Bronchial Troches for Coughs and Gelds : "I have uied them for more than n dozen years , and think them the best and most convenient relle extant. " Rev. G. AT. Jlumphrty , Qratz L. I ) . Clark & Co , , druggists , 106 Broadway , Seaman l. < cloning ont a Block of dolls at very low prices. IJloycles , vuluctpodos , baby wagons , carts and other wagons at Mueller's. DANISH COURTSHIPS. Some of tbo PocullnrltioB Which At tend Them In council llluJla A very peculiar , and in some re- spcota ludicrous case has just boon hoard and decided before Justice tohurz , A young Djtuo aned for $00 , which ho claimed to have expended on a yoonc Danish woman in presents to her , and in paying her paesago to this country , it botng his Intention to marry hor. It seems that ho wa at work on a farm when ho sent for her to oomo to thin oonntry , and after arriving hero she soonrod em ployment on the aamo farm , and worked with her lover , husking corn and doing other labor. Hodrow the money for both. At last she dccideS to marry another man , and as soon aa she did so her former lover commenced suit. She ihowed In aefonio that the money ho had paid out for her was a present , and fnrthor claimed an offset for what money she had earned In the corn fiold. The jury ducldud lu her favor , giving her judgment for ono dollar. Jasttoo Sohurz has had another cue which Involves a Danish courtship also. A short tlmo ago a yonng man who owna a farm not iniiny nil Its from hero , wooed and won n young woman who WHS employed in ono of ttio hotula here. Ono day he came to thu city , and sought an Intorvlow with his be trothed , but the hotel folks kept her at hur work and refused him udmlt- Unoo to the kitchen. In the evening , however , the lovers got together and were married by the justice. They returned to the hotel where the young inikti insisted ou remaining until ruurn- ing with his bride , Intending next duj to tuko her homo to the farm. The hotel folks conld not bpliovo the claim of marrlagu , aud the girl was aent to go to her riiom , while the bridegroom was told to leavo. He stole around In the alleyway to get an Interview with her as to what they ahonld do , when some of the boys about the hotel , who were on the look , ont for him , began to obeli him with oyster cans , lie beat a hasty and frightened retreat , and not being much used to the ways of a city , ho waa at a loss completely as to his plans. Ho hurried homo to the farm , whllo the young woman , nearly fronztodthought lie had deserted her entirely. She sought advlcu of a policeman who took her to his house , end then wrote the young husband a letter , on receipt of which ho came in and claimed his own , taking her homo in pence. B righfuDUim * * . DUbntei , Ktdnev Llvor or Urinary Disease Haveno fear of any of theeo dis rates if yon neo Hop Bitters , aa they will prevent and euro the worst oases , oven when jou have been made woiee by BOUIO great pnlFod-np pruiotidud euro. euro.L. L. 15. Olark & Co. , druggists , ICG Broadway. (1 rand opening of Fronoh millinery t L. 0 Arbnthuot'r ? , D42 Ikosdwn ) , MnylOsh , llth mid 1'J.h , of very ateat styles for summer. Parlor aud ceiling decorations In wall paper at P. 0. Miller's , 20 North Main street. L. B. Olark & Co. , druggists , ICC Broadway. The Title Ooar. Congressman Pusey yesterday ro colyod the following letter from Cum misiiouor MoFurland iu regard to the patent covering lands ou which large portion of Oouncil B uffi Is now built DEPAKTMKNT OF THE IMEKIOR , " ) GEMKKAL LAKH Omen , I WASHINGTON , D. 0. , May 7 , ' 83. J lion. II. M. 1'usoy , Council Illudj : Bin : lu reply to your luster of the 28tu ult. , n questing thttt the pittoni for thu Council Bluffs town rlto bo forwarded as soon no pndslble , I have the honor to state that the mild paten has boon forwarded to the president for his signature thereto ; aim as eooi at it is returned will tm transmitted to the land ofliso at Die IMoluo. ' , Iowa , Very respectfully , N. 0. MoFAULAND , OoimultEtouor. Remarkable Eaoupa. John Kuhn , of Lafayette , Ind. . had a very narrow escape from death. This Is bis dwn atory : "One year ago I was In the last stages of Consumption. Our be * physicians gave my case up. I finally got so low that our doctor aald I could not lire twenty-four hours My friends then pur obtseci a bottle of Da.Vw. . HALL'S UAL- BAII roil THE Lu.vos , which benefited me I continued until I took iilno bottles. ] am now In perfect health having useil no other me'llome. _ Dr. Wait , Dentist , 14 Pearl street AVOCA IN FLAMES. A Dostrnctivo Fire Causes a Heavy Loss. Eighteen Heroes Burned In a Livery Stable , Just betoro 1 o'clock yesterday morning an extensive fire broke out n Avoca , the origin being In Ooat'a ivory stable , and the ihmos spreading with such rapidity that for a time it seemed as If the whole town would be swept away. A man who was sleep Ing in the stable had a narrow escape from death , ho just getting out with his life and having no tlmo to save oven his clothing. Eighteen horses wore burned In the stable. The fire spread quickly to Selfert & Wen , ' lumber yard , and soon that was enveloped in flames. A largo amount of corn , stored In six largo cribs , and belonging to lUacock'a elevator , was also soon on fire , and it was only by hard work that the ele vator itself was saved , The fire department of Atlantic was telegraphed for , and arrived lu tlmo to do some Rood , though the fire wan under control bofpro they got there , and the flames destroyed little other property but that named , The total loss is estimated to reach $35,000. Mr. Coats had an ir-nr- anco of $5,000 , and Soifort & Wui , whoso loss will be about $15,000 , had an Insurance of $7,000. There seemed to bo aomo difference of opinion ns to how the fire origin ated , some claiming that it was caused by lightning , others that it was incendiarism. Some suspicious c'.r- aumstancea surrounded a colored man , and ho has boon arrested to await an investigation. The boot medicine of the ago for quickly curing Indigestion , nervous ness , etc. , Is Brown's Iron Bitters. L. B. Olark & Co. , druggists , 100 Broadway. Eddy Ortian Concert. Go to tha Presbyterian ehnrch to night to hoar the greatest organist of of this country and Chicago's favorite contralto. Reserved seats can bo had at Bush- noil's. Horiford' Acid 1'honpbata in Biofc Dn. FRED HORNER , Jn. , Salem , Va. , ays : "I know of nothing com parable to it to relieve the indigestion and so-called sick headache , and men tal depression Incident to certain stages of rhenmnliim. " D.D.Daty , of Cheyenne , Is at the Fa H" . .fohn Kouen , of Anamosa , Iowa , Is al ! ri 1'iolfio. J T. L. Mills , of Dunlap , was in the cltj yp'lenhy. W. A. Smith , of St. Louis , Is an i < < oo. L Bacon , Magnolia , was in th clt ' yesterday. Cairge Yule , of Lincoln , was vlilbl hot i yesterday. ' \Vlirinm Townsend , of Glenwood , wa In ' he city yesterday , .1. W. Slbbet , ot Cincinnati , wasatthi Oj den yesterday. I''n Sheldon , of Chicago , registered a th Pacific yesterday. Frank. E. Beane. of Ghlcigo , was al th" Ogden yesterday. ( ' E. Vrommann , of St. Louis , arrived a < he Ogden yesterday , ) . 10 Johnnon and wife , of Plum Hollow vl ed the lilulla yesterday , N. F Spoir , of Earllng , waa Mnonij th < Io'.ui visiting the city yesterday , ' ' tpt Kirsrcht was at Avoca during tb br ! ire there and returned yesterday. 'ro. A. Samson , of Kim Oreok , New \ w- among those at the Pacific yesterday P. J. Ilannan , uow an attorney at Load rl ! < , Is visiting hi * old friends in thla olty J'fr. anil Mra. Genrge Kcellno are seek in 'iHiufH from the nv > inetio ; waters o C -okeo. > -ry 11 , Cnwan , of New Haven , Conn. h " inn hl coutln , E. S. Batnctt , of th ! cl . ud may decide to loo\tohcio per in tly. . - . . G. W. Ferguson , of the Paclfis h U still very 111 , but her condltloi ; lay was a little more hopeful that l < been. I' valolann prescribe Brown's Irena I -a for Indigestion , weakness , Ion ( , i , uto. ' . B. Olark & Co. , druggists , IOC B .Jway. OuNewLiOau turn improvement Uo 1 ventilation Into the matter con. vl. us us that ouo of the most cqnita b ! reasonable and feasible plans ol bu ling houses is that proposed anc Ir peratlon by the Mercantile Loon , Tit and Improvement company ol th . city. By Investing In shares in tl' i institution , which is backed by si o of our best and most reliable ti ness men , it becomes possible and c. .qmratlvely easy for a man of mod < HI o means to secure a comfortable hi ie for hlmsolf and family. In tak < ii > t A certain number of chares , at a ci uln monthly payment , iu n few y < ra a man can own a house o. ' his own for about the sams ash hpays monthly for rent. Web b iovt the Mercantile Loan and Trust c ipany , by organizing and opening u ( or business , having filled a long ft . want In Council Bluffs. Their p. ns and system of loans will boar th i most careful scrutiny and exam- In.ilon ; , and wo have no hesitancy In pronouncing them reasonable and cq-iitablo , and backed by gentlemen of nonor and integrity. As the com pany exists It becomes at once an In. atltntlon of value and credit to our city and those who desTgv homes. Their president la T. A. itlrkland , vice president , Judge Poako ; sec retary , I. R. Beery ; treMnrer , Ool. Boebo , and their oflloo Is In thteMee- m nt of Shugart's and MoMlUbh's m w block , corner First avenue and P.ail street. J. N , OA8ADY , I'- UOROUTT. . & COUNCIL BLUFW IOWA. 502 BROADWAY , - - , EXCLUSIVE CARPET STORE. Only one in the City. Stock now Complete. Mail Orders Solicited. OASADY & ORCUTT , 502 Brondway. NUGENT & SMITH , First-class Goods and the Best of Workmuiisliiii Guaranteed. Nos. 7 and 9 Main Street , . . . . COUNCIL BLUFFS DIRECTORY. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. 18 Main Street and 17 Pearl Street. L B. tWiK & CO. , DRUGGISTS. ponndod at all hours. Prescriptions J.06 Broadway com MAX MUHH , } ° MBTO" HOOTB. Ji M BABSTOW ) M. D.T Oor. 6th St. and 6th Are HO I IT U/UITC OFFICE : Oor. Main and 5th , up-stalrs Utf U. Residence , C09 Willow Avenue. JUSTICE OF THE PEAOE , N.SCHURL Otlico over American Express. S. S. WAGNER , for funerals at reasonable rates , No. 22 4th St. J. M. ST. JOHN & GO , GASH BUYERS , Whocralo butter , rgto , poultry nrd fruit. Ship to us. Draft by return m ll. 148 Broadway. ntCDPET NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE , SA * I lEliWL Oor. Main and First avenue PETHYBRIDCE & HERBOTZ. P C 13 fcfl ITU CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , Oor. 7th and c Broadway. Plans aud specifications furnished W W 9HFRMAN F EHARNESS iAa.v ° h.Tarlet . that brings patroua t * . 124 Main streel MERCHANT TAILOR , Artistic Wor JAMES FRANEY , and Reasonable Oi.arges. 872 Broadway GflU FURNITURE , STOVES and OUIl Household Supplies , 303 Broadway I IftllftT S li lDT ATTORNEYS AT LAW , James Block LII1UI Gt floEl I Practices in statn and federal courts. MBS. S. J , BROWN , SMBSS AflD ° ° SFEa Hanu'f Fine Furulturo , Upholstery goods E.STGGKERT&GO. , Curtains and Window Shades , 309 B'way- And bath house , 421 and 423 Broadway. L. Sov orolgn , Prop. , P.J.Montgomery , M. P. , Fhy I ' iVftfl P ROOT AND SHOE SHOP , No. 808 Broadway , opposit A , iUfwlvi iwm Union Avenue , oeoond door above MutiopolitHn UIAHC OADV VETERINARY SURGEON , Office IIHUt UHnij Bray's stable , No. 12 Scott street BROOKLYN MARKET , Oor. Eighth and Broadway S" ? I UrMRSCOPV Monuf of HORSE COLLARS , Trade sup I' Ui nk"l\3f&UWIj plied , 8th St. , between Gth aud 7th Avenue I ASKf'iflTT Joatlco of the Peace , Notary Publi U MOuyilf and General Convoyanccr , 415 B'way SMITH & NORTON , Broadway , opp. Nci Opera House. Refitted. ? 1 $1.50 per day OftOQCI CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Ur > OOBlL | Corner Sixth street and Avunuo G AR | V NEW AND SECOND HAND HOUSEHOLD , n. MLtM I ! GOODS BOUGHT AND SOLD , 212 Broadway BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Speclil adrtrtlBemenia , me LOJ , Found , To Loin , For Ele , To Rent , W&nti , Boarding , etc. , will be Inserted In thli column at the 017 r to ot TEN CENT3 PER LINE lot th * flril Insertion and FIVK OENT3 PSR LINE lor each oubsAjucnt tngortloc. Leave adr ertloem * al our office , No. 7 Pearl Street , near Broadway , Wunta. ANTED-A Kooj rrl lor-general house- wxrk. Apply at llaa office. Kverybody Council Bluff ! lo WANTED Tui Dm , § 0 cent ] pel wcolc , dn llvercd by carrleri. Office , No 7 Pearl Street For Bale nnd Rent FOU SALE CI1KVP-.My balck icjldenco , 600 HetceSt. tor tcrmi Inquire on prorulsj . FOR8ALK Ahands-me rcetdonce and ( our lot ) , > o 233Nor h llsntm St. Inquire on premlgt * . I3KKS In pacKagca ol a hundred at 26e OLD packaiso at Tui I ) office , No. 7 Pearl treet U MORGAN , KELLER & 00. , TTZOTCMEI V T Sk.TX.3E3 OR , S The tiimt quality and lanreet itock wwt ot Chicago ol Wooden and MeuUo Oaxo. CaUi at tended ko at all hour * . We ilelv compotltion n quality o ! rood * or prices. Our MrMorgan bai aorvea a * uuuertalccr lor lortr } * n and uior- oughlT UDoanuudi hli huamcMO. Wareroomt , 311 lircadwv. UPnOUiTKRlt < 0 tn alt IU braochM crwuitlr attended to * leo cupet-la Ins ana iimorequUu. elecraphlo ana ma or- den &ld ] withoul deiaj- . FRESH FISH. WILLIAM RAPP , 104J Main Street , Next Block aonth of P. 0. , Council Binds , Iowa r. D. IDKUSDSON. I. L. BIlUOiUT. A , , ( TRItn Protldent. Vlce-1'rca't. Cashlot. CITIZENS BANK Of Council Bluff * . Orgtntied under the Uwi ol the Slale ot lowt Paid up capital ( 75,000 Authoilitd c&plUl. . _ , „ , , , , SCO.COO Intucei pal j on time depeeltr. Dttits Imnec on the principal cltlca ol the United Slatoa ar.d Europe. SpocUl attention given to collection nj carrMpondtuce with prompt return * DIRKOTOU , I , D. EJrunndJOO , K. L. Hha ri , . W. Walitct , J. W. Kodlat A. W. fitre'nl W. R. VAUGHAN. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , Omaha and Oouncil Blufli Real Estate & Collection Agency , n Odd Follow a block , over Savings' MBS , E. J , HILTON , M , D , , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON til BroodwB * . Oouoil Blab. / 1 Z. T. LINDSEY SB OO. 412 Broadway , Council BluffjTnTOA West Sldo Square , 01arlndo/luWAt B. S. TERWILLIGER , DECORATOR AND DEALER IN FANCY ZP.A.IPIEIR , 31 Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS. DUQUETTE , GUI BERT & CO. , ( Successor ! ) to ERB & DUQUETTE ) 16 and 18 Pearl-st. , Council Bliuts , la. SULLIVAN & FITZGERALD , DEALERS IN CHOCERIES.PROVISIO SBOOTS&SHOES Drafts on Bank of Ireland , Dublin , for sale. 343 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Broadway Steam Laundry ! WEST BROADWAY , A. C. LARSON , - - Proprietor. LATEST IMPEOYED MACHINERY. JOHN R. MARTIN , PLUMBER , CAS AND STEAM FITTER Has n full line of Bath Tubs , Sinks , Boiler * , Br.iBa . nnrt Lead Goods , Lead and Iron Pities and fittioRi , Jobbing promptly attended to. Fi'st-nlas * work Kunranteed. NO. 11 PEARL STRVET , . . COUNCIL BLUFFS. L. G. BRACKET ! , 224 and 226 Broadway. ' BOOKS , TOYS AND NOVELTIES , Greatest Variety in the City. No etraBger ehrnld fail to viiit my store rooms. R. S. COLE & GO. , MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ALL THE MOST IMPROVED KINDS } OF LIGHTNING RODS S OHNA TS. Also WooJ . and Iron PUJUPS , Wood Tubing a > d DM Pipe and Pumn fixtures , for both Woo ai.d Ircn Pumps. Order * wl 1 receive p . ornpt . attention. No. . 60J Hcuth Main Strret. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. 115 rod-tS f 1T L E JUSJ TJf &gj Oo IF ID E. kands ancP ffo s B o iTg t and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATE8. HGTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYAKOERS. .OUHCII. BLUFFS - jQWA rWc& QBH # MAX MOHN , PEOPRIETOa. 215 , 217 and 219 south Main street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . . . . IOWA. S. B. A. BENEDICT , THE LEADING D11ALEU IN 337 Brondway , Council Bluffs , Iowa , For Engines , Boilora OftBtinge , Repairs and andY ? enfl Ordera to JOHN GfLKKllT , Manufaoturer , Corner i Street and 8th Avenue , Council Dlufl-f. Prompt attention to orders The b Wnrkninn htci nd Hpa enable charren ' f , | , j rnos. orrioiE. w. n. u. rusrr. OFIOER & POM Council BMs , k Established , - - 18(56 ( Dotlerg la Foreign nd DomMlIo ml hair Mcurltlew d-O H. R. JONES FOR THE Douglas Vapor Stoves The beet and simplest In the world. Alto ( or T4 Oaiollne Stoves. WIN1HEELICH BED'S , Iron & Brass Foundry Oor. Cth Street nd llth Avenue , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . IOWA. MRS , B , J , HARDING , H , D , Medical Electrician AND GYNECOLOGIST. GraduMe ol Kloctrovithlc Institution , Phlla delphta , l'enn . Office Our , Broadway & Glenn Aye.i . COUNCIL BLUVrS , IOWA. . * ! l ? Ireatmint ol all dl ciiej and ptlnlnl flcultlea peculiar to ( rmalca a peclalfy BEAMS W Hard Wooflfc Yellow Pine Lmnber PILINO AND BR1DQEMATKRIAL. ALSO MISSOURI WOOD AND COAL. Ca.load a tpeclalty. A lull