Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1883, Image 1

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The Yandorbilt Roads Re-eleot
t'iie Heads of tlio Sev
eral Houses ,
Probobllit/ a Rupture on
Oattlo Rates in South
ern Kaaeaa.
Remarkable Progreoa of Oon-
atruotlon of tin Unnadiim
Paolflo Bailroid.
A Special Toliaooo Train Chewing
Distance on the Southtrn
Rout * .
8p lal Dispatches to Tui Dn.
NEW YOIIK , May 4 The board of
dlreotorn of the New York Uontral ,
L ko Shoto and Michigan Central
roads mot to day at the Grand Cen
tral depot and oluctod the following
o Hi sort :
For the Now York Central ifr Dud-
ion River road Chairman of the
board of dlroators , Cornelias Vender
bllt ; president , Jamas II. II ittor ;
first vloo president , Charles 0. Clark ;
second visa praildout , Ohauaoy M.
Ddpow ; third vice president , J. B
Uayden ; at Blatant to president , J.
Tllllnghaat ; troaiurar , V. W. HJDSO-
tor ; comptroller , Isaao P. C lamborn ;
secretary , E. D. Worcester.
Lake Shore it Michigan Southern-
Chairman of the board of dlrectora ,
Wm. K Vanderbllt ; president , John
Nawell ; vloo president , secretary and
treasurer , E , D Worcester.
Michigan Central Railroad company :
Chairman of board of directors , Cor
nelias V ndorbllt ; proildont , II B
Ledyard ; vlco president , E D. Wor
cester ; treasurer , Henry Pratt.
It will bo noticed that while Van-
dorbllt retires from the presidency and
his sons from the vloa presidency , un
der the now by-laws the position of
chairman of the board of director. ) Is
created with general supervisory pow
ers. Under this arrangement Cor
nelius Yandorbilt bacomes chairman of
the Now York Cjntral and Michigan
Central boards , and Wm. K Vandcr-
bllt remains president of the Nickel
Plato road and becomes ohajrman of
the Like Shore dlrectora. Each of
them is also a member of the board of
dlrostoro of the company < f which hU
ft brother is chairman. The plan re
lieves Vandorbllt and his sons of do-
tall work and devolves it upon these
who have been actively engaged in It
ST. Louis , Mo , May 4 The bono
of contention in the mooting of the
\ Southwestern Association , held hero
last Wednesday , turns out to have
boon a determination on the part oi
th gt I oufo. < t .S OvFr noUoo road to
make a lower rate on cattle from their
now stock yards at Hod Fork , font
miles beyond the Arkansas river , in
Indian Territory , to St. Louis than
, i , has been charged by the Atchlsjn ,
< \ Topeka and Santa Fo from | Hunnc-
f- \woll or Oaldwoll , Kansas , which have
heretofore boon the chief shipping
polnta for texas cattle. The mattoi
remains unsettled.
, WINNIPEG , May 4. The Thnndoi
Bay branch of the Canadian Paclfii
railway , extending from Like of the
Woods to Like Superior , a distance ol
200 miles , has boou transferred from
the Dominion goversmant to the Oa
nadlan Pacific syndicate. General Su
perlntondont Egan , on behalf of thi
fatter , formally accepted the road frou
the contractors and to-day iisned thi
necessary order for Its operations
The line from Winnlpsg to Prlnoi
Arthur's Lindlng , Superior , is 43i
miles and will bj made by ozpres
trains In 24 houri.
CHICAGO , May 4 A settlement o
the trouble between the eastbonnc
trunk lines and the board of trad
eemi at far off as baforo. The east
bound aconta to dy refuaod to subml
to arbitration the case which cansoi
the misunderstanding.
ST Louis , Miy 4 The speola
freight train which left hero last nigh
for San Francisco via the St. Lnuls i1
, San Francisco road , arrived at Hal
-ited , K n. , at eight o'clock to night
making the run of 407 miles In twenty
one hours and fire minutes , the fast
est one on record for the distance
From Halsted the triln will go eve
the Atchlscn , Topeka & Santa Fit t
Darning , thence by the Southern Pa
clfis to San Francisco. The train con
gists of sixteen can , each cirrylu ,
40,000 poncds , cloven of them ladoi
with tobacco from this city , and it I
pledged to run through at the rate o
twenty miles per hour.
OTTAWA , May 4 In the common
to-night , Sir Charles Tnpper mido th
annual statement regarding the prc
Kress ef construction of the Oanadla
Pacific railway. Ho said ho had bee
assured by the company the HE
would bo completed and trains rni
nlng from 5 * ntrea' to Port Mood ;
British Columbia , over Canadian tei
rltory , by the end of 1880 Tot
length of line between these point
2.875 miles. Of this 1,479 is con
pleted. Total cash paid the compnc
by the government up to date ( G G25
. 000. Lind handed over , 7.87'J.K
ST. PAUL , May 4 Sfe hundred 1
borers on the Manitoba railway , b
twoen Minneapolis and Like Minn
tonka , asked for a raise from $1 GO
< L5 per day. The leaders in tl
N > Hilr this morning throw down the
. Ills and declared no ono should woi
1. until the advance was made. Thi
then started down the track , stoppli
men who were at work and tukii
theli Implements. All cars were n
off the track. Further threat * we
made. A portion of the crow undei
direct control of the riilrotd , resumed
wjrk and were protected by armed
BALI OF BONDS. _ _ _ _ _ _
MONTREAL , May 4. - It It stated
hero that the Canadian Pacific rail
road has nepotUtrd for the sale of
another flO.OOO.OCO of bonds In
Amsterdam and Now York at G2
Several parties hero are suing Glai-
ton , MeLtohan and Oerediford , late
directors of the Candan Mannfaotnr-
iia company , for the value of the al-
lodged worthless shares sold them by
the absconding Manager Thomas
Tno amount Involved is about $25 000
Special DUpatchei to Till ! ! .
CHICAGO , May 4 The entries for
the summer trotting meeting of the
C \lc.igo driving park , closed May 1
will bo published to-morrow with the
unprecedented number of7C entries
for 17 events on the Installment plan ;
total premiums , ? COCCO , The clasins
provide for three minute , 2:40 : , 2:30 : ,
O. lfi 9'7 " .OR . . . O.OQ . . O.O1 . . O.lll . 0.117 . .
* , IM > , -f , M..U.tU , , -.Ml , > , M..Lf ,
2:1-1 : , five year olds , four year olds ,
three year oUa , trotters ; 2:30 : , 2:20 : ,
ind free-for-all pacers. The two colt
stakes closed March lit. The ontrica
for the mooting luclndo all loading
trotters and pacers in the country.
All event ate full except the 2:14 :
o'aia , which had but two entries , by
John E Turner and Oommodoro Kit-
son.Tho 2:17 : clam Inn tire entries
Charlie Ford , Monroe Oalef , Eiwln
Thnrno , Sj 83 and Van Armiu.
2:19 : class , eleven entries , including
J B. Thomas , Romero , William H ,
Troubadour , Monroe Chief , D. . Nor
man , Alexander , Fanny Wlthorspoon
and Adllo Gould.
2:21 : cUts , eleven entries , inolndlng
Overman , Fred Douglats , Mittlo
Graham , Bazz Medium , Oipt. Lswls
and Malmo.
Five year * old class , seven entries ,
Phil Thompson. Ed Gaers , Adelaide ,
Boneta , Wild Flower , Bronza and
J y Eye Seo.
Free for all paws , three entries ,
Sleepy Tom , Gem and Little BrownS
° S-
S2:20 : pacing , fourteen entries , In-
nding Lucy , Buffalo Girl , Sorrell
'an ' , Mattlo ELuntor , Sleepy Tom ,
cm and Little Brown Jug.
2,20 paclncr , fourteen entries , ln-
udlng Ned Forrester , Princess , Jauk
laplds , High .Task , Warrior and Billy
The 3 minute class has 29 entries ;
:40 : , 28 ; 2:35 : , 19 ; 2:33 : , 24 ; 2:27 : , 20 ;
:25 : , 12 ; 2:23 : , 13 ; 2:30 : , padng , 20
Iitra money Is offered in cash event
or beating the recognized standard
'mo in that class.
NAHIVILLE , May 4. Weather warm
no clear , truck fast and a larga nt-
ondanco. First raoo , mtlo and n
uartor , Than , Checkmate , Pearl
euningi and Bhzjg started. Thora
was a big favorite. Blazes got off in
"rent , Thora second , Oheckmito
hlr . Thora got the load , pissing
ho at ud , and . .wasnever kwrinJ , '
winning in a gallop four lengths the
" est , Oaockmato second , Jennings
bird , with half a lengthlbotweon sac-
> nd and third ; time , 2:12 : ,
Second race , three quarter mile , Jo
5'.ark , Orange Blossom , Centennial ,
> a K , Pope LJO , Montloollo , Tele-
ihone , Backmattor and Malvolio
tarted. Moutlcello and Malvollo
ret away , Jo Stark ( the favorite )
bird Oraugo Blossom , who had got
o second place alter running half a
ullo , cama on and won by throe
engths , Joe Stark second , Backnns-
or third ; time , 1:19. :
Third racj , mile and one-eighth ,
iuntorer , Rothschild , Olivette ,
Greenwood , Oallao and Highflyer
started. Highflyer got off first ,
Rothschild second and Saunterer
bird. Rothschild led past the
land , Highflyer second and Saunterei
hlrd. There was no chance iu theee
poaltlonn In tro next throo-quarters
if a mile , Within n furlong from
he homo Highflyer came on , and
won by two lengths from Sauntarer ,
second , and Callao third ; tlmo 2:00 :
Fourth race , mile and one-half ovai
six hurdles , Reed's two entries , Re
venge and Mandamus , Caarllo Bash
and Florence D , started. P.eod'e twc
were favorites. Revenge won in fine
style- , taking the lead from the fall o !
the 11 g and was never overtaken anc
won almost In a walk ten lengths it
'ront of Oh rho Bush ncoond , Florence
hlrd. Mandamus fell at the thlrc
hurdle m < ar the stand , but his jjckej
was not hurt ; time 2:54. :
Specli ! Via a'.ch to TUB D x ,
NEW YORK , May 4 The execntlvi
committee of the Irish league to-nlgh
endorsed the action of the Phlladel
phla cinvcution and denounced th
use of dynamite as futile , represent
ing only personal warfare , and not th
principles of IrUh patriots. Johi
Dsvoy , editor of The Irish Natloi
was present.
An Ininrauoa filnddlo.
Spcc'al Dispatch to Tin Bsi.
BURLINOTON , Iowa , May 4 Ofli
cers of the Homo Life and Centennh
Fire Association of this city s y tha
they Intend to continue business , nol
withstanding the action of the ntat
auditor in revoking tholr license , " an
will take legal steps to dotermln
whether the audltcr's authority I
properly oxercleod. They claim thcl
standltg has never before boon qnei
tloned , end that they were actln
strictly within the laws of the state ,
fact reoognlzad by former auditors.
Oono B ok to Worlt.
Special Dlipatch to Tai llii
PITOIIURO , May 4 The tannon
strike has completely collapsed. A
the best men have returned to wor
at the reduction and-tho places of It
ferlor men have been filled by no
Ba Ball.
Special D'lpatcbei to Tui liii.
NEW YORK , May 4. New Yorks J
Providence 11.
BOSTON , May 4 Bostons 11 , Phi !
adelphlaa 10.
" * vu
< /v / " '
he Foreina or the Star Route
Jury Gives His Senti
ments Away ,
National Banks Notified to Re
port Their Condition Up
to the First.
ha Raid on Private Pottoffloei ,
piclal Tlipatcl cs lo Tui llii.
WASIIINQTON , May 4 Au an-
louncoineut that a circular would bo
ssuod before long , directing the dls-
iontluuanco and practice of withhold-
eg money duo brauch lines of Pacific
nllroads cnuicd qnlto a flurry to-day ,
> eing a complete surprise to all but the
ery few who know what Was Brew
er's opinion on the subject , It Is a
ocfr time since "subsidy" roads had
nythlng to go as they wanted It , while
and grant roads have boon recipients
[ one bonaczt after another , until a
ociilun is always expected in their
avor. It was stated to-day by a per
> n who should bo wall Informed on
10 cutest , that the suit talked about
> y Teller will not bo pushed against
10 Union Pacific. The secretary will
ry to settle the account by an op-
loaranco of belligerency , but will not
iress It to a hearing before the su
iromo court. The roassn is said tex
x > beoiuso It has boon ascertained that
10 courtas , now constituted , Is against
10 Thnrman law , and if the question
lonid bo raised again It would
; and C to 4 in favor of the railroads
'he last tlmo the question was raised
stood 4 to 3 on the sldo of the gov-
rnmont , bat late appointments have
langed the complexion. If the re-
ult of the decision la adverse to the
overnment , it would bo to return to
nbsldy roads all that had been paid
nder the Thnrman law , and give
lem the mo of the money till
896-97 , when it is duo nndor the
ubaldy act.
WASHINGTON , May 4 The first
omptroller of the treasury , In the ex-
mlnatlon of the accounts of D.
osophs , late disbursing clerk of the
nterlor department , has discovered
jrtaln itrdgularltlos In connection
ith the accounts of iho Freedmau'a
iosi'.al. It is allcgod that part of
10 appropriation for clothing for
iat institution vf JH paid out for sala-
es of ollhora ,
Tbo comptroller of the currency has
ailed on all national banks for ro-
lorta of their condition at the close of
luoincsa on the firs ! ; inataut. The
omptroller apodally desires bauku in
making theen reports will return
lelr legal tender notes separately
: om national bank notes , and also
iat under the head of specie they
will pUo gold nnd' silver certificate , : ;
eparately from coin , Ho saya unless
Us la done ho uhall be obliged to
eturn the reports for correction.
WASHINOTON , May 4 Bliss began
10 fifth day ot Ills address to the jury
n the atar rout } trial this morning
n speaking of S W. Dorsey , ho as-
ertcd thtt proof was conclusive that
o had engaged in mall business while
n the senate , and the whole scheme
rlglnatcd In his fertile brain. When
in had spent as much money aa he
ould aflord , Yallo had boon taken In
o furnish further capital. Evidence
was quoted at length to sustain thle
In the star ronto trial to day Fore-
nan Orano at ono Umo Interrupted
ilisa to Inquire why John Dorsey sent
wo nfliJavits concerning ono routn tc
Isrdell upon the same day. lillsn
> romptly answered tha- John D.trsey'i
tatcmont upon that point was a Jia ,
and the evldoncs showed it.
Just before the court adjourned
Jllss apologized to the jury for th <
ength of his address , saying they hac
ihown such Interest he felt it necesearj
0 go into certain subjects at greatei
ongth than ho had Intended. 1
ho court would adjourn ho be
loved ho could finish wtthtr
1 short time Monday morulntr
The foreman of the jury objected i <
adjournment over Siturday. Hi
said the jury had boon in court ovei
ivo tnonthu , one-iovontieth of the
average human llfo tlmo His busi
nets has bocn drifting along 1 fo a shlj
without n rudder , nnd morover hi
feirod If the trial were span out mud
Further , It would bo brought to a closi
by the death or sickness cf some o
the jury. Jndgo Wyllo assured Mr
Grace the trial was nearer the oni
than he imagined. He believed th
present good hcalthof the jury was on
Ing In a degree to the rest afforded b
adjournments over Saturday. Ad
jonrned nntll Monday.
The treunry department decide
government has no title to certal
lands In Fernandlns , Florida , sold fo
direct taxes In In 1803. Too propert
hi controversy ia valued at $1G90,00 (
Col. Parker , chief Inspector of th
postoflico department , estlmatea th
govermont has boon losing $1,00
dally by the operations of private lo
ter ofiiccs raided in New York to-daj
There are similar offices In operatic
In other large cities , but the government
mont is determined to close thei
without delay.
Gen- Crook in Pursuit of the In
EpeclU Dlipatch toTni Bn.
\ \ tsniwoTON , May 4. Tno folio ?
Ing was received this morning :
May 3 , To Adjutant General DIi
patch of the 20th Inst. from Oei
Sherman received. It is not my li
tention to violate the convention b
tween the two governments. Tli
great object in visiting Sonora an
Chihuahua WM to arrange for co-ope ;
atlon , and , In case my troops followed
the hostlles Into Mexico , to see if I
could not secure liberal Interpretation
of the tormt of agreement in regard
to the time I could bo allowed to re
main there. My Intention It to start
to-morrow morning in pursuit of the
savages , In accordancs with the treaty.
( Signed ) GIH. CROOK.
ABtriko Imminent
Bptclal Dl p tch to Tni Iil.
PimuURO , May 4. The action cf
the conference committees of the Iron
manufacturers and the Amalgamated
association yesterday In adjourning
eiuo die without any satisfactory
agreement having been reached makes
a strike on Juno lit at this tlmo ap
pear Inevitable. Both sides are firm
and exoress determination to hold
out. The committee of iron manu-
factuiors consider their work com
plete , and say that If the workmen
desire another conference they will
have to make the request and another
commltteo bo appointed.
Mtnufaoturora say that they cannot
run the mills with a profit at the pres
ent wfs and prefer to shut down
rather than sign the scale presented
by the amalgamated association. In
event of a strike the manufacturers
claim that their strength will be
greater and that of the worktngmon
weaker than last year. The trade Is
such that suspension would bo a
benefit , bee Id PS slnco the non-union
plants have started up all over the
country and ars running snccetsfully
and If a strike oconrs these could bi >
relied upon to supply pressing de
mands tor an indefinite time unless a
radical Improvement of trade oconrs
On the other hand the employees
say that the trade is not as bad
as the iron masters would have the
public and them bollevo , and Instead
of being weaker they would bo
stronger than when the last strike
occurred , the reduction proposed be
ing so general as to cement the ranki
and prevent desertion.
In the mlnais' strike the only now
feature to day was the returning to
work of the men In one pit at the
reduction , Ono of the tfiblals says
that the action of those few will have
no effoot upon the general result , as a
break is Insignificant , and that It must
bo expected that a small number of
weaker ones would bo found among
so macy strikers.
Explosion in a Mine-
SpocUl Dispatch to TUB USB.
explosion of gas just occurred In the
entrance to the shaft of the Lehlgh
Valley Coal company's mine , A
nnmbor of men are In the pit. The
ontlra fire department is oiled , out.
At this moment no seii jus danger la
LATER. At the time of the txplo-
oion Edvrard Kinkier and Henry
B. kor were plumbing on a platform
elxty feet below the surface. They
were almost roasted alive. The
former Is dp&d and the latter cannot
recover. The abaft la GOO foot deep.
The timbers in it are on firo. Every
effort Is being made to cirry tb
water bp.low the flames. The trT
onld then bo extinguished. No
tber loss of life. The hat house ,
00 feat from the bottom of the
laft , was blown to pieces and car-
led forty foot into the .air. The ex-
lonlon took place just as the night
tilft were getting ready to descend
10 shaft.
Bntlor and the ( Hate Board
peclal Diipatch to Tin Dm
BOSTON , May 4 The governor's
otter to the state board of health , de
nying that the board over had an
pinion from the attorney general ,
ittracts attention. S inborn , score-
ary , in reply , sent the governor the
allowing : ' 'Understsndlng that your
xcellocoy has been unable to find
any opinion of the attorney general
> r his assistants on the question nf
arr relating tto the duties of thle
loard , yon will permit me to remind
raur excellency that you transmitted
o the present legislature , early In the
leesion , the fourth annual report ol
his board , containing the opinion !
of two fuaooaslvo attorneys general
relating to the board's duties. Lasl
rou may not hatro the volnmca al
land , I send them herewith , the
pages in question being marked f Ji
: eady referonca. "
Soldier * ' Rnnnion ut Cedar Rapid *
Special Dispatch to Tui bis.
CHICAGO , May 4. Iowa voluntoon
annonncB that their second annual ro
ualon will b3 held , at Cedar Rapids
[ owa , September 20th and 27th , 1883
This brigade was In the fourth divisloi
of the tov3ntcenth corpj , r.nd ft ugh
at Shlloh , Oarlnth , luka , Vlcks'mrK
Atlanta , Bentonville and other pic cor
Gov. Sierman , of Iowa , a soldier o
the 13th Ijwa , wllldellvor _ on adJrese
Postal Swindler *
Special Diipatch to Tni Bn .
NEW YORK , May 4 A raid wa
made to-day on two fitnu engaged I
the private delivery of city letter. !
circulars , oto , In violation of law , am
ems 30,000 seized. The principal
will probably bo arrested. It Is ssi
that hundreds of ofliojrs and meesen
gor boys , when sent to 'the postofli :
to mall letters and given money t
p y the regular postage , go to thea
tflices , where they only pay a pennj
putting the difference In their ow
pockets. Ono ofliso employed forty
five carriers and the other thirtj
Ssvoral other oflioeo of llko charade
In the city for the delivery of clrct
law , etc. , will next receive the attention
tion of the postoflico authorities.
Dos MolntR Suloans Weaken.
Special UUpatch to TUB 11 n.
DF.S MOINES , May 4 About twonl
siloon keepers late this afternoon too
out licenses for three months undi
the now ordinance and the city cloi
Is keeping his office open to-night i
that othera may also take out license
A Sneoeiifnl Strike-
Special Dispatch to Tni liii.
PETERSBURG , Vo. , May 4. Tt
bricklayers of this city struck for a
advance to $3 per day. The dernar
for such mechanics hero Is so gro
that It Is found necessary to comp
with the demands ol the strikers.
English Officials Tickled With
Rsports ol 'Arrests of Irish
men iu New York ,
But th3 Alleged Oonepiratore
Still Enjoy the "Inallona-
blo Rights. "
The Commons Again Kefaeo
to Hear the Oath of
The President of Prance Presented -
sentod With a Souvenir of
American Friendship.
Bismarck Attacked With Neural
gia at the Oppaitnno
Jpcclal Dispatches to Tni liii.
LONDON , May 4. A report was cir
culated hero to day that the govern
ment had received a cable dispatch
from Now York stating that Walsh
end Sheridan had boon arrested by
American authorities.
DUBLIN , May 4 , The Freemen's
Journal says the dynamite plot was
hatched In America , and was traced
by the British consul at New York.
The name of every conspirator whd
came to England , and ot the
which ho sailed , waa cabled toEa
directly after the vetsel left New. '
The police watched the coartnrators
from the moment they land 3 in Eng
land. The Freemen's Joyinal says
that the members of tko' ' governing
Ronncll of ooniplrators could alone
have glvon such Information-
DUBLIN , May 4. A dispatch has
been received by the lord lieutenant
of , Ireland , announcing the arrest in
New York of Walsh and Sheridan.
It also gives a full account of the do-
log's of Tynan , who , it says , Is In
America , and gives the movements of
his family , and states where they will
meet him.
LONDON , May 4 The L w Journal
says If the United States hold Tynan ,
Walsh and Sheridan cannot bo extra- ,
dlted under the existing treaty , and"
If thosa gentlemen do not voluntarily
surrondcr , they may , after various
formal writs of arrest have boon re
turned unsatisfied , bo adjudged out
laws and tholr property forfeited to
the crown
NEW YOKE , May 4. Patrick J.
Sheridan and John Walsh , whom the
Dublin grand jury indicted for mur
der , are all unmolested ,
Special Dltpatch to Tui Bl .
ml LONDON , May 4. In the house of
coimons this afternoon the speaker
atcd that bo had received a letter
rom Bradlaugh in which he an-
onnced that he would at the begin-
ng of business to-day , ask to bo per
mitted to take the oath. The opoaker
iked for gnldance of the houeo.
' 'aero ' were loud crlos for Gladstone ,
ut as the prlmo minister did not rise ,
Corthcoto stated ho would propose
iat Bradlaugh be precluded from
olng through such a form. Gladstone
aid he could ralso no objection to the
motion which , under the olrcum-
: ancer , Northcoto was the proper
erson to mako.
Oa motion of Labouchero It was do-
ided to hear Bradlangh In his own
ohalf at the bir of [ be house. Bad-
augh pointed ont that as the house
ad thought fit last evening to reject
lo affirmation bill , the , passage of
rhlch wonld have enabled him to take
,1s seat , it was now his duty to take
tie oath. His exclusion was an act of
igrant Inlqilty. No act of his had
u tlfiod the action of the house , which
hould dcckre his seat vacant or pass
a bill disqualifying him. As long as
10 was disqualified he would claim his
ight to the sett
Libouchero opposed the motion of
Jorthcote. Gladstone , on moving
ho previous question , announod he
won'd vote with Labouohera agalnet
ho motion. The motion was then
carried by a vote of 271 to 1G5.
LONDON , May 4 At a conference
of members of the Irish nationalist
> arty in London it was resolved to or-
uanlza a fund for the relief of famlliet
and persons who have fhd the country
or have been arrested In connection
with murder trials in Ireland and generally <
orally under the crimes act. It lo
iomputod that tic hundred famlliee
have bean rendered destitute by fl ghl
) r Incarceration. An address will b <
iatuad to Irish catlonnlhts In Ameilc ;
and British colonler , appealing foi
contributions to the propccod fund
and delegates will bo sent there tc
end forth spaody auhtanco.
DUBLIN , May 4 Liwrenco Han
ion , who waa placed on trill yesterday
day , charged with attempting to mur
der Juror Dennis Field , was fount
guilty this morning and oentoncod tc
penal servitude for llfo.
DUBLIN , May 4. It is confident ] :
reported hero that Fetor Gran is no *
In London and is oommunloitlng wit' '
the pollco with a view to turning In
former , Kingston , Healy and Gib
noy , charged with conspiracy an
murder of Foolo , were arralgue
again to day for examination. An In
former named Lamlo gave toatlmon
confirming the existence of a vlgllauc
murder circle , to which prisoners be
Special Diipatch to Tut llii.
PAUIS , May 4. United States Mlt
Utor Morton , at a private intervlo
with President Grevy to-day , pn
sontod him with a oompllmentar
speech album forwarded by cltieji
of Providence , Rhode Island , as
eouvorilr of the Frenchmen who die
at Yorktown fighting for the Arne
lean Independence , The president wi
deeply touched , both at the gift an
manner presented , and reqneite
Morton to convoy to the clthsns ol
Providence his kindly regards and
thanki for the patriotic gift.
Special DUpatchci to Tni bil.
Reports prevail In Prls that Count
Von Moltko is seriously 111.
Bismarck will bo unabletopartlolpato
In the discussion on the budget in the
rolohstacr at the first reading , being
again i 111 Ictod with neuralgia
A royil decree recognizes as nation
al the campaign and expedition of
Gulbaldl against Rome , Involving the
battle of Montana.
Fills Androsj , cotton motchan * ,
of Liverpool , Manchester , Alexandria
and other cities , has failed. Liabil
ities 150,000 pounds.
Granl Dnko Michael will soon re
sign as president of the council of the
Upon the occasion of the coronation
of the czir the poll tax will bo reduced
sixteen million roubles for the ontlro
empire , mid there will bs a romlislon of
various fines , sentences and penalties.
The authorities of .4 merlca are tak
ing vigorous meaiuroj to suppress
lawlessness and terrifying thoto
who are banded together In what
are believed to bo dangerous organfzt-
tions for the doitrnctlon of llfo and
Romorg , corn dealer , Antwerp , fail
ed for $300OCO A lady whoso bus-
bind Is rnlued by the failures , com
mitted suicide.
Flvo socialists were sentenced at
Hamburg to imprisonment , ono to
three months , for circulating pam
phlets slandering Bismarck.
The biennial election In Gabon mu
nicipalities show a largo mijoiity for
tne liberal conservatives.
k CiiONiTADT , May 4. A building
used as a manufactory of explosives
has been discovered hero. Several
naval officers who are said to have
been concerned in the manufacture of
explosives have boon arrested.
Sentenced to Be Hanged-
Special Dispatch to Tui Bn.
OswEao , N. Y. , May 4. Joseph A.
Grlfford , aged 77 , charged with mur
dering his wlfo , has been found guilty
and sentenced to bo hanged on Juno
Bnslneii Failure-
Special Dlipitch to Tni Un.
NEW YOBK , May 4 Business fail
ures for the last seven days reported
to the mercantile agency o ! R G.
Dunn & Oo. number 152 , as compared
with 182 for the last week. Now En
gland staten had 15 , middle 15 , west
ern 44 , southern 23 New York Oily
9 and Chntritt 30 ; total 152. General
run of failures Insignificant.
Special Dispatch to Tun BIB
MEXICO , May 4 An official tele
gram from Minatalan , annoncss that
work was begun on the Eide To-
hanntapco Ship railway on Monday ,
In the presence of federal and local
authorities. TJO Mexican National
banks , April statement show a gain
ot $405.003 In coin. A dispatch from
Yera Cruz to The Two Republics an
nounces the arrival of the Diaz party.
Special Dlipitch to Tui BIB.
BOSTON , May 4 Dispatches re
ceived hero atato that the laree dis
tillery houao of Geo. and Thomas
Farthing , Buffalo , N. Y , i ) embar
rassed , H. T. Glllott & Sons , llqnorp ,
same city , and Sherman , Howe & Oo. ,
grain and flour , Now York , are in-
olvod. Examination of the books Is
n progress to BOO if the firm can go
Polh'g Bond Increased.
pedal Dltpatcb to Tni Un.
NASUVILLE , May 4. The counsel
or Polk appeared before Judge Allen
hla morning to ascertain the status of
heir client. Judge Allen stated that
.0 had Information snflhicnt to justify
ho arrest , to the effect that Polk con-
omplated flight. Ho therefore In-
roased the bond from $20.000 to
35,000. Polk has not yet given the
iond and is still iu charge of a special
Bnrited Bolter Maker *
poclal Dispatch to Tui Bli.
TiiUbViLLE , Pa. , May 4. Thli
mornlug ono of the most extensive
machine shops in northwestern Penn-
ylvanla , belonging to Foster & Mo-
Kay , manufacturers cf boilers anc
dnglncs , were closed by the sheriff ,
The llabllltlo * are estimated frotr
200,000 to $250,003 Oao hundred
and forty men wore thrown ont cl
imployment. Tno cause of the as-
ilgnmentla the tlghtuoes of the monej
market and failures of Plttsbnrg Iron
If yon are sick Hop Bitters wil
surely aid Nnturo I" making you wel
when all else falla.
If yon are costlvo or dyspeptic , o :
ore suffrrlng from any of the numerous
ous diseases of the stomach or bowels
it is your own fault If you remain ill
for Hop Bitters are a soverelgt
remedy In all such complaints.
If you ere wasting away with an ;
form of Kidney disease , stop temptin ;
Death this moment , and turn for i
euro to Hop Bitters.
If you are sick with that torrlbl
sickness Nervousness , yon will find
"Balm In Giload" in the use of Ho
If yon are a frequenter or a real
dimt of a miaamatlo district , b.irrlcad
your system against the aconrgo of al
countries malaria , epidemic , billon
and intermittent fevers by the us
of Hop Bitters.
If you have rough , plinplo or sa'
low bkln , bad breath , pains and achci
and fool miserable generally , Ho
Bitters will glvo you fair skin , rlc
blood , and sweetest breath , health an
In short they cure all diseases c
the stotnch , Bowels , Blood , Livoi
Nerves , Kidneys , Brlght's Dlseasi
$50 ( ) will bo paid for a ease they wi
not euro or help.
That poor , bedridden , Invalid wlf
istor mother , or daughter , can 1
made the picture of health , by a fe
bottles of Hop Bitten , costing bnt
trlfla. Will yon lot them suffer !
Oornor Lots in Union Oity
Stated With Ash Heaps ,
A Quarter of a Million Gone
Up in Bmoko.
A Town TTndnr Torch
Special Ulipatch to Tni Um.
INDUKAVOLIH , May 4 A fire broke
ont at Union Olty at 7 o'clock to-night.
It IB reported that nearly the whole
north part of the town Is burned ,
telegraph communication Is out off.
Engines were sent from Sidney and
Greenville , Ohio , and Munclo , Ind.
DAYTON , O. , May 4 A destructive
fito broke out in Union Olty , Indiana ,
about 7 o'clock to-night , and by 9
o'oloik most ( f the western portion of
the city was In ruins. The fire orig
inated in a lumberyard on Ojlninbla
street , near the 0 , 0 , 0. it I depot ,
and It Is Bnppoto'J the iDfhuiablo ma
terial was Ignited by sparks from an
engine. As well as can ba learned
the fire destroyed all of the city be
tween Ktrshbamn'a corner and Knhn's
mill , on Pearl street , being a terri
tory of several acres , part of which ,
however , Is vacant , and othori leased
as a lumber yard. Branham's resi
dence and restaurant were among the
first destroyed ; thea the Pan Handle
oflho , lumber yard , largo brick
house north of Ic , and a long
row of roaldencos and basinets
houses on Pearl street to Knhn'd mill ,
where the llimos were finally chocked
at 11:30 : a. m. Assistance waa received
from Greenville , Plqua and Sldaoy.
No loss of life haa been reported.
The lots IB estimated nt $250,000.
Amount of insurance is unknown ,
The fire WAS soon from Richmond ,
Ind. , twenty.miles distant.
Special Dljpatcbei to Tui Dn.
The Gonld party are at Galveaton.
The New York legislature adjourned
line die yesterday.
The bill prohibiting free pastes being
granted to anyone except to railroad em
ployees and officers , passed the New York
afsem'ly yesterday.
The free thlnkcra of the United States
and Canada are Invited 11 a general con
vention 'at Hocheater , N. Y. , beginning
August 29th and lasting five days.
Bankers , brokers and other3 are caution
ed ac-ainat negotiating of En-
Innd note ? , each f jr i'1,00) , numbered 75-
1SO to 75,100. Payment is stopped at the
The societies of the Army of the
Jamei and the Army of the Potomac will
consolidate nt Washington at the reunion ,
May 1C. All lending railroad ) of the
western , New England and middle state !
will cell round trip tlcketa at reduced
Billiards iu New York
Special Dlcpatch to Tu C .
NEW YORK , May 4 Slasaon will
ohalkcge the winner of the tonrna-
mont tor from f2,500 to $10,000 a
do , champion balk line or cushion _ _
irom gameon" four-ond a 5 af ! bytssjf Jfcc <
Ino or five by ton table. Slosoon
laims to bo the champion of the
orld. Dion and Vignanx will open
ho tournament.
Destructive titorm.
iecl ' Dispatch to Tim llii ,
SCRAMON , May 4 A terrific rain
nd hall storm accompanied by thun-
er and lightning prevailed throuch-
nt this section this morning. The
V.o fall of rain ia oattnntod at five
cchos. An Immense emiunl at
roperty was damaged. The Wyoming
onso and other largo buildings and
notaries were struck by lightning ,
" "elegraph wires were prostrated.
A Fight nt a Hanging.
poclal Dlcpatch to Tui Bn.
OuATfANoooi , Tonn , May 4 D
\ Walker was hanged to-d y rft Tron-
on , Ga. , for the murder of S S.
lardborgor , on Sand Mountain , Oj-
obor last. Walker died unmoved.
lo made a long speech on the gal-
owa. A row followed the hanging
I George Bird , brother of the
horill' , In attempting to ( poll It , was
hot. Several wfiM btdly Doiton.
Shipping News
peclal DIspatcD to mi ISn.
LINDIN , May 4 The Steamer
Dahshur ? , befor * renorted as overdue ,
was epoVcn on the 28.h ultimo in lat-
'Indo 47,42 north , longitude 17:5 :
west. All wire well , and no assist
ance was required , the Hababnrg
ailing at the rate of four' miles per
hour. A steamer was standing ont for
If it were 2iossiblc
: o net the testimony of the multitude \\lio
i.ivo used HOOII'H SAitsAi'Aitn.i.A for de
bility , languor , lassitude , and that general
'eclliiK of stupidity , \\earlncss ami cxltaus'
\\lilcliv\uryoncfcclsdurlnBtlila season ,
\\o should lie nlile to | ireicnt to our readers
such an OMirnliclmiui ; mass ot commend-
; ttory messaKCs , that the few who ha\o not
lied It would do so at once. Ills .1 positive
'net , nud has liren so cITcctually demon
ftratcd that no ono to-duy denies It , that
Hood's Sarsaparilliv contains more real mod.
clnal \ aluc than ; uiy ni tide before the pconle-
W/lttt niucrr , MAS * .
Mr.ssns.C.l. HOOD& Co. ,
/ / Lowell , Mass. :
" ' Dear Mrs I have snf-
T- . > , 'crt'tl from kidney com-
MLftn Dill iilalnt and biliousness fur
iifteenyvais. H.uetiU'd
1/I///J CMi ! > thliiKand never ot
iv 1 1 ill
niiyKood. Last .lanuaiy ,
before I conunoiiiTd tak-
Kitlncii inKiionu's s \ iisiMtu / -
j MCI > lnlnKl : He bloat-
. , . /ncllmca'1. ' " ' l' ' ' ! ' " , 'y '
/ V *
> i
LOlll Ult cliost and arms , headache
and dlriy. I could not
get up without feeling \\caiyaiulall f.icpeil
out. Many morning1 * 1 w.ia obllsou to Ho
down on the lounci1. To do any \ > oik seem-
id almost Impossible. II.i\o taken two bet
tles. The backache , dirzlncss. pain In my
chest and aims , and that fccllnKof Inionso
ueailncssareall gone. 1 can eat an > thlnu
mid It does not press mo al all. 1'uul lust
llko woik ; in tart , llko n new man. Can
heartily iccommend Moon's Simi - UUI.I.A ,
and hope all who desliu to Know an > thlnu
about It will coino lo mo nnd ask what I
think of U.
Works through the blood , rfyvlatiny , toning
nd invigorating all the functions of the body.
Bold by driiRKlsts. I'rlco $ lor tlx tor $5.
C. I. HOOD & CO. , Lowell , Mass.