Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1883, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Wdneaday Morning , May 0 ,
The dlitrlct court has adjourned fo
the term.
The county clerk rvtmtliM In soothe
column for bids for the tonitruetlon o
reral brlilg(8 ,
lien Hogan got back to Chicago to Cud
that his wife haJ gone oil with anotht
man ,
Policeman Hlncliey Is hid up from
the tlljct of the bites received from a prli
oner recently.
( en Geo. M. O'Brien ha > remoee
his Luiini hoidquartcra to I'edlck'
block , where his old friends will find 111 in
iu future.
fc The world-Uuicd Yokes family pla ;
Belles of the Kitchen" and "Cous.n Joe
t th'e oporn house Thursday evening
Saata on silo to-day.
The Auxiliary Society for the Horn
of the FilemUeta will meet WeelnceeU
afternoon at three o'clock In the Socla
Art Club rooms NOP. 14 and 12 Redlck1
block , Farnham street between Fifteen !
ndSlxteenth streets ,
The following Nebraska appointment *
have been made : J , lKoberts , D. C
Urookf , D. V.Bomgardoer , United State
gangers ; M. 1'rank , Gustav Drnhos , Pete
Walker , store kfeperi , at the Willow
Spring distillery.
A bold thief entered the residence o
Mr , Jamea Kernahan , Tenth and Flerc
streets , Monday In broad daylight. II !
wife was lying lck in bed , and In the ab
tence of any one to drive him away ho car
tied cff a jewel case containing about $15
worth of jewelry ,
0. B , Weitran , manager of the Gran
Union Tea Company , purchaiedone of th
beautiful pelicans sold on the street a few
days ago and has had it preserved am
mounted. It is now on exhibition in on
of tbe windows of his tea store and make
a beautiful and novel spectacle ,
The Pacific express clerks in th
Union Pacific headquarters are soon t
change their location , as rooms are boln
ritted.up for them In the second and thin
stories of the building occupied by th
local Pacific express cllico , on Farnam
street , between Twelfth and Thirteenth
This building will then be tbe genera
headquarters of the Pacific express com
p jy.
jy.The statutes of Nebraska require th
county treasurer to make n statement to
the state treasurer and auditor on or be
fore May 10th of each year , and in com
pllance with this requirement Mr , Job
llush has just completed _ hla seml-anmu
report and will return at once the amoun
belonging to the state , viz. , § 21,757.93
This includes nil ( ho moneys collected fo
the state between Nov. lat. 1SS2 , and May
1st , 1853.
A good joke is told on a private detec
live of the U. P. , who in trying to "cinch1
another party got into trouble himself
The first party 1s An old employe of th
company and on FrMay night he vUItei
the disreputable old Bellevue house , wher
he loit or waa robbed of about $85 , Th
detective thinking to catch the man wen
to tbe i ame place disguised as a farmer
lie laid down on one of the couches will
his alothes on and had a roll of bills , $3
fixed up , which he expected to be robbee
, of trad then nail the robber. Instead o
getting at his roll of bills the woman too
his silver watch and chain and got awa
before he could catch or identify her ,
Thtne are Holid Facts ,
The bent blood purifier and system rtf
nlator ever placed Hthln the reach of sul
fering humanity , truly la Electric Bitters
Inactivity of the Liver , Biliousness , Jann
dice , Constipation , WeakKidneyr , or an
disease of the urinary organs , or whcpve
requires an appetizer , tonic or mild stiuit !
lant , will always find Electric Bitten th
best and only certain cure known. The ;
act surely and quickly , every bottle guar
anteed to give entire satisfaction or mone
refunded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle b
O. F. Goodman.
O. B. newett , Hastings ; S. S. Lowe
Fremont ; T. Bellows , Weeping Water ; A
Pardoe , Ulysses ; E. Zook. Beatrice ; M
W. Ensign , Lincoln ; II. A. French , Mil
ford ; 0. M. Leighton , W. H. Snelling an
Walter Lamb , Lincoln ; J. 0 , Crawfon
andM. McLangblln , West Point ; Tbeo
llaller , Blair ; S. II. Calhoun , Nebraek
City ; Wm. Boys. Valpariso ; U. A. John ?
Seward , ore among the Nebriska peopl
who stopped at the Paxton yesterday ,
M , K. Sherwood , the well-known St
Joe commercial traveler and a brlllian
literary genius , is in the city. His wife
"Imi llochelle , " the dramatic star , ha
juit concluded a most successful engage
ment in New York and has played with
great success in all tbo big cities of th
east ,
J. B , J , Ryan , the descriptive writer fo
II. S. Heed & Co. , who have established a
branch houte in Lincoln aud are wrltln
np the leading industries of the west , wa
in town yesterday ,
Hon. 0. F. Shedd , of Falifield , ia at th
J , J. Cairne , F. B. Jameson , am
Henry Uslrlchs , of Cheyenne , are at th
II. J. Slocnm and wife , and S. II
Slocnm , of the aircy , are gueats at the
D. M. Knowlcs , of Stage , Hume & Co
St. Louir , is at the Paxton.
Church Howe Is in town ,
Mits Villa Eirl and Denna Allbany , o
Blair , aie at the Paxton ,
How to Shorten Lif a-
The receipt is simple You have enl v to
take a violent cold , and neglect. Aber-
nethy , the great English surgeon , aiked a
lady who told him she only had a cough :
' "What wonld jou have ? Tbe Plague ! "
/y Beware of ' 'only coughs" Tbe worst
cases can , however , be cured by DH. WM.
Whooping Cough and Croup It immedl.
ately allays irritation , and is sure to pre
vent a fatal termination of the disease.
Sold by all druggists and dealers In medi-
Infallible , * tasteleia , harmless ,
cathartic ; for foverishnoes , restless.
OKI ! , norms , constipation. 25 ] ,
Wind and Rain do tlioir V/ork o
Destruction ,
And Fire Consumes its Share
The Rushing Torrent ruins tht
new Woodman Oil
Lightning Destroys the Tele
phone Exchange ,
And Demolishes a House IE
North Omaha.
People Driven From theit
Houses by Water.
The City Engineer * Statement Thni
the He-worm Intnot.
Monday night , after 0 o'clock , th <
sky became threatening and heat light
nlng appeared on the northern sky
An hour later it began to sprinkle
lightly , but it waa only after midnlgh
that the roil storm set In , There wai
no wind of any force , but the oonstan
roar of the thunder resembled a deaf
ening cannonade. The rain catm
down in torrents and the zlg
zag lightning was exceeding ! ]
vivid , But it was botwcet
2 and 3 that the fall forao of the
thunder storm became manifest. Mos
of the heavy rain that fell during the
night occurred within the short time
mentioned and amounted to over twc
Inches after it was over. Since then
another thunder storm passed ovei
the city , which added further to the
total rainfall , which aggregate ovei
three inches. At the recalpt of the
morning's report at the slgna
oflbo there waa no .inch storm
reported trim any station on the
weather bulletin , and as the variations
of the air pressure are nowhere
marked and the weather in the north
west ia generally floe , it must bo as
snmod that the storm was local or o
limited extent at best , though par
ticnlarly violent as far M thunder ,
lightning and rain is concerned when
It did occur.
The wind was variable , not averag
Ing above twelve miles an hour oxcep
for the 16 minutes from 3:45 : to
o'clock , when it blew at a rate of 2C
miles an hour , the nearest approach
ponslblo to a gale.
Up to 11 o'clock yesterday there
wf > a a great deal of humidity in the
air , it being nearly saturated , and Nebraska
braska air Is generally very free from
humidity ,
At 3:55 : a. m. a flash of lightning
struck the west aldo of thotoworabove
the central telephone exchange ,
through which about 4CO wires run to
the room below. The electric fire
shot out fully throe feet from the long
snitch board below , bat the ulgh
operator did not know that the
honso was struck until ho glanced np
and saw the flames in the tower above
which Lad taken fire immediately.
The operator ran to No. 3'e
house and gave the alarm
which was alao sent in by Oapt. Dona
hoe and Officer Buckley , and box 21
was sounded , bringing the entire department
partmont to the spot in quick time
A line of hose was ran up the stair
way to the central offiuo and a stream
of water turned into the tower frorr
below , which soon drowned oat the
flames , which had boon visible foi
several blocks. Yesterday morning the
room had about two foe
of water in it , and hat
to bo abandoned , the two offices acroa
the hall , which had already been rented
od by the exchange , being tomporarl
ly It ted np for occupancy.
All the wlrea from the tower to the
switch boar.d vfaro melted , but it wa
impossible to loll ts jnuoh the swltcl
boards themselves werejlamagod
There were lightning arresters &Dth ir
the cupola and at the switch boa&ta
and the manager stated to i
BuEjJroportor that ho considered
the inside of the building the safes
place ono could bo in during a atorm ,
aa the ground wires should have taken
any bolt of lightning to the ground. A
visit was made to the tower and 1
was reduced to charcoal , both inside
and oat. The iron shooting on tlu
west side was warped and bent more
than on the other sides , and 1
is supposed that was the
point struck. The glass In
sulators were all crashed to atomt
and the panes of glass in the towei
wore doubled up. The wires were
molted and twisted Into an unrecog
nizable mass and in short the working
power of the office- was complete1 ;
paraljzad , so far as the use of the citj
circuits are concerned. A a the reporter
porter stood at the tower with the
manager a flish of lightning sent a few
sparks snapping off the ends of the
wires and a rutrtat to the room below
was made.
There was but one exception to the
general disorder , which is that the
' 'extra territorial llnei , " to Lincoln ,
Council Blnfl'j , Fremont , etc. , are all
Intact , and at the end of the storm
will bo In working order. The Instru
ments were all put np during the fore-
roon in the now quarters. These will
still be open to subscribers wlehlng
to commnnlcato with any outside
places , and for this purpose the man
ager of the exchange states that when
Omaha parties are wanted he will
sand a meaiongcr for them to come to
the central office- , and when they wiah
to converse with outsiders they will
have to go to the office until the local
circuit on bo repaired.
It was necessary to send
: lear to Chicago for sup
plies to lopair the damage done ,
ind telegrams were sent for them yea-
erday. It will bo two or three
lays before they can bo received and
rill be from a week to ten days more
) eforo repairs can bo madosothat oar
Itizens may count on Its being at
east two weeks before they can again
mvo the advantages of n telephone
ystem and they will /ally ap.
reclato its lots by thai time ,
lo far AI known none cf the
private Instruments were Irjtuoil , al
though several of them cent out n dlt-
plny of electricity , rarg the bullo cud
ao on , The IOBS to thu telephone folks
cannot nt proiout bo estimated ,
The storm was qulto severe in Iti
general effects nil over the c'ty , wnsh-
lug out fills , thodlnt ; cellars
and filling citterns to over-
Ihwlng. To ruat'y it scuned
that a water spout must have pamd
about the town , bat while In faot the
total rainfall has oiten boon greater
within a given time , it was the tremendous
deus torrents falling all at once that
nude It seem moro dangerous , Ihe
greatest dams no of all was done In
North Omaha by the ovoifljw from
the sewer , which was not lar o enough
to drain so vast a territory as It
covers. The head of the aoiror
became choked np and the water seeking -
ing BU oatlot naturally took the old
oreck channel and sent a torrent fif
teen fdot deep rolling down towards
the river , t ud carrying destruction
s.ti iv. Many dispute this theory ,
aud say that the tnoath cf the sewer
was ch jkod by nnnuro from the street
oar bams anil by other rnbblsli. Com-
mlsalotior O'Kuefolnvestlgitod the matter
tor , aud reports that on Nicholas street
between 18th mid 10th ho removed the
grating from the main hole and faand
that the watur had rlion from Hi to11
foot above the top of the sjwor "which
won proof that It had filled np and than
run ovor. Tao rolling watora swept
everything along In ttitlr course tak
ing chicken coops , lumber and saah ,
undermining onthonsoa aud In one in-
statico taking the foundation of a
kitchen , which had to be rimvedyes
terday It carried away tbo 20h
fltroot bridge aud la the cellarn below
18 .h roao several feet , At
this point it struck the
Ic rushed against both aides of the
now brick wing and undermining thorn
foil with a oraih , leaving a great open *
Ing in each , and the pirt still left
standing shaky and demoralized.
Through the ruins a stream poured
from the southwest and joined the
turbid stream In the creek. From
this point it rushed a block farther to
the fillbelngmode under the Sixteenth
street bridge. Tbo estimate of work
done as handed In to the commission *
era Monday showed that there wan
3,300 cublo yards put ID , and of this
amount lees than 300 yards
remain , to that the Iocs , which
must fall on the county Is about $390.
Hero the water back np for a long dis
tance and played have with the back
yards on the line of the creek. A
half d ( zan fine porkers , weighing at
least 500 pounds were washed down
Into the bed of the crock and remained
there yesterday stuck In the mud
From the Sixteenth street bridge to
the river the bottoms were fbodod
and Immense quantities of lumber ,
sash and so on could be scon at day
break. One man caught enough lum
ber to build hlmaolf a houao.
THE u. r. siiors ,
were partly Hooded and the wosk In
the blacksmith shop waa suspended
during the forenoon , but it was ex
pected wonld bo resumed during the
day , In the
there was n good deal of damage done
in the aggregate , but no very eorloua
washout. The fill uniting Furuam
street with the county road waa
cleaned outandcommanicitlanin that
direction cut oil. On Si , Mary's avc-
nuo it ia reported that half the avenue
walks were carrltd awsy , and
a big washout occurred near its
intersection with Eighteenth
street. At the residence of Mr. E.
Rosewater , of THE BEE , opposite
court houao block , the full effects of
of the rain fall waa noted and
yesterday there was a land slide on
the west side of his lot , whisk stands
several feet above the street. The
cistern wont down with the land slide ,
but no immediate danger Is felt as to
the spfaty of the house , which has
strong cross walla. Next to the
accident nt the Woodman oil
works , the most serious damage vas In
South Omaha at
A foot-brldgo near the m , > nth of
this sewer , at the foot c , " } \ > ai'-eonta
streetfell In and olctffi d s ! < - tewor ,
The water rose and. . * ' \ 'ho sur
rounding property , rising t. a depth
of ( our feet in eomoif the homes ,
j'noplo were dtlvon from their houses
r tl ,70ved } 'hjh fornlturo out on the
lumber pile i ia Uio Chicago yard , tak
ing ro.'ago h'eo tliomstlvoe.
One of t.C8Q parties carao iu
to p y Mi co\ny * taxas yesterday
and In doing so produced two ten dollar
lar bills , both egV-iratod wl < h w ter.
"That Is hovr neaX11 8 * ° mB. " h °
said ; "those wore \ der ray pillow
when the wattr reacV * * tiiem. "
a large gaily was * waii M ut on
west sldo , being t rha \ * w " 0 or '
feet deep. Thiiv.x on \ ' & next
to the Union Pftcll t ) \tf\ \ KV < r being
put in readiness f JB , i .vk
The only dama u 10 or.
railroads wna a conplrt t nV-hotiv3 on
the Union Pacific OAs if Jth"8o was
at Papllllon and the othe. a yMmore.
Neither were very eurloni. bvV * ° 'n '
coming Djnvor train was > xl8lyad
about two hours and a hlf ,
at 9:50 : a. m.
Eomo damage is reported , but\ the
telephone exchange ostlpad
light. Ona instrument , ' .L
lumber yard cllico , was burmej , ? > at
the working of the exchangi it ( ot
Interfered with.
A small shanty near AYhoatcustre
and Indiana and in Hhlnu'a A .dltlo
was btruck by lightning dur tig tt\J \
storm and torn to pieces. Thi famllj
were none of them hurt so far i\ \
learned. i
It was rumored yeetcrd .y tin I
the man and woman in thli. hotir' '
were both badly hurt by the strok
and were not expected to llyo , | ut ti
rumor Is not confirmed. j
Olty Engineer Rosewater etnted t
it BEK reporter yesterday that li
had made a thorough exi mlni.tlon o
the North Omaha sewer fcr ill ) entlr
length and that there was not D brea
n It , but that it was wiiolly Int&cl
EIo said that the fault rf the eating
n of the T alls at the < U wai'ehoni I
Taa that it waa built on m dii
jronnd in the old bed of the creek ;
vhlch has. quite a rerpontlne courae. .
along hero , Too sewer WAS stralcth
and cat acreit several of the bends o
the stream , which had never bf or
filled up nor any means provide ! f j
carrying ( IF the mrplui water whlo'
would othorwlin take mo street for it.
The storm filled up thu creek bed atu
the water rose until , fiidlng no otho
outlet , it worked uudor the walls o
the now building , broke them down
nnd ran out by its old cjunio
Should a suit bo boi an
agtlust the city the qnoition presuntrc
will bj whether thu Woodman com
piny were r.ot negligent in construct
Ing the bnlldli g on thu alto it is , auc
without precautions agalnat a Hood.
Among the many minor casnaltie
of the storm of yesterday morning ar
the following :
A house near the head of St. Mary'
avenue , which is occupied by a familj
named Cook , waa strusk by Hghtnltt
and sot on Qrn. It WAR oxtiiigulahet
without much dillhulty by the bucke
brigade ,
The lightning also toro off the chlrn
noy and part of the ehlnglos from tit
rocf of A.dolph Bowman's honso on
Twenty-sixth and I'Viiam streets.
A dairy stable In the southwest par
of the city was struck and two cow
Instantly killed by the bolt of light
nlng ,
At 8 o'clock a. rn , lightning struc !
thu rctidonco of Fred Stubbondorf , It
South Omaha. It ploughed its wa ;
down through the wall tearing of th
paper and plastering and finally struct
the steve on which bronkfcst wa
being prepared , A skillet cantalnln
some beaketeak wan kncckoi
twenty foot out in the yard. Mr
Stnbbondorf was standing in the dee
at the tlmo and rau out in the yarc
ahojid of the skillet intending to take
It in on the 11 j. His wife and eon wore
knocked down and stunned by the
The Weiss brer brewery on Six
teenth street , of which Gas Eagler I
proprietor , was struck but the bol
< raj caught by the rod and pasaec
straight down It to the ground , where
it went in , tearing ap a wagon or so
of dirt and scattering it In all dlrec
tlons. The rod was not Injured bn
the llghtrjlac ; was burled as deep as i
it had been kicked by a mulo.
They File Ifcelr Articles of Incorpora
tion Yesterday.
Articles of Incorporation of the Ne
bruska Commercial Men's association
were filed yesterday iu the t fflo ofTF
county clerk , together with the pro
ceedings of the mooting at whlh pro
llmlnary arrangements were made
The object of the association is to
sccuro pecuniary aid to the widows
orphanp , heirs and devisees of deceas
ed members of the same ; to bring
about a bet'cr acquaintance among
commercial men , and the adoption o
such plans as shall tend to the mulun
benefit and protection of its member *
The incorparators are J. A. Flem
ing , F. H. Pugh , M. L. nurd , E M
Wiloox , August Mejer , Robt Eueon
and J , T. Clarke. Membership In
the association Ia not restricted entirely
tirely to traveling men , but may alao
Include men cf good health and stand
Ing in wholcaaltftiouBea In Nebraska
whether as members of firms or em
The details of the recant meeting
at the Paxtou were published at the
time , together with the Hat of officer
and dlrocters The Nebraska com
morclal men will no dcnbt make the
undertaking a success , and the objec
Is certainly a commendable one.
A Startling Discovery.
Physicians are often startled by remark
able discoveries The fact that Dr. King' ;
New Discovery for Consumption and al
Throat aud Lung dl-meet i dally curing
patients that they have given up to die , 1
etartl ng them to realize their senie o
duty , and examine Into the merits of this
wonderful di < cav ry , resulting In hundreds
of our best Physicians using it in their
practice. Trial bottles free at C. F.Good
man'd Drugstore. Kegulnr size 81.00.
Zloal Estate Transfers.
The following deeds were filed fo
Doord in the county clerk's office
May 7 , roportoi for THE BEE by
Ames1 real estate agency :
J , and G , M. Crawford to E. Keat
ing , w d lot 5. blk 1. Elkhorn
§ 2 500.
J. I. Redlck and wlfo to J. B. Ar
nold , w d lot 3 , blk 4 , in subdivision
of J. I Redick'sadd. , $1,250.
Charles Horrler and wlfo to Samne
H. Sayher , w d lot 7 , blk 49 town
of Platsmonth , alao lot 8 , blk 49
$2.000 -
John Rush , county treasurer , to J
E Btennan , tax d lot 7 , blk 22 , Wll
Gox2 dadd , $100
John L. Webster to I A , McShano
cxoo. deed , o 451 feet lot 2 , block 135
L 0. Nason & 0. E. Nason to L.
0. Empraon and F. L. Park , w. d
v. 55 feet of lot 4 , block 6 , Lowe's
2,1 .
B. and L Rao-d and wives to 0.
Kllah , w. d. , lot 09 , Hartman's ' add
A. R. Dufreno nnd wife to 0 Spocht ,
w , d. , middle one third of lot ? , block
102-55,000 ,
Dexter L. Thotma and wlfo to Mrs ,
C J. Marks , w d , n. 22 ft oi i * of lot
4 blk 8 , $400.
Oao. P. BImes and wlfo to M. A.
I Allison , w d , lot 4 , blk G , Praspect
T ace , $545.
Joseph Yolk and wlfo to W. F.
Robinson , w d , lot 8 blk 5 , I I
Radccks sub dlv of add , $1,200.
A. J. Wlllson to Goo. Rathburn , w
d lot 14 , blk 4. Shines add , $8oO.
L W. Hull to F. H. Kerchtoff , w
d , lot 13 , blk 2. Bozgs & Hill's add ,
$1 000.
J. Haacoll and wife to II. Elech , w
J , port nw sec 31 , 15 , 13 , $500.
E. Mlllard and wlfo to trustees
Presbyterian church , w d , w 115 fr ,
lo ; 22 , blk 1 , Mllbr place , S1.8CO.
n. F , Rhodes and wlfo to Mary P.
Shears , w d , ni of lot 1 and 2 , blk 4
II leds lat add.S2,300.
If You Are Ruined
n health from any cause , e > pecally !
rum the uio of any of the thousand
icstruma that promlao S3 largely ,
rlth long fictitious testimonial ? , have
to fear. Resort to Hop Bitten at
inoe , and In a short time yon will have
ho moat robust and blooming health.
The Great Railway
Land Hero Ten Minutes ,
Aud tbiu Prcctod to Now
At 11.40 p. in. yesterday a ipnclal
train arrived over the Missouri l' ci
fie and pulled up lu the Ujioti Pacific
Th's ' was the traiu which for sorm
tltno pa t lias boon reported at lljli c.
around over all parts of the couutrj
llko a comet , with no absolute cot
talnty what point it would otrilu
next. I : contained the fol owing olll
olalt :
.lay 0 mid.
Ilassull Sit'o , broker and pltall r ,
y.imuo'i Sloau , president of the JM.
avr re , LickawaaA nnd W/sttru.
0 1 Liwry , n Now York capitalist.
11 S Ilnytnioo proeldoni ( > f tht
Missouri I'.ioifie.
II M. Huxto , third vlco prosideul
of the nnd Mltaonri I'Aciti : .
A , A , Taltnego , gunural uiaitur ol
transportation tame coadn.
Ool. 11 0. Olowry , general anpork-
tondent of the Western Unlou.
Gao. Olds , freight trallio minngor tl
the Wabaih and Missouri Pacific
A , L Hopkins , second vlco pronl-
dent of the Baino roads.
Dr. Yonng , of New York.
General Slocutn , commander at
Fort Laavonworth and family.
The train vvaa a very line one , nnd
condoled nf Missouri Paolfia looomo-
tlve No. 255 , the D. K. Gariisou ; "
a Missouri Pacific baggage car ; the
special oar "San Francisco. " Mr.
Talmago'a ; the car "Cjwoy"Gould'fi
the car ' President , " Hayes' , and the
car TJorgcu Point , Hopklu'a.
The party have been as far south aa
Gilreston , Houston and Sin Antonio ,
vU the Mlsionrl Pacific and M , K &
T. , returning via Sednlla and Kansas
City to Omaha.
At 4 o'clock the special train , with
the exception of Mr. Talnugo'a car ,
loft for Chicago via the Wabssb.
Sapt. Talmago left in his special
train for St. Loalo via the Missouri
BuckJen's Arnica Salve.
The greatest medical wonder of the
world. Warranted to speedily cure Burnt ,
Brulscf , Cuts , Ulcerf , Salt Kheum , Paver
Sores , Cancers , File * , Chilblains , Corns ,
Tetter , Chapped Hand ? , and all ekin eru ) -
tlone , guaranteed to cure in every instance ,
or money refunded , 25 cents per cox.
For lule by 0. V , Goodman.
An infant Tumbles out of a Second
Story Window.
An Occident occurred Monday on
Dodge street , near Sixteenth , which
it wna a mluclo was not fatal in Its
A little one year old child of Mr.
Frank Parish wan playing up stairs
and the window having bsen raised
for a fevr momenta It took a acat en
the Bill , ULseeu by tbo fo ki. The
child had eat th"ro but n moment
when It suddenly fall over backward
nnd vas precipitated la the ground , n
dlstanco cf perhaps fifteen feet.
It was picked np in an unconccioua
state and black and brake , d so that no
hopes were at first entertained for its
life. A physician was summoned , and
at length the child was brought to ,
and au examination showed that no
bones woto broken. The doctor
thought no serious results were to bo
apprehended , and ia proof of this the
child was playlogBbout yesterday with
nothing more tnan a fjwbrnlaos to
show the marks of the fall. It was a
wonderful escape , and must bo at
tributed to the guardian angel of the
little ono.
Loss of Appetite , Bowola costive ,
Pain in the Head , with a dull aen-
cation in the back part , Pain under
the Shoulder blade , fullness ) after
eating1 , with a disinclination to ex
ertion of body or mind , Irritability
v etvuuusa , iiizzinesB , J JUb&onai ? tic
the heart. Dots before the eyea , Yel
low Skin , Headache generally over
the right eye. Restlessness , with fit
ful dreams. highly colored Urine ,
TTJTT'S IMI S are especially
nelaptecl la Midi rage * , one ilcxe er-
fcctu Midi n clmiiiie of reelUiu at to
OKtiinUU the Bllllerrr.
Tni'y liicrrnMo the Aiiprtlte.snil cnn
thobiidyto'l'ake ou l-loli , thus the MI-
ti'in U iionrUhecl , nnd by their Tonlo
Action em the ! Mir8tU ourKnim , Iteu-
ular BtnolR nro produced. 1 rli u a cenii.
! t.T Mnnnv St. , IV. V.
OnAT HAIB on WniSKFna ehnnKO ton GLOSSY
pracK by n flnslo application eif this DE. . It
Impartsamturulcolor. Acrsln tant m-ius-
ly. bold by UniRjItts , or smt by ei rt s ou
, 5 HIU11UAY ST. , N. Y.
( llr. TITT'SJUM 4Ior li.M-Urirm.ll..n 4-v
l .M lltnlitl "III b ualttd t UlL uu il > Uc > U t.J
i -8PECIAL8 wl I POSITIVELY not bein
sorted unle paid In advanca.
T3 l.OAN-MO > EY
T" ) LOAN The Om In snln , t ante
MONEV | pr pire-d lo nnke loins o i Oiniba
city or Poujlaa cunty roil o tl o at < irrcnt
ritmof lotireut. No ex mm telon cha-ged. Stl
. TO LOAN-Call at Law otlko of D L ,
Thomas , room 8 , Crcij'hton Illotk
TO LOAN-At Lowed lutes ol In-
MONEY , Bcuili' Loin Agent } , 15th & Douglas
ONBY LOANED-On chattelmort'agoroom |
M 7 t'n on lilock , . orner 15th and I arnam S s
11-0 Imrj
ONEY Loaned on chattel property bj J ,
M T Beatty , No 21J Scuth Uth street
TO LOAN At 8 per cent. Bhrlrer's
NONEY and Loan Agency , oppotlte
nst offlcn 7a7-tt
[ TrANtED-OirlforK.neral hourcircrk In a
W n ll Ual y Mm. Max lleier. 8. K. cor.
apltol A > enne and 20th ltr ct. Apyl ) "elwren
a. til. and 3 p. m. 393 5
Infants and Children
WUJtont Moi'nliino < nNnrooUno. .
V jii > t trCM our ClilMrrn nwr clin-k * ,
ffu-rs , nmVi-s firm
V 'ion milieu fret , nnd inIn turtu
\ \ lint uirvs their collf , VflU lUir orm ,
lint r-nlorlr > .
Wlnt nnM.'v ' p.rrs , ( iii > ' | (
hour stum uli , loliK liulip > < tli > i :
Itut Ci
I'm v oil Iho'l t iMfirililtin < $ ttun .
I is'nr nil mid rauiuimiil ;
v v. r- < inn ,
i1- . CU - . < . < . .i-i.t an
V i lV-u-i . . . l'\ .
: \.r' " - vT-5
Cllj or coinlr ) tl take nlco , Ilk-til mu
| iUaflnt vork nt thilr cwn bcmon ; $2 toj'i da'
cfts'lj anlqulctlv mule ; work unt b > malt ri
can\as In.nittmiis ; for rrnl\ 1'Ien o a.l
ir TT rhllnlclnhla , IX 1)2-17 )
A if ol < lrl for home-work In
s > > aH famll ) . Apply n5S. \ \ . corner o
2l8b nni ] Ciatk Strict. 39JU |
A ROOil baker , eteidy work am
WANTKP jjc9 | > alil , single nnn ptcptrdl
Adilroig 0 M. Momt , Sonatd , Neb 119 5t
\Tt/ANTED / A Ked Rlrl tor Rcneial house
YY work In ( null fa-rllr. App. ) at II Doble'
( hoe BtDic , i rnam St. oppo Ito Iloy.Is Open
Home. 4008 }
Ore good to I ble rcaii toc n\ >
WANTED Roods , ttcady ompojment t'al
: ulll lOthSt. 4UT4 !
At I'ott Om haNib. Klrl toeoil
WANTtD nd Iroo , and do general lieu >
O'olwasts Call on or SJN
0 19 , or rommunliatc by Telephone. 4rS 10
\VANTKD-To do fancy work nd cleil
alULVANTKDTo , 118 S. 15th St. 409-S
ANTED 1 wo K'oJ barbcn 2.IS. 13th St
W Omiha. 312 8p
A ( to dy mm who undo st nd
WANTED bar. Address with ruf ounce , "G
K. " Bee offcc. 301-Ot
- A C3mp t'nt cook. Oiodrefci
WANTED- . Apr ly at 13 8 Farnam .St
bet. 2knJ 3p. m. Wejricidaj. 3718 *
A cook and a gcod girl to wisl
WAN1ED at Southein llo'.cl. Scandlnatlai
[ referred. 3638 !
tl' ANTED l orco , rc\eral good Btroni
W girla lordl'huaihlng and lite en woik a
faxtou Hotel. Imiul'o for the Steward. 3(5 8
A tountry girl for general h use
WANTED App'j SlOiOuth 18 h street. 172
* A good slcaly blacksmith , oni
In understands all kinds ot Jobbiog ,
Mu'doon's ihop on Lcatenonrlh and 13th strtet
3i7-88 _ _ _ _
TT10R SALE OK TRADE For gocd milch cow i
JL1 Smith orcftii 1810 Calltornla Strrot 35t 8
ANTED Aflrstclas'rlumbcr. J. C.
w Council lIluOs.
ANTfcD-A girl at 1810 Curn'ris ; street.
PANTSD A geol barber at
w 1511 Dolgo iircit.
) A girl for gf ncril hou > ewer In
WANTE1) y. Inqu'ra at Jt h i ni Fa nan
street. W. A. L. Olb'jcn.
ED ) ll\liDIATKLY-Cood : cook , mailer
WANT f male. Apply to II. ilaon cllcr , lit !
street , to d y fro n 7 to 12 a , m.
ANTED A go3d comp'ter t girl to cook A
do Laundry work MRS. H. T CLARKE ,
N. W. corner 18th and IU enport St 343 tf
-A email gill 14 or 15 j cars of age
WANTED bikcrj SlOlOthSt. J07-9k
A dining room girl at the Crelgh
WANTED ' . 315 tf
\TTAXDED Sltuatloi In some busircst house
VV by a jounu rrai with exp rle ce in retail
groceries and book keeping. Address \V , Ibis
me : JI8-2t
A N ( xrerlcncod accoutant aid bill ilcrkwints
JiOilthn In who'e-tale housi * retl otateor
nsurinco o.tlce. Address "II h " Etc ollbc.
370 ?
To rent , a hcuso with eight roms
WANTED Blx blocks of 1'oat oltlce. L.
C. Bee office. tf
A rice reijrectable old My from
WANTED , to for a man and wile ,
wanted as much for cjmpan > as anTlhlng else- ,
a i the Iran is a ay a per Ion of thu time Ad. .
dreisJ. B SUIg Klhhorn station , Neb.
Uyan i nuv olllcer. a housicfS
WANTED , cent rill j I cated , wlti water
Ins'de. Will not paj o\er $10 a month. Ail-
dro > 8 room 13 , mlUta-y hcadquartcrp , cor. loth
nnd Farntam.
ANTH-To borrow 1 r three minttn * 300
on good percojalsjcuritj. AdJrisi P. O ,
box 542 36a-9 |
RENT La'ge fuinUhcl rom at Ui8
FOR . 4I.S-14 ;
TTIOR RENT Mcely furn'sbcd bed rom and
0 sitting room , $12 per monta , 417 lith strict ,
bet Chicago and t'iss. 331.H ?
I 0LET Ono ( r two rooms with board I8o <
1 Cill' Stieet , 859-0
I OK RE\T Mno largo hou e and barn No.
F 1017 ( a sSt. AMES ,
403 If 1530 Karn\m.
VTIRE Kurnlih d loim with ab o board , 1015
JLDjJtfiSt. . 401-14J
TTPKRENT A Irjnt parlcr nle1y furnished ,
J } to 1 or 2 gentlemen at 1013 UsJgo fat 400 85
17011 RENT Uou e ol 12 rocmi IJ mllfj suth
JL1 L ! depot on loth street m per month.
J 11 RKOHKU ) ,
JSl-f i Cor. 1) tlge and 12lh Sis.
IIKNT Fcmii.h d looms fir pcnilemen
J710H S. W cor16tha rcct atd Capital avenue.
" 1701111 'NT A houss of 0 rooms on street car
I ; line Inquire 1140 18thstno' , bet. Mcholai
ltd I'aul. 371 ( *
"I7\RRS.ST \ ) Housoot 6 rocnn , lthor wl'h
I' out barn Appl ) OlDcsr. Saun era > iid Grace
Streets- 200-9J
< ( IH UbN'I 5 room cottiie on Capital lfll
17 j QUO per month. DAVIS &SNM > I.R , 1(05
Farnam bt. 311-11
I70R RENT Desirable room , saltablo for two
j } persons. Corner 15th andlUrnej. 3JJ.7I
REST OBO I'.ano , one now or an , rots-
FOR ' teini' . Hospe'a Music Hall. yj9-lm
REST 110) ) K.rnam strjct , brick etoro
room anj biecment. Inquire ) on proi lies ,
J20 91
RENT Two splendid v'ass front stoics to
FOR elected it onto on 10th and Dodge
J , K. KI\\AHDS ,
322 9 ] 1109 farnam street.
[ TIOR RENT T o to'in , kitchen and cellar
J } C'ltyater. . 1302 California street. 31C-Ot
FOR RENT lire * front loom ithtm win.
dcwandbard , JUdern lmrro\cEcnta. No
1716 Djdte street 30081
I70R RK.NT-Nlcelv furnlihed rooms Hid Lise <
1' ment tt'.ot , 1CI5 Dodge Ureet. 293 81
J > H 0 Howard Itreet. MRS McAUSHND.
FOR SALE OR REST-Store ro m with fix
tures rlmcliss locution for grocery and
uruir store South 15th street , betnein Martha
and Dorcas. Only 11,400. McCACJUK ,
235-tf Opp. JVstomcj.
RFJiT-Nlccly fesrnl h J rociin , 1C5 north
TJOR 1 e-ct , 1S3HI
RENT Two nlto Unto ilwplllntn , No 1
irum HKNT Itousis an I lots at jshrlxraml
L * Hell's. Rent Huroau , opp-'slta
70 J tl
IJUHMSIIKII items an I l-o.i d. MoJorii con-
L' umlimMB , lS'oloJin street U'UQlint
fiU'KNISIIKD ROOMS \ > ry ile > rjl > l l"e\t'on
L1 1'eck , real estate , opp. I' , o. WI-U
RKNT-Fln upr'itnt ' I'lito , floe Kim-
FOR . . .lMn ) { .Btreet.
OK 8AUC Hol tr Skatei. II CO'r. ) ' .
F StM 12 _ MAX SIKYKH A C0. _
SALE One cord tccond hind organ
cnly tM ; CMT imymrntd ,
397-H MAX IlEVFIt * PHO.
FORSALK-Oa > McbnJhanl CliclctliijC 11-
ace , enly 1135. Will be told on Innlallnif nt :
( Mj pajmcnts MAX MhYFK.V. DUO.
_ _ _ _
S KLK One first iltM Knabo pKno , lifem
I ' writ uicd. A l nt ln ; only I'lH ) , at
3 % 12 MlMKVjlt .V DUO'S
f Ott SAL1 One gold Uom botft" , ihcap
L1 sethandCa D St -lt)2-lUl )
OKSAI.KOK f \ rilM1K - 80 auc < o
laiinlrK lnM III KnctoCo. Ills 9 mil's from
\andilla , ll exchange i or cltv or 11 c property
oritoik llt'cierfcci it'culJ ' IK )
i : u JMM2 , tro
33914 IdtJCBjt olavo.
OK SALK T n licih inl'chcons by Tt-omts
' ! ( , cor. Itth iuUliUajo troc !
FOItSAl.K lirco Iruuo build riftn welt tldo
cft2ih itriet , aljolnlnc thu nor'liucit cor-
Mr ct DoiiRlan , on lot 8 bbck 1 J llldi will bo
rrciluiUtthe.Mi.rt.hart , , | \ < M , , nj |
Havl7th. -sAMUH.i : UddKIH.
L O't ' S LB Alien cottagi on Icft'dt ground
f Icn'o to run our three3cars H e roams
os'erna d sunnnir kltch-n attached. C ll on
proal CB , tllo noith itt. 303-2 j
IjlOK SALE T room liou'o and barn , two full
| J lots nl el } Iniproxxl Fine bcatlon , South
Omaha. 03000. * MKS ,
335-tmo 1500 Painan.
OH SALlli story houie , 1 lot , Sroorcs on
B Da\cnport near 25th Et S12W , 8t < ( X ) , iaihbal-
arceon t'rae. ' nust be sld by M.y iuth 18M
3HK1VEU & , BI'.Lt , opposite I'ott offloj.
ipOKSALK ; Now cntaicanil Four lota on Park
JU a > eoueonly J2EOO , imall ca h ) a\inint , bal-
nnce i niul annual pa j mo its at e'gtt per cent.
McCAaUEppojltelv. O. 350 tf
"I Oll SALE Two acres on loulh 7hlitccnth
J1 irce > , good hou'c aovcn looms , barn , cistern
3ftbrailrg tr > po > lnes and large amount of fruit
ot all kind , largaln J'.5CU MiCAOl , oppoglti-
I'ost Olllto.
"ITlOlt SALE Three room house and two lota at
C Oiand Islacd Neb. Must In i"ld. This Is a
bargain. I'rlcofZOO. E. L. MORSE i. CO. 1G22
Capitol atcnue. SS.'nll
FOR 8ALK-A tine lot o' beef , shrtp ami boir
cxsln.B. ADJIM8NYOEK ,
S37-8 1011 FarnamBtreU.
FOR SALE 1I > use n-l li t 6 rcomi , gooii cis
tern , out-buildings , ttc. , large lot , mar town
12,200. UEYNOLD3 & UOTTEIt.
\OR \ dAfjK A flitl clua eocouJ band phaetoa
CallatlSignarneySt. BJ7-
FOK SAlll Goodpaylni bual csi ,
itcck and fixtures. Gocil rc&aon for icl Ing- .
First class chance for lUeman. Addrcs ) "Dug *
lnts > " this otllce. 3238 }
FOll SALE Flax mill machinery conilstlcg ot
brake , 2 duttets , bcatrr , p'cKer ' , prcs , Ac.
Canwcrkel her rutted or green tt ck , altouhatt-
Ing , pulllcj and boltln ? fordrltlcg thoJbo'C ,
altooje 35 II. P. engine with bj ler , smoho-
> ttpl < inlaUUx uro conp'ct ) . Addrow WILL
IAM TAlT Chirles CltJ Iowa. IDS 3m | |
rOlt-AMT Waterpsnor K Ut mill , Iiqulre-
! of El. Drug , WaverlrNCD , 342CS
FOR BALE My Stock ot drogi . notloaa anil
HMurtB g oj tradi and ttcck IT geol comll-
tlon , eldest dru ; liiiolnc i In t3 n , will rent
room K desired l'jrt > hero will ttke hill Inter
est , or will ncll ilu whole Addrcsa A , L Man-
Ing , Uunlap Ii a. 245 2w j
T.'OIt fcALE Old nc ppcrs In argo aid small
L1 qu ullt'eiut this office. tf
528-1 f C. J OANAN.
T > OR SLK CIIEAl' Choice unimproved buj-
i' lnt 4 lots on Farnam , Ilarney , Dougln ,
and Djdjre etreeta. D AVIS & Stf YDEK ,
Real EsUte Agents ,
110 eoJ-tf 1 05 Farcain St.
EOHbALE-PhMtOD. H. . Ph lllps , 1207 'arnam.
193 Im
J7 < ORSALE OnoSJ acrn lot , near town , tl,200.
i.1 175-lm REY.SOLDa&MOTTEi.
ol good brick. $8.BOperThoutand at
KILN. Chltuncj bricks J7 00 per ttiousicd , -
LUtcrn brick fC.iO. to close business
One Mock eoath ol 15th and Bella ue roaJ.
150-lmo |
fO T SL' Fourgo-dlota , one hilf inlle from
i Btofflo . Chc p , caterms. .
178 1m HK 01li3& HOTTER.
FOR SALE A nntla'B Second h nd top bug.
gy. CM at 1319 Haincy street. 337-tl
CMITH lDBtrutor of bcoi.kcep-
n JL > . O Ing will Instruct a few penota ,
and assist In | ro urln sltua loss , 1510 Douglaff
St. _ 401 u {
STOL N , ° ' 1 Satuilliy f iBit trim in front of
A. II. CUdgio'o's Btcn , an elcht-jear old
blak mate , wth , hind fo locks white , siddlcd
andbrlHsil. Anjcno knowing of ler wh rex-
boats please glvd inf.ruiatloj at O'lilftone's
o'-0'- M84t
_ _ _ _
VT OTICK.-The urderdirncd has leased and re-
J.1 opened the 1'a-lHc Iloiise , Tenth mtd Capitol -
tel Ajenuo , and will try to tieit the public and
ctpeciallj lh < worklngmcn with dus re pec' , anU.
" ' 105 FRANK DAVJb ,
BELMONTOR(8taurant. Humphrey A. Co. .
1115 Dodge street , board $3 50 pirweek.
. .
LOST Bunch of keja with lead tag and own
CM name , Finder pleise leave aT Bej ofco.
rAi'.STo5 ? nP pA IY87F.Ry AND CONDI
, 498 Tenth etreet , between Farnam
" "d Harnev. Will , with Ihe aid ol Rtiirdian
nilrlts , obtain lot any one A glance of the put-
ind prcnent. and nn r rtaln conditions lu tbe fo >
iuro. Boots and 8ho < j made to order. Pufec )
utlBfactlon iraaranUel
a J
Absolutely Pure. .
This powder noer varlea. A man el of purltr N.
ireiiKthond wholesomcnews More economical X
mn the orplnary kinds , and ctnnot be sold la
imnetltipu with the multitude of low test iborl
elifht , alumor phosphate pomler Sold only la
tru. Korib lUiua I'owBia Co. , Wall St.'i'w
w Voik. )