Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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A great many people nrc asking
what particular troubles UROW.N'S
IRON BITTERS is good for.
It will cure Heart Disease , Paral
ysis , Dropsy , Kidney Disease , Con
sumption , Dyspepsia , Rheumatism ,
Neuralgia , and nil similar diseases ,
Its wonderful curative power is
simply because it purifies and en
riches the blood , thus beginning at
the foundation , and by building up
the system , drives out all disease.
A Lady Cured of Rheumatism.
lUltlmere , Mtl. , May 7,1880.
M jr health as much shattered by
Rheumatiim when I commenced
taking llrown's Iron Hitters , and I
icarcely had ttreneth enough to at
tend to my daily household duties.
I am now using the third bottle and I
am recalnlng strength daily , and I
cheerfully recommend It to all.
I cannot say too much In praise
Cf It. Mrs , llAJtY E. liRASIIKAH ,
17 } I'rotmaniL
Kidney Disease Cured ,
Christlansburg , Va. , iB8i.
Suffering from UJney disease ,
from which I could get no relief , I
tried Brown's Iron ilitten , which
cured roe completely. A child of
mine , recovering from scarlet ferer ,
had no appetite and di J not seem to
be able to eat at all. leave him Iron
Hitters with the happleit results.
Heart Disease ,
Vine St. , Harrisbun ; , Ta.
Dec. 3 , ibSr.
After trying different physicians
and many remedies for palpitation
of the heart without receiving any
benefit , I was advised totry llrown's
Iron Hitters. I have used two bottles
tles and never found anything Out
gave me so much relief.
For the peculiar troubles to \ \ hich
ladies arc subject , UKOWN'S IRON
BITTERS is invaluable. Try it.
Bo sure and get the Genuine ,
Uvory Coriot la warranted satlg-
ixctorytolts wonror Itiovory war.
or Uio money will l > o refunded liy
tbo poreou ( ram whom it-nns bought. by our Iradlnir jihyMcIi
it lnjurou tn tliBwcnn'r , ondi-ndormlliy Udln
ttii "roo t comfortable ( iaa perfect Ottlm CarHt * TI i
nirrrtnv. tt.CU. 8clf.AdJu lln , (1.50
Nunlng , * 1.B
l > rci r > lii > ( flno roulll ) 8.00
Btlrt-Huppurtlnic , # 1.6O.
Hit i tc liy IfUln Itttull Dealer *
cuuauy co. , , jut ,
GOI.D 1'AUIS. 1878.
fnlrr'i Trtmium CtioeolaHt\ hf > l
rrrpartllon al plain ch coltt for fim-
lly me. lMer"i 2Jrtfait Cbroa ,
from which the cxcm of oil htt beta
rcmoTcil. cuily dljfitt J ami n.Iinlrably
tjnplcil for Invallji. Hukrr'i I'.imlta
C'Ancofar , as a dilnk or futrn con-
ftctlonerjr U a dellcloui ortlcle i highly
rrcaimnentled bj tuurlitt. llatir't
Jlrraaa , InTtluttilo it a did for clill-
drcn. Onnan Swttt CA < xvar , a
mo4t ticcllcnt ttllclo for ftmlllti.
Sold by Urocers etcrjrnhere.
W. M A.1CER &
Scnil 81 , K-t , .t , a :
95 Tui * n Niiuiplu ru
tall box by KxprcMt
oftlio liCMt rntullcM li
America , imt up I
ClCRIUlt ItOIt'H , nil
utrlotlypiiris Sultn
bin for iircNcntH. Ks
| ir * NH clinrjiffi Ilitlii
llefem It nil Chief
"DANDY o. Try It once.
C'onfccllotuT ,
'iVF rri * * na"
2 M * : >
By a Former Resident ,
A Round Among ibo Han
Placts Guuibliuf ? One
of tbo Loading In
CoM pen < ! cnce title KaniMCItrJomn
An I stonpod Into "Pap"
'alacu of Ohanoo , which , by the wny
a the largctt gambling house In Lmd
vlllo , or wtftt cf the MliBlaelppl rivoi
ho proprietor , n portly , good-nntnroi
; , tsppud moon the thouldo
* nd , pointing to the sign on the wall
aid : "By Q-d , Ferrla , I'll bo d
f I propoao toh&vo any avowing her
while I ran this rancho , "
On Informing him that ho had
wrong pointer on uio and that I wa
alsod In an atmosphere redolent wit
ilety , and where prayora wcro throw
n gratia with every uioal , ho relaxed
Looking up at the gilt sign the
adorned the wall I observed the plot
warning . ; . . iii .
: Please Don't Swear , ' ,
which struck mo as bolng rather od
advlco in snoh a peculiar place , an
rot the request la rigidly enforced.
After recovering from the shock th
'onlal proprietor escorted mo throng
ils gorgeous establishment. The wall
are decorated with elegant painting
costing thouiands of dollarH , and th
leers nro covered with the richest c
Urn sels carpota Maaslvo mlnoi
oem up on either side , and oa yo
gaunter throngh the place yon are re
minded of an Oriental palace inateai
tf a
The owner , who la a atriachurc'
member , had aeon fit to h.tiuduc
omo religious featnrea , 1 noticed
urge Bible , copiously Illustrated , on
enter table. Thia must bo a nonrc
of consolation to the players. Ono c
hem , who had just made a hoav
oas , opened the good book andturue
0 that portion which relates to a part
mmed Job. At the rear of the root
B something that looks Ilko a churo
pnlplt. On Inquiry I learned that I
was the keno culler' * otaud. Boantift
nottopc , euch an "God Is Lovo" an
'Bo Virtuous and You'll bo Happy ,
adorn the walla , There Is
talned glass front to the bulk
ng covered with acouoa from Bib )
ilstory. After all , the place Is a con
linatlon of pahco and cathedral. ]
s three atoms hl h , and the proprii
or , who came hero iivoyeara ago wit
lardly a dollar In hla pocket , Is no
worth $100,000. That mammoth plli
) ullt from nothing , Is n great mort
ecturo in itself. Comment wool
only Bpoll the force of It. Charles
Wyman , bettor known as "Pap" Wj
man , Is a fat , chubby , smooth fact
atherly looking follow , about f >
'cars ' old , and is looked on as OLO c
ho solid men of the town , taking a
10 does , a prominent part In all move
merits. Ho is n democrat of the deep
st dye and , at the recent election , h
mme within an ace ( ono voti ) of be
og elected to the atato eenato frou
Every now and then the local pro
'ring in" a first-class puff for hla plac
paid for of conrat ) , In which It Is re
erred to as ono of the leading InntUi
Ions of Leadvllo , thoroughly squar
n every respect , and mentioning th
iroprlotor as a benevolent , kind
loartcd old gentleman.
Great is Lsadvlllo , and "Pap" Wj
man Is ita prophet.
Stopping up the street
ext meolfl my oyo. It la called th
ranrblo hall , I presume , becauco thor
1 no marble connected with it in an ,
hapo excepting that every ono has
banco for hla "white alley. " It is
ommon looking frame building , am
s a typical western gambling home
Sitting at yonder table "dealing" th
arda in a cool and unconcerned mac
nor la the notorious "Doc" Halladai
cnown throughout the went , and cupe
olally In Arizona and Now Mexico , n
ho most daring derparado that eve
lulled a trigger. This mlld-manuore
rentier angel , who has started
; raveyard in nearly every frontlc
, own that ho ban graced with hi
treaouco , is ono of the quietest an
most pontlomanly men that I eve
met. He has only killed fonrtoo
men no far in his vita and chockre
career , bnt then ho hasn't been a
forded the aamo opportunities thi
some cf hla more prolific death dealln
brethren have enjoy od. During th
lootor'a residence in Tombstone , A
T. . ho summarily discontinued tb
cyoor of corao tlx or sevc
distinguished goutlamon who ha
the temerity to cross h
path , wiping out four c
em In one day. The doctor , hov
over , was not feeling very well durlc
his temporary sojourn In the froll
sorno border town , and , whllo thoi
was a fertile field for hla peculiar ta
onte , the small number uf hla vlotln
should be attributed to the bad stal
of health ho ixperioncod while thor
being a victim of consumption. E
is a bad man and spits blood ard y
no ono would suspect this after hu
Ing n talk with the gonMcmanly loo' '
Ing doaporado. Ho Is still n yout
man , only 35 , and has yet a wldo fie
cf usefulnetn before him , Ho is
Una , spare looking mau ; hla in
gray hhtr Is always well combed at
oiled ; hla boots usually wear un hi
mnculnta polish ; his beautiful tcai
with an elegant diamond pin in tl
coctcr , looks well on his gloeay ahl
front , and ho prldoa hlmlclf on ulwa
keoplnglocrupnlonaly ui < ut and clca
Ho usually talks In a very Ic
tone , and has a thorough co
tempt for the lessor vlllali
who have only ecorcd come h
dozen victims to their crimson crodl
In his hip pocket ho nlvraya carries
beautiful , silver mounted revolve
45 calibre , and , whllo talking to
stranger , his right arm restlessly wai
dera In that vicinity. It Is asserted 1
sumo that ho wears a steel vest ,
many places In the Southwest the a
thomlos will not allow the demure ai
ohlUllko doctor to stay within tin
limits twenty-four hours. Thodoot
mot with quite a humorous incldo
shortly before leaving Tombstone ,
dapper little fellow , evidently a Be
ton dry goods clerk , fresh from toast
east , began to wildly Inquire for t
famous Doc Holladay of whom Lob
board BO much. Tbo nnsaltod you
c rrlcd with him what may bo Icokci
i as n dangerous wcnpnii In tha oaat
.tvrhlch wo denominate as a "to1
, tol. "
Little did ho think that the porsoi
1 ai ht f tor wan among the crowd tha
i o was nddrcanlntc , nnd , as ho mail
I'.o ' remark that ho would live to rlc
t'io eouthvrcet of its greatest terror
. mphaslzlng hla throat by dliplaylnj
hid weapon , ho Immediately foil deac
In his tracks shot through the heart
another victim of the unerring aim o
thn famous outlaw ,
The remains were placed in a rndi
pine box and planted In an obicnn
portion of the comotcty. And I havi
seen it somowhcrus in print that th
good-hearted , honest old miners , wltl
a eonso of the eternal fitucts of thing
that was simply exquisite , placed i
ptno board at the head of the grave
rind , with a picco of charcoal , In
scribed on it those sad and touching
words :
* < > >
IIoWasaDamFulo. j
A little further up the street IB
which in the palmyfdaya of Laadvlllc
waa the great gambling hooso of th
town , I waa ahorrn the table where
a party of freshly made bon&nzi king
sat down with the expressed Intentio :
of "breaking the batk " The pro
protor was ono of thoae gamoy llttl
fellows , full of pluck and back
lone , and told them to go ahead , an
there was "no limit. " "Bet as hlgl
as yon please , gentleman1 ho said
'and I will pay all beta till the laa
dollar la gone , " which resolution h
> ravely stood by although it absorbei
its last cont. As high as $1,000 , wa
reqnonlly staked on the turn of
rd , occislonally varied by a bet o
' 5,000 , until Bomo $80,000 had bcei
'blown In" to the bank ; then luck be
an to turn against it until It waa al
laid back and the capital of th
back" with it. Tbo game lasto
roni 0 p. m , until long after daj
ireak before the bank finally sue
iurnbod. Daring Ita progress a me !
ongor boy came In with a dispatch fo
ono of tbo players , and the lattn
Clint Kaudebnsb ) tossed him a $2
; old piece , and the llttlo follow was a
lappy as a lord for woi ks afterward !
This will always bo remembered n
ho greatest and most exciting gam
n the annals of Leadvllle.
The next place to attract my atten
Ion was what la called
ind , as I stepped in , I noticed a goo
ooklng woman near the door who wa
art proprietor of the place , presume
) ly St. Ann herself as her given nam
was Annlo. Being still a "tondei
oot , " and having , up to this time
studiously avoided thcao highly Ire
moral places , I now had a decide
curiosity to learn nomotbiog of th
mysteries of the gtmo. A gentleme ;
near by kindly volunteered to on
Ighten mo. After explaining a whll
10 stated that if I placed , for Instance
a dollar on the slx-tpot and a card o
hat kind was dealt out of th
box after the "banker's" card th
ilayer won. I unconsciously placed
tig silver dollar en that card in ordo
hat my friend should thorough ! ;
Hnstrato the matter. After a turn ewe
wo of the cards the "dealer'1 tooopoi
ho money into the drawer , "Glmrn
back my dollar , " says I , "that wasn' '
a bet. I was only trying to nndei
itand how the thing worked. " "Evcrj
hlug goes , " said ho , giving mo
imllo of contempt. I now bad
dollar'a worth < jf information , an
next dropped into a cosy llttlo plac
The room waa full and the player
nearly so.
Whllo looking around a nice look
tig young man approached mo , and
taling that ho had soon mo some
vhero before , ho began to oxplal
low ho bad a dead euro thing of boa !
UK the bank , a system that ho ha
> eon planning for months , but bain
unfortunate , ho did not have th
money to play with. Once atortee
lowovor , ho could make n mint c
nouoy , nndaakod If I couldn't "Make
ilm with about $5 and he would d
Ido the profits , which would bo bl
udeod. Llko the full blown idiot
was , I lot him have the money. Gotr
ng back an hour nr two later , I nc
.Iced him him sitting llsthealy in
chair. Asking him what was the ma
or , I learned that ho bad lost th
money , as that wasn't the night fc
ho eyottm the "conditions werou
favorable. "
I was gradually getting inltlatec
[ now had six dollars worth of oxpi
rlenco , and with It In my possession
srosiod over to Col. Chapman's cell
jrated ,
The colonel is a halo and hearty Text
gentleman about GO years old , an
{ really resembles your John Evani
S'o ono would over suspect him c
oelnft connected with a gamblln
louso. Dealing at ono of the tables
the notorious "Dutch Henry , " who i
sundry and divers times In the pai
: iad narrow escapes from the halte :
owing to various Indiscretions. Worl
ing for a long tlmo at the table jni
beyond was E , A , Ebhart , bott <
known as Count Ebhart , who lived I
Kansas City ooveral years ago , an
who died there only a few weeks ag <
The count bad a wild and romaut
history. Ho was exiled from Anstr
many years eg ) , owing to a certal
trouble In which ho was implicate !
bat to his credit his indopoudoi
nature forcing him to opoakw \
others would ii&vu maintained a pri
dcntirl Kllcnco.
After tarrying hero a few minute
ray attention was attracted by a lori
filgu on tbo building a llttlo forth
down thoBtrcet , ii'u\lcg :
I walked in and vainly look <
around for a mart of commerce , b <
there were no visible signs of trad
except tbo continuous clatter of tl
Ivory chips. There was no buying <
selling that I could see , but there HI
any number of people grouped aront
the various tables placing round , whl
checks ( chips ) on the various card
"I'll put that on the queen , " wild
cried an exalted player , and a stun
young Euglishman , who had jn
dropped in protested , as a lay
cubjeot , against the fit
panoy of the remark , and stated th
the queen bad a right to wear an
thing she pleased , from calico to tl
finest illk. So far no corn or who
had been sold to my knowledge , ai
yet this was the board of trade. B
some of the people present teemed
10 dealing In corn , far , ixt a Ion ? la'ol
at the othur end of the rrnm eccrrs o
> ooplo could be seen p aclng kernels n
uurn on votlocs numbers Khloh war
irintod on slips of pasteboard. I'h
auctioneer , or taller , or ercrn nry o
whatever ho was , would call c IT a In
f numbers un'il fiaally BT.IO ori
wonld yolj "Kon.J ' r.ud then th
jrocacdlngs would abruptly stop
Why so , I don't know , a
ho wbolo tiling vai i
cgnlar puzzle to tao tud I na
unatlo toaolvo it. A srar.ll fight ba
gan near the ontrarc'- , cad on askln )
jno of the "doalora" the eauco , ho ru
jllod ; "Oh , thoao two trumpi an
ightlng ovar a Blnoper. " "And wha
aasleopet ? " I Innocently Inquired
Linking of railroad tics and Pull
mans , and asked if it way anything li
hat lino. Looking at mo with a Bar
donlo fjrln and twitching his fiorc
mustache , ho tald : "Young man
when ycu ccaoo to bo a chump the pig
will begii to fly. " A piece of Btlng
'og sarcasm that did not btnggor in
rory much , for I had been told th
iamo thing , in various forms , man
Imea before.
In Leadvlllo gambling is conaldcrc
strictly legitimate and Is looked on a
ono of the Industries ( ? ) of the town
[ t is llconsedjby the city and the re\
enno derived therefrom is about (80
) or month ,
The dealers , or employes , got $0
day and are paid every night. T
work in a house of this kind doea nc
mpatr ono'a respectability in Load
rllle , and hardly BO if ono playt
Nearly everybody bore gambles , an
t Is done publicly , as nearly all th
establishments front on tbo mal
street , with the entrance on th
ground floor , and the game can b
aeon In progress through the plat
; lasa windows as you stand on th
sidewalk. There are some forty othc
{ ambling bonnes hero , besides those
lave mentioned , bnt I am unable t
' 'call the turn" on them within th
Imlts of thla article. M. M. F.
The finest mayonalao dressing fc
til kinds of calads , cold meats , ra
omatoos , pickled salmon , cabbagt
Batter and more economical tha
How Cocoanut She'la ' are Coloroc
Ground and Flavored.
'few ' York Bun.
"Wooden nutmegs are a thing (
ho past , young man , " paid an ea < .
ide grocer to a Now York San n
jortt-r. "They have been aupei
coded. "
"What has taken their phot ? '
"Just atop -\round the counter bet
ird I'll ahow yon. Do yon oeo the
x > x of splcee ? They look very nli
doti'c thoj ? Now , taato 'em ; the
taste good , too , as eplcea go , Wei
young man , what do you think c
em ? "
"From all appearance 1 should sa
that they were a fair lot of spices. "
"That is jnst were your judgmoc
alls short. They are not apices t
all. "
"What are they , then ? "
"Jual ground cocoauut aholls , fin
vored with splco extracts , The cif
erenco in color cornea from burning th
sheila. Why do I keep 'em. Becanc
icoplo want 'em. Of conrio they ai
t fraud from beginning to end. Be
they are cheap and people want cheo
tplces , just as. they want overythin
else cheap. Large quantities are mat
ufaotnred and shipped ell over th
country. They are sold as gcnnlr
apices , but any grocer with a partlo
> f sense knows from the price thi
hey cannot bo the genuine nrt'cl '
You BOO they look , taste and sme
nlly as well as the elmon pure , bt
ppt 'em In food and you will BCD tl
difference. They do not flavor ,
drop of clove extract will amoUstroni
) r than twenty pounds of cloves , bl
[ think the twenty pounds would fl ;
vor more hot rams , don't yon ?
"You have no Idea of the ingennl
ty that is need in getting up these an
other imitations. The beat chenilc
knowledge la employed. What c
you think of stamping out whole po
: iors and cloves ? It is done , thoutji
Young man , the general grocery tree
Is extending. With glucose f jr suga
oleomargarine for butter , chceo li
stead of milk and cocoanut she
spices , it is becoming a big business ,
Major H. W. Bines , Beaten , write
"Samaritan Nervine cure ' roe of fite ,
$1 50 , druggist.
Perilous Experience of a loung VI
gmlan on the Cheat River
WHEELING , W. Va , May 5. It hi
just boon learned hero that ono of tl
most miraculous ctcapoa from deal
that has ocourcd in the Alloghoc
mountains for many years was expo
locood by two young men in the ma
waters of the Cheat rapids. Ila'elp
Groathouso and Roy Everly , who r
aide In Preston county , started on
rldo to death , and by the more
chance were saved from the watei
grave , in a section that boars tl
somewhat euphonious name of Hacki
Birnoy. They were on the nort
side of Cheat liver , and docldoi
rather than walk two or three ralli
up or down tha river to secure a ekl
or boit , that they would construct
raft and rldo the surging blllown i
Cheat raplda , About noon the
launched their craft , but found It u
manageable in the swift CA'.arao
Grcathnnso concluded to leave tl
rdft anil ( nim to the shore , and ai
vised Ever'y ' to follow , bnt Erer
could not strim , nnd had to hold '
the raft , which wont down tbo rlvi
nt lightning speed , first on tl
water , then under , for fifi
yards at a time. The raft lodged c
a rock. Erlondo were by thlu tin
notified nnd going to tbo rescue rhkt
their lives aoveral times In ondoavoi
ing to save ( ho unfortunate ma
Hopes were tied together nnd HAJ
Barker swam to a rook in the stroan
and from it attempted to throw tl
rope to Evorly , but the current w
too strong , and carried the rope awi
from him. Fortunately after Barki
had to relinquish hla bold on the rep
owing to the current the rope dilfti
to the raft and Evorly got ono on
and the other end drifted to shor
The rope was then fastened to tl
raft and to B tree on ahoro ai
Ererly attempted to pull himself
land , bat the raft struck a roi
and lodged , At last the men dcoldi
ti cut the rope nnd lot the raft ride
the current. Down the raplda it wonl
shro'talong at lightning speed. Foi
ovc.i i/rles the yonnp m n atood ai
Lhh t'i > r of death , lu some placei
Ltm ipf' , wool 1 ehoot under water anc
tht n le p over aoma rocka like n blrd <
ind g'ido rgaia over the rapids at t
ttik nock spood. Droncbtd and nl
.st exhanuted from this tcrrtblo or
tcr' , the young man nude ono more
ir < rt and snccoeded iu pulling hli
if. into still water and was caved ,
A Yotk auctioneer named Fryer ,
Pull in trj ioy tu reach a bid higher ,
Flo epfalncd his knte.
Nut from pain ho is ( roc ,
3' . Jacoba Oil cured up the r.ticr.
Call for a Convention for tbo Fire' '
CouKrogslomil DifatrlcS of
WHEREAS , A call has been made for i
nctiunal cunfernnco of M nntl-monopniiat
to meet tit Chicago on the Itli of July
1883 , and that the state of Nebraska WA
foremost In raialng her folce against th
relentless grip of corporate power. Ill
but right and proper the elate should ac
vigorously In furtherance cf this matter
1 herefore , I , as chairman of the commltto
for the Flrit Congressional district , IBS u
this call for n district convention at th
Academy of Music , In the city of Lincoln
on the 13th day of June , at 2 o'clock p. tn ,
for the purpose of electing four delegate
to represent tils congressional district li
the Bald national conference , bnd th
transaction of such other business as in
properly come before it.
The eevjrnl counties comprising sat
dlatilct will bo entitled to the folTowln
delegates :
Delegate !
Douglas i
LiocMter 1
Otoe 1
llichardson 1
iarpy ?
Siuuders ]
Total II
In 'ocalltlea ' where there is no other m
monopoly organization that will net It w !
bo proper for the Ahlsmo to elect deli
tn'os to eaid district convention.
It IB time that tbo people individtnll
should inquire Into the alleged vrstedrlghi
of corporation ? , and see it rights that nr
now claimed are not in thoineelvcsinalln
able so that no legislative enncttuent ca
alienate or coutt decision transfer , and PC
further If corpo ate power has secure ! b
purchase corruption a d framl rights tha
bel > ng to the people In their sovereign c ;
pacify. They should ho compe led todi
K > 'KM and Kurrendor thoce rights to tb
ponole to whom they belong.
Th's can b done through the cheap an
peaceful inxtrumcntnlity of tbo tmllot , it
ttund of the costly conflict of the bullet ,
Chairman District Corn.
holism , Opium Eatlnp , Seminal AVcaknes ;
Impotency , Syphilis , Scrofula , and all
Nervous and Blood Diseases.
ES ToClcrgyincnLawvcrsLltcraryMei
Jlcrchants , Hankers , Ladies nnd all whos
scdentaryemploymcntcausesNcrvousl'ro !
Bowels or ludueys , or who require a nen
tonic , appetizer or stimulant , Samarita
Xenine Is Invaluable.
proclaim it the most
wonderful Invlgor-
ant that ever sus
tained n slnklngBys- [ NERVE ]
tcm. § 1.50at Drag-
The DR. S. A. RICHMOND MED. CO.SolcPropr' '
st. o"o3oiii , ovro. cu
Jasper Stone
Til's Company li no-v pref&rod to roco.vo ordci
Building Parposcs ,
And will make fleurei en round lota for pi cm ;
tolvcry. ItieCompaii ) Uthlpplni ;
To both Chicigo and Omaha , andtollclUc rrt
lonutnce a.H rrdcru ( torn contract > VJ cu-
K < td tn i > a liu etieeta in any of tl
Wibtotn C ties.
M'nCrnci , Chicago , W st D\I !
lUliwty 0 lago , Deceiubtr A , Ib82. ]
Klwe ! ' , 1'rcsiile t tloux K.lli Water l'.w. > r Ccu
piny. DiarSir I ha\e recoiled ( torn jour con
| Uny > lncoO tiher 1 , 1S:2 , aleut 100 car lou
tf gianlla pavliK' flo kj > rd ha > eUld th'mb
tneen the r.I sol our u re t ialvta' | trackIn tl
heart 11 the city. 1 hate been in In if ra\lnf ; in
terli ! la thUclty ( or m ny jears , ui.d I take p'o
urain lajlng tnt In u y o tuton tlugr'iilt
iwniiii bl > c < 9 fuinlshe.l by your ompany ai
tie ! wott rrK'i'ar In > l ape nid potfo t in forti
and 10 far t I ha\e h tn abl > < to ju'pc , are po
ess d of asdjrilil.'f.aturo 03 am milerM th :
fcaj evvt b.xn cQeiol or laid In ho city.
Youra , JAS K. LAKE.
Sr. Ioi is , Mare'j 22 , 1P33
Th i < ti oMllfy ilut 1 have cxarlied n pl" (
i f tfranlta taken from the SiniFilln Ortull
tju.irilo' , and , I my opinion , it Is the bi' t Btoi
( jr Biicet piv.u I l.aio iccn In Am rici
( Sgued ) IIESHY I'LAD ,
I'rca lloanl Public laiprovimcuti ! .
Stone for Paving Purp ae
And any per m lntcrc < tid IneuchlmprcAcmcn
\\lli tlr d It src.i 1ta hU cdta intfo to
couimunlcate \Vcin\ite
The ? cncril mviacm-nt and supervision i
tbocoaia \ ' tinlnejs li no'v la llic haida
olm. . Mclial- .
Addreu your Ictterj to
I'joiIJtnt ol the J pcr Stone Co.
mini .
i OFFICE IIOOM3. 3 & 5 1607 FAUNAM .
I Red ileng 1T41 Cougln Street , Omih * , K
Association ,
W-- >
< suou Mo. J FOR ITgELFi
Orders from any part of the State or the
Entire West will be promptly shipped.
All Our < ? < mis arc Made to the Standard of our
Sole Agent for Omaha and the West.
Pico Comer 13th and Barney Streets.
STEELE , mmm & GO. ,
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
A5I Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Liue of the Beet Brands of
Fire and Burglar '
O < O
1020 Farnham Street ,
la only attained by using
Stoves and Rangss.
For sale by
2I3 Farnam St. . Omnha.
1509 Douqla * Street. | Cor. 16th and California St.
Hire brought to this city ttom ( lie firmt c ( L tdrcJ'h & Son's , Philadelphia , and James M. Thur
turn 4 Co. , New York , the larco.t ttock ot Garden knd FleM Kecds . over Imported before tel i
ilty , all cf which arc guaranteed to be fresh and tiue to the nam *
Prices will also be as low as any EesponsibJe Dealer can Make ,
mar IC-eod-tf HENRY BOLLN & CO.
JA .
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
\mioa Pacific DdBO'iOMAHA , ? SE
The oiily Coal mined west of the Mississippi
iu quality to the ROCK SPRING COAL.
That will stock for a year without slacking err
Pronounced by all the loading brick men In Weotcrn Iowa na the very boat
coal for bnrulng brick over need In the West.
Frederic , Monroe Co. , Iowa.
Window Caps , Finials , Skylights , &c.-