THE OMAHA" DAILY BEE YAMl " " ' " u , OMAHA" " NEB THURSDAY MORNING MAY 10 , 1883 107 THI ; ( WIDHAL OAWTAI , Offliifilftilliifi of UN tel lloiniiuir Wl l ! flofiio Tilll milfllllllil 1(1 ( It. . THIfif MllllifM ( MM ttfllt 'f ' Uftte 'Prmn ' fiflwMlof Ilia Wiflt , fit IN ItllfjfflfilfJ AnitKiItaiitft of ( ten. lu infiTFM | Uw hllilln liiinfi ! 'III * Mine MnlhM I KM ! HfHilio , M > " -flllt i'ldrMd ( Mini wittitfiiir HNctmi MI tit * fillllrtlMl f HIM MwcklidlilMH1 iiitfol- Iflrf hi illM H l.if tlirt nUtifidli of PI , III 'l' ' lHlltl flOO | A * Win. Wliidottl , H. ' ! ' Mtf , UhAtlH IV ( I I ( . ( in ntiln ! on' ln ftflllt HIM lolldwlHrt illfeoliiM ! Diilid 0 ll'nwli , Wttl. Wltiddhl , ( hi- rh t HiH , V , lltilUf ) ( Utinlof W/n / , Alslinti ? , THWiKiHlld ( Jj , ( lorortlof Wm M. U. Utttinfoii , fi , 'I1 , Mpy H * , A , W. ilfiuMi At l\i \ Mmnii M. iM4oM ( | V. I ) , ( trotter mill R n lr .liilili I' , itdliiK tl M Mihntltidcd thnt 12(1(100,000 ( ( , hid li * il tilnbMlfd ) lu thn llosliHt llm ( toitimllf | . will tiUel A en fin of nlluliicnfn In Iho field wltintild | ! ) r , mid tha work In Ht > aUil I' ) Im titidor titililfnot by Ilia flr t hi Hrtiilomimfi tt h dullnmlpd lh t tliH fMi l wl ) ' dtmt ( IIO.OUO.OOO . . , Atid will Im otifitplelnd III tlifmi yonrf , prnHii | d ftilllu will IprtVa rit , fltnf n ( toil I tit only nilltfl nhova Aeitiih lllf , llinliiirt III dlfeol line ns i flf ) n twiMlhld lj ( the Hwnnra rlvrr tut Ihd ( lull til Mellon , in kltg n tldo ( f cutml lim tliAh 100 nillp In l lltttll Klltl ( Ifl ( I 'll'tll < l | 1(1 ( fl ( IT tll'j Uti ( l ( fein thn U the gtlll. titu ftf * UI lK < t- t h ( a 1iH linn NS'AMiiNiitiiH , Al y ! The number M ( HM Illl lldlfi | < in d of nnd nlrlolt en ( Mm 'ho il'.ekHt of Iho United HlAlM ftiipfelni ( Xitift diirliiK the lurm ( tut rlidrd I * IIH7. Ai aultiptted with IMI Infill lliN Ii A ilr ori'n n of twclvn III th niinihnr tit cmcn dlipnted of. Tin hlMnber of tmni nnnUIng notion of tli d'llltl coiltlnuni jotr by yn r H liieffi o , Ai Iho ontl of thu torin t | ( | H'I thtiro retaH \ tindlipotad of Till eitmi Ml the und of the Odtobcr Infui n f IBM thi ) number had In * ctetM In fl.'l ? , And nl Iho end of thin trtm hod fcntilind H7I. All but four * iKnii nl tint titled nri < tied olid sabmlt * led thU term lm o been doddcd , Aitiuni < Ihcirt whlth ) Iho court still has tltidnf cotuldnfilloti nro the civil < tMt * , thij AI frer ) colony Und ff Hl 'I'jtnf , nnd thu oaoo of the of Mitli Mittdo ifjnlnat llm I'ncinj mllfond oumn ny , litfctHI'AH UUUtfi TIllAL. tH t tth In tin * Him SV4Hlll ! Hr. , Atny -U was dn- elucd \ > t Ih0 df fotMd U t nl ht to go Hh with thn Afantii nt In the slur Mtil tfiitl , And thU morning Wilson l ijtM the oliinlnrt Af ument for the d > ) l Mdt tw \ > 9 bo fnllowed by Uirpon- ( ff WllllitnH , llcdklo , Duvldgo , And ttigorHull , In the order WlUoti b3 n by BA/IIIR mitllclitH ntt apnpur para- rnlerrln to the opoalog nr , ITAS InoAit onouuli to cay wti nothliiK on o.irth to which it wnld bo oimptred e.toapt the etttfif V 4nvini If leapth ft p freli make Inirrrts famous tb * t < * H gantlom n who had precuded shmikt b ImmotUI. The testimony In tfiN tuia hdvn boon toindalously ttil nr * ntfld And perverted Why ta < i Ibn vtivcrnment failed to c ill John IJ. MIWMI tti prori Irn ntuna wni on tht * UK wfltsn liitn Aid the * ho hnd rn rtkwl ( H'tiwy from I ) ir jj They had Uniriwi binwltn their neglect In matter , TS * wl-en the defense lUlfor , thfl otirt refined tc ft * him In Af nnythlnR lu nnssrei ll r ' thiravit nnd hnd ssld the but nothirn to do with th < MOTES. FRAUOf. WA t : < nTOf ! , Msy 0 The spocln miift < fe ( ispolntwl to Investlgnti If jiiiln In the custom ser Frnneltoo In eonneotloi | wrUtlon of Ilawallar in Interviair with Secro * n-dity nnd received thcl as from him. The com ltd for 8nn Francheo In i ' OMMI * HO ! ER. dMlcnated John J b IHHftfoltor rfturreaey , to ae I < njharimtnn0r nf Interim tan Amm from the 10h : Inst ItNl of I > p ky Commltslono | oqfi is ton r will e\ U ooold not legal ) ; ka nrt for A lnni ( r per 1ml by Ihe prinlden Jit of Sure iff Witrut rut TRA < r irrr of th f > eltir ] day the re yenr wn .f "anathe ; lha N ( H Muntun * . Thi o'ltnpldodi ' oitontla ( dUto ( iOOi ! mllool frt.i'.l # OU bt ( lib Allifldtitl river. lifcHNHH Lt'Mlir.n LAND , HforoUft Tailor rentiffad n docloloii tn ( JAjr Id whlell lie Imlda that the not t < l ittldp ( I'd , 1878) ) wlilolt tiortnlts the Ante Alii Inltiltmitn liflcn ( I ? 'J 50 per A6fd ( i I litildj vnltiod | ) Mnolt ) ! > llr for tlld f ( Ithttor nild tic fitr ( otiltl- fA'nn ' , dopd hot apply ( o ( Iftlbff l.indl which mny bo stHctpllblo f cultivation Vjf ufdliiiUJiArllltif ! ( procoMCs Saoh UlljA1 , ( lirt ootoinry siya , no not * HMI ( Hid | ititpo8Pi of thU not , wlildi li Ititrndou to otul 'flco within Prf jifivUlmitj timbered s only In hfnkefi , Htti ( < pd * r tnottnUltious dla , with oiilt unfit for ncrlotilturat < t 4 w IIP n olenrod of limber , M It * li < f ION of ( HOWS. Agdtll Mllbtlfii ) of the In * i Illn * , will \n\va \ SNnihltiRtJii to' Mini hut fof the ( Jruw Indian roservn lion Itt Mohinnoi where ho will OD- up rnlo with the resident agent In IHAkltlfi nrrntifjotitonU for thn removal Of IhoUrtfttslo thn vnllny of the Big llofti mid Ijlttlo Hi ; ; Horn , In com- ( illflhoo with UiOBctof cougrecs , A iKItlOtN BVlti Thd r.otiimlaslotinr of the general Irtttd tfllin rocolvod oitnplaltits from tltd jiogtbfltdd dopnrlmout that oittlo llohlftfl lit Nebraska Imvo recently Ptiolooodtllli n frnco fur | ' , rszlii ( , ' pur ( HftnH n Irtrg-i trnH > of public laud and tltdrahy out oil nn Important mail fotlld. Thd CS80 { boln lnvcsttgitted nfld it IR thuught nt the Interior do- liftfttilnlit ( hit the moAiures nbont to be Ink ? II will result In breaking up lhl Utilnffful prnatloa of fonolng pub- lid Ifttldc , n urnolloo which has lately to bu n serious ovll , May 9. The atton- ( loll ( if Boorotnry Llnoulii having boon tiftllod to the report that Crook would bo 111 dntipr of n court marl ial for of08 lti ) ( the Mnxlcan border Lincoln dftldl "It Is perfectly nbsurd. I have not thn slightest ldo that Crook did in ; thlt'K nut In ncoordRtioo with the Agreement liotwoon Moxloo and this jiovertmiBiit , because ho ( Oookiald ) In liU dlnpitlohos that ho would nut " News of a dlvorco suit between Hoimtor Fnlr and his wife attracted llttlo surnrlfto In Waahlngton. Fair hni hrcught hli wlfo hero but ouco , nnd It lit" baoii rumored that they did not llvo hnpplly. A congressman , who claims to know the family history , says ho was not surprised nt thn soi * . Ho had knoirti lorn long time that Mr. nnd Mr.1. Fntr did not live happily together , nud ha thought that the senator would not oppose thn unit , II u enyn Afrs , K.ilrln tf n very jealous disposition - position , nnd has often accuaoa her husband of Infidelity. The senator , ho nddod , Is willing to accept a nopa- rntlon on mcnt any terms. When nsked whpther it might not itllaonco Mr. 1'Vir ' to resign hla seat , the geu- tlonmti ropllnd that ho Would not bo surprised , ns Fair WAS not over pleated , ho thought , with his senatorial life. Ho prefers the moro free and easy turn IHo. _ _ ' TERRIFIC H'URIUCANE. Bxporlonco of n Pftneenfjor Train In a Utorm. lilipilth to Tint U . 1'vAHToH , May 9. Passengers state Hint thn hurrloano In the Lohlgh and Wyoming valleys last evening was the severest known In eastern Penney 1- vntilA , Botwcon Pennhavon and Itur.toton treoi in the woods f > r a dls tanco of 'J 000 foot were mowed down tlko grass. The wlna nnd rain boat so hard ngalntt the wltdows of the oar that ptssengors had to place the cush ions of the teats against thorn to prevent - vent them being blown In. The en gineer of ono train , to avoid a wreck by fulling trees , reduced the speed to coal train tlmo , M Guild's ' siding , near Whltehavon , the engine of the pntsonger train was struck by a falling telegraph polo and damaged. The Mtro polo struck n passenger air , making splinters of Its front. About thu enmo tlmo a trco fell and broke the windows on the light sldo , alarming the passengers. All this occurred whllo the train was running at fall speed , A short distance below the trainmen found two telegraph poles actots the track , Near Itock- port , n rock weighing eight tons roiled from thn hllhldo nnd lodged ou thn track , A watchman saw It In time to stop trains going either way. Near Stony Crock station four freight cits of thu niornlu ! { Lohlgh valley trim woru overturned. Tobnooi Won Howling. Special Uhpatch to TIKI URN. DITHOIT , May 9 The tobicco manufacturers of this city held a full nu-otiug to-day at which a letter tc the commissioner tf Internal revenue wii unanimously adopted , protesting gtlnst * the hardshlfs to which the binineas Is being subjected boctuse ot the ntterly Inadequate supply ol Htamps rocolvod. Hundreds of thons nnds of pounds of tobacco are now waiting shipment hero for wont of thi necessary stampc. Dealers dononnci the existing situation eo serionsl ] air-cling trade as Inexcusable and outrageous. r Thn Bli : Hum Sunk. Special Dispatches to Tun Dim. n BIHMARCK , May ! ' . The stoamei Big Horn , which loft here April 2.h ! ) loaded with 283 tons of assorted mer chandise , consigned to Montana mer chants , struck a snag on the morning of May 8sh , five miles below Poplai river , causing her to sink nbovo heir main deck In five mlnntea. The boa' ' r and cargo arc reported a totnl loss Thn steamar wai valued at f20,000 No Insurance. The cargo was fall ] Insured. Dawn on Dynnmlte. Sp < * UI Dlsp.tcrei la TuiKti. UAHKISIII-RO , M y 9. The bil prohibiting the manufacture , eala sn < uio of any article , di Tlce or luven tlon for the purpoio of surnptltlousl' ' d stroylng human Ufa and injarln' property by explosion or fire , paassi _ the senate and went to the house fo r oomurrenw. Ihe senate alia passoi n A bill exempting tha lialldlntr am UI Loan asioolatlons from state tnintlon THE WORLD IN NEW HANDS Joe PnlHzor Takes the Lever and William Henry Retires , The frloo Paid for the LendIng - Ing Democratic } Organ. Special Dl p tch to Tin llm. NEW YoitK , M y O.-Mr. Willuui Henry Hurlbort , preildont of tbo Press Pabllihlug company , couiplotcd to-dny the trntufor of the entire prop , orty uf The Worl.1 uowcpapcr to Mr. losuph PulltEor , of The S ; . Lauls Poet- Ulnpatch , Mr. Llurlbort will nn- tiounoo this In The World to-mono * tnornim ; and the first number of The World under thu editorial charge of Mr PuHtz.-r will bo Inuod on Fdday morning. It will coullnuo demo cratic , Mr. Pall'/.ir will extend and modify Its local features. The price pild by Mr Pulitzer ii uuderstood to bo nbout (400,000. This does not ii- cludu the building erected for the paper untlur Mr , Hurlbo7t'a directions In 1881 , which hns been leased fur a term of ten yours. Mr , Jy ( Ijuld , in thus disposing of his ontlro Intoroit In The World , Is carrying out the policy before an nounced of closing out his holdings generally , except in railway nnd tele graph companies , preparatory to his tour around the world. It n under stood to bo the Carpono of Mr. Hurl- bert to sal for Europe shortly , and in thnt case It may bo ox posted that ho will take opportunity alTjrdod bv his leisure to Inspect places In Great Brit ain which have received the atten tions of Mr. Robert P , Porter , and to rovlow the accounts given by the lat ter from the standpoint of a tariff for revenue only. FOREIGN. DISMAKCK'S DEFEAT NOT DECISIVE. BEHLIN , May 9. Bijtnarck's defeat In the roiohstsg on the question of the budget cannot bo considered as decisive ivo The commlsilon to which the budget wan referred contains a small majority of torlos and clericals , who will probably procure n second read ing after the Whitsuntide rocoas. The bill cannot pass , however , buforo the winter session , The result is directly opposed to the wishes of the emperor , as expressed in hla recent message. Daring the heated debates in the last few days of the relclistatr , the emper or's name ho boon freely mentioned , It Is generally regretted that the cm porur should have seamed unfair by throwing his personal influence into the ecalo of political arguments. Ddbato on the budget ia the Reich stag yesterday w&s rbin.irkablu , owing to the conciliatory tonn of clerical spotkera. Wlndthorst , ILlramontnno loader , said that order and true liberty could only bo maintained by a powerful monorohlol regime. The ex- Istanco of a republic on the continent of Earopo was Impossible. Even that lu Faauco would como to an end. The government bill iccreaeiug duty ou wood was njectoa 177 to 150. Notwithstanding rumors which hnvo boun afloat that the dlosclatlon parlia ment is Imminent , there are signs that Bismarck's belief In'dusolntlon as an effective weapon pg lnst a refractory parliament la by no moans as strong as it was. The body of n rent collector was found In the pond la the thlorgarten hore. Iho man was undoubtedly murdered by robber ? , an 25.000 marks were taken from his porson. IMl'OUTEUS INDIGNANT. Thu North Gaimau Gazette says : Gorman dealers will not fail to make fitting answer to thn charges made against them by Tanner , United States coiieul at Liege , that cil , lard , thur , etc , imported from America are adulterated after their arrival In Gormuny , nnd that all articles of food and drinks sold In G or many are put through a process of adulteration. AN UNKAVOUABLE 1MPKESSION. The Garmanla's Romp dispatch says : A reply has been received from the I'-nfeeian government to the recent note of the papal secretary of state. Prussia's rcipouso to the demand of the Vatican has made an unfavorable Improaalun. DISCHARGED LONDON , May 9. Wm. Mitchell , amsted at Leicester with explosives , his boor discharged , there being i.o evidence to connect him with the dynamite conspiracy. A K1HII KXIIIIIITION. Arrangements of exhibits of the universal fisheries exhibition will not bo completed by thn opaningday , May 12.h. Spaces not in proper order nt tliat tlmo will bj cjvnred with flajs. Karopoan cxhlbltp , except - cept HuaiU , have arrived. Amort : the countries best represented are ItHly , Bolgluu ? , Holland , Srsodeu , and Norway. Russia is backward , bat eventually will have a largo ox- hlblt. Uf the Soath American couiv tries display , Coili nlono h notlcea < bio. All the British coloniei and pee soselans are well represented , ospecl ally Cinada. Interest in this scctioc will bo tftv&\\f \ \ enhanced when the ox. hibi's of British Columbia arrive , Now Fuundlaud displays a c-jrnploh aorlea of nets , oils , otc It is uatlma ted that the oxhtbits cf America exceeds ceods those of ths whole contlaot ol Earopo. MUNH II'AI , ELECTIONS. MA DUI D , My 9 The sucoaas ol government candidates In the munici pal elections wan partly duo to the fuel that many persons abstained fromvot ing. It Is stated that great proanun was exercised to aecnro the election ol government candidates. Owing tc flagrant interference at the palls bj municipal officers of Madrid a confllcl arose between the mayor and the civl governor. Both officials have since resigned. A "Wurnlii" to Parents- SpscUl L If patch to Tin IJn. OiiioAiio , M y 9. The Intor-Ojoni Palmyra , Mich , spaclalsays : Lymai Havlland and wlfo last night lott fen children alone In the house. Alice the oldest , 12 years , fell asleep whll reading , The paper caught fire , set ting thehonae and her clothing ablaza She ran out doors bat was bar.-.od to death. The boy , 9 years old , rcsou d the babo. nnd the fourth child otcapcd. The father returning was setbualy burned by rushing Into the blezlug hounr , before ho know his children were all safe. An EUvfttod Oolliiion Hptclal Dlnpatch loTut Cn NEW YOIIK , May 9 A bad collision occorrod to-day on the Third avonno elevated railroad , between nn extra nnd the rocular train , ntSmtlh tUtlnu , between Sixty-ninth nnd Seventieth etroots. The trnlns came together with grout forconnd tha craohbroucht the occupants cf neighboring houses to the doors nnd windows. Fire man .Tames 11 Ilarrlng wss sitting on the right hand sldo of the csb. The oollleon forcnd the tondcr of thn onglno Into the cab nnd through it almost up to the boiler Harrlng was caught nnd forced gainst the boiler , Oao of his legs broken , the other badly braised d ho w.w seriously buvned and calded nbout tbn Jowor partcf thn .ocy and lags. Too wntor tunk on ho engine burst nnd the scalding water loured down In n ll > od upon the orscs of eno of thn surface carr. The rw&rd platform of the first car of the witching train was badly broken and ho cylinder hond of the englno blown ut. The passengers were badly shak- p. The engines were almost .nocked Into the street. A orca of men with lovers nud rcpos ulled the engines spirt. The on- Ino of the regular train is almost n omplote wreck. Tno tender end cab jre smashed into kindling wood , nnd t was a long tlmo before the Irjarcd .iromtu could bo removed , BO close wa tbo tender junmed against the loller. Rnilron d Rncnlntiou of Rntot. psilal Dlipatch to Tni DII. NEW YOIIK , May 9. The trunk no representatives adopted a plan for ercoutago proposed at the mooting ostarday. The changes nro not ox ouslvo and the now schedule of per- t'jROS which the western roads will ecolvo does not differ mntorlally from hat In operation tbo first six months U the afternoon scsilon thu subject f differential fares was discussedand was decided to make no change in 'aro from seaboard cities. The qucs- Ion of differential faro lu the turri- ory went cf Chicago and St. Louis iccupiod the greater part of the sea Ion. The plan contemplates the oa abllahmont of additional differential 'aro to points along the Missouri val- ey , and including Ohoyrnno , Omaha , Council Bluffd , etc. , nud for ihoeo it 111 ba nccoseary to catablUh a now ijateni of ratoi. It is thought tcvcrnl ays will bo occupied la arranging heso rentiers. The charges' agreed pen to-day wcro made without oppo- itlon. Tbo Storm in Chicago. pec al Dispatch to TUB Bis. CHIOAO ) , May 9 About 7 o'clock his evening a heavy wind nnd rain torin , accompanied by blinding Hashes of HahtninR , hroko over the city. At his hour (10:30) ( : ) the wind has nbout unnt'c ] , bat it is still laltuv , , ? and Ightnlug hoavlly. Advicns to the manager of the Western Union tolo- qrnph hero are to the ( fleet that thn term Is general , extending from 800 to 403 miles in every direction , aud much trouble la exporleuced on account of electric Interference with ho wires. Many of them are disa bled , more or less , Including seven or eight bctwoon this city and Now York. At ono tlmo thtro wss bat ono wlrn to St Louis and to Omaha , none to Ktueas City and n number of smaller towns In the northwest. In ho city the telephone has been liog- ug nil evening. Fatal Shooting Affdny. Special Dlnpatcn to Tnx ! ! B . NEW OULKANS , May 9 At the 'orry landing , in Roeaior Parish , op- ) oalto hero , D 0 Ilutchiuson , a cat- : lo dealer , dollbirately wont to the etoru of Jno. Belcher , this evening , and shot a yonug man named Lyon , who was standlt > g on the front gallery. Lyon was Belchor's cleik. Tvo bnlU entered Lyoti'a left breast. After be ing bhot , Lyon stopped into the store , o'z'd ' a doubln birrelon shotgun , and [ fired on Hntchlnaou , who was run- nlng , atrlkiiiK him In the thigh. Lyon then foil on the gallery und ciod. Thi mesa of the ttoublo is unknown. The Uontrnon Combine- Spcdil Dlipatch to TUB llu. OTTAWA , May 9. - American boal captains and owuora formed nn nsso ehtlon , cud resolved that nil boat ) load ia turn us placed on the Hut o arrival ? ; that ell cip'nlna of bjats li'R olferod $4.00 to Now York auc $3,75 to Albany , shall refer such offoi to the tirat ban ; en the list ; tha should tny captt in of n boat , r.fto ; h&viug signed the Hat , lo.tvo the r\nki : and load contrary to tuo by-lcwe , thi prcildent iu ompowrrod to publlih hii name in all the lending papers on thi ronto , and Btifjmallzi him aa a man o i.o honor , aud ono in whom no dependence pendonco can bo plccad. llliiOQViry of Ctolen nee > , Special Dlaatch to Tun Ilfin. CHIOAQO , May 8 A short tiraongi the firm of Ohnrles Gassa o & Co discovered ono of tholr clerks , W. L Johnston , ateBllng from them ofte they had disharged him. .lohontoi dl'appoarod , leaving nn unpaid bean bill , for which o trunk was hold. Thi firm cf Cirson , Pirlo & Co. , sue ceseora of Gosaage , dlsoovorod the fac and the trunk was broken open to day. It contained 53.0CO worth n stolen silks nnd laces. The amount o Johnston's peculations are not known Wntor Rtooli Lilted. Special Dtipatch to Tin li . NEW YOIIK , May 9 The govern Ing comralttuo of the Stock Erolmng listed JO,032,000 Now York Centra debt certlfmtoa , extended 5 per cent S8 809.0CO Union Paclfio trust bonds $13.000.000 Now York , Sasquohann & Woitern , common stock ; $8(000 , preferred , ? 25.COO,000 first mortgag and f 000,000 debenture bonds. A FAIR 'SHOWING ' , The Nevada Senator Monde Himself and Family Against ' ' " 'Unmerited ObloQuy. A Manly Defense of Hia Wife. SptdM to the Onmhft Bee. SAN FiUNUisco , May 9 Sonitor Fair , this afternoon , said ho regretted bitterly and keenly the notoriety giv en a matter so exclusively concerning himiolf and wife , and ho said : "I am the man and I am willing to boar nil the odium which the public , In Ig norance of the real facts , may charge upon mo , but my regtnt Is for my wlfo , whoso nnmo should bo associated and Incorporated ( n dispatches trans mitted all over the country , Now , as always , my doslro h s boon to do that which would contribute to the happiness of my wlfo and children , and If I have In any way failed , God knows It has not been prompted by n dotiro to do so. Now , as over , I want that which will contribute to the happiness of my family. If my wife thinks sep aration will contribute to her further happiness , then her mind and mlno are alike. I hive done nothing to merit the obllquy cost upon mo. Those who best know mo will toll you what my desires are in this matter. Qed has blococd mo with wealth ; I have never used It for any meaner or unmanly purpose. My heart and hand have always boon open to those in distress and will continue to bo to those who seek or require my help. I repeat that in this matter with my wlfo , which has boon roado so public , I have nothing to s y further than that It pains mo to BOO her name and mlno associated with such dastardly and vindictive dispatches that have gene forth to the world. I nm the man.sho is the woman , and in those relations I will shield her name every point in my power. " Dolngi in Chicago Courts. Special Dlspttcb to Tin Iii. CIIICAOO , May 9. In the trial of Jerry Dunn , for the murder of the pugllst E llott , eight jurors had boon accepted by both sides at 1 o'clock , After two days the attorneys In the Joro Dunn murder trial succeeded In securing a fall panel of jurors before adjournment this afternoon. The jury in considered above the average In Intelligence and standing In the community. The opening arguments nill bo made to morrow and the tak ing of tcotlmony begun. In the circuit court this forenoon Judge Morgan granted a temporary injunction to restrain the erection of a building on the lake front of this city by the nocUlltti , under n license granted by the city council. The title to the lake front property has boon in litigation ninny yearf * , being claimed respectively by government scrip holders , the state of Illinois and cltycf Chicago. The present suit la brought to compel the removal of the exposition , military armories and and other building already erected , and to confine the Illinois Oantral railroad company within the limits of its original grant and from attempting to aotzj submerged laude , The tem porary it junction only prevents the orootlon ot any additional buildings. In ton years' litigation this la stated to bo the first decision given and It is thought now that the tttlo to the lauds , whoso valno runs into millions , Is In a fair way of settlement. A Doubtful Elnmor- SpccUl Dispatch to Tun linn. OHIOAQO , May 9. Odioors at Gen. Sherldan'a hoidquartois , In this city , do not credit the rumor. ! of a disaster to Crook's column. While it Is true they have no recent advices from Crook In poison , they are In the way of receiv ing quick communications from any point in Texas or Now Mexico In cm of an engagement and particularly sc In caao of disaster. Any report whlcl Gjn. Crook mi ht make of operation ! in or from Arizona would go to the hoadqnattrrn of the department of the L'ltcltio at San Franclcco , and tin headquarters hero would not bo in ro colpt of any oflicUl report direct. Shall Mnss Coma 'East Special Dlsp&tch to Tin ) In. WASHINGTON , May ! ) . Saorotarioi Lincoln and Teller have been consid ering the case of Chief Mooes , ot tin Niz 1'ercea Indltm tribe , who has bcoi disposed to bo troublesome because o an executive order hsnod como tlmi flnco cuttk'g off a portion of the Ne : I'orocfl reservation In Idaho. MOBOI laid hlo oomplelnt before the war do purtraent positively refusing to onto Into SnegotlitloiiB with the pgonta o the interior department. IIu desiroc to como to Washington to talk tin matter over nnd SocroUrJco Llnooh and Teller are coneldorlng the ndvlaa blllty of bringing him hero. Itnos. Sped * ! DUpatch to Tin lln. LFXINOTON , May ! ) . The Kontuck ] aiioclatlon began the extra sprlni mooting to-day. Weather mild , tract good , attendance largo. Only throi of the four races were conloUcd Anglla having a wnlk over f jr the om nillo , all ages , Thrco quarters of n milo , : il ! agoa Water * ' Vanguard first , Olaudo Bran don second , Walllowor third ; time 1:17A : Distlllora' stake ? , all ages , tnlla am a qaartcr , Bondholder lirat , Lid Htanhopo second , Stevens & Co. ' Farragut third ; time , 2:08 : * . Mile , all agea , Llatunah first , Msn damus BCCOUU , Mystery third ; time l:4fi : Conviction cf u Train Rohtier. Special Dispatch to Tux llu. LIITLK HOIK , Ark. , M y 1) ) . Th Gazette's Clarkavlllo special sayi The jury In the caao of Jim Ilerndor ono of the Little Rock and Foi Smith railway train robbers who mm dorod Conductor John Cain , haa jm returned a verdict of murder in th first degree , after being out thlrt minutes , The prlsonoro are being tried in Clarkstillo on a change of venue from Franklin county , A Turf Trncedy. Sp cUl DlipMch to Tin On. LOUISVILLE , Ky , , May 9. At the stables ot the fair association yester day afternoon Nathan Bruce , n negro , became involved In n quarrel with an * other ut > ire and drawing a pistol at tempted to shoot him. A third party struck his arm and thn pistol was dis charged , the ball going through a plank i'lto the stable , striking n fine voting 'nsro in the nock , killing her instantly , The mare was the proper ty of Kdward Wilder of this city and was valued at $1,000. She was by Jim Monroe and dam by Whirlwind , and had shown good speed , Thn Sjirnisno Kutnto. KpeclM Dln tchcj to Tin lm. ! PUOVIHKNCE , U. I.May 0.In the supreme court to dny several cases against the A. nnd W , Sprague Manu facturing company on trust mortgage notes were tried , Governor Butler appeared for the dcfonio. The oourt overruled his objection nnd the jury gave verdicts for the plaintiffs In one caeo for $100.150 and In nuothor for 800. Troubln In Ecuador- Special Dlipttca to Tui ! ) . GAYAQUIL , May 9. National af fairs in Ecuador are critical , .Busi ness Is suspended in Gayaqnll and the streets hold by arrund troops. 0/iblo communication has not boon Interfered with , as both parties rccognlz9 the Importauco of not molesting an Amer ican company. Texan Wool Clip- SpoclU Dlfpttch to Tim Uii , ST. Louis , May 9 : Reports from Texas say sheep shearing Is about completed and that the total clip of the state Is much lighter this year than last. The health ( Ulcer at Brownsville , Tex. , nas arranged with the Mexican authorities to establish quarantine at Bagdad. A Briuo Giver in Jail , Bpeclil Dl p tch to Tin ll i. NKWAUK , N. J. , May 9. Ex- speaker of the assembly , John E an , of Ellziboth , was lodged In the county jail last night , having boon arrested on an Indictments of the grand jury charging him wl h nn attempt to brlbo Assemblyman Armltsge , of this city , during the session of the Now Jersey legislature. The Tohaooo Special Dispatch to Tin Un. PETEU.SIIUUO , Va. , May 9 , During the past week 800,000 pounds cf to bacco were shipped from Petersburg , whllo the exports of tobacco was about 60,000 pounds ; totnl revenue cello tlons $00,704. Flre Special Dispatch to Tun lin . CitU'AOo ' , May 9. A special from Charlotte , Michigan , fays : Grimes & Co.'s mill , at Yormoutvillo , ton miles north of hero , burned this morning , and two or three men , Including the proprietor , were burned to death. Sale cf n Railroad , Special Dispatch to Till llu. ALEXANDRIA , Va. , May 9. The Washington Western railway was sold at public sale to-duy for $400,000. The purchasers were Bates & Oak- man , who represented the Oaken Amos and McOomb Interest. . Tanning Human Hide. Bpodal Dlrpitch to Tun DIB. , May 9. At the Towkes- inquiry to-day John Bacon and two employes testified to tanning two human skins , ouo black and the other white. Shipping News. Special Dlnpatcli to nil ll . NEW YOIIK , May 9. Arrived Canada , from ilavro. : The Storm lu Iiawiin County , Special Dlipatch to Till llu. PLUM CUEEK , Nob. , May 8. The west part of this county was visited by a heavy wind storm this afternoon , The homo of Mr. II. B. Miller , ten miles north of Cczid , is reported blown down , and ho and all his fatnllj oorloaely injured. A doctor wai called from thU place by tolograrr from Oc/d , to act a broken limb foi Mr. Miller , insa his started nicely nnd ntocl in doliif : well. Ltcd has bdvancac rapidly ia prleo during the past year Prospects for a p.ood crop tills soaaor are good. Wo have had plenty ol rain , and our fsrmnra nns in gnot tplrlts. DAWEOU county Is rapldlj proving horoolf an agricultural couu ty , although a nnjorlty of our farm crs are combining stock raising will farming , thereby gslttng good prlcci fur all grain ralacd. We note the lotrodnction of quite i number of blooded stock , particular ! ; by tbo Brighton ranch company Curtis & Son , /'merer ' &cd irmu ] otherti. T. V. Sulvorod by Lightning. Mr. Frank Arnold , city salcsmat for the firm of Paxton & Gallagher was ono of the unfortunate ones h Monday morning's storm , Thi lightning struck his honao where hi lives , on Twelfth and Plorco , entirely crashing In the whole couth end sending timbers , snlnglos and aiding for a dlstanco of twenty rods. Mrs Arnold waa badly shocked , but la ro covering. Frank was out In the clt ; and know nothing of It for novora hours , When Iho report reached hin that his wlfo and llttlo boy had beci killed by lightning , yon may tmagln his joy on hurrying homo to find thou all right. The hpuso , which wa newly built this year , was badly dam aged , but was Insured , Mr. Bturgl promptly answered the call , and me are at work repairing , Frank Is vor thankful It was no worse. A LOCAL REBELLION , The Town of Dodge Olty , Kan sas , Captured by Des peradoes , The Liven and Property of ( Jitfzens in the Hands of Gamblers and Thugs. Iho Governor Potltlcmocl to Do- olara Mnrtlal Law. Special Dispatch to Tils ! Ii . KANSAS CITY , Mo. , May 9. For thu past ten Any a n remarkable nud BtnrtlluR stnto of affairs hna existed nt Dodge Olty , KansfcB , nud nil mention thereof him been kept quiet. Savornl prominent Kansas Oily attorneys loft to day for Topekn to petition the governor to place the town under martini law. The dtiHoulty la the culmination of n long standing fend between two elements of that place , Djdgo City hits long enjoyed the reputation of being n hard placo. It Is the headquarters of the cowboys and cattle men of the vicinity. At the head of one faction Is n gambler named Wobiter , who aspires to bo the Boss Tweed of Djdgo City , and lisa his man In the mayor's chair , nud n man named Harris , the defeated candidate for mayor. A number of the lattor'i ' friends have been ordered to leave town and the correspondents of the newspapers notified they must not send telegrams. A body of armed men watched the arrival of each train to see there was no Interference. A lawyer from Lamed named Short , sent to defend some prisoners , waa mot by the vlgllants. who leveled a at his head and told him not to stop. Next morning five Ramblers were put on the westward bound train and Short loft for Kansas City , where ho now Is. Dodge City Is practically In the hands of vigilantes and the situation Is more actions from the fact that the mayor In acting with them. Trains arc ntlll watched and nrmod men guard the town whllo the Hat of others who will bo ordered out Is being prepared. Dodge City Is practically In the hands of desperadoes , the lives and property of citizens nro not safe and serious trouble Is apprehended. ANOTIIEH VERSION. It Is dlfiiouU to obtain reliable in formation in regard to the disturb ances nt Dodge City , Kansas. 1'rl- vnto dispatches received hero to-night say that the lawless element had bu- 03ina so obnoxious In the town that the authorities detormlnad to drlvo thorn out. Twenty-two pollcotnon wcro sworn in about ton day a ago , and hnvo ainco boon working to rid the town of gamblers aud proDtilutcs. A number cf them were put entrains trains and cautioned ngdast com ing back. Thugs appear to bo in the vicinity , and those who remain have bccomo lets riotous under the ealntary treatment Inaugurated. There has boon no bloodshed and the only coercion , the dispatch eays , that has boon prac ticed was the placltg of toughs on the train. The abavo statement believed to bo pretty accurate. Still then ) rcenis to have bcon comn fac tional trouble grawirg out of the re cant election , which may have lomo connection with the oilgln of'tho trcublo. Whllo it Is stated there hna been no thrcata raado aqalnst news paper correspondent ? , yet they aoetn to hnvo ftuma fear of Ihoconacquoncoa and consequently thus far no specials , have bson uont out. The dispatch above quoted Bayer there is no danger to life or property and that the whole affair amounts to nothing moro than a determination of the lawful citizens to establish order. . The guards atatloned at the depots were there only for the purpose of preventing the return cf gamblers. The cow boys are uot mixed up In the affair. Djclpo Olty hai a population of Bomo 1.200 , about thron-fonrths ot which la made up of Iho floating cle ment. It la nltuatcd on the border of the cattle countiy , nearly in ex treme southwestern Knnsas , A Mnrtlertr Hung Special Dispatch to Tim UBH ST. JOHNS , N. IJ , May ! ) . Wm. Heches ( colored ) , found guilty on hla own cnnlenalnn of murdering his vifo , wna htiQK this morning. i : J'HOSTItATION Wlllclt follows T Diphtheria , ami the persistency \\Itli which It clings to the patient , are well Known Jo nil ulm liavo had any experience ulth this terrible disease. The following letter shows now the re storing and Invigorating properties ol II i > overcome It , and llOOU S how by vltallz- > . . . I B anil enrich- Sarsapar///al l" & the Wuoa / neutralizes anil eradicates the poisoned matter from It , lirliigliiB to the convalescent the color , llfo and vigor of robust health. I.ownr.r , , MASS. Mrssiis. 0. I. HOOD & Co. : Gentlemen My llttlo Klrl had thu diphtheria last April. TliodlseabO left her very weak , Wood poor , \\lth no appetite , mid she could not seem to rally from Us ellects. HOOK'S SAimi-.vuib- I.AW.-IS lecoinniended by ; t neighbor , .After t > ho had been taking It a few days \ \ o noticed ncliangefor tliu better she began to wit \\ltli .1 relish. It seemed to take out the poison the disease had led In her blood , the fliangu being very noticeable In her faeo. She took It two months and fully regained lier health , much to our delight. Wo now recommend HOOD'H t > . \ its.r.uiii.LAltli u treat Ucal ol pleasure. Very truly yours , la liuttcrflelil Street. "That Extreme Tired Feeling , " "Tho first uultlnli.isrtono my daughter a deal of good ; her food iloos not dis tress her nuw , nor does Bhu sutler from that extreme tlretl feellit'jhlch she did bcfoio taUlug llOOU'S SAIIS.U-AIULLA. " Sold by all druggists. Price 61 a bottle or six bottles for $5. 1'reparcil by C. I. HOOD & CO. , Apothecaries , Lowell , Mass. Hood's TootlirPowlcr , Only sj Cents.