THE DA ) BEE TUJiSDAV MAY 8 The Daily Bee. OMAHA. Tuesday Morning , May 8. LOOAIj MKlfl VrTIEB. Lawrence Barrett and troupe went west yesterday en route for San Francisco Kind people can receive a bright and fine-looking boy flfs months old , raised by the bottle , by addressing "Boy , " this of. fioe. There was a mysterious shot on Tenth street late Sunday , the origin of which was not dlsoorered by the police. It Is stated that the Council Bluffs folks are making a big "kick" because the confidence gang arrested In Omaha some time ago were not all convicted. About midnight Sunday purlieu who claimed to hare been assaulted by high way robbers OL Sixteenth street were looking for the police , "Such a Little Simpleton" by Kstelle Thomson , a writer favorably known to many of our readers , will appear In Godey's Lady's Book for June , The ainiling and popular Frank Good' ' rich , with Max Mojer A Co. , is happier than ever and his friends are smoking the fragrant Havana. It's a bouncing boy. The elec'ionof oflicers of the Union Catholic Llt'rtry association will take place this eve ing at the library rooms. Two tickets ai u in the field , and a spirited contest is expected. Sunday n good many parties took an occasion to get out cf the hot and close air In Omaha by going to 'Tries Lakes , " where they enjoyed themselves by boat * riding , fishing , etc , Mayor Chaie has , it is said , after ma ture deliberation , signed the. appropriation ordinance providing for April liabilities , his possible vetoing being on the supposed over-lap , The Macncrchor May festival will take place next Sunday evening May 13 , at Central hall , on 141L street , when a grand concert and ball will be given. The Union Pacific band , sixteen pieces , will tarnish the Instrumental music , A small boy , ruddy , healthy , and good looking , was picked up by the police yes terday , and turned over to the care of Peter Gees until his parents ! should be found. found.A A typographical-error made us say In Saturday's Bu In the article on the Bohe mian cemetery , that there are two hun dred Bohemian families in thli city , while the fact Is that there are upwards of five hundred families of that nationality in the city.1 At 4 p , m. Sunday , at the residence of tbo bride's parents , No. 1C23 Dodge street , Mr , John C. Thompson , editor of the Brownville Republican , was united In Marriage to Miss Emma Y , Bonewitz , Rev. Savidge , of the First M. E. church , officiating. Only the relatives and Inti mate friends of the hiph contricling par ties were present , but the affair was a t moat auspicious one , and the presents re ceived were both costly and beautiful. I The happy couple left Sunday evening for their home in Brownville , There will be a regular meeting of the Soolal Art dab on Tuesday af ternoon at 3 p. m. Crnickshink & Co. make a special sale of laced curtains on Wednesday morning , This Is an excellent opportunity for house keepers , just at the commencement ol house cleaning , A Startling Discovery. Physicians are often startled by remark able discoveries. The fact that Dr. King' * New Discovery for Consumption and all Throat and Lung diseases is dally curing patients that they have given up to die , it startling them to realize their sense ol duty , and examine into the merits of thb wonderful dltcov-ry , resulting In hundred * of our best Physicians using It in theii practice. Trial bottles free at C. F.Good < man's Drug Store , Regular size 81.00. The New A. M. E. Church. To the Editor ol Tim Bis : OMAHA , Neb. , May 5. The con tract for the building of the A. M. E. church WM awarded to Messrs. Pom- eroy and Knapp the brick work and and plastering ; the carpenter work , painting , glazing , etc. , to A. H. Don- ecken. ' Donations have been made of mate * rial by the following persons ; IttnerBros. , 2,000 brick ; Llvesoy & Co , 2,000 brick ; Withnell Bros , 1,000brick ; J. Humor & Co. , 1,000 Frank E. Moore , 500 brick ; Henry "Woodsen , 500 brick ; Chicago Lumber Co. , $10 In studding ; F.W.'Gray , $10 In scantling ; G L. Bradley , $10 In sheeting ; 0. N. Dellz , $10 In floor- Ing.For For which we are thankful , and hope that the dear friends will help m all that they can until the work li completed. JOHN W. JOHWSON , E. 8. CLK.NHANS , TuOUtBCAMrBELL , W. W. POKTBR , Trustees , P. J. WILIIAJIS , Secretary , B. MITCHELL , Pastor , Buckltm's Arnica SalTe. The greMest medical wonder of tb < world , W > rr. > ntel to speedily cure Burn * , Bruise * . Cu s , Ulcerr , Salt Rheum , Fevei Son1 * , Chncers , Pile * , Chllblalui , Corns Tetter , Ctmupid Hand' , and nil skin ernp tioni , guaranteed to cure in every instance or money refunded. 25 ctu'.n per box. For tale by C. F. Goodman. Heal Estate Transfers. The following deeds were filed foi neord In the county clerk's ' oflici May a , reported for TUB BEJE bj Ames' real uatate agency : F , E Balluy nt al , to Henry Fount w. d , lota 1 , 2 , 3 , block 2 , Boyd's ad ditlon $300. A. Konntza and wife to Anni Flal , w. d. , ti lot 5 block 2 Konntra'eOrd addition-5025. J. E Edwards et al , tc J. A. Mo Shane , w. d. , e. 451 ft , lot 2 , bloc ! 135-118,101. BLAVEN'S Y08EMITE OOLONQI Made from the wild flowen of thi JTAB * AMKD YOBEM1TK VALLE1 It U the most fragrant of perfume Manufactured by H. B. Blaren , Sat Franclsoo. 7ortalo In Omaha by W J. Wbitakou * su i Kennaid Broi , : \ PULLING TOGETHER. The HarmoDioiis Orgauization of the New School Board , The Old Ofllcera po in for AD other Term. Henry M. James Re-eleoted Bnpur- intendeat of PnbUo School * . The board cf odao&tlon had tti re- gnlar monthly and annual mooting laat evening and after the tranaaotlon of a lltilo routine business the retiring members gave place to those newly elected and the board proceeded to reorganize , the members being Momi. Long , Oonnoyer , Oopoland , Llvosoy , Spocht , Points , Gibbon , Parker and Hall. Hall.Tho The election of officers fur the en ding year being the drat thing in irder , Messrs. Points and Hall were ihoson toilers and a ballot taken for resident , resulting as folk we : E. C. Long 7 , J. J. Points 1 , A. A. Par or 1. The chairman announced Mr , E , K. Long duly elected president of the oard. The ba'lot for vice president gave Mr. Pol.its. the name vote given Mr. oug at.u ho was declared elected , Oharlen Connoyor was ohoaon to fill thopojinuu of secretary for an other vciui , having already served wo terms. President Long , announced that by i change In the law this was the proper Imo to elect the executive ofiiccn of ho board beginning with superinten dent of the public schools. There was some discussion of thle iroposltlon as the now members ol ho board did not aoom nniious to proceed too hautlly to'.voto foranporin- | ondont of schools , Mr. Oopoland moved to 'post pone the election t o the first rogn < ar meeting In Juno , but there wae no second , and It was moved by Mr. Hall and carried , that the board pro ceed to the election of the officar IE question. It was announced that the elootlor would bo for one year and that after ward a contract for three years conic bo entered Into. It waa moved by Mr. Pcinti thai the election be for one year. Carried , The first ballot resulted In the re < election of Superintendent James foi the term of one yeai from the explra tion of hit term , which la in August , President Long then appointed thi following committees for the ensuing year : Finance Hall , Points , Long. Claims Gibbon , Llvosoy , Spocht , Teachers and Text Books Points Oopeland , Parker. ilnlldlngs and Property Connoytr Specht end Llvosoy. Rules , Forms and Printing Parkrr Hall , Long. Supplies Oopoland , OonuoyorGlb bon. bon.The The report of the city treasurer ws1 presented , showing a balance ou ham of $61,700. The bond of Truman Back as trea * nrer of the school board , in the sun of $100,000 , was presented , but b the law provides that iho bond shal be in double the sum of all mono ; that shall at any one time be in th treasurer's possession , the paper ws returned to have a new bond mad for (150,000. A communication in regard to light nlng rods on the new buildings we. referred , and also ono in respect ti painting the roofs. Mr Parker presented a commnul cation from citizens of the fonrtl ward desiring a primary school bull' Ing in the vicinity of Dodge ai Twenty-sixth streets , as the Conti- . school waa too far away to send thr > children. Referred to the delcpati- from the fourth ward , Messrs , Park er and Gibbon. Mr , Oonnoyor made a statement P to the over crowded condition of t South Omaha schools and the noooa ty for additional rooms. Mr. Points moved that when t ) school board adjourn It adjourn t meet on Wednesday evening , whi i they would consider nnd try to ado , the plans for the now school bulldlti , , Carried. The board then proceeded to lo > ' into the matter of plans so far as i ready presented by the architects ai. adjourned. Police uourt. In police court yesterday there onoc&soof disturbance of the peat the victim belna committed in defai. of $3 and costs. There were two cases of intoxlc tlon , one being committed and o. < discharged , A complaint waa filed against a c ' ored woman , charging her with di tnrblng the peace by the use of pri < fane language. It seems that Oi trouble grew ont of the fact that B had boarded with Mr. John Lett ) colored , and had moved her bag u , . away without giving htm any notlou. Y.-storday the ease in wn ! > iTem Tom Murray charges a colored worn. . ' with striking him cime up. The riot cases lu which John G i" 1 heart and John Green were iiupllca c. . have been again continued. These are Solid Fucta The best hlood purifier and system r < . ulator ever placed within ' .lie reach of i .i faring humanity , truly is Kleitric liit'i--- Inactivity of the Llvtr , liillonBms * , JL , : dice , Con tli | tlon , Weak Kidneys , cri disease of tbe urinary organs , cir whoi - requires an appetizer , touiunr iiillcl stl c lant , will always find Electric Uitters h best and only certain cine known , T H act surely und quickly , every bof la p , i anteed to give entire ratUfactlon or m refunded. Sold at fifty cents a bottle o 0. 1' . Goodman. _ Army Orders Companies 0 , I and K , Sixth Inf n try , commanded by Major E , U B .e ! of same regiment , will be placed isi ronte for Fort Thornburgh , Utnh there to take station. Acting Assistant Surgeon Samuel 0 L Potter will report to Major But ! fur duty with the command en ronte and on reaching Fort Thornbnrgl will be relieved and ordered to retun to his proper station , Fort Donglai Utah. The qa&rUnautor'i depirtaen will furnish the necessary transporta tion , and the subsistence department the necessary subsistence. Captain Charles A , H. McOauloy , assistant quartermaster , U , S. Awill report In person to the department ommander at these headquarters ou mbllc business ; having completed his duty ho will rejoin his proper tatlon. First Lieutenant Oharloa G. Pen. oy , Company B , Cth Infantry , is omporarlly attached to Company K , Hh Infantry , and will awMt its ar- ival at Fort Thornbnrgh , Utah. UNITED STATES COURT. May Term Begins business To day . < The May term of the United States tonrt opened in this city yesterday , ndgo Dandy on the bench. There was very little done , and In fact the ourt will not got down fairly to bust- uue until the grand jury Is Impanelled , which will probably bo to-day. Hon. G. M. Limbortaon , United States ttornoy is present and a whole host of legal lights from all parts of the bate , a full Kit of whose uamo3 | < re to bo found elsewhere in this paper. Daring the first day's proceedings AntDn Plshel pleaded pullty to cut ting timber on the Ponca Indian reserve , and waa sentenced to ? 3i ( and costs and re minded to the custody of the marsha' ' . The U. S. attorney's attention was first called to the case by Indian agent Llghtnor , of thn Santou Slonx , and by the Indian de partment , the timber depredations having caused much trouble. The following attorneys were ad mitted tn practice in US. . court ; Ohnrlea H' Tanner of Hastings , W. H. Platt of Grand Island , J. L. Ken nedy ol Omaha and W. J. Martin of Omaha , A FUBIODS FUS1XADE. A Jealous Husband Fires Five Shots at His Supposed Rival. On Friday evening the dwellers In t certain vicinity in North Omaha were startled by several shots which follow ed each other in quick succession , and seemed to come from a qnn of heavj calibre. An investigation of the canso of the firlnf revealed the fact that it was from the jealousy of a husband whose wife left him some time ago and whom he believed had gene with an other man. Both the parties wore employes at a North Omaha brick yard and ono ol them roomed with the proprietor * ! family. The other , the married man , roomed elsewhere and , it seems , got the notion Into his head that his rival had supplanted him in his wife's affec < tlons and favors. Ho according ! ; armed himself with a big revolver auc wont to the proprietor's house , then knocking in the window of the rooir. In which ho believed his wife to be with her paramour. It was about 0 o'clock p. m. anc very dark , and after breaking in tht window five shot wore fired into thi room in quick enccoeaion. No light was struck and no elgna made of thi presence of any ono in the room , bnl It is said that the accused was there , and that ho was "soared of his life. " At any event the affair created quite a sensation in North Omaha and it is a wonder that it did not lead to one or two arrests. BACKED CONCERT. A Charming Entertainment at thi Htadt Tneater. A grand sacred concert was given a the Omaha Stadt theater Sunda ] by the Musical Union orchestra , a which a largo audience was in attend ance , and was delighted with the mag nlficent programme. The selections were choice , anc without exception , well rendered. Ont of tbe most pleasing numbers wai lotow's overture "Generentola , " anc tbe grand fantaeie for two cornets , b ] Mesers. Brandt and Sohlndler , was < masterpiece. As usual the Musical Union made t signal success of their undertaking anc the concert was greatly enjoyed by al ! present. MATCH MAKERS- The New Industry Which Is Spring Ing up In Omaha. Articles of incorporation of the Omaha Match Manufacturing com pany were filed In the office of tht county clerk yesterday , The principal place of the transac tlon of business will bo Omaha , ant the capital stock is $5,000 , in shares o : $100 each , 35 per cent of whlcl must bu paid down before the incor poratlon begins to take effect. Thi limit of the company's existence li fixed at the date of May 15 , 1003. Thu Indebtedness shall not oxooec two-thirds ot the capital stock , anc the tffitrs of the comp\ny are to b < managed by a board of director chosen from among the stockholders Too incoruorators are Frank Kis per , Paul Daniels and Anton Lcur man. ATTENTION FARMERS. White seed com. Wu have just re culved from Missouri a oar o thoroughly testud white seed corn red cob , early maturing variety. Thi whltu corn will piy 50) to 82 per loai mort ) thnn yellow corn for all that cm be marketed next fall arid winter. ATLAS MILUSO Co , J18-d3t Cor 7th & Jones Sts. FOR SALE. A new aide-bar , end spring top bug gy , made by Snyder and took firs prlza at the state fair laat fall ; uove used and will bo sold low. Apply a Wcvitern Newspaper Union , cor. 12tl and Douglas at. feh28m&etf 20o PER CAN. California Egg Plums , Goldet Drops , Qrapee , Quinces , Damsons Prune * and Chorriea , at HEIMROD fc DORM&N'S , 19if Cor. 13th and Jackson. Cards and wedding'statlonery Ootter'i A NEW CHURCH. interesting Services nt the First Con gregational Buudny Night. A most Interesting mooting was that heUl at the Congregational church last night , It being the occasion of the withdrawal of thirty of the members , for the purpose of forming the organ ization of the St. Mary's avenue hurch congregation , The church was well filled and thb lervlceo solemn and Impreuivo. The iastor took for his subject the open ng versa of the 13th chapter ot Acts which ho said was a good Introduc tion to this meeting and the move ment It celebrated. The object of , bii mooting was to dismiss part of the ihnroh. and a choice part. Mr , Shorrlll then proceeded to give i brief account of the origin and growth of this movement , the first date on the record book being August 15,1881 , although the history began earlier. Ho gave some figures In ho matter , which showed that , ho treasurer had had the turn of $5,768,72 pate through her handf , coming mostly In small sums and had paid ont the whole amount without a deficiency of a single cent. 01 this amount $1,000 was received from the church building fund , $500 of which wai to bo returned within three years. There were nisi contri butions from a number of parties amounting to $1,000 in all. The treasurer , Mrs. Ruatln , was tendered a vote of thanks April 10th , for her faithful and earnest eorvlcon. The dedication day WHS the hat Sabbath hi October , and the 13 h anniversary of Mr. Sherrlll's first sctinon In Omaha , Is the liltlo brick church at the corner of 10th and Farnutn. At this dedication it was a remarkable fact that BO many clergymen wore prannnt aud the rapidity with which the $1,000 required waa raised waa astonishing. This churah knows well the sacrifice it makes but ho believed It was the will of God and their high privilege tc co-oporato In the work In this city bj founding another church. At the conclusion of the sermon , which waa mort interesting , the ceremony mony of baptism was administered tc ono of the now members. fBBSONAL , . Wm. Manual ] , Fremont ; v7. H. Platt , Grand Island ; A. O. Abbott , Gram Island , J. O. Blackman , Fremont ; Char O. Whedon , Robt. Ryan , N. S. Harwood , F. C , Harrison , Lincoln ; D , Rogers , North PUttc ; J. L.KaJey. Red Cloud ; J , R. Webster , Lincoln ; J. Moore , Bldniy J. R. Kornchan , Grand .Island ; W. R , Kelly , Lincoln ; R. T. Dodd and F. C Dodge. Wood Biver ; W. D. Hill , Beatrice A. H. Cole , Junlata ; L , C. Burr , Lincoln Frank Strutter , North IJend ; John L Retd , WymoreV. ; . D. Wildman , Cul bertson ; John II , Ames , R. T , McGrew , A , Andrue , Lincoln ; Ben Reynolds , Wy more ; Chaa , E. Wlgglno , Blue Springs Jos , Fox , Grand Island ; W. L. Van Al styne , W. 11. Leonard , Lincoln ; F , K Palmer , Platttmoutb ; J. H , Broady Brownville ; Thu < i. G. Stevenson , Albcr Slade , Alhn T. Recber , J. F. Wllhelmi and J. J. Hcchttettrr , Nebraska City ; D Loeb , Columbui , and V. G. Lantry Blair , were among the distinguished Ne braekana who registered at the Paxtoi yesterday. J. B. Jennlngr , of CulbertsoniW. ; F Norrls , Pouca ; 8 , F. Learning , Decatui C. Thompson , Athlacd ; James Bell am M. M. Ormsby , of David City ; Gee Lehman , Columbus ; Wm. Soderstrom Lincoln ; W. M. Appleget , Tecumseb , am F. K. Hoag , Wymore , are among the Nc braska quests at the Mlllard last night. Dr. W. F. Carver , of the "Wild West combination , wai in town yesterday , an returned to Columbus la t evening. Thi show will go into camp and start froc there , Instead of Omaha , us was at firs intended. Frank Valerius , of Minneapolis , wh represents the ale bouse of Scbenck Bros. Is in the city visiting his old friend , A. B Davenport , of the Mlllard. Hon. G. M. Lambertson came up fron Lincoln yesterday to attend the Unitec States court. Thomas Jones and family and M. D Welch and wife , of Lincoln , are guests a1 the Paxton. 0. E. Sumner and family and Mlia M Fonda , of Schuyler , ure guests at thi Millard. D. F. Hallett , oi Red Chic , Iowa , wai at the Metropolitan yesterday , Kx-Gov. E. 0. Games andWm. Cirnes of S award , are at the Paxton. Prof. E. R. Paige , of Council Bluffa , fi registered at the Mlllard. E , S. Hedges , of. Springfield , ls a gueel at the Metropolitan , R. Bartlett , of Chlhauhua , Mexico , ii at the Metropolitan. Robt. E. Strahorn , the U. P. llterarj matIs lu the city. J. D. Draper , of the 0. , St. P. & M. I at the Paxton. Hou. W. U. Manger , of Fremont , L tt the Pmtun. Hun , 1' . M. Marquett , of Lincoln , is a the MilUrd. Strathtnan Lowe , of New Zsaland , is a the Millard. Lltut. Adornof the army , ii at th Paxton. 0. J. > -be'.ps , of Schuyler , U at the Mil lard. lard.J. J. O. West , of Grand Island , Is ID th city. city.John John Brett and wife , of Shelton , Va. E. M. lUrtlett went west yeKUrday , lr Geo. L. Miller , of The Herald , wen out to Bchuyler yesterday. Conductor Thoman , of the Omaha anc Lincoln run cf the Uulon Pacific , ha > taken a couple of mentha' lay-off for thi benefit of bis health , and will go to Kan sas. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ XXTTER9 Remaining In Poatoffica during the ending May C , 1883. OINTUUIKN. Acitla W Anderson G L Aldrich H W Atcblnton L Acton G O Amerland J Albee E P Ackers S J Arnold 0 R BuckUnd G Burns JJ Bailer TJ Bogao W Brlnksr W 0 LADIES' LIST , Acton Mrs J Albertson T Baker Miss F Brown Mrs A Bergstrnm Mrs P E Bishop Mrs W Clark Mrs J Clark E A Camp Miss L Chambers E E Creally Miss M De Mille Mrs J H Danes T Flatteush Mrs A & Fully Mrs E Guile M If a K Hunt Miss L Hurley MiBsL Hooper Miss M Hench Mr < K L In Kb ram Mrs N King Mrs L HuplarmMIss M Liwnon Miss M Tues F. HALL. I'oatmaater. PILLS SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER Loss of Appetite , Bowels costive , Fain In the Head , -with a dull sen- eatlon in the back part , Fain tinder the Shoulder blade , fullness after eating : , -with a disinclination to ex ertion of body or mind , Irritability of temper , Low spirits , with a feel- In IT of liavintr neglected some duty. Weariness , Dizziness , Fluttering , at the heart , Dots before the ayes , Yel low Skin , Headache generally over tbo right eye. Restlessness , with fit ful dreams , .highly colored Urine , and CONSTIPATION- TTJTT'S PII < TjB are especially adapted to incli cntes , one dose ef fect * uci a cliniiue or feellnii as to nitniilHli the suflerer. Tliey Iiicrenie the Aitpetlteand cans * the body to Take ou I'lcsli , thus the R > tcm U nourished , and by their Tniilo Action on the l > lneitlveOranii , lies alar Stools nrc produced. Price 23 cent * . : i. % Murray St. , IV. Y. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. OBIT ILviB on Witrarns change to a OLOSST BLACK byn Blnslo application of this DYE. I Impartsananimlcolor. Aculn tantnnp' > iu ly. Sold by DniKirlsts , or scut by ui rtsa-on receipt of. . .SI.DO. oi'i'icij ; , : ir > niuintAT ST. , iv. T Dr. TlTT'SJUM'lloMiluil.UlnrormMlon a d' ( Cuhl IlKrlnti vlll U lulllfd > IUK . . . upllf U. . SPECIAL NOTICES. /W8PECIALS will POSITIVELY not bel sorted unless paid In advance. TO LOAH-MOHEr T 1 LOAN The Om h sulnys lian MONEV unpiredfonnkelsaos 01 Om h clivor rcuilas crunty rc > l e t e t c'jrrci rit'tsof Interest. NJ ccmm tslon chatged. 8tt ONEY ( TO LOAN C M at Law office of D. L M Thom s , roam 8 , Crelhton | Block. TO LOAN-At Loweft Bites of In MONEY . Bcml. ' Loin Agency , 15th It Douglas 2341 : 1 , LOANRD-On chattel mortgage room MONEY Block , lomet ISlhand Farnam Sis 1 * . 0 Imo ONEY Loaned on chattel property by J M T Bcatty , No 218 South Uth street 226-lmo ) _ VT ONEY TO LOAN At 8 per cent. BbrlTer1 JM RealEdtate and Loan Agency , opposite ftfMf post office. HfcLP WANTED. Cook nd girl for iteneral house work at P clDc II UD. OoJ w Re . 307 } ANTED Two e od barlitri 2fi3. : 13th St , W Om.hi. 31 > ANTED-A tte < U in n who undo st IK W totmtar. Arldreaswlh rete me , "B S01-8J B e otco - cjinpit-nt oook. Cl oil ro'cr. WANTED-A . Ap ly at 13 8 Kirnm _ bt , bet. 'J n < J 3 p. ui. Wcuiiusda ) . liTl b * N EO Acnuk a' d a gtod glrltow ) ! , W ill. .is it Sou. hem I rcto/rcd. - sh it Inner t fnion Lau drj WANTKD-A Dodge . , . . 353 7 I' J. nll.UIAJIS. , - * 01 cc , iev ral good stron WAITED-t a.hliu nd H-c en work t Paiton Ilottl. Inqulie for tbe Steward. 3 fi r PA TEO A country girl lor general h use- W work. App'J ' 810 touth 18 li btrect. * 7B \ , ANTKD-Oul for jtncral housewoik Ap- W ply at 412 tu.nh 18th ilrtet. 33171 AJiTEO-A g od steady blacksmith , on iihiundtrsurds all kinds of JobblDg.'a Haon- . , bop on ' 317.91 . _ tt : BALE OU TRADE For food milch now a Smith i orsan 1810 California dlrc > 3tt-S ANTED A first cUj | lumt r , J. 0. BUby W Council Bluffs. for Infants and Children. Cnstorlfipr < iino ( ' .sl > lgf'Htnn | mil uvurooinus I'liitulimoy , Coustim- | ion , Sour Stomach , Uiurrlicr.i , and 'ovuriBliucHS. U insurcn licnltli ntul uuturul sleep , without morphine. " Castorla In so well mlnptM to Children that rreommruil It us suixTlor to RUT piwcrintluu kno u ui me. " II. A. AMCUKII , M. I ) . , 5J Portland ATIllrooklyn , N. Y. What R\it \ * our Children rtxir chwki , What cures Uiplr fcri , mak i thmn sl < * p [ 'TU Ciutnrliu When UililM frrt ami err l > r turns , What cures their colic , kills thrlr wormj , IlutCiwtortB. What nulekly curfn Constipation , Hour Sumiadi , Colds , Indigestion , lint Cnntorla. Fare well tif n to Morphine Syrups , Castor Oil nuil rarcfjorio , andHillCi Hi\llCi ntorli t CENTAUR LINIMENT an absolute euro for IMiouiim- tiHiu , Sprains , Burns , Galln , &c. Tlio most PoworAU nnil Pono- tratlug Pnin-rcllovlur * ami Healing ICumudy known to man. AVIVD-A Kill at IStOCum'ne slroi' . WAAVIVDA A TK ; A KOO ! barucr at Lei B faint.- , w 3 8 PS A Kiel ( or k'cntnl hou < ewnrk In a WANTE1 umali fanil y. Inquire at 21 h rn I K.vniun stio t W A. L. Olh'JCii. ANTRD-A"i liPor dinTrijTroonTiS" ' - W ' MO'JBJ , corno- Dod atil lUth. 350-7" WAN ' Et ) IMMEDIATKLY-nooil conk , in.l cr ( malr. Avrly to h. U nn cllcr , llth ( trod , to-day froti 7 to 12 a in. . . AN WAN I'KIt To milk < o s i il toke rare ' ifhcrica. S.ra CKR IIous * , ForKui ) h , ail 7U WANTED A eod connijtui t plrl to OdlAiHiilry uork IIIIS. II. T. CLAUKK , N.V. . cornc' ISth and Da cnport St . ' 113 tf 17lhSt. MHS. W JVII.KIB. 3I7-7J Udy hccK-Voercr , 1110 tint has WANTED lencfl 01 li curieI by a practical bock keeper Ur > RooiN llei oillco. 353 7t T AUNDHESS WANTED AtS. W.corner H r- Lj ucy and 10th.ig s8l per wetk. 311-78 Yours 11 aa or boy f r calhlor In WASTED Oaa h > live * lth , artlvihncan furnish giod r.tircni.i' . Impilro "U. 8 "Bee oltca. 3J5-7 AMTED-AtmallKltl 14 or 15 years of age w atCinaha'ukerySlOlOthSt. 307-91 ww 'ANTED-A dining room girl at the Crelijh w ton house. 315 tf SITUATIONS WANTED , SlttiUlo \ In some busictn house WANDED nan whh eiptrlerco la retail groceries anil book kctplnj. Address W , this office M8-lt WANTED A posltlcu as conk or hou'ekcep- er In ft nilvato family , AddrtM A. W. cor 18lh and Nicholas. 357-7 ? experienced accouUnl aid bill clerk wants AN In whoierale hnunr. re l citato 01 naurance office. Address "H S " Bee otllie. 370cSi | WANTED A portion ai cook or house kicp-r In a pmate limi'y. ' Addrea > "M N. " 1)30 office. 357-75 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS W'ANTED A rice roi'cc'able ' ' old la'y from 10 10 5C , to keeph3ose for a m n and wife , wan'ed BS much for cjitpnny is ointhhif ; else , a < the rran lsa aporilou of tbo time Ad. . U Sllvls EUihorn station , Neb. Ilynn trinr otDcer , a housgcfS WANTKD , ccntralij I catod , l "i wafr ins do. Will not pay over * IO a month. Ad- ilre s rocm 13 , mlltiaiy headquarteip , cor. loth mid Kauri am. 'li 1 > To ioiro f r ihreo imtth * ? 300 WA rn good personalBjcurlty. Adjrisi 1' . ( ) , box 542 3G3-9) ) G MAOfilMJT WANTED-A Kill KNirn ixprricnccd preferred. Apply Mis. Hin der-ten , i or. B. 13lh and Cattclltr S' . 364 7 } FOR HENT-HOUSES AND LOTS. | 7OH KENT Hou'o of 12 loomi I ] miles south _ L of depct on 10th strict (15 no ; niO'.th. J B UEOKIELP , 331-8 $ Cor Pcdife and IZih HI * . HKNT Furnished rooms fir gentlemen FOIt S. W cotIbth s reet atd Capltil avenue. 382-9S 11 < CNT House with 3 ro m < , uluhen , FOIt - . , pantry , etc. , convenient to U P. ( hops. Inquire kt 1)31 Shernun a\enUc. 3 < ! ' .7II U 'NT A DOUS9 of 6 rooms on ttreet car FOK Inquire 1140 18th Btrtobet. . Nicholas ai d Paul. 374-t ; UttNT Housoot 6 roomiIthor wl'li- out barn. Apply 949 ccr. Saunders > nd Grace .Streets- 3iX9J OH KENT S teem cottage on Capltr.l Hill I71 1 jo 00 per month. DAVIS &SNYDER , 1105 Farnam St. 311-11 | ? OR HENT Deiliahle room suitable for two persons. C.rncr 15th and llarncy. 328-7t OR REST Furnlthed front room , 1612 Far * nam n reel 330-7 pOIl KENT OOP l'a"o , ono naw organ , re s- osablo tenni. Hospo'a Mualc IIall. 32U4m 110) F.rnam street , brick store room and lutemeut. Inquire on pro > lies , 32091 KENT Two splendid tr ass f ont stoics to FOR at once on 10th aid Dodgo. J , E. EIWAflDS , 322 9 ] 1109 Farnam street. OU Kl'.NT..Two rocm * , kitchen and cellar. F City water. 1302 > .alllornlastrcet. 310-0) ) RENT Large room 22x70 Lt eN MocV , lighted acd tetled. " 9G-7t HENT Luge front loom with h y win- downndb.ard. Mcdern Improvements. No. 1718 Djdee aireit 300-8) ) RF.ST NIceK furnUheJ rooms nd basement - FOR rtcor , 1615 Dodge itrett. Z93 b | FURNISHED ROOU-For rent at NICELY it reet 11R3. MeAUSL AND. REvT-8tore ro m | th fli- FORSALBOR cUss lnc < tlon ( or grocrrv nJ rtruiri'Oie South 15th stieet , b t e'n ' M nh * and Dorcas. Oulj t ,400. McCAOUE , J3j-tf Off. f stpBlcj. _ RF.NT Nicely fund hjd rocras , IDS north FOR tieet. 189 H ) OK UKNT Two ulf e large dwflllnin No. 1 If Icoit n. HhY.OUS A HOTfEtt. _ 178jm _ _ vtfll > T Houvi and lots at uhrlrerand FOR ' . Rent Buruau , oppisite I'm efflco. , 70Jtl n om < mi > boa d. lim'crir con- tor.l'iiin , 1810 Do'gHstre. . t _ 1'UO ' lint 17UUNHIIED H'JOJIS ' V , ry del nblo Ircatlon JL' ' IVcU , real estate , < pp. P. < > . 'Wl-tf J7IOH KENT Fine npr.ght plai.0 , fioo Kim- FOR 6AL SALV : Two fn h milch co s b Tronna FOR , cor. 16th und vhlca(0 ttraots 370-OJ SALE hrco fra ue building i n we t tide KIR 12 h street , ajjob n. ! ) m nofliwut cor- ircf Itouglaa , on lot 8. blKk 1 3 Bldt will n rrcelrtd at the Merchants' * a < lnnal hank until M vl7lh. SAMUtLK.ROUElU. 37"-17 Qlt SALE A new cottag 01 lea-ed ground , Ica'etotun ovtr threeears , flvt ro-ms , c'stern aid summer klUhm atUched. Oil I nn preml.-es , 010 noith ISlh-stiect. JflJ- : | OR SALE T room houte and barn , twTfull U lot * nl ly lmprovd. Fin * location. South Omaht. SOOO. UKS , 555-lmo ISOOFtinam. n\OR BALK li story bouse. ] lot,6ro3ai on E Davenport coar 2Mb Bt. 12W. * X , cwhtal. aoi * en t'ms , cnnsl b sold by M > y l h IS83 BUBIVKU i DELL Opposli * Fokt offlc * . 343-T SALE New cottage and Four lets on Park Foil e .no . only S2t'K ) , f mall cull i au ent , lm | . nco riinl | anniikl \meats at eiKhtxi \ cent. McCAdl'K , r ppoilto P. I ) . 330-tf TjlOH SALE Two acres on fciith Thirteenth L ret' , tool r onto geven looms , harn , rlo'crn 300 hiailrK t "I'Olnt Mid larite amount of fiult ol ill kind. In'galn Ji5CO iUUAOl'K , opposite PostHlllco. 819. f "I7AOH SAIiV" Three loom home nl twTlot < t | J Oiand Island Nob. Must hi nrl.l. Tldnlsa' tiarKtln. PricolJOO. E. L. WOIlsE A. CO 'C22 Capitol aMnue. SS.'all JjlOIl SALK 'ceond liand platform spilni ; 1 Htako W KOII , In Koni\ \ i rili r 334-7 JII TON HOCEHSiSONS FOR PALIi A line lot o' beef , snoop > nd hoc ctsln e. ADASI HNYUKIt. S37-S loll F rnam ulre.t. 17011 RALUHrtisoanl let fl rrom , geol els- 1 turn , cut-lmlldmgr , tie. , large lot , ninrtonn $200. . REYNOLDS & MOTTER. 177-lmo 1710R dALE A flrst claej scron 1 h nd tibae'oa JD Cull at 131S Harrier St. FOR S\IK Goodpajliii busless , Incltidlnj ttccli and fixtures. Clocd reason for Eel Ing. First-class chance tcr Iheman. Ado rim "tins- Incsb" this olllce. 323 6 } FOIt SALE Flax mill machinery consisting of brake , 2 dusters , bcatrr , picker , pres * . Ac. Can work cither rotted or green stock , alto shaft. Ing , pulllcs , and beltlnif for driving theaboie , alio one 35 II. P. engine with bo'lor , smoke , tttck and all fixtures conp'eta. Addre WILL IAM TAIT Chiilcs City Iowa. 2053m ! noit BALE Water power grlat mill , Inquire ! ot Ed. BragK , Warerly , Neb , 342-56J T1OK SALE Or exchange for unimproved land _ C soms main street piooeity In 1'lattsmoutb , Cars county Nebraska. Address O. F. Prouger Junior. 2S2 7) ) F 10R SALE Boiler Skatet , $1 00 a pair , at 199-6 MAX MEYER & CO. T710R SALE My Stock ot drug ) , notions and _ C fixtures , grod trade and itocic In good condi tion , oldest drufr butlmsi In to n , Hill rent room If desired. Party here will take half Inter est , or Kill nell the whole. Address A. L. Man- Ing , Dunlaplona. 245-2w | FUR SALE Old newspapers In arge aid small qumtUlosatthisolHce. tf FOR SALE One gord tccond hind organ rniy $35 ; cacy paympnts. 190- MAX MEYER 4 BRO. HALE OR KENT Voso Piano. FOR 528-tf C. J. CANAN. SALE CHEAP Choice unimproved business FOR iness Iota on Farnam. Ilarner , DOUK ! > S , S and Dodge streets. \VISASNYDER , Real Ent te AjenM. 110-eod-tf 1605 Fartaui HI. I710R bALE-1'haeton. II , Ph lllps , 1207 arram. ItSIm _ T7OR SALE One second hand Chlckcrlng PI. Jj ano.cnly $135. Will be fold on Installments ; asy payments. MAX MEYER4 BRO. 191u _ [ TiOR SALE One 2) ) acr lot , near town , $1,200. Jj _ 175-lm _ REYftOiDaAM OTTE a. PLENTY of good brick. 3.fX ) perThoufasd at KILN. I blarney bricks $7. Oil per thousicd. Cistern brfck (5.00 , ta close buslnis' . 10RENZO DABBLE , One block south of 15th and Ualltvue roaJ. 150-lmol ' Four good lots , one hilt mile from C p Btoffic . Cheep , ca > y terms. 1781m REtMOLUS&MOTTEH. R SALE A flrt-cla s second hand top hug. Call at 1319 llarncy street. 3)7-ti MJtfVOEUL , AM EUb On Satuidty night trim In front of STOLEN A n. Glidsioce's store , an elcht-tar old blaik maie , with hind fc locks white , S'ddlfd and brH"d. ! An J one knowing of i cr h rei- boats pleacu give Information at GVftor.e's store. M8-4I NOTICE. The undersigned has 'easedand re opened the Pa Iflc House , Tenth arid Capitol tel Axunuo , and will iry to treat the public and { specially ih > uorklngiLcn with ilua ic-pec' , and will make U hoinfl ke. tCMOj FRANK DAVIH , T * C8T A ring with opal stone and dlimend _ Lj fetllne 'im > tinder will b reuarcltd by re- turrligsametoMRS. IRA I' . 1110 BY 310 ivlStb street S-lfl-ij ) ELv'osTO Risiaurant , Urmphrcy i Co. , > 1115 Dodjfe Uroet , board 60 i > < r ei.k. May4-lm T OST Bunch ot keys with lead Mg and own I 1 CM nuuie , Finder please leave at Ilea ol'co , 3139 PAST aUAOE Well wa e od for horves GOOD cattle , about 7 miles < rom town , Ad dress CM ) . Ortjrg , Omaha I'fstotHce. 171-may7 * EDWAKDKUIDHL MAOISTER OK PALMY8TERY AND COND ? TIONALIST , 498 Tenth street , between Farnam and Ilarney. WIU , with the aid pf guardian spirits , obtain far any one a glance of tht pail and present , tnd nn certain conditions ta tbr fu ture. Boote and Show mad * tn ordsi. Pitted MMwrlnn POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never rarlr * . A marvel ol partly strrnrtland wholeaomenew. Mort economical than th * or nary kinds , and cannot bs sold In competition with tb * multitude of tow test short weight , sJuu or phosphaU po4sr Sold on ] r ta CAB * . EOTAI BIUJS Powiu Co. , Wall at'rtM