Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1883, Page 3, Image 3

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nbraska National Bank ,
Of Ornah * ,
\ up Capital DlliKCTonas , - 82BO.OOO
. JOHNSON , President , ol 8I I . Jchnton &
K. TOUZAMH , Vlco frnlJent , ol 0. , D * Q
B. R. , Dotton.
V. UOIUiR , of W. V. Horn * Oo.
OHN 8. COLLINS , ol 0. II. A J. 8. Oolltna.
t. M. WOOLWOHTII , Oouuelloi and Attorney.
L. B. HKKI ) . at Bjroa IU d * Oo.
H. W. YATE3 , Owhler , l te C hltr ol the Hrtl
National lUnk ol Omaha , tad connected with
a actlvt m n 4fmtn of > ' B ok llnc * " *
OrfanUatlon In 1803.
Oruto lor biulne * April 27 , 1883 , with tbt
( Ml cU ! ! cl J/ bam la Nebraska.
GOLtaaiOHS recelri tpeclal attention and char
gtt lowoet obtainable her * or elsewhere.
UTiaisT allowed on time depoelU upon favor-
kbit terms and upon accounts ol banks and bank.
ToatteH KxciiAxai , OOTtrnmtnl llondi , and
Oonnl" and City Pectin bought and told.
It li propiml to do a general banking buntnMS
all IM details , and In Hie treatment of custom-
eri In will pursue the moat liberal pollof eonilt-
lent wlth'ta'o banking ,
Stocks , llomln , Commercial Paper and all other
Good eeeurltlts ilmlt In
lloom 4 , No. US I'earl St , , Council Dluff * , la.
Iptclal IMivatchto TniUit.
NEW Yoim , May 4.
Money Laanod nt 3@4) ) | per cent ,
doting cl'ereil at 3 per cent.
Frltna Morcantllt Paper-0@Ci per
Sterling Exchange Bankers' bills quiet
but steady at 4 83 ; sterling exchange de
mand , t 831 ,
Governments weaV , generally ut J@l per
cent lower.
The stock market was firm and strong ,
showing a considerable alvanoo until the
beginning of the lait hour , when the mar *
kot was feverish and fluctuating , at first
i weaker , and there was a decline of i to |
per cent on the general list.
TejtcrJ r. To-day.
8' 1031 1031
B's 103 103
4t's Oonpona 1131 1184
4rs 1104 1191
F tfia2'i of "J5 127 127
Ctictral Pacific firsts _ . . 114 J 114 }
Erie seconds 98 98
Lehlgh & Wllkcsbarro 101 104
Louisiana consols 01 64j
Missouri O'a Ill 111 *
Bt. Joseph llOi 1104
Bt , Paul & Sioux City firsts. .111 * 110
Tennessee C's 41J 41 }
do new 40 40
Texas A Pacific land grants. . 65 01
do U. U. div. . . . 8IJ 84
Union Pacific 1st mortgage. . 115 115
do laud grants . .1074 1074
> do sinking fund..lltU 11H (
Virginia O'a 35 85
t do consols G'u b8 374
1 do deferred 10 UJ
'VAdams Express 127 126
A Allegheny Central 118 IIS
/ ' Alton & Terre Haute dS 07
/ do jfd. . . . 91 91
4f' American Express 1)14 ) 914
' Burl. , Cedar ilapids & North. Ul 81
Canada Southern 6t > l 085
O. , St. L , & P 204 204
do pfd 5Ji 534
Central Pacific 774 771
Oheaapeake 4 Ohio 20 ? 211
do 1st pfd. . . 3U 31
do 3d pfd. . . 23 YA
Chicago SL Alton 134 131
l" do pfd 140J 140
OhL , Burl. & Qniucy 125i 120
V Chi. , St. U A New Orleans. . SL 81
f \ Gin. , Sand. & . Cleveland 41 40
x Clove. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 74 } 73
Delaware & Hudson canal. . . . 110 10M
Del. , Lack. & Western 1278 1278
i' ' Denver & lUo Grande 50i 51
1 - Erie SGJ 371
do pfd. . . 80 SO
j East Tennessee 10J 10J
rl do preferred 2IJ 2U
I Fort Wayne & Chicago 134 134
Y Hannibal & St. Joseph 411 4' ' _ > 4
I do pfd. < Mi 974
U Harlem 19(5 ( 197
v Houston & Texas Central. . . . 70 70
* ' Illinois Central 145 145
Ind. , Bloom. & Western 0 29 :
' , Kansas & Texas 301 tOi
Lake Erie & Western 294 29 *
Lake Shore & Michigan So. . .1104 UOj
Louisville & Nashville 534 53
i ' Loulsv. , Now Alb. & Chicago 54 54
M. &L. 1st nfd 10 in
do do 2d pfd 5 5
{ Memphis & Charleston 42 42
Michigan Central 'J3J 'JjJ
Memphis & Bt. Loul 284 284
do pfd 58 $ f'J
Missouri Pncllio 104ft 104g
* Mobile * Ohio 17 17
' , Morris 4 E sex 1211 124J
, Nashville & Chattanooga f > 7 57
New Jersey Central 702 781
Norfolk & W 434 43
1 Northern Pacific 51 511
do pfd 881 & 83
. Northweaterr 13U 131g
( ao pfd 15U 152
\ New York Central 123 ? 12S3
\ \ Ohio Central I ? } m
\ . Ohio & Mississippi 34 34
do pfd.10S 10iJ
t Ontario A Western 2Si 2H
Oregon Transcontinental 8lg 843
„ jcifio Mail 4U 41J
Manama. US 9S
! Peorla , Decatur & Evansv. . . 201 L'Oi
Pittaburg A Cleveland 13H 133
PuUman Palace Oar m.J 12CJ
Reading 55 55J
Hock Island 125 12i
Bt. Lonls & San Fran 32 32
do pfd 62i 5'JJ
' do lit pfd 93 98
Bt. Paul & Milwaukee 1039 1041
do pfd..119 ? 120
Bt Paul. Minn. A Manitoba.1304 1304
s Bt. Paul & Omaha 50 50
da pfd 107J 1074
Texas & Pacific 3'Jjj S9g
Union Pacific 97 | 115
United States Expresa 58 59
Wabasb , St. L. & Pacific. . . . 29J 2J3
do pfd. 47 546
Wells , Fargo & Co. Express.121 124
Western Union Telegraph. . . 824 83J
Homestake 15 in *
Ontario 20 25j
t § | Quicksilver 8 8
do pfd 41 41
South Pacific 5 b
tiutro 21 20
Special Dlffutch to Tni Dn
Coosolu , for money , 102 1-6 ; consols , ac.
count , 1021 ; Illinois Central , 494 ; Tenn
ijlvanU Centr l , G3 | ; New York Central
27Ji Kilt , 3SJ.
apodal Dlrpatchea lo Tni Bis.
OHJOAOO , May 4. Flour Firn
and unchanged. ,
Wheat Unwttled ; irregular ; openec
weak and lower ; closed firm at outildi
prices : 1131 'or May ; 1 154 for June
1171@l 17i 'or July ; 116j for August
1163 ' < " September ; 1134 for th * rear
No. 3 Chicago spilng , 1 IS ® 1131 ; No. , '
( ; hlc K ipring , 03oj No. 'J red winter ,
1 13J.
Corn Acll < > , 1ml lower ; 651s for ch
ml MJi MJ@iOJj : for .lime ; MJ ®
f > 88a for July ; 6''is5tOl3 ] tor August ;
fp'Jjio far the tear.
Uain IlaU tint lover ; 41(3 ( for cub ;
41fc fur May ; 4243o lor June ; 42 for
July ; 3.1J3 for August ; 3J@33Jo for the
year ,
Itye-Qutct and firtn ; higher ; G3&0. &
lUtley Dull and nominal.
Flax Sco.1Scarce and firm at 1 45.
1'ork Opened weak nrl loner ; cloa d
firm at ouUlile prices ; 1U GO for cnih and
Mar : 1970l972i for June : 10 f-7 * @
lU'JJfor July ; 1 < J U74@20 IO fnr Augmt ;
20 ar.20 . 10 for Setitember ; 1700@1725
for the year.
lj\nl Optned weak nnd laweri rioted
firm at on tilde price * ; 11 80@ll 85 for
cwli and May ; 11 9C@11 UI2J tnr June ;
92i@ll U3 lor Juy ; 11 871@11 tKI
r Au u t ; 11 M ) for September ; 1180 ®
85 for the year.
Bulk Meats In fair drmand ; shoulders ,
(0 ( ; iihort rib , 1075 ; short clear , 1100.
Hotter Market ij'ilet nn'l nnohanged ,
Knits-Marlet o ler ; 14i@15e.
Whlnkv Steady and untbangrd ,
Fieluhti Uatcd on corn to Jiutf.b , 3je
er bndiel.
CALL HOABD. Wheat Irrejuhr ;
lv uc < l gilorMnyaud June ; decllucd
0 for July.
Corn In fair demacd but at lower
tec ; declined lo fur June uuJ August ;
ecllneJ ic for July.
Oats IJemaud actlva nnd prkes have
ilvinc d ; advance J Jo for May and June ;
: < vancedlo for July.
I'nrkDemand fair und pilcet lilclior :
[ 1G5 for May ; lU77i for June ; 1U921
ir July ; 'JO 0 1 for Aui uit.
Ij rd Demand actlva and prices have
JyancadJc. .
NW YOIIK , May 4. Flour-Steady nod
Wheat l@ia 1 > wer | options opened 1@
lower , attcrwards recovered from the
cllne , advanced i'a-l3 , cloilng firm ; un-
radod rod , 1 05@1 23 ; No. 3 red , 1 17@
171 ; t amer NJ. 2 r < - l. 1 10J ; No. 12 red ,
24(2)1 ( ) 1'U ; rlevatnr , 1 23 f. o , b ; utiRrsd.
1 white , 1 OG@117 ; stpumer No. 2 do ,
jc ; No 2 white , 107 ; No. 1 white ,
2,000 twhols , 1 15@1 'Gi ; No. 2 red ,
, I y , 400,000 bushels. 1 22g@l 231o , cloa-
UP at lli.lj.
Coru Undfttle.1 ; No. 1 3o lower ; un-
railed , C8@G3c ; No 3 , G gGls ; Btemer ,
ll@GHc ; No. 2 , UTiJffiGGJc ; No. 2 , May ,
i@CGic. closlug GSjc ; June G55@G6aj ,
oilng G5gc ; July CGJ@G78e , closing G7c ;
, uu t 68J g082 > , clo lug GSJc ; Septem-
r G94o.
Oita J@3i lower ; fairly nctlva ; mixed
eatcrn19g52c ( ( white western , r > J@57c.
K gs Western fredi quiet but steady.
1' rk Firm ; options nominal.
L rd Pilme Btrnm , 11 80 for Ma > ;
. 80 for June ; 11 8J@U 92 for July ,
18a@ll'J5 for August ; lltGeil'Jl for
lepteinber ; 11 91@11 93 for LCtober.
ST. Loum , May.4.-Flour-Firm und
Wheat Cash loner ; options Irregular.
; ener lly h'gher and active ; No. 2 red
ill , 113f@t , 13i f jr cash ; 1 15J@11G for
une ; 1 ll@l 1 , cloning at 115@11C ;
lr J for Augnot ; 115j@l ! 173 for Septem-
er ; 113@113J | for the year , No 3 rod fall ,
Corn Opened lower ; advanced , and
mod fairly firm ; 62o tor caeh ; 523@593
or May ; 52J@531o for June ; !
ir July ; 5Gl@5Gjc ; for Auguit ; 46Jo for
ho year.
Oats Lower ; 431 ® 13Jo for cash ; 433 ©
Jo for May ; 441@44jjj for June ; 42 } @
so for July.
KyoLower : (5Gjc. (
Oirn Meal-Firm at 2 CO.
Whlflkv-bteady ; 114.
1'ork Higher ; jobbing at 19 75 for cash ;
9 70 hid for Mav.
Hulk Meats-Slow ; long clear , 10 45 ©
0 f > 9j shcrt ilb , 10 G5@10 GO ; short clear ,
0 fiO10 GO
11 icon Q lie ! ; IODK clear , 11 10 ; abort
i. 11 25.
Lvd Nominally , 11 25
a > ier ; 110 for June ; 115J for Juli ; 110
or August ; 113 for the year.
Corn Higher ; 53Jo for June , 65c for
uly ; SOJo bid for August ; 47Jo for the
Oats-Higher ; 42Jo for May ; 41is for
une ; 4"jd for July.
KANSAS CITT. May 4. Wheat Weaker ;
So. 2 red fall , 97J@97io for ciah ; 93o for
"une ; 93o bid for July.
Corn Lower and weaker ; 43o bid for
ash ; 44go Ud for Juno ; 4Go bid for July.
Oats Nominal.
TOLIUO , May 4. Noon Board.
. ' 'Ionr Opened dull , but tending upward ,
Wheat No. 2 red winter. 1 1GJ for cash
, nd May ; 1 17J for June ; 119i for July ;
18 for August ; 1 18& bid for September ;
19J f ° r October ; ! ! 1G3 fnr the year.
Corn Firmer ; No. U , CUlo for cash ; 53c
or M y ; GOj for June ; Glo July.
Oatn-Market dull ; No. 2 htId at 44Jo.
BOARD CLOStl ) Wheat Stronger ; Isci.
red winter holdot 1163 for May ; 1 183
or June'l ; 19J@l 19i for July ; 1 J fur
\ncuit ; 11G | for the year.
Corn Market dull ; No. 2 , 59j bid for
ath and May ; GOo for June , Glo bid for
Oats-Quiet ; No. 2 held at 45c for cash ;
4 } bid tor M y ; 4fic bid for June.
LIVEIiroOt ,
LiTKnrooL , M y 4. Flour. Ils@ll9 G1.
Wh at-Winter,8i 10d@9j21 ; < Rnrin81
. _ . ; No 2 California , 9i@9i 2d ; No. 1
California , lid 31(3,9i 8J ,
Corn 5 < 7Ji
Lard-5 3s.
pocul Dtipatchcs to Tni Bit.
OHIOAOU , May 4 The Droven' Jcor-
nnl rop.Ttd aa follows :
Hngi Not quiit tbly altered ; mixed. G90
@ 7 23 ; hnivy. / 20g7 05 ; light , G 8r.7 35 ;
skips , 3 50@0 tO ; lloeral nupply of poor ,
Iglit and rough mixeil quthty improved ,
Cattle Fair , pauibly active ani weaker
xporU , G 40@G GO ; coad to choici able-
clncr , 5 90@G 35 ; common to fair , 5 SO ®
" 85.
Sheep Fair ; moderately active am
toady ; common to f&tr , 39)1EO ; gooi
, o choice , 5 50@5 75.
ST. LODIS. Msy 4. HORS Market dull
good lUbt shipping , 7 057 15 ; common to
; oed mixed pAckinir , G 90@7 25 ; heavy
ihlpplntr , 7 30@7 50.
Cattle Firm ; good shipping and loci
demand ; heavy uhlppin ? steers , 6 00@G 50
light to good , 5 40@5 93 ; common ti
medium , 4 75@5 25 ; gojtl cows am
heifers , 4.50 5 V5 ; common , 13 75@4 25
grass Texana would btiog 4 50js5 ( 25.
Sheep Slow and unchanged ; ranging
4 00@t > 25 for fair to choice clipped.
KANSAS CITT. Mny 4. The Commer
clal Indicator this afternoon reports a
follow * :
Cattle -Lower and weak ; shipping steer
of 1,101 to 1,300 poundi told at 6 fiO@5 85
"tocl" " and feedsre , 4 2J@4 SO ; cows
3 50@4 DO.
, ,1 ,8TftHlsher' ' c ° ° ® 7 > ; bulk of sale
7 10@7 0.
Sheep 100 pound avsragos sold at 4 50
Nsw YORK , May 4. The Drovew
Journal Bureau reports ;
Beeves-Market bad , particularly fo
good and prime heavy cattle , which wer
20o per cwt , lire weight lower ; no real !
ccmmon cattle thown ; extrer es , G 50fi
7 30 per cwt , live weight ; the common
selling price was G72@0 90 per owt , In
eluding twenty carloads of fat distiller
fed ; natives , G SOgGOOjjnr cwt , ; strict !
prime stoera of l.SOO to 1,550 pounds freel
told at 7 00 ; exporters , tued 24 carloadr.
Sheep -Unll and l-iwer
; extr'tnei. 4 GOO
G 10 per cwt ; clipped sheep , 5 25@7 10
uniborn , 8 00@10 00.
Hoffi None tflered alive , market flat
wholly momJnal ,
Sp ctkl Dlrralclict to Till Hit.
OHIOAOO , May 4. Receipts anil ( hip.
ments of flour and grain for the put
24 hours have been M followm
UecelpU. Bhlp'ts
Flonr-bbls 10.00J
Wheat bushels 13,000
Corn " 100,000
OaU " 4G.COO
Uye " 87,000
Barley- " G.COO
Nw VOBJC , May 4. llewlpU and
ihtpmenti of flour and grain for the past
24 hours bare b en a follows )
Keoeipti Bhp'ti
Flour-bbls 8,000 4,300
Wheat bnshtl 8,000 91,000
Com- " 103.000 1)0,000 )
OaU- " . . 30GW
ST , Louis , May -Kecolpts and
shipments of flour and grain for the past
48 noun have been at follows !
Kecottita. Bhip'U.
Flour barrel 3,000 4,000
Wheat bushels 11,000 ' 9.000
Corn " 10,000 100,000
Oats- " 10,000 31.01
Uye " 33,100
Barley- " 16,000
ToLKDO , May 4. KocclpU and ship
ments of flour and grain for the past "I
home have been as follows ;
Ksc'ta. Shipm'ta. '
Vheat 38,000 132(00
orn 21,000 1H.OOO
ata 11,000 1,000
KANSAS OITT , May 4. Receipts and
ilpments of grain for the past 24
ours hate been as follows !
Keo'ts. Shlp'U.
Vhoat , bushels 3,000 1,000
orn " . . . .
ats- "
NEW YORK , May 4. Hecolpta and
ilpments of live stock for the past 24
ours have been as follows !
Uoo'bi Bhip'U
seve , carloads 2,700 603
Barters of btef 3,620
area FQ3 of mutton 493
tieep , carloads 7 GOO . . . .
! ogp , carloads 2,450 . . . .
CIIIOAOO. May 4. Kecelpto and ship-
icnts of live stock fcr the paat 21
ours have been as follows ;
Ieo ! in. Shipm'tn.
logs 12,000 4,400
attle GiO 3,200
heep 2,000 3.CCO
KANSAS CITT , May 4. Uocclpts and
ilpmonta of live stock for the paat 24
ours have been as follow ? :
Koo'ts. Shipm'ts.
attle 700
[ oga 3,900 . . . .
beep , , 15) ) . . .
ST. Louis , May 4 , Receipts and
ilpmenta of live stock fet the past 24
ours have bcon as follows :
Roo'ts. Shlpm'ts.
'attle ' 1,400 l.GOO
beep 800 . . . .
Hog 2,600 2,400
pedal Dlspi'.ches to Tin Bu.
NEW YOIIK , May 4. The general de
mand for dry goods xhows a very fair 1m-
rovoment for nei * aeaortmenta with a
olume of now business Increased. Still ,
aklngs have exhibited much preference
or scjloatntid finalities. Lonsdale com-
rics reduced to 12c. In view of anim-
rovemnnt In the price of cotton , more at-
ention Is gixen to staple and cottons , with
uiot negotiations having taken fair quant-
pans , cottomde * and llinnol.i are without
'ies. Men's wear , woolen colored , Kentttcty
fe , though tor the latter there h ° .s been
moderate inquiry f r small selections. The
eueral nmrlcet ia dull. Dry goods are
ery cheap.
pocUI Dljp tch to Tni Ben
J OSTO.V , May 4. Wool dull ; Ohio and
'ennsylvanla extras , 404ic ; Michigan
* icefl , 37i@39j ; oimbing delaine , 4J@
7c ; California wool , 25@3Jc.
Wholesale Prlooa.
Oyrias or THE OMAHA Bat , 1
Friday Evening , May 4 , J
The following are the only changes ro
lotted in the market to-day :
Wheaf , cash , No. 2 decllntd 2j ; No.
, declined SJc.
Rye , cash , advanced lie.
Barley , cash No. 2 , advanced 3c ; No , 3
eclined "c.
WHEAT.-Oaih No. 2 , 91c ; leash No.
, 73s ; rejected , 774c.
BARLEY.-CasliNo. 2 , 66 : ; No. S ,
Oc.RYEOash , 49ia.
COKN- New mixed , 883.
OATS 38o.
POTATOES 25@60o per Dunnel.
ONIONS Old 25o per bushel.
BUTTER -Ohoico country , lOo.
KGGS fresh , 13Jo.
UONBY Oaliforaia. perlb. 31.
APPLES Per barrel. ? 2 25@3 25.
ORANGES-Californla , 3 5D ; Messina ,
4.00$5 00
L15MONS-S5 00@5 cO per box.
BEANS Navy per bushel , 2fiO < 2275
SEEDS-Blua RMBS seed , 125@150 ;
> 'motby feed , 2 102 25 ; red clover seed ,
00 ; white clover seed. 13 00 ; millet seed ,
100 ; Hungarian eeed , 1 10 ; orchard grass
eeJ , 2 50.
Llvo Stock
OATTLiFot steers. $5 005 50.
FAT COWS-SI 00@4 25.
Flour and MlllitufTs ,
Be t winter wheat- 00@3 73.
Second quality winter wheat 275@32 5.
Be t spring whsat 2 G ) @ 2 " .i ,
Second quality tpring wheat 2 4 1@2 50.
Bran , per ton 1G 00.
( Chopped FcoJ , per ton 10 00.
CHICKKNS-Llve per doz. , $ JOO@
4 50. Dressed , per lb. , 15c.
DUCICS-Ures d , per lb. , lie.
Qrocors List
CANNED GOODS Oyatere , ( Qtand
ard ) , per case , 3 70@390 ; strawber
riot , 1 tb , per cat.e , 2 40 , rasp
berrloa , 1 Tb , per cane , 3 50. Dam
sons , 2 In , per cuin , 2 45 , Bartlett
pears per cane , 2 40. Whortleberries
per coao,275. Kgg plums , 2 lb percbse,2 & 0
iireen gagcs,2 lb per case , 2 90 ; do choice ,
lb per coao 4 50 , Pine App'ea , 2 lb , per ease
4 00@5 75. Peaches , 2 lb per ease , 8 00
do 3 tt , case , 4 00@4 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , per
case.2GOdopie ; , 6 lb , per dozen , 3 30.
LARD Omaha Retinlnlm ; Co. : Tierces
12o ; 40 and 50-lb cans , 12jc ; 20-lb cans
I2gc ; 10-1U palls , screw top , 121c ; 0-lb do
12jo ; 3 lb do , 12Jo.
RIOU IjouUlan-j prime to choice , 7JQ
85 : fair , 774c ; Pntm , GJu.
FISH-No. 1 mackerel , half brb , 7 CO
No. 1 mtckerel , kits , 1 00 ; family mack
erel , half brls , 5 25 ; family mackerel , kits
85c ; No. 1 white fish , half brls , 7 00 ; No. :
k'U , 1 05
COFFH E. Rio , fair , lloi Rio , good
llic ; iirlue to choice , 12 to 12JC ) Old gov'
SYRUP Standard Com. , 3Ss , bbls.
Standard do , 4 gallon kops , 21 95 ; Stan
dard do. 4 gallon kegj , $1 75 ,
SODA In lb papers , 83.30 per cose ; keg
eoda , 2c.
NEW PIOKLES-Medlum , In barrel
$700 ; do in half bbla , 4 OU ; < malb , In bbU
900 do , In half bbls , COO ; gherkin * , In
bbU , 11 00 ; do , In half bbla , 6 00.
TEAS .Gunpowder , good , ® 55
Hholce , 6075o ; Imperial , good , 4045c
OiMoe (5ftg76c ( ; Young Hyson , good , M ®
50 | tkolte , 65c 341 00 ; Japan Nat Lea
85 : | Japan , tholM , 00 T5i ; Ooloag , food ,
540 ; Oolong , cho.oo , 406S | Boooboug ,
'ool. 35 < 34 ( i ; oholM , 85 45c.
HOl'K Slnl. i Inch and.Urgrr , lie ;
Inch , HU : ( Inch , 12o.
WOOUENWAHK Two hoot ) . .
1 75 : three hoop palti , 2 CO. Tnbt , No.
1 , 8 60 ; Pioneer waibboardj , 1 85 Double
Crown 2 90V ; 11 buckets , 350 ,
L11AD Bar. $1 65
SOAPB--Klrk's Savon Imperial , 845 ;
Klik'i atlnot , 3 60 ; Kirk's standard. 3 76 ;
Klrk'i white Iluislui , 5 25 | Kirk's
Eutoca , 315 Klrk'i Prairie Queen ,
(100 ( cakes ) , 40 ; Kirk's magnolia doz. ,
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 ease ,
In caae , 8 35) ) Babbitt's Ball 2 doc. In cose ,
1 90 : Anchor Ball 2 doi In CMC 1 50.
PEANUTS Koastod , eholoe. r d Ten-
nenseo , lOoper lb ; fanoy white , lOJo pcrlb ;
raw white Vb-Rlnlt , r w , 10o | toasted
CANDLES Boxes , 40 lbsl ( < s , 16Jc ; 8r ,
IBJc ! b < xe * 40 Ibs. , 16 oc. , 6s , 15Jc.
MATCHES * Per coddle , 95o | round ,
oaiM. 88 10 : square , eases , 5 40 ,
VINEQAIl 1'uie tpple extra , 16c :
pure apple , 13c | Pintolng oure mnle , lOc ,
SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 83) ) Ash-
oju , In sac ks , S 50 ; bbls dairy 60 , 5s , H 50
8UOA1U3 Powdere < l , lOlct Cut loaf ,
lOic ; Granulated , 94o ; Confectioners' A ,
9o ; Standard Extra 0 , Sgc ; Extra C ,
84c ; medium yellow , 74c ; dark yellow , 71c.
STARCH. Pearl. 44c | Silver Glens
94c ; Corn Starch , 94si ExcclsiorQlow ,
7(0 t Com , 81
MEATS Hams per lb. , 14o ; bacon
per lb. , 14c ; clear side bacon per lb. , 11 jc ;
dry salt sides per lb. , lOlc ; dry salt rides
per lb , , ISo ; bacon shoulders per Jb ,
94c ; tierce lard per lb. ; llje.
SPICES. Pepper , 31 ; Allsplo ) , 18
Jav , 2 lii. < lc,2 Mocha , 204ci Arbncklo's
14e.OUEKSH Full Cream , 14io | Part
Qklm , 11) .
LYK American , 8 40 ; Greenwich , 8 40 :
Western , 2 76 ; North Star , 2 OG ) Lewis'
lye , 4 6f > ; Jewell lye , 275 ,
FEKD-Jobblng prices , Chop feed
(1.50 per 100 Iba.j chop corn , $1.40 ; bran ,
70c per 100 lb .
HOMINY New IS 50 per bb ! .
Dry Qoods.
Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boot ,
FF , 80 ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7o ; Cabot W.
71c ; Chittonango A. file ; Ureat Falls E ,
8c ; Hocsier , GJo ; Honeet Width 80 , In
dian Head A , So ; Indian Standard A ,
8Jc ; Indian Orchard d. w , , SJo ; Lawrence
LL , GJo ; Mystic river , 7ie ; Peqnot A , SJc ;
io : Utlca 0 , 5ic : Wachutett B , 74o ; do A ,
8joi do R 48 , la ot WalSItt BB. 7J < J.
1-4 : 74o ; Alligator 3-4 , Sc ; Argyle 4-4 , 7c ;
Atlantic LL , Gicl Badger State X 4-4 , 643 ;
Bennington 0 4-4,6Jo ; Buckeye S. 4-4,6jcc
Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 8Jc ; Laconia O
39 , 840 ; Lehlgh E 4-4 , OJo ; Pepperoll N
SO , 7c ; do O 33 , 7io ; do R 86 , 7 o ; do E 39 ,
84o , Vocnsnet 0 4-4 , 7 cj Wamautta 4-4
crin L 4-4,94oBlackstone ; AA Imperial 8fc ;
do do half Weached 4-4,9cj Cabot 4-4,83 ;
Fidelity 4-4 , DicjFrult of the Loom. 91 ; do
can.brlo4-4,12jodoWaterTwlst,104oGreat ; ;
Fall * Q , 9o ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12c ;
Lonsdale , lOo ; do cnmbrlc 37 , ISjo ; New
York Mills , 124o ; Peqnot A,10o ; Pepperel
N G Twills , ISJc ; Pocahontas 4-4 , 9Jc ;
Pocasset 4-4 , Slat Utioa , He ; Woinsntta
O X X , 124c.
DUCKS Colored ) Albany B brown ,
c ; do 0 , drab , UK do X.A. stripes and
laids , 124c ; do XXX brown and drab ,
tripos and plaids , 13&c ; Arlington fancy ,
Br9c : unswick brown , SJc ; Chariot fancy
24o ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall River
Town , extra heavy , llic ; Indiana A
irown IKni Nenonset A brown. 15c
T1UK1INUB Ainoslreag A U A 32
9c ; do XX blue 32 , 184c ; Arrowacns ,
4c ; Cbromont B B,154c : Coneatoga ; is
r , 17ic ; Hamilton D , 1140 Lewinton A
0 , 15c ; Minnehaha 4-4 , SOo ; Omega super
xtra 4-4 , 28c ; Pearl River 32 , 16o ; Put-
10111 XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shetucket S
OJc ; do S3 12c ; Yeoman's blue 29 , 9o
DENIMS. Amoskeak , blneandbroun
.64c ; Andover DD blue , 154c ; Arllntj'X
) lue Scotch , 184e ; Concord OOO , blue aw
jrown , 124c : do AAA , do do 13J ; doXHto
lo do 144o Unymoker'a blue and brown ,
tic ; Mystio River DD stripe , IC o ; Portil
, Uvor , blue and brown , IGo ; Uncajvllle ,
iluo acd brown , 144f. >
OAMBRICrf Bnrnord , 6 o ; Kddyatono
Ining. 24 Inch double taoe , 840 ; Garner A
'lazed , Fie ; Manhattan glove finish , 5c
Towport do Cc ; do glazed , 52o | Poquot do
" : Lockwood kid finish Go.
CORSET JEANS Amory , BoiAndroa
coggin natteon 8Jo ; Clarendca , GJo ; Cones
o'lea eatteens , 7ic ; Hallowol , , So ; Ii ' "
) rchard 74c ; Nnrriganisctt , Improved ,
"opperill sattnon 0o ; Rookport , 7ga
PRINTS Allenn , 640 ; American , (54c ( ;
Arnold , 7o ; Berwick 4o ; Cocheco , 7c ;
Joneatoga. 6 0 ; Dunkirk , ; Dunnoll ,
> 4@7c ; Kddyatono , 7c ; Gloucester , Gc ;
larmony , SJc ; Knickerbocker , 64c ; Mer
rl ao D. 7c ; Myutio , 54o ; Spraraes , Gc ;
Joutbbridgo , Gc ; do. Ginghams , 7e | Marlboro
bore , 5Sc ; Oriental C4c.
GINGHAMS-Am keig , 94cj Argyle ,
.Qljv ; Atlantic , 9c ; Cumberland , 74o ;
highland , 74c ; Kenilwortb , 9c | Plun-
kett 'JWi Suisex , 8c
COTTONADK8 Abhervllle 134a
Agate , "Oc ; American , llo ; Artlslan , 20c ;
Cairo D and T , 134c ; Olarlca D and T'
174c ; Deccan Co. stripes D and T , 16o ; Key-
tone , 134c ; Nantuoket , 19o ; Nonpareil
16c ; Ocean D and T , 134o ; Royal , 164 >
Sussex , 12c ; Tioga , 134c ; Waohuaett shirt
n ; chocks , 12io ; do , Nankin , 134a ; York ,
) bln Nftnkin. 12lc , ; do , checks , etrlpes and
anov , 12 c ; do , 8 oz 20o ,
SHEETINGS Androscogidn 10-4,374o !
do 9.4 , 23c ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental 0
42 , llo , Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , 274 ; New
York mllls98 , S5c ; do 78 , 30c ; do 53. 224o ,
Pembroke 10-4 , 25o ; Pequot 1C-4 , 284o , do
74 , I9o do 49 , ICe ; Pepperell 96 , 29o
do 67 , aicjdo 57,18c ; Utica 96 , 860 ; do
,33io ; do 48.17c.
Carbolic , 50c | Acid , Tartarlc , 55o ; Balsam
) opnbla , per lb , 70c ; Bark , Sassafras , per
b , 131 | Calomel , per lb , 75 ; ; Clnchonldia ,
ier oz , 8110) ) Chloroform , per lb , t)0o ) |
Dover's powders , per lb , 91 25) ) Epaozn
Salt ? , per lb , 31c ; Glycerine , pure pe > bl ,
SOji Load , Acetate , per lb , 22c
Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal , PI 25 ;
Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per E li 8115 , Oil ,
Olive , pur gal. 81 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 50 ;
Opium , 85 10 , Quinine P. k W. & R. A S. ,
icr or , f 1 85 ; Potassium , Iodide , per U
Jl 76 ; a'.bciti , per or , 40c ; Sulrlmto o
ilornhlns , for w , $3 35 ; Snlpnar flour
per lb , 4cj Btrv hnlne , oer cr , Jl < 5.
P ht * Oil ) nd Vinlihti
OILH 110 * carbon , per gallon ,
12o ; 150 * ho dllght , per g Hon ,
14c ; 175 * headlight , per gallon. 19o ;
150' Water White , 18o ; linseed ,
raw , per pallon , EG ; Unseed , boiled ,
perc&llon. 59s ; lard , winter str'd , par gal ,
Ion. 85 ; No. 1 , 85o ; No. 2 , 75c ; castor ,
XXX. per gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3 , 1 20 ; sweet ,
per gallon , 85c : sperm , W , B. , per gallon.
1 75 ; fish , W. B. , per gallon , 75 ; ; neatsfoot ,
extra , per gallon , 93c ; Nn. 1 , 75o ; lubri
cating , zero , per gallon , SGo ; summer , 15c ,
golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No.
3 SO : sperm , signal , per gallon , 80c ; tur
pentine , per gallon , G5c ; naptha , 74 , per
gallon. ISc : 64 * . 17o
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha
P , P. . Gc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , GJc ;
Kanelllea groou , 1 to 5 th cans , "Oa
French zinc , gtasn seal , 12c | French tine ,
red seal , He ; French zinc , In varnish east ,
20c ; French zlncc , In oil aast 15c ; Rav/
and burnt umber , 1 lb cans 10o ; raw and
burnt Sienna , 10 ; : Vandyke brown , v
refined lampblack. 12c ; coach black and ;
l"ory black , ICc ; drop blatk , 16c ; Prussian
blue , 30c ; ultramarine blue , 18o ; chrome
green , L , M , & D , , lGbllud ; and shutter
green , L , M. k D. , 10 : ; Paris green , ISc ;
Indian red , 15c : Venetian red. 9o ; Tuscan
dre , 22c ) American Vermilion , I , & P. , IScj
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O , & D O , , ISc ;
yellow ochre , 9c ) golden ochre , IS ) patent
dryer , 8c ; graining colors : light oak , dark
oak. w&luut. beatnut and ash 15o.
Dry Paints
Whlta lead , 8c ; French ilno. lOct Par
whlteing 2Jc ; whiting gilden , lc ]
vhlting com'l , lie ; lampblack German ,
town , 14c ) limpblock , ordinary , lOcj 1'rnu.
slan blue , 55c ; ultramarine , 18o ; vondyke
b/own , 8c | umber , burnt , 43) ) umber , ran
4cslenna ; , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c
Paris green genulna , 35c ) Paris green com' '
20c | chrome green , N , Y. ' 20o ; ehrcm
greci K , , 12o ; vennllllon , E g , , TOo ) vei
tutlllon , America , 18c ; Inilau red , lOo
( we vlnk , 14c ; Venetian , Cokuioso
SJo : Tenotlan red Am , , IJc ; rei load , 7J |
ihtome yellow , genuine , 20o brome yel
ow , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle EC ; ochre
french. 2Jc ; ochre , Amcrlowi , 2c |
Vlntor i mineral. 24c ; lehlgb brown. 2Jcs
pankh brown , ? 4c | Prlnco'i nilncral Sc ,
VARNISHItS-lUrreU per nUlon
rnmltnre , extra , 91 10 : furniture , No. 1
1 ; oonch , extra , (140 ; each , No. 1 ,
' 1 30 ; Dainar , extra , $1 76 ; apan , 70o ; * -
iholtum , extra , 85o | ahella M CO ) hard
U finUb , tl 80.
Hides , Furt , Etc.
HIDES < .re n butotior's hides , KJ
c cured 6J@7jo | hldeo , green ( alt.
ry flint , sound , 12 18o : dry calf
nd kip , 1214ct dry salt hides , tound ,
0llo ) green calf. wt. 8 o 15 Ibs , . ll@13cj
green calf , wt. under 8 Ibt , per skin , 50c |
reen pelts , C0@l 35 ; green bunb skins ,
1 25@lCOi damaged bides , two-third rate ,
: nt tcorod and one grub , classed two.
-Irdj rate , ) branded hidej 10 per font , off
Coon skins , No. 1 , 45o ; No. 3 , 30oj No , 1
0 ) No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No , 1 , SOo ) No. 2
5c ; No. 3,15o ; No. 4 , 60. Fox , ,
30c ; No. 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , b6o )
xric ) short stripe , 40ai narrow ittlpea
rend stripe. ICo. Tallow 7o ,
Oak sole , 880 to 42o ; hemlock sole , 33c to
5c ; hemlock kip , SOo to 100 ; runner ,
} 5o to SOo ; hemlock calf , 85o to 120) ) hem-
ock npper , 23o to 2Gc ) oak upper , 24c ;
lligator. 4 00 to 6 50 ; calf kid , 8235n-
Grelsen kid , 2 50 to 3 75 ; oak kip , 80a to
00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip ,
10 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 3 00 ; nin-
etts. 5 60 to 7 50 ; linings , 6 00 to 10 50 ;
opplugs , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , SOo
o 35o ; pebble 0. D. Moroaoo , S5c ) simon ;
N ) to 8 00.
HARNESS-No I ar oak , 42c ; No 3
o , 39c ; Nc.l Ohio oak , 880 ; No. 2 do ,
35c ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 37a ; No , 3 do 94a.
We qnotv lumber , lain and shingles on
ars at Omaha at the following prices )
nder , $22 00 ; 18 ft. , 823 50.
TIMBERS 16 ft. and under , 822 00.
TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft. , 823 BO ;
C ft , $23 50j 33 ft. , $26 60 ; 34 ft. $26 60.
FENCING No. 1 , 4 and C In. , 2i 00 ;
o. 2 , $22 00.
SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( ccmmon
oards ) , ? 2 ( ) 00 ; No. 3 , 818 00.
LIME Per barrel , 81 25) ) bulk per CUB
IC ; Cement , bbl , 82 25 Iowa plaster
bl. $3 50. Hair per bu. 50o. Tarred
elt 100 Ibs , S3 50. Straw ijoard , $3 50.
Heavy Hardware Lilt.
Iron , rates , $2 80 ; plow steel , special
east , 7c ; crucible , tic ; special or Uerman.Go ;
ant tool do. 15@20 wagon spokes , net.
2503 00 ; hubs , per Got , 125 ; felloe * , sawed
ry , 140 ; tongues , each , 70@86o ; axles ,
ach , 75o ; square nuts , per R > , 7llc ;
rashers , per lb. 8lSo ; rivets , per lb , He ;
toll chain , per lb , 6@12c ; malleable , 80 ;
ron wedgce , Gc ; crowbars , 60 harrow
eth , 4o ; spring teel , 7@8c | Burden's
rnenhonii. 5 2 : Burden's muleshooa , 6 25 ,
BARBED WIRE In car lots , 7o @
a per 100.
NAILS Rates. 10 to 60tf > , 3 60.
SHOT. Shot , $1.85) ) Bnck shot , $2.10.
) riental Powder , kegs , $6.40 ; do. , hal
Eegs , $3.48 : do. , quarter kegs , $1.88 ; Blast
Ing , kegs , $3.85 : Fuse , per 100 feet 50o.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , $12) )
dorrla Run Blowiburg , $12 ; Whltebreaat
nmp , $4 50 ; Whitebreoet nut , 84 50) ) lown
nmp , 51 50 ; Iowa nut 84 50 ; Rook Spring ,
700 ; Anthracite , 811 60@12 00 ; Canon
ity , 87 00 per ton.
Horsei and Mulei.
Extra draft horses , 8175. to 225. ) Com-
: on draft horses , 8100. to 150. ) Extra
arm homes , $110. to 125. ) Common to
03d furin horeet. 890 to 8100. ) Extra
ilugn , SCO. lo 75. ) Common plugs , $20.
MULES. ( E i tra ) . 8125. to 150. ) go o d ,
100. to 110. ; fair , 675. tu 100. ) common ,
fGO. to 75.
Liquor * .
ALCOHOL 188 proof , 325 per wine
ttllon ; extra California spirits , 187 proof ,
25 per proof gallon ; triple refined * plritu
37 proof , 123 per proof gallon ; ra-dletilled
ffcfskles , 1 00@1 50 ; fine blended 1 50 ®
50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@7 00 ; Ken-
ncky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 007 00.
BRANDIES-Imported , 88 0018 OT |
domojtlo 1 404 00 ,
aiNS-Imported , 4 50O6 00) domosllo ,
RUMS-Impcrted , 4 COQO 00 ; Nuw
! cgland. 2 00 © 1 00 ; domestic , 1 603 50
OHAMPAGNKS-Importe.t per case ,
0031 0 < Amitli a , caae , 12 00ft
CLARETS 'or cane , 4 B0@16 00
WINE3 Rh ne wine , per case , 6 00 ®
2 00) ) Oatawba , per caee , 4 00@7 00.
FINE OUT In palla. Common , 40 ©
Be ; good , (0@76c. In tin foil Oat'
Inn O , S. , 6 lb boxes , per lb 55 ; ; Lori
llard'o Tiger , 57c ; Diamond Crown ,
SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to
33c. Granulated Blackwells Durham , 1C
oz46 : ; Dukes Durham , 16 oz , 46c | Seal of
tforth Carolina , 16 oz , 46 ; Seal of Nebrai.
: a , 16 oz , SSc ; Lone Jack , 4 cz , linen bags
per lb. 81.00 ; Marburprs' Puck 1 oz , tin
oil. F2DPJ : ? T oil 55c.
PLUG TOBACCO -Horseihoe , 48 ;
Bullion 50 ; Army & Navy , 45 : SUr48 ;
'Uiinix , 50 ; Our Rope , 62 ; Our Rod , 52.
Merino unwas ed , light , 14l < ! o | hsa vy
© 131bc ) modlnm unwashed , light , 18 ® 2
woahod , oholce , S2c ) fair , SOo ; tub-d in
and w. , 2Sc ; bnrry , blftcktnd cotted wo
2@Go lea * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Phyalclann preacrlbo Brown'u Iron
Bitters for Indigestion , weakness , low
iplrlta , oto.
for nil tlioiernlnfulComplnlntiond W Vnr M
a carumua to our br > t female populutlon.
V Meillclno for 1Tom > nT InTonteil by a Womai
Prepared ly a Woman.
fli Cr tnt Bwltol Dl.fotrry Blnretbt Di n ct III t i
nrltrovlrcstho drooping uplrlts , Inrlgoratei o
urnionlies the orcanlo function * , el e' elasticity rt
Irranfssto the step , rcstoreithonaturallUBtrn > ta
Bfc.nnaiiUntaonthoFw.ochoilcofwomin the titd
psc ot llfu'a iprlng and carlr summer time.
( STPhysIclans USD It and Prescribe U Freelj.- J
It removes raininess , flitul. ncy , destroys allcrarln
ir tlmalnnt , nilrelleTcawcakncMof the itorancl
Tlmt titling of bearing down , caunlnRpaln , wclgl
.ml luckache , U Always | rm nrntly cured l.y Ha ui
For tlioraro of KUncy fompluliiU of either
thli Compound U un urpu icd.
. I'lNKiiAsTS ni.ooD i-ciiiriFi
rill eradicate u\fry > Mtiir or llumon from
Jlood , auditive tnnu and urinKth to tlw } Um , I
linn woiiuui ue cblld. Insist un Iia Ing it.
Inoth the Compound anTliiood Purincr are pr r "
( tSSJandSM Wfrtcm Avenue , Lynn , Mass. I'rl i <
HtherttL Blx botllui f or $5. B nt liy mall In the for
tfrlHor oflozenzM , onrecilptof price , tl l rbc
forcltncr. Mr * . I'lnVlum t rec , , answer * all letter * i
hqulry. EncloMSct-ttanip. Bindforparophlct.
Ko f nrolly nhould b flthout I.VniA R riVKHAH
UVKU riLLh. Thi > y euro cun tlpallon , bUluaum
aadtorjildllyolthgllrgr. eicinWiK-r toi.
\ J93-Hold by nil DruesUtn.-a * 01
. { rotnMnnltoit of J'r
tnriitftif Jrt i ,
< t ixidiMMfl farm , J-'or
J ) < 6IJIIJx ; > x * of . < li > i > * -
< , J'rcMfriKltm offtol
J'meert { ( < < n < JUjn < t
KKV.A. I. iiODUa Writes !
Aflor n thorough trial of the PURIFIES
r. : . .
IRON TON10 , 1 tnko pleasure industry , " imy-- >
In atntlntr that I bivvo boon "I consider tl
maw , tcnolltod by a natm n most excellent roruody fox
use > . mlnlatorn and Pub the dobllltntoil vital forces.
llo Speakers will and It
of the greatest vnluo
where a Tonlo la neces
sary. I recommend It
as a rollablo remedial
airent , possessing un *
doubted nutritive and
restorative properties.
tntirillt , Xy. , CM. J , 1833.
oS §
° sj
: < n a
s < s
° sd
g a i i
E * * i > t
g-S 8 !
ssa * Su
The Oldest Wholesale and
in Omaha. Visitors can here
find all novelties in SIL
Sich and Stylish Jewelry ,
"l\o Latest , Most Artistic ,
and Choicest Selections in
all descriptions of FINE
WATCHES at as Low Pri
ces as is compatible with
honorable dealers. Call
and see our Elegant New
Store , Tower Building ,
corner llth and Faruham
General Agents for the
Finest and Best Pianos and
Organs manufactured.
Our prices are as Low as
any EasteinManufacturer
and Dealer ,
Pianos and 0 gaus sold
for cash or installtneuti at
Bottom Pricps.
A SPLENDID st < ck of
Steinway , Chickerine : ,
Enabe , Voe & Son's Pi
anos , andotfrr makes.
Also Clough & Warren
Sterling. Imperial , Smith
American Organs , &c. Do
not fail to see us ( before
A Large Stock always OP Hand.
Have now been finished in our store , ma ! '
mg it the largest and most complete
In the West. An additional story has been
built and the five floors all connected
with two
Ono Exclusively for the nsa of Passengers Theao immense warerooms -
rooms three stores , are 66 ieet wide are filled with the Grand
est display of all kiiicm of Household and Office Furniture ovei
shown.All are invited to cell , take the Elevator on the first flooi
and go through the building and inspect the stook.
206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omaha
No Floods in the Missouri. And Every one Buys of
Tin ( Hasswaro , Carpets and Household Supplies ,
On Long Time Small Payments
A , HOSI'E , Jit , , 1519 Dodge , Omaha ,