Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1883, Image 1

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Now York Sharps Discount Unole
Sam in Time and Money.
All Postal Uoiapetitlon to bo
Crushed by the Btronj ?
Hand of Federal
Discovery of a New Metal Su
perior to All Others for
Elootrlo Purposes.
An Eucllih Wewipapir B vUin
the Management ef the
Faolflo RontU
Special Dispatches to Tux Hum.
WASHINOTON , May 0 , The otllcera
In the pcBtollico department , lu reply
to Inquiries with rogurd to the pro *
coodlngs recently taken to cloio pri
vate postal companies la Now \ork
city , nay that BO far aa the investiga
tion has gone it scums to shotr that
the moot flagrant violator * of the law
are the companies known na "Ilnssoy'R
Express , " "Bryd's Despatch. Pom , '
"Manhattan Dlatrict TclcgrapU Com
pany" and ' 'United States Circular
Delivery Company. " The prosecu
tion of this unlawful business by such
companies , the posteflioo officers say ,
not only result in the lots of largo
revenues to the department , but
materially and In many ways interferes -
fores with the proper conduct of Unit
ed States postal bnslneas and brings
undeserved discredit upon the postal
administration. The Boyd and HUB-
noy companies make collections and
deliveries only twice a day , while the
regular government carriers deliver
and collect from eight to twenty times
dally. It Is not true , therefor , that
the private postal companies are pat
ronized became their service li better
than that of the government.
The only advantage which
these private postal compan
ies have over the govern
ment Is that cf lower rates. The pri
vate organizations doing business un
der the names of "Manhattan Dis
trict telegraph company , " and "Cir
cular Delivery company , " have
recently begun to carry mall matter In
bulk to other cities than New York ,
whore they have agencies , to dis
tribute It there , thus beginning the
formation of a network of mall routes
In clearly Illegal competition with the
postoflice department.
J. Edwin Sherman , metallurgist , of
Boston , has just concluded hero a
series of experiments upon a new-
metal recently discovered by him , with
n rlow of ascertaining Its fitness com
pared with other metals for telegraph
wire. The experiments. It Is said ,
show that wire made of this metal has
great tenacity , does not rust and is
superior In point of conductivity to
auy wire now used for electric pur
pose. The metal which hai noirly
specific gravity and somewhat the ap
pearance ot silver , can bo produced ,
It la said , at a cost of 5 cents a pound.
The Riilway News and Joint Stock
Journal , of London , the leading En
glish journal on railroads and financial
subjects , contains In the number for
April 14th an Interesting review ol
the operations of the Pacific railroads
for the past year , and comments very
favorably upon the Intelligent and
successful supervision of thosn roada
by the government of the United
States as showing In the last
annual report of W. H.
Armstrong , railroad commissioner.
After quoting at length from the re >
port to show the workings of the Paci
fic railroad eyatorn and methods and
results of government supervision ,
The Railway News says : "As afford
ing reliable Information as to the present
ont position of these undertakings
In which eo much English capital hai
been invested , the report of Mr Arm
strong Is ono of the most valuabli
documents received from the TJnltoc
States for some time past , and ahoult
be in the hands of all Interested li
the development of the Pacific terrl
torles and trans-continental commnnl
cation , "
U.ild , silver and Unltei State ,
notes In the treasury.
Go'd Coin and Bullion $189,053.33 (
Silver Dollars and Bullion. . . . 109,994.83 !
National Silver Com 2J.125.87
United Statei Notes 48.061,01
Total $375S35.13
Certificates outstanding ;
Gold $54,677,5 < X
Silver 72,497,601
Currency 10,260,00
"Confederate Annali"
SpccUl Dtipatch to Tui till.
ST. Louis , May G The sonthen
historical and benevolent assoclatioi
of this city arranged for the pnbllco
tlsn of the semi monthly < nagaz ue
reciting the facts of the late war 1
the south. It Is to bo entirely fre
from political bias and affiliations
All southern historical societies
soldiers , and people are invited t
contribute matter for its columns an
soldiers are requested to furnish sec
recollections of the conflict in th
south as may bo appropriate for th
paper. The first number will appeo
June 1st , entitled "Confederate At
nals "
The Robbed Paymaster.
Special DlipatcB to Till Dii.
ST. Louis , May C. A dlapatc
from Fort Worth says Major Waasoi
army paymaster , who was robbed I
the Texas Pacific train a few nigh
ago , Is there , aiding the detectives I
ferreting ont the robbers. Wason
valise waa found naar the rallroi
track , but open and rifled of Its 001
tents. Two tram pi were arrested
Melborne , having In their poaseulc
over $900 In gold notes of larga d
nomination , which U regarded M
good clue. Another man * * . id
at Albany who Is believed to bo o > . of
the robbers.
The Triennial Conclave of Knights
Tomplftr. Apollo'a Pilgrimage.
Sjwclal Dlipatch to Tui DII.
CHICAGO , May 0 Ths Triennial
Conclave of the Knights Templar at
8 n Francisco In Augutt , Is exciting
considerable Interest among the
Knights of Chicago and surrounding
towns. Among the local command *
erics , St. Bernard Is the only ono thiU
has decided definitely to attend the
conclave us a body. About two hun
dred members ot the Bornnrd com-
niiudory will start August 10 , going
ovur the Ohlcaao , Iturliugton and
Quinoy road. Sir Kulgh' Q. II.
Moulton has boon in correspondence
for some time with the Palace Hotel ,
but has received word thai they can
not reoolvo so many. Application iras
next made at thn Windsor , nnd ar
ranger-aunts nro about completed for
thti entertainment of the entire pirty
at that house. Mr. Moultou will pro-
cado the coiuuittiidery a tow wookt.
The 0 iloago cammnndery has not
taken final action upon the matter ,
but whether it gous as a body or not
it will bo represented by a largo num
ber of members , who will attend as
Individuals. Apollo commandory , in-
atead of attending the encampment ,
will make a pilgrimage through En-
rope , In pursuance cf which the fol
lowing documents are made public ,
"Grand Oommaudory of Knights
Templar of Illinois , headquarters of
the grand commander , To all whom
theao prnnonts come , greetings : Ho-
posing full confidence and trust In
our woll.bolovcd fratrea , Apollo Com-
mandery No , 1 Knights Templar ,
stationed at Chicago , 111. , I grant
permission for them to pass beyond
the jurisdiction of the grand com
mander ; ot Illinois , July 12 , 1883 ,
for the purpose of making a pilgrim-
ego Into foreign jurisdictions. I
courteously recommend them to the
momborn of onr order wherevar they
may meet as true and courteous
Knights Templar.
Olven nndor my hand and seal this
first day cf May , 1883 , A. 0. 765.
( Signed ) HKNBY TUBMEB ,
Grand Commander.
Grand Encampment of Knights
Templar of the United Utates of
America , office of the grand master :
Norman Gazette , eminent commander
of Apollo commandory , Chicago , 111 :
DEAR Sm KNIGHT I am in receipt of
your communication of the 23d Inst. ,
by which it appears that Apollo com *
mandory desires from mo a dispensa
tion authorizing said oommandery to
pass through the several grand juris
dictions equipped for the purpose of
embarking for Europe. If said com-
manderj shall be so situated
during Its pilgrimage that
a dispensation within my province to
grant Is desirable , such dispensation
Is hereby cheerfully . glvon. Allow
mo , eminent sir , to express my wish
that the pilgrimage of Apollo com
mandory may be a pleasant and profit
able one ; ilut it may reouive vrhere-
ever It goes that regard the estimable
character of Its members entitles It to ,
and that It may return to its Inland
home with Us numbers nndlmlnlshed.
I am , fraternally and sincerely
yours ,
[ Signed ] BENJAMIN DEAN ,
Most Eminent Grand Master.
Apollo commandory Issues the fol
lowing card : "In answer te Inquiries ,
Apollo commandory , No. 6 , Kulehts
Templar , extends a cordial and fra
ternal invitation to auy air knight of
any commandory or other grand juris
diction , or Mason in good standing , to
aoocmpany them npon this pilgrimage
to the fall extent of the number of
berths which have been secured on the
steamer City of Homo , to wit , 202 ,
npon their application to do so to Sli
Samuel Henderson , recorder of the
commandery , room 8 , Court house.
Chicago. All who may desire to go
should decide quickly and $50 bo do-
pooltod by Miy 10 or very Boon thora
after to secure a berth on the steamer ,
It being the custom of all stcamsh'i
companies to require an advance de
posit , part of which will be returned
should the person paying It bo un
avoidably prevented from going. "
A Love Soena tin Conrt.
Special Di i atch to Tin Bits.
NEW YOKK , May 0. Henry Jame :
Mnrrlott , charged with stealing
75,000 worth of diamonds from i
Paris jeweler , and Marie Paronx , were
arraigned to-day. Marriott was helc
and the girl discharged. As she tnrnec
to leave the court room she stopped
hoiltatod and t ton rushed into thi
arms of her lovtr , Bobbing. Marrlot
was very much affected. Ho say
the police promised him liberty if hi
oontossed. Relying upon the promise
ho admitted his guilt and told wher
the goods might be found. Ho claim
Kramer , the jeweler , gave him th
diamonds to sail ,
Stt IionU' Commercial Boom.
Sptclat DUpatcb to Tni BII
Si Louis , May G The Moxlcai
and SpauUh American Ojmmoroiu
Exchange , which hau boon in yrcc.'e
of organization aorno months past
chiefly through the efforts of John F
Cahill , Mexican consul In this city
was formally Inaugurated last eve
ning , A number of prominent merchants
chants and others ihterfstod lu th
rado with Mexico , wore present
Several speeches were nude Th
i-ichango promises to bo a valnabl
means for promotion of dovolopmon
of commercial relations between th
United States and Mexico ,
The Labor Reformer ! .
Bptclal Dlipatch to Tni DIE.
NKW YORK , May 6 , About a scoi
of men and women made up the 13t
annual convention of the America
Labor Reform league In this olty t <
day. R. A. Hnmo presided and I
H. Hewood offered resolution ! whlc
were adopted. They declare that , i
labor Is the scarce of all wealth , tl
accumulation by Interest or otherwlj
Is robbery ; that pay no rent U tb
banner duty , not only in Inland b <
in Now York and all over- the world ;
that cz rs , qipous , president * , and
laud , railway and bank monopolists
are special opponent * of labor and vast
confederacies of organized robbers ,
who m y expect to bo taken off tj
dynamite , dagger , or whatever means
retributive justice demands to estab
lish common right. The action of
the Philadelphia Irish convention
was denounced aa fruitiest.
Reporte of the Condition of Winter
Special Dlipatch to Tni lln.
MILWAUKEE , May C 8 W. Tall-
madgd , of the Milwaukee chamber of
commerce , who for manyyova made n
specialty of aolloctliR gniia reports
over the ontlrn country , whu prophe
sied within a f aw thousand } of the cor
rect figures on crop matters lant your ,
uinkoa the following prognostic ittotm
regarding the coming report of thn
Unltud Stntca commiiislunor of nuil-
culture : The public are looking for-
wivrd with great interest to the coming
of the report of the United States
commissioner of agriculture , which
will probably bo Issued May 10.
Many are expecting a vast Improve
ment in the May report ever April.
1 have been giving the matter much
attention , and have the latest advices
from all atato departments and the
latest ( information from Ken
tucky , Ohio , Michigan , Indiana ,
Illinois , Missouri and Kansas. I
look to BOO the forthcoming report ,
but slightly , if any , improved ever
hat of April , and should not be at
' 1 surprised to see It somewhat nndor
ho April report. The government
i Its April report placea the condl-
on of Kentucky at 80 , Ohio at 70 ,
Michigan at 93 , Indiana at 75 , Illl-
iols at 80 , Missouri at 73 , Kansas at
5 , Various state departments of
In late reports , in which
bey make Miy estimate , place Ken-
.ncky at GO , Ohio at 65 , Michigan at
' 5 , Indiana at 70 , Illinois at 75 , Mis-
ourlat 7G and Kansas at 70. These
Ight large winter wheat states show
decrease of 8 per cent between the
ovornment April report and the
tato'a May report. From these facts
hardly looks possible for the gov-
rnmont to show much , If any , 1m-
rovement la the forthcoming report ,
Crop Prospeota la Texas-
Ipectal Dispatch to Tui Bu.
QAVESTON , May 7. The News crop
eport from all points state that all
xops are In good condition. Cation
> nd corn have especially Increased.
7ho cotton acreage Increased 8 per
ont. Central Texas crops are fine
, nd splendid. At one or two points
rain Is needed. Northern Texas haa
.ad fine ralna and all crops are flour
ishing , East Texas , cotton three
woeke late. Some points of western
" "exas " needs rain. Seldom has there
ver boon finer crop prospects In Toxa > .
Iowa Criminals-
Ipedal Dispatch to TUB Bu ,
DES MOINES , May C. An officer of
.voca , Pottawattamle county , arrived
lero yesterday In charge of two men
.irtng thole names as John Wood *
ind John Barnes. They are arrested
in suspicion of being the murderers
if Conductor Soars on the Chicago ,
Burlington & Qulncy , near Russell.
Sean sought to eject the two men
from his train and was shot through
' , ho body , dying April 29. Two days
ifter the shooting these men were
trrestod. The parties claim they are
clgsrmakers , and Woods says ho
worked at Topeka.
Afraid of Religion ! Excitement.
Ipoclal Dispatch to TUB tin.
BOSTON , May 6. In the supreme
onrt application was made by the
lonnsel for Charles F , Freeman , who
killed his child at Pocossot In April ,
1879 , while under religious fanaticism ,
or the release of Freeman on ball on
the ground that he waa now a sane
man. Chief Justice Morton said the
oil court did not feel the time had
arrived when , after exposure to the
omptatlons of the world , Freeman
m'glit ' not have a recurrence of rollgl-
UUH excitement and refused to admit
him to ball. He stated if the attor
ney ( 'c-nenl , after further examination
of thu CMP , should bee fit to nolle
proscqnl the indictment , the court
would acqulesoa. Hovovor , Utnoc so
was prosted for trial a special session
would be convened at Birnstablo.
The Strlkei in Chicago.
Special Dlipatch to Tni lln.
CUICAOO , May C. A number of
conferences between striking brick
layers and employers have taken place
the pist tire days , and aa a consequence
quence , It is confidently announced
ttiat the men will return to work to <
morrow. Concessions have been
made on both sides , but the men will
probab'y receive all they demanded In
point cf wages , namely $4 a day. It
is estimated , while building hat been
seriously retarded , the strike will
have no bearing in the sense of limit'
ing the number ,
Grant and Mexico.
Special Dl p tch to Tin ilia.
NEW YORK , M y C. Orant , Oonk-
li % , Senator J. M Oimden , anc
others were cufstB of the Satnrdaj
night club at Hotel Brunswick last
evening la responding to a toast ol
welcome Goner * ! Gwnt referred tc
Mexico in glowing torma. Ha con <
sldoredthoalimrcj anolltlcal andsooia
benefit to both republic * .
Corn for Liverpool.
SpedAl Dispatch to Tui lip.
ST. Louis , May 4. A contract woi
made to-day by the Erie and Nortl
Shore Dispatch line to ship 100,00 (
bushels of corn to Liverpool by Bos
ton at 30 cents. As thU Is five or si :
cents below the regular rate the difference
once Is explained by the statemen
that the steamer at Boston will Uk
U as ballast.
porting *
Special Dlspitch la Tui Dii.
BOSTON , May 5. The score In th
Casino race stood , hone * 807 mlloi
bicycles 779.
An Enthusiastic Ratification of
the Philadelphia Convention
in Chicago ,
Alexander Sullivan Elaborates
the Programme for Na
tional Life and Liberty.
Bpeeohce liy Mayor Hnrrla-on , Jndn >
Moran and CoDBr t manDavl .l
Special Dlspttch to Tni Un.
CHICAGO , May 0 Thn meeting to
ratify the notion uf the Pallndolphln
Irish convention last night wan largely
attended. The Anclont Order of 111-
bjn.latin appeared in full regalia , nnd
two companies of Irish soldiery vrer
prcsunt lu uniform aud bearing arms
Oti thn platform were members o ! thu
stnto jndioUry , the mayor of the city
and ether dijiinguithui gentlemen , In
addition to the now president of the
league. The audience- was not lacking
In enthusiasm , and some sentiments
expressed were wildly applauded.
Judge Thomas A. Moran of the clr :
cult court bench , prodded , andlu [ ac
cepting the chair pointed to the fact
of the inability of Ireland to acquire
relief through the agency of the Eng
lish parliament and spoke of the un
fair representation granted the Irish
people In that body. Ho assorted the
only hope for Ireland lay In a senti
ment which wonld eventually actuate
the entire American nation and which
wonld compel England to glvo Ireland
favorable legislation.
said Irish freedom would have to bowen
won this side of the Atlantic , inot by
throwing bombs but by the force of
American opinion favorable to Irish
Congressman George R. DA vis said
the honest sentiment of America was
Irroslitably with Ireland in her struggle
for liberty , but warned his hearers
that any attempt to organise ra re
bellion this side of the ocean , to be
carried on by Indirect methods , would
alienate the sympathies of tbli pee
resident of the. Irish national league
f America , was greeted by a storm of
, pplftuse , and began his address by re-
erring to matters In his personal
jareer , which have been commented
pen since being raised to the head of
; he new national organization of
Tlshment. "I have known what It Is
have enemies , " said the speaker ;
It Is just , however , that I should nay
hat mauy who became so on the mis-
akon Impression of circumstances ,
.ave Blnco became , on hearing the
friends. " Pro-
ruth , my warmest -
oodlng to other subjects he said : "Tho
rest convention which assembled
, t Philadelphia was the largest ropro-
ontatlvo body which ever came to-
; other In America to deliberate on
.ho . condition of Ireland and to take
neb action as would , in Us judgment ,
> est promote h'or'Vulfare. It waa &a-
icntlally an American body. Amerl-
an In simplicity and straightforward-
ess of Its proceedings ; American In
; s quiet and sturdy behavior ; Amor-
can In the wldo view It took of pollt-
oal Ideas ; American In that it owed
, nd proudly boasted Its first allegiance
o the constitution and laws of this
epubllo , and American In Its desiree
o extend the principles of that con-
tltutlon and the blessings of these
natltntlons to its enslaved mother-
nd. He contended thai the Phlla-
olphla platform had secured an on-
hujiastlo approval f com the entire
merlcan press without nota-
ixception , and that It has
ron for Ireland to a de-
Tee hitherto nnaitsined the sympathy
f mankind. "Yot , " said the speaker ,
'for ' such IB the coudlton of Ireland
o-day , If such a platform were put
orth by a similarly constituted body
a Dublin the entire assemblage would
ave been marched under military
scort from the convention hall to the
moat llluftrouB abodes the English
ovsrnmont hai , the jillc. " The plat-
orm declares in a word that bunco-
orth the Irish race in exile Is a unit
n Its determination to aid our coan-
rymon In their struggle for self-gov-
irnmeut by whatever methods they
best for the achievement of
hat end " Continuing ho declared U
the pntpoao In carrying out the
wishes of the convention , to make the
masses cf the American people in-
ormed of the truth about Ireland.
When they understood the reasonable'
nets of her claim they would be united
n its support , and their will properly
expressed , the British government
could not withstand , Ho contended
that the method England had most
successfully practiced against Ireland
was by misrepresentation In assarting
that the land waa over-populated and
emigration a necessity , yet the pupa
"atlon Is only 1G2 to the square mile ,
while Germany has 213 and England
and Wales 445 ,
"It Is said , " continued the speaker
"Ireland , being an agricultural coun
try , canr' t support hereo f It Is true
comparatively speaking , she has n <
manufactures , but who destroyuc
them ? The English government , tha
Ireland might be an exclusive nmke
for the English manufacturers , It hai
baon said Ireland Is without capital
and that a country without capital can
not mulntatn self government , but wi
shall tell the American people how thi
capital Is drained from her tut mini
neil , and they will see for thcinselvo
that It U only by self-goverumont tha
she can keep her capital at homo am
Invest In Industries which will oreat
domn Ho exchanges.
TTcoaclnsion he said : "When sh
hag self-command she will use her owi
capital to create manufactures ; ah
will then export only her surpln
foods , aud what manufactured article
her people neei they will Import froi
America or some ether friendly pooph
Wo are told her people are Ignoranl
Bat who destroyed her school * ? ° Wh
made learning ft crime ? .Who by fort
reduced aa satin poopl * to illUtnc
In the name of religion and law , that
they might bo more easily kept In sub
jection ? It Is said our representatives
have never proposed a defi
nite plan of self-government.
Much , Indeed , their candor would
have availed In n foreign legislature
from which they have repeatedly boon
expelled whenever they attempted to
compel Its attention to the wants of
their country. But wo shall print a
roeord of bills eminently just , wlso
and notoronsly necessary , which the
Irish members offered In that body
only to see them contemptuously
thrown out , generally without the
poor compliment of a second reading ,
Americans who road the record will
have a new appreciation of the neces
sity of giving Ireland a legislature of
her own.
It is said Ireland Is lawless. Wo
shall nso the statistics of the English
bureau to ehoirsho Is far less so than
England , In a word wo have fastened
tliu attention of Intelligent America
mi Eugllth ml i"vernmiHit ; of Ireland ,
nnd wn ltiton.1 tn keep It there. I
mr.y bo n&kcd what precedent does
history contain for justifying the hope
tlnit thn moral power of mankind will
sld fctrngqllng nationalities. I will
o no further back than to mention
Greece , Hungary , Montenegro , Bat
mark , fellow countryman , no country
has ever boon hoi pad thus that did
not first help itself ,
"Go on , then , actively with your or
ganization. Bring all your societies
promptly npon the platform and under
banner of the Irish national league ,
continue , as of old , your noble work
of benevolence , temperance < tnd chari
ty. But when we work for Ireland
wo work on ono platform , under one
banner , by ono method and with ono
aim national self-government. " Ho
declared that the Inaugural ( statement ,
with much Interesting additional matter -
tor , wonld bo placed In their hands at
an early day.
At the conclusion of Sullivan's ad
dress he was heartily applauded. The
procoodlngs closed at midnight , the
audience rising and joining In the
chorus of "God Save Ireland. " Three
cheers were given for the national
NKW YOEK , May 6. The newly
elected council of the Irish National
League of America made arrange
ments with Thos. Brennan , late sec
retary of the Irish National Land
League of Ireland , and honorary sec
retary of the National League which
sncceded it , to organize branches of
the new League in the United States.
For this purpose he will deliver a se
ries of lectures In the principal cities
and towns of the United S.ates , be
ginning in this city , May 21st ,
CHICAGO , Hay G. At a mooting of
the Kixth ward land league to-day ,
Hon. John Flnnorty , its delegate to
the late Philadelphia convention , made
a report. In the conrce of hla ra-
marks he eald ho wont to the conven
tion to do hla duty regardless of the
political unpopularity which It might
entail. The result was ho had been
mlsrepropreseuted by the eastern
press , which classed him with the
dyrmmlto faction. He favored sup
porting Parnell , and wonld not antag-
onlza the new league. Irishmen mnat
rather suffer injustice thau have the
English government bjllevo they were
not In harmony. People who com
plained of the want of free speech In
Ireland should consider there waa no
free speech in Philadelphia ,
NEW YORK , May C , O'Donovau
Bosia to-day eatablished another
branch of the Irish revolutionary
brotherhood In this olty , About 100
members < were Initiated. Oapt. John
Kerirlne waa elected president , and
Dr. M. A. Farril , secretary. Dyna
mite was declared to bo the weapon of
war. It was decided to hold a mass
meeting In two weeks to express their
views on the Pnlladelphla convention.
A majority are said to oppose thn
course of the convention. The central
labor union to-day denounced the
opening of Brooklyn brldgo on Queen
Victoria's birthday. A mana meeting
to protest will be held in Cooper In
Sr. Louis , May G. Throe or font
laud leagues of this city hold meeting !
to-day , endorsed the action of the
Philadelphia convention and reorgan
ized themselves nnder the platform
adopted by that convention.
PHILADELPHIA , May 6. The Par *
nell branch of the Irish national
league adopt a resolution recommend'
ing to tbo execntlvo committee of the
national league the appointment of t
commission of Americans to go to Ire <
land to aacertan the true condition ol
the conntry. The committee to visit
the proprietors of the newspapers anc
request them to Bend representatlvoi
to Ireland to ascertain the condition ol
the conntry , reported thst they had
been unsuccessful.
LONDON , May 6. The Standard'i
Home dispatch says Cardinal Jacobinl
papal secretary of state , sent a cable
dispatch to Cardinal McOloakoy , ol
New York , asklug if it Is true ho re
coivcd Alexander Sullivan , president
of the Irish national land league ol
America , and demanding an eiplana
tiou If Buch is thu fact.
Tkren Olrla mruolr by
Special Dispatch to Till Lux.
WINONA , Minn. , May G. Darin ]
a light thunder shower this af tornooi
the three littln daughter ! ) of Jaoo'
Moronrz , playing In the street nude
an umbrella , were struck by lightning
The two older girls , nine and clevo :
years , wore InstanUy killed , the third
six years , somewhat paralyzed on th
right side but will likely reoovei
The umbrella burned up and th
clothing of the girls also fired an
considerably burned before the hoi
rifled relatives could reach the seem
A Foln Fair.
SptcUl Dtipatch to Tni Bu.
LOWELL , May 5. Governor Bntli
resided at the lecture on "Ear !
? rUh Battlers of America , " by Job
Kelly , of Naw York.
A Sabbath Calm Pervades tlio
Disturbing Elements of
The Departure of Suspeota from
Dublin Quito Frenohy
and Frequent.
A Conflict Reported in Africa
Between Stanley and
DaBrazza ,
A Mooting of King ! Postponed- *
General Foreign News-
Special DUpatchcs to Till Un.
DUBLIN , May --Slnco the begin-
nlng of the aooond private inquiry la
connection with the murder con
spiracy , 200 persons left the city.
Timothy Kelly , charged with par
ticipation in the Phcualx Park mur-
dcra , will have a third trial Monday ,
Jndpo lllchard D'Easy , of the court
of appeals , of Ireland , Is dead ;
ago 71.
To-day the anniversary of the
Piicenlx Park niurdota , mnuy persons
visited the econo of the oriino ,
A man nainod Klnzoll han confessed
to the pollco that ho was concerned in
the murder of Lord Leltram. Kinzoll
la believed to bo insane.
O' , who was committed to
j ll for refusing to glvo evidence at the inquiry In Cork , was again
called upon to testify. He still do-
dined , and was again remanded.
DUBLIN , May 6. Fitz Harris will
bo tried by a special jury as an acces
sory to the murder of Burke and for
the murder of Cavendish. An entire
ly now jury panel will be summoned.
8p d l DUpalch to Tni Bit.
LONDON. May 6. Louis Vlardot ,
the French author , Is dead.
Lord Brownlow Is chairman of the
committee of arrangements for the
International rifle match. There will
be competition shortly before the
Wimbledon meeting , when twenty-
fire men will be selected , and from
those twenty-five at the end of the
first week at Wimbledon the team
and reserves will bo chosen.
PORTSMOUTH , May 5. Ah explos
ion occurred In a powder magazine on
Prlddy's Head , caused by an acci
dental Ignition of some powder during
the firing of a quantity of shells. Only
two persons were killed outright.
Five , however , were so badly Injured
that they are In a dying condition.
LATCH , Four of the persons In
jured at the powder explosion dledthls
morning , making the total number
LATER. The explosion occurred In
the government powder magazine ,
which was situated on Prlddy's Head ,
In Portsmouth harbor. The building
was completely < 3emollab < kl. It la re
ported that nine persons were killed
and a number Injured.
LONDON , May C. A dispatch has
been received from Tabreez , Persia ,
reporting that the city has been visited
by an earthquake , which destroyed a
great many houses and caused the
death of a large number of persons ,
SpocUl Dlipatch to Tin Bn.
BERLIN , May 7. The greater part
of Konegonhoff , Bohemia , was de
stroyed by fire.
The Nerd Deutsche Zaltung strongly
advocates German participation In the
Calcutta exhibition as a favorable op
portunity to secure a footing In the In
dian market.
A marriage Is arranged between the
hereditary Prince Anhalt and the
second daughter of the crown prince.
The committee of the relchstag , to
which was referred the workmen's ac
cident Insurance bill , unanimously rejected >
jectod the clauses relative to organiz
ing a system and allotment of twenty-
five per cent , of the compensation
provided for In the blil from the Im
perial funds ,
SpecUl Dispatches to Till Un.
VIENNA , May 5 The mooting ol
King Humbert , of Italy , and Em per
or Francis Joseph , of Austria , whlob
was to have taken place at Berlin ,
this spring , has been postponed nntli
the 9th of next November.
AMSTERDAM , May 5 The polar ex
plorlng ship , Willem Barents , sailed
for the arctic regions In search of thi
Dutch arctic expedition In Varna.
LISBON , May G Loand's advicei
state the French gunboat Ssgatalri
visited the station of the Internationa
association and hauled down the aato
ciatlon's banner and hoisted theFrenol
flag. A conflict la Imminent bokwooi
DjBrazzi and Henry M. Stanley.
HAVANA , May G An entire famll ;
of white persons ( a boy and girl oul ;
escaping ) wore murdered near the vll
lago Palhclcoa.
Alonzo Rlvoro , a wealthy tobacc
grower , was shot dead while drlvln
homo with his family near Pina
Dal Rio.
VIENNA , May 5. Little progrce
seems to have been made towards ad
justing grievances which cause
lukors assistants here to go on
strike. Last night one thousand " <
the strikers engaged in a riot In th
assembly rooms. Furnltnro was di
stroyed and windows broken , Tti
rioters then throw up a barricade 1
the street to enable them to resist tr
police , who had been summoned t
quell the disturbance , and who had
difficult time In subduing the Infu
lated mob. Simultaneously with th
outbreak a demonstration was made !
another part of the city by 400 mo
strikers who Attacked a building occ
pled by the bakers' association , bre
Ing doom and windows. Both parti
of tloten were finally dispersed.
y LIMA , May 5. The Dlano offlcli
H I rtport | that OoL Canto bai had t
| DgtgtawnU with OacarTa forces
Baloonlollo and Pampas do Bccoya. In
both oases ho routed the enemy , cap *
tnrlng a cannon and forty rltloa. The
Chilians had four killed and twelve
wounded , and the Montoreros fiflyJJ
nine killed. Cacorl Is at Tarta. 11 la
troops are demoralized.
ST. PKTKR.HDURO. May 5 , It Is bo
llovod that the authorities at Moscow
have boon Invested with the power to
arrest a number of person * who have
boon acting suspiciously In that city
and to detain them until the corona
tion of the czar has takenplnoo. Much
Ill-fooling exists In some regiments of
the army , owing to the fact that re
wards are being offered to men to In
duce them to denounce any of their
comrades who are known to bo nihi
The Lever that Movei "The World. "
Bpoclkl Dispatch to Till ll
ST Louis , May G. It is slated here
that dispatches have bocn received
from Now York convoying the in
formation that Joseph Pulitzer , pro
prietor of The Peal Ulipatoh , this
city , has practically acquired posses
sion of The Now York World. Nego-
tiatlona are not entirely closed yet ,
but it la expected the transfer of the
properly will bo mndn tn a day or tire ,
when , It Is alleged , Mr. Pulltzar will
transport part of his editorial and
batlnoss force hero to Now York and
make seine radical changes in the
charator and conduct cf The World ,
( po hi Dlsp tchos to Tui Hit.
Nnw YORK , May G. Williams and
Guyon steamship Alaska arrived to
day , making the trip from Queens-
town in six days , twouty-throu hours
and forty-eight minutes , knocking
out her former quickest time on rec
ord , seven days , one hour and tifty
minutes ,
FATIIEU POINT , May G. Arrived ,
Lake Huron , from Liverpool ,
QUEENBTOWN , May G Arrived ,
City of Berlin , from New York.
NEW Yens , May 6. Arrived ,
Hermann and Nnrenborg , from Brem
en , and England from Liverpool.
PHILADELPHIA , May G. Arrived ,
Pennsylvania and Circassian , from
Liverpool ,
The Indian War-
Bp cUl Dltpttcles to Tni Ili > .
SANTA Fx , M y 5. Advicoi front
San Carlos state that two Ohlrachauaa
Apaches arrived there Friday and re
port that little Charley McOomas , son
of Judge McOomas , who was killed
by the Indians a short time ago , Is
still alive and In the care of Chief
Bovlotu ; that he will bo brought In
allvo if the Indian camp is not sur
prised and that the Indians expect tense
nso him in negotiation for peace. They
further state that the Locos band Is
broken up and wish to surrender ;
but that Jud , the most desperate of
the chiefs , Is In Mexico und will re
sist to the last.
DALLAS , May 5. Information baa
boon received hero that a band of
marauding OnmanchoE raided the
Consolidated CUttlo company's ranch ,
In Gartea county , run' off a numbjr of
horses , killed several cattle and that a
party of well-armed cowboys were la
Bloody Deedi In Chicago-
SpecUl DUpatch to Tni Un.
CHICAGO , May G John and Martin
Heney , brothers , conduct a shooting
gallery hero. This afternoon Martin
stepped from bohlnd a screen just as
John fired , at long range , and re
ceived the bullet in his heart , dying
Edward Donnelly , driver of a
laundry wagon , was found in s barn
tblsmornlnguno3nclous. His face and
head was beaten to an unrecognizable
macs with a heavy iron hinge and his
pockets rifled. There wore evidences
everywhere of a protracted and des
perate struggle. Donneloy cannot live.
No clceto the murderer ,
Moit at n Plonlo-
SptcUl Dlipatch to Tui DM.
ST. Louis , May G Herr most at
tended a picnic at Union park to-night
and spoke on the subject of commun
ism , giving a detailed description of
Its objects nnd workings in Germany
and other European countries.
A Tribute to Cooper-
Special Dlipatch to Tim Dm.
NEW YOBK , May G. At the fiftieth
anniversary of the society Si. Vincent
do Paul , Archbishop Onrrlgan presid
ing , Judge Richard O'Gorman , In an
address , said an olrqnont tribute to
the memory of Paler Giopor.
Has "decided" claims upon tlio public.1 * This
Is positively proven \ > y the Immense good It
lias Jone to tliosolio have been cured ol
dlsc.i ea from which they hate suffered In
tensely ( or years , as > eilfled by tlio publish
ed testimonials , e\ cry one ol which Is a pos-
UUcJact. ,
CHELSEA , VT. , Feb. 84,1879. ' ,
. C. 1.11 eel ) * c Co. , Lowell , Mass. :
Tlio cth day of List Juno 1 was taken stele
\\ltlins\\eIllniroM my rlpbt footanil wlthnn
nululpaln. Iho suullliiKcnt nil tner me.
Jly face was swelled so tliat I could \\ltlidl-
lU'iiliy see out of my cjcs , and 1 biokc out
OUT ( lie \\liole surface of my body i my ilclit ,
foot up to my kweas one raw , ftcliiiif !
mass , and my ankle and foot so lame and
sure 1 could not step on It , nncl It would mil
soasto\\ct abandagii tliionnh lu an hour.
In this condition Mr. AV. r. Hood ( of tlie firm
of A. It. Hood & Son , ( Imposts , < > [ this town ) ,
handed me a bottle of HOOD'S SAnsArAHiL-
I.A , awl told me to UiKe It. I did so , and by
the time I had taken ouc bottle 1 found that
\\asdoIncmoEood. . 1 iiau > since taken
IIM-bottles more. Alter 1 hau taken Unco
littles my soreness beiran tolea\o me , and
lha\e been growlne better e\ery day , so
e hat to-day I can walk without going lame.
n 1 have no soreness in my ankle and It lias
lealcd all tip , and does not run at all. I o\\o
.e ny recovery to your Sarsajiaijlla. Iwilto
.eo .ea : lils to let you know that 1 think It iloscncs
the confidence of the public , especially these
a \\lio are troubled with humors.
r Yours most truly.
T. 8. Every person that saw me said that
In I never would pet over my lameness w Ithout
re having a running sore on my ankle ; but
UianlcGod llia\e. J.I ,
kes ak No other Sarsaparliiabas such a sharpening
es effect upon the appetite. No other prepa
ration tones and strengthens the dlgestlTt
At organs like noon's SAIU.IFAIUI.LA.
Ate Trice one dollar , or six bottles for fir * dol-
lart. Prepared only by C. 1.1100U di 00 *
at Apothecaries , Ixmtll , Haas.