TJiK DAI L , HI 12 OUlJNCi i , HLt.FFS IOWA THURSDAY MAY LO The Daily Bee. COUNCIL * BLUFTs Sk < " Tlntrnlnv Mornlujf , Mny t.l ) uiinoiiirmw UATKHI , . . . . . IOnml | > M w k. 0 , Mall . . . . . . IIO.IKI I'M V i. No. 'I 1'onrl IHroot , Nnnr MINOU M1DNT10N. Men .liweph Itfltpr'i | 'ilnK ' "lylf" , Ailillllon * ! looul on ovcnlli I > AH , lluliur wAiitml nl 'J'JO HroadwAy , ThU nvonliiK llio MnthinlUln IIAVII n iniolnl nnd lilrd oonoorl. All ulidiild honr ( Innornl llowntil lo nluht " In llin lootiirn on " ( letlyn- \n\tn" \ \ ' Thn nplrllnnlUlit nro to Imvo niiollior nnoUlni'Xi ' Hattirdny orenlnu. ( Iniiil tiiinilonnil lUnoltiK , > lnini < n JMnddnn ynnlonUy Illnd nn Information n nlnitl Uhnrlon Nloholnon him with dUlurlilnn thn piuoo. There WAD OIHI plnln drunk to nl Irnot the ntlontlon of the pollua outirt yoRtnrdny , 1) . Hum * WAS tlio nninoot thn pornon tlitiR ( llslliiKulshoil , Thn line , Mr. McUlnrg hnn glvoti the con- trnot for the nmson wink of llin now nrnokrr factory to Wlokliam llro/i , The building In to tin lirlok UOxll.'l foot , two fttorlo * nnd buioniont , It boglnn to took ns If Dmilnon wan to hnvo waterworks. The inaliin nro on thn ground , nnd will noon lie nndor thn ground , an thn oonlrnotorn nro ready to prooonl nllh the work. I'ornill to ooinmlt inntrlinony wan yeslnrdny glvon to llonry T. Him , of Aurora , Noli. , nnd .Inlln Llndsey , of Walinil , Iowa ; nlnn to .Ininen II , ] UHK nnd Corn A , Hall , both of KMIO township. Tlinro Im * not boon n prisoner from till * oily ledged lit the county jail slnoo April 'Jl ! , 'I'licro have been many ar- rrala slnoo that date , but convictions havn been foiv , or linen oatllyoolloatod , or else the olltinscs hnvo boon very ilnstlon Ahlmlt , yeslordny Afternoon - noon , innrtlod. In hi * i lllolM woddlng rnrlum , Alfred I'lilium to Miss May i'oppnr , Mr , Pnliinnt Is n prosperous tnuit nnd shoo dealer nt Atlanlio , for which pluuo the hnppy oouplo loll last ovenlii | [ , Thn olKixrinnkors nro still out on the ntrlko. Three of the niAiiufAOlurors IIAVO ncooded to tholr dontnndR , that U they say they will pay the amount nskrd for nnd hlro union men when they want nny men , but just now they tlo not want nny , so praollcnlly there In lltllo ohniiRQ lit the nltuntlon , 1 , M , 1'Mmor Is rendering valuable Ksslslnnoolto the b ard of ull\tion \ by ntloiuUiiR UR mootniN. ( l'hnn > nro tow nton lit thin oily who nro so fa > mlllar with the location nud vnluo of pninorly n * he , and ho Rtmulft ever ready with suoh tnfotmatlon AS ho ( ? on. 0. 0 , llowartl is to lecluro this evening nt Dohmiy' * hall under the Attsplcos of the Young Mon's OhrlilUn Asioctntlon , MU sucjocl Is to bo "Vho OAmnatgn nnd lUttlo of < ] otlybur > i. " There shottldbon packed houio , UN the n soclaton ( Is entitled to hearty support , nnd the lecture and lecturer surely merit the compliment uf A Urge Audience , The CAtnbllrg bottles still seem to be cloned tight. There Is acme curl oslty felt AS to how It will Is ) After the cr/Aitd jury has mot and adjourned , 11 Is not Improbable that tbe wllHnR- ne < to comply with the. Munolli order to * httl up may bo , In i\art , on ikxvunt of fear of the crand jnry. Ttmo will toll whether ls Is v > no of the several eattios leadliVR to the clos ing ot the door * . f T Oo hn Atid OoMoi "t ha\t nwsV for wore th tA de-sen yo * s a i l lM. . 1. U. ClatV o > Ovdtnfglit * , UN Grand opening ot VVenoh milliner } t I * O. Atbnthnot' * , 2 Urea MAylOthth At.d V2ih , of ( nttst styles for sxunmer. Dr. West , DontUt4 , Warl street 1. H. Clark , Co. , drnfrgUtQ < Parlor A Hoelllnc dec ratlon li pAjer at P. O. flllcrX W Xortl Main ttreoU After HtA CXil.1. Mr. A. M. UnderMll , an attorre ; of Omaha , and who formerly live * hero , was In the olty yetor\Uy looV Ing np matters preparatory to taktni to reoovor posi > ei * ion of his > on A boy abont * lv or MVW jTAr oU It ap\N > Ars that Mr. \ a > \fthtll abcnt three years * ( jo i-ooore. dlvoroe from his wlfo , the dcoro being grAnte > \ At Omaha , Ho olatm Ihovnn gave him th * cnntodr of th Kiy , who at the tlmo as InlHlnol * A month or * o ago ho bronght the Ki ; to this elty And placed Mm In chars' of A l dy relAtive. . hho dtvorood wtt In the meantime married a mai WAmed ToKj\ And ho tooV ont th neoe aty pawr * and frodnre-d IV I-M lon of the boy on a writ of haboa wpns , . .Inde l\oed Iwmtng the order She and h ( < r hn b nd , It IK aald , hav fT wo to \ > ? nvor and taken the ohil. with thorn , and Mr. \ Adt < rhtl ) propo OA , tf potklMo , to feoore > vMklo , - Ms bay. Ltv .r or VTvt n i jXi < Mk * \\aveno fear of any of the dli * e il yon me Mop fttttwra , n tha * IM prevent and ooro th * wortc\ even when yon > > ave W < > n nvaJ * vv > r hy rorne great prftVd-i p < > * * . I. B. OlatV ,1 Co. , 1C CHECKING THE CROOKS - * A "Olaini" of Tliunilor Whioh UnH totloil DID Uonfl- ilonoo Mon. A Ouoocmiful Mxporlmont Tried on tlio Bloux Olty Tnilu , There hnvo been nil norls of methods used lo put n stop lo the oonlldnroj gamn/i which hnvn been so numerous In nnd about the Union I'aclllo depot and on llin outgoing nnd Incoming railway Iralns , Tlio olty han had n policeman Nlalloned there to look otil , for the orookn , lint llttln good hnn ro- nulled , The doiot | railway pollorniun notim lo do llttlo olthor In this dlruo lion , tholr ntlontlon being glvon tnori > to performing tlio dntlcn of holol directories nnd railway guidon , unnwor- Ing iuont | ! inn and pointing out trains , buildings nnd ntreoln , The trnlnnion hnvo boon given by law the power ot pollocmnn , lint they neldotn or never use It , nt hunt In n * gnrd to ooiill U'lioo moil , Tlioio urookn , or most of thotn , nro known to Iho ollloorn nnd to the tralnmon , nnd ROIIIO of the unsuspecting panscngora got net ] Minted with them too , nnd to their i row , but none of thu ollliilaln noom dinooiod to do nnythlngto check the plundering , unloin nome vlotlni NiiioaK | lee lustily when n arrest nnd dlsolihtgoof Iho orookn follows na n nlokly nor of sallsfaotlon. It has boon morn limit orco hinted thnt some of the trnlnnion stand In with Iho orookn , or nt least overlook tholr presenoo nnd wily wayn , and It Is natural lo suppose that they do not thus nllow the robbery to go on with , out n oonnldnrntlon , U hns boon known In some onsov , however , thnt where no consideration was given conductors and tralnmon have been terrllled Into keeping still , the crooks threatening to oattso thorn troubio , or ntnko Ihein lonrt tholr position * . The plan lias been tried of prevent ing this systematic nnd continued rob bery of the Unvoting public by posting up placards bidding the poole - lo "bownro of oonlldenco men nnd lok-pockotn. " This does llttlo good , n litest of the Innocents hnvo n sort f Instinctive Idea that n confidence tan Is so awful n oreaUiro that ho can o told nt n glance , thnt ho must hnvo Ito face of n rogno , nnd n brand of Is intanlo tnsjraly , so that when n well dressed , plo.Mtant gentleman bo- inn oonvetnMlon with then ) , they aiinot Imaglno ( or nn instant , that o Is otto of these horrid confidence leu , mu\ \ they nro thrown completely IV Ihclr guard. Tito Sioux City trains has boon otto f those most thoroughly nnd con- tnntly wotl od by the oonrtdonco men ltd attnrpors , The train has tmially largo number of grangers bounder or Dakota , most of them nclt irovldod wlthtneanr , nnd with little xperloncrt with ( harpers. These iteellng follows who hail mons ex- lerloneo than money speedily ohatt < s heir money for oxptrloncv , There lave bt'en so miuty turned on this rain , that the company bus tried n tow cxpoiimont. and this far It hut worked most satisfactorily. Oondtictor Olanp , who tAVes out ho train cvory evening , jnst before ho trnln starts steps Into every osr gives the passengers n short , prao. address , not perhaps us ole > \nrnt ss MIO of Ingersoll's leoturcs , but answer * ng much more sallsfaotorlly the i\ues > Ion , ' 'What shall wo do to bo saVislt" lo warns them not to hare any Money transactions of nny Vind with ttty utrangcrs , nnd that If nny ono ap \roaches them on tinanclal matters , it tries to touch their sympathies on of the b Ay of Mine relative , or tn nny or device M\V to pel hem toi y or lend nny money , to in- onn him at one * and get his advice In ho matter btforo giving np n nny. tie also tells them that tny are not to lv thrown ctf tholr fnard of thrgentc l appearance and wht h are. oharctetlittc ) of ThU little pwx > h , tvpo ted In jntt A the trMn UtU out , h It * o l s ( .ffrct. ten - h * bo n ttlosi now fi\r * month , And whAt WA * once A tki i field fo > r the h r > vir to br\iw o in J cow dwrted by them. The renU t f the > XY > orJmfnt the fur tndl Ate th t tha ruilwAy t-rc- cn , If thov tt AK > ut It , d ranch to Mop thU ty tom cf tvb . It they dvi not pnl An ontlre ttvv to lu the other ro3t try the MK > taolhc-d , And , If n v < * * rjhAv * or * . tv > r for < s > ndactorn , bet , In At 3 ox-oat , pat won In th t poMtlc-n irb gnt And hoaosty onon h to jw the crook * , 1. IV OUrk , t O.\ , Mnollor hw uVon the Affinc fo the gonulno vMo lett xloMo They Are era > : fcuj ; t\tr * . Concert , lt of thU fonntty , A i > Ut < vd > y Ml * . * y lNJliv , Ohlj .c : , < > ' popaUr OAR trH.wttl Ivo oonoort ovenlnp of thUel. . tn the in ohnroh. Got yonr > OAt At ttnuhnoll t rAcL-o * toro thU morning tf you v .nt one * . uoxt A ivsy n mod , thlrtoon j-OAr oU , who Mvot with fet pxronU on Third M-OOBO HOAI the 0 X. NY. r * > troA < t trssVo , VAS for Kf * yo trdy * f i w.w hy Aronnd l io o r . The ltd WA * tflf ; oat ot the pM Mtfcc trfcin M It * 'b b * VJn ; ftv > ra the XorthwtorB loot d < iv > l to th * U-Anhfor , And ltf > { y\ nn3i > r the whivO * . , * 'Woh pxvtsj t < vt4 both fwu Oao. log U ornkhod AX- > And the vw foJldw v i b < to ) ooo It Mk-o th * b t Jtromto And hit roAny friend nh vhn ho hud sot Von tbo ore t < oflw for ) iAt "Att the Sij * ao. " I it to bo hoped thkt hU pl vjrn tc wll hoed the lotoon And not fool I'UUDUNAL Iiovl Htrftinn , of IDiloaKO , In nt thoOrf * on , A. .1. Wlicolcr , t Kcckfinl , II , In At ho I'rto'llo. M. .loliniKii , ill ClilcuRi ) , li n l' cHlo iiniffl Knout , lr , A , M , Colllni , of Merion , low * , In I tlm ( > x < ltii , W , Mlildletnti , of I/ORHH , vlnlted the llnlTi yenlcnUy. M , K ( Irton , of Nt. I.onln , IK Aiming the Vilon IIOIIKO Knout * . John V , Odiirlntify , of Alldtibon , WAI n the city Vf tcnUy , , ! , MoNi\in.\r , ol \ ( ) ' ( nili ttelii , WIM In the oily ynt < ril y. li. W , 'J'lillojn hn < K'1"10 tn Koiriiny , lob. , on n i > lmrt liniliirm trip , ,1 , N. C'nitRily nnit ( ninlly hnvo K'mo to HprhiK for n rhnrt ntny , . ! , Krcil Mnyrrx In iimr niltiK hi" ITU for 'lio IHII'HIII Itotloxv luniutil of The Nou I III lot. W , II , Hnttnon , loptrxenlliii ; J. H , Hun- oil A , Co , , wnn In the oltv yoitcrdny look- lit , ' niter tliuoo who lltornlly ute " | irlntorn' nk. " lion. II , K , MimUomrry , of Donxor , At IIP limn u proiiilnpiit polltlclui Mutlnw- 'or n ( thin city , nrrlvcd tliU moriiliiK by lie wity n [ the A , T , S 3 , rnllrund , mul In lopping nt thuU ilpii liouio. ,1 , W , Clullln , Into of The Aihnuoo , lin itirclntfod Mid tnkeit pn ie ilon of Tlio ted Unk Diptrw. Mr. Chitllln IK n thor- njihly exiprlenccd | mid roniArknlily nice - o ( ul now pmpr limn , mul will jirovo n worthy iicpo or to the ownorrlilp nnd tintrol o ( Tlio I'.vprp'n. The Had Unk ooplo will llnd hi htm A geullomiu worthy of n hc.trty welcome to nil the mnliKM mid loclnl clrch-fl ol thi\t Iho Uloclty. Ilcmnrhnlila John Ktthu , ot InUyrUe , Ind. . lift In erj n rrow ( cniio from dolh , ThU U lU own loryt "Ono yenr A.JO I w * In the t ( tARp * ol UoiiMunptlon. Our bent hyitcUn * K VO my c < e tip. I tinnlly cote o low thai mir doctor udd I could not MTCI weiily-foiir hourn My ( rlend * then nur. li * eii A biillle of UK'M HAU.'S IAL ! AU rou ins Li'Nui , which leuetitcxl me. conllnneil until I ttHik iiluo bottlet. I m now In t'vrfcct heAlth hArlng uioi nether ther mollelno. _ I. H. Clnrk A Co. , druggliU , ICO Uoadwny , Is closing oat a slock of dolls nt very low prices. Troubio hi School The case of Misi Mlkeielltho teacher In the SlrcotsvllKi school , arrested fir smaiilt and hMtery on Mr Clatter- back's boy , was concludes ! before .lustlco Schmz jesterdny. The evi dence showed that * hp punished the boy by hitting him over the ihonUen with n long gad , but the court teemed In doubt * a to whether the punish' ment WM iortulently beyond tht of rtvtuon to tmUln the Bhargo. o { a u' < i mid Kittery. Tn < caio w-ss ac.Mrdln ly dts.nlMtvl. It seems that the teacher vrss a Hitlo to.- hasty and a MUe too sivcre , ru ; nv > V ably the er > d rf ju ttc are reached ully as well by what hi > has jnffered jy the inortifiottion which tnnsl \aturally be oantod her by snch pnb- ( city , and the ttUl uxn tnch a chsrge. The be l medlotuo cf the * , ; o foi \nlcklycurlnc Indlcetllon , norroni- no , etc. , U Nrown'i Iron Utttcro , I. . Clark , t Co , , drujrgut * . Truly T * ty. A. lAjnlc h s o Improved his re nrAnt rarlors on Hroadway that thej Are trnly A * ol > > jAnt AS any to bo fonaa oven In Oulc.vo , They have beer deoorated In the hlghcs. art , and A All know , the cstablUhmont oould ne be In the hacds of a mows okll ! * o toror than Lnite hlnucU. Aldi tvi the marvelous boAnty of the \iar lor * , thvieo * ho v.ilt . them may b < * nrc of Rotting ja t * h t they wan And A * they want It , whether It b * i mol. a Inuehiwn , Kv creaxn And c-k ( or wh t not In th t llaei. Order * tc weddtnc * and VAttle * promptly hllctS and delivery wagons cow make Ur trips thronsh the city. And order given to driver will also te oarxfall ; Attended to. Drop In i il tee the lit tie palaoo And Uttoju ro n's Iroi Bitters for lndlpeUon , Cur K ow ijoxa vnv * ratrov * aeat IV Invetl AUon into the matter ooo vlaoe * ni that ono o { the noet ecit * bcUdlnj ; tjsnte * u i > t propo * vi aa. In oporAtloa by tbe Moroa. ne Low ihJ * Hty. Ry t ' - > . Ut.g tc this inthttors ! h l b rorao of ocr Swt and raost r > ninoM xaoo , u iwc. wo * powJble aa. ecato mesins to soonre a hoao for htrowiM and fwaUy. IB inp a ertaJa r.ciaKir of fchAres , at cortala raoatlilr ptymeat , tn a fi year a tafca cxa cuna a > w n * ol hit oira for aboat th * sajat a ho pAys raiiiihly for rwt. Tf tlio Mw-wirrfloLota tad Trc en fvir bnthif B-S hkvtrc : ai < d A fritAj t ta plans and kj > tem of lon vffi bo * ths ns.irt carefsJ ssrctfcv k d cxus ination , and w * hav * no bptaacy t ; pron < nncltj : them retMatbJe ta oqirttablesvad hfcsVed by pwstJciaa of bo or Mid Int rlty. At the ana panje.xii > u U beaomot u oac * us it * Utotk > s ( J vaJne ( .ad credit to os city and thosebo dcsir * Tl < lr pro td et I * T. A. , . a thrtr o&ce 1 * h : ib * rw ol Shnpan't aad new bodk ) , ronwc Vearl Kfll9JLK , rali h CO. , t * oo.lo uxl Votelk Ciuw * . to kl , a houn > . M ttux . hnuvhm rcninitb * ltnifA if > ! cvnwfIk InjT iw luiHirrotAm. i l - rvphUUK , tut , n dan ClM ,1 , N. OABADY , F , II , OIlOUrT. CASADY & ORGOTT , 508 KKOAIHVAY , - - COl'XCIL KMJfcW , IOWA. EXCLUSIVE Only one in the City. Stock now Complete. Mail Orders Solicited. CASADY & ORCUTT , 502 Nrondway. NUGENT & SMITH , MERCHANT TAILOES , First-cliss Goods mul tlio Itest of Workmtuiship ( iiraraiid'cd. Sros. 7 and .l Main Strcol , . . . . COUNCIL BLUFFS. DIRECTORY. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. OlADs/JP Of ! DRUGGISTS. Protections com LD ULnllsOC , IfUiy pounded at all hours , ICO Broad tray. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. IS Main Street nnd 17 Pearl Street. MAX MOHN , } CUKSTQN HOUSE { U. m BARS S OWi ills D.I Cor 5th St. ami Stb Avc. HO I C U/UITC OFFICE : Oor. MMn nnd 6th , no-stairs. Utti Us Ps nill 1C. Residence , 609 Willow Avenue. JUSTICE OF TUE PEACE , N. SCHURZ . Oflico over American Exprt'ts. WAPMPP L1VKHV AND FEED. WILL CONTRACT SQ If fUrl S.fl j f > r fanon\ls nt reasou blo rites , No. 22 4th St. J. M. ST. JOHN & CO , CASH BUYERS , \VhirsjJ br.tKj i\k , pctj r frcU ! Ship lo u . Dnttbr return niktl. IU Brcudw y A nCDPC NEW BOOT AND SHOE S t H * i iunUUf Cor. Main and Fast avornio. PETHYBRIDGE& HERBErlTZ , ket , 327 Broadway. O R IT M CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , Cor. 7th RIU Cr Ol 111 I lit Broadway. Plans and pccitic tloua furnished lu FINE HARNESS I have the variety that brla. pttrouttge. 124 Main street MKRCQANT TAILOR , Artistiu Work nd lUvwousblo On rSM. 872 Uroadway 9 OHU FURNITURE , STOVES and OL 0 U Pi j UcnsohoU Supplies , 303 Broadway I IWHT 9 y/\DT / ATTORNEYS AT LAW , Jamoa Hlook. LlrlU I Ot Unfl I j Pr tlcs In state and federal courts. MDO Q I PDflU/W 1CK OUKA AM ) CONFKC IVlno. O. u. DnUYifii , TIONKRY , 210 EOTH n IC DT P P n Mann't Flno Furnttttrv.Upholntnry good tOlUUlVUtll OC U U s } Curtains and Window Shades , 300 IV way O A M IT A D I II i\S Aed tl1 house. 421 and 4' > 3 Broadway. L. Sov OrtNl ! HnlUm * , L , IVop , P. J. Montgomery , M. D. , Phy I A M D * > T AND SHOE SHOP , No. SOS Broadway , A i UMulDs Tiiaa Arenco , second door above Motropolilan VETKRIXARY SURGKON , Bray's stable , No. 12 Scott street I CI Akin LtLnPlU , Oor. Eighth and Bro dr y UCUUCQCV Mtnsf . { HORSK COl.LARS , Trade mp * Us II t W II CO 0 I j rfW. Sh St. , between 6th and 7th I AR nTT J" - thr i . , Nounr i nbl. . U * HO GUI I | MdGstral Conveyancer , 4151V way D CU C D IT U { 1 1 0 C S tTH * NORTON' , Broadway , opiNe * ti L V Ll\L Otvr Hoaso R-.tJttod. $1 , f 1 50 per day S HACQJTl cos TRACTORS and BUILDERS DCPAV Ci UHCOi-L , a-.ra.-r Stiih trcei and Avenn * G f IH j Af IUIV SKws SSCl SD ll AND HOV SKUOLD 1 ff > Hi MLlrtl } GO DS BOFOBTAND Si-LD. 212 Broadiray BLUFFS SPEGlAl KOTfCES. ivurii.vaecu , m. lort , TonaA , Tr li a , Fw Skit , Tc Vtnti , B. > [ Ua , HC _ vI b * Ituxmri it chit octomn M th * rv t is 0 $ TSCN CEXTS ITS luXK lot Iht ftirt InsicOlM k * rtTt tea each tobfvxjacJ Lxtrt kir wdiuim * 14 ra clci , Vc. T VTErv Rirhor < I Ii IiC 1C Tm 8 v K Mrtt p * wt , Jt Oftoo , * T Pc jwl < Mid n.x * Twrm SV far MmBt , Imjnlw I iA. - hindf-trr r irt u H , * lots FOR \fi , * ot OU < RRKJ IB paj K ttt Tct oftiau , } < & . tf Fi" > K5Al.EThf hktwiwoi * TMXieflt tt ! Wa. V HP-WV ttxwuwd , an Itin . .lvv , 4 K ! C. iumh , erootuH itt > n SU > font on * ton ot Ttu. X. n nute. FRESH WILLIAM RAPP , Trei , Nfit BKvk : * o = ih P O C B.-al KlEg I a v t rrwudral. VtcorrwX Cublet. Of Ol ? a ! r na < * it * Un of th t * i.CK jocrvv ot ttrnt , - 8j > > iltt ' wc o' h T r * * e r rttt jvtuofi rMBroi E. u J V. W. R. VAUGHAN. JUSTICE GF IKE PEACE. Oznthi fcai Oou&aL BS t Odd F3rv i riirok , PV Strtaot S. . J. EILTGS , K , B. , ! PHYSICIAN AKD SUBCEOK Z. Te LINDSEY & CO. , 412 Broadway , Connell BlulfjTntVA Weat Side Square , OlarlndaJ1UWA > B. S. TERWILLIGER , DECOIUTOR AND DEALER IN FANCY 31 Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS. DUQUETTE , GUIBERI & CO. , ( Successors to ERB & DUQUETTE ) 16 and 18 Pearl'St. , Council BIu Ts , la. SULLIVAN & FITZGERA.LD , : DELERS IN GROGERIESPROVISiONSBOOTS&SHOES Drafts on Bank of Ireland , Dublin , for Bale. 343 Broadway , Council Bluffs , MKJ. M. McALlSTrE , TEE LEADING DEALER IN 235 MAIN STREET , COUNCIL BLUFFS. M. GALLAGHER , G-IROOIE New Sere , Fresh Goods , Low Prices , Polite Attendants. . L ? " - 78 , Firs'- ' Door . Last of the Motropohtau Hotel , Lower Broadway l J _ Jeli3IyKatuth. PETER C. MILLER , WIIOLKHALi : AND RETAIL 3E § AND WINDOW SHADES PAINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES , FRESCOINaiN MODERN STYLES , North -NOS-18 Alain AND Straat 20 DeVOL & . Wh'IGHT , 604 Broadway , and 10 and 12 Main Street , Council Bluffs , la. , Invite attention to n oomploto line o' ' Oil nud "V pc-r Stoves , Fil ters mnl WaUr Coolors(9Joo oror.m Fietsers. loa Poxes Ke- fttors. Lnwn Moworsnud Bud Cnc s i t piices that cannot fail 10 please. Call nd see"u cr vriite tor o ro'-lnr nnd price ; . f I T L E ABSTRACT OFFICE. or. Ganas and Lots Bought and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS , OUNCIL BLUFFS . IOWA CRESTOH HOUSE , MAX MOHN , . PROPRIETOR. 215. 217 and 219 south Main street , COUNCIL BLUFFS. . . . . . IOWA , D. A. BENEDICT MRS. . . , -Jl THS LEAPING DEALER - I SS7 BrovdT-,7 , c'l Blufs , lows. Per Esgicea , Boilers , O&stinRs , Rc-pi-rs arcl TTTN Y. Orisrs to JOHV GILBCRT. Carrn Street fcnc Kt Aera6. . CbnncQ BlcT. rrocnit craerv Tut . ' t t * n. t rr n OFFICES PUSH. e = t , Oouncil s , la , Established , IS55 C3-O H. R. JONES I K Til Douglas Vapor Stoves torte to & Brass Oor frtt Sirsci iS lltb 3LOT5 , - IKES , 1 , J , E1UU58 , L D , , Medical Electrician GYNECOLOGIST. dotoiut , § S r OCT. a S T . OCJTSCE. TP * troi.nt a ef al daewnt snf ptcsiliu tc tackle * s a TeLov ? ! BE LIE'DBI JLSD OOJLL. . t. T BHHft ; ef flw r wsj oc SMW : k < fcio. HC