TRE DAILY BEE--FJRIOAV MAY 11 J883 \ Tlio 'Nebraska ' National Bank Of Omaha , Neb. Paid up Capital , - - $250.000. DinKCTORS : B. R. JOHNSON , PrwMent , o ( Steele.UJohnion & Co. A. K. TOUZAUH , Viet Prctldont , of 0.11. & Q. R.R. , Boton. W. V. MOHSE , ol W.iV. Hone A Co. JOHN s. COI/INS , o ( a. n. & J. s. Colllm. J. II. WOOLWOIllU , Counaellor ft Attorney kt Uw. t. 8. REED , of Bjron Reed ft Oo H. W. YATES , Ciuhler , I U Cwhler of the Tint Hitlontl Bulk of Omahft , ftnd connected wtth UM Mtlve ra n gemont of tb t D nk since Ita ergtnlutlon In 1S03- . QriKiD for butlncu April 27th , 1882 , with the iMfttt c pll lol any I ) nk In Nebwkn. ' OOLLICTTIONI receive special attention and char * ( f lowcgt obtainable here or olaewhore , In B8i allowicl on time deposits upon faror. hie Urmi and upon account * cf bank ) and bank- rt. * FORXION KXCIUHOJ , Government Bond ! and ' Oannty and City securities bought ted sold. , " ' HJ It li prepared to do a general bankloe buslneu > . f B all IU dotsils , and In tin treatment of custom- ' ; , wt will punue the most liberal policy consliten IWlthsafebankloe. J. W. KODEFER. i , Brobor- i Btockt , Bonds , Commercial Paper and all other Hood Securltlis dealt In. Boom 4 , No. 23 Pearl St , , Council Cluds , la. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL. IpecUl Dttpitchto TuiUii. NEW YOBK. May 10. Money 3@5 per cent ; closed offered 2 per cent. Prime Mercantile Papor-G@Gi per cent. Sterling Exchange Bankers' bills , Btrroug at 483 } ; demand , 48GJ. Govcrnraenta J per cent higher for 4i' coupons ; otherwltjo unchanged , Tha etock market was dull , weak and lower until shortly after 2 o'clock , when there was an advance , In the final deal ings the general market waa steady. Prices in general at the clone were from 1 to li per cent below those of Wednesday night , The weakest stocks wore coa' ' shares , which were lower on reports of cut' ' ting coal rates , which wore afterward de nied , Vandsrbilts were generally loner on tbe revival of the talk of some weeks wo about Yanderbllt having so largely old out New York Central as to retain only 50,000 shares. Central Pacific , am Burlington & Quincy were also weak am l lower , the latter i per cent. Ilannibal & St. Joseph preferred advanced 1 per cen for the day , Alton & Terre Haute preferrec 2 per cent , Ontario & Weattrn , Pullman Palace Car and Wabash was olio a fraction higher than loot night. YeterJ y. To-day S's 1034 103J fi'a 1024 10'Ji 4i's ? Coupons 113 113J 4s 1191 1194 Ptlfi3S'i of ' 95 127 127 BONDS. Ctotral Pacific firsts 114g Ilia seconds. . 99g Lehigh & Wilkosbarro 101 * Loutaiuna consols 04 j Mibsouri G'fl . . . .112 St , Joseph St , Paul & Sioux City firsts Tennessee 6'e 40 do new 40 Texas & Pacific land grants. . COde do R. Q. div. . . . 84i Union FnoICc lot mortgage. . 115 $ do land grants . .1074 do sinking fund..llii2 Virginia B's 35 do consols 6's 87J do deferred 10 ETOCK3. Adama Kznress 127 Allegheny "Central US i Alton & Terre Haute 07 do pfd. . . . 881 ii American Express 92j i Burl. , Cedar llapida & North. 81 Canada Southern GGJ O. , St. L , & P 20 do pfd 54 Central Pacific 76 Chesapeake & Ohio 21 do 1st pfd. . . 31 do 3d pfd. . . 233 Chicago & Alton 1334 do pfd 140 Chi. , Burl. & Quincy 125 ChL , St. L. & Now Orleans. . 81) Oin. , Sand. & Cleveland 41" Clove. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 091 Delaware & Hudson canal. . . . 110 Del. , Lack. & Western 120 Denver & Rio Grande 49i ISrie 36rf do pfd. . . 8'J ' East Tennessee 9i do preferred 21 FortWayneft Chicago 133J Hannibal A kit. Joseph 43 da pfd. 95 Harlem 195 Houston 4k Texas Central. . . . 7-4 Illinois Central 1411 Ind. , Bloom. & Western 2tj ! Kaunas & Texas 31 Lake Erie & Western 2'JJ ' Lake Shore & Michigan So. . .1109 Louisville & Nashville fi.j Eonlsv. , New Alb. & Chicago 54 M. 4 L. 1st nfd ID do do 2d pfd 5 Memphis & Charleston 43 Michigan Central 9IJ J Memphis & St. Lorla 23 do pfd 58 Missouri Pacific 10IJ Mobile & Ohio 1C Morris k Essex 120 Nashville & Chattanooga 5G New Jersey Central 79. * ; Norfolk AW 42 Northern Pacific 51 do pfd b L Northwestern 134 ; do pfd 152 101 New York Central 1221 121i Ohio Central 12 12 Ohio & Miesiislppi 3i 83) ) do pfd..104 104 Ontario & Western 271 271 Oregon Transcontinental 85j Slj Pacific Mall 41J 41 Panama. 93 98 Peoria , Decatur & KvansY. . . 20 20 Pittsburgft Cleveland 130 130 I Pullman Palace Oar 129 129- Reading , J'3 Mi Rook Island 12j 124j Bt. Lonia & San Fran 3U 34 do pfd Mi 61 ; do 1st pfd 98 * 'Ji- Bt. Paul & Milwaukee 1049 101 ; do pfd..1211 120 Bt Paul , Minn , ft Manitoba.l SJ 12 < Bt. Puul & Omaha 50 49 As pfd 1074 107 Texas & I'aolfio 39 { 39 Union Pacific 97J 97 United States Express 55 61 Wabush , St. L. & Pacific. . . . 29i 29 do pfd. 4GJ 46 Wells , Fnrgo It. Co. Express. 124 12J Western Union Telegraph. . . 83g 63 TIstake 10 1C O.-ario 25 25 Quicksilver 7J 8 do pfd 40 38 SonthPacific 5 G Bntro 20 FOREIGN FIWAJICE. BpcUl Dln tch to Tui BII. -ONDOS , IXJNDOB , May 10 , Tha we kly itai m nt of tht Bank of England ihowi a d cnu * of bullloi 4C2,000 | piop rtlon i the bank teierro to tbe HabllitiM , S3 7-10 per cent. Tbe bank lucittatcd the rate ol discount from 3 to 4 per cent , Cocsols , for money , 10113-1G ; console , account , 102 1-1G ; new 5's extended , 105 $ ) Illinois Central , HSfj , Tenuiylvanla Ceu > tral , 1G23 ; Erie , 125) ) . PRODUO1D < Si PROVISIONS tpvoUl DlipatchM lo Tni Bn. OI110AOO. CHICAGO , May 10. Flonr Quiet but firm. Wheat Rerular , irregular but fairly active ; 1 121. for M y : 1 141 'or ' Junes 1 1G3@1 10J for July ; 1 1GJ lor August ; 1161 ( or September ; 112 for the y r : No. 2 Chicago uptlnp , 11111 121 ; No. 3 Chicago spring , 93e ; No. 2 red winter , Corn Market unsettled but generally lower ; 531@63 o for c t ; 534 for May ; ! > r > l@55jjo for June ; 57Jc578 for July ; 5Si@58jfl for August ; 511@51io far the year. year.Oats Market dull nnd easier j 40i@10o for cash ; 41c for May ; 421423o for June ; 42a for July ; 353 for August ; 33o for the year. year.Rye Market weaker at G3o. Barley Market quiet at 8Uc , Flax Seed Market lower at 1 42. Pork Market esiinr ; 20 10@20 15 for cash and May ; 20 15@20 174 for June ; 20 32J@20 35 for July ; 20 474(5)20 ( ) 50 for August ; 20 521@20 55 for September ; 17 95(2)18 ( ) 00 for the year. Lard In fair demand but at lower rates ; 11 95 for etch and May ; 12 00 © 12124 for June ; 12 Oo@12 07J for July ; 12 07i@12 10 for August ; 12 00 lor September : 10 92J@10 85 for the year. tiulk Meat * In fair demand ; shoulders , H 00 ; short ribp , 10 95 ; ehort clear , 1110. Butter Market weaker ; crsamery , 18@ 2G ; dttiry , 15@22. Whtckv Market steady and unchanged Freights Corn to Buffalo , 2jo per bushel , CALL BOARD. Wheat Demand ac tive and prices have advanced ; 1124 for Ma > ; 1143 for June ; 1 17 for July ; 1 IGj tor August ; 11G4. for September. Corn Mnrket active but firm ; advanc ed Jo for M y and Juno. Oats -Market quiet but firm ; advanced Jo for June and July ; jo for August , Pork Demand active and price ; have advanced ; 20 171 for Juno ; 20 371 for July ; 20 521 for August ; 20 GO for Sep tember. Lard Mnrket moderatively active and higher ; 11 92J for May ; 12 05 for June : 1212J for Juiy1210for ; August ; 12 02J for September. NEW TOBK. NEW YOBK , May 10 , Flour Market dull ; super state western , 3 85@4 15 ; com mon to good extra , 4 20@4 50 ; extra Ohio , 4 20@7 00 ; St. Louis , 4 20@7 25. Wheat Cash , dull ; options opened 1@ lo lower , afterwards ruled stronger , closing tirm ; ungraded red , 1 09@1 241 ; No. 3 red , 1171 ; No. 2 red , 123 ; ungraded white , 114@1 20 ; iteamer No. 2 do , 95c ; No. 2 white , 1 OG1 ; No. 1 white , 2.500 bu. Hold kt 11G@1 161 : No. 2 red , May , 112 000 bu. sold tl2l2@l22 , closing at 1 22 ; June , 2,080,000 bu. sold kt 12l'S@ 123g , closing at 123g ; July , 2,110- 000 im. sold at 1 244@1 252 , oloiiug at 1 VB8 ; August , 1,112,000 bu.toldat 1 251 ® 1 26j , closing at 1 2GJ ; September , 912 , . 000 bu. sld at 1 2GJgl ( ) 2GJ , closing at 1 2Gg : October , 10,000 bu. sold at 128J ® @ 129 , closing at 1281. Corn Cath , lalo ( ) higher ; options opened i@lc lower , afterwards reacted filltio , clofine strong ; ungraded , 55@G54c ; No. 3 , f > 9 ( gGlc : steamer , G3l@65c ; No 2. G-UtafiG ; No. 2 white , G8j ; No. 2 , M y , ti3iCaGllo ; , clonin ? nt 64Jc ; June , G'fit GJ ff , clusing at GIJcj July. GSJ GGgc , clonim- OfjAugust. ; . G7@G7 o , cloning t G7i ; September , GS@G8jic , clos ing at GSjo Oats Market J lo higher ; fairly ac tive ; mixed western , 49@52e ; white western , 521@.t8o. Barley Market easier. Su < r Market quiet , but firm ; refined steady ; confectioners' A , 8S . Mousses Quiet but brut ; 311@32o. Eggs WenterB fresh , quiet but firm. Pork Market strong ; new mess , 20 4C @VO 50 ; options nominal. Out Meats Market quiet I ut firm. Lard Market rlull ; uiiino stetm , 11 95 May , 119S@120t ; June 12 Od@12 CO July , 12 03012 12J ; A gust , 1201@13 11 September , 12 0012 05. Batter Market dull and weak'll@30l ST. LODIB. ST. LODIS , May 10. Flour Markel Btoady and unchanged. Wheat Market unsettled ; options high er and cvh lower ; 1131 133 for cash 1 14411" ! for June ; 1 151 1 158 foi July ; 114idl ( 158 for August ; 1 1540 1 16 fur iSoptember ; 1 13 1 134 for thi year , No , 3 red fall , 1 O. . Corn Market opened lower , improved and closed bitter for options : caah lower 5051o tor canh ; 5i4 ( < ? ,51Jo for June 53Jg5Jofor July ; 55 554 for August 461@4Gio bid for the yrar. O U Market dull ; 43@43Jo for ca h 433 for M y ; 43i@43S bid for June ; 41j ) At 53o. Rt 55@75e. G5 , and unchanged and unchanged , v ; 1 14 t'O 374 tar cusb .Q unchanged , and unchanged miunl , . Wheat Markel her ; 11"J bid for June " | lor August. for May ; 51g nr June ; BJj for JWfi 05Js for August „ fjr tha jeac. O tH Market finMrfot ilow43go ; biter or June ; 411o for July , TOLEDO. TOLIDO , M ay 10 Noon Board Wheal Du'l ; No. 2 red winter , 1 15J bid forcial sd M y ; 11G1 for Jun-j 1 214 for July Ur" ' id for Augunt ; 1 18V hid for S ptem jar ; 1 20 for October ; 1 15 | bid for year. ij. Corn Mtrkot d di ; high mixed tiOj tH u , 2 , ' 71c > r&ih i.ncl.Mftj ; 571 fur June Ijo bid furJuly. O ts-Market quiet ; No. 2 , 441o askec or July , BOAIID GLOBED Wheat Marks' irmer ; No 2 red winter , 1151 t > ld foi ash and M r ; 1 IGJ for June ; 1 18 blc or July ; 1181 for August ; 119 fi > r Stp ember ; 1 20 bid for Octobei ; 1 1C blc or the year. Corn -Market dull ; No. 2 , 571a bid lo neb ; 571c bid for M j ; 57 3 bid tor June 7Jo bid t''T July ; G8 ; I i 1 for August. Oats Mnrke. dull tnd noailual. KANSAII civt KANSAUCiTT , My 11 Wheat Marko ewer and woik ; No. 2 red fall , 968(0,97 ( for CAib ; 9SJ3 for June. Corn Market lower ; 4 } c for cash ; 43 'or June ; 15i < i5451o for Juiy. Oats Market ulow ; 38jc bid for caul no options , LIVERPOOL LiTKRi'OOL , May 10. Wheat Quie and Hletdv. BreadetulFn- Quiet and steady. Klnnr-ll-@lle Gd ; winter wheat , Od,9j ( 21 ; B.iriniSt GJ@9i ; No , 2 Uol . fornia , 9i ld@9j 3d ; No. 1 California , S 'J@9j 9d. Corn 5s 9jd. Weather cold and wet. LIVE STCC.r Bpoclal DlsjitchM to Tni BII. / OIIICAQO. f OHIOAQO , May 10 The Droran1 Jtn nal rep : rU aa follow * ; Ilogs Wsak , slow and u a tlif ct , r , early talea strong , cloind dull ; mixed. 7 i @ 7 60 ; heavy. 7 55@7 85 ; llght.7 00@/V / iklpi , 3 GO G GO. OatUe Uoeren ; early ittei rt ilaok ; cloid wikkir } damaad > xporK 0 " < 3 Ml o ° d to 5 90 ® C 30 ; common to fair , 5 SO ts vj Sheep F lr ; market blink , prices strong , or ; 40@50a lilk-her thnu la > t wtok ; com mon to fair , 4 00@4 50 ; good , 5 50 ; choice , 5 75 , BT. LOCI8 , 8r. I/O CIS , May 10. Hog Active ! good light shipping , 716@7 25 ; mixed packing , 7 00@7 30 ; butchers to extra , 7 25@7 50. Cittlo Heavy shipping grades , slow at 6 00@G 50 ; light to good active and firm but taken mostly by butchers and Interior shippers at 5 40@G 00 ; common to medium , 4 T5@5 25 ; good cows and helferr , 4 60fe ) 6 J6 ; common , 3 76@4 25j gross Texani , Sheep Quiet ; common to medium , 3 00 @ 3 75 ; fair to good , 4 004 tOj prime to choice , 4 G0@5 00. KANSAS OITT , KANSAS OITT , May 10 , The Commer cial Indicator this afternoon reports aa follows ; Cattle shipping grades shade lower ; steers , 1,150 to 1,650 pounds , 6 80@G 05 : Mockers and feeders , 4 25@4 90 ; cows , 3 50 @ 5 00. UoKS-Higher ; firm , 700@705 ; bulk of sales at 7 35$7 45. Sheep Steady ; native' , 390 , NE\T TOHK , NKW YORK , May 10. The Drovon ) ' Journal Bureau rejxii-ts : Beeves Nn trade in live cattle ; export ers reserved 20 car loads for ihlpment alive ; droned beef slow at 9 50@10 50 ; city , 9 00@9 75 Sheep Clipped sheep , 5 5G@G 16 per cwt , ; nmhoro , 0 00 ; spring lambd sold at 5 00(0,7 ( 00 per bead. Hogs Steady ; 7 12i@7 G74 per cwt. for common to prime hogs alive. TRAFFIC. BpecUl DlipktchM to Tin llu. FLOUBAHD ORilNB NEW YOBK , May 10. Receipts and shipments of flour and grain for the past 24 noun have been as follows : Receipt ! Shp'U Flour-bbls 14,000 7,500 Wheat bushels 21,000 32,000 Corn " 93.1)00 ) 32,000 OaU " 37,000 191 CHIOAOO , M ay 10 , Receipts end ship- inonU of flour and grain for the post 24 hours have been as follown : Receipts. Sbip'ts. Flonr bbl 0.500 Wheat bushels 20.000 Com " 134.000 Oatb " 83,000 Rye " 9,500 Barley " 15,000 TOLEDO , May 10. Receipts and ship ments of flour and grain for the past 21 hours have been as follows : Rso'ts. Shipm'ts. Wheat 15,000 68.COO Corn 23,000 6,000 Oats 1,000 ST. Louis , May 10.-Receipts tad shipments of flour and grain for tbe past 48 hours have been as follows : RecelDtc. Bhip'ti. Flour barrels 4.000 5,000 Wheat bushels 21,000 4,000 Corn " 57,000 0,000 Oats " 2.000 l,00i' ' Rye " 1,000 Barley- " G.tOO KANSAS OITT , May 10. Receipts and shipments of grain for the past 24 hours have been M follows : Rflo'tn. Ship'ti Wheat , busholi 8.000 1,000 Corn " 7000 20,000 Oats " LITE HTOOK , CHICAGO , May 10. Receipt * and ship- tnonta of live stock for the past 2- ' hours have been as follows : Reo ts. Shipm'ta ' Hogs 10.000 2,700 Cattle 5r 00 2,300 Sheep 2,200 BOO NEW YOBK , May 10. Receipts and , shipments of live stock for the past 24 hours have been as follows : IWt * Bhin't. Theves , carloads 340 3fU Quarters beef , carloadd 000 Mutton , carloads fi.COJ 500 Sheep , carloads 125 Hogs , carloads 3,080 ST. Louis , May 10 , Receipts and shipments of live stock fet the past 34 hours have been M follows : Reo'ts. Bhipm'ts. Oattl 4,500 3,000 Sheep 1,700 800 Hogs 200 KANSAB OITT , May 10. Receipts land shipment * of live stock for the past 34 : hours hare been ai follow * : Reo'ts. Bhipm'ts. ' Cattle 800 Hogs . . . . Sheep 901 . . . , ; OMAHA MAWKJUTS. Wholesale Price * . < Orrton or Tin OMAHA BIB , \ Thuroday EvtnlnR , May 10. f Tht. following were the only chanpea re ported in the market to-cluy. Oil * , headlight advanced 3c ; linseed boiled advanced lo. Grain , WHEAT.-Cftfh No. 2 , 9 lc ; cash No , 3 , 77io ; rejected. 72io. BARLEY. Canli No. 2 , GSj ; No. 3 42o. 42o.RYEOash RYE-Oash , 52o. CORN-Now mixed , 38s. OATS 38o. SEEDS-Iilun KMBS seed , 125@150 ; < t'mothy becd , 2 102 25 ; red clover need , 900 ; white olnver seed. 1300 ; millet seed , 100 ; llimgarlnBBoJ , 1 10 ; orchard grass scod , 2 50. I * | Produce. rOTA gEST-2.-@BOo per Bushel. ONIOKS 01. . per bushel. BUTTER . country , 15@20o. h ' . : * V C f ti' 1 L f rAiuij- ITCH ! ) , 15o. ; UONKY-CoUiorala. perlb. II. - APl'LKS Per bnrroi. ? 2 25@4 00 . OR ANUy.3-15amorn'lft\V5oT1Moaan ( \ ! l LKMJs85 0005 cO rwr box. 8TRA\VJEURIES-20@25a ! per quart BEAN8 Navy per bushel , 2 50@2 75 ' Live Stock. CATTLE-Fat steers , $500@5 60. FAT < OWSr-8l 00@4 25. Flour and MlllitufTs , . . . winter wheat 3 00@3 75. Second < | iiality wiuter wheAt 275@325. lie < t Hiinng wheat-2 G I @ 2 75. Second quality spring whe t 2 41@2 50 , ptrtnn-1000. ' FeeJ , per ton 10 0 ? . Poultry. OIIIOKKNS five per doz. , $100 ® 4 50. DrcH0'l , per lb , , 15c. , per Ib. , 15c , TUUKEYS-17C. Grocoru List CANN'Kl ) COOI)1 * Ov-ten , [ ) , pr ea-ie - , 3 70@390 ; L i , S TJ > , pnr tttoe , a 40 , rasp. berriee , f. ( I ; per twe , 3 60. Dnnv 84 ions , 2 It ) , per ttvu , 2 45. Bartletl .11- l-esrs per case , 2 10 , Whortloborriei .119d KpF pluuM,2 tb t > erc < * e90 Ureou gnges,2 ib per case , 2 90 ; do choice , , 0 > per crtno i 50. 1'lno AjMilod , 2 Ib , par cnec 4 OfXJ6 75 , Peaches , 2 tb per case , it 00 do 8 R . case , 4 OOWJ 60 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , pel CM3.2GO ; do pie , 6 Ib , per doren , 3 30. LARD Omaha RetiulningCo. : Tierces , 12c ; 40 and 50-lb cans , 12Jcj 20.11) cans , 12ijc ; 10-lb jiails , Bcrew top , 12ic ; 5-lb do , 124c ; 3 lb do , 12Jc. HlOE IxraUlana prime to choice , 71' ? 80 : fair , 7 )74c ) ; I'atma , Gjo. FIBH No. 1 mackerel , half brls , 7 CO No. 1 mackerel , kits , 1 00 ; family mack ereL half brls , 5 25 ; family m&ckorel , kits Td 85c ; No. 1 whlU > fish , half brU , 7 00 } No. 3 55. kits , 1 05. C'OFKKt. Rio , fair , lloi Rio , gooc llic I ; | * lui to choice , 19 tyi Uio ; Old gov'l er Java IBO ig 34o. IC4 SYRUP-SUndaid Com , , Kt , bbU Standard do , 44 gallon k * . $1 5 | SUn- d rd do , 4 gallon kogN 91 7fi. SODA in lb paper * , $3.30 per case ; keg oda , 21c. NEW PICKLES Modlnm , la barrels 8700 ; do iuhtlf bbls , 4 00 : mnlU , In bbbj 900 do , In half bbln , 500 ; gherkin * , In bbU. 11 00 ; do , ( n half bbli , 0 00 , TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 4.Va55 ; Oholce , 60@76o ; Imperial , good , 40fl)4f ( ) > o ; Oiotoe , 6075c ; YounR , ( rood , 86 © 50o ; choice , 65o91 00 : Japan Nat Leaf , BSc ; Japan , choice , G075c | Oolong , good , WaiO ; Oolong , obn.oo , 40@CC | Souchong , good. 85(340c ( ; choice , 3o 45o. ROPK Sisal. 4 Inch and , larger , lie ; B Inch , ll c ; i Inch. 12o. WOODENWARK Two hoop palli , 1 75 ; three hoop palls , 3 00. Tubn , No , 1 , 8 50 ; Pioneer wachboardi , 1 85 Double Crown 2 90 ; WellbuokeU , 8 50. I.KAD Bar , $1 66. HOAP8 Klrk'i Savon Imperial , 345 ; Kirk's ' natltMt , S 60 ; Klrk'i standard , 3 76 ; Kirk's white Russian. B 25 > Kirk's Kutocft , 216 Kirk's Prairie Queou , (100 ( cakes ) , 40 ; Kirk's magnolia doz. , POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case , In case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball 2 dot. In case , 1 90 : Anchor Ball 2 dor In CMC 1 60. PEANUTS Roosted , choice , red Ten- n ounce , lOo per lb ; fancy white , 104o pcrlb ; raw white Virginia raw , lOoj roasted OANDLE8 Boxes , 40 lbs,16ii , 16jfc ; 8s , I5jo ; bcxeB 40 Ibs. , 1C oz. , 6s , ISJo. MATCHES * Per caddie , 85oj round , canon. SA 10 : sqn re , conns , 5 40 , VINEGAR Vuie pple extra , 16 > i pure apple , V3ct Pintolnc unre amilc , Me , SALT. Dr y loadi , per bbl , 1 85) ) A h- a. In sac ko , S CO ; bbls dairy 00. 5o , ! ) 50 SUGARS Powdered , lOlc : Cut lonf , _ 4c ; Grouulatud , 91o ; Confectioners' A , 9c ; Standard Extra O , SJc ; Extra 0 , Sic ; medium yellow , 71c ; dark yellow , "lc. STARCH. Pearl. BC | Silver Gluis 9lc ; Corn Starch , 9n ExceldcrGIoitf , 7o t Corn. 81 MEATS Hams per lb. , 14c ; hnoon per lb , , 14c ; clear side bacon per lb. , 11 Jc ; dry salt tides per lb. , lOlc ; dry salt sides per lb. , ISc ; bacon shoulders per lb , 94o ; tierce lard per lb , ; 114.0. SPICES. Pepper , 21 | Allsplas , 18 Java , 2610)110,2 ) Mocha , 2Stol Arbuoklo'B 141o.CUEESHFull CUEESH-Full Cream , 141o | Part Skim , lla. LYE Amorlonn , B 40 ; Greenwich , 8 40i Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 OG | Lewis' ' lye , 4 65 ; Jewell lye , 2 75 , FEED Jobbing prices , Chop feed 81.50 per 100 Ibs. ; chop corn , 81.40 ; bran , 70o nor 100 Ibs. HOMINY-New 3 50 per bbl. Dry Goods. BROWN OOTTONB-Atlantlo A. 8Jc } Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , ilo ; Boot , FF , 8Jc ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7oj Cabot W. 71oj Chlttenango A , Bio ; Uroat Falls E , sic ; Hoosier , 6o ; Honest Width 80 , In dian Head A , 80 ; Indian Standard A , 89c ; Indian Orchard d , w , , 81o ; Ii&wrence LLGlc ; Mystlo river , 71o ; Pequot A , 8jo ; lc ; Utica 0 , 5ic ; Wachunott B. 74o ; do A , 84oi do E 48. fsjoi WalSitt BB , 7Jo. FINE BROWN COTTONS Allendole 4-4 : 7io ; Alligator 8-4 , 3o > Argyle 4-4 , 7jo ; Atlantic LL , 64o ; Badger State X 4-4 , Gl ? ; Bennington O 4-4 , GJo ; Buckeye S. 4-4,6&co Indian Orchard AA 9-8. Sic ! Laoonla O 39 , 84o ; Lehigh E 4-4 , 9o ; Popporoll N 80 , 7c ; do O 33 , 7io ; do R 86,7Jc ; do E 39. 84o , ? ooatsot 0 4-4 , 7 ) Wamsutta 4 > j 13oBLEACHED BLEACHED COTTONS Androecog gin L 4-4,91cBlaokstoneAA ; Imperial 8jc ; do do half bleached 4-4Do ; Cabot 4-4,8 ; Fldellty4.4 , 94cFrult ; of the Loom , 91 ; do can.bric4-4,12 cdoWaterTwlst,10ioGreat ; ; Fall ? Q , 9c : Indian Head Bhrnnk 4-4 , 12c ; LonHdale. lOc ; do cambric 37 , 124o , ; Now York Mills. 121o ; Pequot A,10o ; Peppcrel N G Twills , 12icj PocahontM 4-4 , 94e ; Pocaseot 4-1 , 81o ; Utica , lie ) Wauuiutta O X X. 124c. DUCKS Colored ) Albany K brown. 8c ; do O , drab , Um do J .a. stripes and plaids , 12io ; do XXX brown end drab , stripes and plaids , 124cj Arlington fancy , IBrOc : unswick brown , Blc ; Chariot fani'y 12io ; do extra heavy , 20oj Fall Rlvei brown , eitrs heavy , Hie ; Indiana A brown IHrj Nononsot A brofrn , 15o TlOKliMUo AmoakeikK A U A 19o ; do 2CX. TjXna 82 , 18J-CJ Arrowactn 94c ; Clarumont B U , Ifijo ; Cone < itnga tra , 174c ; Hamilton D , ll o Lewinton A 30 , 15o ; Minnehaha 4-4 , 20c ; Omogn super extra 4 . 28c ; Pearl River 82 , I6jo ; Put nam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Hhetuckot B lOJc ; do S3 12c : Yeotnan' blue 39 , 9c DENIMS. Araoskeak , blnoond bronn IGJc ; Andover Dl ) blue , 154c ; ArlingX blue Scotch , 18Jc ; Concord OOO , blue ow brown. 124c ; do AAA , do do 134 ; do XXto do do 144c Haymaker' * blue and brown , 94o ; Mystic River DD stripe , IGJcj Pearl River , blue and brown , I6c | Uncasvllle , blue and brown. 14Jr. OAMBRICa Barnard , 50 | Eddyatono lining. 24 inch double taoe , 8Jo ; Garner A glazed , PJo ; Manhattan glove finish , CJo Newport do Oo ; do glazed , CJoi Pequot do 60 ; Lockwood kid finish 60. OORSUT JEANS Ainory , 8cAndros ; coggin Hftttetm SJo ; Clar'endca , GJcjConua otea aatteens , 7ic ; Hnllowel. . , 80 ; Inl-di Orchard 7ic ; Nnrr gansett , Improved , 84r. Pepperill aattron 9ic : Rockport , 7jo. PIUNTS Aliens , 040 ; American , 640 ; Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , 4Vc ; Cocheco , 7o ; Conentogn. fiioj Dunhirk , ; Dnnuell , G4@7c ; Eddystune. 7o ; Glonccnter , Go Harmony , 64c ; Knickerbocker , fi4 ° ) Mer ri oo D. 7c ; Myetlo , 54o ; Sprapuoi , Go ; SonUibrid e , 6c ; do. Ginghams , 7o | Marl. bore , 5c ; Oriental G4c. GlNHAM8 Ain'viksarf , 94crgyle | , 104u ; Atlantic , 'Jo ; CumborUnd , "Jo ; Highlana , 74 ; Kenilworth , 9ic | Plun- kett 9vi" 9n sex , Be , COTTONAilKb Abbetvilla 134o Agate , 20c ; Amnrican , lie ; Artlsiun , 20o ; Cairo D und T , 134c ; Olarioa 1) and T 174o ; Doccnn Co.itripo ? DandT , 1C. . : ; Key- utone , 18ic ; Haiituokot , 1 3 ! Nonparoll lOo ; Ocean D and T , U4o ; Royal , 1G4 Susaox , 12o ; Tioga , 12ic ; Waahu ott shirt In ? checks , 12c ; do , Nnnkln , VJio ; York , plain Nankin. 124c ; do , ohooki , Htrij * and fancy. 12 c ; do. 8 ai We. SHEETINGS Acdrosco ria UM.S74ci do 9.4 , 23o ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Oontini-ntitl C 42 , lie , Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , 274 ; New York millAOS , S5c ; do 78 , 30c ; do OS. 224c Pembroke 10-4 , 25c ; Poquot 1C-4 , 284o , di 74 , 19o do 49 , 16c ; Peppercll 90 , 29c do 67 , 21cdo ; 67 , 18c ; Utica 90 , 860 ; dr 58 , 13lc | do 48. 17c. Drugs. DRUGS AND CHEMIOA L3 - \ M Carbolic , 60o ; Acid , Tartarlo. 55c ; HnUan Oopablo , per lb , 70oj Bark , OMsafmi. pei lb , 13 ) Calomel , per lb , 75c ) 'Jlncboul lia pur oz , S1 10) ) Chloroform , pnr lb , 90j Dover's powders , nor Ib , II 21 ; Kixoir Salts , per Ib , SJc ; Glycerine , pure pe bl , 30c ; Lead , Acotnte , per Ib , 22c Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per K | , ! 25 Oil , Cantor , No. 9 , per gal , 31 IK , Oil Olive , per gal. ? 1 50 ; Oil , Origanum , CO Opium , 8.1 f 0 ; Qutnlnc P. & W. ft II. A b. , per or , tl ST Pot.iwlum. Iodide , per l fl 76 ; Hnl'jr.m.o \ or , 40c ; Sulirnti. ; i Mornhiue , xer m , f3 n ; Buinliur lluu- per lb , 4f trvrhatue. nor ni 11 a P lnt Oils and VarnlthM OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon 12o ; 150 * headlight , per gillon 14c ; 17.V headlight , per gallon , 19c 150' Water Willie , 18c ; linseed raw , par gallon , 69 ; lluiteed , builo-1 , | > er gallon. GOz ; lard , winter atr'ri , par k' l Ion , J'B ; No. 1 , 85c ; No. 2 , 76o ; cftstor XXX. per gallon , 1 30 ; No. , 1 20xveet ; per ( allou. 85(3 ( ; eperni , W. H , pur < n 1 in , 1 75 ; fi.ih , W. B , , per t'nllon , 75" ; nojUfo-il , extra , per gallon , 9Jo ; No , 1 , 75c ; lubri eating , zero , per pallon , 30o ; Bummer , 15o Kolden machine , No , 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No 2 30 ; Bperm , signal , \nr \ gallon , 80c ; turpentine pentino , per gallon , G5c ; n pth , 74 , pei gallon. 18c ; G4 % 17c PAINTS IN OIL Whits lead , Otnahi P. P. . Cc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , Oj < . Wivnioillleii green , 1 to 6 Hi cans , 20 < French zinc , ( ; o n seal , 12o | French zinc rod Boal , lie ; French zlno , In varnish uut 20ot French zlnce , in oil aunt 16c } Rav and burnt umber , 1 d cans lOoj raw ant burnt Sienna , 103 : vondyke brown , - ( refined lampblack. 12o ; oooch black and l ory black , 16o | drop bl < k , 16c ) PrauuUl blue , SOc ; ultramarlna blue , 18oi chivmi green , L. M. it D. , ISoibllnd and shuttei green , L. M. & D. , ICe ; Paris green , I8c Indian rod , 16tt Venetian red. Be ) Toseu I di , 22o | AmerlMa Vermilion , I , & P. , 18 I ohromt rUow , L. , M. , 0. 4 D 0 , , 18o yellow ochre , DC ) golden ochre , ll ( | patent dryer , 8c ; groining oolom light oak , dark oak. walnnU hostnut nml uh 16c. Dry Ptnts Whlto load , 801 | French sine loai far whltnlng 24o ; whiting sliders. IJc ; tohltlng com'I , lo ; Unitiblack German- town. 14c ) impblaok , ordinary , 10c | 1'nw- slan bine , Mc | ultramarine , 18c ; Vandyke brawn , Scj umber , burnt , 4i\ \ umber , raw 4csionna ; , bnrn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4o Paris green gonulne , 26c { Paris green com' 20u ; chrome green , N , Y , ' 20c ; ohrom green K , , 12c | vennllllon , Eng , , 70c | ver million , America , 18o ; Indian red , lOc rose pmk , 14o ; Venetian read , Cokusooo 21c : Venetian rod Am. , Jc ; red lead , 7Jo ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20o hromo yel low , K. , 12c ; ochre , roohelle So ; ochre French , 2Jc ) ochre , American , 2c | Winters mineral , 21ct lehtgn brown. 24ct Spanish brawn. 2tc | Prince's mineral So , VARNISHES Barrel ! per nllon Furniture , extra , $1 10 : furniture , No , 1 81) ) couch , extra , 81 40 ; oaoh , No. 1 , 91 20) ) Damar , extra , $1 761 atian , 70o ; phaltum , extra , 66c | sheila 83 50) ) hard oil finish , 81 SO. SO.Hide Hide * . Fun , Etc. HIDES Ureen bntober'i hides , 61 ® 7c cored 61@74o | hides , green Bait , dry flint. Bound , 12(3130) ( ) dry call and kip , l214cj dry Bait hides , sound , 10llo ; green calf. wt. 8 o 15 & * . . ll@12c ; green call , wt , nndor 8 DM , per ikln , 50c ) green pelt * , M81 ) 25 ; green lamb sklnn , 81 25@150i damaged hides , two-third rate , cut scored and one grub , classed two- thirds rate , ) branded hides 10 per eent. off Coon skins , No. 1 , 45o ; No. 2 , 30oi No. 1 'XNo \ 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , SOc ) No. 2 15o ; No. B , 16n ; No. 4 , fie. Fox , , OOn ) No. 2 , 25s. Skunk , No. 1 , b6o | 6f > rf | short strlpt. , 40 < M narrow strlpoo bru d itrlpe. lOc. Tallow 7o. Leather. Onk noli' , 880 to 42o ; hemlock sole , 38a to 8f > c ; hemlock kip , SOa to 100 ; runner , 65o to bOo ; hemlock calf , 85o to 120) ) hpm < lock upper , 23o to 26o ; oak upper , 2lc ; alligator , 4 00 to E 50 ; calf kid , 32@3.V > - Grolscnkld , 2 BO to 3 76 ; oak kip , 80o to 1 00 ; oak cnlf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; Fronoh kip , 1 10 to 1 5f ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; nis- setts. 5 50 to 7 CO ; linings , 6 00 to 10 50 ; toppings , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , SOc to 35c ; pebble 0 , D. Morocco , S5o | simou ; 3f > 0to300. HARNESS -No 1 a ar oak , 4'2o ; No 2 do , S9c ; > . . . 1 Ohio oak. 8801 No. 2 do , 35c ) No. 1 Milwaukee , 87o ; No. 2 do Slo. Lumber VT1IOLEBALB Wo quote lumber , liitn nnd shingles on cure at Omaha at the following priree : JOIST AND SCANTLING-10 It. and nndor , $32 00 ; 18 ft. , 823 50. TIMBERS 16 ft. and under , 522 00. TIMBER AND JOIST-18 ft. , 823 50 ; 2C ft , 823 50 , 22 ft. , 820 50 ; 34 ft. 82G 50. FENCING No. 1 , 4 awl 6 in. , 824 00 ; No. 2. 822 00. SHEETING-No. 1 (2nd ( common boards ) , (20 00 ; No. 2 , 818 00. LIME-Per barrel , 81 25) ) bulk per ous < S5c ; Cement , bbl , 82 25 Iowa piaster bbl , 83 50. Hair per bn , 50o. Tarra felt 100 Ibs. $3 50. Straw board , 83 60. Heavy Hardware LlaL , Iron , rates , 82 80 ; plow moel , spools east , 7o | crucible , 80 ; special or German,6c ; c&it tool do , 1520 wagon snokoa , not 2 2503 00 ; hubs , per sot , 1 26 ; felloes , tawet dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 7085o ; axles each , 76o ; Bonare nut * , per R > , 7llo wnnhors. per lb. 8 < 31Cc : rivnUi , per lb , lie cell chain , per lb , 6@l2c { malleable , i'o ' Iron wodgea , 60 ; crowbars , 60 harrow tooth , to ; uprlna toel , 7Sc ; Burdun'i irBiwht"1 * r 3" : Burdun' * mulushoes , fi 25 BAUBED WIRE In car lots , 7n @ 7Jo iw 100. NAILS Raton. 10 to WW , 3 fiO. SHOT. Shot , 51.85) ) Uorh shot. 82.IP , Oriental Powder , kegs , ? o.40i lo. , 1m kegs. 83.48 ; do. , quarter kuga , 1.88 ; Blait mg , kfce , 8S.35 : Funo , per ICO Iwl bOo. COAL Cumberlftud li'ncknrjilth ' , 12 Morrln Run IJlonsburf112) ) Whltebroojt lump , C4 60 ; Whltebro "t nut. 84 W ) ; Iowa lump , ? 1 50Iow nut 34 M ) ; Hook Hprinjr , 8700 ; Anthrnaito , Xll 50fa,12 00 ; ( } anon City , $7 00 per tun. Mot-leu nd MUIM , Hixtru draft horrco , 915. ti 225. ) Com mon dr-kit her B8. 310U. to 150. ) Extra Urm KU UB. 3110. to 126. ; Ojuunon to good fitrm horse1. f < to to rtoo , , K plujn. JHO , to 7C. | Common plugs , 820 to ! MQ. MULES. ( E i era ) . m. to 1FO. ) goort OH. to HO. ; fair , 87f. to 1UO. , common W to 75. Liquor * . ALfJOHOL 188 proof , 2 16 pei win gallon ; extra California eptrllH , 187 prool 135 per proof gallon ; triple rofmud dplrltv 187 proof , 123 per proof gallon ; re-dlrtillet whiskies , 1 001 50 ; Eno blended 1 r.O ® 2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200 < i7 00 : Ken tucky and Pennsylvania rycm , 2 00(0)7 ( 0(1 ( BRAlTOraS-Importcd , 8 00 16 00 domestio 1 402)4 00. GINS Imported. 50C 00) ) domestd RUMS -Imiiorted , ( 60CA8 00 ; NB Kcrlaud. 2 00ftl ( 00 ; domostlo. 1 bO@3 6 PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY- 1 75 4 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported per easi ' mlr' * * ' WM | IB 00 , OLAIIKTS .or c so , 4 6016 " 00 WINKS Ru ne wino , per "OMO , 6 00 ® 2 00) ) Cotavbu , pur cane , 4 007 03. Tobaccoa. Ji7NE OUT- Common , 20@30o ; good , 4'i@60i Roue Lu.f , 70c ; Premium , 65o ; DbinjU'l Cro 7a , 5 : ; Sweet Sixteen , 47 > - . SMOKING S. , 20c ; Muskovy , 2 c ; , 1'i oz , 4Gc ; Durham , 8 oz , 60c ; Durham , 4 oz , 52Durhiim ; , 2 or. 55r ; Scnl of North Cuiolina , 1C oz , 42c ; Henl of Nnrth Ctrdliiii , 807. 41o ; Siml nf North ( Jarnllnu , 4 nz , 1CSeal ; of North O rc Him , 2 or , 18s ; O K Diirh-xm , 4 n , 28 ; O K. Duthum. 2 i z , . ' 10 ; Unole Nod , 1 H , 24r ; Pom ind .Inrv Ho. PLUG TOBACCO Climtx. 50 ; Bui- ll'in 50 ; Hor-B.t.m , 48. SUr 48 ; Kuby , 41 : HufoyV , 48 ; Blark , 3S@40. ! Merino nn < v H od , Igat , 14'tUflt ; ( ? jl'Jlr'0 | ruxlintn unwa-hod , liK'it > nr ho.l , ohiloo , 3'/0) ) fair , 33 < ] ; tub-dla , > ml w. , H8o ; bnrrr , bUakfttl oottoJ wo ' \ , " , > FOR SALE. A now oldo-hur , end HprlnR top bug cry , rnado by Hnj'der nnd took flnt p-1&n t the ilUc fulr Innt fall ; never used end will bu sold luw. Apply t Wnstern Nowepapor Union , oor.12fh and DonalM ni. fob28mAotf ; Do you want a pure , liloom- ing C'omnloxioiil If so , u 1'ow ajiiilinilions of JFairan'w MAGNOLIA JJAWI will grat ify you to your heart's con tent. It < lees jMvay vtlih Sal IOWUPSS , Jtoilnoss , Pimples , 3lloclio.sUHl ( ( nil discasosand imiiorloctions ot'ilio skin. It ovorcomostlioniislu'il - appear- ttiico ol' heat , fatigtio and ox- ciiciucnt. li malvcs a lady of TII1HTY appear but TWEN TY ; and so natural , gradual , and perfect arc its ell'eetfl. that it is impossible to detect its applicatiuu. HENRY LEHM.ON , JOBBER OF AND INDOW SHADES EASTERN PRICES DUPUi3AT D. 1118 FAR AM ST. - - OMAHA HAS TUB BEST STUOS IN DHABI AND HAKES 1HE LOWEST PEIOE8 IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENTS Have now been finished in our store. maV ing it the largest and most complete FUR * ITU RE HOUSE In the West. An additional story has beer- built and the five floors all connected with two HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS , , One Exolunively for the use of Passengers , Those immense warerooms - rooms three stores , lire 66 ieet wide are filled with the Grand est display of all kinds of Household and Office Furniture evei shown. shown.All are invited to call , take the Elevator on the first floor ind go through the building and inspeot the stock- CHAS. SHIVERIGK , 206 , 1208 and 1210 F arnam Street , Omaha The Oldest Wholesale and Retail JEWELRYHOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in SIL VER WARE. CLOCKS , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in PRECIOUS STONES and all descriptions of FINE BATCHES at as LOT ? Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call said see our KlefiantNew Store , Tower Building , corner llth mid Farnham Street ? TUU LEADING MUSIC HOUSE IN T1IR WKBTI General Agents for the Finest and Best Vianos and Organs manufacture. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer , Pianos and 0 ejass aold for cash or installment : , at Bottom Pries s , A SPLENDID st'.ck ol Btoinw y , Chickering , Knaba , Vor.e & Son's Pi anos , and ottv. r makes. Also Clough & Waren Sterling Imperial , Smith Ameiicau Ore an r , &c. Do not fail * o see us before purchasing.1 MAX MEYER & BRO. , UTUREB8 OF SHOW C A Large Stock always on Hand. A. M. GLARK PauitBr&PaperHanger t i SUlHWBMgSfcDKPnMTOS. WHOLESA.LK & RETAIL WALL PAPEE Window Shades aud CnrtalnE , OOIINIOKB OD11TAIN POLKS AU1) FIXTUIIES. f Faints , Oils & Brushes. 107 Booth 14th Htroat OMAHA NEBRASKA MANUFACTURE ! ; OK KINK BUGGIES , CARRIAGES & SPRING WAGOHS My Repository la Constantly filled with Select Stock. Bait a-TT A TrT. OfEoo and Faotory. 8. W , Oor. 16th and Oapitol Avenne.