T THE DAILY BEE-SATUEDAV MAY 5 nbraska National Bank , Of Ornah * , \ up Capital DlliKCTonas , - 82BO.OOO . JOHNSON , President , ol 8I I . Jchnton & Co. Co.K. K. TOUZAMH , Vlco frnlJent , ol 0. , D * Q B. R. , Dotton. V. UOIUiR , of W. V. Horn * Oo. OHN 8. COLLINS , ol 0. II. A J. 8. Oolltna. t. M. WOOLWOHTII , Oouuelloi and Attorney. al-Uw. L. B. HKKI ) . at Bjroa IU d * Oo. H. W. YATE3 , Owhler , l te C hltr ol the Hrtl National lUnk ol Omaha , tad connected with a actlvt m n 4fmtn of > ' B ok llnc * " * OrfanUatlon In 1803. Oruto lor biulne * April 27 , 1883 , with tbt ( Ml cU ! ! cl J/ bam la Nebraska. GOLtaaiOHS recelri tpeclal attention and char gtt lowoet obtainable her * or elsewhere. UTiaisT allowed on time depoelU upon favor- kbit terms and upon accounts ol banks and bank. n. ToatteH KxciiAxai , OOTtrnmtnl llondi , and Oonnl" and City Pectin bought and told. It li propiml to do a general banking buntnMS all IM details , and In Hie treatment of custom- eri In will pursue the moat liberal pollof eonilt- lent wlth'ta'o banking , J. W. UODEFER. Broker. Stocks , llomln , Commercial Paper and all other Good eeeurltlts ilmlt In lloom 4 , No. US I'earl St , , Council Dluff * , la. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL. Iptclal IMivatchto TniUit. NEW Yoim , May 4. Money Laanod nt 3@4) ) | per cent , doting cl'ereil at 3 per cent. Frltna Morcantllt Paper-0@Ci per cent. Sterling Exchange Bankers' bills quiet but steady at 4 83 ; sterling exchange de mand , t 831 , Governments weaV , generally ut J@l per cent lower. The stock market was firm and strong , showing a considerable alvanoo until the beginning of the lait hour , when the mar * kot was feverish and fluctuating , at first i weaker , and there was a decline of i to | per cent on the general list. TejtcrJ r. To-day. 8' 1031 1031 B's 103 103 4t's Oonpona 1131 1184 4rs 1104 1191 F tfia2'i of "J5 127 127 BONDS. Ctictral Pacific firsts _ . . 114 J 114 } Erie seconds 98 98 Lehlgh & Wllkcsbarro 101 104 Louisiana consols 01 64j Missouri O'a Ill 111 * Bt. Joseph llOi 1104 Bt , Paul & Sioux City firsts. .111 * 110 Tennessee C's 41J 41 } do new 40 40 Texas A Pacific land grants. . 65 01 do U. U. div. . . . 8IJ 84 Union Pacific 1st mortgage. . 115 115 do laud grants . .1074 1074 > do sinking fund..lltU 11H ( Virginia O'a 35 85 t do consols G'u b8 374 1 do deferred 10 UJ M BIOOKU. 'VAdams Express 127 126 A Allegheny Central 118 IIS / ' Alton & Terre Haute dS 07 / do jfd. . . . 91 91 4f' American Express 1)14 ) 914 ' Burl. , Cedar ilapids & North. Ul 81 Canada Southern 6t > l 085 O. , St. L , & P 204 204 do pfd 5Ji 534 Central Pacific 774 771 Oheaapeake 4 Ohio 20 ? 211 do 1st pfd. . . 3U 31 do 3d pfd. . . 23 YA Chicago SL Alton 134 131 l" do pfd 140J 140 OhL , Burl. & Qniucy 125i 120 V Chi. , St. U A New Orleans. . SL 81 f \ Gin. , Sand. & . Cleveland 41 40 x Clove. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 74 } 73 Delaware & Hudson canal. . . . 110 10M Del. , Lack. & Western 1278 1278 i' ' Denver & lUo Grande 50i 51 1 - Erie SGJ 371 do pfd. . . 80 SO j East Tennessee 10J 10J rl do preferred 2IJ 2U I Fort Wayne & Chicago 134 134 Y Hannibal & St. Joseph 411 4' ' _ > 4 I do pfd. < Mi 974 U Harlem 19(5 ( 197 v Houston & Texas Central. . . . 70 70 * ' Illinois Central 145 145 Ind. , Bloom. & Western 0 29 : ' , Kansas & Texas 301 tOi Lake Erie & Western 294 29 * Lake Shore & Michigan So. . .1104 UOj Louisville & Nashville 534 53 i ' Loulsv. , Now Alb. & Chicago 54 54 M. &L. 1st nfd 10 in do do 2d pfd 5 5 { Memphis & Charleston 42 42 Michigan Central 'J3J 'JjJ Memphis & Bt. Loul 284 284 do pfd 58 $ f'J Missouri Pncllio 104ft 104g * Mobile * Ohio 17 17 ' , Morris 4 E sex 1211 124J , Nashville & Chattanooga f > 7 57 New Jersey Central 702 781 Norfolk & W 434 43 1 Northern Pacific 51 511 do pfd 881 & 83 . Northweaterr 13U 131g ( ao pfd 15U 152 \ New York Central 123 ? 12S3 \ \ Ohio Central I ? } m \ . Ohio & Mississippi 34 34 do pfd.10S 10iJ t Ontario A Western 2Si 2H Oregon Transcontinental 8lg 843 „ jcifio Mail 4U 41J Manama. US 9S ! Peorla , Decatur & Evansv. . . 201 L'Oi Pittaburg A Cleveland 13H 133 PuUman Palace Oar m.J 12CJ Reading 55 55J Hock Island 125 12i Bt. Lonls & San Fran 32 32 do pfd 62i 5'JJ ' do lit pfd 93 98 Bt. Paul & Milwaukee 1039 1041 do pfd..119 ? 120 Bt Paul. Minn. A Manitoba.1304 1304 s Bt. Paul & Omaha 50 50 da pfd 107J 1074 Texas & Pacific 3'Jjj S9g Union Pacific 97 | 115 United States Expresa 58 59 Wabasb , St. L. & Pacific. . . . 29J 2J3 do pfd. 47 546 Wells , Fargo & Co. Express.121 124 Western Union Telegraph. . . 824 83J Homestake 15 in * Ontario 20 25j t § | Quicksilver 8 8 do pfd 41 41 South Pacific 5 b tiutro 21 20 FOREIGN FINANCE. Special Dlffutch to Tni Dn LOXOON. Coosolu , for money , 102 1-6 ; consols , ac. count , 1021 ; Illinois Central , 494 ; Tenn ijlvanU Centr l , G3 | ; New York Central 27Ji Kilt , 3SJ. P3ODUOB PROVISIONS , _ f apodal Dlrpatchea lo Tni Bis. CHICAGO. OHJOAOO , May 4. Flour Firn and unchanged. , Wheat Unwttled ; irregular ; openec weak and lower ; closed firm at outildi prices : 1131 'or May ; 1 154 for June 1171@l 17i 'or July ; 116j for August 1163 ' < " September ; 1134 for th * rear No. 3 Chicago spilng , 1 IS ® 1131 ; No. , ' ( ; hlc K ipring , 03oj No. 'J red winter , 1 13J. Corn Acll < > , 1ml lower ; 651s for ch ml MJi MJ@iOJj : for .lime ; MJ ® f > 88a for July ; 6''is5tOl3 ] tor August ; fp'Jjio far the tear. Uain IlaU tint lover ; 41(3 ( for cub ; 41fc fur May ; 4243o lor June ; 42 for July ; 3.1J3 for August ; 3J@33Jo for the year , Itye-Qutct and firtn ; higher ; G3&0. & lUtley Dull and nominal. Flax Sco.1Scarce and firm at 1 45. 1'ork Opened weak nrl loner ; cloa d firm at ouUlile prices ; 1U GO for cnih and Mar : 1970l972i for June : 10 f-7 * @ lU'JJfor July ; 1 < J U74@20 IO fnr Augmt ; 20 ar.20 . 10 for Setitember ; 1700@1725 for the year. lj\nl Optned weak nnd laweri rioted firm at on tilde price * ; 11 80@ll 85 for cwli and May ; 11 9C@11 UI2J tnr June ; 92i@ll U3 lor Juy ; 11 871@11 tKI r Au u t ; 11 M ) for September ; 1180 ® 85 for the year. Bulk Meats In fair drmand ; shoulders , (0 ( ; iihort rib , 1075 ; short clear , 1100. Hotter Market ij'ilet nn'l nnohanged , Knits-Marlet o ler ; 14i@15e. Whlnkv Steady and untbangrd , Fieluhti Uatcd on corn to Jiutf.b , 3je er bndiel. CALL HOABD. Wheat Irrejuhr ; lv uc < l gilorMnyaud June ; decllucd 0 for July. Corn In fair demacd but at lower tec ; declined lo fur June uuJ August ; ecllneJ ic for July. Oats IJemaud actlva nnd prkes have ilvinc d ; advance J Jo for May and June ; : < vancedlo for July. I'nrkDemand fair und pilcet lilclior : [ 1G5 for May ; lU77i for June ; 1U921 ir July ; 'JO 0 1 for Aui uit. Ij rd Demand actlva and prices have JyancadJc. . NEW TOim. NW YOIIK , May 4. Flour-Steady nod uchxnged. Wheat l@ia 1 > wer | options opened 1@ lower , attcrwards recovered from the cllne , advanced i'a-l3 , cloilng firm ; un- radod rod , 1 05@1 23 ; No. 3 red , 1 17@ 171 ; t amer NJ. 2 r < - l. 1 10J ; No. 12 red , 24(2)1 ( ) 1'U ; rlevatnr , 1 23 f. o , b ; utiRrsd. 1 white , 1 OG@117 ; stpumer No. 2 do , jc ; No 2 white , 107 ; No. 1 white , 2,000 twhols , 1 15@1 'Gi ; No. 2 red , , I y , 400,000 bushels. 1 22g@l 231o , cloa- UP at lli.lj. Coru Undfttle.1 ; No. 1 3o lower ; un- railed , C8@G3c ; No 3 , G gGls ; Btemer , ll@GHc ; No. 2 , UTiJffiGGJc ; No. 2 , May , i@CGic. closlug GSjc ; June G55@G6aj , oilng G5gc ; July CGJ@G78e , closing G7c ; , uu t 68J g082 > , clo lug GSJc ; Septem- r G94o. Oita J@3i lower ; fairly nctlva ; mixed eatcrn19g52c ( ( white western , r > J@57c. K gs Western fredi quiet but steady. 1' rk Firm ; options nominal. L rd Pilme Btrnm , 11 80 for Ma > ; . 80 for June ; 11 8J@U 92 for July , 18a@ll'J5 for August ; lltGeil'Jl for lepteinber ; 11 91@11 93 for LCtober. ST. LODIB. ST. Loum , May.4.-Flour-Firm und changed. Wheat Cash loner ; options Irregular. ; ener lly h'gher and active ; No. 2 red ill , 113f@t , 13i f jr cash ; 1 15J@11G for une ; 1 ll@l 1 , cloning at 115@11C ; lr J for Augnot ; 115j@l ! 173 for Septem- er ; 113@113J | for the year , No 3 rod fall , 07i Corn Opened lower ; advanced , and mod fairly firm ; 62o tor caeh ; 523@593 or May ; 52J@531o for June ; G4j@5.rio ! ir July ; 5Gl@5Gjc ; for Auguit ; 46Jo for ho year. Oats Lower ; 431 ® 13Jo for cash ; 433 © Jo for May ; 441@44jjj for June ; 42 } @ so for July. KyoLower : (5Gjc. ( Oirn Meal-Firm at 2 CO. Whlflkv-bteady ; 114. 1'ork Higher ; jobbing at 19 75 for cash ; 9 70 hid for Mav. Hulk Meats-Slow ; long clear , 10 45 © 0 f > 9j shcrt ilb , 10 G5@10 GO ; short clear , 0 fiO10 GO 11 icon Q lie ! ; IODK clear , 11 10 ; abort i. 11 25. Lvd Nominally , 11 25 AKTKIINOON BOAKD. Wheat Market a > ier ; 110 for June ; 115J for Juli ; 110 or August ; 113 for the year. Corn Higher ; 53Jo for June , 65c for uly ; SOJo bid for August ; 47Jo for the ear. Oats-Higher ; 42Jo for May ; 41is for une ; 4"jd for July. KANSAS CITT. KANSAS CITT. May 4. Wheat Weaker ; So. 2 red fall , 97J@97io for ciah ; 93o for "une ; 93o bid for July. Corn Lower and weaker ; 43o bid for ash ; 44go Ud for Juno ; 4Go bid for July. Oats Nominal. TOLEDO. TOLIUO , May 4. Noon Board. . ' 'Ionr Opened dull , but tending upward , iloalngjfiimer. Wheat No. 2 red winter. 1 1GJ for cash , nd May ; 1 17J for June ; 119i for July ; 18 for August ; 1 18& bid for September ; 19J f ° r October ; ! ! 1G3 fnr the year. Corn Firmer ; No. U , CUlo for cash ; 53c or M y ; GOj for June ; Glo July. Oatn-Market dull ; No. 2 htId at 44Jo. BOARD CLOStl ) Wheat Stronger ; Isci. red winter holdot 1163 for May ; 1 183 or June'l ; 19J@l 19i for July ; 1 J fur \ncuit ; 11G | for the year. Corn Market dull ; No. 2 , 59j bid for ath and May ; GOo for June , Glo bid for luly. Oats-Quiet ; No. 2 held at 45c for cash ; 4 } bid tor M y ; 4fic bid for June. LIVEIiroOt , LiTKnrooL , M y 4. Flour. Ils@ll9 G1. Wh at-Winter,8i 10d@9j21 ; < Rnrin81 . _ . ; No 2 California , 9i@9i 2d ; No. 1 California , lid 31(3,9i 8J , Corn 5 < 7Ji Lard-5 3s. LIVE pocul Dtipatchcs to Tni Bit. ClIICiQO. OHIOAOU , May 4 The Droven' Jcor- nnl rop.Ttd aa follows : Hngi Not quiit tbly altered ; mixed. G90 @ 7 23 ; hnivy. / 20g7 05 ; light , G 8r.7 35 ; skips , 3 50@0 tO ; lloeral nupply of poor , Iglit and rough mixeil quthty improved , Cattle Fair , pauibly active ani weaker xporU , G 40@G GO ; coad to choici able- clncr , 5 90@G 35 ; common to fair , 5 SO ® " 85. Sheep Fair ; moderately active am toady ; common to f&tr , 39)1EO ; gooi , o choice , 5 50@5 75. ST. LOCI3. ST. LODIS. Msy 4. HORS Market dull good lUbt shipping , 7 057 15 ; common to ; oed mixed pAckinir , G 90@7 25 ; heavy ihlpplntr , 7 30@7 50. Cattle Firm ; good shipping and loci demand ; heavy uhlppin ? steers , 6 00@G 50 light to good , 5 40@5 93 ; common ti medium , 4 75@5 25 ; gojtl cows am heifers , 4.50 5 V5 ; common , 13 75@4 25 grass Texana would btiog 4 50js5 ( 25. Sheep Slow and unchanged ; ranging 4 00@t > 25 for fair to choice clipped. KANSAS OITT. KANSAS CITT. Mny 4. The Commer clal Indicator this afternoon reports a follow * : Cattle -Lower and weak ; shipping steer of 1,101 to 1,300 poundi told at 6 fiO@5 85 "tocl" " and feedsre , 4 2J@4 SO ; cows 3 50@4 DO. , ,1 ,8TftHlsher' ' c ° ° ® 7 > ; bulk of sale 7 10@7 0. Sheep 100 pound avsragos sold at 4 50 YORK. Nsw YORK , May 4. The Drovew Journal Bureau reports ; Beeves-Market bad , particularly fo good and prime heavy cattle , which wer 20o per cwt , lire weight lower ; no real ! ccmmon cattle thown ; extrer es , G 50fi 7 30 per cwt , live weight ; the common selling price was G72@0 90 per owt , In eluding twenty carloads of fat distiller fed ; natives , G SOgGOOjjnr cwt , ; strict ! prime stoera of l.SOO to 1,550 pounds freel told at 7 00 ; exporters , tued 24 carloadr. Sheep -Unll and l-iwer ; extr'tnei. 4 GOO G 10 per cwt ; clipped sheep , 5 25@7 10 uniborn , 8 00@10 00. Hoffi None tflered alive , market flat wholly momJnal , TttAFFlO. Sp ctkl Dlrralclict to Till Hit. tlODR AND OaAINU OHIOAOO , May 4. Receipts anil ( hip. ments of flour and grain for the put 24 hours have been M followm UecelpU. Bhlp'ts Flonr-bbls 10.00J Wheat bushels 13,000 Corn " 100,000 OaU " 4G.COO Uye " 87,000 Barley- " G.COO Nw VOBJC , May 4. llewlpU and ihtpmenti of flour and grain for the past 24 hours bare b en a follows ) Keoeipti Bhp'ti Flour-bbls 8,000 4,300 Wheat bnshtl 8,000 91,000 Com- " 103.000 1)0,000 ) OaU- " . . 30GW ST , Louis , May -Kecolpts and shipments of flour and grain for the past 48 noun have been at follows ! Kecottita. Bhip'U. Flour barrel 3,000 4,000 Wheat bushels 11,000 ' 9.000 Corn " 10,000 100,000 Oats- " 10,000 31.01 Uye " 33,100 Barley- " 16,000 ToLKDO , May 4. KocclpU and ship ments of flour and grain for the past "I home have been as follows ; Ksc'ta. Shipm'ta. ' Vheat 38,000 132(00 orn 21,000 1H.OOO ata 11,000 1,000 KANSAS OITT , May 4. Receipts and ilpments of grain for the past 24 ours hate been as follows ! Keo'ts. Shlp'U. Vhoat , bushels 3,000 1,000 orn " . . . . ats- " UVE STOCK. NEW YORK , May 4. Hecolpta and ilpments of live stock for the past 24 ours have been as follows ! Uoo'bi Bhip'U seve , carloads 2,700 603 Barters of btef 3,620 area FQ3 of mutton 493 tieep , carloads 7 GOO . . . . ! ogp , carloads 2,450 . . . . CIIIOAOO. May 4. Kecelpto and ship- icnts of live stock fcr the paat 21 ours have been as follows ; Ieo ! in. Shipm'tn. logs 12,000 4,400 attle GiO 3,200 heep 2,000 3.CCO KANSAS CITT , May 4. Uocclpts and ilpmonta of live stock for the paat 24 ours have been as follow ? : Koo'ts. Shipm'ts. attle 700 [ oga 3,900 . . . . beep , , 15) ) . . . ST. Louis , May 4 , Receipts and ilpmenta of live stock fet the past 24 ours have bcon as follows : Roo'ts. Shlpm'ts. 'attle ' 1,400 l.GOO beep 800 . . . . Hog 2,600 2,400 MISCELLANEOUS. pedal Dlspi'.ches to Tin Bu. DBT GOODS. NEW YOIIK , May 4. The general de mand for dry goods xhows a very fair 1m- rovoment for nei * aeaortmenta with a olume of now business Increased. Still , aklngs have exhibited much preference or scjloatntid finalities. Lonsdale com- rics reduced to 12c. In view of anim- rovemnnt In the price of cotton , more at- ention Is gixen to staple and cottons , with uiot negotiations having taken fair quant- pans , cottomde * and llinnol.i are without 'ies. Men's wear , woolen colored , Kentttcty fe , though tor the latter there h ° .s been moderate inquiry f r small selections. The eueral nmrlcet ia dull. Dry goods are ery cheap. WO OL. pocUI Dljp tch to Tni Ben J OSTO.V , May 4. Wool dull ; Ohio and 'ennsylvanla extras , 404ic ; Michigan * icefl , 37i@39j ; oimbing delaine , 4J@ 7c ; California wool , 25@3Jc. OMAHA MAUK.H1TC3. Wholesale Prlooa. Oyrias or THE OMAHA Bat , 1 Friday Evening , May 4 , J The following are the only changes ro lotted in the market to-day : Wheaf , cash , No. 2 decllntd 2j ; No. , declined SJc. Rye , cash , advanced lie. Barley , cash No. 2 , advanced 3c ; No , 3 eclined "c. Qraln. WHEAT.-Oaih No. 2 , 91c ; leash No. , 73s ; rejected , 774c. BARLEY.-CasliNo. 2 , 66 : ; No. S , Oc. Oc.RYEOash , 49ia. COKN- New mixed , 883. OATS 38o. Produce. POTATOES 25@60o per Dunnel. ONIONS Old 25o per bushel. BUTTER -Ohoico country , lOo. KGGS fresh , 13Jo. UONBY Oaliforaia. perlb. 31. APPLES Per barrel. ? 2 25@3 25. ORANGES-Californla , 3 5D ; Messina , 4.00$5 00 L15MONS-S5 00@5 cO per box. BEANS Navy per bushel , 2fiO < 2275 SEEDS-Blua RMBS seed , 125@150 ; > 'motby feed , 2 102 25 ; red clover seed , 00 ; white clover seed. 13 00 ; millet seed , 100 ; Hungarian eeed , 1 10 ; orchard grass eeJ , 2 50. Llvo Stock OATTLiFot steers. $5 005 50. FAT COWS-SI 00@4 25. HOI3S-SG25@7IO. SHKEl'-Sl50jB500. Flour and MlllitufTs , Be t winter wheat- 00@3 73. Second quality winter wheat 275@32 5. Be t spring whsat 2 G ) @ 2 " .i , Second quality tpring wheat 2 4 1@2 50. Bran , per ton 1G 00. ( Chopped FcoJ , per ton 10 00. Poultry. CHICKKNS-Llve per doz. , $ JOO@ 4 50. Dressed , per lb. , 15c. DUCICS-Ures d , per lb. , lie. TUKKEYS-lTc. Qrocors List CANNED GOODS Oyatere , ( Qtand ard ) , per case , 3 70@390 ; strawber riot , 1 tb , per cat.e , 2 40 , rasp berrloa , 1 Tb , per cane , 3 50. Dam sons , 2 In , per cuin , 2 45 , Bartlett pears per cane , 2 40. Whortleberries per coao,275. Kgg plums , 2 lb percbse,2 & 0 iireen gagcs,2 lb per case , 2 90 ; do choice , lb per coao 4 50 , Pine App'ea , 2 lb , per ease 4 00@5 75. Peaches , 2 lb per ease , 8 00 do 3 tt , case , 4 00@4 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , per case.2GOdopie ; , 6 lb , per dozen , 3 30. LARD Omaha Retinlnlm ; Co. : Tierces 12o ; 40 and 50-lb cans , 12jc ; 20-lb cans I2gc ; 10-1U palls , screw top , 121c ; 0-lb do 12jo ; 3 lb do , 12Jo. RIOU IjouUlan-j prime to choice , 7JQ 85 : fair , 774c ; Pntm , GJu. FISH-No. 1 mackerel , half brb , 7 CO No. 1 mtckerel , kits , 1 00 ; family mack erel , half brls , 5 25 ; family mackerel , kits 85c ; No. 1 white fish , half brls , 7 00 ; No. : k'U , 1 05 COFFH E. Rio , fair , lloi Rio , good llic ; iirlue to choice , 12 to 12JC ) Old gov' Javnl8o@2lo. SYRUP Standard Com. , 3Ss , bbls. Standard do , 4 gallon kops , 21 95 ; Stan dard do. 4 gallon kegj , $1 75 , SODA In lb papers , 83.30 per cose ; keg eoda , 2c. NEW PIOKLES-Medlum , In barrel $700 ; do in half bbla , 4 OU ; < malb , In bbU 900 do , In half bbls , COO ; gherkin * , In bbU , 11 00 ; do , In half bbla , 6 00. TEAS .Gunpowder , good , ® 55 Hholce , 6075o ; Imperial , good , 4045c OiMoe (5ftg76c ( ; Young Hyson , good , M ® 50 | tkolte , 65c 341 00 ; Japan Nat Lea 85 : | Japan , tholM , 00 T5i ; Ooloag , food , 540 ; Oolong , cho.oo , 406S | Boooboug , 'ool. 35 < 34 ( i ; oholM , 85 45c. HOl'K Slnl. i Inch and.Urgrr , lie ; Inch , HU : ( Inch , 12o. WOOUENWAHK Two hoot ) . . 1 75 : three hoop palti , 2 CO. Tnbt , No. 1 , 8 60 ; Pioneer waibboardj , 1 85 Double Crown 2 90V ; 11 buckets , 350 , L11AD Bar. $1 65 SOAPB--Klrk's Savon Imperial , 845 ; Klik'i atlnot , 3 60 ; Kirk's standard. 3 76 ; Klrk'i white Iluislui , 5 25 | Kirk's Eutoca , 315 Klrk'i Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes ) , 40 ; Kirk's magnolia doz. , POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 ease , In caae , 8 35) ) Babbitt's Ball 2 doc. In cose , 1 90 : Anchor Ball 2 doi In CMC 1 50. PEANUTS Koastod , eholoe. r d Ten- nenseo , lOoper lb ; fanoy white , lOJo pcrlb ; raw white Vb-Rlnlt , r w , 10o | toasted 12io. CANDLES Boxes , 40 lbsl ( < s , 16Jc ; 8r , IBJc ! b < xe * 40 Ibs. , 16 oc. , 6s , 15Jc. MATCHES * Per coddle , 95o | round , oaiM. 88 10 : square , eases , 5 40 , VINEQAIl 1'uie tpple extra , 16c : pure apple , 13c | Pintolng oure mnle , lOc , SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 83) ) Ash- oju , In sac ks , S 50 ; bbls dairy 60 , 5s , H 50 8UOA1U3 Powdere < l , lOlct Cut loaf , lOic ; Granulated , 94o ; Confectioners' A , 9o ; Standard Extra 0 , Sgc ; Extra C , 84c ; medium yellow , 74c ; dark yellow , 71c. STARCH. Pearl. 44c | Silver Glens 94c ; Corn Starch , 94si ExcclsiorQlow , 7(0 t Com , 81 MEATS Hams per lb. , 14o ; bacon per lb. , 14c ; clear side bacon per lb. , 11 jc ; dry salt sides per lb. , lOlc ; dry salt rides per lb , , ISo ; bacon shoulders per Jb , 94c ; tierce lard per lb. ; llje. SPICES. Pepper , 31 ; Allsplo ) , 18 Jav , 2 lii. < lc,2 Mocha , 204ci Arbncklo's 14e. 14e.OUEKSH Full Cream , 14io | Part Qklm , 11) . LYK American , 8 40 ; Greenwich , 8 40 : Western , 2 76 ; North Star , 2 OG ) Lewis' lye , 4 6f > ; Jewell lye , 275 , FEKD-Jobblng prices , Chop feed (1.50 per 100 Iba.j chop corn , $1.40 ; bran , 70c per 100 lb . HOMINY New IS 50 per bb ! . Dry Qoods. BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A. BJc ; Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 8c ; Boot , FF , 80 ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7o ; Cabot W. 71c ; Chittonango A. file ; Ureat Falls E , 8c ; Hocsier , GJo ; Honeet Width 80 , In dian Head A , So ; Indian Standard A , 8Jc ; Indian Orchard d. w , , SJo ; Lawrence LL , GJo ; Mystic river , 7ie ; Peqnot A , SJc ; io : Utlca 0 , 5ic : Wachutett B , 74o ; do A , 8joi do R 48 , la ot WalSItt BB. 7J < J. FINE BUOWN COTTONS Allendale 1-4 : 74o ; Alligator 3-4 , Sc ; Argyle 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic LL , Gicl Badger State X 4-4 , 643 ; Bennington 0 4-4,6Jo ; Buckeye S. 4-4,6jcc Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 8Jc ; Laconia O 39 , 840 ; Lehlgh E 4-4 , OJo ; Pepperoll N SO , 7c ; do O 33 , 7io ; do R 86 , 7 o ; do E 39 , 84o , Vocnsnet 0 4-4 , 7 cj Wamautta 4-4 ISoBLEACHED BLEACHED COTTONS Androscog crin L 4-4,94oBlackstone ; AA Imperial 8fc ; do do half Weached 4-4,9cj Cabot 4-4,83 ; Fidelity 4-4 , DicjFrult of the Loom. 91 ; do can.brlo4-4,12jodoWaterTwlst,104oGreat ; ; Fall * Q , 9o ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12c ; Lonsdale , lOo ; do cnmbrlc 37 , ISjo ; New York Mills , 124o ; Peqnot A,10o ; Pepperel N G Twills , ISJc ; Pocahontas 4-4 , 9Jc ; Pocasset 4-4 , Slat Utioa , He ; Woinsntta O X X , 124c. DUCKS Colored ) Albany B brown , c ; do 0 , drab , UK do X.A. stripes and laids , 124c ; do XXX brown and drab , tripos and plaids , 13&c ; Arlington fancy , Br9c : unswick brown , SJc ; Chariot fancy 24o ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall River Town , extra heavy , llic ; Indiana A irown IKni Nenonset A brown. 15c T1UK1INUB Ainoslreag A U A 32 9c ; do XX blue 32 , 184c ; Arrowacns , 4c ; Cbromont B B,154c : Coneatoga ; is r , 17ic ; Hamilton D , 1140 Lewinton A 0 , 15c ; Minnehaha 4-4 , SOo ; Omega super xtra 4-4 , 28c ; Pearl River 32 , 16o ; Put- 10111 XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shetucket S OJc ; do S3 12c ; Yeoman's blue 29 , 9o DENIMS. Amoskeak , blneandbroun .64c ; Andover DD blue , 154c ; Arllntj'X ) lue Scotch , 184e ; Concord OOO , blue aw jrown , 124c : do AAA , do do 13J ; doXHto lo do 144o Unymoker'a blue and brown , tic ; Mystio River DD stripe , IC o ; Portil , Uvor , blue and brown , IGo ; Uncajvllle , iluo acd brown , 144f. > OAMBRICrf Bnrnord , 6 o ; Kddyatono Ining. 24 Inch double taoe , 840 ; Garner A 'lazed , Fie ; Manhattan glove finish , 5c Towport do Cc ; do glazed , 52o | Poquot do " : Lockwood kid finish Go. CORSET JEANS Amory , BoiAndroa coggin natteon 8Jo ; Clarendca , GJo ; Cones o'lea eatteens , 7ic ; Hallowol , , So ; Ii ' " ) rchard 74c ; Nnrriganisctt , Improved , "opperill sattnon 0o ; Rookport , 7ga PRINTS Allenn , 640 ; American , (54c ( ; Arnold , 7o ; Berwick 4o ; Cocheco , 7c ; Joneatoga. 6 0 ; Dunkirk , ; Dunnoll , > 4@7c ; Kddyatono , 7c ; Gloucester , Gc ; larmony , SJc ; Knickerbocker , 64c ; Mer rl ao D. 7c ; Myutio , 54o ; Spraraes , Gc ; Joutbbridgo , Gc ; do. Ginghams , 7e | Marlboro bore , 5Sc ; Oriental C4c. GINGHAMS-Am keig , 94cj Argyle , .Qljv ; Atlantic , 9c ; Cumberland , 74o ; highland , 74c ; Kenilwortb , 9c | Plun- kett 'JWi Suisex , 8c COTTONADK8 Abhervllle 134a Agate , "Oc ; American , llo ; Artlslan , 20c ; Cairo D and T , 134c ; Olarlca D and T' 174c ; Deccan Co. stripes D and T , 16o ; Key- tone , 134c ; Nantuoket , 19o ; Nonpareil 16c ; Ocean D and T , 134o ; Royal , 164 > Sussex , 12c ; Tioga , 134c ; Waohuaett shirt n ; chocks , 12io ; do , Nankin , 134a ; York , ) bln Nftnkin. 12lc , ; do , checks , etrlpes and anov , 12 c ; do , 8 oz 20o , SHEETINGS Androscogidn 10-4,374o ! do 9.4 , 23c ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental 0 42 , llo , Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , 274 ; New York mllls98 , S5c ; do 78 , 30c ; do 53. 224o , Pembroke 10-4 , 25o ; Pequot 1C-4 , 284o , do 74 , I9o do 49 , ICe ; Pepperell 96 , 29o do 67 , aicjdo 57,18c ; Utica 96 , 860 ; do ,33io ; do 48.17c. Drugs. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS- ( , Carbolic , 50c | Acid , Tartarlc , 55o ; Balsam ) opnbla , per lb , 70c ; Bark , Sassafras , per b , 131 | Calomel , per lb , 75 ; ; Clnchonldia , ier oz , 8110) ) Chloroform , per lb , t)0o ) | Dover's powders , per lb , 91 25) ) Epaozn Salt ? , per lb , 31c ; Glycerine , pure pe > bl , SOji Load , Acetate , per lb , 22c Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gal , PI 25 ; Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per E li 8115 , Oil , Olive , pur gal. 81 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 50 ; Opium , 85 10 , Quinine P. k W. & R. A S. , icr or , f 1 85 ; Potassium , Iodide , per U Jl 76 ; a'.bciti , per or , 40c ; Sulrlmto o ilornhlns , for w , $3 35 ; Snlpnar flour per lb , 4cj Btrv hnlne , oer cr , Jl < 5. P ht * Oil ) nd Vinlihti OILH 110 * carbon , per gallon , 12o ; 150 * ho dllght , per g Hon , 14c ; 175 * headlight , per gallon. 19o ; 150' Water White , 18o ; linseed , raw , per pallon , EG ; Unseed , boiled , perc&llon. 59s ; lard , winter str'd , par gal , Ion. 85 ; No. 1 , 85o ; No. 2 , 75c ; castor , XXX. per gallon , 1 30 ; No. 3 , 1 20 ; sweet , per gallon , 85c : sperm , W , B. , per gallon. 1 75 ; fish , W. B. , per gallon , 75 ; ; neatsfoot , extra , per gallon , 93c ; Nn. 1 , 75o ; lubri cating , zero , per gallon , SGo ; summer , 15c , golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No. 3 SO : sperm , signal , per gallon , 80c ; tur pentine , per gallon , G5c ; naptha , 74 , per gallon. ISc : 64 * . 17o PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha P , P. . Gc ; white lead , St. Louis , pure , GJc ; Kanelllea groou , 1 to 5 th cans , "Oa French zinc , gtasn seal , 12c | French tine , red seal , He ; French zinc , In varnish east , 20c ; French zlncc , In oil aast 15c ; Rav/ and burnt umber , 1 lb cans 10o ; raw and burnt Sienna , 10 ; : Vandyke brown , v refined lampblack. 12c ; coach black and ; l"ory black , ICc ; drop blatk , 16c ; Prussian blue , 30c ; ultramarine blue , 18o ; chrome green , L , M , & D , , lGbllud ; and shutter green , L , M. k D. , 10 : ; Paris green , ISc ; Indian red , 15c : Venetian red. 9o ; Tuscan dre , 22c ) American Vermilion , I , & P. , IScj chrome yellow , L. , M. , O , & D O , , ISc ; yellow ochre , 9c ) golden ochre , IS ) patent dryer , 8c ; graining colors : light oak , dark oak. w&luut. beatnut and ash 15o. Dry Paints Whlta lead , 8c ; French ilno. lOct Par whlteing 2Jc ; whiting gilden , lc ] vhlting com'l , lie ; lampblack German , town , 14c ) limpblock , ordinary , lOcj 1'rnu. slan blue , 55c ; ultramarine , 18o ; vondyke b/own , 8c | umber , burnt , 43) ) umber , ran 4cslenna ; , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4c Paris green genulna , 35c ) Paris green com' ' 20c | chrome green , N , Y. ' 20o ; ehrcm greci K , , 12o ; vennllllon , E g , , TOo ) vei tutlllon , America , 18c ; Inilau red , lOo ( we vlnk , 14c ; Venetian re.td , Cokuioso SJo : Tenotlan red Am , , IJc ; rei load , 7J | ihtome yellow , genuine , 20o brome yel ow , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle EC ; ochre french. 2Jc ; ochre , Amcrlowi , 2c | Vlntor i mineral. 24c ; lehlgb brown. 2Jcs pankh brown , ? 4c | Prlnco'i nilncral Sc , VARNISHItS-lUrreU per nUlon rnmltnre , extra , 91 10 : furniture , No. 1 1 ; oonch , extra , (140 ; each , No. 1 , ' 1 30 ; Dainar , extra , $1 76 ; apan , 70o ; * - iholtum , extra , 85o | ahella M CO ) hard U finUb , tl 80. 80.Hides Hides , Furt , Etc. HIDES < .re n butotior's hides , KJ c cured 6J@7jo | hldeo , green ( alt. ry flint , sound , 12 18o : dry calf nd kip , 1214ct dry salt hides , tound , 0llo ) green calf. wt. 8 o 15 Ibs , . ll@13cj green calf , wt. under 8 Ibt , per skin , 50c | reen pelts , C0@l 35 ; green bunb skins , 1 25@lCOi damaged bides , two-third rate , : nt tcorod and one grub , classed two. -Irdj rate , ) branded hidej 10 per font , off Coon skins , No. 1 , 45o ; No. 3 , 30oj No , 1 0 ) No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No , 1 , SOo ) No. 2 5c ; No. 3,15o ; No. 4 , 60. Fox , No.lk , 30c ; No. 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , b6o ) xric ) short stripe , 40ai narrow ittlpea rend stripe. ICo. Tallow 7o , Leather. Oak sole , 880 to 42o ; hemlock sole , 33c to 5c ; hemlock kip , SOo to 100 ; runner , } 5o to SOo ; hemlock calf , 85o to 120) ) hem- ock npper , 23o to 2Gc ) oak upper , 24c ; lligator. 4 00 to 6 50 ; calf kid , 8235n- Grelsen kid , 2 50 to 3 75 ; oak kip , 80a to 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip , 10 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 3 00 ; nin- etts. 5 60 to 7 50 ; linings , 6 00 to 10 50 ; opplugs , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , SOo o 35o ; pebble 0. D. Moroaoo , S5c ) simon ; N ) to 8 00. HARNESS-No I ar oak , 42c ; No 3 o , 39c ; Nc.l Ohio oak , 880 ; No. 2 do , 35c ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 37a ; No , 3 do 94a. Lumber. WHOLES ALB. We qnotv lumber , lain and shingles on ars at Omaha at the following prices ) JOIST AND BOANTLINO-16 ft. and nder , $22 00 ; 18 ft. , 823 50. TIMBERS 16 ft. and under , 822 00. TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft. , 823 BO ; C ft , $23 50j 33 ft. , $26 60 ; 34 ft. $26 60. FENCING No. 1 , 4 and C In. , 2i 00 ; o. 2 , $22 00. SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( ccmmon oards ) , ? 2 ( ) 00 ; No. 3 , 818 00. LIME Per barrel , 81 25) ) bulk per CUB IC ; Cement , bbl , 82 25 Iowa plaster bl. $3 50. Hair per bu. 50o. Tarred elt 100 Ibs , S3 50. Straw ijoard , $3 50. Heavy Hardware Lilt. Iron , rates , $2 80 ; plow steel , special east , 7c ; crucible , tic ; special or Uerman.Go ; ant tool do. 15@20 wagon spokes , net. 2503 00 ; hubs , per Got , 125 ; felloe * , sawed ry , 140 ; tongues , each , 70@86o ; axles , ach , 75o ; square nuts , per R > , 7llc ; rashers , per lb. 8lSo ; rivets , per lb , He ; toll chain , per lb , 6@12c ; malleable , 80 ; ron wedgce , Gc ; crowbars , 60 harrow eth , 4o ; spring teel , 7@8c | Burden's rnenhonii. 5 2 : Burden's muleshooa , 6 25 , BARBED WIRE In car lots , 7o @ a per 100. NAILS Rates. 10 to 60tf > , 3 60. SHOT. Shot , $1.85) ) Bnck shot , $2.10. ) riental Powder , kegs , $6.40 ; do. , hal Eegs , $3.48 : do. , quarter kegs , $1.88 ; Blast Ing , kegs , $3.85 : Fuse , per 100 feet 50o. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , $12) ) dorrla Run Blowiburg , $12 ; Whltebreaat nmp , $4 50 ; Whitebreoet nut , 84 50) ) lown nmp , 51 50 ; Iowa nut 84 50 ; Rook Spring , 700 ; Anthracite , 811 60@12 00 ; Canon ity , 87 00 per ton. Horsei and Mulei. Extra draft horses , 8175. to 225. ) Com- : on draft horses , 8100. to 150. ) Extra arm homes , $110. to 125. ) Common to 03d furin horeet. 890 to 8100. ) Extra ilugn , SCO. lo 75. ) Common plugs , $20. o340. MULES. ( E i tra ) . 8125. to 150. ) go o d , 100. to 110. ; fair , 675. tu 100. ) common , fGO. to 75. Liquor * . ALCOHOL 188 proof , 325 per wine ttllon ; extra California spirits , 187 proof , 25 per proof gallon ; triple refined * plritu 37 proof , 123 per proof gallon ; ra-dletilled ffcfskles , 1 00@1 50 ; fine blended 1 50 ® 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@7 00 ; Ken- ncky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 007 00. BRANDIES-Imported , 88 0018 OT | domojtlo 1 404 00 , aiNS-Imported , 4 50O6 00) domosllo , 40300. RUMS-Impcrted , 4 COQO 00 ; Nuw ! cgland. 2 00 © 1 00 ; domestic , 1 603 50 PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY- OHAMPAGNKS-Importe.t per case , 0031 0 < Amitli a , caae , 12 00ft SOO , CLARETS 'or cane , 4 B0@16 00 WINE3 Rh ne wine , per case , 6 00 ® 2 00) ) Oatawba , per caee , 4 00@7 00. Tobaccos. FINE OUT In palla. Common , 40 © Be ; good , (0@76c. In tin foil Oat' Inn O , S. , 6 lb boxes , per lb 55 ; ; Lori llard'o Tiger , 57c ; Diamond Crown , SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to 33c. Granulated Blackwells Durham , 1C oz46 : ; Dukes Durham , 16 oz , 46c | Seal of tforth Carolina , 16 oz , 46 ; Seal of Nebrai. : a , 16 oz , SSc ; Lone Jack , 4 cz , linen bags per lb. 81.00 ; Marburprs' Puck 1 oz , tin oil. F2DPJ : ? T oil 55c. PLUG TOBACCO -Horseihoe , 48 ; Bullion 50 ; Army & Navy , 45 : SUr48 ; 'Uiinix , 50 ; Our Rope , 62 ; Our Rod , 52. Wool. Merino unwas ed , light , 14l < ! o | hsa vy © 131bc ) modlnm unwashed , light , 18 ® 2 woahod , oholce , S2c ) fair , SOo ; tub-d in and w. , 2Sc ; bnrry , blftcktnd cotted wo 2@Go lea * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Phyalclann preacrlbo Brown'u Iron Bitters for Indigestion , weakness , low iplrlta , oto. UYDIA E. P.NKHAR VEGETABLE COMPOUND. Isal'Q'-UlverurB for nil tlioiernlnfulComplnlntiond W Vnr M a carumua to our br > t female populutlon. V Meillclno for 1Tom > nT InTonteil by a Womai Prepared ly a Woman. fli Cr tnt Bwltol Dl.fotrry Blnretbt Di n ct III t i nrltrovlrcstho drooping uplrlts , Inrlgoratei o urnionlies the orcanlo function * , el e' elasticity rt Irranfssto the step , rcstoreithonaturallUBtrn > ta Bfc.nnaiiUntaonthoFw.ochoilcofwomin the titd psc ot llfu'a iprlng and carlr summer time. ( STPhysIclans USD It and Prescribe U Freelj.- J It removes raininess , flitul. ncy , destroys allcrarln ir tlmalnnt , nilrelleTcawcakncMof the itorancl Tlmt titling of bearing down , caunlnRpaln , wclgl .ml luckache , U Always | rm nrntly cured l.y Ha ui For tlioraro of KUncy fompluliiU of either thli Compound U un urpu icd. . I'lNKiiAsTS ni.ooD i-ciiiriFi rill eradicate u\fry > Mtiir or llumon from Jlood , auditive tnnu and urinKth to tlw } Um , I linn woiiuui ue cblld. Insist un Iia Ing it. Inoth the Compound anTliiood Purincr are pr r " ( tSSJandSM Wfrtcm Avenue , Lynn , Mass. I'rl i < HtherttL Blx botllui f or $5. B nt liy mall In the for tfrlHor oflozenzM , onrecilptof price , tl l rbc forcltncr. Mr * . I'lnVlum t rec , , answer * all letter * i hqulry. EncloMSct-ttanip. Bindforparophlct. Ko f nrolly nhould b flthout I.VniA R riVKHAH UVKU riLLh. Thi > y euro cun tlpallon , bUluaum aadtorjildllyolthgllrgr. eicinWiK-r toi. \ J93-Hold by nil DruesUtn.-a * 01 . { rotnMnnltoit of J'r tnriitftif Jrt i , < t ixidiMMfl farm , J-'or J ) < 6IJIIJx ; > x * of . < li > i > * - < , J'rcMfriKltm offtol J'meert { ( < < n < JUjn < t Me. KKV.A. I. iiODUa Writes ! Aflor n thorough trial of the PURIFIES r. : . . IRON TON10 , 1 tnko pleasure industry , " imy-- > In atntlntr that I bivvo boon "I consider tl maw , tcnolltod by a natm n most excellent roruody fox use > . mlnlatorn and Pub the dobllltntoil vital forces. llo Speakers will and It of the greatest vnluo where a Tonlo la neces sary. I recommend It as a rollablo remedial airent , possessing un * doubted nutritive and restorative properties. tntirillt , Xy. , CM. J , 1833. . HARTER MEDICINE CO. , 813 H. UAUI CT. . DT. LOOIO. oS § . i. tifsj ° sj i2 " o : < n a 313 s < s ° sd g a i i E * * i > t g-S 8 ! -h i-U ou ssa * Su CH 1 s HENRY LEHMANN , JOBBER OF AND WINDOW SHADES EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. 1118 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA The Oldest Wholesale and Retail JEWELRY HOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in SIL VER WARS. CLOCKS , Sich and Stylish Jewelry , "l\o Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in PRECIOUS STONES and all descriptions of FINE WATCHES at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Faruham Streets THE LEADING MUSIC HOUSE IN TDK WKST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any EasteinManufacturer and Dealer , Pianos and 0 gaus sold for cash or installtneuti at Bottom Pricps. A SPLENDID st < ck of Steinway , Chickerine : , Enabe , Voe & Son's Pi anos , andotfrr makes. Also Clough & Warren Sterling. Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us ( before purchasing.1 MAX MEYER & BRO. , MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW CASES A Large Stock always OP Hand. HAS TEE UEST STOOK IN OMAHA AND MAKES THE LOWEST PEIOES IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENTS Have now been finished in our store , ma ! ' mg it the largest and most complete In the West. An additional story has been built and the five floors all connected with two HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS , Ono Exclusively for the nsa of Passengers Theao immense warerooms - rooms three stores , are 66 ieet wide are filled with the Grand est display of all kiiicm of Household and Office Furniture ovei shown. shown.All are invited to cell , take the Elevator on the first flooi and go through the building and inspect the stook. CHAS. SHIVERICK , 206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omaha HORRIBLE ACCIDENT AVERTED. No Floods in the Missouri. And Every one Buys of 711 THIRTEENTH ST. NEW & SECOND HAND FURNITURE , STOVES.GROGKERY . Tin ( Hasswaro , Carpets and Household Supplies , On Long Time Small Payments AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. A , HOSI'E , Jit , , 1519 Dodge , Omaha ,