THE DALV B E-3JRH AY MAY 4 HARKNESS BRO'S , DRY GOODS & CARPET HOUSE. Hfivo the Largest Stock nnd Choicest Patterns of CARPETS ! Ever Brought to the Oity , and at X-O-VIT-JESIK , FDE&XCJESS than ever offered in this vicinity , 3DO TO CALL Km EXAMINE STOCK BEFORE PURCHASING , HARKNESS BRO'S , 401 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Express0omp'y. _ Quick aTime from New York and Boston. In order to make the faste t tltns from New York and Boston to the West , this Com pany baa arranged with the New York Central & Iludion lllver It. H. for n SPECIAL AMERICAN KXPKESS TRAIN , carrying This Company ' 8 Express Matter Exclusively , and No Passengers , This train will leave Now York at 8:20 : P. M. dally , except on Sundays , and will stop only at Albany rmnnectintf with the 3:00 : 1' . M. train from Bo ton Utlca , Rome Syracuse , Rochester , llitavl * , and arrtv at Buffalo at 9:70 : A. M. n xt morning , from which iwlnt it goes forward by the "SPECIAL FAST MA1L& EXPRESS , " arriv ing at Cleveland , 1:55 : p m. neil day. Chicago , 5:40 : a. m , 2i day. IndUnapolls , 10:7f : > " " 8' . Louis , 8:20 : " " Tcrro Haute , 2:05 : n. m. 2d day Milwaukee , 11:00 : " " CInolrmtl , 0:00 : " " St. Paul , 015 ; " 3d day. Louisville , 7:40 : " " I Minneapolis , 700 ; " " Miking close cinncctiona at Chicago with Lightning Trains for COUNCIL BLUFFS , OMAHA , Burlington , , Davenport Dubuque , Dea Moiaes , Cedar Bapids. Ottumwa , S'oux City , Shipments by thin train respectfully solicited , and Satisfaction Guaranteed. NO ADVANCE IN BATES. H. H. BROWNING , Agent , Omaha , Neb. H. 0. BEEBE. Aiant , Oonnall Blaffi. COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. The ( allowing are tbe times of arrival aid de parture of trilni from the local depoti. Tne the trMns start frara the Union Piffli ) depot about ten tu'nutcs ' eir lor than below staled , and orrUo at the cepot about ten minutes later. Trains 01 pool lluci and K. 0. nn on C' lrao ) time , a rait hour faster than local. Wabish trains run en St. I.oult Mine , twenty ml Mm faster thai loca . U , I * , and Lincoln trains run on Council lllutTitlnio. CHICAGO , BOCK ISLAND AMD PACiriO. Depart. ArrUo. Atlantic Ext..520pm I Pacific Kit..9:15 : a m Ex and Mall.025am Kx and Mall'.0:55 : p m D. Uolne * ac.7lB : a m | DCS Molncanc'.4:10 : p m CIIICAOO , BURLINGTON AND QUINC ) , Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Ex . . .5:35 : p m I Pacific ExJ..920 a m Mall and Ex.9:10 : am Mall and Hi.7:00 : p 111 N. Y. Ex 6rtO p m | Neb & Kaa Ex..9:10 : a m CIIICAOO AND NOKTUWK3TSRN. * Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Exf. . . 5:15 : pm I Pacific Kit..9:15 : a in Uall anil Ex.9:20 : a m Mall and Ux'.G:15 : p m Accom ( Sat.5:50 : p m | Accom. ( Mon..l:45 ) : p m KANSAS CUT , ST. 'OS AND COUNCIL > LUm. Depart. Arrlte. Uall and Ex..9.55 a m I Express 5.35 p m Xxpitu. - . . , , , 8:25 : p m | Mill and Ks..6 > 15 p umo.i rAcino. Diput Arrive , r orland Xx.tt30a. m. Lincoln Ex..1130a. n , EtHTcrEx . . .g:00"a."u : , Denver Ex..7:00 p. m. Local Ex 6:30 : a. ru. Local Ex 7n5 ! a. m. " Ex 9:05 a. m. Emigrant..5 0 p. m. " Ex WABASII , BF. LOCIS AND rADITIO. Depart. Arrive. Uall and Ex. . 9:15 : a m I Mall and Ex. . 4:30 : p m Cannon Ball. . 4:50 : p m | Cannon Ball.,11:05 : a m sioui cm AND Finrio. Depart. Arrive. or Sioux Cttr.7:55am : Frm Sioux C'r.6 0 p m or Fort Nlobrara. Fnn Fort Nloorara , Neb * 7:55am Neb 'OiSOpm For St. Paul..7:40pm : From St. Paul..8 0 a m CIIICAOO. MII.WADI1B AND ST. PAUL. Leave Council Bluffs. Arrh ca Council Bluffs. Uall and Ex. . 9:20am : I Mall and Ex.6'J pm Atlantic Ei. . | 5:15 : p m | Atlantic Fx..19:10 : a m CHICAGO , UILWAUISI AND ST. fADL. Leaves Omaha. Arrh cs at Omaha. Uall and Ex. . 7:15 : a m I Pacific Ex | 9I5 : a m Atlantic Ei.3:40pm | : | Mail and Ex.7-25 pm Except Sundays , i Except Saturdays. iExcepI Uondays. I Dally. Council BluBa St Omaha Street R. R , Leave Council Uluffi. Leave Omaha. 8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , I 8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m 11 a m , 1 m , 2 p m , 3 p 11 a m , Ipm , 2p m , 3 p m , 4 p m , B p m , 6 p m. | m , 4 p m , B p m , 6 p m. Street cars run hall hourly to the Union Pactfli Depot. On Sunday the cars begin their trips a. B o clock a. m. , and run regularly during the day at 0 , 11 , 3 4 , B and 6 o'clock , and run to city time ; S. E. Ofic ! cer nv Vsn > HLtFFS , Iowa DUFREHE& IVJENDELSSHON , KEMOVED TO Omaha national Bank Building , "FOR TABLE USE- " The Natural Mineral , KAISER WATER FromBlrjreaborn ontfaeHhlne RECOMMENDED IIV TIIE lUQUEST MEDI CAL AUTHORITIES. FRED'K HOLLENDER , Sole ? ltt or ths U. S. and Canaii , US , 117 , 11V Him K v Yorc. | A23-3m HDE BPR1NO ATTACHMENT NOT PATENI ED. A. J. SIMPSON. LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY UCO an4 1111 DodfO Strool , aag 7-mo 6m OMAHA , NEB. M % Are acknowledged to bo the jest by all who have put theme o a practical test. ADAPTED TO HARD & SOFT OOAL L OOKE OR WOOD. MANUFACTURED BY Buck's Stove Co. SAINT LOUIS. \ PIEttCY tfc ISIUOFOIU. SOLI ! AGENTS FOR OMAHA XMT Iron and Slate Roofing , 0. SPE011T , . Proprlotor. llll Douglas St , - Omaha , Hot b MANUFACTURER OF GALVANIZED Iron Cornices DORMER WINDOWS , FINIALS Tin , IronaiulSlato Roofing , , Specht's Patent Metallic Skylight Paten & . Adjusted Hatchet Bar and Bracket Shelving. I am the ceneral agent for the above line of goods. IRON FENCING , Creating * . Balustrades , Verandas , In Bank Ilalllngs , Window Blinds , Cellar - lar Guards ; also GENERAL AGENT FOtt PEERSON & EILL PATENff D SIDE BLIND. COUNCIL BLUFFS ADDITIONAL LOOAL NEWS HIE DRUIDB Installation of Olllcora nnd Showing Upoftho KInaucoa. The Installation of ollhora of Potta- WAttamlo Grove No. 23 , Ancient Order of Druids , took nl oo Wednes day evening , those honored being as follows : Noble nrch , J. D. Nicholson ; rlco nrch , G , M , tVaahburo ; troaanror , F. L , Meyer ; Inner ctiardUn , 0. San- durson ; conductor , TUoo. King ; dls * trlcl dppulj W. R. Vacghau ; post arch , K Roaecrarz The Groro hero now has a member ship ( ifIS. . Ucildoa the other com- moudablu features of the order Is thnt providing for bonolits pnld to sick membars and the Insurauoo on Ufa. The financial ihowlnt ; niado was to the tfTeot that for the past nluo months It had only cost each member $4 40 to carry an Insurance of $1,000. Hurtford'si Aold Pbosphato IMTAltTS KKW LIFE AND VIOOR , DR. S. F. NEWGOMBER , Greenfield - field , 0 , , says : "In thu cases ot several - oral aged men , who complained of forgotfnlness and disinclination to think , tnovo or to bo spokoa to , or hxrraesed In any way , they told mo It imp&rtod now life and vigor. " Titles Tne following transfers of ro l ci tate < tro reported for THE BER as ta ken from the county records by J. W. Sijulro & On , , abstractors of titles , and real estate and loan agents , Coun cil Blnlh : J. Wlckham to S. B. Fetter , lot 3 In block 3 , Btyllsa' 2d add , city , $2,500. W. K. Nixon to 0. P. Wiokham , lot 8 In block 11 , Hyatt's snbd , $400. A. B.Walker to B. flaapr. undivided 4 acres In w j of no J , 12 , 74 , 44 ; also lot No. 13G , old part of city , $423 45. Z 0. StroDR to T. E. Huff , part of no 1 of se J , 12 , 75 , 40 , $2,000. Peter Roll to J. F. Jaoobson , lot 7 In block 22 , Walnut , $3,280. J. S , James to P Jndson , part of so i of nw | , 35 , 70. 44 , $50. N J. Bunes to J. VV. Snoddorly , lot 10 In block 14 , Wllllamj1 CrsUdd , $350. 0. Jones to P. Jadeon , nwl of sni , 36 , 70 44 , $25. J R Uanfield to 0. P. Hamilton , n * ] of 13 77 , 42 , $2,480. M J. Koatluy to W. Basacho , lot U in block 4 , Myustor'd add , , $1UO "My wife had fits for 35 years , says Henry Clark , of Fdlrfield , Mich. "Samaritan Nervine cured her. " Your keeps it. COMMERCIAL. OOONOIL BLnrrs MARKET. WHEAT-No. 2 spring , 76c ; No. 8,65 rejected 50c ; ? ooj demand. ConN Dealers paying 35c ; rejected corn Chicago , 52 : ; new mixed. 53 c ; white corn , Sic. The receipts of corn are light. OATS Scarce and In good demand ; S3 , HAT 4 00@6 00 per ton. 30 per bale. KTK 40c ; light supply. Co UN MEAL 1 25per 100 pounds. Woon Good supply j prices at yards , 5 00@G 00. COAL Delivered , hard , 11 00 per ton ; soft. 5 50 per ton. BUTTER Plenty and in fair demand ; 25cj creamery , SOc. Eons Ready sale and plenty at 10@llc per dozen. LAUD Fairbank's. wholesaling at ISc. I'ODLTiiT Firm ; dealers paying 13o per pound for turkeya and lOo for chickens. VKOKTABLKS Potatcec , 50c ; onions , 50c cabbftgen , 30@40o per dozen ; apples , 2 50 @ 3 50 per barrel. City flour from 1 CO to 3 40. BBOOM8 2 00@3 00 per dozen. STOCK , CATTLB 3 00@3 50 ; calves 5 00@7 50. HOOB Market for hoga quiet , as the packing houses are closing ; shippers are pa } ing 5 75 to C 55. If you are not married , write the Mar riage Ftm1 and Mutual Trust Associa. tlon , Cedar Ilapldd , Iowa , for circulari explaining the plan , fE-Sm A Cute Detective. A dotcotlvo employed by the United States ciprcsa company to trace the robbery of a package at Comeratown Ohio , taw the marks of teeth upon the pasteboard box. "The mnn Is & one armed man , " said ho. "He hold the box in hla teeth while he untied th itrlng. " Ho made the acquaintance of Charles Basaett , the one armec man of the town , employed him as detective , traveled with him , becami intimate with him , talked about thi , difference In people's teeth , got him t make an Indentation of his own it wax , had a plaster cast made whlcl fitted the marks of the teeth In thi package and arrested B&saett. It wa a "cats" pleco of work. Young , old and middle-aged mei and women got health and strength b using Brown'8 Iron Bitters. BenDutlei'j Nephew , Before George H. Bailer was son out west as an army wagon * master , I "develop all there Is good In him > , President Hayes mide him a Djikot poatcflioo Inspector. The ceconi night of his journey thither ho was ii rather more , If not in batter , spirit than utual. At midnight he pnllm every man in the sleeping car out c the bertha and insisted on their drink Ing with him. One especially ludlg uant person of clerical aspect cs prefect his views of such conduct an learned hU nemo and tflbo , At th next station ho telegraphed his vion to President Hayes , and Butler wt ordered to return by noon the ne ! : day , and on his arrival at Waahlngto was dismissed from the service. Th ' old gentleman whom ho pulled hoe first ont cf hla berth wan Blshc Simpson , of the Methodist Eplacop church , HUMAN BLOOD. On the purity ati vitality of the blood depend the vlgi and health of the whole system. Dl | oaao of various kinds is often only tl sign that nature is trying to romoi the disturbing canto. A remedy th gives life and vigor to tbe bloo eradlcstca ccrofula and otner Irapni ties from it , as Ilood'a Saraaparll undoubtedly does , must bo the moat of preventing many diseases th N would occur without Its ase. Sold 1 dealers , HIGH 1IMOK1KU7OM UA.U1) . I1Y 0 F OtLLIAM. Detroit Free I'KM. Did I over toll f er that story 'boot Rich Jim o' Bottom Curd , nn' his racket with Oarly Jake ? No ? Wall , III toll yor thor atcry. Yor BOO hla real imuio was llichnrd Janus , bntthor first mau ho struck in thor mines shortened up ther tall cud o' his name from James tcr Jim , au' chopped elf a piece o' hla front imuio an' otllod him ll'.ch ' Jim , Wall , yi'r see , aomo ono had struck It rich nt liottom Card n few months nforp , an * all o' os old pllijrlmi nu' er sptlnklln' o' tundetfuots hod rushed lu thar an' atakod our claims , an * things war goln' on kinder ( bur- Isbln' . Wlmin o' ther right strlpo war a mighty Bkcorco nrtlolo in them dig- gln'B , an' yer kin jedga how wo war all tore up otio ovonlu' aa thor stsgo drawod up at ther shanty called ther "Tom Card , " an' a lootlo womln with n lootlo curly ha'rod yonnkor , 'bout throe or four yearn old , dumb ont an * wont Inter thor hotel. I walked Inter ther bar room after stippar , au1 Doc. Moans , thor boss of thor plnco , war standlu' 'mong n lot o' the boys at ther end o' thor bar , an' , as I como up , ho war jlst aaylu' : "I toll yor bays , I war aorry far ther leotlo womln , when I told her I'd never hoorod o' any ono in theao parts by thot namo. She said they'd all lived with her mother in ther east sotuo war , an' thor old womln nu' ' her man bed hod or fnllln' ont somehow 'bout ' three years ago , when her kid wli r six inontbs old , an' as she wonldn't leave thor old lady , he'd left hor. She heord Bomo way 'nothor thot ho war out here at Bottom Oird , an' aa her old womln kicked thor bucket a few mouths ago she couldd't rest till she como ont here to hunt thor old man up. She kinder broke down and ther water como ter her eyes when she found I couldn't ' put her on thor trail o' thor man , an' It kinder broke mo up too. Yor kin take mo fur a string-halted tenderfoot , boys , of I wouldn't ' auto up my pllo fur a lectio woman an' a kid llko them ar * . I cal- korlato eha ain't got any too much o' ther dust , olthor , an' I b'llevcs ' It'd bo the eqnar" thine ; of wo war ( or ralao a leotlo "moDR thor boys tor help her ' " 'long "K'rect ; now yor talkln oonae , " a fuller by thar name o' Ourly Jake chipped in. Ho war ono o'ther ron h est men In ther camp , bat ho bed or heart lu ' 1m blgor'n an ox , an' takln * off bis hat he dropped in n $20 gold piece. "I'll thot an' better " BOO , go ono , says Doc Moans , ta ho chucked In a couple o' twenties. "I can't ' quite BOO yer , boys , but hero caoa ther only bird I've got left , " says Poker Jim , aa ho chucked in a ahiniag eagle. Ourly Jake passed 'round the room , and ther boys throwed ! * purty Hb'rai till ho came to a mau who war ncttiu with hla head rostln' on hia hands at' table right side ther open door that led into thor hall , which commu nicated with ther dlnin'-room. Ourly slapped him on ther back In a kinder friendly , jokln' way , and says : ' Rhh Jim , wo want yer tor help us ont on er pnrae we're raisin' fur er women thot's In need. " Rich Jim looked up , sullen like , an saya , awful short an' gruff , "I Din" got any thin' to give. " "But this here'a er lady , " flayn Our ly , kinier inslstln' llko. "Oh , git out and don't bother mo , " Rich Jim answers , quick like , an' sav age as ther mischief. Oarly'a oyea fhshod mighty wicked , as drawln1 hlsaelf up an' throwln' all thor acorn an1 contempt ho conld Inter hla voles , ho says : "Er man thot'a struck la as rich as yer have lately , an' tben'll refuse to put up er leotlo dust ; to help wimon thot'a in distress ain't got er heart In him as big aa or mna- kooter. " "What'a thot youaaj ? " says Rfch Jim , sprlnglu ter his feet with a hull itrlng o' cuss words , an' him an' Carly begin drawln tholr shootln Irons. " Jlst then war hoarn thor patter o' loetle teot on the floor o' ther hall loadin' ter thor bar-room , an' a womln'a volco aayln' : "Como , my . darlln' , yer must not go In thar , " and thor next instant , with a scream o' , childish joy an' mischief , a lootlo chubby-faced curly ha'rd boy run Inter thcr room , an' rnahln * ter what Rich Jim whar atandln' , throwed hla arms 'round his log * , an * laughllrj , llko It war lota o1 fun tor git away from his mother , ho hid his faca ergln Jim's kneea. I tell yer , boys , uf an angel hod ( come tqnar down from hov'n , us fel lew thar in thor bar-room could'nt ei boon moro took back than we war a' i thor sight o' that lootlo codger. It'c a done yer hearts good , boys , ter hove Been him an1 hearm him talk , ll'ct < Jlra he jlst laid his ehootlu'-lron ot ther table without glancln' at Curly an * his iaca war as gentle aa a womln'e boas as , Btoopln' down , ho laid hla big as rough hand soft llfo ou ther curly ha' o' ther leotlo feller , an' saya in kinder trembltn' volco : "What doei by yor want , my leetle man ? " ; Ther yonker looked up Inter ils face , an' aeoln' it war kinder soi'enet up , his leetlo heart seemed to go righ nt out ter him an * ho anawera bravo a to yer please : " "I wants my paper. Mimer sail ta my paper war hero. " ad "Who la yor paper"Bays ? Rich Jim in banding down an raisin * him inter hi Us arms. ed "My paper's mamer'a paper. la yo ' of my paper1' ' ik. "I guea < i not , my little fuller , " cay ll'.ch Lira , thor water comlu' tcr hi xnd eyes , as of the words nod brnng some nd thin' tcr his mind thot touched a sol ho spot. ' 'I wish I war yer paper. " WB "Won't yor ba my paper ? I like ras yer , " thor lootlo nn oatd , pattiu * hi Xt face easy nn'tender llko with hla loat ] on chnbby handa. 'ho "DaoB yor ? " Rich Jim says. els "Yea , I does , an' 1 llkoa mamei lop too , " aaya ther leotlo chap. "Don pal yer want roe tor ties yor , doa llko i liases mamotl" "Yes , ef yor will,1' Rich Jhn > yi ind In a kinder ploadtn. ' way , or "I tlss mamor hull many lota t Ms- times , an1 love her , too , free bushel . the an' I'll tlss you hull lots er times , too , ve An' thor affeushncato creotnr throwc hat h < a arms tight 'round Jim's neck 'c , kissed him about n dozen times. irl- While he war still a klssln' Rlc ilia Jim , a llttlo womln with a sweet , na kns lookln' face glided inter thei roe hat kinder skeery llko , says : "Coin by I Rlcby dear ; eomo tor mammer , now I At the sound o1 her volco Rich Jl turned 'round whlto as the driven snow , nu' then in cr volco qulvorin' with foolln , nn' in which war it wotld o' love and tender plcndln' ' slid jlst thor ono word , "Nulllp. " She gin n start an' n llttlo screnm , and weavud huck'ards an' for'nrds llko she war goln' tor fall , rui' then with thor joyful cry , "Oh , Rtahard. my hnsban , I'vo found } or nt last ! she darted Inter his arms , nnd cnddlrd her purty lootlo head down outer his brpnat llko she were perfectly BAtcrs- lied. How to Shortrn LtfV The receipt is simple. You Imvo only to take a violent cold , nnd krg'oot , Ahcr- ncthy. the great Kasllfh Burccon , ft'kcil a lady who told him she only Imd i > cough : " \Vhatwould ) ou havi ? The PlnRUe ? " Uewaro of " 'only oongha" The worst canes on , however , bo cured by DR WM. HALL'S 15ALSAM for the LUNC53. In Whooping Couch iiud Croup it luimcdl- ately alloys Irritation , and is sure to pre vent n ffttnl termination of the dUeaso. S ild by nil druggists nu.l dealers In uicdl- cldo. Ulil Nye in thu Tolls. "Who Is running the The Hnouior- ang In your abaotico , Mr. Nie ! " " 0 , It's running. " "Seriously , who la liking your work ? ' "Nobody is taklnc it very seriously , but it is a good deal moro serious than when I was there. " "Who is candidate for ynr thoproo- idoncj ? " "Well , If you won't give It nwoy I will toll yon. I should llko to BOO Lydla Plnkbam nt the head of thogov ernmont. " "Lydla Plnkham ? ' "Yes ; Lydla , the same , She and I nsod to bo engaged , but I broke It off because she wns such n giddy young thing. Still , I foul that uho lost a good deal in losing me , and I should llko to see bar have something to make up for it. " "What is the rest of your alatc ? " "You may mnko that ont. I'm only particular about LydU. " "It is rumored that you thought of running yourself. " " 1 did , but I was only fooling. " "What do you thing of the czar's coronation ] " "I'd rather ho should bo coroner nted than I. Now , my friend , I fuel a stupid interval comtug on. Remember bor I am an Invalid , ana go eaiy with your questions. 1 know the trylcg situation in which you are placed. There la my cousin and bla wlfo gaz lug at you aa If yon were an escaped curiosity , I know how it IB myself , The general public looks npon news paper folks aa peculiar specimens. I have had paoplo before now look at mo OB if they wondered how I got away. It la a painful , shuddering curiosity similar to that with which a small pox doctor ia generally regarded. Don't ataro at my bald head. It won't do yea any good to ask ma where I lost my hair , for I won't toll yon , and I won't toll cither what In making it grow in again. You don't take mo for a patent medicine advertisement , I hopt ? " "No. Is It true that Wyoming wo men llko to vote ? " "Yea , but that's got nothing to do with the condition of my cranium. " "How do they generally vott ? " "In ballot boxes. " "No , but with which partj ? ' "Depends on whether the party IB sweetheart or husband. They often vote against the latter party if he doonn't go all right on temperance questions. Thcransod to bo n woman justice of the peace ont there and she lined her husband for getting drunk. Women are eligible as jnrjmen In Wyoming. They tide to oleotbn in carriages and scorn to enjoy It. " "Would yea Inlimnto. eir , that yon have no moro to say ? I wished to ask your opinion of the presidential sue- cession if anything had happened In conctqaence of the shrimp sakd Mr. Arthur took nt Savannah the other diy. " "Took ? Ho didn't ' take It. " A alow smile overspread the face of Bill Nyo. His kindly eyes gleamed. He ' palled hla mustache eiida up around the corner of Ida ncaa. "He didn't take that salad. Ho only borrowed It. Going ? Don't hurry. Stay and boat mo at whist. Ycu can do it easy > ' enough. Anybody can. Good-bye , sorry to have soon you in such an un pleasant capacity. Good night. Sweol dreams. " r * Thono who deaden sensation one „ stupefy the patient to relieve suffering make u grave mistake. They proceec upon the false Idea ( hit it IB legltl mate to procure relief from pain destroying physical sensibility. Thi ' method , carried to the last extremity i would Kill the patient to end suffering It Is not presumed that Lydla Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound wll raise the dead but it cf ten does re store thoeo who are given up as hope leas i , k'ra Where Summer and Winter Hnv a i Equal Play at the same Time , Rochester SJU and Chronic'e At Qalto , the only city In the worl on the line of the equator , the sun sot and rises at C o'clock the year round Your clock may break down , you aa watch get cranky , bat the sun neve makes a miitako hero. When It dti appears from sight for the night It G o'cliok , and you can set your wato accordingly. In ono part of the clt It Is summer season and In the otlu part It is winter. 'or The present dwellings , in arohltoc taro have degenerated and fallen fc ys short of that old gigantic race of It ils di&na who , with the Incaa of 1'erc - joluo't their cltka by maieivo an grandly constructed highways , Thet ntlll oslaC vr.cir.t rouulos of colossi bullditign ou this roadway of palace ila uad fortresses with walls so finely ct tie and closely joined together that bi tneouthoba maaalvoutono blocks thoi in not opact ) sndioiont to insert th edge < f the thinnest paper. In on n't old royal palaca of the Incaa gold < I silver was usoi forcemont. If the journey is long nnd dlfllcn to reach the old Spanish town , the : Is much to compensate one's troubli or In its interesting structure. It is 10 ; 000 feet above the sea , and contali . " some 60,000 dwellings. I am almo red afraid to say how old Is this ancloi 'an city , for It dates far back In thn dv ages , when the "memory of maugoo Ich not to the contrary. " When ye ad. realize that everything of modern , 1 om ventlon found hero has been brough , six days' jonrney through dlflhoi . " mountain passes on males' backs , th 11m you understand how highly luiurl I are appreciated , In tills wrty nil the supp ids frcm the ontrr world and all tholr c'inorte are curled. There nro In Q llto rcon s of biutrltul platiOR brought bp ih'ps to Omy iull | that , -o boon carried on IiuMniis' backs th's lotg dlstotico if ilCO miles , up thioiuh mountain pn'SRs 10COO foot sb > ve the aoa to tholr rich owners lu the o ly. We Preient no Pretended Miracle'Truth Is Mighty nnd Mu t Prevail. " * No Oophls. try cnn wlthitanJ the power of Its honeit utter.inco. 'dttoriif A'triu'iijI'rai ! DKAH Pin-Kcollns tlcct > ly RrUcfnl for the great benefits which 1 have received from the tno of n very valuable article which IIM Its origin mul horn ? in our beau * tlful city , and hoping that othcn who nre i.Illlcted aa I Imvo Ixou limy llnilllko lollof ( rum lUutc , I beg tli ludulpcuco of n ( aw lines In your valuable paper for the privi lege cf communicating to you n brief stato. mrut of fnrt , for the bcndit of the null- tltiulo of MilIereM to bo mot with on every f ! IP. Many of my frldfln well know that I have beenjvcry sevrely Mlllcted with heart dlronie for n numtor ct j e rr , nnd have suffered from It nt inly those stiller who Imvo that diet-nap ; it rciiuo d rny strength so low thnt I could careely wnllc serous tny room , atultbo least exeilinn ren dered mo so ihort-hrcnthcd tbnt I dared scarcely move , ami lite sccmocl very bur densome. I was treated for my malady by the bo t phytlcmns , nud derived no beuetit from their treatment or proscriptions un til I wns ndvlted by my family physician to ute Hunt'rt I'.cm Oily , as mv trouble wns cnusod by inaction of my kltlnoys , which affected very seriously my heart I commenced - mencod taking lthavlnK ( llttlo faith In ( tor any other medicine , ) and Ithelped trio won derfully , and I am now a deal better imd have been ever since I began Its use. In fact I h'tvo taken no iiiedlo'tie that has benefitted mo so greatly. My breathing Is easy , and I have gained In strength so much that I am able to do my housework , I cheerfully recommend Hunt's Remedy to all who may be atillcted as I have been , or who are suffering from general debility and nervout tirostratlon. He poct'y , MUS A.O. UO KWELL , 1'earl St. , Providence , H. I. A standard medlclno for curing Brlght'n disease , Dropsy , Kidney , Hladiler nnd Glandular Maladies i Hunt's Kemedy , Female Weakness , Pain the back and loins. Gravel , Diabetic , Intemperance , Excess , nnd Prostration of thenervous sys tem are cured by Hunt's Kemedy. Hunt's Kemedy Imparts health and vigor to the constitution when It has become deblllta- cd. Hunt's Rimedy restores the invalid to health. ; HORT LINE -OF THE- Milwaukee & St , Paul RAILWAY II now running Ita FAST EXPRESS TRAINS from OMAHA AND COUNCIL 'BLUFFS ' WITH- Pollman'B Magnificent Sleepers AND THE Finest Dining Oars in the World. IF YOU ARE GOING .EAST 10 CHICAGO' MILWAUKEE. Or to anv point beyond ; or IF YOU ARE GOING NORTH ST. PATTL OR MINNEAPOLIS Take the 11GST ROUTE , ths Chicago , Milwaukee &St , Paul B' ; Ticket office located In Paxtoi Hotel , at cornel Farnaru ana Fourteenth streets and at U. P. De- - fat and at Mlllard Hotel , Ounha. tySco Time Table In another column. F. A. NASH , General Airent. 0. H. FOOTE , Ticket Agent , Omaha. S. S. MERRILL , A. V. II. CARPENTER , General Manager. General Pass. Agent J. T. CLARK , OEO. II. HEAFFORD , General Sup't. Ass'tOen * > imerica Triumphant. y n AMERICAN HUEAKFAS1 An 11 CEHKU.S att-anlcd tilvt ; * ! * " medal for oatmeal , | etc. , Lon > don Food Kihilition , England , ! : > ! > { . at \ AMKIUCAN DREAKFAS Bf\ CEREALS received the hlirh Vis cat re-erds at Ccnt.-niila id 1S70 Am. Jin. Fairs ' 7fl , ' 78 k ' 73. rt AMERICAN HHEAKFA3 A K I , CKt EAIS are the jiurejt in Ui Ui choice t Foods In the roilt Patented , U. S. and Ot. Britain. | > WHITE WHEAT , WII An 11 OATS , hul'ol crushed at IU KJl Vl cooked , dlikatcd , Btica epuriout imitations. > AR li CEREALS prcparoJin 10mil I Us V ute , loliijf already stea cooked. Send for circulars. % n AMERICAN BREAK FAS AW Ij cr.UEMSthe mostnourlst 10- IJ Wi Img .sconoralcal , palatable at easily digested ol si loads. n A K FOR A. n C. BRAN An I i ONLY The CtR'Ats MV * Vl co ; , 83 Murray 89. , N. o'd by 11 leidlnif grocere , At wholesale rid axtciii Gillagner , Omaha. ' AM-w&j 3w 3ts id. id.ur PERSON AIy-"Part8 ol the human bed ur enlarged , de\ eloped and strengthened , " etc.,1 er an Interesting adtertliement long run In 01 la- paper. In reply to inquiries we will say thi lala there no idence c I humbug : abjut this U la I the contrary , the advcrtUtrs arc > ery highly I oh doraed Interested persona tray get aeaUd cl culars giving all particulars , giving all partial Ity lar" , by addrosstm ; Erie Medical Co. , P. 0. mr 613 , Buffalo , N. Y. Toledo > nlU-ly far flatter of Apnlication of K.5JA. Nol in- for Liquor License. NOTICE. 11U Notlro Is hereby irhcn tint II A. No'tn i are ni > ontheVSthil.i > of Aprl' A. I ) . , lhS3 , Ilia I aal apn'katlon tothu lloa'il of County Coiiiminsloni of Uouirlu county , Nebraska , lor lUvnsu to h ea Malt , bplrltuous anl Vinous I.iiors | , at Klkho ml Kidtion InCh'inKO I'rivlmt , ItoiuIaiCountt , Ni from the let day of Muj , tlMJ , to thu bero tlav of N"o\euilicr , 1SS3 ro Ifthero be no objection , remonifranco Or pi homo teat tiled within two1uckn fioin Apr 1 L' ! A.iU , IbSJ , the eald licunssill lw traiiteil. ; " mo 11. A. N ITi : , or ApnlKant The Onnha llco newspaper lll pulilun t alien o not uo oncu i.vh ucck lor tuo uixKs at : t alt cimu of the apiu-ant. | | The Count ) of lu U not to he ihargvU therewith. ere JOHN IIAVMK11 , ilea 2CC-2tt County Clerk 0ins ins ont oat DexterL.Tliofflas&Bn irk WILL BUY AND BULL , oth I 6Ur iKP AIL TRAK&AOT1011H OCHHtOT . THEREWITH. bta suit ry Taxes , Rent , Honioi , Eta. hen ROOM B _ . . . .CUEQUTON BLC rlfi Fifteenth Street , . . Omaha , Net sV ii I * fJF ln. . J * * % < nn f' ' nf f il me , wi r l * if tlntlri' . . . . , , i tit iui I ui Hop UltttfS , f jn1 art joun anil I tt > ll 14 III. . n , If jim In r > . rict * . cl i lft'lf. ( 'Id J-iouiftnitrtrlnt , * Tru ' ' \\\\a \ \ \ i.i b l k'MV U''til / ou HO nlttor * . ihnutnoi > - r-ttiH' , rrou lirl trj \ : ; frum > o > c4 p form at K lon > Ji'Jd.'u'"ii < l''i--ti" > tll t Iv'tfH * i * n | " tfiilM VllliouK'iOJl.Mflni ; ' , I ! lif tlniflr ' . " n/ l > k > Hop HopCtt : r t I'd , & o , i. a ortMn < ir | It n t.M- * Illin * . ( Il trrtl tfc > HOP c u r r < n Nly | , tloinM LHtlilKlf , (114 Of U ! > | U1U Von will tit tolitflrc * , > r DAT cotter. Hop Bitt raw [ T NEVER aw > < lrltiltrj , Hi It niny S < ) > Btmsac titvtour FAIL - . -p * i\ > llfr. It hn * u d him tMlxlV. I t ATM , . . ( HL PILE 01NTMKNT . ? 50 25 Foror and Aiiuo Tonlo Oordlal. . .1 00 3xxngr : : cat's STANDARD LIVER PILLS. . . 25 DIARKL1UK OU11E . 25 SURE CURE FOR CORNS . 25 ( Warranted cr money rtlumleJ , ) FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Manulactur d by W. J Whltehouso , 005 North 6th St. Omaha Neh. ap { ( ni&f-Cra iu irmii FrMldenl. Vle W. B , Dinnii , 0 < c. and Treat. THE NEBRASKA MANUFACTURES ! ! } CO Lincoln , Neb MANUFACTURERS OF Uorn Planters Harrowa.Pnrm Hollers Hultty Hay Ratios , UnoKet Bleyatlna Windmills , < 5jo We are prepared la da Jab work and manufat luring lor other parties. Address n I orderi to tbe XKDIU8KA VANUFACTURINCI CO ] L'rcoln ' Neb Genius Eewarded , OK , The Story of tnn 3awln ? Sfanhtoe A { handtome little pimphlot , l > lue and gold cover Ua numeioui engra\lngs , will be GIVEN AWAY to aiy adult parson calling lor It. at any branch or Buu-oltlco ol the Singer Manufacturing Com * pany , or'vlll beeunt by mall , poit-pald , to any person Ihlog at a d stance troin our office. The Singer Manufacturing Do. , Principal Office , 184 Union Square | NEW YORK CUKES SCROFULA , do. SORES , do. ULCERS , do. BOILS , do. ERUPTIONS , do. CATARRH , do. ECZEMA , do. RHEUMATISM , do. SKIN DISEASES , do. BLOOD DISEASES , SWIFT'S SPECIFIC REMOVES ALL TAINT , - HEREDITARY Oil OTHERWISE. SWIFT'S SPECIFIC IS THE GREAT BLOOD REMEDY OF TIIE AGE. Write fcr lu'l pa-t cu'ar , and little bcok "Mes . sage to the U-itortunato SufTerlng. " .OOO Rnwnrd will he paid to any Chemist who will find , on ana ! j sis ol 100 bottle * ol S. S. 3. , one particle of Mercury , lodldo ol Po'aaslum , or other Mineral substance. SW1F7 ST SPECIFIC CO. , Proprietors , Atlanta. Ox lal Prlco ol Small Size . t 1,00 Large Size . _ . 1.70 SOLD DV ALL DUUGCU3TS. 3T nd DR. WHITTIER. 817 St OIuvrlMBt. ST. LOUIS A REGULAR GRADUATE ol two medic * ocll ioehai boon longer engaged In the treat * iST mant ol CHRONIC , NERVOUS. SKIN AND BLOOD Diseases than any other physician In 81. an Louis as city papers show and all old resldenlt know. Consultation tree and Invited. When II Is Inconvenient to visit tbe city lor treatment , medicines can be sent by mall or express ( Terr * iST sh- where. Curable cases rnaranteed ; where doafcl shud exlti * It Is frankly stated. Call or writ * . Nervona prostration. Debility , MenUI and Physical Weakness , Mercurial and ND f'o.Y. . other alfections of Throat , Skin and Bones Blood Impurltled and Blcud Poisoning , by t Bkln Atlectlons , Old Sort * and Ulcers , Impedimenta to Marriage. Uheumatlam , Piles. Special attention to cases from 3dj over.worketttttdn. SURGICAL OASBS hat our receive speclistmLentlop , Ulneaaea arising On from Impru'leTTbe. Kioemos , Indulgence * clr' 2CO pages thswhoT MARRIAGE- well told. Many receipts ; who roiy mar ry , who may Dot , why , causes , consoquonc in J cure. Sealed for 25c postage er stamps. DOCTOR STEINHARTB SUPPOSITORIES did ! The Oreat Popular llcracJy for IHlei l.h . nen Surccure for Blind , Bleeding & Itching P hell And all forma ol Hemorrholdal Tumors. orn Thc o SuprcsiTORim act directly upon ths cb coats ol the lllootl VuMcla. and l > > their outrlncenl let : effects Kcntly lorco the lilood from the swollen tumors , anduy iint-ln ' the coaU o ( the \elai stronp , iirc\cnt tholr rcnillntr. and hcncu a radl. cal cure la euro to follow their use. Trice , 79 cents a l > ox. For oalo In al Inisil t8 , or pent br mall on receipt of price , uj Eli lith ModlrnJ the Institntn TIH Ollvo St Pt LonU the DOCTOR. STEINHAIVrS , ESSENCE OF LIFE. KOB OLD AND YOUNO , MALI AND KBHtLs. It Is a sure , prompt and effectual rcmwls or digestion. Ujniepela , Intermlttont Keren. Wan I of Appetite , Nerrous Debility In all Its Stave * Weak Memory , LOM of llralu I'oner , CroatratloD , Weakness and general Loss of Power. It repairs nerroui Mante , rejmenatcs ths failed Intellect , mi. strenuhthens the enfeebled brain and restores lurprismK tone and \lgoi to the exhausted or- cans. The ejH'rlenco | of thousands pro\e ltto bean linaluable rbmoly. Price , 11.00 a bottle , orrixorU. For ul by all dnvirUt * , or s nl XXL- : secure from otaenatlon o > receipt of prlct b * Dr. Stelnhw .P. O. BOB 8400 St. LoaU Mo.