TK E DAILY BEE-MOKOA MAY 7 1883 nbrasKa National Bank , \ Of Omfa , N b- nj Capital , 9UOO.OOO DWECTORSl . JOI1N80H , President , ol 3l le , Johmon * Co. Co.K. TOUZALIN , Vlc rteddenl , o ! 0. , B Jl Q H. R. , Doiton. V. HOUSE , Ol W. V. Morn A Co. OUH B. COLLINS , of O , H. & J , B. Collins. J. II. WOOLWORTH , Counsellor ud Attornty. at-Uw. L.1. REED , Ol Bjron Re d & Oo. B. Vf. TATES , Cuhlir , Ut Cuhltf ot tb Mnl Nkllontl lUnk of Onuha , nj coonttttd with n * actlri mantfement o ( hl D4ok tlno * Itf rj nli tlon In 18G3. OruiiD lor business April 27,1881 , with Ihe tnt ciptU ! cf jbtat InMebruka , OOU.ICTIOXI recelre ipocliU attention and chat ff f lowed obtainable her * Of elsewhere , Imam allowed on ttmt deposit ! upon f TO > able t rmi and upon accounts o ( b4oki and bank * II. roanni Kionixai , Ooreinmeni Bonds , uid Oount and Cltjr Pectles bought ud sold. It It preptrcoJ to do a general banking business all lit details , and la the treatment of custom * n la will patiua the moit liberal poller conilt- ten ! wllhfufe tanking , J. W. KUDEFER. B rotor Blocks , Dondi , Commercial Paper and all other OCKxl encurltles doolt In Room , No. 28 lV rl St , , Council Bluffs , la. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. lp clal DUpatchto Tui llss. NEW YOBK , May 5 , Governments unchanRed , The stock market fluctuated to-day. The change * loft the general market i to Igo lower than last night , the latter for Den ver. Now York Central IJc lower than last night Union I'acllic ic , and the stocks n smaller fraction. Compared with last Saturday the market Irregularly changed , some stocks being higher and some lower. The livening Post says : Had it not been for weakness In Vanderbllt stocks , consequent upon ths resignation of the presidency of the New York Central by Wm. II , Vanderbllt , and his announced retirement from the active management of the road , the market would probably have been strong to-day , as there has been a feeling of growing confidence In regard to crop sales and also that tkere would be continued peace between the trunk lines. Mining stocks dull , Sierra Grande de clined from 1U5 to 100. and Hall Anderson from 145 to 140 , Robinson Consolidated sold at 84 to SSc , Sonora Consolidated 45 and 40 , Chrysolite 100 , Consolidated Vir- ginla Cl and 53 , Navajo 335 , Standard Consolidated C50 , and Horn Silver 775 to 738. Sales of the day 38,587 shares. Total for the week 236,936. Bullion receipts in New York forthe week from mines , 260- 000. 000.Money Money Demand active , which was freely - ly supplied at 2i@4J per cent , closing at 1J per cent. Prime Mercantile Paper -C@6i pei cent. Sterling Exchange Bankers' bills , dull and steady at 4 82J ; demand , 4 85. GOVKBNUBNTa. To-d y. 8's 1031 1081 B's 103 103 4's Coupons 11H1 1131 4"s " 1191 118J Fulfio3's of ' 95 127 127 ETOOIB. Adams Express 126 125 Allegheny Central 118 Alton 4 Terre Haute C7 67 , x do pfd. . . . 81 97 American Express 91 } 91j Burl. , Cedar Uapids 4 North. 81 HI Canada Southern G6 | GBj O. , St. L , ft P 204 120 do pfd 53 j 15 i\ \ Central Pacific 771 71 Chesapeake & Ohio 211 do 1st pfd. . . 31 do 2d pfd. . . V3 Chicago & Alton 134 134 do pfd 140 140) ) Ohl. , Burl. 4 Qulnoy 120 125) ) ( ' ! Ohl. , St. L. & New Orleans. . SI SO I Oln. , Band. & Cleveland 40 Clove. , Col. A Cincinnati. . . . 73 i Delaware & Hudson canal. . . . 109j 1 Del. , Lack. & Western 1278 Denver ft KIo Grande 51 49 ] Krie 37i S5 | do pfd. . . 80 80 ' East Tennessee 10J ' do preferred 21J Fort Wayne & Chicago 134 34 Hannibal ft Bt. Joseph 42 } 43 ; , . do pfd. 974 96 Harlem 197 197 Houston & Texas Central. . . . 70 Illinois Central 1451 144 Ind. , Bloom. 4 Western 29J 29 Kausas&Texas H > i SO Lake Erie & Western 29 * Lake Shore & Michigan So. . .110J 110 Loulivllle Ac Nashvill 53 Louuv. , New Alb , 4 Chicago 54 . . M. 41. . 1st ufi 10 do do 2dpfd 5 Memphis & Charleston 42 Michigan Central 93J 93 Memphis & St. Louit U8J do pfd 69 Missouri Pacific 104 i 104 * MobileftOhio 17 > Morris & Essex 124 i Nashville & Chattanooga 67 New Jersey Central 781 77 / JCoiiolk&W 43 I Northern Pacific 511 50 't ' do pfd 881 8S I Northwestern 134J 131 ' QO pfd. 152 151 New York Central 123 j 122 Ohio Central 121 , Ohio & Mississippi 34 34 I do pfd..105 | 103 ' Ontario & Western 28 Oregon Transcontinental , . . . . 84 § . . Pacific Mall 41 $ Panama. 98 Feorla , Decatur 4 Evansv. . . 20 } 2C Flttsburg & Cleveland 130 131 Pullman Palace Oar 120 } Ul Beadinc 55 J Rook Island 12) IK Bt. Louis & San Fran 32 2 ! do pfd 524 do 1st pfd 93 St. Paul ft Milwaukee 1041 10. do pfd. . . . 120 1 ! < Bt Paul , Minn. A Manitoba. 130 } 12 ! Bt. Paul ft Omaha 50 4 { d ? pfd 1074 10' Texa A Pacific. 39 | 3' ' Union Pacific 115 9 United States Expres 59 Wabwh , St. L. & Pacific. . . . 2J | 2 do pfd. 54 § 4 Walls , Fargo 4 Co. Expreii-,124 Western Union Telegraph. . . 83 } 8 Home take 15) , Ontario 25J Qulck llver 8 do pfd 41 South Pacific b Bntro 20 PRODUCE St PROVISIONi pcUl DlipakcbM lo THI BH. cm oioo. Omo4o , May 5 , Tlonr Stea n vnoaaRt. Whitt Regular whtat active and tow 1 12Hor May ; 1 141 for Jnns ; 1 1691 1 f r July ; 1 15jai 151 for Anrut ; 1 1 fet BepMMbari 1 14 lot U ytaij V * spilnr , 1 111 13 ; Xo. 3 spring , 0Jo ; No. 2 ml winter , 1 13@1 13 } . Corn In fair demand at lower rat i | 53(8 ( for Ma ? ; 5 * @ 55ia for June ; 5 < 1@ 57jo | for July ; MJa for August ; file far the year. year.Oats Dull and ea lor ; 40jUo for onh and Mar ; 42o for Junr ; 41g@41j4 for Juli ; 3,1 1 3 for August ; 3. < le for thcyear , Rye atrou < and higher t C7o. lUrley Dull ard nominal at 80(3830 ( , Vlax steady ; 1 45. Timothy Quiet and firm ; prime , 1 65 ® 1 67i common to fair , 1 55@1 60 ; choice , shade higher. Pork Active , firm and higher ; 19 86 ® 19 90 for caih and May ; 19 V5 for June ; 20 05@20 07 } for Juh ; 20 15 20 17 } for Augutt ; 20 20@20 25 for September ; 17 25 for the i ear , 1 * rd Active , firm and higher ; 1195 ® 12 00 for c * h an i May ; 13 0712 10 for June ; 12031205 for July ; 1197 } ® 12 00 for Augu.t ; 11 87 } for September. Bulk Meats In fair demand ; shoulders , 810 ; short rib. 1076 ; short clear , 1100. Butter -Market quiet and unchanged. I'ws Dull and unchanged. Whisky Steady and unchanged. MIW TOBE. N w YORK , May 5. Wheat 0 ih lots stead ) ; options jglc ( ) lower ; ungraded red , 1 091 21 ; No. 3 red , 1 171 ; steamer No. 3 red , 1 19 ; No. 2 red , 1 34@1 24 } Corn C li grades lgla ( lower ; options opened { @ljo io eroloied ; it a decline but partly recovetolj ungraded 65@6lc ; No. 2 Oats l@o } lower ; mixed western , 49 ® 52c ; whits western , 5J@57c , Weitsru freth stronger at 10 ® . Lard Stt iing ; prime , 11 80@1195 Butter Qnlet and firm , ST. L001S. ST. Louia , May 5 . Flour Un changed , Wheat Lnwf r for options ; cash better ; No. 2 red 1 13i@l 13j fur cash ; 1 141 for May ; 1 1501 IS } for June ; 1 14j@l 151 for July ; 1 lljj&l 15J for August ; 1 15jC 9 1 10 for September ; 1 121 131 for the vear , closing at Inside prices ; No. 3 red , 103. 103.Corn Lower and inactive ; C252jo } tor cath ; 5'2@52go for May ; 52i52jo for June ; 5451c for July ; otic for Auguit ; ICJc tor the year. Oats Lower ; 4343 u for cash : 4Zo for May ; 43J@44o for June ; 4242c for July , closing at Inside figures , Rye-Better at 67@57c. Barley-Quiet at 5o@75c. Corn Meal Firm at 260. Hutte- ; Unchanged , Eggs Unchanged. Whlskr-Stcady ; 1 14. Pork-Higher ; 19 85 bid for cash and May ; 20 05 bid for June ; job lots sold at 10 90@20 00. Bulk Meats Strong and held higher , but no transactions , Bacon Strong and held higher , but no transactions. Lard-Quiet at 11 25. KANSAS OITT , KABBAH Cirr , May 5. Wheat Higher ; No. 2 rod fall , 97g@97io for cash ; 99 } ® 99Jo for June ; OCJo bid tor July. Oorn Quiet ; 43o asked for oasb ; 44 bid for June : 461c bid for July. Oats Higher ; 39@391c for cub ; no op tions. IOL1DO. TOLIDO , May 5. Wheat Irregular ; No. 3 red winter , caih and May , 1 1C bid. Corn Firmer ; No , 2 , cash and May , B9c. B9c.OatsDull ; No. 2 cash 43Jo bid ; 44o asked , LIVERPOOL , LIVERPOOL , May 6 , Wheat strong ; Flour , lle@HsGJ. Wheat Wlnter,8s 10d@9s 2 ij'sprlni ? , 8s Gi@9i ; No. 2 California , 9i ld@9a 3d ; No. 1 California , Oi 4d@0j 9d. Corn 5s 8J , Pork-8Ss. Lard-Cs 6 j. LIVE STOCK Special Dispatches to Tni ESI. omcAoo. OBIOAQO , May 5. The Drovers' Jour nal reports as follows : Hogs Fair , quality potr , generally steady and demand mainly for good mixed and heavy hogs ; mixed , 6 90@7 25 ; heavy , 7 25@7 60 ; light , 6 807 35 ; skips , 8 50 © 6 LO , Cattle Active to extent of supply , mar ket soon cleared at firmer rates and quota tions unchanged ; exports , 6 40@6 GO ; good to choice shipping , 5 90@6 30 ; com mon to fair , 5 35@G 00 ; butchers' fairly active and steady at $2 i > 0@5 25 ; slacken and feeders in liberal supply and in very weak demand at $3 50@4 50. Sheep Market steady and fairly active at firmer rates ; common to fair , 4 00(5 ( 5 00 ; medium to good $5 00@5 5(3 ( ; cholct to extra , 6 756 25. KANSAS OITT. KANSAS CITT. M y 5. The Commer oial Indicator this afternoon reports at follows : ' Cattle-Steady ; shipping steers , 5 25@ 5 75 ; cows , 3 50@5 00 ; stackers and leeit. ers , 4 05@4 SO. HOKS Steady ; 7 00@7 30 ; bulk of salei at 7 10@7 20. Sheep Quiet at 3 12 , ST. LODI8. ST. Louis.May 5. Hogs Market quiet good light shipping , 7 00@7 15 ; mixed ti good packln ? , 7 00@7 1'5 ; butchers' ti extra , 7 30@7 50. Cittlo Demand fair and extreme ! ; light ; not rnough done to establish prices Sbeep Uunchanged ; ranging 4 00@5 2 for fair to choice clipped. TRAFFIC. Gpeclal Dliratcbei to Tils Bii. TLODB AND GRAINS YORE , May 5. Receipts am fhlpmeuts of Hour and groin for the pan 24 hour * have been ai follows : Receipts Bhp'ti Flour-bbls Wheat-bushtls 32.000 100,00 Corn " lOO.fOO 40,00 OaU- " 3J.OOO KANSAS OITT , Hay 5. Keceipts an shipments of grain for the past 3 hours hat e been M follows : Reo'ts. Ship'ti Wheat , bushels 7.000 10,00 Oorn " 5,010 15,00 Oats- " OBIOAQO , May 5 , Receipts and shl [ menta of flonr and grain for the pai 24 hours have been as follows ; Recelnts. Sblp'ti Flour-bbls 6,000 Wheat bushels 16,000 Corn " 109,000 Oati " 96.COO Ry - " . 6,000 Barley- " . . . . 23,000 LIVB BTOCK. CUICAQO , May 5. Kucelptj aud ihl ] menta of live stock for the past ' hours have been as follows : Reo ts. Shipm't Hog 5,000 C'Mtle 9tO Sheep 708 KANSAS OITT , May 5. HaceipU ac shipments of live stock for the pott ' hours have been as follow * : Reo'ts Shipin't Cattle 500 Hogs 2,400 Sbeep J0 > ST. Louia , May 5. Receipts ai shipments of live stock foi the past hours have been as follows : Reo'ts. Bhipm'l Oattl 50 9 Bhsep 300 Host. OMAHA MAKKMTB. Whols lsi PrioM. Omoi or THI OMAHA BII , I Saturday Evsnlnr , May 6. f No changss wer * reported in thi Ic- 6J Diarkets to-day , UT W or win. 1 Trads B srally bu b n mor o than UMI tl rod few l r ! e n'ei ' teported In thi wholciale murket. The only thlcg bordering on a lioom weie the immense sales of tobacco which weie natually ex- pechd on account of the rebtto tax. Wtmthtn Icen ftcady , comp ratl ely , and remains about the stme as l t week with no perceptible protpects ot fluotuat * Ing. Grocertrs are dull and sales small. Dry goods rcmiln unchanged and sales light. Produce and commission men are doing probably a more satisfactory business than any other class of merchanU , though prices are much lower than la t week. Fat cattle are scarce and higher and In good demand with only a fair supply. The recent rains and unseuonabU cold wsather bat bcon discouraging and has had a depressing effect on the general market , drain. WHEAT.-Cash No. 2 , 9 o : fccwh No 8 , 73e : rejected , 77o. BAULKY. Oasn No. 2 , 68 < j | No. 8 , 40o. 40o.KYEOash , 49 ic. COKN-Newniuod , ? 8 . OATS-SSc. Produce. POTATOES 23@0o per liushel , ONION'S OldZMI per bushel. BUTTKKCholoo country , lOo. tJGOf ? fresh , 13o. UONBY CalliorJi * . l > erlb , 31. APPLES Per barrel. 12 25 3 23. OHANE3-C ( lifuinla , 3 30 ; ' 4.00@$5 00 LEMONS00 5 tO p r box. aTIlAWBEUUIKS 35j per quart. BEANS Navy per bushel , 'i Mna 75 SEEDS Blun ruM seed , 125@150 ; t'mothy seed , 2 10@2 25 ; red clover seed , 9 00 ; white clover seed. IS 00 ; millet seed , 1 00 ; Hungarian seed , 1 10 ; orchard grass seed , 2 50. Llvo Stock. OATTLK-Fat steers , $5 00@5 50. FAT COWS-S4 00@4 25. HOaS-SG25@700. Flour and MlllituT ( , Best winter whoat-3 00@3 75. Second quality wlntei whent 275@32D. 13e t spring wheat 2 00 @ 2 75. Second quality spring wheat 2 40@2 50. Bran , per ton 10 00. Chopped i'eod , per ton 10 00. Poultry. CHIOKENS Live per doz. , $100 © 4 50. Dressed , per lb. , 15c. DUOKS-Dresaed , per lb , , 15c. TUUKEYS-170. Grocers List CANNED GOODS Oystew , ( Qtand- ard ) , per cose , 3 70@390 ; strawber ries , 2 tt , per caae , 3 40 , rasp berries , 2 Q > , per ease , 8 50. Dam sons , 2 tt , per case , 2 45 , Bartlett pears per ease , 2 40. Whortleberries per cue , 275. Egg plums,2 lb porcae,2 00 ; Green gages,2 tt per case , 2 90 ; do choice , , tb per case 4 50. Fine Apples , 2 lb , per ease 4 00@5 75. Peaches , 2 lb per case , 8 00 ; do 8 lb. ease , 4 00@4 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 8 D , per case,2 60 j do pie , 6 lb , per dozen , 3 BO. LAKD Omaha EeflnlnlnjOo. : Tierces , 12o ; 40 and 50-lb cans , 12Jo ; 20-lb cans , 129o : 10-lb palls , screw top , 12ic ; 5-lb do , 12Jo ; 3-lb do , 12Jo. lUOE LonliUna prime to choice , 7J@ Sot fair , 77ic ; Fatma , GJo. FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls , 7 60 ; No. 1 mackerel , klta , 100 ; family mack erel , half brls , 5 25 ; family mackerel , kits. 85c ; No. 1 white fish , half brls , 7 00 ; No. 1 kits , 1 05. COFFHT. Rio , fair , llci Rio , good lljc ; urine to choice , 12 to 12c ; Old gov't Java 18o @ 24o. SYUUP Standard Com , , 38p , bbls. ; Standard do , 4 gallon kejzs , $195 ; Stan dard do , 4 gallon kegs , 81 75. SODA In lb papers , 83.30 per case ; keg soda. 2Jc. NEW PIOELES-Modinm , In barrels 8700 ; do In half bbls , 4 00 ; smalls , in bbls 9 00 do , In half bbls , 5 00 ; gherkins , In bbls , 11 00 ; do , In half bbls , 6 00. TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45 ® 55 ; Choice , C0@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@45o ; Ctooioe , 60@75c ; Young Hyson , good , 86 ® 50o ; choice , 65c@fl 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf , B5c : Japan , choice , 60@75o ; Oolong , good , 85@40 ; Oolong , cho.oe , 40@55j Boaonong , good. 3540o : choice , 3545o. ROPE Sisal , i inch and t larger , lie ; gInch , llic ; Jlnch , 12c. WOODENWAltE Two boon pallt , 1 75 ; three hoop palls , 3 00. Tubs , No. 1 , 8 50 ; Pioneer washboards , 1 85 Doable Grown 2 90 ; WeUbnckets , 350. LEAD Bar. 81 65 SOAPS Kirk's Savon Imperial , 845 ; Kirk's Bktlnot , 8 60 ; Kirk's standard , 3 75 ; Kirk'i white Russian , 525 : Kirk's Entoca , 31G Kirk'i Prairie Queen , (100 ( caket ) , 40 ; Kirk's magnolia doz. , POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case , In case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball 2 doz. In case , 1 90 ; Anchor Ball 'i doz in case 1 60 , PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten nessee , lOo per lb ; fanoy white , lOJu perlb ; raw white Virginia raw , lOci roasted 12k. CANDLES Boies , 40 Iba.lfa , 15Jc ; 8j , 15o ; bcxos 40 ibs. , 16 ot. , 6s , 15 $ : . MATCHKa Per caddie , 95o | round , oaten. 8ft 10) square , oaMta , to 40. VINEGAK 1'uie pple eitra , 16cs pure apple , ISc ; Prutisinz cure nnnle , Ific , SALT. Dr y loads , per hbl , 1 3 ; Ash' oin. in sac ks , 8 50 ; bbU dairy 60. 6s , R fC SUGARS Powdered , lOJc : Cut loaf , 10c ; Granulated , 9Jc ; Confectioners' A , 9c ; Slnndnrd Ertra C , 880 ; Extra 0 , 8Jc ; mudium yellow , 7icj dark yellow , 7jc , 8TAP.CH. Pearl , 4jc ; Slum Ui-it 9Jr ; f'orn ' 'tarch , 9i' | Ercelflor'Jlca. " , 7o" > : Oorn 8 MEATS Hams per lb. , 14c ; bscor per lb. , 14o ; clear side bacon per lb. , lljo dry salt hides per lb. , 10 } ; : ; dry Bait tide. t > er lb. , Ho ; bacon ahnuldera per ) b , 9Jc ; tierce lard per lb. ; lljc , 8P1CES , Veppor , 31i Allaoiej 18 JRVS , C > SK\i 1 i Mocha.'Pic : Atbockle'i 14c 14cOHBKSH Fall Crosm , UJoi Pari Bklm , llo LYE " American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 8 40 Western , 2 75 $ North Star , 2 00) ) Lowla lye , 4 6V. Jewell lye , 275. FEED-Jobbing prices , Chop feed 81.50 per 100 Ibs. ; chop com , 91.40 ; bran 70o per 100 lb * . HOMINY New J3 BO per bbl. Dry Qoodi. BUOWN COTTONS Atlantic A , BJo Appleton XX , 7o > Atlanta A , 80 ; Boot FF , 8Jo ; Buckeje LL , 4.4 , 7oj Oabot W dli _ 8Jc ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8.Jo ; Iiawrenc iTL-Glo ; Mystic river , 7io ; Poqnot A , BJo lei UtlcB 0 , Sic ; Wachurett B , 7c ; do A nir ? Hn K . IDio ! WalPitt BB. 7Jj. VINE BKOWK ( JOa'TUJNH Ailendal .4 : 7jc ; Alligntor S.4 , 8c ; Ar yle i-4 , 7c Atlsutlc LL , fiici Borigor Statu X 4-i , CJ : BentiuPton O 4-4 , BJo ; BuAeyo S.14 , b c Indian Orchard AA 'J-P. 8 ; Laconla < 3'J , 8Jc ; Lehlch K 49Jo ; FoppareU I 30 , 7o ; do O 83. 7Jc ; do U 8 . 7Jo ; do E 3S 8lo , Voeai'et 0 4-4. 7jfc ; Wanwutta 4- ISoBLEACHKD BLEACHKD COTTONS Androsao riu L 4-4.9icBLickitonoAA imperial 8 ? do do half "blowhoa i.i.Pc ; Cnliot1.4,8 ; 3fidUityl.l , d cVruii of the Loom , 'Jl ; tl cm brit | .4,12irdr terTwi8t,10illcGre ; : Fall * Q , I'c ' ; indi&ii Head shrunk 4-4 , 12. Lonsdale , lOc ; do cainhrlu 37. Vl\ ; Ne' York Mills. 12ic ; Po < iuot A,10o ; I'eppere K G Twills , I2jc ; ) 'ocahontaa 4-4 , 9Ji Pocasiet 4-4 , 8loi Vtici , llc | Wamuutl 0 X X , 124c. DUOKS Colored ) Albany K browi Bo ; do 0 , drah , Xlcj do X.JL atripea ac plaldi , 12ic ; do XXX brown ana dral ttripei aud plaldi , 124c ; Arlington fine ; IBrOc : unawlck brown , 8 c ; Chariot ( am11 12io ; do extra heavy , 20o | Fall lUv brown , extra heavy , UJc ) Indiana brown IRnt Neooniet A brown. 15o TIUJUttUB Amoikeaz A U A I 19c ; do XX bine 32 , 18 Jo ; Arrowann 9&c ; Claremont B B , ISloi Comwtog ; i tra , 17o ; Hamilton D , llie Lewuton 80 , ISot Mlnnehah * 44 , SOc ; Omega rap txtr * 4 . 2So ; Pearl lUrer 82 , 16ft ; FT uam XX bin * itrlp * . 12ej Bhetnektt 10c | do S3 12 i Yoma&'i bint 19 , DKNIM8. Ainotkeak , blneandbronn ISJc ; Aodorer UL ) blue , IS ci Arlln X bine Beaten , 18jo ) Concord OOO , blue aw brotvu. IZ c ; do AAA , do do 13J ) do XXto do do Hia llaymaker'i bin * and brown , 9iet My.llo Klver DU itrlpe , l Hc ; l' < i Hlvet , blnn and bruwo , lCc | UucaitUle , blue aud brown , 14r. OAMBIUCS Barnard , Me ) Bddyitone lining , 24 Inch double taoe , BJoj Garner A glazed , f 4c | Manhattan glove finish , fit o Newport do Co ) do elazed. & { o | Feqnot do f-oi Ix > ckwood kid finiih 60. OORSBT JEANS Amory , 8oAndro | co ln aattoeu 8Jo ; Clarendco , GJojConoi ova Kttteons , 7ioj Uallowel , Bo ; In > < ll Arnold , 7o ; Berwick , 4f o | Cocheoo , 7o | Gonestoga , Cc ; Dunkirk , | Dnnnell , 6J < 57c ; Kddystone. 7o ) Gbucester , 6c ) Harmony , 5c ; Knickerbocker , 6c ; Mor ri ac D. yc ; Mystic , 5c ; Spra ues , 6c ; Sonthbrldfte , 60 ; do , Ginghams , 7o | Marl , born , 6Sc : Oriental ( Ho. GINGHAMS-Amoskeag , 9io | Argyle , Atlantic , 9s ; Cumberland , 7o ; ana , 7c ) Kcnilwortb , 9c | Pluo- kett 9tei Hurtex , 8c COTTONADKS Abbervllle 13o Agate , 20c ; American , lie ) Artlslan , SOo ; Cairo D and T , 13o ; Olarlca D and T' 17Jc | Decoan Co.stripon DandT , 16c | Key. ttune , lHc | Nantucket , 19o : Nonpareil 16c ; Ocean D and T , 13oj } Royal , 16 } \ SUBBOX , I2o ; Tloga , 12ic ; Waohnsott shirt Ins ; chocks , 12o : do , Nankin , 12o | York , plain Nankin. 12o ; do , checks , stripe * and fanov. 12o ; ( lo , 8 oz 30o. SUEETINGS-Androscogjjin 10-4,2 do 9.4 , 23c ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental C 42 , llo , Krnlt of the Loom 10-4 , 27 } ; Now York mills98 , 85c ; do 78 , 80c ; do 68 22Jc , Pembroke 10-1 , 2Cio ; PequotlC-4 , 2tfic , do 74 , lOu dn 49 , IGc ; Fepperell 95 , 29o do 67 , Ulcdo ; 57 , ISc ; Utlcn 96 , 36c ; do 58 , SSioi do 45. 17c. Drugs DRTJG3 AND utiKMUJA t-S - Acid , Carbolic , 60c ; Acid , Tartarlo , 65c ; Balsam Copnbla , per lb , 70c ; Bark , Sassafras , per lb , U ) | Calomel , per lb)75c ) Clnchonldla , per oz , 8110) ) Chloroform , per lb , 90c | Dover's powders , per lb , 81 25 ; Epsom Salts , per lb , SJc ; Glycerine , pure pe' bl , SOej Lead , Acetate , per lb , 22o Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal , * 1 25 ; Oil , Castor , No. S , per gal , (115 , Oil , Olive , per gal. 81 50 ; Oil. Origanum , 50 ; Opium , 85 CO ; Quinine P. 4 W. 4 K. 4 S. , per oz , 81 85 ; Potassium , Iodide , per 111 8175 ; Balacm , per oz. 40o : Sulphate o Morphine , per or , 83 85 ; Sulpnnr flour per lb , 4c | Strychnine , oar oz , 81 45 , Paints Oils and Varnlihesjl OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon , 12o ; 150 * headlight , per gillon , lie : 175 * headlight , per gallon. 19o ; 160s Water mite , 18o ; ilfnseed , raw , per gallon , 5G ; linseed , boiled , per gallon. 59c ; lard , winter str'd , per gal , Ion , 95 ; No. 1 , SSc ; No. 2 , 75c ; castor , XXX. per gallon , 1 SO ; No. 3,1 20 ; sweet , per gallon. 85cj sperm , W. B. , per gallon. 1 75 ; fish , W. B. , per gallon , 75e ; neatsfoot , extra , per gallon , 90o ; No. 1 , 75c ; lubri cating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; summer , 15o , golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , S5o ; No , 2 SO : sperm , signal , per gallon , SOc : tur pentine , per gallon , 65c ; naptha , 74 , per gallon. 180 : 64.17o FAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha F. P. . 60) ) white lead , Bt. Louis , pure , 6Jc | Karsellles green , 1 to B lb cans , 20o French ilno , green seal. 12o ; French tlno , red neal , lie ; French tlno , in Tarnish asst , 20oi French zlnce , in oil stsst 15oj Baw and burnt umber , 1 lb cans lOci raw and burnt Sienna , lOo : Vandyke brown , wg refined lampblack. 12ot coach black and ; l"ory black , 16c ; drop bhuk , 16o ; Prussian blue , SOo ; ultramarine blue , ISoi chrome green , L. M , 4 D. , IGajbllnd and shutter green , L. M. 4 D. , 16 : ; Paris green. ISc ; Indian red , 15ct Venetian red. 9o ; Tuscan dre , 22cj American Vermilion , I , ftP.,18c ; chrome yellow , L. , M. , 0. 4 D O. , ISc ; yellow ochre , 9c | golden ochre , 16 ; patent dryer , 8e ; graining colors : light oak , dark oak. walnut , heatnnt and ash 15o. Dry Paint * White lead , 8c ; French zinc , 10c | Far whitelng 2c ; whiting gilders , IJcj whiting com7 ! , lie ; lampblack Germantown - town , 14c ; If mpblack , ordinary , lOcj Prus sian blue , 55c ; ultramarine , 18c ; Vandyke brown , Sc ; timber , burnt , 43) ) amber , raw 4csienna ; , burn t , 4e ; sienna , raw , 4c Paris green genuine , 25c ; Paris green com' 20c ; chrome green , N , Y.1 20c ; chrom green K. , 12c ; vermlllion , Eng. , 70o ; ver million , America , ISc ; Indian red , 10 : rose pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Ookujoso 2Jc : Venetian red Am. , IJc ; rei lead , 7c ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20o brome yol- w , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle Sc ; ochre "rench. 2Jcj ochre , American , 2c ; " 'inter's mineral. 2c ; lehigb brown. 2jio ; lanish brown. 2c ; JPrhice's mineral Sc , VARNISHES BarreU per jrallon urniture , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No. 1 . ; coach , extra , 8140 ; oaeb , No. I , L 20 ; Damar , extra , 81 75 ; apan , 70c ; a * laltum , extra , 85oj sheila S3 50 | hard U finish. 81 30. 30.Hides Hides , Furs , Etc. HIDES < r en butcher's hides , 5 } < c cured } @ } ; hides , green salt , ry flint , sound , 12ISc ; dry call nd kip , 12@14o ; dry salt bides , sound , 0llc ; green calf , wt. 8 o 15 tts. , ll@12c Teen calf , wt , under 8 tt , per skin , 50s reen pelte , 50(391 ( 25 ; green lamb skins 1 25150i damaged hides , two-third rate ut scored and one grub , classed two .Irds rate , ) branded hides 10 per eent. of eon skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , SOoj No , ! 0 ; No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , S0c | No. : 5c ; No. 3,15o ; No. 4 , 60. Fox , Oo ; No. 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , b25a 5o ; ohort stripe , 40o | narrow sttlpea uad atrlpe. lOo. Tallow 7e. Leather. Oak sole , SHe tu 4'2a ; hemlock er..e , 28c ti 5c ; hemlock kip , SOo to 100 ; runner > 5a to SOc ; hemlock calf , S5c t ? 120 ; hem ock upper , 23o to 35c ; oak upper. 21e Uigator , 4 00 to 6 50 ; calf kid , 3'J@S5/ < Greirenkld , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , SOo ti 00 ; oak c.-vlf , 1 20 to 1 SO ; French kip 10 to 1 55 ; Frpnch culJ , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rua ettP. 5 50 to 7 BO ; liningo , 6 00 to 10 50 oppiDB-i , 9 t * to 1050 ; B. L. Morocco , 30 035s ; pebble 0 , D. Mrrocoo , 35c ; slmoo 50 to 3 00. HARNESS-No I ar oak , 42c ; No .0,890 ; N , . 1 Ohio oak , 38o ; No , 2 dc 5o ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 37c ; No. 2 do Wt Lumt > r. VTBOLZSALI We quote lumber , latn and shingles o : nrs at Omaha at the following prices : JOIST AND SOANTLING-lfi ft. an nnder , 822 00 ; 18 ft. , 823 50. TIMBERS 16 ft. and under , 822 00. TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft. , 823 6X 2C ft , 823 50 , 23 ft. , 826 50 ; 24 ft. 826 5X FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 6 In. , 824 ( X No. 2 , 822 00. SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( ocmmo boards ) , C30 00 ; No. 2 , 818 00. LIME Per barrel , 81 25 ; bulk per on : I5c ; Cement , bbl , 82 25 Iowa plaste bbl , 82 50. Hnir per bn. 50e. Tarn elt 100 Ibs , t ? 50. Straw board , 83 50. Heavy Hardware List. Iron , ratub , S2 SO ; plow steel , sped o.vt , 7o ; crucible , Sc ; special or German , & ca-t tocl do. 15@20 wagon spokes , he 2 253 00 ; hcbs , per set , 1 25 ; felloes , sawt dry. 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axle each , 75o ; square nuts , per lb , 7@11 waehcrt. . per lb. 8@18c ; rivets , per lb , 11 cell chain , per lb , 6@12c ; malleable , 8 ron we'lgoa , 6c ; crowbars , 6a harro , ecth , Ic ; sprinp teel , 7@8c ; Burden ) -nptho" " 2"i ! Burden's mulcnhoes , 6 2 BAKBKD WIRE In car lots , ID i : a pay 100. N/Vir.S-Hate / . 10 to COlff , 3 0. SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck uhot , 82.1 Oriontnl Powder , kegs , ? 0.40 | Jo. , h ; kegs. 83,48 ; do. , quarter kegs , 81.88 ; Bla ' ' , - , kces , 83LS5 : Fuee. per 100 feet Mo. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 81 Morris Run Bloraburg , 812) ) Whitebrei lump , 84 50 ; Whltebreast nut , 14 50 ; lov lump , 84 50 ; Iowa nut 84 50 ; Rock Sprln 700 ; Anthracite. Ill 60@13 00 ; Cam City , 87 00 per ton. Horses and Mules. Kxtra draft horses , 1176. to 215. | Coi mon drait hones , 8100. to ICO.t Ext farm hones. 8110. to 126. | Common good farm bonei , 890 to $100. j Ext plum. 360 , to 76 , | Common plugs , % ' . to 840. MULES , ( Ertia ) . 8125. to 160j goc 8100. to 140.1 fair , 175. to 1W. | ooznmc WO. toT6. Liquors. ALCOHOL-188 proof , I pt wi gallon ) extra California spirits , 187 proof , 1 95 per proof gallon ) triple refined tplrlts 187 proof , 123 per proof gallon ; renllitllled wblsklos , 1 00l 60 ; fine blended 1 60 ® 2 60) ) Kentucky bourbons , 2 00 ® 7 00) ) Ken tucky and Pennsylvania ryco , 2 00(47 00. BlUNDIES-Importexl , 16 OOQ10 00 ; domestic 1 4034 00. GINS Imported , 4 60 6 00) ) domestlo , RUMS Imported , 4 50Q 6 00 ] New Kngland. 2 OOftJl 00) ) domeitlo , 1 MK&S 50 PEACH AND AFPLB UIIANDY- 1 764 00. OllAMPAGNKB Imported per ease , 18003I OtAmitlua , caw , IS 00 1600 , CLARETS- case , 4 oO 18 00 WINES Rh ne wine , per case , 8 OOO 2 00) ) Oatavba , per cane , 4 00(97 ( 00 , Tobaccos. FINK OUT In paUs. Common , 40 © 65o ; good , dO@76c. In tin toll Oaf lliu O. Q. , 6 lb boxes , per lb C > 5o | Lori- Ulard's Tlscr , 67o | Diamond Crown , BMOKING AU grades Common , 25 to SSc. Granulated Blackwolls Durham , 16 oi 40c | Dukes Durham , 16 oi , 46o | Seal of North Carolina , 16 oz , 46) ) Seal of Nebrai- ka , 16 oz , S8c ; Lone Jack , 4 oz , linen bags perlb , 81.00) ) Marbnrgs' Pnok 2 oz , tin toll. f2ct Doe Tail 660. PLUG TOBACCO -Horseshoe , 48 ; Bullion , BO ; Army & Navy , 45 ; Star 48 ; Climax , 50 ; Our Rope , 62 ; Our Rod , 52. Wool. Merino nnwas ed , light. 14lCoj hea vr © ISloo ) medium unwanted , light , 18 ® 2 waihod , choice , S2c ) fair , SOo ) tub-din nnd w , , ? 8o | bnrry , blaokand ootted wj les * . "My W'd hud tit * for 35 yoi\rt , " a ay a Ilonry CUrk. of F lrfiold , Mlcli. "Sanwndm Nervine cured her. " Your kuopo it. LYDIA E. PINKHAIWC 1 VEQETABLE COMPOUND. Is a Positive Cnra f OF ll thM r lnful CouplaUU sad WeaknesM e oommaa t r best female popaUUen. I Msdlclno for Woman. Invented by a Womasj Prepared by a Woman. | ke OmtMt Ititlul DU T ry Sli < tk Dtw ( Biting tjrit rerlTts the drooping spirit * . Inrlgonfei ad ( umonlioi the orgtmlo functlonj , glrei elutldtr ad Irmnesn to the step , restores the nutnral lustra o til p e , and pUnt on the fk..e chock of woman the In * | e ot lUe'i spring and early summer time. W Phjilclans Use It and Prescribe It Freely.- 1 It remoTM f lntncss , flatulency , destroys all cr Tln ipr rtlmulant , and rcliorca vrcaknes ] of the stomacl That feeling ot bearing down , causing pain , welgi sad l ckache , Is always permanently cured by Its nil for the euro of Kld cy Cotnplulnti of either ed thU Compound Is unlurpaiied. I.TPIA E. riNKIIAM-S KI.OOD PnniFIEl fill eradicate every Te tiEo or Humors from ttt Jlooil , mid Ka tons and Mrentcth lo th ejtlem , i lian woman or child * Insist on having It , [ Both the Compoumd and Blood rurlfler are prepart ftS33 and 233 Western Avenue , Lynn , Moss. Price a fitherJl. BU bottles for S3. Bent by mall tn the fort tt pills , or of lozenges , on receipt of price , $1 perM forclther. Mrs. rinkhiru free > , n.nswer nil letters * hqulry. Enclose Ic stAinp. Bend for pamphlet. No fnmlly rtould t > -lthont LTPIA E. PIVKIIAMl Uvntl riLl.S. They cure conatl | > atlon , klllouinus nd torpidity of the liver. K cents per box. A TREHEXDOUSj FALL ! ! IN PRICES. O'Donaioe & Downey Will commence their annual Spring Sale Situr- day , "Tt/1" XSk " * V" * = JUiuL JZSk. , K C9 > EVIUIY BUKR 0V DRY GOODS Ihould roake a rots lot Ui followliig list ! prices : They are the Lowest. They are Gonnlne , And when the Gooda Are called for they Will bo there , New Dreaa Lawns , Warranted Fasi Coloia , 5 , 8J , 12J , ir 3. These goods sel for more money at the mill. New Standard Prints , Fast Color > , 60. New Standard Ginghams , Fast Colors 81o. 81o.New New Foulard Cambrics , 10 and 12c. worth 15 and 20c. New Sateens , 8J , 25 , SO , 40 , worth SO 40 , 50c. New Dress Goodfr,8 } 10,121,15 and 20o. worth Double these 1'rlcet. Fine Muslin , S , 7i , 8 : . , Best Value. Cheviot Shirtings , no Dressing , Faa OoloM , lOo. Notions , Laces , Gloves , Underwear Hosiery. Quiits,1 Linens , Silks , Satins In fact our entire clock wM be offered t REDUCTIONS to coire'pimd with the abore. If you ca and see us we will give you A SPANISH LACE PARASOI A BLACK SATIN PARASO At S1.1W. Star Dry Goods Stop FIFTEENTH 8T11EET , Next Door to P.C A romMnndon of JV > toj-iitf of Jrvn , 1 Vrut-lan Jlark tint ! I'Honi'honu i * a tHtliilnbla form , for J > rfcllljJxm ( > / .4i > ix - Hlf , JV < . . ( rollot of fital 1'otrrrt ItKV. A. I. HOIUJ3 Writes : After ix tnorouah trial ot the IRON TONIO , I tftko pleasure ' In tatlnir that I have boon 'Iconsldorls rot. ; : , onolltod by 1U _ most oxcallont remedy for . MlnlBtors and Pttb- the debilitated vital forcoi. Bs Speakers will flnd It of the irrflatest raluo where n Tonic is neces sary. I rooommontl it sui a rsliablo remedial Kiront , pOBsessinir un * doubts * nutrltlvo and reatoratlvo properties. , ty , , M. t , IBM. nOillBC7IM PR. HARTEIt MEDICINE CO. , aUU.UAUtCT. , ST. tCUIfl. HENRY LEHMAHN , JOBBER OF AND WINDOW SHADES EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. III8 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA The Oldest Wholesale and Retail JEWELBYHGUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in SIL VER WARE. CLOCKS , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in PRECIOUS STONES and all descriptions of FINE WATCHES at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Gall and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farnham Streets THE LEADING MUSIC HOUSE IN TUB WEST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufacture.-- . - . Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer , Pianos and 0 Rats sold for cash or installment : at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID st-ck of Bteinway , Chickering , Knabe , Vose & Son's Pi anos , andoth'r makes. Also Giough & Waron Sterling Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before purchasing.1 MAX MEYER & BRO. , MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW GASES A Large Stock always on Hand. HAS THE UEST STOD1 IN OMAHA AND MAKES THE LOWEST PRIDES IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENTS Have now been finished in our store. mar- Ing it the largest and most complete FURNITURE HOUSE In the West. An additional story has been built and the five floors all connected with two HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS , One Exclusively for the use of Passengers Theae immense warerooms - rooms three stores , are 66 ieet wide are filled with the Grand est display of all kinds oi Household and Office Furniture evei shown. shown.All are invited to onll , take the Elevator on the.first floor ind go through the building and inspect the stock- CHAS. SHIVERICK , 206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omaha MANUFACTUREH OK FINE BUCGIES , CARRIAGES & SPRING WAGONS My Repository la Constantly filled with a Select Stock. Beit . . ' . 3E O-TT.AJEC-A.Itl'XrjElIEIlD. Office and Factory. S , W , Oor. 16th andOapitol Avenue. m 2 mfce-ly B On Long Time Small Payments AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. , JR. , 1519 Dd , Omaha ,