Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1883, Image 8

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    THE DAlLf lit ; FKIDA * MA.Y 4
The Daily Bee.
Friday Morning , May 4.
Attend the benefit conceit at Sar tO i
la the jollce. court to.d y there wu
one drank only and bo got three d j § ir
The Advertising or No. 1 , ot llobln
on'i clroui , WM anchored on the ildln )
oath of the U. P. depot ye terd y.
Anybody wlihlng to adopt a bright
fine looking boy , age five months , comrmi
nlcate with F. P. thla oflice.
Mr. and Mn. II , D , Kstabrook am
Mrs. Squireaulit at the benefit concert
at Saratoga ,
Uncle John Stanton claims that ilnci
the departure of the Nebraska giant th
bill of ( art at the free lunches has irreatl :
Oaorge Popp , a cooper by trade , diet
Wedneiday , M y 2d , of pneumonfa , age <
23 years. Ills ( oiks In Milwaukee hay
been telegraphed.
A meeting was held at tha Uapttt
church last evening under the auspices o
the Woman's Christian temperance Unloi
to continue the work commenced by Mi
llogan. AH Chrlitlan people Intcrosto
are expected to be present.
A large ditch on the west side c
Franklin street , in north Omaha , whlc
had been filled up wltL brush and otlie
tuff , wai badly washed out by the recen
Tain and the bridge aa well as the brai >
carried away.
Alex. Swan , the well known cattl
man of Wyoming , Is thlppln ? from Mil
sour ! and Iowa between 10,000 and 15,00
head of yearlings and two-year-olds t
northern Nebraska , over the Sioux Cit
and Pacific railway.
The annual state convention of tb
woman's suffrage association will meet i
Grand Island May 9 and 10. MIsa Him
man , Mrs. Higgnrt and Mn. Ganger wl
attend the convention and will address tt
people at Llederkranz ball In the evenlni
All delegates will bo entertained by tt
citizens and It is hoped every county wl
be represented.
Barney McAuley appears at the opei
house , Frld and Saturday , In "Unc
Daniel a I he "Jersey Man. "
TIcketa . Uoipe's to the benefit coi
cert at ban toga
. Puerpurat Paver Again
OMAHA , May 2 , 1883.
To lh Editor of the Das.
Since the nnbject of Faorpnral fevi
has been broached an additional woi
may not bo amiss. The oconronco i
BO many aucosealvo cases In the pin
tloo of regular physicians Is somothlt
nstooiihingaa well as alarming , audi
a means of prevention of future caai
I might BUfjgoat the following qnostloi
to bo put to pliyelclaua before entrna
Ing them with caacs of child birth :
First Are you now treating nn
cases of scarlet fever , eryscpilas or ho
pital qangrenc ?
Second llavo you recently ai
tended a post mortem examination )
Third have you had during th
post two months any case of pno
pural fever ? If the physician la in
position to giro a negative reply , we
and good ; if not , and other media
aid Is not at hand , It might bo aske
whether the physician has employe
the necessary moans for thorough di
infection of hia person , by dlacardlc
infected clothing and bathing n bn
mine water or other nntsoptlo solatia
after his attendance In such cases.
The above might not bo a voi
agreeable proceeding , but it mlgl
do good.
Over ton years ago - as the write
can testify from personal knowledge-
students wore instructed in medic ;
colleges to put to themselves thoi
questions before going to a case (
midwifery , and the developments c
the past ten years will confirm tb
wisdom of such teaching.
There may bo some excuse for noi
observance of the above rules In
country place where every case la , t
to sDoak , an emergency , but In a clt
of 50.000 inhabitants , where choic
of doctors may ba ; had , there la littler
or no excuse.
Oaaea of pnorpural fever are moi
apt to follow where there has boo
Borne laceration or other Injury to tb
mother by hasty delivery orotheiwls
which will partly explain the fact tha
outside of lying In hospitals , cases ai
most often developed In the praotli
of the unaklllfal. F. S. L.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The greatest medical wonder of tl
world. Warranted to speedily cure Burn
Bruises , ( Juts , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Fev
Sores , Cancers , Piles , Chilblains , Corn
Tetter , Chapped Hands , and all skin eru
tions , guaranteed to cure in every instanc
or money refunded. 25 cents per box.
For tale by C. V , Goodman ,
The Monthly Keport of Arrests ft
The following ii the nummary i
police arreata for the month of Aprl
u reported by , leromo 0. Pentze
olork of the pollen court :
Assault and battery
Disturbance of the peace ,
Threatening life
Carrying concealed weapons
Contributing to the support of a bouse
of prostitution ,
Obstructing en olticer
tabbing with Intent to kill
Vagrant ! and suspicions characters. . . .
Wide Awake DrupRiate.
Mr. 0 , V. Goodman is always alive
his business , and spares no pains to tecu
tbe best of every article in bis line. 1
has secured tbe agency of tbe celebrat
Kew Discovery for Consumption , T
only certain cure known for Consumptio
Cotigbf. Colds , Hoarseness , Asthma , Hi
Fever , Bronchitis , or any iifectlon of i
Throat or I.unsra. Sold on a positl
guarantee , Trial bottle * free , Regul
He Appl'es the Toroli to His Own
And Defends it From RSBOUO
With n Shotgun ,
He is Arrested for Insanity and
Lodged in Jail.
On c > f th OraitMt Freak * Ever
Fetpttratod la tha City.
Daring the storm Wednesday
night , between 12 and 1 o'clock , there
waa au enormoua glare of red In the
south , and an alarm was turned In
from box 2G After a long run the
search for the burning building was
abandoned , It being believed that the
ire was In some of the small towns
south of us.
Aa the facts developed yeitcrday 11
proved that the flro was about a half a
mlle south of Boyd'a packing
louae , and waa outside the
city limits entirely. Also that It wae
the result of A crazy man's froaka and
that ho applied the torch to his own
bulldliu and prevented the neighbor !
from i ui anything to save It b ;
standing guard over the bnrulne pile
wl h n sriot-gon.
The name cf this man Is Franl
Moystrloic , and about Gvo years age
he was ail Inmate of the Ohio nsyInn
for the insane. After hia dls
charge ho oamo to Nobratkt
with his family And did qnl'o ' well
hero Ho was a carpenter by trade ,
and having secured a lite south of the
city limits ho went to work aud bulll
himself a splendid house , two storlci
high , cf lumber 0-hed out of th <
river during the big tbod. Tbo house
ts fine In appearance and its value wa !
estimated at $2,000.
Fur the last few weeks Meyatrlcl
has boon soaring tbo neighbors bj
oon'.lnnally firing off hia shotgun , anc
has committed varlona acts which In
dloated that his malady had roturuet
with greater violence than ever.
List night about the tlmo the atom
commenced ho took an ax and trlo <
to chop the house down , bur as tha
appeared to be too big a job ho gav
It up and turning hia wlfo and fen
children out of doors set fire to th
house , and stood guard over the plac
preventing his neighbors from Inter
faring to aavo the property
It burned with great tiorconee
for over throe hours , and waa total ! ;
destroyed ) togatherwlth furniture am
contents. Taero was no Insurance 01
the place whatever , and its loss wtl
fall quite heavily on the family , wh
also 1C83 the presence and aid of th
husband and father. The wife , who
with her children , had taken icfugi
at her brother's honae , came into towi
early this morning nud secured th
services of Ollhor Pat ilinchoy , wh
wont to the eceno of the coufligratloi
and arrested Meyatrick , who was atll
on the spot , bringing him to town am
lodging him in the county j ill ,
A charge of insanity has bean prc
forrod against the unfortunate mat :
and ho will bo brought before th
commissioners of insanity.
Anthony Rels Sues The Bee For To
j Thousand Dollars Damages.
A suit was yesterday begun In th
District Court by Anthony Reis , c
North Flalto , against the JJEE Pal
llflhiag Company for ten thonsan
dollars damages for alleged llbal ,
The plaintiff alleges In his petltb
that ho has always borne a good chai
actor In the community In which h
resides , and baa never been snspactei
of being an embezzler or of stoalln
money and absconding therewith , o
of dtftauding any person or society
but on the contrary has always beoi
reported to bo an honest man.
He further alleges that at the tlm
of the publication of the article hero
[ natter mentioned , In the OUAII ,
DAILY BEE , ho was secrotar
of the North Flatte Balld
Ing Association , and wa
the custodian of the funds of Bali
society and Intrusted with largo sum
of money , for all of which he honeatl ;
and faithfully accounted , and novei
embezzled or attempted to defraui
said association.
The plaintiff alleges that the defendant
fondant well knowing all this and ma
llclonaly Intending to Injure him , th
said plaintiff , and bring him Into pub
Ho scandal and disgrace and to Itijar
and defame him among his friend
and neighbors and to render him In
famous in his said cilice and wholl ;
ruin and destroy the plaintiff In hi
name , fame and credit , did on th
27th day of April , 1883 , publish li
THK BEE the following "false , ecan
dalous , malicious and defamator
libel. " Thou follows the spoaUl dli
patch published in THE UEK at th
time named.
The plaintiff alleges that by reaao
of this publication he has boon brough
Intopublii scandal and disgrace an
has been damaged In his reputatlo
and character in the sum of ? 10,00 (
for which amount ho prays the com
to give him judgment against the de
Heal Estate Transfers.
The following deeds wore filed fc
ncord In the county clerk's oflic
May 2 , reported for TIIE BEE b
Amos' real estate agency :
Oharlei L. Van Camp to Andre
Murphy , w. d. , part lot 31 , 34 , ID , 1
A. J , Hanecom to J , A , Parsons
w. d. , lot 20 and n A lot 19 , block It
Hanacom place IH)0. )
Timothy Morlarty and wlfo t
Terrence Bnylp , q. o. d. , a i nw j
aes 1 , 10 , 12-52.
N. Spelman and wife tn E. J. Opoi
show , w. d. , lot C , blosk l.Dwlght .
Lyman add. ? 350 ,
Terrence Boyle , q. c. d. , to T. Me
reaty , ci of BH J see 1 , 1C , 12 , $2 0 (
Homer U. Merchant and wife , w , d
t" , cj of sw ] sec 1. 10. li
OatherinejLohllene and husband , M
d , to Mary Need , parcel In 34.15 , It
CUtherlno lohllone and hniband , *
„ to Julia Agnzoul , parcel In 34 , 15 ,
3 , * 300.
0. 1 * . Chubb , w. d. , to John D.
louao , lots 1 and 2 of ICoyos' division
f lot 9 , Capital add , (5,000.
Margaret McCorn > ll ot al. , w , d , ,
o Geo. Plonbcok , i of acl and nw |
f sec 33-15-11 , 52'UOO.
Heirs of Qao. A McCoy , q , c. , to
3fo I'lombccV , si of soj andnwj of
of . 33-15-11 1
i sec. - - , ?
Clothier Darr and husbtnd , w. d. ,
o Newton E Birkaloir , lot 14 , West
Omaha , (3 500
S. W. Ulpby , w. d , to D Sullivan ,
ot 2 , block 59 , $1,800.
Arrival of the First Steamer ol
the Season ,
From St. Louis to Bismarck
and Fort Bonton.
The aloamor "B.ack Ullls , " whlct
oft St , Louis a week ago Sanda ]
morning , arrived In Omaha at 8 a , m
rostorday aud tied up at the levee nca :
ho foot of D ulaa street.
The "Black'Hills" waa built It
Plttaburg In 1877 , and la a vueaol o
309,70 torn bardon. She has 13 f toot
atato rooms and thirty berths , with i
capacity for carrying 150 pataongora
Sao la provided with two high press
nro engines , 13-Inch cylinder and I
cot 8 inches stroke , iier two boiler
are 24 fi-oi long and 3 J feet lu dlimo
tor. The oibln ia uuatly and hand
somely fitted , and the whole ateaine
jright and attractive , having under
; ono ft thorough cjurao of repairs dur
> ng the winter.
The oflicora are aa follow ? .
Joseph H. Todd , captain.
Mr. Gllll" , mate.
W. G. Tlngo and Wm. Parking
Mr. Wilaon and Charles Gillani
Kobt. Hazen , cirpenter.
There are about eighteen men em
ployed on the duck.
The cfliosra report having found th
river In first rate condition , very fev
changes having taken place In thi
channel ainco laat season when thi
boat went down.
There wore no accidents or inter
rnptlons during the trip which wa
made in excellent time , the dlatanc
from Omaha ia St. Lonla being 80
miles. The steamer ii provided wltl
the electric light , bat does not rn :
after night , tylcg up always at aom
available spot on the river bank. Th
only atops made were a
Kauaaa City , St. Joseph am
Atchlson , considerable frolgh
bnlng taken on nt the latter point
W.dncsday the Black Hills laid OVE
In "the Council Bluffa cut-oil , " oppc
cite B yd'a packing houao , and cam
to Omaha qulto early. There vrcrc n
freight or passer giro f jr thla point bu
a quantity of frtiijht was rectlvcd her
and a for ? paisBiigeM. The load o
arrival consisted ot about 3CO tons c
freight , including almost everythia
that conld bo thought ol
agricultural implements , unipt
kegs , household goods and a
on. There were also eight cabli
paseengore , f iur of whom were ladlef
Three of thuao catno from Atohiaot
and the fourth from St. Louis. Al
are going through.
On arriving at Bismarck the steam
er will at once iako Us place in th
Powara line and will ply between tlio
point and Bantou , making probabl
atx trips during the season.
The dlatanco from St. Loula to Bit
marck ia given at 1 025 miles ; Bli
marck to Benton 1,000 miles ; Omah
to Slonx Olty 233 miles.
Thla is probably the only ntcamboc
that will como up thla season.
The Rep art of the City Fhyslolo :
for iJait Uonlh-
The mortality report of the city fc
the month of April aa furnished b
Dr. P. S. Lalaenrlng , the city phya !
clan , shows a total of 52 deaths an
58 births , tbo balance in trade bein
In favor of life.
Of the deaths there were from scat
lot fever 1 , dipthoiia 1 , fevers 3 , paei
peral diseases 3 , dlarrl ro d dUeanee i
dysentery 1 , inanition 2 , cancer 1
puljaonary diseases 10 , heart diieas
3 , hydrocoyhalas 1 , meningitis 2 , cot
vnlslons G , enteritis 1 , B iUt'e dlsoss
1 , cyanosis 1 , eon ea'.lon of tha lung
3 , other causes G , paralysis 1 , ace !
dents 3
Ages : Total under 5 years 18 ; b <
twoon 5 and under 25 , 8 ; 25 to 5) , It
59 to 80 , 7 ; over 70 , 2.
First ward 10 sicondwardlG , thir
ward 2 , fourth * i > rd 5 fifth ward :
sixth ward G hotp tain 5.
Male 27 , f Jtn i 25. Colored (
Married 17 , uunur'ied 29 , wldowe
Interments : Holy Sepulcher 11
Prospect Illll 19 ; Oimady'a 1 , Count
9 , Pleasant Hill 2 , German CMholl
2 , Liurel Hill 3 , Removed 8.
Births : White 58 colored 0 ; male
23 , females 35 Quo pair of twins.
OLSEX An S ; . Joseph's hospitM , Ms
3rd , 1883 , Julm Olsen , aged 52 year
The deceased WAS a member of Omai
lodge , No. 2,1. O. O. F.
Funeral notice hereafter.
BO iD-MUu Caroline Boyil , daughter
L lube Boyci , M y 3d , aged 18 years.
Funeral will take place from No , C !
S , llth street , nerr Jackson , May -Hli , i
3 o'clock p , m. Friend all invited.
Thousands b'ay So.
Mr. T. W. Atkins , Ulrard , Kan. , write
"I never hesitate to recommed your Kle
trio lUtters to my customer ? , they give ei
tire satisfaction and are rapid sellers
Electric Hitters are the purest and be
medicine known and will positively cm
Kidney and Liver complaint ? . J'urify tl
blood nnd regulate the bowels , No famll
can afford to be without them. They wl
save hundreds of dollars In doctor's bil
every year ,
The Itano Evening Gizetto Is tb
cheapest paper and best advertlaln
medium In Nevada. Ita Weekly
the homo paper for the whole state ,
Tlio Effect of Sensational Litera
ture on Juvenile Minds ,
A Couple of Small Boys Leave
lor a Trip to the Ooast.
A great deal has boon said and writ-
en ooncarnln ? the offeota of the son-
latloual literature with which the
country Is flooded to-day on the minds
of the rising generation ,
The first forcible illustration In
) maha oamo to light yesterday , and
a enough to servo as a warning to
parents to beware what books boys arc
allowed to read ,
Wednesday morning Stephen Schmld ,
the young man who has served an an
iBsUtiuit for some Umo past to Fred
Sohroodor , the birbjr , started on an
jxtonalvo tonr , that is , extensive In
ts plans. Young Schmld is nbont 15
roars of azo , and IH the ion of hones )
ind hard working parents , who llvo on
Twelfth near the outskirts of tbo city.
Ho has worked for Sohrocder for ten
months and wag steady and rolublo ,
is well as honest. When not at work
10 was always reading the cheap lit-
cratnro furnished by the various dime
series now ecattorod broadcast ,
among the bonks ho left
being "Billy the Black Diamond , '
"Tho Champion Skull Crusher ol
the Black Hills , "Tho Gypsy Djtoo
tlvc or the Mystery of the Hudson , '
and similar terrifically christened
works. To ahow that those books had
their offjot , ho laid out a trip to Call'
Fornla nnd proposed to the little llyeai
old son of Mr. 1'jtor Qoos that they
build a boat and start down the Mia
courl , making the entire trip by water ,
Young Goes , however , was no goallng
and had too much sense to fall in will
tbo scheme readily.
Sjhmid then laid his plans before
the son of Mr. Ed. Wittlg'a bartondei
and succeeded In Inducing him to be
come his companion In a trip which
was to abound in startling adventures
Ho aeked on or two parties fron
time to tlmo about the dls-
taoc3s from Omaha to valiant ;
points , and a memorandum left In the
drawer at the shop showed the follow
tag ronto to bo mapped out : Fremont
Columbus , Grand Island , Denver Obey
ennr , Laramlo , Granger , Ogden , Elko
Auburn , Sacramento , San Frauolsoo ,
An they started on foot , with only i
kettle full of broad to oubslst on , thi
route laid out ia long enougl
to occupy their tlmo foi
cevoral months. When naked ate
to how they wocld sibslst , the leadlnj
spirit of the adventure said they woch
live on what ho conld earn as a baibc
along the road and when that fallec
would kill deer , elk atd nntolopo t <
pit. Schmld and his companion lef
Wednesday morningthe former opsu
Ing up the shop and leaving
ahape fir the day's buelncaa. Ho lot
his tools and all hia property In th
shop aud did not take a
much as a cent's wort ]
that was not hia own. When hia ab
nenoti Tfas diecovcrecl his mother wa
terribly giiaved acd wept vlnlantl ;
until assured that her ambitious aoi
and hia companion would probably gene
no further than Fremont bafore thoj
would bo discovered and sent back , a
tt is ber wish that the boy , if idon
tilled by ncy cfficere , should bo re
turned homo at once.
Madame Mojjska , the great Polls
aotroip , accompanied by her husband
Count Bznta and a company of 1
passed through the city yesterday cnrout
to San Francisco to play a four week's en
gagoment. She will then return to Dec
ver and play for one week , after which sh
will go to the Yellowstone national pirl
Geo. W. Aiken , Abe Ogden , Chris
Kooney , Wm , Wambold , ( > eo , Macli
Phil. Nilion , Richard Gorby and W
Keener , "part of the brigade In advanc
of John.Robinsjn'a bhow , " are among th
guests at tha Metropolitan , John A
Wood , advance agent , is enjoying the hoi
pltallty of the same hostelry.
Ed. F. Chlnn , of Lincoln ; D. Badgei
of Bell Creek ; II. W. Nlemen , of Schujle
nnd A. B Fuller , of Decatur , are at th
E. M , Cunningham , of Kearney , force
erlj > cf The Journal , is a guest of the Paten >
ton ,
David Hlneberland , of Wellsbur ? , Wee
Virginia , Is a feueat of the Motrepolitan.
A. G. Malr th , a Chicago travelip
man , Is at the Metropolitan.
Neil Johnson , of Lincoln , registered a
the Metropolitan yesterday ,
Wm. Boys , cf Valpralao , la enjoying tl
hospitality of the Paxtcn.
D wight Hull and wife , tf Lincoln , ar
registered at the Faxtor.
Senator Gee , CanGold went to Gran
Island yesterday.
J , B. Smith , of Milton , Pa. , is at th
0. A. Randall of Fremont , is at th
Metropolitan ,
Hon. T. M. Marquott , of Lincoln , ia c
the Millard ,
J. P. Hartman Jr. , of Kearney , is i
the Paxton ,
II , G.Kockafellow , at tb
B. M. Nillsey , o ! Blair , Is a guest of tb
Paxton ,
G. S. Manville , of Cheyenne , is at tb
Paxton ,
A. L. dtevens , of Salt Lake , la In ib
city ,
Henry Gibson left for California yestc
A. IF. Towlar , ot Denver , U at the i'n :
ton ,
J. 0. Wite , of Lincoln , is at the Paxtoi
Morris Palmer , of Schuyler , Is in towi
W. 0. IrYlneof Cheyenne , Is In the cil ;
II. C. Stuart , of Lincoln , Is In the clt ]
13. F. Hallack , of Denver , Is in town.
Mr. Isiao S. Miller , of Berlin , Pa. ,
In the city looking about with n view t
locating. At home he was extensively et
gaged In the lumber butinew. He he
visited Illinois and Dakota , but did nc
find a locality In either state that suite
him and so came on to Omaha , where hi
class-mate , Mike Maul , expects to the <
ilm the ll\ellest city In the tram-Mluoutl
Mr. William Dellono , of York , IX , a- .
tv'cil In tbo city Wednesday on n visit to
its brother , Councilman Dellono. Hols
nu old ftlcnd and schoolmate of Mr. John
facoba and the two had n pleasant time
o-day renewing old acquaintance , Mr.
) ellone will probably g < > out as ( or as
ilontiun anil will spend aboui three
months looking over the west , ai he may
leclde to loato out here in the near future.
R. King , of Nebraska Is In town ,
Ben Reynolds , of Wymore , is In the
K. M , Cunningham , ol Kearney , U In
town ,
K. D. Coltrell , of Nebraska City , Is at
bo 1'axton ,
11. R. Faulkner , of Plum UreeV , is at
II , B , Vauce and wife , of Schuyler ,
were In tbo city yeitesday ,
Seth Cole left for New York Wcdnesd y
to vltlt relatives and friends.
iCol. Smytho and family left Wednesday
'or ' n trip to the east.
Geo. II , Brooks , of Bizlllo Mills , h In
the city , n guest of the Millard ,
Dr. W , F. Carver arrived from the ca > t
yesterday to join the show , the "Wild
West. "
Major J. W. Paddock , post-trader at
't. Robinson , left to-day for his head-
luarters ,
Maj. Louis V , Carpenter , of the I'lltli
nfantry.lott yesterday to take command at
Ft. Robinson.
Conductor Billy Mills , cf the Lnrnmle
division of the Union Pacific , went west
John Pearson and C , K Peaison , ol
Liverpool , Kng , , were among the foreign
guests of the Paxton yesterday ,
Charlei Crocker , the president of the
'entral ' I'atlHo road , accompanied by hit
secretary , .went east Wednesday in a spe
cial car ,
Mr , John Kilkenny , who has spent several
oral weeks at the Hot Springs , returned
yesterday viathe Wabaabgreatly improved
in health and appearance , His friends an
all glad to see his genial countenance ore :
more.Mr. . and Mrs , Churchill Parkerreturnec
home on Tuesday morning from Schenec
tady , New York , where Mrs. Parker hai
been spending some time with her Invalid
Kites , roaches , ants , bed bugs , rats ,
mice , 'gopher ? , chipmnnck , oloarcc
out by "Rough on Rats. " 15o.
An Electrical Struct Car.
The electrical power storagn com' '
pany , London , has recently built i
street passenger car worked by olee
trlclty. Thh car was constructed 'at
the company's works at Mtllwall , and
is of the usual dimensions for carry.
Ing fortj-Btx iiuldi ) and outeidc paa
songorr. It weighs with its accnmu
later and machiuety , but without anj
passengers , 4A tons. Under the insidt
seats of thin"tramcir ia placed the
accumulator , corresponding to a bat
tery. This accumulator , when fnllj
charged , la capable of working the
tramcar with ita maximum load foi
seven honro , which menus hall
a day of tramway service. From the
accumulators the current la communicated <
catod by Insulated wire to a Siemens
dynamo placed under the car , and
which acts baa motor , the motion ba
ing transmitted to the axle of the
wheels through a driving belt. T <
start the car the carront is switched
on from the accumulator to the dyua
mo , and from this In turn to the
driving whcsls. The action tf the
motor , and consequently the direct i n
of the oar , can ba readily reversed bj
reverting the cnrront , nnd tbo car cat
also be readily stopped by shutting oil
the current rntlrcly and applying the
hand brake with which the car is fit.
tod. At night the car is lighted bj
means of four Swan incandcecenl
lamps , two of which are placed
under the roof and ono at
each end of the car. AH the
lamps derive their current from the
accumulator. The car ia also fitted
with olecttlo bella , worked from the
same source. With regard to the all.
important question ct expense , it li
stated that the actual dally coat ol
horsing a tram car , as given by eomt
of the metropolitan companies , la ' ]
Gt.f while that of elcotrlcil power It
put at Gi. 3.1. The question of fin I
cost , it Is said , need not hero bo taker
Into consideration , Inasmuch as It li
almost Identical ia each cane , E'ec
triclty , howtiver , would appear to havt
the advantfg'o of requiring loss apace
and n smillor working staff , while the
machinery would ba exempt fron
those Qopidomlca which may at en ]
time Incapacitate thu otud if u tram'
way company ,
Ia the absence of suitable material :
or the time to ptoparo it , people of in
gi wi'hont n dressing for salads. 13uj
DOUKEE'S. and you will never tronbli
yourself to make another.
Frcahfhhef all kinds nt MJ'Z ' A
llosonstcln , 1213 Djuslaa street. 1
Do you want a pure , bloom *
ing Complexion2 li'so , a
few applications of Hngnu's
3LVGX6LIA JIALX iviligrat-
ii'y you to your heart's con
tent. It does away with Sal-
lowncss , Jlcdncss , Tiniplcs ,
lllotchus , and all diseases and
imperfections of the skin. It
overcomes the Hushed appear-
nnco of Jicat , fatiyuo and ex
citement. It makes a lady of
TlllUTY appear hut TWliX-
TY j and so natural , gradual ,
nnd perfect ire Its ellbcts.
that it is impossible ) to detect
its application.
for Infants and Children.
niul ovorooiui-H Fliuuluncy , ( Jonstipii-
tion , Hour Stomach , Diarrltn > n , and
Foverishness. It insurt-H liunlth nntl
natural Bleep , without inurphinc.
" CfMtorln 1 w > writ nilnptnl to Children Hint
I rpooiiituciul It us superior tonny tn" > orlptiou
kuown to me. " II. A. AKCIIEH , > l n' ,
8J 1'ortlAncl ATO , llroollyii , N. Y.
Whnt Rlvort our t'lilldirn ro T chryti ,
What curvi tliclr fetrn , niakra tlicin ulrtep !
' .Tli Cnntnrlrt.
When lulilM fret nnd cry liy turns ,
What cun-s Uiflr colic , kills their wornn ,
Hut Cmliirln ,
Wlmt iitilokly oiin-H Coii8tltlon ,
Sour Htumiicli , ( . 'oljs , liull wllon ,
lint Cnntorln.
l-'orcwpll then to Jlorjililno Synipi ,
Ciuitor Oil ntul 1'arcKurlo , nnd
CENTAUR LINIMENT nu nlisoluto euro for Rlieunm-
tlsin , Sprains , Hums , Galls , &c. Tlu most lu\vcrl\il and Pouc-
trntiut ; Paiii-rcliovlnt- Healing Remedy known to man.
rSPECIAL8 wl'l ' POSITIVELY not btln
lertedunleit paid In advance.
i e > NiiYTJLON-At Lowett H Us o' tn-
M lores . I'cml , ' Lotu Agciuy , 1Mb & Douglas
LOANFlfn chattelinortRagoroom
M 7 Un on Block , lonior IBthand 1'arnaii 8 s
li ! < ) Inn }
ONKY ( TO LOAN Call ot Low o'Hcc of D. L.
M Thomas TDOID 8 Ctelghtoi block.
TONEY Loaiod on chattel protctty liy J
M Bcntty , No 213 Bcuth Hth street
VJ ONKY TO LOAN At 8 percent. Bhrlver's
i > | RoilEdUte anil Loan Agency , opposite
poet office. TfiT-tf
- glil aH04 Ca | i o' a e
WASTKD-Kllchen 3JI-4H
A good Swede girl f < r general
WANTED ork , w gcs 8.0 pcrmonth. Apr * }
to No 13 , Fort Om h , Ma > 4 2t
ANTED Two ( list cla s white baiberi at
W thg Com ruclil Ilotol , Lincoln , Keb
ANTKU-Afmallirlrl 14 or 15) ears ol age
W ai' maha > nkcry 510 loth St. 3)7-81
WANTED dining room * lrl at the CretKh-
ton hou e. 315 t (
Olil h ) und rs'oids cook'rif ' 4
hoiue-Vccplii ; . no othtr ne l apuly
Small timilv , 't pe so 19. Inquln 8 , W. ci rner
Ca Ifor U nnl 2Jud. 309-5 ]
\ \ / ANIKU A glil it 1013 Chkaio St.
> Y 31C-7I
AVTKD Two R05J barbcrj JOJ S 13 St.
" uhv. 31235
ANTBD A nooJ flrl ( orhDUjc woik nt No.
1120 JickeDii at ,111-lt
WANTED TAO Rood Ccr ra-t j'rl < , cto for
il nliiKioim , one ( ir kitchen woik Lav
cmvoitiH- bet * to < 13tti and lltli , Wal'anz '
hotel 314 5t
-A conp"ct < nt Rill for Jjenerjl
hoase-ftork. Jim. Itobt. Pjnlj 2Jrn at.
Marj'd Avenue. 2U3-4
7ANTii-A > : nur e o ottesd to a ilnld.
\ \ Apply l M 1 ard hole' ' . 2D7-3
Two unit , ta at mercbanra a
WAMtD neUursnt lH'tJannrn St.
ANTt I-Kitchen girl a1 Kcineke's R's'ai- '
W ; rant. 13ih and Jackbon. 2 93 !
Agjdalnlnf roomglil Imniod.
lately Inquire at 11. Jerrall'd Ho taurani
Hth Rt betweea Capitol avcnutfanJ Diduc.
J i CJMI1H , Eipert Book-Keeper 1510
I ' . D-u Io at cet , Ottaba Neb. A
rait'cal looK-keej > ro > er thirty > eua , Includ
ing fl teen j cars in Lincoln and Dos Mcl'fs.
Will atti nd to opeilnj , cl ring mil oxtmlning
books , will Instiuct a llrUto.1 numbrand rceehu
pay In copjlig my nork on
417 5 §
By lidy , board and rcom In prl-
WANIED . hcfercLcca rciiulrtd. Ad
d t-3S "R. C. " Bee Cfflce. 3 C-4g
To rent a 4 or 5 room tottegd in
WANTED ' , In nooJ locatlcn Wanted
pateci lon tn I or 2 months. P. O. lox 800.
291 4
A go < J gemlmujKyhsrse. Di.
W. 0. Rose , cori-cr lO'.h did Howard.
290 5t
WANTED 600 privy vaults , sinks , and cess
pools to clea-i with sinltary clcan-r Sit-
Ufaction guaranteed. J. 11. HUITII ,
77Mmof Lock Box -J22 , Omara.
OH RENT 110) F.rnain strict , brick store
F room anil hucmcnt. Inquire on pro i IKS.
320 Ot
RENT To splendid s'assfiont stoics to
be ciictul otonce ou loth and Dodge
322 9 } 1109 "arnarn ntrctt.
IT OR KENT Tuo lO'in" , kltchoi and cellar.
J ; City w ater. 130. ! a'ilotnla ' strict. 3IO-9t
fOR KEN r L-HKO room 22170 Ljt o'j tlo ; ' < ,
1 llRhtcd atd leiicJ. S96-7J
RKNT Thico nlcil ' lurn'i'itd ' r cms , at
FOR .lajkson ? U9
IT10K KENT L rgn Iron * 10 m with li y win-
' 1ricwnUb ar.l. M drn Improve i lira. No.
1718 Dod o street yUC-8 (
i ? OU IlK.NT-Nlc- furnltheJ rooms ind bw
; incut lljor , 1C15 Dodge tlreit. 29j bj
RENT Oa a .d me half S'TIT Inujo
FOR t cii IBthind Cork. Six room ? ,
en S'.iort car line Inquire ol Wui Kicr.tead , at
IKWCJ k S.onv'a. 2373
, UK < T A no * lioube ultb in r.mi a , c < -
1,1011 , clntcrn aul all no t rn ImprovenieLt ? ,
will hu ready for f cc-jpit of by M y 15th Street
ca H pas * by hotfc , uith n a b'ock of chool
house , i or psrtieular ) upply at 211 North 1 I'll
St. b tweca Capita a\onuoaad lrinjort St. 3 5 >
FURSIillEIl KOOH-r-Vr rent at
14 OUov rditrcct. M1H M'AUotANl ) .
. ] U-.T-Sturo ro in | tli Hx-
FOKSM.aoit . loc tlou ( or gtoetrv mid
eruiTH'oie Sou'h 15th et.cot , betwo n Mirtba
anil Dorcas. OnIlCO. IkCAGUE ,
535-tt _ piirc8tolllc | | > . _
Nicely furul hd rocins , 10Bnorth
FORUKNT . 1898) )
I , 'OK IlKNT TWJ nko lirco dwclllnt-s , No 1
] ' Iciatlon. UtVMJLlJS & MOTfEU.
_ 170.1ra
I I ) IET Ono or two rooms wltli board , 1FOJ
I CaUfonilmtrcet. l' ) S
onu in i boa-d. Moilern con-
iMonlenciB , IS'O Do'ce strott. 1COO lint
inUKNISIIKUKOOMS Very dca rMo location
C l' .ck , real estate , 0ip , I' . O. fWl-lf
UKNT Ilmuonan.l lots at phiUcrand
FOU ' . Rent llureau , oppMlte 1'ost ollice.
BKNT Fine upr'ght pllno , flno Kim.
FOB organ , 1519 Dodio street.
6M. I A. HOBrB. Jr.
i , OH HAIK-A ! a i liont ( rar&o elora'bulld. \ , chetp , to be moved. Inquire at once ot
J. E. \
318-4) ) 1100 Fciinim street.
SALK U1IKA1' Two jrooUoll Ktovn.nno
Foil tbem almost now. J F. . KIlWAHHK ,
319-lt 110) Faroam itritt
Foil HALI-Oooil pajln bust cs * . Including
rtoik ml flxturw Ojoil ri'ismi lor ii-.iliiR.
Klrst-cliws chance Icr HtuniMi. Ann si "Hu
Ill's. " this olllco. SKI 55
FORSALK-llo'B ' ? rn' Mr-o-th Kith St. no r
MarcjStfuOcvh , th s li to ar < aln. Ali-
| ilj 57llukcr blcck. I' . K CO 1,1,11 U.
FOH SALE Flux mlllmachlnerj-conslitlppor
brake , i du to- , lic tfr , pkktr , prrae , , Vc.
Cnn work el her r tltdor ir'eeii i-t vk.aliosliiilt-
liilf , pullle * Mid bi-l'liu torcln > lit ( thonhoic ,
a ! o ono 3,1 II , I * , engine wlti In lor , smoke.
< t'ek ml kllfli uro ro pct > . Addreo IIjT , .
lAMT ITChulo Clty 'o a. tin 8m ]
K-Counter * Mil flxtnro o' xt ro on
10th ( tree * . I'artv buUni ; itxtnrrH , can tutit
plao i. for partlculirs nd Iross X. V. iteo otlbo.
POIl SALK Furniture , tto\c i.e , lno t no
ofa 4 rcom cotta o Homo to r iU Addre s
K lice olllco. ztt 3)
"TOO a SALE Or exchange for unlTtirrrod Und
JU BOnnmtln ttre < t p o oity In I'.afsmoJth ,
Cats county Nebruka. Address ( i F. Prongcr
F 1011 HAL1 tol'cr Skates. $1.00 pa'r , at
IOU 8ALB A nfarlr new upilulit K mb 11
X Tlano , only II A (0. Gtar torment.
2(5.4 ( MAX MC.YKH& IIHO'K
T\0ll SALK-My Stock o ! ilnig' ' . notions and
C flsturie , K-oj tr danil i-tici ii goal coi tli-
tlon , eldest dm ; LuJnmi in town , wl1 ! tint
room K iksired. I'lttv hero will tike hilt Innr-
cst , or will sell the wliob. Addrcij A. L. Man-
Inp , Ounl p Io a. 243-L'w ,
T70K HALB Old ncwrpipcti In &rge and ( mill
J : qu ntlcloi t this ollice. tl
OAT ST AW At itoik jur'n , 10 h ( t-ect ,
b-t. Capitol ateLUo and Dattnvoit.
232-3) )
FOR SAL" Ono gieA tccond h nd orgai
on j $33 ; eaiy pajmrnts.
193HAXMETfUJt nitO.
523-11 C. J OANAN.
r.OR S'LK CHEAP Choice unlmntoted but-
r Inrsi 1 .ts on Farnatu. llanry , Doiiglfj ,
snd D , < I * < i ( .tree's. DVVISA SKYDEK ,
' Kcal Kit tt Ak'i-nM ,
110-ood-ll Urjfl Fariiain St.
SALE Pck eta maps ot Ntornaka ice
each. For hark-alnc In < > . ohat'ltj ImproMd
and unltnpre < l property , call on Win K , Ohr- !
vcr , ne l Viitite At-i-nt , opposite ponto.Uce.
I.-OU"ALE Toflrit-cft s K'a'iePin j , tcn
j1 nellustil , A btgan , ciiy. iA' , alnV4
Tarram 200-5
F Oi h U.E-Ph i' ( Olj. H. . 1'h II ps , 12(7 arrant.
193 1m
' s cnj htn1 ( hckcrln ? ! ' !
aio only * I33. Will In nld l-ilallriienlt ;
as vpaymcn's. \ & IlllO.
FOR SALE One VJ frilot , mar ttwn , 81,200.
175-lntUEY.M.D AMOm ; .
ol RO'jd brick , ? 3.BO pcrThoiifa d at
KILN. Chimney bricks ft UJporttiousud.
uUtcrn brick 15.00 , to clcss buslius' .
One block south ol 15th and ItjIKrue roail.
ISO-lino !
(70S ( S\t- ' Fo'jrgo illots , one hilt mile from
X' | i stotflo . Che ji , ci y terms.
178 1m KEirtOM'8& ' MOTTKlt.
FOR SALE A nnt-a's ! second hind top hug.
? y. Gill at 1319 Harney street , 3)7-ti
? SALE-H tisoanl 1ft fi rromi , cool cti-
1 tern , -build.ngn. . rtc. . ift'ife lit , near town
I , OK BALK A Ural cun fcona b nd jib fto.i
J ? Cillat 1819 n rncy8t 1)71 *
BEI. ONTO Rist ur nt , Hnmphrey A Co. ,
ItlSDcdieetro t , board 3 50 pirietk.
T OST Bunch nl Vejs with head ttg and own-
JU crj name , Flodcr pleuo leave at Dei ollco
IO .1 rtne clit iBiltc In li.Ofio io inv , | Hn
J menoKiam L I' , l-i centre. Any irloima-
tlou lift at t3is cilice will be suitably renaidcd.
PASTURAGE Well a o edfor harfea
\JC and cutle , about 7 u.llc9 trim t5 n , Ad-
dreMCD. _ GrfKB , Orniha I'cstotllco. 171-may7 *
TIONALI8T , 498 Tenth street , between Farnam
and Hartley. Will , with iheald of guardian
eulrlts , obtain far any one a glance of tbe pail
I aud proscnt. nd nn wttaln condltloni ID tb fu
ture. Doota and Shoea made to order. Pttlcal
gatlxfactlou ruaruittei
&bsoistey ! ! Pure.
This ponder never \firlej. A marvel of parity
strength \tholonoincncM , Moro economic * !
than the orplnar ) k nda , and cannot be Bold tn
competition with tlio multitude ol low test ihoit
wclnht , alum or phnnphate powler Sold only la
cans. _ KOTI. UAKI.SO PovDia Co. , Wal-St.iU ! |
605 Frirnam St. Omshn Nebraska.
Carotully selected land In Kutern Nebratka lot
tale. Great ll rg lni In Impruved larmi , Omahl
utlr propertj.