THEDAI1A BEE-OiYlAllA SATURDAY MAYS Omaha Bee. Pabllihccl erorv morning , axcetit 8nn jr , The pnljr Alomlay morning ually , " tKHMS HYlMAIIi Una Year. . . . $10.00 I Three Monthi.f3.00 Bli Month. . . 6.00 I One Month. . . . 1.00 I'lIB WKKXLY UKK , publlihed every TKUMS VO3T PAID One Year . 83.00 I Three Months. N ) VIzMonthi. . . . 1.00 | One Month. . . . ! M AMERICAN NKWB OOMPANT , Bole AgenU Nowsdoiltri In the United SUtoi. ) COIlllESFONDKNOB- Oommnnl. tfona relitluc to News and Editorial mutters Atiould bo addressed to the KDITOU or TIIR NEC. BUSINKS8 LETTKKS All Dmlnea Iiotters * nd IlirniltUkucefl should bo ftd drcsecd to THE UEE I'DBUBiilNO COMPANY OMAHA , Drafts , Checks and I'oitollioo Urcler * to bo tu xle payable to the order of the Company. Ihe BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Props , E. RO3EWATER Editor. IT la utatod that the qaeon of Qroooo will attend the czir'a corona tion incognita Incognita is no pro tection against dynamite. INDIAN agency contracts for 140,000 pounds of ooap wore awarded last week. What the soap fa to bo used for no one bnt 'ho Indian "agents can discover. ONE of the Saints In Zlon has brought salt against her husband for polygamy under the Edmunds law , and the Utah commission Is perfectly happy. A salt which costs the gov ernment $30,000 a year In salaries Is an expensive luxury. COLORADO Is all torn up over Hill and Teller , but according to the moat trustworthy advices the majority cf republicans tide against the cabinet oflioor. This gees to show that great men nro not always appreciated at homo. REV. J. A. RKUDIOK not our John I an eminent Mathodlai-Epldoopal preacher who halls from Old Virglnny , proposes to bring the Baltimore & Ohio road to time for an infringe ment on his civil rights. The reverend Rsddlck was refused board and lodg. ing at the Viaduct hotel at Relay , owned by the B. & 0. KANSAS CITY shows a remarkable gain in bank clearing during the year , and the publication of this fact la helping that cltyj greatly Why has Omaha no record of bank clearings , Now that congress hss saved the Omaha banks nearly $40,000 a year In taxes , they can certainly afford to hire a clerk to make up a weekly statement of their clearings. Oar banks out to show a little public spirit. THE condition of the gutters In some of our principal streets is dls graceful. There Is a city ordinance which applies to the throwing of refuse in the streets , and It ought to bo enforced at once. If the broom of the new marshal will sweep clean our alloys and gutters there will be an immediate endorsement of the mayor's appointment. Aftar that is done there are several other matters which may profitably attract his at tention. MR. SIIEHIDAN invites the British government to step on the tall of his coat. Air , Sheridan's opinion that murder Is no crlmo in England will not bo cordially received in America , Shooting landlords from behind f hedge Is extraditable , while a plot against Qaeon Victoria probably la not. The murder of private Individ nals unconnected with a government cannot bo raised to the category o political 'iffanses , and It la highly probable that the state departmen will so hold. SOME men are born great and others achieve greatness. The author o "Tho History of the People of the United States , " John B. McMaster , I one of the latter class. A year ago hi was an unknown and unappreciated sub tutor of civil engineering a' ' Princeton. To-day he is famons as being the writer of what Mr. Blalu pronounces to bo the Gnest history o the United States yet published. Th first volume has already run throng ! two editions and the author has become come the recipient of the most mark ed literary attentions which hav greeted any writer during the last de cado. SECRETARY TELLER thinks the su prcme court is five to four against th validity of the Thurmau bill and feari on this aconnt to push the sul against the P.iclfio roads. A poor excuse cuso Is batter than none. Mr. Teller dnty Is plain , whatever may be th composition of the court. If the eu premo court , as ii charged , has boo packed in the interests of the monopo lies , the sooner the public discover , that fact the better. Public sent men is powerful oven at Washington as GuCold found when Stanley Ma * thews nama came np for confirmatlo in the senate. A discussion of th court in the case of the debt due the government from the Union Pacific will definitely settle the compocitlon of the supreme bench. The people are anxious to know who are for them and who are against them. When they have found out they know how to apply the remedy , TIIK city council cannot afford top delay moving In the matter of creating an inspector for our sewers and water mains. Such an appointment Is rendered - dored Imperative by the oxtonslvt > paving which Omaha will do during the present summer. Every connec tion with a water or gas main which requires the disturbance of our pave ments ought to bo done under the supervision of a thoroughly competent man responsible to the board of'public works and the city engineer , No tap ping of our sewer nystom should bo permitted bnt by his authority and under his Inspection , Ii is useless to pave our streets unless they are thor oughly repaired after each cnUlng of the pavements. Whenever a main of any kind is tapped work is likely to bo carelessly done and the trench carelessly filled up unless under the pyo of n city oQiolal authorizid to wntch the work. Every other city of maha's slz3 has such an cilklal and annot afford to dispense with his orvicos. So far as the sewers are concerned o ha7o had sufficient experience Iready to prompt na to speedy action , 'our ' stoppages of the mains have Iready taken plaoo owing to carolers- ess on the part of workmen in making onto connections. Just as long as here is no inspection cf such tapping rick bats and paving atones will can- one to clog the sewer and oom- ilatnts will [ bo hoard of the In- fliclonoy of the Waring system , Common sense , experience and a ogard for economy all combine In rglng uoon the city council at once o secure a compatent man as cl'y in- poctor of sewers and pnvuiujLits. nch an employee should bo under ho direction of the board of public orks and the city onglnoer. His , lary conld largely be derived from ho foes charged parties who tap the ter , gas and sewer mains. This is ho plan adopted in other cities where nspectors of this class are paid by the our. PEOPLE in thoaa parts who know Mr. James Easier , who happens , as t wore , to ba attached to Star Ronto Dorsoy by business relations in Now Meiloo , will ba amused at Mr. Bos- er's explanation of Djrssy'a instinct n locating ranches. Dorsey , ho sayr , hrough his intlmato acquaintance 1th the records of the land department mont at Washington , was able to spot , nd locate all the land , in ho section of Now Mexico which o had fastened upon , where water was to be found. This and ho purchased , and ho fenced in Jl the water spots , so that the cattle f other ranchmen In the neighbor hood had to ba sold to him or perish or want of want , In this way Dor oy made a fat thing out of the necos < itlos of his neighbors , and , as Bos- or says , made money by the hatful very day. The keenness of Dorsey's nstinot for water spots Is quite as ibarp as his scent for star route con .raots . capable of expedition , to gel ontrol of which ho went to work In Washington the day that his otilco ex- ired as a senator of the United States. OTHER LAND THAN OURS. A large portion of continental news during the past week has been devo ted to the situation In Germany , where Prince Bismarck is again on- ; aged in a desperate struggle for per ional supremacy In the Gar man rolch- stag or imperial parliament. Dls cnsslon of the emperor's message has baen continued through motions , ant resolutions Introduced by the sovora' ' factions In the legislature , each c which has only served to show the mposslblllty of any junction o ! the discordant parties with t view to carrying out a definite im porlal policy. The wily chanoello : thoroughly understands the situation As a government majority In the present ont rolchstag Is an Insoluble problem ho Is bnslly engaged in preventing an ; union of the opposition , while at the same time he Ii preparing for a speed ; dissolution of the relohstag , Throng ] well laid plans to entrap his polltlca enamlea into obstructing highly popu lar measures ho IB aiming to aecur more satisfactory results from th next general election and the return of a good majority pledget to carry ont his pot measures , Bis marck Is now repeating in the Ger man parliament the trick which h pet formed successfully In the Prussian landstag by Insisting on relieving th poorer classes cf the people from th harsh operation cf the income tax Inasmuch as ho proposed to mak good the fiscal deficiency thus createc by increased customs duties , the pro greeslsts , who uphold the principle o tree trade , found themselves con etralnod to aesumo a cold , if not pojl lively hostile , attitude toward a bill in which Piusalan worklngmon wor deeply interested. The demand tha the rciobstag shall giro up their prlvll ego of voting an annual budget in order dor that moro time may ba granted fo the discussion of social problems is to shallow to Impose on the more intell ! gout members of the legislature It will , however , make excellent am munition for the next campaign Incase the demand is refused th court will make the plausible appea to the voters , that the emperor dls solved parliament because It porslsto in wasting time over an annual con slderatlon of the budget , to th neglect of the worklngmen'a Interests while , if they would vote the budge for two years , there would be time t jzlva to the worklngmen's complaints I Meanwhile the workingmen do not cum to understand their interest , for i 'ley blindly follow the dootrlncsof the ! i boral party , That pnrty ii resolutely ( pposod to the only Authority it has ilt In the govornmout of tha country. . has the control of the pnrso strings uoa a year , and it Is bent on rotalu- ig this Hlnglo vestige cf legislative imer loft it. Meanwhile , it is nocos- nry to coerce the voter as well as ca- ilo him. Franco threatens the BO- urlty of the Fathotlaud , so au army nast bo thrown upon the frontiers of be republic , as It was in 1375 , when 10 count had a similar purpose to ervo , When thus appealed to the larmnn heart cannot resist , and under 10 pressure oi theto tv o adroitly [ mod Incidents It is possible that Bis marck will succeed , na ho has so ftou succeeded before , in filling 10 chamber with a snbsorvlant ina- oilty. The defeat of the nflirmatton bill , hioh WAS especially directed against barlcs Brndhugh's casa was nccam- llshod on Thursday in the commons y the close vote cf 292 to 289. Fifty rish members voted against the measure to punish the liberal party. "Jn Friday Mr , Bradlaugh attempted o take the oath and WAS again re used after bclug hoard in his behalf t the bar of the house. Mr. Brad- angh's principle of the right to cfiirm ound a warm champion in Mr. Glad- tone whoso ppeeoti in parliament , tiough ineffectual in securing the end uught for is ranked as ono of the roatcst of his rhetorical efforts. It rmly pledged the ministry to the pas- age of the affirmation bill on the road ground that the sacrifice of the rlnolple of civil equality , regardless f religions conviction would be re judicial to religion Itself not ess than to political liberty , Ipposed to the measure was the oil- Ire tory party , backed by the Roman ) thollo bishops and the united front f both churchmen and non-couform- sin. The ministry itself and the beral parky have been eorlously pr < jj dlcad before the country by their dontlficatlon with Mr. Bradlaugh and its cause , and the paasago of the measure would have been the crown- ng triumph for the great personal lopnlarlty of the premier. There has loon a lull during the week in the xcitemont arising from the dynamite Iscloaures. The efficiency of the Sagllsh police is thoroughly proved jy the ease with which every new plot a discovered and the complete control which Scotland Guard seems to have Dver every avenue of information eading from the conspirators. There s no moro talk of Irish remedial leg- station , no moro discussion of the advisability of a limited homo rule , and au entire absence of any tendency awards Irish conciliation. The dy- lamlto fiends have failed to destroy Westminster palace , but they have intlrely succeeded In destroying the rlendshlp of the British r.vdlc ls. Sven John Morley is silent In the aoo of recent events. Parliament Is low engaged in discussing the now > ankruptoy law , and the law which gives a right of appeal to the courts at Westminster in cases of capita" conviction , both of which meas urea will doubtless pass before the close of the session. The court at Dublin is still engagec n gilading ont convictions and having disposed of all of the Pccalx park as sasslns with the exception of Kelly , who will undoubtedly bo convicted or ils third trial , is now busying Itsal : with a score or moro of criminals In dieted for conspiracy to murder. The sensation of the week was the confes sions and sentencing of Patrick Da lanoy t na Thomas Caffroy , two of the men charged with complicity in the tragedy of Phcealx park. Both men standing in the shadow of the gallows solemnly corroborated the testimony cf the informers and plead guilty. I Is a matter of congratulation tha there Is now no doubt that no Innocen man will suffer for the butchery ory of Lord Cavendish and Mr Burke and that the British government has succeeded in convict ing the cowardly assassins who plottet and carried ont the bloody crime Rumor comes from London that tht complicity of Tynan , Walsh and Sher idan in Irish murdcra has bean proves and that a prompt demand ha been made upon our governmen for their extradition. Eight mor arrests for capital crime have baen made in Ireland during the week three la the Fullamoro district. The much mooted triple allianc came up unexpectedly on Tuesday in the French senate , through a question by the Duo de Broglie , asking the po sltion of the government in the ma ! tor , The reply of the minister of for elgn affjlra was conservative am satli factory. It was in effect that h believed in the sincerity of the decla rations of the Italians foreign mttiite and the Hungarian premier that n idea of aggression against Franco wa entertained. He believed that th alliance would not In any way chang the relations of Franca with th powers. France matt bo prudent for a vanquished country which Is re gaining its strength , and which is condemned demnod to maintain a large defenslvi fores , must not bo surprised to fin itaelf exposed to jealouslesand distrust This statement baa been received fa vorably in tbo continental capital. Bit marok states decisively that the all ! ance of Germany , Austrl-Uungary an Italy , by which each guarantees Integ rlty of territory to the others , Is mean as a first step towards a general dig aunament. The firat effect of the nil : anco U to liolato Franco on ono sld and Russia on the other , but it IB dlffi cult to ooo how dliartnatnetit can b effected In the centre without aom understanding with thcso powers , i ) rot likely that either la ready t come to an understanding , No mln istry conld llvo in Franco after re nonnclng the hope of rosto'lng Alsac and Lorraine to that country. Eve the czir could not hold his thron after avowing that ha loaves the south ern slava to be ground between th Ilapsbargs and the porte. A redna tlon of the armies of the throe allies to the number at which the Germa army now stands , Is the utmost tha can result from the alliance. It I quite possible that Prince Bismarck ! not unprepared for that amount of dls armament , Ilo and his master hav been studying the condition cf th working classes In Germany , The hardly can have missed seeing that th maintenance of great armies is a rad cal evil of the situation , No oonntr which keeps a largo fraction of it uoplo under arms , cun compel o Indus- rlally with countries llko Eogland and America , which are under no such Isadvantage , In both Norway and Denmark , the olllslou between iho sovereign and 10 representatives of the people haa cqutrod the character of n deadlock ho popular branch of the Danish arllnmout Is Intensely radical , while ho king , the ministry , and the upper onso are conservative. As a con- cquoncc , few laws can bo passed , nd each branch of the legislature Astoas to assure the country , through n address to the king , that the blame s not with it. Ills innjoaty does not Isgnlso his own eympathles in his re lies. Nothing but the recognition of ulnisterial responsibility to the lower ranch will make such a conatltutlon a that of Denmark work. lu Norway , the Thimj has vited to npoAch the royal council for giving 10 king the advice which brings him nto collision with the popular will , 'ho old question of amending the law n as to glvo the ministry sonts in the Yit'n ? , Is still pending , King Oscar onylng the right of the Thing to pass ucha measure without his consent , omo Norwegians look for a revolution osnltlng in a republic ; but the oon- noutal press does not share their antl- Ipatlon , The grievances of Norway re too slight and ideal to warrant au nsurroctlon. A religious riot took place at Port aid on Sunday between the Greeks nd Aiabi , in which several parsons wore killed and many wounded. The 3roek church was protected by the British soldiers and sailors with Gat- ug gnno , and the European residents were only saved from a general mas- acre by the presence of the English allors , _ _ South American news are meagre nd unsatisfactory. Porn and Chill re still under arms , and the Pernvlau ilanoral OaoereB is threatening Lima , u the south Motoro has an army of ,009 or 0,000 men , which the Chilians ave to watch constantly , but cannot irlng to a Gght.j In the north Igleaiaa a reported to have been badly whipped ' * yn rival chieftain. If this ii true b will probably end any plans the Chilians may have had to place Iglo- lab in power. Yellow fever has iroken ont at Oallao , and is extending long the coait. This la very leconraglng to the army of co npation , who oomo from a onlder atltndo , and , altogether , the Chilian mbirrassmentB are only loss than hose of the conquered country , 'hero are more than throe thousand Jhlllaua enjoying snug berths as civil clerks in Porn , and they are njiug every possible moans to prolong the occupation. However anxluus Chill may be to get out of Porn she seems n no fair way to accomplish it soon. 3he is also involved In a very aggra- 'atlrig oontroverty with tbo Argen- iuo Confederation. Some time ago t was reported that a collision had occurred between Oh Han and Argon- ine troops on the frontier. It now ; urns ont that the Chilians wore not only severely v orated in the enconn- or , but that their commander had pat his reckoning and unwittingly got across the i line on Argentine sol } , irom which he has been warned to ritlro at once. Insurrections in the Austrian prov inces are even of a more insignificant : aluro than the so called Indian wara In this country. According to the returnswhich are now complete , of the iosaes of the 70,000 Austrian troopa employed in the insurrection in Her zegovina and Krlvoacio during the five months ending May 31 , 1882 , there were 71 mon killed , 255 wounded and missing. Of tha wounded 102 either died or had to bo dismissed oa unfit for service and 102 moro mon died from sickness. Assuming that 75 of those who were wounded died , then the total mortality including the victims of disease was 248 , The Immigration into Russia mote than offsets the emigration from that ' country. Thus , wh'llo in the year 1831 no less than 743,000 Russian subjects left the country , 770.000 foreigners entered it. During the past year nearly 250,000 moro souls entered Russia than loft it , The largest contingent of emigrants ia German. The Germans found large Industrial establishments , and espe cially Russian Poland is lull of Ger man factories. Russians are begin ulng to complain of these numerous arrivals , and all sorts of proposals are said to have been started for chocking "tho appropriation of Russian soil for Gorman industry. " The construction of public works goes on apace in Italy. Statistics those delusive publications ahow a mania for railway building. There ire now in operation in the little kingdom 5,700 miles of track , of which COO miles have been laid within three or four years , There are , besides , in operation some 800 miles of tramways. Since 1878 there haa been built C70 miles of provincial roadf. Every able-bodied man in Norway ia to receive a musket and bo in structed at the expense of the state , This measure will render the large farms , with their great number of cor- vnnts and farm hands , little garrisons , and the warlike spirit of the farmers will receive a fresh stimulus , which is liknly to break ont in open disloyalty to King Oicar , A Digger Mnn Ttmn lilemarck. Button lighter. Gennrallstlmo Vjndervoort "com mands" the G A. R. boyn to attent civlno service in untfcrmon llomorb Day , to listen to the addresses which ho haa inntrnotcd all ministers and priests to deliver. Paul seems to think that ho ia a bigger man than old IHimarck , McOAETHY & BURKE , Undertakers , 218 14TH ST. , BET. FARNAM AND DODQLAa J. HARRIS , S , E , Oor , Farnam & Tenth Sts , , BUYS CAST-OFF CLOTHING. Highest Gash Price Paid Call or Send Poatal Card , tap 2T'3in RKeumatism.Nciiralcjia.Sciatica , ' .umbagi , Backache , HeadacheToothache , or * Throat , Hnrlllncn , Nprnlnt , Ilruliri , lliirni , HcHliI * . Kro.l Illlo , iHD ILL UTIIIIl IIUIIILt fil\S ADD ICIlm. ioU br Draiiliti > nd Drilrrt cttrt htr . fin ; Ctnti > UIIU. MltKtloDi In II l.tnitiM" . TIIK rilAltl.t : * A. VIIUKI.KII CO. JIM U1llw . IU. . K. . A. THE 'miration Of TIIK WORLD. Mrs.S.A.Allerfs . . . WORLD'S HairRsstorer IS PERFECTION ! PuliUo Bonofnotross. Mr * . & A l.aijutJyc.irncillhH liilc , niul Ihnuvintii arc tliii clay rejoicing c \cr a titic head of hair produced 1 y lier tmc < iu.icil ! preparation for restor ing , iiiMpiriti'ii ; , nnd beautifying the Hair. Her V. urJ'l ] Hair Kesturer qui Uy i IcansM the ECalp , removing Dandraf ) , and nrre-ftt the fall ; the hair , if pray , i t' ' an cd to iti natural color , giving It the tacic v.talily and luxurious qticr.ary aiin youth. COMPLIMENT ART. "My hair is new restored lo its youthful color ; I have not a gray hair left. I am sat isfied that the preparation is not a dye , but acts on tin * secretions. My hair ceases to fall , which is cer tainly ni ; advantage to me , who was in danger of be coming bald. " This is the testimony of all who use Mrs. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S HAIR RESTORER. "Cuo Bottle did it. " Thiti thc ev , > r SMO ; ( if _ many uro Jiaxc Ind I ILI fcTMy hair Restored t ils natural c ! > r , aid their bald spot covered \viih h lir , after HMnc one bottle of M - S \ AiLi'N's wo'it-D's HAIR Kt . . > > K. 11 u nut .1 d > c. ov sit m-Cm. ALL TIME , Six yearn n'.d ' , fired by Almont , he by Alexan- ler Abdallah. DimOn lime , by War Banco. Also the Stindird-brcd S slion ! ORIENTAL , Three years old , slr d by Almont LI htnlnfr , by Almont dam. KE8TUOKTCINTE4L four jeara old , 9:31 : , by Delfrlal , Ilelzc&al was by AlexaGder'd Abdallah. Will make the season at my p'ace on 20th St. , iwo b'ocka west of Green Street orj , at $35 ( X cacti Mares not prn > Ing In foil can bo return id ncxUeiBO" fr e o ? clurc , Thi inotcy mual 10 pild lurarlably In advance. Kor further par- , lcuUra see or addricu ED. HEED , m 3-fod m&e 1m' 'm ' ha , Neb. DAViS & SMYDER , 505 Fnrnaiu St. Omaha Nebraska OOO 0:0 : KOXC 3S9 Carefully selected land In Eastern Nebraska for > alo. Great Bargains In Improved ( arms , Omahl ultv property. J8XterLTHofflas&Brfl ] , WILL BUY AND SELL , T Z AMD All. TKANbACTlOflH OCXNRCTIBC Pay Taxun , Rout , Houses , Etc. nOOM 8 CREQIITON BLOCK H. PHILLIPS THE LEADING NEW YORK , Call And look over my new store and Be my new goods. 1807 Fornam Street. 12U7 rr thfiman ff rripnt nf MrKolln . Pr pjiai for Furjrate t f Pavlnj ; Donct CITY TRKASUUEH'S OFFICEi OkiAiu , Neb. , April 19,1E83. f Seihd proposals will be received at this ofllce unt 1 Mar 16,1883 at 12 , noon , f.r the pu chase of $ lCOOOOof P vlrK llonds of the City cf Oma. ha. Bald bonds will Leo-ir.o du i ndajable In 23 years from Miy 1 t , 1883 ; are In sums of 81,000 each and btar Inttr st from May lit , 133 , al the rate of dve percent pr annum paytbli semi- annua'lyat Iho oBcc cf Kojntze Krothen , In New Y rk , upon ptcsenlatlciitf coupon * a'tich- ed , The pricc'pil will alto bo p ) aile at the nine place Hald bonds are Issued dndcr tbo charter power laid citi , a ter election du y held iulhctlzlni ; their Issue "lor the purpose of pi > lng the cist of rarliu , re-paring or macadamlz ng the Inter section ] of streets a d ( iiicrs opposite tlley i In the city , " ard will be delltired to tuichaacra onraymeni therefor , at Iho CUv Triasurytn Oinaln one-ha'f on Juno Itt , 1883 , anJ ore-half - 'j September 1st , 1883 lids will bo addressed 10 the under''gmd nd marked " 1'iof deals ( or raving Honda , " > nd must ststetho nam and add csi of the b'dder , the amount of said bonds desired and the price to be paid In add tlon ti Itirot ncctuid. Ihe right Uroier\cd to r > J ct anvarcl all bids THUJ1AN Itl'l'K , m4-10t i'itj TrcMSuri ) . Oldest Real Estate.Agent NOTARY PUJ5LTO AND PRACTI CAL CONVEYANCER. Clarkosilliltcuwi and Lot , KeslJcnce Lots andllusluou Lots all over the city , and all aldl- tloru , bealJcs Improved and unimproved firms nwer than anr uiber cent. marle-tf J. E. BERGEN , AND FANCY GROCERIES , Co I S'xttenUi ' u > Cumin ; SU t * POWER AND HAND "WT * mJ > Steam Pumps , Engine Trimminga , mma. HAonurnr , Bngigo , rif I5ALLADAY WIND-MILLS CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS Oor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb. C. F. GOODMAN , DRUGGIST AND DEALER IN PAIBPrS5OILSVARNISHES And Window Glass. MAHA NEBRASKA. SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of Live Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OUR Ground Oil Gake. It is the best and cheapest food for stock of any kind. Ono pound Is equal to throe pounds of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Cake in the fall and winter - tor , instead of running down , will increase in weight and bo in good market able condition in the spring. Dairymen as well as others who use it can tes tify to its merits. Try it and judge for yourselves. Price $25.00 porton ; no charge for Backs. Addroao o4-ood-mo WOOODMAN LINSEED OIL CO. , Omaha , Nob. M. Hellman & Co. WHOLESALE 1301 and 1503 Farnam St. Cor. 13th OMAHA , NEB. Single Breech Loading Shot Bans , from S5 to $18 , Double Breech Loading Shot Gnus , from $18 to $75 , Muzzle Loading Shot Gnus , From $6 $ to $25 $ , * Fishing Tackol , Base Balls and all kinds of Fancy Goods , Full Stock of Show Oases Always on hand , Imported and E > y West Cigars a large line ol Meerschaum and Wood Pipes and everything re quired in a first class Cigar , Tobacco and.f Notion Store , Cigars from $15 per J , QW upwards Send ior Price List and Samples ( JKA-TIE OIT1T PLANING MILLS. MANUFACTURERS OF Carpenter's Materials ALSO SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , STAIRS , Stair Railings , Balusters , Window and Door Frames , Etc. Flrst-olasi fnollltlei for the Manufacture of all kinds of Mouldings , Planing an I matching a Specialty. Orders from tha country will be promptly executed. &ddrf > s all commnnlr.ftUons to A. MOYEH , Prortl A. M. OLARK- Painter&PaperHanger SIGN WRITER & DECORATOR. WHOLESALE & RETAIL WALL PAPER ) Window Shaflos and Onrtains , OORNIOES OURTAIN POLES AND FIXTURES. Paints , Oils & Brushes , U)7 ) Booth Uth Btrnnt OMAHA NEBRASKA WIL.LIAM SNYDER , UANDFAcrruucn or . First-Olass Fainting and Trimming , Repairing Promptly Done , 1321 and 1323 Ilnrnoy street , corner OMAHA CORNICE WO RUEMPING & BOLTE , Proprietors Tin , Iron and Slate Roofers MANUFACTURERS OF. Ornamental Galvanized Iron Cornices , Iron Sky Lights , 310 Booth Twelfth Street , OMAHA , NflB mat T-mon-wed-trl-m