Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1883, Page 5, Image 5

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THE DAILY BEE--Fill DA V M Of i 1830 5
A Settled Determination to RE
sist the Proposed Reduc
tion of Wages ,
Gloomy Prospects for tbo Poc
pie Q norally in the Pittn-
burg District.
Special Dlnpatch to Till Un.
Pimnuuo , May 3 The aooon
confcritnon of the Iron manufacturer
and lunulgfuiiited nnsoolatlon cnnimil
toes which was hold thla nftornoot
lulled only fiftaon in'nu'.os IVcsHon
J.i-rtitt , on behalf of the work mot
aUtol no reduction in w gwen
won (1 bo ajcopted. The manufacturer
inado no reipotnu but tnovod to ad
jouru tint ) dlu , which tvai dons. Bit
committees huld secret mattings laloi
bat declined to dlvalgo the proceed
ings. The work mun prsfesj to bollov
that tbo manufacturers will wlthdra
the douund for reduction bofor
Juno lit , and that no atrlko will nn
ano. The minufasturora state tha
the workmen are mistaken lu thl
via * of ihj cmo , and that if a redac
tlon of 10 to 20 per cant la not ac
o'ptoi the niUU will shut down Jnn
1st and rein tin closed until the work
men aomo to tormi. Tao fooling c
the pjb'.lo la gloomy. Nearl
10,000 m n are employed lu th
mlllc , iujtudlao ; labtrerj , and thol
Idleiioss will greatly Itioraaso the ej
Isting depri'tnlon of trade.
A Foreign Olllclal Kicks on the na
3 Robert
Miy i
Oreighlou , stu'olil postal cjinmissljiii
from New ZaUnd , haa had an tntoi
vlow with ( lie postmistor general upo
thoanbjjot of the transportation (
EaglUh and Australian malls. Crelgl
ton pointed nut. the advantage whlc
the United States derives from U
trantpiirtnllon of those tualls norm
the continent from Naw York to Si
Francisco and complained of thoheuv
subsidy which Australian oolonli
wcro obliged to pay the Pacific ma
ntoatnihlp noinpnuy for carrying thei
from Sin Fr.v jolsco aoroaa the Paolfii
and cnggoitfd that it would bo on ]
fair if the United States should bo :
Ita proportion of the expense c
the aorvlco by contributing t
thla subsidy. The paiitmiatorgoneri
replied that ho had no authorlt
to take the oDurno nuggoated but woul
lay thi matter baforo the president
Thocflber < ) cf the postollba depar
mont say the present arrangement b
which the Ejglish and Anatralla
malls ere oont across thla continent
an advantageous one for thla country
chiefly ao on account of the factllth
which It alF.rds the United Stati
poitcllioo dtp rtmont in thn matter (
forwarding nn own Australian mail
Rib rt J. U.'iilgh'.on , the spocli
mall oomaiUtlimer of Now Xjalau
In hla iutervlrfw with the secretary i
state today , puintid out the Impor
anoa to American commerce of on
tinning direct mail ouinmuoicatli
with New Z taland and Australia v
Sin Fratntaco. ilo says that wh (
Now Xjaland Inaugurated the oxls
lug In l aoivloo lu 1671 , thn total a
ntulUaltiH States baelness with Au
trrtlla WM ? 2709 173 , bnt It roaohi
$17,130.300 ia 1882 au Increase
eleven vra ( i § 14421,232 Li
year $1 331 35G in gold waa Importi
from NJA XjAltmd and Australia C.
\ onially tubbldized Rtcamithipa carrl
United States mail to 11 molnlu ni
aouth Paa'fi1 } countrloa free , a dl
tanoa ol 7,230 mllea oaoh outwa
voyage. Thla mail wns hcav
weighing In letters and printed mi
ter 108,090 pounda fc- the last thi
mouths tf 1882. The United Stul
obarRo about ? 90OCO , yearly for ra
roud tranupirtatiou of closed Brltj
and colonial mall ocroaa America aNew
Now Xnhnd. Tao ropresentati
urges that oc3an transportation
Amorlcin mall shull bo tak n to cfT :
ho cost of land transportation
the colonial mall. If thla ui
posal bo agreed to Now X
laud la prepuod to ooutin
the existing ocean postal ccrrico In
which AYalca nlthdrawa nt the oloso
the proaont nontract. Frollnghuyt
listened to Crel hton' | ntatomenl a
promised to glvo it careful consldc :
tlon. A similar loply nas given
the paatmMiter gouer l to vrhom I
matter had boon fully explained by <
NowZjaland agont. Oflioari of (
departmsnt reoagulzg the Imports
of the question to American cj
A Fftlthiesa Hatband Traced fr
London to Denver.
Sptclkl Dlsp tch ts the GIobe-Demccrat.
DENVER , COL , May 1 Eight ye
ago U B. King suddenly disappoa
from England , leaving behind hh
loving wifd and four children. '
day the brother of hla wife appea
In Denver and , in accordance with
strict requirement of the English I
served upon him a citation paper
his appearance in London wit !
eight weeks , to defend against a o
plaint cf divorce for desertion i
adultery Dotectlvo Ingenuity i
required to bring about the snmni
procedure In compllauco with
law under which It . n Issa
nnd when the hcsbjmd ai coufron
by the brother In-Iiw and the dr
mout at the very o mo tlmo his ant
Ishmont and anger can be batter
amlued than doacrlbcd. The atorj
Interesting beyond the ordinary
fact or fiction in divorce nlFiira.
contains. the foundation for it Grit
Gaunt creation , bat will never , In
probability , afford the material fo
falo similar to that which Cha
lleadn has provided for the charac
of hla novel. R. n. King , as
recital goes , was a prosperous yo
farmer In Northambeland con
England Ho waa a col
graduate and highly ace
pllshed. The lady , Elizabeth A
tage , waa the daughter of an old i
and the descendant of a line of b
nets. After the completion of
education , she reildod at Castle A
tago , In Northumberland. An i
dental meeting between herself
the young farmer resulted In at
taohmont at love at first sight , nn
aplto of remonstrances it soon ondei
in their marrlago. Thn young coup' '
prospered fora tltnn. Children bloisn
their union , and then l.ivo ecomed i
thing Inseparable. When joilon ;
entered the heart of the huibitxl
however , the lltllo clrclo cf hiipinea (
waa aoon broken. The hii'bttid gro'
and fell Into the habit of running lati
London to Incroiso his oxoetsos. Thi
briajli widened from day to day. Thi
husband ( qaandcrod his estates , am
when thisa had booouia heavily In-
cnmborod , ho one day gathered wha
money ho oiuld ob'alu aud dlenp
puarud without so tnuoh aa n good byi
fur bis wlfo nr llttlo ones. O'jurlUbli '
uncertainty developed in grave euipl-
clous , and weeks later , when un In
voitlaa'.lon wai made , it w a | tro\ei
that lung had dapnrto.l for Vmoiisa Ii
company with n bouitlful ho |
girl of London. la Iho Inter
vonlng years oonsbnt Mearch wn
msdo for him , but not untl
a oonplo of months ni ; i was aaythlm
llko a clew to hla whereabouts ob
talnod. The dotoctlvo puwuod tin
p lr through aovo al oilier , whor ,
they had boon recognized oy theli
fine clothes and lavish enjoyments a1
wealthy English people , but f ailed ti
uarmauontly locate them. When
Kind's funds bscauio erha itod tin
conplo took up their retldouco In Djn
vor as Mr. R , II. King aud wlfo
They were ( raced hero , aud than Mrs
Klug Instituted a niit for divorce 01
the grounds of doaortlon and
The Eagllah law is very pxacliui
on tha divorce qti'jatlon , and to oarrj
the action to a aucoosaful tormlnatlo :
It ba atno necessary that somobod ;
capable of Idoutifying King shouU
act In serving the * nramona Mr. T
G. Armltapo , brother of Mrs. King
volunteered for thoaorvlco , and , arraei
with the required paperi , started oi
Arrived at Djnvor , ho otiga od at
turneya , aud immodlatoly But abou
aocampllahlng thoobjdo ; of hit visit
King was discovered In the parson <
a public resort keeper on the Broad
way road , jos north of the exposition
Too woman , Misa Anna Brmloubar
was living with him. It wa
at first deemed a matter of d ffi .nit ;
to conform to the additional cUnae o
the EaglUh law , which requires tha
the fact of a wonun being a husbind'
mistress bo conclusively proven. Ba
the device ot a deputy shariff remove
thla. Visiting Mrs. King'a plaou hi
requested to know if the woman wu
Mlas Anna Bidenbor. Sjmo healtan
cy at acknowledging tha tiamo wa
expressed , until the deputy represent
ed that he had a package from Lou
don which waa directed to such <
wom-ra through the cire of th
sherliFs offiae. It appaara tha
she was ox pee ting tomothing o
value from Eogland , and although aui
prlaed thtt it should como throng'
the sheriff's offiao , admltt d that sn
waa the proper claim int. She wa
requested to go to the office at an ap
pointed hour , acoompmlad by Klnp
and the packaco would ba given hei
Mlas Brandenber and King wore thor
oanfronted by A'mltago and the oi
tulon. There was quite a fcum
throughout which Armltage he'd h
temper uader control. Waen the r.
qulrod servloo waa had , King and h
mistress wore released. Armltag
loft for E 'gland to night. King an
the woman , who were well know
hare , were supposed to be man an
Spec al Dhpatth to Tun BKK.
CHICAGO , M'ty 3 Tae D lly Now
Vlcksbnrg , MiflsieBlppI , special says t
explosion lu the Rafugo oil work
ono mile bflow thla city , labt nlgl
oiiaed inatand death of Minn
Mavondon nr.d occaslonod iojarlea
Tllllo und Uonry P rka ao that the
ntnnot recover , and eeiionsly Injun
Witchmon Donolly , and Andy Groei
a laborer
The watchman at the oil mills la
night wont to the gas vault with eon
friends aa spectators. When the do
opentd the gis In the vault ruihi
out , waa Ignited by a lantern and tl
tlimca enveloped the party. The tv
htlhs are thought to bo fitttlly bnrno
Thu aail.'tant engineer had an auk
broken by the forae of the oxploaio
An employe named Green waa bad
burned endeavoring to save _ tl
An AyoA IcRtltutloa.
Special DlspitcD to Tin Bu.
NEW YORK , May 3. The chamb
of commerce , at the 115th nunc
meeting , re-elected Gao. W. Lie
president , and James M. Brow
vice , president. George Wilaon co
tlnues aa secretary. A momor
sketch was read of the life of Pel
A Busy Cattle Mart.
Puob'oNewg ,
Dodge City bids fair to bo tbo let
Ing caUlo mart of the plains for yei
to come. It was thought by soi
that the building of the Santa Fe ro
from Wichita to Oaldwell , Dodgi
principal or only competitor , wet
hurt Dodge City , bnt It only inoroas
the number of cattle driven over t
trail from Texas , Some Idea may
had cf the amonnt of money tl
changes hands at Dodge City wh
wo etato the figures of Its bnslne
List eoason over 11.000 head of hon
wore driven from Texas and Bold
. Djd o between March and Jm
d During the season 200,000 head
etoc'c cattle were driven in a
eold to go on the ranges
vulrua : Bcctlona , A great ma
i f the CA tlo went to Colorado nnc
groit many to Nebraska , Wyoml
and other Territories , whtlo pcrhi
Ivaims held the bulk of thorn. ' 1
foregoing rofera only to stok cattle
not beef cattle. The books of the .
T. and S. F. road show that from I
1st of October to the close of the a
son there wore shipped 4,200 cara
beef cattle to the eastern markc
The drive for thla year , accordlry
ea the beat attainably data , will excf
ra 27 ,000 head of cattle , and may poi
10 bly roach 300,000 , which la very ne
ly the figure of last yoar'a drive ,
7 , cot the foregoing figures from Mr.
ge H , LyBrand , who has beeo mans
rill for Jilt. Cor , of the Dodge Hoc
- headquarters for all the leading sto
men ever since Dodge started.
or An Appropriation !
il- Special Dispatch to lu * llii
si- BOSTON , May 3 The house to-
ad voted 800,000 to the Tawksbury a
house , which Is the same approp
\a \ tlon aa In the vetoed charities bill
The Republican State Donvoii
tion Called for Juno 27 ,
The Temperacoo Party Pro
claim Their Finn for
Special Dispatch to Tut Ilii
DEM MOINIW , la. , M y 3 , The re
publican utatn committee this morn
Ing fixed the date of the atato oanvon
tiuu Juno 27. nt Dei Molnos , and wit
the pportlonmont based on the rot
for soorotary of etato , there will bo 81
Tha following raiolnUon was adopt
ed at the conformico of the esoontlvi
oouimltteo ol the state tomporAno
alllaucs :
KKSOLVKO , That the expression o
public will In the ratification of th
prohibitory amendment rcata ao ai
obligation npon legislators and M
good citizens who favor popular gov
eminent , regardless of technical ob
JBctlon proposed In the opinion of Hi
aupromo court , and that It Is the dutj
of the uoxt general assembly to onao
a prohibition law In harmony will
that expressed will of thn paoplo.
RESOLVED , That wo adhcro to th
policy of constitutional prohibition a
the most efTootlvo moans of establish
Ing a permanent stale policy In rolaUoi
to the manufcctnro and Bale of Intox
letting liquor , bnt In vlow of a :
already expressed will r f the people
good faith require ! ! prohibitory stal
RESOLVED , That wo will secure th
election to nUto and legislative office
of thoao only who are In fnll accor
with and who will In good faith carr
ont the policy indicated In the abov
Fiihing far Gray Snapnsri i :
, , , Florid * '
New York Post.
About Garden Key the gray snappc
la exceedingly abundant , and U one c
the finest of the purely unit wate
fishes of the south. In deep wate
they may bo oanght readily with craw
fish ball ; but about the shoal watc
they are wily In the extreme and re
quire a fisherman that knows th
ropoa to catch them. They run 1
eizo about like our striped baea , butar
a deeper and much handsomer fish
Wo have noon a roen hand drop hi
whlto line and sinker , with bait care
fully covering the point , Into the wa
ter , and hold It by the half hour , th
noble fia'i distinctly Been In soveut
feet ot iratnr , swimming by In pain
not giving it tha slightest notice. B
and by SttuU , one of the cclored hat
Ituea of the Key , saunters down to th
dock , and the following conversatlo
ensner ;
"D in fish is a langhtn1 at you
boas , "
"How BO ? " remarks the patlont fiat
crman ,
"Kwe rley tinka you links dey
fooliib. Spec's dat'ado way yon fis
np No'tn. Yon can't fool dese anaj
per * wif dnt lino. "
"They won't bite , " waa the replj
"Y H , dey will , " aald Sandy. "Yo
jea keep yo' oyea on me , boss. "
Willing to D3 taught , the fishorma
hauled lu his line , and Sandy , seizin
an old pleco of Ircn barrel hoop , ra
down to the beach , waded In , ac
soon , by aomo slushing blows , 01
down n score of young sardines thi
lined the beach. Hu then pulled 01
a gray colored line that exactly r
sombled the bottom. The hook w
attached to a foot and a half of slcnd
CDpper wire , and a aardlno hookt
through the tall. It was no T tossed or
with plenty of alack , and the fish aoc
seen lying on the bottom. The ana
purs that at first seemed ehy gatheri
around , aud Sandy , by a doxtero
twitching of the line , aoon made
appear to them that the fiah was allv
The wlro waa Invisible , and the fi
aocinod In a frantic struggle , 1
bright aldoa gloaming and flaa
Ing even at that depth. The ana
pera Boomed Irrealatibly drawn to
aud finally , after nosing it eovci
times , a hugo fellow took It dalntl
and started off. Sandy slacked awn
bnt In a moment moro had hooked t
gamo. Then came the biasing , rus
Ing of the line , the welcome pain
burnt finger ? , Blacking , playing , a :
hauling , untfl finally , in ten mlnul
from the time the line Trent over ,
mapuifhont snapper lay quivering
Iho dock.
The Fleh. Market in onatontlcop
All the Year Round.
Oonatantinpolo la supplied with
great abundance and great variety
fish. An old resident , who la well i
qnalnted with the markets , Las i
cently catalogued and deicrlb
twenty three species of fiah which a
common to the Mamora aud the B <
phorus. but , aa to some of those apt
ias there are varieties , the total nn
ber of varieties coming into marl
exceeds ( .evenly. Many of th <
species are excellent ; for instant
the lobater , the John Dory , the r
and gray mullet , the tnnnythe turbi
the owordfiah and the mackerel. T
gentlemin who haa taken the trout
thus to catalogue the fish commi t
one alight error , for which ho was c
mercifully laughed at. He inserted
his list of fhh the edible small , alm [
because ho Haw it In vast quantities
the fiah market. So also Sir Char
Follows said , in 1838 , that he had ae
a dozjn hampera of theao aualls , the
ho did not take them for fish. I ha
aeon them often myself , and i
certain that they are nothl
but land snails , scch 03 are eaten
many parta of the continent. InOi
atantlnople as in other places , tl
arc thought to bo good for consun
tlvo patients. Hone , in hla 'Eve
Day Book,1 speaks of the "palamodi
as much smaller than the tunny , 1
aa having to much of the aamo nati
that some persona Invo auppoaed it
bo only the voting of that ii jh. If
were ao , ho would bo a very w
grown child , for ho la commo
nearly two fcot In long
If you were to see the tuc
aud the palamedea aide by aide , j
would not take them for father t
son. The palamodca Is a distinct fi
and ia , aa Gibbon justly tolls us , i
of the most delicious fish in the B
phorua. He paaaea his time in chas
the small mackerel and pilchards d
ing their periodical trips between
Marmora and thb Black Sea ; and w ]
ho la thus pleasantly engaged h
taVen from the bank with a metal 1
attached to a very long Mne ,
There la a jreat deal-of fishing fi
the shore I In the Bosphorna. Th
homes come down oloao to the water1
edgo. The small fish , to avoid th
paiimodea , swim close nloug the f lion
and the crafty householder stands o
the atop of hla tuck door , and with
hand net extracts his dinner from th
transparent stream. There are al
varieties of mackerel in the llosphi
rue ; there are excellent oystora an
prawns ; and the dolphin aud the pot
polso are also brought to niatket. Bu
of the largo fuh the awordfiih I
the king. Ilia tljsb , which Is of i
dullish red , Is far superior to that o
the sturgeon , which I used to oat a
Greenwich and Blackwoll , and whlcl
always tinted like poor veal , A cntlo
of awordfiah la by no moana to bi
dlaplsod. The creature grown to i
very great BZ ! . T ro yoara atjo I wa
In a oilqno near Bci oa , on the Aslstl
side of the Upper 11 phorua , when
thoio creatures must abound , when i
largo fish shot suddmily up from th
water at about ton foot distant frou
the caique. Ho exposed fully onu
half of ills body , and hla wet a won
gleamed In the sunlight like a pollehci
apear , I trembled aa I thought wha
must have happened If the boast hai
taken it into hla head to como up im
mediately under the catqno , Th
aword , which is frequently moro thai
throe foot in length , la as tough as i
ahlllelagh , and has a point llko that o
a bayonet.
A Petrified Forest.
Albuquerque Journal.
The visitor to the petrified fores
near Corlzi , on the Little Colorado
will begin to BOO the signs of petrifies
tlon houra before ho roaches the won
der ; hero and there at almost over
atop In the road email pieces of dt
taohod limbs and larger atmpa of tree
may bo soon almoat hidden in th
whlto aand. The road at a dlatanc
of ton miloa from Corizo enters a
Immense basin , the alopo being nearl
a semi circle , and this enclosed b
high banks of shale and whit
fine clay. The petrified stumpi
limbs , and in fact , whole trees , 11
about on all sides , the action of th
water for hundreds of years havegrac
ually washed away the high hill
roundabout , and the trooa that one
covered the high table lands now II
in the valley beneath. Immune
tiunka , aomo of which will meaeur
ever five feet in diameter , aio broke
and aoattcred over a surface of thrc
hundred acre * . Llmb.i and twig
cover the Band in every dlret
tion , and the vloltor ia puzzle
aa to where he ahall begin to gathe
the beautiful specimens that He wlthl
eaay reach. There are numeron
blocka or trunks of thia petrified woo
that has the appearance for all th
world ol having been jnat cut down b
the woodman's axe and the chips ar
throwa around on the ground eo ths
ono inslinstlvoly plcka them np aa h
would In the log camps of Mlchiga
and Pennsylvania.
Many ot the small particles , an
even the whole heart oi aotno troei
have now become thoroughly crystal
Izad , and the baantlful colored cube
sparkle in the sunshine llko eo man
diamonds Every color oi the rale
bow la duplicated in theao crystal )
and thoao of an amethyst color wonl
pats the eye of a novlco fir the rei
atone. The grain of the wood la plait
ly shown in nearly every apoclmei
making the plecea more beautiful the
Jasper Ston <
c o JYI
Th's Company Is now prepared to receive ord
Building Purposes ,
And will make figure ] en roucd lota for pioi
do'hery. The Company Is shipping
To both Chicago and Omaha , aqd rollclta ccn
pondcnce aud orders from contractira engaged -
gaged In pavliu streets In anv of tbo
Wetorn C ties.
, Chicago , W < st Dl
Ion Hallway Colcago , December S , 1832.-
ElvveU , President gloux Kills Water Power C.
piny. Dear Sir I have received from jour c <
p ny i Inco October 1 , 18S2 , aleut 100 car lo
of granite paving blocka and have laid them
tween the r.ll of our street railway track ) In
heart cf the city. 1 have been using i av ing i
teilal In this city for m ny years , and I take p
surelnia > lng tn t In my opinion thegr.r
paving bkcke furnished by your company
themoit regu'arlnabape arjd pcrfe t In fo
and 10 far ta I have been abln to jujge , nre |
tossed of as dunble feature as any materlil t
haa ever been cfferol or laid In 'he city.
Yojrs , JAS K. LAKE
[ Copy. ]
Sr , Lous , March 22 , 18SI
Tlils la to certify that I have examined a p
of granite taken from Iho Sioux Falls Ori
Quarrlei , nod , b ra > opinion , It Is the but et
lor street pivlu ; I have teen In Am rlca.
( Signed ) HENRY FLAD ,
Prcs Board Public Improveuieni
Stone for Paving Purp
And anv pcr n intcrosttd Ineuchlrrprcvemi
will lied It grca'lr tohlj tdtautago to
communlcite with usVo Invite
Thoccneril nnna.'ein-nt and aupervlstoi
the cotcpaaj's builne's la no < v In the ham
of Wru. JlcDal-- .
Address j our letters to
A , G. SENEY ,
Prcildent ol the J spcr Etnne C
ml ffi iitf
Cor.S xUtnth and Cumlng 8tieU.
ScroutloH , llnhcrltel anl 0 ii'ivgl ' ui llnm'n
cxltt M ill eM ( crux In the Moo I , pcr plratlon
and cttur fluid * . TlmaUc UJiujs U > crBtonnch
and lniimrlllc Mid blocd
IKilso < r , cetfo to poll rm tliclr lull functions , and
the pttlimt tlooly docllnoi
Sc\cn mill on Tores eject the po'ton laden per
rplratlonipin the s'.ufa-e ol Ihs Mn and ncnlp ,
camlif ; Itching , tnd riinjly lliimon ,
which tortune , CliflKUto an 1 emt I trr lle.
Cuttcara Honohent , the now blood purifier
dcstroju thedlrcaso Rcnni" , which Moat In the
blixd , urine anJ V' r'r"on. ' and oxpclithooi
Irom therjttcm , The vllnl orK > ni are again
nouiUhcd with pure blood. The cauii la re
Ihel'iitip'ra'ory ' K.uld , robb.dcl Ita no ion ,
coiin'a to ItrltA'e and Inflame the skin In It * | as
axelhrnuhtho I'oros. Meanwhile the Cutlcura
and Cutlcur * Soap , the Rroat Skin Cure' , cloaneo
the SVIn , ilear tfo CompUxIrn , and ro-lorr the
Skin i nd Scalp to perfect lies th Aid purl'y .
Thcu andi ol letters In our piMoajlon repeat
th'sttfr > : I have leen a terrible aufl rer for
jorswlth lliood and Skin llumirn ; have bten
obllfolto shun public | Ucea by reason at m >
dlsfgurlng hu nor ; have hail the boat phjilclana
tiavo spent hundrcda of dolt ra and tot no roll
relief until I uted the CUTICURA luinRDirn , wh c
bave cured me and left my akin a d blood aa pure
ai a chlln'a
Chas. lloughton , K'q , Uwjcr , V8 State ( t. ,
lloaton , report ] a c so ol Fa't Hheimtindsr hit
observation fur ten jeara , wtlih covcnd tlu
patl nt'a body and limbs , and to which ail known
mo'hodit I treatment hvl been applied without
bincflt , which wjecomplttc'ycnidsoUly ' by the
IVTICURA lUMBDim , Icavlig a clou and healthy
tklnMr. . and Mrs. Kverltt 8 etb'n , Ilolchcrtown ,
Ma a , write : Our llttlo lioywai terribly aflll- Scrofula , tialt Hhcuin and KOslp-'lai
everelnco he w born and iothniw could
elro him bo'pcd ' him until we tiled CUTICUXA
KIURDUS , which giaclutlly cured tin. until ho
lanawttil Iras any child. Trine and one-half
yenriat tlnte c f cure , prov ng Ihit ihcaa lox-
er lea ate adart d to the v ; oungeat child.
II , K. Carponlor , Honderson , N. Y. , cured of
I'airlaslarr Leprosy , of tvvei.ty > oira atindlng.
by CUTICURA lUMRDirj ) The mo't wonder ui
euro en recorl. A tin it-pan full of aralca fell
Irom him dally. 1'hval Ian < and hla Irlend
thongh bo mus. die. Curd aworn to bo ore a
justice ot the pca'o and Honderdon'a meet prom
inent cltlzera.
T3.Tho e in tlmonlalj are national because the
CUIICURA HKMRUIES are r atlonal and Bold every
where < n the Un ted S a'ei and Canada Trice :
CUTICI ru , CO ct . per box ; laiK'e boxes 41Ct'Ticu- ;
RA SOAP , i5ctaCuTic'R ; > SIIAVISQ LOAF , IB eta ;
CUIICURA KifloLVR.NT , Jl p r b.ttlo.
Potter Drug and Chemical Go , ,
Boston ,
Unmet ) , IliiinllU'lii ;
tldiltu Toituies , Sctofnh , Halt U'ltim , Ktjilp-
elu , InUntllo anil Dlrlh 11 union" , ml All Illooil ,
Skin and So lp AITii.tloiil Inlilllblj currd by thi
CinctRA Hiiciuiis.
CUIICURA RMOLVIXT , the now inninor , c'c > n-
tea \ho blooil nil pcnplratlon ot poltonoua f !
nuntu and Imparities , ktul tlnii reiuc\ei the
CiTici'Ri. IhnctoU Skin Curn.lnst n't ) klUj-i
Itchl g aij Inllinutlori , .li > t tha Kiln mid
Scalp , hfAlu UIcon Mid born , | ni Iflos > tid beau-
tllloD tin Complex on.
CUIICURA SOAP ai omultllo Hkli lloan in r ,
prqi ruj ( torn CUTIIIRA , I * InUlriiencablo In
Ircn Irtfu'dn ill'owm , > nd for rtiigli.ctnppoJ oi
Krc sy tkln , black hculs LlotchcD and biliy hu
CiTici'RA H'MitDHs arc nbiiolutcly pure , and
the only luUlllbU blood puildcri and iklo bcau-
I cballenRenny phjtlclan i ( any tnolkal rchool
toporlorm with ny or all tha rcnioJIei ol the
phtrmncop'cl the cunxf blocd and ikln hti-
n or that I will make ijloly with the Outlcura
Uemedlo , CIIAS IIAIN.M I ) ,
47 Union 1'k , liostOD.
UOM > iih ; UL CUKES.
Will McDonald , 2AI2 Dearborn 8t , Chicago ,
gratefully acknowledges a cure of 8a t RVoum on
htad , ntck , face , arms and lega lor 17 years ; not
able to mote except on hand am1 knots fcr one
Tnar : not able to help him If for 8 yearn ; tried
hujclreiisof rcmedloa ; doctors pronounced hit
ca < a hcptlatt ; ( crmineitly cured by CUTICCRA
Cilia. Etyro Hlnkle , Jersey C ty Heights , N.
J , a lid 12 } cara. whi , lor elglt ) oar , wa < one
in if 8 of itaba ana humori aud upon hem all
knovtn remtdleiand cum were trl din \&ln ,
waa comiiletely cured by CLTICI Rt IliHEDirs
F , II. Diako , : * , Detroit , Mich , xuflercd un
told tortures from a sKln cll ca.u , w lch appojr-
cd on his handj , hi ad and face , and ntary de
stroyed tils ojes. After Ilo m st careful doc-
toilrig and a c muliatlon of pint Ida la'lod f )
rclletohlni , ho used the C'LTict'RA HRUROIKH nd
ai cured , and hai ramalned no toxlato
J , W. AilaiiH , Neuaik , O , atjs : CctlCDRA
KittiiDlEt are thegreilost wonders on earth ; had
the wurtt coat cl Salt Hheuin In the county.
My mothei had ItUJjnar' , and died from It. I
bilUvoCuTicb'RA would Imo cuied her. My
arroa , breatt and h wore covered fcr three
yeir > . whlchnMhlng relieved u til I used these
rirncdlcs , ohlch completely cured rno.
Chta A Wllllimr , IVovulcnco , H. I , write' :
Too half ham them told M to the ( treat cuta-
tlvo tumors ofilio CUTICUHA I.KUEIIIES , I have
spoil lunjrtt's ' of dtllara for medlclnca to euro
ditaitcj of the bbod and akin and ncvoryet
f unil arj thing to < qual them
tir"lis A8 B or THK SKIN AND BLOOD AND How
TO Ci'RK IIKM , " a 61-paga work , 1 lustrated w Ith
plates drawn and coknd from actual coaea
f Skin , 8c Ip ant Blood D BCMM , cared , and
cootalnli R t hundred tettlmoolalr , mailed lore
c.nts In i tamps.
Potter Drag and Oliemical Go , ,
BOiton ,
Wholesale and Retail Carpets
Sells the Best
In the City ,
18 its 521 South Tenth Street.
: E W. F. OLAKK ,
Kalsomining , Glazing ,
Oi r. 10th nnd Doughs Street * . . OATAHA
tV HIL V ,
Particular attention given to Rep itln ? , Sitlifaotlon Quarnntood.
Farms ,
! 5th&DouglasSt.
No. 19 Pull otand new house , ' 3'roonu , two
below and one up nalra. Eight foot celling below
and rev on above. Brick foundation , collar , etc.
A bargain , ( COO.
No. 18 Large two story house , 10 rooms ,
large cellars , good well and cistern , barn , etc. , 01
Webster and 22d street , fC.OOO.
No. 17 Lot B0xl85 feet , new house ol two
rooma brick foundation 100 barrel cistern en
Hamilton street near Poor ClareConvent $ EOO.
No. 1C House aud lot on 17th near Clark St.
house fi rooms etc. 91200.
No. 15 IIouso ol 3 rooms nil lo on Pierce Si ,
near ICth $1600
No. 21 New houseol 7 rcomi , with corner lot ,
hall mile west ol Turntable of red steet cara on
SaurdarsSt tlOOO.
No. C House of eight rooma , earn etc. lot
Vacant Lots.
No. 252 Two full lot * on 19th Street near Lake
St. tlGOO.
No.351 Twenty flvo lots In Parkers addition
Just north of the end ol red street car line $400
each e.isy terms.
No.350 Four lotaon Delaware fat. near liana-
corn park , ( CM ) .
No. 331 Ono half lot on South avenue , near
St. Marj'a avenue , $550.
No. 310 Eighteen (18) ( ) lota on 21at , 22nd , 23rd
and Saundera street , near Grace , $500 each , ana
on easy terma.
No , < H6 Six beautiful residence lota on Cather
ine etrcet , near Hanscom park , $4,500.
Twelve beautiful residence lota en Hamilton
street , near end ol old streetcar track ; high and
Blghtly$350to $700.
Several acre and half acre carn'r lot on Com-
ng , Hurt and California streets In Lowe's second
end addition and 1'ark Place ntar Academy ol
Uacrcd Heart.
Lota In "Pro-poet Place " jn Hamilton and
Charles etrect , ] u > t west of the end of Ked Street
Cartiack and Convent of the bisters of Poof
Clare , one and one half mile Irom poatofOce , and
one mile from U. P. chops , $150 ta $500 each ,
only 6 per cent down anil 6 per cent per month.
Lota In Lcwo's addition one-half mile west ol
end of Red Street Car track near Convent ot
Poor Clare Sisters In Sblnn'a addition , $1211 to
$300 each , and on very easy terma.
Lota In Horbach'a lat and 2nd addition * ,
Shlnn'a , Park Place , Lowe'a 2nd addition , lUzan't
Lake's , Nelson's , llanscom Place , Redlck'i ad
ditions , etc. , ete.
Lota In "Credit Fonder addition" lust one-
quarter mile south-cast ot Union Pacific and B.
andM. U. K. depot2W > tolltOOeach , veryeury
Business Lots.
Three good bualneM lota on Dodgelnear12tb |
street , 22x120 fttt each , 11,600 each , or U.DOOfor
all , eaay terms.
Two good bunlnesa lota on Farnam street , 33z
66 feet each , with frame buildings theronrenting
for about { 600 per 3 car each ; price ft,2&0 each.
4132 feet on Karnara near lOthstreot , cornet
Splendid Warehouse lot on Union Pacific right
ol wa > , north ol track and cast of Nail Works
being 132 feet norlb frontaio on Mason street ,
by about 100 fett west Irontire on Itith st.
Farms aid wild lands In Douglas , Sarpy ,
Dodge , Washington , Hurt , Wavne , Stanion , and
other good counties lu eastern Nebraakafor sale.
Tiizca paid , rcnta collected , anl money loaned
en Improved city and country rroicrt ) * t low
rates of Interest.
EACH , $6.00